#crazy mountains
vintagecamping · 11 months
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Searching for a place to call home for the night.
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screachogreilige · 1 year
i LOVE the headcanon of the different life series taking place in different seasons, and i especially love last life taking place during winter. something about having to trek through the snow and freezing cold alone, being practically hunted by the boogeyman. wowww.
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swissics · 3 months
mountain man etho
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Pic is from HC10 e5, of etho's setup.
This man. How does one play like this. And not just play, win decked out and just be good at all aspects of the game. Like the mic is blocking a solid corner of the monitor. Add this to the fact that he has a generator and fought a bear (real), this is peak mountain man Canadian.
This is also like the 2nd photo etho has ever relased publicly
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kittyoperas · 2 months
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I wish I knew how to quit you.
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goingtothebes · 11 months
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Christopher Kukstis on John Darnielle for The Harvard Crimson, 2004
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Actually, no, this is more than a tag:
Jace as Porter's Lady MacBeth is my new favourite Starbreaker dynamic
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zeb-z · 7 months
Foolish outright lying when Tubbo presses him about the fed worker death message oh if anyone wasn’t certain he’s protecting Cellbit they can be damn sure of it now
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kepkepkepkep · 6 months
I cant fucking believe night at the museum did the brokeback mountain thing
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just-somedude · 4 months
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elskiee · 1 month
we need to ABOLISH alphadude podcastbro instagram accounts because what the fuck are these:
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like you HAVE to know that he'd suck cock if that meant he'd get money from it. he looks at his MALE ENEMIES like he wants a piece of their horsedicks. don't fucking rile me up.
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nemurian · 1 year
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@bigboobyhalo Your sacrifices have been accepted by the great Dapper. I'm so sorry but I don't think you'll be getting them back anytime soon. Or ever.
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vanderilnde · 3 months
"eldritch barely human ghost" THINKING ABOUT THIS SO HARD. He kisses you and you swear it feels like he has more then one tongue
after she’s been shepherded into his cabin, the reader is kept up at night because of inarticulate sounds outside her window. she tells herself it’s Appalachia—probably just rustling leaves, the wind whistling, or some animals ambling around. but it’s so… anthropoid. punctual. happens the same time every night. thumping against her window. it sounds more like… moans… than the soft call of a cottontail, and all she ever sees on the other side of the gauzy curtain is a scythe-like, shapeless silhouette instead of a mountain lion. maybe she asks Ghost, but his replies are succinct and dismissive. maybe she tries to sneak a peek at his ridiculous amount of trail cams and bear traps around the area, but he catches her before she’s able to. and one morning, once the odd sounds outside her window have ripened into the hum of birds, she realises Ghost’s shirt has gone threadbare. the coily curls of his beard sticky in a bloody sap. a matted tuft of blonde fur—the same colour as his hair—caught in a ball outside her window.
she thinks about what Ghost gets up to at night, but doesn’t look too hard for an answer. she decides to clemently take her leave—saying that he’s done so, so much for her. but once she’s running off, she finds herself running from something else. not a negligent family back home, or heedless friends, but something on all fours. she can’t leave—the woodlands have swallowed her whole. her scent is written into the trees. she’s at the bottom of the food chain, and as her ankle twists and causes her to fall, she hears the Appalachian’s apex predator—the crux of all cautionary tales—sneaking up behind her.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
After Danny is crowned Ghost King, Amity Park becomes detached from the mortal realm and is suspended between the two realms, much like Danny is. In an effort to combat this isolation from the rest of the world, Danny opens up his castle to the residents of Amity. (Not his Lair, just the castle he earned via conquest.)
Now the castle is more like a community center, and it’s constantly filled with both humans and ghosts coming and going. The Amity Parkers are already liminal, so visiting the Zone is actually healthy for them! The school takes the kids on regular field trips, ghost vs. human competitions get very heated, and overall everyone bonds over their shared freakiness and comes to terms with the fact they’ll never venture out into their world ever again.
But just because they’re detached from their world, doesn’t mean the residents of Amity can’t visit other worlds. :)
And it just so happens that their new community castle is filled to the brim with magic doors and ancient treasures to help aid on their noble quest of inter-dimensional grocery shopping.
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conflictofthemind · 1 month
I can't wait for the (inevitable) Brokeback Mountain reference they're going to make with Byler in Season 5
they're filming together at a cattle farm as one of their primary locations like come onnn
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unfortunate17 · 3 months
do you ever feel dizzy thinking about how everything Simon does, including breaking up with Wille, is motivated by love or are you normal?
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kelvingemstone · 4 months
save me the mountain goats songs that begin with "going to...", save me the mountain goats songs that begin with "going to..."
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