#delicious bones and sinue
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I had the pleasure to portray this lovely plague beast and her familiar! Being in the plague flight myself these orders have a special place in my heart~
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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Ace of Swords. Art by Kim Thompson, from Divine Your Dinner.
The light bulbs are going off left and right. Ideas you’ve been bouncing around for years suddenly come into focus. Clarity opens and you can see the truth of every issue that’s confused you. Trust it. Take it all in, write it down. Accept this information now, while it is offered. If you don’t and the moment passes, it may be some time before you gain these insights again.
Said to boost immunity and improve digestive health, chicken broth is used as a cure for lung and sinus problems, the common cold, and even hangovers. We’re just interested in helping you realize one of the world’s great truths: Buying premade chicken broth is crazy because it is so easy to make yourself.
This broth recipe involves boiling a whole chicken along with its bones to yield a bunch of delicious shredded meat and skin, which you can use in the Chicken Tortilla Soup for the Witchy Soul, Chicken Skin Carbonara, or the Giant Banh Mìs.
No need to wash the chicken first; just stick it in the pot along with any innards it came with. And don’t season the finished broth; you can add salt and pepper to taste once you know what you are going to use it for.
If you already have chicken bones on hand from roasting a chicken, you can easily make a broth without boiling a whole chicken first. Simply add the bones to a stockpot, cover them with water by an inch or two, add some aromatics like onion or maybe a bay leaf if you’re feeling crazy, and simmer it on low until the stock is flavorful, delicious, and reduced.
1 whole chicken (4 to 5 pounds) 1 large white or yellow onion, peeled and quartered 1 head garlic, halved horizontally
1. Place the chicken breast-side down in a large stockpot. Add the onion and garlic and cover completely with water. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer until the internal temperature of the chicken is 155°F (it will continue cooking to 165°F once it comes out of the pot), about 30 minutes.
2. Remove from the heat and transfer the chicken to a bowl or cutting board.
3. When the chicken is cool enough to handle, use your hands to remove the skin and all the meat from the bones. Return all the bones to the stockpot, along with any juices left in the bowl. Store the chicken meat in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 4 weeks.
4. Bring the broth to a simmer over medium-high heat, reduce the heat to low, partially cover, and cook until the liquid has reduced by about one-third, about 3 hours. Remove any large bones and strain the broth through a fine-mesh sieve. Store in an airtight container in the fridge up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 1 month.
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puppyexpressions · 3 years
Why Do Dogs Drool? When It’s Natural and When It’s Cause for Concern
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Drippy, slobbery, and sloppy, drool is a fact of life for certain dog breeds. In fact, all dogs drool occasionally. Just like barking or chasing squirrels, it’s part of the canine package. But what should you do if there’s a large amount of slobber, and how do you know when it’s healthy or if there’s something more serious going on?
Typical Drooling
Drool, or as it’s known in the medical field, ptyalism, is an excessive flow of saliva that has accumulated in the mouth/oral cavity. It is seen commonly in breeds such as the Bloodhound, Saint Bernard, and Mastiff, whose head/lip conformations cannot retain the amount of drool they produce. These dogs have extra skin around their lips and muzzle, which allows saliva to collect in the folds. Then it either drips from their flews (large, pendulous upper lips) or is flung into the air when they shake their heads. Water can also get trapped in all that loose skin after they take a drink.
This condition does not require medical intervention, but owners of these slobbery breeds quickly learn the value of a drool rag. Keeping a cloth on hand makes it easy to regularly wipe your dog’s muzzle before the drool hits your floor or furniture. It’s also important to mop your dog’s face whenever he eats or drinks. A handkerchief tied around your dog’s neck can help absorb the drool.
Even dogs that don’t slobber all the time can drip a bit of drool when they’re anticipating something delicious. Saliva plays an important role in digestion, so the thought of exciting food, like a piece of steak, can get your dog’s mouth watering. A disagreeable taste, like that of some medications, can cause the same result. But when is drool something to be worried about? There are several conditions that can lead to an inability to swallow normal amounts of saliva or to the production of excess saliva.
Mouth and Throat Issues
Anything that prevents your dog from swallowing normally can lead to drool, as the saliva will build up until it drips from his mouth. The problem could be a fractured tooth or tumors inside the mouth, esophagus, and/or throat. Tartar buildup and irritation of the gums can also lead to drooling, as can an infection in the mouth. In addition, a foreign body can lead to slobbering. Anything caught between your dog’s teeth or lodged in his throat, such as a sliver of bone, could be a potentially serious problem.
Make sure you’re brushing your dog’s teeth daily and having his dental health monitored with yearly veterinary checkups (twice yearly for senior dogs). Keep an eye on the inside of your dog’s mouth for yellow or brown plaque deposits on his teeth or red and inflamed gums, which would indicate the need for a dental cleaning. Any sign of a foreign body or lump should lead to an immediate appointment with your veterinarian.
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Tummy Trouble
Anything that upsets your dog’s stomach may lead to slobbering. Motion sickness is a common cause of nausea, which is why a lot of dogs drool in the car. In this case, the drooling should stop soon after the motion is over. If your dog has carsickness, you can desensitize him to car rides and talk to your veterinarian about nausea treatments.
If your dog eats something he shouldn’t, like a sock or the stuffing from a toy, that can also lead to stomach distress and drooling. Additionally, toxic substances can cause drooling. For example, if your dog gets into a poisonous plant in the garden or cleaning chemicals under the sink, you may see slobbering along with other symptoms such as vomiting, shaking, or lethargy. Be aware of possible toxins in your home, and if you suspect your dog has ingested something dangerous, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Other Conditions
There are other health conditions where drooling is one of the symptoms. Heat stroke, for example, can lead to drooling as your dog pants in an attempt to cool off. After suffering a seizure, your dog may drool. Nose, throat, or sinus infections, or a neuromuscular condition (palsy, tetany, botulism, etc.) of some kind can also lead to slobbering. Kidney disease, liver disease, and even rabies all share drooling as a symptom.
Although these illnesses will likely show other signs, as well, it pays to take any change in your dog’s drooling seriously. In some cases, such as bloat, the situation can be life threatening, and a visit to the emergency clinic is essential. Be particularly aware of any changes in appetite or behavior; neurological symptoms such as seizures or difficulty standing; retching and throwing up saliva; and changes in your dog’s saliva, such as foul smelling saliva, thicker saliva, or blood in the saliva. Talk to your veterinarian immediately about any new or increased drooling.
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ohsh1t2wksl8 · 3 years
All About the Face
Eyes What color are your eyes? Do you have big eyes or small eyes? Do you or anyone you know have a lazy eye? Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? Do you wear “regular-sized sunglass” or “big sunglasses”? Do you pluck your own eyebrows or get them waxed/shaped by a professional? Do you wear eyeshadow often? If so, what colors? Do you make wishes on eyelashes? Have you ever pulled your eyelashes out before? How often do you have eye boogers/crusties when you wake up? Have you ever had pink eye before? Name some sights that are appealing to you. Do you know anyone who is colorblind? Do you know anyone with two different-colored eyes? Do you know anyone with a glass eye? Do you know anyone who uses/wears colored contacts? Do you tend to look at people when you talk to them, or look away? When you cry, do tears come out? How many different parts of the eye can you name without using Google? Do you blink often? Would you be any good at a staring contest? Do you know anyone who is blind or legally blind? Can you do any weird or creepy eyebrow-wiggles? Can you make yourself go cross-eyed? Do you enjoy watching 3D movies, or do the glasses give you a headache? Are you able to see things from multiple points of view/perspectives? Do you get dizzy have blurred vision, or vertigo often? Have you ever had to get something small removed from your eye or had any sort of eye surgery before? Do you wear eyeline or mascara? Ears Do you have differently-shaped ears? (ex: elfin ears) How often did you used to get ear infections as a child? Have you ever failed a hearing test? Do you know anyone who is deaf? Are your ears pierced? How many times/what parts? Do you have good listening ears? Have you ever lost your sense of hearing before and had it come back? (ie: had your eardrum burst) Do your ears hang low?  Can you wiggle your ears? How do you get the earwax out of your ears? What are some sounds that would make you cover your ears? What are some sounds that are pleasant to your ear? Do you or anyone you know have an auditory processing issue? Are you guilty of frequent eavesdropping? Have you ever gotten anything stuck in your ear canal before? If so, then what? Nose Do you have a large, medium, or small nose? Are your nostrils small or large? Do you get seasonal allergies? How often are you guilty of digging for emeralds? What’s the highest number of sneezes that you’ve done in a row? What are some smells that are unpleasant to you? What are some of the best smells, in your opinion? Are there any unusual smells that you enjoy that most others do not? (ie: gasoline, Sharpies) What’s your favorite candle or air freshener scent? Have you ever stuck anything up your nose before? If so, then what? Do you get frequent nosebleeds? Do you know what causes them? Do you have any nose piercings? If so, then where? Have you ever had a broken nose before? Have you ever lost your sense of smell before? How did it happen? Do you use any sort of nasal spray? When’s the last time that you had both nostrils close up on you at once? Do you have a habit of being nosy and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? Have you ever snorted any sort of drug before? If so, then what? Do you snort when you laugh? How often do you get sinus infections? How long does it take you to get through an entire box of tissues when you’re relatively healthy? Mouth Do you have plump lips, thin lips, or one of each? Do you wear more lipstick or lip gloss? If you wear it, what shade do you normally choose? Do you use lip liner? Do you remember those LipSmacker Chapsticks from your childhood? Which was your favorite one? What brand of chapstick do you use as an adult now, if any? Do you have a tendency to pick at your lips or chew on them? Who’s the last person you kissed? Do you lick your lips often? Do you make “the fish face” often in photos? Have you ever had gingivitis in your gums? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? How often do you brush your teeth? How often do you floss? What brand of mouthwash do you use, if any? How many teeth are in your mouth currently? Do you have any cavities? Have you ever had a root canal? What color are your teeth? What brand of toothpaste do you use? Have you ever had any teeth extracted? How old were you when your last baby tooth came out? Do you grind your teeth at night in your sleep? Have you ever broken your jaw before? Have you ever swallowed something you shouldn’t have? Has your throat ever started to close up from something before? Have you ever choked? If so, on what? How many times have you had strep throat? What is something that causes your throat to itch? Have you ever lost your voice before? If so, when was the last time? Have you ever lost your sense of taste before? How long did it take to come back? What are some of your favorite foods that taste delicious to you? Can you fold your tongue into a taco shape? How about a clover? Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue? What’s the last thing you licked? Can you roll your R’s? Who is the last person that you stuck your tongue out at? Have you ever choked on your own saliva before? How frequently do you experience dry mouth? Have your parents ever threatened to wash your mouth out with soap before? Who’s the last person that you mouthed off to, and why? Do you speak any other languages? Have you ever worn braces or retainers? Chin & Cheeks/The Whole Face Do you need to shave your upper lip or chin? Do you shave your entire face? If so, how often? Do you have a moustache?  Do you have a beard? Have you ever fractured your cheek bone? Who was the last person to kiss your cheek? Do your cheeks get extra red in any of the following instances: sickness/fever, drinking alcohol, cold/windy weather, embarrassment, or infatuation? Do you have any relatives who are guilty of pinching your cheeks and making comments about how big you’ve grown? Are you mature enough to turn the other cheek? When’s the last time that you said something cheeky, and who did you say it to? Has anyone ever slapped you across the face before? If so, what was the reason? Do you get a lot of blackheads or acne? If so, are there any special products that you use in order to combat this? Do you wear blush or foundation? What shape face do you have? Do you have any scars on your face? Would you ever consider getting a face lift or Botox? [ohsh1t2wksl8]
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yastaghr · 4 years
Writing it Down
Summary: Gaster is messing around with science and accidentally induces an artificial heat. Luckily his husband, Sans, is willing to help.
Relationship: Sanster
Warnings: None
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26629375
Gaster watched as his creation bubbled. It was currently a bright blue and fairly caustic, but he hoped that by adding the sulphide that it would stabilize the concoction into a more useful cleaning agent. Humans were obsessed with such weird things. He didn’t understand why they needed such a wide variety of cleaning agents, but the client was paying well, it was an interesting challenge, and he needed to do something to get back into the game after so long.
This had seemed like a good plan at the time, but when he added the chemical to the solution it had… unanticipated results. For one thing, it blew up. That really shouldn’t happen in a casual lab like his, but magic always had an unpredictable factor that could make even the simplest of activities exciting.
For another thing, it didn’t burn. Most cleaning products should not be applied to skin (or bone), but this one definitely wasn’t behaving like a cleaning product. When he wiped the blue goop off of his safety goggles he discovered that the entire room was covered in a thin layer of bubbling goop, including him. There wasn’t much that was actually touching him thanks to his insistence on proper safety gear. It only seemed to have gotten on the exposed bone of his skull.
Finally, the mess it had made seemed to be giving off a strong smell. Gaster sniffed it experimentally. It seemed to invade his sinus cavities and fill his brain. He huffed, trying to get the smell out of him (really, what was he thinking?) but it was too late. The musky smell already seemed to have affected him, along with the rest of his physical exposure. He could feel his joints throbbing as magic gathered in the narrow ley lines there, the room suddenly felt too hot, and his mental process was interrupted with one thought: Sans.
Where was Sans? Wasn’t he here a bit ago? Gaster urgently needed to find him to deal with this… ah, that was what it was. The solution he had created had induced an artificial heat. Well, he definitely needed his boyfriend for that, didn’t he? Besides, Sans was his supervisor. This was definitely the kind of accident you should report.
Gaster took one second to peel back the layer of magic that lined the room and made cleaning a breeze, dumped the mess in an appropriate way, and reapplied the layer of magic. He took another second to strip the PPE off of him and wash his face off in the sink. A third second was spent writing down a few quick notes in the log. The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down! Then he opened the door that led to their break area and sang, “Sa~ans! I had an accident!"
