smokiedokie · 5 months
I opened my copy of The Tale of the Body Thief & immediately had to close it again because of this silly little annotation
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dear-ao3 · 2 months
adult hood is just
*buys a half gallon of milk* *uses it all within a few days* *decided to buy a gallon of milk to not run out before next shopping trip* *uses a teaspoon of milk that week and it goes bad somehow* *buys a quart of milk instead so it won’t go bad* *uses it in one day* *buys a quart and a half gallon of milk because the gallon was too much but the half gallon was not enough* *only uses the half gallon* *gives up on milk for a few days in general* *buys a gallon of milk again just to tempt fate* *somehow uses all of it without realizing and then has to eat sad cereal with like the 5 drops of remaining milk*
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spyglassrealms · 1 year
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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cardentist · 8 months
hey, so people need to be aware that youtube is now (randomly) holding basic features for ransom (such as being able to pin comments under your own videos) in exchange for Your State ID/Drivers License, or a 30 Second Video Of Your Face.
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not to pull a "think of the children," but No Actually. I've been making videos as a hobby since 2015 (and I've had my channel since middle school), I was a minor when I started and I'm not sure I would have understood the kind of damage something a seemingly simple as a video of your face can do.
this is a Massive breach of privacy and over-reach on google's part No Matter What, but if they're going to randomly demand a state ID or license then they absolutely should not allow minors to be creators.
google having a stockpile of identifying information on teenagers is bad enough, but the Alternative of recording your face and handing it over to be filed away is Alarming considering it opens the gates for minors who Aren't old enough to have a license.
and yes, there is a third option, but it's intentionally obtuse. a long wait period (2 months), with no guarantee of access (unlike, say, the convenience of using your phone's cameras for either of the other two), with absolutely No elaboration on what the criteria is or how it's being measured.
it's the same psychological effect that mobile games rely on. offer a slow, unreliable solution with no payment to make the Paid instant gratification look more appealing (the "payment" in this case being You. you are the product being offered).
and it's Particularly a system that (I think intentionally) disadvantages people who don't treat their channels like a job. hobbyists or niche creators who don't create regularly enough or aren't popular enough to meet whatever Vague criteria needs to be met to pass.
markiplier would have no problem passing, your little brother might not be able to. and while Mark's name is already out there there's no reason why your little brother's should be too.
something like pinned comments may seem simple, you don't technically Need it. but it's a feature that's been available for years. most people don't look at descriptions anymore. so when there's relevant information that needs to be delivered then the pinned comment is usually the go to.
for my little channel that information is about the niche series I create for. guides on how to get into the series, sources on where to find the content At All (and reliably so). for other creators it can be used for things Much More Important.
Moreover, if we let them get away with cutting away "small" features and selling it back to you for the price of your privacy, then they Will creep further. they Will take more.
Note: I have an update to this post here: [Link]
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cy-lindric · 2 months
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thyinum · 6 months
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Hands of Avatars with little headcanons to keep my sanity today
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macaulaytwins · 3 months
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they would’ve run the PTA like the navy
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violinsandblood · 15 days
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trollmaiden · 11 months
The duality (Alignment) of the word fairy
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Edit; this has been updated the new Chart is pinned
Please I have learned from my mistakes
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never-obsolete · 18 days
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Computer Chronicles - Internet (1995)
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fucked up vampire who sucks COCKS instead of blood. ha ha. I Will Just Say Anything On This Website
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lestatthevamp · 10 days
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stevenrogered · 1 month
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2x01, "What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned"
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ohnogodpls · 7 months
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Beach filler episode
Transcribed: [“Hey Clorinde, let’s have a water gun duel! C’mooooon don’t chicken out on me.” “Me? Chicken out? YOU WISH!”
“Oh hey there Sigewinne! Join me for a water gun duel.” “Oh?” “Looks like Sigewinne is busy at the moment, but perhaps I could take her spot?]
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bl00dfroma-fairy · 2 months
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lesly-oh · 3 months
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she 😳🩸
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