jonnysteel · 2 years
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#PowerVsForceHawkins #PowerVsForce #DavidHawkins #AnythingIsPossible https://www.instagram.com/p/ClaAIEyJ64a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ryandouglasjackson · 28 days
Embark on an infinite journey of self-discovery with David R. Hawkins’ guide to transcending the ego and elevating your consciousness. 🌀✨ #Transcendence #ConsciousnessCalibration #InfinitePotential #DavidHawkins #SpiritualEnlightenment
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¿Alguna vez te has detenido a pensar en el increíble poder que tenemos sobre las relaciones que construimos? David R. Hawkins nos dejó una joya de sabiduría cuando dijo: "Todas las personas son como imanes. Atraes hacia ti el reflejo de quién eres. Si eres amigable, todos los demás parecen serlo también." En otras palabras, lo que emanamos, lo que somos, es lo que atraemos. Y este es un concepto profundamente emocionante.
Imagina por un momento una vida en la que todos los que te rodean son reflejos de tu propia amabilidad. ¿No sería maravilloso? La buena noticia es que este escenario no es tan inalcanzable como parece. Todo comienza con nosotros mismos.
La amabilidad, como un imán, tiene el poder de atraer a su semejante. Si eres una persona amigable, abierta y comprensiva, lo que sucederá es mágico. Tu actitud actúa como una especie de varita mágica que transforma a las personas que te rodean. Tu sonrisa sincera, tu disposición a escuchar y tu capacidad para empatizar, son como la luz que ilumina el corazón de aquellos que entran en tu órbita.
La belleza de esta idea es que no necesitas ser perfecto para atraer amabilidad. La amabilidad no está reservada para las personas que tienen todo en orden en sus vidas. Todos enfrentamos desafíos, momentos difíciles y días grises. Pero la amabilidad, en sí misma, es un regalo que podemos ofrecer a los demás, independientemente de las circunstancias que enfrentemos.
Piensa en todas las veces en las que un simple gesto amable hizo que tu día fuera mejor. Puede haber sido un extraño que te sostuvo la puerta, un amigo que te escuchó cuando más lo necesitabas o un colega que te ofreció una mano amiga en el trabajo. Estas pequeñas chispas de amabilidad son como destellos de luz en la oscuridad. Y todos tenemos el poder de ser esa luz para alguien más.
Entonces, ¿cómo podemos cultivar la amabilidad en nuestras vidas? Comienza por mirarte a ti mismo. ¿Eres amable contigo mismo? La amabilidad hacia uno mismo es el primer paso para atraer la amabilidad de los demás. Si te tratas con respeto, compasión y amor, estarás en sintonía con el tipo de energía que atraerá a personas similares.
Después, extiende esa amabilidad hacia los demás. Haz un esfuerzo consciente por ser amable con tus amigos, familiares, compañeros de trabajo e incluso extraños. Puede ser algo tan simple como escuchar con atención, ofrecer un cumplido sincero o ayudar a alguien en apuros. Cada pequeño acto de amabilidad es como un imán que atraerá a personas amables hacia ti.
La belleza de este ciclo de amabilidad es que se alimenta a sí mismo. A medida que atraigas a personas amables hacia tu vida, te rodearás de un entorno más amable, lo que a su vez te inspirará a ser aún más amable. Es un círculo virtuoso que puede transformar no solo tu vida, sino también el mundo que te rodea.
Entonces, la próxima vez que te encuentres en una situación en la que puedas elegir entre la amabilidad y la indiferencia, recuerda las palabras de David R. Hawkins: "Todas las personas son como imanes. Atraes hacia ti el reflejo de quién eres. Si eres amigable, todos los demás parecen serlo también." Elije ser amable, y verás cómo el mundo a tu alrededor se transforma en un lugar más amable y acogedor.