For some reason, that statement did not have the desired effect. Sans jumped up from where he had been making notes in his notebook. He must have gotten at least two seconds of hangtime. That was impressive. His face, however, was not. He looked scared to death.
“gaster, are you alright? are you injured? oh, stars, i knew i shouldn’t have left you alone in there. there’s a reason why you used to insist on the buddy system when working with dangerous chemicals. where are you hurt? do i need to call an ambu-” Sans scarcely paused for breath throughout the entire speech.
Gaster interrupted him, “I’m fine, Sans. It appears as though the solution I created can induce artificial heats, however. I can already feel my magic gathering, and I’m sure I must smell delicious.”
Sans narrowed his eyes at him. “really. you’re sure you aren’t just horny and want to fuck? you know, like last time?”
“Ah, no,” Gaster could feel himself blushing, “I’ll admit that was… somewhat ill-advised. I should have just told you the truth. I apologize again. However, this time I really do think I’m in heat. You can smell for yourself and check my joints for comparison if you wish, and, if you so desire, I can teleport home and make use of one of our toys.”
Sans sniffed and shook his head. “no, i believe you. you smell like musk and black licorice. just let me finish up this observation and then i’ll help you. you might as well strip while I do that.”
Gaster shivered. He loved it when Sans got so commanding. It made his whole body shiver, not with cold or fever, but with desire. He striped out of his clothes faster than he ever had before. His body, which still retained some of its goopy properties even after all this time, was glowing faintly purple. His genitals had already formed a thin, tendril-like length on his pelvis. Gaster waved it experimentally. Yes, it still worked.
Sans finished scrawling that obnoxious excuse for handwriting of his and set the pencil aside. Then he looked up, a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. He stood up and sashayed over to Gaster, palming his dick almost immediately. “someone’s got a boner, heh heh heh.”
A smooth hand with a hole in its palm cupped the side of Sans’ face lovingly. “Oh, yes. Only for you, Sans.”
Sans’ grin spread. “now me, i don’t usually get aroused so easily, but your scent has got me going, doc. you in the mood for a pussy or an ass?”
Gaster sported a grin of his own. “Oh, whatever you’re in the mood for, Sans, you know that. Although… it has been a long time since I have gotten to cum inside your womb. Maybe you would oblige an old man and form one?”
“oh, you’re not that old, doc. you’ve still got the energy to fuck me senseless on a regular basis, right?” Sans joked as he wrapped his hand around Gaster’s length, pumping it teasingly in the way he knew would drive Gaster nuts. “i bet that you can cum more than once.”
Gaster countered, “I can’t do that if you make me waste a load outside of you. Please, pull down your pants and get on the table.”
“geez, buy a guy a drink first,” Sans said with a wink as he lowered his pants. His magic was summoned, the dark blue ecto body puffy and fat, just like Gaster liked it. His pussy was already glistening with precum. When Gaster ran his fingers through it it was already slick.
“Hmm, it seems like I’m not the only one who has a boner. Or, at least, the pussy’s equivalent,” Gaster said with a smile. “Now all we need is a little bit of foreplay and we can start. Oh, and you still need to get on the table, Sans. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your lack of compliance. Get on the table on your stomach, please, with your legs dangling off the edge.”
Sans scrambled to comply, just like Gaster knew he would. Being fucked from behind like that, as well as being unable to do anything about it one way or the other, were two of Sans’ favorite things when it came to sex. He loved it when Gaster took control. Just for the icing on the cake, Gaster said, “Oh, and put your arms behind your back with the forearms together. I need a good handhold if I’m to fuck you well.”
Oh, that got Sans going. He was absolutely dripping by the time he was in position. Gaster helped him get his hands into the right position with one hand while his other hand gathered up slick. Then, without any warning, he slipped a finger inside of Sans and held it still. Sans clenched around him, but Gaster had to fight this heat to not start moving immediately. He knew it would be more fun for both of them if he did this right.
It wasn’t too long before Sans pleaded, “doc, you’ve gotta move! you’re driving us both nuts when all we both want is for you to stick your dick inside me!”
Gaster groaned. Dirty talk was one of his biggest kinks and Sans knew it. “Oh, you little sneak. I’m not going to fall for it, though. I want you to really enjoy this, and you’re no masochist. I need to make sure you’re prepared.”
“Then at least move your damned finger! or, better yet, put in a second one and get to work! i can handle it. please!” Sans begged.
“Impatient,” Gaster tutted, “but you have a point.” He inserted a second finger and began working them. The wet sounds his fingers made as they scissored Sans open were music to Gaster’s non-existent ears. He listened to them, dick twitching, until he was sure that Sans could take him. Then he pulled them out to the tune of a groan from Sans. “Easy, Sans. I’m sure you’ll like what I’m about to do to you a hell of a lot more than just my fingers.”
Sans whined. “oh, please doc, slide that sexy tentacle of yours inside me. fuck, i can already picture it. please!”
Gaster obliged him, thrusting his whole dick into Sans in one go. Sans’ pussy spasmed around him, but Gaster was done waiting. He gripped Sans’ arms with both hands and set a brutal pace. Sans groaned and moaned his name, but Gaster was beyond words, at least for now. This artificial heat had built up inside of him to the point where he needed to get off before he could use words.
Sans didn’t seem to mind. “fuck, doc~ you feel so good inside me. i can feel you all the way inside me. your length is perfect for me, and this pace- this pace is wonderful! mmh, yes.”
His words only drove Gaster on faster. Soon the friction built to the point where Gaster felt he was about to cum. He buried himself up to the hilt inside of Sans and let his orgasm rock over him. Purple seed spurted inside of Sans’ womb. Gaster saw it when he flipped Sans over onto his back. The little pool of purple got him going again. He snapped his hips back and resumed his rough pace. Sans’ moans grew until they were a cacophony of sound.
“Oh, Sans, you have no idea how good this feels. You like this, huh? You like my twisty little dick cavorting inside your cunt? You like it when I make the table squeak across the linoleum with every thrust? You like being helpless in the face of my need to fuck?” Gaster asked lasciviously.
Sans groaned. “fu~ck! doc, i love it! i love your twisty little tentacle in my big, fat hole. I love the way it feels against my g-spot. oh, fuck, i’m getting close!”
Gaster moaned and sped up his thrusts. “Oh, please, squeeze your pussy tight around me!”
His husband obliged, cumming with a cry and clamping down on his dick. Gaster, spurred on by his induced heat, pounded him right through his orgasm and out the other side. Sans’ cries grew desperate as another orgasm built inside him. Gaster dragged at his hips, slamming into Sans’ pussy and stroking his good spots.
This time, when Sans came, it was with a wail. He went on fucking Sans right through it, his own orgasm just a few more strokes away. Sans squirmed and Gaster tried to pull out. He didn’t want to make his husband uncomfortable. However, Sans grabbed his arms and dragged himself back onto Gaster’s tentacle until it was buried to the hilt. “keep it up, g. i’ve got another one in me, and i’m sure you do. you still smell worse than my sock collection.”
That comment made Gaster growl and turn up the intensity from 9 to 14. “Oh, really? You think I smell bad? Or do you just want another load of cum in your chubby, tight pussy?”
Sans didn’t answer him. He was too busy trying to breathe. His tongue was bouncing up and down along with his ecto fat folds. His eye lights had gone out. Gaster grinned. He loved making Sans lose it like that. He kept on fucking Sans hard until his own orgasm overcame him. He buried himself up to the hilt again, and this time he got to see his own dark purple magic spurting into Sans’ womb. He grinned. Oh, how his possessive side loved to see that. It was so… satisfying.
Gaster waited a bit to see if the heat was satisfied yet or not. Partially seemed to be the answer. It was satiated enough to let him take a break and take care of his husband. Gaster scooped Sans up in his arms and headed for the bathroom.
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All About the Face
What color are your eyes? Brown Do you have big eyes or small eyes? Average sized? Do you or anyone you know have a lazy eye? I used to have one and it might be coming back a little
Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? Yes, I wear glasses
Do you wear “regular-sized sunglass” or “big sunglasses”? I usually just wear my glasses because they are transitional lenses, but when I’m at the pool or something I wear big sunglasses
Do you pluck your own eyebrows or get them waxed/shaped by a professional? No Do you wear eyeshadow often? If so, what colors? I haven’t worn much during covid but usually I do, and I like a variety of colors Do you make wishes on eyelashes? No Have you ever pulled your eyelashes out before? Accidentally from rubbing my eyes How often do you have eye boogers/crusties when you wake up? Probably a normal amount?
Have you ever had pink eye before? Yes, it sucks Name some sights that are appealing to you. Cute guys, jewelry, sunsets, oceans Do you know anyone who is colorblind? My middle school crush was colorblind Do you know anyone with two different-colored eyes? I don’t think so Do you know anyone with a glass eye? No Do you know anyone who uses/wears colored contacts? Only for cosplay Do you tend to look at people when you talk to them, or look away? A mix When you cry, do tears come out? Yes, do some people not have tears come out?
How many different parts of the eye can you name without using Google? Like 3 probably Do you blink often? Yes Would you be any good at a staring contest? No, I can’t keep a straight face Do you know anyone who is blind or legally blind? There was a blind kid in one of my classes Can you do any weird or creepy eyebrow-wiggles? No, I wish Can you make yourself go cross-eyed? Yes Do you enjoy watching 3D movies, or do the glasses give you a headache? Sometimes if it’s well done, but if it doesn’t add then in it’s just annoying because I have to wear the glasses over my regular glasses
Are you able to see things from multiple points of view/perspectives? Physically or emotionally? Physically yes but I have some problem with depth perception, and emotionally yes I try to Do you get dizzy have blurred vision, or vertigo often? No Have you ever had to get something small removed from your eye or had any sort of eye surgery before? I think I might have had some tear duct thing when I was a baby? Do you wear eyeliner or mascara? Yes (just not so much during covid)
Do you have differently-shaped ears? (ex: elfin ears) No but they are slightly different heights How often did you used to get ear infections as a child? I can’t remember ever getting one Have you ever failed a hearing test? No Do you know anyone who is deaf? No, but my grandmother is very hard of hearing Are your ears pierced? How many times/what parts? Yes, just my earlobes Do you have good listening ears? Eh Have you ever lost your sense of hearing before and had it come back? (ie: had your eardrum burst) No
Do your ears hang low? Not particularly lol Can you wiggle your ears? No How do you get the earwax out of your ears? I use Q-Tips What are some sounds that would make you cover your ears? Fire alarms What are some sounds that are pleasant to your ear? Music, waves Do you or anyone you know have an auditory processing issue? Not sure Are you guilty of frequent eavesdropping? Yeah lol Have you ever gotten anything stuck in your ear canal before? If so, then what? Don’t think so
Do you have a large, medium, or small nose? Large Are your nostrils small or large? Average Do you get seasonal allergies? Not excessively How often are you guilty of digging for emeralds? Every so often What’s the highest number of sneezes that you’ve done in a row? Maybe like 4? Usually I do 2 What are some smells that are unpleasant to you? Pickles, sauerkraut, garbage, bodily fluids What are some of the best smells, in your opinion? Cookies, citrus, my boyfriend’s body wash, cinnamon Are there any unusual smells that you enjoy that most others do not? (ie: gasoline, Sharpies) The smell of a heater being turned on for the first time in the winter What’s your favorite candle or air freshener scent? Citrus Have you ever stuck anything up your nose before? If so, then what? probably Do you get frequent nosebleeds? Do you know what causes them? Yes, not sure what causes them. Maybe dryness and/or altitude Do you have any nose piercings? If so, then where? No Have you ever had a broken nose before? No, but I had to get stitches on it when I ran face first into a brick planter as a kid Have you ever lost your sense of smell before? How did it happen? Not really other than when I’m sick Do you use any sort of nasal spray? Occasionally but I don’t like it When’s the last time that you had both nostrils close up on you at once? Probably the last time I got sick Do you have a habit of being nosy and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? Maybe just a little bit Have you ever snorted any sort of drug before? If so, then what? No Do you snort when you laugh? Occasionally
How often do you get sinus infections? I’ve only had a couple in my life How long does it take you to get through an entire box of tissues when you’re relatively healthy? Like a month or two, but I’ll go through a box in two days when I’m sick
Do you have plump lips, thin lips, or one of each? Maybe on the thinner side of average Do you wear more lipstick or lip gloss? If you wear it, what shade do you normally choose? I guess lipstick lately, but I used to like gloss a lot. My favorite is like a raspberry color Do you use lip liner? No Do you remember those LipSmacker Chapsticks from your childhood? Which was your favorite one? Yes, I loved those. I think I had a cinnabon flavored one that I loved What brand of chapstick do you use as an adult now, if any? Chapstick brand Do you have a tendency to pick at your lips or chew on them? Not really Who’s the last person you kissed? My boyfriend Nick Do you lick your lips often? Yes Do you make “the fish face” often in photos? Not really unless I’m making a joke Have you ever had gingivitis in your gums? No Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? No How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day How often do you floss? Like twice a year when I go to the dentist  What brand of mouthwash do you use, if any? I don’t use any How many teeth are in your mouth currently? 26. I know I’m missing the two top laterals and I’ve had all my wisdom teeth taken out Do you have any cavities? Not that I know of Have you ever had a root canal? No What color are your teeth? Off-white, they could use some whitening What brand of toothpaste do you use? I never remember the brand, just what the bottle looks like Have you ever had any teeth extracted? Yes, my wisdom teeth and a couple baby teeth How old were you when your last baby tooth came out? 13 or 14 Do you grind your teeth at night in your sleep? Not that I know of Have you ever broken your jaw before? No Have you ever swallowed something you shouldn’t have? Yes Has your throat ever started to close up from something before? A little, I think I was allergic to something a couple years ago but I never figured out what
Have you ever choked? If so, on what? Not seriously, but I choke on water all the time How many times have you had strep throat? A few times, it sucks ass What is something that causes your throat to itch? Dryness
Have you ever lost your voice before? If so, when was the last time? Yes, on my 19th birthday. People actually listen to you more when they have to make a conscious effort to Have you ever lost your sense of taste before? How long did it take to come back? A little, the same time I had that unknown allergy What are some of your favorite foods that taste delicious to you? Pasta, cheese, chocolate Can you fold your tongue into a taco shape? How about a clover? No Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue? No What’s the last thing you licked? My lips Can you roll your R’s? No Who is the last person that you stuck your tongue out at? My boyfriend Have you ever choked on your own saliva before? Yeah lol How frequently do you experience dry mouth? I’m always thirsty Have your parents ever threatened to wash your mouth out with soap before? Not that I remember Who’s the last person that you mouthed off to, and why? My boyfriend because he beat me at chess Do you speak any other languages? I took french and italian classes in school but I don’t remember much Have you ever worn braces or retainers? Yes
Chin & Cheeks/The Whole Face
Do you need to shave your upper lip or chin? No Do you shave your entire face? If so, how often? No Do you have a moustache? No Do you have a beard? No Have you ever fractured your cheek bone? No
Who was the last person to kiss your cheek? My boyfriend Do your cheeks get extra red in any of the following instances: sickness/fever, drinking alcohol, cold/windy weather, embarrassment, or infatuation? All of the above probably, but definitely embarrasment and infatuation, and also when I get hot Do you have any relatives who are guilty of pinching your cheeks and making comments about how big you’ve grown? No
Are you mature enough to turn the other cheek? Depends When’s the last time that you said something cheeky, and who did you say it to? Probably to my boyfriend Has anyone ever slapped you across the face before? If so, what was the reason? Not on purpose Do you get a lot of blackheads or acne? If so, are there any special products that you use in order to combat this? Not really Do you wear blush or foundation? I use compact powder What shape face do you have? I think oval? Idk Do you have any scars on your face? One above my nose Would you ever consider getting a face lift or Botox? I’ve thougth about it but I probably wouldn’t
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paleorecipecookbook · 5 years
What To Do & Where To Eat in Santa Barbara
It’s been a hot minute since I traveled to California, which is really a shame since it’s a quick direct flight for me and it immediately feels like I’m in some far away vacation land. Well, that’s pretty much exactly what it is. Especially Santa Barbara. I hadn’t spent much time in Santa Barbara before this trip and now I’m wondering why it hasn’t been a normal yearly occurrence for me. This sleepy little ocean town has become a bustling area to try amazing food, sip on about a million glasses of wine, and take in the sea breeze as you dip your toes in the water. It’s just simply lovely.
