#demonheart ari
chiyuki-hiro · 6 months
Demonheart: Can You Buy Me Pads
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dearest-and-nearest · 8 months
a time ago i created edit for this game, because it deserves much more attention
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fataterrata · 5 months
Touchy Feely - a demonheart fanfiction
a note: my first time publishing something on tumblr! I'm very proud of this and I haven't published any writing in several years so I wanted to get it out as far as I could :D
Brash had never quite denied that he was a touchy feely person. When it came to the old knights, he didn't dare touch most of them, but with Jarlan and Rose he'd always have some form of physical touch with them, whether it was a playful gesture or a well deserved slap across the back of the head. When it came to training recruits, he was very hands on, especially with the young, pretty ones. The ones who he felt shouldn't have had anything to do with being a soldier. The girls whom, he believed, should have stayed home and warmed their boyfriends beds. 
When he met Bright, the ex-knight's ‘touchy-feelyness’ escalated. Never had he known someone who he wanted to touch so much, whether it was holding her in his arms, keeping his hand on her at all times, even if it wasn't the most convenient time. Even after their shotgun wedding, officiated by a priest who had been drunker than a mule, Brash had to touch Bright in some way or form. 
Keeping her locked tightly in his arms in the middle of the night, burying his face in the crook of her neck to make sure she wouldn't leave, or brushing her fiery hair with the same golden brush he had kept for so long. For the first time in his life, Brash enjoyed just holding someone, with no expectations of sex. He had learned that intimacy didn't have to be just in the bedroom.
….though he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy that just as much, basking in the surprised sounds of his wife whenever he'd walk up and suddenly grind his hips against her beautiful ass in the middle of their cabin, or when Ari would come to chat, taking a break from her adventures across the countryside, and Brash would bring Bright to sit on his lap as he'd slide his fingers between her legs under the table, curling them inside her warm, inviting cunt. That one happened a lot more than Bright would like, having to watch Brash's wicked grin when he played with her right in front of their friend, acting as if nothing was happening and she had to go along with it.
After the fateful trip back to the ‘baby making altar’, a trip that Brash definitely didn't want to talk about, he thought that there was no way he could want to touch her more. The amount he wanted to touch her was already an indescribable amount. But, he was wrong, for when the day came that Bright told him in all her excitement that she was fairly sure she was with child, it was then on that he had to be right next to her. His touches became more gentle, as he'd help her out of bed on the days she had trouble getting up. He'd try his best to be soft, something he didn't think he could be, as he'd casually have his large hand on top of Bright's growing stomach, leaning his head on her shoulder. Whispering naughty things in her ear, about how he wished he could fuck even more babies into her, his eyes would blow wide with surprise as he felt a kick. 
When he felt another a few minutes after, that's when Brash knew he was done for. And Bright would look up at him, a warm smile on her lips as she intertwined her fingers with his. “They feel their papa.”
Fuck, he knew it. He thought he might as well have died and gone to whatever afterlife the Gods intended.
That night, Brash made love to her with such fervor and a passion that he hadn't had since the first time they slept together, that night in Ravage so many moons ago. While Bright had a hard time finding her words, nothing but moans and broken prayers of his name on her lips, the blond she loved so much was planting kisses on her stomach. “Mine, mine… My favorite pussy, all mine.” He looked up at her, lust and love and every possible emotion swirling in his green eye. He moved up to kiss her softly on the lips, speaking as he went. “You're b-both…. mine. My kitty girl, my baby… all mine.” Without a coherent thought, she nods along with him, breathing out, “Only yours, Brash,” ending the night on a high note as they both came with each other.
Once the seven month mark came, Ari had been insisting on coming to the house more often, much to Brash's chagrin. He hated that any free time he had at home (because Bright insisted he get more work to do, what with the baby coming and how more food would cost more money) had to be spent with the both of them. Aside from sleeping or a seldom day of the week, the couple was accompanied by Ari, which Bright was delighted about. The witch and the redhead would find things to talk about while they took walks, the hulking man staying close behind them as he seethed quietly. As time went on, however, he was secretly very thankful for Ari's help, as it seemed she knew exactly how to take care of his pregnant wife and help prepare for the infant. It was as if the girl had maternal instincts, which to Brash seemed like a common thing in women now that he took notice of it.
But seeing Ari help Bright around the house, or bring home some cute knick knack for the nursery made the man scared. As the suspected date came closer, Brash found himself, the intimidating former Knight of Scarcewall, the one who frightened others and took joy from it; he found that he was now the one that was terrified.
When morning had come with sunlight streaming through the curtains of their bedroom, Brash looked over at his wife's sleeping person and his breath hitched. After all this time he still couldn't figure out why even looking at her made him feel so much, but he had given up figuring out why a long time ago. He decided to get up without waking her, stroking her mussed up hair as he left the bed. He watched as she stirred in her sleep, a small smile playing on his face when he listened to her snore loudly all of a sudden, before she turned her head and slept silently again.
He quickly threw on a cotton shirt, knowing that Ari was most likely still in the house, and he didn't want her to see the deep scars on his chest. With the demonic powers he and Bright were granted, most of his scars faded away, all the signs of battle he had endured completely gone. Yet the surgical scars left from the witch Rivera taking his heart– they were the ones that stayed. As if even after her imprisonment she was still a part of him, taunting him with the memory of how he was her toy. 
He shook his head, shoving the memories back into a deep recess of his head. ‘I'm no one's bitch dog.’ he thought to himself as he wandered out of the bedroom, closing the door softly as he made his way to the kitchen.
