#couldn’t be meeeeee
wheelwheelwheel · 9 months
I know everyone is like “the Horn has to be blown at the Last Battle” but I would blow the Horn IMMEDIATELY I don’t care bind me to it lmao rip to Lord Turak but I’m different
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grelleswife · 3 months
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Miri and Rei are all smiles on their excursion together…though a distraught Kazuki appears quite peeved at having to miss out!
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acheronist · 1 year
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placeinthisworld · 11 months
something about the way I missed timeless and a debut surprise songs by a fucking week…..Taylor you are testing me!!!
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rubysparx · 3 months
No because what I need you to understand is I could’ve fixed Sheldon Cooper. I could’ve fixed her. Listen to me listen to what I’m saying if I had gotten her on this website we’re using right now she would’ve been a huge hit she would’ve been like Yuri ddlc to me. But more insane. Less anxiety. Ok?
I am consistently saying the same thing about Mudbriar mlp and if you don’t understand my vision I have nothing more to say to you
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stupiterjupiter · 7 months
I danced with a girl tonight so I will be unbearable for the next week sorry
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hestiashand · 1 year
GUYS if you sent me a kofi i messaged you on kofi to ask if you want a thank you doodle of anything but incase you don’t see that! you can dm me here ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ i appreciate you guys so muchhhhhhhhhh i can’t even put into words how much you guys mean to meeeeeeee
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[ ID: two pixel drawings. the first is laying in a puddle of its own tears looking up at something. it’s surrounded by “SMIUFF” and many key-smashes. the second is on its hands and knees wailing-sobbing with a red face. END IS. ]
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i-fondued · 2 years
If anyone was curious my brain is the consistency of mashed potatoes right now. Work was so bad today, we had an issue with our compound room and so it threw everything off and we couldn’t make more than 3 days worth of meds FOR EVERY SINGLE PATIENT.
I’m going to go to bed early like a good girl, Papa would be proud
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I am going to write down the summary to the two day long fic I’m going to write starting tomorrow so I don’t loose the plot bunny while I’m drowning at work. It is going to be more Dom!Copia because I want to hand over my soul to the devil for ONE CHANCE with him
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Can’t believe my sister got to spend all weekend at Aftershock for FREE because her friend had an extra ticket 😭
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mrchiipchrome · 3 months
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W.C.- 2.7k
Happy birthday to meeeeee
It was no secret in the world of women’s football that you and Kyra Cooney-Cross were everyone’s unofficial little sisters. The younger of the two, you, had been moved up from the Arsenal academy at the same time that Kyra joined, and the unfamiliarity of the new team that you were suddenly thrown into made you two bond fast. Really fast.
Within 5 minutes of meeting the other, you had managed to plan at least 4 pranks to perform on the girls. Through Kyra, you also became much closer to the aussies of the team, just a sort of natural consequence of hanging around the Aussie all day. She was like your older, but just as mature as you, sister.
By month 3 of knowing each other, you and Kyra had managed to find every single button to press to make the other go completely mad. For Kyra, the main thing that set her off was when you tapped your feet against the floor repeatedly. For you it was whenever anyone made any type of noise with their mouths, with the obvious exception of speaking.
It just made you so irrationally mad, especially when someone was chewing all up in your ear, the sound so revolting that you often shouted for them to get away. Most of the team had learned their lessons already and knew not to even try to chew loudly near you, as you’d put your headphones on and ignore them for most of the day.
Kyra however, being the annoying little shit (lovingly) that she was, continued to do it every single second that she could, her favourite being when she knew that you couldn’t do anything about it, like in meetings.
She’d sit in the seat right behind you, leaning her head forward so that her chin would rest against your shoulder, and start to snack loudly on a granola bar or smacking her gum. The only thing you could do was sit there and take it, clenching your fist and wondering what it was you’d send in the text to Mini later that evening.
When Kyra would get told off by her team mom later that night she always looked at you, moving her thumb over her throat, telling you that you were dead.
But yet she kept on doing it, and you kept on telling Mini, it happened so often in fact that you too created a special bond with the older woman, her becoming a somewhat mother to you too. You always joined in on their facetime calls, Harper greatly appreciating you too.
Mini liked that Kyra had someone to goof around with at Arsenal, even if it did happen to be a 16 year old kid.
And as much as you liked and worked well with Kyra, not a single adult at Arsenal thought it was a good idea for you two to live with each other, no matter how much you begged and pleaded with them. Instead you were sent to live with Beth and Viv, whilst Kyra got her own apartment. That didn’t stop you from having sleepovers once a week however.
Kyra breathing loudly directly beside your ear is the first thing you notice as you wake up from your nap in the community room at Arsenal, all groggy and confused, yet already annoyed by the girl’s incessant need to irritate you.
“Man, get the fuck out my ear!” Your voice is all scratchy and deep as you shout at the other girl, annoyance at her actions showing clearly on your face. More than a few heads snap up to look in your direction, quickly looking away when they notice the situation you find yourself in, many of them already knowing what the Aussie was doing.
“Awe is wittle baby Y/n a bit cranky from their nap?” Kyra antagonizes, trying to fuel the fire that was sure to start if she continued.
“You do remember that I know where you live? I can easily smother you in your sleep.” The girl’s knew to separate the two of you when the threats started flying, knowing that it could end with you two on the floor, wrestling or trying to strangle the other.
Alessia put her arm around a smiling Kyra’s waist, pulling her away from you even as she continued to breathe loudly, annoying you all the way from across the room. Viv sat down next to you on the bean bag, looking slightly irritated at your little outburst. She knew it wasn’t really your fault, but you’d been working with her on how to regulate your feelings.
“Y/n, we don’t threaten our friends, even when they’re being annoying. How about you go and apologise to Kyra and we’ll go get you some ice cream?” The dutchie was one of your many adoptive mothers in the squad, one of the more prominent ones as she knew exactly the pressure put on you as a young superstar in the making. She just wanted to help, often doing so by coming over with dinner for you and Kyra when you have your sleepovers, making sure that you didn’t trash your diets too much.
