#davey d
julian day headcanons 📆
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the big concepts: cycles, order, the human need to establish order in a chaotic universe, commemoration, seeking patterns, rituals
according to julian, calendars and cycles allow us to feel some control over the yawning void of time, breaking its enormity into 365 bite-sized pieces.
his favorite cycles are holidays, the 7 days of a week, the 12 months, the seasons, the farming cycle (seeding, harvesting, etc) and like moons with special names and shit, equinoxes, leap years, anniversaries, the lunar cycle, the advent, the zodiac, and saint days
other favorite concepts: birthdays, new years’ resolutions, the origins of holidays, finity (a calendar after all is just one year), memento mori ⌛️
interested as shit in alternative calendars like precolumbian calendars, eastern/lunar, and egyptian
(canon from long halloween) orphan, exploited by the system and by foster parents
surrendered anonymously by his birth parents on february 12, hence named for St. Julian whose feast day is feb 12
assigned a birthday of february 1 but doesn’t consider this his actual birthday; in his opinion his birthday is unknown which bothers yet intrigues him
was fostered at one point by the wealthy but detached Day family for tax breaks, and they’re the ones who kept him locked up for long stretches before he was eventually returned to the system
the Days were catholic and he would pass the time by reading the book of saints’ feast days he found in their house. also woe religious trauma be upon ye
spent a good few years on the streets as a runaway between homes. eventually ended up in juvenile detention for stealing, where he spent a lot of time in solitary confinement
there was like 10 solid years between when he turned 18 and when he started doing crime where he was alright, struggling financially but getting along
6’0”, almost as tall as batman. (i rlly enjoy about him that he’s one of few batman rogues (and characters in general) whose appearance don’t correspond to their theme i.e. riddler is small and wiry and his power is intellectual, scarecrow is gangly and skeletal and his power is spookiness. calendar man is kinda esoteric and conceptual and he’s (in some adaptations) great big for no particular reason. i love how his voice catches you off guard). haven’t decided on a preference for him between buff but sorta toned like he was a skinny kid who decided to work out while he was in arkham, or bulky with a sort of caber-tossing physique of both strength and fat. both are good.
alopecia areata, started losing his hair at around ten and it was gone by 13.
ocd. counts stuff not exactly compulsively but to relax and pass the time, sometimes unconsciously. favorite numbers, naturally, are 4, 7, 12, 28, 30, 31, 52 and 365.
says he isn’t motivated by revenge but by a desire to enlighten people. (lying and/or wrong) (he is motivated by revenge)
more jealous, petty, emotional than he likes to admit to himself or others
he has hobbies other than calendars that aren’t mentioned because they’re not relevant to batman’s journey. he likes film, especially old movies (this is me projecting), botany and paleontology
gay but flirts with women but not in a genuine way; he’s just being polite and debonair. like the guy who’ll kiss an old lady on the hand and ask if the woman who’s clearly her daughter is her sister, that kind of old-world charm. i’ll hear bi as well i’m not picky
ace spec (grey)
likes to take very good care of his appearance. being that he doesn’t have any hair and that he’s often in a uniform, there isn’t that much he can do to impact how he looks in arkham, so he takes what control he can by growing out his nails and then filing them round, and by doin a lil makeup
top 2 most requested items in arkham are calendars and eyeliner
doesn’t generally wear the complimentary arkham assigned grippy socks - being barefoot makes him feel more connected/grounded. plus he read online it’s good for your health
astrology bitch that has everyone’s charts memorized. thinks astrology is ridiculous and made up but this is also his relationship with all holidays and date systems so he still loves astrology. philosophically intriguing to him. especially loves bothering the Staunchly anti astrology rogues with it (riddler.)
bit of a history buff who knows the significant historical events from every date in the year. gotham history and world history
likes quoting ‘thirty days hath september’ but thinks, and readily admits, that it’s a very sloppy rhyme.
