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"Are you alright, master?"
A little drawing for my fic!
You can read Fate/NEW ERA on fanfiction or AO3
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simkjrs · 6 years
Ur diarmesh hcs is fucking killing me I’m having a HEART ATTACK BLESS U
THANK YOU VERY MUCH IM GLAD YOU ENJOY THEM!!!! heres some more diarmesh bnha/fate crossover content from discord chat last night
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more specifically, the comedy comes from the fact that diarmuid is a really great hero, and gilgamesh is like the antithesis to pretty much all of that, and for some reason gilgamesh and diarmuid kind of hang out anyways, so eight months into their incredibly weird friendship we have a moment thats like 
diarmuid's hero mentor: diarmuid!! what are you doing hanging out with that awful villain gilgamesh?! 
diarmuid: wait, archer, you're a villain? 
gilgamesh, annoyed at diarmuids mentor showing up and ruining his attempts to maneuver diarmuid into walking with him alone on the moonlit beach to talk about philosophy (its NOT a date no matter what anyone says): tch, of course this mongrel would show up now of all times. be quiet, peasant. your voice displeases me. 
diarmuid: [frowning seriously and forgetting to answer his hero mentor because hes focusing so much on gilgamesh] why didn't you tell me? 
gilgamesh: as if i would lower myself to such a pitiful activity. i have no need t
diarmuid: we've  known each other for well over eight months now, archer, have i not proved my loyalty? i would accept you no matter how you were.
gilgamesh: i know this. anyone could divine your nature after a single conversation with you. however, you believe incorrectly. i am not a v
diarmuid, earnestly: you can tell me the truth, archer. i won't turn away.
gilgamesh: i said, i’m NOT a v--
i love the idea of gilgamesh bothering diarmuid, and slowly diarmuid starts to consider gilgamesh a comrade or a friend because gilgamesh has helped him out and sought him out often enough that hes like "well, archer seems to be arrogant and unlikeable, but deep down, he really isn't that bad of a person!" so he staunchly believes the best of gilgamesh despite knowing that gilgamesh is really like. like really morally gray. like really just not a good person and kind of the worst. ALSO diarmuid somehow doesnt connect gilgamesh to the talk of some weird new not-vigilante-probably-villain person moonlighting around town so its like well into their established friendship that the confrontation happens
so diarmuid’s hero mentor reveals gilgamesh's villain identity in front of diarmuid, and diarmuid is like, "oh my god really?" and then a second later he's like, "no wait. that makes sense." but also he believes in gilgamesh so it ends up being that diarmuid treats gilgamesh's villainy the same way a concerned friend would set up an intervention for a friend with, say, a nicotine problem. like,  "i know you have a problem, and it's bad for you, and the people around you, but you can get better, and i'll support you and help you find resources and Be Here For You No Matter What"
gilgamesh: i forgot how your outlook, while truly refreshing, can be so irritating. diarmuid. do you insist on believing the best in me, despite the evidence of my crimes? look how the media of this world treats me; look at the way your mentor treats me with disgust. to persist with such delusions that i am a good person who embodies those values you prize so highly is truly the height of foolishness. 
diarmuid, nodding earnestly: (archer... i knew you were lonely, but to try and push me away rather than be vulnerable... but you won’t get rid of me so easily! i’ll be here to help!) i know, it can be difficult when everyone turns on you and you feel completely alone. but you're not alone, archer! you have me. i won't leave your side. 
gilgamesh, watching his point completely sail past diarmuid's head:
what’s really great about this is that somehow diarmuid has forced gilgamesh  into the straight man role. and whats even better is that diarmuid is still really smart and perceptive so even though he misses gilgamesh’s point he nails every single one of gilgamesh’s complexes and insecurities on the head. fucking obliterated, gilgamesh 
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ask-simk · 6 years
i think there should be more stories where diarmuid rides horses like the protagonist of one of those horse novels
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transgenderization · 6 years
ilu even tho u cursed me w having to see that het blog
Ardhdsddx if i had to see it so did everyone else.
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summerendroll · 6 years
  i hate telling people abt series i like or...
u can talk to me abt any of ur fav things I wuv u and love hearing abt what u like
I WUV U......... and that goes double for u i understand like 0.5% of the plot of any given fates series BUT i love hearing u talk abt it!!!!
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bunshima · 6 years
kiricudia or bust
local idiot lancer falls in undying love with two idiots, one of them being equally bark and bite, and the other being str8 up depressed
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malakhims · 6 years
a honorable duel to the death in 2018 is impossible if ur not best friends
SO true!! mortal battles are what real friendship looks like whether you like it or not
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demonanata · 6 years
diarmuidodyna replied to your post: me, staring at ur url n literally tearing up god
chadsanonymous…. i dont know if i should kill u or be in awe
its the kind of raw power you dont encounter in everyday life and i loved it so much
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a little modern Diarturia because I'm a sucker for these two x.x
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lordelmelloi2 · 6 years
if u could make another salter in fgo what class would they be...
