#children and festive activities are saving him
beelzebubsis · 6 months
these eggs are single handedly saving bbh from perishing
cant die now he's promised pepito he wont
you wont betray pepitos trust right bbh...
right bbh...
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byyourside28 · 12 days
You Left // Part 1
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Matty Healy x Reader
Warning: Angst
Summary: Matty walks back into your life after four years; things are different now.
WC: 3.1K
A/n: I completely forgot about this fic and I'm definitely going to write a part 2...
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Your heart sinks as you take in the finality of Matty’s eyes. He stands in front of you, a large bag slung over one shoulder and a suitcase held in the other.
Desperation wells inside your chest and before you can stop it, it spills from your lips. “Please don’t leave,” you plead, your throat tight with emotions. You’d always imagined yourself a strong woman, not one who begged a man to stay with her, but for him, you’d do it.
With each plea Matty’s resolve wavers, his fingers itching to reach out and enfold you in an embrace, like he had done so many times before when things were simpler. This time was different though - this time he was the source of your pain.
“Whatever I did wrong I’ll fix it,” you promise, embarrassment burning on your tongue—how could you have been so stupid?
Your vision blurs with tears but you refuse to let them fall and show him how much this hurts you.
“You can’t fix it,” he sighs wearily, his face going emotionless. Your heart shatters in your chest—what have you done?
“Please Matty…let me fix this. Let me fix us.” You plead even though you know it’s futile. There is only one sure way Matty can think of to save both of you from further humiliation; he didn’t deserve to be begged after all. His heart breaks as he bitterly responds, “Y/n don’t be so bloody desperate. We had fun together but that’s all it was.” Even as his mind screams for him to take back his words it’s too late.
Your eyes widen in disbelief, and your lips part as if to speak but no sound comes out. Your heart is heavy, battered by the cruel waves of reality crashing against it.
“Okay,” you say, trying to mask how shattered you feel with a facade of acceptance. Slowly, you step back from him.
Matty can see the pain etched deep into your face.
“Sweetheart…” he starts, unsure if he should reveal the true reason for his departure or apologize for leaving you alone. Guilt and frustration claw at his chest. He wished he could stay, but it was not possible.
“Just go, Matty.” Your voice is brittle yet harsh.
Matty hates himself for the look on your face when he turns his back to you, but he knows that this is necessary.
He hopes one day you’ll understand.
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You twist the sign on your door to ‘Open’ and settle a huge bowl onto the counter, in preparation for the children who will be arriving later dressed in their spooky costumes. Your bookstore is only one amongst many stores that fill Manchester’s bustling streets, but you’re proud of it nonetheless.
Your store offers more than just books; customers can get coffee, tea, pastries and biscuits. You opened your business just last year and were surprised by how quickly it became popular among university students - they would come to browse through your rare collection of books while sipping on their drinks and nibbling on their snacks.
Last year, it was too chaotic and new to accommodate any festive activities, but this year you truly went all out. Dangling cobwebs line every corner between overflowing bookcases, whilst eerie decorations adorn the few bistro tables scattered around the shop.
You heave a heavy bag of candy into the bowl at the counter and turn away with your back facing towards the entrance. A haunting tune hums from the speakers overhead and a slight grin graces your lips as you swivel around to greet whoever will be your first customer of the day.
Your mouth pulled up into a toothy grin as the young couple dashed through the door. You leaned against the counter and grabbed a stack of books from the shelf behind you. “Welcome!” you said, waving your arm at the books. “We’ve got some great horror-themed books on sale today. Half off, if you’d believe it. Come take a look and let me know if there’s anything I can help with.”
People pour into your shop and you’re amazed. Word must have gotten out about the sale you had going on; the horror section is almost cleared out. You rush around all afternoon, trying to help everyone that comes in.
You explain the plot of a beginner’s horror book to a young couple that came in first, and then you package up four books for an elderly woman whose enthusiasm is infectious. A young boy and his mother came in—Halloween costumes to match one another—and you ended up giving the child a large treat bag with their purchase, because how couldn’t you?
To say the least, you were busy. You regretted not asking someone to come to work with you today, but you knew most of your employees had plans for the night—because they were university students—and you couldn’t bring yourself to be the one to ruin them. By the time eight in the evening came, you were almost happy to turn the open sign over.
The shop’s door is propped open as you fill the big bowl of sweets for the trick-or-treaters. You’ve been giving out two pieces every time, even though your bag is almost empty.
A song begins to play just as you finish up and turn around to greet the first visitors of the night. Your heart tightens when a messy head of curly brown hair appears in front of you. Matty stands there, his honey-brown eyes wide with surprise and adoration. But the world is cruel, and fortune has made sure you can never be together. You take a deep breath, still dreaming of those eyes every single night, and force yourself to loosen your grip on the bowl before it breaks.
Your heart races with intense anger as you see Matty walk through the door of your shop. You stand behind the counter, gripping it tightly. “What are you doing here?” you spit out coldly, unflinching and deadpan. Matty’s unkempt hair and haggard appearance betray him; he hasn’t slept well in days.
A faint smile materializes on his face. “Hi, Y/n,” he murmurs, voice barely above a whisper.
You lock eyes with him, your stare stone-cold. “Get out of my shop, Matty.” Your tone is laced with venomous hatred, and it shows in your eyes.
Matty knows that he deserves nothing less than your wrath. He moves closer to you, “Y/n…Sweetheart,” Your heart drops, hearing the pet name coming from his lips again, “just…let me explain. Please.”
He stands right in front of you, towering above. You can feel your heartache rising with every inch he takes. You hold his gaze firmly and portray the perfect mask of indifference. But it’s not easy to hide the cracks that have formed around the broken pieces of your heart.
“I don’t want any explanations,” you sneer past gritted teeth, desperately trying to sound convincing. You glance over his shoulder, noticing a group of families heading towards your shop. “I’m busy, Matty—Go.” Your voice is low but there’s an unmistakable urgency in it.
Matty looks broken as if a tornado has ravaged and taken its toll on him. His eyes lack the warmth they used to carry and they are now dull and emotionless.
Desperation mars his features as he begs for one more chance from you. He knows that this is his last try and that he doesn’t deserve your courtesy after all he put you through. “Please, Y/n,” his voice trembles, almost like a plea for help.
He’s been coming around your store for a few weeks now, popping up here and there. It wasn’t intentional, he’d stumbled upon the familiar name of your store just by chance. Then, through the glass front, he saw you but never had the guts to walk in.
He reaches out towards you, his fingers cool against your skin as they cup your cheek. “Don’t do this,” you plead, pain etched on your face. “Four years, Matty. Four years.”
“I know,” he whispers, his voice low, “I never wanted to leave you. Not a single day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you. Y/n, please.”
You feel yourself weakening; all these years dreaming of hearing those very words from him again. But it had been four long years since then and so much has happened in that time—you needed to be strong for more than just yourself now. Taking a deep breath, you step away from Matty.
“I want you to leave,” the lie falls off your tongue easily, “I don’t want to see you again.”
But both of you knew the truth.
Matty is about to plead desperately for more time when a blur of brown curls and a high-pitched shriek rush past him into the store.
The toddler throws her tiny arms around you, pressing her face into your legs. You instinctively hold the girl in your embrace, murmuring sweet endearments. Matty stares between the two of you in shock, his eyes wide with realization as she pulls back and smiles at him.
Your gaze still doesn’t meet Matty’s but he knows without a doubt; her bright brown eyes, wide beaming smile and wild curls are just like his. His heart aches painfully as he takes in the sight before them.
“Y/n.” He says finally after what feels like hours. His voice is soft but urgent, yet you still don’t look up.
How could you?
Matty’s voice turns stern and impatient when he calls out again for your attention, and the little girl turns to see who is talking. She flashes him an innocent grin revealing perfect little teeth, and Matty nearly collapses at how much she looks like him.
“Hi!” she greets cheerily, unaware of the tension between you both. Matty swallows down his emotions thickly before answering with a single word, “Hi.” He pauses before asking her name hesitantly, his voice shaky and full of emotion.
“Rory.” You respond for her, but Rory wrinkles her nose and shakes her head fiercely. “Aurora.” She corrects you firmly, her clear tone asserting the command over yours.
He repeats the name in his head a thousand times. Aurora. Aurora. Aurora.
“Sweetheart,” You smile at your daughter even though it feels forced. Matty can tell but Aurora is too young to understand the facade yet. “Why don’t you go change into your costume, yeah?” Excitedly, she scrambles off of you and runs towards the back of the store without another word.
Matty’s anger hits like a brick wall. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” He growls, fury so apparent that it would be hard to hide even if he tried. You narrow your gaze to warn him, not willing to let him get away with this kind of language around your daughter.
He was mad, fury seeping through every pore in his body and begging to escape. His voice breaks when he speaks despite the rage coursing through him, “I have a daughter? And you didn’t think it was important to tell me? It’s been four fucking years.”
You thrust your finger into Matty’s chest. “You left me,” you spit out, voice dripping with venom. “You said I was bloody desperate and it was just a bit of fun.” Your voice quivers on the last word as if you’re still struggling to comprehend those words.
If this wasn’t an utter mess between the two of you, Matty would’ve laughed at your spot-on impersonation of him.
But he doesn’t. Instead of chuckling at your mimicry of his deep voice, he glares down at you with disdain written on every inch of his face. “You know I never meant those things I said.“
You meet his gaze unwavering and let out a breathy laugh. “Did I?”
Your gaze remains steady on Matty’s before finally widening in realization. “You’re brilliant, Y/n.” Matty sighs as he runs a large palm over his face. “I had thought—I hoped, if anyone could see through me, it would’ve been you. You should’ve known I didn’t mean a damn word I said.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing and hope he’ll give up, but deep down you know he won’t. You shake your head and take a step back. “No. No, you don’t get to do this. Please, Matty… Just go,“ You plead looking into his eyes desperately.
“You can’t keep me away from her.” His voice is eerily calm and unwavering. “She’s just as much part of me as she is you.”
An incredulous laugh bubbles up from your chest, a bitter rage coursing through your veins as you take a step closer and shove him back slightly with each word.
“Part of you? Don’t be so damn stupid! Aurora is everything you wish you could be! She’s infinitely smarter than either of us, kind and thoughtful to a fault. Loyal beyond her years; some kid was picking on one of her friends at daycare the other day and she didn’t hesitate to come to their defense. She knocked the brat to the ground without a second thought.”
Matty grins widely, hanging on your every word as if his life depended on it. Even with the intensity of your words, he had never felt more in love with you. Hell, he never fell out of love with you.
"Aurora is incredible - far beyond anything you could ever dream of.” You declare, waving a finger before him sternly. He lets out an uneasy laugh, pushing his hands into his pockets to mask their trembling. “She sounds perfect,” he stammers meekly, unable to meet her eyes.
Sighing heavily you nod in reply and take a few calming breaths. “Yeah… she is.”
Before you can continue your conversation, Aurora skips up towards you, and Matty thinks he might faint at the sight of her - dark curls tumbling down around angelic features; big doe eyes and rosy cheeks; a black headband with cat ears poking through her hair. He can’t believe this little girl is his.
Gazing down at her warmly, fondness washing away any lingering anger towards Matty, you ask “Where’s your tail my little kitten?”
Aurora groans and brings her hands out from behind her back to reveal an adorable springy cat tail, flicking it towards you both pleadingly. “I need help putting it on”.
Matty smirks as he picks up your mannerisms in the girl. The crinkle of her nose. The frustration building between her brows. Aurora didn’t like the idea that she had to ask for help.
“Can I?” Matty asks suddenly, waiting impatiently for permission from both of his girls.
Aurora doesn’t notice his eyes bouncing between you or her, or the way you nod subtly. You simply shrug and hand the tail to Matty before turning your back to him and waiting.
Matty crouches down to Aurora’s size, straightening the belt tied around the black mesh skirt. “Don’t tell your mum this,” Matty starts, eyeing you out of the corner of his eye before a smile crooks in the corner of his lips, “but when I was about your age, I had a costume just like this.”
He clips the tail onto Aurora, and she spins around with her mouth agape. “You wore a skirt?” She giggled, imagining someone the size of current Matty parading in an outfit like hers.
“What?” He grins widely, “You don’t think I could pull it off?”
Aurora laughs and shakes her head, curls bouncing around her face aimlessly. “Mumma, imagine him in a skirt! He would look so pretty!” She cackles loudly along with you, and Matty wants to bottle the sound for himself. She sounds identical to you.
“Oh, you think that’s funny?” Matty counters, raising a brow at you. “When your mum was… what, 12? 13? She tried to —.”
“Alright!” You interject, clapping your hands together sharply. Your brows furrow as you try to keep the frustration out of your voice. “That’s enough from both of you. We have candy to hand out.”
Aurora’s face falls in disappointment. “Mumma, I wanted to go trick-or-treating tonight!” She pouts her lower lip, sending a wave of guilt through you.
You crouch down to meet Aurora’s eye level and take her small hands in yours. “I know baby, but Nana is busy and I need to stay here for the other kids that will come by. It wouldn’t be very fair if they didn’t get any candy now would it?”
