#decided to make a seperate post for this cause i wanted to update some points after seeing other discourse
schwulkid · 4 years
Since Ao3 just had/is having a donation drive the same stuff as every year has come up, now with a pandemic guilt twist, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on the topic.
1. Censorship issue (anti-Ao3 users main talking point): Censorship is a tricky topic. Ao3 hosts TONS of works and unfortunately has to walk a fine line with it. Because, while the subject matter of many fictions are undeniably vile, they are also topics that may be incorporated into stories for plot purposes (as mainstream media does ALL the time). Example being: say a character in a fanfic was sexually abused and the writer writes a flashback scene to it for their backstory. Technically, if Ao3 was to censor ‘rape’ this would fall under that and be banned content. Unfortunately, it’s /impossible/(as there are 5 million+ works and a small volunteer staff with other jobs) to go through all the works on the site on a case by case basis to then filter works (plus it would then be up to an individual to judge what they deem appropriate or inappropriate which I would say is a fine line too). So for Ao3’s part, I think they decided blanket censorship was an infringement on creative liberty and would be way to complex to implement (I mean we saw how badly tumblrs bot worked, Ao3 would have to implement something like that and I doubt it would go much better). Whether you agree or disagree with that is your own prerogative but I think this issue is more complex than people acknowledge. (Censorship is a hard topic and can easily go sideways. Example being China banning Ao3 for explicit content /and/ LGBT content. idk it’s a hard thing tbh)
2. Ao3 is a non profit website. They run /completely/ on volunteers (web developers, a huge number of which are women), contractors (lawyers, accountants, marketing), and donations. They do their fundraising to keep the website running. Because servers (and Ao3 needs a lot of them with how much content and how many users they have and how much traffic they get) cost a lot of money and so does licensing and website domains. They also have to pay things like lawyers. Now, their lawyers protect the website and content creators from being sued by big media companies like Disney or Netflix and other franchises. It also keeps them from having to run commercial ads/selling information to 3rd parties to tailor those ads to users, or having to be beholden to a conglomerate who takes over the content (I.e. Yahoo with Tumblr). You can literally look up the budget plans for the archive on their website and it lays out /every/ cost and expense. They are also allowing budgeting questions to their financial team on April 25th. That’s some pretty serious transparency for a website. (As a nonprofit they also can’t pocket any money cause that’s illegal so nobody is being the evil monopoly man here!) And whether or not you donate makes no difference to your user experience, no tiers nothing, they are simply doing their regularly scheduled fundraiser (they only do 2 a year) and seeing if people donate.
This leads into point number 3
3. If we had to pay to use it, like Spotify or Netflix, would that be an okay expense? I mean my Spotify is 10 dollars a month and I could give that money to someone in need, so should I feel bad about using Spotify? I think we need to stop policing others on how to be a “good person”. There’s a lot of black and white thinking going on here and it’s frankly something a therapist would have a field day with (trust me, mine always tells me how bad black and white thinking is for you. It’s a cognitive distortion). People aren’t made to feel bad about giving money to entertainment services they have to pay to use, so I don’t see why this is much different. I mean I don’t have to have a Netflix account but I do, I spend money on it and so do most people. Ao3 is a platform that, like Netflix, is helping entertain people during the pandemic so they (like paying for Netflix) may donate money to help see it thrive. No, they don’t have to spend money since Ao3 is free to use, but you also don’t /have/ to have Netflix. YouTube is free. This also leaves out the fact that I’m sure many people donated money to Ao3 AND people in need. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. There are 2 million registered users on Ao3 and you don’t have to be registered to donate which means it’s a bunch of people giving them like a few dollars. I mean basically, unless you’re only spending money on the absolute bare minimum, with no non essentials, and donating the rest of COVID relief then I don’t see how anyone is in a place to judge. I’ve seen people say how they’ve bought new note books or new makeup to make them happy and give them a little reprieve from the anxiety of this situation, but I don’t see anyone calling them out. Ao3 is something that makes a lot of people happy and I’m not sure they should feel guilty for basically spending money, just like a lot of people are doing, on something that makes them happy.
@thomasmarvoloriddle put it perfectly in their own post about the subject:
“Because asking middle and working class people to be held responsible for the suffering of other middle and working class people is ridiculous.”
“I’m not saying we shouldn’t help people, but we shouldn’t hold non rich people accountable for solving problems the rich are creating. People trying to enjoy their lives and spend money on things that make them happy is not causing others to suffer. It is intrinsiqually  and completly the fault of the government put in place to disenfranchise the lower classes.”
People seem to be casting those who’ve donated to Ao3 as heartless villains and it just feels like that should be directed at the government and the rich elite who’ve caused suffering for people in the first place, not fellow middle and working class people. Not to mention this stuff /always/ comes up every time Ao3 has a drive and it’s just getting tiring to see people ,who clearly don’t understand how censorship, websites, or businesses/nonprofits are run, trying to slander them.
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tracle0 · 4 years
I’ve had a lot of thoughts recently and haven’t really put them anywhere so I’m gonna just. Dump them all here and hope you enjoy the ride if you chose to come on it. 
I will put it below a cut so if you decide to skip this trip, then you won’t have to scroll.
So first of all, it’s Inktober, which is cool and will keep me occupied until the end of the month. I have been posting the drawings on here, they will be posted in reblogs by week, should you be interested in That. 
After Inktober is obviously NaNo, which has me more hyped than I can say. I get to!!!!!! finally write!!!!! wip4!!!!!!!! 
Which is terrifying!!!!!!!!!!!
I know like. The vague shape of it, yknow? I know most of the stuff that happens in it, but like. How does it start? I think it starts with Mika being pick-pocketed at a train station but I ain’t sure. So that’ll be fun to figure out. 
2019 NaNo - which was DIAS’s year - was very assisted by having a plan written out before everything started. It was basically a chapter summary for every chapter, basically saying what I wanted to write in that chapter. It was handy cause I figured out how to structure (Ant+Leon alternate chapters, Simon gets every 5th chapter) as well as what was roughly gonna happen. At some points I deviated. That is legal. 