Just as he thought, he saw the purple haired girl standing by the sink, scrubbing a pot like her life depended on it. He leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at her. He knew she didn't get much sleep in general, but he wondered just how long she had been awake. “Beating that thing into submission, huh, little witch?” He spoke up, his loud, gruff voice cutting through the silence (the silence mixed in with a scrubbing pad) and causing the smaller girl to jump in surprise. She turned to look at him, an annoyed look on her face as she watched him bark out a laugh.
“Brash, you scared me! You're lucky my hands were full with this or I'd have to raise your baby for you.” He frowned at the sentence, taking a step into the kitchen. He looked at the room around them, seeing how clean it was compared to the mess from last night; Bright had decided then and there she wanted to learn how to bake. It didn't go very well. “You cleaned this all up? How long have you been awake?” He asked in a bit of surprise, looking down at her.
“This is nothing for me. But… I have been awake for a while.” Ari sighed, stopping her scrubbing to look at Brash, leaning her head down to rest a moment. “I'd have asked you for help, but knowing you, you'd probably laugh and say that cleaning up was a woman's job.” The man looked away at that, knowing that yes she was absolutely right. But he'd help her anyway! ….if only so Bright didn't get emotional at seeing the still messy kitchen and cry. Brash was also finding out that pregnant women have a hell of a time with their emotions. Sometimes being near his wife scared him. 
“Don't worry, after this last pot, I'm going to take a wonderful nap. Your sofa is surprisingly comfortable. I figured a brute like you would want something more firm.” She chuckled quietly to herself, Brash trying to choose the words he wanted to say carefully.
“Ari, I… fuck. Do you know how to hold a baby?” When he asked that, he had to look away from her, feeling…. shame? Was that what it was? Shame that he was damn near forty years old and he was asking someone he somewhat considered a friend if she knew how to hold a baby? He hated this feeling. Ari did look at him, first in surprise, and then her face went deadpan. “Uhm…. of course I do? It's fairly easy. Are you trying to tease me right now?”
“Teach me. How to hold a baby.” With all the gross shame that he felt, Brash's question came out as more of a demand, and he groaned when he saw the look Ari gave him. “Don't fucking look at me like that. I hate this as much as you think I do.” She took a step closer to him, Brash staring her down, daring her to tease him in any way. “You're…. asking me… to show you how to hold a baby?” He nodded slowly.
“Ooh, okay, that's…. a new one.” Ari put her hands on her hips, whistling. “Don't you have a younger sister? Didn't you carry her at all?” He scoffed at the mention of his sister, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Why do you bring that bitch up? We're so close in age anyway, the last time I held her she was half my size.” He sighed heavily, hand moving to massage his temple. “I don’t know who else to ask, Ari. It’s bloody shameful, is what it is, I have to resort to asking you of all people how to hold a baby with killing it because I’m afraid of what my wife would say if I fuckin’ asked her.” The witch stared at him, confused. Was this the same man she had known for the past decade? It couldn’t be, because to Ari, this man was showing…. insecurity. Even if he glared at her while showing vulnerability.
She huffed, taking a moment to think about her options before she smiled. “Alright then, I’ll show you. If mostly for the sake of you not dropping your child like a sack.” She snickered, going over to the cupboards and opening them to search. Brash tapped his foot impatiently, looking over at the floor when he heard her speak. “You may not think it, Brash, but it’s very brave of you to ask for this. Most men wouldn’t even hold their own kids.” He scoffed, shaking his head. “I didn’t even want to think about children until she came along. ….I didn’t think it’d even be possible. Not after what that damned woman did to me.” Ari looked behind her shoulder at him, feeling a tinge of guilt at his words. But for everything he said about Rivera, every loathsome thought he had about her, it felt that every day that passed, his anger at Ari for the events that happened faded away more. He wasn’t always the best person to talk to, she thought, but she had zero plans to stop being friends with him. Besides, he and Bright were a package deal now.
“Ah! Here we are.” Ari pulled out the unopened bag of flour, holding it in her arms as she stood back up. “Can you bend down and grab the sack of potatoes?” She looked at Brash, who raised an eyebrow at her. She told him to just do it, him shrugging as he knelt down on the ground. “You just wanted to stare at my ass without me knowing, that it, little witch? It’s a taken ass, you know.” Ari groaned, walking to the other side of the kitchen as Brash laughed heartily. He grabbed the sack of vegetables, having no trouble whatsoever as he stood back up and followed where she had gone. “Didn’t get enough of Bright’s baking yesterday?”
Ari felt a shiver go down her back at the mention of her friend’s baking escapade. “We’d do best to not bring that up. But no, this isn’t for baking; hold your sack in your arms like this.” She moved her arms to adjust the bag of flour, using her left arm to support the top of the bag, tucking it in her elbow as she moved her right arm to cradle under the bag. She showed what she did to Brash, who just looked very confused. She raised a brow at him, and he attempted to do the same thing. Ari leaned closer towards him, keeping her flour bag supported as she used one hand to move his hand lower on his sack. “You don’t want your hands to be touching necessarily, imagine this is the rear end, you want to support it.” He let her move his hand, deciding he’d stay silent in place of saying something. “You probably don’t know just how fragile a newborn is. Don’t squeeze it either, your strength will cause you to be out of a baby. And potatoes.”
Brash nodded, keeping as gentle a grip as he could on the sack, looking to Ari for what to do next. She started to slowly rock the bag, a small smirk coming on her face. “Remember this, and you’ll have the holding it down. Now you should start rocking it back and forth, or bouncing your arm gently.” She laughed at the face he gave her, enjoying being the one he looked to for guidance for once. “I ain’t rocking shit, Ari.” She frowned, putting her bag down on the counter and standing in front of Brash. Once she did so, she started poking the potato sack, the speed and force of her poking increasing as she spoke.