Aurora shakes her head slowly and accepts defeat, “No, that wouldn’t be very nice at all.”
Matty doesn’t know why he said it before it even left his mouth, but he looks up and says tentatively, “I could take her? If it’s alright with you of course.”
The room is silent for a few heartbeats until Aurora pipes up in excitement, “Mumma! Please! Can he take me? Hey Skirt Man! What’s your name?”
Matty barely manages to hold back the cheesy grin threatening to break across his face as he answers, “Matty” Aurora eyes him skeptically before turning back to you, “Please can I go with him? He isn’t a stranger, you know him!”
You take a deep breath, considering the offer. Aurora’s big, hopeful eyes staring back at you, and Matty’s genuine desire to spend time with her. “Alright, but you have to promise to be back by nine. No later.” You warn sternly, shooting a pointed look at Matty. He nods eagerly, “Of course, not a second later.”
“Aurora,” you say, your voice gentle but firm. “You need to stay with Matty the whole time and come back safe, okay?”
Aurora nods vigorously, her curls bouncing in response. “I promise Mumma! Thank you!” She throws her arms around you, squeezing tightly before turning to Matty.
“Let’s go, Skirt Man! You’ll have to take me every house, okay?” Aurora screams in excitement, sprinting towards the front door. Matty lingers on the threshold, his hand wrapped around his daughters, “Thank you.”
You raise your chin, wrapping your arms around yourself tightly. “Don’t make me regret this. If anything happens to her…I’ll kill you.”
“I’d allow it.”
"Matty?” You call out desperately. He glances back over his shoulder, “Yeah?”
“We can talk when you get back, yeah?” Your voice is steady but your palms are sweating as worry settles in your stomach like a rock. With a quick nod, Matty turns and forces himself to walk out of the door with your daughter in tow.
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dittolicous · 4 months
Saw some takes on One Piece x Pokemon so I thought I'd throw in my own two cents, seeing as giving characters Pokemon is my FAVORITE thing (just look at my fucking Submas fic, so many Pokeymans.... ehem).
First, to note that I'm working under the idea of 'One Piece where everything is exactly the same as Canon except Pokemon are also there'. How? Eh, its anime, baby, we don't need too much logic! They're just like a split off from regular animals - perhaps animals naturally enfused with Devil Fruit-like powers or something? IDK.
(That said, Pokemon cannot gain Devil Fruit powers like a regular animal can. There are many studies why but no 100% conclusive answer.)
1) Tangela ♀️ -> Tangrowth
Met on/at: Dawn Island
Background: Met when Luffy was young, in the mountain forest after befriending Ace and Sabo. They bonded over both having stretchy limbs. Constantly got tangled up in each other.
Evolved: During Marineford while trying to save Ace.
Reasoning: Stretchy limbs, a little goofy looking, but can become a strong fighter.
2) Mudkip ♂️ -> Marshtomp -> Swampert
Met on/at: Alabasta.
Background: Often hung out with the Kung-Fu Dugong for a fun brawl and was impressed by Luffy. Followed the Strawhats by sneaking into their luggage afterwards. Helped Luffy against Crocodile.
Evolved: First at Enies Lobby then finally over the timeskip while training with Luffy. Was supplied with a Megastone by Boa. First use was during Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Mega evolution similar to Luffy's Gear 3-4 appearances. Also completes the starter trio with Zoro and Sanji.
3) Aipom ♀️ -> Ambipom
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Liked Luffy's singing, followed him around and snuck on board the Merry when it went to leave Skypiea.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark, trying to protect Luffy from Kuma.
Reasoning: Goofy monkey. “It uses its tails for everything. If it wraps both of its tails around you and gives you a squeeze, that's proof it really likes you.”
4) Drampa ♂️
Met on/at: Sabaody, pre-timeskip.
Background: Was entertaining kids at the theme-park when Luffy's group bumped into them. Became distraught that Camie was kidnapped and tried to help them find her. Was upset they couldn't protect Luffy or the Strawhats when the navy showed up, thus watching over Sunny during the two years to make up for it. Officially joined when they reunited.
Reasoning: Goofy. Fluffy white hair, similar to Gear 5. Kind to children, will become violent to protect or avenge them - think Momo, Tama, and Bonnie.
5) Lombre ♂️ -> Ludicolo
Met on/at: Dressrossa.
Background: Often snuck in to watch Colosseum fights. Didn't really understand why everyone always got so mad (mostly at Rebecca) but thought the fights seemed fun. Was inspired by Luffy's battles and defeating Doflamingo and really liked the party thrown afterwards.
Evolved: Accidentally, on the way to WCI, after touching a waterstone while playing around in Nami's treasure (with Gholdengo).
Reasoning: “Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo's body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount of power.” Festive music makes it stronger, comparable to Drums of Liberation. Also goofy, likes to party.
6) Egg -> Riolu ♂️ -> Lucario
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was accidentally grabbed when the egg got packed with their supplies during the rush to WCI. Was nearly eaten by Luffy but Chopper recognized it as a viable Pokemon egg. Hatched aboard the Sunny when Luffy cried out to Sanji, feeling his emotions despite the distance. Intensely attached to Luffy as a result.
Evolved: At Wano during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Use of aura similar to Ryuo Haki.
And, lol whoops, since this is gunna be LONG the rest of the Strawhats are going under the cut!
1) Scyther ♂️ -> Kleavor
Met on/at: Shimotsuki Village.
Background: Often fought each other while Zoro trained to beat Kuina. Was thrown off when Zoro came after him viciously one day, until he broke down mid fight and told him about Kuina, her death, and their promise. Joined Zoro when he eventually left the village.
Evolved: Found Black Augurite way back at Little Garden but was not aware of its use nor cared to evolve until Wano, after seeing Tonoyasu's execution.
Reasoning: Knife arms. Kleavor chosen over Scizor because Scizor is more claw or clamp-like while Kleavor keeps the sharp weaponry arms (just axes instead of swords). Kleavor also more old-fashioned, less fancy than Scizor, mirroring Zoro's simple ideology. Big, scary looking.
2) Magikarp ♂️ -> Gyarados
Met on/at: East Blue sea.
Background: Came across Zoro while he was lost at Sea. Helped lead him to land but was stunned by how he kept getting immediately lost and stuck with him to keep him from dying at sea. Likes to meditate with him. Dreams of swimming up a giant water. Love at first sight with Sanji's Feebas. Get clumsy and shy under her attention. Nearly went belly up when she evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Zoro or Sanji are aware.
Evolved: To help them escape Enies Lobby whirlpools. Was given a Mega-stone much later at Wano, by Hiyori.
Reasoning: Unexpected powerhouse. Connects to Wano via ‘koi that climbs a waterfall’ and becomes a dragon. Mirrors Sanji's Feebas/Milotic.
3) Zangoose ♀️
Met on/at: Random East Blue island.
Background: Caught while roaming as a bounty hunter. Was terrorizing a local town until Zoro beat them. Has an explosive temper and can be difficult to control at times. More controlled after the timeskip but can still be egged into fits.
Reasoning: Sharp, mean-looking face. Has a long-term rivalry with another Pokemon (Seviper). Mark over left eye.
4) Treecko ♂️ -> Grovyle -> Sceptile
Met on/at: Long Ring Long Land Island.
Background: Watched their Davy Back fight. Thought they were kinda stupid ultimately liked their vibes and forced their way onto Zoro's team afterwards. Chose Zoro on a whim but it worked as they often nap together. Very chill, go-with-the-flow type.
Evolved: First at Sabaody while protecting Zoro from Kuma then finally over the timeskip. Was sneakily given a Mega-stone by Mihawk when the two years were up.
Reasoning: Green. Cutting attacks. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Sanji.
5) Charcadet ♂️ -> Ceruledge
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Was helping them from the shadows as they were too weak to take on Moria straight on. Saw the confrontation with Kuma and was greatly moved. Wants to be trained by Zoro.
Evolved: Over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Sword arms. Got stronger via cursed artifacts like Zoro's swords.
6) Applin ♀️ -> Dipplin -> Hydrapple
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Saw Zoro as he pretended to be a traveling ronin in the capital. Became completely enamored by him. Kept following him and randomly popping out to give him food or lead him places. Young powerhouse. Really wants to protect and impress him.
Evolved: First when Toko gave Zoro a candied apple which Zoro then gave to them (since he doesn't like sweets). Had no idea it could evolve them. Then finally during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Multi-headed dragon similar to three-sword style. Also funny for him to have a sweets-based Pokemon despite disliking sweets. Draws parallel to his friendship with Chopper.
1) Meowth ♂️ -> Persian
Met on/at: Random East Blue Island.
Background: Caught in an attempt to abuse Pay Day. Wasn't efficient, only upsetting both of them, and gave them a rough start. Eventually grew to understand and trust each other. Becomes very spoiled later on, as Nami wants to give them a good life.
Evolved: While fighting Baroque Works in the final Alabasta battle.
Reasoning: Money cat.
2) Absol ♀️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Random pirate ship in the East Blue.
Background: Freed them from a poacher while working for Arlong. Bonded over being considered bad omens (or so they believed). Helps her recognize warning signs of oncoming natural disasters.
Evolved: Found a Mega-stone in treasure at Thriller Bark. Only achieved it after the timeskip.
Reasoning: Ability to sense on-coming disasters similar to Nami being able to spot storms and her navigation capabilities. Shiny to match her hair.
3) Gimmighoul ⚧️ -> Gholdengo
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Found roaming form in treasure from Skypiea. Freaked out before taking up residence in Nami's treasure. Very good at keeping it organized and safe for her. Not much of a fighter but focuses on keeping the ship safe when the crew is on land. Likes to watch her draw maps.
Evolved: Entirely by accident while trying to protect their treasure at Thriller Bark. Was not looking forward to having Nami find out some of the treasure was now part of their body.
Reasoning: Treasure, gold.
4) Castform ♂️
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Lived with the Weather Wizards to aid them in their studies. Was moved by Nami's drive to help Luffy and then by her bountiful knowledge and skill. Helps her improve Clima-Tact range. Chose to go with her so they could become stronger together as well as see her achieve her dream. Later becomes BFFs with Zeus.
Reasoning: Weather-based abilities.
5) Wattrel ♀️ -> Kilowattrel
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Befriended the entire flock while practicing lightning attacks. Chose to stay with her to keep ‘playing’. A little air-headed but well-meaning. Also BFFs with Zeus.
Evolved: At Dressrossa, while fighting Giolla. Not good at remembering their much bigger now and keeps trying to sit on Nami's shoulder.
Reasoning: Electric bird. Comparable to Nami's favorite attack with Thunder Tempo.
6) Dratini ♂️ -> Dragonair -> Dragonite
Met on/at: On the way to Fish-man Island.
Background: A scardy-cat but still tries to keep sailors safe. Got caught up in the mess with the kraken and volcano on the journey to the island. Stuck with Nami because she let them curl around her shoulders when they got scared. Officially joined at the end of the arc.
Evolved: First during the escape from WCI and then finally during the battle at Onigashima while desperately trying to protect Nami.
Reasoning: Saves sailors from storms and wrecks just like Nami navigates them to safety. Kindhearted.
Special Note: Nami is afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Spinarak ♂️ -> Ariados
Met on/at: Syrup Village.
Background: First friend, partners in crime. Helped back-up Usopp's lies however they could. Desperately wants to befriend Nami and Sanji (going slowly).
Evolved: During the timeskip. Took so long to evolve because of their personal fear they weren't going to be good enough to help Usopp achieve his dream.
Reasoning: Usopp claims to have played with spiders as a kid.
2) Remoraid ♀️ -> Octillary
Met on/at: Seas of Alabasta.
Background: Fished up on the way to Alabasta. Was too scrawny to eat, took offense to that, and made it their problem until caught by Usopp. Constantly disobeyed him, causing trouble and spitting water at them. Only grew to respect and listen to him in Enies Lobby, both out of his love for Merry and his strength to stand up for Robin.
Evolved: While protecting them at Enies Lobby, when they were stuck on the platform.
Reasoning: Gun fish for the sniper.
3) Finizin ♂️ -> Palafin
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Met while he tried to fix Merry. Usopp would talk to Merry and his voice drew in some wild sea Pokemon. Thought it was touching how much he cared for the ship. Saw him and Franky get kidnapped by CP-9, chasing after the sea train. Saw the ‘birth’ of and idolizes Sogeking.
Evolved: As they were leaving Water 7, hyped up by Usopp returning to his friends and wanting to protect them from Garp.
Reasoning: Superhero Pokemon = Sogeking.
4) Dreepy ♀️ -> Drakloak -> Dragapult
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Followed them out of curiosity. Got slingshot-ed away by Usopp by accident when he panicked thanks to the zombies. Turned out to love being launched by Usopp's slingshot, kept coming back to him and even offering to help if he kept doing it. Refused to leave.
Evolved: First during the timeskip and then again at Dressrosa, during the final battle.
Reasoning: Likes being shot around. Good for a sniper. Also funny since Usopp is scared of ghosts.
5) Toedscool ♂️ -> Toedscruel
Met on/at: Boin Archipelago.
