#corthy sans
the-bastards-box · 2 years
OC time! Corthy!
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A version of an older OC named Thy that fell into the Core
Design notes:
His head injury was caused by an accident in a collapsed mine
His souls is heavily cracked due to being broken and then forced back together
He's very short
Character notes:
He jumped into the Core due to depression related to his memory loss caused by his injury
This caused him to Die but he immediately got revived and turned into what he is now
He goes around AUs and gets information about different stuff, then he sells it to anyone who needs it
He dated Killer and has two sons with him, Ash and Cinco, but they broke up shortly after Cinco' birth, the kids stay under Killer' care mostly
His birthday is on 14th of April
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undertale-a1ien · 4 years
Corthy x Killer
Please 👀
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Did someone say "Hurt/Comfort"??? No? Well tOO BAD-
I did one of those height comparison thingys and Corthy is SO TINY compare to Killer-
-I'm taking drawing requests so feel free to send an Undertale(au) character/prompt!
(I have 2 request already so if you send one in you'll have to wait till I finish those two before I do yours)
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blue-shore-hotel · 2 years
Where did Corthy go if you don't mind me asking?
Tosk: I don't know and I don't really care, he deserves to be forgotten for what he did . . .
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DeadlyVines Part 1
TW: Mention of suicide
Corthy is watching Killer from a safe distance, he's curious, he's considering if he should walk up to him.
Killer keeps walking casually, he doesn't know who, but someone's been following him, he grins, he's got a firm grip on his knife, ready for an attack.
Corthy knows what Killer is capable of, He's ready to protect himself, he's following him, he's quiet.
Killer stops and leans against a tree, facing the direction he thinks Corthy's been following from.
He makes a show of twirling the knife in his hands. "i know you're following me." He chuckles "why don't you cut the chase and show yourself?"
Corthy walked out from behind a tree, still looking at Killer, he is slightly smiling, "Hi" says the tiny skeleton with a slightly cheerful tone.
Killer quirks a brow and looks Corthy up and down "well you're not what i was expecting." Killer runs a finger along the sharp edge of his knife and grins "so what do you want?"
"I want to know more about you" Corthy walks up to him, not scared of him.
Killer pauses fiddling with his knife and squints at Corthy' "am i right in guessing whether or not i could kill you is a bit of a "gray" area?"
Corthy thought for a moment and replied "probably, I myself don't know if you could kill me, but since I already died, my guess is that no, you can't kill me"
Killer looks disappointed "figured... alright, what do ya wanna know? i got time to kill." He gives Corthy a sharp grin.
"Anything really, something interesting, I can also sell you some info in exchange"
Killer leans back further into the tree and taps his knife against his cheekbone thoughtfully. "information broker huh? 'fraid i don't know much beyond seven different ways to filet flesh... or bones heh." Killer says with a wink.
"unless you're lookin for my boss' plans, in that case i can't give out that info anyways."
"Understandable" Corthy rubs his damaged eyesocket.
"that looks rough." Killer nods to Corthy's injury "it still hurts even though you're dead?"
"No, it doesn't hurt, sometimes I just get this weird feeling there" Corthy looks at him "We both don't have eyelights" He smiles.
"heh that we do."
"So what are you doing here?" Corthy is curious.
Killer shrugs "patrol duty i'm supposed to be on the lookout for any enemy activity in this au. honestly thought you were one of them at first."
"Oh really? Why?"
Killer chuckles "well i was on the lookout for them. someone following me for as long as you were was pretty suspicious. however it really didn't take more than one look 'atcha to tell you weren't gonna be with them."
Corthy just smiles, he has to hold his head up to look at him, because he's just so tiny.
Killer blushes a little "you know speaking of i don't think i formerly introduced myself" He holds out a hand to shake "they call me killer, but i have a feeling you already knew that." Killer says with a sly grin.
Corthy took his hand "I'm Corthy, nice to meet you" He is smiling widely.
"heh corthy huh? nice to meet you too." Killer shakes Corthy's hand gently.
"well i oughta keep patrolling... heheh or atleast pretend like i care about what i'm supposed to be doin." He seems to side eye corthy despite the lack of eyelights. "you willing to keep me company for a bit?"
Corthy nods "Yeah"
Killer pushes off from the tree "alright let's go uhhh, this way."
