#cloud gaming consumer insights
techdriveplay · 4 months
Next-Level Gaming Exploring Cloud Gaming Services
Cloud gaming represents a significant shift in the gaming industry, offering a new way to play and experience games. By streaming games directly from the cloud, these services eliminate the need for powerful hardware, making high-quality gaming more accessible. This article explores the ins and outs of cloud gaming services, their benefits, challenges, and some of the top platforms in the…
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zerogate · 1 year
The still revolutionary insight of Buddhism is that life and death are in the mind, and nowhere else. Mind is revealed as the universal basis of experience—the creator of happiness and the creator of suffering, the creator of what we call life and what we call death.
There are many aspects to the mind, but two stand out. The first is the ordinary mind, called by the Tibetans sem. One master defines it: “That which possesses discriminating awareness, that which possesses a sense of duality—which grasps or rejects something external—that is mind. Fundamentally it is that which can associate with an ‘other’—with any ‘something,’ that is perceived as different from the perceiver.” Sem is the discursive, dualistic, thinking mind, which can only function in relation to a projected and falsely perceived external reference point.
So sem is the mind that thinks, plots, desires, manipulates, that flares up in anger, that creates and indulges in waves of negative emotions and thoughts, that has to go on and on asserting, validating, and confirming its “existence” by fragmenting, conceptualizing, and solidifying experience. The ordinary mind is the ceaselessly shifting and shiftless prey of external influences, habitual tendencies, and conditioning: The masters liken sem to a candle flame in an open doorway, vulnerable to all the winds of circumstance.
Seen from one angle, sem is flickering, unstable, grasping, and endlessly minding others’ business; its energy consumed by projecting outwards. I think of it sometimes as a Mexican jumping bean, or as a monkey hopping restlessly from branch to branch on a tree. Yet seen in another way, the ordinary mind has a false, dull stability, a smug and self-protective inertia, a stone-like calm of ingrained habits. Sem is as cunning as a crooked politician, skeptical, distrustful, expert at trickery and guile, “ingenious,” Jamyang Khyentse wrote, “in the games of deception.” It is within the experience of this chaotic, confused, undisciplined, and repetitive sem, this ordinary mind, that, again and again, we undergo change and death.
Then there is the very nature of mind, its innermost essence, which is absolutely and always untouched by change or death. At present it is hidden within our own mind, our sem, enveloped and obscured by the mental scurry of our thoughts and emotions. Just as clouds can be shifted by a strong gust of wind to reveal the shining sun and wide-open sky, so, under certain special circumstances, some inspiration may uncover for us glimpses of this nature of mind. These glimpses have many depths and degrees, but each of them will bring some light of understanding, meaning, and freedom. This is because the nature of mind is the very root itself of understanding. In Tibetan we call it Rigpa, a primordial, pure, pristine awareness that is at once intelligent, cognizant, radiant, and always awake. It could be said to be the knowledge of knowledge itself.
-- The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
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A Trip Through The Ages (No One Loves For Free)
the morning sun caresses the room, stirring life with coffee in hand, Angelou's words...fresh her wisdom, a constant marvel, unchanged since my school days when I first consumed her today, overwhelmed by her insight guys like us, rejecting all that's soft in the philosophers we revered...study despite the disdain, seductively loathsome insignificant, at best, in highbrow conversations only men's opinions are deemed valuable feigning indifference to their score donning tight trousers, attempting to tempt
basking in the autumn sun as clouds gather desires of youth and flesh swirling thank you, Angelou, for the enlightenment trying to appear nonchalant, cheeks blazing we sat still, unmoving, and reluctant to flee enduring the thorns of filthy desires navigating the swamp of misogyny until we reached Wollstonecraft's teachings realizing both Bell Hooks and Hannah Arendt shared much their dread of men, each in her own way Hooks feared herself, Arendt feared her allure did their fear flatter or reject their femininity
always cast as the dreaded, unwanted male our harsh drawing them into temptation our masculine, a deadly allure, irresistible yet...how could we not cherish Angelou "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you" those adolescent, poet-wannabes in a room mesmerized by music, letting the meanings drift lost in the psalm-like rhythms...we succumbed some attempted to be dutiful souls religious seekers in Teacher's convoluted debates held accountable, yet utterly powerless a sensible man would have howled before God
as naïve students, we were stunned to unravel men's desires; their yearnings are younger than we expected Angelou lusted after a younger soul Guy, her son, no one knows his pain Dickinson, akin to Poe, fixated on the young imposing her will on innocence, unprepared a Pygmalion complex! crafting the submissive doll molding obedience, expecting abandonment it was then i parted ways with poetry a minor sacrifice, despite my devotion to it
we were a band of innocent optimists evil, an unfathomable concept now, by my side, a soul versed in evils familiar with errors, material and spiritual handling them deftly, like changing a lock he prays at chosen moments, designated places (At meals, in church), while i pray without structure, sporadically like a lingering fever, desires waning faith dwells, yet questions with each heartbeat
afternoon arrives, meade in hand engaged with Wollstonecraft "No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks" [true. we choose, fearing wrath] an indirect jab at Angelou, i can only presume Hooks' disdain for denying the erotic for it demands acknowledgment before dismissal contemplating her father's stern repression of all things sexual, warping young Bell Hooks yet submitting to her father's authority choosing her father over her Rosa
Hooks speaks truth: deny the erotic and it beckons attention acknowledgment must precede rejection and what of her "Repetition," a theory perhaps rooted in her belief that she could rewrite her courtship with Rosa this time with a joyful resolution while she awaited her...eternally seventeen but within two years, they would tie the knot she longed to create from memories, not the present utilizing ideas, not people
sipping my meader, musing over either/or particularly either, centered on hapless Lenore many encounters with Arendt and Hooks...and Poe now he understood the game he escorted Lenore to the opera once and after Mozart's overture rang out Poe stood up, declaring, "We're leaving now You've witnessed the best: the anticipation of pleasure." in his protracted discourse on the subject he insisted the performance was the essence was the overture merely a prelude? Poor Lenore should've seen the adornment coming
in disguise, he poeticized his voice echoing: Lenore's beauty fleeting like a blossoming night flower, wilted by dawn a relic of one night with Guy de Vere Poe, veiled by romantic notions visualized Lenore as eternally youthful his interpretation naïvely blind innocent sopranos, ready for Lenore...mere myths maybe his diva did dally with de Vere moments before stepping out, believing it enhanced her allure as backstage whispers claim, weakening his resolve
Maya...help me help you Edgar is being a dullit Lenore has so much more to give and the poet philosophers...
