#captain kouri days gone
arthrmorgann · 5 years
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Her name was Karie. We were married twelve years when - anyway. It was a long time ago.
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maxtheheater · 5 years
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I just completed the story for Days Gone... This was such a wild ride, I definitely won't be forgetting about this for a long time. I'd like to thank Sony Bend Studios for all the time, effort and love that they clearly put into the game. Even with the few glitches I experienced it was a great game. This definitely deserved better reviews and I can't believe how so many slept on this game, they are really missing out. Days Gone has become my second favorite game (behind the Last Of Us) and I loved all the characters so much from Deacon to Weaver they were all so fleshed out and it felt like I'd known them forever(okay, I did hate a few of them no naming names *cough* skizzo *cough*... But in a good way). So far this is my game of the year for 2019, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Sony Bend, I'm so glad you gave me a happy ending. Honestly I don't know if I would have survived anything else.
See you on the broken roads! And thanks for the incredible experiences.
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boozergray · 5 years
Okay so I’ve basically spent the last day just playing Days Gone and doing nothing else and it’s honestly been such a blast plus I’ve made a shit ton of progress with the main storyline and I have lots of feels.
The whole storyline with Carlos/Jessie and the reason why the Rippers were targeting Deacon and Boozer specifically was something I really enjoyed, like the idea of something from their past coming back to haunt them after the end of the world. And then Lisa returning in that arc was just a stab in the feels and I really hope that when all is said and done she winds up somewhere safe and sound and can find a way to live her life.
When Deacon and Boozer go to blow up the dam, I struggled so much. Like I’m not the best shot to begin with and then you add in small targets at a distance twitching like crazy and I just struggle. Big time.
Skizzo’s betrayal wasn’t shocking by any stretch of the imagination. He was always going to be a scum bag causing problems. And I’m looking forward to him and Deek crossing paths again and just getting to kick his ass.
Having to say goodbye to Boozer was one of the most heart wrenching moments in the game for me. And I think the fact that once you go over the mountain pass you’re locked out of the rest of the map kind of helps with a feeling of isolation for Deacon.
I like Captain Kouri, he seems like an okay guy but I’m definitely not cool with him having the Mongrels ring.
THE REUNION WITH SARAH OMFG MY FEELS like okay Sarah being alive was no shock for me but it was still such an emotional scene and then just how the two of them don’t really seem to know how to be around each other after all this time it’s so raw and I love it
Everyone referring to Sarah as the Wizard Island Witch and Deacon just like clenching his jaw ready to start a fight like you know he just wants to around shouting John Mulaney style “THATS MY WIFE”
Going on the run with Sarah to the college in Chemult and them having a chance to kind of talk away from all the others and see each other in action was really great and then the scene where she goes in and gets cornered and Deacon finds her surrounded by dead freakers and she just keeps pulling the trigger even though she’s out of bullets was such a powerful raw gut wrenching moment and it honestly kind of reminded me in The Last of Us when Joel finds Ellie just stabbing the shit out of David even after he’s clearly dead like I know it’s not exactly the same but idk it had a similar vibe to me also just you can see how much Deacon wants to comfort her
The whole bit with Sarah at Cloverdale and finally having confirmation that her research was a part of what started everything and how she never wanted her research to be used for anything dangerous or harmful and the guilt she feels about the part she played is heartbreaking.
But getting to radio Boozer from Cloverdale made me so freaking happy omg I miss him so much. I just want to go back to Lost Lake and give Jack the toy I found and hang out with Boozeman and have a happy life.
I really hate that Doctor Jimenez was killed so soon after being introduced, he seemed like just a genuinely good guy left in all this and I wish he would’ve been around for more. Also when he wanted to go out on a run with Deacon he looked so eager to get out and get his hands dirty.
And then there’s Wade who I also really liked, like despite being a twitchy spaz who probably shouldn’t have lasted as long in this as he did in this shit. And then for him to be the one responsible Jimenez’s death and then Deacon giving him the overdose so he wouldn’t have to hang in front of everyone was just heartbreaking.
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mt-gamers · 5 years
DAYS GONE Walkthrough Gameplay Part 42 - CAPTAIN KOURI (PS4)
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