#dj last jedi
kaechan · 2 months
"Y'all I knows I loves me some Porta Rickun"
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Every once in a while I remember that Rian Johnson invented Rose Tico because he originally had Finn (child soldier who was brought up with propaganda and any attempts at identity stomped out recently escaped the people that enslaved him) and Poe (child of the New Republic, grew up in peacetime) at Canto Bight together and saw no potential for conflict or real difference between them. And then I stare into the distance and contemplate what could have been.
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slutty-yoda · 1 year
Star Wars Sexy Human Bracket Round 1
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darth-memes · 6 months
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radetzkymarch · 10 months
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Adding verisimilitude to my cosplay by being the most hungover person at dragoncon on the first day
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nicole-tivan123 · 25 days
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Dj can betray me if he wants! 😩
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omgspacecowboys · 1 year
the space latinos community is missing out on Benício del Toro's character in the last Jedi, like he wasn't that good but he was kinda cute
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swr-thoughts · 2 years
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Headcanon: "DJ" from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, is Ezra Bridger.
- Anonymous
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AO3 12 Days of Benicio 2018
Okay, I FINALLY got around to posting my OG 12 Days of Benicio on AO3
I started this in 2018 to lead up to Benicio’s birthday. Like the 12 days of Christmas. Anyway, I did pretty well the first year. I did not do so good in 2019 and 2021. We skipped 2020 for reasons. It’s my goal to restart this in 2023. When it comes time to start planning I will open requests. :) In the meantime, take a walk down memory lane of the first year. Or experience it for the first time!
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beasanfi1997 · 8 months
Now i realize that DJ appear in Last Jedi, was actually the evil Doppleganger of Ezra Bridger, and because in the Mandalorian he was sent by Thrawn to kill Ezra, but After Ben Solo kills Thrawn and his minions, DJ remain survive and he team up with Brendol Hux, Tierny, Pyre, Elrik Vonreg, Phasma and Gideon Hask because he want to avenge the death of Thrawn in the hand of Ben. Is that because Finn and Rose Tico meets accidentally DJ on Cantonica that Maz Kanata though that they find Ezra and Lando Carlissian and DJ tries to kill Finn and Rose because he realize that Finn leaves the First Order and he though that Ben should to see the execution that he Is with Rey to kill Snoke and the Praetorian Guards
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il-predestinato · 6 months
hello beautiful elle
since it is going to be a long 3 months without our boys could you please recommend some fics that you liked? cause i really like your writings and how realistic they are and i wanted to get some of you suggestions for the break!
love you loads
Thank you, lovely anon, for your very kind message! 🥺 I must admit I have fallen behind in reading fics. I am sure I am forgetting some excellent Lestappen fics/writers, but these are some of my all-time favourites!
Lestappen Fic Recs:
And in the end I will seek you out amongst the stars by mandzilkos (@geeeooorrrge) - rating: G, 22k words
Soulmate AU where you see in black and white until you meet your soulmate, and the world goes back to black and white after your soulmate dies. This is ALWAYS the first Lestappen fic that comes to mind whenever anyone asks for a recommendation, and it is probably my all-time favourite. The fic that inspired me to write Lestappen, if I'm honest.
getting half of you just ain't enough by shybear_styles - rating: E, 20k words
The friends with benefits story that spans the 2019 season. The only thing better than amazing smut is amazing smut with feels. For sure a top 5 fic in the Lestappen fandom for me. Also, this author is simply amazing in general and you should read all of her fics! I haven't given up hope that she will return one day and write more Lestappen. 🤧
you feel the mornin' feel by shybear_styles - rating: M, 3.3k words
Remember that time Sebastian Vettel asked Charles, "Is he [Max] pretty?" And we never got an answer because Charles descended into gay panic? Well, worry not! We get an answer in this fic.