That’s a very long way of saying I need to do that again for wip4
Character wise wip4 wise.... mm yeah lotsa thoughts. Lots of little ‘oh start a chapter like this’ thoughts that I need to remember for now. Very fond of thinking about Percival and Abby. They’re gonna be fun. Abby’s gonna be a lot of fun. Percival’s mostly gonna be blankly going along with stuff, until he doesn’t, and then he gets fun.
I think I’ll be good. I’m excited.
I’m double terrified cause I thrive on like... minimal time slots to write in? Like ‘oh five minutes spare during lunch, scribble down some words, then edit as you type them up in the evening’ time slots. It made the NaNotebook something I look back on fondly, as well as keeping me thinking through the day. I don’t do good by having endless time to write, which I’m worried is what’s gonna happen this year. 
Saying that, I’ve been speaking to job people about getting a job, might be able to get one in November, fingers crossed. 
Other news other news - hey do people remember Sonder??? Sonder is a thing, that existed once. I mean, it still does, but I’m not writing it as it is anymore. 
‘Oh that’s very specific phrasing Trade why so specific’ you can blame @joyful-soul-collector for everything I’m about to say. 
So what if Sonder but like... fantasy AU. We take the towns of Sonder and Glalis and make them kingdoms, take the characters and twist them just a bit, take a conflic and see what happens then. 
This would improve. A lot of issues I have with Sonder. First of all, I’m bored of its current plot, so entirely new setting and conflict would be fun. Secondly, it’d fix the POV issue - I had to use Sam as a POV character because she was not infected with The Weird, whereas everyone else was. If the whole thing is fantasy, then The Weird is just life, any POV character would do as long as things are explained. 
This does not mean Sam is being scrapped, it just means she won’t be a POV character. I could use someone else. Say, oh, I don’t know, Andy???? Who, side note, would be a prince. 
Don’t worry it makes me feel as sick as you I’m sure c;
Anyway the main issue with fantasy AU Sonder is I don’t want to write it. I keep coming up with plot to do with it - Atlas being a bastard wizard who thrives on tormenting Andy, they have to go on a quest together to find a cure to a disease that’s struck the lands, oh say that disease comes from the mushrooms in Glalis - but I don’t. Want to write it. 
Yknow what I can do though. Yknow what I’m not too bad at. 
Guys, gals and non-binary pals, I might just make a comic out of this Sonder AU. 
This is very dependent on my interest post-NaNo - so we’ve got like, two months of me stewing on this idea before any canon content will be made. However, I’ve also been stewing on this whole idea for a hecking long time. Thanks, Marko. 
I’ll also make a post about it by itself, and maybe a seperate blog for it, should I decide to pursue this, so if you’re interested... keep your eyes peeled for a taglist or announcement about it.
Beyond that, updates are just about beating myself into doing Stuff again, which I’m glad to report I did, and personal shit, which I don’t share here.
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alchemyready · 4 years
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//Hello hello! I’m here with a few updates on myself and the blog! Nothing terrible, I swear! I’m not leaving the blog or anything like that, it’s basically just talking about why I’ve been so slow and what my game plan is blog update wise.
Under the cut because it’s long, and it involves discussion of current irl events.
First thing’s first: Me.
SO, as you all know- COVID-19 is a thing. Right now, it’s not affecting me directly very much. I’m homeschooled anyway (that’s why I’m online more than most!) and don’t have to leave the house.
Thaaaat being said, it’s still causing me some stress ‘cause my mom is freaking out a bit about it, and my dad still has to go to work. [ He probably shouldn’t be at this point, but his company hasn’t let him off yet. What he does is NOT essential either. ]
That, and some other stuff that’s happened unrelated to that, has been kind of stressing me out as well. I think that’s the reason I’ve been hit with so much writer’s block all of a sudden.
At the moment, I’ve been focusing on other things outside of this blog-  I’ve been talking to and hanging around my parents more, playing Roblox more again, and hosting a group RP with some friends on Discord (currently the only RP I’m actively being able to keep up.)
I currently have fourteen drafts, and I have been trying to work on them, but nine times out of ten I just can’t think of a response. It isn’t really because of the threads themselves, because a lot of them I’m actually really into and want to reply to, but my muse in general is just really low right now.
HOWEVER, there are other things I want to actually start doing on this blog.
And that brings us to, blog updates!
[ I will be making a seperate post about these things at some point, most likely after I do them, to make sure everyone knows! But right now I’m tacking it onto this post. ]
I have a plan for this now!! Sort of. 
I’m going to be working on icons first, which I have already been doing.
This will take awhile, but right now it’s the easiest thing for me to work on. I plan to make my Varian icons match with my Rapunzel icons. They’re very basic icons, but they work and honestly look better to me than the ones with the orange overlay over them.
Once I feel like I’m ready to start doing more major changes, I will be working on updating my pages. I have decided to change my default timeframe for things such as ask responses to post-finale, after Varian is the royal engineer.
This will probably be set a few months to a year after the finale. This will also be changing his default age from 16 to 17, possibly going on 18. [ How do I manage to keep aligning his age with mine completely by accident- ]
Note that this change will not affect threads! Only things such as ask responses and dash commentary, unless a different timeframe is specified. I still will want to do a lot of stuff within the timeframe of the series.
Once this happens, all of my pages will be receiving updates- I’ll be trying to do this all at once. Some updates will be more major than others.
- - -
As an ending note, I want to thank you all for following me and supporting me on this blog! This has been my most popular and active RP blog, and I can’t be more happy about that. You guys have been so great, and I hope to continue roleplaying with you for a long time.
Please, please keep yourself safe. Remember the tips the CDC and everyone else is giving you- social distance, wash hands, etc etc etc. And be kind to yourself, watch for signs of deteriorating mental health and nip it in the bud quickly.
Hopefully this whole mess will be over soon, and we can all go back to normal!<3
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fancycakedragon · 5 years
The Move
Gavin Leatherwood x Youtuber!Reader
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[Not my gif.]
Source: @limeland
Warning(s): none
A/N: This is for a request that was made.
Dating Gavin had been the highlight of your almost two years, right after getting to do fun videos on youtube. In his core he was caring, he was also funny, understanding, and so many more things you'd never have time to finish listing. He really did fill in the gaps you had, and vice versa. The two of you wouldn't consider yourselves a match made in heaven, yet you somehow molded with eachother in a way that fit perfectly. 
