alienbabydraws · 29 days
Continuing trivia asks: The cast's mundane fears?
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transcript under the cut
Karkat: Atychiphobia (Fear of failure) Dirk: Claustrophobia (Fear of small spaces) Jade: Astraphobia (Fear of Storms) John: Emetophobia (Fear of vomiting) Rose: Scopophobia (Fear of being stared at) Kanaya: Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark)
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wutheringmights · 1 year
Greetings, you mention in chapter 20 that Warriors realizes that part of Wind disliked the journal because it shows Wind a part of himself he did not like. Would that be the, “Leaning into this idea of being the new hero,” to cope with killing Ganondorf, or something that was mentioned in the chapter like, “Maybe he hadn't seen what was wrong with Warriors's actions until the engineer wrote about the pain it caused him.” For which part of Wind was the journal a mirror? (Hope that makes sense.)
Wind killed Ganondorf with the justification that he had to because that's what heroes do.
When reading the journal, he got a little fed up with some of Spirit's complaining, because why wouldn't Spirit just do his duty as a hero?
Then the abuse started. And Wind had to face the fact that if Warriors could justify all his actions behind being a hero, then what about him? Could he justify anything he has ever done, including kill Ganondorf?
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skittidyne · 4 years
The first in the series is called Gideon the Ninth, I believe the book pictured is Harrow the Ninth.
thank you!
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seserakh · 6 years
curiouscrux replied to your post: dear Disney, Lucasfilm, et al.,  What the fuck?...
Not afraid to admit that I cried like a little baby in a theater full of people. They filled a film’s plot-hole entirely with tears.
i absolutely cried several times while my indifferent companion idled away on a laptop
we’re going to have to break up now. some crimes are too terrible to forgive.
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aymmichurros · 6 years
Thank you for sharing your amazing cat with us. Superb. Beautiful. A gift to mankind.
hsdjshjh thank you so much!! 
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lanepryce · 5 years
curiouscrux replied to your post: i know it got Real at the end but that episode was...
One of my NPCs is one (though I myself play as a life domain), and I can say for the record that they are MADE to keep parties alive. Between Beau’s held movement and the Caleb-Jester distraction-force, I actually was not even worried that much. (Note: Started out much more worried then the distraction failed.)
i played (a much more Goth Kid than Caduceus) one for a bit and kept stressing to my part of very impulse prone tanks that they needed to at least try to keep me alive so I could do the same. 
right like I didn’t think that Nott dying (unless no one got her out of the lava somehow) was going to be a Real Potential Outcome if only because Caduceus has about 17 different ways to get an unconscious character back up because taliesin jaffe is going to make sure no one ever dies again. My stomach dropped when I realized Nott was alone but i had weird faith that she wouldn’t die EN ROUTE TO HER BACKSTORY RESOLUTION. 
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dyemelikeasunset · 7 years
In your "Draw the Artist" -meme, it kind of looks like you are wearing leggings. If yes, any advice on how you, personally, balance wardrobe elements? I have been struggling with incorporating leggings into my wardrobe without feeling/looking too feminine. They are not an explicitly a feminine item, but are perceived as such. Do you have any tips for making an outfit with leggings more androgynous/masculine?
Yeah those are leggings! One of my main go-tos for leggings is wearing a long-line shirt over it. I find the silhouette of a longer shirt (especially if it covers below the crotch) helps to keep a more “fashion-masc” shape. Good google searches, if you need visual refs and ideas, are “Long line tee” or “Health goth men”
Someone who pulls off leggings and skirts in an androgynous way is Jaden Smith, so it’s worth looking up his fashion style too!
If you are a bigger guy, someone I love following is @bigguyflyy, who does some awesome androgynous blend looks and plugs his other fatshion buddies. He was featured in a “Plus size androgynous fashion” article with a handful of other stylish bamfs, which you can read here!
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archangelruind · 7 years
curiouscrux You now have me supremely fucking worried. Something this bad? With WcDiv??? < cue vague panic that one of the only comics I pull will be lost to the sands of bad plot>
hhhhhh okay like. i’m gonna readily acknowledge that other people’s priorities are not going to be mine? i’ve already had multiple people talk at me about this issue & it’s very clear that for the most part we did not have the same problems! so there’s that!
there were actually a few things i took issue with but the main one (avoiding spoilers, and keeping it short): there’s a reveal/twist that i was not expecting and it just...felt like having the rug jerked out from under me. i’m taking it kind of (really, very) hard, which i recognize is silly, but that’s what it is.
i def didn’t mean to worry you about the comic, that was not my intent!! i just have been angsting about this for over 24 hours and i can’t talk about it on twitter so i kind of needed to shout into the void for a bit, ya know?