I’ll keep saying Caster till I die 
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artsmart1234 · 6 years
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Little Fate page... it got cut out but under Saber it says honor. Follow me @artsmart1234_ #art #artsy #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistic #sketch #drawing #draw #sketchbook #pencil #pen #art #ink #inktober2018 #fategrandorder #fatestaynight #fanart #fateapocrypha #fatezero #gilgamesh #archer #lancer #saber #arturia #arturiapendragon #diarmuid #diarmuiduaduibhne #diarmuidodyna https://www.instagram.com/p/BpGH85xBzux/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ibvw5mijegxp
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ask-simk · 6 years
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@diarmuidodyna submitted:
Simk im gonna die personally
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summerendroll · 6 years
diarmuidodyna mentioned you in a post
@fe13-mutual try but at some point even the horny ones would get annoyed w our petty shit
i mean thats valid
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celtsoffate · 6 years
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I knew you guys would flip out over this, we’re so protective of our boys @kittytsugu That is a fair point @diarmuidodyna He is. He tries too hard @clevespledge I calls it likes I sees it! @gamerwolf29 He’s far more emotional than Cu. He’s a soft baby boy
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knightofratatoskr · 6 years
tagged by @diarmuidodyna
1st rule: tag 9 or just 8 people you want to get to know better.
i dont know 8 people i know like 3
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true.
appearance: · i am 5'7" or taller · i wear glasses · i have at least one tattoo · i have at least one piercing · i have blonde hair · i have brown eyes · i have short hair · my abs are at least somewhat defined · i have or have had braces
personality: · i love meeting new people · people tell me that i’m funny · helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · i enjoy physical challenges · i enjoy mental challenges · i’m playfully rude with people i know well · i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it · there is something i would change about my personality
ability: · i can sing well · i can play an instrument · i can do over 30 pushups without stopping · i’m a fast runner · i can draw well · i have a good memory · i’m good at doing math in my head · i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · i have beaten at least 2 people in armwrestling · i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies: · i enjoy playing sports · i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · i have learned a new song in the past week · i work out at least once a week · i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · i have drawn something in the past month · i enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion · i do or have done martial arts.
experiences: · i have had my first kiss · i have had alcohol · i have scored the winning goal in a sports game · i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting · i have been at an overnight event · i have been in a taxi · i have been in the hospital or er in the past year · i have beaten a game in one day · i have visited another country (i have visited 5 countries and am going on 6!)· i have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
my life: · i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” · i live close to my school · my parents are still together · i have at least one sibling · i live in the united states · there is snow right now where i live · i have hung out with a friend in the past month · i have an iphone · i have at least 15 cds · i share my room with someone
relationships: · i’m in a relationship · i have a crush on a celebrity · i have a crush on someone i know · i have been in at least 3 relationships · i have never been in a relationship · i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · i get crushes easily · i had a crush on someone for over a year · i have been in a relationship for at least a year · i have feelings for a friend
random: · i have breakdanced · i know a person named jamie · i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce · i have dyed my hair · i’m listening to one song on repeat right now · i have punched someone in the past week · i know someone who has gone to jail · i have broken a bone · i have eaten a waffle today · i know what i want to do with my life · i speak at least 2 languages · i have made a new friend in the past year
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dangkinronpa · 6 years
headcanons for nanami who was best friends with komaeda and was dating sonia
♫ heres ur headcanons @diarmuidodyna ! i hope u like them, and if u want me to make any changes just let me know
ur headcanons are under the cut - mod kaede
- when nanami first started befriending komaeda and sonia, she knew that she was getting herself into a huge mess already. it wasnt like they were bad people or anything, but she just knew that they could both be pretty wild at times. needless to say, nanami found herself in a variety of strange situations, but she enjoyed every minute of it
- at first, sonia scared nanami off a little bit, since she would always talk about the weird things that she liked, such as the occult. after a bit of time, nanami just grew used to all the strange interests that sonia had, and even began to appreciate them. when the two of them started dating, nanami realized that she was in too deep, but she didnt mind
- the day that nanami decided to confess to sonia, she was feeling really nervous and wasnt completely sure if she wanted to go through with it. sonia was a princess after all. unfortunately, right before she could confess, komaeda walked in on the two of them and asked where gundams demon summoning ritual was, since he planned to walk in on him
- after komaeda had interrupted nanamis confession to sonia, the three of them ended up following him and watching him walk inside the room gundam was in at just the right moment for the demon to appear. gundams cry of surprise could be heard from outside of the room, and nanami ended up confessing her feelings through her laughter
- one day, nanami ended up inviting sonia and komaeda to play video games with her, since she loved playing video games with people that were close to her. it was going pretty well, too, with komaedas luck and nanamis skills keeping them in the leader boards while sonia muttered expletives under her breath because she was in last place
- nanami and sonia would go on quite a few dates where sonia would end up spoiling nanami and getting her pretty much anything she wanted, and on those dates komaeda would occasionally tag on as a third wheel. nanami loved him and he was a great friend, but it was still a little awkward to have komaeda accompanying them on their date
- due to komaedas abnormal luck, nanami and sonia have found themselves in multiple dangerous situations that they were stuck in. however, that also meant that komaedas luck would usually save them (unless something went terribly wrong). for the most part, though, the two of them refused to do anything dangerous with komaeda for their own safety
- once the two of them had been dating for a little while, sonia offered to let nanami see what her country was like, all the while talking about their traditions and what it meant to be royalty over there. for a long while, nanami just ended up standing there and nodding, not sure how to tell sonia that her country sounded like an absolutely terrifying place
- nanami was always falling asleep on sonia or komaeda, since she didnt really get enough sleep during the night. sonia would always end up patting her head and wishing her a good rest, while komaeda would usually end up slinging her over his shoulder and putting her in her own bed. either way, she would always end up sleeping peacefully
- even though sonia and komaeda could both be goofy at times, nanami really did love her girlfriend and best friend. all the goofy moments that the three of them had together just made her enjoy spending time with them even more, and she wanted to keep having fun with them for as long as she could. they were very important to her, and they always would be
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