#couldn't be bothered to write one for fury tbh
granddaughterogg · 5 years
Hey not sure if you did this before but... How would the horsemen react to their s/o having the flu. (I'm sick and crave affection) 🤒🤒🤒
Sorry that answering to this one took me so long! You’re probably all better by now.
But anyway:
You woke up one grey autumn morning and even before you’ve unglued your eyelids - everything was terrible. Your head was throbbing with a dull ache. Your bones felt as if filled with lead. You opened your eyes, made the heroic attempt to sit up - and groaned when your whole body spasmed with a violent shiver.
“Oh, for fucks’ sake”, you mumbled and then called out…
1. “War!…”
Your voice sounded ridiculous - nasal, scratchy and weak, as if someone has stuffed damp cotton wool inside your sinuses. That confirmed your grim suspicions.
But he heard you anyway. The whole house trembled with the reverb of the Red Rider’s heavy steps. He stomped into your shared bedroom, filling it completely with that transatlantic frame of his. You noticed that War had already put on his battle gear. It made him even chunkier.
“What’s wrong?” He fell close to you, his body taut, his head low, lightning blue eyes scanning the room. Always on the lookout for enemies, that one. Always ready to protect you.
But this enemy has attacked from the inside.
“War…” you groaned, putting one hand on his iron arm. It was pleasantly cold to the touch. And you were burning.
“No one’s here, baby. I’m just sick.”
“Oh.” The Big Guy relaxed from his battle stance and looked you in the eyes, those wide silver eyebrows scrunching in worry. “Is it…your monthly affliction?”
This guy grew up with a sister, yet he was still such a Victorian when it came to phrasing those things. You would probably laugh if you didn’t feel so weak.
“No, War. But I’m hurting all over and I’m pretty sure I have a fever. I feel bad asking you this since you’re all dressed up for work already…but could you be a darling and get me some Tylenol? And maybe Vitamin C as well?
“My mission can wait”, War stated, making your heart aflutter. “Are you sure that those concoctions will suffice though? What else do you require?”
You scratched your head.
“Hot tea, I guess? A whole jug of it would be nice. Squeeze a lemon in it, will you? Just leave the peel outside…if you can.”
“I shall do my utmost”, said your boyfriend solemnly (you fought the urge to giggle again) and left the room.
2. “Strife!”
It was a weak cry. He obviously didn’t hear it. So you tried again.
Still nothing. What was that giant doofus doing at such an ungodly hour anyway? He should be lying next to you, snoring like a woolly mammoth.
That worked. You’ve hear some penetrating, metallic noise coming from inside the house. What followed was a yelp, than a shuffle of feet - and some muffled curses.
He stuck his bed head through the doorframe.Technically speaking, it’s always been a bed head. Gravity happened to other heads of hair. Strife’s was just…defiantly spiky.
“You awake, babe?”
“Nope. I’m hollering your name in my sleep”, you snorted.
He flashed you a toothy grin. “Aww. How romantic!”
“Please come back to the trite reality, Strife. I really need you to.”
“No worries, pumpkin. Your screaming made me drop Redemption on my foot! And I was really getting somewhere with that improvement, too - “
“Earth to the Horseman”, you sighed. “I am ill, Strife. And I feel like shit.”
His whole face changed in a heartbeat.
“Oh, babe.” Suddenly Strife was all up in your grill, the revolver forgotten on the floor behind him, wide black eyebrows pulled together, his large fingers framing your face. Which was hot.
“Oh, bubbles. You’re burnin’.” Strife’s touched your forehead a few times, just to be sure - and left a generous amount of gun grease behind. “You’re burnin’! Is this something humans do?”
“Well, we’re not supposed to…” you murmured.
His yellow eyes went round with panic. “Will you die?”
“Please don’t die on me!”
You stifled a long, hearty sigh.
“I won’t kick the bucket that easily. But I need you to bring me tea and some meds. And stop being such a drama llama. It’s not helping.”
