#charah AU
victorianoir · 11 months
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Here's chapter 8. Hope y'all are fans of Chuck and Sarah chatting on rooftops.
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starry-mist · 6 months
No one:
Me: What if I wrote a fic series based on every song that’s been featured in the show?
(I am not committing to this, it’s just an idea living in my brain. Along with a Charah Hallmark AU. These are the thoughts that won’t leave me alone.)
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sevens-evan · 3 years
11. catradora?
partners in crime au....fun
Adora hadn’t really intended to end up here.
She’s always had a strong moral compass, a sense of right and wrong. Nobody is quite sure where she got it—certainly not from her upbringing—but it’s always been loud, firm, and impossible to ignore. She has a very hard time not doing what she thinks is right, and while her sense of justice and what’s considered legal sometimes (often) conflict, following her instincts has generally allowed her to navigate life without making anyone exceptionally angry at her.
The problem is that taking care of her friends is very close to the top of the list of Adora’s priorities, and her best friend since childhood has decided to pull cons for a living. Adora’s moral convictions aren’t bothered by stealing a few million from some of the worst people on Earth, so she, like an idiot, had decided to tag along. One thing led to another, and now...
“Adora,” Catra’s voice crackles through Adora’s earpiece. “Where the hell are you?”
“On my way,” Adora pants out. She glances over her shoulder, pales slightly at the sight of at least half of the gala’s security team chasing her, and tries to run even faster. She’s fighting her expensive suit and immensely uncomfortable dress shoes with every step, but she manages a burst of speed, whipping around a corner just as gunfire explodes from the security team behind her, slamming into the walls and floor where she had been moments earlier.
Adora spies a glowing exit sign above a door and dives for it, spilling out of the building and squinting against the bright sunlight. She searches the street, slowing her sprint to a brisk walk as she looks around desperately. She’s already drawing stares, the crowd on the sidewalk giving her a wide berth, but Adora ignores them. The space is useful, actually; it makes it easier to look for...
There. Adora darts forward the moment she sees the motorcycle idling by the curb, a familiar figure sitting comfortably astride it. She throws a leg over the seat and wraps her arms around Catra’s midsection, barely catching her balance before Catra is pulling away from the curb and into traffic.
“What happened back there?” Adora says into Catra’s ear, just loud enough to be heard over the bike’s engine. “I thought we were just scamming them at cards! There’s no way they caught me cheating!” She’s good at cheating at poker, damn it—definitely good enough that a bunch of rich idiots looking for kicks at a mildly illegal gambling event couldn’t catch her.
“No,” Catra says. She whips the bike around a corner, and Adora holds on tighter instinctively, digging her fingertips into Catra’s abs through her dress shirt. Catra had disguised herself as one of the wait staff, so she’s less formally dressed than Adora, but she looks good enough that Adora had to sit down upon first seeing her earlier that afternoon. “They didn’t catch you. It was my fault. I got excited.”
“Excited?” Adora repeats, disbelieving. Last time Catra had gotten excited they’d ended up anonymously donating several dozen long-lost artifacts to museums in various countries.
“Can we talk about it later?” Catra says. “Like, when we’re not trying to escape the people trying to kill us?” Adora relents, because they really do have bigger problems right now. She can hear sirens in the distance.
It takes them nearly an hour and three vehicle switches to lose the cops entirely. When they finally do wander back into their hotel room, Adora is about ready to pass out—but first, she really wants to know what Catra is hiding in the briefcase she’s carrying, which she had definitely not had when they left for the gala.
“So,” Adora says, sitting down on the edge of one of the hotel beds. “You got excited.” Catra grins at her, a little bloodthirsty, and Adora’s heart flops over in her chest.
“Take a look,” Catra says, handing her the briefcase. Adora pops the latch, shooting Catra a long, curious look before she lifts the lid.
“Oh my fucking God,” Adora says. In her peripheral vision, she can see Catra’s grin widen, but she’s a little preoccupied with the dozens of sparkling gemstones sitting in the case.
“Those,” Catra says, sitting down in the armchair next to the bed, “used to belong to some European monarch or something. I didn’t really listen to the history spiel, I don��t know. The guy who stole them was going to make bank off somebody who cared about all that at the auction later today. But I don’t care about the history, so I say we just sell them.”
