#destroyer darksiders
the-makers-daughter · 8 months
I noticed something about the Canon dragons in Darksiders.
Frostbane and the Destroyer. They both move similarly to cats!
It makes me wonder what other feline traits they exhibit when they're not trying to fight the horsemen.
It was a lot of inspiration for me when Nyörun was first in development.
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So for Darksiderstober 2022, I decided to combine Day 11+12 into one picture of "Light" and "Dark". Perfect representation would be Abbadon himself, and his alter The Destroyer. From Heaven's greatest warrior, to Hell's fiercest Lord, the perfect example of falling from Grace all because he wanted to end the war on his terms, ultimately dooming humanity. Hope ya like, prompts are here , and stay tuned
Art is mine
Abbadon/Destroyer belongs to Darksiders universe
Prompts by @another-darksiders-blog
Sponsored by @imagine-darksiders
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askthedarksidersfam · 2 years
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Day 15 Survival.
How harrowing must it be to stay within the safety of Haven, the last place on Earth a human can call safe. High above the derelict world in the canopy to forget your problems and find a semblance of peace of mind, only to be ripped away so brutally back to the reality that is now.
A distant roar sounds unlike anything ever perceived by human ears, rocking the sky so powerful it feels like the air shudders in fear and punches you in the chest. This isn’t the roar of a demon, and the fear that registers isn’t just mortal, but sinks within your soul, beyond human comprehension. Before the horror can even settle, a dreaded silhouette of a biblical beast erupts from the city skyline, far away but he feels as if it’s mere feet away as he roams the sky, making you feel like there’s a target upon your back.
You wish you could run back into the safety of the tree, but do the others know of this imposing opponent? Even if they did, your legs are glued to the ground, incapable of carrying you to safety. If safety even exists anymore.
Drawing an arrow and bow, you readied yourself if this monster attempted to snatch you away. But what is a simple arrow to a godly beast? A Destroyer of the World?
Briefly, all you can wonder is, how can we continue to survive with odds like these stacked against all of humanity.
Prompt by @another-darksiders-blog
Endorsed by @imagine-darksiders
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robotdragonfanatic · 2 years
The Destroyer was basically that lonely new kid Lilith and Lucifer told Samael to go play with but
Sammy said ‘no’ so they grounded him.
Change my mind
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Context for choice 3.
Here is what I mean about The New Republic and The First Order.
What happens after you win a war? How do you not make the same mistakes or become the thing you fought. What happens in a power vacuum? The New Republic should have been the dominant emerging power, and the Remnant should have been a small, secretive, unknown order, striking strategically from the Unknown Regions where they hid, and causing fear and panic to spread in the NR. After the Galactic Civil War, The New Republic commanders the Imperial Fleet and starts protecting systems who join the NR, all while chasing down and fighting any of the Remnants (Moffs, Warlords, Crime Lords, etc) who have grabbed power in the resulting vacuum. We could have seen an evolution of ships from Old Republic to Empire to NR ones. They could have renamed Star Destroyers into Star Defenders. Hell, they could have had a Republic of independent systems, each with their own sizable military, so that power isn’t centralized.
But no, instead of telling an interesting story, we are force fed the recycled poorly written rehashed Rebels vs Empire and the Rebels are made to be weaker than The First Order. The First Order are a terrorist movement, they should not be reigning after Hosnian Prime’s destruction, ESPECIALLY AFTER LOSING STARKILLER BASE!
Choice 4. Here is how I would give Kylo Ren motivation as to why Ben Solo fell and his main motivation as Kylo Ren.
Choice 6. I don't think there was absolutely no need for a Palpatine clone and eventually Palpatine himself(🙄) we all knew what was happening around the time this trilogy was being made. Trump. Base Snoke around the mango Mussolini and his lunatic fringe followers. An Alt-Right cult leader who cultivates the worst people imaginable. All The First Order needed to be was pointing out The New Republic brought the galaxy to an age of scum and villainy. A lawless state that usurped the rightful rulers that brought law and order. Basically "Make the Galaxy great again with Imperial Greatness"
You see, originally Lucas was going to make Palpatine JUST a politician and base him around Richard Nixon.
