#container management
otiskeene · 9 months
Rafay Systems Named As A Cool Vendor In The 2023 Gartner Cool Vendors In Container Management
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Rafay Systems, a prominent platform provider for Kubernetes management and operations, has recently earned recognition as a "Cool Vendor" in the 2023 Gartner Cool Vendors in Container Management report. This recognition underscores Rafay's commitment to enabling enterprises to accelerate digital transformation initiatives and enhance developer productivity while ensuring the necessary controls for enterprise-wide adoption.
One of the key aspects of Rafay's approach is its SaaS-first methodology, which empowers enterprise platform teams to streamline complex Kubernetes infrastructure operations across both private and public cloud environments. This efficiency boost aids developers and data scientists in bringing new applications and features to market more rapidly. Gartner's research indicates a growing trend, predicting that "by 2027, more than 90% of G2000 organizations running containerized applications in hybrid deployments will be leveraging container management tooling, up from fewer than 20% in 2023."
Haseeb Budhani, the CEO and co-founder of Rafay Systems, expressed pride in being recognized as a Gartner Cool Vendor, emphasizing that this acknowledgment validates Rafay's mission to enable enterprises to deliver innovative applications quickly. Rafay's Kubernetes Operations Platform aligns with the fast pace of innovation by providing self-service capabilities for developers and data scientists while offering the automation, standardization, and governance that platform teams require.
Read More - https://bit.ly/3RpOFe9
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wimaccrane · 11 months
Gantry Cranes: A Comprehensive Overview of their Manufacturing, Utility in Dry Ports
an article covering gantry cranes utility in Dry ports
Welcome to our latest discourse, where we shift our focus to the often undervalued yet indispensable element of the dry port sector: the Gantry Crane. This remarkable machinery, though not a staple in everyday discussions, is significantly utilized in dry ports, enriching productivity and streamlining operations. Join us as we explore the structure, operational aspects, variations, and vital…
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virtualizationhowto · 11 months
Nerdctl: Docker compatible containerd command line tool
Nerdctl: Docker compatible containerd command line tool @vexpert #vmwarecommunities #100daysofhomelab #homelab #nerdctl #Docker-compatibleCLI #containermanagement #efficientcontainerruntime #lazypulling #encryptedimages #rootlessmode #DockerCompose
Most know and use the Docker command line tool working with Docker containers. However, let’s get familiar with the defacto tool working with containerd containers, nerdctl, a robust docker compatible cli. Nerdctl works in tandem with containerd, serving as a compatible cli for containerd and offering support for many docker cli commands. This makes it a viable option when looking to replace…
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murderandcoffee · 8 months
ok i’m back on my bullshit. trans archives agenda time
martin has trouble with health insurance at some point and has to go off t for a while, so his period comes back and he is Suffering. he asks if anyone has any painkillers (specifically vague) and tim’s like “yeah bro i gotchu” and hands him a midol. and martin just looks at him in panic like …does he know?? and tim is just like 😬 don’t mind me i’m just a normal cis guy with normal cis guy painkillers and neither of them ever mentions it again
tim wears a binder underneath his usual buttoned shirts, and likes to keep the top couple buttons undone. people just tend to assume it’s a tanktop, but sasha knows. she’s traded clothes with him a dozen times already
sasha gets bottom surgery and while she’s in recovery tim brings her food every day, and sits with her and tells her what she missed at work. he makes up funny stories that get more and more ridiculous until she’s finally like “okay tim i KNOW you’re lying this time” and he shrugs and replies “all trans men know is make friend laugh, eat doughnut, and lie”
jon gets top surgery but doesn’t tell any of his coworkers what procedure he’s having done, just that he’s having surgery. he’s out of work for weeks, and when he comes back martin notices that he’s no longer wearing what he’d assumed was an undershirt. martin doesn’t think anything of it. tim, however, notices that jon is veeeeery cautious about lifting his arms over his head and is just like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i see u, boss (and goes out if his way to retrieve everything that’s on high shelves for jon, who continues to act like nothing is up)
elias sneaks into the archives on the first day of pride month to set a little jar of trans flags in the break room. he does not admit to doing this. he watches from his office as the archives descends into chaos
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muzzleroars · 9 months
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Lucifer, as he once was
As a seraph, Lucifer was always consumed by the fire of divine love, yet his devotion ran so deep even his insides were devoured in flames. He was God's first creation, and so became His assistant in forming the primordial chaos which later evolved into his role as Prince of Angels. However, Lucifer was soon rejected from Heaven for his rebellion against God's rule - the narrative would see him twisted into a prideful and arrogant traitor, yet in truth Lucifer had only refused to accept Hell as a part of an all-good creation due to its inherent cruelty. For calling God's Goodness into question, Lucifer became the first resident of the very prison he opposed and resides there still, in one form or another.
