#cuz again - work now and chill later
starbuck · 5 months
me last semester: i am NOT taking four courses again! no way!
me now: *clown shoes jingling as i go to sign up for my fourth course*
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Trans made TTRPGs
Due to… recent events that I would rather not talk about, today's post is a highlight of different tabletop games made by trans peeps! These games are fantastic in their own right, of course, but you can also know that they were made by incredibly cool and attractive people
(Also, these are flyover descs of the game, they'll get more in-depth singular posts later, this is because I am lazy)
Perfect Draw is a phenomenal card game TTRPG that was funded in less than a day on backerkit, it's incredibly fun and has simple to learn hard to master rules for creating custom cards, go check it out!
Songs for the dusk is fucking good, pardon my language, but it's a damn good post apocalyptic game about building community in a post-capitalist-post-apocalypse-post-whatever world. do yourself a favor and if you only check out one game in this list, check this one out, its a beautiful game.
Flying Circus is set in a WW1 inspired fantasy setting full of witches, weird eldritch fish people (who are chill as hell), cults, dead nobility, and other such things. It's inspired by Porco Rosso primarily but it has other touchstones.
Wanderhome is a game about being cute little guys going on a silly adventure and growing as the seasons change, its GMless and very fun
https://weregazelle.itch.io/armour-astir Armour Astir has been featured in here before but its so damn good I had to post it twice. AA demonstrates a fundamental knowledge of the themes of mech shows in a way that very few other games show, its awesome
Kitchen Knightmares is… more of a LARP but its still really dang cool, its about being a knight serving people in a restaurant, its played using discord so its incredibly accessible
https://grimogre.itch.io/michtim Michtim is a game about being small critters protecting their forest from nasty people who wish to harm it, not via brutal violence (sadly) but via friendship and understanding (which is a good substitute to violence)
ok this technically doesn't count but I'm putting it here anyways cuz its like one of my favorite ttrpgs of all time TSL is a game about baring your heart and dueling away with people who you'll probably kiss 10 minutes later, its very very fanfic-ey and inspired by queer narratives. I put it here because its made by a team, and the expansion has a setting specifically meant to be a trans "allegory", so I'll say it counts, honestly just go check it out its good shit
Mystic Lillies is a game inspired by ZUN's Touhou Project about witches dueling powerful foes, each other, and themselves. Mystic Lillies features rapid character creation and a unique diceless form of rolling which instead uses a standard playing card deck.
https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/141424/nobilis-the-game-of-sovereign-powers-2002-edition I… want to do a more general overview on Jenna K as an important figure in indie RPG design, but for now just know that Nobilis is good
https://temporalhiccup.itch.io/apocalypse-keys Apocalypse Keys is a game inspired by Doom Patrol, Hellboy, X-men, and other comics about monstrousness being an allegory for disenfranchisement. Apocalypse Keys is also here because its published by Evilhat so its very cleaned up and fancy but I love how the second you check out the dev's other stuff you can tell they are a lot more experimental with their stuff, this is not a critique, it is in fact a compliment
Fellowship! I've posted about this game before, but it is again here. Fellowship has a fun concept that it uses very well mostly, its a game about defining your character's culture, and I think that's really really cool
Voidheart Symphony is a really cool game about psychic rebellion in a city that really does not like you, the more you discover for yourself the better
Panic at the Dojo is a phenomenal ttrpg based on what the Brazilian would call "Pancadaria", which basically means, fucking other's people shit up. Character Creation is incredibly open and free, meaning that many character concepts are available
Legacy 2e is a game about controlling an entire faction's choices across time, its very fun
remember to be kind to a trans person today! oh also don't even try to be transphobic in the reblogs or replies, you will be blocked so fast your head will spin
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Please by the gods take my bones from me they all suck
Danny always spends his Christmases alone since he left Amity Park. His friends are busy with their own celebrations and now he has an excuse to ditch the family ones?
The decorations are everywhere and the damn songs won’t stop playing, so he gets a hot cocoa and wanders to a graveyard where no one will bother him
Joke’s on him though, cuz it turns out there is someone sitting behind the headstone he pauses at to drink
Danny, who is having A Day and can’t be mugged anyway, asks whose headstone this giant fuck is chilling behind
Jason, also Going Through It, decides this is the perfect time to go full creep mode and say “mine”
He is not expecting some scraggly ass bastard to nod sagely and go “mood” solely because Jason cannot work modern tech and does not have social media
They hang out in the graveyard for the rest of the night, not talking about the holiday and why they hate it, just Danny telling Jason about the stars and Jason telling Danny his favourite books
It’s not until he sees Jason in the line for coffee three weeks later that Danny realizes he wasn’t a ghost
Oh this is great. Danny fully thinks that he just hallucinated Jason or he was a lost spirit until he sees Jason with a iced caramel latte a local coffee shop.
Jason is less confused that the kid was real but more shocked they met again. Gotham is a very very big city. You really dont just happen to meet a complete stranger twice within the same month. Jason vented to the kid because he thought that he never was gonna see him again.
But lo and behold, its the exact same kid he talked to in the Graveyard who’s ordering the ungodly concoction of espresso and far too many pumps of pumpkin flavor at the front counter.
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thatone-brightstar · 8 months
More than all the stars (Carmy Berzatto x Fem!Reader) (The Bear & The Fox Series)
Chapter 1: Peelers, pears & 'I'll be there's
Words: 3.8k
summary: Packing up the old, to bring in the new.
a/n: Hi, hope you enjoy! Remember comments, likes and reposts are truly appreciated even in old chapters. Also a lot of fluff cuz i think these two are missing it lol
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Carmy had left a few hours ago, before sunlight could even break through the frosted windows and with you almost not noticing it. He made it past your bed and to the opened door on soft steps, but the heel of his boot scraped the wood unnecessarily hard; and a light shuffle from the bed followed the noise instantly.
“Carmy?” You asked quietly, voice muffled by the thickness of the comforter. 
You shuffled again to push yourself up as Carmy made his way to your side, leaning over you.
“Hey, yeah sorry- I didn’t wanna wake you…” He gently pushed your shoulder back to the mattress and watched you tuck both palms between the pillow and your cheek. “I gotta go in early, but you get some sleep, okay?” 
He leaned down to place a soft kiss over your temple, making you smile and move closer to the hand coming over your hair.
“Okay…” You mumbled back without bothering to open your eyes. “I’ll go visit later.”
“Yeah, sure. Get some rest.”
Carmy gave you a final kiss and before he could pull his hand away from your face, yours reached for it, giving it a light kiss on the discolored ‘S’ under his knuckles.
“Love you, Bear.” You said letting him go and pulled the covers over you once more.
“Love you, Bear.” He repeated without a thought.
His boot scraped the wood again once he noticed the naturality of the words and a sudden wave of cold anxiety washed over him in fear that you might have heard them. He turned his head to the cocoon of blankets you were buried under- undisturbed- and let out a breath of relief. He quickly made his way out the bedroom and past the apartment door into the hall, pushing back the crazy thought that has haunted him for later.
The freezing Chicago weather had kept you in bed for as long as possible, afraid of the chill that would seep through your socks once your feet stepped on the wooden floors. Still, you couldn’t stay more than usual once awake and instead forced yourself up and out to make something of your only day off. With a cup of fresh coffee in your hands and your hair still wet from the warm shower, you took a seat in front of your recently arranged studio in Carmy’s living room- your shared living room.
It still felt strange to call it that, because despite the fact that you had been sleeping at his place for a while now, living together was a whole different situation. You felt like so much had happened in a short period of time that there was still a lot you tried to wrap your head around. From the money, to Joyce’s wedding, to moving in with Carmy, all in under a month.
As your mind wanders away in all the ways your life has changed, your attention is swept away by swirls of light yellows, greens and reds that bounce bright over a shimmering lake. Carmy’s stereo plays one of the usual acoustic songs you use to fill the room while you work on the details, back hunched over in concentration. A few vertebrae pop in protest once you finally straighten your posture and move to rinse your hands of the paint.
Twenty minutes later and despite the cold, you shut the main door to the building and turn in direction to the one coffee shop Carmy likes, the one he always boasted about having the best hash browns in the city, and wait your turn in line to order.
You hadn’t been able to help as much at The Beef, the gallery had been buzzing with patrons since the charity event, that you rarely got a chance to leave the building before sundown. Many times you thought you’d reach the restaurant in time, but as everyone was leaving, covered in grime from head to toe, a part of you grew guilty for not being able to help as much as you’d like. So your contribution would come today in the form of coffee and lunch, because knowing Syd and your boyfriend, eating was probably the last thing on their mind.
Once your order is done and you have to juggle the sandwiches and steaming cups in your arms, the idea to go back for the car pops into your head. But you haven’t tried driving on your own yet and it doesn’t sound so appealing the more you think about it. Instead, you rearrange the paper bags and cup holders into a more comfortable grip and walk the twelve minutes it takes you to reach The Beef- ‘The Bear’ you correct in your head.
By the time you get there, your nose has grown red from the cold and your gloved hands almost lose their grip on the flimsy cup holders.
“G’mornin, hands please!” You yell once you manage to pry the front door open, in hopes that anyone is close enough to hear you.
