#coconut squares recipe
greenalia · 2 months
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Coconut Squares These could be called Coconut Chocolate Butterscotch Nutty Bars!
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fullcravings · 9 months
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Jessica's Pistachio Oat Squares
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bakerruth · 3 months
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Fruit Desserts - Raisin Squares Raisins, coconut and cherries are baked on top of an oat crust in these chewy and delicious bar cookies. This recipe has been in our family for years. It is a Christmas tradition.
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yeslioness · 9 months
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Recipe for Rocky Road Squares brings to mind that delicious ice cream flavor.
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candyatkins · 9 months
Fruit Desserts - Raisin Squares
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These chewy and delectable bar cookies feature raisins, coconut, and cherries baked on top of an oat crust. Our family has used this recipe for a long time. It is a custom for Christmas.
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theloveofmaryjane · 9 months
Fruit Desserts - Raisin Squares
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These chewy and delectable bar cookies feature raisins, coconut, and cherries baked on top of an oat crust. Our family has used this recipe for a long time. It is a custom for Christmas.
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vlaroche · 10 months
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Raisin Squares Recipe Raisins, coconut and cherries are baked on top of an oat crust in these chewy and delicious bar cookies. This recipe has been in our family for years. It is a Christmas tradition. 1/2 cup brown sugar, 3/4 cup raisins, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3/4 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup flaked coconut, 1/2 cup pitted sour cherries drained with liquid reserved, 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup brown sugar
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nashbutler · 11 months
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Bar Cookie - Sweet Chocolate Caramel Squares Chocolate caramel bars with layers of sweetened condensed milk, pecans, and coconut make a delicious Valentine's Day treat.
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kkimura · 7 months
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Many of coconut cake recipes use tons of cream, sugar and flour…my body doesn’t appreciates it.
So I created my original recipe using healthier ingredients and still tastes amazing(actually better! )Very moist and fluffy with a hint of lemon 🍋 Cut in square pieces and wrap with parchment paper and make a cute little sweet gift! 💝
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holocene-sims · 2 months
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august 26, 2021 12:50 a.m. square-k convenience store
[yunha] first of all, i would want dr. pepper.
[yunha] i don’t like sodas that much, but i love dr. pepper. it’s the kfc of sodas.
[grant] 11 secret herbs and spices? but liquid?
[yunha] exactly! it’s like cola and not cola, root beer and not root beer, spicy and not spicy.
[yunha] maybe it sounds dumb, but...
[grant] no, no, not at all! honestly, you're doing big-brain science over there, decoding all the flavors.
[grant] have you heard of hot dr. pepper?
[yunha] what?
[grant] hot dr. pepper. it’s a thing, i swear! like a sixties thing but some people are still into it. i'm not making it up.
[grant] and speaking of coffee and hot dr. pepper, one of my aunts drinks it in the morning instead of coffee.
[yunha] that’s so strange. why hot?
[yunha] won't it just lose the carbonation?
[grant] i don't know, i don't really want to partake in drinking it, but if i were a betting man, i would say yeah, that's probably the outcome.
[grant] anyway, continue! dr. pepper. i respect that. great choice. i'm loyal to faygo but i do fuck with dr. pepper.
[yunha] how can i continue after that sudden trauma?
[grant] would you like me to procure you a cold dr. pepper to rinse out the agony?
[yunha] no, it's okay!
[grant] well, the offer is still on the table! i'm not evil.
[yunha] anyway, the last part of my meal would be seolleongtang.
[grant] oh, that's ox bone stew, isn't it?
[yunha] yes! it's not even my favorite food, but if i knew my expiration date, i'd want to prepare it and eat it one more time.
[grant] why choose that then?
[yunha] it reminds me of my family. we had some, hm, difficult times, and i remember my dad making this for us, especially for my mom to improve her mood. it's actually her favorite food.
[grant] that's very sweet. like beyond sweet. it's more about invoking that feeling of love again than the literal food, yeah?
[yunha] of course. i would like to feel that love again and also share it, and thank my parents for everything.
[yunha] i wouldn't need anything else.
[grant] you really love your family.
[yunha] more than anything.
[yunha] okay, now tell me your final meal!
[grant] i can tell you the ideal one would not be as humble as yours.
