#creepy pets
davedickillustration · 3 months
Dancing Queen
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stuckyhalloween · 10 months
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lady-silver-ice · 8 months
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We got our cat a new box that happened to have a tent in it.
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millipedemama · 2 years
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Welcome to the millipede tank, on the left is pumpkin, squash is hiding by the jelly pot and yam chilling by the wood, they have been upgraded to a taller tank as they have all taken into climbing I have more wood on the at for them
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liauditore · 23 days
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i forgot what his ingame name was and had to scrub thru a bunch of videos looking for him like a cryptid and i think that's incredibly joe hills of him
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cupcakehamster64 · 1 month
THE VIDEO IS UP! Enjoy! I made this using MASH (Microsoft Agent Scripting Helper) and Microsoft Clipchamp for editing the actual video.
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abhainnwhump · 11 months
Been obsessing over the idea of a Whumper who wants to live out a stereotypical family fantasy so they kidnap a few Whumpees to do it.
One Whumpee is their spouse. Whumpee is beautiful and caught Whumper's eye. They had a promising future before, but now they're stuck in this housewife role and have to suck up to their captor. They feel worse because they already have someone they love.
Another Whumpee is the kid. Whumper chose this one because of their small size and/or cute features. They have a cute bedroom, childish clothes, and limited access to information so they don't get too smart. They're also drugged most of the time so enjoy naps.
The last Whumpee is the pet. This one gets treated the worst. They have to act like a dog 24/7 and play fetch with the kid. Bonus points if this Whumpee was super cocky before and are now treated like an animal.
Whumper is the head of the household and makes sure everyone else stays in line. They want their family to be perfect, but they aren't against violence. They'll torture the Whumpees until "they love them again".
The Whumpees all befriend each other and plan to escape. They have to be careful so Whumper doesn't catch them, but they can't stay here.
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antwain110 · 10 months
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Ngl got a bit tired of making so many normal horses, so I decided to make something a bit special. Meet Mr. Bones my very spooky Skeleton Horse! Unlike the normal EA skeleton coat I made this one to be a lot more accurate to a actual horse skeleton while also adding a bit of my own "creep factor" to it especially with the head. Only cc used is @yolosimcc hairless tail. You can download this Boney horse here! https://simfileshare.net/download/4081900/ Terms Of Use -I just ask that whenever you use/share my creations you tag me @antwain110
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friendlylocalwhumper · 2 months
"Yes." | “Kneel.” | Best of Three | Correspondence | Appraisal | Collapse | Cupcake
Six guys in a row, on their knees, blindfolded and gagged. Major seethes, shifting his weight on throbbing knees. How much goddamn longer does he have to wait for something to happen? He caught a glimpse of the other sorry fucks kneeling beside him, as he was forced down to sit on his heels. He tried to buck up, and only got pistol whipped for it, so. He’ll just fucking wait.
“Are you going to behave?” Says someone vaguely in front of him, off to the left. Talking down at one of the kneeling guys. Major cocks his head to listen as a gag is pulled out of someone’s mouth.
“Fuck you.”
A small, mechanical click. Then something like thunder cracks. Major jerks, trying to throw himself to the floor, heart lodged in his throat. There was a flash of light, he thinks, as a fist cinches in his hair and forces him back upright. A gunshot. It was a gunshot. He doesn’t hear any groaning or screaming, just… that’s a body slumping to the ground. Heavy, dull, lifeless.
A shoe scuffing on the floor, and that voice again. “Are you going to behave?”
A gag is pulled free, and a breathless, nervous voice answers. “Uh - yeah. Yeah, sure.” It’s right beside Major, this voice. He can all but feel the guy shivering beside him, inches away. He smells like sweat and stale clothes. Major chews on the cloth in his mouth, listening hard. A click, metal on metal.
Another deafening crack, and the flash of light is brighter this time. Major’s whole body tries to flee from the noise against his will. It’s only when he’s yanked back again, his scalp burning, that he registers the hot, sticky spray that hit his face a second ago. He doesn’t have to hear the body falling to know that there is now a dead body crumpled beside him.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Someone is pulling the gag out of his mouth. Normally he would be cursing up a storm, demanding answers, calling these creeps every twisted insult he could string together. But for once, Major holds still, and holds his tongue. Hot metal presses to his forehead, the point of pressure small and haunting.