He did. And after that he went under the duvet and enclosed you in a firm embrace, refusing to let go until you get better. The fever made your head swirl; you were sleepy. Your consciousness drifted away. The whole world was just Strife’s earthy smell, mixed with the tinge of gun oil and then nothingness.
3. “Death!…”
“There’s no need for making noise”, a gravelly voice observed. “I am right here.”
“Death…” Your head snapped to the left and indeed, there he was. Sat cross-legged on the floor next to the window. A streak of dim morning light glimmered in his tar black hair, bringing out the purple undertones. He was sharpening one of his smaller scythes. His large hand swiftly moved up and down its blade, producing a tiny, piercing grind. You’d probably hear it earlier if your ears weren’t so clogged.
“Yes?” His voice was as level as his movements. It soothed you, this steadiness.
Death can take care of this. Take care of you.
“I am sick, D. Down with some bloody flu. My whole body aches.”
His face darted upwards; two blazing eyes met yours and then slid along your whole frame. There was nothing lecherous about it. Not this time. He simply assessed your state. Took it all in; the bleary gaze, the dark circles under your eyes, your unnatural paleness.
He silently put the weapon away. Stood up, leaned over you and cautiously swiped one damp streak of hair away from your sweaty face.
If two years ago someone told you that you’ll consider the literal Grim Reaper a comfort-inducing sight, you’d ask them if they’ve hit their heads.
But so much has happened during those two years. Like the whole Apocalypse.
“So it seems”, he said. “Which is unfortunate. What do you need me to do?”
You told him. You swallowed some pills (unlike Strife, D didn’t need to be instructed twice about where they’re kept), you had a cup of intensely lemony tea with ginger and some acacia honey, which he threw in in for good measure - and then you flopped onto the bedsheets.
“Imma gonna lie back down now…” you mumbled, your eyes already closing on their own.
Death sat close, his broad back pressed into the side of the bed, and reached for his scythe.
“Rest as long as you need to. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Could you…read me aloud for a while, maybe? I really like listening to your voice, you know…” Your own was hoarse, girly and helpless. Pathetic. It’s hard to sound like a sultry vixen when your nose is full. But your Horseman didn’t seem to care.
His siblings went back home some time later and were taken aback by this unusual sight. You lying flat, transformed into an ailing burrito - and the Reaper on the floor with a small, old, worn-out book in his hand. His deep, raspy timbre sounded loud and clear, weaving the tale.
“One morning - it was the morning that Moomintroll’s pappa finished building a bridge over the river - the little animal Sniff made a discovery. (There were still plenty of things left to discover for them in the valley. he was wondering in the forest when he suddenly noticed a path he had never seen before winding mysteriously into the green shadows. Sniff was spellbound and stood gazing at it for several minutes. It’s funny about paths and rivers, he mused. You see them go by, and suddenly you feel upset and want to be somewhere else - wherever the path or the river is going, perhaps.”
War was the first to put a finger on his lips and stalk closer, but his siblings followed suit. They all sat around, enthralled by the voice.
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visd3stele · 3 years
Can you do a fanfic where post TWK during her exile Judeis on a date Cardan sees gets jealous and decides to “punish” Jude smut of course
'Course, fox :)
thanks sm for the request, I hope it's what you expected 💛
°•▪︎~▪︎•° masterlist ; requests °•▪︎~▪︎•°
TW: smut, hate/angry sex, rough, penetrative (vaginal), oral (m receiving), unprotected (do NOT do it), lack of consent at the beginning (which IS NEVER OK) going to vague/unclear/hinting consent (which still ISN'T good enough), praising (like once or twice), a bit of Cardan's tail (quite innocently), begging and kind of degradation (not really, but idk how to call it and it seemed appropriate to have a warning for it) and orgasm dnial
- think that's all, lmk if I missed anything
A/N: I really, really, wish this went well. It's actually my first time writing smut and I don't know what I'm doing tbh. I hope it's not confusing and that it makes sense lol.
