#deku kills shigaraki
kaisdoll · 2 years
Guys look
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Bakugou is canonically the closest person too Deku.
Plus,this was stated as non platonic nor,romantic.
So..I was right about shigaraki purposely targeting bakugou on purpose because he's dekus close-ish. Relationship. In general, it's very important that bakugou is close to deku.
And I do have a theroy about how love breeds hurt in the mha universe ,i'll put it in short,it can be used against you in multiple ways,villains may hurt your loved one. You get really mad,which makes you vulnerable,which gets the villain going at you.
I think shigaraki and all for one know that bakugou ,is near and dear to dekus heart. So bakugous a target.
And oh. Oh . Boy. He knows where to go .
Because him doing that makes deku get hurt BAD,but! It fucking shigaraki up too.
Remember this? chapter ?
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Then shigaraki went
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His FACE got fucking CUT OPEN.
like if this is when bakugou got cut open from shigarakis quirk.
Bakugou now has LOST A ARM,AND EYE.
Like- his face got cut open,now this is going to be about 10x worse.
If shigaraki doesn't think smart and use up a lot of power,he might be quite fucked.
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mornlucc · 4 days
I can't make a serious drawing, what can I do?
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but i missed yoichi
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codenamesazanka · 2 days
Your rabid Izuku hate has smoothed out your brain but actually the League was toxic for Tenko. Izuku is the only person who saw who Tenko really is and healed him.
oh fuck my bad. You're right. Deku healed him, which is why Shigaraki/Tenko is alive in a hospital bed right now doing sudoku and a therapy coloring book. I can't believe I fucking miss that.
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helga-grinduil · 2 days
Okay, so. Um. Chapter 423.
Seeing people's reactions I have to say some things. And let me preface this by saying that I don't believe this is truly it. But.
The issue isn't even that Izuku (seemingly) failed to save the person he wanted to save from AFO (well, it is an issue, actually, but not the main point. Also, the fact that his and vestiges' plan to reach Tenko is also what ensured Tomura's death is just so... ), and it's not that he's weirdly distant and cold in this chapter.
It's the fact that not a single one of them actually acknowledged anything that they saw and heard in Shigaraki's mind. Neither of them talked about what AFO told Tomura - the fact that Tomura didn't say anything about what he learned about his quirk, his purpose and the fact that he never truly wanted to kill his family is especially mind-boggling. And Deku didn't say anything about the revelation that Tomura never really had a chance or a choice from the very start either. There was no self-relfection on either side, no real conversation, and there also was no real understanding between the two being reached. It's the fact that Deku instantly stopped caring or wondering about Tenko/Tomura the moment AFO came back, being completely willing to pulverise his body when just a few chapters ago he refused to do that when Nana told him to. It's the fact that he didn't react to Kurogiri pleading for Tomura and Bakugou just killed (???? maybe not, it's hard to understand) the man. It's the fact that the vestiges still being alive and Nana saving Tomura (oh hey, guess her whole family actually all died to AFO, unable to truly smile) was off-screened.
This is not people blaming Izuku. This is just people complaining about straight up bad writing.
Even if Tenko is still alive (And Kurogiri wasn't killed by Bakugou too, but I feel like Kurogiri is just too doomed to survive anyway), that doesn't erase the weirdness that this chapter was. It would still be salvageable, I guess, depending on what happens next, but good lord, the damage was certainly done.
And if Tenko is really dead, but we'll just see more of Midoriya's reaction to that in the following chapters, this would still be fucking horrible.
I love Deku. I love his emotions, how genuine he is, how empathetic he is. He is just a kid forced into an awful situation. This is not a jab at him as much as it is a jab at the author and the writing here. Because how in the world does the protagonist fail at doing what he wanted to do harder than the supporting cast with their villains? Why was Toga and Uraraka's final chapter more genuine and emotional that THIS - the protagonist and the main antagonist's last conversation????? Why was Ochako more upset about realising that Toga is about to kill herself than Deku was in those chapters?
