#crisp rat IS the bad guy
cappyjara · 1 year
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seeing the mario movie in like an hour letsa gooooooo
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chisatowo · 1 year
The worst thing that wolf Shiho did was make ppl think that a Shiho wolfism cover should exist. Pls don't let it in sekai for no other reason than itd only sound good as a saki solo but itd never get solos and the group cover would sound bad and I actually don't like the original that much so I'd just be sad </3
#rat rambles#sekai posting#like ok. a shiho solo could sound good but I donttttt trust them#my main thing is that shiho is alergic to not mumbling in covers fndnfjfjd#like sometimes it works in their favor but this isnt one of them I think#and for saki after her tera tera solo I think she might honestly just work with edgy songs pretty well and plus shes the best at yelling#her voice has a crisp to it that I think would work with wolfism#if done right ofc#the real thing is just that my favorite version of wolfism is very inhuman sounding so Im just not thar interested in any human covers#but Ill admittedly happily take shiho over any of the guys <3#Im sorry theyd all just be. kind of ok at best and Itd be dissapointing#especially if rui and tsukasa sung it rui would drag it down so bad#touya would also struggle with it I think but not as bad since his voice is a bit more flexible#his voice is still very smooth though so I doubt itd fit wolfism very well at all#and akito would pitch cap a LOT and itd sound awkward and eh#and wether tsukasa sounds good is a heavily weighed coin flip#so all in all; saki or death#oh how Ive fallen from being the number one saki vocals hater (not actually I just thought she had the most unremarkable voice)#she still hasnt rly had any absolute bangers in my opinion but Im much more interested in her vocals now they have an appeal#I think her voice suffers a lot from being in l/n for a variety of reasond#song choice the fact that she usually acts as one of the lower vocals the others just not rly meshing with her excetera#she has a lot of potential I just think shes kind of trapped in l/n song choices rn#rat rants#ig fhdjgdkdy
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3minsover · 3 months
late night:early start
City commuter Steve has to get the first train at 5:30am, already suited and preened for the day even at the early hour. He ends up in the same carriage as a clearly tired, scruffy-looking guy who lays his guitar case down across two seats about three rows away from Steve before slumping into one himself, one that faces Steve.
Despite the guy’s bedraggled appearance, and the smudges of eyeliner that are still clinging to his waterline, Steve is entranced. He can’t help but follow the long line of the guy’s arms under the sleeves of his jacket, down to the flex and curl of his fingers as they drum out a rhythm on the little table in front of him. The man seems to sense Steve’s curious eyes on him and glances up, meeting Steve’s gaze with wide, bleary brown eyes and a half-smile. He scratches at the skin behind his ear, just beneath where a mess of curls is twisted into a lazy bun.
“Late night?” Steve finds himself asking unprompted. He’s not one to talk to strangers, but there’s something compelling, intriguing about the inked etchings peaking out of the guy’s sleeve cuffs, the silver stud in his nose, the heavy boots at the end of long, stretched out legs. He’s so very different from the crisp and fresh-pressed suits at the firm, and even though it isn’t even 6am yet, Steve suddenly feels wide awake.
“Uh, yeah,” the guy answers sheepishly, his voice rough with evident disuse - or overuse. perhaps both. “Would you believe I missed the last train yesterday night?”
“Ah, trains are tricky like that. You don’t live around here then?” It’s a presumptuous question, but one that Steve’s instincts tell him to ask.
“I look like that much of a city rat, huh?” The man chuckles, and Steve’s heartbeat ticks up.
“Hah- You don’t- You don’t look like a lot of the people I see around town, is all I’m saying. and that’s not a bad thing, if I’m being totally honest.” Steve can feel his cheeks heating, and for a moment the rumble of the train is the only sound.
“Okay, good. I’ll take that,” the guy says, brows pinching a little. “You uh, you goin’ into the city then I'm guessing?”
“Yeah, it’s a shitty gig having to come all this way, but at least I haven’t had to sell my kidney to cover rent.”
“I don’t think they’d take my kidney if I offered,” the guy smiles, and Steve barks out a laugh that’s too loud for the empty carriage and the earliness. The guy shifts in his seat, and Steve instinctively leans forward, wanting really to move the few rows forward until he’s close enough to see the early morning light dance and glint in those big, dark eyes.
“That have anything to do with while you were stranded?” Steve asks, gesturing to the guitar case.
“Yup. got me in all kinds of trouble, she has. Gig finished late, couldn’t get a cab, welcome to hotel train-station-waiting-room.”
Steve manages to chuckle more softly this time, his gaze catching on the twitch of the guy’s lips as he stifles a yawn.
“Hey, if you wanted to- You could take a nap, I’ll watch your stuff. Make sure no one steals it, or whatever.”
The man blinks at him in surprise, lashes fluttering where his lids are heavy.
“That’d- Shit, that’d be awesome, man. Do you mind?”
“Not at all. Let me just-” And so Steve’s more daring thoughts win out. He plucks up his briefcase from the seat next to him and hurries the short distance to the cluster of seats on the opposite side of the aisle from his new charge. “There. Now I got a clear line of sight.”
“I’ve never felt safer,” the guy jokes, and pulls the hood of his sweatshirt up over his head, tucking his chin into his shoulder and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh, shit sorry, um. When should I wake you?”
“Whenever you’re getting off, big boy,” the guy shoots back without raising his head, and Steve can just about make out the curve of his lips and the dimple that sits in the corner of his cheek. He can feel his own cheeks warming at the guy’s words, and Steve’s glad there’s no one around to see. He lets himself watch this pretty stranger under the pretence that he’s keeping an eye on his guitar, and the hour and a half slides by almost unnoticed.
