#dewdrop x sunshine
forlorn-crows · 1 year
Sunny/Dew. You can decide the scenario. Just give me the wild chaos twins fucking each other silly.
dew is such a mess. im not sorry.
Dew moans around a mouthful of Sunshine’s dick, thighs already quivering where they bracket her face. Sunshine grabs his asscheeks and spreads them roughly, tonguing into the entrance of Dew’s dripping cunt with filthy accuracy. Dew keens with every press of her nails into his skin, every lick against his sex, every pulse of her length against his lips. 
"Mm, bet I could make you cum like this,” Sunshine mutters against him. It’s a completely true statement, one Dew would like to vehemently deny despite it all. But he can’t. He’s happy as a clam to be perched on top of her, taken apart by her skillful tongue. 
Instead, he begs.
"Oh, Sunny,” he whines against the side of her length.  “No, please.” It's a token protest, especially when he clenches around nothing and squeezes another drop of slick onto Sunshine’s lips. 
He can feel her smirk. "Why not, baby?" She peppers little kisses to his folds, skirting where he wants it most. Dew digs his toes into the sheets.
"Want you inside—want you to—ah—” He’s cut off as she once again sucks his clit into her hot mouth. She bucks her hips against his face, wordlessly teasing him for dissolving into panting and whining against her cock. 
She pulls off with a wet plop. Dew groans into her skin. "But this is much more fun," she purrs, running a manicured finger softly around his entrance. 
“Please,” Dew begs again, high and reedy. 
“You do look pretty empty,” Sunshine muses. She teases his clit with the pad of her finger before dipping back into his folds, pushing the digit inside his cunt just up to the second knuckle. 
Dew moans so light and airy he has to clamp his hand over his mouth at how embarrassingly feminine it sounds. 
“I should fuck you with just my fingers if you’re gonna make pretty noises like that. What do you think?” She pushes her finger all the way in and strokes along his slick walls. 
“Mm hhmm,” Dew moans through his palm.
“What was that?” Sunshine pushes a second finger in next to the first, the sound of it lewd and wet. 
Dew lets his hand fall away, grinding against her hand. “Fuck.”
“That’s it,” she smirks. “Gonna cum on Mommy’s hand, just like this?”
It’s a punch to the gut with a white-hot hand of pleasure, like her words are the ones physically fucking into him. “Oh oh S-Sunny noo,” he whines, hips twitching, seeking friction. Again, it’s a token protest with the heat coiling rapidly in his belly, a string pulled taught by her clever fingers. 
“I think you are,” she sing-songs. He’s eagerly and shamelessly doing half the work for her now, thrusting himself onto her fingers. “You still look a bit empty to me though. Think you could take more?”
“More,” he parrots. 
“More what?”
“More, please . .  . m-mommy.”
“Since you asked so nicely.” Her tone is devious, scheming even. Dew barely has time to register it before she’s leaning up to spit on his hole, pulling her drenched fingers from his cunt and sinking one of them into his ass. Dew makes a choked off noise in the back of his throat, immediately clenching around her. His next moan can’t even be properly vocalized either, because she’s sinking the remaining three fingers back into his cunt with the same enthusiasm. And, in the middle of Dew’s wrecked and wordless gasp, she’s sneaking her free hand down to press on his clit. 
“Oh fuck oh fucking hell—” is all he can say before he’s spasming against her, orgasm ripping through him like a freight train. And Sunshine, bastard as she is, scissors her fingers just so and presses right above his mound with the other hand, on that spot that makes his brain go immediately offline. 
“Sun—ng—uh—” His eyes unfocus and he’s squeezing his thighs against Sunshine’s ears, gasping as he gushes warm liquid over her hands. 
“That’s a good boy,” she coos, working him through it. She can’t help the way her cock kicks at the sight, all wet, warm, and throbbing. She runs her fingers through it, over his clit, over his folds, over her own chin, before planting it wetly back on his ass. The moderate force sends Dew flat on his chest against her with a groan, completely boneless. 
“Sunnyyy,” he whines, slightly muffled by the meat of Sunshine’s thigh. 
“Don’t get too comfortable,” she warns. “I’m not done with you yet, droplet.”
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miasmaghoul · 4 months
sooo.. how do we feel about swiss fingering transdew in the passenger seat
"Why me?"
Swiss tilts his head, spinning a heavy set of keys around one finger.
"Why not?"
Dew raises an eyebrow, gestures at the guitar in his lap, the papers spread out on his bed.
"Oh please," Swiss scoffs, pushing himself away from Dew's doorframe and striding into his sunlit room. It's a gorgeous day, early spring, the sweet scent of the rose gardens wafting in on the breeze. "You're tellin' me you'd rather practice than go for a joyride?"
Dew snorts, crossing his ankles and adjusting his beat up old acoustic. It's true that he's been at it for a while now, since just after breakfast, but this solo has been giving him shit and he's determined to nail it before their next group session.
"I don't think taking Sunny and Lus to the grocery store counts as a joyride."
Dew strums out a few chords while Swiss flops into his desk chair, leaning it back onto two legs. It creaks under his weight.
"Maybe not," Swiss concedes, unbothered, "but you could still come keep me company."
"What, the girls not enough for you?"
"They would be," Swiss replies with a shrug. "If they didn't spend every trip making out in the back seat."
Dew snorts at that - Swiss has a point, Sunshine and Cumulus are not ones to keep their hands off each other in any context. Still, he grumbles.
"C'mon, Sparky," Swiss goads, scooting his chair closer so he can rest his elbows on the mattress, propping his chin in one hand and prodding at Dew's knee with the other. "Don't make me beg."
"But I like it when you beg."
Dew throws Swiss a wink, and Swiss reciprocates with his best puppy dog eyes. Big and wet and completely irresistible. Dew sighs, throws up his hands in mock defeat.
"Fine, fine," he grumps, setting his guitar on the bed. "But I'd better get something outta this."
Swiss grins, delighted. Pats Dew on the thigh as he stands, shoving the chair back under the desk.
"I'll tell Lus to buy that spicy jerky you like," he offers, and Dew gives him a little ooh.
"The cheese too," he insists, shuffling to the edge of the mattress and reaching for his boots. "The one with the habaneros."
"Yeah, yeah," Swiss chuckles, heading for the door, "but warn me before you eat it, I'm not sleeping with you on cheese night again. I learned my lesson."
Dew hurls a pillow at him, and Swiss scampers into the hall with a boisterous laugh. The little ghoul works on lacing up his boots, and makes a mental note to never tell Swiss when it's cheese night.
Twenty minutes later they're on the road, and as the breeze blows through his hair Dew wonders why he was so reluctant in the first place.
It's a gorgeous day, sunny and hot, but not enough to need the a/c. They're flying down the highway in Copia's ancient whale of a car, the windows down and a Judas Priest cassette blaring through the speakers; Swiss belts out the chorus to Breaking the Law while Dew taps out a matching rhythm on the outside of his door. In the back, Cumulus provides backing vocals while Sunshine dances in her seat, and Dew can't help the massive grin that splits his face.
It's a 45 minute drive to the nearest grocery store - the one downside to the abbey being so remote - but the trip passes quicker than he expects. They're trundling into the parking lot before Dew knows it, Swiss killing the engine and groaning through a solid stretch. Dew flips down the visor, looks in the tiny mirror and makes a displeased sound at the state of his hair.
"Okay," Cumulus pipes up from the back seat. Dew peers at her in the mirror, not missing the fresh hickey just below her ear. "I have the list, I have our allowance, I have..." she pats at her chest, searching the pockets of her denim vest, "ah, and I have my phone!"
"You got my snacks on that list?" Dew inquires, working at his knotted ends. Cumulus makes an affirmative sound.
"Sure do," she lilts, leaning forward to dangle the paper in his face. "Jerky and cheese, as requested."
"Get some of that chocolate I like too," he mumbles, "the dark stuff, with the salt." He turns his head to give her outstretched hand a quick peck. "Please."
"You got it, sugar," she giggles, tucking the list away. "You two coming with us?"
"No boys allowed," Sunshine and Swiss say in unison, and the lot of them chuckle. It's a known fact that Dew isn't a fan of crowds and that Swiss can't be trusted around free samples, so in the car they will stay.
"Besides," Swiss adds, leaning across the bench seat to throw an arm around Dew's narrow shoulders, "I got good company right here."
He nips at Dew's ear and the little ghoul elbows him in the side, hard enough to make Swiss yelp. It turns into a quick little slap fight, a moment of playful stupidity that Dew will never admit to enjoying as much as he does.
"Play nice, kids," Sunshine chides when they break apart, resting her chin on the back of their seat with a toothy grin. "Or mommy won't bring back any treats!"
"Gross," Dew complains, but settles anyway. Goes back to working the kinks from his golden locks. Sunshine leans over the seat to plant a sloppy kiss on his cheek and Dew squawks in protest.
"Aww, but you I thought you loved calling me that!"
Dew shoves her away, suffers through a chorus of snickers while his cheeks go pink, and resolutely avoids looking over as Swiss. The girls get their things together and then they're clambering out of the car; Sunshine glues herself to Cumulus, laces their hands together, and together they stride across the parking lot to the hulking monolith that is the grocery store.
"Mommy, huh?" Swiss pipes up moments later, and Dew groans.
"Shut up," he grouses, giving up on his messy hair and slouching down in his seat. "It's her thing, not mine," Dew lies. "Besides, I've called you worse."
"Can't argue that," Swiss lilts, stretching his arm along the back of the bench seat. "Remember that time you called me Mr. Army?"
Oh, does he, and Dew really doesn't want to think about that right now. Thick fingers tease their way into his tangled hair, blunt nails scratching against his scalp.
"You were the one that put me in a schoolgirl outfit," Dew huffs, crossing his legs for reasons totally unrelated to that particular memory. "I can't be held accountable for anything I said."