[grant] i mean, my logic for myself is, like, alright, i'm about to slowly turn back into cosmic dust, with or without a consciousness somehow floating around the universe, so screw it, do whatever.
[grant] i'm already going "home," so why not go big?
[grant] so, it’s my last day on earth. i'm at my place chilling with my cat.
[yunha] you have a cat?
[grant] his name is turtle. he’s very cute. he wears sweaters. he was a stray. i picked him up years ago from underneath a dumpster at IHOP at two in the morning, and i nursed him back to health.
[yunha] aww, i always wanted a cat. like some cuddly, fat, fluffy cat.
[grant] you should get one! i highly recommend it.
[yunha] i can’t! not yet.
[grant] do you want to see a picture of turtle before i imagine my untimely death? funny, i was just saying to someone else earlier that i want a timely one.
[grant] there he is, right on my home screen.
[yunha] oh my goshhhhh, i love him.
[grant] he's the best. no joke. but again, last meal. turtle and i are chilling, and yeah.
[grant] i absolutely have to have my grandma’s macaroni and cheese. it’s perfection and also my favorite food of all time. uhh, let’s see, i think you almost always need potatoes with a meal. i'd be happy with my grandma’s colcannon, like mashed potatoes and cabbage. what else? i mean, not to talk about coffee again, but i do love it, so maybe a vanilla latte for liquid consumption. oh, and fuck, coconut cake is a must. that’s my grandma’s recipe, too
[grant] i'd also have pizza for sure. pineapple is nonnegotiable, it's going on there. pineapple, pepperoni, the whole works.
[yunha] so, you’re a big fan of dairy products and your grandma?
[grant] that about sums it up!
[yunha] did you, like, grow up on a dairy farm?
[grant] no, but my grandma did!
[yunha] ah, i see. it's all connected.
[yunha] so, you like talking about death?
[grant] i don't. it just seems to come up a lot accidentally.
[grant] but really, i asked you this question because it's just, i don't know, an interesting way to get at people's values in life?
[grant] and it was just what came out of my mouth first.
[yunha] we answered kind of similarly. what did you learn about me?
[grant] same values, different approaches, i'd say.
[yunha] by the way, my other value is pineapple belongs on pizza.
[grant] oh, thank god! finally, someone else agrees!
[yunha] corn is also really good as a topping.
[grant] man, i feel deprived now. where have you been the last thirty years? you could have told me such a feat of engineering exists!
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fullcravings · 11 months
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Brown Butter Mochi Squares
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tunastime · 2 years
the various skills of ethoslab and how he learned them and when. the list of a man who's lived a bit longer than he should have. (inspired by this post)
field meals: it's just soup. he never makes them for anyone else, not until they lose the grainy texture they start with. he learns from a man in a village that questions why he covers his face. etho laughs, but he never tells him why. the man doesn't ask again. he tells him that if he lets the vegetables soften for longer that they won't make a gritty soup when mashed. he learns spiced pumpkin, beetroot, chicken and potato.
(he stays for two weeks. he rids the nearby temple of infestation in repayment. when the temple master tries to repay him with gold, he tells him that he only wants a written recipe of how to bake bread. the baker’s son gives him one with honey in it.)
soap making: is something he learns pretty early on in his career in machinery. it's no good just to rinse your hands in water and it's still no good just to be buying soap up-charged, and lye isn't any good alone. lye doesn't smell, or worse yet, smells heavy and thick and doesn't come off your skin or out of your clothes properly. he picks up a book somewhere about it. one part lye. one part oil. one part anything else. beeswax and honey. pine tar and coconut oil. he learns what mixtures get redstone out of his clothes and what he can use to wash his hair with so it doesn't frizz. he washes his clothes in a basin of warm water and honey and rosemary soap, as he does his blankets and his sheets until his whole home smells like rosemary and honey and lye and beeswax. he washes his hair and it smells like pine.
plant identification: it takes one bad meal. one bad berry before etho starts learning. pause gets sick in the snow, really sick. he doesn't cough up blood but the sheen of sweat never leaves his face for the entire week that he lies shivering under two coats and a blanket. every time etho and beef try to say something comforting, he says, “stop fussing over me, i'm fine, just food poisoning. beef cooked the chicken wrong.” (it wasn't the chicken. it was the elderberries. etho spends time figuring out what the ripe ones look and taste like. he learns mistletoe, nettles and hogweed, rosary peas and lily of the valley. he doesn't see any of them except the lily again. but he keeps the information for later.) pause gets better after a week of his eyes far away, glazed over, sweating, of him unable to keep down fluids, of shaking awake in the night, holding etho's hand. they get sick, but nobody gets sick like that again.