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touyahoedoroki · 3 days
if shig really is dead then this truly is so disappointing like I can’t believe hori would kill him off like this
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tomurakii · 27 days
Just caught up to bnha. What the FUCK
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saeraas · 4 months
the mha collab event confirmed getting siegfried, zooey and lobelia in the actual event but jjk collab got no one except Meteon, Friday and Tyra in fate episodes? maaaaaaaan this sucks
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gradelstuff · 2 months
I think for my sanity I'm just not going to talk about the chapter until a translation drops.
Because I didn't like the chapter again ngl
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Does anybody ever think about the fact that Shigaraki said this:
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And then Toga is like:
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And the war before that Shig to Deku was like:
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Like, I guess they didn’t communicate about this discrepancy in their plans 💀
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best thing about shigaraki being back in control is that deku (or nana and the vestiges) is probably gonna pull some talk no jutsu ‘youre free from AFO’s influence, you can be better person now!’ shit and hes gonna look him dead in the eye as he says ‘actually, i’m going to be worse’ and tries to decay the entire planet or smthn
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9trixieturner6 · 1 year
Yoooo happy birthday and merry Christmas to gentle criminal. I knew he was coming back, but I didn't think it'd be so wild. Getting back to back badass moments with La Brava completely clowning on skeptic and then showing that the only reason all 7 prison breaks weren't a success was because Gentle kicked them all in the chips and captured them. Then on top of that holding up the ua battlefield, I cannot wait to see it animated.
I like how La Brava traumatized skeptic with cats and then it's houndog in the group coming to get him. Looks like the plf is donion rings and its mainly on afo and his forces now.
Tsukauichi turning to former villains for help and gentle hitting us with the only ones who can't change are those who don't want to change really brings in those classic shonen vibes we've been needing.
Love seeing some of our past favorites coming back into the story for a final hoorah. It was meant to be an epic moment when Nagant shoots off his hand but I can't help but laugh remembering this is the second time shigaraki has gotten shot in the arm by a gun-based hero while trying to kill Deku.
Since Nagant is here I hope we get some chisaki action, how wild would it be if Nagant was able to mold a deleter round into her hair bullet.
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astro-can · 6 months
every single time i read the latest chapter of my hero academia, i get goosebumps because its so refreshing to see all the minor characters involved in the war get the screen time they deserve
but at the same time i really wish horikoshi would end the manga already with either the villains or heroes winning because this has been dragging on for way too long
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s0fter-sin · 2 years
i think a cool ending could be midoriya forcing one for all into shigaraki/afo and bc of the amount of power from unlocking all the quirks, it causes the quirk singularity theory to come true and the quirks all destroy themselves, leaving shigaraki and midoriya quirkless
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
What do you think of shigaraki killing afo?
I made a quip about this months ago, but at this point I have no idea which post it was in, so I'll go ahead and reiterate and expand on it here.
On the one hand:
I think there’s a hanging conflict between All Might saying that trying to kill AFO seven years ago was a mistake and Hero Society’s inability to keep AFO in prison, and the easiest way out of that conflict that doesn’t leave AFO’s blood on a hero’s hands is to make the question moot by having Shigaraki kill him instead.  Absolving a story’s heroes of having to make a difficult moral choice has long been the purview of villains!
As far as the heroes go, I know most people think AFO is an unrepentant monster and killing him is not exactly a mortal sin, and they’re not wrong that he’s a ludicrous caricature who law enforcement would have every justification in the world for putting down as an active threat.  That kind of judgment, though, is easy from the metaphorical armchair, but gets a bit more complex when you start asking how it fits into a regulated system and/or the overarching narrative themes.
Should Midoriya Izuku be the one to kill All For One?  Are we okay with asking a teenager, one who thinks the highest aspiration of his chosen career is saving people, to take a man’s life?
What does it do to All Might and the institution he represents when he, the paragon of heroes, caved in a man’s skull with his bare fists?  What does it further say about All Might and his society when he calls that murder attempt a mistake, only to turn around and help plan another one not even a year later because he can’t think of another solution?