Monaco Malaise by ProngsfootxJily (@cupidskissx) - rating: E, 8k words
Rivals with benefits, takes place after the 2021 Monaco Grand Prix. Yes, this one is delicious smut but also a character study. Both of them are written so well, and it leaves you begging for more. Don't forget to check out the equally amazing sequel! (Don't worry, I have been relentlessly harassing her to write the sequel's sequel.)
algorithm by Anney (@badboy-george) - rating: M, 17k words
In a world where F1 uses simulation-based compatibility tests, five times Max doesn't find the right partner and the one time he does. Black Mirror ("San Junipero" and "Hang the DJ") vibes in the best way. Another one of my absolute favourite fics. If you've read any Lestappen fics, you've probably read "Every Other Sunday." This one is simply a masterpiece by the immensely talented Anney; definitely check out her other fics!
panem et circenses by Anney - rating: E, 13.2k words
Wow - simply devastating, haunting, an ode to these two as drivers, set in a dystopian future AU. The world building is absolutely incredible, but at its heart is such a beautiful story of love and hope. This one doesn't get enough recognition. (TW: implied non-con, not between Lestappen.)
Unlearn by wantinghopingwriting (Tazza1993) (@lightsoutfullhearts) - NR, 45k words
This is another all-time favourite, a must-read. Fake/pretend relationship to lovers multi-chapter story that is ever so satisfying; both of them are so well characterized. Set in a parallel-ish 2022 season. I really cannot recommend this one enough.
the edge of what can be loved by Ledger_m (@the-last-jedis) - rating: T, 13k words
The third wheel fic from the perspective of Max and Charles' various "Steves." It's funny, heartwarming, and everyone on the grid is nosy as fuck.
Charles Leclerc vs Red Bull caps by Ledger_m - rating: T, 6.4k words
Charles is the hero we all need, as he goes on a mission to get rid of all of Max's stupid Red Bull caps. This is REQUIRED reading! Kami is a genius. Go read all of her fics.
If You Don't Play, You'll Never Win by antimonyandthyme (@antimonyandthyme) - rating: T, 4.1k
Post 2021 Monaco Grand Prix. Max wants to take their relationship further; Charles... doesn't. Oh my God, where do I begin to describe how much I love this fic. The language is beautiful, both of them are so well-written, and I feel punched in the gut over and over again in the best way. The ending (well, the whole thing) is so damn satisfying.
all's well that ends well (to end up with you) by stylestappen (@stylestappen) - rating: G, 3k words
Max has a meltdown in the cereal aisle (yes, the cereal aisle) at 3 am when he realizes he is in love with Charles despite the latter's questionable taste in cereal. Dani has an absolutely wicked sense of humour! (Although I don't understand what she has against cocoa puffs 😭.) She also wrote a banger of a Lestappen soon-to-be teammates fic, so make sure to check out her profile.
Max Verstappen: Spotify Extraordinaire by frnndtorres - rating: G, 26k words
Max makes Spotify playlists for the grid. Fluffy, funny, care-free, liberal use of nicknames, with a healthy dose of feels between Max and Charles. A really fun read.
i love the way your green eyes mix with that malibu indigo by altissimozucca (@altisssimozucca) - rating: G, 11k words
Max and Charles spend summer of 2020 together in Malibu and try not to fall in love. Spoiler alert: they fall in love. I feel the urge to explain something: When I first started reading Lestappen, there were less than 250 fics in their entire tag (yeah I know, we are currently close to 3000 fics, which is insane). From 2019-2021, we truly lived off crumbs. So trust me when I say that we owe so much to altissimozucca, who wrote something like 40% of the fics in the Lestappen tag and nearly single-handedly kept us fed in those days. It's so hard to pick one of her fics to recommend, so make sure you check out her profile for more!
#803442 by altissimozucca - rating: M, 1k words
Max and Charles celebrate the end of the 2019 season in a hotel room. So soft, so fluffy, so satisfying.
