#depending on how these go i may open packs in the future but i want to get a feel for doing this style first
orokay · 11 months
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These are now available on my ko-fi! 15 slots for now so I can pay my bills but I may open more in the future!
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baby-yongbok · 5 months
Boyfriend!Hwang Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
⇝ Genre: Angst then Smut then angst again. Dirty Drama.
⇝ Summary: We all have that one toxic person that we can’t let go of.
⇝ Warnings: Cheating , Arguing/Yelling, Dry Humping, Crying, Hyunjin is toxic - the manipulative type. (I think that's all, let me know if I missed anything!)
⇝ Word Count: 2.9k
⇝ A/N: I'm sorry in advance. I live for the drama, I'm so so sorry. My depresso has been prompting me to write angst and this is what I came up with today. It might be intense? I don't know honestly. All I know is that writing angst makes me happy lol + reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡ I hope that you enjoy! Please don't hate me 💕
✧ Part II ✧ Masterlist ✧
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It started with him forgetting coffee dates. The small chunks of time that the two of you carved out of your day to spend with each other quickly turned into bottled Starbucks drinks and ignored texts while you made your way to work. He said that it was because of his schedule and Hyunjin would never lie to you. 
Next were your nightly video calls. The two hours that you’d spend talking about your days and making future plans morphed into double and triple texting him until he replies with a lackluster night time send off and a declaration of love that you have no choice but to imagine leaving his lips. You haven’t heard from him in forever but it’s okay, you can fix this. 
You’re an artist, a digital artist for a living but a painter as a hobby. This trait is one of the many things that you and Hyunjin bonded over so when you proposed that the two of you do Paint and Sip dates on Friday nights he was all in. Everything was fine for a couple of weeks, you’d pick the picture and you’d both get to painting while you listen to your shared Spotify playlist. You’d talk and laugh while sipping whatever wine he brought with him, everything was finally feeling normal again but there was one thing that kept bothering you. 
His phone.
 It kept blowing up, vibrating, dinging and lighting up throughout the night. You’ve always understood that Hyunjin is a busy guy and his friends may need to reach him at odd hours of the night but there was something more to what you saw. He would ignore a message or two from Jeongin or even decline Chan’s calls from time to time but whenever his phone lit up with that damned flower icon he’d drop his brush like his life depended on it. 
You figured that as long as he’s here with you everything is fine. You never liked to micro manage and you're not the jealous type so snooping around wasn’t something that you were very into, until he canceled on you. Again. This is the third week that he’s said that something has come up and that he’ll be over at your place late. When you read his text you were already staring at his laptop wondering if it was really necessary to snoop through his cloud and read his texts. Surely he had a reasonable explanation for this right? Hyunjin would never lie to you. Right? You wanted to be right so badly and when you opened the computer, put in his password and clicked on the cloud you found out that you couldn’t be more wrong.
“What are you still doing up?” Hyunjin asked as he tiptoed into your bedroom. You were sitting at your desk with your phone in your hand, staring at your screen.
“How was your night?” You ask as you swipe on your phone, your eyes never leave the screen but Hyunjin doesn’t seem to notice.
“It was fine, got a lot done.” He turns towards your closet door but stops when he processes the mess around him. “Are these my clothes?”
“Yeah, you’re going to pack all of that along with whatever else you have around here and you’re going to leave.” He stares at you with pinched brows and then he takes in his scattered belongings again.
“You’re going to pack your shit.” You stand from your chair, glaring at him with narrow eyes. “And you’re going to go stay with her.”
You can practically hear him choke on his inhale once your words hit his ear. “Who are you talking about?”
“I can always make time for you just give me the date and the place.” You read from the screenshots illuminating your screen as you stalk towards him. “I hate when you ignore me, you know how much your attention means to me.”
“Stop it.” He turns to face you completely, watching you with worried eyes glazed with guilt.
“It doesn’t matter who I’m seeing, you know that you come first.” You project your voice so that it echoes off of every surface, he doesn’t get to avoid this. “Call me, I need to hear my baby.”
“How did you find those, you -” He sighs as you cut him off, practically yelling the next message.
“You left too many hickies to cover this time, I’ll return the favor on Friday.” 
“Enough of that, enough.” His tone tries to match yours but it fails, falling off into a pitiful whisper at the end. “You went through my computer?” 
He looks over at you with a cocktail of disbelief and disgust smeared over his features but you’re more than sure that the look on your face has got him beat. “ You’re fucking your ex.”
“It’s not like that, it's -” You cut him off, taking a wide step towards him.
“It’s not like that? You’re begging her for her time. You’re texting her every minute of every day. You’re fucking her and then coming here and fucking me, Hyunjin.”
“I know, okay I get that you’re mad, I’m sorry I just can’t let her go yet. It’s like there’s a piece of me that only she has possession of and no matter how much I try to ignore it I just can’t.” He runs his hands through his hair, his eyes taking in the way that your gaze cuts into him. 
“It’s been a year. I’ve been with you for an entire year. When did you have time to start this? How long have you been fucking her?” He shakes his head, turning towards the bedroom door to escape the situation in front of him. You follow hot on his trail, repeating your question. “How long?” You ask over and over until he finally snaps, yelling his answer in the middle of the living room.
“A couple of months, I don’t know five or six? Maybe even seven I don’t fucking know.” You scoff as rage floods through your veins and you pick up the nearest object and chuck it at him with all of the force you can muster. He dodges it easily but he doesn’t have as much luck with the remote that follows the path of the last item. “ Yara, stop it.”
The hiss in his voice turns into a loud gasp once he realizes his mistake. “Excuse me?” He called you by her name. His ex's name. 
“Fuck, I- I didn’t mean to call you that, angel, I swear it’s because we’re talking about her. That’s all. You’re not her, you’re so much better I swear. Let’s just - just talk about this okay?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. I want you out of my house, now. I’m done, Hyunjin. I’ve been begging for your attention for months and you’re off giving it to someone who’s using you for sex and attention. I did so much, I’ve done everything, but clearly you love fucking so much that you fucked me over. Are you proud of that shit? Are you happy?” He takes a couple of slow steps over to you as you stand there, chest heaving and heart heavy with the sadness that has allowed your burning anger to be the star of the show until now. Maybe if he shows you that he wants you, maybe if he says that you two can fix this you’ll consider believing him.
We all have that one toxic person that we can’t let go of. He’s not at fault for being bound to her so tightly, even if he broke your heart in the process. 
“Listen, angel, I love you so much. I want to be with you, I really do, no one else has fought for me and my time like you have. I don’t want to lose that, please let’s just talk about this. I’ll do anything for you, I swear.” Your glare softens, call it wishful thinking or maybe you’re blinded by the desperate burn of love in your chest but you believe him. You believe him just enough to let him splay his long fingers over the curve of your hip and pull you closer to him.
“Why do you need me if you have her?” You stare at the middle of his chest, watching it rise and fall.
“Because you love me in a way that she never could and never will.” He leans down, pressing a kiss to your temple as he brings his other hand to your waist. “She doesn’t see me like you do.”
He kisses over the shell of your ear, making his way down your neck. Your body is pressed against his as his hand kneads at the swell of your ass and he runs his tongue over the sensitive skin of your neck. You exhale heavily, bringing your hands up to rest on his biceps. You want to push him away, you want to get to the bottom of this and talk to him, so why are you pulling him closer? Why are you allowing small moans to leave your lips as he hypnotizes you into forgetting what he’s been doing to you.
“Hyunjin, stop it.” Your voice falters on the last word, giving way to the whimper fighting to escape your throat. 
“Push me away.” He whispers into your ear, his soft lips brushing against the shell of it and setting your nerves on fire. “If you mean it then push me away.” 
He stops everything, he doesn’t kiss you or squeeze you, you can hear the soft sound of his breathing and feel the gentle beating of his heart as his chest is pressed against your own. You can’t do this, you shouldn’t do this, your brain is screaming at you. You know better than to fall for this, push him away, now. Do it. 
“Don’t stop.” Your eyes flutter shut when he squeezes your ass again, pressing your hips into his so that the bulge in his pants pokes your belly button as it twitches in anticipation. 
“Say it again.” He plants a whisper of a kiss over your temple. “Say it again, angel, say my name.”
“Don’t stop, Hyunjin, please.” His kisses get sloppier as he gets closer to your lips, he plants a sloppy kiss to the corner of your mouth before catching your lips with his plump ones. You sigh into him, your hands fisting his shirt as your tongue tangles with his. He moans into your mouth, his hands tracing your hips as he takes some steps back, leading you both to the couch. 
“Tell me that you forgive me, baby.” He sits once the frame of the couch hits the back of his legs, dragging you down with him so that you're straddling his hips. His bulge pressed firmly into your dripping heat and you can’t help but to grind against him. Before you can settle into a steady rhythm Hyunjin grips your hips, holding you still against him. “Tell me.”
“I forgive you.” You mumble, the words sound just fine when they roll off of your tongue. They taste sweet as you lick your lips, staring into your lover's eyes defeatedly. You’re too deep into the brain fog, too desperate to feel the love that you’ve been chasing for months. You’d say anything just to feel Hyunjin touch you. You’d do anything to keep him here. 