Looking down to the floor as you walk over to the older girl, she smiles at you mischievously like she knew exactly what it was you were doing. She knew that you’d been forced by your mom to apologize to her and she was enjoying the process of you going through all the stages of grief before getting to her.
Looking her in the eye, she sees the playful hate in your gaze, she already knew that you didn’t hate her but instead having to apologize for something that she caused.
“I’m sorry Kyra” Lowering your voice, she sees you look down at her in amusement. “I hope you know that I’m only doing this for the ice cream.” The Australian gasps in mock shock at your statement, but mostly at the fact that you’re allowed to get ice cream when she isn’t.
“VIV?! Why is Y/n getting ice cream and not me?” She catches the attention of the entire team with her bold accusation, most if not all of them rolling their eyes at her actions.
“Because Y/n doesn’t start fights, and she’s apologizing for threatening you.” Viv joins the others in rolling their eyes, taking hold of your shoulders as you make your way over to her, pulling you into a side hug.
With your backs to the young Aussie, neither of you notice the way she’s rushing towards you two, ready to absolutely throw herself onto you. She comes in with an awkward angle, her legs wrapping around both you and Vic’s waists, her arms locking around your necks, nearly choking you both out. Her head slots into the space between you and Viv’s heads.
Luckily enough for every Arsenal women’s fan ever, there’s a photographer there to capture the looks of absolute horror on you and the Dutch woman’s face and the unignorable grin on the Australian’s.
“Kyra Cooney-Cross get off right this second or I swear to god I will contact Katrina personally.” Viv comes off more than a little threatening, her voice deadly calm as she speaks to the younger girl. Kyra frowns playfully and slides down you and Viv’s excessively tall bodies, her feet touching the floor after a few seconds.
“What do they feed you dutchies? You need to stop being so tall, it’s annoying.” The short girl looks at you angrily when you pat her head like she was some sort of dog, waiting for a treat. She slaps your hand away when it comes down to pet her again and the only response she gets is a shrug from you as Viv drags you away to her car.
Only minutes later Kyra’s phone pings with a notification from instagram, seeing the ‘yourinstagram tagged you in a post’ had her stressing out. When she looked at the story you had tagged her in, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes, it was a selfie of you and Viv with ice creams in your hands, you with the biggest smile ever on your face and Viv looking slightly fed up with you.
The caption you’d typed out was ‘revenge is best served cold, right @/kyracooneyx’, she reposted your story to her own, typing out a simple ‘I hate you’. But with your quick thinking and amazing humor, you quickly reply with your own story, a caption reading ‘tell that to the ice cream you didn’t get’.
Kyra couldn’t even lie and say that it wasn’t funny, the little giggle she let out an indicator of how she enjoyed the little back and forth.
Everyone in the team agreed that the decision to put you and Kyra in the same car on the road-trip across the country was a bad idea. They knew that it would be torture, Kyra would chew in your ear, or simply just breathe loudly next to you, making you really fucking irritated. You would constantly touch her, poking at her like you weren’t afraid of losing your fingers.
The unfortunate person having to sit next to you and Kyra during the entire ride this time was none other than Alessia Russo, someone who really just wanted to sleep the entire 8 hour ride and skip your bullshit, obviously that didn’t happen.
“WHO LET KYRA HAVE SNACKS? I’m going to kill you.” Alessia sat to your left, rubbing her temples at the already growing headache, Kyra sat to your right, a sucker in her mouth and three loud crinkly bags of crisps in her lap. You were in the middle seat, a frankly uncomfortable seat seeing as you were the tallest in the entire car, knees bent inwards trying to fit your long legs between the seats.
“Yeah, Viv did you not ban snacks so that this wouldn’t happen?” Beth questions the forward, who meets Kyra’s guilty gaze in the rearview mirror, looking at her sternly. Viv sighs like she knew it would happen before reaching her hand back and asking for Kyra’s snacks. When she begrudgingly hands them over, you look at her with a huge grin on your face.
“Thank you pa, you’re my hero, saving me from the evil supervillain ready to chew in my ear.” Viv gets a little embarrassed and emotional at you calling her pa, the Dutch name for father you had nicknamed her was something you only called her in private.
“Aww Vivi, did you get a bit embarrassed?” Beth teases her girlfriend gently, tugging lightly at her dark red cheek. It was lucky you’d stopped at a red light, otherwise Viv would’ve probably crashed the car.
All of a sudden, when you’re distracted by Beth and Viv interacting, you hear a couple of loud chews of what sounds like at least 6 sticks of gum. The way you recoil is almost instant, throwing your body into Alessia’s open arms, the woman glaring at Kyra for doing that, AGAIN. Alessia liked cuddling you though so it wasn’t all that bad.
She definitely can’t complain when you fall asleep in less than 5 minutes either, though having to give Kyra a stare down as she tried to tickle your sides definitely wasn’t a highlight of her day.
Within 25 minutes of your departure from the training grounds, Kyra was already complaining about needing to pee, only answering with a shrug and a simple ‘I didn’t need to go then’ when asked why she didn’t go at home.
Viv sighs as she stops at the gas station in the middle of nowhere, Alessia waking you up so that you too could go to the toilet.
“Oh for fucks sake Kyra, you don’t need all that candy. I swear I’m more of an adult than you are.” You told the Australian girl as you came into the gas station, moving towards the bathroom. It looked like you could get every STD possible from simply being in there.
When you exited it was with a grossed out expression, that was until you spotted the slushy machines lined up against the wall. You lit up like a child on christmas morning when you spotted it, quickly filling a cup whilst you commanded her to get you a sprite, the cashier taking a quick peek at you bouncing up and down in anticipation of your drink.
After you paid, you instructed Kyra to pour about half the sprite into the slushy cup, letting her taste it after she’d promised on her mothers life not to make any sound.
“That’s delicious, where did you learn to do that?” She questions you, moving to buy her own slushy and sprite.
“I don’t know, I just did it once and it tasted great. Now you better hurry up because I think Viv is going to kill us if we’re not in the car soon.” With that, Kyra hurries up.
You’re both in the car in record time, all the actual adults in the car’s eyes widening at the half full slushy glasses in your hands.