Background: Tried to kill Usopp at first but had a change of heart when Usopp accidentally saved them both from being eaten by the island. Helped him hone his skills and ammunition, then joined after two years.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: Goofy, good at running away really fast. Draws comparisons to Usopp's use of plants and the like later.
6) Floragato ♂️ -> Meowscarada
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was particularly feisty and troublesome and thus was turned into a toy by Sugar. Witnessed the God Usopp fight. Was more baffled then moved, choosing to follow Usopp out of morbid curiosity. Respect was grudgingly won when they watched him prepare his attack to protect Luffy from Sugar later on.
Evolved: During the battle at Onigashima.
Reasoning: Uses sleight of hand, showy, like Usopp. Similar to Palafin and Sogeking.
Special Note: Afraid of Ghost Type Pokemon. Still startles around Robin's.
1) Rattata ♂️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: One of the rats he fed. Found Sanji in the dungeon and kept him company. Escaped with him, officially being caught once on the ship. Only survived the shipwreck because Sanji forced them to stay in their Pokeball, which kept them in a decent enough stasis until they were found, but only just barely. Has refused to return to their ball ever since.
Evolved: No. Refuses to evolve out of fear of becoming too big to hide on Sanji's person.
Reasoning: Sanji fed mice. Shiny to look more like his hair and play off the idea of a ‘waste of a shiny’. IE a weak or non-viable fighter Pokemon getting a shiny spawn instead of a cooler Pokemon, making the bad shiny more insulting. Sanji was a failure because he didn't mutate, Rattata was a failure because it did mutate.
2) Torchic ♀️ -> Combusken -> Blaziken
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: A gift from Zeff when he started teaching him how to fight. Sparring partners. Doesn't tolerate Sanji's nonsense with women and will drag him away if they need to. Assists him in the kitchen as well.
Evolved: First evolves at Arlong Park then finally at Enies Lobby. Gifted a Mega-stone by Iva during the timeskip.
Reasoning: Fire-type kicking Pokemon. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Zoro.
3) Feebas ♀️ -> Milotic
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: Met after opening the Baratie, trying to steal scraps from trash because they were having trouble finding food thanks to being so weak. Sanji cooked them something fresh and told them they could always come to him if they were hungry. Doted on over the years as Sanji honed his cooking. Believes in his dream of the All Blue. Becomes intensely protective of him upon evolving. Love at first sight with Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados. Thinks he's a real charmer even as a Magikarp. Was starstruck when he evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Sanji or Zoro are aware.
Evolved: To protect him when Don Kreig attacked.
Reasoning: Hard to find yet very pathetic and weak Pokemon in first stage Originally evolves by increasing beauty stat via feeding poffins/special food. Mirrors Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados.
4) Milcery ♀️ -> Alcremie (Love-Sweet, Matcha)
Met on/at: Kamabakka Kingdom.
Background: Aided him in improving his cooking and fighting skills. Let him vent about Iva and the others, eventually then about the Strawhats and his worries. Prefers cooking to fighting but doesn't shy away from a fight. Very calm and collected.
Evolved: Over the two years. Sanji picked her up while talking/venting over a long night and started gushing. Did his spinny thing.
Reasoning: Food Pokemon.
5) Type: Null ⚧️ -> Silvally
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: Found in the Germa cloning lab being experimented on during WCI. Broke them free out of rage during his fight with his siblings, telling it to run. It ran off but found him and Luffy later, tentatively joining them because it didn't know where to go. Sanji had a difficult time looking at them at first but they were able to bond over time. Treats Rattata like an older sibling.
Evolved: During the fight with Queen in Wano. Was brought to tears as Queen tried to kill them and berated them on being Judge's work, given hope when Sanji denied him. Broke their helmet to stand with him.
Reasoning: Artificially created based on a God (Arceus), comparable to the theory that the Vinsmokes were trying to recreate Devil Fruit abilities (hence the swirl brows). Also, helmet, and the symbology of destroying the helmet thanks to friendship and to become stronger. “Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its will was strengthened, and it was able to destroy its control mask.”
6) Bounsweet ♀️ -> Steenee -> Tsareena
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Lived in the flower capital of Wano. Hung out around Sanji's noodle stand after he opened it. Befriended Rattata and snuck into Sanji's pocket with them. Didn't really have a reason, very air-headed and doofy. Not a single thought in their head. Doted on by Sanji nonetheless. Surprisingly vicious in a fight upon evolving.
Evolved: First during the battle at Onigashima, then again later at Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Leggy Pokemon.
Special Note: Afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Egg -> Happiny ♀️ -> Chansey -> Blissey
Met on/at: Jaya.
Background: Found as an egg in the forest of Jaya, while they were looking for a South Bird. Hatched during the freedom party in Skypiea and imprinted on Chopper. Likes to hide under his hat or in his backpack before evolving.
Evolved: First evolved over the timeskip and then again at Wano.
Reasoning: OG healing Pokemon. Pink.
2) Audino ♀️
Met on/at: Torino Kingdom.
Background: Was learning medicine alongside Chopper. Chose to go with him after being told stories of the Strawhats’ adventures by Chopper (half out of admiration, half out of horror over the injuries gotten).
Evolved: Gifted a Mega-stone by the birds (it was in their shiny stash).
Reasoning: Another good nurse Pokemon. Mega-evolves like Chopper's forms.
3) Smoliv ♂️ -> Dolliv -> Arboliva
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was touched by the Strawhats saving the Minks. Wants to help people like Chopper does. Doesn't like fighting. Helps tend to Chopper's medicinal garden.
Evolved: For the first time at WCI and then again later while breaking Luffy out of jail in Wano.
Reasoning: Kind Pokemon. Seed Sower ability causes healing. Good support for medical care.
Special Note: Chopper isn't wholly comfortable with having Pokemon partners thanks to his own animal nature. The three he has wouldn't take no for an answer. He treats them more like students or assistants. He can understand Pokemon-speak though it's like deciphering a very thick accent.
1) Budew ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Roselia -> Roserade
Met on/at: Ohara
Background: Only friend before Saul arrived. Escaped with her when Ohara burned. Extremely protective of her, slow to trust others. Will have no mercy on those that betray or threaten Robin. Relaxes a bit after Enies Lobby, trusting the Strawhats unconditionally to have their back.
Evolved: First evolved not long after escaping Ohara, while protecting a sleeping Robin. Evolved again a couple years down the line when she started going through pirate crews.
Reasoning: Comparable to Robin's Devil Fruit. Shiny colors for darker feelings.
2) Galarian Yamask ♂️ -> Runerigus
Met on/at: Random Ruins
Background: Met in some ruins during her travels to find the Poneglyphs. Likes to people watch. Tends to accidentally creep on others without meaning too, forgetting that ghost powers frighten people.
Evolved: Before joining Crocodile.
Reasoning: Runes. History based and creepy.
3) Cofagrigus ♀️
Met on/at: Random Ruins.
Background: Similar to above. Tried to lure her to her death but was soundly defeated. Was told her goals, piquing their curiosity, and decided to join her. Likes when Robin reads to them or talks about her latest discoveries. Also likes pranking/scaring Usopp, Chopper, and Brook.
Evolved: Before meeting Robin.
Reasoning: Sarcophagus. History stuff. Lottsa hands.
4) Unown (D) ⚧️
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Met while looking through the ruins. Helped her figure out where the bell and Poneglyph were. Feels a pull towards Poneglyphs but cannot explain why. Often seems nervous for no particular reason.
Reasoning: Mysterious. D.
5) Zorua ♀️ (Hisuian) -> Zoroark
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while traveling with the Revolutionary Army. Was a rescue from an island ravaged by bad marines. Originally meant to be given to the marines in a trade before the RA showed up. Apparently was a regular dark type at that point but died in the ensuing chaos, then somehow came back. Was feral and lashing out in the RA's care but Robin was able to get through to them. Bonded over their painful histories. Wants to help see Robin's dream through.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: History of Zoroarks being hunted similar to Robin being hunted by marines. Contrast between Unovan and Hisuian, pairs well with Robin originally seeking death before the Strawhats. Illusions good for evading people.
6) Houndour ♂️
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Belonged to the Beast Pirates. Was newly hatched when it witnessed Robin fight Black Maria. Felt safe and confused Robin for their mother. Tried to protect her from Brooke when she passed out afterwards. Very cuddly. Loves kisses. Gets dressed up in little outfits.
Evolved: No. Too baby.
Reasoning: Demon dog but actually very sweet. Demonic doesn’t mean evil or bad. Similar to Robin's demon form.
1) Squirtle ♂️ -> Wartortle -> Blastoise
Met on/at: Outskirts of Water 7.
Background: Was one of the kids of the Blastoise that saved Franky after being thrown overboard. Was fascinated by him. Stuck around and help fish him out again after being hit by the train.
Evolved: First evolved while trying to pull Franky to safety after the train accident. Later evolved again while running the Franky Family.
Reasoning: Canons. Big, sturdy Pokemon.
2) Golett ⚧️ -> Golurk
Met on/at: The junk ship.
Background: Met after Franky was hit by the train. Was haunting around the scrap heap. Was inspired by how Franky rebuilt himself. Likes to have funky designs painted on their armor, like Franky's star arm tattoos.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Toy-robot like.
3) Galarian Zigzagoon ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Linoone -> Obstagoon
Met on/at: Water 7
Background: Stray that he picked up after returning to Water 7. Escaped from visiting pirates. Part of the Franky Family gang, helping steal from pirates. Loves parties and loud music. Leaps before looking.
Evolved: Evolves for the first time while infiltrating Enies Lobby to save Franky and Robin. Evolves again at Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Gang-related (via Sw/Sh), loud and unapologetic. Actually not a bad guy. Shiny as the bright colors match Frank better and stand out more. Goofy.
4) Varoom ♀️ -> Revavroom
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Picked up by the Franky Family. Helped power-up Franky's bigger inventions. Can join together with General Franky to give him a boost in strength as well as some poison abilities, and with the Sunny for an emergency boost if low on cola.
Evolved: During the timeskip.
Reasoning: Car. Gang-related (via Sc/Vi). Still not the bad guys. Mechanical.
5) Miraidon ⚧️
Met on/at: Baldimore.
Background: Met at Vegapunk's abandoned lab. Inspired many of Franky's updates and inventions. Timid around new people. Likes Franky because he smells like metal and oil. Is introduced to burgers by Franky, having an enlightening moment. Can be bribed with promises of burgers or fries. Is capable of connecting to any Vegapunk system to download or transfer data. Does not necessarily understand what it means or how to decrypt it.
Reasoning: Motorcycle. Extremely technologically advanced. No line between machine and beast/man. Sandwich gag. Relation to famous scientist.
6) Tinkatink ♀️ -> Tinkatuff -> Tinkaton
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was confused as a toy at first. Kept trying to use parts of Franky to make a hammer. Constantly following him and almost getting hurt during the big battle. He liked their spunk. Cannot be left unsupervised in the workshop or they'll keep making bigger and bigger hammers from whatever it finds.
Evolved: First by the end of Dressrosa and then again Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Goofy but strong.
1) Chatot ♂️
Met on/at: Random passing ship.
Background: Met while drifting at sea. Their old partner was killed, so they found comfort in each other. Liked Brooke's singing. Officially joined him after Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Parrot+Pirate=✅️. Musical.
2) Cubone ♂️ -> Alolan Marowak
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Lost their family and original partner. Joined Brook tentatively after seeing him mourn his crew in front of their grave.
Evolved: During the two years. One of the few Ghosts Brook isn't afraid of.
Reasoning: Dead friends. “This Pokémon sets the bone it holds on fire and dances through the night as a way to mourn its fallen allies.” Reminds me of Brook's big attack in WCI.
3) Sewaddle ♂️ -> Swadloon -> Leavanny
Met on/at: Sabaody.
Background: Fell onto Brook while they were running from Kuma, was sent with him during the split. Was comforted by Brook and eventually partnered with him. Reminds Brook of his late partner Kricketune. Likes to dance when Brook plays music. Sadly not very good at making music or playing any instrument despite practice but has fun all the same.
Evolved: Both over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Similar to a Kricketune. Agile, light, with sword arms. Similar to Brook.
4) Toxtricity ♀️
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while touring during the two years. Helped Brook explore more modern music methods. Played back-up while he toured. Tends to accidentally shock Brook when excited. Gets along very well with Franky's Obstagoon.
Evolved: Before meeting Brook.
Reasoning: Represents Brook's electric guitar.
5) Popplio ♀️ -> Brionne -> Primerina
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Originally apprenticing with the mermaid cafe/dancers. Heard Brook's music and wanted to learn from him. Thinks he's hilarious, though they don't know what panties are. Will show him random items when he asks to see someones. Gossip buddies with Sanji's Milotic.
Evolved: During the fight with Giolla and again at WCI.
Reasoning: Singer. Also mermaid related, goes well with his perv nature/gags.
6) Fuecoco ♂️ -> Crocalor -> Skeledirge
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Big Soul King Brook fan. Recognized the Strawhats at Dressrosa and followed them. Sneaks aboard to Zou to meet Brook. Was disappointed by his frazzled appearance at Zou at first but stuck around. Was won over by his dedication on WCI. Strong but prefers making music to fighting.