“I knew you would.” He smiles up at you, starting to guide your hips against him. You throw your head back, your face contorting into a mask of pleasure. Hyunjin's fingers trace your jawline, sending chills down your spine. You close your eyes, allowing him access to any part of you he desires. “You need me too. Just like I need you, don’t you?”
You nod your head, picking up the rhythm of your hips as he starts to roll into you, matching your pace flawlessly. “I do, oh my god, I missed you.” You babble into the hot air as your hands find purchase on his shoulders. You can feel the night scarf covering your hair slip over the crown of your head and fall to the floor, your unruly hair frames your face and Hyunjin can’t help but to moan at the sight. 
“I missed my pretty baby too.” He grunts, eyebrows pinching together as he watches where your clothed cores press into each other. “Oh, fuck, I missed you so much.”
His hands are all over you as you move against him like he’s trying to memorize the pattern of your skin. He’s reintroducing himself with every pulse point that he can reach, lighting every inch of your skin aflame with desire. “Tell me your mine. Tell me you love me, please, please say it.”
“I’m all yours, angel. All fucking yours.” His hips buck up into you as your movements become more sloppy, your climax is dangling right in front of your face. It’s burning in the pit of your stomach, a strangled moan drags from your lips as you get closer to it.
“Again p-please, please, so close ‘s so close Jinnie, again.” Your nails dig into his shoulder, whimpers following your fucked out sentence as your eyes watch Hyunjin. You watch how he bites the tip of his tongue as he gets lost in this bubble of pleasure with you. Your own perfect shield of hot desire. 
“I love you.” He moans, throwing his head back against the couch, his grip on your hip tightens. The strength of his grasp is brushing yet delicious. “I’m yours. I’m all -” 
The melodic sound of Hyunjin’s phone ringing cut him off before he could finish his sentence. His head snaps up as his eyes widen and he stops moving against you. “Get off.”
You whimper, confused eyes staring down at him through your fucked out fog. “Angel, move.” He pushes you to the side much rougher than he intended and you watch him as he stands quickly, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and swiping the green button immediately. 
“Hey.” He clears his throat trying his best to not sound like he was seconds away from coming in his pants. “Yeah I can do that, just give me like twenty minutes, okay?” 
You listen, coming out of your haze just enough to process the situation. That ringtone sounded familiar, it’s the one that he always answers… It's her.
“Hyunjin.” You reach forward, grabbing his wrist but he pulls away, glancing back at you for just a second before turning his attention back to the phone call. 
“Nothing, that’s no one, I’m on my way.” You scoff, watching as he ends the call and starts to frantically fix his clothes. “I have to go something um - something came up.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.” Hyunjin ignores you, making his way over to your bedroom with you following close behind, a mirror image of what happened minutes ago. “You’re going to her? 
“She said that she needs me and I don’t -” 
“You just told me that you were mine. You just said that, Hyunjin.” You grab his wrist, prompting him to turn to you. He stares down at you with furrowed brows and glassy eyes like he’s in a fog, like he’s been hypnotized to follow a specific instruction. 
“And you said that you forgive me.” He reaches up to cup your cheek and your body melts into his touch before you can even fully process it. “I’ll be back tomorrow, angel. I’ll be yours tomorrow.”
His touch is gone just as fast as it came, leaving you with an empty ache in your chest as you watch him grab his bag and jacket. You stay rooted in place, feeling like your heart has been ripped out of your chest. “Hyunjin.” 
There’s a tremble in your voice as you say his name but he doesn’t seem to mind, it’s like he didn’t even hear you. “I love you.” He leans in to kiss your temple but misses completely, planting a half hearted peck against your hair as he rushes towards the door. You watch as he leaves, quiet and stunned. There are a million thoughts going through your head but you still feel unable to process what had just happened. The sound of the front door closing is what draws you out of your thoughts. 
The silence surrounding you allows room for the reality of the situation to echo around you, bouncing off of the walls and drowning you in this painfully unfamiliar feeling in your chest. You take a sharp inhale as tears start to prick at the back of your eyes. What was supposed to be a stable step towards your bed leaves sinking against its frame. You find yourself grasping one of Hyunjin’s shirts on the floor beneath you, your eyes trail from that garment to the next frantically. He’s everywhere. You can smell him, the soft cotton of the shirt makes you feel like you can feel the beating of his heart beneath it. Tears blur your vision as you sob into the fabric, clutching onto it like it’s all that you have left of him. Maybe it is. You gasp, a choked sob struggling past your lips as the true weight of the moment finally settles on your shoulders.
We all have that one toxic person that we can’t let go of.
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elfwreck · 1 year
Do you think ao3 is going to have a problem in the future?
hot damn isn't that an open-ended question.
...er. yes. Yes, I think AO3 will have "a problem" at some point in "the future."
Which problem is up for debate.
I don't think AO3 is going to be taken down or even substantially hurt by lawsuits from media companies or authors who hate fanfic. I think the time for that was over 10 years ago; if Disney hated fanfic and thought it was illegal, they would've gone after AO3 before it was internationally famous with more than 5 million users. Before it had won a Hugo Award.
Doesn't mean I think a lawsuit isn't possible, and the current SCOTUS in the US is run by a pack of corporate shills, but... it's a hard stretch to get a copyright-creativity case to go that far, and even with such a court, the outcome wouldn't be guaranteed. And no media company wants to be the test case for a lawsuit that decides "actually yknow what? Fanfic is pretty much legal."
I think there will be more regions that block AO3, in one way or another. Not many places have China's control over the internet, but there are other blocks, like pestering Google and demanding they filter search results.
I think antis are going to continue to scream about AO3 allowing content they don't like, even if the term "anti' changes and they wind up calling themselves something else. I think this may create some kinds of problems, including with payment processors, depending on where and how they yell. I don't think any of that will shut down AO3 or change its policies.
The thing to keep in mind is: AO3 does not need to grow. AO3 is not a venture-capital company. It does not have ROR. It does not generate profits. It is not accountable to anyone but itself for its policies and activities. It was designed by a small pack of fans who decided "we're damn tired of being pushed off our fic archive websites, and even more tired of VC-backed things showing up and trying to fleece us for profits while simultaneously insisting to their mainstream stockholders that they don't approve of smut, that they dislike slash, that they think fanfic is copyright infringement. We need to own the servers and set our own policies."
AO3's going to face plenty of problems in the future. A lot of people do not like smut, or do not like some kinds of smut, and think it should be illegal. Or they think it should be restricted. Or at the very least, the people who host it, write it, and read it, should be ashamed, and if they're not, they need to be Taught A Lesson.
Repeat with: slash fanfic, RPF, fanworks based on children's shows, and fanfic in general.
A lot of people think AO3 is Doing Fandom Wrong, and some of those people are going to cause problems. Some of those people are probably government officials, so the problems are going to be big.
But I don't think any of them are going to succeed in shutting down AO3 (although accessing it may get more difficult from some parts of the world), and they're definitely not going to change the core policies.
AO3 was started by people who'd been watching the legal and cultural landscape around fanfic for decades. It's run today by people with the same kinds of experience, the same kinds of beliefs about fandom culture.
I am not worried about the future of AO3.
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dontbxther · 1 year
Summary: Noelle reunited with her sisters after 21 years
Pairing(s): Natasha Romanoff x Younger Sister!OC Yelena Belova x Older sister!OC
Notes: This may turn into a series depends on how much people like it. This will kind of follow the Black Widow storyline. Also a bit angsty
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Do I regret leaving my sisters in the red room?No,no I don't. They would have left me the minute they had the chance. So why should I save them if they wouldn't save me?
Besides Natasha and Yelena were always favourites, I was never noticed when they were around. All you would hear was 'Natasha did this' and 'Yelena did that' but you would never hear 'Noelle did this or that'.
To make it worse Melina and Alexei didn't notice me either. They only, and when I say only I mean only, cared about Natasha and Yelena, but I get it. I understand why, I really do. They have great potential in the future. But do I not?
Present day - 2016, Budapest
Ever since I escaped that hellhole I've always been on alert,doesn't help the fact that I don't know if my sisters are alive or not. Not like they would care if I'm dead, but that's beside the point right now.
I got up to head to the kitchen when I hear shuffling coming from outside the door. Which is quite unusual since not many people now where this apartment is I mean, it's in the middle of Budapest but not many people notices because of how much It blends in.
I quickly run to grab my spare gun I have hidden incase this scenario ever happened, and hide behind the wall outlining the kitchen doorway.
"I know someone's out there," I shout signaling that I hear them come to my door.
I hear mumbling after I say that something along the lines of "I know you know." I roll my eyes, suddenly I hear a click on the door opens. I straighten my back up against the wall.
"Thanks for knocking Natasha, very polite of you." I tell her sarcastically.
"Well you know me-" She replies ready to make a witty comment.
"Do I?" I question and turn the corner with my gun at the ready "Because if I remember correctly you nor Yelena cared about me?"
"C'mon now just lower the gun we both know that you not gonna shoot me, right?" She says confidently but her look is more questioning than anything. Either way she ignores my last statement.