“Oh no, Brash, the baby is crying and Bright is nowhere to be found! How are you going to stop the baby from crying?!” She made a mock crying sound, poking the ‘baby’ more. “Stop that! The baby is crying ‘cause you’re standing there poking it!”
“No, the baby is crying because you’re not rocking it!” Suddenly it felt like Ari was staring Brash down, not the other way around, as she glared at him, her poking not ceasing. The man huffed, attempting to throw his hands up but only letting go of the sack for a moment. Immediately, he moved to grab it, the poking still not stopping. “Fine, I’ll rock the fucking baby so you stop poking it. This is why I shouldn’t have asked…” He groaned aloud, not quite sure what to do but he slowly started to bounce his arm, keeping a hold of the sack. A minute had gone by and Brash seemed to be sticking to a steady pace, especially after Ari’s poking slowed down, and finally stopped. Her lips tilted up to a smile, and she was about to say something, before she heard a familiar tune. 
Confused, she looked up at Brash, to see his eyes closed and him…. Oh dear, she thought, he was humming. She was shocked, the sight of the brutish, hulking man in front of her, the pig of a man that she knew all these years…. was rocking a potato sack in his arms, humming what she was fairly sure was a children’s nursery rhyme. When she thought about it, however, she smiled warmly, leaning against the counter as she watched him.
Brash had no idea what he was doing. All he knew was that it felt right, picturing a real tiny baby in his arms as he hummed a song that he remembered his mother singing to him decades ago. He knew he didn’t sound as pretty as she did, but what difference does that make to a baby? He figured even now all the baby would want to do is play with his braid, let alone pay attention to his voice. Time felt like it slowed down, and Brash didn’t know how much time had passed when he felt a hand on his arm. He opened his good eye to look down, seeing Ari with a happy look on her face.
“It’s not going to be easy, but I think you’re going to make a fairly okay father, Brash.” Instead of insulting her like she thought he would, Brash smiled, looking down at the sack as he continued rocking it. There would be plenty of time to make snide comments at her later, but right now, he wanted to just stay there, rocking the bag and not moving Ari’s hand from his arm. It felt like having a friend.
“Brash, love, what was all that yelling a moment ago….” Brash and Ari looked up at the entrance to the kitchen, seeing Bright standing in the doorway as she yawned. Immediately, Brash dropped the potato sack on the ground, rushing over to his wife as Ari tsk’ed and tried getting the sack off the ground. ‘I hope he doesn’t drop the real baby like that at the sight of his beloved Bright.’ she thought.
“Sweetheart, kitten, what are you doing out of the bed? You should have called for me, I’d have been there to help you.” He doted on her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she tried moving his arm away. “I can get out of bed just fine, love, I’m pregnant, not broken.” As much as she tried moving away, Bright had to admit she quite enjoyed his affection and care. Even if it bordered on obsessiveness sometimes. She looked around the kitchen, shock written on her face. “The kitchen! Did you guys clean it?” Picking up the sack, Ari opened her mouth to say something, before Brash did it for her. “Ari did most of it, but I helped– strong brute and all that.” He smirked, his hand cupping Bright’s cheek to kiss her as Ari frowned, throwing an obscene gesture with her finger at Brash, making him bark out a laugh when he pulled away from Bright.
“I think it looks absolutely beautiful, you two. Thank you.” She smiled brightly, taking a hold of Brash’s hand, making the brute of a man melt. Only she could make him putty in her hands. “So I assume the yelling I heard was from you two arguing about how to clean? It makes sense.” She chuckled, Ari and Brash glancing at each other, a silent agreement between them to not say anything as they nodded. When Bright stopped laughing, she moved her other hand to touch the ends of her husband’s hair. “Your hair…. It’s starting to get long again. I know it’s a bad idea for you to grow it out when you’re considered on the run still, but I quite like it getting a little bit long.” At her words, the man flushed red, turning away from her as she laughed again. 
“Why don’t we get dressed and go for a walk to the flower field? Ari, do you want to come?” Bright looked around Brash to find the witch giving a yawn herself. “As nice as that sounds, Bright, I’ve been awake for too long. I am going to lay down on that amazing sofa of yours.” The redhead nodded, going back to playing with Brash’s hair as Ari walked past them. “Enjoy your nap, Ari.”
The two stood in the kitchen alone for a moment, Brash’s face still red as Bright ran her fingers through his hair. She leaned in closer to him, standing on her toes as she steadied herself to not fall. She then stuck her tongue out, licking the shell of his ear as he felt goosebumps on his arms. “Why don’t you and I go get dressed together in our room? The flower field can wait.” He nodded eagerly, a shout of surprise coming from Bright as he picked her up in his arms. One arm supporting the head, the other arm supporting the ass end, just like Ari taught him.
“Anything you want, kitten.”
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trash-gobby · 2 years
Demonheart Masterlist
Symbol Meanings:
✨ Fluff = 🐶
✨ General = 👋
✨ Dating = 💕
✨Romance (not specifically dating) = ❤️
✨ NSFW = 🔞
✨Violence = 🔪
✨ LGBTQ+ = 🏳️‍🌈
✨ Tragedy/Angst = 🖤
✨CrackFic = ❄️
Symbols beside the characters names show you what kind of content I will be willing to write for them.
Warning!: I DON’T write anything that is NSFW for minors. If you’re a minor DON’T interact with any NSFW content please.
