#couple counseling can be wonderfully healing
twopoppies · 1 year
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Works Wonderfully
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,” 1Corinthians 6:9NKJV
First let me preface this devotional with the fact that I too have sinned in this falling short of the glory of God. Thus I can speak with knowledge. The talking snake will do everything in his power to trip us believers up and keep non-believers snared in traps almost impossible to get out of.
Lou watches a healing evangelist almost all day, every day on youtube— Billy Burke. I’ve learned many deeper spiritual concepts from Burke, while Lou has learned scriptures and now can sing hymns. (This is a first for Lou’s 75 years.)
One service Lou has watched several times— a young woman asks for a deeper walk with the Lord, wanting her fire of Holy Spirit’s anointing back. Burke interviewed her, as he does most people. ‘Are you married?’ ‘How long have you lived with this boyfriend?’ ‘It’s been how long since you’ve felt Holy Spirit’s fire?’ ‘Do you see a correlation between these two things?’ 
Boyfriend came forward and Burke asked him, ‘would you be willing to quit corrupting this woman and give his heart to Jesus?’ (In thousands of churches today, none will ever hear such a confrontation come about.) The boyfriend repented; asked Jesus into his heart; was slain in the spirit; was delivered from demons. Burke then assigned the couple to the pastor and church deacons to guard over them. Service over.
Two months later, per the woman, who’d come with her now husband to testify in another of Burke’s services— same church. They’d married immediately after Burke prayed and counseled with them. Immediately after their wedding, blessings began flowing, the business they’d been trying to start received a huge order. Within the two months, her physical issues and their business both corrected; vibrant spiritual lives came about for them both. Rejoicing together in how wonderful the Lord was and how their lives had changed, they concluded their testimony with the statement— ‘doing life God’s way works wonderfully.’— I’ll interject here……. Of course Yahweh knows the right way to do life, He created us.
Satan will trap people in a life of sex sins and immorality giving his slaves no way out. His lies along with their body cravings seemingly validifies these sins as — normal needs. Abortion, gender confusion, mental illnesses are all tied to our text verse. Even the bodily cravings are lies titillated by demonic activity… I know having battled that as well years ago.
Do you have real peace and joy in your heart? Are you walking with the fire of Holy Spirit’s anointing? Have you slipped into a place of discontent? Anxiety?
Life won’t work correctly without surrendering totally to God’s way. When your spiritual thermometer is too cold, it’s always because of some unrepentant sin. Some little or big thing you’ve not talked over with God. Often these ‘unrepentant sins’ will cause illness, changes in work or business, discontentment, anxiety, even personality changes. There’s a reason Yahweh allows all these changes and difficulties to come to pass— Like the young woman talking to Burke, God used life cues to alert her— ‘Believer you’ve left the straight and narrow path.’ To an Unbeliever, it’s the call— awake child. For both it’s “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Will you come to Him and find His way works wonderfully? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Father God show us how and where to repent for Your kingdom and have joy unspeakable from Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2023 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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seerbastet · 5 years
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Taurus February 14th-28th Intuitive Love Messages.
Single Taurus’  Card- Pay Attention To The Red Flags
“The signs are cautioning you.”
The romance angels sent you this card to help you notice the unhealthy or disconcerting parts of your relationship. If you are swept up in a new romance, this card serves as a cautionary warning. Pay attention to your feelings and impressions about your new suitor. Don’t allow emotion to blind you to characteristics or habits that won’t work out for you in a relationship. A “red flag” is a sign that something is off. It can include an indication of dishonesty, disrespect, flirtatiousness with others, substance abuse, or lack of integrity. While your new love interest may treat you wonderfully well at the beginning of your relationship. It’s vital that you watch how he or she treats others. Someone’s basic character is revealed by the way in which he or she talks and acts with restaurant staff, valet- parking attendants, and other miscellaneous individuals. If you’re in an existing relationship, these red flags may signal a need for an honest mutual discussion or couples counseling. This card doesn’t necessarily guide you to leave a relationship. Red Flags can be markers along the path of healing. The romance angels will guide you to take the steps that are healthy for everyone involved, so do follow your intuition.
Don’t be anyone’s fool Taurus! and remember that people make time for who they want to make time for…if you’re dating someone that is full of excuses, that is a red flag that something else could be going on. “Trust the vibes that you get, energy doesn’t lie”  
Coupled Taurus (marriage/long term relationship/monogamy) Card-Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life
“Positive thinking and faith will bring you romance.” The romance angels send you this card to remind you that you have a strong influence upon your love life satisfaction. If you’ve been complaining or worrying lately, the angels guide you to shift to a more optimistic perspective. Even if you’ve had your romantic hopes repeatedly dashed, there’s still reason to hold the faith that real love can be yours...if you believe it. Today, take action steps to positively manifest the love life you desire. Whether you’re single or in a partnership, begin by visualizing yourself as romantically happy and satisfied. See an image of yourself with a wonderful partner who embodies the qualities that are important to you. Imagine that person appreciating and loving you, too. You can write lists and conduct journaling sessions about your feelings, hopes, desires, and intentions. You can also create a “Dream Board,” with images and phrases related to your love-life goals pasted onto a poster board. Daily, look at this Dream Board with positive intent and follow any inner guidance to take actions related to your dreams. Your positive outlook will make you a more physically and energetically attractive person, which will definitely help your relationship with yourself…and everyone else, too. If things are getting a little boring, now is the perfect time to express your love through touch/affection. Don’t be afraid to try something fun and different with your partner Taurus!  
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zaynclinic · 3 years
5 Tips To Get Best Quality Hair transplant
Settling on choices is rarely simple. The acclaimed line from the Shakespearean play Hamlet summarizes this difficulty wonderfully - 'regarding life, is there any point to it, that is the issue'. What's more, we face various difficulties on a regular premise. From purchasing garments to picking a café to arrange an occasion, you are spoilt for decisions. Nonetheless, settling on an educated choice turns into even more troublesome when it concerns your prosperity and your appearance.
There is a feeling of perpetual quality to your prosperity and how you look, and that is the reason we are in every case extremely suspicious about whatever is significantly not quite the same as what we are. Think losing or putting on weight? Or then again long or short hair? Or then again to keep a facial hair growth or go clean-cut, we do thoroughly consider these things. Envision how hard it will be for anybody to initially settle on a choice about Hair relocation and what's more, guarantee that it is of the best quality and done by the hair transplant clinic in Pune. That takes some doing. Yet, first, we should discuss going bald, which can be very upsetting particularly on the off chance that it begins at an early age.
Nobody is truly ready for it, regardless of how solid-willed we are. Regardless of our earnest attempts, thinning up top at an early age can be a significant shock to our certainty. The best of us can be influenced, and in some outrageous cases, it tends to be discouraging. It can affect our expert just as close to home lives, and it isn't only the individual it's the individuals around them that get affected also. Anyway, in such cases - what should be finished?
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Precautions to be taken before Hair Transplant surgery
First of all, on the off chance that you or your nearby ones are in such a circumstance, at that point look for proficient assistance. The master is best situated to offer you itemized responses about your prosperity, hair fall, hairlessness, and healing measures. Hairlessness can be hereditary or is set off for an assortment of reasons. It isn't just about your hair yet additionally your prosperity as a rule, and it is imperative to get that. Far beyond, the master can recommend answers for your hair sparseness it very well may be a drug or a transfer strategy relying upon the idea of your particular issue.
When you at long last conclude that you will go for a hair relocate technique by hair transplant in Pune, at that point how would you guarantee that you get the best quality? By and by, a ton relies on the specialist/master you counsel. You should do a careful exploration on the concerned master just as in the facility. Peruse as much as possible. You can likewise address past patients and gain from their encounters. It is just when you are certain and fulfilled that you should proceed. At this stage, you should likewise be somewhat cautious and not cut corners. There are numerous facilities out there that publicize hair transfers at an essentially lower cost than the pervasive market rate. It is critical to not succumb to modest advertising contrivances.
Precautions to be observed in the Clinic before Surgery
A large number of these facilities don't have prepared experts to do a medical procedure. In many cases, it is corrective specialists taking a stab at hair transfers. If a center is offering transfer at expendable costs, they are unquestionably reducing expense someplace, it very well may be as an unpracticed specialist, an unpracticed group, a trashy and unhygienic facility, etc. These affect the eventual outcome of your transfer.
To comprehend the significance of an accomplished specialist, we should likewise discuss hair relocate methodology from hair transplant surgeons in Pune that is accessible today, that have made conceivable what was inconceivable a couple of many years prior.
Hair relocates methodology today is insignificantly intrusive and gives incredible outcomes. Methodology like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is among the most famous strategies today. FUT includes eliminating a portion of the scalp from the contributor region, separating it into minuscule units, every one of which contains a couple of hairs, and afterward relocating them into the uncovered spots. Though FUE includes separating singular follicles from the contributor zone and relocating them through little cuts onto the uncovered spots. Both the strategies have an extremely high achievement rate and there are centers that utilization worldwide prescribed procedures while offering these administrations.
Thus, when you decide to go for a skincare system by skin clinic Pune, do your exploration. Converse with specialists and afterward settle on a choice. It is difficult to characterize what is acceptable and best. In any case, what will figure out what's best for you is your solace level with the specialist? Your capacity to convey precisely what you need and its possible conveyance. Just a genuine master will have the option to choose the number of unions you need precisely to cover your uncovered spots stylishly, what is the sort of hairline that will suit you best, and how best to do the transfer to not let future balding make it look terrible. A decent specialist will follow the littlest subtleties like considering the heading of hair development while putting the inserts or which zones need more embeds to make the end-product look tastefully satisfying.
