#deek days gone
bloodstainedmuzzle · 7 months
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Days Gone Deacon St. John [ 6 / ??? ]
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fizzytoo · 7 months
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my shawtyyy
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the-fae-tricked-me · 8 months
There is a sickening lack of days gone content on this app, both in terms of tags, posts, and fics. How did we stray so far from God?
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teecupangel · 1 year
Altair but he has cat claws
I have cats… and now all I can think about is Altaïr doing this:
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“Malik… Malik…”
“Are you stuck?”
Once Malik tries to climb the fence-
Altaïr jumps down gracefully.
“I’m going to kill you.”
By the way, cats like to climb things so you would think that they would be good at jumping down things too.
Unless you're this cat.
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"Hello, my name is Alex and I started screaming at 2 am to tell my mom I climbed our neighrbor's roof and would like help getting down now because it started to rain."
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kittycatlukey · 2 years
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A screenshot I took earlier of Deek🤍🥺
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xphantasmagoria · 2 years
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stanathanxoox · 3 months
Our Babies
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“Our babies would be so cute.”
“Oh, yeah?” - Ominis Gaunt x MC
You had just escaped from the hospital wing, your boyfriend helping to escort you there when you had began to feel incredibly nauseous and dizzy during potions class with Professor Sharp. Matron Blainely had insisted that you spent the rest of the day in the hospital wing until whatever ails you passed, having sent Ominis back to class straight after he was sure you were settled. Matron Blainely had run some tests throughout the afternoon and come to only one conclusion, one that you should’ve probably suspected given your most recent turn in your relationship with your boyfriend. You made your way through the door into the room of requirement, having sent Ominis an owl when you were being released from the hospital wing for him to meet you there. You settled on the couch having noticed that he hadn’t arrived yet. Deek appeared a couple minutes later and bowed in front of you saying
“I have a plate full of plain crackers and some soup at Matron Blainely’s request for you Miss Y/N, she said that given your certain situation at the moment you may not feel like eating what is being served for dinner in the Great hall”. You take it gratefully, and chew slowly on the crackers
“Thank you Deek, I appreciate it greatly. Do you mind giving me and Ominis some space while I tell him?” you ask and Deek nods, taking your hand in his small one before he says
“Mr Gaunt has been worried sick about you all day Miss Y/N, kept on calling me to see if I knew any more about your condition. I’m sure he will be positively thrilled to hear your news”. And with that theres a poof and Deek is gone.
You don’t have time to even think or dwell on what Deek had just said to you because the door cracks open and you hear the worried voice of your boyfriend call out
“Y/N? Are you in here? I got your owl and came as quickly as I could” he says as he rushes into the room. You stand and make your way over to him, suddenly very nervous about the whole situation. You had known right from the beginning of your friendship with Ominis that he didn’t care much for his family or for what they had done and how much he wanted to escape. How much after this last year of school he wanted to leave and never return to his families home ever again. You hadn’t really talked about children apart from that if you had them they weren’t to be anything like his family. But you couldn’t help but worry what would happen given that you were both unmarried and - you couldn’t think of that. Your hands are ringing together, a sign of how anxious and nervous you are, something that even though Ominis can’t see he can still pick up
“My sweet Y/N, what is wrong?” he asks, placing his hands gently on your arms to reassure you
“Our babies would be so cute” you say, blurting the first thing that comes to your mind, another anxious trait you had. He raises an eyebrow even more confused as he asks
“Oh yeah?” and you nod your head before gently taking his hands and placing them on the slight bump that is your growing baby. You watch the different expressions flicker across his face, from shock, astonishment and wonder, to happiness and excitement
“Are you serious right now?” he asks, his voice a whisper and you nod leaning in and whispering
“Yes Ominis, we’re having a baby, Blainely thinks I’m about 12 and a half weeks pregnant” 
“We’re having a baby” he whispers before pressing a kiss to your lips and you smile
“Ominis, what does this mean for us and the baby?” you ask and he places a kiss to your forehead
“We have two months left till graduation my sweet girl, and then we can marry and raise this baby  together” he declares as if it was the surest thing in the whole world.
“Are you sure?” you ask and he nods
“Of course I’m sure my sweet girl, a life without you in it just doesn’t seem worth living and now that I know we’re having our own precious little one well that’s even more reason for us to be together don’t you think sweet girl?” he asks and you nod, as tears slip down your face
“I love you Ominis” you whisper and he beams. 
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
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little-emerald-snake · 8 months
Kinktober Day 26
Squirting / Overstim - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
1.9k words
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Ominis could never deny her anything. So when she’d approached him and asked him to help her have an orgasm he found himself unable to say no to one of his best friends.
She’d confided in him a week after their mandatory sex ed course. She knew a few students had already started experimenting. But some students, like her, had never put much thought into sex up until now.
She’d tried for the past few nights with different methods, trying to obtain an orgasm. She’d tried with her fingers, a pillow, even her wand. But no method felt suited to get the job done alone.
After much thought she’d decided asking a close friend to help her would likely be her best bet. At first she’d thought of Sebastian and quickly shut that thought down before thinking of Ominis.
He wouldn’t take advantage of her inexperience and she couldn’t help but feel a little better that he couldn’t see her, which eased some of her insecurities and discomfort.
Ominis had agreed without hesitation. He didn’t tease or chastise her for asking for help and instead was glad she trusted him to help her with something so personal.
He said he’d do some reading and meet her in her room of requirement after curfew so they would have complete undisturbed privacy after the students and Deek had gone to sleep.
Ominis had spent the rest of his day reading up on everything he could get his hands on for how to help her. Everything from spells, potions and just plain anatomy books.
He’d felt fairly confident that by the time he let his wand lead him to the ror that he’d be able to help her with her problem.
In all honesty he was a mess. He’d dreamed of doing something like this with her for so long but never imagined it could actually happen. He was hoping that if he made it really good for her that she’d want to do it more…or maybe she’d even return the favor one day.
When he’d entered the ror, he took a breath and stepped inside. He was surprised to find her waiting on the couch for him, face lifting from her book as he entered. “H-hello, Ominis…”
She quickly stood and brushed the skirt of her silky nightgown down, heat already creeping up her cheeks. She felt silly wanting to dress kind of sexy for him but felt like it could be a small thanks in trade for his help.
He smiled and approached her, his non-wand hand at his side, itching to reach up and touch her. He didn’t know the level of intimacy she was interested in and figured he’d let her lead the way.
She wanted him to touch her, to realize she wasn't in her school attire. But she didn’t want to seem too intimate and drive him away. After all, he was only here because she asked, right? She swallowed hard and took his hand in hers, planting it on her hip as she slid closer to him.
He sighed happily and let his fingers wander over the silky smooth fabric of her nightgown. He bit his tongue to stifle the hum of satisfaction that threatened to leave his lips. “You wore this for me? I’m sure you look absolutely edible, darling.”
Her cheeks heated, happy that he approved of her. She let his hand wrap around her and stay on her hip as she led him to the small room she’d set up with a four poster bed. She’d occasionally slept here when she stayed up late studying and didn’t want to bother her roommates or when she wanted a bit of privacy. Mostly the last few days as she’d been exploring.
Ominis was vaguely familiar with her ror and could tell she was taking him to the bedroom. His heart sped up and he tried his best to keep his nerves from showing. He wanted to appear dominant and confident, both things she had mentioned finding attractive over the time he’d known her.
She stopped by the bed, swallowing hard as her nerves started rising up. Ominis turned to her, hand still on her hip as he lowered his wand. “Did you want this to be strictly business or would you like some sensuality?”
Her cheeks heated as she fussed with the lace trim of her nightgown. “I erm, I was hoping it could be a bit sensual…I-I think it would possibly help me relax a bit more.”
He nodded and gently slid his arms around her, placing his knee on the bed and lowering her down to lay on the edge. “Would you…like to be kissed?”
Her breath was taken away as he delicately lowered her onto the bed. Her heart raced as she looked up into his milky blue orbs. “Y-yes please…”
Ominis smiled and gently pressed his lips to hers, letting the passion and care bleed into the kiss. She kissed him back, mouth parting as he licked along her lips. A taste so overwhelmingly ‘Ominis’ took over her senses, causing a new little tingle to form low in her belly.