Evolved: First on WCI then again during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “Skeledirge’s gentle singing soothes the souls of all that hear it.” Also goes well with his electric guitar.
Special Note: He did have another team before his death but they too passed away. He also refuses to have a Wailmer/Wailord on his team as it would feel disrespectful, like trying to replace Laboon (a normal whale). Afraid of Ghost type Pokemon - takes time to adjust to Robin's team.
1) Basculin ♂️ -> Basculegion
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Childhood partner. Has always been by his side. Very honorable and willing to sacrifice for the greater good, though they're not always sure what that is exactly.
Evolved: Evolved fighting off bad human pirates, almost dying. Before Jimbe joined the royal guards.
Reasoning: Old-man fish. Can embody loss and perseverance against racism.
2) Oshawott ♂️ -> Dewott -> Hisuian Samurott
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Met when he joined the royal guards. Belonged to them in general. Was partnered up with Jimbe. Didn't get along at first but grew to understand each other. Didn't really agree with leaving the guard or trust Arlong but respected Jimbe and went with him to expand their horizons.
Evolved: First while working as the royal guards and then evolved again while sailing under Fisher-Tiger.
Reasoning: Honorable, samurai-like.
3) Poliwhirl ♂️ -> Poliwrath
Met on/at: Random sea.
Background: Met after becoming a pirate. Had anger issues and went with Jimbe after losing to him, wanting revenge. Calmed with age but will blow a fuse if pushed hard enough.
Evolved: While sailing under Fisher-Tiger. Stole a Waterstone off a marine ship.
Reasoning: Fighting. Similar rage to Jimbe in his youth.
4) Kubfu ♀️ -> Rapid-Strike Urshifu
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Joined after Jimbe became a Warlord. Met him as he traveled the lands. Tried to pick a fight but was no match. Was taught Fish-man Karate by Jimbe.
Evolved: After mastering Fish-man Karate and being gifted a Water Scroll.
Reasoning: Represents Jimbe opening himself to humanity after Fisher-Tiger and Koala. Water based fighter. Karate.
5) Herdier ♂️ -> Stoutland
Met on/at: WCI.
Background: Met during WCI. Had bumped into him in passing a couple times before and witnessed his showdown with Big Mom. Was greatly moved by his resolve. Having slowly built up resentment for Big Mom's treatment of her family and disregard for life, they defected and aided their escape. Partnered with Jimbe but was requested to go ahead with the Strawhats both as proof they'd meet again and so he'd know they're being watched over by such an honorable soul.
Evolved: After Jimbe returned, at the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “This extremely wise Pokémon excels at rescuing people stranded at sea or in the mountains.” Similar honorable/proud nature. Dependable like Jimbe.
Special Note: Jimbe still has space for one more Pokemon to represent how new he is to the Strawhats and is still carving his place. Will fill the space in time.
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ditipatri · 2 years
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This year's Saturnalia is coming soon, which calls for a moment of devotion for its main, though not only, Divinity, the Titan Saturn. Initially an agricultural Deity of abundance and good harvest of Roman and Greek land, Saturn is most well known for being the keeper of Time and the Titan who ate His children.
However, He is a much more complex God, or Titan, than that, and in this post I'd like to cover His cult across Greece and the Roman Empire as well as offerings, gifts, and activities that can be devoted to Him. 
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Saturn, or Cronos, has quite a number of myths spoken of him as well as a lot of versions as to how the Deity initially came to be. The most well-known and popular story about His early years is that of Uranus and Gaia, who the Greeks considered to be His parents; and Him, Their youngest child. Accordingly to this myth, it was Cronos who cut off His father's genitalia, which, falling into the sea, both birthed Venus and created Sicily, the region that was called fertilissima, or "most fertile" land. The sickle, after being used for that, fell on Earth and formed the Strait of Messina, the sickled shape of which was believed to remind one of the God's tool and weapon.
The story of Cronos, after emasculating His father and taking reign over the skies, is quite well-known. He was given a prophecy that one of His children would dethrone Him in turn, and to prevent that, he consumed all of them, but Rhea, determined to save at least one, provided Him a wrapped stone instead of little Zeus. Years passed, and children grew safely in Their father's stomach, seeing that They were immortal, locked up until Zeus, raised by Metis, fed Cronos a mixture of wine and mustard that made Him throw up all of His consumed children. After the Gods waged war on the Titan, he got chained up in Tartarus alongside those who helped Him. Zeus overtook Olympus, ending the cycle.
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The Roman legend seems to decode a different part of Saturn's self, story, and power. While the Greek story focuses on the aspect of Saturn as a primordial Divine ruler over all that exists, the Roman tale speaks on Him as a joyful king of the era long before humankind; the mystical Golden Age. Seen as a God, in the Roman myth Saturn is the Deity of abundance and rich harvest, celebrated alongside Dis Pater, Proserpina, and Ops during the annual festival of Saturnalia in December. His very name, Saturn or Saturno, derives from an Ancient Indo-European root sat which has the meaning "life giving", "prosperous" (hence "sated"). Saturn in the Roman Empire is a benevolent, all-giving Deity that received an enormous amount of respect and worship, even having His own Temple at the Capitolian Hill in Rome. This was a sign of utmost respect as only those Gods that were seen as Rome's protectors and keepers received an aedis, a dwelling place, in the capital.
Roman mythology saw the Age of Saturn's reign as a time of utter joy as no slavery existed back then, according to the Romans. People and Gods lived together, with mortals not aging and happily spending the days in drinking and partying. When the time of Death came, they fell into a happy slumber. To celebrate this memory, Saturnalia was introduced. Saturn was praised together with Ops, his Divine wife. She was seen as responsible for the fruits of the Earth as well as a protectoress of abundance alongside Her husband - and the Mother of All. This was also reflected in her name, Ops, or Opima (hence "opulence").
Thus, one can witness the radical difference between Saturn and Cronos, who must not be mixed up despite their mutual identification as the same Deity seen differently. Cronos is a gloomy ex-king burdened by defeat to his own son, locked away in the Underworld as a way of punishment. Roman Saturn, however, is a much more positive power: a benevolent king of the mystical Golden Age, the leading Deity of Saturnalia, the happiest time of the year, and a keeper of mystical golden seeds one can find if they discover His tomb under Lazio.
Saturn was so beloved in Rome that His constant presence in its life is depicted in local stories and myths, too. For example, in the story of Aeneas, when he and his crew land in Etruria after the fall of Troy and travel to Lazio, they find Evandro, the ruler of the land. He, having arrived to Palatine Hill long before the Trojan war, says that the indigenous peoples there were already praticing the cult of Saturn.
The myth of Roman Saturn usually ends with Saturn being exiled by Jupiter, who then takes up His role as the King, and thus brings a change of season and a cycle of aging into the previous Golden Age.
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However, this is where the story of Saturn and Janus begins. Saturn for the Romans was one of the Deities called Numina, powers that had no established forms and of whom we so far discovered close to no myths. Those powers included such well-known Godly presences as the Lari and the Penati. Saturn belonged among the Numina and was regarded as the protector of the fields, thus receiving praise for good harvest.
According to the Roman myth, after exile He settled in what would later become Southern Italy, specifically in the region of Ausonia in Lazio. Here, He and His brother Janus founded mythical cities of Saturn, called Saturnalia as the festival created later on will also be named. They were benevolent rulers, and Their people knew of architecture, as well as law and justice. Allegedly, it was Saturn who granted Janus His gift of foresight.
After Janus was deified by the Romans, Saturn became the center of the festival of Saturnalia, which in itself is so grand that it deserves each own post to be spoken of, which I will of course provide.
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To speak of the cult of Saturn, we must first talk of His representation within the common perception. Now, His main attribute was a scythe, which represented both His inherent status of an agricultural Deity as well as His later association with Death and Time that brings it; much like a reaper of souls. Crow was his companion bird, which became associated with both Greek Cronos and Roman Saturn. Interestingly enough, this came from Latin as the term for crow, cornix, sounded similar enough to Chrono. The Greeks took up the spelling and turned Cronos into Chronos, thus associating the two. Chronos, also, means "Time", which was what led people to believe He was the personification of Time itself.
The cult of Saturn has been noted to exist in multiple parts of the Roman world. Precisely in Sicily, where the Deity was first documented, and in Northern Africa during the Roman rule of the lands. Due to the nature of the Cult itself, we can't say much about how exactly Saturn was praised at the very beginning of His worship, though we can enumerate some general aspects of the cultic activity.
From what we know, the cult in Sicily associated Saturn with the Punic Deity named Baal, or Baal-Hammon, who represented agricultural power of abundance and was a gift-giving God. He was praised along the Northern part of Africa and was known to the South of Italy and Sicily. In the cult of Baal-Hammon, animal sacrifice was practiced, which, while distributed very unevenly across the Roman Empire of the time, seemed to be a generally typical feature of the cult. In Caltabellotta, Sicily, according to Ancient sources, Baal-Cronos was honored with human sacrifice. Aside from Italy and North Africa, another place of dwelling of the God is said to be Mount Scuderi with a mythical tomb in it.
Saturn in North Africa received handmade wooden and stone-carved altars, or stelae, that would be dedications of vows from those who made them. These could be made by individuals, groups of individuals, or whole templar communities if a temple existed. The dedication of the stelae was often preceded by a "visitation in a dream", ex visu, as proven by multiple texts of the votive rites of the time. These stelae were sort of a promise from the mortal giver to the God Himself; and a place of commemoration of Him and the gifts He would grant the loyal. The stelae depicted the God, His companions, a miniature of a worshipper performing a sacrifice, and a lot of other decorum. Young lambs were sacrificed to Him all year long, according to bone analysis and texts found.
It needs to be said here that Roman cults split into sacra publica and sacra privata: public and personal. Public cults involved some sort of common activity of the people and provision by the state, such as the state paying for the temples, while private worship meant that the God received personal dedications of an individual. As mentioned befor, it is said that Saturn did not require an official dwelling place, such as a temple in the city; he still received one as, supposedly, the Romans did not want to "let go" of such a benevolent protector. His statue in Rome had covers draped over His feet as a symbolic gesture.
The biggest celebration of the God is Saturnalia, an Ancient festival that has roots in the archaic era. It is said to also have involved human sacrifice of the chosen King of the Saturnalia, though it's hard to provide proof for such claims. However, we know for a fact that animal sacrifice, spoken of by multiple Roman authors, was made during the festival at the biggest temple of those built in Rome - the Temple of Saturn. This temple was located at the Roman Forum; it dates back to the early Republican era. Until the end of Republic, it was used as a treasury that kept in bronze plates with engraved laws, Senate decrees, army insignia, and a scale for weighing metal. Metal reserve (gold, bronze, silver) of the state was also kept there right up until the coming of the Empire.
Aside from being praised as a keeper of Rome, an agricultural God of Sicily as well as North Africa, and a mythical King of the age before humanity, Saturn was also associated with the so-called Genius of Palermo. There, in Palermo, the people believed in the presence of a God that depicted civic virtues and cultural identity of the locals; He was depicted as a bearded man with a snake feeding off His chest. A manuscript found in the area suggests this God to be Saturn, "God of earth and time, father of time and father of the Gods and men”. Additionally, a statue of the God was found in Palazzo Pretorio with an engraving on its side that said, suos devorat, alienos nutrit: devours his own, feeds the foreigners. That, if we remember the myth of Saturn consuming His own children, also created a link of Genius of Palermo to this God.
Saturn had a lot of faces and a lot of interpretations. His cult was both what we could call intense, as it involved human and animal sacrifice, and liberating as He brought along one of the happiest and oldest Roman holidays. Now, this is the God that, in my opinion, deserves a lot of attention, adoration, and worship. If you would like to learn of ways to honor Him that I want to offer, then it's time to pass on to the ways of ritual rites in honor of Saturn.
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Nepenthes Itea Virginica Eucalyptus Cinerea Pine Cones Fritillaria Meleagris Carnations Portulaca Ilex
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Figs Dates Honey Nuts Gilded Cakes Passum Liquamen
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Crows Goats Deer Stars Snakes Sun
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Lovage Asafoetida Coriander Mint Marjoram Oregano
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Crow feathers Snake skin Aged animal bones
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Swathes Garlands Wreaths Harpe Sickle Sundial Clock Teeth
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Balsam Evergreen Cardamom Cloves Fresh Pine
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Taking a break from work if you work otherwise during the year, going on a vacation, or somehow else finding time to relax and unwind.
Treating yourself to something you don't usually indulge in just for the occasion of celebrating the God, as long as it's safe.
Cooking for the sake of sharing the food with others or gifting it to others as well as cooking for or with Him.
Taking time to prepare and wrap a gift for Him, with natural materials used if possible.
Preparing gifts for somebody else or Him, if your skill and budget allow you to.
Dedicating the time of day for the worship of Him and scheduling the day so that each hour is devoted to a new devotional activity.
Praying your troubles away to Him, talking about your problems with Him, and asking for His protection.
Creating your own votive imagery of Him; it doesn't have to be anything expensive and can be made out of anything.
Performing in His name, public or private, or visiting local city fairs.
Commemorating your family's elderly members; this can include contacting them or spending time with them if they watn that.