"I just never thought I'd get anyone but Rain to call me that," Swiss murmurs, a lascivious grin sliding onto his face. Dew looks at him from the corner of his eye, unwilling to lose the pleasant pressure of Swiss' hand in his hair.
"Rain? Really?"
"Oh yeah," Swiss says, converational. His hand moves to cup the back of Dew's neck, and oh is that lovely. "Wanted me to spank his ass raw and tell him what a naughty boy he was while he said it. Poor guy went off against my thigh before I could even get him on my cock," he sighs, wistful. Swiss turns his head, fixes Dew with that vulpine smile. "You were a nice surprise."
The little ghoul rolls his eyes, and really hopes Swiss doesn't notice him squeezing his thighs together. He has nothing further to say on the matter - or, at least, nothing that won't get him into trouble - so he stays silent. Enjoys the way Swiss' thumb rubs the spot just behind his ear while he watches humans mill about the lot. Families and individuals both, with arms full of paper bags holding untold goodies.
For what it's worth, Swiss doesn't keep talking either. He's not quiet, still humming out a tune Dew recognizes but can't quite place, but it's comfortable. The sun's hanging high in the early afternoon sky, a gentle breeze flowing though the still open windows, and Dew would be lying if he said this wasn't a nice way to kill time.
"What's on your mind?" Swiss asks a handful of minutes later, giving his neck a squeeze. "You're never quiet for this long."
"Oh you're one to talk," Dew chuffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "I can't remember the last time you shut up for more than five minutes."
"Pfft, sure you can," Swiss insists, that large hand dipping into the collar of Dew’s t-shirt, callused fingertips drifting over his skin and dragging a soft sigh from his lips. "I'm pretty sure I don't talk that much when you're sitting on my face, spitfire."
Dew scoffs despite the tingle the words force through him, a warm feeling settling into his belly. He turns his head to give Swiss a look, an incredulous eyebrow raised.
"That's the only example you can think of?"
"No," Swiss shrugs, "it's just the one I'm thinkin' of right now." The other ghoul licks his lips in a very intentional way, and that tingle hits again. "I guess deepthroating Mount counts too, but -"
"So the only thing that keeps you from yapping is having someone's junk in your mouth," Dew interrupts, nodding sagely, "noted."
Swiss laughs, loud enough to get the attention of a few people loading their car nearby. Dew shrinks in his seat.
"Like you're complaining."
He shifts in the seat, scooching closer. Dew squints at him, suspicious, but doesn't protest. Not even when Swiss gets close enough for their thighs to touch, for the other ghoul to drape an arm around his neck and let that huge hand rest on his chest. For Dew to soak in his spicy cologne and for Swiss to rest his chin on a bony shoulder.
"Besides," he rumbles, nosing at Dew's temple, "we both know you love my yapping."
"Love is a strong word," Dew mumbles, tilting his head when Swiss nuzzles his neck nonetheless.
"Mm, I don't think so," Swiss hums against his jaw, stubble scratching at his skin in a way that makes Dew's eyelids flutter. "Don't think I missed that little leg squeeze when I was talkin' about Rain, baby."
Dew groans, gives him a little shove. Far from enough to dislodge the other ghoul, more of a nudge than anything else. Token protest. Swiss huffs out a soft laugh, kisses his cheek.
"That's what I thought," he coos, licking at the shell of Dew's ear to draw out a shiver. The hand on his chest finds a nipple through his shirt, and Dew has to bite his lip to keep from making a sound. Curse Swiss for knowing every one of his weak spots. "Can't hide from me, Sparky."
Dew hates that he's right, and hates even more that - even in a place like this - Swiss can get him riled up with so little effort. Dew bounces his leg, takes his lower lip between his teeth while he scans the parking lot. There are people everywhere, but none close enough to see them - a fact Dew is very thankful for when Swiss sucks his earlobe and gives one of his nipple piercings a tug. Any closer and they might hear his moan.
"Fuck," Dew grunts, squirming in his seat, "ugh, you bitch."
"Such language," Swiss taunts, tracing the tip of his tongue along Dew's pulse point. "Lucifer, you're so easy."
Dew growls as best he can, human glamour be damned, and it just makes Swiss laugh again. It's a shame he can't argue - Swiss and Aether are the only ones who have such an effect on him, and they both know it perfectly well.
"Aww, gettin' all hot and bothered already?" Dew tries to shake his head, but Swiss kisses his throat and it doesn't get him very far. "Don't lie, firecracker. I can smell it on you."
Of course he can. He always can. Dew sighs as his eyes slip shut, sagging into the seat as Swiss slowly but surely teases the spots that make him start to sweat. Swiss' other hand lands on his thigh, stroking tight denim until Dew’s legs uncross. He walks two fingers up the inseam of the little ghoul's jeans while he trails wet kisses along his jaw, and Dew really can't help the soft sounds it all wrings from him.
Then that wandering hand sneaks under his shirt, lifts it up to expose his belly, and Dew jolts.
"H-hey, wait," he breathes, fists balled at his sides. His eyes crack open despite the way Swiss continues to work his chest, his throat, his ear. He watches Swiss' talented fingers trace his happy trail, dip into his navel and disappear up his shirt, and when Swiss rubs at his bare nipple Dew has to clap a hand over his mouth to hide his moan. "Shit, Swiss -"
It's muffled by his palm, and Dew's eyes dart around the parking lot as Swiss pulls away. Fixes him with hooded eyes and a crooked smile.
"Hm?" Swiss tugs both piercings at once and Dew shudders. "Something wrong?"
"You - oh - fuck, Swiss some...someone's gonna hear, someone's gonna - nngh - gonna see -"
"So?" The hand under his shirt runs ticklish trails down his belly, makes the muscles there jump. Swiss nibbles at his collarbone and Dew makes an embarrassing gurgling noise. "You like being watched and we both know it."
That may be true, but Dew thinks there's a difference between Mountain spying on him through a crack in the door and being fondled in a public parking lot with the windows down.
Swiss' hand finds his belt then, and Dew throbs.
"Fucker," he bites out as Swiss unbuckles him, other hand still expertly working his chest, and Dew flushes at the dark chuckle Swiss lets out.
"Maybe later," he croons, kissing the hinge of his jaw. "I got other plans for you right now."
Swiss wastes no time it getting his belt out of the way, quick to pop the button and tug down his zipper. Dew's narrow chest is heaving by the time Swiss hooks two fingers into the band of his boxer briefs. The other ghoul gives him a cruel smirk, snaps the band against his skin, and Dew sucks air through his teeth.
"Better keep it down, baby," Swiss speaks against his ear, liquid silk. "If you can, that is."
That hand worms its way into his underwear, slips down between his thighs, and Dew clenches his teeth so hard his jaw cracks.
"Mm, what's this?" Swiss glides the tip of one finger through his folds and Dew's thighs tense. "So slippery already. Just from this?"
Swiss tweaks his nipple, licks a nasty stripe below his ear, and Dew really has to work not to choke on his own tongue. His fat little dick throbs against Swiss' palm, and Swiss sounds absolutely thrilled about it.
"Oh, someone's excited," he teases, one thick finger prodding at his hole. "It's already tryin' to suck me in," Swiss sing-songs, and the little ghoul's shoulders sag.
Dew whimpers when he pushes the tip inside, clenching around an intrusion that feels far too good for how slight it is. He can't stop looking at everyone wandering the parking lot, trying to stay on high alert for the slightest hint of undue attention but struggling more and more with every passing second. Swiss wriggles that probing digit further inside, up to the second knuckle, and then there's sudden pressure on it front wall that has Dew's back arching off the seat.
"Fuck, fuck," he wheezes, hands flying to whatever he can reach - one paws at Swiss' shirt, the other gripping his forearm. Feeling the muscles shift as Swiss' finger works him open, groaning at the gentle stretch. "Oh you bastard."
"Flattery will get you everywhere, sweetheart," Swiss breathes, palming his stiff clit, and Dew's breath catches in his throat.
"Can't believe you're - oh shit, oh - fuck, can't believe I'm letting you - ah!"
Dew bites his lips shut as Swiss curls his finger just right, muting his cry and fighting to keep his eyes from rolling back. Clamps his thighs around that massive hand until Swiss chuckles in his ear, swirling that digit and making the little ghoul's eyes cross instead.
"You're so pretty like this," he rumbles, a second finger tracing around the first, spreading slick. "All shy. Makes you even tighter," Swiss tells him, and Dew clamps down even harder. Why is it so good? "Wish I could get you in my lap right now," his breath is so, so hot in Dew's ear. "Get you to sit on my cock and see how quiet you are then."
Dew shivers head to toe, legs spreading at the thought alone, and Swiss leaps at the opportunity. Pulls his first finger out only to slide back in with two, and there's no possible way he could stay silent through that. He turns his head just in time to sink his teeth into Swiss' shoulder, howling his pleasure into cotton and flesh, and Swiss groans right along with him.
"That's more like it," he praises, kissing the top of Dew’s head while he pants and shivers. "Gonna be a quick one, isn't it?"
Dew nods as best he can, moaning into Swiss' shirt when he rubs the heel of his hand in slow circles over his pulsing clit. Doesn't pull back until he's sure he can control himself, gasping when Swiss crooks his fingers but biting back the whine bubbling up in his throat.
"Y-yeah," he admits, thready. He can't be bothered to look out the window anymore, staring only at the bulge Swiss' hand makes in his jeans. "Fuck, just do it, fuckin' make me."
"Well, since you asked so nicely," Swiss lilts, one last taunt, and then the only sound filling the space around them is the wet squelch of skilled fingers plunging in and out of his tight little body.
