#daenerys targaryen defense squad
house-of-daenerys · 3 months
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Favourite Daenerys Braid!?
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rainhadaenerys · 14 days
It's so annoying seeing people claiming to be "Daenerys defenders" or "Daenerys stans" and then they go on to explain why they think she's right for burning King's Landing. If you really were a Dany stan and Dany defender, you wouldn't be arguing that she's right to burn King's Landing. You'd be arguing that she would never ever do that.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 5 months
Team Green stans and Dany antis have no right to call Daenerys and Rhaenyra for any kind of nickname.
It's Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Queen of Meeren, Breaker of Shackles, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea and Mother of Dragons for you not Dany.
Same thing for Rhaenyra, it's not Rhae or Nyra is: Queen Rhaenyra of House Targaryen first of her name. Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
If you are feeling lazy just called them Queen Rhaenyra or Queen Daenerys, but you lost the right to nicknames when you misunderstood the books so badly. Argue with the wall.
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theboleyngirlx · 2 months
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“the crown is stained but you’re the real queen, flesh and blood amongst war machines
you’re the new god we’re worshipping, promise to be dazzling.”
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Dany antis' "metas" about how Dany is totally naive about Westeros really shows they just haven't read the books, or at least not her chapters. They'll rant about how she expects the people to just bow down to her, when in reality that was how Viserys (and later Young Griff) thought due to Illyrio's words. Meanwhile Dany, "mistrusted Illyrio's sweet words as she mistrusted everything about Illyrio." (AGOT Daenerys I) Dany knows that it takes more than a name or even dragons to be worthy to rule. That's a major piece of what sets her apart from other rulers in ASOIAF.
Robert took the throne because he was the foremost head of the rebellion and had some Targaryen blood. Joffrey and Tommen rule(d) because of their perceived relation to Robert. Stannis laid his claim based on being Robert's brother. Renly laid his not only because of blood, but also popularity with the lords and sheer number of troops. Robb was crowned because he was his father's son.
Dany knows she how fickle allegiance owed to a name is, she knows how the lords turned on her family and saw the hospitality in Essos fade when she and Viserys had nothing. She also knows simply scaring them into following her with dragons and armies won't work, she scared the shit out of the masters in Astapor and Yunkai, yet as soon as she turned her back they went back to slaving. In Meereen, she had her armies and her titles, yet the Sons of the Harpy constantly defied her.
Dany knows the Westerosi people won't just bow to her when she arrives (though stories of her are causing quite a stir lmao), she knows she will have to fight for her throne and make alliances. She understands that she will have to prove herself to the people and lords, after all, why else would they follow her? Her Khalasar only followed her after she proved herself strong, the Unsullied followed her when she proved just (after she freed them), Barristan Selmy swore himself to her only after observing her for a long period, and the rest of the Dothraki will follow her only after she proves herself once again.
Every time Dany has lead, it's because she proved herself to be worthy following, not because she's a Targaryen or the Mother of Dragons. Why would she suddenly forget this when she gets to Westeros? Well bad writing is the answer in the show, which is why in the books, she won't just become entitled.
There's different character who already has that characteristic: Young Griff. He expects the lords of Westeros to follow him against the Lannisters and Baratheons without question and for Dany to swear herself and her dragons to him and even marry him simply because he is (supposedly) the son of Rhaegar. Young Griff is a subversion of the lost prince trope, he is not only a fake but also exhibits qualities reminiscent of Joffrey (according to Tyrion), so not exactly a great candidate for king. Yet Dany antis insist on putting the sense of entitlement on Dany while portraying "Aegon" as a true heir and worthy king that evil Dany will kill in her lust for power.
Dany antis will formulate arguments against her purely out of thin air and shitty writing. They will ignore any and all actions she has done when ruling and when talking about it, rather choosing to force their fanon ideas on her and give her true qualities to their favs instead.
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k-ac-l-art · 2 years
Some Targaryen dragons!
Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar, the three conqueror dragons
Vermithor, Silverwing, and Dreamfyre
The Cannibal, Grey Ghost, and Sheepstealer, the three wild dragons of dragonstone
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daenerystargaryen06 · 4 months
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This is late 'cause I've been very busy and sick- but let's get into it.