Sir Brash 🐶 👋 💕 ❤️ 🔞 🔪 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 ❄️
Bright 🐶 👋 💕 ❤️ 🔞 🔪 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 ❄️
Raze (child Raze) 🐶 👋 🔪 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 ❄️
Raze/Demonspawn 🐶 👋 💕 ❤️ 🔞 🔪 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 ❄️
Sinallion 🐶 👋 💕 ❤️ 🔞 🔪 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 ❄️
Thayn 🐶 👋 💕 ❤️ 🔞 🔪 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 ❄️
Xin'ari/Ari 🐶 👋 💕 ❤️ 🔞 🔪 🏳️‍🌈 🖤 ❄️
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atlasira · 6 months
The twist in Demonheart works because neither Bright or the player knows the biology of Demonspawn.
Bright has no idea how long it takes Demonspawn to reach maturity, and right after Orchid’s labor, she gets imprisoned and isolated for months so it’s not like she can learn. Raze effectively uses her lack of knowledge to manipulate her.
But it is just… so fucking funny looking back on it. Ari must’ve thought she was insane.
Bright comes in and is like “this is my friend Raze, he’s only a few months old please go easy on him :)” but instead of a child, this tall 6-pack chiseled demonspawn with a beard appears and has to look down at them to say hi. And Ari is just like “um… Bright you are so pretty I’m just going to go along with this and not ask questions” and she doesn’t!! What a legend!
It’s like that “Teenagers in Real Life vs Teenagers in Movies” meme except it’s “What Bright thinks Teenage Demonspawn look like” cause wow was she off.
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kismetrose · 1 year
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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Sir Brash
12.He’s Willing to Share
Brash ain’t quite as possessive as you’d expect.
Warning: this post has spoilers.
Brash may come off as possessive at first. He makes a joke about cheating on him if you talk with Sir Jarlan at the camp (but it seems pretty clear that he’s joking). He may seem invasive when he asks about Mark, but he doesn’t like Mark and he seems to be trying to measure how you feel about him, especially after all that’s happened. Brash talks about you being “with him” along the way - even if you let him know you don’t like him - but there are a lot of reasons for that, from his duty to his desire to protect you. He disapproves of you having been with Orchid (which he assumes you were, given what he’s seen of witches and their assistants), but that’s because he knows first-hand how dangerous witches are. And he won’t be happy to hear about the demonspawn you’ve been talking with because, once again, as far as he knows, they can’t be trusted.
But when it comes right down to it, Brash won’t stand in the way of you deciding to share yourself with others. He’s fine with the idea that Ari cares about you and has no problem with the two of you being together; being left out is his only objection. He doesn’t even try to forbid you from seeing the demonspawn. At least in Demonheart, Brash is willing to share; he just hopes to be in the equation.
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smash-or-pass-otome · 6 months
Sir Brash, Ari, and Raze from Demonheart
(Sorry I used this to submit three at once, please ignore whichever you want 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻)
Got all 3 added to the queue
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goblins-and-gloves · 9 months
You guys think I can stick to my decision of romancing both Ari and Brash (since Bright does have two hands and all that) in Demonheart Hunters?
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miphorim · 3 years
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Day 21 of Otometober - Xan'Ari from Demonheart
cottagecore witch waifu... u.u
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kaeltale · 5 years
Just a shout out to the 20 or so other people in the Demonheart fandom:
I played the VN and I played the NWN modules. I loved all of it. I am stoked about the DH: Hunters sequel coming out in 2+ weeks. I am trying to write fanfiction if I can get back into the swing of it. There are only 33 fics on AO3 for this fandom, and like ... 4 of them are Raze/Bright, 0 are Ari/Bright, and the rest are all Brash. I have read them all. I have a terrible need for more.
Please send help!
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space-phantasm · 6 years
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*sobs* I just wanted to make something nice for my witch bae and then... and then.. I tried to color 
   Just end me.
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𝔇𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱: 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔰
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powerofsand · 3 years
Whoo new year, new swag and another chapter from one of my stories that I swear I will finish.  The Burning Bride Chapter 4 is dooone.  *crickets* -_-
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zedcanary · 4 years
has anyone played demonheart but i NEED to talk to someone about my grumpy boi brash and my dumb demon boy raze and that traitor witch but still my girl ari.
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phantom-typist · 4 years
Oh kayyy wtf dude what did I just witness?! How the hell can someone want to romance Raze with that attitude, its like he does a backflip 180. To be fair alot of these characters are real hard to not be mad at. Like Brash starts off saying and acting like a bat shit lunatic. Ari is okay ; I guess everyone is levels of questionable when it comes down to choices they have made. Even if someone has been traumatized like holy shit dog that aint the way you go about doing things. Also whats up with people talking about Neverwinter and Demonheart?
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shadowcutie · 4 years
Neverwinter Nights Modding
The list of Neverwinter Nights I & II mods/modules I personally use.  The full list is messy, ugly, and is perpetually being developed (new additions, new info as I play them, reorganized, etc).  Frankly it’s a hot mess.
Unlike the other lists I’m going to be including modules I don’t even plan to try, so that I don’t end up checking modules over again having forgotten which ones I’ve already looked into but decided against.
They’re likely not bad, but I have to budget my time on modules I think will be worth it for me.  Meaning...is there romance?  is at least one romanceable character a dude?  can I play as a woman?
Take a look around the [Neverwinter Nights Vault] if you’d like to check out other kinds of mods (scripts, tilesets, portraits, etc) .