Some additional notes under the read-more
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mewtwo24 · 10 months
Sasaki and Hirano, Compare/Contrast Brainrot
Okay like I saw a post about Sasaki and Hirano’s friendship and I just. Started thinking about it and now I can’t stop. Especially after reading Hirano to Kagiura. 
I feel like they’re messed up (repressed is probably what I actually mean) in the same way but in opposite directions and that’s why they like…get along, but in the strangest manifestation of that phrasing? They care about each other almost from a periphery, from the vantage point of someone who understands, but, since they’re also still figuring it out, they don’t know quite how to interact with or guide the other?
And it’s killing me because--idk if it was just me--I kept going feral over every single time I was reading the manga and Hirano would go “oh yeah I do [insert fuckign batshit intimacy] with my roommate, this is a normal senpai/kouhai thing to do” and Sasaki literally always reacts with:
“.” (Huh. I don’t think that’s normal but who am I to judge these things. Let’s ask the local social barometer.)
“Hey Hanzawa, this [reiterates what Hirano said word-for-word] isn’t normal is it?” (Translation: “this would be inappropriate to do with Mya-chan even though I’m clawing at the walls just thinking about it”)
And Hanzawa, bless his heart, who is only a fraction more normal about social interaction than everyone else is just like:
“.” [W H A T]
“Sasaki, what. Of course you shouldn’t be doing that. W H Y ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS”
More detailed analysis under the cut, I just can’t stop laughing at the way the manga compares them:
Sasaki fascinates me because, as I take stock again, it feels like he’s got this dread when it comes to change (e.g. Ogasawara and his gf dating--thus changing his relationship with both of them, asking Miyano out--risking losing him, confessing that he’s dating a boy to his sister--risking her enduring and fervent disapproval). So much of his younger teenage angst was related to being reluctant to start or do things, and while it’s easy to assume laziness, I don’t think that’s the case? He says in the manga: “There’s nothing I can do, so how am I supposed to know what I want to do then…?” I get a sense that this trapped feeling contributes to his dissatisfaction and stasis more than a refusal to do anything at all. I don’t think he lacks capacity; he’s proven to be exceptionally clever and even studious when he feels motivated. 
Considering the lack of interest his parents had in his life (let alone his hobbies/skills) and his sister’s overbearing scrutiny, I feel like it makes sense he’s struggled so much with his self-actualization. I feel like he perceives it as being caught between hot and cold extremes constantly; like no matter what he does, he’ll either receive indifference or loud chastising. So why bother at all? It would explain why he likes Miyano’s temperament so much, considering the latter quite literally is defined by his normalcy and even keel. When Sasaki wants to move forward in their relationship, Miyano seriously considers both their feelings, and thoroughly weighs the realities of what it would mean to be together before replying. While Sasaki wants to be closer to him, I think so much of his willingness to wait was the fact that Miyano wasn’t evading him. Miyano was being honest and thorough about meeting him halfway, without insulting his feelings or flat out ignoring him.