...well they know nothing of love and lust as we are all still students learning from a Teacher
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machine-saint · 9 months
ai image generation energy use
confidence: high. all these numbers are kinda ballpark but i'd say i'm within a factor of 4 of being right.
how much energy does it take to make a typical 1024x1024 AI image, including all the images made while "sketching" it out? we can do some rough estimation.
typically, my process takes about two hours to make a "final" image. of that, i generally spend about half the time doing other things waiting for a generation to finish, and half the time tweaking settings/editing it in an image manipulation program. so the image generator is running for an hour total. i run generation entirely on my GPU, and looking at the load shows that it's maybe 50-60% higher than when i play a video game. therefore, the idea-to-finish process takes about as much energy as an hour and a half of playing games.
converting that to absolute numbers: i have a GPU that pulls down about 250W at full blast. it's not running at full thermal load, more like 80%. so let's say 200W. 200W for 90 minutes is **0.3kWh start-to-finish for a single finalized image**. daily US household power usage is 26-33kWH, for comparison.
if you're just making a random image or two for fun, divide that by about 100; to get **0.003kWh = 3Wh**, this means that **generating a single throwaway AI image uses about as much energy for me as playing a video game for a minute** (if one final image is 90 minutes of GPU load, a hundredth of that is about 1 minute).
for the 'cloud' systems like midjourney and what have you, i don't know what they're using, but i suspect that they are using actual tensor processor hardware and not a consumer GPU, which probably has better energy efficiency (power costs money, and more power means more cooling equipment).
this leaves aside training because i have zero insight into that. training is vastly more expensive due to the way it works, but it's also done waaaay less often. i suspect it's still not a lot compared to the overall computer sector energy use.
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pathfinderunlocked · 8 months
King Vitreous - CR15 Aberration
Sometimes you just want a harder version of a boss.
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Artwork by Whitestar1802 on DeviantArt.
Vitreous is a giant eyeball boss surrounded by a cloud of smaller eyeballs from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I previously published a stat block for it. That stat block is CR 10. If you want a version one or two levels higher or lower, it's easy to apply the advanced, giant, degenerate, or young creature templates to it and its minions. But if you want a version five levels higher, that doesn't work so well, and this bigger and more dangerous version will work better.
Following the naming pattern of Zelda games, I've named this harder version King Vitreous.
Note that this creature has a teamwork feat, Lookout, which thanks to its Foresight of Vitreous ability, allows it and all of its minions to take a full turn in any surprise round, instead of only a standard action. Don't try to sneak up on a cluster of giant eyeballs.
King Vitreous - CR 15
Surrounded by a whole bunch of eyeballs the size of your torso is a gigantic eyeball the size of a small house. They turn independently to look at you, and a thick slime holds them together.
XP 51,200 N Gargantuan aberration (aquatic) Init +10 Senses all-around vision (while electro-vitreous minions are attached), darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +32 Aura mucus (25 ft.)
AC 32, touch 32, flat-footed 29; (+8 cover, +3 Dex, +15 insight, –4 size); possibly less cover bonus; see electro-vitreous minions hp 187 (15d8+120) Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +20; -4 if no electro-vitreous minions are attached Defensive Abilities protective eyes, insight of vitreous Resist electricity 15 Weaknesses large weak point, vulnerability to slashing and piercing
Speed 50 ft., swim 80 ft. Melee slam +21 (2d6+10 plus 3d8 acid plus vitreous slime) Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks absorb spawn, trample (DC 24, 2d6+10 plus 3d8 acid plus vitreous slime)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +19)    At will—lightning bolt (DC 21)    3/day—intensified lightning bolt (DC 21)
Str 24, Dex 16, Con 26, Int 1, Wis 25, Cha 18 Base Atk +11; CMB +22; CMD 51 (can’t be tripped) Feats Elemental Focus (electricity), Greater Elemental Focus (electricity), Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Intensified Spell-like Ability, Lightning Reflexes, Lookout, Spell Focus (evocation), Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Acrobatics +11, Perception +32, Swim +19; Racial Bonus +12 Perception SQ foresight of vitreous, electro-vitreous minions
Absorb Spawn (Ex) As a swift action, a vitreous can consume one of its attached electro-vitreous minions, healing 20 hit points but killing that electro-vitreous.
All-Around Vision (Ex) While it has any electro-vitreous minions attached, a king vitreous sees in all directions at once, and cannot be flanked.
Electro-Vitreous Minions (Ex) A king vitreous is surrounded by 20 electro-vitreous creatures which can attach themselves to it. While at least 11 electro-vitreous minions are attached to it, it gains improved soft cover against attacks (+8 AC). While 6 to 10 electro-vitreous minions are attached to it, it gains soft cover (+4 AC). While 1 to 5 electro-vitreous minions are attached to it, it gains partial soft cover (+2 AC).
Any electro-vitreous that is attached to a king vitreous moves rapidly around its body to different positions. Single-target attacks against an electro-vitreous while it is attached to a king vitreous work normally, but area attacks treat 50% of the attached electro-vitreous minions as having full cover, with the king vitreous’s body blocking line of sight and line of effect from the area attack’s point of origin to those creatures. As such, only half of the attached electro-vitreous minions are affected by most area attacks (including burst, line and cone attacks, although area effects such as a cloud that do not rely on line of effect work normally).
If a king vitreous is killed, any surviving attached electro-vitreous minions immediately detach.
Foresight of Vitreous (Ex) A king vitreous gains an insight bonus equal to its Wisdom bonus (typically +7, minimum 0) to its initiative, and can never be surprised or caught flat-footed. This is already included in its statistics above.
Insight of Vitreous (Ex) A king vitreous gains a +15 insight bonus to AC and CMD. This is already included in its statistics above.
Large Weak Point (Ex) If a king vitreous has no electro-vitreous minions attached to it, any attack against the king vitreous has its critical threat range doubled. This effect doesn’t stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of an attack.
Mucus (Ex) A king vitreous drips with a slimy mucus that surrounds it. If it stays in the same location for 1 minute, the area within 25 feet of it becomes covered with this mucus. On land, this mucus covers the ground in this radius, and in water, it surrounds the king vitreous as a cloud. If the king vitreous moves, the mucus becomes inert after 3 rounds, but this duration resets if it returns to the area of the mucus.
A creature other than a variety of vitreous that enters the mucus or starts its turn there must succeed on a DC 20 Reflex save or become entangled and take 1d8 acid damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Protective Eyes (Ex) While any of a king vitreous’s electro-vitreous minions are attached to it, it has a +4 circumstance bonus to all saving throws. If it succeeds on a saving throw by 4 or less while benefiting from this bonus, one of its attached electro-vitreous minions is affected by the effect instead, as if the electro-vitreous failed the saving throw.
King Vitreous Slime (Ex) King Vitreous Slime: disease—slam or trample; save Fort DC 25; onset immediate; frequency 1/hour; effect 1d2+1 Con; cure —.
A creature hit by a king vitreous’s slam or trample must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude save or become infected with vitreous slime. A creature already infected that is hit by the slam attack must make another save, and immediately take another 1d2+1 Con damage if it fails. A creature reduced to 0 Con by this effect is dissolved into slime, and thus cannot be resurrected except by true resurrection or a similar ability, since its body is destroyed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
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roshanenergy · 20 days
Multifamily Utility Submetering: Enhancing Resource Management in Residential Communities
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In an era marked by environmental consciousness and sustainable living, the efficient management of resources in residential communities has become paramount. Multifamily utility submetering emerges as a potent solution, empowering property managers and residents alike to monitor and optimize resource consumption effectively. Partnering with Roshan Energy, a leader in utility submetering solutions, residential complexes can achieve greater sustainability and cost-efficiency while enhancing overall living standards.