Bruises by eefiplier - rating: E, 5.1k words
I think of this one as THE Lestappen smut fic. Oh my God, it's 5k words of amazing established relationship smut with all the feels. A classic. I can read this one over and over again.
outside the box by playclock (@endowataru) - rating: M, 6.1k words
Max falls in love with Charles' driving... oh and Charles himself too. They are ultra competitive idiots who are madly in love. There aren't enough established relationship fics out there, but this one is simply amazing. And don't forget to check out this author's profile for additional Lestappen fics. I promise every single one is a banger!
i made it link by link by purpleglasseswrites (@f-ferrari-forever) - rating: M, 4.2k words
Charles and Max try to be kinky, but who are they kidding - they are far too vanilla for that stuff. 🤣 This one is so sweet, and don't forget to read the sequel!
One man's trash, another man's treasure by AzziNow (@track-terror-apologist) - rating: T, 4.2k words
Charles turns into a raccoon and terrorizes everyone except Max. (Well, he terrorizes Max too... slightly.)
Call it madness, call it love… by AzziNow - rating: M, 3.5k words
Ferrari auctions off Charles for charity. No angst, just fluff. Alpha!Max/Alpha!Charles. So I confess that I never read A/B/O fics. There's nothing wrong with it - just not my cup of tea. But I really enjoyed this one. Al has such a chaotic sense of humour.
it all reminds me of you by grandprix (@grandprix-ao3) - rating: E, 3k words
Secret relationship Lestappen with flashbacks. Oh the yearning, the desire, the smut - incredibly satisfying. I must put a plug-in for this author's other Lestappen fics as well. Never misses - make sure to check them out!
burning you into my mind by thightattoos - rating: E, 4.1k words
Porn with feels and possessiveness. You cannot ask for anything more. I must have read this one a dozen times.
an evil plan or two by witchee_writer - rating: T, 5.2k words
Max and Charles are roped into a plan to get Brocedes back together; they come to a few realizations along the way. The only thing better than a Lestappen fic? A Lestappen AND Brocedes fic!
Fine Line by empireoffclouds - rating: NR, 7k words
One of the more light-hearted enemies to friends to lovers fics. I absolutely adore their dynamic here - it's snarky, warm, but also so them. The incomplete sequel is also a super fun read.
Into Darkness Of Thought by flamingosarepink - rating: T, 1k words
After the 2019 Japanese Grand Prix, Charles thinks Max isn't coming back to their shared space.
steal softly under castle walls by untouchableocean - rating: G, 521 words
Max gets home late from Milton Keynes and Charles has already fallen asleep. Short, tooth-rooting fluff of the best kind.
Zoomies by greeny1710 (@maxlambiase) - rating: E, 2.2k words
This one is just hilarious. A (mostly) naked Max walks into Charles' team Zoom call during the COVID lockdown.
...and many, many more that I'm sure I have forgotten! 🙈 You can also check out my AO3 bookmarks (the first few pages are pretty much all Lestappen fics).
Please remember to leave kudos and comments for these amazing writers. The talent in this fandom is absolutely incredible. They all deserve so much recognition. Happy reading!
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frasier-crane-style · 8 months
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Why The Last Jedi doesn't work as subversion is that it continuously requires the characters to act like they KNOW they're characters in Star Wars and not LIVING the Star Wars.
I'll give you an example. Rey. In TFA, her parents are simply missing and she's waiting for them to come back. In TLJ, she suddenly thinks they're an important secret for Kylo to reveal to her because she's pathologically suppressed the truth that they're drunks who sold her for alcohol money (or, you know, blue milk money, whatever).
But why would she ever think that she had an important family or heritage unless she knew she was the protagonist of a space epic and having an important family or heritage is something that happens to those?
Or DJ. The Benecio del Toro character is supposed to be a subversion of the rogue with a heart of gold trope. But why would Finn and Bangs ever think he's a rogue with a heart of gold that's implicitly trustworthy? They find him in a prison cell and have no reason to think he has any loyalty to the Resistance--he even gives a speech about how he considers the First Order and the Resistance to be equally bad!