(Side note: I fully agree that Sasaki’s sister is a positive influence in his life, in that she actually gave a damn when he was downspiraling and miserable, and pointed out that all kids need limits and guidance. But she is loud and forceful about her acknowledgement, and I feel like this is very grating to Sasaki. For better or worse, it’s clear he has a hard time with such a direct and intense approach about what he should think and feel, and about what he needs. Sasaki shows indications of a kind of mindset where he thinks he needs to shoulder all the tough and heavy things alone, so it makes sense to me that he would be uncomfortable with his sister proclaiming how he is lost or bereft of attention/discipline.)
I think there’s also the fact that Miyano witnessed Sasaki at his most vulnerable--and instead of lashing out--offered him help and sympathy, real warmth and patience. Sasaki has always meant a lot to me as a character, maybe because he resonates in such a poignant way. He’s somebody who has lived under such emotional extremes, and as a result deeply values a sense of normalcy. Where one could argue Miyano is unassuming and ordinary, I think that’s part of why Sasaki likes being with him.  With Miyano, he doesn't have to guess at the distance between them; Miyano is earnest and careful about those differences, and is very direct about addressing them with reciprocity.
Now then, Hirano. I know very little about Hirano’s home life other than his being an only child. But to be honest, that does tell us a bit--paired with his subtle social anxieties. I will never forget Sasaki saying to Miyano ‘that’s because Hirano plays favorites with his kouhais’ about the gap between his behavior towards his younger classmates versus everyone else. While Sasaki’s petulance is uproarious, there is something to that. (I also love how this exposes Sasaki, lowkey, because he’s basically saying that he’d only do that with his favorite people, aka Miyano. But otherwise he could never be bothered to care about a rando, and that’s hilarious.)
I think Hirano--because he doesn’t really have a sense of how he’s supposed to relate to other people--tends to follow the same strict guidelines you might see in a rule book (DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE COUGH COUGH). Supposing he was taught--or simply feels responsibility towards younger kids as a result of reflective parental neglect--it would explain why he feels this rigid need to treat kouhais like little siblings. At first glance, and honestly when you consider his general aloofness, it doesn’t make much sense that he has a mothering sensibility otherwise. 
Now then, because I realized this while writing and I have to inflict this on everyone else in rapid succession, this would explain his initial staunch discomfort with Kagiura’s affection. In the context of Hirano’s lifestyle/mindset:
Hirano → relationships with people? Don’t understand that, refer to following flowchart:
→ younger = responsibility, must protecc
→ same age = keep them in line
→ older = respect (but only if I feel like it HAIR DYE NOISES INTENSIFY)
Mind you, I don’t think this is limited to his platonic/friendship relations. I think this permeates into so many other aspects of his life, since sociality is inevitably a focal point for all human life. If he feels an uncharacteristic leniency and profound affection for Kagiura, then it must be because he's a kouhai he wants to protect, nothing more. He has no other reason or definition by which to ascribe to those feelings. Hirano doubly insisting he can’t be attracted to men is because he’s been so inundated in the widespread social signals, the social rule that has been long standing--and remains a pretty powerful message even now--that it’s unlikely (and that’s a gentle term) he’s attracted to another man. 
After all, He is So Good At Being A Normal Young Man. He’s in the discipline committee. He gets excellent grades. He’s a kind and helpful senpai. He keeps his classmates in line. Of Course He Likes Women, What Do You Mean Gay.
He’s basically that meme like: “'Men can be attracted to other men' actually statistical error. Average men only feel attraction for women. Sasamiya is an outlier and should not be counted."
Both Hirano and Sasaki hate change/unpredictability, but I really love how complex their differences are in regards to how they experience that and feel that. Sasaki hates change, but he’s not necessarily emotionally repressed? He’s able to express what he feels for Miyano because he feels it so strongly, and it comes naturally when he does. In fact, it’s so natural that he becomes impulsive--and that’s why he gets so anxious about moving too far or too fast by accident. He has the overthink override, where if the attraction is too strong he simply Can’t Shut Up About How Much He Loves Miyano or stop hugging/kissing him.