I try to mark the modules that are part of a series, but be aware I only link to the first part/chapter.
I also list out the romanceable companions when possible, because that’s what I’m most interested in.
Note: I don’t understand it but sometimes tumblr removes the clickable link I put on the [download]’s, but in the editor it shows they’re still there (functional site tbh)... just be aware you might have to look for the mods on your own, they should be easy to find though.
Full list below:
Neverwinter Nights I
Non module mods
NWN Mod Installer Tool - [download]
NWN Alignment manager - [download]
Should just be a console command in the base game…
Community Expansion Pack - [download]
Required by a lot of modules in its various forms
Valen Flirtpack - [download]
For you know…if you plan to play the base campaigns….
Valen Romance Addons - [download]
Flirts and lovetalks
Modules I’ve played and like
A Dance with Rogues - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Vico (male human), Rizzen (male drow), Bran (male human), Anden (male human), Pia (female human) for females
The best!  The absolute best!!!  Vico ruined me tbh.
Ends in a good stopping point, but is technically a cliff hanger for a larger story.  It’s ripe for headcanoning your own future adventures.
A Dance with Rogues 2.0 - [download]
A revised, reworked, updated, etc version of ADWR.
Has new (and really nice looking) tilesets, the dialogue has been updated (with some new stuff), some new quests and encounters, there is both a thirst/hunger version and one without the mechanic.
Cons - Sewers are a maze, some sex scenes were converted to animation rather than interactive text-based, major quest in the second half was majorly tweaked and now is aggravating.
I think it’s just part 1 right now.
Demonheart - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
Brash (male human), Raze (male demonspawn), Ari (female human) for females
The best, as well.
Ends in a semi cliff hanger-y way though at a good stopping point, ripe for headcanoning your own adventures.  The VN goes past the module, giving you some idea of what would have happened.
The module’s future continuation…it’s up in the air, but sounds like it’s been abandoned.  A fan game post rpg’s events is in the works.
Gladiatrix - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
Tessa (female human), Landon (male human), Cypher (male human), Braxton (male human), Xanderfein (male drow), Kelvyn (male human), Kristaly (female human), Avyndar (male human) for females
Everyone is a sex addict!!!  Good module, but loooool jeez.
Solaufein - [download]
Solaufein (male drow) for females and males
Baldur’s Gate II Solaufein romance mod in NWN module form.
Ronin, Kensei of Kyoto - [download]
Atsuko (human female), Harumi, Midori (human female) for males
Sho (human male) for females
Bloodright - The Blood Royal - [download]
Emma (female human) and Lillian (female human) for males
Lorwin (male human) and Maynard (male human) for females
Dastards Morrow - Maiden Voyage - [download]
Jocelyn (female) for males
Nemorem (male) for females
The Wink and Kiss - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Masia (female) for males, Dobbins (male) for females in Part 1
Pisces (male elf), Dirk (male human), Tylr (male human), Melania (female human) for females in Part 2
Has the issue of lol xD humor I ~looove~ so much, but you’re not playing this module for the plot are you…...ya pervert
The Tale of Fur and Frost - [download]
Varsinya (female human) for males
Elhain (male elf) for females
It was short but fun, had a bare minimum but enjoyable story and romance
A Harper’s Tale - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
Darlo / Dent (opposite gender half-elf) for males / females
It was pretty fun though a little lighter on story/romance and heavier on the hack-n-slash than I like
Modules I’ve played and dislike/ Modules I’ve dropped
It’s been a long time since I played most of these, so I don’t remember why I dropped them specifically.  I remember most were too open ended, lacked story focus, didn’t give clear direction, etc.  I used to say I liked open world games, but I don’t think I ever actually did.  Linear stories (with some rolepaying possibilities) tend to be more cohesive and enjoyable compared to sandboxes.
Arandie - [download]
Adult content, I don’t remember anything about it though.
BardSong - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Sulis (female water nymph) for males and females
Dahlia (female winged elf) for males
Armand (male half-elf) for females
Blackwall Keep - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Stan (male human) for females
Sarah (female human) for males
Chaos War Saga - [download]
Adult content, I don’t remember anything about it though.
Enigma Island - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
Miranda (female) and Dickon (male) for males and females
Jenny (female) for males
Queen Xian (female) for males in Part 1
Lydia (females human) and Robin (male human) for males and females in Part 2
Rosamund (female), Captain Kat (male), Lydia (female human), and Robin (male human) for males and females in Part 3
I think most of the module was alright, I don’t remember why I dropped it.  This is one I’ll come back to retry someday.
Island Adventures - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Lady Oonagh (female half-elf) for males
Vespatia (male human) for females
Kunoichi - [download]
Adult content, I don’t remember anything about it though.
Penultima - [download] - Module series (6 parts)
Tayla (female human) for males and females
Zachery (male half-dragon) for females
I do remember this one.  If you like lol xD humor, then good luck but I couldn’t stomach more than 30 minutes if I recall correctly.  It’s just not…my brand.
