#different search engines
Mama I made it !!!
My OC ship got into the top searched on Pinterest even though I never posted anything there !!!
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LFGGGG ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
A win is a win ✊🥲
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Doing research for a conlang
search: indo-european consonant shifts
results: Grimm's law, Grimm's law, nothing but Grimm's law, Germanic languages are the only ones that exist, don't even bother asking about anything else
search: indo-iranian consonant shifts
results: here's a map of Iran, here's ten thousand maps of Iran, and here's a chart of the Persian writing system. How about Indian food near you?
search: proto-indo-european daughter language sound shifts
results: GRIMM'S LAW BABY!!! And here's a map of Eurasia from Wikipedia for your troubles. Fuck you.
I checked; my library district has exactly ZERO books on any of the subjects I'm looking for across 12 branches throughout the entire county. Remember when the internet was the information super highway? I may as well be asking random strangers off the street!
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stealthnoodle · 1 year
I see there's a new post on AO3 on AI and data scraping, the contents of which I would describe as a real mixed bag, and the sheer number of comments on it is activating my self-preservation instincts too much for me to subject myself to reading through them. Instead I'm thinking about how much daylight there is between does or doesn't constitute a TOS violation and what does or doesn't violate community norms, and how AO3 finally rolled out that blocking and muting feature recently, and how I think it would be good, actually, if most people's immediate reaction to seeing a work that announces itself as being the product of generative AI was to mute the user who posted it.
That's my reaction, anyway!
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Could I ask what difference between transgender and transsexual is? I ask this as a trans person who wants to start using the term "transsexual," but I'm not sure if it denotes anything beyond what I've been using the term "transgender" for (i.e. not aligning with my birth sex/gender identity).
I like transsexual better as it's what our trans-cestors used, and it's a word that is so much "punchier" than transgender is, and I don't feel the same kind of "weird" when the label is applied to me. I'm just worried that these are "fake" reasons or something. Thank you, and sorry!
Honestly, I think there are more similarities between "transsexual" and "transgender" as transsexual as a term was introduced first, and then transgender replaced it
Transsexual has had a history of being used for people who were medically transitioning during a point where transness was heavily pathologized and medicalized... but I personally don't think that cis people should be allowed to sully words like that, and I really don't think that we need to stick by those ridged rules. Isn't the reason transness is so "scary" because we break those "ridged rules" so often? But I digress.
I think some people have different outlooks on their transition, and that's where the transsexual/transgender labels can help. For me, I identify as transsexual because I think it most accurately describes my relationship with my transition.
The most important thing is to not force people in or out of labels they identify with - which is why I want anybody who wants to ID as transsexual do so. So many people ID as such - trans elders, young trans people, people who are medically transitioning, people who aren't. I think a lot of why people are attracted to this word is because of political reclamation, as in reclaiming the word for political reasons, to show the word how viscerally human you are. That's part of the reason I decided to use it, at least.
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tearlessrain · 3 months
you wouldn't know it now, but deviantart used to have an incredible search engine for finding refs/stock photos. I miss it.
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pseudospectre · 6 months
Do you love this skull? And the old internet? And attribution? You might like this :)
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bog-frog · 3 months
Trying to mod the sims will really make you hate pinterest users
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istherewifiinhell · 3 days
ddg really does that thing with the image results if ur search just has the word fuck in it huh. great.
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snobgoblin · 2 years
the band wants to ask a question online. how do they do it
2-D: somehow still using askjeeves
Murdoc: internet explorer
Russel: duckduckgo or some other secret thing i don't know about. likes his privacy
Noodle: firefox or bing or something
Ace: tags Google in his Facebook posts with the question
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criminal-sen · 1 year
Google search fucking sucks man, just got myself in a lil huff cuz I was searching Mayuri refs and realized that, despite cranking out so much goddman fanart of that man over the years, NONE of my shit shows up on there, even if i try different filters and scroll alllll the way to the end. The only thing of mine I saw was that cutout I made which somehow wound up over on that tumblr clone website (tumpix or smth?)
And the only reason I'm huffing about this is cuz I used to be at the TOP of that damn search for Kisame art, not cuz I was popular or good but cuz I drew so goddamn much of it, so idk what's different now? Maybe it's just cuz most of the Mayuri stuff is so (relatively) new... oof... yah no idea
It's just a weird little obsession of mine I guess, like it's a badge of honor that you sure do draw that guy a lot:/
Although @seeveekat your bunny Mayuri charm was in there😂 which i thought was cool
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abiglizord · 1 year
geniuine question- if firefox uses google as a search engine, how is it any better than just using google?
how is using a third party to use google any better? id appreciate an answer that a 5 year old would understand
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fallloverfic · 4 months
I get it's a thing to get seen in this Internet hellscape but goodness one of the easiest ways to get a block from me is to intentionally tag something that has nothing to do with what you're posting about in order to get hits/eyes on what you're doing. Not even "oh if you like this, you might like this", just "here's a thing I made, here's a bunch of unrelated fandoms so this shows up in unrelated tags."
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wygolvillage · 1 year
thinking about web searching vs web surfing
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who’s richard roper? ??? ?
Do I look like Wikipedia to you? Or Google? I only have useful knowledge saved in my mind palace, and whoever that is, is not important.
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Had to be around people with no hobbies or passions today. I feel sick
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#Hanging out with friends is not a hobby!!#Go read or draw or bicycle or bake or sew or literally anything#I used to be hesitant to call gaming a hobby#But I've made up my mind#Gaming is as much of a hobby as reading#And at least those obnoxious 11 year olds that obsess over fortnite do SOMETHING#Like I was hanging out with some people my age and they said they just go on social media in their free time#PLEASE PLEASE pick up a book or bake a cake#You'd be surprised by how much fun you have doing fulfilling hobbies instead of nothing at all#I have like 8 different hobbies so I feel weird asking people what they do in their free time and they just say they go on tiktok#Take my hand. I'm going to show you the beautiful world of a search engine. Let's find a book you'll like together#Do you like romance? Comedies? Horror? True crime? Fantasy? Heck wanna read a comic book??#Girl please I'll help you find something. Please just do something with your free time#I say reading as my main suggestion for hobbies#Because there's something for everyone#There's like 4 million books published EACH YEAR#You're bound to find something you'll love#There's even short stories if you don't quite have that long of an attention span. It's okay you can actively work to make it longer#Like of course no one is going to read war and peace or a long series like pjo immediately#But there's lots of shorter books that wrap up in just a hundred pages#This post is not about people who lack motivation due to mental illness. That's another problem entirely#pie won't shut up
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loki55 · 1 year
On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO: Which One Helps You Rank Better?
As a website owner or digital marketer, you may have heard the terms ‘on page SEO’ and ‘off page SEO’ thrown around and wondered what they truly mean. Understanding the difference between the two is crucial if you want to improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to your website. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between on page SEO and off page SEO, discuss their…
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