Hirano hates change in the sense that he’s so ensconced in this idea that This Is Normal Human Behavior, that he completely loses sight of how he actually feels about anything--because he rejects/suppresses anything he can’t coherently define in a scripted, linear way. And being asked to tread that unstable, unsteady ground is tantamount to throwing a cat in water with no warning. This is why it’s so sad but also HYSTERICALLY FUNNY to see him like “wym I have feelings for Kagiura. It's perfectly normal to start yelling with all the wounded rage of a scorned housewife over my kouhai not letting me wake him up for morning practice. That is what it means to be a senpai.” Because he has no blueprint for how he’s supposed to express a love that goes deeper than friendship (with a man no less), he defaults to these overly simplistic structures that can’t support the complexity/maturity of such adult human feeling and exchanges. They worked for him just fine before, so why won’t they work for him now?
Relegating Kagiura to the role of kouhai makes it easier for Hirano to conceptualize why he cares so much for him, but it also limits the scope of his view. He’s using it as an umbrella term in a sense: of course he doesn’t find every little thing about Kagiura infuriating/boring/troublesome. Being the older person means being responsible and chill about everything. But that’s the thing. He’s not indulging Kagiura the same way he indulges Miyano, despite him qualifying them the same way. With Miyano it’s super clear Hirano really does just see him as a baby duckling, someone to treat gently and usher around. His behavior around Kagiura is so astronomically different in comparison, it’s nearly comical to try to compare them:
It’s Kagiura’s birthday. Hirano, who probably hardly remembers people’s birthdays, deadass went around asking every person he was close to (like, 5 ppl) for advice. He agonized over it for days on end. He gets Kagiura tickets to a basketball game and an alarm clock, and spends the entire day with him. He asks Hanzawa if he can use party poppers to celebrate Kagiura on the day of, and to get around the rules when he’s told no he has everyone go hog wild with them at the Christmas party in a loophole maneuver to celebrate. Reminder to myself and everyone reading, this is BEFORE he even hears a word about Kagiura’s feelings.
THIS IS BEFORE EITHER OF THEM ARE IN ANY KIND OF INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP. HIRANO, WHO IS MR. “i only study or drag people to baby jail, what do you want,” SPENT ENTIRE DAYS PAINSTAKINGLY PLANNING ALL OF THIS. FOR KAGIURA’S BDAY. AFTER ONE OFFHAND COMMENT FROM KAGIURA OF LIKE mannnn having an xmas bday sucks ass, they just try to lump it tg with holiday presents booooo :///
That Hirano conceptualizes Kagiura as a kouhai has been established. But another angle that’s equally crucial is this equation:
Hirano → adore person? Devote Every Minute To Being Nice^TM
→ hate person? angry cat hissing sounds/smack with paper roll
→ mild dislike? Lowkey grousing/sarcasm/dismissal
→ neutral? (this is most people btw) refer to earlier chart for appropriate social etiquette
This is pretty much where Hirano gives himself away. Because even in his most inflexible rules for himself, we’ve never seen him convey so much feeling for anyone around him so helplessly. It can be argued that he might have in the past, but honestly, I doubt it. The feeling is so confusing and new to him that it leads me to believe so much of his difficulty accepting what he feels is related to its unfamiliarity. He can’t trust it as real precisely because he can’t control or neatly define it. (This made doubly disconcerting by the fact that he doesn’t have a typical social structure to work from either. If his parents, for instance, are anything like Hanzawa’s, it’s possible his conception of love between a couple is about devotion to remain together to fulfill a sense of status/purpose to create a new life. He would have zero concept of love that comes from the very depths of a person’s emotional being, a call and response that is as instinctive as it is fulfilling.)