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A skin treatment in Pune will likewise guarantee that you have insignificant scarring. What is additionally significant for a decent transfer is post-medical procedure care. The specialist will share a bunch of post-employable consideration rules to follow, including dozing upstanding, shampooing with a delicate item, not smoking or drinking for quite a while post a medical procedure. Just a decent facility will guarantee that the patients comprehend the littlest subtleties of post-medical procedure care.
Consequently, for best outcomes, pick cautiously and shrewdly, and never settle for a convenient solution that comes excessively modest.
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tiaclinicblog · 3 years
5 Tips To Get Best Quality Hair transplant
Settling on choices is rarely simple. The acclaimed line from the Shakespearean play Hamlet summarizes this difficulty wonderfully - 'regarding life, is there any point to it, that is the issue'. What's more, we face various difficulties on a regular premise. From purchasing garments to picking a café to arrange an occasion, you are spoilt for decisions. Nonetheless, settling on an educated choice turns into even more troublesome when it concerns your prosperity and your appearance. There is a feeling of perpetual quality to your prosperity and how you look, and that is the reason we are in every case extremely suspicious about whatever is significantly not quite the same as what we are. Think losing or putting on weight? Or then again long or short hair? Or then again to keep a facial hair growth or go clean-cut, we do thoroughly consider these things. Envision how hard it will be for anybody to initially settle on a choice about Hair Transplant and what's more, guarantee that it is of the best quality and done by the Hair Transplant In Andheri West. That takes some doing. Yet, first, we should discuss going bald, which can be very upsetting particularly on the off chance that it begins at an early age.
Nobody is truly ready for it, regardless of how solid willed we are. Regardless of our earnest attempts, thinning up top at an early age can be a significant shock to our certainty. The best of us can be influenced, and in some outrageous cases, it tends to be discouraging. It can affect our expert just as close to home lives, and it isn't only the individual it's the individuals around them that get affected also. Anyway, in such cases - what should be finished?
Precautions to be taken before Hair Transplant surgery
First of all, on the off chance that you or your nearby ones are in such a circumstance, at that point look for proficient assistance. The master is best situated to offer you itemized responses about your prosperity, hair fall, hairlessness, and healing measures. Hairlessness can be hereditary or is set off by an assortment of reasons. It isn't just about your hair yet additionally your prosperity as a rule, and it is imperative to get that. Far beyond, the master can recommend answers for your hair sparseness it very well may be a drug or a transfer strategy relying upon the idea of your particular issue.
When you at long last conclude that you will go for a hair relocate technique by Hair Transplant Clinic In Andheri, at that point how would you guarantee that you get the best quality? By and by, a ton relies on the specialist/master you counsel. You should do a careful exploration of the concerned master just as the facility. Peruse as much as possible. You can likewise address past patients and gain from their encounters. It is just when you are certain and fulfilled that you should proceed. At this stage, you should likewise be somewhat cautious and not cut corners. There are numerous facilities out there that publicize hair transfers at an essentially lower cost than the pervasive market rate. It is critical to not succumb to modest advertising contrivances.
Precautions to be observed in the Clinic before Surgery
A large number of these facilities don't have prepared experts to do a medical procedure. In many cases, it is corrective specialists taking a stab at hair transfers. If a center is offering transfer at expendable costs, they are unquestionably reducing expense someplace, it very well may be as an unpracticed specialist, an unpracticed group, a trashy and unhygienic facility, etc. These affect the eventual outcome of your transfer.
To comprehend the significance of an accomplished specialist, we should likewise discuss hair relocate methodology from Hair Transplant In Andheri that are accessible today, that have made conceivable what was inconceivable a couple of many years prior.
Hair Transplant methodology today is insignificantly intrusive and gives incredible outcomes. Methodology like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is among the most famous strategies today. FUT includes eliminating a portion of the scalp from the contributor region, separating it into minuscule unites, every one of which contains a couple of hairs, and afterward relocating them into the uncovered spots. Though FUE includes separating singular follicles from the contributor zone and relocating them through little cuts on to the uncovered spots. Both the strategies have an extremely high achievement rate and there are centers that utilization worldwide prescribed procedures while offering these administrations.
Thus, when you decide to go for a hair Transplant system by Best Hair Transplant In Mumbai, do your exploration. Converse with specialists and afterward settle on a choice. It is difficult to characterize what is acceptable and best. In any case, what will figure out what's best for you is your solace level with the specialist? Your capacity to convey precisely what you need and its possible conveyance. Just a genuine master will have the option to choose the number of unions you need precisely to cover your uncovered spots stylishly, what is the sort of hairline that will suit you best, and how best to do the transfer to not let future balding make it look terrible. A decent specialist will follow the littlest subtleties like considering the heading of hair development while putting the inserts or which zones need more embeds to make the end-product look tastefully satisfying.
A Hair Transplant Clinic In Mumbai will likewise guarantee that you have insignificant scarring. What is additionally significant for a decent transfer is the post of medical procedure care. The specialist will share a bunch of post-employable consideration rules to follow, including dozing upstanding, shampooing with a delicate item, not smoking or drinking for quite a while post a medical procedure. Just a decent facility will guarantee that the patients comprehend the littlest subtleties of post-medical procedure care.
Consequently, for best outcomes, pick cautiously and shrewdly, and never settle for a convenient solution that comes excessively modest.
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Subaki/Stahl C-S Support
Written by  drizzled-wind
Stahl: Geez, these battles are getting rougher. I’m half expecting Risen to find their way to this world and attack, what with the way things are going.
Subaki: Excuse me, Stahl?
Stahl: Hm? Oh, hello Subaki. What can I do for you?
Subaki: I don’t want to sound rude, but I feel I must bring this to your attention. Your hair is an absolute mess!
Stahl: Oh, is it sticking up again? I have a hard time keeping it tame after a battle. Or at any time, really.
Subaki: It’s causing me pain just to look at it. Please, may I offer my assistance?
Stahl: What do you mean?
Subaki: I have a variety of hair products that will keep that mess under control. Believe me, if anyone needs them, it’s you.
Stahl: Ah, that’s why your hair is so flawless! To be honest, I was a little bit jealous of it.
Subaki: I don’t blame you. As long as you follow this method, your hair can be as perfect as mine. What do you say, Stahl?
Stahl: I guess it can’t hurt to give it a try. What do I have to do?
Subaki: Apply this lotion to it every day after you take a bath. Make sure to wash your hair and comb the lotion through thoroughly. In time, you will notice the differences, I promise you.
Stahl: Gosh, that seems awfully complicated, Subaki. I don’t know if I want it to be perfect; just not as messy.
Subaki: You definitely need it - just give it a try. You don’t want people to start making nasty comments about your appearance, do you?
Stahl: No, I guess not. I suppose I can try it out. Thanks for the tips.
Subaki: Don’t thank me now; thank me when your hair is soft and luxurious!
[Subaki and Stahl have reached support rank C.]
Stahl: I don’t know if Subaki’s method is really working… I tried doing it just like he said, but my hair is still sticking up all over the place.
Subaki: Stahl! There you are. Why haven’t you started your treatment yet?
Stahl: I have! For a couple days now, in fact.
Subaki: I can’t believe it. Your hair stayed the exact same! It’s almost as if it had a mind of its own and it’s determined to be as average as possible.
Stahl: That does make sense - I am the most average person I know.
Subaki: This won’t do! I cannot stand my perfect methods being repelled by your average appearance. Stahl, I am going to make you handsome if it’s the last thing I do!
Stahl: I didn’t think my looks were anything to sneeze at before…
Subaki: What was that? Oh, never mind. Come, I’m going to show you something I don’t reveal to most others. You’re a special case.
Stahl: Are these tonics? Where did you get them?
Subaki: I needed to replenish my stock, so I found a man selling them in a town nearby.
Stahl: I don’t know about these, Subaki. My father is an apothecary, and I learnt a lot from him. Those look a little suspicious.
Subaki: Nonsense! Anything that I pick out is perfect.
Stahl: If you say so…
Stahl: What on earth is that wailing? I’d better go check it out.
Subaki: Don’t look at me! I’m hideous!
Stahl: What the- Subaki? What are you doing? Why are you hiding under the table?
Subaki: My hair! It’s ruined!
Stahl: I told you those tonics looked suspicious. The man was probably scamming you.
Subaki: What will I do now?! I can’t go out like this!
Stahl: I don’t think you look that bad. But if you want, I can lend you some of my tonics. They’re designed to heal damaged skin, but I think they’ll work on your hair, too.
Subaki: Oh, thank you, Stahl!
Stahl: If I may ask, why are you so obsessed with being perfect? You don’t have to be flawless all the time, you know.
Subaki: You don’t understand. I have an image, and I have to keep it up. Wouldn’t you feel the same?
Stahl: I don’t think I would. I’m content to fill my role as the most average soldier here. But I’m glad I was able to help you, at least.
[Subaki and Stahl have reached support rank B.]
Subaki: There. Restored to perfection! Dare I say it’s even more lustrous than usual! I must thank Stahl for his amazing concoction.
Stahl: Oh, hi, Subaki. What are you doing?
Subaki: Just admiring my reflection. That substance you gave me worked wonderfully.
Stahl: I’m glad I was able to help. How come you’re still upset, though?
Subaki: Whatever do you mean?
Stahl: I can tell that you’re very upset about something - you always tug at the tassels on your clothing when you are. Sorry for prying, though; it’s none of my business.