Only a few minutes later, both you and Kyra are in full on sugar rush mode, singing along with the song on the radio loudly, swaying in your seats as you pretend you’re on the big stage somewhere. They’re all pleasantly surprised when you belt out the riff to Keyshia Cole’s Love, it being legitimately good.
As were Alessia’s instagram followers, the girl posting a video of you singing like you’d just had your heart broken, well that was until you were interrupted by Kyra snacking loudly right next to your ear.
“LOOOOOOVE NEVER KNEW WHAT I WAS MISS- KYRA GET THE FUCK OUT MY EAR.” She does look a little sheepish as she does it this time, pretty clearly not even registering that she was chewing with her mouth open.
Though she doesn’t stay sheepish for long, just like you don’t stay mad for long, because ‘I want it that way’ by the backstreet boys suddenly came on the radio, and that was always you and Kyra’s karaoke song.
It only took you a few more songs for the sugar crash to hit, you and Kyra suddenly going from duetting on songs to snoring loudly in the backseat.
Luckily enough for everyone in the car you managed to stay asleep through the whole ride, only waking up a few times to tell Kyra to ‘get the fuck out my ear’.
Literally everyone is confused when you turn up to the camping site, half asleep and clinging to Kyra tightly, Beth soon taking you from the younger girl so that she could start helping to set up the tents.
“They didn’t cause too much trouble, did they? I know how they can be.” Kim comes up to stand beside Beth, who shakes her head diligently.
“No, they slept most of the ride, they were both drinking some slushy and then had a sugar crash after singing for half an hour.” Beth smiles at you tenderly, the motherly affection clearly something she’d picked up from her own mother.
“Aw well that’s good then.” Kim says quietly, noticing you drooling slightly with your eyes half open, looking like those orange cats you always showed her.
“Kyra if you don’t get the fuck out my ear I will kill you.” It wasn’t even her fault that she was sniffly, she’d caught something from Harper at camp and when you asked if you could come over for your sleepover, she didn’t hesitate.
She looked at you sadly, like she was heartbroken by your insensitive words. It makes you sad to see her like that, so you quickly bring her into your arms, asking for forgiveness.
“I’m so sorry Ky Ky, how about I make you some soup yk feel better?” She nodded wholeheartedly at your words, sitting on the counter as you made your famous soup.
And even though you had to keep yourself from being angry at her every single second, you wouldn’t trade being at Kyra’s home cooking for her for anything.
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woohoo1tsme · 1 month
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(Am I too late-)
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yukoii1 · 6 months
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⇨ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑻 !¡⇦ - 𝑮.𝑺, 𝑺.𝑹 & 𝒀.𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒚 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒑𝒂𝒅: 𝒋𝒆𝒛𝒛𝒆𝒓𝒐
ミ★ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆. merry christmas my lovely’s! this is our first christmas together 😳. I hope you guys enjoy 😛 and It would be awesome If you guys went to visit my wattpad and voted!! have a merry Christmas 🤍‼️
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彡 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 - christmas morning had to be the best feeling every year. waking up to a sunny sky, birds chirping In the air and waking up next to your handsome husband every morning. your eyes had fluttered open due to the sun peaking through the blinds, groaning as you turned away from the brightness to be faced with your husband. he looked so soft and peaceful when he’s sleeping, his long white eyelashes and his messy hair over his face he looked like a porcupine.
you scooted closer feeling his warmth engulf with yours, bringing your hand up to his face to brush his hair away admiring him. how did you get so lucky? you sighed placing your hand on his cheek, caressing your thumb against him cheek feeling him relax Into your palm. by your sensation on his cheek and extra warmth on his face his eyes slowly started to open, already seeing you awake staring at him, “why’re you being creepy again.” he mumbled with a short yawn after hearing a scoff, “good morning to you too sleepy head” satoru chuckled at your sarcastic tone feeling your hand leave his cheek as you sat up In bed. he groaned softly as he stretched his arms out with another yawn, sitting up scratching his head. “why you up so early?.” you bit your lip with a shy smile as you reached over the bed to grab a box from under your side of the bed, revealing It to him.
satoru eyed the gift then eyed you with a raised brow, “whats this?.” he knew exactly what It was but he was surprised. he’s never gotten a gift before, a christmas gift at that. you placed the present In front of him, placing your hands on your lap, “It’s for you..” again, satoru eyed the gift not knowing what to do. should he open It? should he wait? you saw he was confused of what to do, only sighing. “you can open It baby.” you gave permission, watching as he grabbed the box tearing It open. the sound of paper being torn made your heart spike, you were so nervous. “merry christmas my love.” you smiled, as he saw what his present was, “I knew how much you wanted this and so I decided to—!!.” couldn’t finish your sentence before you were tackled with a heavy body and a bunch of kisses on your face. you giggled squirming under him yelling at him to stop but he only laughed and continued kissing your cheek, nose, forehead, jaw— he was so happy.
“ok! ok! that tickles!.” the begs and pleases for him to stop only made him smile more. you went out your way to buy him something he could’ve easily gotten, but knowing you and your love for gifting you did It anyways. the last kiss on your face he finally pulled away, hugging you close. “you didn’t have to get this for me, I could’ve gotten this my own time.” he said pulling back from the hug, shrugging your shoulders, “but I wanted to get It for you anyways.” he rolled his eyes, “you’re too much.”
“yet you love It~.” you teased pecking him on the cheek before getting out of bed stretching with a satisfying moan, “I’m gonna go make breakfast and then after we can open the rest of your gifts.” rest?! you saw the look on his face. before he had the chance to say anything you started to giggle rushing out the room before he had the chance to say something, “what do you mean by the rest?!” he yelled and you only laughed going down the stairs hearing a loud thud, “y/n! tell meeeeee.” he whined but again you only ignored his pleases and whines. when he got ignored he slouched on the ground with a huff arms crossed staring at the ceiling. “y/nnnnnn!.”
“love you satoruuu!.”
