#cr ep77 spoilers
fandomtrashenby · 6 months
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We're born at night
So much to the life is just carving through the dark
To get so far
And the hardest part is who we are
- Who We Are, Hozier
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Ngl i fuckin hate this piece but i had the urge to draw something Ashton related but not the emotional stability to actually drsw an emotional scene thats really related to ep 77 / 78. (Even though I'm itching to draw Ash having a full on mental breakdown or some Ashton/Fearne)
I kinda hate how the background looks but its 3am so i should probably go to sleep. Maybe I'll actually make this look acceptable some other time
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jasperthehatchet · 6 months
I dont usually write posts about critical role but this episode did things to me and I have to talk about it right now right now right now don't mind me just yelling into the ether for a minute
the last half hour of ep77 just made me love Ashton (really everyone) so much more. They're being an INCONSIDERATE DICKSHIT and a HYPOCRITE with a MARTYR COMPLEX who makes HORRIBLE DECISIONS yesss gimme the complicated relationship dynamics and the morally gray moments AND THE ANGST. There's gonna be some good ass roleplay moments from this I feel it in my bones and it's gonna be DELICIOUS. Hey ashton greymoore my beloved shithead what is wrong with you <3
And it was such a sweet thing to look at Ashley Johnson/fearne and say "I see you don't want the shard and I want you to keep your characters agency I will take it" but then they were a fuckhead about it!!! Literally did a nice thing in the most fucked up way possible that it circled around to being terrible. I love that!!! Say what you will about this episode but by god is it entertaining. I ship callowmoore even more now that they have shit to work through. I love complicated relationships in fiction I am living!!!!
(i genuinely didn't like the very real tension at the table and had to skip it on Thursday night but! Im excited anyways!!! I'm having the time of my life)
Anyway <3 i love this show thanks for reading
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zeephyre · 6 months
im literally in awe. i just ??? taliesin you are literally insane, don't ever do that shit again, but also PLEASE do that again, that was so fucking cool and terrifying and i loved and hated every second of it.
i love ashton greymoore. they're so stupid. so... monumentally blind sided by their own incapability to understand that their body, as broken as it's been, isn't smth that he should just toss to the side so they can be more useful. so they can "save everyone"
the second ashton was back with the group and started his super hero spiel i knew... i knew it was going to lead to martyrdom. i think this whole fuckin group is just a bunch of martyrs waiting for a chance to blow themselves up or toss themself onto the blade in the name of protecting "everyone else".
it was obvious that ashton taking in the shard had like a 99.999999% chance of going tits up and imploding on everyone involved, but jesus fucking christ, of COURSE ashton preserved. this was all thanks to fearne, fcg and taliesin's complete luck when rolling constitution holy FUCK
im not gonna say anything abt taliesin or ashton being selfish tho i see a lot of critters in the stream itself and on twitter doing that, bc taliesin never made it a "ashton wants the shard and doesn't want fearne to have it" situation. FEARNE DOESN'T WANT IT. AND ASHTON WOULD NEVER RISK HER. THEY WOULD RISK THEMSELF THOUGH.
it would have been cool to see fearne making the choice to take the shard, because they reeeeeeally hesitated for so long so honestly i don't think i can pretend this is just ashton.
all in all, this was so stupid and so dangerous and it should not have worked, and i... i cannot wait to see what ashton becomes.
(and i can't wait for them to get an ass whooping from the entirety of bells hells like cmon dude save the suicidal bullshit till we GET to the moon PLEASE)
callowmoore is real, but i honestly... While im very giggly about that i also know that THIS event is gonna have intruiging repercussions for fearne's perception of ashton and their relationship.
they literally kissed??? let's talk about that when i have processed the fact that ashton exploded into millions of little pieces and got put back together by luck. oh the irony.
jfc is it Thursday yet????
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arcticwaters · 6 months
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something something reckless dangerous decisions something something confronting mortality
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towards-toramunda · 6 months
In regards to the “its never happening again anyway. It’s the one you get.” I posted something about how I thought that was a strange thing for them to say (and I’m not gonna try and go into why I think Tal said it cause there are a bunch of reasons it could be and my brain is tired), but a bunch of people responded along the lines of “I think Ashton was talking to himself there” but like… I really think it was to Fearne. They point at her. How could that be talking to himself?
I see it as either an above table joke to ease the tension of the moment or… something else that again I don’t have the brain power to dissect right now.
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brainrockets · 6 months
Wow. Matt Mercer keeping it together on the outside while absolutely freaking out internally while Taliesin pushes the well marked button that was NOT meant to be pushed. Great DMing.