“George Lucas has spoken on various occasions of the way that the Nixon administration and the Vietnam war had an important influence on how he shaped the plot of the early films in the saga. The impact that these two events had an American in the 1970s started him thinking about the ways in which democracies can sale and how they deteriorating to dictatorships when corruption goes unchecked. He’s quoted as saying that Nixon - Who he viewed as having subverted the Senate and as acting an increasingly imperialistic way - what is the direct inspiration for Emperor Palpatine the supreme leader of the evil Empire in the first Star Wars trilogy”
So I don't see why they couldn't do something similar with the CLEAR FUCKING EVIL going on in the world at the time this trilogy was being made. No Sith master was needed.
In this scenario, I would call The First Order, The Imperium
Now you might have questions. What about the Stormtroopers and Kylo?
Stormtroopers? Don’t abduct kids, nationalize and recruit them willingly. Abducting children and training them to be Stormtroopers instantly made The First Order out to be cartoonishly evil from the start. So what do you do instead? Use propaganda. Nationalize them. Make them believe The Empire was right and convince them that the life of a Stormtrooper will help bring order in a chaotic galaxy. We’ve seen cults do something similar, Far Right Wing groups do it and we’ve seen Trump radicalize and nationalize white supremacists, so it’s not impossible for The First Order to do the logical thing.
Finn only leaves because he sees they are murdering unarmed civilians and chooses to leave. He is an example that it isn't too late to leave harmful fringe cult movements.
So how would Ben turn in this scenario? He's radicalized by Snoke. Ben starts hearing passionate speeches in the senate and Ben is moved. "I know he opposes my mother, but he's making a lot of sense" "He's right, we need to bring order to the galaxy" and Ben is radicalized by this Imperium movement and what he believes is Snoke's righteous cause. To Snoke, Ben represents everything great about the Empire. Snoke collects Sith Holocrons and uses the holocrons to turn Ben Solo into Kylo Ren.
In this scenario, I wouldn't redeem Ben. He is far too gone. He's committed atrocities in Snoke's name, for The Imperium and to bring order to the galaxy. While Finn represents those who could break away from Right Wing movements and Cults. Kylo Ren is far too gone, he's radicalized to the point where he's a die hard believer like Hux and Phasma and he's willing to fight and die for this indoctrination.
Choice 11. The Episode IX rewrite with Ben living and Reylo ending
Choice 12. The original plan for the Sequel Trilogy was to just get three young directors together to direct the Sequel Trilogy. It was supposed to be JJ, Rian and Colin Trevorrow, but Colin's IX was bad and his Jurassic World trilogy was terrible. So I would make either Matt Reves or Greta Gerwig as the director for Episode IX and ideally they would plan the trilogy out together instead of JJ setting up Mystery Boxes and expecting Rian and others open said mystery boxes and Rian subverting expectations.
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ohyousillything · 1 year
I love the idea of Cody being anakin's superior officer. Like i know anakin is general, but the clones have the only real war training here, so Maybe Cody is like supervisor to generals with no experience.
I imagine Cody loathes anakin at first sight. He dislikes his brash Nature and the way he seems to have obiwan wrapped around his little finger. He hates that Rex worships anakin and that more often than not anakin's leadership choices end up with his vode in danger or injury, and that obi wan is just that tad bit more reckless when anakin is around. I see Cody as this inherently logical, practical guy, and anakin is the absolute opposite.
But i also picture Cody as a selfless, emphatetic person, and i think he wouldnt hold any of his own feelings against anakin. so he challenges anakin's every reckless plan with well Made strategies. He cuts into anakin's rash desicion making process and shows him how to weight odds and calculate risks. He makes him walk through every possible outcome before setting things in motion and teaches him how to deal with the fallout of a Bad desicion. He makes anakin walk through the aftermath of a battle, tend to the wounded, learn about wasted economies and hunger and the pain of civilians in destroyer worlds and helps anakin reach into the part of himself that understands all that, helps him work through his anger and negative Feelings by helping others, running relief missions, doing papaework. Because anakin was a tatooine slave, he knows about pain and poverty, so Cody makes him help people in menial missions between battle and it helps him connect with himself and his past experiences.
