#cloud ruler temple
peony-plum · 9 months
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Martin, literally at any point in his life: I'm just trying to have a nice time despite knowing facts and information.
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autistic-echo · 7 months
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TesShiptober: first kiss
a closeup under cut
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another piece with them from a while ago
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nooklingposting · 1 year
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The Hero of Kvatch is testing Jauffre’s patience
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ash3 · 10 months
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New peculiar location to get lost
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Burd is the Captain of Bruma’s City Guard and helps to lead the Defense of Bruma during the Oblivion Crisis. He also assists the Hero of Kvatch and the Blades in uncovering the Mythic Dawn hiding in the city. 
Not much is known about Burd before the events of Oblivion. As captain, Burd is considered to be tough but fair by the townspeople. His position also allows him to serve as an advisor for the Countess of Bruma, Narina Carvain. 
Once the Mythic Dawn and their spies begin to look around Bruma for weaknesses in Cloud Ruler Temple, Burd grants the Hero of Kvatch permission to search a potential spy's house. When the Hero finds proof that the Mythic Dawn is preparing to attack Bruma and Cloud Ruler Temple by opening a Great Oblivion Gate nearby, Burd does everything within his power to prevent Bruma from becoming another Kvatch. 
Once the Oblivion Gates begin to open all around the city, Burd enters the first gate alongside the Hero of Kvatch to learn how to close the gates. After closing the gate with the Hero’s help, Burd returns to the guard and puts his men on constant alert to help prevent Burma from being overrun by Daedra. He also communicates with the Blades throughout this. Burd fights in the Battle of Bruma while the Hero of Kvatch enters and closes the Great Oblivion Gate. 
Cool Quotes
"Believe me, it was no picnic. But thanks to our friend here, I now know we can close these hell-gates. We can defend Bruma!"
"It was an honor to serve with you, sir. Now that I've seen how it's done, I think my guardsman can handle any new Gates that open near Bruma."
"This is no place I ever wanted to find myself. I don't see how we can ... No ... no, we can do this. We have to do this. We have no choice. I'm glad you're here. We wouldn't have a chance otherwise. What's our next move?"
"Thanks for coming. Since we had the Hero of Kvatch available, I didn't think it made sense to try this on our own the first time. We're ready when you are. Just say the word and we'll follow you into that hell-spawned Gate."
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dundreary · 6 months
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TES-Inktober 2023, Day 18: Cozy
Cloud Ruler Temple. Only a rough sketch this time but better than nothing I guess.
Link to the prompt list and further info
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ghoulingcooper · 1 year
cloud ruler temple in beyond skyrim bruma assaulted me with the sads. i was not mentally prepared and now i am in anguish
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late-nite-scholar · 2 years
TES Shiptober Day 16-18- Bandaging Wound
Hey again, with another Shiptober prompt (courtesy of @hombrediablo)! I've been having Oblivion and Martin Septim feels lately, so here's some of him and Aethelfrid. I literally said 'I'm so sorry' when I finished writing it. Sadly, it all just fits and I'm helpless to where the story takes me. Their lives are a fucking Greek tragedy. But this is a sweet moment.
Warnings- blood, injuries
Length- about 1.5k
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(I don't have that many screenshots of them handy at the moment.)
"The Hero approaches!" Martin heard someone shout in the hall. He was on his feet in an instant. She was finally back! Akatosh be praised! 
He tore out of his study and through the labyrinthine corridors until he reached the courtyard. He arrived breathless, but with heart leaping at the sight of the lone horse picking its way over the cobblestones toward them. Though as he watched, a sudden spike of fear went through him. Something about the way she sat on her horse was wrong. Usually, she rode so proudly, upright and shoulders squared. Now it looked like she was barely hanging on.
He flew down the stairs, meeting her at the bottom. As her horse stopped, she slid down from the saddle to the ground. The first thing he noticed was that her tanned, ruddy face was pale as the snow on the mountains around them. Well, pale apart from the blood that had dried on her cheek. And he could hardly call what she was doing breathing, it was more a shallow wheezing. 
“My friend, what’s happened?” His voice rose, unable to hide his worry. 
She replied with a weak smile. “Martin…” 
Metal clanked as her knees buckled. He put his arms on her shoulders, but he had no way to stop her as she collapsed. She was larger than him even out of armor, and he cursed inwardly that he wasn’t strong enough to catch her. So he fell to his knees as well; reaching out to cradle her face, to brush back tendrils of hair that had escaped their braids. 