Taliesin, "haha you knew I would."
Matt "I will kill your character and then you, my guy."
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donteatthefishtacos · 6 months
A Sweater
Alright. Last week's Critical Role has burrowed its way into my brain today and wouldn't let me rest until I wrote this. SO.
Have this little thing, based on Imogen's visit to the Dawnfather's Temple... and a conversation about things to offer him.
“Things that represent importance, of bright color. Crafts made with passion. Things that represent maintenance in creation. A snip from a garden you keep. A sweater that has grown too small for your children. There are many things.”
(I guess you could call this a preemptive fix-it because who doesn't want these witches to eventually be okay??)
(This is continued beneath the cut)
Winter’s Crest at Whitestone never quite failed to drive home the adage old habits die hard for Imogen. Several years nearing to a decade of a quiet life had left her unused to crowds; and despite the hard fought victory that gave her much greater control over all her powers, the mind reading included, the swell of the crowd as they neared the square had her scrambling within her own mind to put up blocks she no longer needed. Reality caught up to her as Laudna turned to glance over her shoulder at her with a wide smile from a few feet ahead. Imogen’s lungs seemed to remember the job they were meant to do automatically at the eye contact and she smiled at her wife through a sharp intake of cold air to her suddenly burning chest. 
Dark eyes she loved so much narrowed a bit in question and Imogen reached out, “I’m alright, Laud. Just. A lotta people.”
Laudna reached back with her free left hand to grab Imogen’s and pull her closer until she was practically tucked into her side. Imogen smiled into the soft, familiar fabric at her shoulder when a reply came in her own head, “You know I don’t mind heading back to the castle at any time, Imogen. Just say the word and we’re back in our room, Darling. With a lot less people.”
An excited shout from just in front and a couple of feet or so below them drew their gazes down in unison to the small girl clutching tight to Laudna’s other hand. “Can we play the games, Mama?” Purple pigtails framed her tiny, freckled face and Imogen’s heart squeezed a bit in her chest as big brown eyes turned from herself to Laudna in turn. Four-year-old sweetness all but weaponized up at them. If Imogen hadn’t known any better she might have thought their daughter had caught the conversation happening in their heads. But Cadence was spared the burden of learning to tune out other people’s thoughts. A small miracle. Wrapped up in the real miracle that she was. That this life was.
Paté floated into view with some level of difficulty due to the crowd of people that continued to pass by them where they stopped near the side wall of some business or another as if they were little more than a small collection of boulders in a flowing stream. Snowflakes drifted by on the slight breeze that Imogen had only just noticed had begun to fall and the general chill in the air had her tucking that much closer into Laudna’s side, her cheeks undoubtedly flushed in the winter air. “Yeah Mum,” the familiar echoed, “I can help with the ring toss.”
Their voices tumbled out over each other in reply.
“Of course we can play, love.”
“Don’t teach her to cheat at the carnival games, Paté.”
The dark blue woolen pea coat straight from the de Rolos’ tailor highlighted the pinkness of the little girl’s cheeks. Her hair was also a stark contrast to the dark fabric, buttoned up to the very top as it was; Laudna’s potentially overprotective instinct that won out on their way out the door after they’d paid for the garment. Excited brown eyes and a second pair of mischievous glowing blue ones watched them, a bit of confusion peeking through at the garbled messages. “We can play?,” Cadence asked, beginning to hop a bit on the tips of her toes. 
Laudna’s gaze turned to her, concern-filled and an identical brown to the other set she could still see gazing up at her in her periphery . “Are you sure you’re alright, Imogen? We don’t have to stay if this is too much.”
Imogen laughed, and gestured to the two little beings to their side. The familiar perched on the little girl’s shoulder, eliciting an excited giggle as he did. “Honey what kinda monster would I be to make that face leave all this fun?”
Laudna bit her lip in amusement and glanced to her right. Their daughter began to tug on Laudna’s hand a bit. “Please, Mummy?”
Imogen squeezed her arm fondly when their eyes met again. “You go. I’ll just take a walk for a bit where it’s less crowded and meet you by the food stalls in an hour? That okay?”
Somehow, despite the fact that their visits back to Laudna’s home town only really happened on special occasions like the Winter’s Crest Festival, Imogen’s feet carried her on a path as if she walked it every day. The visceral memory of it all must have embedded itself in her brain and soul, she supposed. Without really an end destination in mind, Imogen ended up in front of the Dawnfather’s Temple. Just like she had that other winter day all those years before, when she’d gone hoping for something or someone more powerful than they were. Something to outweigh the sum of the parts that was Delilah Briarwood and her hold over Laudna. 