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mochalorian · 4 years
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i can write an essay about how yushi huang is the best character in tgcf. she reunited hualian no questions asked and seemingly without asking for anything in return. she doesn’t hyperfixate on the blessing lanterns and instead directs her worshippers to focus on their crops. she even tells them to eat the offerings that are meant for her because they’re mostly farmers and she rather they not waste their food. out of the four great tales, hers is the only one that isn’t tainted in some way by the villain or any other selfish reason. her kingdom was about to be annihilated so she sacrificed herself and saved all of them. of course she would ascend. 
also the way she snuck hua cheng into heaven right under jun wu’s nose never stops being funny. i love her @curiouscrux
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alienbabydraws · 2 months
Favorite videogames (if any) for the You Know What cast? (And/or your own favorites, if any?)
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Karkat backseat plays JRPG's with Dirk.
As for me, my faves are Legend of Zelda (I've played almost all of them), Skyrim, God of War, and classic games like Metroid and Castlevania (I've played nearly all of these as well).
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wutheringmights · 9 months
For the writer ask: You write Wind super well, and I could go on and on (and have) about that dialogue he has with Warriors in the trenches. Generally, you have an excellent amount of lines that mess up my emotions ("I would have killed the world" and "dying from the love he held" sections in particular), but the one that haunts me is the traitor's simple "—does it matter?" in chapter 18. Absolutely puts into perspective the wider events of the war.
Maybe not the best comparison given that it is poetry, but your writing in CTB really reminds me of AE Housman. Also, Elgar's cello concerto.
Omg thank you!!! The “does it matter” line is one of my favorite moments from that chapter for the very reasons you mentioned.
I always need new poetry recommendations so I’ll check out AE Housman as soon as I can. As well as Elgar. 💛
I don’t think CTB comes anywhere close to poetry but I think poets who write prose always have the most beautiful imagery and skilled turn of phrases you can ever read. I don’t write much poetry myself, so I have to absorbed their skills elsewhere.
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wolfhalls · 7 years
curiouscrux replied to your photoset “bobbimorxe: You know, for someone who constantly talks about what an...”
They made a new adaptation? What?
they did! it’s on netflix :))
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nightowlcafe · 4 years
Tagged by @curiouscrux, thank you so much.
Rules: name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people.
1. Grantaire, Les Miserables
2. Remus Lupin, Harry Potter
3. Saeyoung Choi, Mystic Messenger
4. Dade Hamilton, the Vast Fields of Ordinary
5. Cecil Palmer, Welcome to Night Vale
6. Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel), Marvel comics
7. Richie Tozier, IT
8. Lisbeth Salander, the Millennium series
9. Naoto Shirogane, Persona4
10. Julian Devorak, the Arcana
Tagging @tenderbuckys @rosemvry @joker-ace @perrfectly @arcadiem @imfaeby @kevinwada @yeoble @hirxeth @highlighteurs
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vlad-the-lad · 4 years
Tagged by @walkthegale - Thank you, you’re awesome!
Rules: name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people.
As video games are my favorite medium, I’m going with that!
Vivi Orunitia (Final Fantasy IX)
Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
General Beatrix (Final Fantasy IX)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Yuna (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
Kaine (Nier)
2B (Nier Automata)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Vivian (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door) 
6-way tie between all main characters (Trials of Mana)
Tagging: @dgcatanisiri, @yaspii, @yammerss, @curiouscrux, @dandelionofthanatos, @hotspark2, @catsi,  @doppelgender, @moomin-rider, @memelovingfuck, and anyone else who might want to! (And if you were tagged and don’t want to, don’t stress about it, you don’t have to!)
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badacts · 7 years
curiouscrux replied to your post “i’m a little drunk and i have the worst hiccups but i love you all and...”
Something Nice: I had a dream yesterday morning where an alien took a form to look like me. I realized I would make a pretty cute alien too.
i bet you would!!
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alienbabydraws · 4 days
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Commission work for @curiouscrux
The way we both are in love with Constantine AU!Jade............
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