Anakin likes Cody Because he takes no shit from anyone and Because he never lets up, even when anakin is a brat or when he blows up after a failed mission. Where the Jedi would give him a lecture about cotrolling his Feelings and the darkside, where obi wan would look at him with dissapointment and guilt, Cody just raises an eyebrow and dares him to do better next time. And so anakin tries harder next time, and he does better.
and maybe they Bond over shared experiences of being belittled, of being treated as less than a person, and over their shared love of obi wan. And maybe anakin learns that having Feelings is ok, so long as You don't let them get in the way of being a good person.
Maybe Cody tells anakin about how the fear of losing his vode is a part of himself, but he never lets it drive him. Maybe he teaches anakin the recitation he says every night, where he lists all his vode that now march the stars. And maybe anakin tells Cody about shmi and about his dreams, and maybe Cody ads her to his list, and they start saying it together. Maybe anakin learns how to grieve without loss becoming a festering wound.
Maybe when he starts dreaming of padme's death he tells Cody first, and maybe Cody actually listens, seeing as the kid's dreams have come true before. Maybe its Cody anakin goes to, when the order makes him spy on palpatine. And maybe Cody tells him about his doubts regarding the Republic and the Chancellor, and maybe anakin listens. And maybe it's Cody anakin calls first, when palpatine reveals himself, and maybe Cody listens to him and trusts him, and they make a plan, they filter the info to obi wan and other Jedi through the vode. Maybe it helps them ride out order 66.
Maybe people still die and things Go to shit, but at least anakin has someone in his corner that gives less than two fucks about the force or the darkside, and who trusts him Because he's anakin and not Because he's the chosen one or whatever, someone who understands, and that helps him make better choices.
Cody's just a good guy doing his job and doing it well, and if that means he has to become a father figure to a guy 10+ years older than himself then so be it. And maybe a bunch of random acts of kindness make the galaxy a better place.
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fllagellant · 7 months
Honestly the atmosphere of darksiders 1 is so good bc you always feels so crushingly alone but you are not . War is constantly accompanied by a watcher . He has to return and talk to Samael after defeating each chosen . He bumps into Uriel . Vulgrim is always waiting for him to come by . But none of these are anything , you know ? War hates his Watcher for literally treating him like an animal and calling him a dog . He knows Samael is using him for his own gains again . Uriel despises him and only interacts with him because she believes he must die to avenge Abbadon . Vulgrim is only helping because he sells things for a high amount of gathered souls and War has to kill .
It goes beyond that the world is dead . It is dead and the only thing that live here now are the undead and the animals things turned violent and the demons that walk the roads . Yeah it’ s going to feel so empty when you can enter the ruins of buildings and see the last few standing work desks or the wheelchairs in the barely standing hospital . But it is dead and War is shouldering the blame for all of it .
He says if he dies while trying to kill whoever actually falsely triggered the End War , he says that can be his sentence . He doesn’ t want to die , but he also knows he might as well . And when faced with everything and still being called a traitor and a betrayer by everyone who sees him , can you really blame him for seeing death as being his own way out ?
Then it gets doubly worse when he gets the vision showing how he can defeat the Destroyer , but also proof he was shoehorned in as the culprit and was chosen by the Council because they knew everyone would believe that War would do this , and they knew War would be willing to go to earth and fight to prove his innocence . He knows the full truth and KNOWS the one person that will not leave him alone knows as well , but he cannot just turn to his Watcher and say “ I know everything . “
The crushing knowledge that the people you are trying to prove your innocence to know that you did not do it. And you are completely , utterly , terribly alone .
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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definitely-not-leda · 2 years
Making The Force Awakens be like:
Disney: "Okay, so... What do you got?"
Them: "It's gonna be freakin' awesome. Just imagine. Here's the background: an intergalactic war, because the Republic was taken over by the evil empire with its even more evil leader, and his evil darksider apprentice, who wears a scary helmet. And of course, there's a resistence, who are the good guys. And for story: no-name orphan from a desert planet finds a cute droid that has very important data for the rebel alliance, but was separated from its owner on its way to home due to the intervention from the evil darksider and his stormtrooper army. Former owner got taken into evil custody for interrogation.
