#digital art is NOT my strong suit so BE NICE
gravecats · 10 months
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Old crusty meme, posting it anyway in honor of ne seeing the Barbie movie and liking it a lot :p
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roodles03 · 1 year
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Did some facial expression practice with Graham.
For most of my time posting art I've always been told my expressions are my strong point. For a while, I semi beileved this. For example, what I would have in my head was way more expessive then what I could get on paper, so, to me, I wasn't as good as people said I was. Back then I would also say my anatomy was much worse since I hadn't taken Drawing II in college yet. That's probably why I and others gravitated to my expression more.
I've had a lot of time to relearn stuff by now, and I think I've gotten much better at expression to where I can confidently say they're my strongest suit. However, with the ideas I have and with the stuff I draw, there aren't a lot of appropriate times where I can push an expression to its absolute limit, so I really didn't know what I was capable of. So one night I I decided "I wanna do something different" and decided to push an expression as far as I possibly could, and I definitely had a lot of fun of this. I chose anger because that one is by far one of the expressions you can push the furthest. I also chose to draw my huntlow kid, Graham, because I wanted to draw something new. I considered doing Hunter, but his hair noodle gets in the way of his face, and it can take away from the expression sometimes.
Funnily enough, right around when we got to human anatomy in Drawing II was right around when I transitioned from SU to TOH. My expression capabilities took a huge hit while my anatomy got a lot better. I had to relearn how to make dynamic expressions and push them to their absolute limit all over again, since the way SU and TOH draw faces is vasely different.
Another thing is, I haven't really been taking time to screw around with my art recently. For almost all of my time as a digital artist, I've done small silly sketches that I never planned to finish in my traditional sketchbook, but now I never do that anymore. Every drawing I make has to be finished, and therefore, it must be good. So it was a nice change of pace to draw this where I didn't feel like I had to finish it. A very clean sketch with grayscale was all it needed.
I might do more expression practices with other members of the kidsquad with other emotions. Its definitely on my mind.
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Hi! I’d like a fandom ship/matchup type thing if you still do those:) someone from tcm, preferably from the first or second movie since those are the ones I’ve watched
Appearance: 5ft 2inches, chubby genderfluid guy. Short blond hair, blue/gray eyes and freckles and crooked teeth. I’m punk and wear a lot of band tees and stuff like that, I mostly dress masc but can dabble in feminine clothing for fun.
Personality: Id say im a pretty funny guy! I really can’t have a conversation without cracking a joke every other sentence (it is a blessing and a curse). I love being social but definitely need time to recharge after social events. I care a lot about other people and tend to go out of my way to help and comfort people.
Hobbies: I love drawing! I do both digital and traditional art, and I can also paint and sew and crochet. Mostly I draw people, that is my strong suit.
I also love cooking! It’s so much fun but I don’t like following recipes because I disagree with them.
I love horror media. Art, books, movies, you name it. I have an ongoing collection of horror movie dvds.
I listen to a lot of music. I like a lot of different genres, but I especially like punk and metal music. My favorite bands are Ghost, Against Me!, Dog Park Dissidents and Hozier
That’s about it I think. Please don’t feel stressed about doing this, take as much time as you need and also have a nice day:)
♥️♥️♥️ we love people who realize authors have lives beyond completing requests 
Your Texas Chainsaw Massacre ship: Chop-Top Sawyer!!!!
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Explanation: starting off of the appearance, I think he would be extremely attracted to you. He loves that you’re shorter than him and I think that he would love your kind of punkish style since he likes anything music related and the fact that you have an alternative music related style just makes you practically his soulmate to him and I feel like he’d think you’re a pretty cool person from the get-go. he loves that you can switch between masculine and feminine and our gender fluid enough to just kind of look good in both and that’s something that he really likes about you and I think he would even start experimenting with more gender fluidness himself I picture him is more kind of a masculine/androgynous but I feel like he would also sometimes go a little feminine just for fun. He really loves your joking, personality and I think it’s part of the reason that he was so attracted to you besides how you look from the get-go as I just think that he was super struck by your humor and probably laughs like insanely loud and laughs for the longest out of everyone. I feel like he’s the type of guy that would continue laughing at a joke like five minutes after it was made. I also feel like he really appreciate your caring stuff because he’s not really used to a lot of people genuinely caring about him. He even feels like his own family doesn’t care about him most the time save for nubbins. Having you is just kind of like a refreshing thing for him and he’s pretty grateful to have you in his life as for socialist I don’t think he cares that much about whether he’s talking to someone or not to be honest I don’t think he’s an introvert or an extrovert. I just think he’s kind of in his own world, but he doesn’t mind that you’re an extrovert and would absolutely, let you recharge after large events, but you have to recharge with him. That’s the only catch. I hope you’re not expecting to get any more alone time because once you’re with this man, he is clingy as shit and you are not going to have any more social recharge unless you literally run away. (In which he will follow 💀) he loves your artistic personality, and I feel like he would annoy you a little bit bit because he’s the type of guy to stand by you while you’re trying to draw create something and be constantly asking you if it’s done yet or just random questions and I feel like you at some point I have to be like OK but I’m doing my art. You have to stand over there and not talk to me. And for the cooking thing, let me just say there’s a reason why Drayton is the cook of the household and no one else he would make the most monstrous and disastrous things in the kitchen and probably end up blowing something up. He’s like a toddler in the kitchen. You have to watch him because he would think it’s a funny idea to just throw water at an outlet or something like that. Just chaos. Absolutely, but I think if you made a meal for him, he’d be super grateful and would definitely eat it in like two seconds because we know this man is a fast eater. He also loves horror stuff for like obvious reasons and would totally watch horror movies with you or read books or whatever kind of horror media you like consuming.
I feel like he would like it too, and you guys can talk about it afterwards, and he would probably point out how certain things are unrealistic because he is like that he would be like “victims don’t actually react that way when you chase them” and things like that. As for music, I think this is again one of the very very very main reasons he would be attracted to you because he is a huge music guy. I don’t think he really likes Poppy stuff as much and I think he would find your alternative taste to be just amazing because he has kind of an alternative and wacky taste of music as well well, it’s not as much I’m sure would love if you introduced him and you guys could share tastes and I feel like you would be a little cute date to go on. I’m just listening to music talking and also I feel like he would ask for fashion advice like 24 seven from you and want to try some of your punk clothing out.
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
Ni unpacks some design comments on the new 02 group's design.
(because all i wanted was just one person's motivational boost to make this lol) (i got three. extra dose of motivation boost)
This is kinda a thing i like the most -- i love do design characters and coloring, so i'm always studying character reference sheets for the sake of learning bits and improving my own art 👀
So, we recently had more details (even if bare minimum) for Digi02: The Beginning, and i'd like to write a post analyzing their clothes and the coloring. Also their hairstyles too (hello Miyako, Hikari??)
So, let's roll!!
Daisuke's design!!
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Ok, i had talked about this one before (when we had the sketches of it revealed at Digimon Con lol) and I'm super duper happy with this color palette invoking Daisuke's original human world's clothes. Not only the style, BUT the coloring too!!
The first thing I notice is... He got pants now. Well, it's funny because since this movie is set in the Winter... 02 Daisuke had shorts on winter!? Okay, some people were also surprised by it too, no kidding. Anyway, this seems to be very comfy! And has the coloring of his iconic shorts hehe.
He did not ditch the dummy sunglasses, THANK GOODNESS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Also i find funny the shoes are the reverse of his iconic boots -- White with orange details. His socks are the same color as his DW's socks (which were the same blue-color of his jacket, i'm not kiddin')
He got a cool vest that has the same colors of his vest in 02 😭 But this one has more details and is probably made with some extra layers for winter (i guess) -- and he's wearing a cool hoodie! Idk what is that stamp, but it has its bottom part colored in orange? Or is it a pouch? Haramaki...?? Who knows...!
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No ponytail aw... But i find him pretty with his short hair -- I'm really loving his short hair that i have to remind myself his hair was long when he was a kid orz
Whoa classy! Ken-chan continues to wear the finnest clothes as possible. He's really bringing some smooth detective style 🤔
His new friend, the hair sprout is still there and strong, I guess he's still a dummy like his other five friends lol. I love this little sprout, better he never cut that lone warrior or i will be upset.
There's not much to talk about here, only that he's very formal and classy. Ok, he's still wearing neutral colors but at least they're having not so sad like the grey uniform in 02.
I love his face tho, he's really pretty.
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No headgear this time, my dear!? Wow you're so pretty without any accessories on!! I love her new glasses! Still round and Miyako-ish 🥰
I like the color palette of this outfit! The pink poncho with the cyan pantyhose/tights are a nice touch! Also wow those boots are so pretty 👀👌
I also noticed her hair is still curly and got some bangs hehe. I hope to see more cool Miyako's hairstyles in this movie -- Kizuna already was so precious about those two hairstyles 😭
Since the poncho covers a good part of her design, i can't say much about it. Anyway, maybe in the movie we see this one without the poncho... I hope so.
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Are we finally seeing Iori without a school uniform!? Wow, and he's pretty stylish somehow huh... Since Iori is a reserved and polite person like Ken, his design only differs from the fact is a bit more casual than Ken's classy detective coat.
Iori also likes neutral colors if you check his outfits in 02 & its previous movies. So, a grey jacket it's very in-character for him. His shoes have some interesting patterns and color scheme. I like the blue with black-purple and salmon colors. It suits Iori's personality imo.
Ah, he got a... watch? I wonder what kind of watch would fit Iori's personality... Analog or digital? 🤔
(also, i wonder if he's a little more taller now...)
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I dunno why, but this one design reminds me 02 as well, but the yellow consumes a good part of the jacket, forming a "T" with the black accents on the upper body.
He got... a beanie now!? Wow, it's a cute beanie and the color matches with the entire design i think (the colorist of those design is a mad genius i love their color game) -- and he got some cool off-white sneakers with light gray, blue and orange red details 👀👌
I think this is very Takeru-ish. Ah, is he wearing a necklace under his jacket? Because I can see a necklace cord there...?