I lower the gun and walk towards my room that I don't really sleep in. "What do you want Natasha? You can't just turn up after 21 years expecting a warm welcoming from you little sister. I mean I hope not." I grab a bag and pack a few clothes and weapons knowing that since she's here i'll have to move before I get caught again.
"Luckily I wasn't. I need your help." I look at her in disbelief and laugh. I zip up my bag and walk into the kitchen hoping to get something to eat before my appetite is spoiled.
"Your stupid if you think I believe that." I don't even go the fridge I go straight to sit down at the dining table "Why.. Why do you need my help Natasha?"
She slaps down a clump of red viles with a picture of her and Yelena in the middle "This is why I need your help Noelle. Obviously Yelena sent this out for us to help her in some way."
I roll my eyes "Or-or maybe she sent it you because she is unable to do it, I mean your an 'Avenger' right?" I put quote marks up as I say avenger. How ignorant can someone be?
"Just help me Noelle damn it!" She slams her hands against the desk in frustration as she's annoyed at how stubborn I'm being.
I sigh and clench my jaw as I take in her state, "Fine where is she?"
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theageofsims · 1 year
Sims 4 Legacy Tips & Challenges *I will update this post at some point in the future.
CREATE-A-SIM Each save begins in Create-A-Sim… so make it count, but don't get too caught up in specifics. The less you know going in, the more surprising and engaging it will be. Consider picking life stages, genders, looks, or traits you normally wouldn't use. It may seem like a bad idea to pick things you aren't familiar with, but it also adds a whole lot more to the concept of a 'challenge'.
On another note, if you do pick a life stage and gender you're used to, at least try to give them different traits. If you're really daring, roll the dice in C-A-S or close your eyes and raining point to one before opening them up again.
These things seem easy enough, but only if you begin with the idea that you will change their traits and etc… later on. If you begin with the idea that you will not cheat for any reason at all within your legacy… you might want to think on it for more than a minute or you might want to prepare yourself for what the future will hold…
SEASONS If you don't have Seasons, this won't apply.
If you do have Seasons… where will your legacy begin, and in what season? Some worlds and seasons can create some extreme weather challenges, depending on what time of the year it is -- like your Sims burning or freezing to death as well as crops going dormant in certain seasons.
Consider growing crops inside if there is space available as crops can be a source of food and/or income. If your legacy begins in a 'Rags to Riches' sort of gameplay or a starter-home sort of gameplay then there won't be much funds available for spending on anything and everything at once.
CATS & DOGS If you don't have Cats & Dogs, this won't apply.
If you do have Cats & Dogs… remember that your Sims pets need shelter and food as well… which costs money. With that said, remember that this pack brought traits along to C-A-S. If you chose or ended up with one of its traits, consider creating a pet legacy to increase the challenge. If your legacy starter is a cat lover, then so begins a cat legacy. If your legacy starter is a dog lover, then so begins a dog legacy.
RELATIONSHIPS First comes love, then comes marriage -- but not always. Sometimes love doesn't even exist and neither does the marriage, especially these days.
Some legacy challenges begin with two CAS Sims, but what if they didn't? What if your CAS Sim took a walk (perhaps with their pet?) and experienced a thunderbolt straight to their feels when they laid their eyes on another Sim? It could literally be any Sim out there in the Sim world. A Townie, A Pre-Made, or even an NPC.
If they clash, the challenge will increase, but if they click -- it's a love thing (or lust thing…) and the legacy will continue on its merry little way.
OFFSPRING Consider what could lie ahead… because that too, will also cost money. Of course there won't be a legacy without at least one offspring, but what if the natural way of having offspring brings your Sim twins or triplets? You can have control over adoption, but you can't have control over birth (technically you can if you consider what your pregnant Sim consumes, but if you are blindly playing and not being specific… anything could happen.)
OCCULT Human Sim Legacy Challenges can already be a challenge, but with occults? You might have to put your feet up and relax a little in-between the madness.
Consider their needs (especially with Vampires who will be burned by the sun in a matter of seconds if they haven't got the power that allows them to be in the sunlight) and how they differ from human Sims. Not to focus in on vampires, but they also need to feed on humans for 'plasma' until they read up on the vampire lore (which allows them to purchase plasma packs).
Mermaids need hydration, but they don't seem to die from lack of it because it replaces the 'hygiene' bar. Still, if you want to see them in their true mermaid/merman form outside of a bathtub, they can live in Sulani (Island Living), Henford-on-Bagley (Cottage Living), or Tartosa (My Wedding Story).
Remember that it might not be one occult Sim either. Whether you begin your legacy with an occult or you don't, if your legacy founder creates offspring with an occult chances are their offspring could be an occult.
Usually occults don't begin to show their lifestyle until the the teen life stage so there will be space in-between which will allow a break, but again -- if the offspring arrived in twins or triplets, that's double or triple the challenge when they begin to function as their occult form because they'll all age up at once.
MISC Try not to use a money cheat (use what the game starts you with)
Don't give your Sims a job that is a rabbit hole so there's no chance of promotions and increase in pay as well as bonuses.
If a Sim reaches their end before you're ready, that's just how it goes. If it ends the legacy challenge -- then that's where it was meant to end.
Try to let your game do what it wants for a number of things, allowing your Sims to choose for themselves to help you develop their personalities/stories. For an example, if the first thing they removed from their fridge happened to be bread rolls then perhaps that Sim loves baked goods and aspires to be a baker? Place a musical instrument and see which one of your sims picks it up first or put down an easel to see which Sim begins painting first.
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thezombieprostitute · 9 months
Alphas & Algorithms - Part 3 - Coming home
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A/N: Continued from Part 2. I have a few chapters written but not sure how to make the story work after that. Reader is female and is described as "tall". No other descriptors.
Warnings: It is a Dystopian AU. Food scarcity, hunger, mentions of families being separated. Please let me know if I missed any!
--Part 2-- --Part 4--
--Series Masterlist--
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The first thing Curtis registered was a decrease in the usual pain levels upon waking. He still ached but it was noticeably less so. As he continued coming back into consciousness he registered warmth, softness, a full stomach. But when he registered his feet were getting massaged his eyes popped open and he bolted upright, startling Y/N. He was on her couch and she had placed his feet on her lap. When he startled her she let out a small, quick noise and stood up, gently placing his legs back on the couch. 
“I’m so sorry,” she began. “I just needed to make sure you were okay, but wanted to make sure you were able to rest, but needed to do something with my hands, but needed to figure out what happened to you, but needed…”
“Y/N,” Curtis cut her off. “Right now I'm just surprised and confused. Do you know what happened to me?”
She nodded and explained that Jake had come out at hearing her scream and helped her get Curtis to the couch. The AI checked his vitals and determined that it was a result of his body not used to needing to process so much rich food at once. The best thing for him was sleep so she let Jake go back to his room while she tried to keep herself busy. Ultimately she couldn’t do much so she opted to rub his feet to encourage a sound rest. “I’m so sorry,” she said, unable to look him in the eyes.
“I think,” Curtis began, slowly, “I think it’s just like with the food. I’m not used to it. Any of it.”
“I’m..” “Don’t say you’re sorry,” he grumpily interrupts. “You didn’t know what to do and for some reason your Emotional Support Beta didn’t help you.”
“Oh that’s a precaution required by the AI.” With a confused look from Curtis she continues, “the AI has learned that some Omegas don’t do well with a mate because they’re too dependent on their Betas. Other times Alphas will have problems because their mates are so close with a Beta. As such, I’ve been trying to learn how not to have Jake around so often, especially when you’re here.”
“That seems strange, but nothing this day has been normal. Um…could you give me a quick summary of the courting process? I get the feeling I've got a few wrong ideas about all of this.”
“Ah, yes,” Y/N perked up. “The cause of confusion might be because Omegas are allowed to tailor their courting within the parameters the AI sets up. Like I said with your earlier question, I’d like to use the time before my next heat to actually get to know each other. This would include meeting up like this at least twice a week, though hopefully future meets will go better. You’d go back to your home between meets. If you do agree to be my mate there will, of course, be negotiations for compensation for your pack. Things like better housing, higher wages, stuff I can’t think of at the moment. If you do not want to be my mate you and your pack will go back to how things were but you’ll be together. I may also push for more rations since I think you need more nutrition and it would bother me to not help you after you’ve been so patient with me.”
“So I actually do get a say in this?”
“Yes,” Y/N nods fervently. “Consent is incredibly important to me. I’m allowed to choose between potential mates, why wouldn’t I extend you the same courtesy?”
“What happens to you if I say no?”
“I have some other potential mates I can court. If none of them consent either a mate will be chosen for me based solely on genetic compatibility.”
Curtis thinks on all of this for a while before telling Y/N that he will see her again, but will discuss the options with his pack. He cannot promise agreeing to anything beyond the next date but Y/N lights up with the biggest smile he’s seen on her. She says thank you and gives him a strong hug. She seems to realize what she’s doing and jumps back with an apology. Curtis gives her a soft grin and tells her it’s okay. After she presses him a bit, he agrees to take a couple plates of the baked goods home to share with his pack. 
After he’s allowed to change back into his usual clothes, a security drone escorts him home. Curtis makes sure to keep his head down and his aura grumpy. No one would bother him while there’s a security drone around but he didn’t want anyone following him, questioning, or bugging his pack about him.