“Me! I got hands, I’m comin’!” You hear Neil shout from where the steward section used to be, then you hear his shoes and the jingle of his keys move quickly towards you. “Ooh, is that chorizo!?” He asks sniffing around, taking the bags from your hands.
“Yeah- dude you got a good nose…”
“Thanks, my bro says I’m like a Bloodhound when it comes to food- can I?”
“Yeah, go ‘head.”
“Hey-” Syd greets you as she enters the room and offers you a quick side hug. “How’s apartment hunting?”
“Fuckin’ nightmare…” You grumble and carefully hand her the Chai with her name scribbled on it, then yell “I brought family! Come get it before Fak eats it all!”.
Ignoring the small ‘I’m not gonna eat it all’ from the man beside you, you begin pulling the aluminum wrappers and gently stack them over a paper bag to avoid the dust. One by one, the guys come littering in, with tired expressions over their faces, greeting you and grabbing a cup.
“Why don’t you just stay where you are now?” She asks, unwrapping her sandwich.
“Cause Carmy’s landlord’s an asshole.” 
“Carmy’s an asshole?” Marcus jokes, walking past you with a smile and ruffling your hair the way an older brother would.
You roll your eyes and swat his hand away. “Y’know, I’m really lovin’ all this contribution to the conversation.”
“Why’s your landlord an asshole?”
You sigh deep and take a sip of your cup. “Since it states in the contract that it’s only being rented for one person, a.k.a. Carmy, me being there is a violation, which breaks the contract, which means he can raise the rent cause he’s an-”
“Asshole.” Marcus finishes up for you and you point towards him in agreement. “Got it.”
“Wait, he can’t do that, can he?” Syd asks through a frown.
“I guess, I don’t know, I don’t know any lawyers.”
Her head immediately turns to Gary, whose attention is fully involved in the blueberry muffin in his hands. He raises his head at the sensation of your stares and after a few seconds asks;
“Is it rent controlled?”
“Carmy bother to ask for a copy of the contract?”
“Then no. Sorry.” He answers with a shrug and digs back into his muffin. “...man I love these things…”
You sigh and look at Syd again, your eyes travel down to the familiar shade of blue, recognition cocking your head lightly to the side. “Is that my sweater?”
She looks down from her sandwich and shakes her head, stretching out her arm so you can see the little embroidered name on the sleeve. “Matching one’s , remember?”
“Oh, yeah…” You say with a head, remembering the day you bought the matching sweaters, along with the dress for Joyce’s wedding. “I like the little pattern.”
She swallows her bite and gives you a proud smile, posing from side to side so you can see the design better. You snigger at her little movements while everyone falls into a soft hum of conversation, mostly discussing the things that they still have to finish. You’re half way through your coffee when Carmy and Natalie finally walk into the room, immersed in a heated discussion over not having enough budget to cover the cost of ‘some stupidly ridiculous door knobs that no one’s even gonna notice, Carmen.’ 
“I’m gonna notice, okay?” 
“Yeah, well if you’ve got six grand to spare, go pick ‘em up from Italy yourself, they’re a no Carm- hey hun.” Natalie cuts off the conversation by greeting you, leaning in to give you a hug and missing the frown over her brother’s face. 
She sighs into the hug, holding on to you longer than usual. You don’t make an effort to move away, instead you rub your palms lightly over her back and ask a quiet ‘Everything okay Nat?’ into her hair.
“Yeah-” She says, pulling away and clearing her throat. “-yeah. Just that time of the month, y’know.” 
Natalie brushes your worry away with a thin smile and turns to grab her lunch. Your eyes follow her through the room until she disappears into the kitchen, then you look back to the untouched cup of coffee with her name wrapped around the middle. 
You can feel Carmy’s presence lingering beside you and the warmth of his hand on your center back sparks a smile over your lips. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He repeats, bright eyes darting around your soft features as his palm rubs timid circles between your shoulder blades. 
Carmy isn’t one for a public display of affection, instead he enjoys the quiet touches. The lingering looks across a crowded room and wrapping his fingers over your soft hand when he thinks no one is looking.
“I brought you hashbrowns.” You say and push a grease stained paper bag in his direction.
“Oh. thanks.” He says only letting you go once the savory scent reaches his nose. You notice the familiar chase of blue again, except now keeping your boyfriend warm and you smile to yourself. “Kasama?” He asks.
“No- I wish, but they’re closed today. It’s Minelli’s from down the street. Second best…”
“Yeah-” He chuckles lightly. “-second best. Thank you.” 
Your grin grows to your tinted cheeks, blue irises drawing you in and you look away in fear that your cheeks might burst from cuteness. 
“Yo, everyone say thank you for the food?” Carmy asks loudly around the room.
A chorus of jumbled up yes dad’s and thank you’s echoes back and makes you laugh. “It’s no problem. I was planning on helping out today anyway-”
Carmy shakes his head and chews faster, wiping the crumbs of the hashbrown off his hands and onto the sides of his jeans.
“Thank you, but no- you’ve already done enough-” He tries to dismiss before Syd cuts him off.
“That’s perfect actually- I need someone to finish packing dishware.”
“Yeah, I can do that-”
“-Carmy.” You interrupt in an overly sweet tone that has his eyes darting in your direction. There’s a shuffle of movement as the staff take their food and slowly begin to shuffle away, leaving only you two. “Why not?” 
“It’s your day off. I don’t want you spending it stuck in here…” He answers with a sigh. 
“It’s just dishware…” You shrug and tilt your head slightly, hoping that he gives in with the look you’re giving him.
Carmy searches around your face for a few seconds then pinches the bridge of his nose and nods. “...okay fine, just- don’t hurt yourself… everything’s fuckin’ gross right now.” He runs a hand through his hair and watches you agree happily. “Alright, I gotta go talk to Nat ‘bout some stuff, but I’ll check on you later.”
Carmy reaches out a hand to gently knead your forearm, then quickly turns around. 
”Hey-wait-” You call out to him, lowering your voice to a whisper. “Don’t you see somethin’ weird about your sister?” You ask, eying her suspiciously through the little window that peeks into the kitchen.  
“What? What d'you mean?” Carmy answers. 
“I dunno. She just seems… off.”
“Stress… I guess- I dunno. Probably nothin’.” He brushes off, but you eye her for a few seconds longer as he moves again towards the back.
There isn’t a part of you that’s not covered in a thin layer of dust or sweat since you got to The Beef- The Bear- 'Dammit.’ It’s a strange situation to see, you had never known the place could be so quiet, gloomy or empty. 
The walls had been stripped of any trace of personality, leaving only the dusty shadows of frames marking the white paint. The front windows were patched with old newspapers, blocking out the light and giving the space a more depressing feel each time you climbed back up the basement stairs. 
You have spent all afternoon packing up utensils and throwing out silverware that had known better days. Carmy had passed by a few times and insisted you should save yourself before the place swallowed you up, but all he got was a snigger and a soft pat on the cheek. ‘It already has.’ You say with a smile, before moving to tape up one of the boxes. 
Between scrolling through apartment listings and packing most of the dishware up, you hadn’t noticed you were almost working in the dark until Richie flicked the switch and you were startled by the change in lighting.
“Thanks.” You say with a head nod that he reciprocates. “You good?”
He nods again, though mostly by inertia. “Yeah- yeah I’m good. Just, um, dropped off Ava at her mom’s.”
“How is she?”
“Oh I dunno- I didn’t see her-”
“-I meant Ava.”
“Oh, she’s great!” He answers with a new found glow over his face. “Yeah- she’s been really getting into painting recently. Oh, you should see her- she’s so good! I’ve been thinking about signing her up for classes, but they’re fuckin’ expensive, y’know?”
“Why don’t you just put her in mine?” You state like it’s obvious and shrug, sorting out the last pile of forks. 
“Yo-wait, seriously?” Richie asks in a perplexed tone.
“Sure, I can talk Marge into a family discount or somethin’, if you want.” 
“Yeah- no that’d be great, I’ma go tell her the good news… thanks.” You shrug again and offer him a smile before he turns back around. Then you hear his familiar voice from inside the kitchen shout “Yo cuz, your girl’s The O.G.!”
His excitement causes you to shake your head and a small chuckle to escape through your nose as your attention falls back into the silverware. The repetitive action keeps you busy enough in your head that you don’t notice Carmy’s steps moving in your direction.
“Here.” He says, placing a glass of water by the pile of stained forks and quickly leaning down to peck your hair.
“Oh, thanks.” You say back with a small smile and crack your strained knuckles before holding the glass up and taking a sip.
“I think I’ll be a bit longer, Syd wants to talk menu. You don’t mind?” 
You nod and swallow the fresh liquid. “No, don’t mind.”
“Y’sure? It’s pretty late and I don’t know how long it’ll take.” He asks again, one hand pushing back the stray hairs that have fallen out of your ponytail throughout the day. “I know you’re probably tired, sorry.”
You shake your head and reach a hand up to rub the stubble on his cheek. “ Carm, you’re good. Go take care of the menu. I’ll finish here and you can look for me in the office once you’re done.” You smile up at him and give him a gentle pat.