Understanding Multifamily Utility Submetering
Utility submetering involves the installation of individual meters to measure water submetering services, gas, or electricity usage in each unit of a multifamily residential property. Unlike traditional master-metering systems, which distribute utility costs evenly among residents regardless of individual consumption, submetering provides accurate data on usage at the unit level. This granularity enables residents to pay for only the resources they consume, fostering a sense of accountability and incentivizing conservation.
Advantages for Property Managers
For property managers, multifamily utility submetering offers a myriad of benefits. Firstly, it facilitates fair and transparent billing practices, eliminating disputes over shared utility expenses. By accurately allocating costs based on usage, submetering encourages residents to adopt more responsible consumption habits, resulting in lower overall utility bills for the property.
Moreover, submetering empowers property managers with real-time data insights into resource consumption trends. Armed with this information, managers can identify inefficiencies, detect leaks or wastage, and implement targeted conservation measures. Over time, such proactive management not only reduces operational costs but also enhances the sustainability credentials of the property.
Empowering Residents through Accountability
From the perspective of residents, utility submetering engenders a sense of individual responsibility for resource usage. With access to their consumption data, residents can track their usage patterns, set conservation goals, and make informed decisions to reduce their environmental footprint. This empowerment not only cultivates a culture of sustainability within the community but also translates into tangible savings on utility bills.
Furthermore, submetering encourages behavioral changes that contribute to long-term conservation efforts. When residents directly bear the costs of excessive consumption, they are more likely to adopt energy-efficient appliances, practice water-saving habits, and take measures to minimize waste. These collective actions not only benefit individual households but also contribute to the broader goal of environmental stewardship.
Roshan Energy: Driving Innovation in Utility Submetering
At the forefront of utility submetering solutions, Roshan Energy combines cutting-edge technology with unparalleled expertise to deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of multifamily residential properties. By leveraging advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and cloud-based analytics, Roshan Energy provides accurate, reliable, and scalable submetering systems that optimize resource management and maximize savings.
Roshan Energy's commitment to innovation extends beyond technology to encompass customer support and service excellence. From initial consultation and installation to ongoing maintenance and support, Roshan Energy partners with property managers every step of the way, ensuring seamless integration and maximum value from submetering investments.
In an age where sustainability is no longer a mere buzzword but a pressing imperative, multifamily utility submetering emerges as a game-changer in residential resource management. By fostering transparency, accountability, and conservation, submetering empowers both property managers and residents to embrace sustainable practices while realizing significant cost savings. With Roshan Energy as a trusted partner, multifamily residential communities can embark on a journey towards a greener, more efficient future.
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noemyreads · 11 months
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dopamine: a neurotransmitter responsible for carrying information from the brain to various parts of the body. it is known as one of the hormones of happiness and when released it causes a feeling of pleasure, satisfaction and increases motivation.
addiction: continuous and compulsive consumption of a substance or behavior (games, video games, sex), despite the harm they do to the person and to others.
several times I read myself in the pages of this book, I could see behaviors that I have that seem to be healthy, but are harmful. In fact, I think this is the magic of this book, despite bringing extreme addictions, it also brings some “harmless” addictions, such as reading, watching, eating, exercising, using the cell phone, etc. it's important for us to measure our behaviors so that it doesn't become something harmful, for example: spending hours and hours marathoning series can become a bad habit, it is necessary to understand, why are you doing this? does it affect your routine? pull you away from friends and family? if the answer is yes, then it's time to make changes.
“we all run away from suffering. some take pills. some stretch out on the couch, marathoning netflix. others read cheap novels. we do just about anything to distract ourselves from ourselves.” one of the main reasons that lead us to engage in this type of behavior is the need to escape suffering or discomfort, something that we all experience, we start to tolerate less and less suffering, with that, we always look for something that takes us away from reality.
the author presented a structure that she uses to talk to her patients about compulsive hyper consumption, through the acronym dopamine, it applies not only to conventional drugs, such as alcohol and nicotine, but also to any substance, or behavior, of high dopamine that we ingested for a long time, or simply with which we wanted to have a slightly less torturous relationship. I will present it here as a way for you, the reader, to apply it to your life and analyze your compulsive hyper consumption.
p.s. this is valid for compulsive hyper consumption of substances and behaviors that are not life-threatening to self or others when stopped on their own. in case of dependence on alcohol and other drugs, the support of a medical team prepared for this is necessary.
D stands for data. start by gathering the simple consumer facts. - what, how much and how often?-
O stands for usage purposes. understand what your goals are for the substance use or behavior.
P stands for usage related issues. identify what problems the substance use or behavior is currently or in the future causing in your life. this part is important to consider carefully, as most of us fail to see the full extent of the consequences of drug use while we are still using it. high dopamine substances and behaviors cloud our ability to accurately assess cause and effect.
A means abstinence. (this process is not for people who may be at risk of life-threatening withdrawal if they quit all at once.) start the “dopamine fast” process. go for a period of at least 4 weeks without using the substance or behavior, this will allow your homeostasis to be restored, with this you will again have the ability to derive pleasure from less potent rewards.
M stands for mindfulness. mindfulness is simply the ability to observe what our brain is doing, while it's doing it, without judgment. watch your thoughts and welcome them without judgement, this will make you develop the ability to know your brain and yourself.
I stands for insight. when you abstain from your drug of choice, you gain illuminating insights into your life and a greater understanding of what you used to be like. “you have to leave the island to see the island. we don't see each other if we don't get out of ourselves”.
N means new steps. find out what you are going to do after your month of abstinence.
E means experiment. you will return to the world armed with a new dopamine setpoint and a plan for how to keep it balanced. it will depend on you whether it will be continued abstinence or conscious use.
the author also presented the term self-commitment to treat addictions “self-commitment is the way to intentionally and spontaneously create barriers between us and our drug of choice, to mitigate compulsive hyper consumption.”
there are physical self-commitment, chronological self-commitment and categorical self-commitment.
physical self-commitment is creating literal physical barriers and/or geographic distance between ourselves and our drug of choice. for example: ask the hotel to remove the minibar, put away your video game, put away the television, etc.
chronological self-commitment is the use of time limits and goals. by restricting consumption to certain times of the day, week, month, or year, we narrow our consumption window and thereby limit our use. for example: a person can restrict their usage time and consume only on vacation, on weekends, never before thursday, never before 5 pm, and so on.
categorical self-commitment is a way to limit consumption by classifying dopamine into different categories: subtypes we allow ourselves to consume and those we don't. you should assess what is a “trigger” for your addiction and put it on the list of what not to consume. for example: for a person with addiction to masturbation, seeing his naked body is a trigger, so he will need to avoid seeing himself for a period of time.
self-commitment is a way to be free.
anyway, I couldn't give less than 5 ☆, this book was a lesson. I committed myself to making changes in certain areas of my life and it inspired me as a professional, I wanted to start my postgraduate course in neuro and work with addiction.