Ominis was careful, lifting her head to place a pillow below it as he made sure she was placed where he wanted her on the bed. His hands wandered to the bottom of her nightgown, finding her smooth legs beneath them and teasing his fingers over the skin.
She gasped into the kiss and he swallowed her soft sounds. Finally his lips left her swollen ones, he positioned himself between her legs on his knees beside the bed. He carefully lifted her skirts up and worked her panties down her legs.
He spread her legs open and placed her legs over his shoulders. She blushed, bringing her hands down to cover her exposed core, he chuckled in response. “Darling, I can’t even see you. What is there to be embarrassed of? I’m sure you look absolutely ravishing.”
She whimpered, allowing him to pull her hands away as he kissed his way up her inner thigh. His lips came to the apex of her thighs and her core clenched around nothing. He stopped, looking up in the direction of her face, chuckling before laving a thick stripe between her folds.
She shivered in pleasure, head tipping back as the image of him peering from between her legs right into her eyes played on loop in her mind. His tongue slid past her folds again and she shivered when it met her sensitive clit. “O-oh gods, Ominis.”
He chuckled, bringing his hand up to her core, dipping his middle finger into her silky wet sex. “I find it hard to believe you can’t achieve orgasm if you’re this sensitive, darling. Look at you, practically shaking already.”
She moaned softly, focusing on his second finger sliding in to meet his first. She had no thought to ask Ominis if he’d ever done this before but now, as she laid on the bed in front of him, his fingers curling against her g spot that she’d never managed to find, she very much doubted he was as innocent as she had believed.
Pride swelled in his chest as he heard her soft breathy gasps turn to full on moans while his fingers slid gently back and forth over her g spot, his tongue circling her clit softly but assuredly.
She was already climbing a ladder of pleasure she’d been unable to reach. Her back arching up bit by bit, her fingers gripping into the bed sheets, her legs quaking as she fought the urge to close her thighs tightly around his skull.
Her moans crescendoed, her hand reaching down to lace her fingers in his hair. Her hips had a mind of their own as she practically ground against his face. “O-o-oh! Ominis! I-oh y-yes!”
He worked his fingers faster, lips suctioning around her clit as she tumbled over the blissful edge. He felt her walls tighten around his fingers and he palmed his aching erection through his pants while he listened to her beautiful sounds.
He kept going till she released his hair, body twitching but relaxing back against the mattress softly. “O-oh my…w-well I can see what all the hype is about now…Merlin…that was incredible Ominis.”
He chuckled as he lifted his face, licking up the sweet taste of her from his lips. He kept his finger seated deep witting her, unmoving but still there. “That was magnificent darling. I must say though, I’ve heard if you have multiple in a row, it can be quite the experience. That is, if you’re up for it…”
She bit her lip, excitement coursing through her. If he was right then that means the feeling could possibly be even better. As someone who brought her so quickly to orgasm after days of trying by herself she was not keen on refusing his offer to bring her even more pleasure. “I erm, if you really don’t mind, I’ll try it.”
He smirked, devilishly and nodded. “In that case, just tell me when to stop, love.”
He lowered his head between her legs and got right back into it. She moaned, the sensitivity was maddening but something within her didn’t let her pull him away. She craved the feeling, craved watching him pleasure her so eagerly.
Ominis gave her his all. Lips perfectly around her bud and fingers massaging her g spot at a maddening pace. He brought her to the brink and shoved her over it once, twice, three, even four more times.
Her legs were absolutely shaking now and he could tell she was overly sensitive. Her walls spasmed wildly around his three fingers and he’d given up on her clit entirely seeing as she shoved his head away every time he tried after her third orgasm.
She was a mess, sheets completely disheveled beneath her as she arched upward. His fingers brought her closer and closer. She knew this felt entirely different but didn’t know why or how.
A great pressure grew within her and before she knew it, her walls were clenching down and the pressure was being relieved rapidly, a clear fluid releasing from inside of her.
She was in her own mix of heaven and hell. Pleasure so intense, like nothing she’d ever felt before. And shame so intense it burned her cheeks.
Even as she squirted down the front of his chest, he didn’t falter, a devious smile still plastered on his face. Once she’d gotten a hold of herself and Ominis had pulled his fingers from her she got to apologizing immediately.
Ominis simply shushed her and pulled his wand, casting a quick scourgify on himself and anything else affected. “Shhh. Don’t apologize, love. It’s perfectly normal. Although, not all women can. I must say I’m impressed.”
She sat up, a bit confused as he stood up and laid on the bed beside her. Her eyes failed to miss the massive bulge in his trousers. “What you just experienced is called squirting. Only some women can and even less figure out that they can. It’s perfectly normal. I find it quite hot that you are capable.”
Her face was still red with shame but she was pleased to hear he at least liked it. “I-I’m glad you liked it. I erm…see you are quite affected by what we’ve done. I-I’ve never…b-but if you want to I could try t-“
He pressed his finger to her lips and shushed her as his hand slid down to adjust himself in his trousers. “Why don’t I just take care of it myself and you can watch, darling?”
Kinktober Prompt List
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
You Are a Memory {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Starts after Sebastian’s questline and goes until the two of you are in your 7th year, aged up to 18+. Sebastian has just killed his uncle, and it finally dawns on the two of you how far down the dark path you’ve gone. You aren’t good for one another, and it’s time you let each other go. 
Could be a standalone, but if you’d like some extra background on yours and Sebastian’s relationship, feel free to read these first: Pining in Potions Class, Pretty Thoughts, and Selfless. (I like to write a non house specific reader, but Gall of a Gryffindor can work too if any of you Gryffindors out there want that little extra).
Word Count: ~ 5,400 😬 whoopsies
Warnings: Kissing, Angst, Sex (first time making love, gender neutral so not crazy explicit smut level, characters are aged 18+)
Author’s Note:  Listen listen listen listen… it’s not that I don’t like you guys. I just wanna make you pretty cry a bit, okay? You and Seb have been too happy together in my short stories and I’m ready to be the drama and add a little spice. This is my first attempt at a sex scene and a gender neutral one at that. I’m happy with how it turned out, but I’ll keep pushing myself to write better. Enjoy everybody, hope you’re having a good day 😊
Songs (if interested, bonus songs because it’s a long one today, pop them on and join my sad vibes):
You Are a Memory - Message to Bears
In This Shirt - The Irrepressibles
Exit Music (For A Film) - Radiohead
September 15, 2017: Cassini - The Grand Finale - Sleeping At Last
Light - Sleeping At Last
Falling Colour - Vanbur
You finally left the room of requirement after having spent a good amount of your Saturday there. The magical beasts you saved were always excellent company, even in a time as dark as this. When Deek had excused himself for the night, it was then you realized you should probably get to bed yourself.
You silently cursed when you saw how dark and empty the halls were. It was difficult to keep track of time with the vivariums and Deek’s room ambience enchantments. No question you were well passed curfew. Though, a detention was the least of your worries at the moment.
You heard your name called from somewhere in the darkness. You gasped and turned quickly to see Sebastian pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against.
“Sebastian? What are you doing here?” The two of you hadn’t spoken since he ran from the cave. You hadn’t sought him out when you returned to the castle. You let him have his space, and heaven knows you needed it too.
“I needed to see you.” He said, not meeting your eyes.
“How long have you been waiting? I’m so sorry, if I had known -”
“It’s alright. I... needed the time to think about what I was going to say to you.”
Noticing the room of requirement’s door was still there, you pulled him back in with you. “Let’s talk in here.”
Sebastian’s eyes roamed the room. He would have been in awe at the beauty of it all. But the image of his dead uncle and the heartbroken look on Anne’s face took away any levity the room could have given him.
With Sebastian’s hand still in yours, you guided him to a nearby couch which had been your favorite spot aside from the beast vivariums, though you had a feeling it wouldn’t be any longer after your conversation that night. You sat and gently tugged at his hand for him to sit down with you.
Releasing your hand, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He looked down at the floor, and you waited for him to speak first. You didn’t want to rush him.
“How did things go so wrong?” He buried his face in his hands, his voice faltering. “I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to -” 
Hearing his distress, you placed your hand on his back, rubbing up and down.