I've seen so many comments like this one on Tik Tok, really terrible platform for comments like these to pop up since everyone likes spreading their hate for Dany on Daenerys edits/videos, especially on other comments that show support for Daenerys and uplift her. But this one in particular genuinely baffles me no, I won't blur the name out; this dude commented this on a public forum for everyone to see. Just don't send him hate or anything... even if this part of the fandom isn't as crazy as all the others.
'Drogon isn't as crazy as his slave master Dany'. Let's break this down, shall we? First point- Dany isn't a slave master, ESPECIALLY to Drogon. Dany was a bridal sex slave herself, in the show at the age of 16/17, in the books at the age of 13. She knows what it's like to be a slave, she was one herself, and due to her enslavement and the horrors she saw when wed to Drogo (his own people's violence against not only her but also the Lhazareen)- Daenerys wants equality for everyone. She breaks the chains from those enslaved in Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen. She works to free these people from their sufferings and plight and give them agency to achieve freedom for themselves and no longer live under the cruelty of the Masters. In the show, she sets up a council of freedmen to govern themselves to rule the cities, and she ensures the Masters no longer remained a threat to her people before she left to Westeros. In the Books, she is currently struggling against the Masters and is facing many struggles, but she is still striving to ensure her people remain free and safe from the Masters without worry of cruelty and fear under the Masters for their own profit.
"There speaks one who has been neither." Dany's nostrils flared. "Do you know what it is like to be sold, squire? I do. My brother sold me to Khal Drogo for the promise of a golden crown. Well, Drogo crowned him in gold, though not as he had wished, and I . . . my sun-and-stars made a queen of me, but if he had been a different man, it might have been much otherwise. Do you think I have forgotten how it felt to be afraid?" -A Storm of Swords - Daenerys II
"He was too eloquent for her. Dany had no answer for him, only the raw feeling in her belly. "Slavery is not the same as rain," she insisted. "I have been rained on and I have been sold. It is not the same. No man wants to be owned." -A Dance with Dragons - Daenerys III
Even worse is that this comment refers to Dany as being DROGON's slave master. Drogon has never been considered a slave to Dany. He is her child, her son. Her dragons are her children. Dany has never regarded them as slaves, nor will she ever regard to them as such. Rhaegal and Viserion were chained because Drogon killed a child, and Dany feared her dragons would grow unruly and begin to kill more of her people, yet she also regrets this decision. She cries when she does this in the show. She reflects upon it and regrets it in the books. She will always care for and love her dragons, who she loves alike to a mother. She regards to them as her children and would never willingly harm them.
In the show and books, Dany struggles with Drogon making his own decisions. But she does not try to enforce him under her will like a Master would a slave. She wants him to listen, yes, but every mother wants their child to listen and behave. In the show, she never harms Drogon or forces him to submit, he WILLINGLY listens to her once she gains back her identity after burning the Khals in Vaes Dothrak and going against the Masters when she returns to Meereen. If he didn't wish to listen, he wouldn't have to, as he possesses a mind and will of his own which was already shown in seasons 4-5. In the books, she has to whip Drogon into submission, but it was not to enslave Drogon- it was to SAVE him and her people from death in the Fighting Pit when he comes and almost loses his life while burning the people around him. If not for her, Drogon would have died, and he attacks back at her as well within the Pit before he submits to her and allows her to ride upon him away from the violence that was occurring.
Calling Dany Drogon's slave master is alike to calling every other Targ before her slave masters to their dragons, when we know that isn't true, and Dany's connection to her dragons is actually very much different and runs deeper than that of her ancestors with their own dragons.
Now, on the topic of 'craziness', Dany is far from it. In the show, she only became 'crazy' in the very last few episodes of the last season, when the writers ruined her character all for their excuse to have Jon kill her since they couldn't even think up a better ending. Before that, are we just going to ignore the fact that Dany actually went against what her father had done, did things for the good of others and cared for those considered 'lesser', and saved basically all of Westeros when she allied with Jon and it was the majority of HER armies and dragons that fought against the WW and NK? She only went 'crazy' when the writers wanted her to, and even that I don't consider canon, due to the fact she was painted as a HERO before they assassinated her entire character and made her go off the deep end and even that I don't view as just 'crazy'.