Your youtube followers loved your dynamic as well. They enjoyed watching videos that featured Gavin were supportive of your relationship. After months of visiting eachother and staying at the other's places you decided it was just best to move in together. Gavin gave you the idea of making a house tour video and it sounded fun letting the viewers be a part of this change in your life. After months if looking for the right place you finally moved. You and Gavin took your things and his from both apartments into the new condo. With the boxes in their perspective rooms and some things unpacked you decided to film your video. 
"Hey guys, so you have been asking when I'll post my next video and I wanna let you know it'll be real soon. I've been pretty busy lately. Gavin and I moved in together and I am about to take you on a tour."
You turned the camera and started at the entrance. 
"So this is where we start. Got a lil' coat closet of to the right here. And then we walk into the living room." You pointed your camera towards the said area and found Gavin by the window. 
"As you know this is baby, my Gavin. He wants to look cool for you guys."
Gavin chuckled and waved, "What's up guys, it's baby, (Y/N)'s Gavin." 
"Look at you trying to be a pretty boy."
"Am I the prettiest boy?" Gavin asked cocking his head to the side.
You shook your head smiling, "No, but keep on dreaming." 
"That's it," Gavin took your camera from you, "I'm the captain now." He walked around the living room. "This is where I'm gonna beat Ross at monopoly on game night."
"Oh my god Gavin get over it," you said laughing. It wasn't a secret that Gavin could get competitive but there were times he wouldn't let go of a loss. You turned the camera in his hands to the direction of the kitchen. 
"This is our kitchen, where Gavin and I will cook and be all domestic." 
"Excuse you, what do you mean we?" Gavin asked annoyance lacing his voice.
You rolled your eyes, "This is the kitchen where Gavin will do all the cooking."
"That's right no misinformation in this video!" 
You shook your head and grabbed Gavin's hand going around the condo.
"We actually have the necesseties already unpacked and set up," Gavin said as he pointed the camera around. 
You nodded in agreement, "We got the bedroom, kitchen, and bathrooms set up. Speaking of necesseties." You danced in excitment before opening a door in the hall. "Check out my office slash studio I guess!" 
You ran in with Gavin following. He sat down on the swivel chair and spun in it showing the entire room, "Gonna be honest we set this room up first."
You beamed at the camera, "And I love it. In my old apartment I didn't have an extra room so all of this was off in the side of the living room." 
"Now I have to go into a seperate room to pull (Y/N) away from her computer,"  Gavin jested.
You playfully glared at him, "Let's keep going." You took the camera from Gavin and trailed after him.  
He chatted pointing out random features of the interior he liked. The two of you kept going until you reached the bedroom. "And this is where all that good good sleeping happens." 
"Some marathoning can also be done here. So there will be days where we don't sleep much," you said turning the camera towards your TV. Your voice lowered a bit as you continued speaking, "Which is good cause, Gavin has a big hairy-" 
"(Y/N)!" Gavin called his voice rising an octave from panic.
"Big Harry Potter collection, that's what I was gonna say," you exclaimed trying to explain yourself.
Gavin dramatically fell onto your bed trying to hide his smile in the thick comforter, "Watch it."
You held in your laugh while walking into the master bathroom, "Honestly, this bathroom is why I wanted the place, check this out." You sat in the bathtub and leaned back comfortably. "It's big enough that my chest and knees would both be under the water. I'm not one for baths but," you moved your face in closer to the camera beofre whispering, "Gavin has some really good face masks and scrubs I might have to try some."
"You don't have to whisper that, (Y/N), I already knew," Gavin said coming into the bathroom. You made room for him in the tub as he climbed in behind you. Once you leaned back against his chest the two of you talked about ideas on decorating. Soon the spacious tub was beginning to feel a bit tight. Gavin looked out the small bathroom window before speaking, "Why don't we show the viewrs why we really got this place."
You gave knowing smile, "Of course."
You and Gavin made your way out of the en suite and back into the bedroom. You moved towards the balcony and zoomed the camera lense just right. 
From where you stood your overlooked the city and your veiw fell onto the horizon. The sun had begun setting and the colors being emitted were incredible. It was a blended mix of pink, peach, orange, purple, and that still blue sky. The scattered clouds reflected those same colors as well only adding to the exquisite color pallete painting the sky. 
Gavin sighed wrapping his arms around you. Your head dropped against his shoulder turning to give his jaw a soft peck. Moments like these were worth all the odd hours trying to see eachother online. Especially when he was on his promotional tours. Now you would be together under the same roof, fully able to love and annoy the shit out of eachother. 
You finally went back inside turning the camera to face you one last time.
"Ok, I hope you liked the tour of the new place. I'll totally post updates on instagram so look out for those! Don't forget to- ach!" you were suddenly cut off when you were hit by a pillow. You looked over at Gavin who was snickering off camera. 
"Shit, babe I didn't think I that was gonna hit you so hard."
You turned back to your camera, "Gonna cut this short. Love you guys!" You quickly turned off the camera and went to deal with Gavin. 
Requests are open!
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major fanfic progress update! please check here for updates on ALL wips!
hey everyone! this may be a bit of a long one, so i’ll post the tl;dr here and then continue on under the cut! these are all as of the 28th of May 2020!
posted: it's nothing: currently completed. if there's more carmen/gray content in the next season you betcha I'm gonna update it though! hash for updates: its nothing
here is something to believe in: on temporary hiatus while I work out where I want the direction of the plot to go. i try to post progress with the hash: histbi
unposted: red threads, golden chains: Phoenix Wright! a wrightworth-centric eight-chapter analysis of the original game (with artistic liberty involved, of course!). hash: red threads golden chains
You can lead a horse to Water: Fire Emblem: Three houses! a half-finished claudeleth drabble focusing on Byleth's thoughts of Garreg Mach. not sure how far it'll extend yet; we'll see. hash on tumblr: horse to water
Jump into the Fog: Overwatch! a multichap Symmrat fanfic based around the overwatch recall (cause there isn't enough of those!). title is shamelessly stolen from The Wombats and the legendary vargrimar and nezkah. hash for this: jitf!
more information on all of these under the cut! 