And one of the best parts about being in Santa Barbara is that you can make your way into Santa Ynez Valley. I went to Santa Ynez Valley last year and absolutely fell in love with the area and this time around it was even more beautiful because of all the rain they have been getting recently. The rolling hills of the valley were so incredibly green and everywhere you turn there is another beautiful vineyard. It really is a breathtaking area. And since I didn’t check out the tiny town of Los Alamos when I was in SYV the year before, we decided to stay at the newly renovated Skyview Motel. You can see this iconic roadside motel from the highway and from downtown Los Alamos since it’s perched on a hillside overlooking wine country. And the motel itself includes a beautiful restauant, pool and the cutest rooms – many that include their own patio with personal firepit. I was welcomed by a cute cat each morning who loved our patio furniture as it’s bed. Since it wasn’t warm enough to hang out by the pool while we were there, we enjoyed some cocktails at the restaurant before making our way into town to try even more wine!
When you are in Los Alamos, you have a full block of restaurants, bakeries and tasting rooms to check out, so you can rent a bike from the Skyview Motel and bike into town for a buzzed and full afternoon. We first stopped in at Casa Dumetz for a wine tasting, a really really delicious wine tasting. I’m not huge in to wine or really even know what I like, but I know I enjoyed every single one of these wines. Casa Dumetz makes highly acclaimed reds and whites with premiere fruit grown exclusively in Santa Barbara County vineyards and the wine tasting room shows how much love goes into each one of these bottles. 
And after you try the wine tasting, you can wander next door to Valle Fresh to enjoy some tacos and tapas while you check out all the beers and ciders in Babi’s Beer Emporium. All three spots are owned by chief winemaker Sonja Magdevski to ensure that everyone in your group is happy and satisfied. We ordered a carrot appetizer to get in some extra veggies on our trip, then we loaded up with delicious tacos. It was incredibly easy to eat gluten free here since all the taco shells are made in-house with corn. Everything was so fresh and delicious! We really loved this spot.
Then for our first dinner in Santa Ynez Valley, we made our way to Solvang (where I stayed last time) to the restaurant First & Oak. This restaurant is located inside the Mirabelle Inn and is considered one of the best spots in Santa Ynez Valley since it includes some of the most fresh local ingredients. First & Oak includes many small plates so you can try a ton of different things on their menu, and they recommend creating your own tasting menu to ensure you get the full experience. We ended up both trying a four-course tasting menu and I think three would have been a better idea because we were STUFFED. So so stuffed. I tried the lobster bisque, halibut, pork risotto and white chocolate meringue. Everything was fantastic and the server was so helpful making sure everything we ordered was gluten free! And if you are wine tasting during the day, the owners of First & Oak also own Coquelicot Estate Vineyard in Los Olivos, which is just a quick drive away from Solvang. 
Another meal we had in Los Alamos while we stayed there was at Pico at the Los Alamos General Store. This restaurant is a beautiful spot that serves farm-to-table upscale comfort food. The restaurant also shares their building with local Lumen Wines where you can try all their wines in their tasting room. We tried the mushroom salad, brussels sprouts and short rib, and everything was so fresh and served up beautifully.
And before we left, we ended up eating at Plenty on Bell a couple of times for breakfast! We loved this spot and everything we tasted was cooked to perfection. I ordered the short rib hash and the short ribs and potatoes were both crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Many people also recommended Bob’s Well Bread Bakery but I didn’t see too many gluten free options on the menu so we stuck with Plenty instead. But if you don’t eat gluten free, I heard Bob’s is fantastic!
Then once we had our fill of the countryside, we made our way back to Santa Barbara to see all it has to offer. We were lucky enough to stay at the Ritz-Carlton Bacara and soak up this absolutely stunning property. This was my first time staying at a Ritz-Carlton resort and it completely lived up to its name. Not only was the staff incredibly attentive and helpful at every turn, but the property itself was perfection. There was always something to do, something to see, and some sort of drink to indulge in. The oceanfront property includes 2 miles of beach to walk on, a nature walk to take your dogs on (yes, it’s dog-friendly!), and they have beautiful pools, hot tubs, and fun games like bag toss and ladders throughout every corner. We spent almost an entire day on the property just having cocktails and playing games. There was really no point in leaving!
Two things I can’t recommend enough is eating at Angel Oak for Sunday brunch AND checking out the Club Lounge on the property. While we ate at Angel Oak for brunch, we were able to sit on the patio overlooking the ocean while professional whale watchers looked on for any signs of whales swimming by. We sadly didn’t get to see any whales ourselves but many people talked about the whales they had seen earlier. I ordered the cobb crab salad when we ate here and it was AMAZING! I hate salads but I ate every bite of this one.
But if you don’t get to see any whales, not to worry, the Club Lounge will keep you happy and entertained. The Club Lounge is very exclusive since they only let about 30-35 rooms enjoy the services that the Club has to offer. In the Club, you’ll have a personal concierge to help you with anything you need whether you need a glass of wine or champagne or a house-made latte. Then you also have a ton of amazing snacks to choose from, including gluten free snacks and treats. I spent so much time in this lounge working on my computer, enjoying breakfast, and getting some snacks to take on the go. It was such an amazing spot to relax and unwind while catching up on work. I loved it so so much!
Then for our first dinner in Santa Barbara, we headed to Les Marchands Restaurant and Wine Shop. This spot was named “Wine Bar of the Year since it is led by a world-class team of certified sommeliers and wine profressionals. You’ll also find more than 400 selections of wine at this spot. So if you’re a wine lover, this is definitely your spot! I found it a tad more challenging to find gluten free items here since many of their entrees are pasta or include wheat, but we still enjoyed a fantastic waygu steak while we were there!
Then for our last full day in Santa Barbara, we finally took a break from all the wine and got to moving. We wandered around Stearns Wharf & Harbor to see all the shops, then we walked down by the ocean, then finally made our way to state street and into Salt. In downtown you would never know that you can find the largest Himalayan salt cave in North America. I always see people with Himalayan salt lamps next to their bed and I never really knew why, but I found out in my own salt session that Himalayan salt has a ton of different benefits like supporting respiratory health, promoting sinus health, preventing muscle cramps, and promotes bone strength, along with a ton of other benefits. And while you’re in the Salt Cave, you can simply enjoy a 45-minute meditation session or you can always book a treatment such as a massage, scrub or a Nexneuro vibration treatment. It’s all very earthy and crunchy, and I love it. It was a great way to break up the day and do something a little different.
Then after we meditated, we went straight to Tyger Tyger. Curry is a dish I could eat for every single meal and I talk about it quite frequently. So when my friend found out I was heading to SB, she said I absolutely HAD to eat at Tyger Tyger and order the pork curry. And HOT DAMN I’m so glad I listened to her because it was lifechanging curry. Not just good or great or amazing. It was LIFECHANGING. We also tried the Malayasian Curried Cauliflower and I almost licked my plate. I couldn’t get enough of this spot. Everything on their menu is marked gluten free and/or vegan, which makes it extremely easy to order. And it’s so unique compared any other spots because within the location, you’ll also find Dart Coffee and Monkey Shine ice cream. And the ice cream has an Asian flair to eat because you’ll find selections like Black Sesame and Mango Sticky Rice soft serve with fruity and crunchy toppings to sprinkle all over.
And for my last meal in Santa Barbara, my friend took me to LoQuita to enjoy some traditional cooking methods of Spain. I’ve never been to Spain but now it’s at the top of my list after experiencing LoQuita. This meal was absolutely fantastic, I can’t say enough about it. Everything was so incredibly fresh and flavorful. Like OMG flavorful. We enjoyed the Jamón tasting, the oyster mushrooms, cauliflower, spanish tortilla, and FANTASTIC chorizo paella. If you are ever in Santa Barbara, this spot is a complete must!!
I hope this post gives you some inspiration to create your own Santa Barbara trip in the future! I can’t say enough about Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez Valley. They are both amazing places to visit that aren’t overwhelmed by traffic and people. It’s just a great place to get away, relax and enjoy all that California has to offer. And now I’m already planning my next trip back so I can check out even more restaurants when I’m there! Be sure to read below because I have even more recommendations for when you are there!
Quick Summary of my SYV & SB Trip Favorites:
Skyview Motel
Ritz-Carlton Bacara
Valle Fresh in Los Alamos
First & Oak in Solvang
Pico at the Los Alamos General Store in Los Alamos
Plenty on Bell in Los Alamos
Angel Oak at the Ritz-Carlton
Les Marchands Restaurant and Wine Shop in Santa Barbara
Tyger Tyger in Santa Barbara
LoQuita in Santa Barbara
And if you’re staying for more than just a few days, here are even more restaurant recommendations –
Lilac Patisserie
ParadICE Hawaiian Shave Ice
The Lark
The Lucky Penny for gluten free pizza
The Honey B
Santa Barbara Public Market
Ty Lounge at Four Seasons Resort in Montecito – official drink of Santa Barbara
And there are also about a million things to do while you’re in Santa Barbara –
Go to Stearns Wharf & Harbor
Check out The Funk Zone – one of the cutest areas in Santa Barbara with lots of shops, restaurants and wine tasting rooms. It reminds me of RiNo in Denver because it’s filled with old warehouses and manufacturing plants with a ton of artists’ studios and galleries, breweries and other shops. It’s a total different feel from everything else you find in Santa Barbara
Go on the Urban Wine Trail – more than 2 dozen wine tasting rooms all within blocks of downtown, which means you don’t have to drive into the valley and you can ditch your car and walk to almost any of them without worrying about how you will get home once you enjoy a few too many tastings. Here are just some of the tasting rooms you can check out –
Kunin Wines
Santa Barbara Wine Collective
The Valley Project
Riverbench Santa Barbara
Wineries of the Presidio Neighborhood
Go to the Farmers Market! It’s held almost every day in a different spot so you can always get the freshest ingredients, no matter what day it is.
Check out Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
Take a City Tour of Santa Barbara on the SB Trolley
Rent a bike, roller blades, coupe, or a surrey with Wheel Fun Rentals to easily get around town
Go kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding with Paddle Sports Center
Go hiking nearby
Carpinteria Bluffs
Inspiration Point
Arroyo Burro Beach to Goleta
Lizard’s Mouth
Refugio to El Capitan
Bill Wallace Trail
Gaviota Peak
Gaviota Wind Caves
Go to Montecito for some fancy shopping
Wander down State Street for cool stores and shops
This trip was hosted by Visit Santa Ynez Valley and Visit Santa Barbara, but all opinions are my own!
The post What To Do & Where To Eat in Santa Barbara appeared first on PaleOMG - Paleo Recipes.
Sourse of this article: http://paleomg.com/
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brandcein · 4 years
Medicinal Plants that gives refreshment along with some health benefits
Greenery brightens up indoor spaces and are known to have mood-boosting qualities. Indoor plants especially medicinal plants are popular because they are relatively easy to take care of, provide health benefits and can be used in a variety of indoor décor themes. Indoor plants are a great option for those who have little yard space for an outdoor garden. VOCs(volatile organic compound) are more common in indoor areas than outdoors. This is because air and VOCs get trapped in indoor spaces; there is less air circulation. They cause illness include: irritated eyes, nose or throat, headache, drowsiness and breathing problems. These symptoms may not always be present, however, and chronic exposure may lead to lack of concentration and other health issues such as asthma and heart disease. Houseplants "can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work, stress-reduction and increased pain tolerance. Humans enjoy looking at things that are not boring but also not too complex.