In the books, she fears becoming like her father, she is compared most to Rhaegar (a character many in the books view as sane and heroic), and she reflects most upon her actions and questions her decisions made. She is a grey character at most, and even still, she is the one character that does the most good and selfless acts in the books compared to everyone else. She wants what is best for her people, she wants to make them happy and give them good lives, and she wants to be a good Queen who isn't just feared or violent to achieve what she wants. She forgoes Westeros to keep in Meereen for her people's safety. She works the hardest to attempt for peace with the Masters without bloodshed or acts of cruelty and she is compassionate, intelligent, and an empathetic woman. She sees suffering and instead of accepting it like everyone else in that world has, she works AGAINST it to save those who do suffer due to her own experiences of suffering and pain. She is, in all, a hero who wants to do good. That doesn't seem very 'crazy' or 'slave master' to me.
Someone should really pick up the books, but I fear that their reading comprehension would be just as bad as their comments on Tik Tok.
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nestvrn · 5 months
is it just me or did grrm really make all the powerful characters in asoiaf women? and yes, even though dany and cersei lost in the end of s8, which makes sansa the only woman with real power as the queen in the north, but let's just think who had more real power, had been successful and not for just one episode or season during the whole show?
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jmoonjones · 1 year
Just a girl and her dragon with a boy and his dire wolf. Wasn't it a shame the TV series just stopped after 4 seasons?
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Oh well. At least it didn't continue, deviate from logic, insult the actors who poured their souls into the roles, and end in a way that dissatisfied everyone. That would've been horrific.
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house-of-daenerys · 7 months
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rainhadaenerys · 11 months
One of the things I've seen from Dany antis is the argument that, since Daenerys will eventually leave Slaver's Bay behind, instead of staying there forever to keep helping the slaves, that means that she doesn't really care about the slaves, that she is not really a selfless person and that she is not really a hero. And I really don't agree.
First, because we are in Dany's head and we have plenty of evidence in her thoughts that she does care about the slaves.
Second, because staying in Slaver's Bay was already selfless on Dany's part. Staying in Slaver's Bay brought her no benefit whatsoever, if she was a selfish person she would just have taken the Unsullied to Westeros and left all the rest of the freedmen that were of no use to her behind, but she didn't do this. She stayed in Slaver's Bay to protect people who were of no use to her, to protect people who would not become her soldiers, and staying in Slaver's Bay would only squander her army, because the Sons of the Harpy keep murdering them, and because staying in Slaver's Bay means using her resources in Meereen and depleting her army to fight against the slavers.
Third, just because Dany will eventually leave Slaver's Bay to pursue her own personal desires, doesn't mean what she did in Slaver's Bay wasn't selfless. A hero doesn't have to be 100% selfless and abnegate all of their personal desires in order to be a real hero. Dany already did for Slaver's Bay more than any other person would have done, and she had zero obligation to do so. She had zero obligation to free slaves, she had zero obligation to stay to protect the slaves, and yet she did all of that. Dany already did more for the freedmen than she had any obligation to, and she did all of that out of pure selflessness. Just because she will not dedicate her whole life to fighting slavery and to giving herself to others, doesn't mean she wasn't selfless. Just because at some point she will decide to pursue her own personal goals, doesn't mean she becomes a less selfless person, it just means she is a human being who can't be expected to abnegate her entire life and dedicate it to others. Leaving Essos behind doesn't erase Dany's heroism, she already did more for the slaves than anyone else. A character shouldn't have to be perfectly selfless and abnegate everything to be considered a hero.
P.S.: It's really something seeing people say that Daenerys is not a hero because she won't spend her entire life fighting slavery, when other characters doing the bare minimum are considered heroic by the fandom. I've seen metas in the fandom talking about how Sansa is such an amazing hero because she calmed Sweetrobin. So Sansa is a hero for such a small moment of empathy, but Dany is not a hero because she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life fighting slavery, even though she already did plenty and more than any other person would do.
P.S. 2: Also, if Dany antis think she is "evil" just because she won't spend her entire life dedicated to the slaves, then by their own logic, any person who doesn't spend their entire life fighting for a social justice cause is also "evil". So by their own "logic", their faves are "evil" as well, because most of them aren't really dedicating their lives to fight the status quo.
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Daenerys is 14
And she does stay in Slavers Bay and try to rebuild the economy. Source: A Dance With Dragons.