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The second he steps through the door the pups are on him. He can’t help the smile on his face as they exchange hugs and tears. He picks up all three kids and carries them to the table where the rest of the pack is, big smiles on their faces, relief in all of their eyes. 
He sat down and took out his bag as he told everyone what happened, leaving out some parts for the sake of the pups. Everyone started sharing the cookies, but Yona got distracted by the shirt he’d been given. She pulled it out of the bag, smiled up at Curtis and asked if she could have it for a nightgown. He didn’t hesitate to agree and she ran to the bathroom to change into it. All of the kids marveled at how soft it was and between everything they’d experienced, they soon all fell asleep huddled together, allowing the adults to speak plainly.
“So,” Andrew whispered, “you don’t actually have to leave us! We can stay together as a pack!”
Tanya squeezed Curtis hand, “just go back to her and tell her you’re not interested.”
“What about the stuff we could get for everyone?” Curtis loved his Pack and greatly appreciated how ready they were to keep him. But the thought of getting the pups a better spot in the hierarchy of things was appealing.
Andrew nodded, “it would be nice to not have to scrape by, but we’re a Pack. We can look after each other like we have been.”
“And the pups would be more than heartbroken,” Tanya interjected. “Just look at how they reacted this morning.”
Curtis found himself relaxing a bit, comforted by the love and support of his Pack. But then he noticed Andrew and Tanya’s scents were off.
“You’re hiding something,” he accused.
Andrew and Tanya looked at each other and Tanya gave a slight nod. Andrew admitted to Curtis that, after he had been escorted out of the building by the security drone, almost everyone in the building came to ask what was going on. They hadn’t been sure of what to tell their neighbors and asked for everyone to just leave them be while they comforted their pups. Most respected their wishes but Hobie was adamant about knowing what was going on. 
Curtis let out a quiet growl. Of course Hobie would take an interest. There were suspicions that Hobie was working on building up yet another attempt at uprising against the AI. He had been best friends with Curtis’s brother and was possibly even more broken by his abduction than Curtis had. But while Hobie was as outspoken as he could be, without actually getting caught, Curtis focused on taking care of his pack by keeping his head down and his mouth shut. 
“If he comes by again, tell him to just talk directly to me. He can easily find me.” Andrew and Tanya agreed and then suggested they all get some sleep. It’d been a long, trying day for everyone.
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--Part 4--
Tagging @every-username-is-taken-damnit, per request.
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palettepainter · 2 months
General update: Schedule and Commissions
So as the title says, a bit of a general update concerning my schedule and future/current commissions!
I mentioned this on Twitter but over the Easter holidays I'll be helping out at the zoo pretty much every day for a few hours in the afternoon, if I'm not at the zoo I'll be at the family warehouse helping cut stencils or pack orders. Thanks to me working at the family business my schedule can be flexible, however I don't know how much I'll be able to set aside to do commission work. I hope to put aside at least 1-2 days where I can work on commissions. Please rest assured I will be working on them when I have available time, but updates might be a bit slower than normal until the Easter holidays are over!
For those of you who are long time followers or those of you who have brought a commission from me before, you know that I generally try to open my commissions once every month. However ontop of a art display I've been busy making pieces for, on the 25th on May me and my family, plus my Aunt and younger cousins, will be going to Portugal to visit relatives and returning just before June. I've grown into a habit of leaving my tablet at home whenever me and my family go on big holidays like this, but depending on how many commissions I have finished by that point I may bring it with me.
In general though, aside from possibly commissions if I do have to bring my tablet with me, there won't be any digital OC/fandom doodles. I may post traditional stuff during that period, but as we don't see these family relatives a lot (since they're in Portugal) I'll be doing my best to not get carried away with drawing.
Due to this holiday at the end of May, plus the art display I've been generously allowed to do in town, I can't guarantee commissions will open in April. I'll be starting work on the commission slots that where ordered in March and that will probably take a while to complete them all. The earliest I can see my commissions opening again will either be sometime in May - very limited slots as I don't want to have too many piled up before I leave for Portugal - or sometime in June once we return
Thank you for reading!
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changingplumbob · 7 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 7, Part 2
Bob's dream is to reach the top of the chef career. However an opportunity to franchise his recipes has him considering what he really wants from his career, and legacy. Dale may be old but he's alive the entire part, no unwarned deaths here!
They were rolled for the week of Dia de los Muertos so I did my best to have them celebrate it and honour the spirit of the occasion. Obviously not a perfect representation, I'm still learning and bound to make some mistakes on the way.
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Bob: You look amazing Jumble
Eliza: You don't look so bad yourself Sleek
Bob: Listen, at work today I was approached by a rich customer
Eliza: Did they want you to add extra kale again
Bob: No, actually they wanted to open a chain of Bob Pancake restaurants
Eliza: Are you joking right now
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Bob: I know money means a lot to you so I wouldn't joke
Eliza: Are we going to be rich
Bob: I'm not finished yet
Eliza: There's more than a restaurant chain
Bob: They had some conditions. Retirement being the main one
Eliza: So money without working? Sounds perfect
Bob: And never being a chef again
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Eliza: Let me guess, you turned them down
Bob: They wanted to have sole rights to my image, my name, my recipes
Eliza: *sighs* Bob-
Bob: It just didn't feel right. I want to make a name for myself. Be a sim you and our kids can be proud of
Eliza: And a chain wouldn't accomplish that?
Bob: It wouldn't
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Bob: And I'm only 37 anyway, I have so many more years of work and creation still in me
Eliza: Oh.... thank the watcher!
Bob: Wait... You're not mad?
Eliza: I might be SAD we don't get a large sum but I'm not mad. Sleek, a life without cooking would make you miserable when you already struggle with low moods. I'd rather you be busy, happy and healthy than unemployed, sitting around the house, packing the pounds back on. I LOVE money... but I love you more
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Bob: I don't plan to be a nobody forever, I'll work hard and in time who knows, maybe I'll open my own place with my own rules
Eliza: You could never be a nobody to me
Bob: I want something I can leave our kids that's more than just simoleons
Eliza: I'm proud of you Bob
Bob: You are
Eliza: Of course. We've both grown since we got married
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Bob: Well I'm proud of you, my super hot wife who's a corporate superstar and grew two kids
Eliza: You make them sound like plants
Bob: You know you were napping on my side of the bed
Eliza: Your side? The whole thing is mine
Bob: May I sleep there tonight
Eliza: Depends how good your payment scheme is
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When the bargaining of the bed was done for the night the two Pancakes settled down to sleep. No large payout for Bob, but the future is full of possibilities. He maintains the freedom to use his name himself for whatever he chooses to do in the culinary world.
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This Sunday is Dia de Muertos, day of the dead. In my game it's used as a day to honour those that have passed on, celebrating life and family. Whereas my sims Halloween is more about embracing the candy and costumes and commercialism. It felt important to have a separate holiday for these two things.
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One of the traditions is attending a holiday ceremony together. Before the family can leave however, there is a few chores to do and a Dale to comfort. Bob improves his handiness by fixing the constantly breaking plumbing. Iggy takes time to practice his violin while Fergus uses the bathroom.
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Outfits on and faces painted, the Pancakes are ready to head to Willow Creek church and cemetery to pay homage to those sims who have passed on.
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At the community lot Iggy and Fergus happily leave sugar skulls. It appears that Eliza and Bob missed the memo about the day being a celebration, and mourn for sims that have passed on.
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Leaving sugar skulls brings a day of the dead celebrator, today it's Helena. I try to get the Pancakes to all ask for sugar skulls but glitches abound. As in Iggy received two sugar skulls, one from Fergus and one from Eliza, none from Helena. No one else could get a sugar skull *sighs*
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Back home Bob tries to improve his celebrity level by livestreaming his cooking. He is working on improving the gourmet cooking and baking skills. The drone has a friendly enough face so Bob does his best to ignore that there's real sims watching him. He manages to gain a few hundred followers.
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Eliza is busy working out when I notice Fergus has picked up some of Kelly's bad habits. On his mother's pristine porch he is dumping paint! Eliza may be embracing some of Bob's mess but that doesn't mean she'll let her kids ruin her tidy house.
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Eliza: Stop this instant
Fergus: But the deck should celebrate to
Eliza: It's a deck Fergus. Is that paint water soluble
Fergus: I don't know what that means
Eliza: You better hope it is because after a time out it's your job to clean it
Fergus: But YOU clean everything
Eliza: You made this mess, you'll clean it up
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In the kitchen Bob demonstrates he has learned to clean up after himself sometimes. Fergus looks way too happy in time out, probably congratulating himself on a good prank. After Iggy gives Dale a big hug he starts work on his fitness badge. To help, Bob and Eliza have bought him a bike.
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Dale is the best assistant chef anyone could hope for. He always check on what Bob is cooking, and eats any scraps that drop. Between putting things in the oven and getting them out Bob makes sure to shower Dale in affection. He loves his four legged family member.
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Eliza: Fergus! Dinner!