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nilboxes · 6 months
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Yingxing/Dan Feng first meetings, chance encounters, one night stand.
Complete for now, will add more in the future.
Read at AO3
Extensive notes below
I had this little daydream of Yingxing being alone during the holidays and I wondered if Dan Feng ever tried to shake off the preceptors and attendants to go do something wild like eat some children's treats he was probably denied as a little high elder to be and boom fic happened
Little Yingxing really gives me all the feels, like being such a young kid and throwing himself into the art of blacksmithing is equal parts hardcore but also really tragic. I had to write out what he was thinking as a kid, and how he coped and I wish I could have snuck in some more Baiheng mom moments, because I really think she basically adopted him lol
I thought long and hard whether or not Yingxing would have had black hair when he was younger and the white hair is supposed to signify that he's middle aged, so when he became Blade the de-aging was more pronounced, or Blade's dark hair is something else entirely, like a side-effect of his immortality, but I liked the idea of the dark hair when young and then he probably turned gray early, like in his mid-thirties
To get into the headspace of Yingxing, I just imagine he's really Mr Superovercompensating. I feel like some of his arrogance is bravado early on, but the more and more he is able to accomplish his goals, the more he actually, honest-to-goodness believes in his ability to achieve, but the overcompensating is still there I think, since he's got no one to actually support him on that front growing up, save perhaps Master Huaiyan.
Speaking of Huaiyan, it's a little jarring to me that they don't ever really mention him. We don't even have a glimpse of what master and student were like, so I filled in the gaps. I do feel like Huaiyan being old by the time he took Yingxing in would have had so much experience teaching that Yingxing was able to learn really quickly, but Yingxing also had the knack for it from day 1, so those things combined and made Yingxing some sort of blacksmith monster prodigy.
I researched a bunch of stuff Chinese people do during festivals while writing this and I should have known (being Chinese myself) that most of it is really just... special food... probs some fireworks if it was really a party, but most of it is just special food. I was looking for some activity, but eh, the eating special food worked well enough because it's just enough reasoning for Dan Feng to go out and buy all the food anyway
Writing Dan Feng is really fun, but also really sad. I found it easy to get a hold of his character, but digging deep at his motivations, his desires and what makes him tick really make me feel super bad for him, like, there's a lot going on in there and how Dan Feng keeps it all together is actually a feat in itself.
While I was writing this, there was this post floating around how people lacking emotional warmth like sweets and I'm like wow Dan Feng... and I wonder if he does like the sweets, or can't admit them? I do feel like he does enjoy light desserts tho, not super sugary stuff.
Anyway, I am definitely going to write out more, but also going to mull over what and how. Possibly the dinner at the restaurant scene. Wonder if I can sneak in a scene of Baiheng pleading with Jingliu to go ask Dan Feng to pull some strings. JIngliu probably goes to challenge Dan Feng so that he could lose and use his influence to get a table at some dumb restaurant lmao suddenly I am reminded of Dorsia the restaurant from American Psycho.
Also, last, but I totally didn't expect to write explicit scene for this one, but I guess it sorta happened because I felt Dan Feng was just a little desperate to gain some connection to "the world beyond" rather than just be in his high elder bubble, and eager young Yingxing was just perfect for it. I do think he sorta regrets it though, because now he knows what he's missing out on. Possibly fun to explore in the next one.
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'...1. Voyage of the Damned - 2007
David Tennant's third festive special also featured pop princess Kylie Minogue playing a waitress called Astrid Peth who works aboard the Titanic. However, it isn't the legendary tragic vessel but rather a nuclear-powered interstellar cruise liner from the planet Sto, which is inspired by the original ship.
It is on a collision course for earth and it turns out that the culprit is the former cruise line owner Max Capricorn. He was bitter about being forced out of his own company and plotted the Titanic's collision with Earth to bankrupt the company and frame the board of directors for murder.
Astrid sacrificed herself to save the Doctor and he used the heat from entry into the Earth's atmosphere to restart the ship's engines and prevent the collision. The episode is also noteable for giving us our first glimpse of Bernard Cribbens as Wilfred Mott
With 13.31 million viewers and an 86 AI rating it is a clear winner for the most popular special.
2. The Next Doctor - 2008
The 2008 special The Next Doctor caused huge excitment as fans specualted that, after three years in the role, David Tennant's Doctor might regerneate into a new incarnation. However, the title turned out to be a curveball as the plot saw him encounter a man calling himself "the Doctor" who was played by David Morrissey.
Although initally The Doctor believed the man, who was suffering from amnesia, was e a future incarnation of himself he later realises that the Next Doctor is really a human called Jackson Lake. He was supposed to be the first missing person during the Cyberman invasion that has seen numerous children, pulled from workhouses around the city by Miss Mercy Hartigan (Derbhla Kirwan), are being put to work at an underground facility under Cybermen guard.
The Cybermen converted Hartigan into the controller for the "CyberKing", a giant mechanical Cyberman powered by the energy generated by the children.When she refused the Doctor's offer to leave the planet, he severed her connection to the CyberKing, exposing her to the emotion of what she had done which destroyed# both the Cybermen and Miss Hartigan.
The episode ended on a sweet note with with the Doctor and Jackson heading off to attend Christmas dinner in remembrance of those they have lost.
While not as popular as the number one onthe list it still garnered an impressive 13.10 million viewers and an AI of 86 making it second in the popularity ranking.
3. The End Of Time (Part One) - 2009
This two part special marked the end of David Tennant's era as the Doctor. It also saw the return of fan favourite John Simm as The Master and featured Succession star Brian Cox don heavy prosthetics to play an Ood. The plot saw a cult of women resurrect the Master, but his wife Lucy Saxon sabotaged the ceremony, causing him to be brought back with incredible strength but constant hunger.
Meanwhile the Doctor arrived back on Earth on Christmas Eve and reunited with Wilfred Mott (Bernard Cribbens). He found the Master at wastelands outside London, and learnt that the Master has been suffering from hearing the sound of drums.
The Master is laterplaced in custody of Joshua Naismith (DAvid Harewood) who has recovered a broken alien "Immortality Gate" and wants the Master to fix its programming. The Master activates the Gate, which he has reprogrammed to replace all of humankind's DNA with his own resulting in a planet full of lookalikes.
Elsewhere, the Lord President of the Time Lords (Timothy Dalton) asserted that the Time Lords will return.
The story is left hanging as part two was broadcast on New Years Day ensuring that the Doctor dominated the festive season. While this episode had 12.4 million viewers and an AI of 87 making it number 3 on the list of Christmas specials, it was actually beaten in the ratings part two with 12.27 million viewers and an AI of 89.
8. The Christmas Invasion - 2005
The first Doctor Who special of the rebooted era also marked David Tennant's debut as The Doctor after the departure of Christopher Eccleston. However, he spent most of the episode in his pyjamas in bed recovering from the effects of regeneration.
This meant that most of the focus of the episode was on tried and tested companion character Rose Tyler (Billie Piper). When she and her boyfriend are attacked by Santa robots; the Doctor theorised that energy from his regeneration has lured them here.
Meanwhile Prime Minister Harriet Jones (Penelope Wilton) was threatened by the leader of alien race the Sycorax into giving them half of the Earth's population as slaves. After Rose and her mother and boyfriend drag the Doctor onto the TARDIS, it is detected by the Sycorax and they transport it to their ship.
The pyjama clad Doctor challenges the Sycorax leader to a sword fight for the future of the Earth, which he eventually wins saving the planet.
With the new era of Doctor Who only one season in this garnered 9.84 million viewer and an AI of 84 making it the eighth most popular epsiode.
9. The Runaway Bride - 2006
The 2006 special introduced viewers to future companion Donna Noble played by Catherine Tate. To The Doctor's surprise she materialised in his TARDIS in her wedding dress.
Alhtough he returned her safely to her wedding the adventure didn't end there as the reception was attacked by robots dressed as Santa Claus. The Doctor discovered that they were being controlled remotely from space whch led him to the spider-like Empress of the Racnoss, played by an unrecognisable Sarah Parish, who had been hiding in hibernation at the edge of the universe.
The Doctor took travelled back billions of years wth Donna and discovered that an inert Racnoss ship became the core of the Earth as the planet formed around it. In the present day The Empress was trying to wake her children aboard with huon particles, which it turned out Donna's fianceé had been spiking her with, which is why she materialised on board the TARDIS..
Although The Doctor attempted to offer a peaceful solution the Empress refuseed, and the Doctor wass forced to flood the pit with water from the Thames in order to save the planet. Although he dropped Donna back home this wouldn't be the last we would see of her and she went on to become one of his most popular companions.
With 9.35 million viewers and an AI of 84 it is far from the most popular Doctor Who special but it does mark a pivotal point in the series...'
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class1akids · 1 year
Shoto is adorable in that art showing off his scar and that peace sign, love him. Anyway regarding the newest episode, I wanna know your opinion on the fact that Endeavour only took action after Deku said something. Shoto cries and is pleading with him to do something but he only moves when Deku compliments him basically. I know he was still shocked after the reveal but jeez. Shoto was the only one to step up cause Endeavour failed him in that moment. I love how mature and level-headed that kid is, he’s gonna be an amazing pro hero.
I still have mixed feelings about Deku's intervention there - but I think the scene itself is very much in character and the dissonance is on purpose.
Endeavor's character is split into two. Endeavor, the hero, who has been working really hard to step into All Might's shoes and try to carry hero society on his back. Endeavor, who even at his worst was making a difference by saving people (just see Hawks). Endeavor as a hero kind of faced himself during the nomu fight and resolved to do better.
But there is also Enji, the father, who has been a villain to his family, who abused his wife and children and even though he's been trying to mend the bridges burnt he's being hit with a lot of guilt that paralyzes him precisely because no amount of beating up villains or money spent on the kids will change the past.
The hero and the father are at odds with each other - Endeavor sacrificed his family, failed his role as a father in order to be a better hero. So when his past comes back with a vengeance and his "father-part" gets to the surface - he doesn't know how to be a hero. He's froze in the Ending situation too when Natsuo was in danger. There is such a chasm between his father and hero personas that the two don't seem to function together.
Shouto is different. His "hero starting line" is about saving his mom, he's grappling with his power in parallel with his relationship with his father. He wants to take his family along his hero journey - they are a part of him, always close to the surface. He's faced battle situations with severe PTSD episodes (both the Sport Festival and the JTA) so he's able to fight through it, and try to fill both roles - like he does trying to protect everyone from Dabi's rage, but not denying what Touya says.
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Midoriya butting in as an outsider is pretty on brand for him too. His words are (predictably) completely lost on Touya who sees him as someone who has no clue what he's talking about. But it helps Endeavor. I feel like it's not so much that Deku's "praise" gets to him, but that Deku is speaking to his "hero personality". When Shouto was yelling before, he was calling him "oyaji" (which he hardly ever does), clearly in a "family headspace". But Deku's words activate the "Endeavor side" at least long enough that his finely honed hero instincts kick in to finish the action he started before Dabi started his dance and knock out Machia.
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I'm pretty curious how HK is going to go now - post-war with the Todoroki situation. How will Endeavor react to Touya (I still don't really see him fight his son) and what might Shouto say (who didn't once defend their father to Touya) to him if / when he shows up.
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Re todays' full supermoon. (Per Moongiant.)
September Harvest Full Moon
September’s full moon is known as the Full Harvest Moon, as it is the full moon that is closest to the fall equinox. In the northern hemisphere, the Full Harvest Moon rises very soon after sunset, providing plenty of bright light for farmers harvesting their summer crops. September’s full moon is so well-known for its luminosity and brilliance that certain Native American tribes even named it the Big Moon. The Full Harvest Moon holds major cultural significance in many different communities, who spend this full moon not just celebrating the fall harvest, but also the moon itself.
The most widely known tradition associated with the Full Harvest Moon is the Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated by Chinese communities all around the world. It is also known as the Mooncake Festival. On the full moon night of the eighth lunar month, people gather with friends and family to admire the brilliant full moon while eating mooncakes and drinking tea. Mooncakes are a rich pastry traditionally filled with sweet bean paste or lotus seed paste, and sometimes even include salted egg yolks. The sweet osmanthus flower also blooms during this time, and is often used in teas and the reunion wine drunk when visiting with family. It is a common tradition to celebrate by carrying brightly colored lanterns, so you can often enjoy the beautiful sight of lanterns hanging in front of buildings or in parks, or sky lanterns floating towards the full moon.
There are many other variations on the Mid-Autumn Festival throughout Asia, including Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries. The Japanese celebrate this full moon with the Tsukimi tradition (which literally means moon-viewing in Japanese), where people prepare offerings to the moon and eat round tsukimi dango, or rice dumplings. In Korea, this full moon is celebrated as Chuseok, which is one of Korea’s most major holidays, similar to Thanksgiving. People travel back to their hometowns for reunions with their family and tend to their ancestors’ graves. Traditional activities include exchanging gifts, playing folk games, drinking rice wine, and eating songpyeon, which is a rice cake shaped like a half-moon.