Subaki: No, no, you’ve hit the mark. I was thinking about what you said that other day.
Stahl: About not having to be perfect?
Subaki: I just don’t understand how you’re happy to be in the middle. Not the worst, not the best. Just… average.
Stahl: When you come from a large army like the Shepherds, someone has to fall in the middle. Why not me?
Subaki: But why not strive to be better? Why not achieve perfection?
Stahl: I guess I don’t need that to be happy. But if it works for you, then that’s okay, too. Everybody has a different goal, right?
Subaki: My goal is to be as perfect as I can possibly be. That means failure in front of others is not an option. That’s why I was upset, Stahl. I’m sorry you had to witness it. I feel terribly embarrassed.
Stahl: You don’t have to. I don’t mind if you mess up in front of me. I’m just glad you trusted me enough to confide in me.
Subaki: I must admit it does make me feel better to have told you that. I’m not very good at seeking help.
Stahl: Then how about you come talk to me every morning, and tell me about anything that happens to be troubling you. We can work it out together.
Subaki: It’s a deal. But if I may ask, could you throw in your special tonic? It’s the best I’ve ever used.
Stahl: Will do, Subaki. Come talk to me any time you need.
[Subaki and Stahl have reached support rank A.]
Subaki: -and when my stomach growled in front of him, I was so embarrassed! I had to find a way to stop myself from being hungry afterwards.
Stahl: That does sound like a problem. Did you fix the issue? I hope you didn’t push yourself too hard.
Subaki: We worked it out soon enough. I just have to constantly condition myself to be more flawless than any other.
Stahl: Thank you for telling me all your stories, Subaki. I like hearing about the experiences that make you the man you are today.
Subaki: Yes, well… Telling them to you has a way of putting me at ease. It almost makes the flaws less abhorrent.
Stahl: I can tell you’re a lot more relaxed now. I think the counselling definitely did you some good.
Subaki: So you can tell what someone is thinking just by observing their movements?
Stahl: It’s an ability I’ve always had, yeah. It comes in handy sometimes when I need to calm the waters.
Subaki: Surely you cannot observe me in the same way? I regulate all my movements perfectly to make sure nothing is out of place.
Stahl: You’d be surprised. For instance, I can tell that you’ve been wanting to ask me something really important ever since you arrived this morning.
Subaki: What?! How did you figure it out?
Stahl: You flick your fringe out of your eyes and then readjust your hair tie every three minutes. You’ve been doing it periodically for around an hour now.
Subaki: And to think I didn’t even realise. Stahl, your ability is truly like no other.
Stahl: It’s nothing, really - just useful in situations like this. But what did you want to ask me?
Subaki: Well, like you mentioned, we have been spending a lot of time together. Now I must ask you about a problem I have that only you can solve.
Stahl: You’ve grabbed my attention. What is it?
Subaki: I have developed very strong feelings for you during our sessions, Stahl.
Stahl: Y-you have?!
Subaki: When I’m with you, my insecurities seem to melt away, and I truly feel like the picture of perfection. But the only way I can continue to feel like that is if you stay by my side.
Stahl: Subaki, I can’t believe…
Subaki: It’s okay. Please, pay this no mind so that we might be able to continue our sessions as normal. Pretend I didn’t say anything.
Stahl: Wait, don’t leave! I wanted to say that I’ve had a crush on you since we started helping each other. I couldn’t help but fall for you when you started admitting your imperfections.
Subaki: My imperfections? But-
Stahl: It made you seem more reachable. Your looks didn’t hurt anything, either…
Subaki: So you accept my proposal?
Stahl: If you’ll accept an average joe like me.
Subaki: Never fear! At my side, you will shine brighter than the rest! Together, we will be the pinnacle of perfection! And Stahl… thank you. You give me the drive to keep aspiring to be better.
Stahl: I’m glad I was able to help. I love you, Subaki.
[Subaki and Stahl have reached support rank S.]
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messageinabotelya · 3 years
Message in a Botelya
Dear Cai I hope you’re happy and at peace, wherever you are right now.  It’s been a little while since we last spoke, and there are a few things, if you’d allow it, to get off my chest before too long.  It’;s your choice if you want to continue reading this; I felt it was right that I at least sent it out.  A few things that it only feels right to get off my chest, even if it’s just a message in a bottle, drifting at sea forever...
Firstly, I want to apologize from the bottom of my soul for the strangeness that happened over those last couple of weeks.  I was hospitalized a number of times, and until medical professionals figured out what wasn’t right about me, I still suffered from delirium, and a number of seizures.  It was very scary because not only was it obvious to everyone around me that something was going on with me, I began to be afraid that it was a re-occurrence of a serious medical condition that I suffered when I was a child.  Luckily, it seems that it wasn’t, but it’s only now that I’ve been properly treated, and am back back to normal with a clear head, that I can put everything into perspective and give some proper explanations. You taught me a lot. You taught me to open up about myself, and not let the nonsense of the past keep weighing me down like a monkey on my back, because I deserve better.  This was something I knew already, but these past few months of Covid life and my place in it had me really tired down.  I think I did better than a lot of people, but it wasn’t easy.  I’d learned to be avoidant about some conversations without realizing it, but now I don’t, and it feels very, very pure and
good.  In fact, there are truly 2 things that I’ve kept hidden away from people because of fear of embarrassment, or being looked down upon.  I was about to tell you these 2 things.
a) When I was young, my parents didn’t let me go to school.  I didn’t start school until the beginning of high-school. (long weird story for another day I guess); in this environment I was the victim of abuse in a number of ways; though luckily now I no longer feel any shame about it)
b) I was diagnosed, and treated for a brain tumor when I was 18 years old. It doesn’t affect my life anymore, because it’s healed long ago, but for some reason there was some shame in that.
I understand after being with you, and getting counseling as well that not only is this kind of avoidant response with yourself common, but it’s also very unhelpful, and now I am able to peacefully live without it.  Maybe part of the reason it took me so long to let everything out was because you said you had the tendency to be ‘teasey’ or such with people, but it’s hard to really say how this develops in the mind, it’s only important that it’s pinpointed and healed.  Even if you had made fun of me for those things, it’s not something that should have bothered me nor would it now because I would know that you mean well.  This avoidance was my error, and despite the explanations for where it came from, I still don’t deny my responsibility as a person for my past errors.  This doesn’t make up for anything I made you feel, but this is the honest explanation.  Maybe the most important thing here though, is that I never lied to you, I ALWAYS told you the truth.  
You also taught me what I want in life, which I don’t think any one single person can normally just do.  I was beginning to understand my career before I met you, and what I’, intending to bring to the world, but you helped me realize it so much clearer, and that my soul having a feeling of completion will be when I raise a loving family, and have that opportunity to give up myself for others in such a pure way.
If there wasn’t so much chaos going on with Covid, I would have gotten therapy sooner.  I’d already seen 2 psychologists briefly before Covid hit, but I didn’t vibe with them, sometimes it can take a bit of time to find the appropriate worker for you.  But I was also separate for so many months from my friends, family, the things I like to do.. I’m the kind of person who needs to more around a lot and adventure, and all of these things added up made it hard to get my head back.  I remember when you called me on Christmas, and you were all packed together in a house, having fun, singing… the protocols we have had here have no let any of us experience anything like that in over a year.  So contradictory to my true nature.  Now all these things that are dear to me are finally coming back;  I wish you could see me now. I would like you to at understand that this past year has been an absolute battle for me.  When I came to B.C. in 2019, with nothing but a couple of suitcases on my back, determined to travel to a new place and build a new life, bigger, better, and more beautiful life from what I knew back home, I was on the course of becoming the best version of myself, my truer self.  I worked hard, learned hard-discipline, learned carpentry, even got to go to carpentry school all as a result of sheer determination for self-growth.  When Covid hit, everything fell to pieces very fast. The owner of the house I was staying in suddenly sold it without informing us, and the next thing I know I’m stuck in a hostel, with everyone separated and in lock-down, and everyone mental health deteriorating.   The place I was at most recently, the Turtle, before moving into this wonderful new home I’m in, was a true mad house. I’m sure you can remember some of the stories I told you, but it was one of the most toxic environments I’ve ever been in.  There were some good days, a fair amount of ‘alright’ days, and some really dark ones, in a place I didn’t belong with people nothing like me.  It made it hard to sleep (crazy-people noise), or even eat (there basically wasn’t a kitchen, so I couldn’t prepare good food).  So many times I would get what seemed like these perfect opportunities for things like a new, wonderful living environment, but last minute it was like the carpet would get pulled out from under my feet.  After a while that took it’s toll on me as well.
When you asked “how can you love someone who can’t even love or take care of himself”, I was neither of those things.  I was warn down from what was hands down the hardest year of my life. I don’t regret this past year, because it taught me a lot.  It taught me how to survive even if things seem like they might be bleak, and you don’t even know how long it will go on.  It taught me to be thankful for being in a far better place in life, because it showed me how much less privileged and damaged many unfortunate people out there are, that go normally unnoticed by people as who have it as good as you and me.
Now that everything is looking better and moving, vaccinations are coming around, I live in a wonderful home, my mental health is good and continues to get better, it just didn’t feel right to not take the opportunity to clarify these things.   You said that you’d always remember me, and I think I’m afraid that the confusion of those last couple of weeks will obscure the majority of the time we spent together, that that we were good together, that we made each other smile and laugh, and were excited about having the same goals and aspirations.  The travel, the adventures, the business ventures, taking care of our families old young and new.  The agreement that we were blessed, because someone like you is just so damn hard to find… If if you choose to remember me, I want it to be by those things.