Unsurprisingly for a festival day such as this one, the building was empty when Imogen finally willed herself to rise off the perch she’d made on one of the headstones nearest the building to go inside out of the cold. The series of events involved in saving the world from Ludinus and Predathos and finally ridding Laudna of Delilah hadn’t exactly made Imogen a pious woman. She didn’t spend her days in prayer or set up a shrine to any gods in the little cottage they’d built in the Heartmoor Hamlet, but she was a sensible one. And as such she made sure to check in from time to time, in an effort to show gratitude to Pelor. Because she knew she owed him that.
The door creaked a bit as it swung open. Whether that was from a rusty hinge or simply a side effect of the cold, she couldn’t say. The huff of a breath Imogen let out in response resulted in a small cloud of fog in front of her face and she tucked her hands a bit deeper into the pockets of her coat. She glanced around the space as she walked and went on a circuitous path that ended up rather predictably at the altar at the back of the building.
The words of Mother Brazilda echoed in her mind from the past and she tried in vain to hold back a shiver at the memory relived.
“It is rare, but the gods work in all sorts of strange ways. In the little miracles, in the gifts that come unexpected. In the warmth that keeps you in the coldest of night. In the luck that feeds your family when you’ve lost the ability to keep them. In the communities that rally around you. All these are the small miracles. And if you stay around, sometimes the real miracles present themselves as well.”
Tears she hadn’t realized had begun to form blurred her vision as she stood there. Outside the building a crowd of what she thought must be teenagers shouted at each other over footsteps that crunched in the packed snow; Imogen shook herself out of her reverie. She took a shaky breath in and pulled her hand out of her pocket. When she did, she dislodged the piece of clothing she’d tucked between her coat the strap of her bag. Cadence’s coat from last year that they’d brought along only to discover she had outgrown it. 
She wiped at the tears that collected on her cheek as she bent down to retrieve it and more of the small speech she’d been given years ago floated into her consciousness. 
“Things that represent importance, of bright color. Crafts made with passion. Things that represent maintenance in creation. A snip from a garden you keep. A sweater that has grown too small for your children. There are many things.”
She trailed her thumb over the fabric and smiled. Faded patchwork from a quilt Zhudanna had insisted they take with them on some visit to Jrusar after they married. Laudna had been so excited to make the little coat out of a section of the fabric, and Cadence loved it too. Even wearing it on days when it was objectively too warm to do so. 
Fresh tears began to pool in her eyes as she realized she now had something to offer other than a joke t-shirt she just happened to have on her. Something that was colorful and important. A piece of clothing made by her very passionate wife. For the child they’d also made with passion of a different kind. And that child had outgrown it. Would continue to grow even. Because a whole lot of people had worked together to stop a god eating god. 
She cleared her eyes with the soft fabric that smelled like her daughter and set it on the altar. It looks much better there than that stupid fucking t-shirt, she thought with a laugh that caught slightly in her chest.
After a steadying breath, she looked up toward the roof, sniffed to clear her nose of the lingering sting of the incense that was just constantly being burned in the space. Unsure how to begin, she cleared her throat.
“I’m still not sure if I’m doin’ this right,” she began, ran her hand over the coat. “But, uh, I have this now. It’s my daughter’s. My wife made it.  And, you know, I wouldn’t have any of it without-,” Imogen trailed off, then. The burn of emotion settled in her torso. The tears thick in her throat. “Well- without help.”
“So, uh, thank you. Again.” She stood at the altar a few more moments, the only sound in the room her unsteady breathing and the faint sound of the fireplace in the adjoining room. Equally unsure of how to close these kinds of monologues into the empty air, she laughed awkwardly to herself. “Alright, bye.”
The return to the cold air made the tears that had trailed down her cheeks unawares sting slightly on her cheeks and she dried them with her sleeve. Imogen’s heart surged with the thought of her girls somewhere ahead of her having fun and she set back off for the crowded square to meet back up with them. 
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bloopitynoot · 6 months
Orym is absolutely a Brunch Gay.
You can't change my mind.
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keyleth was jumping off cliffs and I swear she had more self preservation skills than this group. Please, sneaking around white stone is such a dangerous game to be playing
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yashaslionett · 6 months
Imogen summoning the Reiloran to open the door from the inside gives Harrow vibes
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JESTER: “I don’t think Dairon thinks I’m cool.”
BEAU: “Dairon doesn’t think anyone’s cool. That’s what happens when you’re too cool… for… school..?”
CALEB: “I quite enjoy school.”