sewing: pause steadies his hands. he tells him that if he messes up he'll poke himself and beef tells him to stop fussing. etho can thread a needle, can't he? (he can't.) he stabs his index finger three times poking it through the fabric to make a crude patch with their initials on it. then he sews shut a tear on beef's jacket, then he affixes a handful of new buttons to an old shirt of bdubs'. bdubs has him sewing squares within the week, and they stitch together a quilt of scrap fabric big enough for them both. there isn't a cold night that the quilt doesn't stave away. it's in a different spot each time etho sees him: draped over a chair, lovingly folded on the bedside, pulled over his shoulders. they wear it threadbare.
braiding: his hair gets too long. he ties it back himself the first time, some loose thing that falls out as soon as he does it. he says to himself (a reminder): “you break it into three. you're always crossing over the middle most strand. right over middle, then right becomes middle, so left over the middle. and repeat. pulling tight.” he gets better at it, until he can tie a strong three strand braid that he learned from tying twine together to make a stronger rope. bdubs sees him pull it back a few times and braid it like that, and one of those times, late, when they're both tired and leaning on each other, he turns and takes his loose hair and asks if he can braid it. etho shrugs and says “sure.” (and his voice says only you can do that). bdubs says “sit still.” etho sits in front of his crossed legs and bdubs combs out his hair. he tells him as he works: “it's different than the three, but not that different. you pull an extra strand in each time. it looks like fish scales, so people call it a fishtail.” bdubs braids and pulls it tight. he leans forward into etho and etho leans back into him.
(etho spends two days knotting fraying ropes in fishtail braids so his hands learn (and he fidgets, and he fidgets, and it becomes his new fidget, to tie rope together) before he attempts it on his shoulder-blade length hair. bdubs guides his hands, starting him off until he can braid the top too. he only cuts it once—right before the second death games, and even then, bdubs manages to braid a little braid into his hair.)
tea specialist: it's methodical. that's what he learns, when he travels out further than he had in a long time and wanders into the city. he, like many adventurers, takes refuge, and he, unlike many adventurers, stumbles into the tea shop and takes it all in. steady hands (beef taught him that) keep him from crushing the leaves too fine to strain. he learns what hot water feels like in a tin kettle and how to prop it properly on the coals so it heats even and doesn't char the underside of the tin. he buys two wooden cups there, sealed with wax, and brings them with the kettle. it stays on the countertop.
(he uses it every night. later, in a snow fort in the middle of nowhere, he sets one of the wooden cups into the calloused hands of his partner and friend, and bdoubleo looks at him with eyes wide and round and red. he doesn't kill him when he sleeps.)
staving off the effects of sleep deprivation: there's a body sleeping next to him that needs him awake. there's a place someone can sit between wake and dream that makes sure that the body doesn't tire and it's here where he stays. his heart slows way down, but his eyes stay alert through a bleary haze. there are things he hears that aren't real. when his partner (partner, the word feels weird on his tongue now that bdubs is a red life. if they were anywhere else, he would be safe to sleep) wakes two hours from now, then he will rest. he will lie there and listen, waiting to hear him stop breathing. he never gets to that point, but he certainly sleeps very little. beef and pause never told him off for doing it, but when there were sections of the day that he didn't remember and he sat up and there was a coat draped over his knees with a tag that had VB written in chunky letters, he smiled to himself. he's tired now, but he's good at pretending he's not.
separating the things that are dreams from the ones that are not: he's still waiting for someone to tell him how to do that
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Healthy homemade protein bar -
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup protein powder (such as whey, pea, or hemp protein)
- 1/2 cup almond butter or peanut butter
- 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
- 1/4 cup chopped nuts or seeds (such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, or pumpkin seeds)
- 1/4 cup dried fruit (such as raisins, cranberries, or chopped apricots)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Pinch of salt
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the rolled oats, protein powder, chopped nuts or seeds, and dried fruit.