It's perfect - the curve of Swiss' digits, the pressure against his sensitive little dick, the way Swiss rubs at that one spot inside that has Dew going boneless against Swiss' side. Huffing hot into his shirt, hair falling into his face and wafting in the breeze still flowing through the open windows. He can't stop grabbing at Swiss - his shirt, his arm, whatever he can reach. Skinny hips rolling against his palm in search of more, more, driving Swiss' fingers as deep as they'll go.
"C-close," he spits far too soon, every inch of him on fire and wound tight as a spring. Swiss gives his closes approximation of his usual purr, and Dew's thighs quiver. "Like...like that, just like that, shit -"
The hand still torturing his nipples stills, presses flat to Dew's chest. His fingers feel so perfect Dew can't handle it, on edge and covered in goosebumps.
"Give me a squeeze, baby," Swiss instructs, and Dew does. Clenches hard around those two wonderful digits and Swiss seems to predict the sound it'll drag from him, because the hand on his chest flies to cover Dew's mouth and catch his wail. "Fuck, that's my good boy," Swiss huffs, breathless in a way Dew adores even through his haze of pleasure. The other ghoul holds him close, keeps his mouth covered, and Dew scrabbles at the arm working him. "Now let me feel it cum for me."
Dew loses all sense of rhythm as Swiss curls his fingers one last time, hitting something that puts stars in his eyes and wrenches harsh moans from his throat, and with one perfect roll of Swiss' palm against his clit Dew's gone.
He's drooling against Swiss' palm when he comes down from the highest high, sweaty at his hairline and his cunt still snapping around Swiss' fingers. Holding him inside with the little ghoul rides out the aftershocks, breathing hard through his nose and blinking with one eye at a time. Swiss is muttering all sorts of nonsense into his hair, a litany of praise and wonderment that Dew cannot for the life of him understand but appreciates anyway.
Soon enough sensitivity sets in, and Dew hisses against Swiss' damp palm. Reaches up to peel his hand away with shaky fingers, squirming until Swiss gets the message and pulls out with care. There's a gush of warmth that follows, soaks into his briefs, and Dew heaves a sigh.
"Unholy shit," he slurs, collapsing back into his seat like a mound of jelly. "What the fuck, Swiss."
The other ghoul chuckles, and Dew rolls his neck just in time to watch Swiss pop his messy fingers into his mouth. Listens to Swiss suck them clean and groan at the taste of him.
"What?" He licks slick from his palm, exaggerated passes of his tongue that Dew finds himself fascinated by. "You said you wanted to get something outta this, right?" Dew blinks at him, brows scrunched together as he tried to make his brain work. "Just granting your wish, Sparky."
Swiss gives him a wink, and then he's leaning in for a quick kiss. Just a peck, really, before he's fastening Dew's jeans and putting his belt back into place. Smoothing his hair as best he can before he scoots back behind the wheel, lacing his fingers behind his head. Dew's fully back by the time he's done, very aware of their surroundings once more and ever so glad to see their activities seem to have gone unnoticed.
"Just in time, too," Swiss comments, nodding towards the store. Dew squits against the sun and sees the girls just leaving the building, Sunshine's arms full and Cumulus carrying what looks to be a single bag of chips. They're bumping into each other and giggling, Dew can tell even from across the lot, and his own smile curls into place.
"Damn," he laments, sitting up straighter. "Guess you'll have to wait 'til we get back for your turn, huh?"
He turns to give Swiss a playful wink, and finds Swiss looking...he isn't sure. Smug? Maybe? Hard to say.
"What's your problem?"
"Nothin'," he shrugs, eyes wrinkled at the corners. "Just find it funny that after so long you still don't know what you do to me."
Dew blinks as Swiss reaches over to grab his wrist, guiding to his crotch and -
"Oh no fuckin' way."
"Tell anyone and I won't eat you out for a month," Swiss threatens, but Dew's too busy enjoying the sizeable wet spot beneath his hand to care.
"We're ba-ack!" Cumulus calls once they're in earshot, and Dew gives Swiss a squeeze before he pulls back. Licks at his palm while Sunshine loads up the trunk, just to make the other ghoul suffer a little bit more. The back doors swing open and the girls slide inside. "You boys have fun without us?"
"Oh, Lus," Dew tells her, rifling through the cassettes in the glove box with the tang of Swiss still coating his tongue. "You have no idea."
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sink-me-in-your-ocean · 9 months
𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 III
What would it be like to sext/send nudes to the Ghouls and Papa Copia? 
Prompt by the magnanimous @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus
Tumblr media
NSFW/Suggestive below the cut.
Count on this man to ruin the mood, not by his own accord (although he does get flustered)
It’s because of him misspelling things/not knowing how to work a phone
It barely matters though when you’ve got him hot and bothered and you know he’ll be thinking of you all day
You sent him a photo of your juicy thighs, pressed together from your seated position. Your garter belt just barely peeking out from underneath your short skirt. 
𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶
Ducking, my heart?
𝙸𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜
I’m fucking crying 😂
𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚎?
(You can practically hear him cursing in Italian, getting mad at the stupid phone.)
I’ll come by later to teach you how to fix autocorrect
𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝
If you send Swiss a nude just know he’s smiling devilishly
Tries to lick his phone/bite his phone
Just feral things
Wishes he could climb inside his phone and kiss the pixels of your body
He immediately goes wherever he can and strips down to send you an equally racy reply 
You almost drop your phone at his response. There’s Swiss in all his naked glory, standing proudly in a mirror. Fuuuuck.
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗’𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸’𝚖 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝
You didn’t give me any warning! Someone could have been looking over my shoulder!
If they were I’m sure they would also like what they saw
You’re incorrigible
Idk what that means  But I’ll take it as a compliment 😏
🙄 ... What are you doing right now? I need to see you
I’m getting ready for a ritual now but if we make it fast…
Say less 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
His reaction to receiving a nude from you is best described in two words: 
Cartoon character
His eyes are bugging out and his heart is beating out of his chest
He practically drops his phone upon seeing the explicit photo you sent
I think I'm having a heart attack
Surprise 😽 did you like it?
When he doesn't reply, you actually get a little anxious (like, did he actually die?), but then it sounds like someone slams into your door and you about jump out of your skin.
You wrap your silk robe around yourself, barely getting it tied to answer the rabid banging at the door.
“Phantom! You’re all sweaty! Wait, did you run here?”
“Couldn’t. Stop.” He wheezes, “Had. To. See. You.” He collapses in a heap on the floor.
“Well you didn’t have to sprint here!”
He is still panting minutes later before he composes himself and grins up at you wickedly, “And you, vixen, didn’t have to send me photos of you naked, but here we are.” 
You've got a long night ahead of you.
You didn’t think much of the picture you took
It was provocative, sure, but not explicit
Dewdrop thinks differently though
He’s a sucker for a tease
Boy is off his leash going feral 
Got any more? 🔥
You want more?
Fuck, yes
You send him another picture, this one showing more of your soft skin than the last.
Fuck me
When and where?
All day and I don't care
He pings your location, he’s on his way.
You send him a text and a photo of yourself to accompany it
Rain’s phone is a lil slow though, so he only sees your text first
It’s not his fault
But it is his fault that he refuses to upgrade his phone...
I need your help, I fell out of my clothes 😏
Your phone screen lights up. Rain is calling.
You answer in a sensual voice, “Rain? Like what you s-?”
He interrupts you immediately, “You fell?!? Are you okay?!”
“Wait, what?”
He yells again, “Your text!!”
“Oh,” You pause, looking down at your message, “The photo I sent, did you get that?”
“Why would you send me a photo if you fell?”
An exasperated sigh escapes you, “Just wait.”
His phone pings, the picture message coming through finally. He sees a sultry photo of you, bare, in front of the mirror in your bedroom.
“Rain? Are you there?”
He spoke again after a moment, his voice about an octave lower, “I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
He does not text
Like, barely at all if he can help it
If you want to discover his weakness though, just send him a suggestive photo
This ghoul will wax poetic about your body all night long
Unless he's tired of course
Hi you
Hi I’m so sleepy
I’ve got something that will keep you awake if you want
You send him a suggestive photo of you in bed, the sheet pulled up just barely covering your body and showing plenty of skin.
Fucking hell
Yeah? What would you want to do if you were here?
The chat bubbles sit there for about ten minutes before you get antsy.
You send him a meme from SpongeBob: “One Eternity Later”. Still no reply.
I stg if you fell asleep…
The next morning you wake up to a text from him apologizing for falling asleep. A second message says that he isn’t going to tell you what he would do to you, that he’d rather show you instead.
You didn’t give her any warning, you were just feeling yourself so you sent a little slightly nude photo
Cirrus doesn’t have her phone on her though, it’s in her bag
The kicker? She and Cumulus have the same phone, down to identical phone cases which were gifts from Aurora 
Better not open your phone in public while waiting for her to reply
She will always have to one-up you
Cirrus’ phone buzzes, but she ignores it.
Cumulus holds it up because she thinks it's hers and reads the lock screen, “Cir - your ‘Midnight Snack’ sent you a photo message.”
“Could you open it and see what’s up?”
“Sure.” Cumulus pauses, clearing her throat, “Get over here, you’ll want to see this.”
“What could it possibly be -” Her eyes widened into saucers. "That little -"
"Are you going to reply?"
"Yes," Cirrus says confidently, "and you're going to take a photo of me to send back."
There is one thing for certain: her "Midnight Snack" is getting a treat tonight.
She carries her phone around of photo opportunities and to spam the group chat with memes only
You can send her a naughty pic if you want
But it’ll take hours for her reply
She will make the wait well worth your while
You send Cumulus about 20 or so texts before she finally replies to you.
She doesn't read anything, just sees the picture.
Look at you
It's about time!
You look good enough to eat
The moment is over, been over for hours Unless...
You're in luck, little temptress, because we're in different time zones So the moment is just starting for me
You play along, especially when she sends you a photo to up the stakes that has you falling to your knees.
