#chirs evans x you
mrs-johansson · 10 months
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 15:
Laying in bed, watching Dateline was probably the most comforting thing we could’ve been doing. I worked a 15-hour day and not gonna lie I was exhausted, but I really wanted to spend time with Scarlett.
“I’ve never asked you about the tattoo on your back,” her hand softly brushed over the ink on my bare back. “It’s really beautiful,” her soft words and touches gave me goosebumps.
“I’ve got it made in Thailand, tattoos are a form of protection to ward off evil spirits there. They are believed to be magical, called Sak Yant. This very old woman did it with a bamboo type of thing and dipped that into ink.” “Did it hurt more? It probably did,” she chuckled lowly. “Oh yeah, she was hitting that into my back. Not a nice feeling.” “And what does it mean?”
Explaining every little detail of line, she was paying attention like I was explaining the secrets of the world. Her fingers followed every curve and mark.
“I wanted to ask you something though, and I want your honest opinion,” spoke Scarlett. I turned around and laid next to her, as she was now sitting with her legs crossed, “I’m thinking about dying my hair.” “Yeah? What color?” I asked. “Brunette… not too dark, not too light. I don’t know, I’m kind of bored of blonde. What do you think?” I squinted at her, doing my best to imagine her with brown hair. “It would be hot. You would keep the length, right?” I sat up, brushing a piece of hair out of her face. “Mhm,” she hummed and I left my hands on her cheeks. Framing her smooth and perfect face.
Her soft but strong hands curled around my thighs and pulled me in her lap. Scam knew how to accompany me in bed, as we’ve fallen into it with each other for a few months now. We had already drunk a couple of glasses of wine and had dinner hours ago. Caught up on what happened throughout the day and I just really wanted to turn off my mind.
She had me under her spell, wrapped tightly around her slender finger for no one else to have. And I didn’t mind one bit. Started slowly undoing the buttons of my pj shirt, never breaking eye contact. Her hands gently slid under the hem of my shirt to hold my hips. The corners of her mouth turned up into a soft smile at my touch as I moved to gently suck on her neck, earning a small hum of appreciation.
“I missed you today,” I mumbled against her skin. Her hands smoothly removed my shirt, throwing it on the floor. “Mhm, you did?” The husk in my ear just gave me goosebumps. Quietly moaned under my breath as my eyes were closed, entrapped in Scarlett’s soft kisses. “Yeah,” I whined as her teeth dug into my skin. I wrapped my fingers into her hair, pulling her slightly back as I scattered kisses and bites onto her neck. “You’re not filming in the next couple of days, yeah?” I asked. “No,” Scarlett mumbled. “Lucky me.” Sucking on her pulse, she let out small whines and moans. Leaving hickies is probably something that teenagers do, but damn how I love to do that. Her left hand was carefully placed around my neck, lightly squeezing it. Scarlett’s other hand went down on my wet panty, rubbing my clothed core. “Hmm… more,” I sighed into the crook of her neck. “You’re wearing too much,” I breathed out while pulling on her shirt.
In no time we threw away every piece of clothing separating us. She grabbed my breast, caressing it carefully with her veiny pretty hands. I moaned. Even if I tried to hold it in, I knew I couldn’t have and she knew it too. Still, on her lap, she slid her hand on my stomach way too slowly for my liking. “Scarlett please…” I squeezed her right wrist as her hand was holding me up, from the underside of my thigh. “What do you want, hm?” Her husky words and that smirk just drove me crazy. “You! Just do something,” her fingers were edging so close to where I needed her the most.
The next second I was lifted off her lap and Scarlett was holding me up before softly laying me on my back. “Oh my god,” I held onto her shoulders for a second. “What? You think I spend hours at the gym for nothing?” She asked with a smirk. “Oh no, I know that you’re strong. Maybe without these biceps, we wouldn’t be here,” I squeezed her biceps playfully and we both chuckled, Scarlett hiding her face in the crook of my neck.
She lifted her face and we were inches apart. I was looking between her eyes and her full lips. With a quick kiss to the edge of my mouth, she lowered her head down to my core. I quickly found Scarlett’s hand with mine and intertwined our fingers.
Scar trailed her tongue from my clit, to my belly, my abdomen, the valley of my breasts, and to my right nipple. She licked it before placing a gentle kiss and biting it, she was smiling. “You’re obsessed,” I chuckled as my fingers ran through her hair, massaging her scalp. “You too though,” she mumbled. “That I am.”
Just the next moment she pushed two of her fingers inside me slowly. “Fuck,” I breathed out. She smiled as her mouth returned between my thighs, eating me out like there was no tomorrow.
She kissed my inner thigh softly while tossing my right leg over her shoulder. She butterfly-kissed my clit before starting to suck it. I took a sharp breath in and squeezed her hand. "Scar," I moaned once I felt her tongue inside me.
"More baby," I whimpered once she began to move my clit with her thumb. Her movements quickened and my skin was burning. “I’m gonna… Scar quick,” with one last lick I was sent over. I was panting, my thighs were shaking and my eyes were closed. “You did so good, love,” Scarlett came up and softly kissed me. I held onto her shoulder, before pulling her down on me with a hand on her back. “You know, when I think about how we got together just now, it makes the past few years worth waiting for you. Sex with you just… unbelievable,” I said while trying to catch my breath. Feeling Scarlett’s smile on my skin was unmatched. “Glad to hear that. The same goes back to you, though. You have magic hands, darling,” she left small kisses along my neck then trailed them up to my lips.
I cupped her face with my hands, brushing the fallen blond locks out of her face. “Thank you for making me happy,” I looked between her eyes and the little smile on her lips was something I’m gonna cherish forever. “Thank you for letting me,” her words were personal and filled with feelings.
The urge to say my feelings was so tempting but just a little more time till I’ll do it. I’m not in a rush and I feel happy in every little moment we have together. She is here and we are present, that’s all we need these days.
“I’m gonna go, can you please text me when you get to the airport?” I walked back into the bedroom, seeing Scarlett had sat up in bed already. “Will do,” she yawned and I smiled at her tired look. “There’s some coffee and I got you breakfast. Tell Rose I miss her when you talk,” I leaned down, one hand on her cheek, and kissed her. Her eyes remained closed but a small smile pulled on her lips. “You’re the best, baby. Have fun today.” “You too, I’ll see you tonight.”
Leaving the hotel, I could already see the paparazzi from the lobby. I put on my sunglasses and a confident posture.
Stepping out, flashes went crazy and thankfully it wasn’t dark out so I was already used to the lights. “Y/n! Is it true that you’re dating someone?” “Do Chris and your sister getting married?” “I heard you’re dating someone older, can you confirm?” And I quickly got inside the car. “Way to start the morning.”
“Y/n we’re ready for you,” came in the trailer one of the set assistants. “Okay, thank you.”
I had most of my scenes with Kate McKinnon and we had a lot of fun so far filming. She is a very cool person and funny but also professional which makes everything easier.
We had multiple locations around LA to film and people always found where we were. And I immediately saw at least a dozen people being fenced away from the set. I had no choice but to walk past them and as they saw me, it all went downhill.
“Y/n please can we take a picture?” I heard one girl and I most definitely didn’t want to ignore them because I would seem rude. So I turned to them with a small smile. “I’m sorry, I can’t take pictures right now but I’ll sign something for you if that's good,” I said and the girl nodded. She must have been around 18 or something since she seemed to be alone here. I signed her phone case and we exchanged a couple of words before I had to go film.
Ignoring fans was never a thing for me. My dad always taught us that regardless of how people treat you, always be nice and friendly. And I don’t see the point of being the opposite. I try my best every time to be polite and respectful even if the paparazzi is being an ass.
After a couple of hours of filming, we had my scene done where I go to Roger Ailes’ office. It was a difficult scene and I was actually glad we had finished it.
Scarly🌻: I’ve got the package😎
me: the package?
Scarly🌻: your sister and Evans
Scarly🌻: the package
Scarly🌻: crazy lovebirds
me: right😂 third wheeling today you think?
Scarly🌻: already, I could’ve just written it on my schedule
me: I’m sorry😂 I don’t think I’ll be able to get to the hotel before dinner so I’ll meet you guys at the restaurant
Scarly🌻: alright, we’re gonna get lunch. Have you had any yet?
me: I’m waiting for it now, we’re moving locations so I have some time off
Scarly🌻: text me when you finished?
me: ofc, have fun babes❤️
Scarly🌻: you too😘
We had moved to an outside location and it was already dark out. I mostly filmed in a restaurant but then outside too. Not gonna lie I was cold for a while, but after we did multiple takes I got used to it.
After we all finished I quickly changed and redid my makeup then I made my way toward the restaurant.
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hoteldreamss · 5 months
Imagine || Chris Evans
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Метки: сцена 18+; измены (читательница и Крис не изменяют друг другу).
Это определённо было неправильным, если кто-нибудь узнает. Но никто не знал, кроме тебя и Криса, который продолжал вдалбливаться в тебя, пока твоя обнажённая попа трётся о жёсткий бежевый ковёр, твоё повседневное платье задралось, а волосы распались из незамысловатой причёски. Тихие стоны удовольствия разносятся по всей гостевой. Тебе нравится чувствовать его губы на своём лице, шее и декольте, ты доверяешь ему, хотя знаешь, что он может пометить тебя укусами или засосами, тебе всё равно.
Вы достигаете края, испытывая расслабление от своего быстрого и дикого секса.
Крис поправляет джинсы. Ты поправляешь своё платье, хоть и с трудом из-за того, что Эванс всё ещё лежит на тебе.
— Тебе нужно уходить. — Ты разрушаешь молчание между вами, заглушая тиканье часов и шум холодильника. — Себастиан скоро вернутся.
— Почему бы ему тогда не увидеть, что он упускает? — интересуется Крис усмехаясь и наклоняясь к тебе. Он оставляет несколько поцелуев у тебя на губах, а затем на твоих щеках.
Ты не сдерживаешь своей улыбки, пока его короткая борода слегка царапает твою кожу, заставляя хихикнуть.
Пальцы зарыты в его немного жёсткие волосы на голове, но тебе всё равно нравится играться с ними.
— Знаешь, мы могли бы побыть вместе на выходных, — предлагаешь ты. — Себастиан собирается поехать на теннисный корт, провести там время со своими придурками друзьями. Они хотят остаться там на ночь.
— Звучит как хорошая идея для мужской крепкой дружбы. — Крис отстраняется от тебя, и ты видишь его ухмылку. Тебе и самой смешно от его слов.
Эванс приподнимается. Но он всё ещё близок к тебе, заставляя твои щёки слегка покраснеть от его пристального взгляда.
Тебе нравится его взгляд, наполненный восхищением.
Крис всегда был таким ласковым с тобой, и ты могла бы подумать, что он чертовски влюблён в тебя, и ты будучи замужней, знающей какими могут быть мужчины, могла бы не доверять Эвансу.
Себастьян выбрал тебя только потому, что ты была хорошенькой, идеальной женой, послушной, милой и желающей угодить своему мужу. Хотя ты была рада удачному браку, тебе всё равно казалось, что быть замужней будет чертовски сложно, а Себ был настойчивым, обаятельным и обеспеченным. Твои родители были рады вашей свадьбе, а ты была рада, что хоть где-то смогла преуспеть. И может тебе стоило думать лучше, когда ты выходила замуж за мужчину, которого не любила, но тогда ты просто хотела быть хорошей девочкой для всех, быть хорошей дочерью и милой жёнушкой.
Может ты не переживала, когда узнала, что твой муж трахает любых женщин, попавших ему под руку, в конце концов, он был тем, кто содержал тебя, тебе не на что было жаловаться, кроме как на отсутствие любви и верности, но ты также не чувствовала любви к Стэну. Ты сохраняла верность, пока он не сделал обратного. И, может быть, ты немного была рада этому, потому что твоя тяга к Крису теперь не должна была подавляться тобой. Ты просто отдалась своим желаниями и чувствам, и Эванс не противостоял тебе.
Он был вашим соседом, иногда приходя к вам в гости, знал Себастиана, они были неплохими знакомыми, но Крис никогда не принуждал тебя задуматься о ваших действий, он не стыдил тебя и не насидел на тебя. Он просто был хорошим любовником, иногда заставляя тебя излишни рисковать. Ты понятия не имела, что было в голове у Криса, чувствовал ли он такое же желание, как и ты? Или может Эванс просто хотел быть крутым парнем, трахая замужнюю женщину по соседству?
— Мы могли бы поужинать вместе в субботу?
Крис заводит одну руку под голову, лёжа на бежевом ковре гостиной и наслаждаясь видом. Ты поднимаешься, одёргивая платье и оглядываясь по сторонам в поисках нижнего белья.
— Да. В шесть? — интересуешься ты, наконец, замечая то, что искала.
— Тебя ж��ёт ужасно вкусный ужин. — Эванс поднимается, но всё ещё не встаёт, он лишь тянется к тебе, хватает за ногу, притягивая тебя к себе, и ты поддаёшься, подходя к нему ближе, невольно обнимая его, пока стоишь между раздвинутых ног Криса, а он прижимается щекой к твоему бедру и ластится. — Может, мы могли бы заняться чем-то помимо дикого траха?
— Может быть, — произносишь ты, снова проскальзывая пальцами сквозь его грубоватые волосы. — Тебе пора, Крис.
Легко выскользнув из его объятий, ты направляешься к кружевному клочку ткани на полу.
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Nrfth (11) – New beginnings or past mistakes - FIN
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Summary: Betrayal cuts deep. If your heart and trust get damaged. Can you find a way back?
Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of past heartbreak/shitty behavior/break-ups, groveling, angry reader, arguments, adorable Lilly Anne, plot twist
No rest for the heartbroken masterlist
<< Part 10
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“He’s here,” Tracey wrinkles her nose when she sees Chris walk toward the gate. “There is still time, babe. Let me give him a new face.”
“Maybe this was a bad idea,” you nervously wring your hands. Lilly Anne is busy talking to her friends. She hasn’t seen Chris and his dog yet. You can just tell her Chris didn’t make it to her birthday party. “Can you distract Lilly Anne? I need to talk to Chris first…”
You walk toward the gate, swallowing thickly as prepare yourself for another confrontation with Chris. “Y/N, hey. Uh-I got presents in the back of my car. I wanted to bring Dodger here first.”
Chris awkwardly glances at you. He holds a Captain America balloon, in his hand, and a large unicorn stuffy tugged under his arm. “Thank you for having me.”
“Chirs, listen…maybe this was a bad idea. We haven’t seen each other for years and now you are here, at my daughter’s birthday party. I didn’t think this through.”
“Please don’t send me away. I don’t want her to believe that I didn’t show,” he sniffs. “I’ll do anything. If you can’t forgive me for the way I acted back then, I understand. I don’t expect you to even like me. But give me the chance to get to know my daughter.”
“Daughter?” Your daughter gasps. “OH MY GOD! Captain America is my daddy!” She jumps up and down, squealing. “I knew it, mommy.”
Lilly Anne looks up at Chris with glassy eyes. She smiles sweetly and softly says his name.
“Y/N,” Tracey stumbles toward you and Chris. “She tricked me. Lilly said she wants water, not juice.” Your friend guilty looks at you. “I’m sorry.”
“Auntie Trace! Captain America is my daddy!” Lilly Anne hugs you before running off to tell all of her friends Captain America is her father.
“Great.” You hide your face in your hands. “I knew this was a bad idea. How could you just drop you’re her father? She won’t stop talking about you now!”
“I’m sorry…I didn’t…” Chris stammers. He looks at his shoes, sighing. “I fucked up again.”
“Hey, stop cursing! We have kids here,” Tracey grunts. “And yes, you fucked up epically. Lilly won’t stop asking Y/N about you from now on.”
“What did you tell Lilly about her dad?” You square your jaw at his question. How dare he to even ask?
“What do you think I told him? You treated me like trash.” You snap at Chris. “I told her that her father is busy with work. That he would love to be with us, but can’t because he’s so busy.”
Chris drops his gaze. “I’m sorry…”
“You should be more than sorry,” Tracey grunts. “You left this wonderful woman, pregnant with your child. But this wasn’t enough. You had to ruin her career too. Now you blame that woman when it was your fault everything fell apart.”
“I could’ve done more,” he admits. “I was scared of my feelings. Falling for Y/N wasn’t in my plans, but I did. When she came, and showed me the pictures and footage I did what I had to do to…”
“Protect your sorry ass.” Your friend jabs her finger into Chris’s chest. “That’s what you did! Don’t you dare to pretend that you did this to protect my friend!”
“Tracey…” you whisper. “We shouldn’t discuss this now. I said my part.” You look at your daughter. She runs back toward you, Tracey and Chris to wrap her hand around his wrist.
“Mr. Chris…Capt—” Lilly Anne frowns as she looks up at Chris. For a moment they just look at each other. Your daughter puckers her lips. “Can I call you daddy, Mr. Chris?”
Your chest tightens at her innocent question. It feels like someone squeezes your heart and tries to rip it out. She sniffles as Chris needs too long to answer.
He looks at you, a silent question in his eyes as your own fill with tears. “Doll, how about we celebrate your birthday first? You don’t want to miss having fun with your friends, right?” Chris clears his throat when you shoot him an angry look. “Or…uh…”
“A word,” you crouch down to press a soft kiss on your daughter’s cheek. “How about you go and talk to your friends? We will talk later. Okay. I need to talk to Mr. Chris first.”
“Okay,” your daughter sighs deeply. “I can show them the doggo.” She grins and turns her attention toward Dodger. “Come, doggo. I’ll show you my birthday presents.”
Tracey follows Lilly Anne to make sure she won’t hear what you are going to tell your ex. “You-“ you point a finger at Chris, “follow me inside.”
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You are fuming as Chris stands in your living room. He clutches the unicorn to his chest as you look like you are about to rip him a new one.
“If my daughter asks you if she’s allowed to call you daddy,” you snarl, “you say yes, of course, baby girl. You don’t let her wait and feel like her father doesn’t love her.”
“I panicked.”
“You panic a lot,” you scoff. “Not days ago, you begged me to let you be a part of her life. If this is how things will go with you around, I’ll never let you get close to my daughter again.”
“Our daughter,” he holds the unicorn a little tighter. “I didn’t want to overstep when Lilly Anne asked me if she can call me daddy.”
“Bullshit.” You just love to talk back. “You chickened out. If you admit that you are her father, people will find out. And it scares you to hell and back.”
“I-“ he sighs and shakes his head. “You truly believe I’m the worst.”
“Because you are the worst,” you grit your teeth. “This is so…” you groan and kick an imaginary stone. “Frustrating. I hate you. My daughter adores you. What am I supposed to do?”
You choke out a sob when Chris drops the unicorn to the ground to wrap his arms around you. He whispers your name, but you ignore his words. Burying your face in his chest you pretend things between you didn’t end the way they did.
The tears finally fall, as you allow yourself to bask in his warmth and the smell of his cologne. He sighs as you rub your face on his chest. “Doll, I love you so much…so much…”
Chris closes his eyes; he nuzzles his nose in your hair. He feels lightheaded, ready to fall asleep as he enjoys having you back in his arms.
He drifts into darkness as you slip out of his grasp.
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“Y/N!” He jolts up on the bed, panting heavily. “No…I…” Chris looks around the bedroom. His heart still races when he dips his head to look at you.
“What’s wrong?” you blink your eyes open. “Chris? Baby?”
“I-I had a nightmare,” he chokes out. “I fucked up, and we broke up.”
You worriedly look at Chris as he starts to rock back and forth. “She extorted me, and I fucked up… you’ll never let me see my daughter.”
“Chris?” Now you are really worried. “She went to jail, remember? You came to me and told me about the pictures.” You sit up to run your hand over his back to calm Chris. “We worked this out, baby.”
“It felt so real.” He sniffs. “I lost you. I lost Lilly Anne.”
“DADDY! MOMMY!” your daughter storms into the bedroom before you can talk to Chris. He seems to be shaken but plays it cool when your daughter jumps onto the bed, followed by Dodger.
She squeals and crawls toward her father. “DADDY it’s my birthday.”
“Of course, it is, little Cap,” Chris chuckles when your daughter peppers his face with kisses. “So, what do you want to do today?”
“I wanna eat ice cream…”
“You’ll get ice cream,” your husband wraps his arms around your daughter, holding her tight while you run your hand over his back. “Right, mommy?”
“Daddy will buy you your favorite ice cream, and later we will celebrate your birthday with Auntie Tracey and all of your friends.”
Chris nods and tries not to choke on tears. The dream felt so real, and he wonders what would’ve happened if he hadn’t told you the truth years ago…
Bazinga! ... I tricked you...😁
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cevansbaby-dove · 7 months
Random blurb but. how would Jensen or Chris React to you texting them a song? About getting married?
Jensen X Reader.
Y/N: We've only been dating for a year.
Jens: Uh oh did i miss the day we started dating!? 🫣 Please don't hate me babe!
Y/N: But I'm gonna take a risk and sound a little weird 🙃
Jens; Nah your never weird for me! I still love you.
Y/N: I want the picket fences and an arch around the entrance
Y/N: Two Ikea twin beds for the kids
Jens: Uh...wait KIDS!? Honey whoa slow down!!
Y/N: It's normal to be a little scared
Jens: Oh shit! Are you telling me something!?? Im working honey we can talk when i get home...
Y/N: But I wanna bend the rules and play some truth or dare
Jens: ohh okay 😉 i pick dare.
Y/N: So ask me any question, I don't really care
Y/N: The only thing I care about is if you'll meet me there
Jens: oh baby your in for it when i get home 😈 I'll be waiting.
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Y/N: And I wanna take your name
Y/N: And i know you want to the same....
Jens: yes you can have my name, my heart, everything is yours babygirl.
Y/N: Oh shit what!? Lol Jens this was to a song! Lyrics to a song! 😂
Jens: WHAT! so you...aren't having a baby and you don't really want the dare? 🥺
Y/N: Aww! hehe no im not prego..oh that dare...hmmm..
Jens: Clever little babygirl...Don't forget that you love demon dean sometimes...
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Y/N: yes...you know me so well sir.
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Y/N: We've only been dating for a year
Chris: Oh Hey yea we have been the best year of my life too :)
Y/N: But I'm gonna take a risk and sound a little weird
Chris: ok??
Y/N: I want the picket fences and an arch around the entrance
Y/N: Two Ikea twin beds for the kids
Chris: Aww that sound wonderful hunny i can't wait!
Y/N: It's normal to be a little scared
Chris: babe why are you scared? No please don't be scared i'm on my way home if you need me to keep you safe..🥺
Y/N: But I wanna bend the rules and play some truth or dare
Y/N: So ask me any question, I don't really care The only thing I care about is if you'll meet me there
Chris: where are we meeting??
Y/N: And I wanna take your name
Chris: Hmm Y/N Evans yea i would like that too 😁
Y/N: And I know you want the same
Chris: Uh..i just said that...wait! Hunny..
Y/N: When you hold me..i see the end of a movie!
Chirs: Knew it...Y/N my love are you texting a song to me?
Y/N: 😐 maybe...are u really driving home!?
Chris: just pulling into the drive way i used my voice to text you.
Y/N: omg yay your home early!!
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sebsgirl71479 · 1 year
A King and His Queen
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Mafia Sebastian Stan x Curvy Female Reader
Rating: 18+only No Minors
Word Count: 1,285k
A/N Once I saw the pictures of Sebastian at the LACMA Gala this story popped up in my head. I will have translations for anything that Sebastian says in romanian. Also if you have a problem with curvy/plus sized readers oh well. 
A/N 2: Ok finally here is part 2, its a little short and its kind of a filler part but hopefully you like it. Turns out this will have a 3rd part to this story. PLEASE DONT FORGET TO REBLOG THIS IT WILL MAKE ME VERY HAPPY 
Warnings: cursing, blood, guns, smut, virgin sex, unprotected sex, fluff,  nicknames If there is anything I missed sorry. 
The following day at the family fourth of july party, you both broke the news to your parents about your engagement. They were over the moon happy for you too, but did stress for the two of you to wait until after you graduated high school to start planning the wedding. You all agree and enjoy the rest of the party. Your whole senior year, the school was a buzz about you getting married. Everyone thought you were crazy but the majority of the students were on your side. Another thing happened that year during school. You both met a new student that transferred from Massachusetts, his name was Chirs Evans. Sebastian and Chris hit it off really quick and became the best of friends. They trusted each other wholeheartedly, as did you. 
6 months after graduation you were getting ready to marry your king. You were standing in front of a full length mirror assessing your look. You picked a beautiful lace off the shoulder mermaid style wedding dress. Your shoes were the same color as Sebastian's eyes and the crown on your head was fit for the queen he said you were. It was a pre wedding gift from Sebastian. You decided to go without a vail for the wedding, it felt like it was too much. There's a knock at the door. “Come in!” You see Chris’ head peek around the corner like he isn't supposed to see you. 
“Oh my god Y/N you look beautiful, Sebastian is going to combust.” You bow your head at his complement and let out a little giggle. “Do you really think he is going to like it?” “I may have only known you guys for a year but I feel like me and Seb were brothers separated at birth. And if he doesn't shed one tear I will smack him in the back of the head.” “Did you need something Chris?” “Oh yeah, um it's almost time, you ready?” “Chirs, I've been ready since I was 13 years old.”  With a big smile on his face he offers you his arm and leads you to the back of the venue where your mother and father are waiting for you. 
You had your wedding at Monteverde at oldstone, a beautiful outside venue with an old 18th century home. As you waited at the end of the aisle for your music to start you reflected on the first time you met Sebastian. He was such a sweet and shy boy and just wanted to get to know him better not knowing you were meeting the love of your life at such a young age. All of a sudden a string quartet starts playing I Can't Help Falling In Love by Elivs Presley, that's your cue to walk. As you walk you finally look up to see Sebastian practically sobbing. You try to hold back your tears as best you can. He is in a simple black suit white shirt and black necktie, so very handsome. You're halfway down the aisle when you mouths to you “I love you.” At that you quicken your pace you want to get to him as fast as possible. You make it to the front as your father takes your hand and gives it to Sebastian. “Son, I trust you to take care of my little girl.”  “Sir, I will protect her till my dying breath.” 
The ceremony was short but beautiful. As soon as the minister pronounced you man and wife Sebastian grabbed you waist, dipped you and kissed you with so much passion you thought you might pass out. He brings you back up and you hug each other so tightly. “I love you so much draga, I can't wait to start our lives together.” Lubirea mea, we are going to have a beautiful life together, my king.” 
During your first year of marriage Sebastian was learning everything about his step-fathers business and then some. By your 1st anniversary he had almost completely taken over his business. What most people didn't know was that his step-dad was a small-time mafia man, and Sebastian had big plans to make it bigger than ever. You and Sebastian wanted to have children but waited a few years to really start trying. With him taking over the mafia, you wanted to find a time where things started to level out. After 3 years of marriage you had a big surprise for him on his birthday. You were 8 weeks along already when you found out. You had dinner simmering on the stove while you set the table ready for him to come home. On his place setting you put a copy of the sonogram. You heard him coming through the front door. 