I’m so sorry that I got worn down and sick at the very end, literally days before my life had completely turned around.  I’m so sorry that I ever let you down (even when it wasn’t ‘my fault’), now I’m like the me I was when you met me, the one I was at ocean island, and during most of our relationship.  The the truer, purer me.. except a heck of a lot better now that things are opening up and I’ve received the help I needed, and that you were such a strong help in me finally actualizing.
Again, I’m so sorry, and wish you so well.  You helped me maybe more than anything be able to power through these months with a smile on my face at least more days than not.  I had so much to look forward to that usually I could forget about the chaos around me and look forward to a future visiting Cebu, and how I’ll never forget how excited those things made me.  It hurt me when you said “it’s like I pretend to go to work to avoid talking to you”, because those morning messages, the chats, meeting your family on your Inahan’s birthday… those were some of my greatest moments of joy… nothing has ever moved me like that, or made me feel so warm in my core.  I’ll never know how to thank you for making me feel so wonderfully loved.
In the middle of everything when we last talked, it was the wrong time to be able to communicate to you that I recognized my errors, my faults, and my responsibilities.  And also that I loved you and that hadn’t changed.  I knew you needed proof that I was who I said I was, that underneath some obscurities the universe threw at me all at once, and that words alone weren’t going to prove this, and it would take a bit of time for you to remember who I was, and we can still write the future together we dreamed of, and leave all the chaos of those heavy times in the rear-view.
This letter isn’t a plea, an ultimatum, or some ramble in the hopes that you’ll decide to give me another chance, or anything like that.  I know you’re a powerful woman with strong intuition, and I respect and admire that.  It’s your choice whether you even respond, if you even read this.  It just feels obviously that a proper apology requires a proper explanation.  My plans to come to Cebu this year are unchanged, because the ventures I intend to create are, I feel part of my True Will. (unless of course you get the Cebu government to block me at the airport like you did to Mr. American Air-force guy. lol...)  I know that in a perfect world, we meet in a different place and a different day... I just know sometimes that some things aren’t best left unsaid...
Truly and Purely, Me
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‘34 at 34’: New Wellness Series at 34 Mayfair
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On Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 34 Mayfair will present its first ‘34 at 34’ event: a series of intimate ‘34 minutes with’ talks, in collaboration with some of the UK’s leading wellness experts. The informative talks will last 34 minutes and offer a space for industry leaders to discuss and reveal insight on topics that are shaping the world of wellness today. These will cover a broad range of subjects such as mindful exercise, mental health awareness, innovations in physical cellular therapies and more.
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Leading the conversations will be world-renowned journalist, Alice B-B. With a background that has led her to unearth some of the world’s most thrilling, boundary pushing, healing and balancing experiences, Alice will encourage the guest speakers to share their journeys, thoughts and wisdom.
Following the 34 minute talks, attendees will gather for a roundtable brunch at 34 Mayfair to reflect on the morning’s activity and insight.  Served by Head Chef Harvey Ayliffe, this will be a healthier take on the restaurant’s popular brunch menu. To continue the journey outside of the restaurant, guests will receive a complimentary treatment, class or product from the event’s speaker(s) to implement in their wellness routine.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019, CaliFlow x Varley. Ticket holders attending the inaugural session will hear from Paddy Archer, founder of CaliFlow. CaliFlow is London’s newest movement studio introducing a conscious approach to the way people train. Paddy will share insight from his unique ‘Calisthenics’ classes, with a focus on how to introduce mindful exercise into a training schedule, addressing issues from poor posture to combating a sedentary lifestyle. Speaking alongside Paddy will be Lara Mead; the co-founder of performance-first lifestyle and athletic apparel brand, Varley. Lara will provide counsel on juggling a busy career with self-care, and offer an expert view on the highs and lows of launching a brand in the competitive wellness arena.
Tuesday, 8th October 2019, ‘Men’s Mental Health Awareness in the Modern World’ – speakers to be announced
‘New Cellular Physical Therapies and the Fusion of Mind and Body’ – date and speakers to be announced
‘Back to Basics – Reconnecting with Nature Could be the Key to a Happy Life’ – date and speakers to be announced
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The biweekly events will take place in The Emin Room at 34 Mayfair - the beautiful private dining room.
Tickets for the CaliFlow x Varley talk are priced at £100 per person and will include the talk, brunch, a goodie bag as well as five complimentary classes at CaliFlow and a 15% off discount code at Varley.
Tickets for all other talks will be priced at £100 and can be purchased at https://www.34-restaurant.co.uk/
For more information visit https://www.34-restaurant.co.uk/ Instagram: @34restaurant & #34at34
34 Mayfair
34 Mayfair, 34 Grosvenor Square (entrance on South Audley Street, just north of Reeves Mews), London W1K 2HD
020 3350 3434 │ www.34-restaurant.co.uk │ Instagram: @34restaurant │ Twitter: @34_restaurant
General Manager    Miles Butler
Head Chef    Harvey Ayliffe
Bar Manager    Shaun Teeluck
Press enquiries    Sadie Mantovani | [email protected]
Opening times    Open all day from lunch time, Monday to Sunday
Monday to Friday:    12 noon with last reservations at 11pm (open until 1am)
Weekend brunch:    11.30am to 4.30pm
Saturday dinner:    4.30pm to with last orders at 11pm (open until 1am)
Sunday dinner:    4.30pm to with last orders at 10pm (open until 11.30pm)
Emin Room enquiries    Grace Hodder | 0207 307 5785 | [email protected]
    (The room accommodates up to 60 people for a seated lunch or dinner or up to 80 for cocktails & canapés and is available from Monday to Sunday)
When you walk through the deco doors and onto the polished oak parquet of 34 Mayfair, you could easily be seduced by the soft lighting, Upper East Side-style elegance and unflustered calm; yet there is also just the tiniest hint of the nonconformist about this restaurant. Whether it’s the mischievous etchings by Tracey Emin in the eponymous private room upstairs – The Emin Room; the “wild cards” on the menu (the decadent truffled lobster mac springs to mind); or indeed the eclectic collection of paintings from the next strain of YBAs adorning the walls, it’s difficult to pinpoint.  But you know that at 34 Mayfair, you’re probably going to end up having rather a lot of fun, whether it’s lunch, dinner or brunch, which is served on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the summer months.
Service is unruffled, friendly and efficient. Head Chef Harvey Ayliffe’s modern, seasonal menu with international influences is based around the bespoke Argentine parilla grill, with a tremendously good selection of beef (including pure heritage breeds from the Yorkshire Dales and A5 Japanese Wagyu), seasonal game and fish and a wonderfully diverse wine list. There are perennial favourites like the bass ceviche, tuna tartar and baked Indian spiced stone bass, plus a substantial raw section, not to mention desserts, such as 34 Mayfair’s legendary cheesecake – all very hard to resist. Tracey Emin neons peep out from beyond the doors to the private room, twinkling above the oak staircase.
34 Mayfair also takes its drinks very seriously indeed.  Not only does it have an enviable cocktail menu and an elaborate list of spirits and whisky – including its own very rare limited edition bottling of Glenenallachie 34yo Speyside Single Malt – but, in the past couple of years, has built something of a reputation for creating extraordinary glassware. In 2014, to celebrate the inimitable Kate Moss’s 40th birthday, a much-talked-about Champagne Coupe shaped around her left breast was created by British artist Jane McAdam Freud. Then, in 2016, British shoe designer Rupert Sanderson produced an exquisite Champagne Slipper for the restaurant, which is used only when serving a bottle of Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque Rosé. Both are available to purchase on request.
The Emin Room
Celebrated artist Tracey Emin created the unique private dining space at 34 Mayfair that is filled exclusively with her specially selected works. An icon of our generation, Emin has been strongly involved with 34 Mayfair from its inception. The room, located above the restaurant, accommodates up to 60 people for a seated lunch or dinner or up to 80 for cocktails & canapés. Suitable for a wide variety of private and corporate lunch, dinner and cocktail events, the room boasts its own private dedicated marble-topped bar and lounge area, oak-panelled walls, deep vermilion leather chairs and, along with the collection of Emin works including some stunning neons and a series of charcoal drawings, this is certainly one of the most desirable private rooms in the area.
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akoreenpala · 6 years
“That happens in marriages, too, and in other relationships we have. I can’t tell you the number of couples I have counseled who, when they are deeply hurt or even just deeply stressed, reach farther and farther into the past to nd yet a bigger brick to throw throughthe window “pain” of their marriage. When something is over and done with, when it has been repented of as fully as it can be repented of, when life has moved on as it should and a lot of other wonderfully good things have hap- pened since then, it is not right to go back and open up some ancient wound that the Son of God Himself died trying to heal.
Let people repent. Let people grow. Believe that people can change and improve. Is that faith? yes! Is that hope? yes! Is it charity? yes! above all, it is charity, the pure love of Christ. If something is buried in the past, leave it buried. don’t keep going back with your little sand pail and beach shovel to dig it up, wave it around, and then throw it at someone, saying, “Hey! do you remember this?” Splat!
Well, guess what? That is probably going to result in some ugly morsel being dug up out of your land ll with the reply, “yeah, I remember it. do you remember this?” Splat.
and soon enough everyone comes out of that exchange dirty and muddy and unhappy and hurt, when what God, our father in Heaven, pleads for is cleanliness and kindness and happiness and healing.