Extended version!
it’s nothing: currently completed at about 8k words!  i originally intended to leave it open ended at chp 3 for next season (which is confirmed!! hooray!!) but I eventually succumbed to y'all asking for more haha. not sure the direction i would take other than that though, and i feel like the ending suits the rush of it!
here is something to believe in: on temporary hiatus at around 30k words! i know this is disappointing to a lot of you but i honestly wrote most of those words in a spur of inspiration without any thought as to how it would work lmao. i need some time to work out what the plot will be so that my writing has direction and you guys aren’t left disappointed. the other thing is that chapters are currently spanning a half day at a time and i cannot continue that considering the game spans several years! so i need to plan that out too. would appreciate any advice/assistance! i’m also still looking for anyone interested in betaing it! please pm me if you are :D
red threads, golden chains: currently sitting in my doc at about 20k words. i started this fic almost a year ago as a guilty pleasure during my last year at school (which is mostly why it didn’t get finished) but it is almost completed! i think only another 5k words max before it’s edited and posted which is super exciting! it’s likely going to be about eight chapters, posted weekly. keep an eye on the hash for updates! here is a taster (i haven’t written the description yet lmao): 
“Edgeworth glares at him again and Phoenix remembers when they were on the same side. He supposes that it had never been intentional to chase Edgeworth, but that was just how things ended up: he doesn’t think he’s thankful for Dahlia, exactly, but almost certainly without her he never would’ve met Mia the way he did.
The more he thinks about it, the more he thanks his lucky stars that he fell into her lap and reconsidered that day - the day Miles defended him in class and seared himself into Phoenix’s memory. From that day, Miles showed him he wasn’t and never would be alone.
Until the incident, of course.
He left, and never explained why. He left Phoenix behind, and though that view is childish and he knows it, he can’t help but feel the cold space he left behind, tugging at his very being for years and years.”
look forward to it!
You can lead a horse to Water: it’s a oneshot; currently about a quarter done at around 1.5k. Claudeleth/Bylaude is probably in my top fire emblem ships so i just HAD to write something for it after the feels of this fic and ESPECIALLY this fic! the stunning poetry inspired me so much; just read these lines: ‘He wonders in-between breaths “If she could see me now, would she hate me?”.
Yet what he says is “If I need to shut up, then make me.”
And what he thinks is “If this is a nightmare, then wake me.”’ SPECTACULAR! unfortunately the fic is orphaned, but still, please go read it!
songs such as Charlie by Mallrat and Apricot Princess by Rex Orange County also inspired this! no clue when it’ll be up, but i’m not letting go of it. here’s a taste:
“The first time Byleth saw Claude, it was like something clicked.
Not visibly and hardly mentally, of course - but in her heart, despite its determination not to beat, something almost shifted, like it realised its perpetual emotionless state was unsustainable and impossible against his charming smiles.
Except, his smiles weren’t charming; they were razor-sharp, pointy and pointed, and it would take a long time before that changed, unfortunately.”
watch this space for more updates!
Jump into the Fog: the plans are currently at about 6k lmao! i am very excited for this fic cause it’ll be my first fully planned one! i have the overarching plot and all the characters planned out (everyone will be there, even Echo!) and am just writing the seperate character arc plots and finishing up the ideas for individual missions and such! here is the summary:
“Through no fault of her own, Symmetra finds out of Vishkar’s wrongdoing. Not knowing who to trust and having nowhere to go, she follows the last person on Earth she wanted to see to somewhere that can help her; Overwatch.
His health quickly deteriorating, Junkrat resigns himself to his shortened lifespan and decides to go out with a bang. Recalling a doctor who saved countless lives from his youth, Roadhog doesn’t take that lying down, and the ensuing hunt places them at Overwatch’s door.”
timeline placement: takes past after two weeks after the Paris mission shown in the Overwatch two release video. easy to assume after the events of the Christmas of year one of the recall. Baptiste’s betrayal of Talon brought a year earlier. Junkrat and Roadhog in Australia for Christmas, Lucio’s record released after Vishkar left Rio in November of that year. hence, this takes place in early Jan.
at the moment the planned ships are 100% symmrat, gency and bunnyribbit, and am considering the rest of the characters’ ships. i am also trying to make it as scientifically viable as possible! no cheesing here, i did my research into radiation poisioning lmao. Satya actually gets her friend *cough* Baptiste *cough* to disconnect her arm as she flees from Vishkar! the people present at the Overwatch base when they arrive (a week between them) are the people shown in Zero Hour, minus Genji (which will be explained!)
I’m SO excited for this fic, but I have no idea when it will be ready to post lol. I will likely try to finish other things before starting writing it (namely horse to water and red threads, golden chains and maybe even histbi), so the plans may sit dormant for some time. will be putting out a call for betas when i start writing!
thank you for reading, everyone! stay safe out there!
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch Puni Puni Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This might be considered spoilers if you don’t want to know about events in the Japanese version of Wibble Wobble, but note that since Wibble Wobble won’t be getting any more updates, so this will never be available in English.
With that being said, this will be a translation of information regarding Goku Namahage, as well as the second Kuroi Yokai Watch event.
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As of the writing of this post, there is another Goku Yokai even going on in Puni Puni, this one centered around Goku Namahage.
This one is interesting, as it also serves as a continuation of the Kuroi Yokai Watch event from around a year ago. You also do not fight Goku Namahage, and instead he can be obtained from the Gasha, and in the context of the event’s story, you’re fighting the Filth Yokai together with him.
Like with the others I will translate text and scenes related to him.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Event Intro:
Kuroi Yokai Watch: オラオラオラァー!!! Hey, hey heeey!!!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: オレのことを1年以上も 無視しゃがって! You've been ignoring me for a year!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: もうガマンできねぇ! I've had enough!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: 片っ端からクズ妖怪をつくって あばれてやる!! I'll make Filth Yokai left and right, and run wild!! (1)
Goku Namahage: 輪廻様。 どうやらこの妖怪のようです…。 Master Rinne. This appears to be the yokai...
Rinne: あなたですね…。 危険な妖怪というのは…。 So it's you... They say you are a dangerous yokai...