For most of the cultures that celebrate variants of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the desserts eaten during this festival are made using fruits, nuts, and grains harvested during this season. Similarly, the Full Harvest Moon is called the Nut Moon by the Cherokee tribes, who gather all sorts of nuts to make nut bread, which is eaten during harvest festivals such as the Ripe Corn Festival. During this moon, Native American tribes pay respects to Mother Earth for her generosity in providing food for her children, including corn and other staple foods.
Chinese communities, on the other hand, spend the Mid-Autumn Festival worshipping the Moon Goddess, Chang’e. According to legends about Chang’e, there used to be ten suns in the sky, which caused drought and suffering throughout the land. Houyi, a talented archer, shot down nine of the suns to save the world, and was rewarded with the position of emperor. Unfortuantely, he later became a malevolent tyrant, obsessed with the search for an immortality pill. In order to protect the common folk from being ruled over forever by a cruel emperor, his wife Chang’e stole the elixir of immortality from him during the full moon of the eighth lunar month. Enraged, Houyi chased after Chang’e, who swallowed the elixir to prevent Houyi from taking it. As a result, Chang’e became a deity herself and flew away to the moon, where she lives in a Moon Palace with her companion the Jade Rabbit, who pounds herbs in a pestle to help her create the elixir of immortality. Appropriately, the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program is named after Chang’e.
[thanks Ian Sanders]
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waiting-on-a-dream · 9 months
Prisoner 009: Miyahara Kiyoshi - Trial 2
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General info
Physical changes: His hair has grown out, more akin to a wolf cut now. The rest of his appearance remains unchanged.
Behavioral changes: Kiyoshi continues to be cheerful and friendly, but seems to have quieted down a little. Almost pensive in a way. There are times when he lapses into periods of thoughtful silence, spaced out. If anyone asks him what's wrong, he'll brush them off and assure them that everything is fine.
Trailer art: Kiyoshi is turned to the left, saluting to you with a secretive smile. Behind him, a grey door with a plain silver handle. It appears to be a door to a police interrogation room.
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– Second trial trailer
I'm not as good as people think I am, haha.
– Character voice trailer
Let me help you with that.
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Cover info
Canon Milgram song cover: Cat (Again, Cat is really Daisukecore but when I saw "King of the Masquerade" I couldn't help but think of Kiyoshi.)
DECO*27 song cover: Two breaths walking (I chose this song just because the title matched with his non-breath oblige cover lmao. This is a really dramatic song, I think it suits him.)
Non-DECO*27 vocaloid song cover: Non-breath oblige (I don't know what story this song is trying to tell, but the MC is such a people pleaser I had to.)
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Music info
Song title: Fairy ring
Song preview: Ah, they're here again. Eyes like weapons wherever I go, they're looking at me. I wish you would look away. I wish you would keep looking at me. Its all so conflicting!
Once you're a part of our town, you'll always be. We're one big family! Your joys, your sorrows, we'll share them all. A single place in the world where everything is right. All true colours are accepted here.
MV description: There's more colour in Kiyoshi's MV this time. His hometown has a dreamy feel to it, as if taken from a fairy tale. The eyes in the sky are simply drawn with thin black lines.
The music video starts with a dove flying in the sky. The camera then cuts to the scene below as it flies over a small town. The streets are lined with tiny terrace houses, identical red roofs save for the few grey or blue outliers. Almost every house has a garden of fruit trees or blooming flowers. A fountain sits in the middle of the square, where children run about or make wishes with coins. A few ladies sit together by a café, talking animatedly over tea.
The camera cuts to Kiyoshi carrying a box, walking across the town square that is bustling with activity. There seem to be preparations for a festival, with pink triangular flags and a banner being hung up. Everyone is smiling as they carry out their tasks.
The scene fast forwards, a few days passing by to the date of the festival. The song stops for a moment as music played by the musicians in the MV take over the audio, along with people cheering and laughing. Children make a mess all over their faces with cotton candy, men gather around a table to watch two buff guys arm wrestle. Kiyoshi himself is surrounded by a few people as he eats his barbequed sausages. An older man claps him on the shoulder, another older woman pinches his cheek, seemingly doting on him.
Something catches his attention and he looks over at it from the corner of his eyes. A park of sinister red eyes peer back at him from the darkness before disappearing. Kiyoshi swallows nervously, then turns back to the people by his table to tell a joke. They laugh.
The screen fades to black for a second. A young black haired boy strolls down a street. A pair of cartoonish eyes open up in the sky to stare at him. He walks past a street light which obstructs the camera. The scene transitions to an older boy with his school bag. A few more eyes open up in the sky, all staring at him. He looks up at them, eyes wide and expression neutral, as if curious. A car passes by which obstructs the camera again. Another transitions to reveal a teenage Kiyoshi loading a box into the trunk of an old car. A man and woman, presumably his parents, give him a hug before he drives away.
He drives until he reaches a stoplight. A dove swoops by, catching his attention. He watches it fly up into the sky and crash into an invisible barrier, falling back down onto the sidewalk. Kiyoshi steps out of his car in concern, stopping when a black wolf with red eyes runs up to the dove and snatches it up with its jaws. He watches in shock as blood spills down from the wing hanging out of it's mouth. The people by the sidewalk turn to Kiyoshi, who takes a shaky step back. Their eyes flash red and they all lunge for him, one man going for Kiyoshi's shoulder with his mouth open as if going for a bite.
The song ends, the last few beats trailing off. The screen cuts to black. Then, Kiyoshi's victim lying on the floor, blood trailing from his mouth, breathing heavily. His real hair colour is revealed to be dark orange. His yellow eyes shift to something in front of him and he begins to laugh. The camera cuts to Kiyoshi winding up another punch, expression furiously blank. His police uniform rapidly flashes between a prison uniform like in the first MV.
"Did you think you could get away with this?"
The sound of Kiyoshi's fist connecting. End.
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Author's notes
I like how there's more yellow than grey in the title because it ties in with his character arc too.
Also, I use tumblr dark mode and if I stare at his yellow borders for long enough they start to remind me of police tapes.
Picrews used: - https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1806920 - https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/332327
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dudadragneel · 2 years
Here it is!! This one is for @sicklycutefluff. Thank you so much for requesting this!
I'm sorry this one took a while. Just a quick notice, some of this is actual information from the series, and some I just got it from my imagination in a way that would make sense 😅
[ ] Midoriya
[ ] Uraraka
[ ] Iida
[ ] Todoroki
] Tsuyu
[ ] Aoyama
- Quirks and their consequences.
In the super-human society, about 80% of the population possess some sort of special talent called "quirk". It can also be called individuality. This ability opened a path to a new profession, "hero"; and because of that, a special school was opened to train the youth who aimed to be pro heroes in the future, UA.
Although this special ability gave you superpowers, such as levitating, super strength, the ability to become invisible, super speed, etc; it also had its downside.
Most of these abilities had an impact on the user's body, and if not used correctly, they could leave permanent damage. As some may say, everything has its price. 
In class 1-A at UA, a lot of the students possessed a quirk that directly affected their bodies. 
Midoriya, who inherited All Might's power, One For All, constantly suffered injuries due to the amount of power his quirk had. Multiple times the young boy had broken bones, and eventually, he was told that if he continued to use his power he could lose the ability to use his arms. 
Todoroki, a boy who had both fire and ice quirks, for a long time only used his ice quirk. And the reason behind that was the hatred he had for his father, Endeavor, who had a flame quirk and made Todoroki's mother go crazy because of what he did to two of their children. And all of that left a scar on Todoroki's face as well. It was not until his fight against Midoriya during the Sports Festival that he began to use his fire quirk. But now, using both of them meant that he had a hard time regulating his body temperature, which resulted in him getting fevers quite constantly, and also regulating his flame temperature so as to not seriously harm others. 
Uraraka, the sweet girl had a levitation quirk and although her powers helped save midoriya at the very beginning of their school year, it had its consequences on her body. Every time she used them, she would get really nauseous and therefore could no longer fight.
All of them were gathered to train their bodies and powers to get more control over them and also, get stronger.
Midoriya was focused on getting his kicks right, as now he used his quirk as "shoot style" to give his arms a break.
Todoroki was working on regulating his flames temperature and getting his body to adapt to such extreme conditions. And Uraraka was training so that she could use her quirk without getting sick.
And today, they were joined by Aoyama. 
Aoyama was a sparkly boy with a sweet personality. After some events, he grew close to Midoriya. During one of the training sessions for class 1-A, the one in which Midoriya first showed his Shoot Style to All Might and the whole class, Aoyama talked with him about how they were alike. Both of them had quirks that weren't compatible with their bodies, which caused more damage than good. 
Aoyama's quirk allowed him to shoot a beam from his belly button, but even though he considered it beautiful, the power had its effects on him. He would constantly have stomach aches during fights or training, and honestly, the only training he could do was constantly use it so to grow his body used to it. But that only made things worse.
As usual, Midoriya was focused on getting his Shoot Style perfect, with the right amount of strength so as not to damage his legs as well. 
Todoroki kept using his quirks alternatively to get used to activating his flame quirk as fast as his ice.
Uraraka kept floating all the time, with Tsuyu helping her out every time the nausea was too much to deal with and she had to stop levitating.
Iida was running laps around the training block and kept motivating his classmates all the time while also paying close attention to them.
And Aoyama was using his beam constantly, one shot after the other.
But, unlike the other days, in which he would only get a stomach ache, this time he was starting to feel nauseous. At first, it felt like it was only mild discomfort, but it grew stronger.
Aoyama did want to become stronger, he wanted to be able to use his power more, but he also didnt want to hurt his body to the point where he couldnt fight. So for the time being, he decided to take a break, and see if his stomach would settle down.
And his timing couldnt be better, as the Dekusquad was also taking a break.
They went to the corner of the training block and sat down on the floor to catch their breaths and drink some water, and recharge for the next round. But no one dared eat anything, they knew eating and training right after was the worst combination possible.
They took the opportunity to give each other advice as well.
- Todoroki-kun, how is your training going? Do you think you're getting somewhere?
- Hm. I think I'm getting the hang of it. But it's still hard to find a balance. The heat is still too strong and it makes me dizzy.
- I see. I dont know exactly how you feel about using your flame quirk, but maybe, deep inside it still bothers you? I mean, maybe your negative feelings towards it are keeping you from being able to lower the temperature of the flames? 
- You might be right. Thanks, Midoriya.
- Uraraka-kun, and your training? Any progress?
- Yes! I can keep my quirk activated for more than an hour now! That's 30 minutes longer than before. But the nausea is still a bother, not much, but still keeps me from giving it all.
- That's good! Uraraka-kun! Keep pushing!
- And you, Deku-kun? We saw that you have a new fighting style now. Shoot style, right? That's cool!
- oh! Y-yeah! That's right. Since my quirk doesnt really adapt to me, I gotta be the one to adapt to it. I dont know if I ever told you guys this but.... if I kept using my arms to fight, there was a high chance that they'd stop working...
- Midoriya-chan....
- Deku-kun...
- No, no no! It's alright! After studying it, I discovered that using my legs was the best option. And I have it more under control now. And Hatsume's san costume is really helping!
They kept on chatting and giving each other advice for a long time. If possible, they wanted to train together but since they were experimenting new things, it was dangerous.
Eventually, Midoriya noticed Aoyama on a corner, all alone.
He wasnt that close to him, but they had a connection, and Midoriya could tell that something wasnt right. Aoyama was usually sparkly and happy and chatty, but he was too quiet and didnt have his usual expression on. He was looking in distress, in pain.
Seeing that, Midoriya excused himself from the group and went to meet Aoyama.
- Aoyama-kun? 
- Midoriya-kun...Hi!
He tried to sound cheerful but failed. He knew Midoriya wouldnt believe him if he said he was okay.
- Are you okay, Aoyama-kun? You seem off today...
- I'm okay... it's just... my stomach... my quirk seems to be affecting it a little more today
- Dont push yourself too hard, Aoyama-kun. You said it yourself that our bodies arent compatible with our quirks. We shouldnt push it to its limits, it wont help anything. Why dont you come sit with us for a while? Let's rest for a bit.
- Okay. I'll do it.
Aoyama sat with the group and they talked for a while, resting their bodies so they could resume training.
Aoyama would say something here and there but the whole time his stomach just kept acting up. From time to time, mild nausea would suddenly increase and he just kept quiet and tried to control his breathing so his stomach could settle down. It seemed to work so he thought it would be safe to resume training.
After about 45 minutes, the squad was ready to resume training again. They got up from where they were and made their way to their training spots. 
But as Aoyama stood up, his stomach jumped making him stop mid-way and grab his knees. Midoriya noticed that and went to his side.
- Aoyama-kun. Are you okay?
- I'm fine! I was just getting the dust off my clothes!
He said with a forced smile. Midoriya decided it was best not to insist and just accepted what the boy said and they both went back to training.
After about 50 minutes, the discomfort in Aoyama's stomach had grown basically unbearable. It kept doing revolting turns and he felt something tickling at the back of his throat every time he shot his beam.
Eventually, the feeling grew unbearable and he stopped shooting his beam, which Midoriya noticed. But before the green-haired boy could actually process what was happening, Aoyama bended abruptly getting Midoriya's attention.
He ran to Aoyama's side and held him by the waist and shoulders.