Such dwelling on past lives, including past mistakes, is just not right! It is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is worse than Miniver Cheevy, and in some ways worse than lot’s wife, because at least there he and she were only destroying themselves. In these cases of mar- riage and family and wards and apartments and neighborhoods, we can end up destroying so many, many others.
Perhaps at this beginning of a new year there is no greater requirement for us than to do as the Lord Himself said He does: “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the lord, remember them no more” (d&C 58:42).” —Jeffrey R. Holland,Remember Lot’s Wife
“I would not willingly peel back the scar tissue protecting the deepest chambers of my heart and reveal the bruised hollows pooled with the blood of old wounds – the terror comes just thinking about it – but now, facing darkness I am left with no choice.
I love you, and because of that am going to try and raise the dead. “—Louise Bell Closson, How It Ends
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hauptstadtderliebe · 6 years
Getting Conscious With Kink“ 100 Euro statt 180 Euro (28. April – 29. April 2018)
„Getting Conscious With Kink“ mit Seani Love in Berlin: 100 Euro statt 180 Euro
Datum: 28. April – 29. April 2018
Ort: FARM.
Ein Workshop mit Seani Love. Sprache: Englisch (Teilnehmer sollten die Englische Sprache beherrschen).
Last-Minute-Preis: 100 Euro statt 180 Euro, wenn du dich mit dem Code „Dietmar“ anmeldest.
Anmeldung: maile mit dem Stichwort „Code Dietmar“ an [email protected]
Der Workshop auf Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/152358212102803/
Alles über Seani Love: www.seanilove.com
Getting Conscious With Kink
* Are you curious about Conscious Kink and BDSM?
* Are you ready to expand your understanding of erotic expression?
* Would you love to deepen trust, connection, communication, and erotic creativity in your intimate relationships?
Then this breathtaking journey into the wonderfully erotic world of Conscious Kink is your best starting point! Whether you are a curious beginner or an experienced player, award-winning sexuality professional Seani Love with his talented super star team invites you to join them for this beautiful weekend of exploration.
Conscious Kink helps us expand our understanding of our bodies, our subconscious patterns, our sexualities and thus ourselves. With a strong emphasis on boundaries and consent, Conscious Kink gives us a diverse set of tools that allow us to expand our sexuality, be more confident with our lovers and play partners, and become more empowered as self-aware erotic beings.
During this intensive you will learn about:
• The use of ritual and intention to create safe spaces • Boundary setting, consent and safety techniques • Deepening connection through Tantric techniques and conscious touch • Giving and receiving pain and pleasure with intentional BDSM skills • Service, sovereignty and surrender • Eroticising the authentic dynamics of domination and submission (D/s) • Giving, receiving and holding power * Darker places such as consensual non-consent * Exploring how archetypes can be utilised for deepening your erotic journeys
The weekend will be paced gently and will include:
• A discussion on shadows, fantasies, the origin of the kinksters’ impulse.
• Discussions on why people would want to explore their erotic shadows and do things like inflict pain or have pain inflicted upon them.
• An ecstatic ritual where we use all the BDSM and conscious kink techniques developed so far to facilitate deep and wonderful journeys for each other.
Seani Love (www.seanilove.com) is a professional Kinkster, Shadow Explorer and Shamanic BDSM practitioner who has twenty years of experience in diverse erotic practices. In 2015 he won the award of Sex Worker of the Year at the Sexual Freedom Awards in London.
He is trained in counselling and since 2006 has been working on combining ritual journeys with BDSM as a powerful pathway to healing and self-discovery. As an international workshop facilitator, Seani has supported many people on their journey to places of increased power, personal and sexual expression, wisdom and love. Seani runs the School of Erotic Mysteries in London which offers regular workshops, classes and private tuition on all things erotic.
Seani will be assisted by a wonderful team of assistants.
The workshop will take place in Berlin, on April 28 and 29 from 10am – 8pm both days.
This workshop is open to individuals and couples/triads/other constellations of all genders, sexualities and body types. We do not match genders in this workshop.
No partner is required and everyone will have the opportunity to work with different people in order to enjoy a greater range of experiences. If you would like to come with a partner, you are completely welcome to work together for the whole works.
Accommodation & Catering
Some accommodation is available for those who need it at 15 euros / night. Basic snacks will be provided during the weekend and we’ll organise meals together. Please speak to the organisers for details.
Anmeldung, um nur 100 Euro statt 180 zu zahlen: maile mit dem Stichwort „Code Dietmar“ an [email protected]
For Signing in and paying only 100 Euro instead of 180 Euro, mail „Code Dietmar“ to: [email protected]
  Der Beitrag Getting Conscious With Kink“ 100 Euro statt 180 Euro (28. April – 29. April 2018) erschien zuerst auf Hauptstadt der Liebe.
Quelle: Getting Conscious With Kink“ 100 Euro statt 180 Euro (28. April – 29. April 2018)
#Haulie #Liebe #Lust #Berlin #News #Events #Workshop #Party
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
7/28/2017 DAB Transcript
2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21 ~ Romans 11:13-36 ~ Psalm 22:1-18 ~ Proverbs 20:7
Today is the 28th day of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s good to be here with you today as we end the work week and prepare to move into the weekend and the end of this week. We've been reading from the Gods Word translation this week. Today, second Chronicles chapter 21 verse 1 to 23 verse 21.
Father, we take this moment to thank You for grafting us into the tree, for nourishing us and connecting us. We so often take this for granted because it's always been this way. And yet today we're taking the time to thank You for looking at us with mercy and kindness and love. We are fortunate to be included in Your kingdom. We are fortunate to be adopted into Your family, that we might be children of God. We are fortunate that we can call You Father and we realize that so much of our dialog toward You is full of question an accusation, as if you owe us something, when we are fortunate just to be here. And, so, Holy Spirit, come as we sit with this today. How fortunate we are. Let us raise our eyes and look around us and see how fortunate we are to be grafted into this tree and nourished and included. And as we begin to see the full weightiness of this fact, we are grateful. Our hearts are open. You've invited us to be a part of Your work in this world and a part of Your family forever. We are very fortunate. We are very grateful. And we turn our lives outward, toward the world, and invite You to live through us, to love through us, to touch through us, to heal through us, to minister through us, to bring good news through us, to bring light into this world through us, to do the work that You began, to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free through us. We don't deserve to be here. It's not a default. You have invited us and loved us and grafted us into your family and we have gratitude beyond words. And may the efforts and actions and thoughts and words of our lives show this. Come Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus’ name, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website. It’s home base. It’s where you find out what's going on around here. A few things are going on around here.
In a little less than a week, next Thursday, so, a week from yesterday, we’ll do the next Facebook Live in the Sneezing Jesus discussion group and we’ll have some discussion about small groups and some other things, take some questions. We had a good time the first time we did it and we will do it again. So, that’s  coming up, August 3rd,  7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. So, you can, kind of, sort that out depending on where you are in the world. In the United States, that would be 8:00 p.m. on the east-coast and 5:00 p.m. on the west-coast and 6:00 p.m. if you are in the mountain time zone. And that will be different all over the world. But you can Google it. It's easy enough. We’ll see you there. You’ll have to be in the Sneezing Jesus group. So, be sure to go over to facebook.com/groups/sneezingjesus. And you’ll love that group anyway. It’s just so, man, so many great stories. And it's been a really, really wonderful thing. So, looking forward to seeing you over there.
I mentioned yesterday, if you have Sneezing Jesus and you’re, kind of, working your away through it, if you wouldn't mind taking a couple of minutes to go back to wherever you got it and leave a review. That's actually really, really helpful for those coming before. It's like planting a seed for someone that's going to encounter this later. As we keep doing what we're doing, as we keep facing outward, we keep using this as a resource to open the door to conversations into people's lives, then it just starts to echo. And, so, people find out about it four or five times removed and then go looking for this strange book title and then they the seeds you planted in reviews. That’s just, kind of, how this works. And, so, if you wouldn’t mind and can take the time. That’s planting seeds.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If you want to plant seeds that way, then thank you for your partnership – profoundly, humbly, honestly -  especially here in the summertime. Thank you for your partnership. There is a link. It's on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the More button in the lower right hand corner or if you prefer the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill TN 37174.
And of course, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayers and Praise Reports:
Hi. This is Christine from San Diego and I just wanted to reach out to my dear sister in Christ, Naydeen of Michigan, the factory worker whose father suggested you listen to Daily Audio Bible. God bless your daddy. You said you had become addicted to listening to DAB on your breaks at work. What an awesome thing to become addicted to - God's word. I just wanted to encourage you sister and let you know I'm praying for you. I have lived with anxiety and panic attacks as well. I just started listening to the DAB three months ago, especially at night to help me sleep. And I have now weened myself off of my anxiety medication that I was addicted to for over twenty years. Praise God. I was also married to a non-believer, like yourself, and God used me as a vessel to be an example to my husband. I am not perfect in any way shape or form, extremely flawed. But my husband is now a believer. Praise the Lord. You have a lot on your plate sister, with kids, and college, and jobs. But I'm here to tell you that you can do it with Gods help. Let me pray for you. Dear God and Father, I praise You and glorify You and Thank You for how You are working in Naydeen’s life. Lord, thank You for Your unfailing love and Your faithfulness in bringing Your word to Naydeen through the Daily Audio Bible. Lord, God, bless Naydeen and her husband and their children. Let Your word wash over Naydeen and give her Your peace, which surpasses all understanding. Calm her anxieties and help her to be still and know that you are God. Lord, help Naydeen to not get tired of doing what is good. Because in Your timing, Lord, she will reap a harvest of blessing if she does not give up. And I pray Your blessings upon her Lord, God, and upon all those listening to Your word. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Hello. This is Kurt. I'm calling from Massachusetts. I’ve been a longtime listener and probably called in about a year ago at a time when my marriage was failing and I left my wife. I have been living independently for fifteen months and been listening to the Daily Audio Bible. I saw Brian when he came to Massachusetts for the Reframe tour. And Reframe, actually, was something that helped me really think about my life and my relationship. I knew that I had to make a change to my situation which, for anyone who deals with depression or has a spouse with depression can understand. I reached a point where I could no longer handle the situation. Something had to change. Well, by making a change and reframing our situation, my wife, actually, pursued treatments for her depression, including ECT, which you’ll see, if you look it up, that it’s a pretty dramatic method of treatment but it’s actually very effective and miraculous and, as a result, she has made changes, I have made changes and I'm now in the process of getting counseling and I’m planning to move back home on September 1st. So, this can only be done with Jesus’ help and the Holy Spirit driving marriages back together. Praise God for all of the blessings that I have received and my wife has received. Thank you to all of those who are praying for us and for my son, Jeff, from ___ He is ___ as well. Have a great day everybody.