Kuroi Yokai Watch: なんだぁ テメェーら! クズ妖怪に されてぇーのか!? Who the heck are you?! You wanna be turned into Filth Yokai!?
Rinne: フフッ… とんでもない。 Hehe... Perish the thought.
Rinne: 私たちは あなたを 倒しに来たのです。 We've come here to defeat you.
Rinne: 黒い妖怪ウォッチ… その力 いずれ脅威となる...。 The black Yokai Watch... (2) It's power could pose a threat...
Goku Namahage: 輪廻様のお手を わずらわせるまでもない。 There is no need for you to bother with this one, Master Rinne.
Goku Namahage: 私がお前を倒し 存在ごと消えし去ってくれるわ! I will knock you down, erase all traces of you, and drive you out!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: やれるもんならやってみろォー! I'd like to see you try!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: こっちは守るものなんか なーんもねぇからな! 'Cause I got no defenses or anything like that! (3)
Rinne: たしかに厄介な相手ですね…。 ならば 仕方ありません。 He certainly is a formidable foe... It seems we have no choice.
Rinne: そこに人間! You human over there!
Rinne: 今回 そちらと我々… お互いの目的は同じ様子… This time, you and us... We both have the same goal...
Rinne: ならば 一目的に手を組む …とういのは いかがでしょう? Therefore, how about we... join forces for this one purpose?
Rinne: 極なまはげ… あなたは どうです? Goku Namahage... what do you say?
Goku Namahage: 輪廻様のお考えであれば やりとげましょう…! If this is what you believe, I shall do it, Master Rinne...!
Rinne: フフッ では決まりですね。 Hehe, so it is decided.
Rinne: 人間よ… 無理に協力しろとは 言いません。 Human... I am not saying that we will force you to cooperate.
Rinne: あなたと我々 双方から 追い詰めれば よいです。 If you and us chase him from both sides, that should be enough.
Kuroi Yokai Watch: くぅ〜! チクショウ! ここは いったん逃げるか…! Tch! Damn it! Guess I gotta get outta here...!
Rinne: さぁ いきましょう! 黒い妖怪ウォッチを追うのです! Now, let us depart! Follow the black Yokai Watch!
What I translated as Filth Yokai is クズ妖怪/Kuzu Yōkai in Japanese, with クズ/kuzu meaning something like filth, garbage, trash, scum, in the sense of both literal filth and people of questionable with questionable characters. All yokai related to the Kuroi Yokai Watch are called “Filth Yokai”, and in fact, the human characters also get it added to their names like “Kēta (Filth)” and the like. Basically this entire world is filth-themed.
Kuroi Yokai Watch literally translates to “Black Yokai Watch”, and here I decided to translate it literally because it sounded more natural in conversation like that.
This is probably meant to be sarcastic, since he does have defenses.
Goku Namahage Introduction Movie:
さまよう魂 Wandering Souls
極なまはげ Goku Namahage
慈悲なき悪鬼の面 The Merciless Devil Mask (1)
What I translated as Devil here is 悪鬼/Akki which literally translates to evil oni. As the name implies, it basically refers to evil oni, but note that “oni” and it’s variations can also be used more generally for anything that would be called demonic or monstrous in English.
First Boss: Kuroi Jibanyan
Kuroi Jibanyan: なんだ もう来ちまったのか? もっと妖汁のませろよな〜! What, you're already here? I wanted to drink some more Yōjiru! (1)
Kuroi Jibanyan: まあいい! めんどくせぇから さっさとバトルしようぜ! Whatever! It's a pain in the butt, so let's get this battle over with already!
Goku Namahage: いいか 人間… 私はお前を助けるつもりはない。 Listen, human... I have no intention of helping you.
Goku Namahage: 私は お前たち… 人間を信じてはない。 I don't trust you people... I don't trust humans.
Goku Namahage: ただ 輪廻様のご命令ゆえ お前には攻撃しないだけだ。 The only reason I am not attacking you is because of Master Rinne's orders.
妖汁/Yōjiru could be literally translates as “Yō-juice” (so like “Yōkai Juice”), and it’s a weird, bad-smelling beverage that Kuroi Jibanyan loves.
Second Boss: Kuroi Komasan
Kuroi Komasan: ひさびさの出番かと思ったら いいクズが来たな〜 …ずらずら。 Looks like some nice filth showed up, just as I was wondering when it'd be my turn already~ ...zurazura. (1)
Kuroi Komasan: だが ここでツブれてもらうぜ? …ずらずら。 But, you're gonna get smashed now. ...zurazura.
Goku Namahage: フン。 ここまで来るとはな… 人間。 Hm. So you made it this far... human.
Goku Namahage: しかし 輪廻様には 遠く およばない。 However, you pale in comparison to Master Rinne.
Goku Namahage: 輪廻様は 牢獄にとらわれし 我らを解放してくださった。 Master Rinne has freed us who had been imprisoned.
Goku Namahage: 我ら極妖怪は その時から輪廻様と ひとつ…! Ever since then, us Goku Yokai act as one with Master Rinne...! (2)
Goku Namahage: この腕の「枷(かせ)」は その証なのだ。 This "shackle" on my arm is a symbol of that.
Normally I don’t leave in Komasan’s “-zura”, as it is taken from real Japanese dialects, but in this case it’s used in a way where I decided to just leave it.
I’m really unsure if I got this line right. It feels kind of cut-off, so I’m not too sure what the full meaning is supposed to be, so I had to guess from the context.
Third Boss: Kuroi Yokai Watch
Kuroi Yokai Watch: ん〜 お前からウマそうな クズのニオイがするぜ〜! Mmm~ You guys smell like delicious filth!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: 丸のみにしてやるから かかって来いやぁ〜! I'm gonna swallow you, so come at me!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: いただきまぁぁああ〜すっ! Time to eat!
Goku Namahage: ん…? なぜ我らがヤツと戦うだと? Hm...? You want to know why we're fighting him?
Goku Namahage: お前には わからぬだろう… 輪廻様のお考えが…。 You don't understand... It's what Master Rinne believes...
Goku Namahage: 妖魔界を我が物にしよう… 人間界に攻め込もうなど… Making the Yōmakai our own... Or going as far as to attack the Human World...