Solely communicates via Snapchat, so it’s easy to get a little spicy
She doesn’t get what you’re trying to do though, at first
Once she catches on, all bets are off
What are you doing right now? 
The photo you send is slightly on the sultry side, your hair looking mussed, and your top undone a few buttons.
She sent you a picture back of her wide grin with the line: 
Just shopping! I wanted to get some ribbons for my mic stand 😁
Well what are you wearing?
Her next picture is from someone else’s POV of her body, she’s standing in a cutesy way in corduroy overalls with her arms crossed. 
Idk what this human outfit is called It combines pants and a top and I love it!
You smile at your phone, she’s so fucking adorable. You reply with a chat:
It’s called a jumpsuit, my sweet ❤️
Yes, that’s it! Cumulus says your first message was “sexting”?? 
Your face turns red and she sends another chat message in rapid succession.
I’ll be there after I check out! Don’t unbutton any more of that top! 🍽️
They're all truly living rent free in my brain rn
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dewsgremlin · 1 month
The siblings of sin avoid the ghouls as much as possible.
The clergy doesn't like it when the ghouls attack humans, but it does happen from time to time. (And to be honest - nobody cares if a sister of sin is missing...)
That's why it's common for the siblings to always have a spray bottle of holy water with them. As hellish creatures, the ghouls do not like anything blessed. The holy water burns on their skin like hell.
To keep Dewdrop or Swiss at a distance, the siblings of sin sometimes have to spray an entire bottle empty. Aether, Cumulus or Mountain keep their distance on their own, but they are so polite that the siblings don't see them as a threat anyway.
Rain is normally not a threat but he is really, REALLY curious about human things and and therefore sometimes tries to get a little closer. If he gets a little too close, the siblings scare him away with clapping or loud noises.
This only works badly if Dewdrop is nearby and hears his beloved water ghoul being scared away by the noise. Then the siblings of sin definitely need more than one bottle of holy water to save themselves...
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dontyoufeelitangel · 2 months
The ministry was a sad place, but a truth was a truth no matter how harsh.
You love your job.
You love the people you work with.
There’s a man there who you fancied,
And you were almost positive he felt the same.
From the way he’d dance with you, to the way his lips would softly touch yours.
Copia was gentle in all that he is.
He knows what to say, and how to say it. He can be honest without making it hurt.
Just a couple months ago he had made sweet promises to you, his words laced in what you thought was honesty.
“You mean a lot to me, it’s true” he gently held your hands. The two of you in the garden of the ministry.
You let out a quiet sigh and a warm smile, enjoying the moment.
It wasn’t often the two of you had time alone, Copia was a busy man.
So it shows that you really do mean a lot to him when he directly disobeys his mother for you.
He’d squeeze in time to any of his schedules if it were for you.
It was minutes before you spoke,
“Yeah?” You smiled, raising your hand to cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb along the lines of his makeup.
“Of course” he leaned into your touch.
Moments like that made you enjoy your job at the ministry.
There were other factors you enjoyed to, for example, Copias ghouls.
They were enjoyable to be around,
They noticed how Copia took a liking to you so in return they welcomed you to their group with open arms.
You felt safe with them, they were your closest friends.
There was only one flaw with the ministry
They didn’t care about simple things like relationships.
The head sister of the church was as sour and bitter as they come.
Not an ounce of sympathy could be found in her words.
Sister imperator.
He lacked respect for life, she took it every chance she would get.
Sister imperator had given direct orders to get her sons killed.
A mother lost her daughters and a son lost his brothers.
Copia was kept around longer than any of the other Emeritus brothers,
Because of this you were afraid of your feeling for him, you loved him, and with this love came a hope that he would never leave.
The ghost project was a band that the ministry had made to spread the word of Satan. And as well to financially fund and support the ministry.
Occasionally Copia would take himself and his ghouls on tours in different areas of the globe.
After months of waiting Copia and the ghouls were set to come back today.
You made preparations for dinner for them, setting the table before rushing outside to greet the tour bus.
The ghouls waddled out the bus, one by one as you counted them.
Something gloomy about their aura.
Dewdrop spotted you in the yards of the ministry and jogged towards you.
You welcomed him and gave him a hug as the rest of the ghouls caught up.
Now surrounded by ghouls you welcomed them all back,
You were getting antsy waiting for Copia, the ghouls and ghoulettes were too tall for you to attempt to look over their shoulders to the tour bus behind them.
So instead you simply asked.
“And I assume Papa is doing fine?” You questioned, one of your sweet smiles on your face.
The ghouls immediately paused and looked at eachother,
Some whispered in a ghoul language you couldn’t make out, other looked to the ground.
There was a first to speak up.
“The tour was a success of sorts” it was Swiss. You appreciated his answer but it still deflected the question.
“So he’s fine? .” You questioned again, more firm this time as you knitted your brows.
The ghouls were trying to find words, words that wouldn’t hurt as much.
Mountain took your hands in his, the other ghouls just as anxious as you waiting for him to speak up.
“He’s dead” he spoke.
The earth must’ve stopped, you felt dizzy with an unsettling turn in your stomach.
If mountain wasn’t holding your hands your sure you would’ve toppled over by now.
You let out a disbelieving laugh,
“Don’t fuck with me” you tried to make your voice sound serious but it was wobbly and raw.
You honestly wished another ghoul would’ve told you.
You trust mountain to much, you know he’d never lie.
Maybe if Dewdrop had told you, would would’ve gotten a longer feel of disbelief to save you from the bitter truth.
“Under sister imperators orders” rain spoke, he felt shame that you had to find out this way.
“You knew it was gonna end like this, it had to happen, it does every time” a newer ghoulette Aurora said.
Mountains grip on your hands only lasted so long, you crumpled to the ground.
Weak knees hitting the grass below you.
Your mind wanted to not trust them, to say they were lying.
Unfortunately for you, you trusted these ghouls with your life and you knew they wouldn’t lie to you , not about this.
The ghouls winced as you let out a blood curdling scream.
It was a long drawn out scream that only stopped for a second, only a second for you to take an inhale of air before continuing to cry.
No words could be put into your mouth to describe how this felt.
Like the walls were falling down: they were.
The world was ending, it was.
Internal panic set off, what would you do without him?
The part that hurt you the most was: you could scream and cry and scratch and shout and claw but there was absolutely nothing you could do to bring him back.
Your vision blurred and your ears rung. You were alone inside yourself, nothing else mattered.
You didn’t hear the worried voices of the ghouls trying to calm you down and making no effort.
You didn’t notice how your body gave out below you, or how the tears started to burn you cheeks.
Your world was ending,
Because how do you continue without the one you love most?
Edit: I was high writing this. So it doesn’t make sense in a lot a parts, I’m not gonna fix it because it’s sorta kinda funny.
I apologize if there’s no plot and your completely lost, the 🍃 got to me.
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azureseacloud · 8 months
Hard Work
Ghost (band) one shot
Pairing: fem reader x ghouls
Warnings: swearing
Words: 1,999
Summary: Reader has been working all day. Ghouls return from practice and look after her, regardless of her resistance. Fluff with a dash of sexual tension because I can’t help myself :)
Hi again, thanks so much for your support on my other fic :))) You guys are awesome!!
I am open to requests for the ghouls so please feel free to drop a request :)
Working as a coordinator for the band was a huge job. It didn’t help that the ghouls always sought you out so they could bring you to their quarters for ‘mandatory’ ghoul piles or just for company. It was sweet, but by Satan they were an effective distraction from your work.
You had sat yourself down on the couch in the ghoul quarters, laptop sitting on your thighs as you reviewed the costings and set up for the next show that was in a weeks time.
None of the ghouls were present—busy with their commitments and band practice for the day—so you were using the time to get as much done as possible. It was easier to do the work in their quarters since you knew that they would go searching for you after and drag you back here anyway one way or another. Swiss had literally thrown you over his shoulder one time when you had protested to leaving your work space. Another time, when you had found a comfy hiding spot far away from where the ghouls wandered, Dewdrop had tracked you down by your scent and heartbeat.
You sighed, a slight headache beginning to make itself known. Checking the time, you’d been here for almost eight hours, and it was now afternoon. You’d made a lot of progress, which was great, but there was still a lot more to go.
You resettled yourself into a more comfortable position, shuffling around until your legs were no longer trapped under your body, wincing at the pins and needles that flickered as you moved. You began typing again, organising the itinerary for next years tours.
Something brushed against your neck lightly as you became aware of a presence behind you. Before you could look, two hands were splayed around your neck, applying a firm pressure but not impacting your ability to breathe. They pushed upward, tilting your head back.
“Fuck!” You gasped as you were met with a mask staring down at you. White horns poked through the forehead, an easy identifier for the ghoul that had a comfortable grip on your throat. Dewdrop.
“Oh, hi Dew.”
One of his fingers slowly caressed your neck as you fought to slow your heartbeat after the shock. His hands were warm, no doubt the perks of being a fire ghoul. You watched as he tilted his head in that infuriatingly attractive way.
“You look tired.”
You blinked up at the ghoul, realising your hands were still perched on the keyboard and not moving to at least try to defend yourself. You wondered if he noticed. What was it he had said?
“I’ve been working,” you replied evenly, after a moment of silence where you had to fight to gather your thoughts. His grip was distracting, in the way that sent your brain into overdrive. It was a struggle to maintain a normal tone—to hide what the ghoul was doing to you.
Dew moved closer, to the point where you could almost see the eyes behind his mask. Studying you. You tried your best to look alert and awake, knowing they would all swarm you the moment one of them figured out that you had forgone looking after yourself, choosing to instead work almost non-stop.
In a liquid movement he withdrew his hands, dragging them upwards along your neck as he straightened up. You almost sighed in disappointment at the loss of contact.