Carmy wraps his hand carefully around your wrist and turns his head to kiss the heart of your palm. There’s still a faint scar of your accident with the pears and the peeler, but he tries not to mention it. He lets go of your hand with a shy smile and a sigh and moves back into the kitchen, where he’s spent most of the afternoon.
The rest of the silverware doesn’t take you more than fifteen minutes to finish and you only notice the slight protesting ache coming from your knees while dropping off the last box downstairs. Rolling out the tension on your neck, you move into the empty office and slouch over the old chair that you hope they replace in the future.
With only the dim yellow desk lamp illuminating the room and the sudden fatigue falling on your shoulders, the corners of your vision begin to blur. You fold your arms over the desk and rest your head above it with eyes closed, getting ready for a short nap. Carmy would wake you up in a few minutes anyway and you’d finally get to go home.
A sense of guilt deepened the frown over his face when he saw the uncomfortable position you were sitting in, one outstretched arm holding your head while the other hand curled under your chin. He didn’t expect for the first ideas of the menu to take that long- half an hour at most- but when he pulled his phone out to show Syd a reference photo, the clock read ten minutes to midnight and his brows raised in shock. He called it a day and promised Syd they’d continue tomorrow, then scrambled to the office where he found you heavily asleep.
He moves towards your slump body and crouches down to your side, hand moving away the pieces of hair that have fallen over your face.
“Honey...” You grumble softly and hide your face deeper into your arm. “Baby, c’mon let’s go home.” 
Carmy tries to stifle the smile that forms from his words and from the cute noise you make in protest.
“What time is it…?” You ask, finally opening your eyes and stretching out your numb arms.
“Almost midnight- m’sorry, I didn’t notice the time.”
You blink your eyes several times to try and refocus your gaze, then smile lightly when you catch his stare. “What’s wrong?”
His grin turns slightly down in confusion. “Why, uhm, why would- why would you think that?” He asks in a low voice.
Pushing yourself off the desk, you prop up your elbow and rest your head over your palm, sleepy eyes set on him. “You’re over apologizing again.”
Carmy's eyes widen lightly then shrink with a grin, turning to the floor. He looks back up to your amused smile and points a finger to your nose. “wow…” He whispers and leans his forehead against yours.
After a few silent seconds, Carmy takes in a deep breath and pulls away after kissing the space between your eyes.
“So what is it?” You ask again and watch him straighten his knees and lean beside you on the desk.
“Turns out we might be over budget…”
“Over the whole 300k?” You repeat in slight surprise as he nods. “How much?”
“‘Bout 130k and counting.”
“...shit.” Is the only appropriate response that comes to mind.
“Yeah…” He agrees absentmindedly. 
“So… Jimmy?” You say after a while. knowing the answer before he even finishes pinching the bridge of his nose.
“...yeah. He’s comin’ in tomorrow mornin’.”
You slowly nod back in acknowledgment, then push away from the desk to stand beside him. Your head drops to his shoulder and his’ immediately follows yours. “You’re gonna need a killer pitch.” You mumble and he responds with a short laugh.
Carmy wraps an arm around you and guides you both out the office, switching off the light and closing the door. 
“Before I forget, I have some places for us to check out next week, you’re sure you can make it?” You ask him once outside the warm building, wrapping your jacket tighter around you before your teeth begin to chatter.
“Yeah, I’ll probably have to meet you there, though.” He answers as he finishes locking the side door.
“That’s fine- I just wanna make sure you’re there… I don’t wanna choose somethin’ you’re not gonna like.”
“I’ll be there.” He assures with an insistent nod.
Carmy notices how the peaks of your face begin to dust with a slight pink and he leans closer, putting an arm around your shoulders, for warmth. You look up at his face with a soft smile, eyes tracing over his features- mostly hidden under the shade of his baseball hat- and your hand holding onto his arm. As simple as that, you believe him.
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry, @kirakombat, @redsakura101 , @hobisunshine13 and that’s it lmao
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icycoldninja · 4 months
So I've been wanting to request something for a hot minute from y’all; Vergil (or Nero..? Idk if you do stuff for him tbh) having to warm-up with a Male reader during a blizzard???
(👉👈 Never done a request before so idk how much to put. I love your work and can't wait to read more from you (/p)!)
AAAAAA I KNOW U, U ALWAYS REBLOG MY WORKS WITH THOSE HILARIOUS TAGS! I've also read your stuff on ao3! I love your works too! I'm so glad you requested! I chose to do Vergil cause I like writing for him more than Nero lol; hope you enjoy!💜💜💜
Warm-Up (Vergil x Male!Reader)
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Bonus pic I pulled off Pinterest for ya cuz y'all deserve it 💜
You shivered in your seat, goosebumps breaking out across your skin. A blizzard raged on outside, rattling the walls of your house and, via several drafts in said walls, lowered the overall temperature to lows your poor human body couldn't handle. You continued shuddering, wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt to keep warm, futile as it was. You were just so cold, for an indescribable reason, no matter how many layers of clothes you threw on or how many blankets you piled on, you were freezing. It was like you were cursed, cursed to be eternally chilly.
The front door clicked, then swung open; Vergil stomped in, covered in snow. "Y/N?" He called, peeking around the corner and finding you curled up on the couch, swaddled in blankets and thick clothes. "What is going on?" He demanded, raising a thin white eyebrow at you. "I'm cold." You grumbled, tugging the blankets tighter around you as another strong wind shook the house and chilled the room even further. "Cold?" Vergil repeated, confused. He had never felt cold in his life, being an ice demon and whatnot. Nonchalantly, he stalked away to remove the snow from his person and change into dry clothes. A few moments later, he rejoined you in the living room, only to find a pile of blankets where you once had been seated. "Y/N? Where did you go?" A hand--your hand--shot up from within the mountain of bedclothes. "Right here, Verg. Right here, freezing my ass off." Vergil sighed, then began shifting the blankets aside to get to your trembling, nearly numb-with-cold form. "You lack motivation," He stated, shoving the blankets aside, then taking a seat on the couch and rearranging them in his lap. "A mere bit of cold is nothing; such a trivial inconvenience should mean nothing to you." While those words may have sounded harsh and derogatory, they were in fact, meant to be motivating--and they were.
"I...I guess you're right," You admitted, sighing and sitting up. "it shouldn't bother me, but it does." Vergil scoffed, then dragged you by the arm over into his lap. With a grumpy huff that was probably caused by embarrassment for his uncharacteristically soft behavior today, he began to wrap you up like a burrito. Once he was done, he scooped you up and cradled you in his arms like a mother with her baby.
You were confused at first, but soon relaxed into your new blanket cocoon. "Are you warm now?" Vergil asked, after a few moments of silence. Believe it or not, you were. The cocoon, combined with Vergil's furnace-like body heat, did wonders for your own body temperature, warming you up much more efficiently compared to all the other methods you previously tried. "Yes, I am," You murmured, rather enjoying this treatment. "Good. I suppose I can unwrap you now, correct?" You shrugged, not really wanting to leave Vergil's lap. "If you don't mind....a little longer?" Vergil gave you a side-eye that could have withered flowers, but said nothing and made no attempt to move you. You yawned, now that you'd been warmed up, you were starting to feel a little sleepy. "Tired?" He inquired, bouncing his leg so as to rock you easier. "Yeah, a little," You sighed, yawning again. "I'm gonna take a nap...wake me in a few hours, ok?" Vergĺil nodded, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. "Very well." As you closed your eyes and began to drift off to sleep, you could have sworn you heard him mumble "Sweet dreams, my little lump of coverlets."
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walli3darl1ng · 10 months
Hello!!! Me again! Dang I've been requesting a lot lately I need to take a chill pill!
Anywho I'm here to request two fanfics but separately you know okay here are the ideas I'm going to give you you choose either one cuz I'm going to minimum minimize my requests cuz I feel like I'm taking over your requests, lol!
#1: ghost wally x ghost investigator reader
How they met: reader was investigating the old abandoned building of the welcome home studio
And found the dolls of the welcome home cast they took him home and that's how the ghosts of the welcome home cast attached to them cuz the reader was the only one that took good care of them in years. And one day wally decided they are going to introduce themselves to the reader.
#2: Moon themed reader x welcome home cast.
Just reactions and or interactions to a Moon themed reader.
maybe like they were a puppet that came to 'life' for a daycare sort of like Moon from security breach but instead of a robot a they're a puppet!? And they were bought out by the company to welcome home!
+ if they have experience with helping children with mental problems.
From: a new friend 🌜/moon
To: 💖you💝
(I love both of them! And I’ll write the first one since I believe the second one was required by another anon. But I’m here to serve you some food!! …finally after what seems like decades..hehe)
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Normal people may do a lot of different things when they’re bored and want something to do. Call friends, go to the movies, go for a walk, maybe even scroll on their phone.
Not you, you’re more adventurous then that. You’ve walked the park a million times, you’ve gone to the movies more then anyone should and frankly all your friends rather be in their shell. You wouldn’t mind it if they didn’t do anything, just the thought of them being there satisfied you.
But none of those are happening so you just decided to walk and let natural take its course. You are looking for something, not sure what, but something so you have your digital camera and started filming.
Soon you glance up to see they Mother Nature has decided to take you to the abyss because she led you to an abandoned building, surrounded by a wire fence and some signs, looking around you see it’s pretty far away from the main road, what kind of building was this? A factory of sorts?