Desert orphan realises they have the Force and must become a jedi, even though there are no more jedi left, bc evil darksider slaughtered them. Desert orphan teams up with Han Solo, a smuggler, and his best friend, Chewbacca, a wookie and board the Millenium Falcon, which is the fastest ship in the galaxy, even though it's very old. While confronting the evil darksider in the middle of his huge ass star destroyer weapon planet thingy, he kills desert orphan's old mentor dude who btw had a very meaningful (I'm thinking like, family) relationship with the evil darksider in his youth. And then, of course, they blow up the huge ass star destroyer weapon planet thingy with the help of the rebellion. Kick ass story, right?"
Disney: "Isn't this... the story of A New Hope?"
Them: "No, no, no, it's totally different! The desert orphan jedi..... IS A GIRL!"
Disney: "Omg, genius."
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How powerful is Nyörun?
Well, It depends on what you mean by "Powerful". Magically? Or physically? The answer to both of those questions is surprisingly similar! When her story first begins, she wants to reject what she is. She doesn't realize how important her role is. Adding this under the cut because it's very long. I kinda went ham answering this one!
By the end of her story, she is fully accepting of her role as the mouthpiece or avatar of the Tree of Life. So I guess the best comparison I can make is that she's the foil for Frostbane. He is the avatar of the void.
She can hold her own against fighting Abaddon or as she knows him, The Destroyer.
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She does not match him in military tactics and wit, but she is another dragon and has been one for what I assume is longer than him, so she is more aware of her body than he is.
There was a small story I was working on a long time ago with @coloredgravity and @crowsofafeather where her soul got stolen from her and while Death was trying to get it back, War was saddled with the duty of holding her off since he is the strongest of the Nephilim in raw strength.
In terms of magic? Nyorun is strong because she pulls hers from the Tree of Life, so her breath weapon is... a little op... Her magic has the ability to restore life, or return you to the lifestream. I.E. Kill you instantly. It's kinda a nuclear breath weapon; or a big biohazard. Despite that, it is beautiful.
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I found this gif a while ago so I'm not sure where to give the proper credit, but it's this blinding flash of light when used in a combat setting. sorry, this post was kinda long! I hope it helps answer the question!
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stxriesfromasharchive · 4 months
Headcanons / Verses
The Four Horsemen
150 years have passed since the death of The Destroyer (end of Darksiders 1), the great demon lord that terrorized the disastrous wasteland that was Earth after the premature triggering of the apocalypse, thought to have been begun by the Horsemen War - in truth, the Seventh of the Seals that bound the pact between Heaven, Hell, and Earth had been shattered by a Maker called Ulthane in conspiracy with the archangels Azrael and Abaddon in an attempt to give Heaven the upper hand in their ever lasting war with Hell. The demons, however, were prepared for the ploy and stormed the Earth before the Seventh Seal could be shattered, thus foiling Abaddon's plan and defeating the archangel. Abaddon would later fall from grace and become the terror known as The Destroyer.
The Charred Council knew of this but realized that the Horsemen (who would be summoned once all seven seals were broken to spark the end war and calling the lords of paradise and dregs of purgatory to the earthly plane so that the three Kingdoms can fight for the fate of creation) would not enact justice because of the lack of proof. Thus they conspired to send War and let him take the blame, that he would pursue the guilty out of revenge.
Now, 150 years later, the Council has since fallen silent - retreating from the domain they occupied that was destroyed in the final battle between the sin Envy and Fury (end of Darksiders 3). With the final remnants of Hell's armies slain, the surviving angels cast out from Heaven doing their part in repairing the damage done to Earth, the Horsemen themselves have agreed that the council must pay for their transgressions, but not just yet. In due time, they will be punished - but for now, The Horsemen have decided to lay dormant, awaiting for the day they are needed once more.
And what better way to spend their time than by mingling with the new generation of humans on Earth. Under the guise of humans themselves, the Horsemen live out these days standing guard, diligently watching for any malignant sign of the darker forces that may plague Eden once again - all the while, if they have to admit, indulging themselves along the way.
