vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ 梅ごま昆布わかめごはん
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dietcooking · 2 months
2024/04/12 朝ごはん
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玄米ごはん(しらす いりごま) 具沢山味噌汁(大根 キャベツ 長ねぎ 油揚げ わかめ) ねばとろ盛り(ミニ納豆 塩めかぶ とろろ 温泉たまご) 菜の花のマヨネーズ和え 麦茶
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chihiro0315 · 1 year
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手巻き寿司セットが500円まで値下げされていたので、即ゲットして海鮮丼に。お得! 松茸の味お吸い物と合わせた。 #cooking #breakfast #lunch #japanesefood #sushi #kaisendon #朝食 #おうちごはん #和食 #海鮮丼 #手作り海鮮丼 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqvPxbyCm_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mr-spice · 2 years
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a-kitchen-0809 · 2 years
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keisukeart · 1 year
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Soy sauce, Mirin(sweet sake),Sugar,Sake, ginger Braised bluefin #tunas #teriyaki #cuisine #マグロ の #角煮 #和食 #wasyoku ***** #life #mood #cooking #ig_italia #hello_france #japan #monaco #paris #nyc https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1PYh1P57K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cyunley · 2 years
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𖠿𖥧𖥣。𖠿 .゜ 今日の晩ごはん!向かいのお婆ちゃんに もろたジャガイモ、早よ使わな芽が出て きてたんで今夜は肉じゃが🥔トウモロコシは いつも茹でるだけでは芸がないので今日は インスタのフォロワーさんの投稿レシピを 真似て「トウモロコシの海苔塩揚げ」にした🌽 コレがまた大当たりでめちゃくちゃ美味しい😍 コレはハマるわ😁茹でるより揚げる手間は かかるけど手間かけるだけの価値有り!な 美味しさでテンションも上がる🥳⤴︎⤴ #肉じゃが #海苔塩揚げモロコシ #小茄子の漬物 #和歌山県産桃 #旦那が漬けた食前梅酒 #サッポロゴールドスター #家呑み #おうち居酒屋 #おうちごはん #おうちごはん部 #おうちごはんlover #今日の晩ごはん #TodaysDinner #晩ごはん記録 #献立記録 #てづくりごはん #てづくりごはん365 #cooking #cook365 #タベリー #フーディーテーブル #クッキングラム #キッチングラム #夫婦ごはん #ふたりごはん #豊かな食卓 #cyuley作ディナー #cyuley 今日は車検待ちで30分程歩いただけやのに 腕が真っ黒になった😂😂😂 日焼け止めとゆーモノがネタネタ気持ち悪く 塗った事が無いんやが歳も歳やし顔だけでも 塗った方がえーんかな? なう(2022/07/21 22:29:48) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRqwE1vJMB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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うどん / Udon (thick Japanese noodles)
Udon are thick, chewy Japanese noodles. They have a place in 和食 (washoku; "Japanese food" or "harmonious food")—'traditional' Japanese cuisine that predates the increased opening of Japan to foreign trade and influence in the Meiji period. Conventionally, udon are eaten hot or cold in soups and with dipping sauces. Yaki udon and curry udon are udon dishes more associated with 洋食 (yoshoku: "Western food").
In some places, udon may be purchased dried, fresh, or frozen, but in others they may be unavailable. This recipe lets you make delicious fresh udon—with much better, chewier texture than dried or frozen—no matter where you are, with just flour, salt, and water.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes 2 servings.
1 2/3 cup (200g) all-purpose four
1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp (90g) lukewarm water
10g kosher or flake salt (about 2 tsp David’s kosher salt—volume may vary by brand—or 1 tsp table salt)
Potato starch or cornstarch (for dusting)
To make:
1. Add flour to a large mixing bowl. If measuring by volume, measure flour by spooning it gently into a dry cup measure and levelling off the excess.