Hey everyone. This is Abby D. from a Minneapolis, Minnesota and I'm just calling to ask for prayer for freedom - that I’d be able to live in freedom, that the people around me would be able to live in freedom. So, yeah, that would be really nice if you guys could just shoot up a prayer to the Lord. I love you guys. Your prayer requests and praying for other people, moves me in a very deep place. It’s cool to see the church be so honest and genuine and not putting on faces or pretending to be this or pretending to be that, but honest people searching for the Lord and caring for each other. So, yeah, thanks for this community. Love you guys. Bye
Hello my Daily Audio Bible family. This is Lisa from eastern Nevada. There's another Lisa in Western Nevada. So, I don’t want to get confused. Anyway, I just wanted to plug for China and the Daily Audio Bible that she’s reading chronologically. She does such a great job. It’s so amazing that this amazing young woman is so knowledgeable about the Lord already. I just am amazed. I listen to her.  There was a time a while ago where she and Brian both read the same reading on the same day and that was just amazing to me – just wonderfully blessed. I just wanted to say, if you haven't had a chance to listen to China, it would be a gift to yourself for you to listen to her and her amazing voice. Sometimes she’s scratchy. I love her pronunciations of the names. It makes you wake up and say, who’s she talking about? Because it’s a little different then Brian’s pronunciations. So, if you listen - I just wanted to give that little plug for China because she has become an amazing young woman and Brian and Jill should be so proud of their young woman daughter as they are with their whole family, I'm sure, as we all are with our family no matter what walk of life they are taking. Anyway, just wanted to say that about China today. We love you and talk to you soon again. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Hi DABbers, this is Marco from California. It is July 25th. I am just calling to give thanks. Today was my first day on my new job. I originally called in two weeks ago for financial stability because I lost my job and the good Lord has given me a blessing with a new job. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for about three weeks and I'm starting from the beginning. I’m on January 14th 2017 and I just wanted to say, Brian, you definitely know what day that is. I’ve never felt strength like that before and it was truly inspiring. I just want you to know that even though it's long gone from that time, I said a prayer for your mom. And you truly inspire me to be a real man of God with Jesus’ strength because you were able to conduct this ministry after shortly knowing that your mother passed away. And to me that is the bravest thing I’ve ever heard. So, I just wanted to call in and say, Brian, thank you for everything you’ve done. This ministry, this podcast has definitely changed my life for the better and I just want to say thank you. And for anyone that listened to my prayer request and prayed in my name I just want to say thank you as well.
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flejenglish · 7 years
When your medical professional is a jerk
One of the lovely side effects of anxiety is thinking that the worst not only can happen, but will happen. From the time I realized that medication could help with my anxiety there has been a part of me that was waiting for someone to come and say “ you can’t have this anymore. Take these homeopathaic supplements and do more yoga and you’ll be fine.” It’s easy to stand from outside and think “no, that scenario would never occur.” Until it did.
I went to the Doctor a few months ago when things were going well for my anxiety. It was a regular wellness exam, which is a free doctors visit to determine if everything was going well ( yay insurance.) It was also my first time seeing the nurse practitioner at my Doctor’s office. I didn’t think anything of it until I got into the appointment and realized that the NP was somewhat of a representative from the land of Woo. Woo is a slang term that encompasses homeopathy, essential oils, crystals healing, chakra alignment, and the like. Harmless beliefs that aren’t going to have real effects on medical conditions. 
I sat in an office for 45 minutes while the NP told me that based on my restless nature she could tell that I had a genetic abnormality that kept me from processing folic acid. She further speculated that this was the cause of my anxiety and that taking methyl folate supplements would cure my anxiety. She further stated that tumeric would cure my allergies and I should adopt a more stringent diet to lose weight. 
Now for a bit of background, I hate the doctors office. It makes me nervous and uncomfortable, and it always has. This is not the doctor’s fault! However, when I’m in the office, especially when I’ve been waiting for a while, I adopt restless habits. Tapping my foot, changing sitting positions a lot, playing with my phone, etc. We’ve all done it, especially if you have anxiety. She based my “cure” on the fact that I was tapping my foot too much. 
Further more when I asked her about getting my anxiety medications refilled she made sure to tell me that my doctor “doesn’t like keeping people on that stuff.” When I told her I had been handling my anxiety fine with a mixture of counseling and medication she told me that they would give me refills but for a reduced amount of medication. 
Fast forward five months and I’m in the middle of a very stressful work related situation. Two of my coworkers have quit and their work has now been put on my plate as well. I panicked in a bad way. I hadn’t had a panic attack like that in a couple of years but luckily I was able to take my medication and ride it out. I saw that I was low on my emergency medication and requested a refill. I received an e-mail the next day telling me that if I wanted to stay on that medication the NP has to see me every three months and I’ll have to sign paperwork because I’m on a controlled substance. 
She didn’t mention ANY of that at the last appointment, and I hadn’t gotten any refills on my medication since I saw her. Between her horrible bedside manner and not being forthcoming with me I was on the search for a new doctor. I’ve found one in the same group as my first doctor at Baylor. My first doctor was wonderfully understanding and kind, as I hope that the doctor I’ll be seeing in a week is as well. 
The worst has happened and I’m still here. It’s hard to remember that, as I go through my days worrying what my next doctor will be like. Will she understand? Will she make me feel like a drug abuser? Will she prescribe lavender oil and goats milk enemas? Nevertheless I’m handling my life the best way I can. With the help of friends, medication, and a great counselor
. Anyone else want to share a doctor horror story? Mental health is still a joke to many people, so if you want to have a laugh together at the doctor’s expense feel free to share.  
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antonellafi · 7 years
TESTIMONIALS FOR LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 COURSES I would just like to thank you both for the work you have shared with us & brought to this world. It's a massive breakthrough and I'm thankful to be part of it. The Level 2 Reference Point Therapy course was excellent I must say. I had a few breakthroughs that I thought I would share. Firstly coming into the course my hand was experiencing pain from an injury that occurred 2 weeks ago. The first time I was introduced to your visualization of Being the Creator and holding the universe in the palm of my hand, I tried it to heal my hand. Five seconds later there was a huge shift, no more pain! I was quite amazed. I also loved your work with healing inanimate objects. I healed my laptop at home which has been unable to connect to the internet for a month or so. It fixed that right up & it now connects a lot more efficiently. Awesome! Thanks! Tim Glico, therapist Simon & Evette, thank you so much for the course last weekend, I just love your new Reference Point Therapy work. I had been carrying with me for as long as I can remember a really deep seated sadness. Never being able to understand its origin, I had never been able to shift it, even though I had tried with many different healing modalities. After learning to use your technique on the weekend I was able to pinpoint the exact cause and clear it completely, all within about 20 minutes! The technique is so fast and simple, it's amazing! I can't thank you both enough, I feel wonderful, and I'm really looking forward to learning more when I attend your Intuitive Anatomy course. Linda Morati, healing practitioner Being a master practitioner of NLP, I am excited by the new tools now at my disposal that greatly simplify, enhance and speed up several NLP interventions. Chris Gibson, NLP Master Practitioner First of all I would love to thank you and Simon for running such an inspiring and for me life changing workshop [Level 1 Reference Point Therapy]. The energy in the group was purely beautiful. I took the time to look around at everyone in the class and saw beauty and felt love for everyone there. Which I can assure you I don't usually do. I am very fussy when it comes to where I choose to do a workshop and I certainly don't waste time walking out of a workshop or seminar if the energy or the place doesn't feel right for me. I came in on Friday night in immense pain and sat out the 2 hours in a mix of discomfort but also a knowing that something was shifting inside me. I always act on my gut insight and one of the things I believe in is synchronicity as a way of telling me I am on the right track. So many times when Simon was guiding us through something, I was already doing it or experiencing it just before he mentioned it, that made me so sure that yes we are all one and that when we are fully present we can experience the next experience before it happens because THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TIME, ONLY NOW. I felt my awareness grow immensely and was so surprised at how simple but extraordinarily valuable the teachings are. I left on the Sunday without any real pain which is the first time in a long time. I feel excitement about my next steps. I would like to book in to the next workshop ( if that is what they are called). And also the 12 day one. I am not worried about how the money will come, I will trust and set the intention that I am going to do the course and I am sure the universe will provide. I would also like to mention that as individuals and as a couple you are truly beautiful people and souls. Evette you are so very intuitive and confident and I also love the hidden shyness in you that is so endearing. And to you Simon, you teach and handle a class so well, I have a silent giggle to myself when you need to be a little abrupt, don't take that wrong, it is a strength, because some people can tend to rattle on and I think you handle those situations perfectly. Simon I see in you a vulnerability that I feel is a great strength. I think it is a trait that makes people feel safe with you but I am sure most people wouldn't pick up why they feel that way. Cathy Wambolt, teacher Hi Simon & Evette, I thought you might like to receive some feedback on your first Reference Point Therapy course. First of all I would like to thank you both for bringing this course to us. It brings together and expands on many of the concepts I have recently