Revenant - [download]
Sorin/Sorinia (opposite gender revenant) for males and females
Nick (male satyr) for females
Runes of Blood - [download]
Araina (female half-elf) for lawful good males
“Dark” Araina (female half-elf) for males and females
Kaya (female human) for non chaotic/non evil males
Revell (male halfling) for female halflings
Solienne (female elf) and Braeda (female human) for males and females
Sapphire Star - [download]
Allana (female human) for males
Malshan (male human) for females
Tales of Arterra - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Evanine (female half-elf) for males
Persey (female succubus) for male
Montador (male human) for females
Torn Asunder - [download]
Corwin (human male) for females
Cielle (human female) for males
Tortured Hearts - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Fortune Teller (female half-elf) for males cha 13+
Nica (female half-elf) for males cha 15+
Peribo Izrim (female gnome) for males cha 13+
Siley Goodmane (female human) for males cha 13+
Dechard Lianles (male half-elf) for females cha 13+ (A ranger being cursed to turn to beetle)
Gryne Halderis (male half dwarf/drow) for females cha 11+
Anyndur Di'malen (male elf) for females cha 15+
Lorian Fynn (male human) for females cha 14+
Thardius Faennor (male human) for females cha 12+
Yaster Kennar (male human) for females cha 11+
Frem Nicebough (male halfling) for females cha 10+
Modules I plan to play eventually (There’s companions and romance!!)
Citadel - [download]
Handy (male human) for males
Mindy (female human) for females
Sirion (male soul elemental), Mudhup (female elf), and Jond (male human) for males and females
Dragon Dominant - [download]
Persimmon (female human) for males
Galados (male elf) for females
Dusk of a Samurai - [download]
Romance for both males and females
Guild War - [download]
Lords of Darkness - [download] - Modules series (4 parts)
Alanya (female elf) for males in all parts
Terrence (male human) for females only in part 4
Sanctum of the Archmage - [download] - Module series (3 parts, 3rd part is in development)
Robin Blackwing (male or female half-elf) for females and males
Orion Deneri (male human) for females and males
Science Macabre - [download]
Kell (opposite gender human)
Shadow Lords/Dreamcatcher/Demon - [download]
Anera (female half-aasimar) for males and females
Teira (female human) for males
Nooble (male human) for females
The Aielund Saga - [download] - Module series (4 parts but IV is split into 3 so???)
Princess Criosa (female human) for males
Robert Black (male human) for females
The HeX Coda - [download] - Module series (2 parts incomplete and cancelled)
Daniel (human male) for males and females
Six (elven female) for males and females
Pandy (human female) for males
Miranda (human female) for males
A secret henchman for females (maybe?)
The Rose of Eternity - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Clopon (female human) for males
Trials of the Academy - [download]
Nathan (male human) for females
Ash (male human) for females
Melina (female half-celestial) for males
An Ancient Heart - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Bunch of possible companions, maybe romance
A Gate For the Silver Key - [download] - Modules series (3 parts)
Romance maybe, recommended male protagonist but not required
Madness and Magic - [download]
One henchman, maaaybe romance????
A Maiden in Need - [download]
Primarily a combat module, sounds like the very end is the flirting/romance part, gonna guess male protagonist is recommended
The Moonlight Path - [download]
Companions and romance!  Yay!
In development.
The Ruin of Tyrbas - [download]
Unsure about companions, but there is a romance for males
Modules I may play eventually (There’s companions, but no romance.)
Stranded in the Shadowfell - [download]
Guy henchman, quick module, probably not romance
Avertine - [download] - Module series (intended to be 3 parts, but looks abandoned)
Late game companion sounds to be only female, who knows
Darkness Enthralled - [download]
Solo module with some parts with temp henchmen?
A Samurai’s Tale - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Friend is female, so unless there are other companions...
The Obsidian Legend - [download]
Has ‘henchmen’, unsure if they’re just extra sword type henchmen or full companion type henchmen.
Queen’s Quests - [download]
Has ‘henchmen’ but sounds like they’re getting side quests, so perhaps they’ll be more like companions.
Elolan - [download]
Has 16 companions to choose from.
Kingdom of Cylax - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
The Guardinal - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Vertex - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Calm Before the Storm - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Companions, no romance stated either way
Chronicles of Elnor - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
The Secret of the Founder - [download]
Companions, romance for a female companion not sure if that’s the ONLY companion
Ruins of Tcheou Cherng - [download]
Has 4 companions, confirmed no romance
Ruby and the Last Unicorn - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Darkness over Daggerford - [download]
2 companions, no romance
Prophet - [download] - Module series (4 parts)
Companions, probably no romance
The Cave of Songs - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Swordflight - [download] - Module series (5 parts)
Companions, no romance stated either way
Shadow Tower Ordeal - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Broyan Knight - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Trollslore The Mines Of Custalcon - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
AngelHeart - Way of the One - [download]
Companion, but sounds like an empty shell
The Legend of Dr. Hoppe - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Soul Shaker - [download]
No companions, probably no romance either then
Beckons From The Deep - [download]
Companions, influence system but unsure about romance
The Shadows Below - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Modules I plan to play eventually (There’s adult content, which may lead to romance but also might just be profanity, we’ll see…)
A Dance With Spies - [download]
Male protagonist fan game based off ADWR.
Always Winter Nights - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Banished Winter - [download]
“Story driven hack’n’slash”.
Journey of a Thousand Miles - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Companions, no romance stated either way
Saleron’s Gambit - [download] - Module series (5 parts)
Companions, no romance stated either way
The Detectives - [download]
Companions, no romance stated either way
Kinky Kingdom - [download] - Redone - [download]
Sunlight Requiem - [download]
Ultima IV Rebirth - [download]
Dark Energy - [download]
Ice Cream World - [download]
Onwards to Adventure - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Tales of Everwood - [download]
Dragon Caves Expanded - [download]
A Visit To Fennvale - [download]
A Tooth for an Eye - [download]
Outsiders Below - [download]
Dragon Claw Inn - [download]
Miss Jones Spirit - [download]
Knights of the Holy Grail - [download]
The Rogues of Quinn - [download] - Module series (5? parts)
Crown of Creation EE - [download]
Companions, I think there is romance as well
Modules I’m unsure about (Not enough info to know if there’s companions, let alone romance.  Digging deeper is a possibility, but not a high priority)
Almraiven - [download] - Module series (3 parts, last part is not complete or maybe I just can’t find it)
A Hunt Through the Dark - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Play on the evil side, but also you can be good maybe. No mention of companions or romance.