Goku Namahage: そんな単純なものではない…。 It's not that simple...
Goku Namahage: 輪廻様はエンマ大王を 討たねばならないのだ…。 Master Rinne has to defeat the Great King Enma...
Fourth Boss: Kuroi Yokai Watch Rematch
Kuroi Yokai Watch: 人間でも 妖怪でも クズなヤツってイイよなぁ〜? Doesn't matter if it's humans or yokai, as long as they're filthy, yeah?
Kuroi Yokai Watch: マジメにとか 時間どおりとか ヤクソクとか セキニンとか… Being serious, being on time, promises, responsibilites, and all that junk...
Kuroi Yokai Watch: ウソザリするよなぁ? お前も そうだろう〜? I'm sick and tired of it. Aren't you, too?
Kuroi Yokai Watch: だから オレがクズのセカイを つくってやるからよぉぉ! That's why I'm gonna make a world of filth!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: お前のひっさつわざには 反撃をしてやる。 I'm gonna counterattack your Soultimates. (1)
Kuroi Yokai Watch: お前もオレに食われて 立派なクズになれよぉぉぉぉ! You'll get eaten by me and turn into wonderful filth, too!
Soultimates are called ひっさつわざ/hissatsuwaza in Japanese, which literally means “deathblow” but is general used to mean “special move” or “signature attack”.
Last Boss: Shikkoku Oni
Kuroi Yokai Watch: こうなったら…! とっておきの隠し玉だ!! At this point I'll just have to use this ace up my sleeve...!!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: 漆黒鬼!!! Shikkoku Oni!!! (1)
Shikkoku Oni: ん〜? なんじゃ? …バトルかぁ〜? Hmmm? What now? ...A battle?
Shikkoku Oni: どうでもいいわい。 何の意味があるんじゃ? Whatever. What's this about?
Shikkoku Oni: そんなことより おもしろい話があるんじゃが… More importantly, I got this funny story to tell...
Kuroi Yokai Watch: こいつはダラダラと 死ぬまで ムダ話を続ける クズの鬼だ! This guy's a filthy oni who keeps talking on and on about pointless stories until you die!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: だが そっちのひっさつわざには きっちり反撃するぞ! But, he's gonna send your Soultimates right back at you!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: しかも反撃と同時に わざゲージも吸収だぜ! Also, he'll drain your Soultimate Gage when he does it!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: さらに クズ妖怪じゃない妖怪の 攻撃は ほとんど歯が立たねぇ! And, most attacks from yokai that aren't Filth Yokai can't even put a scratch on him!
Kuroi Yokai Watch: まあ 特殊能力をもった妖怪なら 別だがな! Well, it's a different story when it's yokai with special abilities!
漆黒鬼/Shikkoku Oni literally translates to Jet-black Oni, and follows the typical naming patterns of these oni in the Japanese version.
Befriending Goku Namahage:
お前を放ってはおけぬ。 …ただ それだけのことだ。 I cannot leave you behind. ...That is all there is to it.
Goku Namahage Bio:
怨念を背負いながら 子どもたちを追い求める妖怪。 元々の面倒見の良さから 輪廻の腹心として 極妖怪たちを陰から支える。 A yokai who pursues children, while carrying grudges on his back. Because of his original caring nature, he supports the Goku Yokai from the shadows, as Rinne's confidant.
Like with the past Goku Yokai, there is a gallery of pictures describing details of Goku Namahage’s past that can be unlocked by befriending him and levelling him up.
So, in case you consider this too much of a spoiler, since it’s unlockable content, proceed with caution.
(You can see this in-game here.)
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怨舞 Onbu (1)
This is a pun, as it's written with the kanji for "grudge" and "dance", and thus can be translated as “Grudge Dance”, but it's pronounced "Onbu", which refers to carrying a baby or a young child on your back.
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もともとは 心優しい妖怪で Originally being a kind-hearted yokai,
行き場のない 子どもたちを世話していた he used to take care of children that had no place to go.
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人間たちは 妖怪に育てられた 子どもたちを恐れ Fearing the children that were raised by a yokai,
極なまはげと 子どもたちは幽閉され 離れ離れになった the humans imprisoned and seperated Goku Namahage and children.
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極なまはげは 子どもたちの無念を 背中に纏い Goku Namahage bears the children's regrets on his back,
戦い続ける and continues to fight.
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midz13 · 4 years
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Sorry for being abscent tumblr, I’ve been super busy with the work! I’ll make a mega update here to get us caught up, and ill upload more photos after.
Since unwrapping the environment I have taken it to substance, got all the maps generated, made some optimisations on render time (Still some noise but render time is at 18minutes at some points so wont push it any more - waiting to hear back from Sang on how good the render time is/optimised the scene is before i send render farm requests) and done my animating!! Phew!
The substance painter stuff was good fun - I learend some lessons with the character, and knew the best way to approach this was to put everything under one material that I wanted on one map. To that end I put the entire room (walls floor etc) as one material (due to its physical size and wanting to put text on the floor) and the objects within the room - computers, piping, platform etc - on another atlas. Both atlas’ were 4k, and the only exceptions to that was a few individual maps - one for the robotic arms holding her, as I made them seperate and couldnt/dont know how to combine maps, and one for the pistol (ill show in next post) as I did that after (I decided a couple days before starting animation to test myself to model, wrap and texture a pistol in one day - I did it!! :D
I messed around with colour palette a bit with the room. I wanted a dark ominous room, but felt that showing the room with grey or dark surfaces lost the clean room/labratory feel. I think its vitally important in a sci-fi environment to try to keep real world links as close as possibly as they act like markers for the viewer to follow. I.e. by maintaing an aesthetic in this room or a labratory or hospital with the clean shiney surfaces, and the screen terminals using words like testing etc, the viewer will hopefully understand that its a lab/test facility of some description for the robot - That’s the plan anyway. By making the room darker, it might all into question the use or purpose of building. For example. is she there to be interogated? Has she been captured? As opposed to thinking oh this is a new technology...
I’ve not done any animation before, so was both excited and concerned to start, although it was a nice change of pace and helped keep me interested with a change of the usual workflow.