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Hikari's a pretty lady. And by that, i mean we saw her outfits in Kizuna were a bit more sophisticated and comfy than stylish or simple. I feel like she's getting a good fashion game here and might be my most favorite of out of the six characters.
I love her sweater and pants. They're pretty and cute, and her coat is a nice addition to this design, especially its color. Hikari's color palette is more neutral than her 02 outfits (where Pink was almost in some part of said designs, even if by just one cloth piece of that color) and i think it shows how mature and pretty she became.
Also, we can notice her hairstyle is changing a little too! Her hair is getting longer enough to have this cute ponytail. Some strands are longer on her back too, and I'm in love with this new change of pace.
Stay cute and cool, Hikari-chan 💖
BONUS: Rui's design!!
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Since he's a new character and it's his debut movie, there's not much to talk about his design, other than his spiky purple-grey-ish hair makes me think about Ken's late brother.
His palette has too much black, and some grey and white. I feel he's a sad person at this point... I don't know how to interpret this, since we know basically nothing about him and his possible partner Ukkomon. But, i think it's an intriguing character design.
I've seen a press' screenshot of the scene shown at the event, and seems like under that bang covering his eye... He's wearing an eyepatch?? Really, who are you Rui? I want to know more about you asap!!
That's all everyone!! I hope you enjoy my silly analysis of those seven characters 😊
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chaya-mga2022mi6011 · 5 months
Answering a Few Questions
What do I want to do after completing the degree?
I've always aimed to become a Visual Development Artist after completing my degree, but after having the opportunity to work as an Illustrator at Koko, over the last 3 months, I have developed a newfound passion for becoming an Illustrator. Since I've been having a difficult time trying to choose between the two, I decided that I will be focusing on my final major project for MI6021 from the standpoint of a visual development artist, and for this module, MI6011, I will be working on it from the standpoint of an illustrator.
First, to get a better idea, what's the different between a visual development artist and an Illustrator?
Visual development artists and illustrators both work in the realm of visual art, but they have different roles.
Illustrators are artists who use their skills in design, art, and creativity to create visual images. These images can be used in a variety of mediums, including Magazines, Books, Advertisements, Posters, Greeting cards, Medical materials, Children's books, Websites, Technical designs, and Fashion design.
Illustrators use their skills to communicate ideas and stories through their images. They can understand and reinterpret a text, and then communicate it through their illustrations.
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Visual development artists, on the other hand, use research and story to establish the look of a film, character, or world. They may work in a variety of roles, including animator, art director, lighting artist, prop artist, and costume designer.
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What do I want to be known for?
I want to create narratives and illustrations that not only creatively inspire today’s children but also share an important message and leave a lasting legacy, remembered by generations to come.
What ideas have I been yearning to bring into the world?
I want to create something that’s not only fun but also carries a deeper message, and I think it’s crucial to present these ideas in a way that also makes sense to kids. Making complex concepts easy for them to understand is a big part of what I want to bring to the world.
So, it won’t be just about providing entertainment but also about instilling values, sparking curiosity, and inspiring creativity.
What am I good at? What are my strong suits?
I’d say I’m comfortable with both digital and traditional art. When it comes to digital art, I lean more towards 2D work, where I enjoy painting environments, props, lighting, and setting the mood for a scene. And when it comes to traditional art or mixed media, I’d say my go-to strengths are watercolor painting, crafting with clay, and drawing with ink pen.
So, for my project, I’m thinking of combining both digital and traditional/mixed media aspects to showcase the range of skills I’ve picked up along my creative journey. I want the project to showcase all of the techniques and styles that I enjoy working with.
What am I the most passionate about?
I love telling stories through illustrations and capturing moments and emotions in a way that speaks to people.
After last year’s mixed media module, I realized that I’m also passionate about experimenting with different art mediums and techniques. It keeps things interesting and gives me a chance to look away from the screen and touch paper once in a while, which is nice.
What kind of project would help me to demonstrate all of the skills I’ve learned so far?
Definitely a project with a mix of all digital art, traditional art, and mixed media– a bit of everything. I’d love to create something that’s not just entertaining but also carries a good message, simplified in a way that clicks with anyone and makes it easy for anyone to grasp important ideas.
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cosmicwitchcourtney · 2 years
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I wanted to do a nice checkin for myself. I’ve had the absolute WORST period cramps of my life and feel like there’s some energy shit going on. Also, it’s been a while and it’s nice to do this for myself :3 not a pretty pic like I like to do bc I’m j chillin in my comfies
Past: 7 of Swords and High Priestess
Feeling lack of trust at the world, and mistaking it for intuition. I’m seeing a lot of healing in this spread. This 7/Swords card right now feels scared, sneaky, lonely. Ready to lash out. High Priestess has shadow work vibes. 
2. Present: Judgement and Ace of Cups
Nice release, forgiveness, healing. Opening back up to creating art and socializing with friends. Forgiving past grievances. Being forgiven. 
3. Near Future: Temperance
Lovely balance and healing. Everything is okay and evens out. No more extremes. 
4. How I see myself: Daughter of Cups
An artist, expressive with color, still a little childish/novice. Someone not very colorful but a reflection of the rainbow. Maybe not very confident. 
5. My Environment: 5 of Swords reversed
Peace, worst is behind me. No more suffering. I can actually relax and am past the feeling of fight or flight adrenaline I used to get. Healed. 
6. Hopes/Fears: 4 of Swords
Being in harms way it looks like… being an enlightened healer (gold over third eye). Mental fortitude, recovery based on booklet. Okay then so, coping skills. That makes sense, I love doing things that are good for me yet I’m lazy/hate forcing myself to do things/have to fight my zero executive dysfunction. 
7. Longterm Theme/ Future based on these energies: Justice
Right now I am going to get what I’m giving. Like if I wanna blow of walking all week I’m going to just get depression mode and not get myself physically well. Also seeing a karma cycle finally ending. Maybe my family stuff because I think about it so little and it doesn’t get me emotionally like it used to. 
8. Message from Spirit: Magician
I can DO IT! I have what I need and the o my thing holding me back is me. Manifestation powers strong. It’s time to empower myself. I am my own advocate. I am the only one I can truly rely on to get accomplished the things I want. And I’m capable, I just need to find more ways to empower myself and feel confident in myself!
OTHER NOTES: 5 Major Arcana indicates a long term timeline in these energies, a Soul development/life lesson type thing. There are a lot of Swords present even on cards that are not in the suit of Swords, indicating this is heavily a mental matter and with cups, emotional, so having to do with some mental illness or struggle such as PTSD. Overall in the cards I see overcoming some heavy energies and releasing them once and for all. But this isn’t naturally going to happen I also have to be taking action to facilitate the process. Lots of self care like I’ve been doing.
I really wanted to save this reading because it felt important to remind myself of it later. writing in my journal can be a lot bc of my cyst in my wrist and this way I can save the photo too! Lol I’m gonna be so sad if tumblr is gone someday. It really is like my digital journal.
anyway if you want your own reading, send me a message! ✨🦔
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harryspet · 3 years
please don’t bite | p.parker, s.rogers, b.barnes
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[Warnings] peter parker x reader, dark!steve x reader, hints of dark!natasha/dark!bucky x reader, vampire!steve/bucky/natasha, vampire au, vampire blood addiction, withdrawals, kidnapping, dubcon, intoxicated sex, oral sex (female recieveing)
A/N: hello, it’s been forever! I was in the middle of writing this when @cherienymphe announced her  “Cherienymphe’s 5K Twilight Renaissance Writing Challenge” so I decided to join in! She’s one of my favorite dark writers so please check her out if you haven’t. 
In which addiction leads you into a den of vampires. 
taglist: @lovelynerdytraveler @buckysbunny @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar @mischiefmanaged011 @visintaes  @watercoolerpaint @disaster-rose @slutforsebstan
main masterlist
word count: 3.7k
You piled all the dollar bills you had in your pocket on the table, “There. We can just use this.” You plopped down beside your boyfriend on the couch, fully feeling the headache you’ve had for the past two weeks. It was like your brain was pounding against your skull and sending painful waves through your body. 
“This is twenty bucks and a … grocery store coupon for … shampoo,” After counting it, Peter flicked the money back onto the coffee table, leaning back with you. You tossed your legs over his lap and he wrapped his arm behind you, “So we have fifty bucks between us … great.”
“That’s enough, right?” You asked, barely able to hear yourself think through your headache. 
“It’s like two-hundred just for a small vial,” A shiver ran through your body and Peter pulled you closer. Not only did the heat not work in the shoebox you two called an apartment, you were starting to get random chills and it was another rough winter in New York. 
“Fuck,” You cursed, “Fuck, fuck-”
Peter shushed you, “We’ll be okay,” Peter said, trying to be strong for the both of you though his body was punishing him even more than yours was, “I got a gig by the pier, and by the end of the week, we should have enough.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you clutched his chest, “That’s too long. We’ll die before then.”
“We’ll be okay,” Peter insisted though he didn’t quite believe himself. 
Vampire blood was one cruel mistress. It was hard to remember your lives before you took your first sips of the addictive potion. You both had everything going for you, highschool sweethearts that became successful college students but that was all gone now. You can’t hold a job or go to school when you’re on vampire blood. The highs last hours and, when you have enough of it, weeks can go by without you noticing. 
“What was it like? Drinking from the vein?” You asked him, the taste of the blood was faint on your lips as you tried to remember the exact taste. 
Peter’s head tilted back as he stared up at the cracks in the ceiling, “Like Heaven on earth. Like eternal life …. like nothing any normal human would ever feel. So good … jesus.”
Sometimes Peter wished he never introduced you to the taste but he’d forget all about it when you were high together. The sex was unbelievable, vampire blood being a strong aphrodisiac, and your love felt even stronger, “I want to try it,” You thought out loud, “If I’m gonna die soon, I-I wanna try it.”
“You’re not gonna die. Our brains are just totally miswired right now,” Peter groaned, turning his face towards yours. He kissed your forehead and, for a moment, it eased the pain. You tilted your head up to kiss the sides of his mouth. He tilted his head to the side and you kissed deeply. He pulled away suddenly and his eyes gazed into yours, “What would you do?”