Sorry for the delay, as well, my mental health hasn't been the best these days and I couldn't manage to write one paragraph without deleting it right away...
Bow down, your highness!
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"Hello, Jude." That voice. The voice she never thought she'd hear again. A cold timbre running down her spine. Cardan Greenbriar, the High King of Elfhame.
The young king has waltzed his way towards the booth where Jude and stranger were having dinner together after spending a good fifteen minutes at least fuming outside and watching with clenched fists through the windows of the restaurant. Cardan had been sending Jude letters to ask her to return by his side ever since her exile, and all the while she ignored him for mortals. Unacceptable!
"Cardan?" Jude wan on her feet in an instant, fingers itching towards the cutlery on the table. She imagined stabbing the traitorous husband for months on no end and seeing him seemed to be the spark her fury needed to fully ignite. "What do you want?" She hissed.
"So rude of you, Jude. Aren't you going to introduce me?" Cardan fixed her with his dark gaze, obsidian eyes ablaze with anger to match Jude's own. He didn't bother to hide his fae form, pointy ears adorned with silver lined jewels and tail cutting the air behind him, slashing with dangerous force like one of the queen's daggers.
"I think you should leave, dude," Jude's date begun, noticing the effect Cardan had on her. But he ran out of words when he turned and his eyes landed on the tall, lean, otherworldly figure. "What the-" This time the fae boy stopped the speech, waving a hand and freezing everyone for a private chat with his wife.
"Turn them back to normal," Jude threatened.
"So worried for these mortals, Jude. Or is it just this one?" The king pointed with disgust at her date.
"What do you want?"
"You." A simple statement. An easy demeanor. A plain word. But for Jude, it was the oxygen that fueled the fire. She closed the distance between them, stepping thickly and raising her fisted hands ready for a fight.
"Me? ME? You stupid, ignorant, lying bastard! You exiled me in front of the whole court!" She yelled, each word emphasized with a punch. His shoulder, his chest, his arm. Cardan did nothing to stop her, schooling his features to never betray the pain she actually inflicted on him. Except for when Jude tried to get him in the face. He caught her wrist, then, bringing her closer to him.
So close, their bodies were pressed together, chests fighting for dominance with every breath. Cardan's free hand sneaked around Jude's waist, holding her in place with his palm placed tightly on her lower back.
"Let go of me, you-" gasping, Jude's words came to a halt when Cardan's lips captured hers, claiming het mouth ferociously.
"You're my wife, Jude. Shouldn't have forget that," the fae king said when he pulled away, menace lingering in his dry voice. Jude made a face, breaking her hand free and opening her mouth to speak another river of insults. But before she could manage to do that, the strange, yet familiar, scent of magic engulfed her. And with a blink, Jude Duarte found herself back in the royal chambers in Elfhame.
"I thought I'm never to return again," the mortal queen of fairies mused, inhaling deeply to calm down. In a battle it's always better to have a cool, leveled head.
Cardan rolled his eyes. "As if I'd believe you."
She wiped her head to look at him, frowning. "You betrayed me!"
"You did it first! You lied and used me to your own gain."
"And you pushed me around for years, making my life a living hell with your senseless friends."
"I married you in the end," Cardan said and for a moment a glimpse of guilt flashed through his eyes, only to be replaced by hurt and then hatred when Jude scoffed.
"That was a big, fat lie and you know it."
"I cannot lie, as you're aware of. You, on the other hand, can only speak lies."
Jude felt her cheeks heating with the overly well known feeling she always got near Cardan. Though she could never quite name it, it was strong, overwhelming and it clouded her mind in all the wrong times.
"Alright, then, here's a truth for you. I," she marched forward, "hate," her feet stormed over the polished floor, "you!" Jude was now face to face with Cardan again, close enough to wrap her hands around his neck and k...
"Then why can't you keep your distance?" He mocked, leaning closer, his breath brushing the tip of her nose. Jude scoffed and tried to push him, but with a stealth recently discovered in his trainings with the Court of Shadows, Cardan caught her arms, turned them both around and pinned her to the nearest wall.