He took a shaky breath to right himself. He then grabbed your hand that was rubbing his back and held it in his lap. He rubbed a thumb across your skin and stared at the lines that graced your palm. “We need to end this.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and tears stung at your eyes. You also knew the two of you were heading this direction, but to hear one of you actually say it out loud still broke something in you. “I know.” You whispered.
Sebastian shot a hand up to cover his eyes, desperately trying to stop tears of his own from falling. His shoulders began to shake with silent sobs.
You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his back. “I know.” You said again, still with no conviction. “I’m just as tempted by the dark arts as you are, Sebastian. If we stay together, I'm afraid we’ll cause even more damage.”
“I don’t want this.” He choked through his tears.
You held him tighter, the tears finally falling down your cheeks. You breathed in his scent once more, taking in everything you could of him before he would leave that night. “Neither do I.”
He gently tugged at your arms to get you to release him. He stood to his feet and made his way to leave. You knew you should let him go, but you jumped up from the couch and called for him just as he was going to open the door. “Sebastian!”
His fingers hovered over the handle, he turned slightly to look at you. He waited for you to continue, but you could only stare at him, eyes sparkling with tears. 
Digging his heels into the ground, he closed the distance between the two of you in only a few steps. He took your face in his hands and crashed his lips onto yours. You met him with just as much need and grabbed at the fabric covering his chest to keep him close. The both of you whimpered at the despair in your kiss, cheeks wet with tears. This was the end of it and there was no running from the pain.
Before you knew it, Sebastian left your embrace, speeding out of the room. Once the door shut behind him, you collapsed to the floor and allowed your sobs to consume you.
The remaining days of your fifth year went by the slowest. Each day you weren’t working with Professor Fig on your ancient magic and going through the keepers’ trials, you struggled to fill your time. Poppy was finally taking it easy after you had helped her with the centaurs. And Natty was still recovering from your fight with Harlow. Her mother had a closer eye on her than ever before, so spending time with her away from the castle wasn’t happening.
Every time you saw Sebastian, you did everything you could to keep your distance and avoid looking his way. At first you tried to sneak glances, but you found it hurt too much, and it only tempted you to run back into his arms. 
“Maybe we were too rash. Maybe we can be better together.” You envisioned yourself saying to him, but you knew it wouldn’t be true. It was made clear every time you left the castle and ran into poachers. They made it difficult to stray from your dark path. Seeing what they had done to so many animals, you were nowhere near done with the cruciatus curse. You weren’t good for Sebastian, you needed to accept that and let him heal. He could be better, and he would be.
You don’t know how you made it out alive against Rookwood and Ranrok, yet there you were. You shifted uncomfortably in your bed in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. Aside from some deep gashes that needed stitching, a ton of bruising, and a sprained ankle, you had managed to make it out all right. But Professor Fig hadn’t, and it weighed on you heavily.
Word spread fast about how you fought alongside the professors to defend the school.  All your friends had come to see you - well - almost all of them. Even some people you didn’t know very well came to check in. 
When Ominis came in to the hospital wing, you felt yourself go stiff. Along with leaving Sebastian behind, you left Ominis as well. You panicked at the thought of facing him. If you had never entered their lives, Sebastian might not have been able to dive so deep into the dark arts. He might have listened to his closest friend and the whole mess wouldn’t have happened.
“How are you?” Ominis asked as he pulled up a chair by your bedside.
“A little roughed up, I suppose. And you?” You were afraid to ask, because the conversation could so easily move towards Sebastian.
“I’m well thank you. And a little roughed up? From what I hear you sound like you belong in this hospital bed for the remainder of the year.”
You began to laugh but then hissed in pain, grabbing at your side. “Well, I can’t really disagree with you there, can I?”
He gave a soft chuckle, and then he fell quiet. The look on his face made it seem like he was debating his next words. “Look, I heard what happened between you and Sebastian.”
“Ominis, please -”
“Let me finish. I heard what happened between the two of you but I’m still here for you. That day you took on the cruciatus curse for him, I knew you’d proven yourself to be a true friend. I understand why the two of you are no longer speaking, and as much as I’m sure it hurts, I agree it’s what’s best for the both of you. Please know, you don’t have to be a stranger when it comes to me.”
It hit you how much you had missed Ominis as well. “Thank you.”
“I'm afraid I have to get going now, I snuck away from Sebastian to check in on you. I feel I’ve constantly had to talk him out of coming to visit the second he heard what happened.”
You nodded your head, “It’s best he doesn’t come. I think I’d fall out of this bed and crawl right into his arms if he had.”
“I thought the same.” He stood up from his chair. “Now get some rest. I can grab something for you from Honeydukes later.”
“Chocolate Frogs, I’m begging you.” Just as you were starting to cheer up, the thought of Hogsmeade reminded you of Rookwood, and what he had told you before he tried to kill you. “Ominis, wait. There’s something you and Sebastian need to know about Anne.”
Sebastian couldn’t stand it. Though he knew full well Ominis was right about how he shouldn’t go to visit you, it had gotten to a point where he wasn’t able to sleep without having seen how you were doing with his own eyes. 
Sneaking out of his dorm, he made his way to the hospital wing. He crept in, cloaked with the disillusionment spell and stood at the entrance. Eyes searching, it didn’t take long to spot you. You seemed to be the only student admitted.
He tiptoed over as not to wake you. When he reached you, his heart crumpled at the sight. A majority of your body was covered by the blanket, but from the skin he could see on your neck and face, you were riddled with bruising and stitches. Without thinking, he brushed his fingers along your cheek. 
You let out a soft moan and Sebastian yanked back his hand, panicked he had woken you. But you went quiet again, the only sound escaping you was your breathing. He should have listened to Ominis, seeing you again like that had pulled him right back in. He needed to get out of there.
Just as he as he turned to leave, you mumbled, “Sebastian?”
He looked back fearfully, thinking he was caught. But you were still sound asleep as you murmured his name. He ached to kneel before your bedside and grab your hand. He wanted to kiss it over and over, reassuring you saying, “I’m here. I’m here. Everything’s alright now.” But he couldn’t, and before he could fight himself on it any longer, he forced his feet to move one in front of the other until he was back in his dorm.
It was the beginning of your seventh year at Hogwarts when the Triwizard Tournament was announced to take place. It sounded like just the thing you needed to get through your last year.
You don’t know how you made it through your sixth year, it wasn’t nearly as eventful as your fifth had been. Though you were thankful everything seemed to be going a lot smoother in the world and your friends were safe, you were still uneasy with all the free time you had. You busied yourself up in the room of requirement if you weren’t with Poppy or Natty, and would stay just late enough to make it back right before curfew.
Though it was impossible to not see Sebastian, you did everything you could to minimize the chances. By the end of the year, you had found a good routine to get you through the rest of your time at Hogwarts. And adding this tournament on top of it could really help you thrive.
You fiddled with the folded up parchment that had your name written on it as you stood in the crowd around the Goblet of Fire. You were standing side by side with Natty who was also going to put her name in, the two of you waited for your turn to walk up. It was interesting watching all the Beauxbaton Academy and Durmstrang Institute students put their name in. They all looked so confident, and with such athletic builds, you couldn’t believe some of them were only 18 years old like you were.
After Natty placed her name in, you clapped along with everyone else and threw in a special holler just for her. Then it was your turn. As you were about to let the parchment fall in and be swallowed up by the flames, you looked out to the cheering crowd and locked eyes with Sebastian. Out of everyone around you, how did you manage to spot him? Dropping your name in, the crowd erupted in applause. You bowed your head and smiled as you left the circle.
When you returned to your position amongst the crowd, you tried to shake the image of his face from your mind. The way he was looking at you when you entered your name into the fire, it was almost as if he was crushed to see you do so. But you immediately dismissed the thought. It was dark in there and the only light source came from the Goblet, you couldn’t have possibly gotten a good read on his reaction. You two were no longer in each other’s lives and it’s been that way for a while. Get over yourself. He wouldn’t care what you did any more.
“You? But... why?” Was all Sebastian could ask his best friend. Ominis had just informed him he was the one taking you to The Yule Ball. Sebastian had known you were going with someone after overhearing you turn down a Durmstrang student, apologizing and explaining you already had a date. He had been in a dreadful mood ever since. But his sour mood turned perplexed at Ominis’ announcement.