“What would you do to taste it from the vein?” You swallowed and your throat ached. 
You nodded your head, “Anything. Oh god, anything, Peter.”
You’d sensed he’d had an idea and a weak grin began to pull at your lips. That quickly fell as Peter pulled away from you. You expected him to be excited but he was completely solemn, “I have an idea,” He said, “You can say no … but if you don’t say no, you have to promise that things will be how they used to be afterwards.”
“How they used to be,” You couldn’t even think that far back. You couldn’t imagine a single date, single birthday card or New Year’s Eve kiss while you were in so much pain, “Sure, Pete. We just need a taste a-and that’ll clear our minds and things we’ll go back to how they used to be.”
As if things couldn’t get any worse, your stomach growled. You’d gotten dressed up, put on light makeup, and styled your hair for whoever Peter had taken you to meet. You didn’t quite care anymore because your headache continued to cripple you over the past few days. 
You pulled your jacket tighter as you waited on the steps of the gentrified brownstone. Peter pressed the doorbell nervously, watching as you shiver in your small, black dress. Peter dressed in his finest slacks and button down but was very aware that he probably wouldn’t be the center of attention tonight. He reached out to grab your hand which you happily took. 
“Why is he making us meet him so late?” You whispered, shivering. 
“He’s a vampire,” Peter shrugged, “They’re like nocturnal, I guess.”
Peter had reached out to ring the doorbell again when the door suddenly opened. A red headed woman opened the door, her hair cut short and a sultry smile on her face. You could tell instantly by the shine in her skin and darkness in her eyes that she was not like you. 
“Peter,” She greeted, smirking, “You look … hungry.”
“And cold,” He added, sensing your uncomfortableness as she took him in like he was her prey. 
“Right, come on in,” Peter led you inside the expensive home and out of the cold winter. You pressed yourself closer to him, not only because you were still shivering but because you’d never been alone with a vampire, “Steve will be here any moment.”
The woman led you down a corridor and you passed modern art sculptures and other expensive decorations you didn’t quite understand, “Steve?” You perked up at the mention of someone else. 
“That’s, uh, who we’re meeting,” Peter said quickly.
“Unfortunately, I’m booked tonight. A sweet young thing I met a few weeks ago. British accent, total dreamboat, but Steve will take great care of you two,” She led the two of you into a dining room where wine and horderves were laid out, gesturing for the two of you to take a seat, “Let me take your jackets.”
You looked at Peter and he nodded, “It’s okay,” Hesitantly, you slid off one of your sleeves and you felt her eyes begin to burn into the skin of your neck. Your arms weak, you lifted it out to her and she graciously accepted it. Peter did the same, taking a seat and waiting for you to do the same. Your eyes were still on the mysterious woman until Peter grabbed your hand. 
“I hope to see you both soon,” She smiled again, leaving the room, “Keep your eyes on this one, Pete.” 
You turned to him, your eyebrows raised, “How do you know her?”
“That’s her,” Peter said, grabbing the bottle of wine, “I told you about the first time I tried it from the vein. I think she has a thing for young guys. Or young anything.”
As he poured himself a glass, you reached out for a cracker and tried not to eat too fast as you pushed them into your mouth, “Why’d she look at me like that?” You asked, covering your mouth. 
“You’re a virgin,” You almost snorted, “I mean, your veins are. You’ve never been fed off of.”
“Oh,” You swallowed, taking his glass from him as you washed down your food, “I don’t wanna be. That’ll hurt, right?”
“Don’t worry, that’s not what we’re here for.”
Feeling some of your energy return, you stood up from the dining table, deciding to look closer at all the artifacts, “Y/N, what are you doing?” Peter asked, his fingers rubbing his temples, “Sit down, please.”
“Why do they have food if vampires don’t eat?” You asked out loud, annoying him further. There seemed to be a million framed pictures on the wall and you studied them as you passed along. They seemed to transform from black and white to fully in color, polaroid to digital. 
“For their human prey, probably.”
“Prey?” A deep voice spoke up, surrounding the room, bringing Peter out of his chair and your head turning quickly, “That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”
“Mr. Rogers,” Peter rushed out, and you wondered how he could muster up so much energy to be nice, “I didn’t mean …”
“No worries, I try to be polite but I am a blood sucking demon after all,” The blonde-bearded man smiled. He was so muscular, you’d pictured someone skinny and frail. “Won’t you introduce me to your …”
“Girlfriend,” Peter said a bit sadly. He wasn’t sad that you were his but that this was the saddest excuse for a date night, “This is Y/N.”
You raised a hand to wave but he crossed the room to take your hand. He kissed your knuckles, smiling charmingly as he looked into your eyes. Blue eyes, you weren’t expecting those either. Despite the porcelain skin he looked quite human. His suit was black, and his white shirt was pressed nicely beneath it, like he’d just returned from an important event. You smiled back weakly, “Pleasure to meet you, doll.”
“It’s … nice to meet you too.”
You felt Peter’s eyes on you as your hand fell back down to your side, “You two look like you’ve seen better days,” You moved closer to Peter because, despite his kind smile, you didn’t fully trust him. 
Peter rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “Is it that obvious?” The nice clothes couldn’t hide the fact that they hadn’t had any vampire blood in almost three weeks. It was amazing that they were still standing. 
“I think I can help you both out,” Steve assured you two, “If you had enough of the horderves, you can follow me upstairs.” He turned and Peter grabbed your hand as you all left the room. 
“What exactly do we have to do … you know, for the blood?” Looking up at Peter, you worried that he was nervous for reasons that he was not telling you. Steve led you to the stairs and, as you climbed, you couldn’t help but look at all the photos that lined each wall. The upstairs wasn’t lit, making it feel like you were stepping into a story with a not-so-happy ending. 
“Peter didn’t tell you?” Steve asked, not bothering to turn around. He led you down the hall to what you assumed was the master bedroom. 
“Not everything,” Peter said quickly. 
You expected some kind of evil den but the room was quite normal. High ceilings, brown upholstered bed, a view of the neighborhood, and a fireplace. You and Peter stood awkwardly, looking around, as Steve made his way over to the fireplace. He leaned down to turn a dial and moments later, it sprouted with fire. 
“Peter,” You nudged him, your brows furrowed. He didn’t say anything which worried you more. Steve stood up, taking off his jacket which made your heart begin to race. Some of the fear disappeared quickly as he rolled up his white sleeves … exposing lower arms. 
Now, your mouth was watering, “There’s no need to worry, doll. I already promised Peter that no harm will come to the two of you. But you do understand that this is a trade? I give you my blood and you give me what I want.”
Peter opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted, “And what do you want?”
“I want to watch,” He stated, looking the two of you over, “I consider myself somewhat of a voyeur, I like to watch when people are intimate.” You looked back and forth from him to Peter. 
“Y/N, we don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Peter spoke quietly, worry in his eyes. 
“Of course not,” Steve smiled, already a bit aroused by your shocked expression. He reached into his pocket to pull out a pocket knife, its handle having an old and intricate design, “But I think it’ll be very enjoyable on your side of things. The blood will certainly take the edge off and I won’t overstep my boundaries, I promise.”
“And we’re supposed to trust a vampire … ,” Steve stepped closer, pressing the knife to his skin. 
“We don’t have another option,” Peter said, his eyes focused on Steve’s vein. Peter let go of your hand, the addiction taking over as he moved closer to Steve. Steve cut into his arm, the crimson running down it but not a drop touched the floor before Peter pressed his lips to the wound. 
When Peter pulled away, his head tilted all the way back, as the sweet serum traveled down his throat. You were still staring in shock, the scent reaching your nose, and drawing you further in. It took everything in you to keep your feet planted and your fingernails dug into your palm as you watched. 
Peter smiled, blood on his lips and mouth, “Y/N,” He drawled, “Please, taste it …” He walked towards you, his hands outstretched. The blood on his lips, you could smell it, and you wanted to taste it so bad that it was hurting you. When he leaned into your lips, you didn’t stop him. His tongue entered your mouth and you felt the high he was feeling. 
Your vision began to blur a little as your head tilted back. Peter’s hands were holding you steady as the biggest smile spread across your lips. It was like tasting heaven, something beyond reality and you wanted to never let that supernatural feeling go. 
You felt a foreign hand against your back but you felt like welcoming any touch under the influence of the drug. As Peter pulled his lips away from you, your eyes opened to Steve’s as he was offering you his wrist. With the taste already on the tongue, you gladly accepted more, Peter’s hands roaming over your body as you drank. 
You weren’t sure how you made it to the bed, it felt like you had floated. Peter was right, he was so right, were all the words you could think. You heard those words, felt Peter’s hands, and watched as Steve’s lips turned into a mischievous smile. 
Steve stepped away, the cut on his arm already healing, as he made himself comfortable in a lounging chair by the fireplace. He had to give it to the kid, he seemed to know your body much better than he expected for a guy his age. Either that, or you couldn’t tell what was what at the moment and it was all just pleasure in your glazed over eyes. 
Your head tilted to the side so Steve could analyze every detail of your face. Your dress was pulled down at the top and the bottom rolled up past your stomach. Peter held your legs firmly, biting and kissing your thighs as he made himself comfortable between your legs. 
“God, I fucking love you,” Steve smiled at Peter’s words. Your back arched up as he finally pushed your panties aside, tasting your warm center, “You smell so good. You taste so good.”
You cried out his name, biting down on your bottom lip, and Steve imagined you accidentally drawing blood.  You wouldn't have noticed, there was already blood dripping down your chin. Steve liked how loud you were, he didn’t like the girls that held everything in, and he liked even more how Peter took your mewlings as encouragement to lap at you faster. 
“Fuck,” You cursed, gripping the sheets tightly. Steve felt his pants begin to tighten though he promised himself he would wait, “Fuck, fuck!” You finally came and Peter crawled up your body in order to kiss you on your lips. 
He fumbled with his belt and Steve felt his desperation to be inside you. He was still slow with you when he finally entered you, much more patient than Steve imagined he would be. He kept things slow so you could adjust. He made love to you, kissing your neck, “Is that good?”