Baurus appeared at his shoulder before she could reply. “Your Highness, let’s get her inside.”
“Yes, of course.” He found himself flustered. Why hadn’t he thought of that? She clearly needed a healer or something, but his mind had gone completely blank at the sight of her in pain. 
Baurus hauled Aethelfrid to her feet, throwing her arm over his shoulder. She grit her teeth and grunted, but said nothing else, only reached out to grab Martin’s hand. He held on tight, hoping at least she could feel the pressure of it through her heavy gauntlet.
"I'm here," he assured her. Though he felt awkward and in the way to be walking beside her and Baurus like this. But she clearly needed him for something. Maybe she had news? Or she'd found a daedric artifact for their work? Any news would help them, at this point. It did make him a bit glad she wanted him with her right now, even if he didn’t want to admit it to anyone but himself. 
It was a slow walk from the courtyard into the keep. Aethelfrid still said nothing, the only sound between them her labored breathing. Each pained exhale was a knife to his heart, but he tried to concentrate on the fact that it wouldn't be much farther now. They were in the west wing, and Baurus went to lead them further in. Almost without thinking, Martin stopped him.
“It’s too far. Bring her to my quarters, it’s closer.” He tried to sound pragmatic and forthright about it, but he was pretty sure he failed. But Baurus didn’t say anything about it, just turned them in their new direction. 
Once they were across the threshold and into his room, Martin gently relinquished Aethelfrid’s hand and pulled forward some chairs to face one another. Then he grabbed whatever supplies he could; water from the kettle warming over the fireplace, bandages, and a washcloth. He brought these all over as Baurus helped Aethelfrid down onto one of the chairs. Martin took the other, so close their knees butted up against one another. 
Baurus now looked every bit as concerned as Martin felt. “What do you need me to do, Your Highness?” 
“I will tend to our friend for now. I have some healing knowledge and magic. But if you would send another healer in a little while, I’d not mind a second opinion. Also, have someone bring some food and drink.” 
“Of course, Your Highness. It will be done.”
And then Baurus was gone. But Martin was too busy unbuckling and pulling off Aethelfrid’s armor. He’d seen her do it enough times and it turned out to be simple enough. She tried to help but he pushed away her hands. 
“Let me. You’re hurt.” 
She let him, and soon he had her entire top half down to her undershirt. Once there, he saw the dried stain of blood that bloomed across her side. It was where her armor was only leather, a gap in the plates of steel that would’ve otherwise protected her. The bloodied shirt was stuck to her skin and she hissed as he wiped the blood away and pulled it up. A few inches of an arrow shaft protruded from her skin. 
“By the Nine!” He gasped. “My dear, how long have you suffered with this?”
“Ambushed by the Mythic Dawn. Two… three days ago? They said… they said they had an in, that you were next. I had to make sure… make sure I didn’t miss any spies the first time.” She gave him that weak smile again.
He pushed aside the storm of emotions that went through him. “Why didn’t you stop in Bruma for healing, at least?”
 “I had to make sure you were okay. I… I brought back some daedric artifacts, too. For the ritual.”
“Akatosh keep me, I could care less about those right now.” He declared, grabbing her hands. “You are what’s important. I…I cannot heal this wound fully. But I can heal a lot of it. I will stitch and bandage the rest. But first I have to pull this shaft out.”
“Do it. I can handle it.”
He took hold of the broken shaft and tugged. She hissed, but said nothing. It didn’t feel stuck, or badly barbed, so he pulled it all the way out. It made her growl, but her Nordic pride stopped any further reaction. Martin placed his hand over the wound, healing magicka flowing into it. It pulled a sigh from her, head falling forward until it rested on his shoulder. Like every ounce of tension had fled her body at once. 
Once Martin had healed as much as he could, he rubbed her back gently. “Let me suture and bandage this. Then you should lie down.”
She winced as she pulled her shirt off, revealing several large bruises, but Martin could see a little color had returned to Aethelfrid’s face. She sat patiently as he sewed closed the arrow wound, then helped him as he packed it and wound a bandage around her torso to keep it covered. After he finished that, he helped her pull off the rest of her armor, keeping a sharp eye for any other injuries. Lastly, he got very close, wiping the dried blood from her face. It had originated from a gash up near her hairline, bits of her flame-orange hair dyed crimson from it. But his hands were gentle, and she relaxed again. 