Sasaki feels an intense desire to be close to Miyano, and thus acts accordingly because he trusts his feelings. On the other hand, he has trouble measuring the distance between himself and others. (e.g. he thinks he will lose his friends if they date, his sister acts like a parent but is also a kid and that makes it hard for him to know how to interact, he struggles to convey himself properly to Miyano when he brings up escalating to dating). Hirano, on the other hand, doesn’t realize the intensity of his affection and heartfelt proximity to Kagiura because he’s so busy tying himself up in knots over what he’s supposed to feel and think that he doesn’t trust his feelings. Rather, he is only given away by how obscenely his actions expose him. Comparatively, he has less trouble measuring the distance between himself and others when it comes to anyone but Kagiura.
(Perhaps obviously, Kagiura has Sasaki’s whole ‘if I don’t hug/kiss/bark at him I’ll die’ emotional expression and Miyano has the cautious measuring of distance between people and difficulty accepting gay like Hirano.)
God they’re both so quintessentially queer it hurts me. One can’t shut up about his love, and the other literally cannot open his mouth and express his feelings or he’ll die. 
(Also unsure if it’s me but wow. They are so. Autism. And that also kills me akhfjldghjgdsfhkdfjhg)
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nocturnalazure · 4 months
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Author's note: Reference is made to the following scenes: (1), (2), (3)
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mushroomnoodles · 29 days
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using low energy on model simon for her efforts (this is not the one she ends up with). related post
when BETADET ultimately does get let in (for the first time) she does exactly what someone of her size and sheer power would do: destroy the world, including her acolytes. it's after this devastation BETADET makes two decisions; to restrain herself in a tiny human form and learn their behaviors, and become a betty proper, BETty, since simons seem to be so fond of those.
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her main issue is she has very little grasp on humans, their biology, their social norms, nothing.
no longer tethered to her home dimension, the space inbetween the spaces inbetween, she goes on a hunt to find a simon who will take her- her human form limits many of her abilities (she can't see multiple realities here) and she tends to speak with a flat tone, rarely emoting as it is a human behavior and her only real emotes are >8( and 8|. when she smiles (and it took so long to make it look natural) that is her ULTIMATE RIZZ.
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sergle · 6 months
oh GOOD. OH GOOD!! I just found out that patreon, for me, eats messages sent in their actual messaging page, and sends them when they're sent in the little pop-up messaging client I get when I hit the message button on a patron's name. That's what I WANTED. I was desperate to go re-type all of these. thank god I get to do that.
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Do you ever see a random Tumblr post and half an hour later you've drafted an 850 word essay on the limitations of Roman government on controlling public demonstrations and popular opinion in the 1st century BCE?
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
side note. i am still reeling a little from the start of joe's stream when he casually just said that like, there are apparently a bunch of new watchers to the channel coming from tumblr specifically (and that's why he's cleaning up the organization on all his vods). like. the assumption is that he's getting a lot of new people from specifically tumblr. when asked to explain he said "i don't even have time for that this week. it's happening anyway" and then didn't explain further.
and i'm just. standing here. wondering how the default assumption ended up that the new fans are coming from tumblr. is there something specific going on here. is joe's audience specifically tumblr-heavy or is this really the hermitcraft fans website. did something happen that i don't know about. why is the default assumption tumblr.
anyway if you're a new hermitcraft fan rolling in through tumblr welcome,
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Hideaway, SPM, And TOTB?! Dude give yourself a break! I’m excited for the next part of TOTB as everyone else but wow.. I would ask why do you do this to yourself but then that would make me a hypocrite. 😅🤣
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Thanks! It's the hyperfixation and ADHD
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bizarrebazaar13 · 5 months
manager voice: do you like my hotel :) don’t worry about the lizards btw :) I am full of soul crushing loneliness :) you have pretty eyes :)
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ghost-inthe-hall · 11 months
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Ummmmmmm exCUSE ME 🥺🥺
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thelonelynindroid · 10 months
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So I finished MQ season one,
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prince-liest · 4 months
do you have ships other than staticradio that you also like?
All I can say is thank fucking god that monogamy seems to be an alien concept to these people.
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If you're new here thanks to Hazbin, welcome to the land of "I'm a consummate multishipper to a degree that borders on delusion"!
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