“Draga, I'm home!” “I’m in the kitchen lubirea mea.”  You turn  around just as he comes into the kitchen, giving you a soul stealing kiss. “Seb, what was that for?” “Just happy to see my beautiful wife after a hard day.”  “Well I hope you're hungry? Go wash up while I finish up here.” Giving you a peck on the cheek he runs up stairs to take off his suit jacket and head to the bathroom to wash up. While he’s doing that you are a ball of nerves waiting for him to come back down stairs to sit at the table and find your surprise. You hear him coming back down and ask him to go ahead and take his seat while you bring dinner. As you walk into the dinning room you see Sebastian standing by his chair holding the sonogram. You walk slowly over to him and place dinner on the table. 
“Sebastian, baby please say something.” He looks over at you with a few tears coming down his face. “Draga, is this for real? Are you pregnant?”  You nod your head afraid to speak. He fist pumps the air and scoops you up in his arms and spins you around peppering you with kisses. Once he stops he puts you down and holds your face in his large hands. “Y/N, i didn't think i could be any happier than i am at this moment. You are going to be an amazing mother.” “Seb, you are going to be a great dad, not to mention really sexy.” You both laugh and give each other a few more kisses before starting dinner. 
All through out your pregnancy, Sebastian was the most caring and attentive husband. Anything you needed he gave you, he even choose the décor of the nursery for you with your approval. At the 5 month mark you found out you were having twins a boy and a girl. You went into labor at 37 weeks, and Sebastian was with you through out everything. As soon as you were able to finally push the babies out that's when the real pain started. You soldiered through and when you heard the first cries are you baby girl you and Sebastian started crying. He cut the ambilocal cord and the nurse took her to clean her up. 5 mins later you start pushing again and out comes your son, he cuts his cord and is taken to be clean up as well. Two nurses bring over you son and daughter for you to hold. They give you your son and Sebastian your daughter. 
Y/N, draga mea have you thought of name for our son?”  “I have, do you have one for our daughter?” “I do, what do you think of Elena?” “I love it lubirea mea, what do you think about Luca for our son?” “Luca and Elena Stan, they both mean light in Romanian its beautiful.” 
TAG LIST: @buckyalpine @christycurlswrites @frostironfudge @peaches1958 @allandoflimbo @altagraye​
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sparkleofpizza · 3 years
Mr. Perfectly Fine - Steve Rogers x reader
Requested: no
Summary: "Hello, Mr. perfectly fine, how's your heart after breaking mine?" - Taylor Swift (Mr. Perfectly Fine)
Warnings: angst, cursing
Word count: 3.8k
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It took you a while to realize there was something wrong. Maybe you realized it sooner, but your brain decided to ignore the signs and try not to give into your anxiety, which was a first, but you were always a bit irrational when it came to Steve Rogers.
You both met a few years ago, you were friends with Dr. Banner before he became Hulk, when you were just a freshmen med student in school and he was working on his PhD. When the Avengers started getting more serious and people moved to the compound Bruce asked you to become their personal doctor and his lab assistant, they needed someone of trust and Bruce couldn’t think of anyone better than you to work alongside him and his friends.
You fell into routine pretty quickly. Nick Fury did a background check on you and already knew everything there was to know, trusting the information onto Natasha who quickly told the rest of her coworkers. And soon they were all pretty friendly towards you, making you feel welcomed and liked you belonged there.
When Bruce first offered you the job you were reluctant to accept. Although all you wanted to do was say yes, your anxiety got the best of you. What did you have to contribute to a group of superheroes? There was a God amongst them! You are just a doctor who luckily caught Bruce’s eyes and was nice enough to make him take a liking to you and consider you a friend, even after everything that happened to him.
Fortunately you ended up saying yes and there hasn’t been a day you regretted making that choice. Everything was so exciting, working with Bruce and Dr. Cho was great. Helping out at the lab abs listening to Tony Stark's ideas? Amazing! Listening to Thor ramble about his outworld experiences? One of the best stories you’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to. Traveling around the world to accompany missions and always being ready to patch any of them up? Of course!
And although you liked all of them equally and quickly found yourself considering them your friends, there was one person in particular who you liked the most and that was Steve. There was just something about him that made you want to spend the rest of eternity listening to him talk.
It didn’t take long for people to realize that you had a crush on him. It also didn’t take long for you to realize he also had a crush on you, if the pink dust of his cheeks that one time you hugged him for having got you out of the way, and saving you from broken bones in the process, when Ultron decided to make his first appearance.
Soon the both of you found yourselves in a steady relationship. You couldn’t be happier and couldn’t possibly love anyone more than you loved him.
So when Steve started pulling away a couple of weeks ago, you thought nothing of it. Maybe it was just stress. They were still trying to take down all of Hydra’s bases, but the number only seemed to increase. You knew Hydra made Steve stressed, it also made Bucky stressed and that only added to your boyfriend’s stress.
"I love you so much." Steve whispered on your ear
He had just arrived from his latest mission, you knew he liked to come straight to your apartment every time he spent too much time away from you. He'd go to the compound, debrief if it couldn't wait, take a shower and then go to you. So you thought nothing of it when you emerged from the shower and found him lying on your bed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants.
"You're back!" you exclaimed, plopping yourself on top of him
That night he held you extra closer. His arms around your waist and your back to his chest. You knew the mission must have gone wrong if he was extra clingy, but said nothing about it, you knew that when he was ready to talk he would tell you everything. After he showered you with his love and affection he deserved a good night's sleep.
But that conversation you were expecting to have never came, instead it seemed as if Steve was drifting away from you.
"Are you ok?" Bruce asked you one evening you were helping him out at the labs
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
"You just seem a bit distracted."
You knew that staying silent would only make him worry further, but also telling the truth felt very silly. The Avengers had a whole lot more important things to worry about than you being worried that Steve was drifting away.
"I just didn't sleep very well last night and now I have a migraine."
That wasn't exactly a lie. You had stayed up until late, tossing and turning in bed trying to understand what you could've possibly done wrong for Steve to have distanced himself from you.
"Oh, maybe you should take some..."
Bruce's words were cut off by a knock at the door. You turned around, meeting Sharon Carter's face, she was holding something in hand and had a small smile directed at you both.
"Hey, I just came by to drop this for analysis." She said, entering the room and giving the small plastic bag to Bruce's awaiting hands
"Hi Sharon." You gave her a thigh lipped smile "I didn't know you were in town."
"Yeah, I arrived a couple of weeks ago, working on a new case, still don't know when I'm leaving."
Suddenly things started to make more sense, but it couldn't be true, could it?
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Suddenly you weren't as upset as you were before, you were angry. You felt like you could punch something real hard and it still wouldn't be enough to make your anger subside.
Everywhere you went you saw them. And the worst part? Steve didn't even tell you that Sharon was going to be here. You didn't want to play jealous girlfriend time, but you honestly thought you'd at least deserve a little heads up if your boyfriend's ex was going to be around him for who knows how long.
You caught them whispering in the kitchen, you watched them practice together, you watched them go on small missions together, watched them debrief together and even go out for coffee once. But he didn't seem to have time for you, at all. You couldn't even remember the last time he spent the night at your place, or when you last kissed for more then five seconds.
The last straw came when you walked into the lounge room and all of your friends stopped talking once they saw you. So it was true, everyone knew and no one cared for you enough to just tell you the truth.
You gave them a short nod of your head and continued your way to the kitchen to grab some coffee. By now you weren't sure if you wanted to laugh, cry, or scream. Maybe all three of them at the same time.
"Hey sweetheart." Steve greeted you once you entered the kitchen
"Hi." you replied, grabbing a mug and pouring some coffee, not daring to look at him, you weren't sure how you'd react
"You good?"
"Mhm, just fine."
He frowned at your short response, you could see it from the corner of your eyes, still you made no movement to turn towards him.
"You don't seem fine." He said, walking behind you and placing a gentle kiss on your temple "You want to talk about it?"
You do, but you're not about to call him out at your work. Even if you supposedly have a friendship with the rest of the Avengers and Steve is your boyfriend, you still have to be professional, because that is how you're going to have to act once this is all over. You don't have the luxury of breaking up with him and then never having to see him ever again.
"Maybe later."
Steve grabbed ahold of your chin, turning your head around to look at him. He was still frowning.
"You'd tell me if there was something wrong, right?" There was a small undertone of anxiety on his voice
So that was it, he was afraid you caught up onto him.
"I suppose." you said in a small tone "We'll talk later, maybe you can stop by at my place if you're not busy."
At that he smiled, and for a small fraction of time you felt as if everything was going to be alright. Then it was gone.
"Of course I will. Tonight is friday, did you forget we always have dinner together and watch movies?"
"Right." you sighted
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When you went home later that night all you could think about was how your relationship is going to be over by the end of the night. It didn't matter that you loved Steve so much, you would not be second to best to him, you will not allow him to toy you around while he is with Sharon too. It's either her or you, and apparently he already made his choice.
You were sitting on the couch when he opened and closed the door of your apartment behind. He was holding a bag of food from your favorite restaurant, trying to get on your good side now is not going to work.
"Hey sweetheart." He smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple and placing the bag on top of the coffee table "I picked up that sushi you like so much."
"Thank you." You smiled
You took a moment to look at him. His blonde hair pushed back, that thigh button down shirt he loves to wear that makes his biceps look huge, his sparking blue eyes that used to look at you with so much love and adoration, and that soft smile that used to be reserved to you. You took this moment to actually look at him like a hopeless lovesick person for the last time.
"So should we e..."
"We need to talk." You cut him off
Steve nodded, taking a sit beside you on the couch, grabbing your hands and squeezing it.
"What's going on, sweetheart?"
He looked preoccupied. You wanted to scoff, as if he actually cared about what was going on.
"Why?" you asked, voice so small that if he wasn't a super soldier and you didn't know he has a great hearing you'd be afraid he wouldn't have been able to listen to you
He frowned "Why what?"
You took a deep breath, it was now or never.
"Why did you do it? Am I… Am I not enough for you?"
Steve was silent for a moment, lips forming a thin line.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Please, talk to me. What is going on?"
Now you were angry. How dare he act like he is a clueless fool?
"Why did you cheat on me?" you yelled, ripping your hands away from him "Do you think I'm dumb? That I wouldn't realize that you're cheating on me with Sharon? Really, your ex-girlfriend of all people? The same person you swore you were never actually in love with and totally over her when you asked me out for the first time?"
He called his name softly, but you didn't give a chance to finish whatever sentence he was about to start. Now that you started yelling at him you weren't sure if you will be able to stop until you get everything off your chest.
"You distanced yourself from me, you don't touch me like you used to, and you stopped spending time with me because you're always spending time with her! You think I don't see you two always out together and whispering between each other?! And-And the team! Oh, you think I haven't realized that most of the time that they're reunited together at the lounge whenever I walk in they drop the conversation? That's because I am the conversation! They're talking about how stupid I must be to be with you while you're cheating on me with Sharon!"
By this point you were off the couch and pacing around the living room. Steve was still sitting on the couch, staring at you with a blank face.
You wiped some tears off your face.
"I thought I'd at least deserve to be broken up with instead of cheating on." You said in a lower tone now, shoulders dropping "I thought I at least meant enough for you to break up with me before getting together with her. I should've known better. You will always want a Carter."
He said your name again, standing up and trying to reach you, but you held out your hands to keep him away.
"Let me..." He cleared his throat "Let me explain, please."
You shook your head, a bitter smile on your face.
"There's literally nothing you could say right now that will change what you did, Steve." You sobbed, pushing some hair away from your face to keep your hands occupied "You should go. I'll get whatever you have here and leave at the compound."
"Please." He pleaded, taking another step towards you as you took one back "Please, just listen to me."
"No. I think you already broke my heart enough."
You two stared at each other in silence. Your heart was beating so fast you were sure he could listen, and also listen to its cracking.
This is the last time you two will stand together in your place. A place where you used to sit together, cuddled on the couch and talk about the future, like we had a clue. Talking about marriage, and how many kids you'd have together, where'd you live to raise your little happy family. Now you feel like throwing up just thinking about it.
After what felt like an eternity Steve finally nodded. He raised a hand as if was going to touch you, but decided against it, dropping it back to his side.
You turned your head away, partly because you didn't want him to watch you cry over him anymore and partly because you couldn't bear to watch walk out the door.
When you finally heard the clicking sound indicating that he was gone, actually gone, you broke down sobbing and collapsing on the floor.
Steve was so perfect from the moment you met. He was a gentleman, always making sure you were ok and always checking on you whenever you had to travel with them to ensure their health. That's what made you fall in love with you, the little things he did to you, always making sure you weren't alone, or that you were eating properly, or that no enemy would ever know you were there.
He was literally the man you have been waiting for all your life. Sweet. Caring. Loving. Perfect. And he promised you to always be by your side. All the promised that you made together, did it mean nothing to him?
Why did you do so wrong?
But that's when you realized that if he couldn't have Peggy Carter he would have her relative Sharon, it was the second best thing. You weren't even ever an option to him. You were just keeping him distracted until he could have a Carter in his arms again.
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One of the worst parts of all of this was how Steve seemed normal after what happened on Friday. It's like he didn't go thought a breakup of his four year relationship, which made you guess that you really didn't mean anything to him at all. 
Over the course of the weekend you went trough a lot of crying phases. You kept asking yourself why you weren't enough for him, if maybe he fell out of love with you and didn't know how to break up with you so he was nice enough to keep dating you while dating someone else - that was quickly discarded after a phone call to your sister who said and you quote "I can't believe that after that fucking asshole cheated on you for god knows how long and didn't even have the guts to tell you himself, you are still trying to find an excuse for his behavior."