“There, that’s better.” He ran a thumb over her cheekbone, now clean again. And found himself continuing, almost unintentionally, “I was worried about you. You’ve been gone for a long time… I was starting to worry you weren’t coming back.” 
She reached up, covering his hand with her own. “The only way I’d not come back is if I’m dead.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of. Deathly afraid of. I can’t do this without you.”
She chuckled, “You have the Blades. You have plenty of soldiers and fighters who would love to be your Champion.”
“That’s not what I mean…Aethelfrid…” Though his heart thundered so hard it threatened to burst from his chest, he leaned forward until his lips brushed against hers. She gasped, but instead of pushing him away, as he expected, her large hand grabbed the front of his robe and pulled him closer. It seemed to last forever, and yet for no time at all. 
“I… I wasn’t sure if I should do that,” he admitted. 
“I’m glad you did.” 
“We don’t have to do anything else… I mean, I don’t want you to think… I mean…” 
She reached up, pressing her hand against his cheek in a mirror of his own. “My dear, let’s not overthink this. Not yet. Right now, right here, we’re just Martin and Aethelfrid. The rest will come later as it will.”
“You’re right. Thank you.” His eyes danced with sudden mischief. “But certainly being the Emperor, that should mean I can do what I want at least a little bit?”
“I would think so.”
“In either case, for now, you need to come lie down. At least until food arrives.” He held out a hand, helping her to her feet as best he could. 
As she settled onto his bed, she grabbed his hand again. “Stay with me?”
“Of course.”   
And so they stayed. And at that time, in that place, there was nothing else. No gods and quests, no portals and empires. There was just Martin and Aethelfrid. 
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pinacoladamatata · 1 year
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By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! It's a wip of the Grand Champion!
she's looking at martin
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bretongirlwrites · 2 months
Neither Corinne nor Caroline, – though deep-seated in silver and gold, though shining pillars of force, – a force which, now blood-spattered, battle-weary, perhaps lost its strength as much as its shimmer, – had emerged unscathed; but the fires had burnt long enough to finish the thing; such that when the High Chancellor had bowed and taken their leave, they felt it all suddenly upon them as if the City had taken a last struggling breath, and come down onto them. Corinne blinked blood; knew somewhere, that there oughtn’t to be blood on her face; though there was blood everywhere else; and knew it only, when Caroline shrieked and summoned a spell and clutched her hand. There were better healers about, – Julianne was only just out of earshot: sitting with Marianne beneath Martin’s marble foliage, startlingly unharmed but shaking as the world had, – but she needed to be alone: and that meant with Caroline, Caroline alone, it always did. 
She let her doting wife make a rugged job of the knitting; let her throw her gloves aside and with bare hands brush away the blood; then, taking these hands, pulled her away, pulled her from what remained of the Temple, to wander. 
As if there were somewhere to go; as if the City half in pieces, had not the dreamlike circular feel of some interminable ruin, – dust and ashen flame; civilians emerging from cellars; survivors lost, battered; spattered remains almost too far gone to know their like, – they clung to each other after the end of the world; found at last some quiet unbroken corner; and collapsed. 
‘Here,’ said Corinne, at last: and though her hands were still trembling, though her arm had not quite survived the day, drew half a crumbling baguette from some devoted place beneath her armour.
It was so straight-faced, and so Corinne, that Caroline sputtered laughing; and laughed, maniacally, until the ringing of it had gone flat into the scorched earth, and frazzled into nothing. They broke the bread; it near dissolved in their hands; they shared what was left, in silence. In silence though the City awoke panicked and restless from its nightmare; in silence, in the ringing past echoes of steel on steel; in silence, in companionable silence, they still had that at least.
‘I don’t know,’ said Corinne, who hardly broke it for she leaned in close, ‘if we have failed.’
‘I don’t think,’ returned Caroline, ‘that it matters.’
Not now. Not today. They’d meant to defeat Dagon: and Dagon defeated, they’d not failed. That they were Blades, that they defended an Emperor, did not matter. The City, – and it would have a hard time believing it, it would slip into nightmare, over and over, it would grieve its wrecks and breathe painfully its own dust, – was saved, and they’d saved it. Nothing else mattered. 