2. Dissolve salt into water to create a brine.
3. Slowly add brine to flour while mixing to distribute evenly. Mix and press dough until it just comes together into a ball with no dry flour remaining; it’s okay if the ball has cracks in it or seems “shaggy.”
If dry flour remains, wet your fingers and continue pressing. Be careful not to add too much water; the dough should feel too tough to knead by hand. Cover and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
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4. Knead the dough by hand for about 200 turns, until smooth and pliable ("as soft as an earlobe").
Another common Japanese method which will spare your hands is to place the dough in a large resealable plastic bag, leaving a little bit of air. Step on the dough with your heels (starting from the center and working your way out) until it is flat. You can also place it between two pieces of parchment paper and place kitchen towels below and on top of it before stepping on it, if you don’t have a large enough bag.
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Remove the dough from the bag and fold the edges in towards the center, like an envelope; then fold the corners into the center to form a ball, and place it seam-side-down back inside the bag. Repeat this (stepping on the dough, folding it and gathering it into a ball, and placing it back in the bag) four more times, or until the dough is smooth and pliable.
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5. Allow the dough to rest, covered (or sealed in the bag), for 1 1/2 to 3 hours (closer to 1 1/2 hours if your kitchen is warm; closer to 3 hours if it is cold).
6. On a working surface lightly dusted with starch, flatten the dough into a disc with your hand, then roll it out with a rolling pin into a rectangle about 1/8" (3mm) thick and 12" (32cm) long. You can do this by rolling it out in one direction, then flipping the dough 90 degrees and rolling again. Then, wrap the dough around the rolling pin as you roll diagonally from corner to corner, first in one direction and then the other, to even out the thickness of the dough and shape the corners of the rectangle.
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7. Dust the surface of the dough with more starch and fold it in thirds lengthwise (so that the folds are parallel to the 12" long edge).
8. Using a sharp knife, cut the dough widthwise (perpendicular to the fold lines) to create noodles about 1/8" (3mm) in width. Cut straight down, rather than moving the knife back and forth in a sawing motion, which would tear the edges of the noodles.
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9. Pick up and "plop" the cut noodles down using your fingers while adding a bit more starch to ensure that the noodles don't stick to each other.
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To cook:
1. Bring a large pot of unsalted water to a rolling boil. Shake excess starch off of the noodles and add them to the pot.
2. Cook, stirring occasionally with chopsticks or a pasta spoon, until the noodles no longer taste raw, 10-13 minutes.
3. Drain and rinse with cold water to halt cooking and rinse off excess starch.
To use the noodles in hot soup, dip the noodles into a pot of hot water to bring up their temperature; portion them into individual serving bowls and pour your broth over them.
To store unused noodles, place individual portions into ziplock bags or tupperware containers lined with parchment paper; freeze for up to a month. Boil noodles directly from frozen for 12-15 minutes.
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yetiwang2000 · 2 months
Vrelnir’s QA about Bailey & Eden (2)
When Eden and Bailey were younger, did they celebrate birthdays? 
伊甸和貝利年輕時會如何慶祝他們的生日?他們會自己慶祝還是和朋友一起慶祝? 伊甸和貝利會送對方禮物嗎?
How would Eden and Bailey celebrate their birthdays when they were young?Will they celebrate by themselves or with friends? Will Eden and Bailey giveeach other gifts? 
They celebrated with friends, and gave each other gifts. 
Eden and PC are holding a wedding in the forest. Will Eden invite Baileyto attend? 
貝利會默許伊甸與PC的婚姻,還是會要求伊甸付更多錢? 抑或是貝利會等到PC還完所有欠債才同意他們的婚姻?
Will Bailey acquiesce to Eden's marriage to PC, or will he ask Eden to paymore money? Or is Bailey waiting until PC is completely free before Bailey willaccept it? 
Bailey would make demands of Eden, and not necessarily involving money.
Will Bailey attend the wedding of Eden and PC? What would Bailey do at thewedding if she would attend? If he won't participate, why? 
Bailey would attend. They'd be the best man or maid of honour.