The carriage is a little busier but still quiet when Steve’s stop rolls around. The man hasn’t moved since he nodded off, and it almost breaks Steve’s heart to wake him. Carefully, Steve stands and leans down, wrapping his fingers around the man’s shoulder and shaking lightly.
“Hey, buddy, I gotta get off.”
The guy’s eyes blink open, wide and unfocused and so lovely, before they swivel up to meet Steve’s own. His chin tips upward and his lips curve in a smile, and something in Steve begs closer closer closer, but instead he just clears his throat and rights himself.
“Thank you, dude. Even that was way better than a wooden goddamn bench.” The guy bends his arms and stretches, and Steve doesn’t know what to do with himself.
“I’m- I’m steve, by the way,” he announces suddenly, making a step towards the carriage doors, despite how reluctant he is to move away from his stranger.
“Hey, Steve,” the guy replies, hauling himself upright - how coincidental that they’re off at the same, second-to-last stop. The train draws to a halt, and the guy stumbles forward just a fraction, still off-balance with new consciousness. Suddenly, they’re face to face. Or more they’re nose to chin, because this man has a good four inches on Steve. It’s all Steve can do not to lean up and kiss his pretty lips right here and now. “Name’s Eddie.”
And it feels right. It fits.
Steve doesn’t know how or why, but everything about this man fits; feels right.
“Good to meet you, Eddie,” Steve says, a little breathless. “Hey, if you’re ever down my way again, how about I give you a better place to sleep than a waiting room bench.” And Steve knows it’s a bit of a pretentious thing to do, but he slips a business card out of his wallet and tucks it into the breast pocket of Eddie’s jacket. He pats it once and pivots away, can’t bear the thought that he’s misread the electricity between them. He rushes through the doors and slips into the stream of morning bodies, leaving the perfect newness of his pretty stranger back in that carriage. but that evening, Steve’s phone buzzes with a text from an unsaved number.
It simply reads:
thanks again for being my lookout. if the offer’s still on the table, how about friday night?
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I've been dreaming of the Savanna Cleaner.
Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat well for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and he’ll never go hungry.
He'll clean up his plate, and the town along the way.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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He's up before the first crack of light hits the horizon. When the sun makes itself known, Ruggie is already halfway across town.
Sneaking is a specialty of his, learned from a young age. He darts along the savanna, quick as a whip, even when he's balancing several large containers. Their contents are as precious as gold.
His shadow ducks into alleyways and behind homes, hugging the darkness as the sun seeks him out. It was here where he would hide, waiting for easy pickings: gullible people to relieve of their wallets, rotten or meager scraps of food no one but the truly desperate desired.
Those days are long behind him now.
He passes a schoolhouse, a library, a park and a playground. All shiny and new, bearing shiny plaques. They had sprouted up years back, paid off by some generous benefactor. To liven up this place, they had said.
His destination appears along the road ahead. It's a building, simple and squat, with a similar plaque hanging by the entrance.
[The Sunbeam Community Center]
{Donated by Ruggie Bucchi}
He sneaks around, producing a hairpin from the breast pocket of his vest. A tool of his trade. Setting his containers down, Ruggie kneels and jiggles the pin around in the lock of the back door.
A minute later, and the door swings open without a problem. He enters, containers and all, placing them on the first free counter he spots. The instant his hands are freed up, a band of shrieks erupts from somewhere in the sun-streaked room.
Small bodies rush at him from every direction, bursting out of cabinets and from behind furniture. They cling to his limbs, grip at his clothes, squealing for attention. Ruggie careens this way and that, body swaying from the extra weight thrown on top of him.
"Alright, alright," he groans, "I get it, you little brats! Get offa me already! How's a hyena supposed to get anything done like this?!"
"Awww, do we HAVE to?" one boy whines.
"But we haven't seen you in forever, Ruggie-nii!" a girl complains. "You're so busy with your fancy big-bucks job that you can't hang out as much as you used to."
"Yes, now off or no treats! We gotta fill our stomachs first before playing, right?"
At the promise of food, the children scrambled off of him. They collect in a sizable pack, all staring up at Ruggie with wide eyes.
Heh, always does the trick. He knows--at one point, he had been in their shoes.
"That's better." Ruggie adjusts his crooked shirt, then eyes the slum kids and street rats. Grimy, thin, sickly--that is how he remembers them. Now they've filled out a little more, their outfits well-fitting and clean. Some of them have a restored ruddiness to their cheeks, or a sheen to their tails.
Receiving the basic necessities tended to do that.
"Anyway, how'd you guys get in before the staff did? They must all still be snoozin' in their cots."
"Picked the lock," the kids chant.
"Then we hid and waited to ambush our prey!"
"... Great Seven, guess I'm a bad influence after all," Ruggie confesses. Tsk. They beat me to the punch. I was gonna be the one to surprise them. He doesn't linger for too long on it. "Eh, whatever. My conscience is light. Since you're all here, you might as well help me prep for tonight’s soup kitchen services."
"Whaaat? You said we'd eat first!"
"Yeah, eating and then playing!"
A slow, mischievous smile spreads on his face. "Huh, did I say that?"
"You diiiiid!"
He laughs. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I didn't forget." Ruggie slapped a hand on one of the main containers he had bought in. "Here's your surprise--had Granny help me whip'm up."
"Thanks for the grub!"
The children clamor, greedy hands sticking out to snatch up rings of fried dough--perfectly golden, crisp exterior and fluffy interior. Some were dipped in chocolate, others iced in sugar glaze or coated in a fine powder. The toppings varied greatly, from crushed nuts to rainbow sprinkles and freeze-dried fruits.