彡 𝑺𝒖𝒌𝒖𝒏𝒂 - this was sukuna’s first christmas considering he’s never celebrated It before nor cared about It till you came. and his son. It was the morning of christmas, snow covering around the shrine with bits of sun shining through your shared bedroom, sukuna sleeping soundly cuddled up to you— or your pillow considering the fact you were already awake with your son planning a little prank to wake him up. when you came to s/n about It he had the devious smile on his face, the same smile sukuna would make. he was just like his dad, same hair, same attitude, almost the same personality but mixed with some of your traits. his eyes were like yours, his nose, ears, mouth. you would say he’s a mama’s boy but according to ryomen he’s a daddy’s boy. s/n laughed quietly as you both tippy toed to the master bedroom to see the four armed curse sleeping like he worked a 9-5 shift. hair messy, blankets off half way his body, leg poking out, you giggled at his position walking closer to him with s/n close behind holding In his laugh. when you both stopped In front of the bed you looked down at s/n who was already looking at you counting down on your fingers. 3. 2. 1..
“GOODMORNING DADDY!!” s/n voice echoed as he jumped ontop of him, instantly getting woken up by pressure on his stomach and a loud voice. sukuna groaned with a loud sigh snapping his eyes towards you who was laughing at his reaction. “funny.” he said with a not impressed look using his lower hand to pick up s/n, standing out of bed walking towards you, you smiled at him as he only frowned lifting s/n to his point of view, “who’s Idea was It.” with no hesitation s/n pointed to your direction, “It was mommy’s Idea!!” your mouth dropped as you looked at your son with betrayal, “you little snitch.” he only shrugged his shoulders with that same evil grin sukuna has. ryomen looked down at his son then towards you then back at his son, “thinkin what I’m thinkin kid?.” s/n nodded his head looking back at you as they both had the same grin.
your eyes went wide when you realized..your son betrayed his own mother for his father. when the realization hit you were quick to run out the room with tiny and heavy footsteps coming your way, “no! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” you screamed as you ran like your life depended on It. you were getting chased by the same person! ones a kid and ones a full grown adult with four arms, you could hear them gaining closer and closer soon feeling a little munchkin on your back, slowing you down. “gotchu mommy!.” he giggled hearing your pleasings and begs as sukuna gained closer. you heard a deep chuckle, feeling two hands on your waist stopping you mid way. when sukuna got a hold of you, s/n jumped off your back high fiving his dad, seeing him lift you ontop of his shoulder as you kicked and screamed trying to get away, “baby you’re supposed to be on my side!.” s/n shrugged, “daddy promised to get me ice cream If I helped.”
“of course he did.” you glared at him as he glared back pinching your waist. you flinched from the pinched slapping him on the back with a huff but sighed in defeat going ragdoll on his shoulders accepting your defeat as he took you somewhere In the giant mansion. after a few second walk you felt your body get lift off his shoulders and onto the couch that was facing the christmas tree, sitting next to you as s/n rushed to under the tree with excitement In his face. “there’s so many!.” he said with excitement, looking at all the wrapped presents chuckling at his reaction leaning Into sukuna who put an arm over your shoulder, “and they’re all for you baby.”
the morning went by fast but slow at the same time. s/n opening his christmas presents, presenting each and every gift you guys got him. after all the stress and looking for certain gifts for your little man It all worked out. and you would say sukuna had a wonderful time by the small smile he had on his face watching his mini me In excitement, that’s all you wanted. having family time together, making sukuna’s first christmas special, you smiled to yourself leaning more Into ryomens arms feeling his grip tightened a little. “you enjoying your first Christmas?” you teased looking up at him hearing a soft groan, turning his head to look at you with a raised brow, “even though I hate to admit..I am. not bad for a human festive.” you rolled your eyes turning your attention back to s/n sighing, “I’m glad you enjoy It my love.” sukuna hated the feeling of his heart betraying him but he has to admit It was a nice feeling. not saying anything else he leaned down giving your head a small peck humming In response.
“I’m glad you enjoy It.”
彡 𝒀𝒖𝒋𝒊 - being competitive with each other always meant messes everywhere. It was a bad Idea from the start when nobara mentioned a gingerbread house making competition totally forgetting the couple she’s friends with goes against each other ALL the time. It wasn’t even that serious which was the thing ಠ_ಠ but you nor yuji cared, you two would make everything a competition, whoever can kill the most curses win, whoever can finish a mangas first wins, whoever can find sukuna’s finger wins. It was ridiculous but Interesting. nobara and megumi could only look at the messy table with disbelief, there was frosting, cooking crumbs, chocolate chips, gum drops everything everywhere! megumi’s eye twitched as he saw the mess as nobara stared with disappointment. “there back at It again..” she mumbled, megumi sighing In response turning away from the two idiots bringing his gingerbread house with him just In case It gets Involved with your guys shenanigans.
you were focused and very steady with hand as you brought the frosting across the gingerbread house In a perfectly straight line as yuji was across from you putting chocolate chips on his house with furrowed eyebrows. no one talking. nobara was too Into this competition as megumi was on his phone scrolling through whatever waiting for the two love birds to get done with their houses. 5 minutes have passed on and you two were still going at It, at this point nobara should just stop It so you guys can move on with your night. sighing In annoyance she walked by both of you taking away the frosting setting It on the table looking at you two, “okay that’s enough! you guys been working on this for thirty minutes.” she grumbled, you and yuji looked at her, then each other, then at each others houses with furrowed eyebrows. “your house Is ugly.” you both said at the same time, eyes widening In offense.
“no Its not!.” said at the same time again. “the only thing ugly about your house Is that you only decorated with chocolate you freak!.” yuji gasped placing a hand on his chest offended by your statement, “like yours Isn’t just plain gummies! I mean who wants a gingerbread house with only gummy candies? be realistic!.” you two only continued to argue about who’s house was better, going back and fourth with one another. the yelling and arguing kept up till nobara got sick of It throwing a spoon at you both with a loud groan, “would you two shut up!?.” megumi nodded In response still scrolling on his phone not paying attention. you rolled your eyes In response, “he started It.” you claimed lifting your gingerbread house to be placed with everyone elses as yuji did the same “yeah right I did.” he scoffed rolling his eyes. “admit It, I won this time.” you smiled cockily, yuji scoffing at the thought shoving your shoulder a little shaking his head, “no, I think I won this time. I mean look at my house compared to yours!.” yeah right. his house was just filled with chocolate chips and chocolate, basic I say myself. “yeah right! your house Is just filled with chocolate chips and chocolate.”