“Honestly? Because I’m afraid of what you’d do to anyone else who did. Also, it looks good for a Gaunt to be going to the ball with the Hogwarts champion, if I’m not going to be the champion myself. Got my family off my back somewhat.”
Sebastian sighed. “Ominis, you didn’t need to trouble yourself. I’m fine now. We’re fine. We haven’t spoken in who knows how long. The two of you should go with people you -” have an interest in. He finished in his head, unable to say the words aloud without feeling sick.
Though he’d hate to admit it, Sebastian was filled with immense relief Ominis was the one taking you to the ball. He had seen the rather large amount of people who had approached you, and he wanted to shoo off each one of them. But he had no right, he needed to let you live your life. After all, it would have been highly hypocritical of him considering he had said yes to going with Amelie Dupont, the champion for Beauxbatons Academy.
Sebastian and Ominis waited side by side at the bottom of the stairs for their dates. He was hoping with every fiber in his body that you would walk down those stairs before Amelie did, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist watching you come down with undivided attention. And that would be horribly rude of him with his date at his arm already.
But of course, Amelie arrived first. He shouldn’t have expected any different knowing how you were. Always off doing something until the last minute.
With Amelie’s arm linked in his, all champions and their dates stood, lined in formation to enter the ballroom, except one.
“Ah Mr. Gaunt, here is your date now.”
Sebastian shot his gaze to the stairs at Professor Weasley’s words and went stiff. In that moment, he could have sworn his heart stopped. You were breathtaking. He had never seen you in such formal attire. For some reason, feeling foolish about it then, he had expected you to be dressed in some variation of the Hogwarts uniform. It had been all he’d seen you in for the passed year and a half.
“So sorry I’m late.” You called down as you descended the steps, watching your step as you did so as not to trip in your new fancy shoes. You were still breaking them in and weren’t the most confident. When you looked up your eyes met Sebastian’s, and the way he was looking at you had your insides twisting.
Sebastian swallowed thickly when you looked his way, and for a brief moment he let himself live in the fantasy that you were walking down the stairs to meet him. Time slowed down and memories began popping up all at once in his brain: the first time you met, the both of you trying to hide your laughter at Garreth’s nonsense in potions class, your first kiss in the library, all your sneaky pecks to his cheek, and even the times he’d rest his head on your lap as the two of you laid in the grass under the sun.
“Alright you two, join the line here.” His thoughts were interrupted at Professor’s Weasley’s voice. You took Ominis’ arm and got in the back of the line. Sebastian made himself face forward, awaiting further instruction.
“You look very handsome, Ominis.” He heard you whisper to his best friend.
“Thank you, I’m sure you look wonderful yourself.” You and Ominis cackled.
Walking out in front of everyone and doing the traditional first dance was all a blur. Sebastian hadn’t been able to compose himself after he saw you coming down the stairs.
Once the dance was over, he excused himself from Amelie and went to the washroom. He leaned against the sink, trying to steady his breathing. How could he have ever thought he was over you? You still meant as much to him then as you had when you parted ways in the room of requirement. He was extra thankful Ominis had been your date, if anyone else had been and he had to watch you link arms with them he didn’t think his heart could take it.
Once he returned to the ball, his eyes landed on you and Ominis on the dance floor. You were talking and laughing with him easily, seeming to not have a care in the world.
Do I have even the slightest effect on you anymore? Sebastian wondered as he watched from afar. He thought back to when you put your name in the Goblet of Fire. Your eyes had met his and he silently pleaded with you not to go through with it, people died in this tournament. Though he knew you were capable, having to watch you be put in harm’s way and he wouldn’t be able to help had him petrified. But you dropped it in and turned away, proud to have your name in the running. When your name was chosen from the Goblet, because of course it was, the terror and misery that went through him was paralyzing. Ominis had to help keep him steady the rest of that day.
He had a sick hope he made you hurt at least a little having come with Amelie. But you were the one on the dance floor, happy as can be, not the one trying to keep it together in the washroom like he had just been.
Sebastian went and found Amelie. He apologized and asked her for another dance.
The night went by decently enough for Sebastian. Amelie was beautiful and talkative, so when the two of them weren’t dancing, they were surrounded by a group of people asking her an abundance of questions. He was thankful she took the reins in conversation because he wasn’t in a socializing mood. Every now and then he took glances your way, not once did he catch your eye.
It was nearing the end of the night and Amelie had asked if he wanted to go back to the dance floor. He looked out and saw you and Ominis were back out there already.
“I - I apologize, I promised a friend a dance and it’s slipped my mind ‘til now.”
Amelie nodded with a smile and went back to speaking with a few Durmstrang students who were eager for her attention.
Before he knew it, he was making his way over to you and Ominis. When he reached the two of you on the dance floor, he held out a hand towards you.
Your laughing and dancing ceased.
“May I cut in?” Sebastian asked, gaze on you unflinching.
Your insides began buzzing with nerves. The thought of your first time interacting with Sebastian again through a dance was nearly too much to handle.
“Go ahead.” Ominis said with a smile as he released you, his approval taking you by surprise. “I need a rest anyhow.” Before you could protest, he was gone, leaving you and Sebastian alone.
You tentatively grabbed his hand and he pulled you into a dance. This being your first time speaking and touching after nearly two years, you didn’t think you would be able to look him in the eyes. But that was the only place you could look.
The two of you didn’t speak, it seemed you didn’t need to. Over the course of your dance, the two of you moved in closer, dismissing the official waltz stance you were supposed to be in. Your arms found their way around his shoulders and his around your waist. He leaned his head against yours as you slowly swayed from side to side.
You had fought so hard to distance yourself from him, and all it took was one dance to pull you back in. You never wanted to let go. Because as soon as you let go, he would be gone from your life again. The way he was holding onto you made you believe he had the same worry. You breathed in his scent like you used to do when you were this close. You hummed and pulled him closer, he still used the same cologne you loved.
Sebastian closed his eyes, imagining it was just the two of you in your own little world. He relished every second of this dance with you. Having you back in his arms felt right, like this was where you were always supposed to be.
“Excusez-moi? Sebastian, I’m getting tired. Would you like to walk me back to the dorms?” Amelie hiccupped, seeming to have had some drinks other students snuck in.
His eyes shot open and you tried to pull away quickly, but he grabbed your hand with a strong hold so you wouldn’t get too far. As the two of you looked at Amelie, you shook your hand from his grasp and cleared your throat. “Of course he would! Appreciate you letting me steal him away for a quick dance. Always great to catch up with an old friend. Goodnight, you two.”
Sebastian watched as you escaped to Ominis’ side, your vanishing warmth making him feel empty. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t leave things there and not speak to you for another year and a half. Dancing with you and holding you close would never have been enough to hold him over.
“You’ll have to guide me.” Amelie giggled, linking her arm in his. “This castle is a maze.”
“It can be. Would you excuse me one moment?” He slipped from Amelie’s grasp and ran to your side. He touched your elbow and your attention was back on him.
Your eyes widened at the gall Sebastian had to leave Amelie’s side. You already felt terrible she had to witness the two of you dancing the way you were, but truth be told she was probably too sozzled to notice. “Sebastian, you can’t just -”
“Meet me in the undercroft, I’ll be there shortly.”
“I can’t, I -” You gestured weakly to Ominis who was aware of everything that was happening.
“Please.” The rigor in his voice made it clear he wasn’t asking, then he returned to Amelie’s side.
You looked to Ominis, dumbstruck at Sebastian’s actions. “Ominis, you need to speak with him. Get him back to his senses.”
But Ominis only shook his head, “Meet with him.”
After all this time, you found yourself in the undercroft again. While you waited for Sebastian, you looked around, nostalgia washing over you. You found your way next to a wooden table covered in markings you hadn’t remembered seeing. Sebastian’s, Ominis’, and Anne’s names were all over, along with some carvings of stick figures. One of the carvings was a heart with yours and Sebastian’s initials. You rubbed your hand over your chest in hopes to slow down your rapid pulse. Then you ran your fingers over it.
His heart ached as he watched you. “I did that when you were recovering in the hospital wing. I was a mess.”
You startled slightly at his voice.
“A few weeks after we... well...” He looked down, kicking the dirt at his feet, wanting to change the subject. “We haven’t bumped into each other down here since fifth year, have we? How often do you come these days?” He asked, looking back up to you.