One major factor you had learned about ghouls is that they had no concept of personal space, nor any understanding of human ‘socially acceptable’ standards. They also shared more physical touch than humans usually did. It had been quite a lot to get used to when you first started working with them. But now you found yourself craving their casual touches and affection. Although you were still caught off guard with the more intimate touches they sometimes did. You knew they found your reactions entertaining, Dew and Swiss especially.
A set of footsteps echoed across the floor and you looked to see Swiss waltzing in, also still in his helmet and uniform. He looked over to you, then tilted his head up, most likely looking at Dew standing behind you still, his forearms now leaning against the back of the couch on either side of your head. His hands were brushing your shoulders in a tantalising way, and you were acutely aware of how close his chest was to your head.
Swiss looked back to you, and his mouth turned down in what you guessed was a frown.
“Have you been working all day?” The multi ghoul asked, leaning against the doorway. You clasped your hands to stop yourself from rubbing your eyes as another spike of pain shot through your head.
“No, of course not,” you lied. You knew the ghouls hated when you worked for too long—and you really wanted to finish this last part.
“When was the last time you had water?” Dew asked, still hovering above you. You rolled your eyes.
“I had water not that long ago.” You lied again, biting your lip. You hadn’t had any since breakfast—too engrossed in your work to have a break. That explained the headache.
“She’s dehydrated,” Rain spoke. Your eyes jumped to him, cursing internally that you had forgotten the water ghoul had gotten good at sensing how hydrated you were. He was heading to the adjoined kitchen at the far side of the room.
Swiss tsked and you shot him an answering glare. He grinned, pushing off the wall to join you on the couch.
“You can’t lie to us sweetheart.” Dew murmured in your ear, his breath ghosting the side of your face in a way that sent shivers down your body. His nails scraped lightly across your shoulders, and it was all you could do not to arch your back.
Too preoccupied with Dewdrop’s touch, you weren’t prepared for Swiss to snatch your wrists, yanking them away from your laptop.
“Hey!” You protested, trying to pull out of his grip. The multi ghoul only grinned, his hold on your wrists too strong for you to break out of.
“Rain,” Swiss called. The water ghoul hurried over, carrying a glass of water. You were still struggling against Swiss, trying to twist your way out of his grip. Dew grabbed your shoulders, pulling you back to the couch and pinning you there. Swiss barked out a laugh as you cursed at them.
“Can you get the laptop?” Swiss asked the water ghoul casually. Rain nodded, closing the device and moving it to the small table not far from the couch.
“Seriously guys? I just have to do a little more, then I’m done I promise.”
Swiss shook his head, releasing your hands while Rain offered you the glass of water. You rolled your eyes, accepting the glass reluctantly as Rain settled on the floor in front of you, murmuring a “thanks” to the calm ghoul. They were all watching—no doubt waiting to make sure you drank the water. Swiss moved one of his hands to your thigh, smirking as your eyes darted across to his.
“Is this an intervention?” You looked up as Phantom spoke, his voice holding a little bit of humour as he entered the room, crossing over to lean against the table. He looked at the laptop resting there—no doubt putting the pieces together.
“She’s been working all day,” Swiss explained. You took a sip of water, flipping off the ghoul beside you.
“She’s dehydrated,” Rain added.
“And she thought she could lie about it.” You hissed at Dewdrop’s words. Asshole. He gripped your shoulders tighter in response, his fingers pressing into your skin.
You busied yourself with drinking the water—it was the best distraction you had right now. Between Dewdrop’s hands on your shoulders and Swiss’ hand on your thigh, as well as everyone’s undivided attention, you could feel your cheeks beginning to heat up. You finished the glass, Rain reaching out to take it from you as he got up to take it to the kitchen. Phantom jabbed at his ribs on the way, the water ghoul skipping out of his reach.
“Good girl,” Dewdrop purred into your ear. You tensed, heat blooming across your skin. Your brain nearly short-circuited. He had to be doing this on purpose. There was no way he wasn’t—Dew wasn’t normally this flirtatious. The little gremlin.
Swiss snickered. “Someone’s flustered. Careful Dew, she might pass out if you keep going.”
Phantom chuckled at that. You scowled, crossing your arms.
“Okay, I drank some water, now let me keep working—“
You were cut off as Swiss stood up suddenly, grabbing your arms and pulling you from the couch. You squealed as he picked you up, one arm under your legs the other wrapped around your back. You threw your arms around his neck, gripping just under the helmet. He was grinning again.
“Swiss I swear to Satan if you don’t put me down-“
“You’ll what?” The multi ghoul taunted. He sat down on the soft rug in the centre of the room, rolling you onto your back and wrapping an arm around you to keep you there as he lay down beside you. You smacked his arm, knowing exactly what he was planning. You loved ghoul piles but you knew once everyone had joined you would not be able to get up until the morning.
You looked over as Dewdrop vaulted over the couch to join you, flicking off his helmet as he lay down on your other side. Dew slid one of his legs around yours, nuzzling into the side of your neck. The fire ghoul started purring loudly, draping an arm across your chest. His warmth was comforting.
“See? Just stay here with us. Take a break.” Swiss said, his breath tickling your ear. He’d also taken his helmet off, and he buried his face in the side of your neck like Dew. You sighed.
“No, I still have work to do!” Swiss snorted, still not letting you go. A wave of calm washed over you, sleepiness taking hold. Okay maybe you could finish the work tomorrow…
Your eyes snapped over to Phantom. “Phantom, you little bitch, I know what you’re doing.” You growled. The quintessence ghoul raised his hands in mock surrender, a wicked grin on his face.
Running out of options, you looked to Rain.
“Rain, can you please get them off me so I can finish my work?” The water ghoul sighed, making his way over. Instead of dragging the two off of you, he flopped down on top of you all, his head resting on your stomach.
How helpful.
You flipped off Phantom as he laughed. Not being able to help yourself, you lowered your hands into Rain’s hair. You slid your fingers through the smooth locks as the ghoul hummed contentedly.
Phantom curled up behind you, letting you rest your head on his chest. His own fingers worked through your hair, and you almost melted under his touch.
“What’s going on here?” Mountain crossed into the room with his hands on his hips, the ghoulettes behind him.
“Ghoul pile!!” Sunshine shrieked, launching herself over Swiss, who tried to bury his face deeper in your neck.
“A little help?” You asked, looking at the others hopefully. Swiss and Dew growled, both of their teeth lightly pinching your neck in response.
“I think that’s your answer.” Mountain shrugged, and you sighed in defeat. The huge ghoul settled down beside Dew, while the other ghoulettes curled around Sunshine and Swiss.
Dewdrop was purring again, his tongue licking the small bite on the side of your neck. You reached an arm around and scratched his head, his purring growing louder.
Okay, maybe you could let the rest of your work wait until tomorrow. For now, you relaxed in the comforting warmth and weight of the ghouls.
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep.
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damagedghoulette · 2 months
How come there’s barely any stories of disabled siblings of sin or new ghouls- We should have stories that are inclusive to everyone?
More underneath- please read (:
Suffer with stuff like being amputees, nerve damage, asthma, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, heart disease, deaf, blind, autistic, epilepsy, tourettes- list goes on..
Needing a walking stick?
Needing a cane to see for you?
Needing full crutches?
Needing a wheelchair?
Prompts you can use:
Being in the Infirmary with the Quintessence ghouls so much with whatever illness or disability, they try to make life as comfortable as they can for you?
A new sibling of sin who’s blind and keeps hearing people talk about ‘Ghouls and Ghoulettes’ and finally asking someone to take them to Papa to ask if they can touch their masks so they know what people mean
A papa who overhears a sibling talking to their friends ‘do you think Papa would allow a service dog?’ And he looks into it for them before slipping a note under their door later that night explaining a dog is a possibility but a ghoul could also work too?
When a new sibling of sin arrives and they only have one leg, the other being metal and the Ghouls are absolutely fascinated with it, the ghoulettes asking first because they’re bolder and the sibling explains everything
A sibling who’s chronic pain is so severe, a ghoul rushes them into the infirmary where they become close friends and helps with the sibling get over their wheelchair embarrassment thinking they’re the only one who has to use it so the ghoul takes them to meet Zephyr
(Please if you use any of these prompts credit for the idea or a link to this so people know!)
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xximperioxx · 2 years
Tumblr media
Dewdrop/Sodo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW (18+ ONLY), blood (only a little), vaginal fingering, handjob, Sodo being a whore on stage
Notes: this took so long and I’m so sorry. Work has been crazy and it’s currently midterm week for me at school. Also I wasn’t sure what to call him (Sodo or Dewdrop) bc obviously the fandom has different views on it. So I just called him Dewdrop but if it really bugs people I can change it. Also this is my first time writing something spicy/smutty so pls be gentle on me I beg. Enjoy!
You were standing on the sideline of the stage, watching Papa and the ghouls put on the ritual for the fans. You were a sister of sin and somehow found yourself helping with production on tour. You were a bit surprised when Sister Imperator had asked you to join Papa and the ghouls on tour since you had often helped with events around the abbey, nonetheless you immediately accepted. The chance to get to know the ghouls excited you. You had only seen them during mass or when Papa played rituals at the abbey.
You had liked the fire ghoul since you had met him after quite physically bumping into him and you falling on your ass. He was angry. Stomping and mumbling something about Aether when you happened to have been too busy walking with your nose stuck in notes for the ritual of the night. You had suddenly felt a force and before you could let out a squeak, you had found yourself on the floor. You looked up with a glare before you got on your knees and grabbed the papers that had fallen out of your hands, “Watch it, Stompy.”
Your eyes had widened, almost not believing the words that had left your mouth. The ghoul had scoffed as he looked down at you, “Maybe you should watch it,” A smirk quickly appeared on his face, “You look good on your knees, Sister.” his smirk only grew when he saw you turn red.