Iggy: Slow poke
Eliza: I can't believe you did so much today Sleek without messing up your facepaint
Bob: I can cook on auto pilot
Fergus: Why do we even celebrate it
Eliza: I beg your pardon
Fergus: We don't have an Mexican heritage, do we
Bob: We don't but that's not the point
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Iggy: The point is sugar skulls
Eliza: No it isn't
Bob: Boys, sims come from many cultures. We may not have Mexican heritage but other sims in this save do
Fergus: So we do it for them?
Eliza: Them and our own ancestors. Dia de Muertos is about celebrating the lives of sims who came before us
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Iggy: Who came before us
Bob: Your grandparents
Fergus: Shouldn't we have their photos displayed somewhere
Bob: Normally on Dia de Muertos you would, along with food and candles for their spirits
Eliza: But being premades we don't have any photos of them
Iggy: That sucks
Eliza: Iggy! Language!
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Bob: Your grandmother made this soup for me when I was little, it always made me feel comforted
Eliza: And your grandfather taught me how to budget, make do with what you have. I value nice things because I know what it is to have nothing
Fergus: I never knew that
Bob: And that's why we celebrate
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Eliza's week will likely be filled with boosting skills for her next promotion. Her hobby is arts and crafts though so it's important she takes some time to relax and cross stitch. Of course, it's hard to do that when you have an adorable dog wanting attention. Dale and Eliza have become companions.
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It's hard to pull pranks when everyone is busy so Fergus sets himself up at an activity table to do some drawing and make some crafts. Outside Iggy is still working on his bike riding for his Keep Fit badge. Eliza finishes her cross stitch, though she received a few pricks getting there.
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Bob is busy trying to write a cookbook about breakfasts when Dale approaches. He wants to play fetch! Bob eagerly abandons his work and heads to the backyard. The yard has enough space to play fetch properly and Dale and Bob have a whale of a time.
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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los-ninos-tortugas · 9 months
Okay! Ask box is officially back open for business! So as always I’m down for asks anytime anyone wants to send them. However, now that the semester has started I just wanna warn everyone that answers may not be as timely as they were over the summer. I will always try to get to them as soon as I can but of course my studies have to come first.
Just a few other housekeeping things:
The “Set a Course for Home” one shot that features Donnie sparring with Tuvok is still on its way. I had to learn the lesson the hard way to not set very unreasonable deadlines for myself (like trying to finish an anthology update while having to pack to move back to college) so I’m not going to make any more promises about exact dates for when something is going to be posted, it’s ready when it’s ready. That being said I am quite close to being finished with it and then doing some light editing.
Continuing with the “Set a Course for Home” anthology, after this next update I do have the next couple of one shots planned. I’m finally going to get to the conclusion of “Distant Stars” (the story where Donnie learns about the augments). I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I finally know how I want that two parter to conclude. After that I have plans for a much more fluffy chapter that focuses on Donnie and B’Elanna hanging out and doing engineering stuff together, because I think it’s finally high time to explore their relationship. The last one I have planned for now is almost a 5+1 story but not quite? I don’t think it fully follows the 5+1 format but it’s sort of close but anyway, it will focus on Donnie’s relationship with the Wildman’s (both Sam and Naomi). Again no promises for when exactly these will be posted, it’ll happen when it happens, but I just wanted everyone to have an idea of what they can look forward to in the future.
The Leo Swap conclusion is still coming. Like I said, I set an unreasonable deadline for myself and couldn’t reach it because of life and going back to school, but I have not abandoned it, it’s just still in my drafts right now. It’ll come out when it’s ready and after the fic is posted here my plan is to post the completed story on ao3 for a little bit of easier accessibility (and I will of course post the link to it and add the link to my master post)
As for blog activity, there might be a substantial increase in queued posts or just reblogs and a lot less of me just talking into the air or ideating because I have a lot less free time (or there might be a substantial increase in me rambling depending on how much I end up procrastinating on my assignments this semester, we’ll see which happens first lol)
That’s all the housekeeping stuff I can think of for now, I might add more later or make a second update post, but for now that’s about it on the rundown of how things currently are. Hope you’re having a good time wherever you are, wish me luck at school ✌️💜
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
Rise of the Beasts is almost here, and the movie is getting pretty glowing early reviews similar to Bumblebee showing signs we have good talent behind it again. The toys however seem to be sitting on shelves mostly, though that might be due to price primarily as I have seen evidence of people looking at the toys and buying some. I’ve had an eye on the two pack Spark Armor style toys and two pack Autobot/Maximal/Terrorcon with animal weapons, but those are the most expensive toys of interest and not in my price range atm. One older collector I bumped into bought most of the Beast weapon toys so he could display them in Beast Mode and Gun Mode. So there is at least some demand for the toys.
I do have some quibbles due to recent interviews. Ol’ Lorenzo keeps insisting the film doesn’t break canon and is part of the Bay films, but the director and early audiences have all pointed to the film being treated as a reboot but still having nods to the older movies, like most franchise stuff are want to do. Lorenzo won’t let it go, but as far as I’m concerned, Beasts is part of a reboot era, and unless Paramount finds a way to shove the square peg into the Star shaped hole, I’m disregarding anything Lorenzo says. And it appears other officials are doing the same, as it has been officially declared RotB is a reboot, with a new trailer also calling the movie the start of a new era to solidify the deal further.
Steven on the other hand seems interested in seeing more movies that utilize other planets and other kinds of Transformers since they spend too much time on Earth. As much as I’d be open to fiddling with this, I’m not sure if they’ll actually do that. At best you get Nebulous, since it’s populated by human like beings, and you get more Scorponok for whoever keeps putting Scorponok in the films. I’m not sure how a Velocitron movie would work, is it Fast & Furious with the villains being the Stunticons? In any event, for context and mild spoilers, a post credits scene involves GI Joe recruiting Noah. If I had to guess, besides the usual Joe/Autobot team up, if this gets properly followed through, the Joes are likely meant to be NEST in this universe. Not sure atm what this means for Sector 7, which exists still via the Bee movie. Perhaps GI Joe is an extension of S7, as the Joe rep talking to Noah is fully aware of the Transformers. It’s worth mentioning it was recently revealed a Transformers and GI Joe crossover movie is in development, so the scene with Noah is clearly meant to build towards this. I suspect this may be how we get Megatron as well, with Cobra, like in past comic adaptions, discovering the stasis locked Megatron and seeking to utilize him as a weapon, also potentially explaining his inevitable (HISS?) tank mode, unless they decide to make Megs a helicopter like his Animated and EarthSpark selves. In any event, it doesn’t seem like Hasbro wants the Autobots to leave Earth any time soon, and it might depend on if the Transwarp Keys survive intact if they CAN get off world on the future.
Steven’s similar interest in wanting to show threats beyond the Decepticons feeds into my earlier concerns Hasbro doesn’t seem to want to use the Decepticons as major villains anymore. I mean let’s be honest, we all thought a possible Bee 2 was going to involve more Decepticons on a larger scale having picked up Shatter’s transmission because Soundwave detected it, none of us expected Terrorcons or Maximals. It makes me wonder if Horrorcons will be in the sequel: guys like Apeface and Snapdragon would lend themselves well as Unicron agents. With Unicron, at least at the moment, intended to be the trilogy’s main antagonist, I don’t really see any other evil Transformers beyond the Terrorcons right now anyway. Even Beast Machines felt it was less complicated not to involve Predacons so the Vehicons could shine as the main enemy. That being said, when there’s Maximals, usually there’s Predacons, so the Preds might have a shot at becoming antagonists. It’s not clear who else survived Unicron eating the Maximal planet, but they clearly had better luck than the Lithones did. Megatron’s Predacons surviving seems like a safe bet going by advertisements that feature reliefs of Terrorsaur, BlackArachnia, Waspinator and the like. That said, Scorponok was part of it, but he appears to be allied with the Terrorcons and is a mass produced drone despite being labeled a Predacon in toys, so… -big shrugs- I could see Megatron’s goal being similar to RiD Steeljaw in that he wants to create a Predacon homeworld and chooses Earth for his purposes, intending to wipe out all humans, Autobots and of course Optimus Primal to claim his prize. I’m sure they’ll eventually bring in Decepticons later on, but the fact we abruptly jump from the Great War to whatever the deal is with Terrorcons doesn’t inspire confidence there. I do hope though that since we have Scourge, the next leader of the Terrorcons is Cyclonus. Still has the Acolyte of Unicron mask, but he is helicopter patterned after Armada Cyclonus, lol. I mean if this Scourge is a homage to RiD Scourge, I don’t see why we can’t get this.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What’s your favorite amusement park? Feels unfair to call it a favorite when it’s the only one I’ve been to, but to be fair Universal Studios in Singapore wasn’t bad at all. Only thing I hated about the trip was that gross couple in front of us who endlessly made out while my family and I were in line for one of the rides.
Do you know your social security number (or equivalent) off by heart? Nah. Our HR team currently takes care of everything relating to my social security so there isn’t really a reason for me to memorize it, at least for now lol.
What would you take to a potluck dinner? Truffle mac and cheese from my favorite Italian restaurant. 
Do you have any sisters? How is your relationship with them? I have a sister, two years younger. We’re pretty tight, but our relationship is very casual more than anything. We’ll rant to each other and occasionally share how our day went, but we’d never confide in one another or have heart-to-hearts.