learned. I know (on a conscious level) instant healings and self healings are possible and believe it is our belief systems which prevent them from happening. Eckart Tolle's teachings are also very relevant and I am trying to teach myself to detach from ego and not be controlled by my mind, live in the now. Esther Hicks brought to us the concept of allowing and Wayne Dyer's interpretation of the Tao follows on from that. It is an amazing, simple thing. Some might say too good to be true (but that would be because of their belief systems). I am sharing all of this with you because you have brought all these concepts together and more in the RPT course and I am most grateful to you both for that. One thing I was still searching for, was how to connect with Source energy and how to feel that oneness & connectedness with all that is. I had learned that this is inside of us but still couldn't really understand how to connect. Thank you so much for teaching this to me and so simply and easily. It was probably the most powerful and enlightening thing I learned on the course and it was also the quickest and easiest thing to learn. I feel like I have found my way home. You also taught me how to connect with people on a heart to heart level. I felt a sense of knowingness with many of the other attendees as if I knew them from somewhere before. It showed me how to view people without any judgment, something I knew was important to learn but before I found this difficult to do. The course showed me how anybody can be clairvoyant and I surprised myself with the results I achieved. (So please don't take out the angel or jewelry readings exercises!) I look forward to seeing you both again. Joanna Walsh, chartered accountant (retired) ad Independent Arbonne Consultant I've been searching for and studying various self-help and spiritual practices for over 20 years and Reference Point Therapy is like taking everything I’ve learned, adding it all together and then putting it on steroids! Since then, I’ve been using Reference Point Therapy on various health issues, as well as uncovering and changing subconscious self-sabotage programs, and have noticed some amazingly quick changes for the better. Reference Point Therapy is, by far and away, the most powerful set of techniques I've ever come across and I can’t recommend it highly enough! Shane Marsh, technical manager I'd like to pass on an exciting piece of news to you and to Simon and Evette. Subsequent to the Manifesting and Abundance weekend, I have become engaged to a delightful man named Malcolm. This was one of my processes during the weekend: I set about four parameters, handed over the rest, made it clear that I was ready - and things progressed very quickly! Judy Boyd, yoga teacher and natural vision improvement teacher After a fall in the playground, our dentist confirmed that my 3 year old son's front, discolored, grey tooth was 'dead' and would appear that way until replaced by an adult tooth much later on. I am thus amazed to now see a perfect set of front teeth with no visible difference following a healing on my son. I used the techniques you taught us in the course. How can something so easy be so effective? Reference Point Therapy has given me a glimpse of the tip of the proverbial iceberg, of something truly magnificent that lies in front of us all. Miranda Brett, mother I would just like say that doing the Reference Point Therapy with Simon was truly amazing. I found Simon to be professional, yet he came across with warmth and taught the course with enthusiasm and passion. I could really feel the love that Simon has for people and that he cared for all of us in the class. All questions we had were answered with great depth. All the subjects in the course were covered in great detail and depth, yet in a way that it was clearly understood. Right up to the very end of the course Simon was just as enthusiastic at teaching as at the start. Also the food served at the morning and afternoon teas was really great as well ! Alex Milessis, Engineering Manager I have studied and practiced meditation, counseling, manifestation and energy work for about 10 years, but I am amazed to realise that I have made more personal progress in the last 3 weeks since doing Simon's courses than I did in the past 10 years! Sarah McLean, therapist, Melbourne It's great. Everyone should do it. The teachers were fantastic. This is fun, powerful, simple and very useful. Ian Nesbitt, engineer, Melbourne Real magic in your own hands! Abracadabra! John McKinnon, kinesiologist and Reiki master The most comprehensive, articulate and focused presentation of course material. One can't fail to learn with Simon's course. It's been amazing - a privilege. The warmth, welcome and love in the whole group was a unique experience. Thank you and Bless You immensely! D. Alexander, healing practitioner, Melbourne The Advanced Course went far beyond my expectations. The weekend came in a unique package wonderfully embellished with your amazing intellect, insight and intuition as guided by Grace. It was such a relief that it was effortless to absorb the teaching because you were so concise, clear, articulate and focused. We covered all and more of the expected material in such an easy to learn environment......Like a dance in Grace.!! It's the best course I've done to date. Jane Chapman, business woman Just do it! Baxter Welsh, electrician Marvelous course - outdid my expectations, full of epiphanies, fantastic teacher, wonderful group. Ian Alexander Thomson, writer Simon conducted himself professionally but with heart. I found him to be very warm and genuine with a sincere desire to help people and pass on what he has gained from his own personal experience. I felt he was coming from a good heart space and it was nice to see that he is intelligent and harmonious as well. Ruth Horinack, marketing co-ordinator: An ultimate healing tool that gives the life you want to live! Katina Mangan, accountant and Reiki master Before the healing course I was an expert at creating negative programs by thinking over and dwelling on the past. But after learning how to live without negative thinking and how to live in the present, friends have commented on how positive I am and that I look great. I haven't felt as enthusiastic, alive and energised since I was a child. Jacqui Lardner, flight attendant and massage therapist You will benefit amazingly from this course and come out with lots of positivity, and a new zing for your spiritual path! Stephie Moody, therapist After doing Simon's course I noticed an immediate change emotionally and physically. The non stop chatter in my head suddenly subsided. Now I can truly listen to people and absorb every single word they say. I feel content, focused, totally happy, confident, and like I belong, for the first time in my life. Solaris, healer and psychic My shoulders and neck have caused me excruciating pain and discomfort for over six years. A standard day would often include six pain killers, and several drinks nightly to numb the pain enough to get to sleep. After many forms of physical and spiritual therapy, I used Simon's techniques to heal my spine. The next day it hit me mid afternoon that I hadn't popped a pain killer and I didn't need one either. So far I have been naturally pain free for 2 months, for the first time in 6 years! Tjoni Johansen, designer It's important that the power of this tool be communicated clearly and effectively. Simon's inspirational and professional approach supported my learning in a grounded and ground-breaking way. Blocks I formally had were quickly removed and other psychic and healing 'spaces' were easily accessed with his faith and guidance. Simon's sharp observations met with his huge heart and made for an amazing journey which is still supported by him in follow up groups and with individual guidance. Truly amazing. So what are you meditating on? Go for it and have fun and meet your spiritual family. Genevieve Messenger, marriage celebrant For the first time in my life the soul and the body were totally connected and I can start feel my feelings after years of spiritual paths spending in my head. thank you RPT, thanks Simon and Evette. Hans Breuer, German teacher AnchorTestimonials - Private consultations I have had problems with my physical heart for several years. I had learned to live with daily pain in my heart for years. I have tried many alternative therapies without success. During my Reference Point Therapy session with Simon I felt physical shifts and there was a sweetness to the energy. Imagine my delight when the pain that had been my constant companion over the last several years was gone. The next morning I could feel the air going deeply and clearly into my lungs. I climbed Tacoma Dome District Hill two days in a row (this is a long steep hill). I feel energized. Actually, this is the most energy I have had in years. One month after the healing I made a pilgrimage to Machu Picchu in Peru - I hiked at high altitude for 4 days and I did fine. This would never have been possible before Reference Point Therapy. Now here's the best part: One of the ways that I had dealt with emotional heart pain in the past was to numb it out. This was discovered during the Reference Point Therapy process. I was finding security in creating numbness! The morning after my session with Simon I felt an expansive state of love and oneness for all those parts of my life where I experienced pain. Imagine being able to fill your heart with love for all those people and experiences that have hurt your heart. Val Moore, experienced healing practitioner / teacher and author of Healer Wisdom. Note: The new FTC laws require us to disclose the following: (a) We are not suggesting that this represents the usual outcome of a single RPT session. RPT is a advertised as an emotional trauma healing technique - the generally expected performance is an improvement in emotional wellbeing. There is no way to predict or expect physical healing outcomes such as these. (b) at the time that this testimonial was written there was a financial relationship between the parties. Specifically Simon Rose was the Australian distributor for Valeria Moore's book, Healer Wisdom. Also, 2 months after writing the testimonial, Valeria applied for, and was offered, the role of global manager of RPT.
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How to select a marriage counsellor in Broadbeach?
Many couples struggle in their relationship. They find themselves in the vicious cycle of negative patterns and feel stuck without any hope. In this sort of situation, marriage counsellor in Broadbeach can greatly help you to improve communication, resolve the conflicts, and reconnect you with your partner.  
 How could marriage counselling prove beneficial?
Revealing the long-suppressed feelings within you out into the open to a trained professional will work wonderfully. Through a marital counselling session, you could find guidance, support, and satisfaction that will make difficult transition of your relationship much easier. In a safe environment you could express any unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and concern you feel.  
 When delicate issues are analyzed and discussed from a professional’s viewpoint you’ll get to see things differently. You will develop a deeper understanding about your partner and can redefine your relationship.  
 Marriage counselling creates space for deeper emotional and physical intimacy. It renews your sexual life, connectivity with your partner, and your overall happiness.