What birthday gifts did Bailey give to Eden? What birthday gifts did Edengive Bailey?Are both parties satisfied with the gift? 
They mostly gave each other toys or sweets. They were satisfied with thegifts.
PC will frown if he cooks breakfast for Eden when he is not good athousework. If Eden eats the rice cooked by Bailey, will he also frown? 
Aye. Eden would not enjoy Bailey's cooking.
Eden had a meal cooked by Bailey? Under what circumstances did you eat it?
Aye. There was a time when they took turns cooking.
Did Bailey like the Christmas gift from the mysterious man? 
It surprised them.
(身體交換前提)如果PC(其實是貝利)遇到狂怒狀態時想帶PC回家的伊甸,PC(其實是貝利)會如何解決這件事?他會被帶回小屋並關在籠子裡嗎?If PC(actually Bailey) encounters the super angry Eden who wants to take him back,how will PC (actually Bailey) solve it?Or was he taken back to the hut andlocked in a cage? 
They'd be able to convince Eden they were really Bailey.
Has Bailey ever seen Eden with such a bad temper? 
In what situations would Eden be angry with Bailey? 
If harm came to the PC. 
If Bailey grows a dog tail, at what point will Bailey look impatient buthis tail will wag happily? 
If the PC seduces them.
Besides Eden, does Bailey have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, and they wouldn't admit to even that.
Besides Bailey, does Eden have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, unless the PC counts.
Since Christmas is coming, I'd like to secretly ask if Bailey and Edenstill exchange gifts now? & Regardless of the answer, what would theyprepare if they had to exchange gifts with each other now? 
Bailey and Eden still exchange gifts. Eden will give something interestingthey've found in the forest, as they know about Bailey's more esotericinterests. Bailey will usually give Eden a book, and some sweet food.
在PC和伊甸見面前,伊甸就已經擁有了一張PC的照片。那是貝利給他的嗎?伊甸是什麼時候得到它的?伊甸在那個當下就對照片裡的PC一見鍾情了嗎?Before pc and Eden met, Eden had a picture of pc. Did Bailey give itto them? When did Eden get it? Did Eden fall in love with pc in the picture atthat point? 
Aye, Bailey gave it to them.
Who gave Bailey a gift for Christmas? Is it one of the orphans in theorphanage? 
I'm happy to leave the one responsible for that gift a secret! It's aChristmas miracle, after all.
What kind of scent do you think Bailey has on them? 
Bailey smells faintly of cologne or perfume, with an occasional whiff ofcigarette smoke.
I saw in the previous answer that Bailey does not smoke, so why     does they have a cigarette in their mouth when they is at home? Why does     their body with an occasional whiff of cigarette smoke? 
他和會抽菸的人打交道,有時也會抽社交菸。They have dealings with smokers, and sometimes smoke socially.
Since  Eden will come to town to look for PC, is there any chance that PC can  take him to visit the orphanage or even meet Bailey? I admit I just want  to see more of Eden's interactions with Bailey! 
Eden would not want to meet Bailey at the orphanage.
What does Bailey think of all the LIs?
They think Robin needs to learn a hard lesson. They think      Whitney is a useful idiot. They forget about Kylar when they're not  directly engaged with them. They've never met the others. Except Eden of course, but that's a story for another day.
If Bailey were to get a dog, how would they choose one? Do they     have any preferences or tendencies? And if they were to get a dog, what     would be their motivation? Would they walk the dog themselves every day,     or would they delegate that to someone else? 
They'd want a loyal and intelligent dog that would make a good      and useful companion. Preferably something that looks intimidating.      They'd likely walk it themselves every day.
What are Bailey’s thoughts on Harper, Eden, Remy, and Quinn? 
貝利並不算真的認識哈珀,他痛恨雷米和奎因,並且對伊甸的感情很複雜。Bailey doesn't really know Harper, hates Remy and Quinn, and has complex feelings about Eden.