That seemed to put a lot of perspective into your feelings because the next thing you know you were burning a picture of the two of you together that you had in a frame in your living room. After seeing the picture gone it made you cry harder because you were going to miss looking at the picture, it was taken on your one year anniversary, you two had a picnic on top of a very tall building that had an amazing view of New York, courtesy of Tony, and Steve told you he loved you for the first time. It is, was, one of the best memories you have with how, now it is clouded by the doubt of if he really meant what he said. 
Then, after burning the picture, having a mental break down because of it, you decided you should eat your feelings. You ordered your favorite food from a small dinner around your block and hoped that would make you feel a bit better while you tried to distract yourself by watching Modern Family, it didn't work very much. 
Sunday. On Sunday you spent most day on bed, you replied a few texts from your sister asking how you were doing, but you didn't really feel like talking at the moment. So you stayed in bed, AirPods on and Taylor Swift playing on repeat. 
And unfortunately Monday came around. You weren't ready to face him at work and you haven't even separated his stuff like you said you would, that would make him think that you still wanted him around. You couldn't bring yourself to get rid of his sweatshirts, or his toothbrush or all of the other stuff he had at your place. That would only mean it was really over. 
You didn't see him on the first three days and you were thankful for it. You still cried yourself to sleep every night, whining he was there to hold you in his arms and kiss your tears away, and this thoughts only made everything more painful because how fucked up can it be that you want the person that hurt you to comfort you? 
But not seeing him didn't mean that you didn't hear people talking about him, and you knew it was only a matter of time before someone brought it up. 
"Today is Barton's day of cooking and I know you love his carbonara. Are you having lunch with us today?" Bruce asked you while putting his coat away and getting ready to leave for lunch 
"Uh, no, I'm not." You replied back, not daring to look him in the eye because you know he is giving you his worried glance, he's been doing it all week 
"You haven't been around much lately. Did something happen?"
On top of having broken up with Steve, you realized that most people on the team probably knew about him and Sharon and that made you angry. You thought they were your friends as all, but you guess you were wrong. So you not only didn't want to see him, you also didn't want to see them. So for the past week you have been bringing your own coffee from home so you don't have to go the kitchen get some, and also you've been going out for lunch like everyone else that works here does. 
Bruce called your name, gently touching your arm to get you to look at him. 
"Is everything ok?" He questioned, voice low and soft "You know you can talk to me. We are friends besides colleagues."
You took a deep breath. 
"Steve and I broke up."
He widened his eyes. 
"What? H-how, what happened?"
He genuinely seemed shocked and confused by your news which somehow only twisted the knife deeper in your heart. So Steve didn't even tell his friends what happened. God, how stupid could you be? 
"He was cheating on me with Sharon." Was all you said, but after a few moments you added "Did you know?"
"Of course not!" He exclaimed "If I did I would have already told you. I can't believe he would do something like that!"
"Yeah, me neither. Jokes on me, I guess."
Before the conversation could get any deeper you grabbed your coat, purse and left. Bruce was nice enough to realize that this was your way of saying you didn't want to talk about it anymore and didn't go after you. 
But of course luck wasn't on your side and the moment you entered the elevator you saw him. 
Steve was dressed like he normally did, a button down, black dress pants, and his hair was styled that way you liked, it made you want to comb your hands trough it while you placed kisses on his beautiful face. 
You didn't dare to look at him, keeping to your side of the elevator, but you could feel his eyes on you. 
"You're going out for lunch?" He asked after clearing his throat to gather your attention 
He hummed "You're going alone?"
That you look at him, like really look at him. And he looked normal. Like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. He kept his hands on his pockets, his eyes were as blue as ever, there was no redness or puffiness around his face indicating he had been crying and he even had the audacity to smile that you. 
"I don't see how that's any of your business." 
You both didn't say anything else until the elevator doors opened on the first floor. You walked out together, but instead of immediately linking hands and arguing about what you wanted to eat for lunch, you both started going separate ways. 
Before you could get too far he called out your name. You turned around, staring at him and then shifting your line of sight to the car he was standing in front of, you could clearly make out Sharon's blonde hair from where you stood. 
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I really am."
But you knew he didn't meant it because he got into the car with her and leaned over the console. You turned around before you could see anything else. You weren't willing to torture yourself further, there is only so much your heart can take. 
So instead you decided to walk away, with tears rolling down your face, you walked away from Steve Rogers and cursed him for being so perfectly fine without you.
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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Are you happy? [1/2]
Part 2
Pairing: Ex!Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Summary: After almost two years without seeing each other, fate brings you together again, each of you has your own reason for the reunion, which brings your feelings to the surface again.
Warnings: Angst. Ex-friends / Ex-partner.
Word count: 3411
A/N:  Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
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The decision wandered through your mind trying to be made as you sat inside the car with a head full of doubts. You couldn't help but lean back in the driver's seat closing your eyes, letting out a slight sigh between your lips. Guilt was present in you and you couldn't explain why, for in your thoughts was present that you had committed, or were about to commit, any act bordering on recklessness. Two months had passed since your parting, and though you tried to forget him you could not get him out of your thoughts, yet, though you were no longer together as such, your reasoning informed you that you were not acting rightly, and that fact might have been caused by the feelings your heart still harboured for him.
Finally, after a few minutes of meditation, you opened your eyelids and let the brightness of that morning in the small Massachusetts town into your eyes, but quickly covered your face with the palms of your hands, letting a sound of frustration escape from within you. You couldn't stay there any longer, hidden inside the car, so a mere decisive nod of the head emphasised your acceptance of the proposition Chris had made to you a few weeks ago, and with such firmness you placed his right hand on the knob and opened the car door. The coldness of the weather fell upon you, sending a shiver from the back of his neck to the tips of your toes, but the quietness of the street relaxed you, for what you feared most at that moment was that the press would report your presence there with your companion, causing a halo of fabricated stories to reach the ears of the world. Thus, and obviating any negative thoughts, you put on your sunglasses before you started your way to the charming pastry café, looking again at your watch and fearing for your tardiness, for the decision had taken you thirty minutes, Chris would have disappeared from there.
As you approached the shop you realised that it had hardly changed since the last time you came, the glass panes on the front of the shop revealed a variety of sweet and savoury pastries, accompanied by a tantalising raspberry scent. Small tulips decorated the front door, where a wooden sign informed you that the shop was open and at your disposal. You couldn't help but take a deep breath of air before you decided to push open the glass door, before you were grateful for the warmth that opened up in contrast to the cold of Massachusetts.
You removed the cap from your head and smiled immediately as a young woman approached you with a friendly expression on her face, inviting you to step inside and take a seat. Gently you thanked her for her kindness as you unbuttoned each button of your coat. It took you only a few seconds to scan the place with your eyes, evidently to look for him, and you found him, at your table, in a small corner of the room, offering you one of his smiles in the distance as he fiddled restlessly with his hands. You tried with all your might to avoid him, but on your lips a nervous smile showed its presence, which meant that in the blink of an eye you could see Chris widen his. You were only a few feet away from each other, but the distance seemed infinite to both of you as you began to walk towards him. 
As if he were a gentleman of old, Chris rose from his seat awaiting your arrival, keeping his blue eyes fixed on yours with barely a blink of an eye. You had imagined that situation in your head every night of every day since Chris had informed you by a message on your answering machine that he was going to visit his hometown, or rather your hometown. At first you didn't respond to the suggestion to meet again, because things were not easy between you and you didn't know how to act in that situation, but you decided to accept his proposal.
As you were shortening the distance, your heart accelerated, making you feel as if you were in a slowed down movie scene, as if you were moving in slow motion, until you reached him and his arm rested firmly on your back, making the distance come to nothing.
As the distance shortened, your heart sped up, making you feel as if you were in a slowed down movie scene, as if you were moving in slow motion, until you reached him and his arm rested firmly on your back, making the distance come to nothing. It was two, no, a year and eight months, that passed without knowing anything about each other since things were cut short, it wouldn't really hurt so much to say it if it hadn't started with a childhood friendship, but things happen. The fear you felt at that moment had disappeared the moment Chris had taken the initiative to offer you that hug that was lasting longer than socially established, but that was too comforting to bring you feelings you thought were lost.
"I'm sorry I'm late," you mumbled without so much as an inch from him.
"You've come, that's all that matters," he said, stepping back to look at your face.
The fact that they came within inches of each other's faces caused your gazes to withdraw and you each took your seats, facing each other at the little round table at which you had spent so many moments.
"It's great to be back here," he said, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and looking around.
"Yes," you mimicked his gesture of looking around. "I guess there's no better place to try raspberry pie."
"Agreed absolutely," after saying those words silence flooded around you, leaving you with a blank stare at each other and an imposed smile from the moment you saw each other.
The few people around you hardly knew everything that was going on between you, all the hidden feelings, what you wanted to say but couldn't, what you had experienced, and above all, what you had left to experience, although you didn't know that either. That level of intimacy that on thousands of occasions had been an inconvenience between the two of you was now present and you were grateful for it, because no matter how much the media had published about you, the truth only had the two of you.
"Do you know what you're having?" the young waitress who had welcomed you broke the moment with her presence.
"The usual?" Chris looked at you to which you nodded curiously. "A green tea with honey, a cappuccino and a piece of raspberry tart with two teaspoons, please."
"All right," again the young woman disappeared bringing you the previous comfort.
"You still remember," you said smiling crossing your arms on the table creating a distance between you unconsciously.
"Of course, it was many Sundays," he finished his words with a sigh, which again generated a silence that he decided to cut. "By the way, I was glad to hear that you were finally engaged to Garret," his tone became nervous, "I wanted to have called you but..."
"No, it's my fault, I wanted to have told you but..." your voice trailed off as you shook your face in denial.
"I know," Chris smiled, "I guess neither of us knew how to do it."
"Exactly," you whispered looking into his eyes.
As if things weren't complicated enough, yes, you were engaged. Maybe it had all happened too fast, you didn't feel it at the time, but now it was as if a pile of doubts was coming down on you like a bucket of cold water. When Chris said the word fiancée and Garret in the same sentence, while being happy to hear it, it was as if an arrow pierced your heart. You had no doubts at the time, you opened your heart to Garret, after Chris had completely shattered it, you accepted his proposal with all your love, but you were terrified of how quickly Chris was making you doubt in those moments.
As if things weren't complicated enough, yes, you were engaged. Maybe it had all happened too fast, you didn't feel it at the time, but now it was as if a pile of doubts was coming down on you like a bucket of cold water. When Chris said the word fiancée and Garret in the same sentence, while being happy to hear it, it was as if an arrow pierced your heart. You had no doubts at the time, you opened your heart to Garret, after Chris had completely shattered it, you accepted his proposal with all your love, but you were terrified at how quickly Chris was making you hesitate in those moments.
"So how long are you staying in town?" you asked that question just to change the subject, to break away from the thoughts that were eating away at you.
"I leave on Tuesday next week, so... five days," he explained, fixing his gaze behind you, as the waitress brought a tray with your breakfast. "Thank you."
"Thank you very much," you pleaded offering her a smile as she set your cup of tea down in front of you before leaving again.
"And when are you leaving for Washington?" Chris arched an eyebrow as he stared at his coffee and the way he swirled the spoon around, but seeing that you were silent, as you were taken by surprise that he knew you were leaving for Washington, he looked up at you. "My sister told me."
"I see your sister has caught you up on everything," you said with a little laugh, spooning up a piece of raspberry pie. "In two months, Garret is taking care of all the paperwork from there, he's also found a house in the suburbs, away from all the hustle and bustle of the city. He's really going to a lot of trouble."
"It's normal," he shrugged, "it's your future."
"I guess," you whispered taking the cup in your hands.
Weird, that was the word that defined the situation at the moment, you knew Chris well enough and he evidently knew you well enough to know that there was an end to your meeting and neither of you were putting it on the table. He wanted to meet you again for a reason and you had gone to meet him again for a reason, but neither of you were putting it on the table.
"By the way, I went to the cinema to see the latest Avengers movie," you said, resting your face in the palm of your hand. "I really loved it."
"Oh come on, you don't have to do that anymore," he said between smiles, "I know you hate them."
"That's not true!" you exclaimed with a chuckle, looking offended at his comment. "You know I really enjoy them, I'm sorry if you're not my favourite superhero."
"Ah, so I'm not your favourite superhero, you didn't think that the night that... well you know," he hid a laugh and ducked his face, you arched your eyebrows opening your mouth in surprise at his words. "I'm sorry, that comment was out of line."
"I can see you're still too smug Evans," you shook your face with a smirk and looked away.
Those were the moments that made you miss Chris every day, your childhood friend, your mischief ally, your first love, your prom date, your first kiss, your ex-partner. Too many memories to let it all slip away because of a turning point, when you both realised that your relationship wasn't working as a couple over the years. It was a hard moment for both of you to come to terms with reality, a reality that seemed totally unrealistic, but the paths you had taken were too far apart to be compatible. Each of you had your own dreams, your own goals in life, which were far removed from each other, so before either of you gave up on your dreams, you chose to give up on your relationship.
"How was it?" asked Chris after putting a piece of cake in his mouth.
"What do you mean?"
"How did Garret ask you to marry him?" he asked crossing his arms over the table, approaching you. "Well, if you're uncomfortable or..."
"No. It was over dinner, it was actually quite conventional," you began to explain distractedly. "We both took a week's holiday from the office, so we decided to take a trip to Montreal, you know to unwind, so he set up a romantic dinner in the hotel suite and asked me to marry him."