You nodded eagerly, “Y-Yeah! Like that …. I love that, Petey. Feels so good … feels so good.”
It was more than ecstasy. The blood mixed with the love of your life, you thought you might cry knowing that no other feeling could compare. 
Steve watched the young lovebirds through several rounds and several different positions, your stamina never seeming to run out. Like any other drug, the high relieved the side effects but it didn’t last forever. Eventually, you and Peter floated to sleep. 
You slept through the entire morning and you thought you’d wake in Peter’s arms. You could face any shame and guilt if you were with him but, when your heavy eyes finally opened, you were alone. Your palm against your head, you sat up in the bed, a little bit of sun creeping through the curtains. Looking down, you were completely naked most likely from last night's escapades. 
You felt dirty, for more than one reason. “Peter,” You whispered, stepping out of the bed to look for your dress. Covering your chest, you kneeled down to check beneath the bed, “Peter.”
You breathed heavily, trying to push down your anxiousness as you struggled to find your clothes. When the door of the room opened, you panicked, grabbing ahold of the comforter and pulling it against your body. 
It wasn’t Peter or Steve but a dark haired man, abnormally muscular for a vampire just like Steve. He tilted his head as he looked at you, “Where’s Peter?” You asked immediately. 
“Who?” He raised an eyebrow, shutting the door, “Ohhh, Peter. Right. The boyfriend.”
“Where’s Peter and who are you?” You continued, your eyes wide with fear. Bucky ran his hand over his beard before folding his arms over each other. 
“I’m Steve’s … friend,” You began to recognize him from all the photos, “There’s a few of us who share this house, you know. And I heard you all last night, I asked Steve if I could join the fun but sitting on the sidelines is a bit boring to me.” 
You didn’t care, “If you’re not gonna tell me where Peter is-”
He rolled his eyes, “He’s with Natasha I think. He woke up still craving. Are you craving something too, dollface?”
“Nothing from you,” You shook your head though the idea of his bleeding wrist did pop into your brain, “I-I need to see him.”
“Be my guest. Are you going naked?” You scowled at him, “Go clean up first, please. There should be something for you to wear in the bathroom.”
The two of you stared awkwardly until Bucky realized you weren’t going to move until he left the room, “Fine,” He raised his hands in defeat, “They always get shy in the morning.” He mumbled to himself as the door shut. You quickly hurried to the bathroom, shutting and locking it. 
Why the hell was Peter with Natasha? She’d look at him like she wanted to devour him, in a completely non-vampire kind of way. And he’d left you all alone for that man to find you. Sure, you’d done things last night you weren’t proud of but he’d promised that things would go back to normal after. 
You freshened up in the sink, throwing on a night blue, silk nightgown. You had to scrub the dry blood off of your lips and your inner thighs and you were forced to relive the night. Everything was perfect but as soon as you thought about who watched and probably got off to it, you only felt guilty. You felt even more guilty that you were craving more blood. 
The room was empty when you stepped back into it. Tip toeing over to the bedroom door, you made sure to check to see if the coast was clear before stepping out into the hallway. You thought you could find Peter, snap him out of whatever trance he was in, and take the two of you home even if you had to carry him out on your back. 
“Natasha warned me to keep an eye on you,” He appeared in front of you so suddenly that a small shriek left your lips. You backed up quickly only to run into another tall figure. 
“Bucky, you’re going to hurt her,” Steve warned, his deep voice sending chills down your spine. 
Bucky smirked, “No blood, no foul.”
“You say that now.”
You stepped away from both of them, your back pressing against the nearest wall, “Would you like breakfast, doll?” Steve asked, catching you off guard. 
“You should get something on your stomach, doll,” Bucky seemed to mimic Steve’s concerned nature which caused Steve to press his lips into a frustrated, thin line. 
“Where. Is. Peter? I want to go home.”
Bucky interrupted him, “You can’t go home.”
“There’s no use in sugarcoating it,” Bucky stepped closer, resting his arm above you, “We need new blood bags and it’s not like you guys have much to go back to.” 
“We’re not blood bags-”
“We’re all blood bags,” Bucky chuckled, “You guys need us too. Anyways, it’s not a request. Steve is just nicer than me but we’re all going to take what we want.”
You slipped away from him, your feet pushing you even though you knew you were faster. The only reason Bucky didn’t chase after you was because of Steve, “Peter!” You called out, running down the hall, “Peter!” You frantically opened each door you walked past until you got to the end of the hallway. 
When you stormed in, you found him shirtless, sprawled on a bed. Natasha, in a robe, was in front of a vanity, brushing through her red hair. You hurried over to the bed, grabbing a hold of his shoulders, “Peter, we have to get out of here.”
He smiled, softly grabbing ahold of your arm, “My love, you’re so beautiful, you know that?” He was so high that you weren’t even sure if he was really seeing you. 
Tears pricked your eyes, “You promised, Peter. You promised.”
He shushed you, “It’s okay, just give me a few … hours. We’ll be … okay.”
You felt hands on your waist that you didn’t fight. She brushed a piece of hair from your face, touching your cheek with her freezing hand, “I knew you’d like her, Buck. They're both so perfect,” Natasha guided you away from the bed and towards the door where the other two vampires were standing, “So who gets the first bite?”
“Steve’s had his fun. She’s mine tonight.” 
hope you enjoyed that fun little one-shot!
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Buriko-Senpai! This is such a wonderful blog to read, and I love your art so much! It's so nice to see other traditional artists out there! What's your thoughts on the demon slayer marks and their affects after Muzan's defeat? Do you think they're a purely physical effect, or a supernatural curse like Ubuyashiki's? It seems like in the latter case it would be lifted? In Tanjiro's status report, he mentions wanting everyone to be happy "when he's gone", and hints of preparation for the future...
Thank you for the kind words on my art! (≧◡≦) Glad to know people like the style, I like the feel of trad art both for the final product and how the pen feels in my hand, haha~. I love all the additional possibilities in digital art, but will leave that to the people who are good at it. Glad you find my blog a good read too, because we’ve got another lengthy read ahead.
As for the mark and whether it works in a purely physical sense or a curse sense, I'm ok thinking of it in either way, depending on its purposes in post-canon fanwork (but of course, you can do whatever you want in fanwork totally inventing the mark or completely ignoring it too). As Gotouge never states exactly what becomes of Tanjiro, Giyuu, and Sanemi, I don’t feel we can declare it working one way or another. We'll consider it from both angles, but in general, I think canon evidence leans toward an avoidable physical impact. Even that, however, leaves room for interpretation on strict "25" might be or not.
If we approach the curse direction first, the worldbuilding surrounding the Ubuyashiki curse gives a lot of framework for the mark being a curse. The second fanbook even gives us more circumstance and age-related perimeters that seem very arbitrary, like how only one male will survive each generation and how the daughters will also die young by sudden illness or accident if they don’t marry out. As the curse is tied to Muzan’s/demons existence, it is completely lifted once Muzan is eradicated, but Kiriya still anticipates dying in his 20’s and does not feel relieved that it’s gone until he’s in his 30’s. This would put Giyuu and Sanemi in their 50’s if they’re still around, and with their own curses effectively gone, they’d probably have spent the past couple decades insisting to Kiriya that he can relax.
If the rebound of the mark is a supernatural curse, there are a couple other things that make sense about this to me, in the light of cosmic justice at play in this universe. First, it’s a general rule in a lot of philosophies and other works of fiction that to gain something powerful, you must pay the price and sacrifice something. Second, the Ubuyashiki family is cursed to carry the sins of one of its members until they can stop that demon member. While Demon Slayers may not necessarily be carrying the sins of demons, we see demon marks at play in this series first, though its effects are not clear until we see how Nezuko is stronger when her vines appear. A Demon Slayer also gaining extra strength like this is, perhaps, taboo.
As for the mark being a purely physical effect, I think the emphasis on physical effects of the mark (especially how in Chapter 129 Muichiro analyzes its effects on body temperature and the heart), and how throughout the manga it is continually stressed that the Demon Slayers are mere humans even if Breath helps them push the natural limits of human ability, lend to a more physical interpretation that in order to push so far past normal limits, it has to borrow against the natural human lifespan. This is how the characters in-universe also interpret its effects. If we look more into what Muichiro says:
Muichiro: The anger was too strong for me to have any handle on my emotions. I believe that in that moment, my heartrate exceeded 200 beats, and my body felt as hot as though it was burning. My temperature would had measured at least 39 degrees or more. Shinobu: !? Could you move like that? That would be life-threatening. Muichiro: Right. That’s why I think it’s a matter of falling into one category or another. Whether you die or survive that moment is what determines whether a mark will appear or not. Amane: A heartrate of over 200, and why a temperature of 39 degrees? Muichiro: That’s because when I was received treatment at Kocho-san’s place I was running a fever. When my temperature was taken, the thermometer read 39 degrees. At the time I would have been said to have a mark appear, my body was just as feverish.
(For reference, according to searching with the same terms used in the original text, your top heartrate is 220 minus your age, making Muichiro's 206 beats per minute. The average for someone in their 20's is 120~140, somewhat hard exercise would put it at 150, and hard exercise puts it at 170, according to the Borg scale. Normal body temperature in Celsius is 37 degrees; while 39 C = 102.2 F.)
If we look back at when Tanjiro is first facing off against Daki, he considers how he gets more power out of Hinokami Kagura than from Water Breathing because it suits his body better, but he is not yet physically capable of the switch between them. As he psyches himself out in Chapter 77, we see that he has physically been trying to prepare himself for this, and he’s shouting at himself to set his heart ablaze. Clearly, Tanjiro is leaning into that advice from Rengoku-san, and if he’s on his way to getting the mark, he’s been taking that advice somewhat literally.
In Chapter 78, as he purposely raises his own temperature to fight the side effects of switching to Hinokami Kagura, we get a flashback that Kiyo-chan was very worried that Tanjiro was running a temperature of 38 degrees (100.4 F) for three days, but Tanjiro begged her not to tell Shinobu yet because he felt fine in that sustained feverish state, and was able to put more power into Hinokami Kagura that way. (This may also be part of why the mark seems to have a different effect on Sun Breath users, as their body draws from this power in a more sustained way.)