When was the last time you changed your hair and what did you do to it? I had it dyed to purple and trimmed up to my neck last October. It’s since faded back to a light brown and my roots are awkwardly growing out, but I’ll likely wait til June-ish to dye it back to purple again so that it looks perfect by the time we fly to Thailand.
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done? Uh. Maybe that time I got an ex-partner a pendant with some pretty significant symbols inside when you open it? I don’t remember 98% of the relationship, but that one sticks out.
Do you listen to audiobooks? If so, what was the last one you listened to and did you like it? No, my attention span is too awfully short for something like that. Also why I can never get into podcasts no matter how hard I try.
Describe yourself in five words. Loyal, (too) hardworking, passionate, resentful, sensitive.
What was your favorite class in high school? History.
When was the last time you did laundry? Couple of days ago.
Do you own a leather jacket? Do you wear it often? No. No reason to own one considering the climate we experience in this part of the world, hahaha.
Can you get Chinese food from a drive-thru in your town? Yeah, we have a Chowking just right outside the village.
If you could choose your middle name, what would you pick? I’ve always liked my second name (Isabelle). I liked it too much to the point that when I was a kid and was being teased in school about my unisex name, I tried making my second name my main nickname; it didn’t stick though. Partially my fault too because I’d never turn around when I was being called by my second name hahaha
Would you rather see a sunrise or sunset? Sunset. I don’t like waking up early, and I’ve always thought sunsets looked better and more peaceful anyway.
Do you have any plans to buy any furniture in the near future? Nope.
When you go to bed, do you go to sleep straight away? Sometimes, but most of the time I’d continue to use my phone and go through social media and Reddit until my eyes start feeling heavy.
What do you do for a living? I work as an account manager in the public relations industry.
Do you own a suitcase? When was the last time you used it? Where did you go? I do, but I haven’t used it in since 2016 when I went on a cruise and had to pack for three different countries. I don’t plan on using it for my upcoming Thailand and Malaysia trips, either.
How many pets have you had in your life? More than 10, but I don’t remember how many goldfish we owned in total.
Is there any soda in your fridge right now? We may have Coke actually but idk?? I had my birthday dinner with friends last night and my mom asked if anybody wanted soda so apparently we have some.
Do you call it soda, pop, fizzy drink or something else entirely? Soda or softdrink depending on who I’m talking to. Filipinos tend to use ‘softdrink’ so I’m likely to use that when talking to an older friend/relative.
Do you need to get any groceries right now? What do you need? MORE 3-IN-1 COFFEE. I recently ran out :(
If I was visiting your town, what would you take me to see and do? Probably one of the cafés up the mountain so you can see the Metro Manila skyline.
What was the last thing you spent money on? Beer.
What subscription services do you have? Spotify, YouTube Premium, Netflix, Disney+.
Do you like olives? I have my moods for it but otherwise I will take them out if I encounter them in a dish.
Would you rather be too warm or too cold? Too cold. These days the heat index is reaching 50ºC so being ‘too warm’ is at the VERY BOTTOM of my priorities right now.
What’s your favorite name for a girl? Olivia. I like the name Mia too, but one of my clients has the same name so for now it’s taken a backseat as my favorite lololol. I love Elliott for a girl, too.
How do you make your coffee? I rely on 3-in-1 coffee precisely because I’m terrible at making my own coffee and always fuck up the ratios for the add-ons.
Do you know anyone who has a matching tattoo with someone? (including yourself)? Apart from BTS, no not really lol.
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teddybeirin · 1 month
Hey thanks for answering my questions - I'm so sorry you ended up in urgent care. Pretty sure same would happen to me. My situation is I just live at home with my dad in a shit hole, mom's dead. Older brother moved out few years ago but he's in precarious position. My dad wants me to wait on him hand and foot, and says outright I can't leave or have any kind of life. He needs me to basically do all the work in the house. He also hits me and verbally abuses me all the time. People we know are aware of situation and are sympathetic but are too frightened of him to challenge him. Strangers will tell him it's not right now he speaks to me out in public and I pay for it later. These people I never see again but they're right. He's just lazy violent pos and cos I have no money or job I'm stuck. He thinks I'm too frightened to tell on him to police or go for help. He doesn't know I'm making plans tho. DV shelters or assistance like that won't help with out a police report. I go to police might as well measure me out for my coffin. I have no real friends. Housing won't help because if I leave home for apparently no good reason I will be classed as wilfully making myself homeless. I cant work to save up cos my dad fucked up my last job and gets violent if I even mention looking for one.
I'm basically a prisoner. My brother lives far away and dad doesn't know where he is cos he cut him off. Cos my dad thinks I'm too frightened to disobey him for real even he is paranoid about the possibility (fr hes batshit crazy) and is ignorant about internet computer stuff I am in touch with my brother. But I can't stay with him for long cos of his landlord finding out. I thought I could just pack and walk out and crash at my bro's. I also thought I'd figure out stuff when I was there. But my gear is like my art stuff , computer, clothes, personal belongings self care stuff plushes and family bits and pieces. I don't know how I'd get them out the house with out my dad noticing. Even if I could do it a little at a time I would have nowhere to put them for storage cos don't have anyone but my bro and he's too far away to keep going back and forth to collect it safely.
I read all your advice and it's made me rethink all that because I am woefully unprepared. I think I'm gonna have to just pack my backpack with basic necessities and just go. I have to arrange a time with my bro and he said he'd pick me up away from the house. The only time I can get out of the house is when I have to do the shopping. My dad is home all day (he gets disability) so it wouldn't be weird for me to go out with my backpack as usual long as it's not bulging. I'd just say I'm going to get his food and then fuck off and meet my brother.
Literally I cannot delay any longer. It's reaching crisis point. I know I should plan it out further in advance for the future since I can't stay at brother's but I might not get this chance again. My brother seems to be getting cold feet tbh. I just am gonna pack bare essentials take grocery money and go. I am desperate teddy. I try and sneak out door it's not gonna work I see that now. Thank you for listening and your advice. I just wanna get out the house safe and figure rest out later
I'm so, so sorry lovie. That's such a horrible painful situation to be in.
If it helps at all... I didn't have, & still have yet to land, a job too - it was still possible because I had people willing to open up their home to me, to help me w/ transport costs, & everything. Asking for help even like, as a general ask to an online crowd, can be terrifying for so many reasons but it can truly change so much. Beyond that, depending on where you live, at least some places have state/gov-maintained jobseeker's resources that can make things So Much Easier to access information & even training. I'd recommend looking into if your area has anything like that!!
That's what I thought too, I know it may differ based on location, but where I landed it ended up being a myth used to discourage victims from leaving or seeking help. Not all organizations require you to file a police report, or even disclose to them who your abuser was, in order for them to help you. If you haven't already looked into the individual orgs' policies, I would really recommend doing that too, because if that is the same for wherever you are, it could be life-changing
That is a terrible terrible policy & whoever came up with it, I hope they get back every last bit of suffering they've enabled tenfold. I hope with all my heart there is a way around that. If you're comfortable, I am always open to look into things on your behalf, if you message me here whenever I have free time I would be glad to try & find stuff - sometimes places won't even tell you upfront on their websites & you have to call, which is ridiculous, so often calling isn't even safe.
I'm glad you're able to keep in touch with your brother safely.. thank goodness your pos dad is ignorant. I'm sorry, I know how hard it is to give up sentimental things, heirlooms, art, plushes - all of those are so meaningful & precious, & especially where a hobby is your lifeline in a situation feeling like having to give it up to get out is hellish. If there's anything small enough, I managed to take some sentimental things by shoving them into my clothes, in between necessities too. It wasn't enough to make the loss all better, but it took some of the sting away
If you leave your computer, I'd recommend doing what I did if you can - take out the storage drive at the last second, & take it with you, so that he can't access the info on there!! It was a vital part of my plans before I left, & it meant I was safer. Granted my family is also at least somewhat okay using computers, so it's a bit different. But only if you can get it apart quietly, safely enough, of course
All of this looking into resources could be done after you're out, too. I get the urgency. If you don't have wifi at your brother's, I'd recommend going to the nearest library to his place - they have So Much. It's been one of the Most helpful places to me since leaving
I'm so proud of you for getting this far. It takes so much to survive it, let alone actively try to change things for the better at the same time. I'm cheering you on!!! I believe in you, you are worthy of better, you are worth the effort, you are worth the trouble of doing difficult & scary things. Every life has dignity, yours included, please keep that to your heart when you feel discouraged. You are always welcome, & I am wishing for your happiness!!
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captainresources · 8 months
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heya folks in the roleplay community, it's your friendly neighborhood Garrett coming at you with commissions! I work on a request only basis for now, though it may very well change in the future as I find the time to make things for public use. Making graphics has been a passion of mine since I picked up Photoshop many many years ago, especially those geared towards roleplay blogs, so I thought I'd give a passion a shot as a small side gig!
again, and as a general introduction, I'm Garrett, 29, and I've been in a slew of roleplay communities since good old 2012. Before that, I lurked in forums where I first picked up the tools of the Photoshop trade for signatures and all that jazz. Happy to help you guys out with graphics at any time! I offer all kinds of things, but I specialize in headers, dashboard icons, promos and pinned post graphics. I offer rp icons and PSDs as well, but my style for rp icons doesn't involve elaborate blockquotes. If you're looking for the more simplistic style, you're in the right place!