“Oh, I... I haven’t been in here since fifth year.”
“You haven’t?” A large part of him hurt at the thought of you leaving the undercroft behind.
You shook your head, eyes continuing to roam around the room. “No. This place was always yours, Ominis’, and Anne’s. Never mine.”
“I tried to make it yours too.”
You met his dispirited gaze, and you didn’t know how to respond. You turned away and began meandering around. “What is this about, Sebastian?” You hoped he would get on with it, this whole night had been torture. Watching him dance with Amelie and barely leave her side, you were thankful you had Ominis to lean on.
He took a step towards you. “I want to be in your life again.” He blurted.
Your heart picked up its pace again and you froze. It was exactly what you wanted to hear, but as much as you wanted to run and jump into his arms, you kept yourself in place. It wasn’t what was best for him.
“I want us again.” He said, taking another step towards you.
“Sebastian.” You sighed.
“Believe me when I say I’ve changed.” He began desperately. “I have no more temptations with the dark arts. Just ask Ominis! He’ll tell you how far I’ve come. I’m better now.”
You swallowed thickly in your throat. “But I’m not.” You confessed, barely above a whisper. You released a shaky breath and met his stare. “I am so proud to hear you’ve come far. Truly, I am. But I am still no good for you.” You glanced away from him then, unable to say it to his face. “I still use the unforgiveable curses... all the time.” You went tense at the admission, “These poachers Poppy and I come across, they conjure up something so monstrous in me, I -” You stopped yourself, not eager to explain further.
“I can help you.” He was by your side then. “I brought you into the dark arts. I can help get you out. My hatred for Ranrok’s loyalists? I was able to overcome that too.” He took your hand and pressed it to his chest. “You don’t know how far I’d go for this. I’m so in love with you it hurts. I can’t stand to see you and act like I don’t know you anymore.”
You shook your head at the overwhelming nature of it all, an unsteady exhale left your lips. The look on your face told him you were considering his words, and he couldn’t help but hold his breath. “Sebastian, if I pull you back to the dark arts, I’ll never forgive myself.”
“You won’t.” He brought the back of your hand to his lips. “I mean it when I say I’ve changed. Have a little confidence in me, will you?”
You bit your lip, and thought through everything that could go wrong if you went back to him. But him telling you he was in love with you had taken away all your resolve. All the warnings you usually chided yourself with were falling flat, not being at all effective like they used to be even just a moment ago. You nodded your head. “Okay.”
“Okay?” His eyes went wide, unable to believe it.
“Okay. And I love you too. So much, Sebastian.”
Sebastian picked you up and swung you in his arms, causing a boisterous laugh to spring out from inside you. He set you down and brought one hand up to cup your cheek, smashing his lips against yours. Being able to be with you like this again had him bursting at the seams with joy.
You kissed him back with just as much fervor. Your hands shot up to his hair and you gripped his locks between your fingers. He backed you up until you hit the wooden table you were looking at earlier. Without taking his lips off of yours he hoisted you up and positioned himself between your legs. He licked at your bottom lip and you opened your mouth partly for him to taste more of you. You let out a whimper, then you felt him press his front against yours. You gasped at the sudden feel of it and he made himself stop kissing you.
“I’m sorry.” He said breathlessly, forehead pressed to yours. “We don’t have to. I just couldn’t help myself. You just -” He buried his face into your neck and sighed, “Every time I see you, I go mad. I’ve missed you all this time and to finally have you here in my arms -”
You began to unbutton his shirt with delicate fingers. He pulled back and looked you into your eyes. 
“A - Are you sure?”
You smiled at him and nodded your head, continuing to undo his buttons. He helped you shakily yet eagerly. Then he began to help you undress, covering you in comforting kisses as he did so. It was nerve-racking, undressing in front of each other for the first time. But you weren’t with just anyone in that moment, you were with Sebastian, and he was with you. The two of you were hopeful for the future, but in that moment neither of you cared what happened from then on. The two of you were ready, and you wanted be each other’s first. 
You moved to the floor together, laying on your clothes, he covered your body with his. He leaned down to kiss you, his chest pressing against yours, and the feel of his skin was electrifying. You could feel his hardness pressed against you as you continued to hold each other, taking your time exploring one another in a way no one else had.
He shivered as you touched him, sighing your name against your lips. He dragged his fingers from your neck, lightly touching down your body, passed your waist, until he placed his hand between your thighs.
And right then, with the urgent need about to burst from both your cores, you knew there was no other place in the world you'd rather be. This ache you felt for each other left no room for doubt, this couldn’t have happened with anyone else, you were made for one another. You both were on the brink with each other’s touches, clueless how it could possibly feel better than it already had. 
“I’m ready.” You whimpered.
Sebastian, eyes clouded with desire, nodded his head. You both adjusted until you fit each other perfectly, starting slow to get the hang of it, and eventually losing yourselves in one another in a tangle of limbs. You covered each other with kisses, licks, and even some bites as the need to melt into each other grew more and more. In those moments together, as your breaths and moans echoed throughout the undercroft, the only temptation presenting itself was each other, and it was pure bliss.
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killedbythehuntress · 11 months
Stockholm Syndrome
★·.·´¯`·.·★ .:**:.☆*.:。.✿ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ 
Also On: AO3 and Wattpad
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Beautiful art work below by @diligentcranberry - Thank you again, love!
Rape/Non-Con Elements, Twisted Love, Dark!Sebastian Sallow, alcohol use.
★·.·´¯`·.·★ .:**:.☆*.:。.✿ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ 
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Chapter One.
She doesn't know what makes her stop. She's walked past this stand a lot of times, the moving pictures barely catching her eye before she continues on her way. But something inside her makes her stop today. Hand over a sickle to the tender and take a copy of the Daily Prophet before she continues her daily errands.
It's not until she's home, everything unpacked, the door locked thrice and a cup of tea on the table in front of her did she finally pull out the bunch of papers she'd felt compelled to buy. The air suddenly feels like it's sucked out of the room and she can barely breathe.
Breaking News!
The Wizarding Community is on high alert at the news that Dark Wizard, Sebastian Sallow, has escaped Azkaban prison. The 24-Year-old has been in Azkaban since being convicted of the murder of his uncle in the winter of 1891. Nothing has yet been released on how he escaped the notorious prison, but we urge the community to stay safe and vigilant.
She doesn't even finish reading, instead, her eyes find their way to the picture next to it. A fifteen-year-old Sebastian stares out at her, a frown on his lips, dark eyebrows furrowed, and a look of sadness, betrayal, and regret in his eyes. She couldn't bear it, instead, she whipped out her wand and cast a quick Incendio, the Prophet immediately turning to ash on the table. How could she have been so naive to have thought the Wizengamot would've gone easy on him given everything? She may have only been 15, and while she'd been a part of the community for a good few months, she should have known that an Unforgivable - especially Avada Kadavra - would land someone in Azkaban for life. Something that Sebastian Sallow didn't deserve, regardless of his actions.
With another flick of her wand and the ash is gone, cleaned up, and almost forgotten. Her elbows rest on the table, her face buried in her hands as she sobs for the first time in years for what was lost - she'd only wanted him to learn his lesson, she hadn't wanted to lose him. Hadn't anticipated the entire fallout. Anne and Ominis had been beside her at the time, happy for her to be the one responsible to make the decision - probably to save themselves the guilt of it - but also likely using her naivety and lack of understanding of the Wizarding Law in hopes she wouldn't feel the guilt herself.
That had lasted all of three days when she saw the article detailing Sebastian’s sentencing. That had been the first time she'd broken down about her decision, she'd screamed at Ominis in the Undercroft for not telling her turning him in meant never seeing him again. She'd collapsed into his arms, sobbing into his chest but the thought that it wasn't Sebastian brought the sobs harder and faster until she pushed Ominis away and curled in on herself.
She'd finished her last two years of Hogwarts in silence, only speaking when a professor asked something of her. She pulled away from the many friends she'd made during that fateful year - not from their lack of trying - she just couldn't. She spent any time not in class in the Room of Requirements, she'd even gone through a period where she didn't eat because she couldn't face the Great Hall. But Deek had caught wind of that and made sure to always have something set on a table for her.
For as excited as she was to attend Hogwarts, leaving had felt like a relief. There were too many memories haunting her of him, and the friends she'd left behind. Part of her had wanted to run as far away from Scotland as she could, but the other part - the larger part - couldn't.