We can probably think of most of the other Breath Users who attained the mark as having gotten it in a similar way to Muichiro. In a fit of high emotion and desperate battle, their body pulled from its natural reserves, and similar to a human and/or demon being exposed to lots of Muzan’s cells all at once and either dying or quickly adapting, they attained a mark and relied on that temporary extra burst of strength. While it either happens or doesn’t happen for the others (Muichiro plainly states he was unaware of a mark’s appearance) based on being the flow of tense battle, Himejima seemed to have gained enough ability that he could choose when he wanted to tap into that power. When we’re first left not knowing what else Amane told the Pillars, Himejima openly wonders what would happen in his case (seeing as he is over the age of 25). In the third light novel, we get a brief scene of Himejima pulling Muichiro aside after that meeting to ask if he’s alright with this, since he’s just found out that he has no chance already of living a long life. Muichiro is fine and wonders about Himejima, who is also fine with this. They both are willing to do whatever it takes to fight Upper Moons and know their survival has never been assured. Himejima goes on to say similar things to Kokushibo in Chapters 169 and 170, when we the readers are finally told about the limited life expectancy. The two of them both sort of expect Himejima to drop dead that night because of his limited stores to draw from. Himejima would had preferred to not raise his temperature so much until facing Muzan (seeing as he knows he’ll be racing against time), but knows he has no choice but to start while facing Kokushibo. Kokushibo is somewhat impressed with his control of getting a mark and his preparation to die, and he finds it a waste of Himejima’s ability and likewise is like, “why not preserve your flesh as a demon” because, as we find out in Kokushibo’s flashbacks in Chapter 178, this was part of what motivated him to accept Muzan’s blood. He couldn’t handle the frustration of his polished techniques being wiped out by a short life span, especially since it would mean he was soon out of time to match or best Yoriichi. If we go back to that conversation between Himejima and Kokushibo, Kokushibo loses his cool (hahaha, that feels like a bit of a pun here) the moment Himejima is like, “there was one exception to the rule though, wasn’t there?” I suspect that Yoriichi was the exception partly due to Sun Breathing being a more perfected, sustained form of pushing the limits of human capability, and Yoriichi being born naturally perfect at it, so his body didn’t need to scramble looking for extras sources of power like hastily (or slowly) borrowing against his lifespan. What’s very interesting about Kokushibo is that he also regularly sustained his mark, so perhaps it’s possible he could had lived past 25? Here's what really key: We also don’t know about these early marked users. Did they regularly sustain their marks, or did they only show up regularly when they battled demons, repeatedly borrowing against their future lifespan? Or was it a one-off thing for each of them, like it was for Giyuu and Sanemi? It’s possible that even if Giyuu and Sanemi are doomed to shorter lives, since they both only had the marks for relatively short periods of time on a single night, they might well exceed 25 years. The fact that Gotouge gave them descendants (as opposed to only implied reincarnations), and because they are both characters generally written as dense in the ways of love and close personal relationships, that sort of implies they needed some time before leaving behind offspring, and I hear a lot of voices in the fandom displeased with the idea of them leaving children behind when they know they won't be around to raise them. Since we don't know any canon details on this, let's cut the boys some slack and say they took a chance on being happy. After all, all their time in the Corp already teaches them tomorrow is never assured.
Side note while we’re on the Sanemi topic, he attains his mark right after Himejima brings his own forth (because Himejima is a badass who can just be like, “ok, now”). While he comments to Himejima what a good idea it was to do Pillar Training so he could attain that powerful state, it’s also possible that being in the presence of someone who already had one was part of what triggered Sanemi’s body to access that state as well. The nature of the mark’s spread from person to person is another tick in the “supernatural curse” box if people like that interpretation more.
Let’s take a look back at Tanjiro, though.
Tanjiro, our special Hinokami Kagura boy, was already a special case for his own knowledge of Sun Breathing (however imperfect), and his own sustained mark (though as Genya notes in Chapter 134, it tends to transform slowly, and as Tanjiro remarks in response to Shinjuro’s comments in Chapter 81, his mark was not something he was born with like the original Sun Breath user was, it was but a childhood injury which took on a different shape when he was injured at the Final Selection). While Amane cites him as the one who started the trickle of marks appearing again, we know in the Pleasure Quarter arc than Tanjiro was been unknowingly training himself to make the mark appear, like the Pillars later tried to do in training.
Tanjiro also, however, has the very unique experience of undergoing repeated cruel and unusual suffering in battle against Muzan, basically dying, turning into a demon with more of Muzan’s cells than any other demon in history, and turning human again with man-made medicine all in the span of about two hours.
We can’t really compare Tanjiro’s case to Giyuu’s and Sanemi’s very easily. Besides the slightly different nature of his mark (which Muzan says will still kill him anyway if he becomes human again, but whether he says that based on a cosmic rule or historical precident, we don't know), we simply don’t know all the details of how Tanjiro's flesh has been affected by everything that happened to him in that two hour period. It seems safe to say that becoming a demon is what saved his life since it rebuilt his flesh and supercharged life back into him, but since he wasn’t a demon long enough to have fully integrated those new cells, the entirely reconstructed parts of him (his left arm and right eye) are essentially lifeless. However, there may still be some amount of reclaiming that his body did during his demon minutes, for the whole right side of his face should be paralyzed (yet he can still use it expressively), and there was probably internal damage throughout his entire body and other various injuries (like stabbing himself) which were repaired enough for him to survive. Had he been a demon longer (long enough that his body with Muzan’s memories likely would had broken down the medicine Kanao gave him), my guess is that he would had fully integrated these body parts, like how Nezuko gets to keep her legs despite all the times they were blown or chopped off.
But we also know that Tanjiro had to take a few months to recover (his visitors looked like they waited the whole three months before getting permission to see him), and that his condition allows him to live and work, but he generally is in a weakened state. Again, rather than only having borrowed (on multiple occasions) against his own lifespan, we don't know the extent of the damage and repair he's undergone.
While he’s got 25 as a historical benchmark to anticipate, and as you mention, he does seem to fully anticipate that early demise, his case is so unique that it could go in any direction. Tanjiro might live longer than 25, as this would give him time to pass on Hinokami Kagura to at least his eldest son, but like Tanjuro, he’d probably have a pretty weak constitution for the rest of his dwindling life. But also worth noting, the phrase is that they die by at least age 25. That means some of the Warring States era swordsmen probably died before that age. (。•́︿•̀。) I don't feel this is likely for Tanjiro, Giyuu, and Sanemi, but it is worth noting as a possibility.
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aviorsgf · 3 years
hello!! :) I was wondering if I could please request a matchup for tokyo revengers? [if they're still open of course!] and take as much time as you need! also I have no preference in gender so I am fine with anyone!
My name is romi, my pronouns are she/they and I am an infp, 6w5, aries son, cap rising and Leo moon and my love language is physical touch and acts of service. I am very in tune with my emotions though I often struggle to display them outwardly so people sometimes call me a robot (also might be because I have a resting bitch face and I pretty quiet). I am introverted and pretty quiet until you know me. I am also very good at keeping my cool and not reacting to things outwardly even if it really angers me. I'm kind of the 'mum' of my friend group, and I always look out for them no matter what. For example, my friend has really bad anxiety so I used to always have to ask teachers questions for her. People often describe me as 'nice' and 'sweet' though I do have a tendency to be a tiny bit manipulative. Like not in a bad way necessarily, I am just very good at lying or sculpting situations to make me or my friends feel more at ease [I sound like a psycho rip, I am not I promise]
Some of my hobbies are arguing with people on reddit, baking muffins, studying typology, digital art, making flower posies, going to the beach at winter since it's peaceful, being outside in general and making hats.
thank you so much in advance, and I hope you have a lovely week!
hello love!!
i’m pairing you with..
souta kawata, otherwise known as, angry :)
- right off the bat, i already know that he’d be right there to help you deal with your emotions, even if you don’t display them outwardly. i mean, cmon. he’s too sweet to just let you be upset.
- he’d try his best to make sure nothing and no one messes with you. because in the end, your happiness means the most to him.
- i don’t know if he’d be good at making western dishes. but he’d definitely try!! i see him being able to make western pastries and sweets, so the two of you would have a ball while baking!!
- he would take walks/rides on the beach with smiley, and invite you to join them.
- when it’s just the two of you, he’ll bring out there to just relax or draw.
- art may not be his strong suit, but he’ll definitely support you in your hobbies and talents.
- make him a hat!! he would definitely wear it (i know he would, i mean he’s a sweetheart </3)
- you’re his peace, remember that. he goes to you for comfort.
- especially if he ever is in a situation where he cried. he’ll go to you first.
- i just overall think that y’all two would make an excellent pair. you’d be there for him when he needs it and vise versa.
sorry this is so short :( however, i hope you had a great day/night!! thank you for the request.
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ponpasta · 3 years
 tagged by @suf-fering thank you lovely mwah. also i’m on mobile so whew let’s see how this goes
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
i normally don’t do these but ill treat this as my rambling tags on my own posts. tryna keep it short and sweet (i ended up just doing 5 LMAO no particular order btw)
1.) prom
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okay this one. i’m happy with this one bc of the reason i drew it. i remember wanting to have this specific coloring style when i first was doing digital. it’s based off an artist who i adoorreed. i would watch the same speedpaint over and over bc they had only one video of their process. so i decided to let past me have some pride and i was rlly happy how i manage to make the colors work the way i wanted em to.
2.) cuddle
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backgrounds are not my strong suit please. i used this drawing as a way to practice that and even practice how shadows would fall with so many objects here and there. and with the small shift of angles, i had to imagine how those objects would look from another side. it took awhile but i was enjoying myself. also i can admit its cute.