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haripriya2002 · 9 months
Hybrid Cloud Strategies with Azure Arc: My Practical Insight
Are you ready to unlock the true potential of hybrid cloud strategies? Look no further than Azure Arc, the game-changing solution that promises seamless integration and unparalleled flexibility. From streamlining operations to enhancing security, Azure Arc has revolutionized the way organizations harness the power of both on-premises and cloud environments. In this blog post, I’ll be diving into my practical insights on leveraging Azure Arc for your hybrid cloud journey. So buckle up as we explore the endless possibilities and unveil a new era in hybrid computing!
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Introduction to Hybrid Cloud Strategies with Azure Arc
I’m under pressure to digitally transform in order to remain competitive. I’m looking to the cloud as a way to accelerate this transformation. Not all workloads, meanwhile, are appropriate for the public cloud. Some may require on-premises or edge computing due to data sovereignty or local regulations. Others may need to be kept on-premises due to performance requirements.
Hybrid cloud strategies allow me to keep some workloads on-premises or at the edge while still taking advantage of the agility and scalability of the public cloud. Azure Arc is a tool that can help me manage and monitor my hybrid cloud deployments. In this blog post, I will share my practical insight into using Azure Arc for my hybrid cloud deployments.
Benefits of Azure Arc Adoption & Challenges in Implementing it
In recent years, using the cloud has grown in popularity among organizations of all sorts. One of the major advantages of cloud computing is its scalability; I can quickly add or remove capacity as needed without making a long-term commitment. Azure Arc is a hybrid cloud solution that allows me to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud while still maintaining control over my data and applications.
There are several benefits to adopting Azure Arc, including:
Increased flexibility and scalability: As mentioned above, one of the major advantages of Azure Arc is its scalability. I can easily add or remove capacity as needed, without making a long-term commitment. This can help me save money on IT infrastructure costs, as well as ensure that I have the necessary resources available when I need them.
Improved disaster recovery: Another benefit of Azure Arc is improved disaster recovery capabilities. With this solution in place, I can quickly recover from outages or disasters with minimal downtime. This can help keep my business up and running even in the event of a major problem.
Enhanced security: Security is always a major concern for me, especially when it comes to sensitive data. With Azure Arc in place, I can take advantage of enhanced security features such as encrypted data storage and multi-factor authentication. This can help give me peace of mind knowing that my data is safe and secure.
Lower maintenance costs: Maintaining on-premises IT infrastructure can be costly and time-consuming. Azure Arc helps me lower maintenance costs by simplifying resource management and automating tasks.
Understanding the Necessary Requirements for Azure Arc Usage
Azure Arc is a cloud management platform that enables me to optimize my hybrid cloud deployments. It provides a unified control plane for managing resources across on-premises, edge, and multi-cloud environments. Azure Arc also simplifies the process of integrating Azure services with on-premises and third-party solutions.
In order to use Azure Arc, I must first have an Azure subscription. I must also have the desired Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template or Resource Manager package deployed in my environment. Azure Arc uses these templates or packages to deploy and manage resources in the target environment.
Once the necessary requirements are met, I can begin using Azure Arc to manage my hybrid cloud deployments. I can use the platform to provision and manage resources, monitor activity and usage patterns, set policies and governance controls, etc. Additionally, I can use Azure Arc to connect my on-premises or third-party solutions with Azure services. This allows me to take advantage of the many benefits that Azure has to offer, such as scalability, high availability, security, and so on.
Steps for Setting Up Azure Arc Configurations
Azure Arc is a cloud service that enables me to manage and monitor my resources whether they’re running on Azure, on-premises, or in other clouds. With Azure Arc, I can use the same tools and portal experiences I’m used to in Azure to centrally govern all my infrastructure.
Setting up an Azure Arc configuration is simple and straightforward. I just need to follow these simple instructions:
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9a. If I want to scrape data from multiple workspaces, I can repeat steps 5–8 for each workspace.
Troubleshooting Common Issues Related to Hybrid Cloud with Azure Arc If I’m working with hybrid cloud and Azure Arc, there are a few common issues I may run into. Here’s how to troubleshoot them:
I can’t see all of my resources in the Azure portal.
Make sure that I’ve selected the correct subscription in the Azure portal. If I’m still not seeing all of my resources, check the resource provider status page to see if there are any known issues.
I’m getting errors when trying to deploy resource group templates.
When deploying resource group templates, make sure that the template includes all required resources for Azure Arc enabled resource providers. Consult the Azure Resource Manager documentation for further details.
My hybrid cloud app isn’t running correctly.
If I’m having trouble with a hybrid cloud app, first check the logs to see if there are any error messages. Then, try redeploying the app using a different approach (for example, using Azure CLI or PowerShell instead of the Azure portal).
Unifying Multiple Clouds with One Platform:
A Comprehensive Overview Azure Arc is a cloud management platform that enables me to unify multiple clouds with one platform. Azure Arc provides a comprehensive overview of my resources and allows for central management and policy enforcement across all of my Azure subscriptions. Azure Arc also provides integrated security and compliance features to help me secure my data and meet regulatory requirements.
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Best Practices for Utilizing Hybrid Cloud Strategies with Azure Arc
When it comes to hybrid cloud strategies with Azure Arc, there are a few best practices that I should keep in mind. For starters, I should make sure that I have a clear understanding of my workloads and how they need to be supported. I should also have a clear picture of my network topology and how the different components will interact with each other. Additionally, it’s important to have a plan for data security and management, as well as monitoring and logging. By keeping these things in mind, I can be sure that my hybrid cloud strategy with Azure Arc is as effective as possible.
All things considered, Azure Arc is an impressive offering from Microsoft that can help me realize the potential of hybrid cloud technology. By leveraging my existing infrastructure while taking advantage of the benefits offered by public clouds like Azure, I can enjoy features such as greater scalability and improved flexibility to meet changing needs. Whether I need basic access control or more advanced policies to manage my distributed systems, my practical insight on using Azure Arc for my hybrid cloud strategy shows how powerful this platform is in streamlining and optimizing cloud operations for various enterprises.
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superbbeardarbiter · 9 months
AIBacklinks Review: What is AIBacklinks
Welcome to AIBacklinks review. AIBacklinks is the cutting-edge cloud-based AI-powered application that has taken the digital world by storm. This award-winning app revolutionizes the way websites gain recognition and authority by effortlessly generating unlimited, high-quality Web 3.0 site backlinks. Through its intuitive interface, users can harness the power of AI to secure these invaluable backlinks along with a steady stream of free buyer traffic with just a single click. AIBacklinks stands as a game-changer in the world of digital marketing, offering a seamless and efficient solution to boosting website rankings and visibility.
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AIBacklinks Review: What Can You Do With It
AIBacklinks offers a range of powerful capabilities that are designed to enhance your digital marketing efforts, website rankings, and online visibility. Here's what you can do with AIBacklinks:
Generate High-Quality Backlinks: AIBacklinks leverages AI technology to identify and create high-quality backlinks from authoritative Web 3.0 sites. These backlinks play a crucial role in boosting your website's authority, which can lead to improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.