“like yours isn’t just plain gummies!.”
“Is not!.”
“Is too!.”
“Is not!.”
“Is to-mmh!!?” you were silenced by yuji putting a marshmallow In your mouth to keep you from speaking, glaring at him. “admit It babe. I build gingerbread houses more better than you.” In your dreams you pink haired bastard. you groaned rolling your eyes, eating the marshmallow walking towards the couch, “In your dreams yuji.” yuji chuckled In response grabbing a blanket from the chair making his way towards you as nobara and megumi followed behind. as the night fell through, “are you guys finally done?.” megumi asked , nodding your guys heads with a laugh. throughout the night you guys played games, watched a couple of movies and when the gingerbread houses were dried you guys snacked on them having a fun night overall. the laughs and smiles soon turned Into soft snores, nobara laying at her side of the room spread out like a star fish as megumi was next to her by a few inches sleeping soundly as you and yuji were cuddled up with each other.
you couldn’t really sleep yet but yuji was sound asleep as he held you close, you trailed your hand across his shirt something you would always do when you can’t sleep feeling his muscles flex under your hand. you leaned more Into his warmth, bringing your hand up to his face caressing your thumb across his cheek softly smiling to yourself. he’s so cute. he’s like a golden retriever puppy. just so damn cute. you never expected your christmas to be like this but God you’re happy It was what you expected, had amazing friends an amazing boyfriend.
this was the best christmas you’ve ever had.
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dearsnow · 5 months
hi!! can i just request any two-bit fluff...like jus domestic warm fuzzy fluff ..maybe slight silliness...feel free to write whatever
- you happen upon your very noisy “roommate” cooking away in the middle of the night (two-bit mathews x gn!reader, domestic fluff, lowkey so cute)
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word count: 687
a/n - asther fulfilling a request??? within a reasonable time????? the world is turning upside down, y’all 🫡 i hope you enjoy 😭
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“Keith, seriously?” Your voice is hoarse, a desperate whisper that borders on a shout. It is 2:42 AM, and your recently-moved-in, much-loved but forever annoying boyfriend is making a four course meal in your kitchen.
Surprisingly, this is the first time you have ever seen him cook more than microwaveable meals and the occasional pack of instant ramen. He looks up at you, clad in pajamas, fuzzy socks, and a shit-eating grin. “What, I was hungry!”
“You’re gonna be hungry when I kick you out.” You mutter. “Couldn’t you at least be quiet about it? I heard pots and pans and humming through our very thin bedroom walls.”
“You can’t kick me out, I’m too fun.” He smiles. He puts a lid on his pan of frying bacon and turns off the heat. “You love me. Admit it.”
You scoff, but when he takes your hands in his, your heart skips a beat.
“You looooooove meeeeee,” he sings, “c’mon, just say it.”
“I would love you so much more if you didn’t wake me up so early on a work day.” You say, trying desperately to hide the fact that the corners of your mouth are turning up. Like always, though, somehow he notices. It’s like every almost-smile from you is a win, one more thing to keep him going before he runs out of energy and crashes into bed, legs entwined with yours and mouth slightly open.
He spins you around, still humming a song you don’t think you’ve ever heard before. It wouldn’t surprise you if he had just made it up. “I love you, and you love me. That’s why you’re dancing instead of yelling.” You laugh. You’re supposed to be angry with him, but the tension between your eyebrows dissipates when you look at his smiling face. If Two-Bit had just one talent, it would be switching your mood to happy. No matter what, no matter how annoying he is sometimes, you’re happiest when you’re with him.
“Yeah, I love you,” you gasp as he dips you so close to the floor you can feel the cold tile sucking in your heat, “and I love that you can make me laugh,” he pulls you back up, “but really, what are you doing making all this food at such an ungodly hour?”
He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head against your neck. He leads you in a few steps, his warmth smoothing the goosebumps on your arms. “I wanted to do something nice for once. You’re always making me breakfast, and you leave earlier than me, so I thought I’d make a bit of food that you can just heat up when ‘m dead asleep.”
“Really?” You move back to stare at him, eyes soft in the dim kitchen lighting. “That’s… that’s really sweet, Two. Thank you.” If you were being honest, you thought he barely noticed you taking care of him in that way. You figured that it’s just something that comes with dating someone who seems like they could burn water.
“Nah, it’s nothin’.” He turns his head, a blush creeping up his neck towards the apples of his cheeks. “I just want you to know I appreciate what you do. This whole ‘me movin’ in’ thing put a whole lotta stress on your shoulders, so some domestic effort from me couldn’t hurt. I’ll at least try be quieter next time, though.” He raises his eyebrows and presses a quick kiss to the back of your hand. You can feel your own cheeks heating up. “I don’t want you ruining the surprise again, hm?”
“Yeah, it sounded like an elephant was training to be a chef in here.” You tease. He laughs, the sound ringing in your ears like a sweet bell. It’s a sound you don’t think you could ever get tired of.
He slings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. He would drop anything to have you pressed against him at all hours of the day.
“And yet you still love me.”
You grin at him. “And yet, my love, I won’t ever stop.”
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giggly-squiggily · 6 months
A New Kind Of Mystery (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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Whoops my hand slipped :D Heyo everyone! Today I bring you some Ranpoe cause I can :3 This is a gift for the amazing @intheticklecloset cause why the heck not? >:3 I hope you like it friend!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07, @sevenincubistolemyheart
Summary: Books are Poe's life, but so is Ranpo and all his antics. Stressed about both, he inadvertently finds a way to make both work.
“Eeheehehehhe, Ranpooooo!” Poe squeaked, nearly breaking his pen in half when fingers pinched his ribs. “Please, I’m wohoohorking!”