One donut after another is wolfed down, fingers growing increasingly sticky from the indulgence.
"Oi, oi, eat that fast and you'll get bellyaches!" Ruggie warns. "And save some for me, I'm hungry too!!"
He makes a dive for one, capturing it before a child's nipping teeth do. The hyena sighs before popping it into his mouth and breaking off a piece. He's still chewing when one of the kids pipes up.
"I'm jealous, Ruggie-nii! You get to eat yummy stuff like this every day and swim in a pool full of gold and jewels and thaumarks."
Swim in a pool full of gold, jewels, and thaumarks? Is that what they think the mega-rich do for fun...?
"Nishishishishi, I wouldn't say that--but it's definitely a way cushier life than what I had before." He absentmindedly licks off granules of sugar from his thumb and goes in for another bite.
Ruggie thinks of his grandmother--sweet Granny Bucchi, who speaks with a stutter and needs assistance shuffling from her bed to the front door. She's getting up there in age, but never lost her fierce spark.
At least she can live comfortably in retirement now.
"... Yeah, definitely a cushier life than before," he remarks.
"You have buildings with your name on it too!" another child says. "They only do that when you give a lotta lotta LOTTA money! I want a building named after me too."
"’N you still visit us," a third adds, "to give us gifts 'n stuffs."
Ruggie finishes off his donut and shrugs. “What else am I gonna do with my cash, burn it?”
I wouldn’t turn my back on this place and take off into the sunset.
He had been poor, but he had also been happy here in spite of that. Long days watching Granny work her magic in their decrepit kitchen, sharing scraps and tricks to the local troublemakers, making up games that didn’t need tools or money. Those were precious memories, forever immortalized in amber.
He crams a second donut into his mouth.
Man, when’d I get so sentimental?
“I wanna be just like you when I grow up, Ruggie-nii. How can I be like you?”
“I wanna know too!”
“Me too, me too!”
“C’mon! Pretty please tell us?”
Ruggie swallows. "Okay, squirts. You wanna know the real secret to success? Clean the gunk outta your ears and listen up.”
The kids leaned in, ears perked and bobbing their heads eagerly.
Ruggie pretends to look both ways, then leans in as well, making a show of dramatizing his announcement. "… You eat well, play hard, and work and study even harder! That way, you can make your own bright futures and keep spreading the wealth~”
“Aw, we have to study?”
“That’s what the school and the library’s for. Can’t live off of money taken from the pockets of rich folks—you gotta sustain yourself, cuz I might not always be here.”
“Really, really.” Ruggie points out of the window, and to a sky brightening with sunshine. “One day, I’ll be a star too. Then it’s all up to you guys to send the same message to the next litter that comes along. One story from this generation to the next, and then to the one after…”
It’s how they tell stories in the slums, when they were too poor for paper and pencils. They had only words and the voices that spin them.
“… Oh, right. Speaking of that, how are you guys doing with your homework? I know you just started recently and it’s kinda tough getting into it.”
“Errr…” The kids worriedly glance at one another. Ruggie’s suspicions sharpen—this experience, so reminiscent of hunting down his dorm leader for missing assignments.
“You have been doing it, right?”
No one is brave enough to offer an answer. One girl at the head of the group blurts out, “Run!!” and sends the children into a frenzied panic.
They race for the exit, but Ruggie is quicker. He blocks the door and playfully snaps his teeth.
“Think you can escape?” A flash his teeth. “Try me.”
He’s having too much fun to let it be over this soon.
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 9
i got a new job and I felt sick last night so. I'm watching this very late. it has been tough avoiding spoilers but I Have Done So
hiiii one and all!!! hii intrepid heroes!!!!
i have been told stuff happens this episode. I'm so excited
"You're mad we're not doing drugs."
"I think this might be gorgug's worst day of his life."
so much happened last episode
totally healthy adult activity.
I love the projections
I think Brennan is loving being the vulture king
"One answer and it's Riz."
"I'm so glad I died on that battlefield."
A crisp 500 dollar bill
I love this so much
This is so silly
"Hey, I'll kill you, you fucker." "kiss him!"
"Can you bring his parents up here—" "NO."
"Feels like five"
"You wanna be in our crew?"
Kristen is really trying to get her friends to romance the vultures.
"Are you a God of some kind?" "I don't mind man."
This season is just Brennan breaking the PCs
oh good god
"Summons 1d4 vultures, they are not under your command."
no bring us back to the vulture dimension im obsessed with it
18 damage 😭😭😭
"I'm going to think about that for days."
"get out of my yard."
(Brennan rolling too many dice.)
the little fireball that could!
Concentration lost 🔥🔥🔥
is Ruben only able to give bardic
what are we making dex saves for.
"I'm dead from shame."
So many dice for Fabian
"Don't worry I got the ones out guys" Emily 😭😭😭
"I'm actually a huge fan."
so now that grix is destroyed does that mean there's no principal?
Ruben's frantically calling for Wanda
"I'm real right?"
"What happened? I was taking a shit."
"Do you have a warrant? Do you have a fucking warrant?"
Adaine is still dead on the ground
grix is untampered with
I miss ayda
29 investigation 🔥
24 points glowing red
Rage connection!!
"Can we get some hot sauce before we leave?"
"Found another glass of water"
Fabian finally getting his kisses in.
Nat 20 history rat check
"You know thats triggering for me!"
Rat stores
"There's not a rat world under the school."
Rat World!!!
oh god fig gave Fabian a bardic
sexuality inclusivity for cassandra!
aww..... fabian took bardic from fig earlier...
"You are. Cursed."
RIZ NAT 20!!!!
Force damage...
Three hours????
ah yes another use of the identity spell!