As much as Jude was better built than the fae king, the latter took her by surprise, heart skipping a beat as the proximity made it impossible to clear her mind. The hungry look in his eyes didn't help either. His pupils dilated so much the line between them and his black irises blurred and almost faded completely.
"What? No more clever words for me, Jude?" His hands traveled to her hips, digging in the cold material of the jeans, keeping her in place. The mortal girl swallowed hard, confused, yet still boiling with the anger of a wounded ego and hurt pride.
Composing herself, Jude brought her head forward, a crack echoing in the room when her forehead hit his chin. "You had a chance, Cardan. Now take me back. Elfhame is no longer worth it." You are no longer worth it, were the words that hanged unspoken.
Cardan pushed her back with renewed force, squeezing her waist and taking one more step in her space. "You're my wife, Jude. Mine!" He empathized his words with another kiss. This time he bit her lower lip, earning a yelp of surprise that parted her mouth. Seizing the opportunity, the king slithered his tongue past her teeth, exploring. With a sound of defiance, Jude tangled her own tongue with his, kissing him back in a type of fight she wasn't used to. But Jude wouldn't yield to Cardan. No matter what they're playing at.
Soon, these thoughts would flee her mind. When the High king would pull apart, sending her a satisfied smirk. When she'd struggle to process it, having his lips pressed to her neck.
Indeed, Cardan now grazed his teeth against the sensitive skin of Jude's throat, licking and biting his way downwards. His mouth attached itself to her collarbone, a tickling sensation spreading through Jude's body. A spasm lightly shook her. Grinning cruelly, Cardan traced the skin of her neck with his nose, stealing taunting kisses until his mouth reached her ear. Nibbling at her lobe, sucking at the skin underneath it, the fae whispered in Jude's ear.
His breath was hot and swift like an unexpected breeze and the mortal queen took her time understanding what he said. "Do you wanted him to do this to you?"
A moan left her lips and her eyes widened in surprise. Cardan chuckled darkly, continuing his attacks on her neck. But this time, his mouth traveled lower. Down inside her decolletage, teasing the warm skin of her breasts. And his hands joined right after, sneaking under her shirt and playing with the keys of her bra. "Is this what you did all these months? Fooling around with that mortal man?"
Jude felt like she was losing, spinning out of control. "And what if I did?" She retorted. "You made it clear I'm not welcomed back, so why not, right?" She wanted to hurt him. And she did, but Cardan wouldn't show it. Not tonight.
He launched his mouth back on hers, kissing and biting and licking, claiming her lips as if he could push back her words like this.
His hands were roaming again, snapping her bra open and lifting it above her breasts underneath the shirt. His long fingers traced their shape tentatively, thumbs circling the hard nipples. He cupped and squeezed, drawing a muffled moan from Jude. When Cardan broke the kiss for air, he used the time to toss away the shirt and the bra, renewing his descend on Jude's body. His lips tested the valley of her breasts, the feverish skin of her upper abdomen. Whenever his teeth pinched, Jude would squirm under his touch, whenever she felt his tongue on her, she'd scratch her nails against the wall, moans wailing out of her throat.
His tail wrapped around her waist, securing the girl when Cardan's cold hands slipped beneath her belt. Twitching the material of her panties between his fingers, the fae king suddenly stopped. "Is it him you want?"
Jude made out a strangled sound, unnerved and disappointed. She tried to talk, but her voice was lost. "Is it?" Cardan asked again, putting more force into his words this time, voice edging with a hint of fear and heartbreak. Jude considered lying again. Saying yes and forcing him to take her back. But she wanted more. More of Cardan, more of his touch, more of his experience and attention. "Tell me, Jude," the mortal queen gulped when the king stood up against her again, his fingers now digging in the soft flash of her butt.
"No? What do you want, then?" The fae asked, a self pleased grin tugging at his sharp features. Jude's breath itched, then accelerated when light caught the lust in his eyes, mirroring hers.