“You always say that!” Ranpo teased, snuggling closer to the shy author as he carried on kneading his sides, earning even more giggles and squeaks. “Play with meeeeee~”
“Ahehahahaha, R-Rahhahahanpo STAHP!” Poe twisted around, catching the detective’s hands with his. “I reahally need to gehet this done. I can’t play right now.”
“Okay.” Ranpo nodded, a touch of hurt coloring his smile as he got up to go. “Well…call me when you’ve got down time, okay?” He turned to leave, whistling as he walked to the door.
“R-Right.” Poe nodded, giving the other one last smile as the detective disappeared, shutting the door behind him. When he was out of earshot, the author let his shoulders droop, head hitting the desk with a low groan. Why did books have to take so long? Mysteries couldn’t write themselves, and he always wanted to give Ranpo his best self when presenting a new book. Breaks were rare, and even those mainly consisted of naps and remembering to eat; not much else.
Ranpo, bless his heart, was so patient with him, but Poe couldn’t shake the image of that sad expression. He needed to make it right! He started to get up-
The sound of a car pulling out stopped him in his place. Looking out the window, he watched Ranpo head back to the Agency.
Shit- missed his chance.
“Gggggggrr?” Karl hopped onto the desk, tilting his head curiously up at Poe. The author stroked his head, trying not to cry.
“Oh Karl…I’m the worst boyfriend ever!” He moaned pathetically, gathering the racoon up in his arms. “I can’t even make time for Ranpo! He just wants to play- and here I am working on books-”
Books. Wait a minute…
“Oh…OH!” The ideas were turning in his mind. Karl climbed up on Poe’s head as the author gathered his things- a notebook for outlining, his typewriter for the final product, and most importantly; a framed photo of him and Ranpo the other gifted him when they first started dating.
“Don’t you worry, Ran. What you’re about to read is gonna be my greatest work.”
Greatest probably wasn’t the best choice of words, but it was certainly his fastest work.
Poe all but leaped for joy the morning he finished it- it was rough around the edges and didn’t have a title, but it was perfect! He could refine the work later- for now he needed to get this to Ranpo!
Taking the world's fastest shower, he texted his boyfriend an assortment of words that he hoped conveyed “Meet me at the park” before flying out the door, running as fast as he could, Karl hanging on to him by the back of his coat. The cold winter chill colored his cheeks, and his breath was frosty without his usual coat, but he couldn’t wait a second longer.
To his glee, Ranpo was where he wanted him, slurping on hot chocolate and kicking his feet against the bench. When their eyes met, he raised his cup in greeting.
“Poe-” A crash! A flop- Poe came tumbling before him in a heap of limbs and cloth, Karl leaping for safety at the last second. When the world stopped spinning, he found himself on his back, Ranpo’s wide eyes looking down at him.
“Poe!  Are you okay?” Instead of answering, the author pulled out the book- holding it up to him.
“It’s done! Here.” He gasped out. “Please, take it.”
Ranpo blinked. Then his eyes narrowed, irritated. “I haven’t seen or heard from you for two straight weeks and this is the first thing you say to me?” Hurt swallowed his anger as Ranpo sat back, hiding in his hat. “And here I thought you were just excited to see me…”
Oh no- this is not how he wanted it to go! Poe sat up, scooting closer to his boyfriend. “I’m sorry, Ranpo- truly I am! I was just so determined to get this book done. It’s a gift for you.”
“A gift?” Ranpo looked at him, somewhat guarded. “Not just me reviewing it?”
“Well- I would like to hear your thoughts on it after you finish it, but yes. I made it especially tailored for you and you alone.” Poe nodded, shaky as he held out the present. “I understand if you don’t want it. Not after me ignoring you for so long-”
“I’ll read it.” Ranpo took the book, running his fingers along the spine. “But I have a condition.”
“After I read this- I want you to take a proper break from your work.” Ranpo gave him a stubborn glare, cheeks puffed some. “You’re my boyfriend, and I have a two week vacation coming up. I want to spend it with you. If you promise me that, I’ll give you my full attention to this book.”
Poe was..hesitant. He’d only ever taken short half day breaks from writing; never a full vacation. What would happen if he did stop writing for two weeks? Looking at Ranpo, a worse thought occurred.
What would happen if he didn’t?
“Okay.” He nodded, prioritizing. “Two week vacation.”
Ranpo seemed pleased, lightening up some. “Okay. Whenever you’re ready.”
Poe nodded, taking the book. He flipped it open and began the tale.
When Ranpo came to, he was in the usual setup. A mansion- old and Victoria. A handful of staff- maids and butlers and gardener’s alike. There was a dead body in the room to his left- he needed to figure out what happened.
A classic mystery, if not a little simple. He already knew who did it. He was about to voice the culprit-
But stopped. That wasn’t the deal.
“Okay Poe- I’ll play by the rules.” He decided, even if he was kinda disappointed. The way Poe all but crashed into him to deliver this book- how he made it out to be something special- he figured it’d be a bit more complex than this. He went over to the room where the body laid, ready to get this over with. “What’s in here- ehehehehehe!”
The second he touched the doorknob, something ticklish shot up his arm, making him retract and giggle. The detective stared, looking between the doorknob and his hand. There was nothing there that could do it, but it felt as if someone brushed his palm with a feather duster. He knew this was the right door, and yet…
Like a drop of pigment into clear water, Ranpo’s disappointment faded into curious excitement. “Now what is this all about?” He grinned, slowly reaching to touch the knob again. The second he touched it, he was giggling once more, barely hanging on as he twisted the knob. “Cohoohhome on, I knohohoohow this is the rohoohohohohoom!”
Eventually, he got it open. Sure enough, a body was there- dressed in fancy attire and wearing a racoon mask. Ranpo huffed for air as he rubbed his palm, eyes landing on a note pinned to the body.
So you found my victim. Can you find me?
~The Tickler
Ranpo snorted at the name, flipping the paper over to find the same racoon mask imprinted on the back. A feather hung off one of the ears in the drawing. When Ranpo looked up, the same feather was snug behind the mask on the body.
“So this is what you meant when you said it was for me.” Ranpo smiled as he gathered the soft item, twirling it in his fingers. “Okay Poe- you want to play? Let’s play.”