Even if she couldn't be with him, she wanted to be close.
The thought terrified her, he knew it was her decision. He'd looked so angry, so hurt as he was hauled away by the Aurors and the article detailing his sentence had quoted him. He'd promised he'd get revenge.
It was stupid of her - likely still naivety - that made her move from the Highlands surrounding Hogwarts to a small Hamlet in the northernmost area of Scotland. She'd managed to buy a single cottage on the outer edge of the hamlet, the back leading to the forest and while being there was lonely, she hadn't made much of an effort to befriend anyone. It was private, it was hers, and honestly, if Sebastian had to deal with life alone because of her. She felt she deserved it too.
Her sobs quieted after some minutes, the air in the room still heavy with the melancholy she felt. Her tea had gone cold, not that she felt she could stomach it. Her insides were in knots, she felt that any attempt to eat or drink could cause her to vomit. Any movement could cause her to collapse further in on herself.
She took a deep breath, a sigh escaping her as she reminded herself that no one knew where she lived. Not from lack of trying on their part, Ominis, Natty & Poppy had continued to try and open her back up for her last two years to no avail. Following their graduation, they'd reached out via Owl. Although the more she ignored them, the less they came.
A knock at her door pulled her from her increasingly spiraling thoughts and she frowned, pulling herself up slowly from the table. "Who is it?" She called cautiously, although it probably wasn't her best idea. It was likely just the friendly old woman down from the house closest offering her something she'd baked.
"Open the door, it's Ominis." Her eyebrows furrowed then, stepping closer to the door but not unlocking it.
"How do you know where I live?"
"I work for the Ministry, it wasn't hard." She felt a pang in her chest at his clipped words, she'd never admit it but she had missed it, missed him. Finally unlocking her door and pulling it open, she took a look at Ominis. The years had treated him well, his hair was still slicked back and his suit still made him look as regal as he always did.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, a little exasperated at the situation. Her words, while firm, still held the edge they did when she'd been crying and she hoped it had been long enough that her unexpected guest didn't notice.
"Checking in. I don't suppose you heard the news." And there it was, his way of letting her know he still cared but not in such a way she'd run and lock the door in his face. "Sebastian escaped." Stepping back slightly, audibly so that he knew he could come in.
"I did catch a glimpse at the Prophet, yes. Is that why you're here?" She asked, her voice needlessly harsh as she continued. "Here to see if I'm hiding him somewhere?"
"No, of course not." He mentioned with a frown of his own. "You surely remember what he said upon sentencing. I was merely worried about you." The words took all of the fight from her and once again she found her lip trembling as she held back her tears, another wave of guilt washing over her.
"How long has he been out?" She brings herself to ask, the newspaper was from today, sure. But if Ominis thought Sebastian could have already found his way to her, perhaps it'd been a few days.
"We think he escaped Monday, but we can't be sure. The guard he'd managed to switch with was in no condition to talk." Monday… They thought Monday and he'd only shown today for fear of her safety. It was Saturday for Merlin's sake. She felt a small flame of anger flicker in her chest. "No one realized until Thursday when the next guard was sent through."
She couldn't help but laugh at the sheer stupidity. No one noticed a guard had disappeared on his rounds. She knew the tales of Azkaban were horror stories, but for Helena's sake, she didn't expect them to be that bad. She could only imagine what it was like to be there full-time.
And that thought was enough to snuff out the anger and bring back the melancholy from earlier.
"If you're wanting to look around, just in case. I haven't been home for long." She murmured, not even sure why she'd said it. But Ominis was quick to nod, his wand flashing its usual red as he walked around the small cottage. Picking up the cup of forgotten tea, she couldn't help but feel on edge, but she wasn't sure if it was because of the news of Sebastian or if it was because there was someone other than herself in her house. No one else had been here since she moved in six years.
She busied herself doing the dishes, staring out the window into the small Hamlet until Ominis had finished his sweep. She could feel him standing by the table but she didn't turn, neither of them saying anything for a while.
"I think it's time you-"
"I want you to write to-"
They both spoke at the same time, and she finally pulled her eyes from the children she saw running in the field to look at her guest. "You first." He assured, clearing his throat. She suddenly felt a little awkward, her nose wrinkling slightly as she thought back on what she was going to say.
"No, you first." She finally decided it was for the best since she'd been about to tell him to leave.
"I want you to write to me, let me know you're okay at least weekly." Her brows furrowed and she felt another flicker of irritation.
"I'm sure I'll be fine, Ominis. I made sure that when I moved here no one would know me or that I'd moved here. Until you showed up, that is." She couldn't help the bitter tone in her voice, she'd tried so hard to make sure there was no way anyone could track her down. She supposed that even without that effort, his connections at work would mean he'd always known.
"I'm serious, I just want you to let me know you're okay. At least until he's back in Azkaban." The genuine concern in his voice was bittersweet, he clearly wanted her to know that he meant it. "If I don't hear from you, I'll have to stop by again."
Heaving a frustrated sigh, she gave the blonde boy a glare that he couldn't rightfully see. "Fine. If it means I'm left alone." Deep down, she realized she didn't mean it. She'd felt so lonely and part of her felt that perhaps she wouldn't follow through just so he would turn up. But then she remembered the guilt and knew that she had to be lonely because that's what she'd sentenced Sebastian to eight years ago. "Now I'd you'd be so kind to leave, it's getting late." She finished, leaving no room for argument as she stepped to the door and pulled it open.
"Take care of yourself, please," Ominis said as he stepped back through the door, still a small look of concern on his face that made her turn away.
Once he was out, she closed the door and once again triple-locked it before checking the windows. Only when she was sure everything was secure did she curl up on her couch with a blanket, and a book open in front of her - not that she paid it any mind. Her focus was on the flames licking in the fireplace as she waited for the time she'd move from the couch to bed. 
— — — — — —
The feeling of something trailing over her forehead caused her to stir slightly, sleep slipping away from her. She groaned, turning over and burying herself further into the pillows and blankets of her bed before the realization struck her.
Sitting up quickly, she looked around the bedroom, the low light from the lamp on her dresser casting shadows. But besides her and her heavy breathing, the room was empty.
She was going crazy. Paranoid.
It had been a week since the article and Ominis' visit. A week of knowing that Sebastian was out there somewhere, likely looking for her. A week of constantly feeling like she was being watched when she wasn't. It was taking a toll on her.
She briefly contemplated asking Ominis if she could stay a few days with him, to see if she felt any different. But considering last Saturday was the first time they'd spoken in years, she likely wasn't welcome.
Sighing softly, she pulled herself up from her bed. Some tea would likely help calm her. Grasping at the lamp, she stepped from her bedroom and into the main room, heading for the stove and her small tea kettle. She got busy, setting the water to boil and taking hold of a cup she'd used earlier in the day. Her eyes settled out of the window just as they had a week ago. The streets of the hamlet were dark and empty, it was raining heavily, and for some reason that soothed her a little. She'd always liked the rain.
A loud bang from her bedroom jolted her from her thoughts, dropping the teacup she held as the sound of wind howled through her home. Once more grasping her lamp, she took her wand from the counter too and crept to the doorway, looking through it cautiously. The room was still empty, there weren't any hiding places after all. The room was only big enough for a bed and a dresser.
Her eyes lifted from their observation of the room to the window. Seeing it had flown open. Frowning, she stepped further into the room and towards the window until she was able to pull it closed, locking it. She swore she'd locked it before she'd gone to bed. But perhaps the stress of the last week was getting to her, her days blending together.
She had nothing to worry about. No one but Ominis knew where she lived and he wouldn't tell anyone. It had to have been the wind from the storm, she hadn't latched it properly before bed, clearly.
The sound of a quiet whistle sounded from her kitchen and she sighed. Right, yes. Tea. That's what she needed. Pulling her curtains closed, she made her way back into the kitchen to finish her tea, hopefully when she drank it she'd be able to get back to sleep.
— — — — — —
A few days later, she found herself stopping next to the stand holding the Daily Prophet, she glanced at the headline.
Sallow Still at Large!
She didn't bother picking up a copy this time, it was likely just going to be a reiteration of what was said in the original article. Instead, she forced herself to push on, the hood of her robe pulled up over her head.