Each Horsemen has taken a human disguise and have sealed their true powers away in pieces of jewelry that they wear in their mortal form at all times - easily accessible to break whenever the time comes for them to unleash their full potential. - Death's conduit is a ring with an oval shaped onyx gemstone. - Strife wears a single silver earring that holds a blue tourmaline gemstone. - Fury's bracelet is her conduit with a fire opal gemstone. - and War has an amulet with a purple topaz embedded into it.
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bo-katan · 1 year
The Twins is my least favorite episode thus far.
"Where were you planning to go to with that, Karre?" "To a galaxy far, far away" BOOO!! TOMATOES!! 🍅 🍅 🍅
It's the least original one with too many references and tropes. Ash Ketchum vibes from un-helmeted, face-revealed Karre, aka generic young male anime protagonist. He and Am, his twin, are clearly Luke and Leia coded. It plays out like an au where the twins were raised by Vader and Leia went full Azula in her dedication to her birth roots and the darkside, while Luke had a Zuko redemption turn around. Plus, R-DUO is not that subtle of a droid name!
"There is no try, only do!" PLEASE STOP 🙄🙄
And let me not even get into destroying the star destroyer by traveling through hyperspace maneuver...
Sometimes, I can accept how ridiculous sw can be. Sometimes, I use George Lucas' "it's like poetry, it rhymes" as an excuse. But sometimes it's simply bad writing!
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chimerinshine · 11 months
[Note: Some canons of this stuff might change soon...that's if..i..ever change my mind or have a better idea and don't mind the parts of terrible shadings and out of spaces areas]
Wendell & Wild OC#1
💀Josephile Micah🤘
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Name: Josephile Micah (at afterlife)
Jasmine Harper (At life)
N.name: Jos/Joseph/Phil/Mic/JM/Jose/Harpy/Miny/The Savior/The Destroyer etc..
Age: 20+??? (In life)
??? (At afterlife)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Genderfluid
Pronounced as: He/She/They (depends on a form they will take) but mostly prefer He
Species: Human (at life)
Some sentinel creature
>Leader of the band (which i still don't know coz' i have to think some creative or perfect band title for their band)
>He's a lead singer and guitarist. Also a 2nd vocalist
>He is based off on a metal band called "Ghost" the one who sings Mary On A Cross
>His voice hint are very similar to the leader of Ghost Band. Sometimes he can change it to feminine to masculine vocals or both ways
>His guitar axe was based off of Marceline's Guitar axe from Adventure Time
>As a supernatural creature he can manipulate his sizes, shapeshift and so forth
>To blend along, and guide someone he shapeshift into different creatures or persons.
>Love junk foods in life or afterlife (even though at afterlife he don't need to consume foods anymore)
>Is either he is afraid or just hate to be jump off
>Fr.Bests and him have some kind of old times before the corruption happens
> The relation of his and Fr.Bests are pretty okay when they both still young and alive however at after life that change into love and hate
>His personalities, can be good or evil or neutral. But always takes the good part
>He also have trauma which similar to Kat but the thing is he never seen his parents never know if they were dead or alive
>He is two souled one
>Lightside or Goodside was female her name was Zane she is the sentinel of the Heavenly Gates and might be some Guidance Partner of some Saints at heaven. She is willing to help with anybody
>His Darkside or evilside was a male and his name was Kieran and a very agressive sentinel of depths of hell and also wanted to take over Belzer's domain and hell and also very merciless and insane too he never works to anybody
>His two souled imagine Sundrop and Moondrop at FNAF:SB
>He see Wendell and Wild as his little brothers even though they are hellborns and a little older than him
>Even though he has those psycho side he still wanted a good way to guide people and give them 2nd chance
>He also has half siblings
>He has some kind of church/chapel somewhere at the Rust Bank woods or near at cementary
>His guitar axe was also a supernatural weapon
>Others found him confusing, unusual and some have mistrust issues on him
>Reason why he wanted to run a church is becoz' he believe that evils or peeps with bad behaviors can have 2nd chance and also to believe not all faithers are false. And he might be thinking someday he will met his parents
>When Fr.Bests was around in his 20's he stand for him as a non-biological father to her
>He has a pet bird named Gothy, dog named Chase and fish named Crimson
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luimagines · 2 years
Not the Keyblade!Anon but I have a bunch of KH knowledge about Heartless for you. They aren't related to the Queen of Hearts but Wonderland is a world that can be visited in the games.