What did Bailey usually do back when he was a student in     school? Besides studying, what other activities was he involved in? Did he     develop any influence within the school? Did he have a favorite subject,     something he was particularly interested in, or found most practical? On     the other hand, what was Eden's campus life like? 
Bailey did well at school, particularly in maths, and were      fairly popular. They were a bit of a bully, but protective of their      friends. 
伊甸有點獨來獨往。他有時候會遭遇霸凌,但他的耐受力很高*,而且有一小群會照顧他的朋友。他的成績很好,但在後期略有下滑。(註:Thick skin原意「因習以為常而變得不在乎他人的批評」,可以解作較中性版本的厚臉皮。近似詞為冷淡、麻木)
Eden was a bit of a loner. They were sometimes bullied, but      had thick skin, and a small circle of friends who looked out for them.   Their grades were good, but deteriorated towards the end.
If Eden knew that PC was in the prison, would they go to the prison to rescue PC?
They would contact Bailey, who would reassure them that the situation was under control.
貝利和伊甸曾經發生過爭執、意見分歧或衝突嗎?如果有的話,你可以透露背後的原因嗎?Has Bailey ever had arguments, disagreements, or disputes with     Eden? If so, can you reveal the reasons behind them?
Yes, and it'll be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever entered the orphanage for any purpose? If they have, what was the reason for their visit, and what are their thoughts     about the orphanage? Has Bailey’s influence affected their views?
Yes, and this will also be explored in the future.
What does Bailey think of Eden? Has Bailey’s opinion of Eden changed over time, becoming more positive or negative? 
Bailey's thoughts on Eden have changed over time, and will be explored in the future.
Does Bailey have any close friends? How does they view the concept of friendship? Since they has difficulty forming intimate relationships with people, I wonder if they sees friendship as a means to an end. But that would be quite lonely.
They have no close friends, but they have old friends.
Which Dol character is the strongest out of everyone? 
Eden is the strongest individual, but Bailey is the most powerful.
If Eden lives in the forest, what is their way of communicating with Bailey? 
They leaves messages for each other in a particular place.
I saw in your previous Q&A that the snake pattern related     to Bailey will be added in the future, so I am curious if there is some     connection between the image of the snake and Bailey? (All you have to do     is say yes or no,Please, this is really important to me.) 
There is a connection between Bailey and snake imagery.
Does  Bailey view Eden as a friend? 
Which one is taller, Eden or Bailey? 
What's on Bailey's tattoo? 
A snake.
What do people around Bailey think of them? 
Most people think they're a good and wholesome citizen. Others are afraid of them
Who else besides Eden had a relationship(include romantic) with Bailey when he was in school? 
None of the other named NPCs had a close relationship with Bailey.
Hey Vrel! I'm curious: when Bailey sells the PC to Eden, how on earth do they get word to Eden that PC will be waiting tied for them? Do Eden and Bailey     interact outside of that, too? Thank you! 
Eden and Bailey do interact outside that, though scarcely.
Did Bailey have s*x with Eden? 
Bailey and Eden have not had s*x.
How does Eden make income? Curious how they can afford to buy PC from Bailey. 
Do Eden and Bailey have any connection outside of     buying/selling the PC? 
Is there anyone Bailey respects or cherishes?The only thing I can think of that they hold dear is money. 
They respect Eden, in a way.
In the Christmas storyline, Bailey also received a gift. I’ve     always been curious about who gave him the gift. It seems that the PC  would not hesitate to give him a gift, but the game does not offer the  option to buy a gift for Bailey. Or perhaps it was given by Robin? I believe he’s the most likely person to do so. How did Bailey feel upon     receiving the gift, and how did he subsequently treat it? And what kind of     gifts would make Bailey happy? 
I want to leave the one responsible for the gift a secret. As      for gifts Bailey would like, Eden and some of Bailey's goons would know.      It might be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever betrayed Bailey? Because their relationship looks quite close, but somewhat complex on some level. 
From Bailey's perspective, yes.