You shrug and find a place to get in. Finding an opening in the wires you carefully slip in and walk towards the building.
It took you a while to actually get in this place has been shutdown pretty good but the druggies or homeless people found a way in and mark their territory but it seem years ago.
Turning on the flashlight on your phone you set off on your adventure in this abandoned factory? Maybe you should find clues on what this building actually is. And doing just that you find a bulletin board in one of the hallways and squint at a piece of paper;
Welcome home brand new special!
Coming soon later this year!
As you move further down the hall you see other special posters of the show ‘Welcome Home.’ You wonder if you ever watched it when you were little or if it stop airing before that. You don’t quite remember if you did or not.
You see another paper, a news report about the show,
Welcome home canceled?!
Read about the scandal involving debts, overworked employees and a mysterious curse!
“A curse?” You whisper to yourself as you continue down the hallway. This is getting a little more interesting.
There was this kid’s show and it seems to be very popular and then gets canceled after some years over some debts; which you can see happening with a big show like this it doesn’t surprise you that they’ll pay money to make it appealing for kids.
Overworking employees? Well, duh! This show looks like it’s come up with special events and episodes like it’s nothing, you can imagine they would work their employees to death!
Now for the curse that’s a little far, right? The show can’t be canceled over some curse that didn’t get proven. That’s just how the writers get to their audience. Say some random, crazy thing and they’ll come running.
It does make you wonder, if their is a curse, what would that curse be? Did the creator of the show sold their soul for a successful business? Maybe asked for help and couldn’t live up the the consequences? This is definitely getting your blood pumping! You’re so hyped to keep exploring and it starts with opening some of these doors!
Door number one was a storage unit, so nothing there besides boxes of supplies which looked to be already cleared by other passing people.
Door number two was a set, with lights and some fake houses, some props and cameras. It looks like the people just up and left without clearing anything, that, you found weird.
And lastly door number three! You had a feeling about this one, Can it be an office with all the answers Inside? Maybe a safe with money? Or or maybe a document or letter about the curse?!
Twisting the door knob you take a deep breath and swiftly pushed it open to find…
Another storage unit.
“Great..” you sighed and step forward to see what’s in here and as you take a step you gasp when you hit a box almost making you trip. “What the—“
Looking down you see the box was slightly open and glancing to the side you read the words ‘puppets’
Filled with curiosity you take the box and slide it out the room and kneel down to see what’s inside and to your surprise you see the whole crew of ‘Welcome Home’ in the box. All the puppets you saw on the posters where here. But why? Wouldn’t they be taken or something?
“Guess Not.” You shrug and tilt your head you remember your friends telling you they are gonna clear this area for a new building, and well, you can’t just leave this here…right?
“You’re insane.”
“Hey! Be nice.”
“How can I! You brought a box filled with dirty, musty, creepy puppet dolls you found in an abandoned building!” Your friend scolds you as you hold a sleepy, dirty artist puppet you found out to be Wally Darling from the show. All the rest are clean and sitting on your desk.
“Well they’re clean now, and their not creepy,” you argued and gestures to the clean crew. “Look they’re adorable.”
“Great, you’ve lost it,” your friend drops their arms to their side before gesturing to Wally. “That one is still dirty. Oh, gosh and you’ve been clinging to it since you got it.”
“You’re just mad,” you dismissed them and turn Wally to face you. “Don’t listen to them, they don’t mean it.”
“I do mean it don’t listen to them- what the fuck am I doing talking to a puppet!”
You laugh as you stand up and walk over to your bathroom to clean Wally up. You know your friend is just as weird as you are but you embrace it more then they do.
“You really wasted you month on getting them clean, what’s your plan after?” You hear your friend call out to you from your room, you glance over to see them holding Barnaby with a smile. “Sell them?”
“No! Imma keep-“
“No your not, where are you gonna put them?” They raise a brow at you and hold one arm out to gesture to your room the other holding Barnaby. “If you haven’t noticed, your room is a plushy abyss, you don’t have room.”
“I’ll just make room.”
“Good luck.”
“How about you take a few?”
“I wound but you know how the partner in crime would be.” You hear them as they cuddle up to Barnaby while scrolling on their phone. You coming back after washing Wally and letting him to dry.
“You should break up with them-“
“And you should see a therapist but are you gonna do it?”
It’s been a few months and you were waken up by another bang coming from the kitchen.
This has been happening a lot even since you brought the crew into your home. Constant bagging and footsteps, would hear whispers and things moving. Yeah it was scary but you ghost hunt all the time so this is the perfect opportunity to do an in-home ghost hunting.
Getting out of bed you get your makeshift board and slip on your slippers. Rubbing your eyes you silently make it in the kitchen and set the board on the countertop.
“Okay ghost, whatever is here. You wanna keep me up? That’s cool but now you gotta answer my question.” You spoke as you slide a chair over and plot on it. “Got it? One bang for yes, two for no.”
You wait a few seconds and you hear a bang on the far end of the hallway. You gasp and straighten your back, that definitely woke you up. “Okay…um, I didn’t think this far so give me a minute.”
Another bang, this one is intelligent! You have to act quickly! You click record on your little EVP to get voices and continue.
“Erm..okay! So are you evil? Like are you gonna hurt me in any way?” You wait for a bit and didn’t hear anything so you kept asking questions.
“Whats your name? What can I call you?”
“Okay..” you take the recorder and stop it then replayed it and held it up to your ear.
“What’s your name? What can I call you?”
“What?!” You pulled away before rewinding it and hearing it again for a few times and it sounded like it said Wally darling. “No way…”
You rush up to your room and pick up Wally from your desk, you stare into his sleepy eyes before taking him to the kitchen with you, you set him next to the board and then set a indicator.
“Okay, Wally? If you’re here can you move this thing right here?” You pointed to the Indicator in front of you and glances at the puppet. “It’s okay, I just wanna know if it’s you.”
After what seemed like minutes, the indicator started to move and it started spelling something over and over again. “Woah, Buddy, slow down I can only spell so quick. One more time. Slowly.”
Behind. You.
“Behind you? What…” you froze when that phrase proceeded in your mind and you look over at the puppet and see that it’s looking behind you. “Im gonna die, aren’t I?”
You gulp down your nerves and slowly turn around to be met with the same sleepy, mesmerizing eyes you grew to enjoy.
“Hi, neighbor~”
(I feel iffy about that one, like I definitely could’ve done better but this is the best I got 🥲 I do have a project that I would like to give you guys a sneak peek on but idk if I should.
Okay bye!!!!)
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evilphrog · 9 months
Watching Wheel of Time without reading the books: Season 2, episode 1
I'm at it again! I know I never posted the season 1 finale review, and maybe I will go back and do that later. But for now, I just finished the season premiere, and I have to say, Perrin is 100% correct. The five of them are much more impressive together than apart. Which isn't to say I disliked it. They are all on the struggle bus, but that is where character development is at its peak, and where we get to see their true inner strength. Which is to say, I LOVED it. Bring on the angst!
The season opener with the round table of evil plotters was a fun and clever way to deliver some exposition without boring us. Having a little girl crawling under the table, disturbing the Very Important Shadowy Cloak Meeting really humanized every single one of them, and seeing the Fake Dark One be so gentle and patient with her gives some insight into how people can become dark friends. They are just concerned parents. I am now calling him Nancy Reagan, since he is their leader. I also definitely want to pet a trolloc. They look much cuter when they aren’t being ordered to kill everyone in sight. Are they tamable? Or...redeemable? I am still not sure of their level of free will/sentience, so I am not sure which word applies.
The first scene post-credits is Moiraine working hard to take her Very Sad Alone Time Depression Bath. Just one woman, chilling in a hot tub, cuz the water gets cold without magic. It was a very good idea to show the first hot tub scene in the recaps, so I could get the full emotional subtext here. Bathing is a communal activity in this culture, but she can’t handle having someone else see her in such a vulnerable position when she already feels so vulnerable all the time. But the longer she spends isolated, the more alone and vulnerable she will continue to feel.
She and Lan are hiding out with their friends, Sassy Twin, Serious Twin, and Tom. Tom is married to one of them, but I forget which one. Without the warder bond, Lan must have lost the rapid healing that allows him to withstand his severe clothing allergy. Good thing the Sassy Twin is there to helpfully point out additional clothes that might be hurting him, and to reassure him it would be fine to remove them in her home. She truly speaks for all of us. I’m glad Lan has these three friends around to support him as he supports Moiraine. This poor man is having to learn, at the tender age of forty-something, to use his words to describe how he feels. He is afraid for his best friend, he is hurt about being pushed away at a time when he would expect to be leaned on even harder, I am pretty sure he blames her for blocked bond because she had put the block up prior to being shielded, and he feels like he is losing his only purpose in life.
And in the face of all that, he has to exhibit so much patience as Moiraine acts like every insecure teenager ever and tries to push him away. His previous experience with teenagers taught him what this behavior is like, but not how to handle it. Her “I am so aloof and do not care at all about the feelings of others” routine was incredibly transparent to everyone except Lan. He really needed his friends to lovingly slap him in the ego and remind him that the only way to truly help her is to let himself be the vulnerable one, so she can see how it' it's done, and realize it's something she can live with.