Increase Website Visibility: With the help of AIBacklinks, you can improve your website's visibility on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others. The generated backlinks contribute to higher search engine rankings, making your content more accessible to potential visitors.
Attract Organic Traffic: The backlinks created by AIBacklinks not only enhance your website's authority but also attract organic traffic from the Web 3.0 sites where the backlinks are placed. This means you can expect a steady stream of targeted visitors who are interested in your niche.
Save Time and Effort: Traditional backlink building can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. AIBacklinks automates the process, allowing you to generate backlinks with just a single click. This saves you valuable time and effort that can be directed towards other aspects of your digital marketing strategy.
Optimize Content for Search Engines: The AI-powered insights provided by AIBacklinks can guide you in optimizing your content for better search engine performance. These insights can help you understand how to structure your content, use keywords effectively, and improve overall content quality.
Improve Video Rankings: In addition to websites, AIBacklinks can also help improve the rankings of your videos on platforms like YouTube. This can lead to increased visibility for your videos and a larger audience reach.
Access User-Friendly Interface: AIBacklinks offers an intuitive user interface that doesn't require technical expertise. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a beginner, you can easily navigate the app and utilize its features to your advantage.
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To your success,
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hostingcloud · 2 years
Why Should Your Business Run on the Cloud
Regardless of the size of a company, its IT infrastructure should be geared to meet the challenges of cloud computing, social media, responsive websites, and data analytics. Almost all business decision-makers today feel that being on the cloud is critical to optimizing operating efficiencies.
And why is this so?
First, the cloud offers better analytics to derive insights from big data helping to more effectively target customers and product opportunities. Next, the cloud permits users to access the systems from multiple devices and remote locations thus collaborating better on shared data. Finally, there is the speed of performance and no dropping or slowing down of database speeds even when multiple users simultaneously execute multiple intricate queries. All these and more can be had on the Alpha3 Cloud platform.
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Benefits of Being on the Cloud
When you migrate to the cloud there are several benefits and cutting-edge advantages that you bring to the table for your business. Let’s take a look at them in general and the solution offered by Alpha3 Cloud in particular.
The cloud platform delivers powerful computing resources so that production environments can be delivered optimally with modern tools and technologies. You, therefore, get best-in-class security, a high rate of return in price vs performance ratio, and round-the-clock customer backup.
Benefits Offered by the Alpha3 Cloud Solution
High-performing latest hardware and CPU customization capabilities that deliver consistent speeds even with very high workloads on any operating system.   
On the Alpha3 Cloud platform you can create a flexible and customized storage infrastructure for both SSD and magnetic storage. The storage facility is available on the cloud with a pay as per resources consumed model. 
APIs for cloud automation are user-friendly and rich in features and can be tailor-made as per your requirements.  
The infrastructure and services of the Alpha3 Cloud have the highest security certifications and data privacy standard of ISO 27001, ensuring that your data is safe from any breaches or loss.
Multiple gigabit speeds make sure of seamless data streaming without network bottlenecks even when experiencing 4K videos, gaming, big data runs, and more. 
In case of a sudden spike in demand for computing or storage capabilities, deploy new resources such as servers, IPs, private networks, virtual machines, and anything else required almost immediately.
When you spend $10 or more, Alpha3 Cloud offers free 1GB of RAM, 50GB SSD, and 5TB of outbound data transfer to innovate and experiment with.
Virtually any quantum of computing resources required can be met on this cloud solution. Get the benefit of up to 40 CPU cores, 128GB RAM per server, 5TB per SSD drive, and 100TB per magnetic drive.
As in any optimized cloud computing platform, Alpha3 Cloud continually strives to make the cloud faster, work cost-effectively, and be user-friendly. This is achieved through incessant innovations, technology evolution, adding external integrations and drivers, and third-party APIs for increased value to customers.      
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Revolutionizing Storage Solutions: MyHub’s Smart Cloud Warehouses for Rent
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In today’s fast-paced business environment, manufacturers and direct-to-consumer (D2C) owners require innovative solutions to stay competitive. Traditional warehousing, while effective, often lacks the flexibility and scalability needed to meet modern demands. Enter MyHub’s Smart Cloud Warehouses, a revolutionary approach to storage that offers unmatched convenience and efficiency. MyHub’s cloud store model, focusing on the “warehouses for rent”
Traditional Warehousing Challenges
Inflexibility: Long-term leases and fixed spaces can hinder a company’s ability to scale up or down based on demand.
High Costs: Conventional warehouses often require significant upfront investment and ongoing maintenance costs.
Logistical Complexities: Managing inventory across multiple locations can be time-consuming and error-prone.
The Cloud Store Model: A Game Changer
MyHub’s cloud store model addresses these challenges by offering a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution. This innovative approach allows businesses to activate products at 40 locations within a single day, making it a powerful tool for growth and efficiency.
Advantages of MyHub’s Smart Cloud Warehouses
Flexibility and Scalability
Dynamic Space Allocation: Rent only the space you need, whether you’re a large manufacturer or a small D2C business looking for a small warehouse for rent.
Rapid Deployment: Set up and activate your product storage in multiple locations within a day, allowing for swift market entry and expansion.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Pay-As-You-Go Model: Avoid long-term leases and only pay for the space and time you need.
Reduced Overheads: Lower your operational costs by leveraging MyHub’s efficient storage and management systems.
Enhanced Efficiency
Centralized Management: Manage your inventory seamlessly from a single platform, reducing the risk of errors and improving logistical coordination.
Real-Time Insights: Access real-time data on inventory levels, sales performance, and storage utilization to make informed decisions quickly.
The Impact of Smart Cloud on D2C and Manufacturers
For D2C Owners
. Market Expansion: Quickly enter new markets and reach more customers by leveraging MyHub’s extensive network of storage locations.
Customer Satisfaction: Ensure faster delivery times and better product availability, enhancing the overall customer experience.
For Manufacturers
. Streamlined Operations: Simplify inventory management and distribution, allowing you to focus on production and innovation.
Cost Savings: Reduce storage and logistics costs, freeing up resources for other critical business areas.
Joining the Revolution: How MyHub Makes It Easy
Getting started with MyHub’s Smart Cloud Warehouses is as simple as booking a movie ticket. Here’s how:
Select Your Smart Cloud Store: Choose from a variety of locations that best suit your business needs.
Check Availability: Ensure the space you need is available when you need it.
Book Your Slot: Reserve your storage space quickly and easily.
Input Your Product: Upload your product information and inventory details.
Go Live: Your products are ready for sale and distribution across multiple locations, increasing your market reach and sales potential.
MyHub’s Smart Cloud Warehouses are transforming the warehousing industry by offering flexible, scalable, and cost-effective storage solutions. Whether you’re a large manufacturer or a small D2C business looking for a small warehouse for rent, MyHub has the perfect solution for you. Embrace the future of warehousing and elevate your business operations with MyHub.
So, why wait? Join the revolution and log into MyHub today. It’s time to streamline your storage, enhance your efficiency, and boost your sales like never before.