Ranpo carried on the mystery, growing more giggly as he went. Every correct clue he found had that same ticklish touch, sometimes on his hands if it was an item he had to gather, other times along his sides when he walked through the correct door. By the time he got to the culprit’s location, he was a flustered mess of laughter, rubbing his sides to rid himself of the ghostly feeling. “Ohoohohokay, Mr. Tickler. I finally found you!” He pushed open the door-
And was ambushed by a racoon!
“Ah! Ahehahahhahahaha! Geahahahahahhahah!” He squealed, trying and failing to catch the fluffy creature as it dug into his sides, back to his face so it’s fluffy tail swished and flicked against his nose and neck. “Kahhahahaharl, wahahhahait! It’s yohohohohohohohou!”
“So you figured it out.” The racoon cooed, sounding just like Poe as it carried on tickling him, nuzzling so much the detective was in pieces beneath him, struggling to curl up. “Didn’t expect little ol me to be so devious, did you?”
“Yohohoohohohu gohohohooohoht mehehehehehe! I shohohoohhuld have knohohohohown you’d be so dehehehehehvious!” The detective reached into his pocket with some difficulty, clenching his fist around a very important item. “Buhuhuhut you faahhahaailed to remememeeber ohohohohohone dehehehehtail!”
“Oh? And what would that be?” The raccoon asked, fur standing up when Ranpo shot his fist out. “What-Ah!”
“Yoohohohu forgot I hahahve a wehahapon!” Ranpo sat up, the feather in hand wiggling against the racoon’s face and ears as it squeaked and thrashed in his arms. “Now Karl- or should I say Poe. You’re the culprit!”
The world around them changed. Ranpo soon found himself once again in the park, Poe’s ability ending and returning him to the real world.  His body tingled with mirth, and the feather was no more. Before him, Poe was a mess of giggles on the floor, scrunched up and giggly. “Aheheahhaha…yohohou got mehehehe.”
“I sure did! Ehehehehe!” Ranpo raised his chin with pride, something soft replacing the feeling after. “You really did that for me.”
“Ohohof course I did. It’s the least I can do after ignoring you.” Poe sat up, hiding in his bangs as he pulled on his sleeves. “I prioritized my work over spending time with you, and I’m sorry for that. Going forward, I’m gonna work on finding a balance.”
Ranpo took it in, considering. Then he smiled, crawling over until he was side by side with his boyfriend, lying his head against his shoulder.
“I appreciate that. I don’t mind you writing; it’s your passion. Just…remember I’m still here, okay?” He felt Poe take his hand, squeezing it tightly.
“I will. I promise.”
“Good. Cause if you don’t…” Ranpo didn’t give any warning, shooting his hand out and squeezing his side. Poe yelped, falling backwards and taking the detective with him. “I’ll tickle you until you die!”
“Ah! Rahahhahanpo, the groohohohohund’s coohohohohld!”
“Is it now? I’ll just have to warm you up!”
“Hm…gotta warm those up too.” Ranpo giggled as he slid his hands up Poe’s shirt, delighted at how giggly he got. “Get ready, Poe. These upcoming two weeks are gonna be full of this stuff!”
“Ahehahhhahaha! Ihihihih’m alehhahhahahdy lohohoooohking fohohohhoward to ihihihihihit!” The words made Ranpo’s heart skip.
This was gonna be a good vacation.
Thanks for reading!
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rinhaler · 3 months
Rin had you sprawled out on the expensive boucle couch he helped you pick out when the house was still being built. He gave mercy on your thighs, his usual iron grip replaced with feathery fingers gently keeping your legs spread, one hand caressing the soft skin of your leg, the other splayed across your mound with a skilled thumb teasing your clit back and forth. Soft, breathy moans bleed from your spit glossed lips, lifting your hips a little of the seat, his head that rests on your other thigh follows the movement.
“Please Rin, pleasepleaseplease, more baby, I want you so bad,” you couldn’t help but to be a pathetic, desperate mess even though he was barely toying with you. It was just already too much and not enough at the same time. You finally had your closest, most dear friend right where you wanted him.
Rin’s so fucking lost in your dripping cunt he can barely make sense of your pleas, but the better, more intuned half of him takes hold of your words and musters a reply. “I know you fucking do, hang on, honey, I’m getting to it.” He chuckles, so damn cocky, and you can’t stop the smile from taking over your face. Any type of laughter he ever grants you is a gift, something he really only reserves for you. His lips place a wet smack near the crevice of your thighs, so close yet still so far away from where you need him the most.
He runs a shaky hand through his hair, before bringing it up to cup the underside of your breasts. “You had me drooling like a fuckin’ dog,” he begins, meanly twisting one of your nipples, trying to catch his breath and not look pathetic, “before I even had your panties off, so I’m gonna make sure you’re begging and crying until I give this pretty little pussy what she wants, you understand me?” Keeping his dominance, he spanks your cunt once, then twice, earning a high pitched whine from you.
You dumbly nod your head, “Yes, sir!!” The words leave you much too quickly for your liking, trying so hard to keep your regular cool composure, but let’s be honest, that went out the fucking window as soon as he gave you the right wrong look.
Hehehehehehehe I’m drunk n high I literally just wrote this in ur ask box lmfaoooo, I love writing under the influence it’s so nice 🤩 question/ statement: I totally think Rin would be a stoner if his gf was, like he can’t NOT participate with you when u get even more giggly and touchy than usual….thoughts? Luv uuuuuuu :D ‼️‼️ 🧋
also the fact that you wrote this in my ask box is making me think of when you'd let a friend doodle on your arm during class 😭😭 so cute
I'm so in love with this man and you're FUELLING ME LIKE CRAAAAZY omg thank you so much for the food.
In regards to Rin smoking I think obviously it depends on the AU or circumstance or whatever but whenever I think of Rin having a girlfriend I like to think he's really possessive and controlling. (This is very specific to me and my desires so please take with a pinch of salt). But I don't think he's a smoker and I think he'd actually be very against it and demand you not to smoke either. I like the idea of him punishing you for disobeying too 😏😏😏 I just think him and Sae are from a quite well to do family and I think he takes his career as a footballer too seriously to dabble in smoking.
