skitter-kitter · 5 months
your reblog of my post is so good like don’t even get me STARTED on the way fanfiction is looked down upon by fandoms even if they don’t want to admit it. fan art can be divorced from the fandom/media, which is why ppl outside the fandom might be like “WOW i couldn’t even tell this was [insert “cringe” media] fanart!!!!” (aka the most backhanded compliment ever to be uttered) but fanfiction CANNOT be separated from it. even if it’s an au, you’re still using the names of all the characters from the “cringe” thing. fanartists talk all the time about how fanart helped them improve in some way or another, but when fanfiction writers put forward fanfiction as a means to also improve your craft, it’s subconsciously seen as ‘cringe’ even if no one’s mean enough to say it out loud. and this is really closely related to the stereotype of the “12 year old wattpad writer” because all fanfic writers are seen like that on some level or another because writing is just more “cringe” fundamentally (because it can’t be separated from the media, but i’m getting sort of redundant now). your tags were great i loved them sm
YES YES YES. One thing that gets me a lot is that fanart is seen as good/profitable whether it’s about a tv show or for a celebrity. Like a game I play hosts fanart contests to put the winner into the game and they could NEVER do that with fanfiction. There’s such a huge difference in how art and writing is viewed by consumers and it devastates me that not everyone can see it. Fanart and fanfiction are two sides of the same coin but that does not make them equal in how they are consumed by people both in and outside the fandom.
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ndn-craft · 2 years
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you asked for empiresonas to draw so hope you don’t mind me dropping mine for s2!! i’m still waiting for more details but i DO know that she’s a cultural anthropologist– the bag and book are functional, the goggles are not. i just thought they looked cool. she does not yet have a name but i will figure that out soon. hope u dont mind all this and have a wonderful day <33
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Cultural anthropologist,, I bet she’s gonna go nuts upon finding traces of a culture no longer around but traces can be found in the area (if i’m understanding what a cultural anthropologist is hasgdkj if not ignore me)
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introvertedppl · 2 years
absolutely honored that my fic inspired that art!!!!! you’ve been one of my favorite empires artists for MONTHS and im so not normal about this. thank you so much i absolutely ADORE it. <333
Thank u so much!! the RCU series has been an endless amount of inspiration to me too!
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1990jeevas · 2 years
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iron-sides · 2 years
7 and 18 :3
vii. handwritten / promised
Tubbo gives Dream the disc, and Tommy's world shatters even as (for the first time in a long time) he knows he's doing something right. Dream has the discs. Both of them. This is, probably, bad. He definitely needs to talk to Tubbo-- to apologize properly to him. Technoblade is yelling something about betrayal, something about Tommy standing with him against the government, about Tommy breaking a promise and. Yeah, he's probably right. Not that Tommy can bring himself to care, though. He's here, and Tubbo's here, and they're back on the same side.
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cobble-stone · 2 years
stress in 3C! !!!!
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between mumbo in the Hello Sadness shirt and stress in the Good Night for a Fistfight shirt, i feel like one of two things can be said about this.
1- i’m trying to turn the entire hermitcraft server into los campesinos fans
2- half of the clothes i brought with me for the move is just various los campesinos merch
(also. i got lots of compliments on the pants last time and i feel the need to clarify that they are pajama pants. i don’t own normal pants that are that cool but they ARE comfy)
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neonkoii · 2 years
i miss the tumblrinas groupchat i miss mara i miss toby i miss areus i miss cara i miss cal i miss creepy
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septrose · 1 year
south park recommendations (all on ao3)
The Quiet Box - DigitalAlice (Creek + Hurt/Comfort + Panic Attacks)
Portraiture - aesoprock (Style + Enemies to Friends to Lovers + Angst + TW // References to Drugs + Animal Death + Underage Drinking + Suicidal Thoughts + Continuing)
Joyless Street - julads (Style + Angst + TW // Suicide Attempt & Alcohol)
you could never be strong, you could only be free - coveredinsun (Style + Angst & Hurt/Comfort) I would also recommend listening to There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths while reading.