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vijay1225 · 11 days
Global Financial Planning Software Market Report 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Financial planning software is a system that offers businesses the ability to control their overall financial management, estimating, and budgeting procedures. Financial Planning Software is used to support analytics, modeling, collaboration, and performance-reporting features, all of which are utilized to improve a user’s capacity to manage financial performance efficiently.
Sizing and Forecast The financial planning software market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $4.26 billion in 2023 to $5.02 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.9%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to demographic shifts, globalization of markets, data security concerns, changing consumer behavior, integration with other systems, market volatility..
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The financial planning software market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $9.29 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.6%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to economic recovery, financial literacy initiatives, focus on esg investing, subscription-based models, enhanced cybersecurity measures, regulatory compliance solutions.. Major trends in the forecast period include ai and machine learning integration, robo-advisors, blockchain integration, collaboration with fintech startups, cloud-based solutions, user-friendly interfaces..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The financial planning software market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Component: Solution, Services 2) By Deployment Mode: On-Premises, Cloud 3) By Application: Financial Advice And Management, Portfolio, Accounting And Trading Management, Wealth Management, Personal Banking, Other Applications 4) By End-Uses: Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises, Individual Purpose, Other End-Uses
North America was the largest region in the financial planning software market in 2023. The regions covered in the financial planning software market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The surge in mobile applications across the globe is expected to propel the growth of the financial planning software market going forward. Mobile application refers to the application software created specifically for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Many financial planning apps on the market assist investors to keep track of their expenditures and revenue, creating budgets, and more, enabling professionals to manage clients’ assets and conduct other research with knowledge. Hence, surge in mobile applications across the globe will propel the market growth. For instance, in January 2021, according to the data published by Trulist, a US-based, web and software development, technology company, 2021, the total number of mobile applications downloaded worldwide reached several 230 billion, however, the google play app, as well as game downloads, increased by 2.5% in 2021. Therefore, the surge in mobile applications across the globe is driving the growth of the financial planning software market, going forward.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the financial planning software market report are PIEtech Inc., eMoney Advisor LLC, Advicent Solutions, Moneytree Software, WealthTec LLC, Advisor Software, Envestnet Inc., InStream LLC, Advizr Inc., RightCapital Inc., Razor Logic Systems, Futurewise Technologies Private Limited., ESPlanner Inc., iSoftware Limited, Cheshire Software Inc., MoneyGuide Inc., Miles Software, Orion Advisor Technology, Personal Capital Corporation, Quicken Inc., SAP SE, Oltis Software, WealthTrace, Moneywise Software, Prevero GmbH, Sigma Conso, GetRealList, Wealth Access .
The financial planning software market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Financial Planning Software Market Characteristics
3. Financial Planning Software Market Trends And Strategies
4. Financial Planning Software Market — Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Financial Planning Software Market Size and Growth . . .
31. Global Financial Planning Software Market Competitive Benchmarking
32. Global Financial Planning Software Market Competitive Dashboard
33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Financial Planning Software Market
34. Financial Planning Software Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
35. Appendix
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roamnook · 12 days
Google Cloud transforms your business with top-notch AI, ML, and multicloud solutions. Experience global infrastructure, data cloud, and open cloud capabilities for smarter decisions. Visit the website for more insights.
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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Google Cloud
Google Cloud is a leading technology solution provider, offering a wide range of services to help businesses of all sizes accelerate their digital transformation. Whether you are just starting your journey or are well on your way, Google Cloud has the expertise and technology to help you solve your toughest challenges.
Learn more
Key Benefits
Top reasons businesses choose Google Cloud
Enterprise-ready AI
Run your apps wherever you need them with multicloud
Build on the same infrastructure as Google with global infrastructure
Make smarter decisions with unified data using Data Cloud
Scale with open, flexible technology with Open Cloud
Protect your users, data, and apps with robust security
Connect your teams with AI-powered apps for Productivity and collaboration
Reports and Insights
Curated C-suite perspectives in Executive insights
Read what industry analysts say about Google Cloud in Analyst reports
Browse and download popular whitepapers in Whitepapers
Explore case studies and videos in Customer stories
Google Cloud offers a wide range of industry-specific solutions to address the specific needs and challenges of different sectors. Here are some of the key solutions:
Retail: Analytics and collaboration tools for the retail value chain
Consumer Packaged Goods: Solutions for CPG digital transformation and brand growth
Financial Services: Computing, data management, and analytics tools for financial services
Healthcare and Life Sciences: Advance research and empower healthcare innovation
Media and Entertainment: Solutions for content production and distribution operations
Telecommunications: Hybrid and multi-cloud services to deploy and monetize 5G
Games: AI-driven solutions to build and scale games faster
Manufacturing: Migration and AI tools to optimize the manufacturing value chain
Supply Chain and Logistics: Enable sustainable, efficient, and resilient data-driven operations
Government: Data storage, AI, and analytics solutions for government agencies
Education: Teaching tools to provide more engaging learning experiences
Application Modernization
Google Cloud provides comprehensive solutions for modernizing your business applications. Whether you need to assess, plan, implement, or measure software practices and capabilities, Google Cloud has you covered.
CAMP Program: Improve your software delivery capabilities using DORA
Modernize Traditional Applications: Analyze, categorize, and migrate traditional workloads to the cloud
Migrate from PaaS: Cloud Foundry, Openshift: Tools for moving your containers to Google's managed container services
Migrate from Mainframe: Automated tools and guidance for moving mainframe apps to the cloud
Modernize Software Delivery: Best practices for software supply chain, CI/CD, and S3C
DevOps Best Practices: Processes and resources for implementing DevOps in your organization
SRE Principles: Tools and resources for adopting Site Reliability Engineering in your organization
Day 2 Operations for GKE: Tools and guidance for effective Google Kubernetes Engine management
FinOps and Optimization of GKE: Best practices for running reliable and cost-effective applications on GKE
Run Applications at the Edge: Guidance for localized and low-latency apps on Google's edge solution
Architect for Multicloud: Manage workloads across multiple clouds with a consistent platform
Go Serverless: Fully managed environment for developing, deploying, and scaling apps
Artificial Intelligence
Add intelligence and efficiency to your business with Google Cloud's AI and machine learning solutions. Whether you are looking to implement conversational AI, document processing, or product recommendation, Google Cloud has the right tools for you.
Contact Center AI: AI model for speaking with customers and assisting human agents
Document AI: Automated document processing and data capture at scale
Product Discovery: Google-quality search and product recommendations for retailers
APIs and Applications
Speed up the pace of innovation without coding using Google Cloud's APIs, apps, and automation tools. Whether you want to attract new developers and partners, modernize legacy applications, or simplify open banking compliance, Google Cloud has you covered.
New Business Channels Using APIs: Attract and empower an ecosystem of developers and partners
Unlocking Legacy Applications Using APIs: Cloud services for extending and modernizing legacy apps
Open Banking APIx: Simplify and accelerate secure delivery of open banking compliant APIs
Migrate and manage enterprise data with security, reliability, high availability, and fully managed data services. Whether you are looking to simplify your database migration life cycle or run SQL Server virtual machines on Google Cloud, Google Cloud's database solutions have got you covered.