The Misted Isles - [download]
Tagged as “companions/followers” and “companion/follower friendly”…so…
Queen’s Quests - [download]
“Companions to be added on full release”
Amn’s Destruction - [download]
Know This - [download] - Currently only a prelude
Role playing, but beyond that is unknown
Cleric’s Challenge - [download] [cleric’s challenge 2]
I don’t think part 2 is a sequel, but I can’t tell until I play.
Elegia Eternum - [download] - Module series (2 parts, I think)
Elements of Alma - [download]
Runes of Power - [download]
The Wanderer - [download] - Modules series (2 parts)
Giants of the Hills - [download]
Reborn Horrors - [download]
The Game and the Staff - [download]
Basin of Deadly Dust - [download]
Below the Grave - [download] - Module series (part 2 is in development)
Amee Pass - [download]
The Game of Stones - [download]
Rune Reborn - [download]
Dragonmaster - [download] - Module series (1 part currently, a planned trilogy)
The Skeletons of Barenul - [download]
Clachan - [download]
Kingdom of Bortiis - [download]
Medieval Tales - The Devil in the Stone - [download]
Honor Among Thieves - [download]
Blackguard - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
The Bastard of Kosigan - [download] (just in case here’s the older english version here)
Boots and Blades - [download]
Tupilak - [download]
Amazon Warrior - [download]
Destiny - [download]
Desert Madness - [download]
Angel Falls - [download]
Beneath - [download]
Black Thorn - [download]
Detective - [download]
Third Eye Detective Agency - [download]
Drow Tales The Librarian’s Tale - [download]
Scoundrels of the Underdark - [download]
Male protagonist
Firefighter - [download]
The Bitter Taste of Blood - [download]
Dragon’s Bane Rebirth of the Surface Alliance - [download]
“Intelligent henchmen”
Cormyrean Nights - [download]
In the Shadow of Darkhold - [download]
Aftershock - [download]
A Symphony of Horror - [download]
The Black Death - [download]
Prophecy of Aracas - [download] (7 parts)
Avendale - [download]
Shadewood - [download]
The Crypt of Istaris - [download]
Shadows of Amn - [download] (? parts)
Modules I’ll never play (Romance is/are only female characters or the protagonist is only male)
Vampire - Heaven Defied - [download]
Modules I’ll never play (Dungeon crawlers, hack n’ slash, little/no story, etc.)
Bringing Him Back - [download]
Says it’s a linear adventure, not a RPG; potentially worth a try, but for now in this section it goes.
Pylonia - [download]
Says it has a few quests, but looks like it’s primarily a nonstory module.
Diablo - Mini (The remake redesigned) - [download]
Sean Maxhel SoulPath - [download]
The Darkening of Tristram - [download]
The Skeletons of Barenul - [download]
Bloodfeud - [download]
Sean Maxhell Arena - [download]
El Diablo The Dungeon Crawler - [download]
Mercenary Wars - [download]
NWS - The Desert Fair - [download]
Hearkenwold - [download]
Tomb of the Evil Clones - [download]
Age of Mortals 2 - [download]
The Lunar Shield - [download]
Fowl Play - [download]
To Us Unseen - [download]
Animal Spirit - [download]
From Dusk till Dawn - [download]
Gauntlet - [download]
Damsel in Distress - [download]
Neverwinter Nights II
Non-module mods
NWN2 OC Romance Pack - [download] - Adds romance for a bunch of the companions
What do we want?  Bishop romance!  When do we want it?  Now!
Modules I’ve played and like
Serene - [download] - Remake [download]
Karina (female aasimar) for males
Jack (male human) for females
A Fairy Tale - [download]
Ashley (opposite gender human) for males and females
Bad Habits - [download]
Simon (human male) for females, I don’t remember if Kim (human female) is romanceable or if Simon is replaced with a girl if you play male (as I never play male and the page doesn’t say)
Serene, A Fairy Tale, and Bad Habits are all made by Tsongo and I love them very much.  The romance, characters, and story are all super fun
The Maimed God’s Saga - [download]
Verona / Tancred (opposite gender human) for males / females
Ugh gosh, it’s so great.  The story and characters are great.
The Wizard’s Apprentice - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
There are two romances, I just don’t remember the names… one for males and one for females
Harp and Chrysanthemum - [download]
Ianth (female human) for males
Vroman (male human) for females
Recently got updated so I’ll probably replay it someday
Legacy of the Dragon - [download]
Cryvas (male human) for females
Reviara (female elf) for males
Sheila (female elf) for males
Fate of a City - [download]
Kyandra Daarzir (female human) for males
Veolus Wend (male human) for females
Been a while since I played, but I’m a sucker for evil romanceable companions and that’s about all I remember lol.  Romance stuff aside I don’t know if it’s worth a replay.
Dark Waters - [download]
Daniel (male elf) for females
Heather (female human) for males and females
It’s primarily a puzzle module, and I hate puzzles lmao...  The companions were fun and there were a few sweet romance moments, so it wasn’t too tedious to get through.
Modules I’ve played and dislike/ Modules I’ve dropped
Raiders of the Lost Tomes - [download] - Module series (6? parts)
Derek Munsford (male human) ?