She spends much of the book trying to negotiate new trade deals with the Lhazarene and the Qartheen, trying to plant new olive groves and bean fields, trying to reform the guilds membership so former slaves can earn proper wages as skilled craftsmen. She tries to assimilate with Meereenese culture to ease a peaceful transition of power, she consults with their priestess, she adopts their religious rites and their uncomfortable traditional dress, she agrees under pressure to marry a Meereenese noble (she doesn't force anyone into marriage at dragonpoint like in the show). And she goes out personally to feed and care for the sick and starving refugees at her door, she tries to set up quarantine zones to slow the spread of infection.
And yeah she falls short. But the odds are stacked against her. She's 14, for starters. And before she arrived the slavers burnt all the olive groves and salted the soil so she couldn't use them, and as she calculates it will take 30 years before the land will be truly productive again. She also has the Meereenese slaving class working very hard to sabotage her by funding domestic terrorism within the city. And she has to deal with a refugee crisis, a famine, a plague, and an alliance of pro-Slavery states forming a blockade around Meereen and threatening to siege the city.
True the refugee crisis is arguably due to her leaving Astapor. She set up a new government, but she should have stayed longer to consolidate it. But she is only 14, and her main adviser/parental figure is too busy being a pro-slavery pedophile.
And the fall of Astapor isn't completely on her shoulders. She left adults in charge, people with qualifications and who knew the land and people better than she did. They had political agency and responsibility. As did Cleon. He could have chosen not to overthrow the Council and name himself King. He could have chosen to heed Daenerys when she told him "don't start a war with the Yunkai". And the Yunkai could have chosen not to slaughter Astapor and chase the refugees to Meereen. They could have simply removed Cleon and then recognised Daenerys had no part in his actions. The Yunkai could have chosen not to then declare war on Meereen.
The institution of slavery is complicated to overthrow and complicated to replace and even complicated in the ways it reasserts itself. Daenerys isn't the only actor here who determines the fate of Slavers Bay (though if she unleashes her dragons she can certainly become the most decisive actor again). The entire point of ADWD is that it's much more complicated than that - its GRRM's answer to "what was Aragorn's tax policy?". She is a 14 year old child who does her best against impossible odds, and who explicitly puts any dreams of Westeros on hold indefinitely. Time and time again she is offered the chance and means to sail for Westeros, and she turns it down each time because she knows she can't leave the people of Meereen behind to die.
And hopefully the lesson she learns by the end of ADWD is that she has to stop being conciliatory towards the slaving class. She spares the lives of hostages, she opens the fighting pits for them, she gives up her body in marriage, and still they try to poison her to install Hizdhar as King. Mercy isn't a weakness, but the people who have a vested interest in slavery aren't going to stop just because you ask them nicely (like that garbage show GOT seems to think). She's got to use her dragons.
No, critiquing her failures isn't the same as defending slavery. But claiming that she never tried, and ignoring the odds stacked against her, is false. As for blaming her for Slavers Bay falling into chaos and suffering... First off, again, she isn't the only responsible actor with agency - I maintain that the fall of Astapor was pretty much out of her hands. And second, it ignores the massive scale of human suffering that already gripped slavers bay. The daily violence inflicted on slaves - the families torn apart, the lives destroyed, the children mutilated, the thousands of dead babies killed to initiate the Unsullied, the tortures and crucifixions and whippings and executions and rapes.
Ignoring that isn't that far off from defending slavery. Claiming that the violence that overthrew slavery is worse than the violence that is slavery isn't that far off from defending slavery. Should no one ever dare strike off a slaves chains just because they can't account for the violence that could come after? Is the crucifixion of child-murdering Slavers worse than the crucifixion of innocent children?
Or to bring up another literary scenario with more moral equivalency and ambiguity - was the Tenth plague upon the firstborns of Egypt worse than the mass culling of infant slaves? Who do you blame for the Ten Plagues of Egypt? Should Moses have left well enough alone?
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 3 months
So show! Sansa wanted to kill two kids for what they father's did, but couldn't because Jon wouldn't let her and she is a girlboss and a complex character. But show!Dany burns the idiots that refuse to kneel and who prefer to fight for show! Cersei which was mostly xenophobia and she is a psycho and a tyrant.
Talk about double standards.
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rhaenysdagger · 11 months
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Daenerys Targaryen ✨
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theboleyngirlx · 2 months
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the epitome of valyrian beauty
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k-ac-l-art · 10 months
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The battle of Rook's Rest! By me!
Please do not repost anywhere! Reblogs are great tho!
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