“Are you going to behave?”
All thoughts leave his head. There is no decision to submit. He cannot see, isn’t allowed to move, and the gun to his head makes his response come out as instinctively as a breath. “Yes,” He answers, firm in the knowledge that it is the right answer, and hushed in mortal terror. He’ll behave, whatever that means. There’s no other choice.
The cooling metal disappears. Another footstep, off to his right now. The kneeling guy on that side is barely breathing, taking in tiny gasps that probably starve him of oxygen.
Major feels dizzy himself. He wasn’t planning on caving this fucking early. Planned to be a stubborn asshole, maybe get tortured for a few weeks, or make some daring escape and kill a few fuckers on his way out. But he can tell already, from the tension in the air. From how fast those guys’ mistakes got them wiped out. He’s gotta learn fast, here, or his last thought will be that he should’ve behaved better.
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astrowhump · 11 months
Give me whumpers who do absolutely horrid things to their whumpee, with no follow-up comfort; But god forbid someone else tries to hurt whumpee—even worse, they try to steal whumpee away—that’s when whumper will burn the whole town down to rescue their beloved whumpee, only to drag them back into that old familiar basement.
“No one else gets to make you scream. No one. You will kneel at my feet, beg for my mercy. You’ll cry your sweet tears for me and only me.”
Bonus point if whumpee has stockholm syndrome.
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daily-kinitopet · 2 months
Day 14
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That way, I can learn everything about you, and become the perfect friend!
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whump-queen · 6 months
Rope work
tags: conditioned pet whumpee, intimate whumper/carewhumper, shibari, restraints
Whumper laying slow and beautiful rope across Whumpee’s skin whenever they’re stressed.
Their voice is a low hum when they lean in close, ordering their pet to stay still and quiet— while tying them up into whatever little oragami shape suits their whim in that moment.
Taking their time weaving intricate knots up Whumpee’s spine—around their ribs, down their arms—until they’re completely restrained, panting and practically drooling they’re so fucking gone.
Maybe Whumper lets them stay like that for a while. They’d feel so calm and spinny, left there tied up, if Whumper had other things to do.
No thoughts.
Nothing else they’re supposed to be doing.
They’re exactly where they’re meant to be.
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Whump Dialogue Prompts (Whumper)
"It hurts? Well, I think you can take it."
"Don't give me that look, honey. I'm doing this for your own good."
"I think we should play a game... The louder you scream, the more I hurt you."
"Are you going to be good now, or were your fingernails not enough? I can start pulling teeth, if you want."
"You look so pretty when you cry."
"Did you really think there was anywhere you could go that I wouldn't find you?"
"No one is coming to save you—you're mine, forever."
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gideonisms · 7 months
What always gets me is that anyone handwringing about tlt usually misses the most fucked up parts and fixates on the stuff that is kind of a side note. like try harder there is way more than that
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usbkinitopet · 2 months
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Wanted to make a quick little hub for current chapters/the bio of the story! Information is below including rules, mod list, chapter index and other! Current Chapter: [1.2] Intro Chapter: [1] ------------------------------------------ USB!KINITO is a fan interpretation, of the canon story of KINITOPET, but with a twist, mystery and of course.. a USB Drive. Starring; JADE, SAM, and KINITO. the 90's are well behind us, the creator of KINITO has mysteriously vanished, and time is running out for the servers, Kinito and his friends. Come join us, as we uncover the mysteries and horror of USB!Kinito, together. because after all.. Within Locked Zips and with Hidden Tricks.. we'll find our answer.
The mods!!
Writer/Main Artist/Creator: @blueberrythefrog Co-Writer/Second Artist: @moonionraccoon
The rules!!
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pinetreevillain · 8 months
To the prev ask with Timohty - is that mean he will change into a blob?? pls pls noooo
NO I WON’T BE DOING THAT. I DID briefly entertain Timothy being a slime yokai like Sunita, but it felt too much like I was stealing her gimmick, and I thought Timothy just being a Guy was much funnier.
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