The feeling of being watched magnified each time she left the house, to the point where she was seriously considering dropping her errands to one day a week and holing herself up inside of her cottage.
She stopped at the produce vendor, picking up some pieces of fruit and vegetables as she did often, paying quickly before turning on her heel. Usually, she'd make a stop at a few more stores, but right now, she wanted to go home. She wasn't in dire need of anything else - today at least.
Walking down the main street of the hamlet, her hood up and her head down to avoid being seen meant that she wasn't looking where she was going. So it wasn't surprising when she walked into someone, the bag she held falling to the floor.
"Merlin, I'm sorry!" She said, reaching down to collect her things.
"Don't be, miss. Accidents happen." A friendly voice said she looked up briefly to see a man of around her age, brunette hair and while his smile was friendly and it definitely wasn't Sebastian she was looking at, she couldn't help the flash of his face in place of the strangers.
Suddenly she was in a bigger rush to get home, her hands trembling as she fought to ensure everything she'd dropped was picked up.
"Let me help." The young man offered and she frantically shook her head, scooping the last of the produce into her bag and standing quickly.
"N-no n-need. It's fine. I must get home." She brushed off, pushing past the kind stranger that made her think of Sebastian and speed walked her way back to her cottage, not looking back. Although that feeling at the back of her neck, that she was being watched only grew as she stepped over the threshold and once more thrice locked her door. A sigh of relief fell from her lips as her clammy forehead rested against the cool wood.
— — — — — —
Two weeks. Two weeks had passed since she'd seen that article since Ominis had visited and nothing had happened besides her losing her mind from her paranoia.
Since her run-in with not-Sebastian, she hadn't left the house. A traitorous part of her brain just wanted him to be found and back in Azkaban so that she could go back to how life was before.
As much as she didn't want to leave, she had to head into town. If she didn't want Ominis stopping by again she'd have to drop off the letter she'd written him. She also needed to get some food.
She supposed she could be quick about it, not stopping beside the two shops she needed to and then heading straight back. Chewing on her bottom lip, she considered not leaving, her eyes staring at the front door as if it could decide for her. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and blinked against the bright sun. 'Quick, just be quick.' She told herself, closing the door behind her and heading towards the main street. And if she stopped to buy a bottle of fire whiskey while she was there, who was going to judge? 
— — — — — —
Slamming the door behind her, she panted - a slight panic overtaking her. She was definitely going crazy, she swore she'd seen Seb so many times in the small time she was out, only to do a double take and there would be no one there. She had to be going crazy.
Dropping the bag of food onto the kitchen counter, she rummaged through the bag until she found what she was looking for. The bottle of fire whiskey glinted in the sun streaming through the winter. Briefly, a voice in her head told her it was too early to drink, but she shut it up quickly as she pulled the top off and took a large drink.
The fiery liquid trailed down her throat and she held back a cough, even as the wince made it through. Dropping herself into the chair at the kitchen table, she held the bottle in an iron grip. As she took another long drag from the bottle, she could feel the familiar haze of calm falling over her.
She tried to remember when she'd last eaten and realized it had been breakfast yesterday. Pair that with the fact she didn't drink often and it was only normal for barely a quarter of a bottle to hit her so fast.
Time passed slowly, and the contents of the bottle also slowly dwindled as it got dark outside. At some point, it started raining again but she didn't care. She'd drunk a good amount of the bottle and she couldn't very well keep her head up off the table.
She'd never be able to get herself to bed in this state. Rolling her head to the side, she looked at the couch, wondering if she'd be able to make it there. It was only five steps, maximum.
Pushing herself up, grasping the edge of the table hard to steady herself as the room spun. Once she felt situated enough, she took a step.
So far, so good.
Another step, then another and that's when her knees buckled. Her stomach churned and she closed her eyes as she waited to meet the floor. But the meeting never came. Two arms had wrapped around her, catching her in her fall.
"Woah, there, Sweetheart. Missed me?"
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bloodstainedmuzzle · 11 months
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Days Gone Deacon St. John [ 1 / ??? ]
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ejzah · 6 days
A/N: A random little Kensi and Rosa fic.
I’d Prefer the Truth
“Kensi, can you a question?”
“Of course,” Kensi told her, then immediately amended. “Unless it’s something that Mama Deeks said. It’s probably best if you ignore any of her stories.”
Rosa laughed softly. “No, it’s nothing like that.” She folded her hands on her lap, something about the position telling Kensi this was more than the usual school or friend related talk. “Um, so the other day, you and Marty were talking about making some doctors appointments.”
Kensi nodded slowly, remembering the conversation, but not certain where Rosa was headed.
“I’m sorry, do we need to reschedule something? We tried to work around all of your classes and after school activities,” Kensi apologized.
“The times are fine,” Rosa insisted. “No. When you started talking about the dentist, you mentioned both of you taking the day off and something about Deeks needing medication.” She picked at her nails, her brows furrowing with worry. “Is he ok?”
Kensi closed her eyes briefly, internally cursing herself. Of course Rosa would think the worst and be concerned about Deeks. With both of her birth parents gone, she had to be horrified at the thought of losing another father.
Taking both of Rosa’s hands between her own, Kensi shook them lightly until she looked up. “Hey, listen to me. Deeks is alright. He’s not sick or hurt,” Kensi assured her. “I won’t tell you specifics because it’s Deeks’ story to share. What I can tell you is that several years ago, Deeks was involved in a really awful case where he did get hurt. Since then, dentist appointments of any kind have been difficult.”
“Oh my god,” Rosa whispered, freeing one hand to cover her mouth.
“It’s much, much better now. Deeks uses medication just in case.”
“Well, is there anything I should do to help?”
Kensi pressed her lips together to combat the sudden urge to cry. They really did have the greatest kid.
“Oh sweetie, you don’t have to worry about that. Deeks might just be a little out of it or on edge. Honestly, he’ll probably come home and sleep the rest of the day,” Kensi told her.
Over the years, she’d gotten used to the unfortunately necessary routine as had the rest of the team. She forgot that Rosa was new to all of this and would likely have questions. Rosa was so observant and empathetic too, so she picked up on the things they thought were being discreet about.
Rosa nodded, her expression just as serious as earlier. “Thank you for telling me,” she said. “I’d rather know than to worry. I know you and Deeks want to protect me, but I’d much rather know these things than to be kept sheltered.”
“I’ll remember that,” Kensi said. She held out her arms, and Rosa immediately sank against her chest.
When Deeks came home, they would need to talk about this. They would need to figure out a plan to share some of the hard parts of their lives. For now though, she’d comfort their daughter.
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typingtess · 5 months
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“I got a call from the DJ today.”
“Who?” Deeks was snoozing on the couch. It was a long day.
“The DJ, the wedding.”
“Malibu Mix-a-Lot. Because Sir Mix-a-Lot was so 25-years ago.”
“Dave, the DJ, said we didn’t give him a first dance song, a post-dinner dance song and a wrap up song for the night. He sent a list.”
“We have homework?” Deeks asked as Kensi handed her five pages of songs e-mailed by the DJ. "Today was a long day. I don't need homework."
“Three songs. Not homework.”
Sitting up, Deeks said “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is probably a hard no.”
“What,” Deeks shrugged as he looked at what seemed to be an endless list of songs. “I want to know what you’re thinking,” Deeks pushed the decision to Kensi.
“I don’t want a song I’ve heard at every wedding I’ve gone to in the last decade.”
“Well, that narrows things down.”
“No The Luckiest. No Always and Forever. No All of Me. No My Heart Will Go On.”
“You love "Titanic", why no My Heart Will Go On?”
“How did things end for Jack and Rose?”
“Not well for Jack but Rose got a big hunk of jewelry and died in her late 90’s.”
“I’d have made room for you on the door.”
“That’s true love,” Deeks flipped through the list. “There are way too many songs.”
“Dave the DJ is willing to find anything we need.”
“Well I need something easy to dance to.”
“We’ve got lessons for the four Saturday mornings before the wedding. Actually having the music would be helpful.”
“Can’t wait,” Deeks feigned enthusiasm. “Oh, The Way You Look Tonight. Frank Sinatra. Cool, good song.”
Kensi shook her head. “In “My Best Friend’s Wedding” - absolutely not.”