Luckily, as my story focuses on her being restrained for a large majority of the film, I didn’t have any massively challenging animation to do. However this didn’t mean I would coast the work and get it done as soon as possible. I wanted to make sure her acting and performance read as clearly as possible, as I need her movements to be one of the key indicators of her “state” i.e. human, or robot. I also quickly created blendshapes for her - I planned on her being unable to emote, but I felt this was a bit of a cop out. I didn’t want her to open her mouth, sure, as I felt that was a one way trip to uncanny that I coulnd’t use within the story, and would make her impossible to empathise with (if I had time, sure it would be a fun experiment to see what worked better, but time isnt on my side). This did mean that her emotions were slightly limited , BUT, because i wanted her to see trapped in her own body, and like her faculties were limited (due to the fact her head has been removed and put on a robot!!) I think it worked well. I created blendshapes for fear, sadness, anger, a blink, and a frown (to augment the other emotions). I’m so glad I did these, as the became key in a few of the shots, and really make them pop, and make her “come to life”, so I’m pleased I took the time to do them.
The animation was fun, a few issues came up however, but for the most part it was pretty straight forward. I took some videos of myself doing some of the movements as reference for the animations. I tried to do it in a week or less, which I managed, to make sure that I stay on target time wise, and as I opted to use After Effects to show the screens, I wanted extra time to learn - I want the screens to flash and change, and thought it would also be a good oppotunity to learn how to use After Effects as I’ve not used it at all.
I’ve spent a bit of time too working on camera movement and set up. I’ve weant for a 25mm focal length for most shots to show as much of the set as possible, situating the camera more. I try to frame each shot as well as possible to make it look good, draw the viewers eye to key information, and on a few shots, frame screens so that they can get plot information as to what is going on. It’s been difficult to make sure the camera looks as natural as possible, and not like a maya camera, which is tough. Camera work itself is an entire artform in itself...
So, I want to discuss a few of the issues I’ve had and how I got around them or solved them.
So, as I mentioned I had some issues with the animatiom. These came from the rig, and the blendshape.
First of all the blendshapes for her face - as I think I mentioned before, I did blenshapes for her bicepts so that when she moves her arm, her biceps will tense and relax to show that movement. It’s very subtle and probably never be noticed, but it looks cool when you look for it, and it was a great learning experience. I had to move its order in the channel editor to make sure it moved at the right time within the rig, and it worked totally fine, and easier than I thought! I did the same with the shoulder muscles, but more as corrective blendshapes as the rig/deformations isnt perfect. However, the face blendshapes wouldn’t play ball... I tried adjusting their order, I tried every combination, I tried deleting their history and their transforms, nothing worked - everytime I applied them, her head would shoot off into the distance. I spoke with both Sang and Michael and Patrick Sloan, eventually the 2 Sloans worked out that by deleting the meshes post, and applying them all as one blendshape (originally I did them one by one) it worked. I tried doing them as one BS without deleting them and for some reason it didnt work. I took it as it was and even asked Sang if he knew why (he didnt). As long as it worked though, I didnt care...
The next issue with the rig was something that totally slipped by somehow; When I rotate her global control her chest and abdomen wouldnt deform right AT ALL. I had no idea how it happened and started freaking out. The 2 Sloans couldn’t work it out either. If I grabbed her chest and her global, she would rotate better, but her stomach would twist up strangely. Eventualy Sang diagnosed that the issue was the IK Spine not twisting right, and that I must have done something wrong during the rigging stage. This was super frustrating as I took my time with the rig and followed Sang’s video perfectly. It must have been one little step, a constrain or a parent, that i missed, omited, or applied incorrectly, and more than a month later, it came to the surface. I was especially confused/frustrated as I tested the rig post completion and binding to check, but obviously hadnt used the global control to twist her. Sang found a work around, but it did mean that one of her spine controls was lost. I then realised towards the end of the animating that a few of her poses caused strange deformations, like verts jutting our, or generally not following the rest of her body too well. I would go into weight paints and smooth out the issue as best I could even though I couldnt see anything glaringly obvious, like an arm joint effecting her lower stomach, but now that I’m processing this, I wonder if perhaps losing a handle reassigne weights and didnt do it right??
Another issue I had was her armor and torso/muscles being SUPER Shiny. I couldn’t work this out especially as she looked totally fine within substance. Initially I assumed it was an arnold render setting and that I hadn’t turned samples high enough, but after optimising the samples using Sang’s tutorla (which made the render time too high unfortunately) I realised the issue remained. One day I eventually decided it wasn’t right and that it wasn’t just me - it was too much. I worked my way through Arnold’s material settings, turning this up, down, off, every which way, to see if it effected the shine. I eventually found the culprit was Diffuse Roughness and nothing more, and that by simple adjusting the exposure/alpha in the settings, it reduced this shine completely. The way I set up my materials meant that it effected her whole texture (even though muscle/skin and armor are in different graphs) so I lost a tiny bit of shine to her skin, but I think it still looks fine - if anything before hand her lips looked too shiney, as if she had on lip gloss.
I also had some issues creating the cabling for her helmet. I needed the cabes to flex and bend with her as they moved. In my head the best way would be and IK set up. Initially I tried this, and I use a cube to measure the start and end points, and used an arc to create a perfect bend over the 90 degrees. This was a good idea, and the cable could go from a 90 degree bend to perfectly straight, but any additional bend didnt work and just turned the cable. I then started thinking about IK Splines, and watched a few tutorials online but couldnt get it to work. It made sense though, a spline would allow the perfect movement! Evnetually me and Sang spoke a few times and he was able to find a solution. An spline set up that didnt work like an IK and meant I had to do lots of manual adjustments, but for the most part it looks great. So for the small cables on the sides of her helmet, i kept the simple but effective “fire and forget” IK cables, and for the rear of her head I used the spline, as this area would move and twist much more. It took a while to create and solve, but meant that it looked good and only took a small amount of additional work to animate.
I will upload some more images, such as test shots, the pistol (which barely gets any screen time, but only took a day to work on so not a massive loss.
Only a few weeks to go! Waiting for Sang to get back to me on scene set up and optimisation, once that gets the green light I’ll start sending render farm requests!