"And you accepted," concluded Chris nodding taking the cup of coffee and taking a sip.
"I accepted," you repeated looking at the tea.
"I suppose you don't have to put on a show when you're going to ask someone to marry you," he began, looking at your face. "I guess when it's clear to you, it's the person you love and want to spend the rest of their life with, all the frills don't matter, it's the words that matter."
"I suppose," you murmured looking away from his gaze and instinctively focusing it on your engagement ring.
Chris really was good at making you feel a lump in your throat with his every word. How was it possible that you were so confused at the time, you had considered the consequences that breakfast might have on you, but really when you left the house that morning you had no idea what it was going to be like to face Chris.
"Are you happy?" that question came out of Chris's mouth like a bullet and threw you completely off balance.
"How?" you rebutted with a frown, hoping your ears hadn't heard his words correctly.
"I want to know if you're happy," his tone was calm, he spoke each word slowly staring at you, making you lose yourself in his eyes.
"I..." you mumbled drawing air into your lungs, making time to find an answer to offer him.
How could he even think of asking you that question? Everyone knows it's an unanswerable question, no one can offer you a concise and firm answer to that question, because if you say 'yes', you were probably lying and if you say 'no' you're probably lying too, it's an unanswerable question, and you hated it every time you heard it from someone. You have moments of happiness in life, as well as moments of bitterness, but no one is 100% happy, or at least that's what you thought.
"I'm not sure what you want me to answer," you said, avoiding addressing an answer.
"I want to know if he makes you happy," he finally said with a shrug. "That's easy."
"Yes," you said with barely a thought, nodding a little confused. "Yes, he makes me happy."
"Okay," he whispered nodding, his countenance serious. "Then that's it."
That's it? That's all I wanted to know, that's why I was meeting you in that coffee shop? You wanted to know if Garret made you happy? You assumed that was his reason, why he wanted to have this reunion with you, but it was all really confusing. It got even more confusing when Chris put down his coffee cup, got up from his seat, put on his scarf and jacket and went to pay, leaving you completely bewildered and desolate at the round table. Your eyes followed your every step, but you barely had time to react as Chris was already on his way out the door when you stood up from your chair. You grabbed your belongings without a sign of alteration on your face, and with a slow but steady step you headed for the exit, thanking the kind waitress again for her service.
As you left the bright morning had turned grey, there was no shade and those clouds looked like a storm. Chris had gone up the street, and had turned down a charming alley full of typical houses, you didn't want to shout his name, so you quickened your pace to catch up with him and stand beside him.
"Can you explain to me what the hell just happened in there? Because I really didn't understand anything," you asked harshly, seeking his gaze, but he was staring straight ahead under that Red Sox cap that hid much of his face.
"I guess there's nothing to explain," his steps didn't stop, "I really wanted to see you, to hear from you, to know if you're happy, and you are, that's all that mattered to me."
You began to understand where the turning point at breakfast had come from, at what point there had been that change of attitude in Chris, it was when you had said yes, Garret made you happy, which was funny because how could Chris expect you to say he didn't make you happy. Still you needed an answer to what would have happened if you had answered no.
"Wait," you addressed with a frown, but he didn't stop, so you ran to stand right in front of him, causing him to be unable to move forward and look you in the face. That fact seemed to annoy him.  "What if instead of telling you it made me happy, I had told you it didn't make me happy?"
You thought in that instant that you had managed to stop him, to get his attention, but after a couple of seconds he made an attempt to dodge you and continue walking down that lonely alley.
"Chris!" you exclaimed, grabbing his arm to stop him, causing him to turn suddenly towards you. "Can you answer my question?"
"Do you really want to know?" he inquired in a raised tone, his brow furrowed and his hands shoved inside his coat pockets.
"I want to," you said, unlike him, with a quieter volume, causing Chris's features to relax as he listened to you.
"Alright, being that you'll regret it after you hear it," Chris nodded, looking to the side and then back into your eyes. "I probably would have acted without thinking and kissed you."
You regretted it, instantly after hearing him say those words out loud. As if in a flashback, it came to your mind what that moment would have been like, if Chris had closed the distance between you in that charming café to kiss you after two years. You regretted doing that too, but Chris broke your thoughts.
"Because yes, if you're wondering I'm still in love with you, and yes, I still blame myself for everything that happened, it all went to shit," he continued with an infuriated tone each time the words passed, gesturing freely with his hands. " Fuck, when I heard you'd accepted Garret's hand I didn't know what to do, whether to phone you, get on a fucking plane and show up here, but what was I going to do?" he swiped his hand over his mouth and looked around nervously. "I think this whole thing was a mistake, I shouldn't have called you. I really don't have the slightest idea what I was waiting for."
Body lock took over your limbs, Chris nervously running his hand over his face, blaming himself for everything he had just said, blurting out insult after insult, not resting his gaze on you. Of all the possible situations that could be presented to you, that one wasn't on your list, so you hadn't thought of it, but right now you had to deal with Chris, with his feelings and with your own, which were now creating an immense panic. To add to the intensity, the raindrops were beginning to make their presence felt, watering down a morning that seemed to be quite watery.
Tomorrow the final part.
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All You Can Eat (5)
Summary: A Siren and a Vampire take the next step in their relationship.... and so does Bucky.
Pairings: Vampire!Ari Levinson x Siren!Reader, Human!Bucky Barnes x Siren!Reader (No, he won't die)
Warnings: 18+ ONLY SMUT CONTENT AHEAD. double v penetration, light bisexual threesome, use of vampire compulsion and siren songs to abduct and manipulate humans, the implied murder of humans
Word Count: 2.6K
A/N: I wrote and edited this very loosely while on pain medication so I'm not completely sure if any of this is coherent. lol
dark!Reader Collection | Full Masterlist
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Ari smirked as he watched you, seated on the bed with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out as he palmed his erection. He was once again in awe of your beauty, your lips slightly parted as you rolled your hips and fed your cunt to a very enthusiastic Bucky. The Sergeant had his hands gripping tightly on your hips and ass, making sure you were pulled as close as possible to his mouth and leaving his handprints on your skin.
"You're doing really well, James. Stick your tongue in her pussy. She likes that."
The gasp you let out was sharp as he followed the instructions, your thighs shaking and the coil inside you tightening with each curl of his tongue within your walls. He followed orders so well, you decided to reward him by bending back to stroke his cock. He groaned against your cunt and it sent a shiver through you.
“Good boy, James,” Ari said, carding his hands through the other man’s hair and pulling lightly. “Isn’t he being a good boy, sweetheart?”
“So good. Such a good boy for us.”
He whimpered at the praise and his cock twitched in your hand. You smirked down at him, his eyes peeking from between your legs and widening when you gave him a hard squeeze. His eyes narrowed at your teasing and you knew you were done for when he pulled you forward, bending you to allow him access to slip his metal fingers in your ass.
Ari was chuckling in amusement as you squirmed against Bucky’s relentless assault. He wasn’t going to let you go until you had cum in his mouth at least twice, his tongue fucking into you and curling against that special spot that had you shouting while the cold metal of his fingers stretched your ass out. He was a man on a mission, growling into your cunt as you thrashed above him until he felt your release fill his mouth.
He lapped it all up, drinking in his reward and refusing your protests to let you go until you were cumming again. He had always been so unsure with his oral skills before but ever since you introduced him to face sitting he couldn’t get enough of the feel of you dripping down his chin. The way you would squeeze his head with your thighs as you came did wonders for his confidence. You fell forward and caught yourself on the headboard, your limbs feeling like jelly and your whole body on fire from oversensitivity.
Ari decided to have mercy on you, lifting you away from Bucky who began to whimper unhappily and continue to reach for you. He silenced him with a torrid kiss, his tongue snaking out to lick the remnants of your arousal. You hummed at the delicious image as you moved to sit on Bucky’s cock, sliding your slippery folds along his shaft. He moaned into Ari’s mouth who snickered when he saw what you were up to.
“You just can’t help yourself can you, sweetheart?”
“I was feeling a little left out,” you pouted.
Ari pulled you close by the back of your neck until you could feel his hot breath on your lips, his teeth pulling on your bottom lip as he tugged on a hardened nipple. You sighed as you rolled your hips, Bucky panting in anticipation beneath you and struggling to control himself.
"We can't have that now, can we?" He lifted your hips and grasped the other man's cock, pumping it a few times before he teased your entrance with the swollen tip. "You want it, sweetheart?"
"Yes." You gasped as he drew circles, dipping the head into your heat just the tiniest bit that had your walls clenching. He pulled away to slap it against your clit, the heavy weight jolting you and making you impossibly wetter.
"You're gonna have to speak up," he chuckled. "Do you want it?"
Your mind was growing hazy, your senses completely wrapped up in Ari's sensual torture. Your lips parted to answer, but it wasn't your words that were heard.
"I want it. Please, Ari."
Your vision sharpened at the soft pleading. Looking down you and Ari practically melted at Bucky's state. His hands were fisted tightly at his sides, shaking slightly as he battled with his self-control while he waited for his next orders. A red flush was spread prettily from his chest and up his neck to his cheeks. Sweat was dotting his scrunched brow.
And his eyes.
Those beautiful blue eyes were begging, nearly crying to be granted permission. Ari smiled down affectionately at Bucky as he relented with a soft touch on his cheek. How could he say no to such a sweet boy? He lined him up with your dripping cunt and slowly lowered you down on his length, the stretch making you both moan.
"Go ahead, James," Ari said with a gentle nibble on your shoulder. "Fuck her good."
It was as if Ari had released him from invisible bindings as his hands flew to grip tightly onto your hips, his knees came up to grant him leverage as he pounded up into you. He grunted in relief at finally feeling himself wrapped in your pussy, entranced by how your tits bounced with each hard thrust.
“James!” you chanted his name over and over. “Shit, that feels so good.”
Ari groaned lowly in your ear as one of Bucky’s hands came to grip his cock. That was unexpected. You had been easing him into the idea of doing more with Ari and it was a pleasant surprise to see him take the initiative. He was jacking him off to match the pace he was thrusting and it was sending you both to new heights of pleasure.
“Ari, I need more. I need you both. Please,” you moaned, pushing your hips down to meet Bucky’s.
“You know I can’t say no to you.”
He came up behind you and pushed you forward, Bucky taking advantage and sucking a nipple into his mouth. Usually Ari would take your ass when Bucky was buried in your cunt. It had been something new to Bucky that he found he surprisingly liked, but now after he had shown some willingness to go further Ari thought they should introduce him to something else.
Ari spread your cheeks wider and spat at your pussy, further wetting where you and Bucky joined. He lined himself up and slid in right beside Bucky who stiffened at the new feeling while you yelped at how good it felt to be so completely stuffed by both of them.
The loud moan you let out as he bottomed out was echoed by Bucky who was squeezing his eyes shut at how overwhelmed he felt. Ari slid in and out slowly to get you used to having both of them and Bucky could barely handle feeling another man's cock sliding against his.
You kissed him sweetly, pecking his lips and freeing them from his bite. "Bucky, baby, are you okay? Is this okay?"
"Yeah," he choked out and you smiled.
"Does it feel good?" You rolled your hips and flicked his nipple with your tongue causing him to twitch and waver in his control.
"So good," he sighed, his lip caught once more between his teeth. "Trying not to cum."
You giggled softly, sitting up to press your back flush against Ari's chest. Bucky shuddered beneath you, the change in angle letting him hit deeper inside you. He felt like all of his skin was on fire. His breathing came in shallow pants as he watched you take them both, Ari's arms came around you to play with your breasts and push down on your hips.
"Isn't she beautiful, James?"
Bucky could only groan out his agreement. You were beautiful. So very beautiful. The most mesmerizing sight he's ever seen and he was balls deep inside you. You had him completely from the first time his eyes met the devilish twinkle in yours, but it wasn't just you. Ari was beautiful too and he could hardly believe his luck that you had both chosen him.
"Ari, more," you whined. "I need more."
You tossed your head back on his shoulder as he tugged on your earlobe with his teeth. "Greedy whore."
You could feel him smile against your neck and you sighed as he started a gradually increasing pace. Your eyes fluttered close as you felt a cold metal hand close around your neck and two cocks move inside you with surprising coordination. Bucky was soon pounding into you, groaning lowly at how tight you felt completely stuffed and this new sensation of feeling Ari alongside him.
It was almost too much.
"I need you to cum, doll," he grunted, his hips already starting to stutter. "Please, I need to feel you cum."
Ari took this as his cue to start hammering into you, one hand reaching to rub hard at your clit and making you keen.
"Fuck, yes! Right there!"
Ari roared as he felt your walls clamp down, your slick completely drenching both their thighs. You felt your release draw ever closer, the dam inside you nearly breaking. One sharp thrust from Bucky and a pinch from Ari's fingers on your clit finally broke it. You lost control of your body, falling on top of Bucky as you shook and the fireworks behind your closed lids blinded you.
They continued to rail into you, both men chasing their own finish as they felt your cunt milking their cocks until they were spilling into you. One followed the other, filling you with their seed and relishing the mess that was leaking out of you.
The three of you fell in a tangle of limbs, exhausted and thoroughly satisfied. Bucky soon fell asleep with Ari quickly following. You smiled contentedly at the scene; Bucky sandwiched between you two with his face buried in the valley of your breasts and clutching Ari's hand to his chest.
After that first night with Bucky, you and Ari were surprised that he had called you after a week of radio silence. A surprise for sure, but not an unwelcome one. If Bucky was being honest, he spent that week thoroughly warring with himself on whether he would call or not. He was certainly scared, having discovered that neither of you were human. You were both dangerous and he knew you fed on humans, his sense of self-preservation screamed at him to count his lucky stars that he didn’t turn into a literal snack that night.