"You could multi class into wizard!" "Yeah, add it to the fuckin' pile."
There's something under the tree?? glyth???
I think Fig's bad luck is genuinely effecting Emily too with all these bad rolls 😭😭😭😭
Did.... Did the rat grinders kill Lucy???????
let adaine use the diamonds. finders keepers
divine intervention........
Kristen will have to work so hard to get cassandra back
spies tongue curse???
"Call an adult?"
"You were such a good teacher, I'm sorry I just got a C..." 😭😭
level of exhaustion :(
elmville police departments always on fire
did he just take the dirt like a line of drugs?
one becomes a 10 which becomes a 19
*head in hands* "is it okay if I ask you about your case, mom?"
"So I'm unbelievably wealthy. And me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide. So....."
Group IV time, or group shock therapy.
Gorgug putting barbarian first
"We need a word."
Gorgug talking to Porter is so funny
ok. wait this is actually kinda sweet between Porter and Gorgug
"I feel lucky to have you in my class." 😭😭😭😭
The Last Stand exam?
oh god. 4 stress tokens
I wonder if the intrepid heroes are aware of the 5 stress token
"I'm in a lot of school."
Gorgug looking into building a time machine real as hell
Oh my god gorgug is still on the owlbears
"Okay I think I have to lie down."
I'm going to fight the wizard teacher
"I love my life. Everything is perfect."
10 CATS??
aelwyn and adaine bonding 😭😭
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Fallout 4 Companions and what I think their fave hangover foods are
Ada and Codsworth: Oil.
Nick: Cigarette
Curie: Buttered Crossiants. How does she have any? Well, she's got plenty of pre-war knowledge, surely SOMEONE in Sanctuary can bake?
Preston: Is that someone. He tries to get away with just coffee on the morning of his hangover, but Sole will insist he eat something, then promptly regrets that when Preston goes through half the bread in Sanctuary having toast.
Cait: She's reaching for that Sailsbury Steak and Potato Crisps. As much as she's a 'tough Irish gal', she knows how bad it is to do NOTHING about a hangover, so she'll munch on that over the morning.
Danse: BOS rations 😭 try as you may post blind Betrayal, he'll just insist "I'm a synth, I don't need food. This is all artifical". You might succeed at making him eat some crackers though. Maybe even a stew if you promise that "Oh I accidentally made too much and it was gonna go to waste anyway so actually you're helping"
Deacon: I'm a firm believer of synth Deacon despite him not dropping a component upon death. And apparently its a lore fact that synths enjoy Fancy Lad Snack Cakes??? So he'd for sure have some of those and a Nuka Cherry.
Hancock: Jet. Ok but seriously, I feel like he'd get Whitechaple Charlie to make him a full English breakfast. Might also have some whiskey because you can't can't hungover if you're always a little drunk :)
Maccready: Probably having the full breakfast as well, courtesy of Hancock. If not for that then he'd probably just have some Yum Yum Devilled Eggs, he seems like that kinda guy to me.
Piper: A bowl of Sugar Bombs and a Nuka Cola. You cannot persuade her into having anything healthy, she just won't. Unless Nat is there, bc she's gotta be a good role model. Then she'll have some soup with tatoes, razorgrain and some mongrel meat.
Strong: The raw meat from the last raider he killed.
Old Longfellow: Fog Crawler meat with Potato Crisps that have been mashed with Brahmin Milk, along with a side of Whiskey. How do you think he lived this long in the wasteland? He's eating good!!
Gage: Nuka Cola. Okay yeah he's having some Nuka but he's also gonna have some grilled Rad-Rat kebabs, maybe even with a dip now that Sole has taught him to eat anything BUT pre-war food straight from the packaging.
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absolutelyfibulas · 1 month
It's the Dutchpinions On Red/Pink post!
Under a cut due to length, this is the result of me struggling to sleep at 3am, and wondering about the potential red/pink pairs possible in post-2000s Sentai.
Behold, my incredibly incorrect (but also completely right and infallible) bad takes!
(Warning: There's spoilers all over the place, because it was kind of hard to avoid in certain cases.)
Canon red/pink and total asspull. They already had Domon and Honami for the star-crossed Can’t Be Together tragic pairing, and Tatsuya/Yuuri seemed to just manifest out of nothingness. It’s like the writers realised they’d forgotten to have the sole woman on the team fulfil what we ALL KNOW THAT SOLE WOMAN’S PURPOSE IS and threw a dart at a wheel of the remaining guys.
Rating: Ugh.
Being an inoffensively forgettable series I don’t remember much about the team and their dynamics. I do remember that they have white instead of pink, and that white is way too young for red. 
Rating: No pair up, good call.
Doesn’t have a pink, unless you consider Ikkou’s colour pink-adjacent enough to count. In which case it’s a top notch match up. Those boys are in homosexual love. 
If we’re counting “woman on team” as the pink, then it’s Nanami, and I think she and Yousuke would murder each other if they tried dating. So they lose points for that.
Rating: A+ for potential gay. B- for potential murder.
I don’t like pairing any of the adult men in their twenties with the girl still in high school. Obviously red and pink aren’t a thing here, but my point still stands for the canon blue/pink they huffed paint and decided to go with post-canon.
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The red/pink here wouldn’t be awful, I don’t think? But Ban is too Like That, and Umeko has a sweet canon thing with green. They managed to make a complementary colour contrast combo work in a whole other way.
Rating: Not the worst. Which isn’t exactly an endorsement.
Not applicable for obvious reasons. Does get bonus points for the canon last minute pairing being so hilariously stupid (complete with magical shotgun wedding overseen by a catholic cat) that I can’t even hate it.
Rating: Houka’s bi and Tsubasa’s gay and that’s all that matters.