Plants are the perfect antidote to noise pollution and sound absorption, and of course, they offer many other benefits. These include increasing home value, reducing air pollution, and beautifying your landscape. In order to boost the noise-reducing benefits of trees, you’ll need to choose ones that feature thick, dense foliage and that can be planted closely together. You need a year round noise reduction plant for your surroundings. i. Norfolk island pin: The pine needles grow out in a crisscross pattern. What this does is to help trap the sound within the plant itself. Their needles might seem small, but the surface area that they cover aids in their effectiveness as a noise blocker.
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ii. Ferns: Ferns have a lot of surface space to help reduce sound. You can  place them near the corners where they can trap sound from a variety of angles. They help to absorb sound and they are great at deflecting sound into the plants that surround them.
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iii. Rubber plants: Rubber plants cover a large surface area which only serves to enhance their sound absorbing properties.
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iv. Weeping fig: This plant has some thick, arching branches that help to give it a full appearance. The branches and leaves combined are great at absorbing the sound. No ringing, no echo, and a solid plant for helping reduce noise.
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v. Fiddle leaf fig: The bottom of the tree is narrow, so they work best when placed in an area where they are surrounded by other plants that will fill in the bottom area where sound can get through.
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vi. Areca palm: These plants are good as a standalone plant if you have an area that needs some sound absorption and don’t have a lot of space for multiple plants.
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vii. Money tree: You can plant these as a single or as multiples in one pot. The leaves on these like to stretch out like a canopy. Any sound that finds its way up into the canopy of these plants gets trapped inside like an umbrella.
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These plants can replace sweetly artificial air fresheners and clean your indoor air naturally. They can also reduce your overall stress level by adding some lush foliage and aromas to your home. Fragrant plants are a great way to spruce up your space and decor with some pleasant aromas and eye-catching appeal. Many species of them also offer a variety of health benefits, which means they can also improve your wellbeing! And with so many options available, it'll be easy to find an indoor plant that offers the perfect look and aroma for you. i. Gardenia: Gardenia is one of the more famous fragrant indoor plants. This houseplant has dark green glossy leaves and white flowers, which waft a delicious aromatic sense.
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ii. Jasmine: With its thick green leaves and pretty white flowers, Jasmine is known for being one of the more elegant indoor plant options. This plant produces a sweet and delicate aroma.
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iii. Geranium: If you brush their leaves or touch them, the plant will quickly release a burst of aroma. When it comes to fragrant indoor plants, this one is easy to grow and comes in many forms. They also offer a variety of health benefits:  They lower stressThey reduce inflammationThey relieve pain (like migraines)They promote kidney healthThey aid in digestionThey boost immunity
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iv. Eucalyptus:  Eucalyptus for many conditions including asthma, bronchitis, plaque and gingivitis, head lice, toe nail fungus, and many others.
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v. Orchids: Orchids are an incredibly popular kind of fragrant indoor plant.
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vi. Mint: Mint plants are easy to grow and can be planted almost anywhere. It has a pleasant aroma also. They’re also great for people who may be suffering from lung disease it is the best antioxidant.
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vii. Lavender: Lavender is famous for it's sweet, gentle aroma and beautifully vibrant purple flowers. These plants grow best in hotspots and dry climates.
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i. Thyme: Thyme has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Its aroma also helps relieve stress and promotes rest, which is good for your immune system.
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ii. Lemon Balm: Lemon balm aids in the treatment of liver, bile, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract disorder. It is also used as a digestive and sleep aid.
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iii. Tulsi: This medicinal plants helps in Promoting Healthy Heart, Anti-aging, Treats Kidney Stones, Relieves Headaches, Fights Acne, Relives Fever, Eye Health, Oral Health, Cures Respiratory Disorders, Rich Source of Vitamin K etc…
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iv. Coriander/ cilantro: All the parts of coriander, especially the seeds and leaves, are used in cooking and medicine. Coriander has antioxidant properties, helps improve sleep quality, has blood sugar lowering effects, and improves digestive system functions.
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v. Sage: Sage is high in Several Nutrients, Loaded With Antioxidants, Support Oral Health, Ease Menopause Symptoms, Reduce Blood Sugar Levels, Support Memory and Brain Health, Protect Against Certain Cancers, Easy to Add to Your Diet etc..
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vi. Tarragon: If you have a toothache, insomnia, and digestion problems, tarragon is a trusty herb to have growing indoors.
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vii. Aloe Vera: There are plenty of ways you can use aloe vera like Heals burns, Improves digestive health, Promotes oral health, Clears acne, Relieves anal fissures etc..
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viii. Lemon Grass: It help in  Relieving anxiety, Lowering cholesterol, Preventing infection, Boosting oral health, Relieving pain, Boosting red blood cell levels, Relieving bloating etc..
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ix. Periwinkle/Sadabahar: It helps manage blood levels and use for the treatment of diabetes.
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x. Asparagus/Satavari: It is used in stomach (dyspepsia), constipation, stomach spasms, and stomach ulcers. It is also used for fluid retention, pain, anxiety, cancer, diarrhea, bronchitis, tuberculosis, dementia, and diabetes.
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xi. Curry Leave: It is rich in powerful plant compounds, reduce heart disease, neuroprotective properties, anticancer effects, blood sugar control, pain-relieving ,antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties etc..
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xii. Basil: Help in reducing oxidative stress, Supporting liver health, Fighting cancer, Protecting against skin aging, Reducing high blood sugar, Supporting cardiovascular health, Boosting mental health, Reducing inflammation and swelling, Combatting infection etc..
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xiii. Parsley: Preventing cancer, Protecting against diabetes, Improving bone health etc..
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xiv. Marjoram: Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, antimicrobial activity, alleviate digestive issues, regulate your menstrual cycle and hormones etc..
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xv. Chamomile: It helps in Promotes Sleep and Treats Insomnia, Boosts Immunity, Reduces Muscle Spasms and Period Pain, blood sugar control, improve heart health etc..
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xvi. Chives: They have antioxidant properties, can aid in digestion nutrients including beta carotene, folic acid, Vitamin K, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium etc..
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xvii. Peppermint: It helps in nausea, Vomiting, Morning sickness, Cramps of the upper gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts, Diarrhea, Gas, Colds, Coughs, Inflammation of the mouth and throat, Sinus and respiratory infections, Menstrual problems etc..
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xviii. Oregano: It helps in antibacterial properties, Anti-inflammatory properties, Protecting against cancer, Diabetes, Depression etc..
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xix. Rosemary: Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, Improving digestion, Cancer, Enhancing memory and concentration, Neurological protection, Prevent brain aging etc..
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"Gardening is cheaper then therapy" www.amazon.com www.nurserylive.com www.ugaoo.com www.floweraura.com if you want to know more about air purifier plant click here Read the full article
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meetmeatthecoda · 7 years
Sounds like you lost the fight to that cold. For red.
Sick Prompts
Hi there anon! :D As always, I’m sorry for the wait on this one… But hopefully it was worth it?? I decided to go for established, apartment-sharing, domestic Lizzington with a sick, glasses-wearing Red and a quietly adoring Liz. Because I was just in that kind of mood. :) I really hope you enjoy! :D Much love!
The key rattles in the lock as Liz jiggles it open,trying to balance her purse and two full grocery bags at the same time. After along moment of struggling, Liz gets the door unlocked and she desperately kicksit open, hiking the heavier bag higher up on her hip. She staggers into her andRed’s apartment, hurrying over the threshold and nudging the door shut with herhip. She dashes over to the nearest table, the small one in the hall, and dumpsall her bags onto it with a relieved sigh. She stands back to catch her breath,huffing a little and pushing her hair out of her face, shivering.
It’s forty degrees outside. Almost cold enough forsnow.
“Ray?” she calls into the apartment, collectingherself before shedding her heavy winter coat and throwing it over a chair.
She hears a little rustling from the living room and,after a moment, Red comes into view, dressed casually in black slacks and a whitebutton down, feet clad in striped socks. The minute he sees her, he smiles inthat way of his and she feels the winter chill evaporate from her bones. Shethinks he must have been reading on the couch because he’s still wearing hisreading glasses, the ones with dark frames.
She loves those glasses.
“Lizzie,” He murmurs, moving closer to press a lingeringkiss to her lips. “How was the store?”
“Oh, fine,” she mutters carelessly, kissing him again.She has no interest in discussing the excited toddlers and bored employees thatpopulate the average grocery store. She pulls back to look at him. “How are youfeeling?” He was a little under the weather earlier and she’s been worried about him.
“Oh, fine,” he mocks her, grinning.
She can’t help but grin back at him but she also can’tignore the nasally, muffled sound of his voice, distinctly more so than it waswhen she left him a few hours ago. She tries not to find it appealing.
She narrows her eyes at him. “Are you sure?”
“Of course.” He says, raising his eyebrows, looking alittle too innocent.
“Hmm,” she huffs. “I don’t know, sounds like you lostthe fight to that cold.”
He purses his lips, suddenly very interested in thewall over her left shoulder. “No, of course not, don’t be silly, Lizzie.”
“Uh-huh,” she says, placing her hands on her hips.“And if I go into the living room, will I find a blanket nest on the couch withdirty tissues littering the coffee table?”
He glances at her and then at the floor, eyesflickering from surface to surface, clearly guilty. “Well…perhaps.”
She can’t help but smile.
“That’s all right,” she chirps happily. “I figured youwould get sick.”
“You did?” he asks, frowning.
But she’s already grabbing her grocery bags andheading to the kitchen, leaving a quietly sniffing Red to trail behind her.
“Yup,” she says, busily unpacking the bags. “So, I gotyou extra tissues, some cough drops, the good sinus medication, those weirdgreen tea bags you like, and…oatmeal!” She names each item as she places themon the counter, waiting until the end to pull the tub of oats out of the lastbag with a flourish.
Red just blinks, staring at all the items and then ather. “Oh, Lizzie, you didn’t have t—”
“Well, I did, so shut up.” She talks easily over him, pattinghis check sympathetically as she walks by, on her way to find a pan and somemeasuring cups.
Red frowns. “But oatmeal?” he asks, confused.
“Yup,” says Liz, measuring out a half cup of oats.“Can you get me the milk from the fridge? Oatmeal is wonderful for colds. Didn’tyou know that?” she teases him. “I always try to drag myself out of bed to makeit when I’m sick. It’s totally worth it. Haven’t had it in a while though.”
Red wanders thoughtfully to the fridge andmechanically retrieves the gallon of milk for her, setting on the counter nextto the oats. “Hmm, I’ve never had it.”
“Well, then, you’re in for a treat.” She smiles at himover her shoulder before measuring out one cup of milk and pouring it into thesaucepan, lighting the burner at the same time.
“Well, is there anything I can do to help?” he asks,sidling up behind her as she stirs the milk, wrapping his arms around her waistand nuzzling her neck.
He’s extra cuddly when he’s sick.
She loves it.
“On what you want in your oatmeal.”
That stumps him. “Well, what kind of things do youlike?”
Oh, Red. “All sorts of things. Apples, brown sugar, bananas,honey, raisins. Anything sound good?”
He thinks for a moment. “Apples, I think.”
“Okay. Feel well enough to peel and dice?”
“I think I can manage.” He nibbles at her ear.
“Get to work then.” She giggles and squirms in hisarms.
He presses a quick kiss to her neck before moving awayto fetch an apple from the fridge.
They work in companionable silence, occasionallytalking quietly together, as they go about their respective tasks, Liz stirringand Red peeling.
Soon the oatmeal is bubbling and Liz pours it intotheir favorite bowls, her striped yellow one and Red’s chipped blue one. Reddivides the apples between the bowls and Liz grabs the cinnamon from the spicecabinet to shake a little over each.
They take their bowls into the living room, where Redhands Liz his bowl to hastily dismantle his blanket nest and gather his dirtytissues. Liz rolls her eyes good naturedly, waiting patiently, smiling at him.
He’s so predictable.
As soon as he’s done, they settle into the couch,covering up with his blankets, the worn red one for Liz and the soft green onefor Red. She waits until he stirs his apples and cinnamon into his oatmeal andtakes an enthusiastic bite.
Red is a fearless eater.
He chews slowly, thoughtfully and Liz watches as hiseyes light up behind his glasses, and he smiles at her.
Her sweet man.
He swallows quickly. “This is delicious, Lizzie.”
“Good.” She tucks his blanket more securely around hisshoulders, trying not to obviously fuss over him. It’s not an easy task.
He takes her hand and squeezes before going back tohis oatmeal.
She watches him for a long moment and then turns awayto tuck into her own bowl.
It’s even better than she remembers.
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lavieboheme930 · 7 years
What do you think about girls 16 and under on birth control? There are many reasons girls go on birth control and it’s not because of sex.  I never had sex but had to use it because I bled straight through for a month.  Birth control was the only thing to stop it.  Though I ended up getting severely sick from it in the first place so I had to stop.  So if girls need them for whatever reason, then one shouldn’t judge.
What are you listening to? The One by Shakira
When did you last eat corn on the cob? It’s been awhile
Where’s your biggest scar? my forearm
How’d you get it? Carried a heavy bag that cut through my skin
Ever broken a bone? No
What does your 39th text say? My phone doesn’t work like that
Do you want die? No, I still have so much to do in my life
Screamo or country? Neither
Does anyone intentionally try to make you jealous? Yes, but it doesn’t work
Closest silver object? laptop
Last beverage you drank? iced caramel coffee with soy
Do you get your eyebrows waxed or do you tweeze them? I tweeze them
What was the last movie you watched called? Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Favorite song is called? Bohemian Rhapsody -Queen
What color eyeliner do you use? Black  
What are you listening to now? All I Wanna Do -Joey McIntyre
Do you wear hair ties on your wrist? No
Do you like boys, girls, or both? Boys
What do you think of Barack Obama? Miss him so much.  I want him back in the White House.