Keep reading to see links to examples, terms of service, and my prices.
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EXAMPLES: general tag. two panels. three panels. four panels. static promos. gif promos. pinned posts. multipurpose gifs.
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ONE. I expect payment on the day of the exchange. I won't ask you to pay up front, no worries, but I will enforce receiving payment first before sending you the finished product!
TWO. Commissions may take from 3 - 5 business days, with a week at most if any delays happen. I will keep you notified if this happens.
THREE (UPDATED DECEMBER 30, 2023). My prices are in US dollars (USD).
FOUR. Do not repost or claim as your own. Also, please provide credit somewhere on your blog (promo description, pinned post, carrd, etc).
FIVE. Communicate with me! Be as specific as you can regarding what you want and how you want it, and please reference my example gallery to be extra thorough. If you have second thoughts about the final version of the graphic, you can ask for revisions a maximum of 3 times. I'll be happy to fix it up to suit your needs and tastes!
SIX. I have goodies! For gif graphics, I will offer a discount of up to 5% if you provide me video footage beforehand; otherwise, I will claim full price if I need to go hunting for it + record it myself. For static graphics, I will also offer a discount of up to 5% if you provide me additional resources beforehand. Have an effect or image that you want me to blend in? Gimme it and I'll work it in!
SEVEN. I accept payments through PayPal.
EIGHT. My Discord is captaincommissions. (with the period!) so please reach out to me there if you'd like to comm me!
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HEADER. $5 - 10 USD depending on complexity. HEADER, GIF FORMAT. $7 USD.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Advice to Work on Yourself ⛸ in December 2022: Leo
Queen of Cups - Ace of Cups - 9 Cups & The World rev
Regarding: 4 Cups
This whole reading is about someone who is leaving, that you don’t want to go. Probably a former lover, now ex. They may have pulled the rug out from under your feet, they didn’t want this anymore, and they shocked you with how quickly they’ve moved away from this. Probably literally. The meditation had you in a canoe race on a river, and in these first cards we see 6 Swords with a Palm tree. I doubt that’s literal, but however that resonates for you. They’ve gone somewhere tropical?
There is a lot of Cancer energy here, Pisces too, could be who you’re dealing with. They seem to have just woken up one day and decided they’re done, packed their bags and left, or that’s how you’re perceiving it. The fact that they’ve held back their emotions from you, or any explanations, leaves you in this toxic cycle of needing to know more, there must be more. Moon energy of complete confusion, anxiety, worries, chaos in the brain. You see them having a new beginning, a new start for themselves, and you wonder if you’ve been left for someone else. That’s probably the biggest fear in your mind. If so, I don’t see anyone here. I do see them completely uninterested in your return, or any attempts to communicate, they’re downright frustrated or pissed off. You feel there’s unfinished business here, they feel they’re getting a fresh shot at life…they’re inspired and chasing after their dreams. I doubt it’s boat racing down the Amazon, but you never know. Or they’re racing away from you.
There is no real explanation here. The Devil belongs to one of you, either you because of this whole situation, and the lack of communication, you could be trapped in an unhealthy and obsessive cycle where they’re concerned. Or that’s what they felt the relationship was, and they felt they had to escape…and not say anything, not even open the door to communicate, not try to be convinced or even give you the chance to possibly manipulate them. If so that would be feelings, not necessarily the truth but. It’s how it’s perceived. I don’t see anyone else, no other people, if that’s something you worried about. The advice here lies in your oracles.
Animal Oracle: Condor 🦅
“You’re too enmeshed in this situation, so step back and see the bigger picture before making any decisions or taking action.”
You’ve lost perspective here because you either believe there’s something you absolutely need to have happen or else you’re simply being too stubborn to let go, step back, and take a fresh look at your circumstances. It’s the forest vs the trees dilemma. You’re too close to clearly discern the reality of what’s actually taking place. So make practice of detachment. Most people think of this as a cold, sterile way of responding, but nothing is further from the truth. It’s worse to remain so utterly involved and entangled that you lose perspective - and sometimes even yourself. This familiar pattern stems from the guilty feeling that somehow you’re not doing enough unless you’re completely immersed in a person or situation, continually trying to fix the problem, person or situation or rescue people. While this gives a temporary sense of satisfaction, it also creates unhealthy dependencies.
True detachment is objective compassion, where you still care very much but are distanced enough so you’re not under the illusion you can control the situation or person through your intervention or participation. 1st, be present and attentive. 2nd, speak your truth or remain silent. 3rd, keep the focus on what really matters. Lastly, let go of any attachment to an outcome. This is how you keep perspective. You can state your preference without insisting you get your own way. Express yourself, while honoring & respecting others, and see what happens.
Artist Oracle: JEAN COCTEAU
- The story only seems one-sided.
- There’s no such thing as a happy ending.
- Find your future in the past.
- Donate to Your Local Food Bank
- Help a Worthy Cause
Palm Tree 🌴 on 6 Swords seems to be where they’re going. Maybe where they’re from? Maybe they’ve been there before and find it peaceful. Somewhere warm, tropical, beautiful, exciting, though for what reason they’re doing this isn’t shown, unless it’s escaping toxicity. A new start.
Witch 🧙🏽‍♀️ on Ace of Cups shows magic in what they’re choosing to do, they’re manifesting the life they desire for themselves, and it’s working out for them, probably because it’s exactly what they’re supposed to do. Even if that hurts you. There is something more to their reasoning, but it may be things you don’t understand, like fond memories, inspiration, a dream, a goal, whatever it is, is probably personal to just them and “you wouldn’t understand”. They just know they have to.
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theelf-online · 1 year
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I posted 8,105 times in 2022
That's 5,307 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (0%)
8,092 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 882 of my posts in 2022
#blockmen - 462 posts
#osha violation - 93 posts
#homestuck (/neg) - 11 posts
#actually blockwomen - 10 posts
#me - 8 posts
#original post - 7 posts
#ok to reblog - 5 posts
#minecraft - 5 posts
#minecraft texture pack - 4 posts
#for -c - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also its proven sex education helps prevent csa because it gives people the knowledge to recognize it and i think thats extremely important
My Top Posts in 2022:
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0 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Hi! I’m @cosmic0artist and you wrote sweet tags on my miraculous ladybug redesign of Adrien that made me very happy so thank you haha! I never post here anymore but your lil comment means a lot :3
Aww this is so sweet! Absolutely made my day, thank you.
1 note - Posted July 20, 2022
Shitty Rice Pudding
I want to have a place to send people when they ask about how I make the shitty rice pudding. Literally the only reason, I am not a chef clearly. It tastes like horchata so that's a bonus too. If you leave out the cornstarch it's still very good but it's basically rice in hot milk so... cereal?
Old Rice from the fridge (a bowlful, the measurements are very unspecific), Milk, usually enough to cover most of the rice but not completely, if you have it Heavy Whipping Cream, some Honey depending on how sweet you want it, Vanilla Extract, a bit of Cinnamon, and a very small spoonful of Cornstarch.
Add the rice and honey and if there's cream the cream to it, if not, just a bit of the milk and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the honey if it's solid and also warm the rice up to de-clump it.
After that just declump, the back of a spoon works great. Mix it together, add cinnamon, vanilla extract, and the rest of the milk, toss it back in the microwave for like a minute (both the times might depend on your microwave, make sure you watch it so the milk doesn't like, bubble over and make a mess)
Add cornstarch, mix very well, you don't want clumps lol, then put it back in for 30 seconds (again, watch to make sure it doesn't bubble over)
After you take it out mix again and let it cool to an edible temperature, it'll probably be too hot when it first comes out, it'll solidify a bit as it cools.
7 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
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Ya boi finally got a cane! Finally got around to going to the medical supply store and it was way easier than I was expecting. My anxiety was definitely making it seem worse than it was, it was literally just in and out. Other than being new to using it and uncoordinated, it made a huge difference on the way back home.
[Image ID in Alt Text]
10 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tired of the antisemitic caricatures in Minecraft?
It's well known the villagers, illagers, and witches in Minecraft are stuck with an incredibly antisemitic design that despite hope, will probably never be changed. I've looked for a resource pack that only changed those elements (keeping the base game look), and was non-optifine friendly, but found none, so I made my own.
So I introduce Antisemitism Begone!
(Version 1.19 but should work for all versions that include the redesigned villagers) It's far from a perfect solution, but it satisfies my main personal annoyances (I am Jewish myself), and I'm certainly open to any improvements that can be made.
Unfortunately, there's many things I wish I could change but am unsure how (such as re-naming the golems to constructs, or changing how the Ominous Banner looks), but my knowledge only goes so far, and I'm pretty clueless when it comes to these things. So for now it's only visual elements that are changed. If I figure out how to do these things in the future I will certainly update it.
(Edit as of 10/9/22) I have figured out how to change the name from Golems to Constructs. Currently supported languages are English (US/UK), Spanish (Spain/Mexico) and German.