Another canon red/pink. This is one that I personally was completely blindsided by, but have had mutuals tell me that it was built up over time so I have to take their word for it. I actually thought if anyone was getting paired up it’d be yellow/black, which would have been weird on its own given they’re more like siblings. 
I suspect I was just too distracted by pink being an autistic gun lesbian to even remotely consider her having any romantic plot with a dude, and I sure as hell don’t remember her interacting with red for anything non-work related at any given point. God knows what they talk about on that rocket. 
Rating: This is the sentai version of that movie where Jennifer Lawrence is trapped on a starship with Crisp Rat.
Jan legally can’t date anyone, and there’s no pink. So let’s instead take a minute to think about Mele/Rio, the canon pairing who miraculously made me like a pairing that uses a trope I cannot stand.
Rating: I know they’re off having the most Addams Family Goth romance in the afterlife. I feel it in my bones.
Everyone on this team is homosexual. The only way red/pink is happening is if Gunpei persuades Hant to engage in roleplay.
Rating: They literally have an entire episode about Sousuke’s tragic summer romance with Kento Handa.
We did it. We found the milquiest of toasts. He’s a boy, she’s a girl. The only other girl option is 15, so red/pink it is. 
Rating: I don’t think Takeru knows what a girl is.
Another inoffensively forgettable series. I do remember that the red and pink in this are kind of sweet? Like they’re not canon, but I wouldn’t hate it if they were. They actually get to be friends onscreen and are both Cute Chipper 20yos, so sure, go ahead.
Rating: Eh, 's fine.
I have to admit I never really thought about Marvellous/Ahim romantically at any given point. They’re friends, they’re bros, they have the Sweet Princess Meets Snarky Pirate thing going for them. Not really my bag but sure why not. That said...
As a last minute pairing they would have been annoying as fuck.
Rating: Luka gets REALLY salty for like three months after they get together and no one’s brave enough to bring it up.
No pink, but also the only girl on the team is Yoko. Refer back to my Abaranger “20yo men dating girls in high school” notes, and consider that they’re siblings, Your Honour.
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Canon red/pink, and the last minuteiest of last minute pair ups. I have legit no idea why they decided they needed a romance in this show. It’s perfectly okay without it and even as someone who doesn’t particularly ship it, Nossan/Candelira is very cute! They didn’t need to add another romance!
Daigo spends the whole thing about as interested in Amy as a concrete brick, and Amy seemed way more concerned with Yayoi in a Not Heterosexual way. 
Rating: Whatever the writers were on, I want no part of it.
I don’t really think about shipping for this one (again, for obvious reasons), but I wouldn’t be particularly bothered by the red/pink here having a similar puppy love crush situation to blue/yellow. I’m just not really interested.
Rating: They have better things to do. Like drink apple juice.
Another team rendered Not Applicable. I mean technically it would be legal but it’s. Y’know. Still weird.
Rating: You stop that.
White instead of pink again. I think these two repel the idea of romance between them so strongly that if they’d got them together the universe would have suffered a minor meltdown and just erased the franchise from existence.
Rating: ????
Lucky and Raptor would be a wild pairing, if only for how out of left field it would be. Morbidly fascinating, if nothing else.
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Pairing either red with Tsukasa would be punishable at the Hague.
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My opinion is going to be biased by the fact I didn’t really buy the team as being particularly close anyway; this series’ red/pink would be…fine. In the way breathing nitrogen with my oxygen is fine. I didn’t ask for it, I don’t particularly want it, but also it’s not going to kill me instantaneously. These two do at least have an onscreen history of friendship, and aren’t hideously ill-matched. 
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victortalkingmachine · 10 months
tell us abt fallen london !
ok!! i dont know much lore so thats not what this is about i will just talk about the game in general👍
(for talking about the story/events of the game ill just use first person the whole time it feels more normal i think.)
the basic idea of how the game works is it's a desktop text-based rpg game where you do stories and tasks and get items.
the story begins with you having just gotten to london (which is underground.). you were immediately arrested and taken to new newgate prison, where your cellmate helps you escape. and then you pick where you live (this can change its just where you start). different places focus on the four main "attributes" one can have which are shadowy, watchful, dangerous, & persuasive. i picked spite which is the shadowy location!
(also there are other attributes apart from those four, including respectable, dreaded, [these next two are more skills] monstrous anatomy, & mithridacy. those are just the ones i have. there are "menaces" as well which are basically the bad attributes. those are nightmares, wounds, scandal, & suspicion. and others but theyre less common & i dont have those)
right now i am situated in someone's attic. the rat that lives with me wants me to move somewhere thats not an attic but i have bigger things to worry about.
i currently have a job as a minor poet (i want to become a campaigner or journalist eventually) 👍
there are groups one can be associated with like criminals, the police, revolutionaries, artists, the church, &c... as i've said i've been trying to be associated with the revolutionaries! i will need a lot more money for a special pin though </3. and i dont really know at all how to make money other than selling things....
the main story of the game is called your "ambition", which from what i've heard take about a year to complete, as opposed to smaller stories you can complete in a very short amount of time if focus on them. these include "nemesis", where you try to hunt down the murderer of someone you knew; "bag a legend", where you try to catch some manner of beast i suppose; "light fingers", where you try to steal a big diamond but apparently about a third of the way through there's a big twist and it turns into a really dark horror story; and "heart's desire", where you try to get involved in a gamble for your soul so you can win your heart's desire of course. im probably going to do "bag a legend" when i feel ready to start one :-)
by the way the current event i've been talking about with the airships &c. is an annual thing called "estival". this year it's gardening + a war of sorts. (note: by the time i got into doing this event it was pretty much over; i can still play through it but im not actually helping the war effort im just getting items). i grew a nice plant and got a prize and then i went to a building related to the gardening competition, where a stalactite fell on the building and also on me. sad! and then these ghouls called "starved" started crawling out of it iirc. i ran away and did some helpful things and the ghouls were fought off. but it turns out that they plan to expose london to the sun and burn it to a crisp, i guess? im not really sure i cant remember anything. so we have to go look at the ceiling to figure out whats going on exactly. and someone was like "hey guy still severely injured from a stalactite falling on you!! come captain an airship and look at the ceiling!" and i did and it didn't go very well but i was able to obtain more items. and now im in the midst of the final(?) mission where all the airships are going together
this is kind of a mess but yeah there is something about fallen london !!