Endeavor and Hawks?  We already know they’re willing to kill; it was kind of a defining thing for them with the High End Noumu and Twice.  It’s not exactly a big challenge to who they are and who they wish to be to have them do something they've already proven capable of doing, especially when they’ve never truly reckoned with the blood already on their hands.
And so on.
We could also ask, who okayed this?  We know that Tsukauchi was involved in the planning stages, and since Tsukauchi is a police detective, that does imply state approval.  The readers never see that process, though, and it certainly doesn’t seem to have involved a trial at any point.  Is there a judge somewhere who weighed the evidence and then signed off on an outstanding circumstances waiver of some kind?  A Head Commissioner of the National Police Agency?  How much bureaucracy did this have to go through?  How much precedent is being established by it?  What protections are there against similar actions being called against lesser threats, now that this example is being set?
I know there’s a point at which asking questions like this of a fantasy adventure narrative gets pretty absurd, even willfully obtuse, but BNHA leaves itself open to arguments like mine in the way it positions its heroes as duly vested agents of a state government, especially a state government the story itself has positioned as grotesquely corrupt.
On the other hand...
All of that being the case, Shigaraki is not a duly vested agent of the state.  Nor is he a character whose hands the narrative has any motivation to keep clean.  Shigaraki is the (living) person in the story most directly, personally wronged by All For One, especially if it turns out he’s the one who gave Tenko Decay to begin with.
There’s a karma to All For One dying at the hand of one of his victims that there isn’t when he’s being killed by someone who’s more his “equal” or who lacks that personal connection.*  And while there’s a reason vigilante justice is illegal, Shigaraki’s role in the story is such that he’s posing and answering different moral questions than a hero would be.  If it’s problematic to let Shigaraki have that kill, it’s only because it lets the author dodge a harder question, not because it’s Setting A Bad Example For The Readers or Establishing A Worrying Precedent For The In-Universe Legal System.
Cards on the table?  AFO is kind of asking for it, where Shigaraki is concerned.  I used to admire that he was the only person in the story who never doubted Shigaraki’s capability—the only one, even counting all of Shigaraki’s friends!  But if AFO is going to swan in and think he can easily handle his protégé, the kid who has risen to every occasion, upended every expectation, then frankly, he deserves no better than every other asshole who’s made that same mistake.  I am praying Horikoshi gives me that level of consistency in Shigaraki’s villain arc!
Also too, it's not like Shigaraki killing AFO would instantly end the series or the problems the heroes are facing. Shigaraki killing AFO just gives Shigaraki his agency back, makes him a threat again rather than a hostage, and Shigaraki's status as ultimate victim/ultimate villain makes him a way more challenging moral dilemma than AFO ever presented. All things considered, he'd be a trade-up.
Thanks for the ask!
*Are Deku and All Might his victims?  Well, they’ve certainly been targeted by him, and All Might was injured pretty terribly in the backstory, but the OFA generational rivalry puts a much different spin on those relationships than the one AFO has with, say, Tomura or Aoyama.  Both All and Deku, in any case, try to frame their battles against AFO as being intended to stop AFO from committing further harm, rather than one of vengeance or personal recompense.  All Might in particular is not without those motivations, especially when AFO starts mocking Nana, but it’s a frame of mind he has to be baited into, not the one he normally occupies.
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robotlesbianjavert · 1 year
i know it would never happen but imagine afo having a naoki urasawa’s monster’s johan backstory
ooh okay i've been turning this over in my mind a bit there's potential to work with here. remixing the afo-yoichi and johan-nina sibling woes. stick some evil subliminal nihilistic messaging in those comic books. evil orphanages let's go.
also interesting to consider ways afo and johan are similar (part 1 afo and johan both had their 'break them by talking' bit, though as noted to me johan is MUCH more successful at it and woulda had tenko on a murder spree much sooner) and different (afo's goals aligning with legacy & longevity while johan is. well not worried about those things!!)
been gnawing over this and will continue to gnaw over this what IF afo had a johan-esque backstory huh. crazy.
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saltytearsofjoy · 2 years
my therapist asked me if I’m looking forward to anything tonight and I then continued to talk abt shigaraki lore for the rest of the session
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