"You," her voice was barely a whisper, but it sent Cardan's mind in a flip, thoughts leaving him as he claimed her mouth once more.
"Again." He groaned. The fur of his tail tickled her spine. "What do you want?"
"You," she forced out, eyes fluttering close as Cardan's hands reached for the button of her jeans. "Say that again, Jude. You want me?"
"Say it," the tail squeezed tighter around her bare middle and Jude became vaguely aware that her pants were gone as well. "I- I want you, Cardan." She breathed out, quickly, impatiently. To which the young king responded with a guttural moan, dwelling in the feeling of hearing Jude say those words. But Cardan couldn't forget the months his queen spent in the mortal land, neither could he pretend she didn't went out on dates. A slow smile itched on his lips, dark and mischievous, like its owner.
"Then prove it." Their eyes met, staring unmovingly for what seemed like hours until one of the king's maniquered eyebrows arched in a silent dare. "It's time to bow down, your highness," he rasped out, trailing his gaze to the floor and back to Jude. "Get on your knees for me, Jude." Cardan's tone was taunting as he traced his thumb over her swollen lips.
The mortal's heart raced against her rib cage when she passed her tongue over her lips, forgetting about her husband's finger laying innocently on the pink flesh of her mouth. She watched as he gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing while his feather light touch hardened on her face. And without leaving his gaze, Jude sunk on her knees.
Cardan's smirk widened. The High King had imagined this times before: Jude, on her knees before him, ready and willing to please him. He loosened the ties of his pants, freeing his hard erection. His fingers threaded through her hair, bringing Jude's head closer. She finally broke the eye contact, focusing as she brushed her parted lips over his cock's tip. Cardan's grip on her head tighten, and with a swift motion he bucked his hips against her mouth. The sharp movement pushed the fae king's dick further down her throat and the mortal's eyes widened before recovering and rolling her tongue over it.
The High King set a terribly fast pace, keeping his hands on Jude's head to coordinate her. She licked up and down, lips brushing the sensitive skin as Jude sucked on the fae's cock. Her moans vibrated against him, sending Cardan in a frenzy. "Good girl," he rasped softly. One more roll of his hips caused Jude to lose balance. Her palms moved forward, supporting her weight.
The king groaned, the image of his wife on all fours building the familiar knot in his stomach. But he wasn't done yet. "Get up." As soon as she did, he pushed her back to the wall. Jude was biting her bottom lip, disheveled, feeling warm and heated on the inside – a mix of ecstasy and embarrassment. When Cardan tossed away his own shirt, completely bare like herself, Jude couldn't stop her hands from touching the light muscles of his chest. "So eager to touch me."
As the words left his mouth, the fae king picked the mortal up. Jude's legs snapped wide open, circling Cardan's waist. Without warning, he thrusted inside her, snatching from her a breathless gasp. "Cardan," she moaned.
"That's it, Jude. There's only me for you." He said in a low groan, pushing deeper with each thrust. His hands digged in her sides as his tail wrapped around Jude's leg, pulling her towards him in sync with his thrusts. Her fingers tugged at his hair as she arched her back. "C- ah- rdan." As soon as she did, the king attached his mouth to one of her breasts. He sucked on the skin, kissing his way down to the sensitive nipple. He licked it once, twice, biting hard on it. "Cardan!" She yelped, which only caused a chuckle to echo on her chest Cardan to give the other breast the same treatment.
His thrusts became more urgent, her walls tightening perfectly around his cock. And just as Jude was about to come, Cardan stopped.
"What are you doing?" She asked out of breath.
He gripped her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes. "What?" He feigned innocence. "Is there anything you wanted?"
She glared at him. He took one step backwards. Jude whined at the empty feeling when Cardan's dick slided out of her. "You shouldn't have go out with someone else." He took another step back. The king was close enough that their naked chests bumped against one another, but too far for Jude's liking, especially after the heights of pleasure he carried her on. He moved again, slowly and mockingly, unwrapping his tail off her thigh and crossing his arm.
