#christmas time!
merrycrisis-if · 1 year
Merry Crisis Third Chapter: It’s Christmas
Release dates
Ko-fi: 21 Jan
Public: 28 Jan
Author's note:
The third update of Merry Crisis will be up and ready-to-play for Ko‑fi folks a little earlier as a big "thank you" for the support :)
It's been a long time in the making, and there’s a LOT of new content in this new chapter (separate routes for each character!)—I'm so excited to share it with you all! Thank you so much for your support, sweet messages/asks. Can’t wait to hear what you guys thought of this chapter!
New content: "It's Christmas!"
Word count: 48,100 words (Total: ~97,000 words with code)
Playable content:
Attend Christmas dinner with the extended fam. Chat with your icy/frigid cousin or your brother, engage in some hijinks with your 6-year old twin cousins, and get embroiled in some true soap opera-style drama.
Ride off from the family dinner with Shay on their motorbike (to your mother’s horror), to a live music venue. Meet their bandmates, dance with Shay—a kiss is also in the cards—or perform on stage with the band if you dip out of dinner early!
Head to Labrador Park (a nearby coastal park with a strip of beach/forest) after dinner, and call Nat. You recall some of the good times spent on the beach with Nat on their first trip to Singapore to visit you, and just might just get a chance to fight for the relationship (or let it go for good).
Choose to spend some alone time at the park, and (possibly) reminisce about your 18th birthday, when you spent the afternoon there with Qiu after class.
End Christmas with a bang… (If you play your cards right, you might even be invited back to Shay’s apartment.)
Plus edited content for better readability in the earlier chapters. Do let me know if anything still sounds weird, or if you see any grammar/spelling errors! Can’t wait to hear what you guys think!
Edited content
Extensive edits of all the content up till the new chapter have also been made, for better readability :) Do let me know if anything still sounds weird, or if you see any grammar/spelling errors!
Next update
The next update will feature a mountain bike ride with Shay (if you said yes), and reunion dinner with your old Junior College classmates (including-or not including?-Qiu).
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purplemang0z · 6 months
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I was in a holiday mood ^^
Also Millie and Vannie are both on a major sugar rush 😋
Reblogs appreciated!
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p0t3nt1al · 5 months
After being two days late to posting this (due to family visiting), I finally am posting this!
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Raph’s Sweater
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“C’mon, Raph- say cheese!”
“I dunno..”
During their winter festivals and christmas parties, the Red Rackets have noticed that their Cabin Leader, Raph, doesn’t really wear any sweaters, just a hoodie (with his spikes ripping the fabric- while everyone else is snug in their sweaters. So, as a Christmas present, they gifted their Cabin Leader with a sweater that fitted him- with holes that went around the spikes! They also made a bandanna with their Cabin’s symbols (diamonds) along the eyes, Raph cried rivers afterwards.
Mistletoe Matching
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In the most unexpected times during Christmas season, shipping campers sneak around and secretly put matching mistletoes (that have subtle details that only a pair of two mistletoes will have) on counselors that they ship- unfortunately, Amora was a target of the mistletoe matching, almost always being matched with Deimos - along with a few other Counselors, and this time, Camp Usagi’s campers got into the seasonal shipping scheme, putting their matching mistletoes on Chizu and Kitsune.
Randomly Rudolph
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“Why do I have to do this?!”
“Its your turn, Hibiscus.”
Every year, a counselor is randomly chosen to wear a red nose and sing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” during the Christmas karaoke. It all started as a small, silly joke, but soon it turned into a tradition where a cabin’s counselor must fall into the day-long curse of the red nose. Unfortunately, Hibiscus was cursed with the red nose this year.
B.O.B Season..
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As the season of giving comes along, there always comes the Bags of Bracelets, also abbreviated as B.O.B- they are always a great gift for Campers, Counselors, and Cabin Leaders in Camp Hamato, as they are also the camp’s currency (except friendship or valentine’s bracelets.) The bags are marked based off which Cabin it was made in, like a BOB from an Orange Originator would have splotches and an orange color palette, while a BOB from a Red Racket would have diamonds on it and a red color palette.
Ah, yes- mistletoes…but we can’t end it off without a little surprise, eh?
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It's time to decorate the tree and Dundee is trying his best
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beevean · 11 months
Mega Man Legends 2
Calinca Island ~ Yosyonke Town
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cerezasp · 1 year
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Kids!Kid and Law.
Envelope sent to @sneakend :3
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Laura and Klimt stand in the living room of the Baker Street flat in their Lord and Lady Demise disguises. “You want to come over for dinner?” Laura asks Iris. “We’d be happy to have you.” She says. “However, we need to make sure Herlock’s okay with you spending time over at our house first.” Klimt says. He walks over to Herlock. “Is alright if we have Iris over for dinner and the night?” Klimt asks.
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Yes, of course, any time. I trust that you'll keep her well cared for!
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secondlina · 5 months
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Happy Crowy Yule! It's a reall whose who of Yuletide.
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t0esniffer69 · 7 months
everyone. on christmas day, december 25th, we all search up “halloween” to make it a trending search. it would be the FUNNIEST thing ever to see halloween be a trending search on christmas day. tell all your friends, repost this, do everything you can to make sure we can do this. REBLOG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.
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thicc-mint-cookie · 5 months
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Get jolly with it
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straykidsobsessed · 5 months
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pusheen · 7 months
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gouinisme · 11 months
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locallibrarylover · 8 months
*by live theatre i mean plays, musicals, operas, ballets, concert versions of musicals, staged readings, & things of that nature. EDIT: YES this includes amateur, local, kids, high school, & community theatre. almost every show i've seen has been local
if you want, list the names of the shows you've seen in the tags!
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christmasxmas · 7 months
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celesse · 5 months
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The chickatree is all atwitter 🎵🐦🎄
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