"Okay" Corthy put his hands in pockets of his coat.
"so where are you from?"
Corthy answers the question and adds "But I can't really go back there"
Killer nods "i've heard of that au." He glances down at Corthy' "if you don't mind my asking, why can'tyou go back?"
"I was erased from there I think, no one remembers me, barely anyone even notices me" Corthy's smile disapeared.
Killer's brows furrow "that really sucks, i'm sorry."
"You shouldn't be, it's Not your fault, it was my fault"
"your fault?"
"My stupid idea of jumping into the Core to commit suicide"
Killer frowns "again, only if you don't mind my asking, don't gotta answer, why?" He looks at Corthy.
"After I had my accident that caused this hole in my skull, I forgot everything, even my name and I just couldn't remember anything, everyone was so worried and I didn't understand why, I didn't know them, but I felt so bad for not remembering any of them which caused depression and I decided that I don't want to worry them anymore"
Killer sweats and hesitantly pats Corthy on the shoulder. "that's rough buddy."
Corthy looks at him with a sad smile on his face, "You don't know how to cheer people up, right?"
Killer ducks under a low-hanging branch and holds it out of the way for Corthy to pass under and shakes his head "no"
Corthy smiled slightly "Well you're doing a good job so far, I am feeling a bit better"
Killer smiles softly "heh thanks, glad i could help."
Corthy looks at him, a smile on his face, he kinda looks like a kid.
"hey how old are you? or i guess, were you when... ya know."
"19, yeah I know, I don't look like it"
Killer puts up his hands in a placating gesture "no offense meant, your height was just throwin me off."
"Everyone mistakes me for a kid, I'm used to it" Corthy smiled at him.
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
Corthy Bio
Species: Skeleton
Age: 25 Years Old
Birthday: 14 April
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Special Ability: Vines
Height: 1,20 m (3'9 ft)
Eyelights: None
Bones: White
Distinguishing Marks: Hole In His Skull
Outfit: Silver Shirt, Gray Web Bandana, Spanish Gray Cloak, Davys Grey Pants, Silver Socks, Davys Grey Shoes
Blush: Greyish Green
Ecto: Greyish Green
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
Amnesia AU?
Basically after Thy Has his accident (which caused him to have a hole in his skull) instead of forgetting most of his life, he forgets his whole life, which causes him to become Corthy
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
Happy birthday Corthy!!!
Corthy: *He slightly smiled* Thanks
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
Corthy, information dealer, you look like a guy who puts yourself in a lot of trouble, excluding the fact of suicide attempt, which other situations you got almost dead?
Corthy: Well after the thing that you mentioned I can't die soo none?
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
List five random facts about your character! How are these facts relevant to them?
Since you didn't say about who I'm just going to list 5 about random characters
1. Venn is sex repulsed, he think it's disgusting and would rather not talk about it, experience it or other things
2. Cipher Has a scar on his ecto stomach, he doesn't want to talk about it, because it's embarrassing for him
3. Wrack Has trouble with breathing due to his broken ribcage, He's also in almost constant pain because of it
4. Eal is obsessed with a skeleton named Paig, they love him and really really miss him
5. Corthy can't Die, because of medical procedures that saved him from dusting
If anyone wants more details then Ask away!
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
Can or does like any of your ocs just use their eye socket as a convenient kinda unconventional object holder? I feel like it'd be a pretty funny gag to pull. Like
"I need a pen"
"oh I got you" *starts pulling random shit out of eye socket* "...this may take a moment"
I think the only one that would do it would be Corthy
But only with small objects
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
Howdy corthy! How are you?
Corthy: I'm doing okay, how about you?
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
6 days until Corthy' birthday
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
Corthy redesign reference sheet
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
So yeah this is coming back
Random facts 8
Comic knows Fresh for 12 years
Cipher hates any version of Thy with a burning passion, he hates Corthy the most
Cipher likes to drink wine
Debug is insecure about his body
BlackLight Has 3 friends
San likes many shows, mostly science fiction, he Has a few favorite ones
Cipher is curious about other versions of Ralz
Any version of Lun can see life of a different version of themselves in their dreams
Monotype Has memory issues
San Has problems with himself
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
1 day until Corthy' birthday
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
" how i get out of here
Corthy: Try teleporting maybe? Opening a portal?
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