That turned into the ghoul making you blush by teasing you at every moment he could and he loved it. He loved how flustered you got. You wouldn’t dare tell anyone but you enjoyed the moments between the two of you. Unfortunately for you, the ghoulettes figured it out within the first week of the tour while Swiss was upset because they knew something he didn’t and bugged them until the secret was told. The girls tried to get you to talk to him and have an actual conversation but you claimed to be too busy. Swiss makes it blatantly obvious by just staring back and forth at you and Dew or forcing conversation between the two of you.
Then before the show today, you had been been stressing to the technicians about the lighting and timing before the group was to go on stage. Papa spoke up, “Sister Y/N, please understand I mean with the utmost respect,” you had turned to him confused and slightly concerned, “but, you need to get laid.”
The ghouls snickered as you stood there shocked, “Copia!”
He put his hands up in defense and mumbled something about it showing. Swiss went to open his mouth and he swears it’s like you have a sixth sense of when he’s going to say something stupid. You had pointed your finger at him without looking, “Now isn’t the time, Swiss.”
That caught the ears of the fire ghoul. As he stood there stoically, his eyes behind the mask glaring at the tall ghoul and you. His mind runs through thoughts of you and Swiss, involuntary letting out a low growl.
Dew tried to hide the small jolt he made when Papa put his hand on his shoulder, almost sensing something was going to happen.
Checking the time, you shoo the group out on stage wishing them luck. Before leaving, Dew’s hand brushes against yours causing you to look down at them. You look back up to see him staring at you already, silence engulfing the two of you for a few moments. “No good luck kiss?”
You let out a small laugh, your cheeks turning pink yet again. Suddenly, you feel his warm hand against your cheek as he tilts your head up. You feel your face get hotter, not just from the fire ghoul but embarrassment. It had been some time since someone was this close and intimate with you.
Dew held back a groan as he felt his pants tighten at the sight of you staring up at him with your doe eyes.
You swallow your nerves before speaking up quietly, “You should really join the others out there.”
Swiss rounds the corner, “hey (Y/N), have you seen my-..” his eyes widened at the sight, “oh satan, I’m sorry.”
Dewdrop immediately dropped his hand when he heard the multi ghoul’s voice. He lets out another low growl, annoyed about the interruption. You pointed at the tambourine on the couch and watched as Swiss ran and grabbed before he squeaked out a ‘thanks’ as he rushed out of the room. Before you had a chance to say something or even look at Dew, you saw him following Swiss out onto the stage.
They were playing Year Zero and you couldn’t help but stare at Dew. Hell, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. You watched him saunter over to Rain but not before stealing a glance at you. Knowing he had your attention, he places his hand on Rain’s chest before sliding his hand up to the water ghoul’s throat. Maintaining eye contact with you, Sodo grips the ghoul's throat. Without realizing, you suddenly feel yourself clench your thighs together. You begin to feel breathless like you had just run a marathon but instead you had just watched possibly the hottest thing you’ve seen.
Throughout the rest of the song, Dew continues to make eye contact with you while making innuendos with his guitar. The ghoul was extremely thankful for his guitar hiding the bulge in his pants because he would never hear the end of it from Aether. He could smell your arousal. This was dangerous. The ghoul decided to stay away from your side of the stage before he got too carried away. When it was time to play Mummy Dust, Dewdrop was preparing for when the confetti shot out. He can’t help but glance your way again before he runs his hand against his mouth and slowly drags it down his chest to the best of the song before he begins the motion of jerking off in front of the crowd.
With a racing heart, you didn't notice you were biting your lip so hard until you tasted the metallic. Bringing a finger to your lip, you touch it gently and wince at the pain. You pull back to see blood on your finger.
The smell of metallic reaches the nose of the fire ghoul and he stops for a second. He physically moans at the sight of you with a bloody lip. You could feel his eyes on you again but decide not to look up before you turn around to go clean up your lip. Also to get a hold of yourself but you didn’t want to admit it. The ghoul begs Satan that these last two songs would go by quickly as his cock was beginning to ache in his pants.
When you had reached the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror and groaned. You looked like a horny virgin. Rosy cheeks and a glow, pupils dilated, and now a bloody lip. Your skin felt so hot. Ignoring the ache in your core, you bend down to the sink and splash water onto your face to calm and cool you down.
Suddenly you feel a hand cover your mouth, your eyes widen as a muffled scream attempts to leave your mouth. The person pushes themselves into you causing you to squirm. Your eyes move up and you see the mask of the fire ghoul staring back at you. What you expected to be a sigh of relief came out as a moan. It slipped from your mouth as you felt his bulge against you. You hear the ghoul let out a chuckle and you turn even more red from embarrassment.
You rip his hand off your mouth and turn around to face him. You immediately slap his chest, “you scared the shit out of me,” You began to whisper yell, “wait-how did you even get in here I locked the door-…”
He pulls you in by your waist and kisses you hungrily. You wince at the pressure on your lip but ignore it and kiss him back harder. After a few seconds, you both slightly pull away breathless. “I picked the lock, duh,” Dew mumbles against your lips. You can’t help but let out a small laugh.
Smiling, you look up at him and notice his lips, “You got a little blood…” you trail off before you wipe it away with your thumb. He hasn’t stopped staring at your lips and quite frankly, you found it a bit concerning, “Dew?”
In a spur, he pulls your bottom lip with his teeth and begins to suck the blood out of your lip bite. He groans at the metallic taste and can’t help but begin to rut against you. You hear the sound of his zipper and it snaps you out of your euphoric daze.
You pull away, whining against his lips, “please touch me. Please.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” He hurriedly unzips your pants and brushes his fingers past your panties and against your core. You let out a gasp and the ghoul immediately puts his mouth back on yours. Inserting a finger in you, you grab his hand that was leaving against the sink. You guide it to your throat. He gives you an unsure look before you nod.
“Aren’t you naughty, Sister.” You attempt to nod again but Dew squeezes your throat. You whimper. “Did you like that? That little show I did with Rain? It was just for you.”
You slide your hand down to his trousers and pull his leaking cock out. He grits teeth at you causing his fangs to show. “Of course you liked it, I smelt your arousal the whole time.” He adds another finger in you and removes his hand from your throat and replaces it with his mouth. “It was so hard not to bring you out onto that stage and fuck you in front of everyone. To mark, to have you scream my name.”
You feel yourself tighten at the words that leave his mouth which causes him to groan against your neck. You feel his thumb brush against your clit and you begin to feel your orgasm approaching. You beg him for more.
Pleas and the ghoul’s name were the only thing leaving your mouth like it was a prayer before your death. Dew bites down onto your neck. “Come on, pretty girl,” you grip his biceps as ecstasy fades over you, a drawn out moan leaving your mouth.
You lean into him, exhaustion hitting you. After a minute you catch your breath, you catch sight of his aching member. It was begging to be touched. You look up at him with doe eyes.
Slowly you run your hand down his chest just as he did on stage. You run your thumb over his tip, “Oh, Satan,” he groans into your neck. With his hands on either side of you, you lean up and kiss the exposed skin of his neck. He watches you lick your hand as he did as you wrap you hand around his cock. You slowly begin to pump and the ghoul becomes a moaning mess. Feeling him rut into your hand causes you to speed up. “I’m close-“ he tries to warn but you abruptly stop and fall to your knees. Not even trying to conceal it at this point, he lets out a loud, breathy moan at the sight of you on your knees. This was something he has been dreaming about for weeks. You stare up at him as you place gentle kisses on his cock before you take him into your mouth. You try not to gag as you can’t fit him entirely. The feeling of your warm mouth was too much for him. You barely get the chance to suck him off before he releases into your mouth as swears and grunts leave his mouth. You moan just at the sight of him and you swear you could cum again.
Sunshine’s gentle voice comes through the door, “I’m really sorry to interrupt but I really need to use the bathroom.”
“Fuck off!”
“Dew! Don’t talk to Sunshine like that.” He looks down at you and mumbles a ‘sorry’ to you before yelling an apology to the ghoulette.
Still enjoying your embrace, he places a gentle kiss on your forehead. The action brings a smile to your face and again a light blush brightens your face. The ghoul pulls away slowly as a smirk forms on his face, “I knew you’d look good on your knees.”
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madangel19 · 4 months
26 & 1 with Phantom and Dew for the fluff prompts?
“Your hair is so soft..”
“You have something in you hair.. um–do you want me to get it out?”
Oh these are perfect for some Phantom x Dew, Anon!
Warnings: Murder Ghoul antics, some blood and gore but nothing too explicit
Word Count: 963
Phantom felt like he was in a daze as he sat with his fellow packmates around their meal. He had no idea hunting humans was so much fun! It wasn’t often that some annoying hunter came across the woods surrounding the ministry, but when it did happen, it was all a big game amongst the ghouls to see who could take him down first.
He and Aurora had followed close behind the rest of the pack, observing as they used their abilities to terrorize the human until he was too weak to fight back when Swiss and Mountain had descended upon him. Mountain simply pinned the man down with a single hand while Swiss and Aether used their quintessence to paralyze him. After being paralyzed, the pack took their time eating him alive. 
Phantom had never eaten anything so sweet before. With only one bite, both he and Aurora became ravenous and ate as much as they could while the others laughed.
“You two are so cute. Next time, you two should give hunting a try,” Cumulus chimed, pecking Aurora’s bloody cheek. The smaller ghoulette chirped happily in response, licking her lips after nibbling on a bone. 
Phantom looked over at Dewdrop sitting next to him. He had grabbed some organ and was tearing into it ravenously while moaning in content. There was some gore getting stuck in his pretty blonde hair, staining it and giving him red streaks. 
“Hey…Um…Dew? You have something in your hair…Um–do you want me to get it out?” Phantom asked, scooching closer to the fire ghoul.
Dewdrop stopped and looked over at him with a questioning look in his fiery eyes. Blood and gore dripped from his lips, making him look all the more irresistible to Phantom. His hair was a mess with gore now, but he was obviously unphased by it. Phantom gulped and put on a smile, hoping the fire ghoul would allow him to clean him.