‘It does not matter,’ said Caroline, again.
And raising a hand, – still in dust and blood and breadcrumbs, – she combed Corinne’s hair straight; wondered at it, that bar the scars, that bar the beading tears, she was still the same, still there, – sighed, placed another spell upon the split which rent her lip. 
‘I don’t think,’ said Corinne, whose arm was beginning to pound, but with a weak smile ‘my dear, that that is quite the priority, –’
‘I think so,’ said Caroline, – ‘see, the sun is coming out,’ and felt unharmed, felt unbloodied, felt unchanged, – half closed her eyes that only the sunset beaming on Corinne’s cheeks beamed through, – those lips on hers, timeless. 
(prompt from @druidx, who wanted some 'post-crisis fluff' for these two... there's more blood than fluff but ah well)
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peony-plum · 1 year
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Martin and the hero
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Hero of Kvatch: Close your eyes, I have a surprise!
Martin: Woah, did you do the dishes?
Hero of Kvatch: I said surprise, Martin, not a miracle.
Hero of Kvatch: *hands Martin the Sanguine Rose*
Martin: 😑
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daggerfool · 8 months
Who do you give the Numidium to and how do you feel about the Dragon break?
I usually give the totem to Mannimarco because gameplay wise his reward is the best. Like yes, I want to be famous and have every noble in the Iliac Bay as my bestie. They are like walking trust funds.
When I role-play I give it back to Gothryd just because my character is chaotic and unpredictable. It’s like stealing candy from a toddler, then being paid for giving it back. I have a few thoughts on the dragon break and I have an own interpretation of it as most of us do. I mean, it’s Elder Scrolls and the canon is that nothing’s canon. I will specifically talk about the dragon break in Daggerfall, my opinions don’t really extend to the dragon breaks in general (why are they a thing anyway).
All of this confusing stuff under the cut.
The definition of dragon break is that it’s a temporal phenomenon that involves a splitting of the natural timeline which results in branching parallel realities where the same events occur differently or not at all.
The thing about parallel realities is that there is no worth in wondering about them. Like in Morrowind, where once you kill a main quest related npc you get the message which contains the words ’live in the doomed world you created’. For you, it’s only a doomed world because the message imply the existence of a better path, otherwise it’s reality, and you have nothing to compare it to but what ifs in your head.
Not the case in Daggerfall though. The reality of one is antithetical of other’s, yet they still exist at the same time and space. No matter what side the Agent picks, every other path will be part of the real world, making all of them meaningful in some way. It raises two questions for me.
1. Does it mean the Agent’s choice is actually meaningless? 2. Does it really matter what the Agent chooses in this case?
In my opinion, the answer is yes to both questions. The effect of the dragon break only really matters to those who can comprehend it. For the folk of the Iliac Bay the results only seem like an effect of a war: changed borders, swifts in power between kingdoms. Supernatural phenomenons like dragon breaks are too confusing for a basic farmer, they have no meaning to a swordsman.
I believe the Agent was one of the few who really knew what happened and the moment they touched the Mantella they have seen a glimpse of every choice they have taken in parallel realities. I think the Agent stops being a person that moment. They are like patchwork, a being made from every skill they gained, every knowledge they got. They effectively stop being themselves and yet become more of themselves they have previously been. All the experiences they have had thus far, all the answers they have found, are engraved in them. For the Agent it does matter who they give the totem to. They will remember their feelings and opinions that lead them to that moment, nothing is going to take that away from them (except if they die when the realities merge, but that raises another question I am not prepared mentally to think through). 
Anyway, if Daggerfall has been a modern game, the Agent would have become something god-like, something beyond mortal in the end.
Funny enough I think Nulfaga also understood the dragon break or at least I came to this conclusion based on her dialogues. Homegirl just didn’t give no shits about a world that doesn’t have her son in it. Btw imagine being Nulfaga and having Lysandus as a son and when he reproduces, his kid is a lame ass emo boy.
In conclusion, the Agent basically played all the routes of a dating simulator separately then ended up having a harem. Once again, my theory that every TES game is an otome game is proven and dragon breaks are just the secret poly route.
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gaymergirlie · 1 year
Finally got around to playing Beyond Skyrim Bruma and I think I’m too emotional about this series…
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yesiwasinthechessclub · 3 months
has anyone made fortis/pelagius content yet
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