one on one, he will small talk. especially if you’re in a hurry and he wants to be annoying. but in a group setting, like a team-up, he’s usually the one who does not talk until he has something important to say.
actively trained himself out of his natural jersey accent because he thought that it, combined with his looks, made him come across as a mook. speaks softly and in a tiny bit of a falsetto to counteract his intimidating build. picked up a bit of a trans atlantic accent from film. difficult to provoke but when he wants to raise his voice he doesn’t, like, shout or change his tone, he just, like, increases the volume of his usual voice
actively friends with: catwoman, mr freeze (freeze keeps everyone at a distance but CM holds him in high esteem), ivy, harley, ragdoll, toymaker
him and scarecrow are passive aggressive. they are polite and civil but it takes like one sentence to provoke them to physical violence. they squabble over halloween. him and anarky also fight over nov 5. him and music meister don’t fight over anything, they just hate each others’ vibes. him and zsasz can be alopecia buddies but i hesitate to suggest they actually like each other.
he’s worked with joker once or twice but that does not mean he likes him, also has a deep distaste for professor pyg. he has nothing but respect for bane but bane thinks he’s silly.
i love when jokey/forgotten rogues are in a gang. like he should be pals with tally man. square and sharp. there’s one person on here who ships him with eraser and like that’s just fine. me if i had to pick a ship i’d say maybe mr bloom or maybe polka dot man. there’s a couple of riddlers that’d like him for being Stronk but also Intellectual like maybe dano or carrey
he’s in the arkham theater troupe with clayface and babydoll but he does costumes (who wouldn’t want a costume by the guy who made calendar man’s costume shdjdjs)
notes: i love that TLH tried so hard to make calendar man cool and kind of succeeded? like what seemed like an objectively stupid theme can actually be kinda cool depending how you play it. i stuck with the TLH movie for most of my hcs for “my” version of him but versions that are 1) small 2) a disaster (B:TBATB, TLH comic, etc). i just think it’s funny to have calendar man of all people have a tiny bit of class. mix it up
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wwwdlabrie · 2 years
Murda Inc Documentary ft. Irv Gotti/Ja Rule Debuts 8/9 on BET by Celeb Director Michael J. Payton who worked on many of DLabrie's biggest Music Videos/Films See them here
Murda Inc Documentary ft. Irv Gotti/Ja Rule Debuts 8/9 on BET by Celeb Director Michael J. Payton who worked on many of DLabrie's biggest Music Videos/Films starring dead prez, Jurassic 5, Jacka RIP, San Quinn, True Hollywood Story and Golden State Warrio
Murda Inc Documentary ft. Irv Gotti/Ja Rule Debuts 8/9 on BET by Celeb Director Michael J. Payton who worked on many of DLabrie’s biggest Music Videos/Films starring dead prez, Jurassic 5, Jacka RIP, San Quinn, True Hollywood Story and Golden State Warriors championship Watch the 5 part Murda Inc. series on BET and Check out Michael J. Payton’s classic projects w/ DLabrie…
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serious2020 · 1 year
👀🇭🇹🇭🇹May 18th is Haitian Flag Day. The PPL of Haiti Fight 4 Dignity Sovereignty Freedom & “Sali Piblik” #StandWithHaiti
PLS SHARE! twitter.com/serious2020/status/1657419969595056128 “Sali Piblik” bit.ly/3atiEug Haiti Emergency Relief Fund (HERF) https://haitiemergencyrelief.org
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walkman-cat · 7 months
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i don't think bill would want alice to date someone like grace chastity
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pigeonwit · 5 months
you all need to stop forcing the newsies into nuclear family dynamics please im begging you
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garadinervi · 17 days
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Yuri Kochiyama, May 19, 1921 / 2024
(image via Davey D Cook: Yuri Kochiyama, 1999. Photo: Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times)
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slaughtergutz · 6 months
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this is the first time I've drawn Jimbei and the first time I've drawn Sanji or Luffy in........probably over 16 years. wild.
normally i'd upload more pages at a time but this is all i have so far and probably won't get to more til the weekend. everything i've posted with davey (sans the one with robin) has been all in the past. figured it was time to bring the story to the present.