If Eden caught PC and Bailey doing adult thing, what will Eden do and what Bailey will do too?
A: Eden would be shocked and appalled, and leave at once. Bailey would be angry with themselves.
source:Vrel’s Q&A (notion.site)
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Translations of Kazuki’s Instagram Posts So Far (Pre-Series - Ep. 4)
To save some space, I’ll only be translating Kazuki’s comments. I do love seeing the fans engaging with the posts though, that’s really cute! Anyway, I mostly just did this for my own personal fun and practice (since I know that there are automated translations). 
The person in charge of this has done a great job of capturing his voice. It’s a really well made account and a cool way to start engagement with fans and the series + characters.
Anyway, this will be an extremely image heavy post.
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Japanese: さみ~~~。
English: So chilly ~~~.
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Japanese: やっぱ正月は全然人いねーなぁ。
English: Ah, no surprise, it’s new years so there’s no one around.
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Japanese:  準備万端。
English: Got everything I need.
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Japanese:  ふっふっふ。これは絶対美味い
English: Hohoho. This stuff is always delicious.
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Japanese: 仕事行くか~~。
English: Let’s go to work~~.
The rest I’ll put under a Read More due to length and all of the pictures used.
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Japanese: めっちゃうまそう。#明太子
English: Damn, that looks good. #SpicyPollackRoe
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English: #cooking
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Japanese: できた
English: Finished.
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Japanese: 今日もさみー-。
English: It’s chilly today too--.
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Japanese: これで戦えるか...!?
English: Will this be enough...!?
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Japanese: 世界で一番うまいハンバーグ、つくっちゃうぞ~~~ #黒毛和牛
English: I’m gonna make the #1 most delicious hamburg steak in the world ~~~ #wagyubeef
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Japanese: そういや明日の。最強ハンバーグができちまった...
English: Oh yeah, about yesterday. I made the best hamburg steak...
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Japanese: おはよ
English: Morning.
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Japanese: つかれた……
English: I’m beat......
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Japanese:  久々に食ったけどうま。
English: Haven’t eaten one of these in ages. It’s good tho.
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Japanese: こっちの方が、美味いんだと。
English: She said that this one was tastier...
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Japanese: バナナやっときゃ、なんとかなるな。
English: So long as I’ve got a banana, I’ll get by somehow.
*The banana has ミリのバナナ (miri no banana) or “Miri’s Banana” written on it.
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Japanese: 気に入ったようで何より…
English: She’s liked this the best so far...
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Japanese:  すげぇ。こんなに安いのにさらに値下げ… #ここが天国か
English: Holy shit! The prices were already dirt cheap and they’ve been marked down even more..  #IsThisParadise
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vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ ごま風味~具だくさんのお味噌汁
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dietcooking · 2 months
2024/04/17 朝ごはん
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玄米ごはん(ちりめんじゃこ いり胡麻 ゆかり) 具沢山味噌汁(かぶ キャベツ 長ねぎ 干ししいたけ わかめ) コールスロー(市販品) おつまみきゅうり(市販品) のらぼう菜と鶏肉の炒めもの こんにゃくの白和え(市販品) 黒豆茶
体調自体はそんなに悪くないです。週末に増えた(むくんだり滞ったりする感覚)体重は落ち着きました。いつも朝ごはんを口にする前、起床してトイレ済ませてから体重測るのがルーティンです。 夜寝る前にここ数日やってるストレッチとかマッサージのおかけで、僧帽筋上部とか肩甲挙筋あたりほぐれて肩周りの可動域は変わってきた感覚がある。けどちと調子のってやりすぎた。マッサージでほぐされるよりは軽いけど、これは絶対揉み返し感w
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chihiro0315 · 1 year
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mr-spice · 2 years
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a-kitchen-0809 · 6 months
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tokyowalking · 3 months
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A Japanese restaurant in Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
It is a wonderful restaurant where you can enjoy cooking in a private room in an old folk house where you can relax.
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