-Aoyama-kun! Are you okay? Hey!
- Midori-ugh!
The boy tried to reply but was cut off by a harsh gag and almost instantly his legs gave up on him. But thankfully Midoriya was there to make sure he wouldnt fall.
- Aoyama-kun! 
The fuss caught the attention of the others who also ran to their side.
-Aoyama-kun! Midoriya-kun! What happened??
- I dont know. When I turned to look at him he was already like this!
While the group discussed what could be wrong with him, he was trying his best to keep his stomach content inside. He kept his eyes shut, hands on his knees to support himself, and deep breaths in and out. He was so focused, the voices from the group began to fade away, but the nausea persisted.
- Aoyama-kun? What happened? What are you feeling?
- Midoriya-kun... I don- I dont feel well...
That was what he managed to say before shutting his mouth, afraid that if he kept on talking, everything would come out. 
But the nausea only increased. He bended even further and clamped his mouth shut.
- Aoyama-kun.... tell me, what are you feeling?
- I feel like- I'm gonna be sick...but I dont want to...
- Aoyama-kun, it's okay. You're safe here, alright? I've got you. You need to let it out. You'll feel better after.
But Aoyama was determined not to vomit. He was swallowing convulsively to the point where his mouth began to feel numb. He felt that if he vomited, he would be admitting that he was weak, that he would never be able to use his quirk properly, that he wouldnt be a good hero. What's the point in being a hero if I manage to help only a few people before needing to be helped myself?  Those were his thoughts for a long time.
Midoriya couldnt stand watching his friend in pain anymore so he decided to help. Whether Aoyama liked or not.
- Aoyama-kun, I'm sorry for doing this.
Those were his last words before he hugged Aoyama and pressed his stomach. The motion quickly brought up a thick wave of vomit that made Aoyama sway forward, but Midoriya caught him and supported him.
Another violent stream came up, not giving him time to breathe properly and making his back arch to the point where it hurt.
Midoriya then gently guided him to kneel on the floor before he threw up again.
It hurt, it hurt a lot because he hadnt drink much liquid so it was just thick wave after thick wave. 
- There you go. You're doing good. Just let it all out.
Throughout the whole time, Midoriya kept rubbing his back, up and down, then in circles. And that made Aoyama feel safe.
The rest of the group also jumped into action to help their sick friend.
- I'll got get some water and a clean cloth!
- I'll let Aizawa-sensei know about the situation.
Aoyama's stomach gave him only a few minutes break before beginning another round. But now only bile kept coming up, and it stung his throat.
After a while, the ordeal finally stopped. He couldnt say he felt better but he didnt feel as bad as before. But now he felt weak, too hot and sweaty and his vision was starting to blur. 
- Midoriya-kun.... I feel faint...and too hot...it feels like I'm suffocating...
- Okay, let's get you out of your hero costume. You're wearing something underneath, right?
- yes...
- there you go. Feeling better? Do you think you can lie down for a bit?
- Here, Midoriya, take this.
While Midoriya was helping Aoyama, Todoroki decided to make an ice block and a few ice cubes to help Aoyama cool down a bit.
-Todoroki-kun! Thank you!
Midoriya grabbed the ice block and wrapped it with Aoyama's cape. It was a light one so the coolness from the ice block passed through it easily. 
- How does it feel?
- Relaxing...
After a few minutes, the rest of the group arrived.
- here, Deku-kun! The water. And a cloth!
- Thanks, Uraraka-san!
- I just talked with Aizawa-sensei. He said we should take him to recovery girl. 
- Okay. Here, Aoyama-kun. Can you drink a little bit? It's really cold, it'll feel good in your stomach. But take small sips or you'll make yourself sick again.
Aoyama gladly took the water bottle, and, as instructed, drank it in small sips. And just like Midoriya said, it settled down quite nicely. 
They stayed with him until he was feeling a little bit more stable.
After some time he deemed safe to sit up and sat up straight. But he did not dare lift his face. And before they could react, there were tears running down his face.
Everyone's heart dropped at the sight. Aoyama, the usually cheerful and chatty guy, was crying. Midoriya was so taken back he felt his stomach twist at the sight.
-Aoyama-kun. What's wrong!?
- I'm- I'm sorry-
- What are you apologizing for?
- I just caused you trouble. I interrupted your training.
- What are you saying?? There's no trouble at all! 
- I can't- I can't save people! I'll never be a true hero!
- What do you mean, Aoyama-kun? Of course you will!
- No. How can I be a hero when I'm the one that will need help in the end? What's the point in being a hero if I can only save a few people before needing to be helped myself? I'm not fit to be a hero...
- Aoyama-kun. You're wrong. 
- huh?
- Anyone can be a hero. You dont need to have a quirk to be called a hero. Everyone out there can be a hero. Helping someone cross the street, helping someone carry their stuff. It can be considered heroic acts, because you'll never know what is going on in a person's life. Maybe that minor act, will change their entire day. You'll never truly know.
It doesnt matter if you can only save a few people before you're out of battle. In the end, you'll have saved them. They will get to see another day because of you. And you shouldnt be ashamed for needing help, everyone needs help sometimes, our quirks arent meant to be perfect matches for us. And you shouldnt be worried if you'll need help after using your quirk. You're not alone. We're here. We'll always be here for each other. Those you cant save, we will save them. We'll always support each other. You are not alone in this fight, Aoyama-kun.
Aoyama didnt know how to answer Midoriya. All this time he felt different, he felt like someone who wasnt good enough. But now, he was surrounded by people who were trying their best to achieve their dreams, and aiming to be true heroes.
- Thank you, Midoriya-kun, guys.
Aoyama couldnt be more grateful for having encountered these people. They were truly his friends. 
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sagemoderocklee · 2 years
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5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
So, the asker for this question wanted me to go ahead and pick a fic, so I'm picking The Art of Love because I've always wanted people to ask more about the Shadow Kami introduced in the last chapter I posted.
My wheelhouse with writing is very much worldbuilding, and I think Naruto in particular is a series that has some great building blocks but some egregious holes as well in the worldbuilding. Inconsistencies, contradictions, and just a general lack of consideration for any other part of the shinobi world that wasn't Konoha. And even then there are still holes, and I always have a lot of fun filling them in.
However, the Nara clan's jutsu is not one of those big glaring plot holes. I straight up just thought, 'what if some of the ninjutsu used in the world is actually rooted in ancient magical practices?'
The idea that the Nara clan's Shadow Technique is more than just ninjutsu kind of struck me out of nowhere. I wasn't necessarily intending to do it, but once I had the idea, it really just took root. I figured, if anything could be given a different and more enigmatic origin, it would be the Shadow Technique from the Nara Clan.
I still have a lot of work to do with it, but I am excited with what's begun.
In TAoL I really needed something that would help Shikamaru, Team Eight, and Sai while they searched for clues as to what was happening in the world, and I wanted to really push the stakes up. Shikamaru is already poised to lose the woman he loves, but what if he's so willing to do anything to save her that his humanity is also on the line? The power he has from the Shadow Kami isn't limitless but it's certainly great. Yet there are still consequences--but again, those are consequences he'll gladly face in order to save Temari and her brothers.
The Shadow Kami are dangerous, though. They aren't animals you can tame, it's not a 'technique' you can master. The Shadow Kami are gods--or one god. the shadow kami are one and millions, always branching off and coming back together, and it's an overwhelming thing to touch let alone give over your body to.
There's one particular aspect (or form) to the Shadow Kami--the aspect that the Nara made their pact with in the first place--that acts as both guardian of the clan, a source of contact with the shadow Kami, and also someone to watch that the clan never falters from their initial pact. The clan hasn't actively acknowledged the pact or practiced the worship of Shadow Kami that they once did, but the pact still holds and hasn't been broken, and Shikamaru knows about it because he was obviously poised to take his father's place as the leader of his clan. he had to know.
there are prophecies in ancient scrolls and all sorts of powers Shikamaru could tap into. but he didn't have time to prepare or study, so he just kind of goes all in and is like 'yeah here my body is yours to use in exchange for your power'.
if he can learn to work with and live with the shadows, he'll be neigh unstoppable, but they'll never leave him. he'll never look how he used to or navigate the world how he did, and because of this--assuming he survives--any children he has would also be touched by the shadow kami... less so, but still. he's altered the course of his family's future entirely with this. so depending on what happens in the end, this will.
as with all my worldbuilding, the shadow kami holds across multiple fics even if it never comes up or is irrelevant to the plot. for instance, in Absolution, when a member of the Nara clan interrupts the final day of the Festival of Rain, it's because something has happened with the shadow kami that Shikamaru must tend to. what happened and why isn't necessary to Absolution, but it was necessary that Shikamaru leave Suna for a while and it works well because the reason Shadow Kami have made themselves known is because of Ruri's birth. again, all things that have no relevance to the actual plot of Absolution, which is why I can share that.
anyways, thank you for asking me a question that allowed me to babble inanely about something i came up with lol
23. What's a trope, AU, or concept you've never written but would like to?
So I already answered this on Twitter, but I'll just reiterate here: I have in m WIP ideas document a coffee shop AU that I would love to write someday. i've spent nearly a decade being a barista, and there's something about romanticizing it that just gets me.
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queensconquest · 2 years
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This  is  true  both  to  his  main  &  OnS  verse  ,  Suwa  is  well  known  for  saving  human  kids.  More  specifically  younger  girls  because  they  tug  at  some  remnant  of  a  memory  he  has  (  Fun  fact:  he  died  saving  his  sister  but  he  doesn’t  remember  any  of  that  ,  nothing  but  the  pain.  )  but  he’ll  save  any  child.  He’s  not  a  parental  figure  and  not  a  friend  ,  but  more  like  a  guardian  angel  or  hero  (  though  don’t  tell  him  that.  He’s  actively  say  he’s  not  good  or  a  hero. )  If  they’re  a  vampire  though  ,  he   won’t  hesitate  to  kill  them.
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Suwa  actively  goes  to  where  he  knows  they  might  be  suffering  to  try  to  protect  them  to  some  degree.  Forewarning  that  this  series  does  address  many  aspects  of  real  history  where  it  wasn’t  uncommon  in  regions  for  young  girls  14  or  older  to  be  pushed  into  the  red  light  district.  Not  a  major  point  to  the  series  and  nothing  happens  other  than  we  learn  more  about  Suwa  because  he  wants  to  protect  them  as  he  can.  Buy  a  night  and  just  let  them  eat  and  sleep  or  be  a  child.  Suwa  can’t  take  care  of  them  and  he  isn’t  a  caretaker  type  ,  but  he  can  try  to  protect  them  as  much  as  he  can.  He  even  changes  out  of  his  scary  military  outfit  to  something  more  festive  and  less  scary.
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But  he  doesn’t  always  succeed.  Suwa  doesn’t  particularly  care  about  humans.  Doesn’t  hate  them  ,  doesn’t  like  them.  (  Although  he  does  enjoy  things  they  create.  )  But  for  the  innocent  and  the  weak  ?  He  has  a  very  strong  want  to  protect.  Because  Suwa  DIED  protecting  his  little  sister  ,  but  he  doesn’t  remember  that.  He  doesn’t  remember  any  of  that  other  than  the  agonizing  torture  of  being  attacked  and  turned.  Doesn’t  remember  anything  about  being  human  ,  even  his  name  Suwa  is  self-given.  Being  turned  by  a  vampire  is  you  live  or  you  die  ,  and  most  die.  Suwa  was  attacked  by  ELEVEN  at  the  same  time.  Thats  x11  the  pain  and  agony  most  go  through.  It  literally  destroyed  the  ‘him’  before  the  Suwa  we  know.  He  doesn’t  want  anyone  else  being  destroyed  like  that.
Like  the  girl  above  ,  he  has  to  leave  because  of  attacks  elsewhere  and  finds  she’s  been  slaughtered  by  feral  vampires.  And  he  regrets  that  he  couldn’t  protect  her. (  Just  like  the  him  of  before  never  knew  if  he  succeeded  in  saving  his  sister  ).  But  he  learns.  She  wanted  him  to  sing  but  Suwa  doesn’t  know  how.
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And  this  panel  looks  happy  but  its  not.  He’s  returning  her  hairpin  that  she  gave  him  just  hours  ago  right  before  she  fell  asleep  &  he  left  (  making  him  promise  to  come  back  even  if  its  a  lie  )  ,  but  her  corpse  in  the  panel  right  before  this  is  him  standing  next  to  it  in  an  alley  &  it  is  horribly  destroyed.  But  he  remembers  her  as  she  is  ,  and  learns  for  HER  memory  and  for  future  children  to  protect  to  sing.  Makes  a promise  to  learn  &  does  return  the  hairpin  ,  showing  her  he  was  genuine  in  wanting  to  protect  her.