Database Migration: Guides and tools to simplify your database migration life cycle
Database Modernization: Upgrades to modernize your operational database infrastructure
Databases for Games: Build global live games with Google Cloud databases
Data Cloud
Unify data across your organization with Google Cloud's open and simplified approach to data-driven transformation. Whether you need to migrate and manage enterprise data, generate instant insights from data, or innovate and optimize your SaaS applications, Google Cloud has the data solutions you need.
Data Warehouse Modernization: Jumpstart your migration and unlock insights with data warehouse
Data Lake Modernization: Services for building and modernizing your data lake
Spark on Google Cloud: Run and write Spark where you need it, serverless and integrated
Smart Analytics: Generate instant insights from data at any scale with a serverless, fully managed analytics platform
Business Intelligence: Solutions for modernizing your BI stack and creating rich data experiences
Data Science: Put your data to work with Data Science on Google Cloud
Marketing Analytics: Solutions for collecting, analyzing, and activating customer data
Geospatial Analytics and AI: Solutions for building a more prosperous and sustainable business
Startups and SMB
Google Cloud offers tailored solutions and programs to accelerate startup and SMB growth. Whether you are a startup looking for proven technology or an SMB exploring solutions for web hosting, app development, AI, and analytics, Google Cloud has the right tools to fuel your growth.
Startup Solutions: Grow your startup and solve your toughest challenges using Google’s proven technology
Startup Program: Get financial, business, and technical support to take your startup to the next level
Small and Medium Business: Explore solutions for web hosting, app development, AI, and analytics
Software as a Service: Build better SaaS products, scale efficiently, and grow your business
Featured Products
Compute Engine: Virtual machines running in Google’s secure data center for increased flexibility
Cloud Storage: Secure, durable, and scalable object storage
BigQuery: Data warehouse for business agility and insights
Cloud Run: Fully managed environment for running containerized apps
Google Kubernetes Engine: Managed Kubernetes service for running containerized apps
Vertex AI: Unified platform for machine learning models and generative AI
Vertex AI Studio: Build, tune, and deploy foundation models on Vertex AI
Vertex AI Search and Conversation: Build generative AI apps for search and conversational AI
Apigee API Management: Manage the full life cycle of APIs with visibility and control
Cloud SQL: Relational database services for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server
Cloud SDK: Command-line tools and libraries for Google Cloud
Cloud CDN: Content delivery network for delivering web and video
See all products
AI and Machine Learning
Vertex AI Platform: Unified platform for ML models and generative AI
Vertex AI Studio: Build, tune, and deploy foundation models on Vertex AI
Vertex AI Search and Conversation: Generative AI apps for search and conversational AI
Dialogflow: Lifelike conversational AI with virtual agents
Security Analytics and Operations: Solution for analyzing petabytes of security telemetry
Web App and API Protection: Threat and fraud protection for your web applications and APIs
Security and Resilience Framework: Solutions for each phase of the security and resilience life cycle
Risk and compliance as code (RCaC): Solution to modernize your governance, risk, and compliance function with automation
Software Supply Chain Security: Solution for improving end-to-end software supply chain security
Security Foundation: Recommended products to help achieve a strong security posture
Smart Analytics
Data Warehouse Modernization: Jumpstart your migration and unlock insights with data warehouse
Data Lake Modernization: Services for building and modernizing your data lake
Spark on Google Cloud: Run and write Spark where you need it, serverless and integrated
Smart Analytics: Generate instant insights from data at any scale with a serverless, fully managed analytics platform
Business Intelligence: Solutions for modernizing your BI stack and creating rich data experiences
Data Science: Put your data to work with Data Science on Google Cloud
Marketing Analytics: Solutions for collecting, analyzing, and activating customer data
Geospatial Analytics and AI: Solutions for building a more prosperous and sustainable business
Datasets: Data Source: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/cluster-autoscaler&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi4p8uF6LSGAxUGEGIAHXy-COYQFnoECAEQAw&usg=AOvVaw3TCeRPJFwEWgadT3N9Z0Eu
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cablogss · 15 days
AI & Machine Learning: The Secret Weapons in Your CRM Arsenal (with CRM Services & Salesforce Consulting)
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become the cornerstone of modern business success. But are you getting the most out of your CRM system? The future of CRM lies in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and Cloud Analogy, your trusted Salesforce consulting services partner, can help you unlock its potential.
Why AI & ML are Game-Changers for Your CRM Strategy
Traditional CRM offers valuable tools, but AI and ML add a layer of intelligence that transforms your approach:
Hyper-Personalized Customer Experiences: AI analyzes vast customer data to predict preferences and behaviors. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns, product recommendations, and support interactions, fostering deeper customer connections.
Automating Repetitive Tasks: ML algorithms can automate time-consuming tasks like lead scoring, data entry, and email follow-ups. This frees your sales team to focus on strategic initiatives and building relationships.
Predictive Insights & Data-Driven Decisions: CRM data combined with AI/ML transforms into actionable insights. You can predict customer churn, identify sales opportunities, and make data-driven decisions that optimize your marketing and sales efforts.
Cloud Analogy: Unleashing the Power of AI & ML in Your CRM
Cloud Analogy, a leading provider of CRM services and Salesforce consulting services, can help you leverage AI and ML within your Salesforce platform:
Salesforce Customization & Integration: We tailor your Salesforce instance to utilize AI-powered features like Einstein Analytics and integrate it with other AI tools for a comprehensive solution.
Data Preparation is Key: Our experts ensure your CRM data is clean, accurate, and ready to be analyzed by AI algorithms for optimal results. We handle data migration and cleansing for a smooth transition.
Building a Data-Driven Culture: Cloud Analogy goes beyond technology implementation. We help your team understand and utilize AI-generated insights to make informed decisions and improve business performance.
Benefits of Partnering with Cloud Analogy:
By choosing Cloud Analogy for your AI-powered CRM strategy, you gain a partner with:
Deep Salesforce Expertise: Our team possesses extensive knowledge of Salesforce functionalities and AI capabilities to tailor a solution that perfectly aligns with your unique needs.
Proven Track Record: We have a successful history of helping businesses leverage AI and ML within Salesforce, leading to significant improvements in key areas.
Ongoing Support & Optimization: Cloud Analogy doesn't just get you started. We offer ongoing support, data analysis expertise, and continuous optimization to ensure your CRM remains a valuable asset as your business evolves.
Ready to Supercharge Your CRM?
Don't settle for a basic CRM experience. Partner with Cloud Analogy to leverage AI and ML within your Salesforce platform. We'll help you create a data-driven CRM strategy that fosters deeper customer relationships, fuels sales growth, and positions your business for long-term success.
Contact Cloud Analogy today and let's discuss how we can empower your CRM with the power of AI and Machine Learning!
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gilspvtltd · 17 days
Leveraging IaaS for Efficient Workforce Management
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is rapidly becoming a cornerstone for efficient workforce management in the manpower supply industry. With its flexible and scalable IT infrastructure, IaaS offers transformative benefits that streamline operations, enhance scheduling, provide real-time analytics, and automate processes. At Gils Pvt Ltd, an ISO 9001-2015 certified company established in 1998, we are leveraging IaaS to revolutionize our services and meet the complex, ever-changing needs of leading Indian and global corporate houses.