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I forgot that I wanted to talk about the Super Mario Bros. movie! (SPOILERS!)
So I went to see it on Easter, the theater I went to was pretty crowded, not just with families but with people my age as well! I’ve been a Mario fan for a while, my first experience with a Mario game was playing Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES at my summer camp when I was about 9. I’ve played a good amount since then and I’ve had fun with all of them! So what do I think about the movie…
Guys, I cannot explain how much fun and enjoyment I got out of that movie, I was smiling pretty much the entire time! I loved that the references in the movie weren’t shoved into your face for nostalgia bait, they felt like they occurred naturally for the most part! The original scores are fantastic! They reimagined a lot of staple Mario songs that are easy to recognize and sound amazing with a full orchestra!
The animation was also very bright and colorful! You could tell a lot of work went into designing the characters and locations! Probably Illumination’s best work as far as animation goes! The characters look so squishy and huggable, I would commit crimes for them tbh.
I loved all of the characters, they each had unique and interesting personalities, I thought almost every VA did a pretty good job with their roles; but of course Jack Black as Bowser stole the show (to no ones surprise lol). Even Crisp Rat did a serviceable job, it definitely wasn’t as bad as everyone thought it would be, including me. I loved the few cameos Charles Martinet had too!
Of course it’s not a perfect movie, my biggest gripe is the amount of 80s songs put into the movie, it definitely reminded me that Illuminations made this movie. I think if they stuck to more original songs, it would have worked more in the movie’s favor. Also, it’s only an hour and a half long movie, which means a lot of scenes move pretty quickly and you don’t sit in the moment for too long. So it would have been nice if they let scenes play out a little slower. Another thing is that Luigi gets sidelined for a lot of the movie which was a shame because he was my second favorite character in the movie! Hopefully they get a sequel and can have him in a lot more scenes!
But honestly, I had a blast watching this movie! I will go as far to say that this is on par or even better that Despicable Me (Illumination’s only really good movie IMO). I HIGHLY recommend that you go see this movie if you’re a Mario fan, because it’s just a blast from start to finish! I’d definitely go see it again!
The movie itself I’d give an 8/10
My enjoyment was like 12/10!
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randomvarious · 4 months
S.D.S. - "Solar Flares" The Chemistry Set 1998 Breakbeat
Good morning 🌅. Here's an absolutely fuckin' wild midtempo breakbeat tune from a very short-lived trio that called themselves S.D.S., which probably stood for the names of its three members: John Jennings (aka Vince Segs), Steve Dub, and Chris Millar (aka Rat Scabies), the latter of whom was the drummer in pioneering UK punk band The Damned as well.
I think this is the only tune that these guys ever ended up putting out, and it's one of those tracks where the drumbeat is crisp as hell, because rather than sampling a drum break or using a drum machine like a lot of breakbeat and trip hop tunes do, this one sounds like its drums were recorded live in studio, and were more than likely provided by Chris Millar himself.
Science-fictional psychedelic madness with this thick brick of mucky late 90s debauchery here. Appeared exclusively on a comp that was put out by the usually bad Hypnotic Records, which was a sublabel of the notoriously unethical Cleopatra Records.
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hopetorun · 1 year
perspective flip: any of the baseball scenes from rat novel
oh gosh this was fun! sorry it's the one where they don't actually interact lol
under a cut for obvious reasons
Leon’s at a baseball game. He’s at a baseball game in St. Louis, with a crisp Cardinals cap shoved onto his head—and then yanked right off to get the tag off, and then shoved back on.
He’s never been to a baseball game before. Watched it, obviously, mostly in bars or on Connor’s couch. 
The memory stings more than he anticipated.
The trade wasn’t a surprise. Another embarrassing playoff showing, and this time he was just enough of a problem for the critics to win out. Would’ve been nice to get it done before draft day, but oh well.
The destination—that was a surprise.
He gamed it out with his agent, how to populate his trade list with teams the front office wouldn’t be willing to cut a deal with. Divisional rivals. Calgary was on Leon’s official trade list. And St. Louis—“They’re gonna make a move on Tkachuk, they’ll want to keep plenty of cap available,” his agent said, “might even trade for his rights rather than let him hit the market”—well, apparently they wanted Leon enough to risk it.
Leon wanted New York, maybe. To slip into the anonymity of somewhere new, the opposite of Edmonton. He remembers debating the contract options. Maybe if they’d dropped their AAV ask a bit more, he could’ve gotten a full no trade, picked his new team. He can just see the reactions—his agent, appalled by the low number. The Oilers, thrilled to get him at a bargain. Easier to move, if need be.
Well, they managed it as is.
Leon mostly tried not to get his hopes up for anything too specific, and St. Louis is a far cry from Edmonton. The constant beating heat is a reminder of that. And the baseball.
Most of Leon’s associations with St. Louis are hockey. He’s played a lot of games here, good and bad. Came to an all-star game here, though he tries not to dwell on that. Mostly, he tries not to think about anything to do with St. Louis that isn’t the arena, because there’s too many pockets of stray memories to stumble on.