Así que, adelante, irradia amabilidad y sé el imán que atraiga la bondad a tu vida. No subestimes el poder que tienes para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, uno amable gesto a la vez. ¡La amabilidad es contagiosa, y juntos podemos iluminar el mundo con nuestro brillo!
Te ofrecemos un programa único, de Sanación Personal y Formación Profesional, con las más modernas técnicas para promover la sanación integral de las personas: Tanto a nivel físico, emocional, mental, espiritual y actitudinal.
Diplomado de formación profesional en Coaching NeuroBiológico, con certificación internacional.
Solicita la información!
#DavidHawkins #Hawkins #Amabilidad #relaciones #Reflejo #Espejo
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wickedpligrim · 4 years
“The only journey is the journey within” Rilke I spent about 6 months in Germany between 2018-19 and this visual journal is a mostly watercolor and colored pencil log of that journey. When you are living in a foreign culture everything is new and often strange. The newness forces a rebooting of everything you thought you new, it’s almost like becoming a child again which as you may or may not remember is the only way you could get through the narrow eye of the needle and into the glorious kingdom Jesus did his darn best to describe to all those knuckle heads following him up and down all of tarnation. But you don’t need to get on a plane ✈️, all you need to do is sit your ass down, close your eyes and breath and don’t get up until your a new person again. #davidhawkins #meditation #corona #virus #stayinside #rilke #gowithin #lifecoach (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Q8JfDKij3/?igshid=toz4olzw8qls
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thelearningheart · 4 years
A Funeral Celebration
Today, I went to my dear friends memorial/celebration/funeral. It was nontraditional, you see. His parents would not allow his friends to attend. They published his death the night after the funeral. I am grateful that another one of his friends had the brilliant idea to have this ceremony for him. I had not given thought to an idea close to it. 
The ceremony was quaint and sweet. I guess bittersweet. I am happy about the turn out, but I honestly expected more. People are very strange about the way they hold false grudges and earthly conflicts in their hearts even after the death of a loved one. It is known that you can love a person from a distance, but I felt he deserved a larger crowd of family to give collective respects. Those that did not show probably had reasons of their own.  I did not sleep until the sun began to rise this morning with the party only being a few hours away. I fell asleep and woke far later than I hoped to. I took a quick shower and hopped into my car, then endured the 45 minute drive to the memorial. When I got there, I dried my eyes with the sleeves of my thick blue sweater and stepped into a large muddy puddle, then looked up to the sky to appreciate the irony of the gray and cold sky perfect for a funeral. It was lightly sprinkling and trying to rain the entire way there. I told myself as I approached the building,” Alright, this is it. Stop crying and get your head on straight. We are going into public with people around.”
I arrived almost an hour late, but just in time. People were very quite and not talking. Occasionally, someone would speak up and talk about him with a 30 second pause between people. My god, those pauses felt like lifetimes.  After a while, people began making more jokes and it became light-hearted. I am grateful for this because I was crying on the inside and it was slowly seeping out of my eyes, but the jokes made it more tolerable. In those moments, I learned that it is important to breathe properly. You have to intentionally breathe so you do not drown in an sea of your tears and turmoil. 
The service continued. It was very informal. I loved it. Everyone was sitting around like it was just a coffee shop and we were having some group chat. Like I said  before, they were telling jokes and talking about the good times. All I wanted to do was cry for David. I wanted to allow myself to cry the tears I had not before. I did. I gently let the tears slip out of my eyes. They warmed my cheeks and throat.  Eventually, someone went out for a smoke break. An unbelievable amount of David’s friends smoked. I might say one or two people out of twenty did not. I was glad, because I intended on chain smoking and apparently they did too. We smoked and talked. I met very cool people that had heavy heart as I did. We shared our stories and our love for our fallen friend.
We all decided that we were going to drive to the cemetery were his parents laid his body to rest. In our vehicles we went. 
It was kind of touching that drove in a straight line like a procession would at a normal funeral. It is funny that his funeral went down like this because his entire life was outside the realm of normal. There was no normalcy and this includes his funeral. Mind you, its still sprinkling, cold, and gray. These people drove from Florida, Maryland, North Carolina, and all over to give David collective respects all the way down to southeast Alabama. 