Always - VanishLou (Style + Angst & Hurt/Comfort + TW // School Shooting & Serious Injuries)
A Shot Through The Heart - jennahowes11 (Style + Angst & Hurt/Comfort + TW // School Shooting & Serious Injuries)
Makes Me Feel Safe - tertsoy (Style + Fluff & Hurt/Comfort)
Fireworks - Kitty_Khaos (Style + Fluff + TW // Drinking & Drugs)
We're Here Now - redbellpepper (Style + Angst & Hurt/Comfort + TW // Past Rape + Suicide Attempt + Past Drugs & Alcohol + Smut) I would also recommend listening to Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens while reading.
i'll go with you (stay with me) - scribespirare (Style + Hurt/Comfort & Fluff + TW // Post School Shooting & Serious Injuries)
When I Can't Power Through - secondhandsmoker (Style + Angst & Hurt/Comfort + TW // Past Suicide Attempt + Eating Disorder + Past Self-Harm + Past Alcohol Abuse + Drug Use)
there's a field of stars on your tongue - xX_VanessA_Xx (Style + Fluff + Love Confession)
There's My Boy - fancypearl (Creek + Angst + Major Character Death + TW // Implied Rape + Kidnapping + Child Abuse + Non-Consensual Drug Use + Implied Suicide + this one is very fucking heavy & dark so be warned)
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coveredinsun · 3 months
lavender-rose tea
Bilbo looked back up, some considerable amount of shame sitting in his heart for the dismayed look he could not restrain. He might never settle into the hero figure that many dwarves now held him up as. He might never feel like it was a particularly heroic thing to do, stepping between Azog and Thorin. He would do it a thousand times, against a thousand foes, until there were no more foes to fight. After all that commotion, he would surely sit down for a well-deserved cup of lavender-rose tea, and he would certainly offer Thorin some.
my first bagginshield fic! i’ve loved these movies forever and ever but never thought to write about them until i very recently rewatched them with some bagginshield-tinted glasses. this is dedicated to my dear friend who watched it with me, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME, and has found himself in the fucking trenches. enjoy!
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drunkdumbfucker · 5 days
Legolas suffering from sea-longing | Ao3 fic recs
Hello, under the read more you'll find a masterlist of fics where Legolas goes through the ordeal of sea-longing! 99% of them will include the pairing Gimli/Legolas, this list exists to be edited and nourished as long as I keep ruining my happiness with their existence :))))
"Legolas Greenleaf long under tree In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea! If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more." Galadriel
root and stone, song and sea, by @coveredinsun | words 13k+, post-canon, fluff and angst & Gimleaf
Summary: "[...] Or: A few looks into Legolas' sea-longing, and the joyous things that make it more bearable." [this one broke me I cried and smiled and every sentence deserves to be cherished, and everything this author writes is gold]
rebuil your seawall (brick by brick), by @deheerkonijn | words 30k+, modernAU & Gimleaf
Summary: "For weeks and months, Legolas has felt a pull - and dares not name it, does not heed its stormy-sky warnings, does not track the ebb and flow on the shoreline of his life. Here’s the thing about the tide, though: it rises whether one wills it or not." [this one made me lose my shit it was so well thought and the universe in which it's set is immense and dear, such a great series]
Across the sea (a pale moon rises), by loving_rat_314 | words 10k (unfinished), post-canon & old age & Gimleaf
Summary: "After Aragorn`s death, Legolas and Gimli brave an uncertain journey into the West." [don't talk to me don't look at me]
On the Cold Hill Side, by @mcvices | words 24k, missing scene & Gimleaf
Summary: "In the end, Gimli thinks, Legolas will steal his heart and sail away with it, and even the wonders of the Glittering Caves are not enough consolation for that loss. But when Aragorn calls for Gimli’s help in dismantling the hidden traps of Orthanc, everything changes." [I don't even know what to say, fell in love with the writing, adored it all, really great dialogues]
The Undying, by Angela | words 20k, old age & pining & slow-burn Gimleaf
Summary: “I was wondering,” Gimli had said at the beginning of it. “Isn't it about time you get started on that boat of yours?” It has been over one hundred years since the War of the Ring. Gimli and a dwarf girl named Mâglah help Legolas build his ship to sail into the west. While they are working, Legolas realizes that there are a lot of things that have been long unexpressed between him and his dearest friend, things that must be said and done before it is too late." [so complete, precious OC, heart-wrenching details and moments]
Seasick, by Longyan | words 3k, growing old & Gimleaf
Summary: "The pull has existed for a long time. It has always been there, just at the back of his mind ― a mere childish curiosity, to see waves break against the shore, to feel fresh breeze in his hair. Still, it was never more than a passing thought, something that would always be drowned out by other, more interesting things. Nothing more, nothing less. The world is bright. Sauron is gone. And Legolas is sure, as long he has Gimli by his side, the water has no power over him. And he is intent on staying forever." [short but strong, like Gimli. Will fuck you up, I kid you not, very powerful shit right here]
what a thing to choose, by coverdinsun (again) | words 4k, post-canon & Arwen stan account & Gimleaf
Summary: "[...] Or: As time appears to be slipping out of his grasp, Legolas must grapple with his fear." [idk I love your little short summaries in the end. another masterpiece, trule wonderful dialogue, some of my fave characterizations in here]
To the sea, by @roselightfairy | words 13k, so much angst & Gimleaf
Summary: "A few decades into their shared lives, Legolas seems to be losing his battle against the sea-longing. The only solution that he can think of is to go to the sea. Of course, Gimli will not let him go alone." [this one hits really really hard, a slap to the face. so much angst yet so beautiful, pay attention to all the tags, prepare your tissues beforehand <3]
Go west, by undomiel (dolcewrites) | words 8k, angst++++ & Gimleaf
Summary: "The Sea has never left Legolas' mind since he first heard the cry of the gulls at Pelargir. As time catches up to the elf, he has to make a choice: to sail to the West, or to stay with his companion, Gimli the dwarf." [Maybe even more angsty than the last one because it touches all the despair and loss and pain]
To be continued!