3.) that one scene
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in the moment, pretty scenes makes brain go brr. this one from su was one of them. this was experimental in a way bc if i’m remembering correctly, this was the first drawing (or at least one of the first drawings) i posted after a long period of time of trying to mimic the su style. and like every edgy teenager, i was just nervous and embarrassed of trying to do something that i normally didn’t do. but i’m happy with it and my friends made me happy with it. love em sm
4.) lumity :)
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this was just super cute and fun to color :) it reminded me of how i would color when i drew itsv and i honestly missed that. but the technique also tired and ached my hand so i’m okay i shifted away from it, at least for the time being. i also tried my hand at doing a simple background. i’m always worry it’d be so seperate from the foreground (?) style that it would be too much of it’s own thing. but it worked out if i say so myself
5.) conie
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i can admit this one turn out cute. is it bc it’s connie? who knows. but i was trying out new tools from csp and just going bonkers, i wasn’t even going to post this originally and was just sketching a fav character i hadn’t been drawing as much as i used to. also the weeks leading up to it weren’t so bueno so i guess it just felt good to finally draw something nice for once. guess i forgot drawing could be fun for a bit oops
tumblr user suf-fering tagged all of my friends. hate it here.
jokes on em, i have cool ass mutuals. no pressure if you don’t wana do this and if wana snatch my @ and say i tagged you, do it. we are homies now.
@axocco @swordmahes @xeebs @anna-scribbles
@leggomyhoteggo @ceiwiart @pogreko
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qaanngi · 3 years
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Reviewing my drafts, this was hanging in there. Realized I never shared this one: the one behind Theo’s head.
As part of his birthday pic I created a homage to probably my favourite painting, Nocturne in Black & Gold, The Falling Rocket by James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Under cut is me talking shop a bit
Much as I enjoy viewing painterly styles it’s not really my strong point to do (at least not digitally), so this was fun to try, now that I have a better grasp on art. It also brings out the blue in Theo’s eyes, suits the dark colours of the walls without really being enveloped by them, & aids in framing Theo’s face to make him stand out amongst dark colours.
Nocturne was painted in 1875 & suits the timeline of IkeVamp pretty well, so that panned out nicely for me. I had originally intended to paint something in Vincent’s style, situate the game’s canon of Vincent continuing his art as a vampire, into the piece instead but I was pressed for time & copying Vincent’s style digitally is a lot harder than it looks. It’s also incredibly time consuming, but I’d love to do so again.
I think because I inserted the homage to Nocturne is what really tied the piece together as a favourite of mine. It’s not particularly complex, I didn’t try anything new as I tend to with each new drawing, the lighting is pretty natural & not exaggerated, I scrapped a thoughtful hand to his chin to change his pose from contemplative to content, but at the time of brainstorming & pre-pandemic one of my summer plans was to visit the DIA to see Nocturne in person, but couldn’t. Theo’s birthday pic is my own desires manifested.
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draw-you-coward · 3 years
sinix’s new video is really helping me screw my head on properly bc i feel so lost abt art direction nowadays. the thing im looking for isn’t stylization, it’s post realism.
since you don’t see it in a lot of digital art, it’s not something that’s really acknowledged in the process of finding ur style. i was getting overwhelmed by trying to focus on a bunch of new things: brush strokes, pose stiffness, colour narratives, expressions etc, but my real problem i think is that i felt i had to "restart” into stylization when that’s never really been my interest or strong suit.
so ye ;u;; is nice
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gallickingun · 4 years
hofortendou x nishinoya || gallickingun matchups
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@hofortendou : first off conGRATS !! i’m so glad to see that your blog keeps growing! also i would like to participate in your matchup event! i would like a male match from haikyuu 🥰 i’m (she/her) 5’4”, short-ish haired brunette with big hazel eyes (i’m talkin’ tim burton scale) and covered in freckles. I do digital art both as a hobby and for uni, i play video games, watch too much anime, i longboard when i can or if it’s a particularly nice day out, and i absolutely love plants, like they’re all over my apt. if i had to give myself an aesthetic i’d say a mix between art mom n grunge, i think? i usually wear a hoodie and shorts/sweats bc i work from home but i’m a sucker for cropped jackets/shirts w mom jeans and docs when i need to actually get dressed. i like to learn new things and am v organized but not overbearing w it, my personality is very open minded, intro-extroverted and humor based but i’m literally baby and WILL cry if you raise your voice at me. that being said i’m v affectionate and love me some tenderness. if i had to look for anything in a partner it’d be sympathy and humor, for sure. and i would love to go do something fun like roller skating or walk around a fair for a first date, something memorable and not super basic, y’know? ty and ily moe ❤️
Thank you so much for participating! I really hope you like this! And thank you again for supporting me, it means the whole entire world 🧡
Warning: Slight NSFW ahead! Under the cut~
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― Noya supports going out or staying in - whether that’s trying a new Thai place, or watching anime on the couch. Sometimes you gotta paint the town red, other times you have to chill out on the sofa! ― He’s affectionate as all get out, absolutely adores and requires to touch you at all times. Hand in your pocket, hand in your hand, hand on your waist. Once you two get comfortable enough with each other, he’ll kiss you in public if you’re okay with it, he’ll hold your hand at all times, and will definitely make sure that everyone knows the two of you are grossly in love. ― I think your aesthetics would go really well together! Noya canonically loves the color black, so I think that your grunge aesthetics would go together, even if you both like to switch it up from time to time. 
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☁ Nishinoya absolutely adores you. To the point where you’re not sure sometimes if he’s genuine or not. Whether you’re fully decked out in a complete face of makeup and a full snazzy dress, or lounging around the house in one of his old jerseys and some joggers.. that man is going to remind you how beautiful you are.
☁ He definitely wants to kick your ass in video games, though. He has a radical competitive streak, no matter what the activity is or if he’s done it before. It will be his first time playing Mario Kart and he’ll jump up and down on the couch, mashing buttons and squealing at the top of his lungs every time he gets thrown off the track. If it’s more FPS style games, he talks too loud and pretends to know what he’s talking about by using slang that he’s heard from his other friends who play video games a little more. 
☁ Noya loves it when you wear crop tops - sweatshirts, tanks, tees, etc. - he likes to sneak his hands along your waist and up your shoulders. His thumbs run along your ribs and he pulls you in closer all the time, nuzzling your nose and whispering sappy compliments and corny pick up lines and raunchy one liners. He ducks his head into your neck and as he’s pressing kisses to your skin, his fingertips are searing into your waist, and you feel completely lightheaded at being so overwhelmed by his closeness.
☁ He gets loud from time to time, but when you shy away from him or possibly even tear up, he’s immediately bringing his voice down a few octaves and rushing forward to apologize and comfort you. His hands find your face and his voice is gentle, eyes warm as he looks across at you to 
☁ There is a pretty heavy praise and worship between the two of you - Nishinoya loves to kiss your lips and tell you how pretty your eyes are and how good you take him and how beautiful your body looks while he’s fucking into you slow and deep. He’ll whisper with his nose against your temple, his lips against the shell of your ear, “Such a good girl, damn, you’re gorgeous. Look so pretty when you’re taking me just like this,” and then he makes your pussy cream with his fingers sneaked between your hips to find that precious bundle of nerves. 
☁ On the same hand, he loves it when you whimper praises into the thin air between your bodies. You whimper, gasping out, “N-Noya, love your cock, please, fill me up, I-I want more.” And oh, does he deliver. Somehow he’s able to keep stretching you out and filling you up, even when you both think your cunt has sucked him in to the base. You tell him in blundering babbles how strong he is and how safe you feel with him, and the sound of you doting on him with your words is what makes his cock twitch just before he coats your walls white.
☁ At least once a month you two have a veg out on the couch night. Noya orders dinner, you put together a blanket nest, and you two snuggle down into the corner of the couch and watch whatever reruns or new anime is on that you’ve both decided to watch. He’ll ask you a million questions if he’s never seen it before, even if you haven’t seen it before, because he’s just so curious to know how it ends even though he doesn’t really want you to tell him.
☁ Nishinoya wants to do everything you love, no matter if he’s truly interested in it or not. It’s important to you, so it’s important to him. However, he really has a short attention span, so unless it’s something super stimulating, you’ll need to be willing to redirect him whenever necessary. You might need to stop for food in the middle just to break it all up. 
☁ Affectionate? Please. Nishinoya can’t keep his hands off of you. If you’re in the same room together, he’s stood next to you, hand in your back pocket or arm around your shoulder. Everyone knows you two are together from the moment you set foot anywhere because he’s kissing your forehead or you’re leaning into his bicep or you’re holding each other around the waist. Sometimes the others have to remind you that you’re in public, even though Noya is just giving you a lil’ forehead smooch.
☁ Noya is a pretty joking guy, even though he does have his serious moments. He and Asahi are really close and he knows how to joke with him, so he learns from that and uses it to determine how far he can go with you so far as sarcasm and banter. He nudges your ribs and giggles in your ear and tells too many jokes sometimes, but you love it. There are times when he takes it too far, though, and the first time you get upset because of something he said, he’s apologizing for days and latching himself onto you like a koala. You have to tell him a dozen times over that you’re okay, so long as he doesn’t tell that joke again. 
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"It’s hot! And I’m not getting any better at this!” Noya groans, dropping back on the concrete so he’s laid out, sprawled limbs spread out every which way. He drapes his arm over his face to cover his eyes from the beating sun, his lips pulled into a pout, “Please, can’t we eat?!”
You chuckle, squatting beside him to tickle the little sliver of skin that’s peeking out from under the hem of his shirt from where he’s caused it to ride up by moving his arms around. “C’mon, Yuu, you’re not going to quit on me now, are you?”
Noya groans, rolling onto his side so he can rest his cheek against the tops of your knees, “But it’s hot and I’m hungry. We’ve been at this for hours!”
“It’s been twenty minutes.”
“It’s fine, babe,” you tell him, running your fingers through his hair, pulling gently at the brunette strands with your digits. Another chuckle shakes your chest and he turns his head to look at you, thankful that your body is blocking the direct sunlight, “I don’t want to not learn, honey, I just forgot to eat breakfast. Maybe we can grab something, go for a swim, and then try again?”
You do as he says, finding a food cart to grab something small to eat and scarfing it down on a picnic table that’s centered along the pavilion that overlooks the beach. You hold hands underneath the table, your palms rested on Noya’s knee. He’ll play with your fingers, squeezing your knuckles and following the curve of your palm down to your wrist. It feels that sometimes he’s even checking your pulse to make sure that you’re still okay, still with him. As if he cannot believe that this isn’t some sort of dream that he has the ecstasy of reliving every day.