But it was the best damn night he’s ever had.
The fact that neither of you compelled him made him reconsider; leaving him fully with his senses all throughout, allowing him to consent to each burning touch, and sending him off the following morning with a playful slap on the butt. You had been respectful of his vanilla experience and let him explore only what he was comfortable with trying.
And he wanted to try so much more.
It was unnatural, but he felt like he could trust you and Ari. The brief experience had opened him to a new world and he found himself craving for more. That was months ago now and Bucky had become a regular fixture in your lives since then.
You pressed a tender kiss to his forehead before carefully untangling yourself, grabbing your discarded silk robe and pouring yourself a drink before making your way onto the balcony. You laid yourself down on the lounger, quickly taking a sip of your drink and wrapping yourself tighter in your robe to ward off the chill of the windy night. The smile on your face was blissful as you glanced back at your lovers who were sleeping peacefully in a sweet embrace.
You closed your eyes as you laid back, the peaceful image remaining behind. You lost track of time as you drifted off, the stillness around Ari’s isolated property lulling you. A smile broke out on your face as you felt a familiar set of lips kiss the corner of your own. You cracked an eye open and saw Ari smiling down at you. He lifted you into his arms, kissing you soundly as he laid down with you on top of him.
“Do you feel as happy as I do?” he asked, stroking the side of your face with gentle fingers.
“I do. Yes,” you said, pecking his lips lightly. "I would have every day be like this if I could."
"You could."
You giggled as you mirrored the look he had in his eyes for you. Tenderness. Adoration. Love.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," he started, that roguish smile on his face growing. "Move in with me, sweetheart."
Your laughter grew as you maneuvered yourself to pull him closer to you, pressing your foreheads together. "Won't you get sick of seeing me everyday?"
"Never," he chuckled, making a show of pretending to bite your nose. "I ache whenever I have to say goodbye to you. Even if it's just to let you go back to your penthouse to get more clothes."
"That's barely an hour that I'm gone," you shook your head in amusement.
"It feels like an eternity each time."
Your heart softened at his words and you heard the truth in them. You knew it was the same for you. With Ari, immortality suddenly didn't seem so tedious.
"Will you come live with me? Will you say yes, sweetheart?"
"I will always say yes to you." You cupped his face in your hands and brushed your noses together. "I will gladly spend the rest of our endless life together here with you."
He beamed at your agreement, crushing you to him and crashing his lips to yours. He had a moment of doubt where he feared you would say no. He was sure you loved him. He was sure you wanted to be with him, but he was nervous that he might be moving too fast. Immortals are notoriously fickle afterall. He was filled with relief.
"Does that endless life include me?"
You and Ari parted to turn and see Bucky standing awkwardly by the balcony doors. You could see the sadness and indecision written all over his face. Ari stretched his arm out and beckoned for him to come. The way his face brightened as he obeyed made you smile affectionately at him.
It was a tight squeeze for the three of you on the lounger, but you were happy to be sandwiched between two men you adored. Ari kissed his forehead and the blush on his face was adorable.
"Do you want it to include you, James?"
"You're welcome to be with us however long you want," you added.
He looked down at his hands, fidgeting for a moment before he met your gaze. "What if I want eternity too?"
You and Ari shared a look of concern. You both wanted Bucky, that was certain. You were also sure that this affection you both had for him went beyond just desire. You were prepared to let him go to live his life should he decide he no longer wanted to be in this situation. You had also been oddly conscious of not exposing him unnecessarily to your more gorey nature. Neither of you had ever felt protective over a human, but it was that way with Bucky. You wanted him to be safe. You wanted him to be happy.
"Do you understand what that means, James?" Ari asked, his eyes flashing red around his iris to emphasize his point.
"I understand."
Bucky bared his neck and Ari looked at you for confirmation. You smiled and nodded to reassure him. He turned back to Bucky, his fangs and glowing eyes the last thing he saw before the searing burn of his bite completely took him over.
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statticscribbles · 2 years
9 from the fluff list with steve rogers/reader
9.) "You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one."
You watch Steve trying to reach for his sketchbook and failing, you hand it to him, instead of nudging it closer, before you sit next to him on the couch and then stretch using it as an excuse to half lay on him.
"Y/N get off me!"
"You took all the pillows, so I'm using you as one." You settle your head back over his chest.
"Y/N, I'm sick; do you want me to choke to death on my own spit; what would Bucky say??" Steve smirks and you narrow your eyes.
"Bucky would say for you to let your girl use you as a damn pillow if you want to go further that touching her shoulder." Both you and Steve flush at this and Bucky just laughs as he throws his jacket over the chair.
Send me a Ship and one number/genre and I’ll write something quick
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kissme-hs · 3 years
𝒮𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓎 {𝒸.𝑒}
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This concept has been on my mind from a long long time. I just get so fucking turned on seeing him in that gorgeous beard oh my sweet lord. I was going to post it tomorrow but oh well, also i didn’t proof read so pardon me for the mistakes. Hope you enjoy! Please reblog :))
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem! Reader
Word count: 3.05k
Warning: 18+ smut, oral sex fem receiving and giving, filthy talk, fingering, unprotected sex etc.
He looked breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking. The way he was sprawled on his mother’s couch that was situated in front of the fire place made your mouth water whilehis other family members gathered around sitting comfortably on a spot that makes them warm.
His thick thighs looked so inviting and his arm that rested on the couch top, every flex made his veins move and his hands that ghosted over your neck made you shiver. He run his knuckles on the back of your neck as you turn your head to face him to see him smiling at you.
What a bastard.
And that beard that adorned his cheek, holy Christ only if you could push his head between your legs and let his mouth slurp on your aching throbbing core until your legs are trembling and shaking and you’re begging him to stop.
You found yourself ashamed of getting lost in your deep thoughts of wild fantasy—basically eye fucking the Lisa’s son while his whole family was around present in the room chatting with you two, well mostly him because you were way too tied up in yourself and your pressed together thighs that you were barely fathoming any word that they uttered.
But how could you not?
He looked like an absolute sex god, with his Andy Barber phase fluffy hair and that beard. That navy blue t-shirt that seemed a little tight on him showing you his ever muscle and highlighting his biceps.
And again there you were, thinking about how good it’s feel when his arms are around your waist while he pounds mercilessly into you, his face hidden in the crook of your neck while you clutch onto this biceps wanting to release.
But oh that beard.
Though you wanted to feel it in between your legs, there was no possible way to describe how bad you wanted to feel it against your lips. Your fingers ached to grab onto his cheeks as your tongue plays with his whilst his hand grabs onto your titties as they usually do.
Snapping out of your wild thinking you found your lower lip tucked between your teeth and a noticeable change in the pace of your breathing. You knew you need it, need to feel him.
“Um, excuse me?” You said out of nowhere cutting of Chris’s childhood story that he was busy telling Scott’s boyfriend. Your sudden action made him furrow his eyebrows as you felt his eyes follow you out of the living room disappearing in the corridor. He turned his head back to meet his mother’s worries facial expression.
“Is she okay chris? Go check on her”
He nods obliging his mother and his own worry towards you as to why you had to excuse yourself from the room full of people you adored. Maybe it was a little stomach bug, he thought.
His bare feet pads over the hardwood floor as he stops when comes across the bathroom far away from the people talking in living area, he knocks on the door twice.
“Baby, honey are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine” no you’re not. You need him.
“Baby let me in” he nudges the door gently only to be disappointed when he notices it’s locked. Sighing he faces close to the door.
“Cmon sweetie”
The concern that dripped down his voice made you feel guilty as you open the door, but as soon as you come across his beautifully handsome face, the brightest blue eyes, the perfect nose and the plumpest lips you couldn’t help but pull him inside with a strong tug and close the door behind him.
You did take him by surprise, but it wasn’t anything compared to when your fingers started fiddling with the buckle of his belt trying to get it lose open, your lips attaching to the veins on his neck as you press your body firmly against his.
He took the sign. After all he did know you like the back of his hand.
So when you finally succeeded in not only getting his pants down his legs but also managing to get him rock hard with just your feathery kisses on his delicate skin of neck your lips turned up in a little smirk until his fingers lifted your face up by your cheek to meet his eyes.
The dilated pupils burned into yours while he stared at you—now with lust, concern washed away long time back.
“What’s got you so worked up huh?” He spoked pulling your groin close to him, close enough for you to feel his growing bulge.
“I- this” you whispered biting your lips as your eyes shift’s their gaze from his eyes to his beard and then down to the swell in his pants, well aware of how intense effect it had on Chris. ‘Makes me lose my mind and bend you over until I fuck you like a slut’ says Chris. Your hand grabs over his jeans as you rubbed your palm against it making him shut his eyes close, lashed resting beautifully on the apple of his cheek as he leans his head back against the door, giving you a perfect access to his exposed neck.
Thanking the heels that you still had on it made it no difficult for you (which usually is due to the height difference) to bring your lips close to the veins popping on his neck and placing opened mouth kisses. You knew neck kisses drives him nuts, and you were in no shock when you felt his big hands grab your butt and giving it a rough squeeze causing you to moan which you quickly covered by biting down on his shoulder.
 “fuck” that’s all he could manage to utter the minute you got down on your knees within a blink of an eye. With his belt already undone it made it easier for you to just slide his jeans down along with the boxers, too worked up to tease him now.
As soon as the cotton material of his boxers came down his thick thighs, his hard shaft sprung against his lower belly. Red tip, leaking and veins clearly visible due to the hardness watered your mouth.
 “Go on baby, take that fucking cock in your little mouth” he said through gritted teeth trying to be as hushed as possible with his family only mere steps away. Collecting your hair in his hands he forced your face up to look at him and you did, in every filthy way possible. With your eyes staring at him through your lashes, you grabbed his thick shaft and gave it a good few pump which already trembled his whole body before licking it from the bottom all the way to the top, not breaking the eye contact. And once you reached his aching swollen tip, you licked the slit collected the salty juices and tapped his heavy cocked on your stuck out tongue.
 It looked nothing less than a porn scene, with you on your knees sucking his cock in his mother’s bathroom while he’s leaning on the door holding your hair in his hand pushing your head further to feel the tip of his dick in the back of your throat, his face covered in the most satisfied expression. Swear could’ve had a million hits.
 Your wrist moved around his base ever so lightly adding a little pressure even then so squeezing it making his body jump with pleasure. And your other hand rolled his balls in the palm of your hand while you drooled on his cock with his every thrust, gagging.
“That’s it, take my fucking cock like the slut you are” he moaned fucking your mouth as you continued deepthroating not caring about the tears that ran down your face smudging your mascara and his thick dick ruining your lipstick. Pulling him out of your hollowed cheek with a ‘pop’ you lowered your face to take his ball in your mouth.
With his dick held up with your hand you sucked on his balls, licking them with your tongue whilst his eyes stay fixed on you, observing your every move, you lips, the way you hollowed your cheek and suckled on his thick shaft effortlessly made his muscles clench and soon he was cumming down your throat.
Pulling away with strings of your saliva from your lips you wiped the mess with the back of your hand after gulping down every drop of his cum you stood up straight and the second after his lips were hot and heavy on your swollen ones.
Kissing you heard before biting down your lower lip he pulled away.
“Meet me out in 5 minutes, we’re leaving right now!” and with that he fixed his hair and left you alone in the bathroom to collect yourself, fix your look and follow him out where you were met by pair of questioning eyes.
“I’m good guys, just an upset stomach”
“yeah ma I am gonna take her home, she needs to rest. Thanks for the dinner and see you soon” kissing his mother’s head he hugged everyone goodbye as you did too before you guys collected your belongs with your coats and wallet and found your way to his black SUV.
Once seated inside you could feel the sexual tension rising between you two as you buckled yourself in, trying your best way possible to look innocent.
He does the same, buckling himself in and driving off his mother’s driveway onto the main road. Gaze fixed on the road, hand gripping the wheel tightly almost as if he’s trying to control another orgasm.
“you couldn’t wait could you” he asked head straight ahead.
“you looked hot”
“what made you so horny”
“your beard”
“what about it?” stopping at the red signal he finally turned his head to have a look at your face. Flushed up and looking ever red with the back lights of the cars in front. You bite your lip once again out of habit this time, something you do when you’re either nervous or just horny, which in this case you were to the extreme.
“i-I just can’t stop thinking about your face between m-“
“here?” he cut you off, when his hands pulled your legs apart in a swift motion and his fingers dipped down inside your panties. He could feel the wetness of your socked panties on the back of his hand as he slowly draws circle on your throbbing clit. Your hand gripping his wrist as you spread your legs further apart allowing him more access.
“Yes, fuck I wanna feel your beard on my skin while you eat me out baby. Wanna feel you so good in me tonight.” You moaned as the car stopped at another red signal, the one just before you exits the main road for you house and this time he couldn’t control his eagerness so leaning over he grabs the back of your neck and hides his face in it, kissing the gentle skin with roughness and impatience.
His teeth dug in your skin, biting and nipping gently causing you to let you head fall on the window as his hand rubs your pussy and lips kisses your neck.
Oh how amazing it felt feeling the scruffiness of his beard on your skin. Just like you wanted.
“shit” Chris muttered under his breath when he heard the car behind honk, probably because he didn’t pay attention when the red turned green and he raced the car down the room stopping straight at your big driveway. And the way from the porch of the house all the way to the bedroom was a complete rush. With clothes discarded on the floor and your mouth attached together not breaking apart to even breath he pushed you up against the wall of your bedroom.