Below the Read More are Images of changes (ID in alt text) and a list of changes made.
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4,402 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bredahlfzcayers · 2 years
Packaging And Prep Requirements
Poly bags with a 5" opening or bigger are required to have a suffocation warning, either printed on the bag itself, or hooked up as a label. The poly bag should have a barcode or X00 label that's scannable by way of the bag or have an X00- or ASIN-label on the skin of the bag. drop test, consisting of 1 drop on all sides, and one drop on a nook. If the product does not cross the drop check, it have to be positioned in a poly-bag with a suffocation warning. Learn about the general prep requirements for sending FBA inventory to Amazon fulfilment centres, as well as the precise product categories that require specialised prep. In practice, including a web address on packaging tends to be a little bit of a grey area that gets kicked round with relative frequency in the seller forums.
That’s why if you wish to defend your merchandise extra, you need to put money into a bubble poly bag. Hi Kristi, The bags we generally use won't maintain these big of things.
New Amazon sellers do not want many supplies to get their FBA companies up and working. If you've obtained a smartphone, a printer, and poly bags, you're already off to a gr eat start.
Issues You Are Able To Do Now To Arrange For The This Autumn Rush
It’s in all probability honest to say that most of us who have ordered products off Amazon have acquired branded bins with a URL on the outside every so often. Lastly, on this “a hundred and one” section, you should decide how and where your products are going to be packaged of their “on the market” state. For our money, it saves a lot of time and potential dollars to have your goods packaged by the provider, however of course, this can depend in your packaging alternative being obtainable too. Not many individuals trouble, however you can nonetheless create a incredible wanting poly bag that adds worth in my opinion, plus this doesn’t price much. 20 SKUs seems like a lot, I can understand why a poly bag printer would not want to give you an excellent value when they're doing a custom print for a number of thousand models of every measurement. Avoid field openings, curves, and corners when making use of your stock and shipping labels. The outermost field must comprise a transport label, and also you wouldn't put that on a shopper-facing box.
For instance Amazon might eliminate your inventory and may block future shipments to its success centers. Follow these general necessities when transport models to Amazon fulfillment facilities. Amazon might refuse, return, or repackage any product delivered to a achievement middle with insufficient or non-compliant packaging at your expense. So, we understand the significance of this issue that environment friendly packaging is one of the most necessary ranges in your corporation.
For merchandise over 10 lb, use double-wall corrugated boxes for over-boxing. The poly bag should have a barcode (UPC, EAN, and so on.) or X00-label that is scannable through the bag or have an X00- or ASIN label on the skin of the bag. Amazon presents sellers a variety of completely different packaging options, relying on the means they select for order fulfillment. When selling on Amazon by way of Fulfillment By Amazon , the seller must follow all common requirements for shipping inventory to totally different success facilities.
Third Celebration Packaging And Prep Companies
Learn in regards to the basic preparation necessities for sending inventory to Amazon fulfilment centres in addition to the precise product classes that require specialised prep. If you acquired your merchandise from China they usually were already in a poly bag, you need to be nice to proceed. The poly bag should have a barcode or XOO-label that is scannable via the bag or have an XOO or ASIN label on the skin of the bag. It is not only a matter of packing your products into a field and sending it to Amazon. Amazon has some very specific packaging necessities for his or her FBA purchasers. While they might appear onerous at first, when you consider it from a business perspective they're just frequent sense.
We haven’t come across self sealing poly luggage yet that would be big enough to carry these items. A forty-depend package deal of One-Gallon dimension luggage (10.5×9) costs $4.38 from Wal-Mart. With a ziplock, you need to tape it down to measurement if it doesn't fit the merchandise perfectly. If you get those “blank” ones then you definitely'll need to print off your individual suffocation warning stickers which is a waste of time and labels. Now that we know all the foundations, it's easy to pick the right poly luggage for FBA sellers. I highly recommend starting with an assortment of sizes until you be taught which sizes you employ most often in your corporation.
That method you won't ever find yourself stranded and ready on an order of supplies to arrive. Yep, I just included poly bags at the same level as having a cellphone! That's as a result of self-sealing poly luggage are in all probability our most used supplies for Amazon FBA.
In addition to this general steering, Amazon additionally has specific prep categories together with child products, apparel/fabrics, and small gadgets. You can click on the screenshot under to learn Amazon's requirements in Seller Central. Before you place your first or next provides order, here's every little thing you should find out about poly baggage for Amazon FBA sellers. I advocate that every one new sellers buy poly baggage before creating their first cargo.
Don't try to save cash by only getting a giant size and considering that you could simply put your small gadgets in these. Then you will be violating the last Amazon prep rule (poly bag should not protrude by greater than three″). You positively don't desire unnecessarily giant luggage getting snagged and torn on Amazon conveyor belts. Even if prep is not required, there are nonetheless instances when I would possibly choose to poly bag an merchandise simply to protect it from warehouse put on and tear. It's at all times a good suggestion to put yourself within the customer's footwear and think about how you'd want your merchandise to arrive.
When I first got began on Amazon, I was truly utilizing an impulse sealer to seal my poly baggage as an alternative of buying self-sealing luggage. Self-sealing poly bags have been a little more durable to return by back then.
Nine instances out of ten, though, essentially the most economical answer is to do it your self – the physical cost of the labels plus the printing supplies does not add up to $zero.20. Anytime you’re delivery perishable meals or merchandise that are effective solely earlier than a certain period of time has elapsed, you have to embody expiration dates on the packaging. This method, your transport professionals know to deal with the merchandise with care and might plan out the most effective ways to deliver it. Depending on how far it must ship, these packages would possibly need to be transported in a refrigerated truck or saved in a cooled unit. When writing out the expiration dates, additionally ensure that it’s in clear numerical format in order that there’s no confusion.
The vendor ought to be conscious that Amazon has the best to refuse, return, or repackage any product that does not meet packaging necessities. The vendor can also be topic to certain noncompliance fees.
This is one of the simplest ways to make sure that clients are aware of the hazards and that they should be maintaining the plastic products away from their kids.
Failure to stick to this regulation could result in your product needing to be rebagged at your expense.
Fortunately, many poly bag suppliers make it some extent to supply products with suffocation warnings already printed on the bag, making the method less complicated so that you can observe.
Poly baggage with openings larger than 5 inches should include suffocation warnings that must be printed on the bag or attached as a label in a straightforward-to-discover location.
Use a packaging type that's most fitted to your product and niche – don’t poly bag a laptop computer and don’t expensively box a bathroom roll. As a previous instance, I have bought 10,000 poly baggage with my own design, brand, barcode etc on for £one hundred/$123. When shipping your merchandise to Amazon, you wish to make sure the two delivery labels are properly placed and easily identifiable. The labels should not be positioned over the seam of the field or around a nook or curve. Amazon prefers side placement of the labels and a 1.25" margin between the box edge and the label. It’s solely pure that various kinds of product orders require varying ranges of care while being ready and shipped. This is why many transport companies, Amazon included, set specific categories for these various orders in order that they understand how every ought to be managed.
For instance, unfastened merchandise have to be marked with a label indicating whether or not a package’s contents are sold collectively and shouldn’t be separated. Boxed items need to be sturdy, sealed in a method that retains them from opening, and doesn’t require some other specification. Follow these basic necessities when shipping items to Amazon Fulfilment Centres. Do used books , music cassettes , or cds must be bagged in poly earlier than transport to amazon fba . Poly bags with a 5 inch opening or larger must have a suffocation warning either printed on the bag or attached as a label.
These labels additionally work at the side of, or rather than, the "offered as set" labels. They notify warehouse personnel to not disrupt the association or packaging of an merchandise. It ought to go on a clean portion of the packaging, avoiding the opening of the box, all curves, and the corners. If your product has multiple layers of packaging, make certain the label is scannable without opening or disturbing it.
Also, keep away from inserting labels in an not noticeable location, like the inside cowl of a guide. For those who do not know, Amazon will label your merchandise for a payment of $0.20 per item.
Thank you for the info, Jessica, this has been extraordinarily helpful. https://replicaclubs.ru didn’t work once I ordered 25 18″x30″ self-seal poly luggage from Bubblefast, although. I hope this has helped you make sense of all the options for poly baggage for Amazon FBA sellers. At the tip of the day, I like to keep it simple with self-sealing poly luggage that already meet the Amazon specs. Eventually you'll find an excellent merchandise to sell that does not slot in a normal poly bag. I should notice that you could get poly baggage a lot bigger than the ones within the 400-pack units above.
The luggage from Gennzee are the most effective poly luggage for a couple of reasons. These are a little bit of a wierd size but I found the 6×9 simply weren’t chopping it or they have been so tight it was taking too lengthy to bundle products. The larger the bag, the higher the value so this was the subsequent most cost-effective choice. These bags measure 7.5×10.5 inches and have the identical nice strength because the 6x9s. Amazon requires any clear bag with a gap larger than five inches to have a suffocation warning either printed on the bag or printed on a sticker attached to the bag.
Crack The Amazon Code And Optimize Your Products At Scale
We may require over-boxing when there are security considerations about shipping and handling. Over-boxing involves placing a prepared or packaged product in a box for added protection, even when the product is already boxed.
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