As you drop your tee shirt to reveal your bathing suit, you can’t help but notice Noya’s eyes are all over your frame. He comes up behind you before you can turn around to admonish him for undressing you with his eyes in front of everyone here on the beach, and his arms wrap around your waist, head tucked into your neck. When he speaks, his voice is husky and it sends a jolt of electricity directly to your core, “We could always just go home-”
“You promised, Noya!” You whine, circling your hands around his wrist and tugging playfully. He groans and bares his teeth to your shoulder, sucking one harsh time before releasing you, “Only because I’m completely whipped for you, babe.”
Your feet hit the water and Noya is flying past you into the waves, screaming at the top of his lungs before he plunges into the sea. You can’t contain the giggles that part your lips, covering your mouth with your hand as the waves crash into your shins. You’re meeting him halfway, floating in the ocean water up to your shoulders, your body folded at the waist beneath the crest of the waves, “You’re so dramatic, Yuu.”
“You wouldn’t have me any other way, would you?” he asks, eyes still burning with that familiar flame as he tugs you by your hips so you’re straddling his waist beneath the water. You gasp as he rolls his hips up into you, the feel of his thick length hardening against your thigh, “N-Noya-”
“Shh,” his voice is accented by the feel of his middle finger slipping your bathing suit to he side, “Keep quiet, baby girl, and I’ll make sure we both feel good.”
Your voice is lost in your throat, irises swallowed by your pupils when the first languid stroke of his fingers finds your innermost folds. Nishinoya pulls your chin with his free hand, tilting your head so he can kiss you on the mouth, eliciting a gasp from the back of your throat, “That’s not quiet, baby. Try again.”
The way you gulp and nod your head makes him chuckle, but he can’t keep himself from you, and before you know it, he’s devouring you from both ends.
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Matchups Original Post | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Commissions | AO3 | Writing Tag
Please check HERE to see if I’ve done your matchup already. Remember, I will also post your matchup with the tag: “#emoji-matchup”, using your emoji in place of the word, so if you can remember your emoji, you can search my blog for that tag to see if I have completed it already!
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
Soft Things: Finnegan/Victor Trevor
((I did the headcanons, but not the drabble because @tinfoiltemplar is a BEAST and I cannot live up to her prowess)).
12 soft things your muse would have learned about mine by now
Finnegan has a lengthy skin care routine and up close, his skin smells slightly sweet and is very soft. His bathroom counter is lined with bottles of creams and sprays and he keeps them organized but will not put them in a drawer. He has an extensive collection of soaps, lotions, and bath products as well.
Finnegan knows Too Many ways to tie a tie. He has a modest collection of ties, which is to say he has quite a few but not nearly as many as you would expect. He likes to do Victor’s tie and he likes to swap ties with Victor.
Finnegan reads a lot of science articles for fun. He’s not a scientist and not all of the articles are medical in nature, but he is quietly very curious. He gets hard copies of magazines like Smithsonian and WIRED at the airport every time he goes. If he’s reading a “real book”, he’s reading it on his tablet or his phone from his digital library. 
Finnegan likes to take pictures on vacation, far more than he likes to buy souvenirs. He sends his own vacation photos to his publicist and social media manager, but saves the best ones for rotation in his digital picture frame or for proper framing. He’s pretty good at photography, but he spends chunks of time deleting ones that he finds “unsuitable” with a very, very critical eye. 
Finnegan tips generously and is the cryptid customer people at the local diner talk about having left a three hundred dollar tip on a cup of coffee. He will not tell anyone he’s doing this because it really is nothing to him and he’s not trying to get attention for it. In fact, when confronted, he gets a little indignant that you would think it was unusual enough to point out. 
Finnegan talks very softly to his horses and always brings them snacks as an apology for being gone so long. He has favorites and will gladly introduce you. In fact, one of his favorite things about being at the stables is talking to people about his horses - especially spectators and small children. It’s one of the few places he doesn’t have to be himself. 
Finnegan rolls his own cigarettes en masse once a month as a mind-numbing, relaxation activity. He’s attempted to substitute crafts for this activity when he’s quit smoking. He hated doing them. He washes his hands very thoroughly afterward and bathes them in lotion to keep them from getting raw from washing or smelling like an ashtray. 
Finnegan wears slightly heeled shoes. Nothing gauche or dramatic, but just enough to raise him up to 6’ until he’s barefoot again.  
Finnegan likes to play solitaire when he’s bored. He prefers to play it with cards to playing it on an app because he also likes to shuffle cards, perhaps more than he actually likes to play the game. 
Finnegan keeps a charging station for his tablet in every room of the house. They’re usually very intentionally discreet. 
Finnegan enjoys riding shotgun and is surprisingly Not Bossy when in the passenger seat. He will be particular about the AC or the music, but is otherwise content to let the driver do the driving while he stares out the windows or takes a nap. Actually, he really loves to take naps in the passenger seat of Victor’s car. At ease, he will press his cheek against the sun-warmed window and drift off. 
Finnegan calls his Aunt Edie once a week just to catch up. When he talks to her, he smiles so much that his dimples actually show and he would be flustered if Victor pointed them out.
6 soft things my muse loves about yours
His hair! Finnegan loves Victor’s curls. He loves to touch his hair, stroke it, pull it… it’s so curly and messy in the mornings and I don’t know if he wants to use the word “cute” or “hot” to describe Victor in those moments, but he loves it. 
That Victor likes to be held. Finnegan has never thought of himself as a physically affectionate person until Victor was in his life. Maybe he just never had someone in his life who was as sweet and cute (and sometimes sloppy, but he’s alllll heart eyes about it right now) about wanting affection from him. Finnegan loves holding Victor at night but the thing I’m LIVING for is how much he likes Victor climbing into his lap because he thinks it’s not only cute and sexy, but hilarious with Victor being taller and more muscular than him that he just… does that. He wants to hold Victor all the time because Victor is so pleased to be held. 
Victor’s eye for art and ear for poetry. Two things, one quality. Finnegan loves that his boyfriend is artistic and creative and a little dreamy. He could listen to Victor talk all day and if Victor steadily redecorated Finnegan’s apartment “without him noticing”, Finnegan would appreciate it. He also likes that they can joke and tease and talk and argue about the humanities without either of them having a real stake in it. It’s fun and nice. 
Victor’s affection for Evan. Finnegan likes looking at pictures of him when Victor shows him them, likes hearing Victor excited and happy about something good in his life. Finnegan actually would much rather see VIctor’s pictures of Evan than other people’s photos of their children. He won’t say this because he knows how it sounds, but it’s true. 
Victor’s workaholic tendencies. Finnegan also values a strong work ethic and a drive for perfection, however what he loves best about Victor’s workaholic nature is finding Victor asleep in odd places and tucking him in or cajoling him to come to bed. He loves that Victor “needs” him to take care of him. He loves that Victor tries his best in everything. He just really loves Victor, ok? Even (or perhaps especially) when he’s being a disaster. 
Victor’s stupid, scratchy old man socks. They’re emblematic of how old fashioned Victor is and they’re also really warm. Finnegan teases him mercilessly about them and about all of his other “old man” habits, but if he woke up one morning to Victor’s bare feet pressed to his shins, I think he’d be confused and a little concerned. He loves that Victor is a little stuffy and traditional and rationalizing why he loves it is silly. He just does.
3 soft things they should do together
Dance together. I cannot stress enough how much Finnegan wants to hold Victor in his arms on a dance floor. I also can't stress enough that Finnegan is shorter than Victor. I want to know if this means he lets Victor lead (for a change) or if he still leads even dancing or if there’s a power struggle and fumbling as they try to figure out what they’re doing. Love it!
Take a cooking class together. They need it but I also need them getting distracted while doing "homework" in the kitchen. Please enjoy the mental image of them having a food fight and ruining expensive suits.
Kiss and hold hands in public. Please.
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bevvydraws · 4 years
This is going to be my feelings/opinions towards all of the main characters in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. This is directly related to my interpretation of events in the series! If you disagree with my thoughts/feelings that’s totally cool but this isn’t meant to be a debate! 
A lot has been going on right now and I don’t have the energy to do much digital art right now, so I figured I’d just open up a little more about one of my favorite series! Maybe I’ll do my opinions on characters for the other games next. 
** This post will contain information that will spoil the series for you, so continue at your own risk**
Makoto Naegi:
Honestly I really like Makoto. He is really average but honestly I think that’s what makes him so appealing. Not only that, but he comes off with a type of charisma that only “average” people can pull off. He has a base knowledge on a variety of subjects that allows him to talk to the other students. That and I find the concept of his “luck” very interesting. Also, side note, but that sprite of him focusing with his finger under his chin is probably one of my most favorite DR sprites ever. It’s just so cute! (I might redraw it someday hehe) 
Aoi Asahina: 
While I adore Hina, I really wish that they would have made her more than just a ditzy character who was obsessed with donuts in this game. I loved her energy though! Her interactions with everyone always made me smile. My appreciation for her character just increased exponentially after watching the Despair Arc of Danganronpa 3. All in all I’m super glad that her character survived in THH.
Byakuya Togami: 
Honestly, I have mixed feelings about Byakuya. I think he’s a great antagonistic character, truly, but beyond that I’m not sure. I definitely think that his character is humbled throughout the course of the game, and in later games/animes he seems a lot less asshole-ish, but I’m not sure if I like him or hate him. I guess that just goes to show just how great he is as an antagonist. One thing I thought was hilarious though was how he casually admitted to being a true-crime nerd. I’m really glad he survived because I think his “talent” was really important for the Future Foundation. 
Celestia Ludenberg: 
Okay so real talk, I used to be a huge Celestia fan when I first stumbled across the series. But now, I don’t really like her character all that much. I think that out of all of the killers in THH her motive was the most shallow and that really is terrible considering how much potential she had. Her disconnect with her true identity could have made for an interesting character arc. And I really hate how they gave her literally the most complicated murder scheme when it would make sense for her to take a little risk as possible. Her character design is really cute though. 