Anyway that's just one scenario, obviously skater boy loser boy stoner boy would be way more into it than my iteration!
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tmntxthings · 4 months
一Holiday Comps・゜・。
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author’s notes: so last weekend me & mine decorated our own gingerbread houses, call me inspired ✨
author’s notes 2.0: *sigh* i couldn’t get this done during xmas, so sad, but i want it OUT of my drafts, totally lost the motivation after Donnie’s 😭 forgive meeeeee
warnings: cursing? competitive nature x10, unedited asf it’s 2:00 am rn :3
Obviously he would be trying really hard. Because if anything suddenly becomes a competition all this turtle is concerned about is being numero uno.
“We should up the stakes a bit. April! You’ll be the judge, anddddd add in stuff to like throw us off our game. Make it harder! Oooh time limit of 40 minutes?”
He’s like adding shit and making things way more complicated than just a, “Oh cool gingerbread house contest? When everyone finishes the judges can decide who wins!”
No! Nope! Not happening. This will be the X-Games of Gingerbread Comps. Glory or death type shiz. So how does this process that he thrust upon the whole gang work? Well let me just say he has no problem abiding by the time set.
But his house looks messy as hell. He had a very hard time getting the roof to stop collapsing and may have looked over at Donnie to see how he got it done. Icing? Everywhere. He has no problem when one of the challenges was to “Switch hands! Use your least dominant,”
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Though some could argue that it didn’t matter what hand he used, it would have been messy either way. If one challenge was to switch seats and work on a brother’s gingerbread house be ready for a slick sabotage. One that Mikey may not have realized until his own foundation started fumbling, why were the walls caving in?! And what happened to the tree gummies that had been set aside?!
Leo happened, that’s what. Though he is quick to deny and not know the nature of those issues at all. By the end April is video recording to also get Sunita and Cass’s vote. Including Splinter that’s four! One for each turtle if everyone is lucky.
The responses on Leo’s house are making him pace. He can’t stay still as he hears Cass laugh out loud, wondering why the hell his gingerbread man is on the roof. “This one is a bit all over the place but, it’s got personality!” Is the saving comment from Sunita who revives Leo’s confidence in the whole ordeal
In the end I think with the time frame Leo definitely got shit on his house, but it doesn’t look all that pretty, one vote at least!
He’s butt hurt about whoever wins if it’s not him and definitely calls out his brother’s own flaws in their own work. Petty. P-E- to the T-T-Y~!
If given an unlimited amount of time, I do believe Donnie would be a real rival in this house decorating competition. First of all he’s good with his hands, precision baby, precision!!! He has the most practice with fiddling around with crazy small parts. Those little sprinkle balls aren’t falling to the floor due to his hands.
Now he may not get a lot of them on, because this turtle will take up a lot of time just getting the foundation of the house perfect. The walls have to be straight! The roof cannot be uneven! April may have to stop him from using outside sources or trying to break the whole model build and go for something more his style.
Once he finishes with that Donnie probably took about 10 minutes alone with it having to be perfect. Icing is up next and oml this may be his downfall. There is so much to secure, and you have to take into account the drying time! The challenges he has no problem with either but they eat up his time completely!!
If April decides to do a bit of trivia, winner gets to penalize whomever he chooses, Donnie is most likely winning those even if April chooses a fair category like Jupiter Jim or Lou Jitsu. Trivia is just Donnie’s jam, and the only way he can get Leo to stop for two minutes or be able to eat one of Raph’s essential pieces like a peppermint decor!
Donnie’s build would be the cleanest, icing looking beautiful! Like touched of snow on the house! But he would hardly have any decorations due to sheer lack of time. He’d have a vote for sure but would get comments like, “It looks pretty simple!” or “This one doesn’t have a doorknob!”
“If I had more time,” would be his immediate come back. Puffing up and feeling defensive because this competition is definitely in his wheelhouse, but Leo of course had to make it to where a genius couldn’t thrive under such terse conditions. Hmph!
I’m sure April’s vote would be for Donnie
He’s an artist, artists thrive in silly little gingerbread house competitions. I mean come on he’s the one who has the most creative ideas. Probably the most aesthetically pleasing as well!
But I fear Mikey will lack in the actual house building part. Which is literally just four slabs of gingerbread and the two more for the roof. He’d struggle to get it to stand. He’d struggle to get it to stay still. “Why does it keep MOVING?!” He’d be yelling out his frustration for sure
Even more so when he finally gets everything to stay in place only for one of the challenges to be switch houses. Leo getting his house and while Mikey doesn’t pay too much attention to what Leo is doing, when he gets his gingerbread house back it’s suddenly collapsing again?! He thought he had solved that problem! ACK! “LEO!!!” But no amount of calling his older brother out would change the fact that his house still isn’t put together
When…If he does get it together in time, you best believe he’s rushing to finally get to his favorite part! The decorations! He’s definitely eaten a couple of things without noticing it happening himself. It’s not exactly good candy, but candy is candy!
I think Splinter would vote for Mikey’s even if the house is crumbling, it’s a pretty crumbling house, out of all the brothers I think Mikey would win in a contest that wasn’t rigged by Leo!
I’m sorry, but he’d eat like half his materials. HE WOULD! So there wouldn’t be a house, maybe a shack if he’s lucky.
And on top of his appetite getting the best of him, everything is pretty darn small, and his fingers are chunky. This activity is just really not made for him but he’s doing his best, okay? His best with what he has left LOL
The hardest part would be decorating since the candy would be the smallest pieces to get on. He’d have icing everywhere, mostly on his fingers to which he would be licking clean, losing more material!!!
“Raph are you even trying???” Leo would goad, feeling that much better about himself and his standing even though he’s not doing much better as we have seen! Raph doesn’t let Leo get to him, he’s happy to just be doing something with the fam! And eating!
I think Cass would vote for this guy’s shack. Probably for some odd reason that I could never guess because she’s such a wild card to me sksksksks
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