#the horn of valere
wheelwheelwheel · 9 months
I know everyone is like “the Horn has to be blown at the Last Battle” but I would blow the Horn IMMEDIATELY I don’t care bind me to it lmao rip to Lord Turak but I’m different
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toastandjamie · 5 months
So I was talking to my dad a long time fan of wheel of time and the person who convinced me to read the books. I was talking about how one of the changes I liked in the show was making Mat a hero of the horn, and we were talking about it and my dad had the exact same thought that I did. Which is that it’s really weird that the horn of Valere is elective when the themes of the story and the way the pattern works is pretty consistent that “what you want doesn’t matter, it’s destiny.” So it’s a bit weird that this one thing is a matter of choice.
So we were talking about it and thinking back I don’t think Hawkwing actually said that Mat WASNT a hero of the horn. He said that Mat never wants to be a hero and that he isn’t called upon during the last battle. Neither of which is actually mutually exclusive to not being a hero of horn of it isn’t a choice. With the second the simple fact that Mat gets reborn for the last battle, of course he doesn’t get called for the battle, he’s already there. Or as my father said “the son of battles is not called to fight in the last battle, because he is always the one to lead the heroes.” And as for the first part Mat’s entire storyline is just him insisting that he isn’t something and then being that exact thing.
Anyways it’s also just so fucking funny to me the idea that Mat always asks Hawkwing if he’s one of them and the bastard just gives him an Aes Sedai answer where he doesn’t confirm or deny anything.
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nalebifrie · 8 months
Things I noticed on my rewatch: s2 ep3 Part2
a gleeman telling the tale of the Horn of Valere is something core wheel of time
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this rewatch made me feel even more sorry for Mat, what Liandrin says to him in this ep. particularly is so very cruel and also very reminiscent of what his mother always told him. And then he has that great moment in the finale and he is a HERO, yes!
because what comes after is so very cruel I didn't even notice Mat askes Liandrin basically the same thing he askes Ishy in ep.7. But this post made me realize it. (These little comics are very on point! lmao)
THE COSTUMES in the Cairhien ball/dinner scene are amazing! And imo Lanfear lookes very good in this garment and with the hair updo aswell (she obv. always looks stunning but here in particular too)
And THE COAT! the HERONS!!! aaahaahaaaah!
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And this is just fun! Has anyone giffed her walk and twirl here ? I need that.
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izartn · 8 months
Btw The Horn of Valere theme old tongue doesn't quite scan to the lyrics in Mat Cauthon theme despite sampling the melody so I wonder what are they saying here. It makes sense they're not the same lyrics though.
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wot-tidbits · 6 months
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highfantasy-soul · 8 months
I absolutely love how they did the Heroes of the Horn in the show!!
It really doubled down on the idea that this is a different turning of the wheel so aspects of the books are almost like the past that do influence this turning.
Case in point: Uno
I freaking LOVED that he's now a hero bound to the horn!! My understanding of how you get bound is that either a) you do something so incredibly awesome and heroic in one of your lives that the horn takes notice and you get added to the roster on that alone, or b) you are just so consistently dope as a motherfucker in every one of your lives that the horn says 'ok, alright, we get it, you're just going to keep being awesome, you can join the club!'
I interpreted Uno's hero status to option b - he's just always chosen to be a bloody hero in every lifetime and it's earned him his spot (these heroics that book readers know well and show watchers only got a taste of).
Light book spoilers and ramble under the cut
They also could be making him Gaidal Cain which I wouldn't be upset at at all especially like many have already pointed out - his placement in the lineup and how much shorter he was than that certain someone. Timeline-wise with their reincarnations though, that would be a change from the books as he is always older than his certain someone, he's not THAT much older since she clearly hasn't been spun back out in this age yet - which would make her like, 40 years younger than Gaidal which would be weird unless they sometimes get spun out without each other - but again that'd be a change from the books as she indicates that he always needs her in every life because she watches his back and saves him when he needs it (though maybe some TAR fuckery was already going on with her not being able to be spun out this time since clearly Uno needed to be saved and she wasn't there to get him to...not be murdered by the Seanchan).
So yeah, either way, I could see it working.
My boy Uno. I love you, I'm so happy that even though you're show story drastically veered from the books, you're getting your due.
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emma-dennehy-presents · 8 months
That better just be a nod to Mat's ashandarei in the finale, oooooooooo, I'm gonna be so mad if he doesn't get the legit weapon.
Also I greatly dislike how The Horn of Valere looks.
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Mat’s whole life is, picks up random object, become bound to said object until death.
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markantonys · 8 months
when lorne balfe goes THIS hard, you know the finale is gonna pop off
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queenofmalkier · 4 months
Day 133 where I am irrationally angry that Amazon isn't selling mock-ups of WOT props. I deserve the space-age bullshit horn of valere.
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iliiuan · 10 months
Anyone else annoyed by the inconsistency with the Horn of Valere?
"Oh no! We can't let the Shadow have it, because the Heroes of the Horn will fight for whoever blows it!"
<Mat blows the horn>
Artur Hawkwing: "Yes well, we'd love to fight, but we require the banner of the Dragon. Sorry kid, I don't make the rules."
Me: confused look
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puzzlesandcons · 8 months
I really enjoyed the last episode of wheel of time by why the fuck did the horn of valere look like that lmao, did they get it off oof wish??
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 7 months
In the show, Mat already knows Hawkwing’s face.
Twice over, once from recovering his memories from the horn. Once from literally speaking to Hawkwing’s ghost before the battle.
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lord-of-khaos · 11 months
New gifs for season 2 of The Wheel of Time, as assembled on TwitterOfTime
1. Horn of Valere Box
2. Damane attack fleeing Egwene and Elayne
3. Rand is bound to The Wheel
(Alt text included)
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highladyluck · 5 months
All the tricky enclosures from the Age of Legends/Breaking of the World were just childproof locks, send tumbl
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wot-tidbits · 1 year
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Edmon's Field Inn
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Queen's Blessing Inn
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Wheel of Time Rand's farmhouse
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Fal dara Fortress
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Caemlyn Royal Palace
Concept Art by Vrundar Athalye
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