As we were driving together, I look at the cars in front of me and the one behind me full of gratitude for the ones who came. We pulled into the Malvern Baptist Church parking lot. I, then, realized it was Sunday and that the regular church services were happening, so that was a bit off-putting, but we continued. Actually, I think I might have been the only one to bring attention to it and when mentioned there was a slight draft of fear, most likely because we are in the bible belt and queer people and weird people have had hate crimes constantly be committed on them, especially in the south.
We all walked around the cemetery trying to find David’s grave. Using context clue like, the grave being new and his family name, we found a new grave, the only one of its kind, covered in red dirt where plastic roses with black veins sat. We kind of stood around for moment slowly talking. Scott decided it was a great time for a collective cigarette smoke for David. We all pulled out cigarettes to smoke, sharing them with the ones who didn’t. We were bound together in ceremony just for our friend. I think he would have been satisfied with the turn out. We played music for him and for us to remember the good days and memories. Eventually, people needed to leave, so we slowly walked to our vehicles, gave each other warm hugs, and planned for another time. 
R.I.P. David Hawkins Forever 31, hopefully in the afterlife he can pick a better age than that. Lol Much love and good luck to you. I hope you leave us sooner rather than later and don’t linger around here long. Pass on with glory and a great ass. 
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3 textes qui ont changé ma vie …
➽ Voici 3 textes qui ont changé ma vie ✅ 3 lectures qui participent à ma prise de conscience du chemin de vie que je souhaite manifester.
Il m’est toujours difficile de recommander des lectures.  Chaque fois que quelqu’un me demande quoi lire, je me sens toujours gêné dans ma réponse car mes lectures sont souvent personnelles et issues de mon intuition … Cependant voici 3 textes qui ont changé ma vie … Et qui continuent à le faire d’une manière ou d’une autre … Je vous invite à cliquer ici pour lire la suite …
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maltibhojwani · 3 years
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#livinginjoy #dyingwithdignity the pages in between share everything I’ve learnt and practiced over the past 2 decades that transformed my life and the lives of many. I’ve coached and facilitated transformation to thousands of people in all walks of life and hundreds of leaders in their Organizations and true elevation of consciousness and transformation stems at shifting our root perspective, our paradigm, our #corebeliefs inspired by many including the work of #davidhawkins #barrettsvaluescentre #gitabellin #maharishimaheshyogi #mikedooleytut #joedispenza #silvamethod #newfieldnetwork #nlp #leadershipcircle #somatic #ontogicalcoaching Book #availableonamazon #amazon #selfhelpbooks link in bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBD8wipilk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atommensch · 4 years
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Thema: ✨ Gott in Dir! --- Der Zugang zu Deinem ✨ göttlichem Selbst und das spirituelle Wissen, die Antwort Gottes durch Dich erschafft Dir in der Äußeren-Welt eine mystische Erfahrung. Diese Erfahrung ist von Mensch zu Mensch unterschiedlich, in der Regel öffnet sie Dein ❤️ Herz und schenkt Dir einen Einblick der bedingungslosen Liebe Gottes in allem was ist. Wie das funktioniert ist ganz einfach, es bedarf nur der Bitte, vielleicht über die Wahrheit, die Du gerne erfahren möchtest, die Antwort kommt zu 💯%. Du solltest Dir definitiv bewusst sein bevor Du eine Bitte aussprichst, das sich sofort Dein Leben komplett in allen Lebensbereichen verändern wird. Bist Du berufen erfährst Du mehr, die Menschen die Dich führen sollen, kommen automatisch in Dein Leben. Du erkennst Gott und erfährst den Unterschied zwischen ihm und Gottes Wort durch Menschenhand erschaffen. Vielleicht darfst Du spirituell Erwachen oder eine göttliche Erleuchtung erfahren, jedoch bist Du nicht bereit dafür erhältst Du nichts, keine Musikfrequenzen, Chakra Übungen oder das Öffnen des 3. Auges