He hasn’t thought about Matthew in a long time, not as anything other than a nightmare in red and black on the ice. He doesn’t need to start now, even with Cardinals logos all around him. Matthew’s dad now a colleague. The knowledge that Matthew is somewhere in this same city, or the suburbs.
He can’t catch himself in time, wonders if Matthew is in the crowd somewhere, watching him wave awkwardly at the camera from one of the luxury boxes, a smile on his face that isn’t quite comfortable. 
It’ll be a fresh start regardless. A new team, a new chance to make a place for himself. A new set of reporters to infuriate. A new area to learn. A lot of guys do this every few years; Leon’s been lucky to spend more than a decade in the same place. 
There’s a sharp crack of wood, a roar from the crowd, a player dashing around the bases when Leon looks. Maybe in St. Louis he’ll become someone who watches baseball. Or maybe it’ll remind him too much of the last time he sat on Connor’s couch, the Jays losing quietly in the background, and pretended this wasn’t going to be the last time.
He can’t think about this now. He closes his eyes, breathes in and out slowly. When he opens them, well—
It’s been more than six years since Leon touched Matthew in any way that matters, and there's no reason for his heart to lurch when the video board shows him in the stands, drink in hand, scowling at his phone until someone gets his attention. Then he laughs, waves for the crowd, puts on a good show. The stuff that makes everyone like him off the ice.
The stuff that made Leon think he liked him.
Yesterday, his agent told him that the Blues were still clearing cap. “They might still make Tkachuk an offer.”
“He might take a discount,” Leon said. That’s a normal thing to know. Everyone knows he’s from St. Louis.
“Is that gonna be a problem for you?”
Leon shook his head, hoping it was the truth. Doesn’t let himself hope for anything at all now.
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kaijubrains · 1 year
Back from the mario movie! It was exactly what you would expect from the trailer: super basic plot and mediocre writing, but visually stunning and just full of game references (what u want!)
Black jack was a great choice for bowser as expected. And while i am still salty that charles martinet didnt voice mario and luigi, i did manage to get over crisp rats' bad voice acting.
It was dumb, but made me happy. Mario and luigi looked super cute! And bowser looked cool! It was like "There they are! My little guys on da big screen! My boys! The manlets"
There was also a little girl sat next to me, who kept excitedly "Wah-hooing" whenever mario did and it was just really adorable ;_;
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justanotherfanfolks · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland Main Story Scattered Thoughts (Prologue Chapter 9-12)
Time for something new, baby! Hello villain statues! Someone ready to get scorched at some point? Grim doesn’t know them, my poor Disney heart. ACE! ACE! ACE! BUDDY I’VE BEEN WAITING TO SEE YOU! You know, Queenie looks kind of chill in the statue. Okay, funny story, when I first saw Riddle he was always talking about having peoples’ heads if they broke the rules. I hadn’t seen what his unique magic was, so I thought he was genuinely threatening to decapitate people. Grim: She’d decaptiate people? That’s messed up! Ace: Cool, right? I’m a big fan of hers! Oh my gosh, ACE! Pick better idols. Wait they think she was kind all the time? Uhhhhhh… Ah, Grim’s already calling Yuu his hench-human. Ace called Yuu’s name weird. RIP. Ace is the lorekeepr! He’s just explaining everyone, cool! “Earn it through hard work and elaborate scheme” sure Acey, let’s call it that. Hyena equality! This is why Ruggie vibes with the dude. The twisted views of these villains is so interesting! Except they were genuinely bad. History must have been massively rewritten in their favor. Yet the heroes are still considered heroes. Weird. I take it everyone just heard Ursula’s song and went “Oh yeah, she loved helping people!” Yeah, helping them help herself. Grim wants to follow in her footsteps. Grim is hungry for lore. Me too, this is so interesting! Heh, staff. First TWST joke I ever saw was someone saying how you’ll see a TWST character and you’d find out they were twisted from Jafar’s staff. I mean Epel is the poison apple, so they were not wrong. Hang on, hang on, hang on. Scalding Sands event discussed the beautiful relationship between a princess and a street rat (Jasmine and Aladdin). But Jafar is praised for exposing a guy pretending to be a prince to get closer to the princess. It’s like people split the stories in half and made sure no one made the connections! He used the lamp to become sultan, no one questioning how? Or mentioning how he went crazy with power, became a genie, got stuck in the lamp, and rocketed into the cave of wonders? Ace, we’re calling doing whatever it takes to stay the most beautiful dedication? Dedication. Do you know what she did? Homegirl’s statue is literally holding the apple she tried to murder her stepdaughter with! And she’s good at making poison you say, put the pieces together child! “I gotta respect the hustle” He’s a fan boy through and through for these 7! Okay, I will say Ace is spitting straight facts for Hades. I mean, the guy really got the short end of the stick. MALEFICENT! Yes, she’s cool, please continue Ace! The whiplash! Ace no! He really started up a conversation only to turn around and use it as an insult. Oh, that’s it? Next chapter now, I'm invested!