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resbang-bookclub · 6 years
AMA Transcript: Bloom
Next up, @drywavelength stopped by to answer questions about their Resbang, Bloom! Here’s some of what went down:
Q: I'll start with the usual: what inspired you to write this story!
drywavelength: Ok, so I think the first thing that inspired me was a fanart that I saw?: http://bepsi-bb.tumblr.com/post/149943739503/pink-carnations-for-a-mothers-love. Also I love art where people have like... flowers growing out of them and stuff. They're just. Pretty. And hmm as far as the idea for the fear goes?? I think I might have seen something for a writing prompt somewhere that gave me the idea to apply something similar to this story but I can’t quite remember.
Q: Can you tell us more about the flowers that you picked for each character?
drywavelength: Crona was easy because of the thorns and roses in the manga, as well as Tsubaki obviously, but the others took more thought. Maka's I picked because of the "i'll be waiting for you" meaning, that took the longest for me to decide because there were so many other cool flowers that could be applied to her. Poppies were for Soul because of their connections to dreams and such. Black star was uhhh… I think it had something to do with playfulness? And also Hyacinth was like, Apollo's lover in Greek mythology who got hit by a Frisbee and died or something, so I made him get hit by a Frisbee in that one scene just cause?? Kid's flowers were cosmos because they represent balance. Patty had a sunflower just because she's like, a happy sunny person and I thought it would fit. And I think daisies also had something to do with motherhood similar to Medusas, but I thought it would be more in relation to her sister and how she wants to protect her.
Q: Did you have a favorite scene or part when you were writing?
drywavelength: OK this seems weird because I was trying to write Croma but all of my favorite scenes were of Soul, especially in his dreams. I think the first of Soul's dreams might be my favorite? For some reason? OH but also the scene where Crona kills Medusa. I just think that writing for Crona was a lot easier at the beginning of the fic, but got a lot harder as it went along, so there are some scenes with them that I’m not particularly fond of fnjdsafj.
Q: What about it got harder, to you? That is definitely one of the Resbang moods.
drywavelength: Well ummm at the beginning, they were pretty similar to how they acted in canon, I wanted them to be shy and scared but also passionate about what they wanted to protect, and I wanted them to gain confidence as they went along, but I didn't really know how to do that to make it true to their character and I think it lost a lot of elements of Crona's personality whoops. Especially when it involved romantic scenes, I really didn’t think those through well enough.
Q: What is your writing process like?
drywavelength: Ok so my writing process... because I've never written much before, I didn't have much of a plan, but I tried to plan out as much as I could before it got started. When I started writing it went smoothly for a bit, but I had a lot of fragments that I wanted to expand into longer scenes and when I eventually got to the scenes I just.... didn’t know what to do, so a lot of it was written last minute and it kind of shows. And lots of those smaller fragments of scenes were meant to be longer, but never really got to that point, but at least I was able to make it a complete story.
Q: What did you use for writing motivation or inspiration? Any music playlist or anything?
drywavelength: Hmm I do like to listen to lo-fi and stuff when I just want background music, but the Gorillaz album "the fall" inspired a lot of the more... anxious scenes. So I snuck it in just cause I wanted to. For example, when I was trying to write the scene with kid in the grave I would listen to Phoner to Arizona on repeat for some reason. I also made a playlist of songs that inspired me: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT93bcgwmX-kUsaRyjQgX_2e0sYcuD2B9
Q: What types of scenes did you want to expand on or add?
drywavelength: The scene with Liz and Patty in the forest comes to mind. And the like, entire part where Black Star goes to fight Arachne and then Maka and Crona do the same. That was meant to be longer and better. Also... the scene where Maka confesses to Crona probably just needs to be re-written entirely. I do wish I could have added more scenes with Star and Kid.
Q: Did you have a favorite Croma scene?
drywavelength: hhjff I’m trying to seperate them in my head cause theyre getting all mushed together, but probably the one where they're having a picnic, maybe? I could imagine that one the clearest in my head as I was writing it.
Q: One thing I looooooved in the fic was how you tied up all the stuff in the end, with regrowing everyone, did you have that in mind in the beginning or was that something that came later?
drywavelength: Well I knew I wanted pretty much everyone to die, but I thought that would be a shitty ending fdjs. So I thought for a while on what I could do after that, and the idea came to me at one point and I got really excited about it aahaha. And I’m just like "this is very strange and doesn’t make a lot of sense but hopefully people won’t question it."
Q: I really love the Oni and black room scenes in the fic, they were probably some of my favorites - did you have an in-universe explanation for Oni?
drywavelength: I wanted Soul's fear to be of dreams and of demon-like things, so I thought that him dreaming about the Oni would fit in well.
Q: Do you feel like you've grown as a writer in the process of completing the fic?
drywavelength: Yes, I definitely have, especially through making mistakes and procrastinating RIP.
Q: Do you have any beta comments you would like to share? :D
drywavelength: I didn’t really have an official beta (I probably should have) but my friend read a lot of the fic at the beginning to help a bit, and I just sort of ran ideas by her to see if they would work. OH and another friend read part of the beginning too, she said that the like... conversations and the way I was making people talk felt a bit off, so I tried to fix that the best I could.
Q: Do you have other projects you’re working on, or planning?
drywavelength: So um, I’ve been playing D&D with my friends recently, so I wanna write a fic where the characters all play D&D idk. Another thing I wanted to explore more with Bloom was my interpertation of Asura, so he’s going to be in college and DMing for a bunch of high school kids. It’s going to take a long time to write because I’m confused about a lot of things when it comes to D&D, but it’s going to be all of the characters kind of growing as people and dealing with their problems in real life and their D&D sessions help them with that in order to become a more tightly knit group and survive high school, so yah.
Q: How was working with your artist? Like what was the process involved, did you guys talk a lot?
drywavelength: DSGJJ I love the both of themmm. I didn’t talk a lot with sarah, only a few emails but it all worked out. I was able to talk to thenoctivagant a lot more, keeping them updated, but mostly it was just me screaming about their lovely art and screaming about procrastinating. Both of their art is so good, I can’t get over those gifs.
Q: Do you think you'll Resbang again dry???
drywavelength: Yaaa.
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