what are some good (easy) protein sources for wl?
my intake is almost entirely carbs and it's sooo bad.
I'm very restricted as to what I can eat, I only have a choice of cereal and toast most mornings and I have very little choice in my dinners (boarding school) lunch is often the same.
pls recommend me good, easy, tasty sources of protein 🩷🩷🩷
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just a f4st day. I'm only 28 hours into the 50 and I'm ngl, I'm already hurting a bit (cramps, which I normally don't get) so I'm just going to drink a sprite zero or something and try to muscle this one out.
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day 7 of the th1nsp0 challenge
q: do your parents know you're trying to lose weight? do they care?
a: yeah, they've always known that I've been into d13t1ng and f4st1ng and they've pointed out whenever they notice my w31ght l0ss, buuuuut I don't think they really care tbh. Mostly because I'm an adult and I can choose what I eat or how much freely, but even when I was underage they didn't really seem to worry. I think they think it's good for me, they're pretty old fashioned and have heavy cultural standards so yay for me i guess.
that's all for today my friends! please remember to hydrate and stay safe 💜
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white-rose10 · 8 months
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Okay, my life has been an absolute dumpster fire as of late, so forgive my lack of posting. I'm not sure how many days I have missed, but I'll just do about a week's worth.
Day 8: I don't really have a workout routine. I've never found working out to be interesting, and I feel like I could be far more productive while still getting satisfying results.
Day 9: I've been somewhat of a social recluse for the majority of my life, so there haven't really even been many chances for that type of encounter. However, while nobody has explicitly called me fat, they did comment on my eating. Most of it I couldn't control, because I had medical situations that required my eating more. However, that didn't stop the plate-police from frequently commenting on my habits. This obviously affected me in a major way, and, safe to say those comments have completely vanished.
Day 10: I'm not sure if this is referring to only food and drinks, but I suppose the hardest thing to give up were the snacks after dinner. It was commonplace where I grew up to have snacks before bed. I didn't question it ever, and continued that tradition. It wasn't necessarily hard to give up. I've had too many issues due to the types of foods I ate not agreeing with me, and causing major problems, so I just lost interest in food altogether. It wasn't very difficult to quit my habits.
Day 11: I don't really have a favorite blog. I like certain people's personalities more than others, but I don't really have a favorite blog. I suppose a goof substitute question would be: "What's your favorite Thin$p0?" My favorite kind of Thin$p0 is Sweet$p0. Since my 4n0r3x14 primarily stems from feelings of inadequacy, and wishing to be perfect for my future partner, any sort of demanding sweet$p0 with "Darling," "Sweetheart," or any other pet names is especially triggering, and is my largest motivator.
Day 12: What I eat really depends on outside circumstances, but if I am fully in control, I don't eat meat very often. I've just lost all taste for it. I typically fast all day and have a safe food for dinner. My safe foods are granola, honey and blueberries in coconut milk, and vanilla yogurt (I have a very peculiar addiction/obsession over vanilla as a scent) mixed with granola, fruit, and honey. So, they're basically the same food, but with different bases (milk vs. yogurt).
Day 13: Oh, definitely unhealthy. I am fully aware of it. Frankly, I don't care how unhealthy it is. I'm purposefully trying not to parade that fact around, and be calm and subservient. I just want to quietly perfect myself, and not be questioned. Plus, I wouldn't want that to be a burden on other people.
Day 14: My UGW is not really set in stone. It's generally been 110 lbs, but I've been roughly comfortable with myself at ~115, so I suppose it's more about consistency than more weight loss at this point. I don't try to predict how much weight I lose, as I don't want to be disappointed. I'm not extremely strict when it comes to d13t1ng plans, and more about how it feels everyday. I don't like the feeling of a full stomach, and crave the light, airy, faint feeling that comes with st4rv4t10n. It's less about planning, and more about how I personally feel about my results.
All right, that should hopefully cover what I missed. I hope to be consistent again, but sometimes my life is just too chaotic, and I never get the chance to breathe.
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sapphicswansirius · 3 years
Might start d13t1ng again
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wieiad Thursday 25th april
- English muffin with flora plant butter (200)
- belvita soft bake chocolate chip (200)
- strawberry nutri grain (I was feeling sick) (131)
- chicken fajita with cheese and rice (I have no idea, high guess 600)
- 2l water
- baby's first monster 😍😍😍 (15)
I barely exercised at all :(
weigh in from tomorrow 😝
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I ate more and then I did a HIIT workout.
I might start doing wieiads the morning after bc I'm noticing a pattern of eating after posting it....
stupid stupid stupid
anyway that workout was disgusting (but good) but now my entire body is dead yk.
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