Hands held on your either side his lips left yours leaving you breathless to make their way down from your jawline to the crook of your neck. His facial hair did tickle you ever so then but again the rubbing of it against your supple skin felt amazing and you could feel yourself dripping down a little with the arousal.
His hands that were holding yours now supported your bum as he lifted you up with you wrapping your legs around his waist. Your front rubbing against his belly probably smudging your wetness around his, you enjoyed the feeling of it while lasted before he threw you on the bed and his body hovered you the second within.
“Gonna eat that fucking pussy so good baby” he said as he eyed your body with those lusty eyes but soon he had to break his gaze when he felt you pull him down by his dangling necklace.
“I want you to eat me until I tell you to stop” You whispered against his ear and boy he felt his dick twitch. And your wish was his command, so his lips made their way down your neck to your perched up nipples. Grabbing your right titty in his hand he rolled it against his palm while his lips suckled on your left nipple. His eyes closed breathing heavy as he lets go of it and attacks the other pebble hard nipple.
His warm tongue felt amazing on your sensitive buds while it flicked and rolled your nipple around making your arch your back. Hands grabbing his soft brown hair pushing his head down to where you needed the most making him chuckle as he placed tinny kisses down the way to your pussy.
“eager little slut you are” he whispered and pushed your legs apart, your core glistened with the wetness that caused which made his mouth water to get a taste of that beauty. Throwing your leg over his shoulder he kissed your inner thighs softly and slowly making you roll your hips with growing impatience.
“please” you whined
“please what?”
“please tongue me, eat me out baby” you pushed his face down with any shame one your core.
Smiling to self he took a deep sniff of your aroused sex that drove him insane before laying his tongue flat against your lips, pushing through up and licking the juices up. The saliva that his tongue carried made it easier for him to glide it along your smooth skin stopping when it felt the bundle of nerve.
Knowing you and your body with like the back of his hand never failed him to find your clit. In fact he didn’t need to find it, after being together for all these years it would be shame if he didn’t.
“such a tasty cunt” he moaned against your pussy before sucking up on your clit and pulling on it until you squirmed beneath him. Pushing your hips down by his hand he held your waist as while his tongue flicks over and over against your aching core. His beard rubbing on your skin tickled it again but how could you complaint.
His lips on your cunt felt incredible. And your pussy tasted delicious on his tongue. If he could, he would eat you out every month which he possibly could.
Holding your tit in your hand you kept your eyes shut feeling the plump of his lips around your pussy until his tongue dipped inside your opening hitching your breath.
“shit baby oh my god, just like that. Tongue fuck this pussy of yours”
The words of appreciation boosted his ego like a rocket and his tongue paced up. Dipping in and out and then slurping the juices off your pussy soon to be replaced by long slender finger that stretch you out deliciously.
Feeling your tight silky walls against his fingers as he pumped them in keeping his mouth on your core he felt the growing neediness in himself, as much he wanted to taste your sweet cum on his tongue dripping down his chin and slurp every drop of it, he also wanted to put his hard dick inside you and fuck until you cannot walk.
So detaching himself from your cunt (which was a bit sad for him) he was once again pulled down by you attaching your lips on him, tasting your own sweet self. You knew he wanted to fuck you, you knew his dick was probably aching by now with hardness so you pumped his shaft from in between your bodies before lining himself in front of you.
“nuh huh, slut gets the rough way” and with that he flipped you over on your belly and held your hips up, basically face down ass up and without a further word he pushed himself inside of you.
Grabbing you by your waist he thrusted inside you moving your body to match his rhythm as you did. His every thrust outstretch you so gracefully as he licked his hand and across your thigh placed it on your clit so he could rub the nerve bud.
“You feel so good oh my god” he moaned rocking his hips forward into yours as you kept your face hidden in the pillow, your tits bouncing with ever push he gave you. It wasn’t later than that when you felt the coil in your stomach burning up, he did leave you before without a release so it was no shame that you felt yourself on the edge of within 15 minutes of his dick inside you.
And even Chris was close, the soft cushiony walls and the continuous clenches squeezed and warmed his cock making his toe curls as he lowered himself against your back kissing your shoulder. You knew he was close, the minute he starts softening up from all dom that’s the time he his about to cum.
So taking in the sign you gave him a one hard clench followed up by his rough push that hit your G-spot to the utter level of pleasure that your legs trembled and soon you were coming undone with him. His cum dripped down your thigh as he laid on top on your back not pulling out, enjoying the now innocent moment of intimacy with the person he loves.
“I’m never shaving again”
“Bold of you to assume you were even allowed to”
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multific · 3 years
Plan a Wedding
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Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: When you are asked by your best friend to help her plan her wedding, you don't know what to do, you want to help her, but have the biggest crush on the groom's best man, who also helps with the planning.
When your best friend, Kate, asked you to not only be her maid of honor but help her with the planning of her wedding, you of course said yes, without even thinking twice.
It took you about four hours before you realized what that truly meant.
It meant that you will spend a lot more time with Chris. The man you had the biggest crush on since he was introduced to you and the best part, Kate knew exactly how you felt.
So, now here you were in a florist shop, pretending that you were not blushing furiously as you tried to hide behind every bouquet. 
You took a deep breath and focused on Kate instead. She was looking at at least five different bouquets and table decorations when you stepped in to help her.
"Which are the ones you do not like?" you asked.
"Hmm...The yellow ones wouldn't fit with the theme. But I don't want there to be too much white, so they might work."
"Alright, Then how about the pink ones? You want pastel colors, those are too dark. Let's get those off the table then." The florist helped you and now there were only two bouquets and two smaller decorations to chose from. 
"Which ones do you like more?" she asked turning to you.
"It's not my wedding, but the place you rented for the wedding has a dark wood interior. I think the green would make it too cold. But if you use the yellow with the light pink, it could bring that spring feeling you want."
She nodded. You didn't even notice Chris and the groom, Sebastian, arriving at your side.
"I like the one Y/N said." Seb helped and Kate finally picked one. They gave the order to the shop assistant and then you moved on.
The next stop was the bakery. 
Honestly, you weren't sure which couple asked other people regarding their cake, but you didn't mind it, you liked cakes.
And as the slices kept on coming, your eyes kept on shining. You only got out of the trance when Chris laughed a little.
"You really do like cake," he noted when Seb and Kate were too busy.
"I do, yes," you never really talked with him, you were afraid he might think you don't like him or something, but it was the exact opposite.
"Thank you for helping her pick flowers. I thought we will die in that store she kept on looking and going back and forth."
"She has a hard time saying out loud that she doesn't like something. She thinks it rude, but you will see, I bet she will have a harder time here."
You gave Chris a look and he smiled, both of you turned back to see Seb eating cake and Kate thinking rather hard.
"How many layers will it be?" you asked and tried to help.
"Three," Seb answered.
"Alright. I would say the biggest layer should be something like vanilla and chocolate. It's a safe choice and everyone likes it. Then you can have something fancy which tastes nice like the dark forest one. Then you can have something like red velvet or chocolate only," both of them nodded, understanding your point.
"I quite liked the pistachio one." Chris said, "It's light and nice, I think everyone will enjoy it. I agree with the bottom two layers, those are very popular flavors." 
"Then we will have vanilla and chocolate then black forest and finally, pistachio." Both bride and groom agreed and you were out of the shop quicker than you thought. Now the four of you are headed to have some lunch. 
You and Chris sat at a table as Seb and Kate went to use the toilets.
"What are you planning for her bachelorette party?" Chris suddenly asked.
"Oh, yes, so the idea was that we go to a bar, play some small games. I wanted to get a dancer for her, but nothing too wild or anything." 
"Good, I was planning a striptease bar but then I remembered his brother would freak out so most likely we will go to a bar or have some drinks at my place."
"Sounds good to me," you smiled at him and the pair arrived back. You all ate some pizza before heading to the next place.
Your day went on like that. Going from one place to another. You ended up offering to make the invitations yourself since the place wanted to charge a lot more for them than they should have. Chris offered to help
Kate sent you a template of what she would like for her invites to look like. You bought everything you will ever need and more.
You made the text itself digitally then printed it out. Now, they needed to be put together, so Chris was coming over to yours to help. 
Just as you finished preparing everything, your doorbell rang.
"Sorry, I'm late, traffic, but I brought the things you asked, I have an amazing scissor that cuts paper like a dream," he said as soon as you opened the door.
"Hi. It's okay, you are just in time,"
You let him in and the tedious procedure of preparing hundred and fifty invitations began. 
You were about halfway done when you felt your back start to hurt.
"I will make some lemonade for myself, would you like to have some?"
"Sounds good thank you, I started to feel like my eyes will melt." he laughed and moved to the kitchen with you. "So, you have a dancer for Kate, does she know?"
"Oh, no it will be a surprise all of the girls know about him, would you believe that her mother was the most excited?" you poured some ice into the cup and moved to the living room to sit on the couch. "Why are you asking?"
"Just interested, I didn't tell it to Seb or anything."
"Good, I'm so happy for them."
"Me too. But they are both can't decide on the simplest things."
"Really? Would you be better?"
"Oh, please I have my whole wedding planned in my head, flowers and all."
"Says the guy who is still single."
He laughed. "I even know who I want to marry."
This almost made you choke on your lemonade. You felt a bit jealous but didn’t ask any questions. 
"I always thought you didn't like me. I know I can be loud and annoying even, I laugh loudly which I know some women don't like. But when you accepted for me to help you today, I thought there is hope."
"I like you, Chris. A lot actually, and I like your laugh. It's loud but it gives me a smile."
You didn't notice how close he got to you only when he lifted your chin up. He waited for you to pull away but you didn't.
"All I could think about last week was you. I pretended it's our wedding you are picking flowers for and our cake you are tasting. Call me a creep, Y/N, but I am in love with you. I have been for a long time now."
"You are not a creep. And I think I am in love with you as we-" he didn't let you finish as his lips met yours in a soft kiss. 
You dreamed of this moment for so long and now that it was here, you felt like you could faint. You couldn't believe this is actually happening, but it was.
"So, you finished with the cards, can we send them out?"
"Ooh, we got halfway done with it yesterday. I promise for tomorrow I will have all." 
You and Kate agreed to have breakfast the next morning. She squinted her eyes and looked at you, then as if lightning struck her eyes opened wide.
"Oh My God, Y/N you and Chris had se-"
"Shhh!" you put your hand against her lips, stopping her. "Don't yell, please." "Finally! I was waiting for you to get together for two years now!"
"Yes, so it's not a thing."
"Great! So tell me everything! How it happened, when it happened, and where? Hope not on my invitations!" he lifted her cup to her lips and you just knew this will be a long day.
But you were happy, extremely happy now that you and Chris were together.
As you told Kate the story of last night, your phone notified you that Chris wrote you a text. 
You will never forget the smirk on Kate's face as she made more sexual jokes, she will never let you live this down. 
Part 2
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart v-2bucky ehsebastian crunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl
 My taglist is open!
Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
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Ethan x Denise | for @justanotherrookie​ 
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sparkleofpizza · 3 years
Chris Evans characters Masterlist
Andy Barber 
Nothing here yet
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Ransom Drysdale 
Nothing here yet
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Steve Rogers
Mr. Perfectly Fine
Ace of hearts
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rogersevans · 3 years
It’s Over (part two)
Pairings: Chris Evans x pregnant!reader
Warnings: cheating, pregnancy, relationship break-down, swearing, angst
Summary: You thought Chris was the perfect man, until he wasn’t anymore.
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A boy, you were having a baby boy.  
It had been 2 months since you kicked Chris out and you hadn’t spoken to him since, you communicated with Scott and Lisa to keep Chris updated with the baby. But you knew, you knew you had to see him and discuss how you planned to raise your child with him.
Your heart was still completely shattered, the images of the pictures had slowly faded away but the empty space in your bed where Chris used to sleep was a constant reminder. But you slowly felt yourself returning to normal, feeling more human.
Picking up your phone you started typing a message to Chris.
We need to talk. Letting your finger hover over the send button, having an internal battle on if you should send the message. But you needed to do this, for your child, so you hit send.
Within minutes you received a response. Name a time and place, I’m there.  
Tomorrow, 2pm, at the house. After typing your reply, you put your phone down not wanting to engage in further conversation with him.
Making your way up the stairs you decided you needed a bath to calm your nerves, you hadn’t seen him in two months. The last time you spoke he admitted to cheating on you. So, your anxiety was through the roof.
Chris’ heart skipped a beat when your name popped up across his phone, he had kept his distance as best as he could after you kicked him out. Not wanting to overwhelm you, so he would ask Scott and Lisa to keep in contact with you, knowing you’d answer him or his mom.  
He couldn’t help but think that this was his chance to win you back, for his family to be back together and the wedding to be back on. He wanted nothing more than to walk through those doors tomorrow and see you wearing the ring and try to work through the issues.  
He barley slept that night, not being able to get you out of his mind, this wasn’t something new, he spent most of his nights thinking about you. But this was different, this time it was the thought of you getting back together.
“Hi.” You said quietly as you opened the door to let Chris in, he felt weird knocking on his own door but he was trying to be respectful.
“Do you want a drink?” You asked as you walked into the kitchen, Chris following you.
“No, thank you.”
The air around you both was awkward you couldn’t look at him for longer than a couple of seconds. You felt yourself fidget under his stare.  
“How’ve you been?” Chris had been worried about you these past two months, without him being there to look after you. He took the time to admire the baby bump that had grown significantly since he last saw you, the sight made him happy, the first time he’d been happy in two months.
“Chirs, we need to talk about the baby. I-I can’t do this by myself and I want our baby to know you, to love you.” You felt tears starting to form, Chris automatically reached out for you to comfort you but you stopped him.