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reinabeestudio · 3 months
yo mom check this out
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july-nostalgia · 1 day
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Fluorescent store lights, you shine through the night Illuminate my pores and you tear me apart Mercy on me, would you please spare me tonight?
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lavvythejackalope · 5 months
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Some doodles of me and @hyperfis blorbos.
we have a long running concept of a multidimensional boarding house, within which we discovered many Pokémon partner pair ups. There are some of my favorites.
This is also the first time I’ve drawn Davey or Bob
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 3 months
Chapter 5 of When the World Falls Into Anarchy is out!!! :D
when the world falls into anarchy (3224 words) by etherealbumblebee Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies (1992), Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins, Albert DaSilva/Finch (Newsies), Sarah Jacobs/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer Characters: Spot Conlon, Racetrack Higgins, Finch (Newsies), Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Jack Kelly (Newsies), Crutchie (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs, Les Jacobs Additional Tags: Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Post-Apocalypse, Danger, Survival Summary: One month. It’d been one month since the first signs of the plague showed up, since the first person became mad with fever and insane with bloodlust, since the disease had ravaged the world until there was nothing left. Spot had been lucky somehow, able to stay far from the infected, but as far as he could tell, he’d been the only one. … A zombie apocalypse AU.
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vicbutbetter · 2 years
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Denji gets it
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agentravensong · 8 months
stanley parable fans who aren't subscribed to davey wreden's youtube channel (and don't follow him on twitter), have i got a surprise for you!
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serious2020 · 1 year
Davey-D Live from Club Miranda, 1st Friday, Soulful Tunes
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walkman-cat · 10 months
so what if i redesigned my detective noir davey design
… slightly
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notes and references below:
unlike kath, most of davey’s clothes were not obtained in 1926/1927 (davey’s of a different class so ofc he wouldn’t be able to afford the latest fashion)
he’s still somehow somewhat fashionable (ish)— he’s got wide cut trousers (indicative of the late 20s) and he wears a sweater vest (very popular, especially among young men)
his ima knitted the sweater vest for him (he’d bought one with pockets in and wore it until it literally fell apart, the one he wears was a birthday present)
sarah sewed the pockets onto the shirt he’s wearing (which i referenced from an advert from 1929, but we ignore my slight anachronisms) (she’s also sewed extra pockets into his coat)
the coat he’s wearing is a trench-style ulster coat (popularised in the early-mid 20s)— it was his father’s originally, and is not in the best shape. the lining is worn thin and patched over with some old shirts; there are patches on the elbows and a hole in one of the pockets; some of the seams have started to come undone; the lapels are worn thin from davey constantly rubbing them (stim!!)
it’s also slightly too big for him.
HOWEVER he loves his coat very very much, he likes the weight and texture of the fabric
he would be wearing suspenders over his shirt but i wanted to show the pockets and uh. forgot to draw them (oops)
he has so so many pockets to keep all the things
his shoes are boots!
his clothes are mostly hand-me-downs or were acquired secondhand, he hesitates to buy new clothes (why would he need new ones when he already has the ones he owns, unfamiliarity, texture, etc)
patches are corduroy (probably from some old trousers)
he does have a proper Suit for when he has to attend fancy events (usually because of kath)
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agentsnickers · 9 months
Seeing Double by Rehearsal_Dweller
Obviously, Jack meets Les first.
Please enjoy this, the result of my musings on what David and Les might be like as identical twins, plus some slightly hopeless Javid, some delightful Sprace, and Jack and Spot as siblings who pretend that they only tolerate each other (but actually, reluctantly, like each other quite a lot)
This little bit of chaos brought to you by my upcoming birthday! :)
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