What are your plans for summer? Work, see friends, comedy shows
Does hand sanitizer smell good? Sure
Which is heavier; Pound of feathers or pound of lead? I don’t know
Eat 20 spiders or lose sense of smell? I don’t have a sense of smell to begin with due to sinus problems LOL.  So I’d lose it all over again
Be 100 or 1 again? Neither
Be bit by a tiger or shark? Neither
Are you wearing any bracelets? No
Which face is better: (= or =) ? I use :)
Sea food is delicious, right? Yes
Is music pointless? No
Do you have self respect? Yes
Are you/Have you ever been a stripper? No
What’s your fourth hour class? Not in school anymore
How do you want to die? I don’t think about that
What are you listening to now? It’s Matters to Me -Jason Castro
Is your phone usually on vibrate? Yes
Do you own a Ripstick/Waveboard or Skateboard? Nope
What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m an author which I always wanted to be. Also go into comedy
Do you tend to scare people? No
Do you get mad easily? No
Who do you blame for your mood right now? Sal...but that’s cause I’m in a good mood
Ever fingered a girl? No
Do your parents still hide eggs around the house for Easter? No I never did that actually.
When did you last take a nap? Yesterday
What do you currently hear? Still Jason Castro
Drake’s better than Lil Wayne, right? I don’t listen to either.  But I loved Drake while he was in Degrassi so I’ll go with him LOL
When was the last time you smoked a cigarette? Never
How do you dot your i’s? a little circle
Know anyone who has had an abortion? No
How many times have you cried this month? I lost count
Is there a pop can in reach of you? Nope
Do you wear choker necklaces? I have some
When was the last you ran a mile? Never. But I’ll walk like 15 miles or more
Crazy things happen when drunk, correct? Never been drunk
How many belts do you own? 1
What’s the closest blue thing to you? Pillow
What are you currently wearing? Leggings and a hippie shirt
Do you have a hangover? No
When was the last time you used hand sanitizer? No idea
When was the last time a stranger talked to you? Probably Sunday
Did you know boys get boners a few times a day? Yes
Does the room you’re in have tile? Nope
Do you own an iHome? No
You know what sex bracelets are, right? I heard of them. But I was out of school when they were in schools.
If so, do you wear them? N/A
Who’s the most slutty girl you know? No one
Are you friends with her? N/A
Have you ever called a guy a manwhore and meant it? No
When was the last time you saw a yellow car? No idea
When did you last punch someone? Never
Ever kissed a redhead? No
What is your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? I don’t go there
What is your favorite thing to order at Subway? Depends what I feel like having
When do you feel trapped? I don’t know
Where do you have cutting scars (if you have any)? I don’t
What song are you listening to now? Viva La Vida -Coldplay
What is your favorite thing to order at Arby’s? classic roast beef
What is your favorite coffee shop? Bean and Bean
What is your favorite thing to order at McDonald’s? fries
What is your favorite ride at Disney World? Never been there
What is your favorite ride at Cedar Point? Never been
Do you often wear your favorite color? Yes
What is your favorite color? black
What is your favorite type of chicken? depends 
What is your favorite tea flavor? plain green tea
What is your favorite pizza topping? Cheese
What guy/girl do you wish would notice you? My crush
What is your favorite slushie flavor? None
Do you like cotton candy? no
Do you like snow cones? no
Did you watch Nick Jr. with Face? Yes, though I was in High School when that aired LOL
Does your heart ache for something? Yes
200 notes · View notes
healthspiritbody · 4 years
8 Reasons Why Eating Pineapple Is Very Important
The delicious taste of pineapples makes them popular all around the world, but apparently, there are many reasons more we should indulge in the juicy fruits.
Pineapples are incredibly healthy and offer a myriad of health benefits. They belong to the bromeliad family but are the only members that produce edible fruit, according to the Purdue University Center for New Crops and Plant Products.
The fruit is made of multiple individual berries that grow together around a central core. Each pineapple scale is an individual flower or berry.
Despite their unique anatomy, pineapples offer powerful nutritional benefits. They are a rich source of vitamin C, manganese, dietary fiber, and bromelain.
Moreover, these delicious fruits also contain other important minerals and vitamins, such as folate, thiamin, riboflavin, potassium, beta-carotene, magnesium, vitamin B-6, and pantothenic acid.
Due to the high antioxidant content, pineapples are believed to protect against cancer and other illnesses. They also prevent premature aging of the skin and reduce the signs of aging.
Here are 8 more reasons why you should consume pineapples often:
Anti-inflammatory Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain, that can be extracted from the stem and core of a pineapple. According to studies, it effectively reduces inflammation.
Reduce Arthritis Pain Due to bromelain in their content, pineapples are known to alleviate muscle and joint inflammation, including inflammation due to arthritis.
Improved digestion The high fiber content of pineapples, both soluble and insoluble, eases digestion and treats digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and constipation.
Regulate blood pressure These fruits are abundant in potassium, which acts as a vasodilator and reduces stress and tension in the blood vessels, prevents clotting, and stimulates blood circulation.
Boost Immune System A single serving of pineapple provides around 130% of the recommended daily dose of Vitamin C, which stimulates the activity of white blood cells to boost the immune system and protect against illness or disease.
Fight colds and coughs Vitamin C fights common colds and coughs, while bromelain reduces mucus in the respiratory tract and sinus cavities to clear up congestion and fight the cold.
Bone health Pineapples are high in magnesium, a mineral that is vital for the health, growth, and repair of bones. A single serving of pineapple provides about 70% of the recommended daily intake of this mineral.
Better oral health Pineapples have potent astringent properties that protect the teeth, prevent tooth loss, and strengthen the gums.
Check out the following avocado pineapple smoothie recipe, as it is a mouth-watering way to incorporate pineapples into your diet:
If you know someone who might like this, please click “Share”!
8 Reasons Why Eating Pineapple Is Very Important was originally published on Health Spirit Body
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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The Gypsy Diet
Published October 9, 2016 | By shirleytwofeathers
Diet was a very important part, not only of health, but also of beauty for the Romanies. Much of the malaise and depression around today stems from a sluggish system. Walking and fresh air help to combat this, but the best way to keep your system clear is to stick to a careful, sensible diet. Eat fruit, plenty of vegetables, salads, stewed prunes occasionally, take butter milk or malted milk. Eat sparingly of rice, pastry, pasta and sweets.
It is a fact that the true Romany only begins to grow old at around the eightieth year. What secrets enable them to keep their youth? One of them – and this will disappoint meat lovers – is that they do not eat a lot of meat which is not, as is often thought, an essential part of the daily diet. On some days Romanies would make do with nuts, herbs and vegetables and avoid meat altogether, it does the stomach good to have a rest from it.
Eat plenty of cheese – it is full of protein to build strong teeth and bones and to keep the muscles firm. And there is a miracle of nourishment in an egg yolk – vitamins A,D,E,B1,B6, riboflavin, iron and calcium. Milk is also a valuable source of protein, fat and carbohydrate and you get essential vitamins from butter and margarine- butter provides calcium as well. There are foods that, even for the determined slimmers, should always be included in the diet. It can be dangerous to cut out starch completely. Wholewheat bread, for instance, contains calcium, iron, vitamins B1, B6 and E, riboflavin and nicotinic acid. Oatmeal is also a valuable source of these.
Potatoes were always part of the Romany staple diet, usually eaten the healthy way, baked in their jackets in the ashes of a fire. If you are boiling potatoes, don’t peel them, but just scrub the skin. Many minerals that we especially need are directly under the potato`s skin and are completely lost when they are peeled and then boiled.
Leprosy, scurvy and other skin diseases were rife in Britain before the introduction of the potato in 1563. Their useful citric content, together with salts of potash and sulphur, make them very valuable – they also help to keep the skin and hair healthy. Grated raw potato is very good for you, and if you don’t fancy the taste it can easily be disguised in a varied salad.
Another very valuable vegetable is the onion. 2,000 years before Christ, the onion was looked upon as an object of great value. And when the Pyramids were being built, tons of gold were spent buying onions for the workmen and slaves. Did you know that if a cut onion is left lying around it is said to draw all kinds of germs to it? For this reason no Romany woman would use an onion for cooking if it had been cut and left exposed to the air. This theory can easily be accepted by those who have painted a room and removed the smell of paint completely by placing a cut onion in it. The Romanies used a great many onions. They knew they contain free uncrystallised sugar, starch, alkaline, salts, sulphur and many other valuable food substances.
Turnips are very nutritious, but not recommended if you have a weak digestion as they can cause wind and distention of the stomach – expectant mothers should not eat turnips. However turnip tops, cleaned and boiled, are more digestible, marvellous for cleaning the blood and work miracles on the complexion.
Parsnip is a very beneficial vegetable and delicious if mashed with pepper and butter after boiling. Celery, which is particularly good for rheumatism, contains many nourishing salts and a great deal of organic sulphur. Stewed celery was a very frequent dish of the Romanies, it should be served moistened with a little of the water in which it was stewed in.
Watercress is also valuable, especially if gathered wild. It contains iodine, potash, sulphur, phosphate salts and is so rich in anti-scorbutic salts that it is one of the most valuable foods for keeping the blood healthy. Eat watercress raw as often as you can, and also raw spinach and oranges, which also have a high content of iron and sulphur. They clean out your inside as if it had had a good bath and supply plenty of vitamins. The peel of citrus fruits is often richer in vitamin C than the flesh, that is why marmalade is good for you. Whenever possible add the grated rind of citrus fruit to recipes.
Radishes are another valuable vegetable, they are good for purifying the blood. The Romanies used to boil radishes and eat them as a vegetable. They should be boiled rather slowly in salted water for an hour, but do not eat radishes if you have a poor digestion. You can add the leaves to salads. You should eat a salad daily as it is the perfect health meal. If you make a salad with celery, tomatoes and radishes, you will be giving yourself a natural antiseptic protection from infection. It has a tonic effect too, as it eases nervous exhaustion, sinus congestion and catarrh.
Another tonic salad which is particularly beneficial if you eat it when you have a cold is made from grated raw carrot, young dandelion leaves and lettuce. Don`t discard the green outer leaves of lettuces or other vegetables- they contain more vitamin A than the pale ones. Lettuce has been eaten for hundreds of years. It was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians and in China. In biblical times lettuce was a sacred plant used by the Hebrews in the Passover ritual and in Rome it was brought into favour by Antonius Musa, physician to the Emperor Augustus, who prescribed it as a health food. It was usually eaten as a dessert, but Emperor Dominitian changed all that- he innovated the salad dressing and lettuce became an hors d`oeuvre! If using a lettuce with a dressing, make this of lemon juice and olive oil which is more beneficial than other dressings.
Chicory leaves can be used in your salad. The roots of chicory can be dried and ground and mixed with coffee to give it an unusual, slightly bitter flavor. You can also boil chicory and use it as a vegetable. This way it is also very tasty and health giving, in fact it is helpful for gout and rheumatic complaints. Mushrooms are the Romany’s great friends. They contain nicotinic acid and riboflavin and are very good for the blood, never peel the mushrooms because this takes away the flavor and goodness.
Disclaimer: I cannot find the original source for this post. I did however find copies of this post in various places around the web.
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tenscupcake · 7 years
electrostatic potential (28/?)
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ten/rose. teen this ch. summary: as the doctor and rose traverse time and space looking for adventure, they slowly fall victim to a mysterious energy that can manipulate their emotions. though confused and unnerved by the cerebral affliction, neither of them understands its cause, or realizes that it could jeopardize their friendship. what will it take for them to discover the truth? unbeta’d... this chapter on ao3 | back to chapter 1 on ao3
The Doctor’s knees buckle beneath him and he crumples to the ground next to her. He presses two fingers into the side of Rose’s neck, tries to ignore the pounding rain and howling wind and concentrate only finding the right spot. Every muscle in his body freezes. Waiting for a heartbeat beneath his fingertips.
But there’s not even a whisper of a pulse.
“No…” he commands, as though her unconscious body will heed his admonition.
Fumbling in his shorts for the sonic, he does a scan of her heart for electrical activity, but detects none.
It feels backwards, but he’s fleetingly grateful it isn’t in a shockable rhythm, because the closest defibrillator is inside the TARDIS, and she’d be braindead long before he could get her there. Calling on dormant medical knowledge, he immediately goes through the motions of resuscitation. Switching on his respiratory bypass to give her as much oxygen as he can, he takes a deep breath and seals his mouth over hers.
It’s the only time he’s ever touched Rose’s lips and felt anything but joy. Instead, it’s only a gruesome reminder of her condition. Her lips don’t mold against his soft and warm; they’re cold and wet from the rain, and utterly unresponsive. Too pliant, too yielding beneath his mouth. Without one of his hands holding her head in place, it lolls limp to the side. He never thought something so pure and beautiful as a kiss could be twisted into something so excruciating.
His hearts are racing like they never have before, hands shaking where they’re resting on her body. Every breath is a ragged gasp. Nausea churns in his stomach. He wants to run around and scream and plead to someone for help but he’s the only one on the island who has even the slightest chance of saving her. Grave statistics run through his head unchecked. Even in the most medically advanced eras, the average chance of survival in these circumstances is less than fifteen percent.
He should have been watching her more attentively, prevented her from running off. Or perhaps he should have listened to Rose when she said they should stay in the room and forget about breakfast. Better yet, he should have rushed them off this planet as soon as they’d seen the Bad Wolf inscription.