What is IaaS? Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. Companies can rent servers, storage, and networking components on a pay-as-you-go basis from cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. This model offers significant advantages, including cost savings, scalability, and flexibility, which are particularly beneficial in the manpower supply sector.
How IaaS is Revolutionizing Workforce Management
Enhanced Scheduling and Resource Allocation Effective scheduling is critical in the manpower supply industry, where timely and precise workforce deployment is essential. IaaS provides robust scheduling tools that allow companies to allocate resources efficiently. By using cloud-based platforms, Gils Pvt Ltd can manage schedules in real-time, ensuring that the right personnel are deployed to the right locations at the right times. This not only improves operational efficiency but also reduces downtime and enhances client satisfaction.
Interactive Question: How has scheduling inefficiency affected your business operations in the past?
Real-Time Analytics for Informed Decision-Making Real-time analytics is a game changer for workforce management. IaaS platforms offer powerful analytics tools that provide insights into workforce performance, client needs, and market trends. At Gils Pvt Ltd, we use these tools to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), track employee productivity, and forecast staffing requirements. Real-time data allows us to make informed decisions quickly, ensuring that we remain agile and responsive to our clients' needs.
Interactive Question: What types of data do you think are most valuable for optimizing workforce management in your organization?
Automation of Manual Processes Automation is one of the most significant benefits of IaaS in workforce management. Manual processes, such as timesheet entries, payroll processing, and compliance reporting, are time-consuming and prone to errors. By leveraging cloud-based automation tools, Gils Pvt Ltd can streamline these processes, reducing administrative burdens and minimizing errors. Automation also frees up valuable time for our HR team, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine tasks.
Interactive Question: Which manual processes in your organization could benefit the most from automation?
Scalable Solutions for Growing Demands The manpower supply industry often experiences fluctuating demands, requiring scalable solutions that can adapt quickly. IaaS offers the flexibility to scale IT resources up or down based on demand. This is particularly beneficial during peak periods or when taking on large projects. Gils Pvt Ltd utilizes IaaS to scale our infrastructure seamlessly, ensuring that we can handle increased workloads without compromising service quality.
Interactive Question: How does your organization handle fluctuating demand, and what challenges do you face in scaling resources?
Improved Collaboration and Communication Effective collaboration and communication are essential for managing a dispersed workforce. IaaS provides cloud-based collaboration tools that facilitate real-time communication, file sharing, and project management. At Gils Pvt Ltd, we use these tools to ensure that our teams, spread across various locations in India and overseas, remain connected and coordinated. This enhances teamwork, improves project outcomes, and ensures that our clients receive consistent and high-quality services.
Interactive Question: What collaboration tools do you currently use, and how effective are they in managing your workforce?
Real-World Examples of IaaS Benefits Case Study 1: Optimized Scheduling
A leading global corporate house faced challenges in scheduling their housekeeping staff across multiple locations. By implementing our IaaS-powered scheduling platform, Gils Pvt Ltd optimized their workforce allocation, reducing scheduling conflicts and improving service efficiency. This resulted in higher client satisfaction and more efficient use of resources.
Case Study 2: Enhanced Analytics for Strategic Decisions
An Indian conglomerate partnered with Gils Pvt Ltd to manage their technical manpower. Using our cloud-based analytics tools, we provided real-time insights into workforce performance and client needs. This allowed the conglomerate to make data-driven decisions, improving their overall project management and resource utilization.
The Future of IaaS in Workforce Management As the manpower supply industry continues to evolve, the adoption of IaaS is expected to increase. Companies will rely more on cloud-based infrastructure to enhance their operational efficiency, streamline processes, and improve service delivery. At Gils Pvt Ltd, we are committed to staying at the forefront of this technological revolution, continuously leveraging IaaS to provide exceptional services to our clients.
Conclusion Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is transforming workforce management in the manpower supply industry by offering scalable, flexible, and cost-efficient IT solutions. At Gils Pvt Ltd, we have embraced IaaS to enhance our scheduling, provide real-time analytics, automate manual processes, and improve collaboration. As we continue to expand our services across India and overseas, we remain dedicated to leveraging the latest technology to meet the complex and ever-changing business needs of our clients.
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hike2 · 18 days
Integration Of Data Analytics And Artificial Intelligence Across Industry – An Analysis
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In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, the advent of generative AI (artificial intelligence) has ushered data analytics into a new dimension of efficacy. Where analysts once used to spend countless hours poring over data for insights, cutting-edge data architecture for generative AI has made the process effortless by swiftly generating synthetic data and exploring a plethora of other possibilities that weren’t feasible before. This incredible fusion has had several benefits that have revolutionized the realm of data analytics. From saving manual time and effort to improving anomaly detection and personalized recommendations, the list is endless. But how is this ground-breaking blend being leveraged by various industries? Read on to find out.
Corporate Legal – The field of corporate law is inundated with endless paperwork and tricky cases that seem impossible to win. Sifting through the piles of documents wasn’t just time-consuming, it left room open for several human errors. With the help of legal technology consultants and artificial intelligence, legal offices are availing a triad of benefits. To begin with, it automates routine tasks, freeing up a lot of time. Next, AI streamlines the process of document review, providing insightful analysis. Finally, it improves the accuracy of legal research by making it free from human blunders. Overall, AI has revolutionized the legal landscape, making it less time-consuming and more precise.
Public Sectors – In the years before artificial intelligence became mainstream, public agencies have struggled to put up with the demands of their people. From resource allocation to workforce management, the needs always exceeded the speed with which changes were being implemented. Data analytics consulting firms have stepped up the game quite a bit. They help revolutionize different public sector organizations with ever-evolving changes, adding design capabilities and catalyzing their innovation process. AI has further accelerated the process by providing policymakers powerful tools for predictive analysis and data-driven decision-making. From cybersecurity to urban planning and resource management, politicians have the power to make informed decisions and bring about positive changes more effectively.
High-Tech Firms – In the high-tech industries and SaaS sectors, artificial intelligence has been a godsend and continues transforming the way things get done every day. It’s revolutionizing how firms operate by automating tasks, simplifying various processes, and providing valuable insights for more prudent decision-making. By helping these service providers work more efficiently, artificial intelligence helps them stay ahead of the curve and get more customers.
Professional Services – Extracting meaning and insights from data is the foundation of any business. Before the advent of AI, service industries struggled to do so efficiently, hampering their decision-making process. With the fusion of data analytics and architecture, businesses have powerful tools to understand customer choices, helping them to make strategic decisions that result in more business.
To Conclude, 
The convergence of data analytics and AI has transformed the way data is studied. Gone are the days when heaps of man-hours and resources were spent trying to make sense of data and gather valuable information from it. With AI, every aspect of the process has become seamless and time-saving. Want to incorporate the powers of AI, and cloud solutions or hire a change management consultant? Hike2 is your one-stop destination.
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