2. In a small saucepan, heat the almond butter or peanut butter, honey or maple syrup, vanilla extract, and salt over low heat until smooth and well combined.
3. Pour the almond butter mixture over the dry ingredients and mix well to combine.
4. Press the mixture into a lined baking dish or pan, spreading it out evenly.
5. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours, or until firm.
6. Cut into bars or squares using a sharp knife.
7. Store the protein bars in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.
These homemade protein bars are a great option for a healthy and nutritious snack or post-workout fuel. They are packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats, and natural sweeteners, making them a satisfying and energizing treat. You can also customize this recipe by adding other ingredients such as dark chocolate chips, coconut flakes, or cinnamon for added flavor and texture.
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copperbadge · 1 year
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Up top: if you’re tired of seeing pictures/discussion of gluten-free bagels (or conversely if you want to follow the thread) I’ve gone back and tagged them all “bagels for t” and will be tagging with that going forward, so that’s the tag to blacklist. 
Testing continues! This bagel from batch 2 was split when cooled and put in a bag in the fridge, to see how it behaved. The dilute coconut milk, whether because of the lower fat content ( @drgaellon I think you’re right about the coconut milk being too fatty) or for some other reason, stayed much softer in the fridge than the last batch. Not soft enough to be pleasant to eat, but it wasn’t rock hard like the last one.
It actually toasted incredibly well -- it didn’t get much crisp on it but it did get nice and chewy! Not exactly a bagel mouthfeel but very, very close. 
I’m pleased with this batch, stickiness notwithstanding. I did get a lot of comments about fixing that -- thank you all, it was a lot to respond to individually but we’ll start with reducing the overall 1:1 coconut:water mix and then start messing with water ratios. I feel like the recipe is now reasonably well-tuned, and at this point I’m mostly testing for ideal reheating for a) deliciousness and b) speed when a toddler wants a bagel. 
[ID: A gluten-free mini-bagel, buttered, is sitting in two halves on a square plate printed with the Chicago flag; one half has a bite taken out of it, and the other half (toasted for longer) does have a slight caramelization on the edges.]
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birdsaretoddlers · 3 months
Maple Nut Bars
1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup maple syrup
1 1/3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups oats
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup chopped nuts
Leave butter at room temperature to soften for about 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
In a large bowl, mix butter and sugar.
Beat the eggs and stir in with vanilla and syrup.
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
Grease a 9” x 13” baking pan.
Pour mixture in and spread evenly.
Bake for 30 minutes.
After cooled, cut into squares.
ngl, I hate listing the ingredients on tumblr cause the fact that the numbers are really big until i continue to type keeps annoying me, lol. But I love sharing recipes so it’s fine. also wow my handwriting is so bad ANYWAYS, SECOND RECIPEEEE
Chocolate and Vanilla Loaf Cale
3/4 cup superfine sugar
3/4 cup soft butter or margarine
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 eggs
2 cups self rising flour, sifted
1 3/4 oz. dark chocolate
Confectioner’s sugar, to dust.
Lightly grease a 1 lb loaf pan.
Beat together the sugar and butter/margarine in a bowl until light and fluffy.
Beat in the vanilla extract. Gradually add the eggs, beating thoroughly after each addition. Carefully fold in the flour.
Divide the mixture in half. Melt the dark chocolate and stir into one half of the mixture until well combined.
Place the vanilla mixture in the pan and level the top. Spread tbe chocolate layer over the vanilla layer.
Bake for 30 minutes or until springy to the touch.
Cool the cake in the pan for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
Serve the cake lightly dusted with a little confectioner’s sugar if you want.
I need to make these sometime soon. They were both reallyyyyy good. But it kills me to look at all the recipes I re-wrote BECAUSE I KEPT WRITING THEM DIFFERENTLY like i keep noticing sometimes I clarify unsalted butter and sometimes I don’t. Anywaysssss hope you enjoyyy~
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clatterbane · 7 months
Custard Impossible Pie recipe | Australia's Best Recipes
One I may have to try before too long, probably just in a square Pyrex dish. Thinking of going lemony, instead of straight vanilla.
I've seen the pie/pudding hybrids like this before, but haven't tried any. Ran across this particular recipe earlier, in the context of someone making a dessert that calls for a cup of coconut and then bitching because it turned out tasting coconutty. 🙄
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