Maybe he should have never taken them here in the first place.
Rose is only twenty and she might die here because of his negligence.
Doing his best to hold himself together, he starts the first round of compressions, using his weight to push as hard as he can, hoping it doesn’t break her bones. But a Rose with a few cracked ribs is better than no Rose at all.
He gets to fifteen and stops to check for a pulse again. Still nothing.
She needs epinephrine; her chances without it plummet to less than three percent. But all he has are his hands and his sonic screwdriver.
Impulsively, when his lips touch hers again his mind reaches out, searching desperately for her.
It only takes a moment for her to answer his call.
Soft and warm and familiar, tendrils of her mind swirl at the edges of his, already so attuned to him that they find their way back to him, even in unconsciousness. She can’t communicate with him in any substantial way, can’t use words or emotions, but she’s reaching out to him. Even if her body is hanging on by a thread, she’s alive in there. Confused. Scared. He can’t reassure her with words, but he embraces her mind with his, exuding a sense of comfort and peace. He doesn’t know how he’s able to summon either, as he doesn’t feel either one himself. But if Rose has even a shred of awareness in there, he wants to ensure she doesn’t feel frightened or alone. He breathes comfort into her mind as he breathes oxygen into her dormant lungs.
He can’t let her die like this: pumped full of an artificial sense of security by the very man who’s put her in harm’s way. He has to bring her back.
Suddenly, he remembers something.
There are some telepathic abilities he has never divulged to Rose, and didn’t plan to. He can warp, hide, or implant memories. With the briefest touch, he can scramble someone’s thoughts until they go insane. With a few seconds of contact, a series of simple commands to the brain, he can induce cardiac arrest. Provided they don’t have developed mental barriers, if he can touch someone, he can kill them.
He’s never used his telepathic abilities for malevolent purposes, and he never intends to. But if he can stop someone’s heart, he should also be able to start it. He can hijack Rose’s brain and force it to overload her system with epinephrine.
It’s the highest degree of violation. It flies in the face of informed consent, defies the natural order.
But right now, it’s his only option to save her life.
With a few milliseconds of analysis of her neurological signature, he deploys the appropriate orders, then pulls away from her mouth and resumes compressions to ensure her heart will push the hormone where it needs to go.
One. Oxygen to brain. Adrenaline to heart. Two.
He counts mechanically to distract himself from completely breaking down. Maybe he already is. With the rain pouring down his face, he wouldn’t be able to tell if he were crying or not.
When he goes in for a third morbid kiss, he reinforces his command, hating himself for having to do this to save her. He only hopes she’ll forgive him, if she makes it through this.
He never dreamed he would think such a thing, but he’s once again relieved to leave her lips. He never wants to feel them so lifeless again.
One. Hold on.
Two. Rose.
Three. Stay with me.
Four. Please.
Five. Don’t leave me.
Seven. Rose.
With a loud, heaving gasp, Rose jolts to life.
His eyes shift to her face as his hands pull away from her chest, and yes!!! Her eyes are open. Definitely open.
There’s blinking! Cheeks, lips moving, forehead scrunching. Alive!!!
Relief rushes through his body, deliciously warm and fuzzy.
“Rose!” He yells down to her, euphoric.
She tries to sit up, but something prevents it, weakness or pain or both. She rolls over slightly onto her side instead, coughing and spluttering water out of her lungs.
She doesn’t respond to her name, and looks confused and pained. She puts a hand over her heart, wincing. It’s only then that he notices the branching red veins protruding from the skin on her arms. No doubt other places on her body he can’t currently see.
Lichtenberg figures.
The designs are commonly seen on scorched organic matter and polycarbonate after a storm. It’s rare to see them on flesh, due to how unlikely it is to receive an adequately high amount of voltage and live to show them off. In fact, he’s only ever seen them on skin one other time, and it was his own – when he was struck himself in a previous incarnation. The patterns are caused by ruptured capillaries near the surface of the skin from the excessive temperature of the electrical discharge. He is capable of withstanding much higher voltage without disrupting either heart’s sinus rhythm, but he had the lightning scars on his skin for a few hours. Rose may carry them for longer.
Rose is breathing heavily, but her eyes drift closed as her head comes to rest on the wood beneath her.
“Rose!” He lightly slaps her cheek a couple times, needing to keep her conscious. She blinks her eyes open reluctantly, looking to him for instruction.
“What’s your name?” he asks. He has to shout a little for it to sound clear over the rain.
“Rose,” she answers, voice raspy and not nearly as loud. And somehow, despite having narrowly escaped death, she sounds annoyed.
“What’s my name?”
“Doctor.” Yeah, definitely annoyed.
“What planet are we on?”
“How many fingers am I holding up?” This one he does just for fun.
“Four.” She cracks just the teeniest hint of a smile, and he can’t help but return it.
Lightning flashes to their right somewhere with a thunderous clap, striking one of the nearby huts. It does no damage, but both he and Rose flinch away from the sound. He hunches down further, ensuring he’s below the level of the wooden railing beside them.
“Can you move? We’ve got to get you inside.”
She nods her head, and he helps her roll over so she can crawl along the rest of the way to the hut. He crawls along with her, though not before taking off one of his shoes (rubber soles) and holding it above her, protecting her from any future strikes.
It’s slow going. The soaked wood isn’t easy on their hand and knees, as Rose is still out of breath and in evident pain.
He’d much rather be carrying her, but that would just be asking to be struck again. They have to stay low to the ground, and Rose seems to understand that. Still, it’s miserable to watch her drag herself towards the door, exhausted and in pain. They have to endure several more close lightning strikes, and each one makes him cower with terror, paranoid that it will somehow find a path to Rose. Not to mention his ears feel like they’re bleeding now. Rose’s eardrums may well be ruptured.
The minute or so it takes them to reach their hut feels like an hour.
Once they’re safely inside, he stands and carefully scoops her up in his arms properly and lays her carefully on the bed, not caring that she’s dripping wet. She relaxes a little, sinking into the mattress and trying to calm her breathing. But before he can lie down next to her and soothe her himself, he has a more important job to do. Pulling out the sonic again, he quickly flicks through the settings and starts to examine her for any obvious signs of other bodily injury. To his surprise, he only finds one real injury, a nasty second-degree burn on her hand where it had touched the metal zip on her jacket. He quickly heals it up with the appropriate setting, and Rose thanks him. She hadn’t realized how much it was hurting until the pain was gone.
“I can fix these, too,” he says, gesturing to the branching burst capillaries on the hand he’s holding, extending up her forearm. “But it’ll take a bit longer.”
“Doesn’t hurt,” she says through her teeth, fidgeting.
Even with the burn gone, she’s still panting and clearly uncomfortable.
“Where does it hurt?” he asks.
She places a hand over her chest again, and he could just kick himself. Of course. A side effect of the epinephrine is a heart rate and blood pressure out of control. Her hand is trembling in his, most of her body quivering with the excess of the hormone. Chest pain is to be expected in such a circumstance.
But it’s not as simple to treat as a few skin burns. Not something the sonic can handle. He knows how he can help her, but isn’t sure if he’s ready to confess what he had to do to keep her alive. He deliberates for a long moment, biting his cheek.
“If you’re okay with it, I can slow down your heart.”
“I…” He wavers again, recoiling at the mere thought of what she might think. But there’s no time for guilty vacillating: Rose still needs him. “I went into your mind, just for a moment, while you were unconscious. You needed epinephrine and didn’t have any on hand. I used some of my stronger telepathic abilities to dose you from the inside. It was the only way I could get your heart started again.” He pauses and looks down at her, waiting for judgment or shock or horror, but none of them come. “Now that it’s beating again, I can go back in, send a few of the opposite signals to your brain. Correct the imbalance of hormones.”
“Okay. Do that.” She nods, completely unfazed by his explanation of what he’d done and acquiescing to his request to do it again. For a moment, he just stares at her, overwhelmed by how thoroughly she trusts him. To manipulate her brain to the most sensitive degree without a second thought. He confessed to being furthest thing from human just now, and she should be terrified but she isn’t. She doesn’t ask questions about how it works, or suggest less invasive alternatives. She trusts him to make the right call. Trusts her with her life.
Wanting more contact for the precision required for what he’s about to do, he stashes the sonic and sits down, resting a hand on her temple.
Without hesitating further, he directs the appropriate signals to her brain, to accelerate reuptake and metabolism of the epinephrine, as well as circulate the appropriate vasodilating neurotransmitters to counteract its effects in the interim.
Right now, he really is her Doctor. He’s always had some distaste for her using a possessive pronoun in front of his name (not that she does it often), if only because of his aversion to commitment. But she’s just retroactively and proactively given him permission to make life-saving medical decisions for her. Her endearment suddenly feels so true, he almost wishes she’d say it now.
“My Doctor,” Rose breathes out as her body starts to relax.
That floating feeling from this morning suddenly returns as his hearts swell with affection.
She’d heard him. Of course she’d heard him.
Rose’s pulse and systolic pressure start to drop. Before it dips too far, he ceases his telepathic directions, and slowly starts to retreat from her mind.
But before he can sever their link, a wall of golden light flashes brilliantly from the depths of Rose’s mind. A high-pitched screech pierces the silence in his head, and, desperate to escape the sudden ambush, he flees from her mind. But even when they’re disconnected, the onslaught continues: blinding, deafening, scorching. Whatever it is, it’s not confined to Rose’s mind: it’s a telepathic signal, intensely powerful, interfering with his own telepathic wavelength, clawing its way into his mind.
He gasps out as he lets go of her, getting to his feet and stumbling away.
“What’s wrong?” Rose asks, sitting up now that she feels closer to normal.
He doesn’t answer her, clutching the sides of his head to try to stop the noise and the pain but it doesn’t help. Vivid memories of Satellite Five inundate his brain. A glowing, dying Rose. So many Daleks, so much death.
Something catastrophic has happened. He can sense rigid timelines softening around him now, deforming, changing. This moment ripples through time and space in every direction, broadcasting its incongruity. Rose doesn’t have the power for such manipulation. This isn’t Rose’s telepathic signature. It’s Bad Wolf’s.
Slowly, the effects of the intrusion start to wear off and he lets his hands fall to his sides, panting, staring at Rose in horror. She’s abandoned the bed completely, standing right in front of him, gazing at him with wide, anxious eyes.
“What is it?” she asks, completely unaware of what she’s just done.
“No,” he shakes his head in disbelief. “No,” he repeats, over and over, instead of answering her. Spiraling rapidly into a panic.
Did he not completely rid her of the residual Vortex energy? Is it starting to consume her again, as it did before? Will it take more than just his own death to finish the job this time?
“Doctor what is it?” Out of patience, Rose grabs onto his shoulders and forces him to look at her. “What’s the matter!?”
As he meets her eyes, though, they suddenly flash with a bright light. A golden yellow consumes her irises for a split second, telling him his speculations are correct. And faster than she can blink, it’s gone.
He swallows hard, trying to collect himself.
After a moment to sober himself up a bit, he realizes he has to act fast to figure out exactly what this is. Especially given the likelihood it’s life threatening. But there’s nothing he can do until he gets more information. And Rose will never let him get more information until he tells her what’s going on.
He motions for her to sit on the edge of the bed, and when she doesn’t move, he takes her hand and reluctantly leads her there himself. Sitting down next to her, he suppresses his instinct to pace and rant. Tries to regain his composure. She deserves to know what’s happening anyway.
“What’s wrong Doctor. Tell me what’s wrong rightnow.” Both her her hands curl into fists in his shirt, demanding answers.
“It’s all right, Rose.” He puts one hand on her waist, and another just under her chin, tilting her head so he can look at he properly. “Just sit still for a moment.”
Worried and filled with excess adrenaline as he is, his eyes could have easily deceived him before. Fear can manifest physically as hallucinations; any decent psychologist could tell you that.
Both hearts in his throat, he stares into her cider brown eyes. Waiting.
He doesn’t have to wait long before another flicker of vivid, bright gold emanates from her irises, just a fraction of a second. His hearts palpitate in his chest and he looks away, afraid to see it again.
“No.” He feels like he could scream. Destroy something. This is exactly what he’d been afraid of the night before. This is Bad Wolf. This is an imminent separation, or death. Whatever cataclysm in their timeline has occurred, it can’t be good.
“Doctor, what!” Rose is getting hysterical.
“Bad Wolf,” he murmurs, barely audible.
For a long moment she’s speechless. Processing.
“What’d you see?”
He dares a glance up at her face, and is relieved her eyes are still their natural color.
“Light, in your mind. The same light that was there when I absorbed the time vortex. And just now, your eyes were glowing. Just like they did before.”
A tear rolls down Rose’s cheek, and his hearts clench in his chest at the sight.
“What does this mean?” she asks. “Am I gonna burn up?”
“I don’t know,” he confesses, never having felt so helpless. He wants to reassure her, but doesn’t want to lie to her. “As soon as this storm clears, we’re getting you to the TARDIS to run some tests.”
She doesn’t look at all consoled by the idea of tests.
“Am I gonna die?”
“No,” he insists, and the word cuts through the tension too harshly. “No,” he repeats, softer, taking her hand again. “Whatever it is Rose, I’ll do everything I can protect you. I promise.”
She nods, but still doesn’t look mollified.
“I’d like to go into your mind again,” he suggests. “Try to get some information from you directly. If you’ll allow me.”
“Yes,” she agrees instantly. “Please, Doctor.”
He doesn’t relish the thought of confronting that thing again, but ‘please’ is a word he can’t say no to. Especially not coming from Rose.
He gestures for her to lie on her side, and wraps an arm securely around her as he lies down next to her. He wants to comfort her to some degree while he does this, but this is all the intimacy he can manage for the moment.