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reggie-like-veggie · 6 months
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tearfulsolace · 5 years
Beau: you thinking what im thinking?
Cad: no. Probably not. *goofy smile*
Marisha: shit youre not Percy anymore!
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icanlove2things · 5 years
Matt’s definitely not dumb, so I feel like he’s really trying to say something specific with Dairon and the fact that they are supposed to be this amazing spy and yet basically everything we’ve seen of them is that they’re really... not. Maybe it’s a symptom of the Cobalt monks getting too comfortable with their reach and power? But I mean, what spy doesn’t realize that being a servant is a great way to be overlooked and underestimated? That having super high profile and eccentric employers could grant you access to lots of things that you couldn’t get to on your own? And the Nein are never home. Why would Dairon have to spend they majority of their time cleaning the house??? I mean I’m glad Beau has a mentor who believes in her but I feel like this episode especially really highlighted that she is better off just trusting her own judgement and skills.
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svartalfhild · 7 years
When Shit Hits the Fan and Sam Weaponizes Everything: A Bemused Look at Critical Role Episode 77
First of all, I am so fucking glad that situation at Daxio wasn’t nearly as dire as we all worried that it was and that Ellie, Allura, Kima, and the aasimar boys all came out of it alive.
Fuck that Xanthas asshole.  Fuck him with a flaming cactus.  He betrayed everyone, feebleminded Allura, and forced Vex to hurt her friends, which is pretty much a bingo card of the last things they want.
Percy rolling terribly so much was breaking my heart, because most of the damage he took in the fight was psychic whiplash from his own gun.  Live and dream for the day Percy learns to take better enough care of himself that he chooses to stop using Animus.
At the beginning of the fight, though, when Percy and Vex singlehandedly took down two wyvern riders and their wyverns, that was AWESOME.  The couple that slays together stays together.
It would have wrecked me, though, if Vex had attacked Percy, because you know she would’ve beaten herself up over it, ten times worse than she’s probably about to over hurting Grog.  And I’m super fucking glad that Percy didn’t end up in a position where he had to hurt Vex to break the spell on her, because I feel like he would either refuse to do it on sheer principle of it being Vex (see under: “I will never hurt her”) or he would and then he would feel immensely guilty about it, despite rationally knowing that it had to be done, and all the developments in their relationship would be set back a few steps.
MY GIRL KIKI WAS ON A RAMPAGE THIS EPISODE.  SHE WAS JUST FUCKING SHIT UP LEFT AND RIGHT LIKE THE LITTLE RAGE FILLED CINNAMON ROLL SHE IS.  Also, that little Percleth Friendship moment when she helped Percy get up and keep moving and when they specified that they were running together was YES.
Alright, what the actual fuck is Sam Riegal?  First, there was the thing with Loot Crate chicken.  Then I fucking lost it when he unveiled that t-shirt and lost it again when I saw the same picture on his huge stein.  For like a half hour afterward, I had serious trouble looking at him without giggling.  Then there was everything he fucking did as Scanlan, like bust out his chest hair to surprise and unsettle a wyvern into missing an attack and pulling out the dirty limericks again.  What the fuck, Sam.  What the fuck.
DUDE.  WHEN THEY WERE INTERROGATING XANTHAS’ CORPSE AND PERCY SAID HE COULD THREATEN A DEAD MAN AND EVERYONE WAS LIKE “OH SHIT”.  I’m pretty sure he was alluding to the fact that he knows what kind of terrifying, torturous crap can be waiting for you in the afterlife.  If it had come to that, we probably would have found out a little bit more about what happened to Percy when he died and it would have most likely been some seriously angsty shit (in which I would revel).
I did love that little moment when Vax said he was helping tend to the dead.  He’s really stepping into those Champion of the Raven Queen shoes.
Vex being such a mom to Kyor and Hunin was golden, especially when she brought them back to Whitestone and Cassandra was like “omfg, when will my brother and his weird ass friends stop bringing strays back to the castle”.
I also loved how Matt described Cassandra as this girl who, despite her youth, still has a commanding presence in a room containing individuals much older and more powerful than herself, including a fucking ancient green dragon.  That’s some girl power if I’ve ever seen it.
The fact that the final push against Thordak is so close is fucking me up.  I’m so damn scared, you guys.  This is some serious tension right here and we have no idea if VM and co. have what it takes to wreck the Cinder King.  Some or all of them might die and I can’t handle the thought of that.
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towards-toramunda · 6 months
I was curious so I rewatched the end of the episode and:
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Ten rounds with an average con save of 18.6 and total damage of 391
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