durch Videos bzw. andere Menschen haben eine Auswirkung auf Dich, denn auch jeder Meister braucht ein Ja von der 👻 geistigen Welt, wird dieses Ja nicht gewährt bekommst Du auch keine göttliche Verbindung egal auf welcher Form bzw. in welchem Lebensbereich, der Weg beginnt von Dir, durch Dich und Deinem ❤️ Herz so wie Dein ❤️ Herz ist so viele Antworten darfst Du finden ist Dein ❤️ Herz rein wird Gott definitiv zu 💯% bei Dir sein, das ist sein Versprechen! [ Anzeige* ] --- ❤️ Folge bitte ⚡ @atommensch ⚛️ der Bewusstseins ♨️ Quelle für Deine ✨ Energie. --- #atommensch #higherselfmotivation #byronkatie #robertbetz #kurttepperwein #markusrothkranz #eckharttolle #tonirobbins #rhondabyrne #veitlindau #stevesantanarocks #patricpedrazzoli #lauramalinaseiler #nealdonaldwalsch #davidhawkins #christianbischoff #biyonkattilathu #rüdigerdahlke #deepakchopra #joycemeyer #bobbyschuller #oprahwinfrey #bodoschäfer #jürgenhöller #christlichespiritualität #spirituelleserwachen #spirituelleswissen #spirituelleswachstum #erleuchtung #jesuskommtbald (hier: Sylt - Westerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFZu9VgqaDH/?igshid=ot05q3vkrn1l
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Its been a really emotional few days for me. There has been alot of letting go of what no longer serves me, goodbyes, new beginnings, & chapters closed. The rollercoaster of emotions have run very high. Tears, tiredness, irritability, they've all come up. What I've learnt over the years is the importance of honoring those feelings, to really go through & feel the emotions & work through them. When you want to cry, cry, when you want to sleep, sleep, don't push through because that's how you've always managed, its self love & care that's gets you through it, not the tough approach. David R Hawkins, the author of 'letting go' talks about really feeling into the emotion, when you feel into the emotion, the energy around it dissipates, you allow it to release rather than pushing it down deep within the body. When your on the emotional rollercoaster do what resonates with you at the time, whether it be crying, sleeping or watching TV, do what the body wants. When you do this you respect the emotions & what they mean, you let them move through you. We are so conditioned to doing what we think is expected of us, we should be doing this or that, we should be saying this or that, but not actually paying attention to what it is we truly need at that time. When you fall into this cycle the energy gets trapped & emotional wounds start to store up. Next time your sad & you want to cry let yourself do it. Remember like nature sometimes it rains, & sometimes the sun shines. We as humans are the same, sometimes we are happy & sometimes we are sad. We are emotional beings, so feel the feelings with honor & respect 🙌 Charlotte, Reiki Practioner 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikibenefits #davidhawkins #lettinggo #letgoandgrow #cry #crying #emotions #emotionalrollercoaster #saturdaymorning #saturdaythoughts #honor #honoryourself #bekind #respect #respectyourself #loveyourself #onlyhuman #humanbehavior #selflove #selfcare #iamworthy #iamenough #iamlight #woke #woken #loveandlight #weekendmood #weekendmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CFly_gmFU2x/?igshid=1bzyg0s8utos8
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erikamanifest · 4 years
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The outer chaos is always an invitation to go deeper within. ⁣ .⁣ Not to become avoidant, but to be more present in our actions. ⁣ .⁣ To fuel your heart and your spirit so that you can take empowered steps towards your desires outcome. ⁣ .⁣ The sacred pause is necessary for the long haul when we commit to change as a lifelong marathon, not a moment’s sprint. ⁣ .⁣ “That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom” - Bell Hooks⁣ .⁣ “The only way to enhance one’s power in the world is by increasing one’s integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion.” - David R. Hawkins ⁣ .⁣ Use your spiritual understanding not to check out of reality, but to be a force to be reckoned with within it.⁣ .⁣ Shine on,⁣ E⁣ ⁣ #davidhawkins #powervsforce #davidhawkinsquotes⁣ #loveoverfear #bellhooks #bellhooksquotes #spirituallyrich #resourced #fullcup #sacredpause⁣ #compassion #forgiveness #meditation #meditate #guidance #selflove #selfcare #spiritualleader #spiritualteacher #spiritualteaching #spiritualteachings #energyshift #highervibration #raiseyourvibrations #innerknowing #spiritualguidance #soulguidance #energyhealer #energyhealers #energyhealersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYd-YiHfAP/?igshid=18x6tmloah7ji