As soon as he crosses the threshold of her mind again, it becomes clear that something is growing within. Burgeoning. Something golden and transcendental, getting stronger and consuming more and more of her mind. But unlike the first encounter a few minutes before, it doesn’t torture his mind with dissonant interference. And unlike on Satellite Five, it’s not burning her mind up this time.
The lethality of the Bad Wolf entity was immediately obvious when Rose burst out of the TARDIS doors on that ship. Her physical form couldn’t contain such a massive quantity of energy; it was eating her alive from the inside. Her mind was on the verge of an apocalypse, screaming that it was about to explode.
But right now, it’s calm. Neither her body or her mind recognize it as an invader or threat that must be ejected. It’s as though it’s not something foreign at all, but something that’s been there a long time.
Is it possible the dose of voltage to her neurons activated remnants of her union with the heart of the TARDIS, residual energy left dormant until now? It’s frustratingly intangible, but so clearly real: buzzing in the background, racing through the highways of her mind. A hint of something ancient that triggers his time senses as it trickles through her system. It sends light scattering everywhere it goes. Not destroying or erasing. Healing. Altering.
But altering what? He can’t quite pinpoint it. It’s not human, but nor is it distinctly alien. It’s just… energy. And from the feel of it, a force of life rather than death.
His mind slowed down enough, he suddenly can’t ignore the fear from Rose’s mind overflowing into his. He’s been so fixated on observing and analyzing, Rose has only been able to get hazy flickers of his thoughts. Too vague to giver her any real consolation.
Reassured enough for the time being, he refocuses his efforts, concentrating on opening his mind up more to Rose to share these findings in detail, allow her to feel what he’s feeling from this ethereal presence in her mind. But in addition to that, he reminds her that no matter what, he’ll always be here. That even if his judgment is flawed, and this thing is more malevolent than it would like them to believe, he’ll keep her safe. He overwhelms her with these thoughts and exudes a sense of security and serenity.
She starts to breathe a little easier as she welcomes his reassurance with open arms, but suddenly, he has an even better idea.
With a moment of concentration and a few adjustments within their link, he starts to reconstruct the garden. It’s the perfect place for them to hide away from the rolling thunder and merciless rain that only serve to remind them of her brush with death.
He imagines how they may pass the time, lounging in a field of flowers together, a plush blanket beneath them. Maybe Rose could climb onto his lap and he could cradle her against him as they wait out the remainder of the storm sharing languorous kisses.
Rose isn’t shy about being on board with that idea, but when the landscape of the garden takes form around them, they’re both stunned into a silence that puts these fantasies on hold.
Sunlight brilliantly illuminates their surroundings. More sunlight than should be possible. And yet, it doesn’t burn their eyes to behold. It feels natural, as though this is the way this place was meant to be viewed, or their eyes were designed for more intense light. But aside from the light raining down in sheets from the sky, everything within view gives off an ethereal golden glow that seems to emanate from within. The phenomenon doesn’t discriminate between the living and the inanimate: flower blossoms, trees, and birds are affected just the same as fountains and benches. They all emit a radiance one might expect from Mount Olympus, or some other mythical heavenly place. There’s no real-world analog for what they’re seeing that he can think of, no matter how he wracks his brain.
It feels counterintuitive to interpret this renovation to the garden as ominous, beautiful and seemingly harmless as it seems, but they both do. A chill runs through them both as they process the breathtaking sight.
He turns to Rose, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him, and she squeezes him tightly.
Both of them are speechless for a time, still taking it all in.
“Whatever this is Rose,” he rubs her back and kisses her temple. “I’m not going to let it hurt you. If it makes any plans too, I’ll destroy it. No matter what, I’m going to keep you safe.”
He holds her for a long time, and both of them try their best to comfort one another. Their willpower occasionally slips and their fears seep through, but they never last long. They’ve both become quite adept at sending the right wavelengths to soothe one another.
He loosens her grip around his waist just slightly, and pulls back enough that he can lean down and press his lips to hers.
“How do you feel?” he asks softly.
“Mmm, little better now.” She grins, biting her lip.
“You are in curiously good shape, considering.”
“’Cept my head,” she adds, melancholic.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
He kisses her tenderly again as a distraction. He savors the feeling of her kissing him back, her lips warm and smooth as they melt into his. It helps shake away the memories of feeling them cool and lifeless.
Normally, he’s the one jumping to the worst possible conclusion. He isn’t sure why he’s not doing that now. Something about this new energy – it’s giving him a sense of hope he can’t explain. He was terrified by the memories, and the gold in her eyes, but it’s hard to feel scared in here. It may be naïve and idealistic, but he can’t help the inclination to believe this is different. That she’s not at risk. It’s as though the angelic light has had an intoxicating effect, temporarily dampening his ability to reason.
He hopes he doesn’t kick himself for succumbing to it later.
They ease out of the kiss slowly, still holding each other close. Rose hums contentedly, resting her head on his shoulder. They linger in an embrace for a long moment, swaying lightly together.
 “Oh my God,” Rose breathes into his neck after a time.
“What is it?” he asks, worry returning with a vengeance.
“I got struck by bloody lightning.” She giggles a little, and he exhales with relief. He’s inexplicably glad to hear that sound.
“You did.” He grins despite himself, elated that she’s alive to tell about it, and in his arms no less. “A new level of jeopardy friendly.”
But at her reminder, the harrowing images of what happened assail him anew, and he’s reminded of the fact she ran off by herself. Put herself in more danger.
Anger suddenly sizzles up inside him, spilling into Rose’s mind.
“Rose, why did you run off like that?” He asks, all seriousness now. He pulls back to look at her, meeting her eyes awaiting explanation. “I was about to insist we go back inside. Didn’t you realize how dangerous it was? That the storm was too close?”
“I did.” She clutches onto his shirt, her mind pleading for his forgiveness. “I knew it was dangerous but… ‘s like… I dunno what happened. Something was telling me that I needed to run. And I just listened to it. I didn’t even think.”
“Something like what?” He narrows his eyes.
“I dunno, ‘s hard to explain. Just, that voice in your head. The one that tells you to just go for it when you’re second guessing something. Or tells you when to run away.”
It does seem to lend credence to his prominent theory that Bad Wolf is entangled in all this. Bad Wolf scattered pieces of herself across time and space – messages. He only discovered so after the fact, but those messages had all along been a trail leading them to Satellite Five. And it’s seeming more and more likely it’s what led them to this planet. To that cave. And what compelled Rose to sprint off on her own in the middle of a lightning storm. It tingles in the back of his mind again, that sense that timelines are quivering and vanishing around them, aftershocks of this event are rippling through the universe.
“Can we stop talking about it, just for a little while?” Rose asks unexpectedly. “At least until we know for sure what’s going on? I can’t stand thinkin’ about it anymore.”
“Of course, Rose.” He pauses his chaotic analyses for now, and eases them out of their embrace. He takes one of her hands, and opens his other arm away from them, indicating she can choose which path they follow. “Lead the way.”
Rose begins to feel better as soon as they’re walking side by side together, fingers intertwined. Being here takes her mind off the real world, and he knows that. It’s why he brought them here in the first place.
Rose leads him to an area of the garden he hasn’t seen yet.
The path leading there is not an archway of red roses, but a long marble staircase. The stairs are deep enough to take several strides between them, giving a sense they’re more for decoration than utility. The stairway is flanked by two miniature aqueducts of marble flowing with rivers of crystal clear water. Short waterfalls cascade gently at each step.
The courtyard waiting for them has a similar layout to the section they were in before – a neatly divided neighborhood of flower blossoms and walkways. But the botanical selection is different here: dominated by lavenders and white lilies splotched with violet centers. And unlike the other garden, this one has a large grassy area in the center, enticing its passersby to a picnic in the sun.
The Doctor is about to ask if he should conjure them a blanket as they step into the grass, but Rose beats him to it.
“Let me see if I can.”
He grins at her, proud of her initiative.
It only takes a few seconds before a plush purple quilt appears in the center of the grass.
“Nicely done,” he congratulates her.
“Gettin’ the hang of it, yeah.”
He settles down onto the blanket first, and Rose does exactly what he hoped she would: settles onto his lap, straddling him carefully. She runs her fingers through his hair, gazing between his face and their surroundings every few moments. Resting his weight on one arm, he places his opposite hand on her hip, thumb rubbing the skin just beneath her shirt, and savors the feel of her hands. One rests lightly on his shoulder now, the other tucked between the open buttons on his shirt, tracing slow, sensual circles on his chest.
His eyes flutter closed with a sigh. He could get used to this, ignoring their problems and responsibilities in here.
“Why d’you think it’s all glowin’ like this?” she asks softly.
“There’s an excess of energy flowing through you right now,” he explains, trying to make it sound as mild and nonthreatening as he can. “I think this is a side effect of that. The light is in here even when the garden isn’t, though it’s not as readily observable or concrete –”
Rose interrupts his explanation by pressing her mouth to his. She wraps her arms around his neck and presses her body right up against his, and he has to steady himself with his other hand to prevent them from tipping over. He yields to her completely, responding to the insistent brushes of her lips with only tenderness. She breathes out a sigh and sinks into it, telling him that for now, all she wants is to forget her questions and get lost in him.
Which is exactly as he intended.
They’ve already said all they can, and superfluous discussion would only lead to more speculation and worry for both of them. He’d like to get lost in her, too.
He’s more delicate with her than usual, considering he did have to resuscitate her mere minutes ago. But they end up horizontal despite his efforts, him on the ground, his arms secure around her back, tethering her body to his as though gravity won’t be enough. Neither of them escalates the intimacy further, hindered by lingering fears deep beneath the surface. But both are content to immerse themselves completely in this gentle pleasure, unhurried kisses and lingering touches.
They stay entwined for such a long time, even the Doctor loses track of it. But he’s okay with his time senses being dulled by her lips. Even if he doesn’t count the minutes, the more of them they spend kissing, the better. He’s had his first tangible taste of the torment he will endure when he inevitably loses her, and he doesn’t want to waste a second of whatever time they have left.
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
12 Natural Cold Remedies Examined: What Works and What Doesn’t
Cold season is upon us. Vitamin D levels are down. People are cloistered indoors. Kids are walking petri dishes. Drug stores are advertising free flu shots. It’s that time of year. I’m sure a few of you are even sniffling as you read this, or maybe trying to ignore the pain of swallowing with a sore throat.
Colds seem like an inevitability, maybe not so much since you’ve cleaned up your diet, but nothing is 100% fool-proof. You will get sick. You will catch a cold. Or someone close to you will. What can you do for yourself? For your sick kid or partner? Are there any natural cold remedies that actually work?
Let’s look at them.
High Dose Vitamin C
Most studies find that vitamin C supplementation has little to no effect on the duration or severity of a cold. But not all. What seems to help, if anything, is a mega-dose of vitamin C.
In one study, taking 8 grams on the first day of the cold reduced illness a bit more than taking 4 grams.
A meta-analysis of studies concluded that taking 1 gram as a daily supplementary dose and 3-4 grams as a therapeutic dose at the onset of a cold could reduce the duration and severity.
Verdict: Vitamin C can’t hurt, so it’s worth a shot. Try 3-8+ grams when you feel the cold coming on, and supplement 500 mg-1 g during cold season.
Having good zinc levels are a great preventive. A strong baseline intake of zinc-rich foods like shellfish and red meat is the first line of defense against upper respiratory infections.  But once you have a cold, or you feel one coming on, pounding zinc citrate lozenges or smoked oysters won’t make much of a difference. What can work is taking a specific type of zinc acetate, highlighted here by Chris Masterjohn.
Studies show that zinc acetate works very well at reducing the duration of colds, especially when you catch it early. Chris recommends using these lozenges every 1-2 hours when a cold first hits and letting them dissolve slowly in the mouth. It takes about 20-30 minutes for a single lozenge to dissolve, but this slow process is vital for actually getting the cold-busting effect. Don’t chew.
Verdict: Zinc acetate taken at the onset can help. Other forms of zinc are important for prevention (and general health), but probably aren’t therapeutic.
Elderberry probably has the coolest name ever—like some folk medicine out of a Tolkien story. Plus, it works.
In intercontinental air travelers (a population at much greater risk for colds), taking elderberry syrup reduced total days with a cold (57 versus 117) and cold symptom score (247 versus 583, with higher being worse).
In a meta-analysis of controlled trials, elderberry syrup was also shown to reduce overall cold symptoms.
This elderberry syrup is very high quality, and even comes in a sugar-free (glycerin-based) form if you want to avoid any excess fructose.
Verdict: Works.
Chicken Broth
Does “Jewish penicillin” work? Yes, yes it does. Evidence confirms that chicken soup made from real chicken broth eases nasal congestion, improves the function of the nasal cilia protecting us from pathogen incursions, and reduces cold symptoms.
Does it have to be chicken? As most cultures include broth-based soup in their list of effective cold remedies, I suspect it’s the goodness of the broth that’s important and any true bone broth-based soup will work.
Verdict: Yes.
Garlic is legit. Garlic can improve immune function and reduce the occurrence of common colds. In my opinion, it’s one of the best anti-cold foods around.
If I feel a cold coming on, I’ll crush and dice up an entire head of garlic and lightly simmer it in a big mug of bone broth. I find I am usually able to ward off whatever’s headed my way. Of course, that’s just an anecdote and the available evidence is more equivocal.
Another way I’ll eat garlic is to use black garlic—garlic that’s been aged for months until it turns black, soft, and sweet. Delicious and even more potent.
Aged garlic extract can also be an effective supplement.
Verdict: It works.
Acupuncture is controversial. I’m no expert myself—I’ve gotten it a a few times at urging from friends who swear by it—and while I found it relaxing and enjoyable, I didn’t get any amazing results. Then again, I wasn’t going in for anything in particular, nor did I stick with it for very long (apparently you need ongoing therapy). This article by Chris Kresser (who in addition to being a nutrition expert is a licensed acupuncturist) explains the effects and benefits of acupuncture from a Western perspective; it’s worth reading if you’ve been wondering about the therapy.