“I-I just don’t want you to hold me because if you hold me, I’ll start to cry and I don’t want to start crying.” Silence fell between you and Chris as you watched him lower his arms, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “If I start crying I...” You let out a shaky sigh, trying to calm yourself. “I will not be able to stop, I will never be able to stop.”
“Ok.” You repeated as you wiped away the tears that threatened to fall.
“Whatever you need Y/n,” you looked down at the floor, not wanting to meet his gaze. “I’m here, I’m always going to be here for you, no matter what.”
His words were like a trigger for you, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling as you silently sobbed. “Did I tell you that it’s a boy? We’re having a boy.” You finally got out, you searched through your purse to find the picture that you had saved for Chris. Too busy looking you hadn’t noticed that he was now by your side, watching you break down broke his heart.
“I have it here somewhere.” As you continued to search through your bag.
“Y/n!” He raised his voice at you slightly to get you to pay attention, you stopped and looked up at him, your cheeks tear stained. “We’re having a boy?” A small smile on his lips as he watched you nod.
Without another word he took you into his arms, holding you as close to him as possible. “We’re having a boy,” he whispered again, kissing your head as he held you and rubbing your back to try and ease your sobs.  
After a few minutes he let you go and you took a step back from him, wiping your eyes. That’s when he noticed, you weren’t wearing your ring, the faint tan line where it used to sit screamed out to him.  
You noticed him looking at your finger, pain in his eyes. “Oh, yeah.” Pulling the ring out of your pocket you held it out to him.  
It was like the wind had been knocked out of him, he couldn’t believe this was happening. His eyes flickered between you and the ring, not knowing what to do or say.
“Are you trying to hurt me?” His question threw you off, that wasn’t your intention and he knew that, you loved him and you thought a part of you will always love Chris. But you couldn’t be with him anymore. 
“What? No, Chris-”
“I gave you that ring...” That’s when it hit him, it was over.  
“Yes, you did. But that was then...” You paused, wanting to choose your next word carefully. “I can’t be with you if I don’t trust you, Chris. Our relationship is tainted now. I would be constantly wondering who you’re with or who you’re speaking to, that’s not fair to me or you.”
It was like his world had come crashing down around you both, like the world was ending. Your words repeating in his mind, screaming at him.
“But our baby...”
“Will be raised by the both of us, separately. But that’s it.” Stepping closer to him you opening his hand and placing the ring in his palm, “we’re still a team Chris, we need to be... For our son.”  
He just nodded, not being able to find the words or courage to speak. It was stupid of him to think anything else was going to happen between you both today, maybe it was him being hopeful or stupid.  
He knew how strong and independent you were, he knew how you felt about betrayal, you had always warned him if something like this would happen, he would lose you forever.  
He just didn’t think it would happen.  
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wolf-knights · 2 years
Big Sisters
Pairing: Chris Evans x m!reader(afab)
A/N: This is the third part of the series. I also wanted to say thank you for all the support I have gotten on all of the fics I have written so far and I wanna especially thank the person who brought my writer side out, thank you @candlelight-letters.
mentions: paparazzi, talk about kids/having kids, slight mention of pregnancy. DO NOT READ IF UNCOMFORTABLE OR UNDER THE AGE OF 18. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DONT INTERACT. if theres any warning i left out please let me know.
-> 18+only, do not repost, copy or translate my works nor post them anywhere else. Minors and ageless blogs do not interact with my blog or my fics. Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated.
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It had been a whole day of not having the girls home as they were with Chris's mom.
So when you wake up in the morning cuddled close to chris made you feel relaxed and calm before the nausea took over you slowly move away from chris and go the bathroom to vomit, dealing with the morning sickness had been difficult but you got through it. As you calm down you feel a hand rubbing your back and you realize that it's chris and lean against him "good morning." he whispers as he moves some hair from your eyes "it's not a good morning chris my head hurts." you whine and move closer to him. He helps you up and you brush your teeth as chris keeps his arms wrapped around your waist and kissing your neck or cheek occasionally "how about you lay down. I'll go get the girls and also get some breakfast." he whispers but you shake your head turning to him and burying your face in his neck "I promised I'll go to get the girls with you." you whisper "I know you did honey but you are feeling sick" chris says rubbing your back "c-can we just lay down for a while before we both go, I promised them last night I would come pick them up with you." chris sighs and then nods and helping you into the bed climbing in behind you cuddling you closer to him "I love you romeo." you say and chris kisses your forehead "I love you too baby."
Without even realizing you both fall asleep again, this time chris is the first to wake up and looks over to you seeing you basically sleeping on top of him. He lightly chuckles before slowly trying, key word: trying, but the movement makes you wake up. The way you rub your eyes and blink them reminds chris of saylor "sugar it's time to wake up." he whispers slowly and kisses your forehead "you are like a teddy bear chris." you say you sit up and he looks at you slightly confused "and why is that?" he asks probably even knowing the answer "cause you are soft and cuddly like a teddy bear." you say and grab your glasses putting them on before getting up and going to the bathroom "mind joining me in the shower?" you ask in a seductive voice "if I ever say no to that you are allowed to shoot me pretty boy." he says walking into the bathroom and pinning you against the door
After taking a “shower” you both get dressed and head downstairs and see dodger, he runs to you and you bend down "hi there, how have you been bud?" you ask even tho you knew he wouldn't talk. You play with dodger a bit before he goes to eat his food that chris had served. You look at chris from the ground where you were sitting "I was thinking we haven't told the girls about the-the twins yet." you say, it still felt a little weird knowing about the twins "how about we tell them today, it will not be a shock for sayl but ainsley will definitely be shocked." chris says sitting beside you and looks at you "I still haven't gotten my good morning kiss pretty boy." chirs says with a smirk "you did actually you got much more than that chris." you say as you start playing with his fingers "yeah but I want that sweet kiss again, is it so wrong of me to ask for a kiss from my husband?" he asks as he tilts your face to look at him and you smile "fiiine I'll kiss you." you say and softly kiss him but chris pulls you closer to him deepening the kiss as you both sit on the floor. He kisses you again way more passionately than before "you are so beautiful sugar." he says.
After kissing and cuddling for awhile you both decide to head out and get the kids and some breakfast. You both get into the car and chris starts driving "chris?" you ask as he stops at a grocery store "just have to get some things love, think we will have breakfast at moms as scott and my sister are going to be there aswell" he says and you nod and get out of the car with him as you both go into the store and get the things needed. You see some goldfish packets and by the look on your face chris knew you wanted them "we will get the goldfish love but remember that the girls will definitely ask for them." chris says with a chuckle "well then I guess we will get two packets then. One for me and the other for the kids." you say with a smirk "and what about me love? I'm not getting any?" chris asks with a pout "you know I can never say no to that face." you say and kiss his hand that was holding yours.
After getting the things you needed both of you get out and you see a crowd of paparazzi already starting to gather. Chris knew you hated crowds so he wraps his arm around your waist and pull you closer to himself as he quickly walks you both to the car opening the door for letting you in and quickly walking to his side as the paparazzi swarmed him. He slowly pulls the car out the parking lot and driving it away "are you okay?" you nod "I'm okay, do we have water in the car?" you ask and chris pulls out a bottle of water from one of the plastic bags and hands it to you "here you go my love." he says after opening the bottle something he did for no particular reason "thank you" you say and drink the water before looking at chris "and also thank you for being with me especially when paparazzi are around." he smiles at what you say "well I'll always be here." he says and grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles.
As you arrive at Chirs's mum's house and walk inside to see both of the girls run up to you and you bend down to hug them "hi there my angels" you say while kissing there forehead "papa I missed you." saylor says and keeps hugging you as tight as her small hands could hold you while ainsley looks at up at chris "dada" she says holding up her small hands asking to be held by chirs. Chris picks her up as Lisa comes from the kitchen, both you and chirs hug her individually and chirs walks to find scott when you hug her she says "I made your favorite cookies." at which you chuckle "don't tell this to chirs but he made your cookies yesterday could never match the same potential." you say playfully
As you all help set up the table for breakfast Lisa asks you "are you and chris going to tell everyone about the twins yet?" as she walks past you to put the cut up fruits in a bowl "we decided it in the car that we might be telling the girls today so probably will be telling everyone today." you say as you drink the juice chirs had made you drink "well I can't wait to see their reactions." Lisa says and rubs your back.
After breakfast all of you sat in the living room you being cuddled closer to chris as the kids played with their toys until chris looks at you and asks while rubbing your back "do you think we should tell them now?" you nod "we should that way everyone else can find our aswell.". Chirs sits up "me and y/n have something to tell you all but especially saylor and ainsley" as soon as he says that Lisa is smiling as everyone including the girls give you their attention, chirs pulls the girls closer to himself "well you both are going to be big sisters" chirs says with a smile as everyone except you and Lisa gasp "are you serious chirs?" scott says with a smile and you nod and then hear a cry and a laugh at the same time as you look at chirs you see ainsley crying and saylor laughing "I'm going be a big sister!" she cheers "I no big sister, no wan baby." ainsley crys and you take her from chris "hey baby you will be a big sister that's not a bad thing." you say sweetly as chris rubs ainsley's back as saylor runs around the house expressing her happiness "I no wan be big, wanna be baby." everyone coos at her "you will always be our baby, we will always love you just as much as we do now." chris says as he rubs her back and cuddles her closer to himself. Soon ainsley calms down as she sleeps peacefully as Lisa holds her closer. Everyone is still talking about how excited they were but what they didn't know was it were twins "we both were scared but I think we could do it." chris says taking a sip of his beer "why were you scared you have two kids already." scott says "we are having twins scott it's not like we are having one kid." you tell him before he could process the news and react to it, saylor gasps "twins?! I get twims papa!" you nod "yeah you will probably get both a brother and sister, is that exciting sweetie?" you ask her, she nods getting more excited "I'm so happy!"she says going to tell her cousins "I'm really happy for you both and seeing how you both are going." he says mentioning to the light marks on your neck from last nights rendezvous "it was a good thing to introduce you to my best friend chris." scott says ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you everyone for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it. As always love you all and I hope you have a good day/night.
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Summary: Steve Rogers/Reader, Continued, using this prompt from my valentine day’s challenge
Captain America’s press relations was your official title; of course that said nothing of your other name; Agent Mirror. While you only knew Captain America in your civilian form; your civilian self and your hero self knew Steve Rogers; a new shield agent with a massive secret, and an even bigger streak of reckless justice; if how all his files were restricted meant anything. You find out after a not so careful trip into the records system; while some AIM goon was trying to access it that Steve and Captain America were the same person; at least you didn’t feel as bad for having a crush on both of them, now that they were the same person.
“Wait SHIELD set me up with a wife???” Steve scowls and you shrug a little. You look up from the papers you've been trying to organize by the dates.
“Apparently; they think she’s like your perfect match or whatever; plus it’s a cover for Captain America.”
“Wait Cap is getting married?? But I’m not??”
“It’ll show on official records that Captain America is married; I’m sure they’ll expect the whole two and a half kids and white picket fence and dog as well.” You chuckle and watch as Steve slumps in his chair.
“God I hate this.”
“If it makes you feel worse, we’re both going on a blind date on the same day.”
“Did SHIELD get you too?” He mock whispers and you laugh nodding.
“Mhm, they’re convinced it’ll help me adjust if I get married to some guy they’ve picked out.” Steve was aware that you were a hero; but it was SHIELD policy that you didn’t reveal yourself unless you had to. You still didn’t know what hero they were pairing you with and no matter how much you dug, or stole higher clearance key cards you couldn’t find any information on it.
Someone’s following you home and you’d be more suspicious if you didn’t recognize the boots and the way they were chewing their gum.
“Y/N, you ready for your date?”
“You gonna pretty me up?” You laugh a little and she shakes her head.
“No I’m here to make sure you go. In costume.” She nods as you unlock your door to let her into your place.
“So they guy I’m meeting…”
“Classified; but I’ve met him; he’s a good guy Y/N; don’t stress.”
“Wow such an inspirational pep talk.”
“He’ll be wearing a mask as well; so just picture whoever you have a crush on under it. At least till he takes it off.”
“Agent Mirror; pleasure to..” You’re glad you have a full face mask so you can laugh without Steve seeing your face; he looks the part; fully dressed in his Captain America outfit, the suit cleaned and the shield shined. You can see about seven reporters all huddled over one table. You wonder what they’d think if they knew you knew each other.
“The pleasure is mine sir.” You smirk when his eyes flash with recognition and you’re surprised to see a blush on his cheeks. You knew Steve had talked about Agent Mirror before but it had seemed very business and formal; with how his face is staying pink you wonder if maybe he’d wanted it to be more; or if he was nervous that you, as Y/N were now supposed to be forever linked with Captain America.
“Favorite ice cream flavor.” You nod at him and he chuckles.
“Really? That’s the most important question you want to ask me?”
“Mhm, you’re supposed to propose to me aren’t you? Did SHIELD give you my ring size?”
“They didn’t I was just going to give you my Ma’s ring and we could get it resized.”
“I can’t…”
“This isn’t a sham to me.” You both say at the same time and end up laugh a little to cover the half sob you were going to let out.
“We should go; it’s getting late; and I know for a fact two of those reporters have kids that should be in bed.”
‘Uh, captain sir.. Sorry we-” Steve laughs when he holds out a folder to each of them.
“They’ll be awake anyways.” You watch all the reports walking out in very degrees of shame.
“What did you give them?”
“Couple of signed portraits and some trading cards; plus a pair of tickets for the stark expo coming up.”
“Are you going to ask me to go? I hear they have a proper flying car this year.” You grin and he smiles back.
“Only if you’ll go dancing with me after.”
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