In ANH, both Luke and Obi-Wan treated Han like exactly what he was, a mercenary, who had to be cajoled into helping out until finally he showed his true colors by attacking the Death Star. They didn't know they were characters going through a story arc. The Sequel Trilogy characters act like they do, until Rian Johnson pranks them by twisting the story arc they had no reason to think they were participating in.
And the entire Luke storyline is a subversion of the entire idea of mentorship. Luke doesn't teach Rey anything. She doesn't need to be taught anything. It's unclear why she even thinks she does, given that she already beat down Kylo Ren with ease, but, again, character in a story. She thinks she needs a training montage, Rian says "she doesn't get a training montage!", and scene.
It's all very meta and post-modern and taken at face value, it doesn't make any sense once you ask obvious questions like "Why shouldn't Poe know that there is a plan to save the fleet?" Defenders of TLJ dismiss those obvious questions because they see them as unimportant next to the post-modern gamesmanship the movie is really concerned with, but Star Wars doesn't work like a Scream movie, where the characters are largely obsessed with horror movies and then, ironically, placed inside a horror movie.
That's a kind of cynicism that doesn't really work for Star Wars; you can't do a sincere narrative about the triumph of good over evil when the characters are mostly convinced there's no big difference between Good or Evil winning.
To go back to ANH, Obi-Wan is emphatic about how wonderful the Jedi were, how tragic it was that they were wiped out, how awful it is to live under the Empire, and how important it is to fight to restore the Republic. That's the baseline of sincerity that this kind of primordial mythmaking needs to work.
With TLJ, most every character on both sides are cynical, foolish, corrupt, power-tripping, shrill, pompous... most of all, incompetent. It seems less like an epic battle between the noble and the venal--more like two competing cliques of sitcom characters, only one of them is inexplicably Nazi-themed. You're left pretty much adrift, with no characters to sympathize with and no conflicts to become invested in, just visuals and 'themes'.
But children can't get invested in themes or subversion. Neither can most people. It's the province of the elitist to care about subtext over story--the sick doldrums of modern art--and Star Wars isn't for them. It's for the people.
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green-alm0nd · 2 months
Hi, me again! Can I suggest an Anakin or Fives (your choice) fic, where the reader is a singer and DJ at 79’s and their latest song is about him?
If you need a song for this, I got you:
(Ignore DaBaby’s rap for this fic, you can use Camila’s verses instead)
Hello again!
Of course I can! (I love the song btw)
[Anakin Skywalker x gn!reader]: If you kiss me, I might let it happen
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Anakin is forced by his battalion (Fives mainly) to join in for a drink at 79's. As he talks to the clones, he spots you, singing a song he feels connected to.
WARNINGS: Drinking, alcohol, swearing, flirty reader, flirty Anakin, Anakin being a mess, suggestive if you squint, and just a little bit of tension. I don't know what I'm doing, it's 1 am and I want to sleep. I'll edit it tomorrow :p
Requested by: @kombatkid
I'm having a bad time learning how to write Anakin so please forgive me if it's a bit ooc :/
"It's literally 79's, not a Council meeting, sir." Fives implied.
Anakin leaned on the wall, thoughtful as he wondered if he should join his squad on a night at the bar, 79's, or not.
"I don't know, Fives. I already got reprimanded last time by the Council." He responded.
The clone rolled his eyes, and Jesse came in to try convince him.
"Come on, General. I heard from other clones that the singer you met last time is coming." The other clone chimed, smiling.
Anakin sighed, defeated. Yes, when he went for the first time to 79's, you had caught his eye. Quite literally as he had been mesmerized by your voice.
Eventually, he agreed. Just because he was feeling tired (and absolutely didn't want to hear you again-).
Upon arriving at 79's, Anakin realised how crowded it was. He sat down on a table with Rex, Fives and Echo.
"Are you sure you got the date right?" Echo asked.
Fives scoffed. "Of course I do."
The other clone rolled his eyes.
While the two clones fought, Anakin searched for your presence. You were definitely inside the bar, and he figured you'd be changing or practicing or just relaxing before a performance.