Deeks shook his head. “That was Tony Bennett.”
“Same thing.”
“Don’t say that in front of Bertie. Big Sinatra fan. Oh, I got it. Stevie Wonder – For Once In My Life. Good beat, I won’t make an idiot of myself and it’s Stevie Wonder.”
“On the list.”
“We’re making a list.”
“We need three songs. We’re making a list,” Kensi scribbled on a pad. “How do you feel about another old song?”
“How old?”
“Well, you took me to “Jersey Boys” old.”
“Go on.”
“Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You.”
“I’m in.”
“You’re not just saying that to get this done.”
“I took you to “Jersey Boys” and I liked it. Liked the music. You even liked it. I’m in.”
“First dance song or after dinner song.”
“After dinner song. Let’s give them some real music before the Malibu Mix-a-Lot…”
“Malibu Mix-a-Lot plays all your techno music,” Deeks said lifting an eyebrow as he looked at the list. Whistling for Monty, “I’m taking Monty for his pre-bed walk. We’ve got the first dance and post-dinner songs.”
“We have to finish this.”
Picking up her pencil, Deeks circled a song and wrote something on his list. Monty made his way to do the door. “We’re good, Kens, we’re good.” He handed her the list of songs.
Kensi watched him leave with Monty before she looked at his choice. She smiled when she saw his “Sending them home with this” written next to his a circled song – Best Day of My Life by American Authors.
She would definitely make room for him on the door.
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kittycatlukey · 2 years
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My screenshots of Deek🏍️🧟🫶
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xphantasmagoria · 2 years
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We chase misprinted lies
We face the path of time
And yet I fight, and yet I fight
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danses-with-dogmeat · 10 months
D is for -- Deacon
Okay, sorry, had to get that out, I just... I love Deacon, that's what he does to me, I just love him. Though I was surprised that Danse was less of an adversary in the voting 🤔, but I digress. Anyway though, without further ado, here's this! It's... well, sad, but I hope you like it anyway! <3
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Also, just a quick TW for suicidal thoughts! Stay safe out there, I love you all ❤️😊
Pair: Deacon x g/n! Sole
Dialogue: "I can't lose you too."
Word: Devastation
Rating: SFW
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1.2k
“Dammit, I should’ve been there.” Sole’s fingers stroked lightly over the back of Deacon’s hand where it dangled loosely from the medical cot. They savored the touch between them, the feeling unfamiliar, as they comforted their unconscious companion in a way he’d never have allowed, were he awake. 
“Should’ve helped. Then maybe… Maybe you wouldn’t be like this, and maybe Glory would still be…” Sole sighed, and the tears that’d been lingering in their waterline, barely managing to keep from spilling down their cheeks, finally gave way. 
“If the Brotherhood had gotten you too, I… I don’t know what I would’ve done.”
They kept whispering to him, in the dim of the Railroad’s latest hideout.
Carrington had fallen asleep sitting up in a folding chair on the other side of the small room, where he remained now, his chin resting on his chest and his arms folded around himself limply. The work had been nonstop since the attack on the church, and even after all of it, the doctor had told Sole that Deacon was only up to fate now. He’d done all he could for the spy, but his injuries were extensive, and he hadn’t woken up once in the three days since the Brotherhood had invaded. 
Sole had been here for two of those days, nagging Carrington, hovering over their partner, speaking to him, holding his hand, hoping, beyond hope, that his eyes would open, that he’d say their name, and then some sarcastic comment through gritted teeth. 
A voice sounded from the other room, tearing them from their thoughts. 
She’d only just woken up herself, they noted. Everyone who’d managed to make it out alive seemed to have only just begun to come down from the boost of adrenaline they’d gotten from the fight; and now, after the loudness of the battle, of their fear and rage and grief, most everyone in this barebones, concrete bunker had collapsed. 
Sole’s own eyes itched for the solace of sleep, but their mind couldn't comprehend leaving, even for a moment, even with Deacon's hand still in theirs, even with their fingers firmly set upon his pulse. If they woke up and he was gone… 
“I can’t…" They spoke aloud with a sniffle, "After everything, everyone that I’ve…”
The sound of their shaky sigh echoed through the silent room, the only noise beyond Des’s muffled, whispered words across the way.
“I... I just can’t lose you too. I don't think I'd be able to... go on, after.” 
Sole's eyes were closed, their forehead leaning down against the side of the mattress as they spoke into the fabric in a hushed tone. Their cheeks felt cold with the wetness still upon them, the tears had run out, and all that was left was an empty feeling deep within their chest.
Until they felt Deacon’s fingers twitch against their palm. 
“Don’t gotta worry about that quite yet, partner.” His voice rasped from above them, and Sole jolted backwards in their chair, nearly toppling over in their haste to see if they'd truly heard him. 
“Deacon, oh my god.” Their voice barely managed to leave them with any sort of breath behind it, coming out almost as a squeak, that left Deacon with a silly little grin on his face. 
It was surreal. Seeing him, seeing him smile nonetheless, after days of blank expressions, of light, unconscious grimaces, and labored breaths that were so close to being his last. Hearing him too, that voice they loved, that they weren't sure they'd have the chance to hear again. To hear him joking, whispering, laughing, and yes, even the lying they'd missed those past few days. Now though, it was like they were in a dream, floating in their own hopes and the beliefs they'd been manifesting since they'd sat themself beside their injured partner all those restless hours ago.
Without thinking, Sole threw their outstretched arms around their companion’s shoulders, and with the gentlest touch they could manage in their desperation, they pulled him into a tight embrace. 
“Ah, okay, yeah…” He cleared his throat and Sole could feel the way his ravaged body tensed at the new contact. But they couldn't bring themself to pull away. Not with the fresh tears springing from their eyes, not with the way their lip trembled and their hands shook.
“That’s… okay." He chuckled, still sounding strained. "Yep, just get it all out."
A deep breath rattled Sole's chest, and to their surprise, Deacon’s hands slowly returned their gesture; and furthering their wonder, he didn’t say another word to attenuate their shared contact. 
“I’m sorry.” Sole whispered to him after a long moment. “I’m sorry about everything, about you, about not being here, I’m sorry about... G-Glory and the church, about the Brotherhood. Just… I should have been with you, and I know that, and I'm just--.” 
“What, so you can have one of these cots too?" They felt him gesture down to the bed with one hand, and finally, managed to pull themself back.
"They’re really not that comfortable," he continued with that smirk that made their heart soar. "I’m tellin’ ya. You didn’t miss out on much.” 
Despite themself, despite the tears they could still feel sliding down their cheeks, Sole felt a laugh force itself from their chest. 
“That’s good to hear.” They said back, as relief continued to cloud their voice. “But still, I can’t help but feel guilty, Deacon… All that you’ve suffered, all that the Railroad has gone through, and here I am–” 
“Yeah, here you are.” He managed through the pain in his battered chest, even injecting hints of humor into the words. As he always did best. “Never having suffered a day in your life. Where were you, anyways? The bahamas? Des was right about you. A freeloader through and through.” 
Despite the dripping sarcasm, Sole couldn’t help but close their eyes to the words. 
I may as well have been, for all the use I was to the people who needed me. 
They’d been out on a mission, sure, but did that matter now? Now that the Brotherhood had already gone through with the very plan they’d been out investigating. 
They hadn't been quick enough, thorough enough, they’d failed. And now… Well, Glory’s death was as much on them as it was on those steel-coated bastards, wasn’t it?
“Hey.” Their partner’s voice was softer now, less ‘humorous sting’ than they’d come to expect, more serious than they'd --maybe ever-- heard him. “It’s not your fault, Sole. You’re not psychic, you couldn’t have predicted this as much as anyone else. We all messed up, somehow, but… We’re gonna pay them back.” 
His eyes closed, maybe from the effort of speaking, of the actions that he had promised. Yet still, even said through gritted teeth, even said in exhaustion and filled to the brim with malice, Sole felt his words instill a hope in their own mind, their own heart. 
“We are.” They promised, and moved their hand to grasp firmly with his again. “And this time, I’m gonna be there for it. No matter what.” 
"Hmm." They heard him hum, as Deacon settled back against the too-flat pillow on his cot. "Me too." He finished, and Sole could only smile, return their fingers to the pulse point on his wrist, and hope that both of them were telling the truth.
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