But now he has to do it the old fashioned way, by walking upstairs to check on her. Good timing, too. Slightly worse timing for Serious Twin, but at least she could handle all the Eyeless. Hopefully one of the twins does healing.
Meanwhile, at Aes Sedai High, Nynaeve and Egwene are in novice training. Egwene is dealing with a bit of culture shock. She accidentally witnesses an actual, honest to Light, bisexual orgy on screen. She is going from being a big fish in a small pond to being a big fish in an ocean surrounded by other big fish, but she is handling it better than I expected. Nynaeve is handling the entire thing exactly as I hoped she would. While Egwene focuses on adding extra challenges by learning to weave with both hands tied behind her back, Nynaeve is semi-consciously stopping herself from doing any magic at all. Polly tries playing on her pride, by saying she is just scared, and Nynaeve responds by drinking dirty dishwater while making direct eye contact. Such a power move, there. Unfortunately, it leads directly to an unwanted face-to-face discussion with JK Rowling, which quickly turns into a surprise duel. I thought JK was torturing Nynaeve by hurting her, but my husband said she was only making the air too thick for Nynaeve to move through. And really, nothing could possibly torture Nynaeve more than placing an unwanted restriction on her. She did end up shielding her, temporarily, and that was described as one of the most brutal forms of assault. Pretty sick, but also pretty consistent with boarding school hazing rituals.
Later, Nynaeve and Egwene read the letter from Perrin, where he hopes they will all stick together. And JK Rowling goes down to her secret Man Dungeon For Men to read a heavily edited version of the letter to her prisoner, New Mat. And, to this I have to say, come on JK Rowling! Why do you go and pull a stunt that the actual JK Rowling also used in her own book? Your name is getting more and more accurate as time goes on, and that is not a compliment. Anyways, Mat responds in pretty much the same way Harry Potter did, by trying to break out of jail. I’m not sure how I feel about New Mat so far. He seems a bit like a soggy bed sheet, but he is also in the exact circumstances that would lead to soggy bed sheet behavior. His puckish attitude was mostly a mask he put on to lift the spirits of those around him, and his private moments were entirely spent dwelling on his own misery. Presumably the only person he has interacted with for months now is someone who actively feeds on that misery. JK Rowling is a cursed dagger unto herself.
We get a brief glimpse of Rand, with his new haircut. He is sad and has no lines. I assume he will be more present in future episodes. He lights a lantern, presumably for his mother, but maybe for the innocent version of himself that will never exist again. Maybe for his friends he thinks he can never see again. They light the lanterns for those they lost, which might not necessarily mean the ones who died.
Perrin, meanwhile, is on a quest to find Padan Fain and steal back the magic horn. He has found another Wolf guy, who seems to be teaching him how his wolf powers work. Apparently he can see the past? Maybe he is smelling the places where things used to be, like Angua does in Discworld? So then, is he a werewolf? This is a very confusing power that has still not been explained at all. I would have liked to see Perrin get a training sequence similar to Egwene and Nynaeve, but the defining trait of wolf guys is that they aren’t a chatty bunch. They find a bunch of bodies of the traitors from the final battle, presumably disposed of once they were no longer useful. The group holds a proper funeral for them, which confuses Perrin. He doesn’t understand how they can go to such effort for the people responsible for the deaths of hundreds. The prince guy responds that if his people spent their time seeking revenge on those who betray them, they wouldn't have time for anything else. It is more helpful to the ones left behind to let it go and focus on the mission. Sort of the way of the leaf, but with a more productive twist. Perrin is really on a quest for a moral philosophy that he can live with, and this one seems slightly more compatible with him.
At Bel Tine, he lights a lantern for his wife. The first time he has to do so. He places his wedding ring on the lantern, but takes it back at the last second. He isn’t ready to let go of his own guilt just yet, but at least he can move forward while carrying it now. Loial seems good for him. And Perrin is good for Loial. He’s way more likeable now that he has gotten used to the wonder of living in the human world, and stopped condescendingly and incorrectly explaining how it all works. They are both figuring that out together. I am not sure how he survived being stabbed with the cursed dagger. By all rights it makes no sense. So I guess… Loial returned somehow. And we are also moving on from it and focusing on the mission, even if we carry our confusion with us.
Other episode reviews
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stolaz-the-artist · 4 months
Switched Career AU
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I’m aware the name sounds like a sims expansion pack I’ll fix it later
AU info below!
So i got this idea when i was thinking about how younger me misunderstood Alice in the first episode.
I thought that when she said “country boy” she meant he was a cowboy. And i thought this for like a whole year.
And then i thought “What if he was a cowboy?” But thats too easy and boring + They already kinda did that in s4. Not really but close enough (i have enough memes of Cowboy Clay locked an loaded anyway so i think I’ll survive) So i continued thinking and remembered from the Knights code how Clay said a certain sword was easy enough a child could make it. And i just started assuming he must have some knowledge in weapon making. Cuz why not? and also! I didnt neglect the other knights for this project! THATS A FIRST!
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I gave them minor redesigns, nothing too mayor but still something. (also all of this is pre-knights academy. So they’re like 15 or sum)
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Yet again, just playing with the idea that he works as a blacksmith, providing for him an his brother.
I somehow thought out more for Aaron than Clay??? Big things are happening in Detroit ngl
I have a skit planned with Ruina involved, but more on that later
And for Merlok: guess he just never found him. Or he died. Idk I’ll figure something out later.
Oh and since Merlok couldn’t find him he just kinda grew into his powers, and so did Fletch. They dont know much tho about it and just use it as some sort of minor day to day tool. But they haven’t trained it so its just still kinda uncontrollable at times, remaining heavily linked to emotions. (All of this still in very early development dont come for me)
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I have no clue what Aaron’s dad works as but i just made him a fisherman.
Aaron still craves danger, but the danger of fishing (cuz that shit can be real fucking dangerous let me tell ya that-)
He’s still too younge tho, but he can’t stop talking about it, and how much he wish he could join his dad on his boat (He has snuck on on several occasions but turns out hiding under deck during a storm isn’t a good idea. The only reason he stopped was cuz he’d miss out on the fun part regardless) Him and Clay are friends, meeting every now and again when Clay and Fletch come and buy fish from his family.
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He’s been very excited about taking over the restaurant, already having a plethora of dishes he wants to make (and eat ofc).
He’s friends with Aaron, given they also buy fish from his family. He’s not very familiar with Clay tho. They’ve been at the fish market at the same time once or twice but barely talked. But they still see each other as friends, just not very close
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Macy is still, Macy ig? I’m not sure what to do with her. So i just made King Halbert more chill. She takes several combat classes and planning on becoming a fighting queen if anything.
Her and her family are going on a trip through out the kingdom with the Richmonds. On her end its more of a meet and greet thing, but it’s different for Lance.
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OG Lance must be quite jealous. He was sent into the acting industry at a very young age. He thrives in it, taking role after role back to back.
However this next one requieres some sort of reference with the commoners. He joins Macy’s family (Bringing his agent and Dennis with him obv.) as they travel through the country sides of the kingdom. He honestly can’t wait to go home and take a dip in the gold pool.
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Idk why this thing kinda makes me sad but oh well, it’s the truth after all.
I am planning on writing this. Like fanfic wise.
But whenever that’ll be out is a mystery.
I haven’t written a fanfic since my wattpad days and AO3 still lowkey scares me.
Also other than Fletch so am i not sure what to do with Ava, Robin or Izzy. So if ya have any ideas, please share, i have no clue.
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blubushie · 21 days
Dad's bringing Mattie to the grease monkeys today cuz she needs an oil change (and I can't go because someone needs to watch the house, and I look young so mechanics always try to bilk me).
It's about 9am when he goes to start her up.
She doesn't start.
He keeps trying. She doesn't start. He pulls the choke, maybe it's the chill from last night? No start. Her engine turns over and roars, and then three seconds later it dies. All further attempts and she won't turn over at all. What the fuck?
He calls me out. "Come look at this." We troubleshoot for about 15. Can't figure out the problem. He tries to start her again. I smell petrol and signal him to call quits—overloaded the fuel line. I pop the bonnet, take off the air filter, set that in the grass and let the fuel line and engine and carb vent out the fumes. We wait for the smell to dissipate.
Five minutes later the smell's gone. I get in to see if I can start her—it's been 30 something years since Dad's driven a manual choke, but I drove one just last year in the freezing outback winter, an '87 Holden. And I learnt to drive in a '67 Mustang, manual choke. Sure, I totalled that car, but it wasn't related to the choke at all. Maybe Dad's just doing it wrong.
I pull the choke. Dad confirms from up front that the choke is working. I keep the choke closed, turn the ignition, and tap the accel. She doesn't start.
What the fuck? She was running like a beast yesterday!
I get out. While I get out I happen to look down and I see the manual fuel lever. And it's facing the door.
See, Mattie's a 1968 Ford F250 Camper Special. The Camper Special is made to carry a jackoff camper in the tray. Naturally, it has two tanks for petrol because the added weight is hell on the engine, one tank in the cab under the seat, and one tank in the tray. Now, normally you'd switch tanks from the switch on the dash, but as we've established nothing electrical in her really wants to work, and that includes the switch in the dash. So instead you have to use the emergency backup lever below the seatbelt feeder on the floor of the driver's side, next to the door. If the lever points forward it feeds from the cab tank, if the lever points backwards it feeds from the rear tank.