"Will you two stop it?" Rex asked, sighing.
"Not until I convince Echo that I didn't get the date wrong!" Fives complained.
"It's not the first time you've gotten a date wrong." Echo implied.
Anakin rolled his eyes. He started to regret that he agreed to go to 79's, yet he grabbed himself a drink and stared at nothing as other clones started entering the bar.
He did not realise a melody had started playing and someone had showed up in the small stage.
"They say he likes a good time
My, oh my
He comes alive at midnight
Every night"
He snapped out of his thoughts when Echo gently nudged his shoulder.
"They're on stage." He whispered.
The Chosen one's head instantly turned, and gazed at you.
"My mama doesn't trust him
My, oh my
He's only here for one thing, but
So am I"
He felt his cheeks go red as your eyes locked on his for a split second, before you walked out of the scenario to sway towards each desk.
He heard Fives ask the bartender for another drink, while the Jedi just stared at you longingly. You seemed to leave his desk for last, as you had started from the other side.
"A little bit older
A black leather jacket
A bad reputation
Insatiable habits"
Anakin gulped, as his eyes followed your every move. What was happening to him? It was wrong for the Jedi Code to feel the sensation he was feeling.
That feeling, however, the feeling of anticipation, the feeling of a shiver running down his spine as your voice filled his eardrums was like no other. And it was the same feelings as the ones he felt when he agreed to show up at 79's a few weeks prior.
The Jedi's heart was about to exit his chest as you approached closer.
"He was onto me,
one look and I couldn't breathe
Yeah, I said, "If you kiss me
I might let it happen" "
A nervous sigh left his lips, as Fives nudged him.
"It was worth it, eh?" He implied.
"Yeah, sure." He replied, dismissively. Even though he knew it had been absolutely worth it.
However, one side of him wanted to talk to you after the 'show'. The other side of him begged for Anakin to leave and return to the Temple and forget about all of this. Because he would be in trouble.
His eyes locked on yours again, and you smirked.
"I swear on my life that I've been a good girl
Tonight, I don't wanna be her"
You winked an eye at him, and went back to the stage.
"He says he likes a good time
My, oh my
He comes alive at midnight
Every night"
He muttered something between the words of 'I need some air.' to Echo before he got up and headed towards the door of 79's. It was too much for the young Jedi.
"My mama doesn't trust him
My, oh my
He's only here for one thing, but
So am I"
Anakin's hand rested on the doorknob, as he felt your words being directed at him. He knew it, and he felt it. And when claps and screams filled the bar, he knew it was his cue to get some air.
He had not noticed, however, that your eyes followed his every move.
Once outside, the Jedi leaned on a wall and sighed. He wouldn't call it sensory overload, but he did get a bit sensitive with all the noises. He crossed his arms, thinking.
He didn't notice that you were behind him, and startled him.
"Holy- stars! What- are you doing here?!" He asked, still very much surprised.
You laughed at his reaction.
"Sorry. I saw you leaving so I sneaked out of the crowd to try find you." You replied, with a small smile.
At this, Anakin was dumbfounded.
"Why would you be looking for me?"
You smirked, amused at his reaction.
"I know you were here last time, and you're here today. We don't know eachother, but you've caught my eye." You replied.
For some reason, a wave of confidence and adrenaline ran through Anakin's veins.
"Have I?" He asked, in a more flirtatious tone.
You nodded. "You have."
To this, he responded with a light chuckle.
"I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Anakin Skywalker." He said, with a playful reverence. "Pleasure to meet you."
You extended your hand.
"Pleasure to meet you too."
You leaned on the wall.
"I must say, that was a great performance." He chimed, staring at you.
"It was just a performance." You shrugged.
Anakin chuckled. "You really can't accept a compliment, can you?" He said, shooting closer as he raised an eyebrow.
"Coming from you, I don't think I will." You teased, placing your hands on your hips.
He let out a huff.
"Playing hard to get, are we?"