 How to select a marriage counselor?
 Check the status of your therapist's license, specific training and, total experience in marital therapy
Chooses a marriage counselor who is a member of professional organizations devoted to couples
Ask how long therapy will take and how you'll know you're succeeding
The therapist must offer specific strategies for changing your relationship and coaches you on how to use them
 According to the experts of marriage counselling services Loganholme, most marital problems are solvable. It is the timing which is an important element behind the success of marriage counseling. In most cases, couples waited way too long before taking professional help. That’s why it is suggested to seek expert’s advice the moment you feel something is going wrong in your relationship. Prompt approach to a therapist can heal any marital issues.
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messageinabotelya · 3 years
Dear Cai I hope you’re happy and at peace, wherever you are right now.  It’s been a little while since we last spoke, and there are a few things, if you’d allow it, to get off my chest before too long.  It’;s your choice if you want to continue reading this; I felt it was right that I at least sent it out.  A few things that it only feels right to get off my chest, even if it’s just a message in a bottle, drifting at sea forever...
Firstly, I want to apologize from the bottom of my soul for the strangeness that happened over those last couple of weeks.  I was hospitalized a number of times, and until medical professionals figured out what wasn’t right about me, I still suffered from delirium, and a number of seizures.  It was very scary because not only was it obvious to everyone around me that something was going on with me, I began to be afraid that it was a re-occurrence of a serious medical condition that I suffered when I was a child.  Luckily, it seems that it wasn’t, but it’s only now that I’ve been properly treated, and am back back to normal with a clear head, that I can put everything into perspective and give some proper explanations. You taught me a lot. You taught me to open up about myself, and not let the nonsense of the past keep weighing me down like a monkey on my back, because I deserve better.  This was something I knew already, but these past few months of Covid life and my place in it had me really tired down.  I think I did better than a lot of people, but it wasn’t easy.  I’d learned to be avoidant about some conversations without realizing it, but now I don’t, and it feels very, very pure and
good.  In fact, there are truly 2 things that I’ve kept hidden away from people because of fear of embarrassment, or being looked down upon.  I was about to tell you these 2 things.
a) When I was young, my parents didn’t let me go to school.  I didn’t start school until the beginning of high-school. (long weird story for another day I guess); in this environment I was the victim of abuse in a number of ways; though luckily now I no longer feel any shame about it)
b) I was diagnosed, and treated for a brain tumor when I was 18 years old. It doesn’t affect my life anymore, because it’s healed long ago, but for some reason there was some shame in that.
I understand after being with you, and getting counseling as well that not only is this kind of avoidant response with yourself common, but it’s also very unhelpful, and now I am able to peacefully live without it.  Maybe part of the reason it took me so long to let everything out was because you said you had the tendency to be ‘teasey’ or such with people, but it’s hard to really say how this develops in the mind, it’s only important that it’s pinpointed and healed.  Even if you had made fun of me for those things, it’s not something that should have bothered me nor would it now because I would know that you mean well.  This avoidance was my error, and despite the explanations for where it came from, I still don’t deny my responsibility as a person for my past errors.  This doesn’t make up for anything I made you feel, but this is the honest explanation.  Maybe the most important thing here though, is that I never lied to you, I ALWAYS told you the truth.  
You also taught me what I want in life, which I don’t think any one single person can normally just do.  I was beginning to understand my career before I met you, and what I’, intending to bring to the world, but you helped me realize it so much clearer, and that my soul having a feeling of completion will be when I raise a loving family, and have that opportunity to give up myself for others in such a pure way.
If there wasn’t so much chaos going on with Covid, I would have gotten therapy sooner.  I’d already seen 2 psychologists briefly before Covid hit, but I didn’t vibe with them, sometimes it can take a bit of time to find the appropriate worker for you.  But I was also separate for so many months from my friends, family, the things I like to do.. I’m the kind of person who needs to more around a lot and adventure, and all of these things added up made it hard to get my head back.  I remember when you called me on Christmas, and you were all packed together in a house, having fun, singing… the protocols we have had here have no let any of us experience anything like that in over a year.  So contradictory to my true nature.  Now all these things that are dear to me are finally coming back;  I wish you could see me now. I would like you to at understand that this past year has been an absolute battle for me.  When I came to B.C. in 2019, with nothing but a couple of suitcases on my back, determined to travel to a new place and build a new life, bigger, better, and more beautiful life from what I knew back home, I was on the course of becoming the best version of myself, my truer self.  I worked hard, learned hard-discipline, learned carpentry, even got to go to carpentry school all as a result of sheer determination for self-growth.  When Covid hit, everything fell to pieces very fast. The owner of the house I was staying in suddenly sold it without informing us, and the next thing I know I’m stuck in a hostel, with everyone separated and in lock-down, and everyone mental health deteriorating.   The place I was at most recently, the Turtle, before moving into this wonderful new home I’m in, was a true mad house. I’m sure you can remember some of the stories I told you, but it was one of the most toxic environments I’ve ever been in.  There were some good days, a fair amount of ‘alright’ days, and some really dark ones, in a place I didn’t belong with people nothing like me.  It made it hard to sleep (crazy-people noise), or even eat (there basically wasn’t a kitchen, so I couldn’t prepare good food).  So many times I would get what seemed like these perfect opportunities for things like a new, wonderful living environment, but last minute it was like the carpet would get pulled out from under my feet.  After a while that took it’s toll on me as well.
When you asked “how can you love someone who can’t even love or take care of himself”, I was neither of those things.  I was warn down from what was hands down the hardest year of my life. I don’t regret this past year, because it taught me a lot.  It taught me how to survive even if things seem like they might be bleak, and you don’t even know how long it will go on.  It taught me to be thankful for being in a far better place in life, because it showed me how much less privileged and damaged many unfortunate people out there are, that go normally unnoticed by people as who have it as good as you and me.
Now that everything is looking better and moving, vaccinations are coming around, I live in a wonderful home, my mental health is good and continues to get better, it just didn’t feel right to not take the opportunity to clarify these things.  You said that you’d always remember me, and I think I’m afraid that the confusion of those last couple of weeks will obscure the majority of the time we spent together, that that we were good together, that we made each other smile and laugh, and were excited about having the same goals and aspirations.  The travel, the adventures, the business ventures, taking care of our families old young and new.  The agreement that we were blessed, because someone like you is just so damn hard to find… If if you choose to remember me, I want it to be by those things.
I’m so sorry that I got worn down and sick at the very end, literally days before my life had completely turned around.  I’m so sorry that I ever let you down (even when it wasn’t ‘my fault’), now I’m like the me I was when you met me, the one I was at ocean island, and during most of our relationship.  The the truer, purer me.. except a heck of a lot better now that things are opening up and I’ve received the help I needed, and that you were such a strong help in me finally actualizing.
Again, I’m so sorry, and wish you so well.  You helped me maybe more than anything be able to power through these months with a smile on my face at least more days than not.  I had so much to look forward to that usually I could forget about the chaos around me and look forward to a future visiting Cebu, and how I’ll never forget how excited those things made me.  It hurt me when you said “it’s like I pretend to go to work to avoid talking to you”, because those morning messages, the chats, meeting your family on your Inahan’s birthday… those were some of my greatest moments of joy… nothing has ever moved me like that, or made me feel so warm in my core.  I’ll never know how to thank you for making me feel so wonderfully loved.
In the middle of everything when we last talked, it was the wrong time to be able to communicate to you that I recognized my errors, my faults, and my responsibilities.  And also that I loved you and that hadn’t changed.  I knew you needed proof that I was who I said I was, that underneath some obscurities the universe threw at me all at once, and that words alone weren’t going to prove this, and it would take a bit of time for you to remember who I was, and we can still write the future together we dreamed of, and leave all the chaos of those heavy times in the rear-view.
This letter isn’t a plea, an ultimatum, or some ramble in the hopes that you’ll decide to give me another chance, or anything like that.  I know you’re a powerful woman with strong intuition, and I respect and admire that.  It’s your choice whether you even respond, if you even read this.  It just feels obviously that a proper apology requires a proper explanation.  My plans to come to Cebu this year are unchanged, because the ventures I intend to create are, I feel part of my True Will. (unless of course you get the Cebu government to block me at the airport like you did to Mr. American Air-force guy. lol...)  I know that in a perfect world, we meet in a different place and a different day... I just know sometimes that some things aren’t best left unsaid...
Truly and Purely, Me
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leeanna66-blog · 6 years
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MATTERS of the HEART, LOVE, ROMANCE, RELATIONSHIPS 8/05/2018 — 15/05/2018 TAURUS: Pay Attention to the Red Flags You are being asked to take notice of the unhealthy or disconcerting parts of your relationship. If you are swept up in a new romance, you need you be cautious. Pay attention to your feelings and impressions with regard to your new suitor. Don’t allow emotion to blind you to characteristics or habits that won’t work for you in a relationship. A “red flag,” is a sign that something is off. It can include an indication of dishonesty, disrespect, flirtatiousness with others, substance-abuse, or lack of integrity. While your new love interest my treat you wonderfully well in the beginning of your relationship, it’s vital that you watch how he or she treats others. Someone’s basic character is revealed by the way in which he or she talks and acts with restaurant staff, valet parking attendants, and other miscellaneous individuals. If you’re in an existing relationship, these “red flags” may signal a need for an honest mutual discussion, or couples counselling. This doesn’t mean that you are being guided to leave the relationship, “red flags” can be markers along the path of healing. The angels will guide you to take steps that are healthy for everyone involved, so do follow your into intuition. Blessings🌷
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