Does it work for colds?
There are some studies where it seems to help against the common cold. Like this study out of Japan or this series of case studies out of Korea. Both studies indicate the need for placebo-controlled trials to truly determine the efficacy, though. In 2018 there was a published “protocol” for just such a study, but as far as I can tell the results haven’t been published.
Even if it doesn’t lessen the severity of the cold itself, I know some friends who go for acupuncture toward the end of a cold to help speed sinus drainage.
Verdict: Unknown but perhaps.
Echinacea is a medicinal herb native to North America, where it was traditionally used as a painkiller, laxative, and anti-microbial agent (although they didn’t know what microbes were of course). Today, it’s best known as an immune modulator that reduces symptoms of the common cold. Does it work?
A Cochrane analysis of controlled trials found no benefit against colds, but it did note that “individual prophylaxis trials consistently show positive (if non-significant) trends.”
In other words, it very well might work, but we don’t have gold standard evidence in either direction.
Verdict: Might work.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil has a long history of traditional use in treating infectious diseases, and it has potent anti-bacterial effects against a broad range of microbes. It fights athlete’s foot. It’s broadly anti-fungal. But there simply isn’t any strong evidence that it works against the common cold.
Verdict: Not much evidence it works for colds.
Back when I was a boy, my favorite thing to do when I had clogged up nostrils was to get in a really hot shower, close all the windows and doors, and read a good book as the steam loosened up the nasal passages. It really did work, albeit not for long. If the cold virus was still present, my nose would usually clog right back up afterwards.
Verdict: Good for momentary relief of clogged nostrils, like right before bed.
Spicy Food
Spicy food probably won’t destroy a cold outright, but it can safely (and deliciously) reduce the most annoying cold symptom: stuffy noses. Capsaicin, the chili pepper component that produces a burning sensation in mammalian tissue, reduces nasal inflammation. When your nasal blood vessels are inflamed, the walls constrict; the space gets tighter and you have trouble breathing. Studies indicate that capsaicin is effective against most symptoms of nasal congestion.
Verdict: Good for stuffy noses.
Nasal Irrigation
In Sanskrit, “neti” means “nasal cleansing.” The neti pot is a exactly what it sounds like. You fill a tiny plastic kettle with warm saline water, tilt your head over a sink, and pour the water into one nostril. It flows out the other one, clearing your nasal cavity and letting you breathe again. The scientific term is “nasal irrigation,” and it really does work, albeit only against one cold symptom. But let’s face it: the worst part of a bad cold is the stuffy nose that keeps you up at night, gives you dry mouth, and makes food taste bland. Neti pottin’ can fix that right up.
Also, it’s better than antibiotics in kids with rhinosinusitis. It even improves symptoms in infants with bronchiolitis, another kind of viral infection.
Verdict: Works.
Cod Liver Oil/Fish Oil
Standard childcare practice across the world, but especially in Northern European countries, used to be a big spoonful of cod liver oil every day on your way out the door. Cod liver oil is a great source of vitamin D, vitamin A, and omega-3s—all of which figure prominently in immune function. But studies of the individual nutrients in cold prevention or treatment have had unimpressive results. What might work, though, is cod liver oil.
One recent study found that while vitamin D levels or supplements had no effect on whether a person got a cold or not, the only thing that was associated with lower incidences of colds was taking cod liver oil (or even just regular fish oil) in the last 7 days. It’s not a huge effect, and it’s not necessarily causal, but it’s good enough for me to recommend it.
This is a great cod liver oil. This is a great fish oil (made by yours truly).
Verdict: Works (and is healthy otherwise, so might as well).
So, there you go: a good list of therapies, supplements, foods, and nutrients to include (or not) in your anti-cold regimen this season. If you have any suggestions, any recommendations, or questions, throw them in down below.
Thanks for reading, folks, and be well.
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Quidel S, Gómez E, Bravo-soto G, Ortigoza Á. What are the effects of vitamin C on the duration and severity of the common cold?. Medwave. 2018;18(6):e7261.
Anderson TW, Suranyi G, Beaton GH. The effect on winter illness of large doses of vitamin C. Can Med Assoc J. 1974;111(1):31-6.
Hemilä H, Petrus EJ, Fitzgerald JT, Prasad A. Zinc acetate lozenges for treating the common cold: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2016;82(5):1393-1398.
Tiralongo E, Wee SS, Lea RA. Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2016;8(4):182.
Hawkins J, Baker C, Cherry L, Dunne E. Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials. Complement Ther Med. 2019;42:361-365.
Nantz MP, Rowe CA, Muller CE, Creasy RA, Stanilka JM, Percival SS. Supplementation with aged garlic extract improves both NK and ??-T cell function and reduces the severity of cold and flu symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled nutrition intervention. Clin Nutr. 2012;31(3):337-44.
Lissiman E, Bhasale AL, Cohen M. Garlic for the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;(11):CD006206.
The post 12 Natural Cold Remedies Examined: What Works and What Doesn’t appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
12 Natural Cold Remedies Examined: What Works and What Doesn’t published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
12 Natural Cold Remedies Examined: What Works and What Doesn’t
Cold season is upon us. Vitamin D levels are down. People are cloistered indoors. Kids are walking petri dishes. Drug stores are advertising free flu shots. It’s that time of year. I’m sure a few of you are even sniffling as you read this, or maybe trying to ignore the pain of swallowing with a sore throat.
Colds seem like an inevitability, maybe not so much since you’ve cleaned up your diet, but nothing is 100% fool-proof. You will get sick. You will catch a cold. Or someone close to you will. What can you do for yourself? For your sick kid or partner? Are there any natural cold remedies that actually work?
Let’s look at them.
High Dose Vitamin C
Most studies find that vitamin C supplementation has little to no effect on the duration or severity of a cold. But not all. What seems to help, if anything, is a mega-dose of vitamin C.
In one study, taking 8 grams on the first day of the cold reduced illness a bit more than taking 4 grams.
A meta-analysis of studies concluded that taking 1 gram as a daily supplementary dose and 3-4 grams as a therapeutic dose at the onset of a cold could reduce the duration and severity.
Verdict: Vitamin C can’t hurt, so it’s worth a shot. Try 3-8+ grams when you feel the cold coming on, and supplement 500 mg-1 g during cold season.
Having good zinc levels are a great preventive. A strong baseline intake of zinc-rich foods like shellfish and red meat is the first line of defense against upper respiratory infections.  But once you have a cold, or you feel one coming on, pounding zinc citrate lozenges or smoked oysters won’t make much of a difference. What can work is taking a specific type of zinc acetate, highlighted here by Chris Masterjohn.
Studies show that zinc acetate works very well at reducing the duration of colds, especially when you catch it early. Chris recommends using these lozenges every 1-2 hours when a cold first hits and letting them dissolve slowly in the mouth. It takes about 20-30 minutes for a single lozenge to dissolve, but this slow process is vital for actually getting the cold-busting effect. Don’t chew.
Verdict: Zinc acetate taken at the onset can help. Other forms of zinc are important for prevention (and general health), but probably aren’t therapeutic.
Elderberry probably has the coolest name ever—like some folk medicine out of a Tolkien story. Plus, it works.
In intercontinental air travelers (a population at much greater risk for colds), taking elderberry syrup reduced total days with a cold (57 versus 117) and cold symptom score (247 versus 583, with higher being worse).
In a meta-analysis of controlled trials, elderberry syrup was also shown to reduce overall cold symptoms.
This elderberry syrup is very high quality, and even comes in a sugar-free (glycerin-based) form if you want to avoid any excess fructose.
Verdict: Works.
Chicken Broth
Does “Jewish penicillin” work? Yes, yes it does. Evidence confirms that chicken soup made from real chicken broth eases nasal congestion, improves the function of the nasal cilia protecting us from pathogen incursions, and reduces cold symptoms.
Does it have to be chicken? As most cultures include broth-based soup in their list of effective cold remedies, I suspect it’s the goodness of the broth that’s important and any true bone broth-based soup will work.
Verdict: Yes.
Garlic is legit. Garlic can improve immune function and reduce the occurrence of common colds. In my opinion, it’s one of the best anti-cold foods around.
If I feel a cold coming on, I’ll crush and dice up an entire head of garlic and lightly simmer it in a big mug of bone broth. I find I am usually able to ward off whatever’s headed my way. Of course, that’s just an anecdote and the available evidence is more equivocal.
Another way I’ll eat garlic is to use black garlic—garlic that’s been aged for months until it turns black, soft, and sweet. Delicious and even more potent.
Aged garlic extract can also be an effective supplement.
Verdict: It works.
Acupuncture is controversial. I’m no expert myself—I’ve gotten it a a few times at urging from friends who swear by it—and while I found it relaxing and enjoyable, I didn’t get any amazing results. Then again, I wasn’t going in for anything in particular, nor did I stick with it for very long (apparently you need ongoing therapy). This article by Chris Kresser (who in addition to being a nutrition expert is a licensed acupuncturist) explains the effects and benefits of acupuncture from a Western perspective; it’s worth reading if you’ve been wondering about the therapy.
Does it work for colds?
There are some studies where it seems to help against the common cold. Like this study out of Japan or this series of case studies out of Korea. Both studies indicate the need for placebo-controlled trials to truly determine the efficacy, though. In 2018 there was a published “protocol” for just such a study, but as far as I can tell the results haven’t been published.
Even if it doesn’t lessen the severity of the cold itself, I know some friends who go for acupuncture toward the end of a cold to help speed sinus drainage.
Verdict: Unknown but perhaps.
Echinacea is a medicinal herb native to North America, where it was traditionally used as a painkiller, laxative, and anti-microbial agent (although they didn’t know what microbes were of course). Today, it’s best known as an immune modulator that reduces symptoms of the common cold. Does it work?
A Cochrane analysis of controlled trials found no benefit against colds, but it did note that “individual prophylaxis trials consistently show positive (if non-significant) trends.”
In other words, it very well might work, but we don’t have gold standard evidence in either direction.
Verdict: Might work.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil has a long history of traditional use in treating infectious diseases, and it has potent anti-bacterial effects against a broad range of microbes. It fights athlete’s foot. It’s broadly anti-fungal. But there simply isn’t any strong evidence that it works against the common cold.
Verdict: Not much evidence it works for colds.
Back when I was a boy, my favorite thing to do when I had clogged up nostrils was to get in a really hot shower, close all the windows and doors, and read a good book as the steam loosened up the nasal passages. It really did work, albeit not for long. If the cold virus was still present, my nose would usually clog right back up afterwards.
Verdict: Good for momentary relief of clogged nostrils, like right before bed.
Spicy Food
Spicy food probably won’t destroy a cold outright, but it can safely (and deliciously) reduce the most annoying cold symptom: stuffy noses. Capsaicin, the chili pepper component that produces a burning sensation in mammalian tissue, reduces nasal inflammation. When your nasal blood vessels are inflamed, the walls constrict; the space gets tighter and you have trouble breathing. Studies indicate that capsaicin is effective against most symptoms of nasal congestion.
Verdict: Good for stuffy noses.
Nasal Irrigation
In Sanskrit, “neti” means “nasal cleansing.” The neti pot is a exactly what it sounds like. You fill a tiny plastic kettle with warm saline water, tilt your head over a sink, and pour the water into one nostril. It flows out the other one, clearing your nasal cavity and letting you breathe again. The scientific term is “nasal irrigation,” and it really does work, albeit only against one cold symptom. But let’s face it: the worst part of a bad cold is the stuffy nose that keeps you up at night, gives you dry mouth, and makes food taste bland. Neti pottin’ can fix that right up.
Also, it’s better than antibiotics in kids with rhinosinusitis. It even improves symptoms in infants with bronchiolitis, another kind of viral infection.
Verdict: Works.
Cod Liver Oil/Fish Oil
Standard childcare practice across the world, but especially in Northern European countries, used to be a big spoonful of cod liver oil every day on your way out the door. Cod liver oil is a great source of vitamin D, vitamin A, and omega-3s—all of which figure prominently in immune function. But studies of the individual nutrients in cold prevention or treatment have had unimpressive results. What might work, though, is cod liver oil.
One recent study found that while vitamin D levels or supplements had no effect on whether a person got a cold or not, the only thing that was associated with lower incidences of colds was taking cod liver oil (or even just regular fish oil) in the last 7 days. It’s not a huge effect, and it’s not necessarily causal, but it’s good enough for me to recommend it.
This is a great cod liver oil. This is a great fish oil (made by yours truly).
Verdict: Works (and is healthy otherwise, so might as well).
So, there you go: a good list of therapies, supplements, foods, and nutrients to include (or not) in your anti-cold regimen this season. If you have any suggestions, any recommendations, or questions, throw them in down below.
Thanks for reading, folks, and be well.
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Hemilä H, Petrus EJ, Fitzgerald JT, Prasad A. Zinc acetate lozenges for treating the common cold: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2016;82(5):1393-1398.
Tiralongo E, Wee SS, Lea RA. Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2016;8(4):182.
Hawkins J, Baker C, Cherry L, Dunne E. Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials. Complement Ther Med. 2019;42:361-365.
Nantz MP, Rowe CA, Muller CE, Creasy RA, Stanilka JM, Percival SS. Supplementation with aged garlic extract improves both NK and ??-T cell function and reduces the severity of cold and flu symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled nutrition intervention. Clin Nutr. 2012;31(3):337-44.
Lissiman E, Bhasale AL, Cohen M. Garlic for the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;(11):CD006206.
The post 12 Natural Cold Remedies Examined: What Works and What Doesn’t appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
12 Natural Cold Remedies Examined: What Works and What Doesn’t published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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