Chihiro Fujisaki:
I think Chihro’s death was one of the hardest for me in the game. I played through all of his freetime events and was super attached to him (I know, a horrible idea in a game like DR), and as soon as he died I was just in shock. One thing I love about how they portrayed his character was truly allowing the brilliance of Chihiro shine through even after his death. He created the AI that not only helped aid in their escape, but ultimately saved Makoto's life. I also really liked the juxtaposition of Chihiro and Mondo (the seemingly weaker one ultimately being stronger after all). All in all, Chihiro is a great character. 
Hifumi Yamada:
I’m not really a fan of Hifumi, but I definitely think he gets wayy too much hate or just gets overlooked completely. I think that the creators leaned a bit too far into the stereotypes for him, and that made him come off as stiff and just… there. I knew from the very beginning that he wouldn’t survive, and honestly he’s the only character I had that feeling with (minus Leon). There are some quirks about him that I like, though, like how he never fails to refer to the others politely.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
So I originally found Taka annoying but after playing THH again he became one of my favorite characters. I find his enthusiasm adorable and his free time events boosted my admiration of him. He’s the only Ultimate that makes a conscious effort to prove himself and not rely on his prodigy-type status. And his relationship with Mondo, albeit short-lived, was so pure. It was so obvious to me that he was happy to have a friend (because Mondo is the first friend he’s ever had), and having that suddenly ripped away and listening to his desperation at the end of chapter 2 made me sob. 
Kyoko Kirigiri: 
Kiri’s background made me feel really sad for her. I first thought she was just the aloof, cold, smart type that was a bit snobbish. But then you realize that she’s been raised to not be in the spotlight, to work alone and without credit behind the scenes. Detective work is basically her birthright and she’s clung to that like a vice. Her character development throughout the game was really nice, and I think her and Makoto are super cute for each other. The side plot with her and her dad in DR3 made me really sad, too. I really liked overall that she was unapologetically holding true to her beliefs, even if it made her come off as cold. She was a solid, strong female character. 
Leon Kuwata:
It was super obvious from the beginning that Leon was gonna die. There was 0 attachment to his character for me and he just came off as just...kinda there. I don’t really have much to say about him, other than that I’m not a fan.
Mondo Owada: 
Mondo was such a big sweetheart in his freetime events. I thought his character was really well rounded and I was so sad that he ended up killing Chihiro. Despite that, I thought it worked really well for the story and played off of both of their weaknesses. Again I really loved his friendship with Taka, and having it formed and ended so quickly surprisingly hurt. 
Sakura Oogami: 
Honestly I didn’t like how they made her character the spy, because it seemed ridiculously out of character for her. Honestly I think this would be something better suited to Celeste, as she would view it as a way to increase her chances of living if she’s in “kahoots” with him. I dunno, I think the spy thing was unnecessary anyways. I loved her character though and her friendship with Hina was super cute. I also loved how they mentioned that she wanted to embrace her femininity while also not wanting to give up being the strongest person in the world. 
Sayaka Maizono: 
Honestly even though I’m not the biggest fan of Sayaka I really like the role she played at the beginning and I think they played it off perfectly. Her desperation fueled by the fear and harsh reality that comes along show business and easily being forgotten really works in the narrative. She seemed like a well-rounded character but I think that if she had lasted past chapter 1 I would have liked her less. All in all her character did a great job of kicking off everything. 
 Toko Fukawa: 
I hate how they portrayed her character in THH, but her obsessive and odd behavior (outside of her split personality) is easily explained by her traumatic past. She obviously has a warped sense of what “love” is, and that plus her intense delusions turned into obsession for Byakuya. I started loving her character a lot more in UDG, when she started becoming more well rounded and open around Komaru. 
Also, I loved Genocider Syo’s personality. While I obviously don’t condone serial murders, I think that her character is extremely interesting. She doesn’t try and condone her own actions, admitting there is no rhyme or reason. Plus I think it’s really interesting that she considers herself a “professional” and is incredibly particular about the details. 
Overall 6/10 in THH
Yasuhiro Hagakure: 
I feel like Hiro gets a lot of shit as a character because they think he doesn’t contribute anything. I think he adds a lot of much-needed comic relief. Also I think that everyone glosses over the fact that once Taka goes silent he actually tries to encourage him to speak up again. And then tries to do his part and keep everyone together and upbeat. I really think that Hiro is a fun character who deserves more love, even though I can’t say he’s one of my favorites. 
Mukuro Ikusaba:
I wish Mukuro’s personality would have been able to actually show through in the game. The only glimpse we really see of it is in the bonus school mode while she is still posing as Junko. I wish in the anime they’d have harped less on her odd obsession with Junko and focused more on her internal struggle. I think her character has potential but I can’t say I was particularly attached to her (I suppose that was kind of the point, though). 
Junko Enoshima: 
Junko is probably one of the most well-written villains I have ever seen in a series. At first I thought it didn’t make sense, and was confused how one person could have so much influence on a mass amount of people. Then it was revealed in later installments that Ultimate Fashionista was not her real talent, just a cover she forged for herself to help her blend in to the school. Her real ultimate talent as the Ultimate Analyst allowed her to predict people’s actions and more importantly, their reactions. Her innate ability and incurable boredom made her seek out something unpredictable: despair and chaos. I think what made me love her as a villain was the line “You can’t argue with me, because there's no reason for anything that I do.” 
As a villain I give her 15/10. If I were to rank her as a person? -11037/10
Overall Opinion: 
I really find most of the characters charming but it’s super obvious when comparing this game to the others that these characters were not as fleshed out as characters in other games. I found it hard to be super attached to most of them and felt that some of their actions were really uncharacteristic. However I really do like the characters and what they add to the story, even if some of it doesn’t add up completely. I’m the least attached to these characters out of all of the characters in the DR series, although there are obviously some exceptions. I think there couldn’t have been a better opening cast of characters.
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the5021project · 3 years
Project 1 - Image (Re)selection
I originally picked a random image from my documents for the first of the 50 projects on December 30th, but the image that I chose is technically difficult to credit and locate an original location for. It was posted by the original artist to an old blog that has since been scrubbed of its images that were saved there, and unfortunately the blog entry reveals there would have been images from other artists as well. I’m almost positive of the artist, and he’s prolific enough that I could easily pick something else of his to be safe... but I liked the image that I picked, and I would much rather spend some time tracking down something similar to it or maybe even emailing the artist about the scenario. Thats a lot of work to do that isn’t being spent on the art part of this project, so for now I’m just picking something else and putting it on a waiting list.
I’m a little relieved to not being doing a perspective heavy interior environment lineart though! :D
Instead, I picked...
 “Fatigue” by John Brosio 
(unfortunately I cannot link directly to the exact painting. It’s currently 36/87, the octopus on the house. Go look through his gallery, though! Wonderful stuff)
SO, here’s what I’m thinking about this first project right now:
This is oil on canvas, which is definitely not feasible for me. I definitely could not do this with my acrylics or tiny canvases but this makes me want to try. I have a painting i’ve wanted to paint over for a while and this seems like a good time to do that... BUT that might just have to be something I follow up with for a later project. There’s nothing here that digital cant do.  I’ll save physical media for where digital fails.
This isn’t anything TOO complicated. 
The subject matter is all out of my comfort zone, but none of it to an extreme degree. I don’t have to worry about linework or extreme perspective here.
I think light, color, and mood are the keys here and that’s not too tough a challenge. 
I’m excited about drawing some houses and creatures! Which is good. I need to do some studies. 
There’s an orderliness to this that makes it easier for me to get a result I’ll like, and enough negative space that I can focus my efforts on the important bits, which makes doing this in a week a lot easier. 
All in all, I think this is WAY closer to my comfort zone than the original image I picked to start with, and I don’t think thats a bad thing at all. It means I can focus my efforts a bit more instead of learning many different things at once. 
What I’m thinking about for my version:
I’ll definitely be keeping the evening lighting on this. I think the mood of this would be lost without it.
This style of house is a very specific type of Americana, but... it’s not really all that familiar to me. I’m more used to older two story 1900s houses that have seen a lot of renovation over the years, but I’m not sure how much switching to that sort of house would change the composition. I think that style of house would ruin the composition here, so it’s something i’ll have to think about. 
I guess this means I actually have to do thumbnails and think about my composition like a real artist. Painful...
I was going to change from an octopus to some other nice creature, originally. Brosio’s work contains a lot of that sort of thing and I love it... but I think there are some factors to consider:
The fact that the door is blocked to the house by the creature is very important thematically. You can imagine, if the man’s path wasn’t entirely blocked by the creature, he would simply continue with his day and go inside, maybe not noticing the creature at all. The fact that he cannot rest due to being presented with this inconvenience is key to the piece. Whatever the creature is, it has to be something that can do that.
This is especially difficult to do if its a 2 story house.
The otherworldliness of an octopus is important. This guy might know how to handle a giant ferret, for example. But how do you convince a giant octopus to unblock your entryway? We just don’t know.
The creature cannot be aggressive for the tone of this. The creature must be something which simply does not care.
I think the creature also needs to be intelligent and reactive, however. 
I think if it was just a giant worm you could nudge it away. But an octopus can be suctioned to the house.
I can’t identify so much with the man here. The businessman coming home from work to 1950s suburbia is definitely a strong, culturally embedded image, and I think it makes it easier to distance from him and enjoy a bit of his misfortunes. However, I think a very tired college student coming back to see a creature in the way is extremely funny and relatable to me, so I’ll probably consider that change. 
However, I’m not sure if the added complexity to establish that will be good for the composition. 
I think a gray hoodie that says “[LOCATION NAME] U” and a backpack might be enough to establish character archetype
but its not as striking as a plain black suit.
Anyway, I don’t think these projects will ALL get breakdowns like this, and I expect Maybe one person to actually read any of them, but being able to do an analysis if I want was a big appeal of starting a side blog for this. It really helps me to read and write when I’d looking at coding and programming projects, and I like to hear people’s reasoning in other fields too, so I thought a part of this as a learning project would be to write these myself.
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