You hummed in response, leaning closer. Your hands rested at the sides of the wall, his body between your arms. "Maybe I am."
Ignoring his blushing face, he licked his lips once he realised you were dangerously close to him, and more than you already were.
His body acted on his own, and his fingers wrapped around your chin, lifting it up.
"The first time I came here, I was captivated by your voice. And I'm going to be transparent here, I really want to hear you sing again. It was beautiful." He said.
This time, you were the one to blush. You had also been captivated by the young, mysterious man. It was the first time you had ever felt like this, and you were willing to give in to the feeling.
"I'll sing. I'll sing for you." You told him, in a whisper.
Maybe it was the spotchka he had drank, maybe it was the heat of the moment that wasn't letting him think straight, but his lips crashed with yours in a very much passionate and long-awaited kiss.
You gladly kissed back, closing your eyes and placing your hands on his hips.
"So, uh- what are we doing about them?" Echo asked, as him and Fives waited for a cab, staring at both of you.
Fives hummed.
"Not tell the Jedi Council about it?" He replied.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Echo said.
I'm going to sleep :p
Reblogs and shares are highly appreciated <3
My requests are still open!
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bluntblade · 8 months
One thing I keep asking myself now in relation to Ahsoka is: does Filoni like samurai films? Does he have thoughts about any of them? And if he does, why isn't any of it in the show?
Like, regardless of anyone's views on The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson engaged with the genre. Rather than just pull from things that had already been used by Star Wars, he explored. He understood the themes of Rashomon and Three Outlaw Samurai, and understood why those films work. You can tell that he has a relationship to and appreciation for the material. He borrows Rashomon's "three versions of the story" and echoing that film, the truth lands in a murky in-between exposes a critical error by a character, but also incites them to an act of real moral courage. The energy of Three Outlaw Samurai, meanwhile, comes through in the slovenly DJ and the frantic, scrappy melee combat.
In the same way, Andor and Rogue One are applying more than just the aesthetics of espionage thrillers and modern war movies to SW (also they understood what those aesthetics are for). For that matter, TCW's Umbara arc used Vietnam War film nods pretty well.
The Mandalorian, I think, has increasingly lost the sense of having anything to say with its Western elements, and in Ahsoka it's even more frustrating. Characters pose with their lightsabers in ways that mimick the likes of Toshiro Mifune, there are musical echoes, the framing vaguely evokes those films at times... yet it stops there, at the surface. They're not doing anything more than The Jedi borrowing frames from Yojimbo back in Mando S2. It begins to feel performative, doing homage to the things which influenced Lucas because they influenced Lucas (and missing the fact that Lucas adored these films because they are terrific works of art).
And that doesn't even get into how much of Kurosawa's actual style isn't imitated at all here. Kineticism, the thing which the master did better than basically anyone else, is pretty much absent, let alone his dramatic use of weather and smoke.
The reason I'm harping on about this is that Filoni and his writers room could really have made hay if they dug into these stories, because they would've found themes that informed the story they were ostensibly setting out to tell. Plenty of Kurosawa films are about ronin (sometimes left masterless by a war that destroyed their clans) and their ambiguous, often fraught relationships with the rest of the world.
Seven Samurai, Yojimbo and Sanjuro all get into this stuff. The former also asks searching questions about what place there is for a warrior in a land at peace, which Masaki Kobayashi's Harakiri explores through a much darker and more cynical lens. All of that feels extremely applicable to an Ahsoka who is meant to be scarred by her experiences and feels a gap in her life, where so much of the Jedi's traditional role as peacekeepers and protectors was meant to go. (There is a similar struggle at the heart of David Kirk's wonderful Musashi Miyamoto novels).
But instead we end up with this very shallow attempt at doing homage, which comes out as rather disrespectful in itself when you break it down.
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darth-memes · 1 year
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radetzkymarch · 2 years
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I need to go harder on the makeup and just commit to looking really grimy, and do something to make the wig less silly but as long as my boots get here in time this is happening
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