But the lever was pointing sideways, toward the driver's door. I'd suggested doing this last night as a hypothetical manual fuel shuftoff switch, something people often install on classic cars (or expensive modern cars) to prevent the cars from being stolen. If you run the car with the switch enabled, the only petrol the engine gets is whatever is left in the fuel line. You'll get about a metre before the engine dies. Now, theoretically, the tank switch should work the same way if it's rigged how I think it is—forward opens the front tank valve but closes the back, backwards opens the rear tank valve but closes the front, and sideways... either opens both, or closes both.
Turns out, it closes both. Cuz I got back in, reached down and flipped the lever forward, and turned the ignition. Tapped the accel and she roared up without issue—didn't even need to use the choke.
We sabotaged my truck and both of us ADHD idiots completely forgot we'd sabotaged the truck, so we spent 35 minutes trying to troubleshoot an issue WE caused despite there actually not being any problem at all besides our own forgetfulness.
I feel like a bloody idiot but at least we know the lever is effective theft prevention!
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silverflqmes · 2 months
- who fell first and how?
- what book sealed the deal on your relationship?
- did you guys join a book club together, if so — what was the book that caught both of your guys’ eye?
- what do the boys think about your guys’ relationship? (kaveh, cyno, & tighnari)
- how did you guys meet and how long did it take for a single date?
- which of you said i love you first and how?
- e2l, which one admits they’re in love first and why?
- he misses the high cloud quintet, how do you comfort him?
- you both fight phantylia together, who falls down first?
- bonus: who went for the body? i think i can answer this one
- how to make a day of fun so sephiroth can be human again
- how would you style his hair for fun
- how to get him to stop being cloudobsessed and you-obsessed instead!!!
at long last i answered your ask bc monkey brain has just been SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH SEPHIROTH as of late.. ahem. now without further delay, time to get the cogs winding
𓍼 haithellie.
— if i’m going with my e2l idea, he fell first because i was in hella denial.. but i fell harder. i haven’t really come up with much but i’m thinking we would both be in places in our lives where we’re dealing with loneliness?? for me i would have left home to study so i’d kinda be adjusting, while alhaitham has kinda been on his own, having lost his parents from young, and later his grandmother that took care of him after that. so i think we would have found mutual comfort in each other and he would have caught some feelings just from little details. stupid habits i have, shared interests, the bantering since we would have both been in the same darshan..
— i totally missed this question until i went back to read for the next ship but UHHH the wicked king cuz it’s my fav and i’ll never be normal about it
— we joined a book club not knowing that the other would be in there too LMAO it was just supposed to be a pastime kinda thing and it was just coincidence that we both ended up in it together.. but let me think, me being me i like my romantasy books so i dunno it alhaitham would also be into those.. but i could see him reading the folk of air — totally not bc it’s my favorite series, totally not bc we act like jude and cardan, totally not because — yeah, you got me..
— alhaitham wants them nowhere near me ( minus tighnari ) because they would enable me and they would tease him sm.. but i think we would be super chill together, i could see us playing uno or monopoly and just- disaster happening BAH but anyway i think they would be happy about alhaitham finding someone after his losses, and even it kaveh might be petty.. he’s happy for him<3
𓍼 tartellie.
— omg akira-san, i mean uh, tartaglia, yeah.. ahem. let me think.. we would have met at a flower shop, he was buying flowers to bring home to his family since he was likely away from home for a good while. he was just scanning all the different types, not sure which to pick, to which he would approach me, thinking me to be the store clerk ( i was not ). confused, i would break to him that i do not work there.. to which he would get embarrassed LMAO but since we were talking, he would ask on my opinion anyway, to which i’d try my best to offer a few options to my basic knowledge of flower language. i think he would show interest in the way i talk and explain, the hand gestures and expressions i make, but he’d ignore it.. until we stumbled once more upon each other, where he would chat with me.. and then proposes the idea of getting lunch. totally not a date, just lunch..
— he did and probably said so without even saying those three words tbh?? i don’t know how he would say it, but uh maybe smtn like.. “it’s strange.. home, until now was always being with my family back in snezhnaya.. but somehow, you seemed to have brought that feeling to me here and have blossomed it into something a little more than family, something special and precious to me.”
— now for this.. me LMAO if it was e2l it would end up as an unspoken confession i feel?? maybe if he was seriously injured or um, overdid things again because he used foul legacy or his delusion in a fight.. to which i would yell at him in a way that sounded like i really cared for him, and tartaglia would end up saying something along the lines of me sounding like i loved him or something.. to which i would go silent and he would piece it all together. unspoken confession!!
𓍼 yuellie.
— understandable as to why he would miss them, especially cuz he’s the last one remaining and with his memories in tact. it’s kinda heartbreaking honestly, but i understand the kinda fall of a friend group in a way, granted i still talk with mine but very minimally these days. regardless, i would do my best to comfort him, maybe take him out or encourage him to come be around others as well outside of his duties, just to feel yk welcomed as a dude and not just as a general. i think he’d like something like that cuz company helps when you miss those that you were once close with.
— AKWJSJDJSKSJ i fall down first and i make sure to KNEEL ( i did it on purpose ) yuan is probably like ellie???? and i’m like ain’t no way you said you’re going for the body — I’M GOING FOR THE BODY, YOU SIT YOUR ASS BACK THERE. atp he’s like, am i about to have my girl stolen by horrifyingly attractive woman that wants to kill us and is not just twice but several times her size?? he’s just watching in complete shock but like part of him understands.. i mean.. come on.
— I WENT FOR THE BODY AGAIN AND AGAIN ahem, your assumptions are likely correct.
𓍼 sephiellie.
— screams in sephiroth. okay um. let me actually get into this. sooo a day to make sephi have fun and feel more human.. well! after buying flowers from a certain peddler, i would whip out my super slay cool flip phone and urge him to come over after work because i had a surprise for him. said surprise is flowers to braid into his hair and a flower for him to keep at home cuz sephiroth having a green thumb sounds so adorable. for the rest, it would be just a cute self care day to remind him of his humanity in spite of whatever modifications and experiments were done on him ( FUCK YOU HOJO YOU UGLY ASS PIECE OF SHIT, THERE’S A REASON I’M NOT IN FFVII AND THAT’S BC YOUR ASS WOULD BE THROUGH, WHICH MEANS THE STORY DOESN’T END UP HAPPENING SO NO GAME )
— the braid with the flowers in it! high ponytail for sure HE IS SO PRETTY<3 maybe a bun as well after i told him that mine absolutely sucked and that my mom refused to let me out of the house without her doing my hair.. so he would ask to see how bad said bun is — so it ends up messy because i didn’t wanna make it too tight.. his hair is also super long.. but he liked it, probably wondered why i couldn’t leave the house when it looked so nice on him ( sobbing he’s so so sweet ), furthermore i would try the princess leia space buns and perhaps twin tails<3 he also would do my hair and try out different styles too, he’s so gentle<3
okay i believe that was all of them.. this took way longer than i’d expected😭
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gojo-mochi · 7 months
👻ima trick my boy geto here….. mwhahahah👹
Adding my boy in there cuz i can mwahaha 
You were sitting bored in your apartment all alone, Suguru ended up getting dragged from place to place by Gojo and the students. Leaving you all to your lonesome, you stare at your phone, having exhausted all social media apps and getting bored of looking at the same feed over and over again, when an idea pops into your head. While you do love that Suguru was a caring person and that he had his own life to live somethings, that doesn't mean you get lonely without him. 
And he hasn't even been texting you back that much! So you decided to pull a devious prank on him. Grabbing your laptop you look up voice clips of someone male, preferably deep and soothing. Googling some asmr videos you come across a channel with a voice that oddly sounds like Suguru but this voice was a bit more chilling, the lull and timber of his words sent a weird chill down your spine but he had some voice clips of what you were looking for, so you picked him anyway. 
“Kenjaku…huh.” You read the youtuber's name out loud as you prepare the prank, cutting his audio clips into what you needed and getting ready to ‘accidentally’ call up Suguru. You sat back on the couch with a giggle as you pressed on Suguru’s number on your phone, putting it on speaker and laying it on the table next to your laptop. Your leg bouncing up and down impatiently as you wait for Suguru to pick up. Ring….. Ring….. Click… “Hello?”
Your breath hitches in your throat upon hearing Suguru for the first time in a while, you almost faltered and replied back but held strong, your hand hovering over the play button on your laptop as you steady your breathing and began the show. “Darling? Are you there?” Suguru questioned lightly as you could hear him walk away from Gojo and some other people talking in the background. You faked a giggle, hearing Suguru get even more confused; “Oh, stop it. You’re such a bad boy.” Your voice titters out, hitting play on the audio clip as Kenjaku’s voice starts to flow out from the speakers.