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floatuniverse · 4 years
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A Simple Two-Step Escape from the Negativity of the Ego: The Mechanism of Truth To transcend all these limitations and cut through the complexity, it is only necessary to accept two ideas: 1.  Negativity is based on an energetic force (animal origin) that can be overcome only by power, which is solely of Divine origin. Therefore, it is operationally necessary to request and invoke God’s help by whatever means available. 2.  Disidentify with the body/emotions/mind as ‘me’. Be truthful and admit that they are yours but not you. While this may seem artificial, strange, foreign, and unnatural in the beginning, the basic reality is that it is a truth of higher order, which makes it a very powerful and formidable tool. The mind will try to deny this reality as well as truth (that is what it is ‘supposed to do’) because Truth is intuited as its nemesis. David R Hawkins @veritas_abundantia #davidhawkins https://www.instagram.com/p/B7eH9KQjg3P/?igshid=1v5gg8sasr6zo
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finessence100 · 5 years
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Dive into many perspectives. Absorb lifetimes of knowledge. A random passage can shift your mindset and help solve a problem that you've been having. Becoming wiser doesn't necessarily mean gathering new information. Sometimes it means un-learning lies that you once held as truth. Sometimes it means remembering what you've long forgotten. There's a natural intelligence within our bodies and all of existence. Words can point you back to this intelligence that you've always had within you. Are there any books or authors that have inspired you in some way? Please share below. ⬇️🙏😁📚 #ReadersAreLeaders #SharingIsCaring #learning #awareness #knowledge #BookClub #AlanWatts #EckartTolle #RamDass #DavidHawkins #WayneDyer #JoeDispenza #HayHouse #DonMiguelRuiz https://www.instagram.com/p/Btqaeg9H6al/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kokwxj6h3alk
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wickedpligrim · 4 years
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Our great opportunity during our current global challenge is to go deeper within our true selves and discover how to make our inner world more real then the world of our five senses. How we think truly creates our material reality. I am is God’s name so pay attention to how you use this powerful powerful phrase. I am_____? I am powerful. I am abundance. I am beautiful. I am wealthy and wise. I am capable. I am resourceful. I am healthy. I am unstoppable. Repeat these truths regularly and when feel resistance you may have negative narratives submerged in your subconscious that you need to let go of and replace with beliefs that are in alignment with your true self and the future you want to create. #davidhawkins #powerofattraction #napoleonhill #gowithin #meditation #awareness #artoninstagram #artcollector #soberinggalerie #singulart #rickbeerhorst #virus (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-EUyeQKX_j/?igshid=uxvo43e507p3
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ljacker · 7 years
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😴😴😴Night time studies before sleep! 📚Reading Power Vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins. A favorite reference in my practice. ❓What are you reading right now? #powervsforce #davidhawkins #reading #intuitivelifecoach #dayinthelife (at Leslie Inc.)
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peacheycelia · 7 years
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Amazing book, 'Power VS Force'. Where are you on the vibrational scale? We attract what we perceive & feel🦋😍🌈 #powervsforce #davidhawkins #thrive #vVoosh
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