"Wait!" Jude pleaded. "Please."
Cardan arched a brow expectantly. "Hm? Please what, Jude?"
"Get back here and..."
The High King shook his head. "The time when you ordered me around is gone. If you want something from me, beg, Jude. Beg me for it."
And she did. Heavens make her forget it, she did. The mortal queen pleaded, eyes cast on the floor in shame, voice shaking. There was a pause after she spoke. Silence settled agonizingly and then she dared to look up.
Cardan's eyes sparkled with delight, a cruel smile spread on his face. He walked towards her so fast Jude couldn't fully comprehend it until his lips were crushing hers. His hands cupping her face with a ferocious force, tongue pushing against her own and tow sets of teeth clenching. She moaned, anticipation growing in her chest. But Cardan pulled back and morphed his features in a fake pout.
"Too bad you've been acting poorly, Jude. But maybe next time, if you ask nicely."
And with that, he's gone, leaving Jude naked, heated and ravished, wanting for more.
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misssugarlips · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader
Warnings: +18 angst, rape (not from Bucky), a little fluff by the end, swearing, this is so sad tbh
A/N: hey guys! this one shot is different from my others, is sad and there are rape mentions, I haven't been through that, the truth is I tried to write it the best I could, I apologize in advance if I offend someone. This is inspired in the Grimes song Oblivion. There's gonna be a second part to this so...hope you like it! I apologize for any mistake, english is my second language. Gif isn't mine
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You still remembered that night, in fact you would always remember it. You left your house around 10pm, slammed the door and put on your headphones. The streets were deserted and dark there was no one around you, a few lights coming out of the houses barely lit your way. Tears were streaming hot down your flushed face. The fight with your mother had left you very affected, you did the best you could and it was never enough, you tried to get a 10 in all your subjects and behave like a good girl, but it was never enough, that 9 had unleashed the fury of your mother making her yell at you. She had affected you a lot and you were already tired so you found yourself in the lonely night listening to music on your mp3 player. You just walked, you didn't know where to go, you didn't have a specific destination. You went through an alley and there were some nasty men smoking. You tried to get out of there but they cornered you.
"What is doing such a pretty girl alone on these streets?" The man cornered you into the alley wall, the smell of beer combined with his breath made you nauseous.
"Please let me go" you begged in a low whisper.
"So innocent, and beautiful" the man caressed your cheek with his callused and dirty hand. You started shaking, you just wanted to get out of there. The man forcefully kissed you leaving traces of saliva on your lips, it was so disgusting that you gagged causing the man to slap you. You cried louder still, you tried to defend yourself to run to some place where you could find someone to help you, but the other man grabbed you from behind immobilizing you, covering your mouth with his hand and with his other hand he kept your hands behind you in a strong grip that was starting to hurt your wrists.
The man in front of you was touching your body obscenely, he tore your jeans ripping them and got rid of your underwear too. He left you exposed and helpless. You were trembling with fear, you knew that you would not get out of this. Through your tears you could see in the distance a tall figure, was a man, he was wearing a mask and his hair was long, he was dressed completely in black.
You tried to bite the hand of the man behind you holding you, he removed his hand from your mouth releasing a groan of pain and you took the opportunity to ask for help from the guy with long hair, he stared into your eyes.
"Help! Please help!" You screamed with all the strength that you had left, your lungs ached and the air was short of you. The man ran quickly where he came from and that's when your faith was completely dissolved, this was your destiny. You prayed to God to grant you death, you would rather die than continue witnessing the stripping of your being.
"Shut up bitch" the man behind you slapped you. "If you're still a little brat, I'll disfigure that pretty face of yours" he squeezed your neck with his hands. You could no longer bear what they were doing to you, you closed your eyes letting life decide your destiny. You vanished. A little 16 year old girl would never be the same again.