“You’re a naughty girl, aren’t you. Hahah… Now, what am I going to do with you, hmm?” You had to stop yourself from shuddering, as you pretended to reply back to Kenjaku. “Are you gonna punish me, hmm~?” Suguru's voice rang out louder as he spoke this time; “Y/N? Who was that and what are you doing? Where are you?” You heard him say something to Gojo and the shuffling of feet quickly moving, a wide smile stretched on your face as you picked up the phone and giggled into it. “Hi baby~” You cooed, Suguru quickly responded; “Darling! What are you doing right now? I heard a voice, is there someone there with you?” His voice was on the edge of worry and angry in it, you felt your core heat up from his tone. 
“Haha! Pranked ya! It was just a video of some random guy I found online. No one’s here, baby. I just got really lonely and missed you.” Suguru let out a huge sigh at that; “Darling, just say so and don’t give me a heart attack next time. I’m coming home to you now, anyway.” You perk up at that; “Really?” Suguru cooed at your excitement, “I was out buying gifts for you, I planned on coming home to surprise you with it later.” He chuckled, as you made a questioning noise. 
“You wanna know what I got for you, hmm? It's something new we could use in the bedroom. Satoru showed me this store that just opened up and they had lots of items I wanted to try on you.” A different kind of shiver went down your spine this time, as you squeezed your thighs together, a wetness forming in your shorts. “O-oh, yeah?” Suguru hums back, “I think it works out, Cause you’re definitely getting punished tonight, by me.” 
‘Uh oh…I’m fucked.’ Both literally and figuratively. You let out a nervous laugh, “Honey, sweetie, sugarpie? You’re still mad at my prank, are you? I only did that because I was lonely and missed you, you know.” Suguru didn't say anything for a while, only the sound of his car unlocking was all you could hear for a while. “I know, dear. That’s why I’m coming home right now, to spend all night with you.” The revving of his engine matches the increasing pace of your heart. “And this spreader bar and rope will help me, I mean you, prepare for a long night of fun~” 
“Now, be a good girl and get on the bed and wait for me. If you try to run away or hide from me, I’ll increase the punishment~”
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okay so I watched the knuckles series (by following the example of the pirates of course ) and I have to say while it was a very enjoyable watch, I have no clue what I watched and I’m mostly confused and have come away feeling mostly neutral. I don’t hate it, but it hasn’t dug its hooks in like other sonic things have for me.
Like some bits I very much enjoyed watching and would happily see again and others I couldn’t stand and dread the idea of watching again.
there were plenty of moments where Knuckles went against what I adore about him, and others that perfectly capture what I adore about him. Boy was so adorable though. Loved lots of the expressions he made.
okay I’m gonna get a bit more specific from here and cuz I got no clue what’s going on with the tagging and it gets long I’ll put it under a cut.
So it’s kinda hard for me to remember what happened, but I will say I love wades mother, she was amazing, loved her and Knuckles’ dynamic and would welcome it if she appeared again. (Also, new headcanon unlocked that knuckles is such a mamas boy he’s a magnet for motherly figures)
I really am not a fan of his sister Wanda tho. The childish sibling banter did entertain me at first (and made me think that knuckles was going to reflect on his relationship with his brothers) but it went on too long and just made Wanda feel like she never matured past being a bratty teenager. (And judging by what I’ve seen I think she’s gonna be on ‘top _ worst sonic characters’ lists for a while)
my opinion on Wade himself hasn’t really changed. I have no strong feelings towards the guy
We didn’t get as much as I wanted, but I loved the Wachowski family stuff. I needed so much more of knuckles being the trouble kid and the family trying to help.
It’s pretty annoying that the start of the show set up Knuckles learning to chill, be a kid on earth and settle in with his new family. Only to drop it basically immediately and the closest thing it has to a resolution is Knuckles finding his jam.
and yeah, I could see plenty of moments where they had the perfect opportunity to explore knuckles on a deeper level but chose not to. But I am glad they at least hinted at it with those expressions I keep raving about
On that. Cuz Pachacamacs appearance was what springboreded what was going on in a different direction. What is going on here? Is this a Knuckles thing? But Wade speaks to him to, but that was under knuckles’ guidance? I think? So can anyone in this world talk to spirits? Can only certain people be spirits? I mean. One Knuckles got over the initial shock he accepted the fact he was talking to a dead tribe member (I’m also sad that nothing was done with the idea that in this universe Knuckles and Pachacamac were alive at the same time) I got so many more questions on how spirits work in here, but I’m just gonna move on. (Although, maybe this sets up knuckles speaking to Tikal 👀. Or maybe his dad or even his mum.)
But considering what Pachacamac’s role is in the games making him so comedicly focused felt weird. Yeah this universe has different events. But still feels weird cuz of how we know Pachacamac.
I don’t even know what to say about the whole fire powers fire demon (who’s heavily implied to be iblis) I need way more time to think what is going on. Like does any of the pre existing lore apply? If so those are some WILD implications. If not, did that mean they just made this guy like iblis cuz it’s a fire creature that fans will recognize??
A minor thing but I can’t hear our house without thinking of the chemist warehouse add. And a few of the other songs are strongly associated with other things and I couldn’t help but think of them when they played. I don’t see this as a good or bad thing. It is just a thing.
hmm. I had more thoughts but after that ghost tangent I can’t really remember them. I guess I’ll have to come back later with another post if I get them back.
So, for now my closing thoughts are: it’s not a terrible show. Lots of writing choices I disagree with, but I don’t nessicaily think they’re bad. And there’s definitely enjoyment to be found (more if you watch it with some friends) but it’s not really to my taste. Especially with how much irs advertise as about knuckles and then not. Some moments made me very happy some made me want to nope out some I don’t even know.
congratulations to Wade fans, I’m gonna find what bits I wanna cherry pick and I’ll be on my merry way.
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mushtoons · 2 years
I'm not a coward so I'm asking you my question,,, what's the 'immortal besties au' about?
I just saw some art of it and I haven't scrolled long enough soo
have a seat and buckle up it's a mess <3
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DFGDFDFGD okay so!!! i wanna start off with dont think too hard about it else ur brain will start to hurt (speaking from experience lmaoo) ANYWAYS!!! it's basically ingo gets sent to hisui but when ingo asks arceus to be sent home, arceus is like "dang bro sorry i didnt bring you here so it's not my problem but ya know what i actually need someone to babysit this fucker i damned, so you can just babysit him for all eternity! fair? :)" then doesnt wait for his answer
so we got ingo and volo stuck with each other, like it or not, there's rough patches, arceus didnt even bother to help ingo with him amnesia so he's still cloudy on parts of his past life and you know how it is to be around someone for too long, anger fighting ect but dont worry they begrudgingly come to an understanding and are now just vibing until time itself ends :)
well they're in modern day now, it's volo's turn to pick how they live their pretend mortal lives, so he picks unova to chill at cuz he's heard it's advanced since the last time they visited, ingo finally gets to have some memories as a treat as he catches sight of his old self and emmet, volo even convinces him to battle them so they can semi formally meet emmet and they carry on with this life, well volo's turn ends and ingo takes them somewhere else for his turn
cut to a few years later the duo is back in unova ( cuz it's volo's turn again ) when volo catches wind that one of the subway bosses had gone missing and the search was finally called off due to lack of leads after 2 long years, volo feels bad, just because god labled him a bad egg doesnt mean he is, he just wanted to reset the world to make it better :( so since it was maybe, kinda, totally his fault ingo got yeeted he decided he could fuck arceus over, i mean what's he gonna do? kill him? that's be a blessing. damn him to live forever? kinda already did that bestie,,,
so he gets emmet and elesa to come to his hotel room tries to find a way to tell them that he knows where their ingo is without making himself look crazy,,,,ends up looking crazy cuz his ingo just HAD to have a newpaper clipping of the trio claiming it to be "as close as a family photo as he'll ever have" emmet clocks him while elesa tries to call the cops cuz this nutcase is totally a stalker freak--then ingo comes home. skipping over the meltdown everyone has, and straight into project eeby-deeby rescue. we got angst, bonding, and finally a happy reunion.
meanwhile we got the emmet from when ingo first got put in hisui with no closure, no brother, and for some reason he's?? not?? aging?? so yeaahhh he's convinced he's in hell mostly when any pokemon he goes to for help basically tells him "sorry broski under strict rules from the big man himself not to help u with jackshit" so he's not doing so hot :) ( well until ingo and volo finally catch up to the era he's in then he's not doing so hot but with his brother now! )
that's a WHOLE lot but ive been thinking about this like all the time and im still working stuff out!!!! fgdfdgdfg this au is my baby and i love it
(for people who dont wanna read all that bullshit here's a diagram i made in case i dont make any sense!! )
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anns-works · 11 months
Jay, Lloyd and (and Morro) Things.
The Trenchcoat Adventure™.
On the same week as that, they crashed into a stranger's meet up to thank them for being understanding enough that night when working as a cashier. Making their day.
Like literally, so many late night snack runs...
Introducing Lloyd to the League Of Jay was the best (kid got a chance to be a kid again) and the worst (they forgot how much of a gremlin he used to be) thing Jay did.
Lloyd took up art with Scott by graffitiing the walls of Cliff Gordon's mansion.