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Suwa  hates  vampires  and  is  indifferent  to  most  humans.  But  he  doesn’t  want  to  see  the  innocent  ,  the  young  ,  and  the  weak  destroyed.  (  Unless  your  a  vampire  ,  he  does kill  children  vampires  too.  )  He’s  failed  or  potentially  failed  the  one  vague  memory  from  humanity  and  he  failed  this  girl  centuries  later  ,  but  he  doesn’t  want  to  fail  more.  For  the  ruthless  &  cold  nature  he  is  ,  for  all  the  pessimism  that  seperates  him  from  more  ‘  human  ‘  vampires  and  people  in  general  ,  children  are  a  soft  spot  he  wants  to  protect.
also  the  fact  the  chapter  cover  art  for  this  is  her  skeleton  &  him  with his  pessimistic  words  is  ow.
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undonefm · 2 years
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there were no celebrations, parades, or commencements the day first elijah mcphearson was born. he was a regular guy born to a long line of fishers, most of whom lived right here in rose cove. luck had never truly been on any of the mchpearsons’ side, which anyone could tell from the meager means they always lived. they belonged to the part of the town who preferred the easy life, not giving too much thought to the other half who flaunted opulence at their fancy parties. elijah cared, though. he spent most of his youth watching them, wishing and wanting in silence and the darkness of his bedroom at first, but eventually griping and cursing them under his breath when he bore witness to their upper class lifestyles. 
in all honesty, we wouldn’t be here talking about elijah if he had followed the path that was laid out for him, but that wasn’t in his cards. instead of following in his family’s footsteps, he often catered events for the prosperous side of town. he wasn’t as an avid a fisher as the rest of his family, and as such he found himself picking up odd jobs to make ends meet. he grew a reputation for his hard work ethic, and eventually he came to know the members of their society, and their families, on a rather close basis. that much is all well known, but it’s the next part that seems fuzzy in comparison. somehow he went from the town noone to local hero overnight. some people say he rescued a group of children from drowning. others say he used wild horses to transport them away from a fire. there are even a few accounts of him using a small fishing vessel to save a capsized boat in a storm. with every rendition, the tale seemed to grow more fanatical. 
regardless of the truth, the rest of the story remains. his heroism launched him directly into the life he wanted so desperately. he moved into one of the richest neighborhoods, began attending the finest parties, and for two decades he enjoyed the decadence he sought in his youth. he married a beautiful woman, had children, and to the outside world, he seemed to live the dream most people spent theirs trying to attain. but with all things in rose cove, things were not exactly as they seemed. no one thought to question it until the day elijah met an untimely end. an air of mystery surrounds his death still to this day, much like the one that surrounds the recent disappearance of shannon harper. he was found floating in the water just off the north south of town, and his death was ruled accidental. in fact, no investigation was ever opened, but that only feeds into to the way the locals love making up their own versions of elijah mcphearson’s life. to commemorate his life and the act of bravery he committed, the town chose to honor him in a festival that highlighted the best parts of their small town. he became the beacon of what it meant to truly call rose cove home. 
this year’s mchpearson day festival is the 75th anniversary of the very first one. the town’s pride and joy event, people travel from all over to come and kick off summer with a week long event. because it is the crown jewel of entertainment in the ares, the utter tragedy of last year’s festival holds the town the town in a vice like vigor to set things right. there is a tension, an urgency of perfection floating in on the morning waves, but not receding when the sun dips back below the horizon. everyone in town knows they must get this one right, or else suffer another year of empty shops and lacking tourists filling their rental homes. everyone needs this to flourish. 
as always, there will be a plethora of activities for natives and newcomers to enjoy. local entrepreneurs fill booths that line every square inch of the town square, where you’ll find everything from art fixtures to decorate your homes to homemade sauces, jams, and vegetables to fill your cabinets. down by the boardwalk you will find an array of rides such as a ferris wheel, giant swings, a carousel, and many other carnival attractions. food vendors will line the beachfront parking, where you can stop through poppa wheelie’s for your snack favorites, sippin’ away for a caffeinated pick-me-up, or indulge in typical fair refreshments like cotton candy, corn dogs, freshly squeezed lemonade, and funnel cakes. take the kids back into the town square for face painting, and if you’re lucky no one will laugh if you choose to get a butterfly of your own done. 
all of these amenities will be available to the public starting saturday with the annual racing of the horses at sunrise on saturday morning, and it will conclude the following saturday night with the crowning of a new miss roses. because our crowned queen of 2021 cannot be there to present the winner, her alternate, virginia smyth will do the honors. they will be escorted by reid kent, and following the coronation ceremony will be a memorial video played in honor of shannon. 
*** hello, and with this plot drop undone fm is open for interactions. muses are now allowed to have interactions up until friday in game. while the interactions do not have to be centered around the festival, this is an event that will affect everyone in town in some way or another. it would be a bad look for someone to not show up at the festival after the newspaper revealed law enforcement is looking into the case again, so keep that in mind. this event will take place AT LEAST one week in real time, but we may adjust that due to player wishes. 
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Stranger///things s/i |->Parents
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Name: River Driftwood Castro
Age:45 (human look).
Especies: dragonfly shapeshifting fey.
Job: company accountant.
Mbti: ESFJ
Comes from a moderate middle class family, lived near a lagoon, met Oliver during a festivity.
Name:Oliver Castro
Age: 44 (human look)
Especies:Dragonfly Shapeshifting fey.
Job: mechanic (has his own little shop)
Came from a small family,oldest of four siblings, middle class, met River during a festivity.
Both had Jerico in 1967, letting her grow up in the "feywild" / " downside up" until she was 12. However they scouted the human world for a culture that would fit them and decided that Argentina was the one for them. So they quickly adapted to that society. Living there until 1982 before moving to hawkins. they moved to hawkins thinking they would have a calmer life since argentinas economic situation was very rocky. Once in hawkins jeri was 16.
When the stuff of the show started happening, both of them tried to Keep Jerico away from it, but then she met Steve and both of them were like "okay. We'll have to help them"
Cue these 2 chaotic fey parents keeping the kids safe and helping them thruought the series. Then Billy came along and both him and Steve started dating jeri and then Eddie came along.
Jeri saves Eddie and Billy form dying. Either by helping them move at the last second (in billys case) ir healing their injuries (eddies case).
Oliver and River couldnt be happier with their inlaws. And now that hawkins is safe (ill decide if season 5 is cannon or not once its out), they live happily :D
-> also they had 3 children after jeri but I dont know how to put them in the timeline yet.
Powers: (these Apply to my s/I as well)
-> shapeshfting Into animals
-> flight (thanks to dragonfly wings)
-> slight weather alteration (can make rain ocurr since dragonflys come when its going to rain)
-> plant growth. Earthbending
-> healing and fast regen
-> "unsettling presence" (can be Turned on and off on command)
-> can appear blurry on pictures (can be activated on command)
Taglist: @tex-treasures @80sboyfriends @mercuryships @malewifehenrycooldown
Only mutuals allowed to rb. Also sorry if the timeline is fucky. Maths not my best friend lmao.
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dankusner · 2 days
Good Lookin'
There's something 'bout the way you look in my eyes
Like a starry night, you light up my sky
You lean in closer and my heart starts to pound
I heard you sigh, you know I love that sound
He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides
I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside
I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy
Call him "Daddy" while I holler
Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking, looking)
We made love and then he kissed me, I don't want it to end Every day we spend together, I fall more into him That boy he takes my breath away, I can't find the words to say So I wrote this little note, kiss it, seal it, so you know I've got some time, if you've got some time too You've been on my mind baby, let me remind you while I lay you down I can't get enough, I'm stuck in your love That's fine with me, nowhere else I wanna be He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy Call him "Daddy" while I holler Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking, looking) You can be my king, no, this ain't just a fling I'm all in baby, I'm falling You can be my king, no, this ain't just a fling I'm all in, baby, I'm falling He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy Call him "Daddy" while I holler Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking) You've got that kind of love I've only felt in my dreams Baby, oh you save me, you're my everything Now take 'em off and let's get down to business 'Cause I hate wasting my time, just you wait and see All-ages Dallas Pride Month kickoff sees protesters, inclement weather put damper on event
The beginning of Pride Month in Dallas was met with protesters and inclement weather at Fair Park on Saturday. As previously reported by The Dallas Express, the City of Dallas planned to kick off Pride Month with an all-ages event that was slated to include drag performances and organizations that provide “trans services.”
“The Dallas Pride Music Festival will feature a variety of musical and dance performances on both the outdoor main stage and on an indoor community stage. 
More than 200 vendors will have booths to see and shop at the festival. … 
The festival also includes Teen Pride, which fosters a safe environment for LGBTQ+ youth ages 13 to 19 and their friends to enjoy live entertainment from artists and DJs, and other age-appropriate activities,” the Dallas Pride website reads.
DX observed several parents attending the event with their underage children, even as a number of vendors were selling sexually explicit merchandise.
The event had a booth that sold hand fans emblazoned with the phrases “MAKE ME C*M AGAIN,” “B****y,” “HE/HIM/HOLE,” “DADDY,” and “C**T.”
Another booth had magnets depicting bare female breasts and buttocks and the phrase “you’re bootyful.”
Another booth sold aprons depicting a seemingly naked man covering his genitals with a black hat. Saturday’s festivities did not see an especially high turnout, and the event was temporarily paused in the afternoon due to an approaching thunderstorm.
As previously reported by The Dallas Express, the DFW has been reeling from a series of severe thunderstorms that resulted in flash flooding and multi-day power outages.In addition to the bad weather, the festival was met with protesters affiliated with the Texas Coalition for Kids and the New Columbia Movement.
“It was disturbing to see how many families took their kids to today’s Pride festival. 
Dallas Pride needs to add an age restriction to all upcoming events. 
Children should never be allowed at LGBT Pride events,” Kelly Neidert, the president of Texas Coalition for Kids, told DX.
Andrew LaFuente, a member of the New Columbia Movement, said he sees such events as a sign of cultural decline.
“As Christians, we in the New Columbia Movement came today because we believe in the power of spiritual warfare, especially in the face of the cultural decline that has negatively impacted families. We believe in the power of prayer, especially that of the Holy Rosary, in order to convert hearts and combat the evils we see on the streets. 
A ‘family-friendly’ Pride festival is a clear example of a spiritual evil that must be opposed, or it will continue to corrupt generations of Americans,” LaFuente told DX.
Others feel differently, arguing that Pride events promote inclusivity. 
Dallas City Council Member Chad West (District 1) supports Pride events and believes it should be up to parents to decide whether to bring their kids.
“Pride events are important and very much welcome in Dallas. 
They provide safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals to celebrate who they are, rather than hiding parts of themselves. I grew up in a part of the U.S. where there wasn’t a single openly gay person in my hometown,” West previously told DX.
“I defer to parents to determine appropriate venues and performances for their children to visit and support the First Amendment right of free speech, which includes most types of performances,” West said.
The Dallas Express reached out to Dallas Pride for comment regarding the event but did not receive a response by press time. 
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creative-pens · 2 months
Namrata Goyal: A Visionary Leader in Aviation, Film, and Philanthropy
Born on September 4, 1990, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Namrata Goyal is celebrated as the daughter of Indian business magnate Naresh Goyal, renowned as the owner of Jet Airways, one of India’s premier private airlines. Naresh Goyal, a prominent figure in Indian business circles, founded Jet Airways in 1993 with initial support from Tail Winds Incorporated, Isle of Man, thus initiating a remarkable journey in aviation history. His entrepreneurial prowess led to Jet Airways’ successful IPO in 2005, catapulting him to the ranks of India’s wealthiest individuals, as noted by Forbes magazine.
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Namrata Goyal, born to Naresh Goyal and Anita Goyal, and sister to Nivaan Goyal, has left an indelible mark in her own right. Educated at ESADE Business School, she emerged as a beacon of innovation and leadership in the aviation industry, echoing her father’s legacy while charting her unique course. Holding the esteemed position of Executive Vice President for Revenue Management and Network Planning at Jet Airways, Namrata’s influence extends far beyond the airline’s confines.
In her role, Namrata orchestrates strategic and operational facets, navigating the complex waters of network development, pricing strategies, and revenue optimization. Her adept leadership has propelled Jet Airways to expand its domestic and international footprint, enhancing profitability and overall performance.
Beyond aviation, Namrata is a versatile individual, equally at home in the realms of film production and social activism. As co-founder and director of Moxie Entertainment, a film production company, she champions the creation of meaningful and impactful content, with projects like Masaan, Zubaan, Rukh, and Manto garnering critical acclaim and awards.
Namrata’s commitment to social causes is equally commendable. As co-founder and trustee of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, she showcases Indian cinema and culture globally. Additionally, she serves as co-founder and president of the Mijwan Welfare Society, an NGO focusing on rural community development and empowerment in Uttar Pradesh.
Namrata actively supports causes like the Aseem Foundation for acid attack victims and organizations like UNICEF, Smile Foundation, and Save the Children, embodying compassion and activism in equal measure.
Recognized for her achievements, Namrata features in prestigious lists like Forbes India 30 Under 30 and Fortune India 40 Under 40. She has been honored with the Nari Shakti Puraskar, the highest civilian award for women in India, and the Women Achievers Award from the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce.
Her philanthropic spirit and leadership inspire young women and aspiring entrepreneurs, shaping a brighter future for India and beyond. Namrata Goyal, with her vision, creativity, and compassion, leaves an enduring legacy in aviation, film, and humanitarian endeavors, touching lives and hearts around the world.
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