Mara Flamehair (female half-elf) ?
Abandoned pretty early; wasn’t hooked by the companions, and the game seems very puzzle heavy (with no walkthroughs I’ve seen).  Also seen part 5/6 have game breaking bugs.  Maybe worth a retry as I do want to know what the romance is like.
UTT The Indanthrine Prince - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Might include companions, says it’s a “tale of loyalty, love, and friendship” so.....hmmmm.....we’ll seeee!
Frustrated with crashes, I think I’ll give it another try eventually though.
Modules I plan to play eventually (There’s companions and romance!!)
16 Cygni - [download] - Module series (3? parts)
Niolabe (opposite gender)
Melde (female elf) for males
Celairon (male elf) for females in Part 1
Tomoe (female human) for males
Imai (male human) for females for Part 2
All of the above also Fainil (female elf) for males for Part 3
Dark Avenger - [download] (dropped)
Contessa Mignet (female tiefling) for males
Seich Towermast (male dwarf) for females in part 1
Zabados Dalmutha (male aquatic elf) for females in part 2
Subtlety of Thay - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Red Borgen (male human)
Lowe (male aasimar)
Mishka Rey (female half-elf)
Aleandra (female human) all for females and males
The Darkening Sky - [download] - Hasn’t been updated since 2014, but update says development resumed 2016/2017, so we’ll see...
Companions not romanceable in the prologue, but was planned for later chapters.
Islander The Dagger Forged - [download]
A bunch of companions, not sure which ones are romanceable so we’ll have to wait and see.
The Soul Cages - [download] - Chapter 1 updated as of 2015, so not sure about future chapters
No romance in chapter 1 only seeds for later parts.
Modules I plan to play eventually (There’s adult content, which may lead to romance but also might just be profanity, we’ll see...)
Sarmates - [download]
The Corruption of Kiahoro - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Al Andalus - [download]
Beast of Ages - [download]
Fanglewood - [download]
Planescape The Shaper of Dreams - [download] - Module series (6 parts all in one I believe?)
Modules I may play eventually (There’s companions, but no romance.)
Baldur’s Gate Reloaded - [download]
It’s BG...just without the possibility of companion mods, so...
Path of Evil - [download]
Unique companions, but stated no romance.  Boooooo...
Risen Hero Campaign - [download] - Module series (? parts) only chapter 1 is out as of 2012
Unique companions, but stated no romance.  Booo...
The Black Scourge of Candle Cove - [download]
Unique companions, romance not stated either way.
Return of the Exile - [download]
Unique companions, romance not stated either way.
North of the Moonsea - [download]
One(?) companion, romance not stated either way.
The Gathering Storm - [download]
Companions, romance not stated either way.
The Halls of Hamhock - [download]
Companions, romance not stated either way.
The Last of the Danaan - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Companions, romance not stated either way.
The Crystalmist Campaign - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
Companions, romance not stated either way.
Pilgrim - [download] - Module series (2? parts) [part 2 here]
Companions, romance not stated either way (gonna guess no though)
Undermountain Maddgoth’s Castle - [download]
Hack n slash, has companions, no romance.
Undermountain The Lost Level - [download]
Hack n slash, has companions, no romance.
Scourge of the Slave Lords - [download]
Edinmoor - [download]
Companion, romance not stated either way
The Hermit’s Chalice - [download]
Companions, no romance probably.
The Scroll - [download]
Unique companions, but stated no romance.
End of Legends in Kingdom of Algard - [download]
Companions, romance not stated either way.
Modules I’m unsure about (Not enough info to know if there’s companions, let alone romance.  Digging deeper is a possibility, but not a high priority.)
Halloween in Candle Cove - [download]
Tagged as “companions/followers” and “companion/follower friendly”...so...
Baltron’s Beacon - [download]
Tagged as “companions/followers” so...
Bedine - [download]
Maybe has companions?
Wulverheim - [download]
Apparently has companions, but are empty shells
Manta’s Pulse - [download]
Sounds like there is a companion, but not a good one
Chronicles of Charnia - [download] - Module series
Male protagonist recommended/required?
Gold and Ebony Temple of Time - [download]
Puzzle module
Planescape Purgatorio - [download] - Only a demo as of 2012?
Pool of Radiance - [download]
Realities Beyond - [download]
ZORK Rediscovering The Great Underground Empire - [download]
Isle of Shrines - [download]
Kronica’s Game Scavenger Hunt - [download]
Lowena - [download]
Murder in Dunlop - [download]
Nihil Trilogy - [download] - Module series (3 parts)
Humble Beginnings - [download]
Elben Aator - [download]
Crimmor - [download]
A Hunt Through the Dark - [download]
Island of Mantakaar - [download]
Blood Moon - [download]
World of Goliath - [download]
Modules I’ll never play (No companions.)
Untold Tales of Tolkien - [download] - Module series (2 parts?)
Icewind Dale in NWN2 - [download]
It’s IWD...just without the companion mods I love, so...
Shaar Moan - [download]
Sounds like a dungeon crawler
Modules I’ll never play (Romance is/are only female characters.)
A Strange World - [download] (4 parts)
Male protagonist
11 possible companions.  All but 1 of the female companions as well as 2 female NPCs are romanceable
A Secret In Stone - [download]
Epona (female elf) for males and females
Conan Chronicles - [download] - Module series (2 parts)
Symbia (female human) for males
Tales from the Lake of Sorrows - [download] (5 parts)
Ember (female human) for males and females
Tomoachan - [download]
Elora (female human) for males
Traveller - [download]
Kristy (female human) for males and females
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