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skitter-kitter · 1 year
also 14, 22, 41, 53, 71 because there are a LOT of questions
fanfic writer asks
how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I usually try to focus on the characters’ physical reactions to the emotions. Like clenching fists grinding teeth and tears. It’s very much based on the type of therapy I did a lot as a kid
Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I don’t like writing romance very much, and I just generally don’t like writing AUs. Changing the setting and context of relationships is very hard to do well and I just don’t enjoy them very much.
Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
i WISH I could reread fics. I am a one and done kind of person though, no matter how much I want to reread my favs. I just can’t read something where I already know the ending. Sometimes I force myself to reread so I can write more comments for the author though
How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
I’m like 90% a writer and 10% a reader. I rarely read fics, just cause I don’t have the time or mental space to get sucked into a new world
When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
Oh funny story. I create a little list of everything I want in the current scene and following scenes at the end of every writing session. The more I write the more deranged those notes become until it’s like 400 words of just that. This is what the end of my current wip looks like:
[cheren, texts from Rachel and sawyer]
[cheren “you know, I always knew I’d die like this”]
[rowan, “I always thought you were a bad dad”]
[hoopa, “I don’t want to die alone, so stay?” “I want to die on my own terms.”]
Rowan Falstelo had never claimed to be a good man.
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oatflatwhite · 3 months
so you absolutely got me into band of brothers, I never thought I would binge a world war 2 tv show but here we are…your power…
I’m so sorry to ask this but I remember you posted a fic rec recently and I can’t seem to find it. Do you have a specific tag you use that I can check or a link to that post?
HI HELLO <3 i am SO beyond glad you watched band of brothers, welcome to the tiniest/best fandom ever <333 if u ever want to come off anon and scream more about it w me please feel free!!!
i think this might be the post ur thinking of?? but here have a couple more recs i didn't put on there:
a single united body by leoandsnake (winnix, canonverse, 41k, E)
Winters and Nixon grapple with the end of the war and their budding relationship.
Amuse-Bouche by ThrillingDetectiveTales (winnix, canonverse, 2.8k, G)
“It’s the curse of the gourmand, darling,” Blanche explained over the sudden swell of strings, lifting one shoulder in a lazy, feline shrug. “Every man who avails himself so thoroughly of the world’s great pleasures is destined to show the evidence of his passions, eventually. There’s no shame in it.”
playing by the book by ferretbueller (baberoe, au, 2.6k, T)
“Nice game,” Gene said quietly, slowing to a stop. “Thanks.” Babe couldn’t fight his smile. He was probably being so obvious. “Come celebrate with us.” Despite himself, Gene laughed a little. “I think there’s a rule against that in the referee handbook.” Babe could definitely think of a few other rules in the referee handbook he couldn’t care less about.
Let nothing you dismay by dancinguniverse (winnix, au, 12.7k, T)
A Winnix fic in the style of a Hallmark Christmas movie. When Nix crashes his car on a snowy December night, he’s rescued by lonely veteran Dick Winters. They find they could both use some holiday cheer.