He knew that it was normal for ghouls to groom each other after a meal. He looked around and saw that Cirrus and Cumulus were already licking a happily chirping Aurora clean. Swiss had taken Sunshine’s hand in his and was licking some gore off. Mountain was eying the mess that Rain and Aether had made as they continued to eat the more charred meat from the body. This was the perfect time to strengthen pack bonds and Phantom wanted to get closer to Dewdrop.
“Go for it,” Dewdrop said, wiping his mouth and licking the blood from his fingers.
Phantom’s heart nearly skipped a beat as he chittered excitedly and got closer to Dewdrop’s side. The fire ghoul was nibbling on a piece of meat while watching him curiously. Even some of the other ghouls were watching quietly. There was no possible way he could mess this up.
Phantom reached out and gently ran a few fingers through Dewdrop’s hair. He paused when he noticed just how soft and warm his hair was. All thoughts of the gore in Dewdrop’s hair were gone. 
“Your hair is so soft,” Phantom whispered as he carefully gave his head a scratch. Dewdrop purred softly, his eyes closing in bliss as he leaned into his touch.
“Mmm yeah. It’s the blood,” the fire ghoul murmured, yawning and exposing a mouthful of bloody teeth with a low hiss. Phantom continued petting him until Dewdrop was resting his head in his lap.
“You’re in for it now, Phantom. Once you start petting his head, he’ll never leave you alone,” Swiss chuckled darkly.
“He’ll bite ya if you stop,” Sunshine giggled.
“I won’t bite. I already ate,” Dewdrop murmured, gazing up at Phantom with a tired but content look in his eyes. 
Phantom didn’t mind. He was more than happy to touch his soft hair and clean him as much as he could. Maybe the fire ghoul would even show his thanks by doing the same thing with him. He had overheard many wonderful stories of how warm his fingers could be. 
He began picking the pieces of gore from his hair and popped them into his mouth. They were so warm and tasty. Was this just from being in Dewdrop’s hair? 
He went back to massaging Dewdrop’s scalp, getting even more rumbling purrs from him. After a few moments, he got an idea and used his quintessence on him. A drunken smile appeared on Dewdrop’s bloody lips as he curled up in Phantom’s lap. 
“Oh, how sweet!” Cumulus cooed.
“Someone get a picture of that,” Aether said.
“Mmm, no pictures. I’ll burn them if you do,” Dewdrop grumbled.
“You always say that, but you never do, Firefly,” Aether said with a chuckle.
Swiss had taken his phone out and was already taking pictures. Dewdrop grumbled something under his breath before turning his attention back to Phantom. He reached up and caressed the base of one of his horns with a playful smirk. Phantom shivered at the wonderful sensation before Dewdrop pulled his hand away, revealing a small piece of meat that had been stuck in his hair. 
“You gonna stay with me tonight?” He asked, popping the flesh in his mouth while winking at him playfully.
Phantom chirped in surprise, looking around at the rest of his packmates. His gaze immediately went to Aether who he knew often stayed with Dewdrop on most nights. Aether nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
“I…Um…Sure! I can sleepover,” Phantom stammered. He wasn’t sure what they would be doing since it looked like Dewdrop was going to pass out at any moment, but he was perfectly fine with just cuddling up with the warm ghoul.
“Perfect,” Dewdrop murmured, closing his eyes happily. 
“He likes you,” Rain commented.
Phantom smiled as he continued to pet Dewdrop’s soft hair.
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quitelitteghoulpup · 2 months
Plushia Phantom
Just him being randomly grabbed by the other ghouls and taken to their bed, imprisoned as their plushia for the night. He's a cuddle bug after all.
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
all the ghouls are trans now, i dont make the rules
“Oh, look at that little cock, all for me,” Sunshine purrs, palming herself. Dew’s spread beneath her on the bed, hand rubbing through the slick of his cunt. It coats the tip of his clit, which stands shiny, ruddy, and throbbing between his fingers. Her words make him keen, back arching off the bed.
“Fuck, Sunny, look at you,” he breathes, admiring the way her manicured hand strokes over her small length. She bites her lip and bucks into her own hand. Her curls bounce as she tosses her head back with a sigh. “Gorgeous.”
He’s just as breathless as he was ten minutes ago when Sunshine slotted herself against his back, dick hot and hard against his ass. No warning. No preamble. Just full-on rutting against him at the sink after dinner. My room. Five minutes. That’s all she said before ducking away, Dew’s back suddenly chilled. If the others noticed the crimson flush across his cheekbones and the way he shifted his weight, they didn’t say anything. Sunshine was waiting for him at the foot of her bed, naked, lazily running her fingers over herself.
She’s rougher now, sliding two fingers between Dew’s folds to slick them up, returning to coat her length with it. The sudden and fleeting contact has him gasping. “Shit, Sunny, more, I need more,” he begs.
“Yeah?” she breathes. “What do you need?”
Dew whines, two fingers circling his clit. “Need you,” he moans.
Sunshine huffs a laugh, smoothing her other hand down her thigh, then back up to her chest. “You’ve got me already, darling.”
“Noo,” Dew whines, a little bratty. “You. Inside me, please,” he hisses.
Sunshine lunges at him, folding over his body and lapping into his mouth. She drags his hand away from his cunt, pinning it to the mattress. She grinds against him and groans against his lips.
“All you had to do was ask,” she says against his mouth. Dew’s too stunned to do anything more than squeak and nod fervently. “Like this or from behind?”
The sentence rips a moan from Dew’s throat, pained and needy. “Behind,” he gasps. “Lucifer fuck me into the mattress, I don’t care.”
Sunshine hums and nips at his lower lip. “I like that answer,” she purrs. She pulls away just far enough to guide the fire ghoul onto his stomach, pulling his hips into the air. She snakes her arms in between his body and the mattress, melting onto his back.
Once again—no warning. No preamble. Sunshine pushes into Dew’s wet heat in one thrust.
“Oh fuck mmmm—Sunnyyy,” he cries, collapsing onto his elbows.
Sunshine groans, snapping her hips. “Say it, darling, say it for me,” she breathes against his ear.
“Satanas m-mommy please, oh shit,” he sobs, rocking back to meet her thrusts.
“That’s a good boy.” Sunshine dips her hand lower to rub at his aching clit, making him see stars.
He cums like that in less than five minutes, Sunshine’s fingers pressed against him, buried deep in his cunt, chanting her name into the soaked mattress.
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bewitched-bee · 3 months
Links to all my writing! Stand alone fics/requests for each ghoul are listed first. When I say stand alone I mean mainly focused around the specific ghoul. Everything involving multiple ghouls is at the bottom! * Indicates smut Aether: One Last Night *Cockwarming *Jealousy Alpha: Comfort Dewdrop: *Sensory deprivation Ifrit: Feral *Overstimulation Cuddling
Ivy: *Dry humping Mountain: Season change *Size kink Cuddling Nursery Omega: *Thigh riding Watermelon crushing *Choking Chewing *Squirting
Phantom: *Breeding Rain: Swimming Swiss: *Lap dance
Aurora: (nothing yet)
Zephyr: *NSFW hc list *Breeding Cumulus: (nothing yet) Cirrus: (nothing yet) Sunshine: (nothing yet) Multiple: Birthday Swiss/Sodo *Full moon Phantom/Swiss *Double penetration Alpha/Omega
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Cant Sleep
Mountain x fem!reader
t was in the middle of the night when I tried to sneak into Mountains Room. Sneaking wasn't something for me because I can be very clumsy. After thinking this I bumped into somethign, waking Mountain. He turned on his light, scaring me with this. I must look like a deer in headlights. "Y/N? What's wrong?" does he ask, I wasn't answering. I guess by thishe knew what was wrong. I couldn't sleep again. It happens quite often lately and I don't know why.
"Sorry for disturbing you I know you have practice tomorrow but...could I sleep here by your side?" My voice was quit. I hate to ask this, I don't want to be a burden to anyone but well I kinda feel like one when I have to ask such a thing. Mountain was one of those Ghouls I could relay on. But I don't want to desturb him every now and then. So the last few times I was trying to handle this myself. I wasn't sleeping for almost 5 days, sleeping for half an hour. If you could call this sleeping. It was resting my eyes nothing more.
"You're not disturbing me, come here" He lifted the blankets for me to join him under. I did as told, laying next to him right now, watching the ceiling. "Tell me lil birdy, why didn't you come the last few days? I know you are struggling to sleep, I could hear you turning almost 20 times in less than 2 minutes." He looked at me, with soft eyes. I sighed turning to the side to look at him. "I... don't want to be a burden to anyone and.. when I can't sleep I always came to you because I feel like you ground me with you presence. It helps me, when you are near me but I know you have something to do the next day. You're always here for me. I really appreciate that" I smiled sadly sitting up and looking down at him. He took my hand in his, softly brushing my knuckles with his thumb. "You are not a burden to me, I already got used to it that you are here next to me, so please come to me, every day when you need me. My bed is always open for you." he smiled at me.
I nodded, smiling too. "I will, thank you." I kissed his cheek, laying back, robbing to his side so I could feel the warmth he was ratiating. I'm really thankful to have him. He treats me like some kind of princess from time to time. Giving me flower crowns. It was really cute. He even got a spell so they could never wither. ALways looking the same it was amazing.
A few minutes later I fell alseep, in his arms. He smelled so good, I felt at peace for the first.
A few hours later, I woke to some moving beside me. „Mountain? What’s wrong?“ rubbing my eyes, I slowly raised from my laying position beside him. „Sorry princess, continue on sleeping“ he smiled tired at me, pulling me down. „Thank you Mount“ I cuddled up on his side, taking his hand in my, holding onto it while i fell intona dreamless, peaceful sleep.
What I didn‘t know was that he pulled me closer to him, resting his head on mine, also falling alseep wirhin minutes.