Bucky woke up scared, sweating. That nightmare again. Your eyes haunted him every night, reminding him that he couldn't help you. But what could he do? Hydra had screwed up his head, and if there wasn't an order specifically saying to save you, there was nothing he could do. Guilt haunted him every day, every time he saw you in the kitchen, in the living room, in the meeting room. He seriously tried to make amends for what he had done, every day he gave you flowers, he made you breakfast, he tried to make your life easier and as happy as possible. Of course you didn't know that Bucky was the man who could have saved you that night. You thought he was very cute and chivalrous, you were falling in love with him more and more every day, but you didn't have the courage to confess your feelings to him, the truth was that you didn't have the courage to do many things, and less when it came to men you stopped trust them a long time ago, it was difficult for you to live with them or talk with them, since that day you have never been able to regain the social skills that you used to have.
With Bucky was different, he and Tony your cousin, they were the only ones you felt comfortable with. Steve was very cute, Sam and Clint too but you weren't ready to have the trust you had with Bucky and Tony with them. The boys understood it, and tried to be as understanding as possible. Natasha had told them what had happened to you years ago after they spent days begging her to tell them what was the ordeal that had made you become the person you are now.
Bucky had more than earned your trust, after getting rid of Hydra and being welcomed into the Tower as an avenger. He began his search to find you, he followed you very closely, until one day he dared to speak to you. He had promised himself to make your life the best he could, Bucky didn't expect to redeem himself, he did not believe that he could ever redeem himself or forgive himself for what he did or rather for what he did not do .
Bucky approached you in fear, seeing the eyes that haunted him in his nightmares in person terrified him. At first you only spoke to him distantly and your answers were summarized in "yes" and "no"
Seeing your beautiful face vis a vis was an epiphany for him, your face had that childish and scared air even though you were in your 24s. Your eyes revealed pain, they showed how broken you were inside, everything that had been taken from you would never be yours again. Since that day he had been captivated by your beauty and he felt stronger the obligation to be able to make you happy. Later he would discover that you were nothing more and nothing less than Stark's cousin and sometimes you helped Tony in the laboratory since you had an engineering degree. You were just as impressed as he was, the man you had met months ago in the cafeteria and who had been so attentive to you was part of Tony's group of heroes.
Bucky knocked on your door softly, he waited for you to leave your room with a tray in his hands where he had a delicious breakfast waiting for you. You opened the door to find a smiling Bucky carrying a breakfast tray.
"Good morning, doll" Bucky greeted.
"Hi Buck, come in" you smiled at him letting him go into your room. "You can leave breakfast on the table sir, thank you" you joked posing him as a butler. Bucky laughed, patting a space next to him on your bed for you to sit next to him. You took a seat next to him looking at the food, Bucky intimidated you a little, but not in the way other men did, with him you felt comfortable and safe. Only his large, muscular figure made you feel small and his eyes made a warmth emanate from your body.
"It looks delicious, thank you" you gave him a little kiss on his cheek. "I never said it was for you" said Bucky trying to hold back a smile for joking with you. You gently tapped his arm laughing at him, he smiled at you. The tray still rested on his lap. He chopped a piece of pancake and directed it to your mouth "Open up, I'm going to feed you"
"It is not necessary I can eat on my own, in fact since I am 4 I can do it" you replied, you tried to take the fork from his hand but he pushed you away directing the food to your mouth, you opened your mouth eating the piece of pancake letting Bucky feed you. The truth was it didn't bother you that he fed you you found it sweet, but you would never let him know. "Here, orange juice. Lots of vitamin C" he winked at you and you could feel yourself slowly melting away. You've never felt this way with anyone in your life, and you didn't think you could feel that way with someone else.
Bucky saw you with loving eyes, he loved being with you, if it were up to him he would spend all day and every day by your side, but that would make it very creepy and he didn't want to scare you. His love for you had been growing every day. He knew very well that one day he would have to tell you what he knew, and he was afraid, he was afraid that you would turn away from him. That you treat him for what he really was: a monster.
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Thanks for reading! Remember there's gonna be a second part, please leave your thoughts in the comments❤❤❤
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