Once Jay and Lloyd disappeared off the face of the earth and everyone started panicking cuz they thought they got kidnapped. Found them two weeks later on the other side of the continent after Lloyd called saying Jay was in the hospital. Turns out he had a severe allergic reaction after the café they were having brunch at messed up their orders and put peanuts in his food.
Disappeared off the face of the earth AGAIN. But this time they came back a week later in their crumpled PJs looking like they got mauled by a feral racoon in a forest. A freshly revived Morro in tow.
Kai, having several breakdowns: GUYS WHAT THE FUCK-
Jay: Kai, chill. We got a guy who came back from the dead and is probably very understandably confused right now. Do you really wanna do this?
Kai, full on having a stroke: I'M-
Morro, vibing: Hey, is that ice cream.
On that note, never let these three be in a room together.
Jay and Lloyd are chaotic sure but with Morro they just lose all sense of morality and are down to commit multiple felonies at a moment's notice.
Jay and Lloyd: I'm just a silly little guy :)
Morro: *exists*
Jay and Lloyd: Ok its time to commit war crimes
Morro himself doesn't have to do anything, like he'll enter the room and his mere presence will be enough to trigger these bozos into committing arson. He's actually pretty chill.
Jay: I wanna add one of the ninjas into the League
Scott: Yeah, no. Not gonna happen
Jay: *sends a pic of Lloyd*
Scott:...Ok I'm willing to make an exception cuz they look very polite
Jay managed to convince Morro and Lloyd to help him mess w/ Zane's audio output and the next month they spent dealing with what was an increase of hostility towards the nindroid from the criminals.
Villain of the week: Hahahaha! I've got you now ninjas!
Zane, in a weird mesh of a australian and californian accent: You thought so smurf now get ready to eat this bread you thoty square!
Villain of the week: what the fuck
Also these guys in Trip (ninjago tumblr) are the best thing ever.
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): This guy was declared dead abt a couple of months ago and today I get this message from him.
[Image description: Jay throwing a peace sign at the camera. He has white hair and pink-blue dual colored eyes. There is a blurry figure of Lloyd in the background staring at the camera. The caption reads "i lived bitch". End description.]
@ living-in-htis-windy-pain (Morro): i just started a 30-days free trial on having a normal life.
@ zappy-traffic-violation (Jay): where's the link?
@ thepoweroffriendship (Lloyd): WHERE'S THE FUCKING LINK OP?!?!?!
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kyskaisen · 1 year
gaslighting myself with large amounts of copium into thinking yuki is still alive ✌✌✌🕊 she did NOT deserve to die for that crusty ass man 😢😢 ANYWAYS if u want to u should do a yuki x reader no curse au 😍😍😊 (gege told me yuki actually got rid of all cursed energy and now she's just chilling and travelling the world and wearing designer clothes its great 😊😊)
(real) LIKE OMG NOOOO I THOUGHT SHE WOULD ACTUALLY BECOME SOMETHING IN JJK BUT IG NOT😭 but yeah yuki x reader no curse au sounds great😍
Pairing: Yuki Tsukumo x Reader (hope u dont mind it being F reader lol im convinced yuki is wlw)
Warnings: idk, flirty yuki ig? thats how she normally is anyways :v, (i was working on another yuki x reader cuz i was also gaslighting myself into thinking she isnt dead🥲 so ima mix that one up with this)
"Why did I have such a bright idea to bring you with me?"
You murmured to yourself as Yuki sat next to you with a smirk on her face and her elbow resting on the desk in front of her and her hand resting on her chin. Her finger tapped the edge of her jawline and kept her teasing smirk. "Because you love me."
"No I don't." You quickly responded before rolling your eyes and kept scanning your eyes over the words on the paper in front of you. Yuki lifted a brow and crossed her legs a second later.
"What about me don't you love?"
You let out a long huff before setting your pen down and turned to her. "Things I don't love about you...alright, are you sure you wanna hear it?" You asked. She lifted her brow again and chuckled. "Is there some sort of list?"
"A very long one. Longer than the time you can keep a girlfriend."
"Ouch. Hit me."
You perked up your eyebrows and smiled a little before leaning back in your seat...
"The way you talk, the way you walk, the way you always wink at one of the waitresses after saying 'just your heart, darling.' whenever they ask you what you want-"
"You pay attention to all that?" She cut you off, swaying side to side slightly in the rollie chair. You frowned slightly and gave her a death stare. The smirk never left her face while you huffed and continued on with the list.
".......Wow, for someone who claims to hate me so much, you sure do pay attention to a lot of stuff I do." Yuki commented once you stated you were finished. The entire list took up about 5 minutes and Yuki just stared with heart eyes.
You frowned again with parted lips this time. "Because it annoys me." You retorted before going back to the other paper in front of you.
"Oh, and also I hate your voice. I think you should try shutting up." You added while clicking your pen. She lifted her brow once again.
"...You wanna kiss me so bad, it makes you look stupid." She commented. You narrowed your eyes before turning to her. Her face remained unfazed while you scoffed in realization.
"Did you seriously set that up just so you could get me to admit that I do pay attention to you?" You questioned before she smirked.
Oh shit.
"What the fuck, Yuki?!" You exclaimed as you got up from your chair. All she did was sit back and cross her arms over the arms of the chair and intertwine her fingers together with that same smirk on her face.
"What's the problem?" She asked so calmly, as if you didn't look like you were a ticking cuss bomb waiting to blow the whole workspace up. "The problem, Yuki, is that you tricked me into admitting something I really didn't want to! Now you'll never leave me alone!" You whined before leaning back in your chair. Still, her smirk never wiped itself off her face.
"..My bad." She simply said. You turned to her with the biggest frown Yuki has ever seen in her life, and she chuckled. " 'My bad?' That's all you have to say?!" You grumble out, making her laugh even more.
Her laughter stopped once she dropped her head and looked at you.
"All seriousness," She started, leaning forward. You lifted a brow and crossed your arms.
"I really like you, Y/n. And I'm not just talking about it in a friendly kinda way." She admitted. Your face slightly fell along with your jaw.
"You..like me?"
You shook your head slightly, "So you're telling me, that this whole time you've been annoying me, is because you like me?" You questioned, slightly raising your voice. Yuki nodded confidently before you sighed.
"What am I going to do with you, Yuki Tsukumo?"
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professional-termite · 9 months
MallCop HM 2023 Harriota AU
This is an idea that me and @youngstarfishphilosopher were talking about so here's the idea so far...
-William Gracey and Allistair Crump are both rival store owners in New Orleans in this AU. I think Gracey's store would be called The Haunted Mansion Store and would sell themed products, with local legend Constance Hatchaway being a large part of it (she's pretty much the store's mascot). Crump's store would be called Hatbox Supply or something, which earns him the nickname Hattie by the townsfolk.
- Gracey's store is a lot more successful than Crump's because Gracey is just a better businessman in general, so Crump ends up trying to sabatoge the store a lot. Crump ends up paying Kent Owens, the now middle-aged, broke, estranged son of the local priest, to help him steal stuff and sabatoge the store.
- In order to combat the thieves, the rich Gracey ends up hiring Harriet Lee and Leota Curtis (yes I'm giving them both Jamie Lee Curtis references for last names, be quiet) to be the security guards. Leota is something of a local legend, retired cop and town hero, and is a MASSIVE inspiration to Harriet, aka the reason why she tried to join the police force in her 20's. She didn't pass at the academy, however, and ended up working in security.
- Ben Matthias and his adoptive father Bruce Matthias are 2 store regulars, and close friends of Harriet. Ben's wife recently died, which caused him to quit his job, so Bruce ends up spending a lot of time trying to get Ben to apply at Haunted Mansion so he can begin living a normal life again (and also stop living with Bruce, because Bruce works as a professor and can barely afford to feed himself, let alone a depressed Ben).
- Gabbie and Travis Hauss (get it because in the movie they owned the house so their last name is Hauss) are 2 other store regulars, and family friends of Gracey's. Ben is broke as hell and can't cover all his groceries when Bruce sends him out, so Gabbie helps cover some of his stuff because she's rich and nice, which is how they meet.
- Ben catches Kent screwing with the shelves and ends up calling security (Leota) on him, but when Leota starts getting really mean towards him for being, like, an idiot and a failure for being unemployed and essentially disowned by his dad (cuz yk Leota is friends with Kent's dad and also in on all the town drama), Ben steps in and defends him (cuz even though he's trying to sabatoge the place, Kent is really really bad at causing any real trouble, and he wasn't stealing stuff either, and Ben takes pity). Ben tries to clarify that he doesn't really like Kent, but Ben got him off the hook, so Kent has decided they're friends now. There is no escaping him.
- Now that Kent has chilled out, he and Ben make a promise to each other to go job hunting and get their lives back together. Crump gets really pissed that he lost Kent as a pawn and starts actually causing damage to the building.
- Long story short, the whole thing turns into an investigation (that the actual police won't touch since there's no evidence), so Leota and Harriet become an unofficial cop duo and start collecting evidence to prosecute Crump for the various crimes he's trying to commit in order to shut down The Haunted Mansion Store.
This is just a basic outline of the story, I might polish this and turn it into an actual thing later but uhh yeah :D (also yes ofc there's background Ben x Kent how could I resist...)
@creative-soul-22 thought you might be interested in my hm brainrot so enjoy
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