Wait, is that a battle? A BATTLE? THE BOYS ARE FIGHTING! The music died. Chaos music! He’s laughing so much! Wait, how does he know they are janitors? Ah- hey I know who they are! For some reason Yuu doesn’t, come on Yuu! Ace: I just wanted to have some audacity, so byeee! Grim no! Grim! It’s not worth! Explodey head? Oh, he’s insulting his hair! But I like his hair. Wind boy! Oh, hello NPCs. Such boys. Yuu, of couse wind magic is a thing! I’m embarrassed to be shadowing you right now. Ooo, battle time. OH BATTLE EXPLANATION! I really should have played the main story earlier, I’ve been winging this for months! Ah, Duo Magic my beloved! 5000 too? Ace, buddy. I will end you with my cards. AHHHH, THE STATUE! THAT’S HOW THEY DID IT! ACE IS MORTIFIED! Grim: You should have let me burn you to a crisp! Ah, another Crowley jumpscare! So they burn a statue, and then when Deuce joins they party they break a chandelier. The Chaos Quartet is going to be crazy. Actually, how does Crowley catch people? Yuu’s getting blamed to, RIP. 100 WINDOWS, OH MY GOSH! Ooo, more gems!
Oh, those were timeskips! Ace is flaking. Talking Painting! I didn’t know we got to meet those! I remember Rosalia from Cater’s vignette. The painting is using Wonderland logic. Hm, I didn’t have that much to say.
Yay! New Twistune! I have all the event ones so far, but a new one for the main story excites me! Hall of Mirrors! I love how the gates look different! Grim jumpscare! I don’t know who ro root for. Fair is fair, but I think Grim is out for blood. DEUCE! DEUCEY! MY BOY! Deuce, that’s a lot of ideas you got there… can you even execute that? Maybe tackle him? Wait! WAIT! Is it caldron time? AHHHHH YES I LOVE HIS CAULDRONS! Ace, you alive buddy? Oh, they about to get exposed to Deuce. I wonder when Riddle found out they burned the Queen of Hearts statue. I mean, it’s his counterpart. Oh Deuce, stick with them long enough and you’ll get in trouble, too. Who is he, Ace. He’s Juice. “Don’t you remember your own classmate?” Deuce, there’s like 26 people per class and it’s the first day, how would he? And he doesn’t remember either! Ah, the start of the most iconic TWST Duo. Move over Ramshackle Duo, Adeuce has been united. Good point, where did Grim go? Grim wanted to shirk responsibility too! Y’all are so fake! JUICE! I love that joke so much! Deuce didn’t sign up for this. “Useless janitor friend” yikes, sorry Yuu. Oh yeah, the Twistune! I forgot already! …Two rows of green notes. I’ve done blue and red notes, but two green notes? MMMM, let’s see how this goes. Oh, this music is also a bop! Juice! Oh I love it already! Oh, that did seem as bad as I thought it would be. Adeuce really be sharing that braincell! How can they be so in sync and yet not in sync at all? Gems! Oh love this game, this is a really good Prologue!
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hxgrl · 1 year
How good was the Mario movie? I know the reviews are bad, but I’m pretty sure the reviews I saw are all from movie critics, who I never listen too because a majority of them are stuck up who think Marvel movies are the greatest cinema of all time, so I like to hear reviews from the public. What it better than you expected? Was Crisp Rat acting actually bad? How gay were Bowser and Luigi together?
I ACTUALLY REALLY ENJOYED IT!!!!!!!! I thought it was so cute and fun and it was visually stunning!!! It was def a p basic plot/origin story but it was absolutely not a bad movie. Chris pratt actually was FINE as mario. Like, i honestly didnt have any complaints abt his performance, genuinely. And i was convinced he was gonna be balls. But ofc charlie day as luigi and JACK BLACK AS BOWSER...... they stole the show. Even seth rogen as DK with his fucken seth rogen laugh tm was awesome. Like, every voice performance worked. Nothing felt like "this is just some famous guy doing a voice." It was funny and charming and so absolutely packed with references and easter eggs that it all went by way too quickly to even notice everything. Also i got so excited when i heard familiar musical cues and i even heard the gamecube startup jingle at one point ^_^ bowser and luigi were Not very Gay together tho i am sorry anon. Maybe next time. But it was so fun and cute and id recommend it for sure ^_^♥️ i already plan to see it again. Just the opening alone had me losing my mind, and the mario kart sequences were perfect, honest 7/8-10 for me which i think is great!
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hi-there-buddies · 2 years
But why, Crisp Rat sucks
Why? Cause he’s a Christian? Cause people called him a homophobe because his church apparently is one, when he has stated multiple times you don’t have to believe everything your church does and that he’s not homophobic? Because he’s apparently ‘racist’ because of some tweets that’s everyone agrees were faked?
From what I’ve seen, Chris Pratt is a good person and dad. I’m not gonna take unnecessary swings at him that don’t even make sense.
So, Chris Pratt may not be my favorite celebrity, but I don’t want to read thousands of posts dunking on him for absolutely no reason other than “we think he’s a bad guy because people said so”
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other assorted thoughts on the mario movie trailer:
as for mario himself.....eh. idc abt crisp rats voice for him its so generic. i like his character model tho.
i like how the penguins r the ones from mario 64. i love those guys :)
kameks voice is great!!! rly fits him :)
the toad voice is surprisingly rly good??? i was unsure if they were gonna give him an obnoxiously high voice or just make him sound like a normal dude, but this is actually a rly good compromise!!
the animation and settings are absolutely gorgeous!!!
i already talked abt how much i LOVE bowser but can we SERIOUSLY appreciate bowser???? like???? i love how the bowser voice isnt just jack black being himself, hes actually doing a more intimidating voice for him goddddd i love bowser so much!!!!
overall i was pleasantly surprised for the most part. again the biggest downside was ofc crisp rat as mario but like come on we all knew it was gonna be underwhelming. anyway i was just talking to my gf abt how i hoped the movie would be bad but now i have a slightly more positive but still VERY cautious opinion. obvs im still wary bc its illumination BUT this trailer is admittedly a LOT better than i thought it was gonna be. but it still wont clear the sonic movies bc those are epic
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