Anyway, Heartless are creatures of darkness who lack hearts. Hearts are closer to souls in KH series than their anatomical counterparts. If someone has their heart stolen or if they're consumed by their own inner darkness then they become Heartless.
Keyblades are the only weapon capable of slaying Heartless as any other method doesn't fully defeat them. Like if you take out a Heartless with a metal pipe, that same one will come back again later on.
There are two types of Heartless, Shadows and Emblem.
Shadows are pure darkness that either take vaguely human forms or look more akin to blobs. They tend to be more dangerous as some Shadow Heartless can become Darksides. A Darkside are category for massive Shadow Heartless capable of consuming an entire world if not dealt with.
This is a Dark Ball Heartless and a common Darkside.
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Next we have are Emblems. Emblem Heartless can be identified by the special Heartless emblem found on their bodies. They tend to be more colorful and take various forms, some Emblem Heartless only being native to certain worlds.
Like Shadows, there are giant Emblem Heartless but how they come to be is up in the air. Killing a Emblem Heartless actually releases the hearts they taken or hold.
Here's a Soldier Heartless and Trickster Heartless as examples. The symbol on the Soldier's chest is what all Emblem Heartless have.
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Now Keyblade Wielders also face the risk of becoming Heartless or worse becoming corrupted. Those who become corrupted by the darkness begin to lose themselves, their personality and who they are face the risk of being completely lost.
Heartless can return back to who they once more but some end up being partially corrupted by the darkness. They also run the risk of their corruption getting worse over time.
Ok- so Shadows are the destroyers but the emblems are just thieves?
And Darksides actually look threatening- oh my goodness- I don't wanna get near it.
So once you've gone heartless, you're never truly yourself again even if you regain yourself. Is that because they're still haunted by the darkness they've experienced?
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robotdragonfanatic · 1 year
Darksiders Poll Masterlist
Here’s a link to the various polls I made. Will update as I make more polls and keep track of their status.
Ongoing polls (0):
Finished polls (16):
What got you into Darksiders   Winner: Darksiders 1 (33.3%) Favorite Angel (Round 1)
Redone as it was my very first poll and I made some mess-ups. Winner(s):  Uriel and Nathaniel (26.7% each)
Favorite Angel FINALE Winner: Azrael (61.1%) Best Master of the Crucible Winner: Targon (76.9%) Favorite Demon Master of Hell Winner: Samael (82.8%) Favorite Deadly Sin Winner: Lust (54.6 %) Most Enjoyed Final Boss Fight Winner(s): Abaddon, Absalom and Envy (28.6% each!) REMATCH!  Most Enjoyed Final Boss Fight Winner: the Destroyer/ Abaddon (46.7 %) Favorite of the Destroyer's Chosen Winner: Silitha (32%) The Chosen Boss Fight you liked best (Darksiders 1)   Winner: The Stygian (30.4%)
Most hated angel Winner: Archon Lucien (30%) Most Hated Angel FINALE Winner: Abaddon (74.2%) Biggest SOB in Darksiders Winner: Lilith (41.4%) If you could throw 1 of the 3 Charred Council heads into Oblivion... Winner: Middle (63.2%) Who is the biggest PoS Winner: The Charred Council (61.9%) Which of the Horsemen’s horses do you like most? Winner: Ruin (38.5%) Favorite Merchant/Vendor Winner: Vulgrim (64.3%)
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oldvulgrim · 2 years
Work Headcanons
Vulgrim’s gauntlet connects to his shop, allowing him to summon anything there to his hand in an instant.
Vulgrim by nature is a demon of greed.
Unlike many demons, he doesn’t roar. You’ll sooner hear sharp hissing or screeching from him.
Powerful enough beings-- or those he grants favor to-- don’t need his Serpent Holes to enter the Void domain he calls his own.
(This one is canon) Demons in the Darksiders universe can be trapped in crystal prisons indefinitely.
Vulgrim’s wings were damaged after he fell out of the Destroyer’s favor, likely as a result of it. Runes carved into his belt allow him to get around in a similar manner to flight.
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