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dewsgremlin · 1 month
Rain, talking to Swiss: "Living with Dewdrop is like living with a cat.He is bitchy, hates being touched most of the time, wakes you up in the dead of night and he also constantly occupies the whole bed even though he is soo small. And yet I can't help but love him unconditionally."
*Meanwhile, Dew as he lies on the couch and tries to eavesdrop on the conversation about him*
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sink-me-in-your-ocean · 8 months
𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 IV
It's time to kick off spooky season!
What is it like watching scary movies with the ghouls? And what movies are you watching with them?
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Mentions of gore/slight spoilers for the movies mentioned.
Loves jumpscares 
Loves scaring you (or anyone else that’s watching) too
No matter what you watch he will always want something scarier
But he also loves comedy
You watched “It” with him and he won’t stop quoting the movie
“You’ll float too!” He cackles maniacally and wiggles his fingers as he chases you around the dark loft.
“Swiss, stop!” You aren’t really scared, but you jump up on the couch anyway, grabbing a pillow to hold out as a shield.
“Beep beep Richie!” He grins as wide as possible, bugging his eyes out at you, and lunges.
You swing the pillow like you’re a heroine slaying a dragon in a fantasy book. He dodges and jumps on you, pinning you under him.
“You’re an animal!” You scream as he tickles you, making you squirm beneath him.
At least it’s an improvement from him running after you repeating, “Here’s Johnny!”
Only wants to watch vampire movies
You offered him a plethora of choices, ranging from silly ones like “Once Bitten” to more serious action movies like “Underworld”
He got overwhelmed and ended up closing his eyes and picking one at random
“The Invitation” wasn’t your first choice, but what Phantom wants, Phantom gets
“Okay she is definitely a vampire.” He stared at the pale, tall woman on screen.
“How can you tell? You can barely see out of that fortress you’ve built yourself.” You teased lightly, offering him a handful of popcorn.
He accepted it, huffing, “I have to be prepared.”
“For what?” You stifled a laugh.
“The jumpscares, duh.” 
You rolled your eyes, nodding along. The movie continued and eventually a spicy scene between the two main characters happened, making you both turn red.
“Well I was not prepared for that.” He said sheepishly.
Towards the end, it got a little too scary for him, and he ended up throwing the bowl of popcorn on the floor.
You held him close, protecting him from the sexy and not-so-scary vampires.
Gets super into it
Loves any and all horror movies
The bloodier the better - blood and guts are hilarious to him
The Saw films are his comfort movies, he has definitely watched YouTube videos on how to escape all the traps
You put on a classic slasher for him once you learned he had never watched A Nightmare on Elm Street
“Oh come on! Just pop through the ceiling already and grab her!”
“Dew, stop! This is supposed to be building tension. They do that to get the audience on the edge of their seat… although it looks like you’re off yours.” You realize he’s sitting on the floor directly in front of the screen.
A few minutes later.
“That blood doesn’t look very real.” He scoffed.
“Do you think they use real blood?”
He made a face. “How else would they slice everybody like that?”
You spend the next two hours explaining to him that movies are not, in fact, real. His mind is blown to say the least.
By the time you resume watching the movie, he forgets most of what you told him, resuming shouting at the screen for Freddy Krueger to kill the teenagers.
This ghoul does NOT watch scary movies 
Why? He gets bored easily
Also, he ruins the movie by calling out all of the jumpscares
(He still gets scared though, he is just deflecting)
Hypercritical as heck
You still beg him to watch Cabin in the Woods with you
“Why do they run so stupidly?!”
You reach over and grab his leg, “Rain, we are supposed to be enjoying the movie, not yelling at the characters every two seconds.”
“I can’t help it, there’s no one to root for.” He whines, “They did it to themselves wandering into that creepy basement and playing with the weird stuff down there.”
You raised your eyebrow in an “oh really?” look.
“Plus, they shouldn’t be in this cabin in the middle of the woods anyway!” He gestures for emphasis. “Who does that?”
You hold up the remote, “Okay Rain, I can turn it off if you want.”
“No, no, it’s fine, might as well finish it.” He immediately backpedals.
“Good.” You settled back in, at least hoping he would enjoy the plot twist coming up.
Spoiler alert: He didn’t.
He waved his arms at the screen, “What in the hell is the lady from Alien doing here?!”
Maybe next time you’ll think twice about watching a scary movie with this ghoul.
Likes Halloween-themed movies with humor
Will indulge in a “real” horror movie from time to time, but usually at the behest of others
He will comfort you if you get too scared
So you insist on an actual scary movie
What could possibly go wrong?
“Oh hells no!” You clapped your hands over your eyes, the scene with the reverse bear trap simply proving to be too much for you.
“Come on, it’s okay - she actually escapes it!” He watched the movie Saw already, vetting it so he could make sure it would be okay for you to watch since he knows you’re a scaredy-cat. 
He was a little too lenient with this one though, overconfident in your limited bravery.
“Practical effects like that really scare me, Mountain, you could have given me a warning!”
“Please, those intestines she found the key in don’t look real at all.” He was amused, then turned and opened his arms, “Get over here, I’ll protect you.”
“Good.” You scooted closer, putting the blanket over you both.
Once your heartbeat went back to a normal cadence, your eyelids started to droop.
The rest of the movie was fine, not that you noticed, you were too busy doing… other things. Spoiler alert: you passed out, comfortably snuggled up nice and warm.
Prefers artsy horror movies over slashers
She is not so much picky, but she is very opinionated
Cirrus will not hesitate to tell you when a movie is bad, often pausing a film to interject her thoughts at multiple points
(But we love her for it)
She left it up to you to choose between two of her favorite modern horror movies: Hereditary and Us
You mistakenly chose the former
“I’m going to be sick.” 
The car scene just played, and now you can never look at Alex Wolff of The Naked Brothers Band the same.
“Please, just wait, I promise it’s so good!” She held your hand and squeezed softly.
You looked at her pleading eyes and sighed, giving in, “As long as the rest of the people’s heads are staying where they’re meant to be, I’m okay.”
You were not okay. The movie, to you, was a nightmare.
“Cirrus, can we please turn this off? I’m getting seriously nauseous.”
She was apologetic, forgetting your weak human stomach in regard to scary things, “Okay, okay no worries, can I just spoil the rest for you?”
“Sure.” You croaked weakly.
You managed to lighten up significantly, as Cirrus talked about the movie and highlighted important parts in the plot you had missed, she seemed to glow. You loved seeing her get so passionate over something she liked so much.
She’s ready for a scary movie marathon
Cumulus already has a list of the best movies including The Craft, Interview With The Vampire, and Jennifer’s Body just to name a few
She also comes prepared with matching blankets and Halloween-themed onesies for you both to wear
You bake little pumpkin cookies to share between the two of you
Comfy time + spooky movie time = pure happiness 
“So, what do you want to watch first?”
“Uh, how about you choose?” You felt indecisive but warm, all snuggly inside your onesie.
“Okay, let’s start with Carrie, it makes sense because it’s one of my all-time favorites and it was also made such a long time ago.”
“Wait, there’s a chronological order to these?”
“Of course!" She says matter-of-factly, "I’ve been curating this list for years!”
In your periphery you saw that she kept looking over to watch your reactions. You loved the movie, and before you could ask she already queued up the next one.
The two of you stayed up all night watching some of the best scary movies ever made, eventually falling asleep around sunrise like a couple of vampires, covered with cookie crumbs.
Loves Halloween movies, not such a big fan of scary movies (also will not watch sad movies)
Her favorites are stop motion, like Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.
You debated ad nauseam over Nightmare Before Christmas though, whether it was a Christmas or Halloween movie
(You agreed to disagree, there's so such thing as winning an argument with her)
She likes to talk while watching, so… RIP your ears
She also likes to eat while watching, choosing the crunchiest candies and snacks
“Sunshine, you sweet beam of light, can you please stop chomping so loudly in my ear?”
She looks over to you, bug-eyed, mouth full of salty pretzels and sweet peanut M&M’s. “Mwha-?”
“It’s okay, just, chew what’s in your mouth,” you sighed, you kept supplying snacks for her and yet you never learned, “I’ll just turn the volume up.”
She went back to staring at the screen, witnessing Coraline travel down the tunnel for the first time. Her eyes were wide like she was witnessing a train wreck, she couldn’t look away for a second.
Towards the end of the film:
“Boo! Other Mother you suck! Get your scary spidery fingers away from Coraline!” She shouts and throws a fistful of candy at the screen.
Oh brother. Next, you’ll watch Corpse Bride for the fifth time this week and she’ll start yelling at Lord Barkis.
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Ghoul Masterlist
Ao3 Link
List of Masterlists
Any smut will have a star (*) next to it!!!
Ghoul X Ghoul
Only When It Counts* - Swiss X Aether
Wants and Needs* - Phantom X Mountain
Don't Wanna Talk About It* - Omega X Ifrit
Rained Out - Rain X Mountain
Adoration* - Swiss X Aurora
Like You Love Me* - Aether X Rain
Guiding Hands - Swiss X Dewdrop
Magic Hands* - Sunshine X Cumulus
Caught* - Rain X Dewdrop X Mountain
Steam - Rain X Dewdrop
Excuses, Excuses (Part 1)* - Phantom X Dewdrop X Mountain
Excuses, Excuses (Part 2)* - Phantom X Dewdrop X Mountain X Swiss
Tense* - Aether X Omega
Early Mornings - Mountain X Swiss
Ghoul X Reader
Sour Day - Mountain X Reader
Safe With The Enemy - Phantom X Angel!Reader
Essential Oil - Mountain X Reader
Leech - Ifrit X Reader
Step On Your Toes - Mountain X Reader X Swiss
Ghouls X Fallen Angel Reader
Sub!Omega X Dom-Ghoulette!Reader
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