In a Roundabout Way by verynotconcise (baberoe, canonverse, 12k, T)
Recently I’ve been thinking about those days again. I wonder if I miss them. Not the war I mean, but those times that I spent with the guys and you. It’s funny because I don’t remember spending that much time with you, but whenever I think about those days again, you always seem to be in them, whether you’re talking to me or taking care of the rest. Even now I still feel like you’re just around the corner, waiting for me with a smoke in one hand and a lighter in the other. Then I remember that we’re back home now, and you’re all the way in Louisiana.    A collection of letters Babe writes Eugene on his trip around the states.
and finally some ones i haven't read yet but marked for later bc they sound dope as hell:
eucharista (this is how meat loves meat) by estrella_marie (baberoe and babejulian, canonverse, 3.3k, M)
weary traveler by fuckyousledge (baberoe, canonverse, 2.7k, M)
to the bone by blood_mocha_latte (baberoe, au, 23.4k, T)
the likes of me abide by coveredinsun (winnix, canonverse, 10k, T)
there was also a winnix high school au i read not too long ago where dick was in band and nix was a jock but i can't find it rn! if i do i will reblog this with the link :)
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 1 month
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esgoraths · 16 days
Questionnaire Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @starsuncounted :) (sorry this has taken me ages... who am I without my uselessness?)
Last song: I currently have You’re Own Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift in my head on repeat, if that counts
Currently watching: Started my millionth rewatch of Schitts Creek, and also slowly watching the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Currently reading: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins, The Cloisters by Katy Hays and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (it's taking some time, I feel like I probably mentioned this in my last tag game…)
Current favourites: As you may have noticed I am back on my Hunger Games bullshit, and enjoying every minute. Finnick Odair you deserved better
No pressure tags @hobbitwrangler @coveredinsun @hiraethnix :)
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
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@coveredinsun this u?
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kelp-my-beloved · 2 years
Empires one-shot rec time
Listen, I live for one-shots. I also been really into Empires lately. So, you know where this is going. The recs are all from the first season, and below the keepreading, in no particular order:
watch the time go, by @weareallstardustfallen: “Can I ask you something?”"Sure.""So, you're immortal, right?"“Technically no, but close enough that the distinction doesn’t really matter.”“Do you ever wish that you, like… weren’t?” Or: Pixl, old immortal, sits with Jimmy, young one
Rating: G, Archive Warnings: NAWA, Words: 1676
This one is one of my favourites. It's focused on Pix and Jimmy's friendship, which there's never really enough fics about. It's part of an AU, but the reason I chose this one is beause I love how their dynamic plays out with the worldbuilding, and despite the topic manages to be soft and reasuring. Definetely recomend giving it a read.
Intertwined in mud and silt, by BirchWrites: "Now that Rivendell and the Cod Empire are officially allies, there's a ceremony that needs to be observed. Jimmy is perhaps a little more excited about it than he should be."
Rating: T, Archive Warnings: NAWA, Words: 2154
Where do I start with this one. The ceremony consist of Jimmy drowning Scott for his head, of course, and I just need to say. It's written so beautifuly. I know how it sounds, but the description of the ritual is so good, it was love at first read. There's Flower Husbands, of course, and you can feel it even as the drowning happens.
pov: your siblings are overprotective, by @daisy-mooon :"Gem is not having a good time after being frozen and corrupted, and mopes around her bedroom. Her siblings are there to cheer her up though"
Rating: G, Archive Warnings: NAWA, Words: 1030
Wither rose fam my beloved. This is so cute and fluffy. In this house we stand and cherish protective siblings, and this fic is exactly that. Plus, the siblings bickering between them makes this a really fun read. What else could you want?
defender of the people down below, by @infinitelysoordinary: "After that day, Pix will live on. He’s a constant, alongside the sun and the moon and the sea and the wind. He will remain. (That doesn’t mean that he won’t linger.)"
Rating: G, Archive Warnings: NAWA, Words: 1424
This one is a tad different than the other ones, but just as good. This is for the god!Pix enjoyers, and it's written so well. Give it a try, I promise it's more than worth it.
empty space, by @coveredinsun: "The manor is large (an illusion which appears to remain even after she has outgrown a child’s eyes) and it is empty, save for the workers which shuffle around wordlessly like timid apparitions. The walls are practically magnetic, which is why Gem finds herself clinging to them once the lanterns must light up the hallways as a pitiful substitute for safe, warm sunlight. Every once in a while Gem’s wings will suddenly graze the base of her spine; without a thought her breath will hitch and she will spin around to see who touched her. Each time she is met with the same thing: empty space and silence."
Rating: T, Archive Warnings: NAWA, Words: 4698
This time is roseblings my beloved. But seriously, the rosebling here is top notch. It's technically part of a series, but I did read it first before checking the rest. So it's probably fine. I know this is the longest of the fics, but it's totally worth it. This is definetely up there in my list of favourites.
Obligatory notes:
I did my best to tag the writers, that's what I saw people did when making this posts at least, but there are a few that I couldnt find, if they have a tumblr.
Feel free to add your own recs! I might do another one of these for multichaptered fics, or just a part two.
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