“Catra, this is, like—” Adora hesitantly reaches into the case. The stones are nestled in packing foam, and her heart drops as she lifts it up at the corner and realizes that there’s a second layer of stones just beneath the first. “This is so much money.”
“Exactly,” Catra says. “I figure we sell them and we go on a fucking incredible vacation.” Adora shakes her head, speechless.
“I...okay,” she says. She can’t really argue with that plan.
“Good.” Catra stands up and reaches out, like she’s going to take the briefcase back, but instead, she just pushes the lid closed. The motion brings her to stand directly in front of Adora, their knees brushing, and Adora looks up, her mouth suddenly dry. Catra is smiling down at her. “I have a lot of places I wanna take you,” she says, voice low. Adora just nods like an idiot, wondering if Catra is finally going to kiss her. They’ve been dancing around this since—well, kind of forever, but especially since they started working together.
Catra doesn’t kiss her. She steps back, turns away, says, “I’m gonna take a shower,” over her shoulder and disappears into the bathroom. Adora falls backwards into the bed. Her heart pounds, but it isn’t from the adrenaline still in her body from being shot at, or the—at least—hundred million dollars’ worth of gemstones in her alp. It’s all from Catra.
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purpleaffair · 4 years
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Chuck!Amazon AU: Sarah is an Amazon Warrior who lived through the destruction that led to the Amazons living in Themyscira, leading her to know the darkness of mankind and be wary of it. There is a threat looming and Sarah must venture back into the world to find Princess Diana and warn her. On Sarah’s journey she discovers there is a man who might be able to help in her search. This man, Charles Bartowski, catches Sarah off guard because he isn't like the men she remembers from her days before Themyscira. He is good and kind. Despite some flaws, he displays many instances of valuing life and attempting to help everyone. On their journey Chuck comes in contact with a relic of the Gods that gives him the ability to know future plans of mass destruction. While continuing their hunt for Diana, Sarah must protect Chuck from those who would benefit from either capturing him to keep as a tool underground to prevent the attacks or, killing him to keep their dastardly plans safe. Of course Chuck insists on stopping the various threats he comes into knowledge of. Chuck is instantly smitten by the fierce Amazon Warrior. Her hard exterior has cracks showing him the beautiful heart and quick wit inside thus furthering his affection towards her. Sarah’s jadedness of mankind made her feelings come slower but with each passing day and the choices Chuck makes on their journey, Sarah's walls fall gradually. Once they find Diana and relay their message Sarah discovers that she must make a choice: follow her princess into a battle where Chuck cannot go or stay and continue to fight alongside Chuck while exploring the feelings of love that he awoke inside her.
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Here’s a one-shot I wrote per someone’s prompt request! 
Hope you enjoy!
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davidcarner · 6 years
Sarah vs The Unexpected Life, Ch 3, Lady Feelings
A/N:  The first two chapters have been pretty Sarah centric. This chapter works best if its Chuck centric, at least for a little while.  Apparently I’m funnier than I think according to some of you.  More fluff, more Charah, more Chuck being a little scared to share his feelings and Sarah being so open it’s scary, and dag nab it, more fun.  I present to you chapter 3, Lady Feelings
A/N 2: I need to straighten the record out on something that I left a little unclear.  Hannah, Lou, Cole et al, might be in the story, but they will have no romantic relationships with Chuck or Sarah…EVAH in this.  NEVA EVAH.  On with the show.
Disclaimer:  I don’t own Chuck, but I do own a black pair of Chucks
 Chuck moved around his house, quickly, with purpose, but also full of song.  He sang Good Morning, Good Day from She Loves Me to Clara, watching the close to one-year old smile at him.  Last night had been a little rough with teething, but the bigger problem was that Sarah…his friend, with possibilities of more(?) was looking for Piranha.  He needed to talk to her this morning.  He wanted to talk to her this morning, but what would she say to him.  He had the chance last night, at the fountain, to tell the truth, and he didn’t. She had told him every dirty secret about herself, and he didn’t.  It wasn’t that he was trying to keep it a secret, it was just part of another life that he really didn’t admit existed anymore.
He had never stolen any real money, moving a penny from one account to another isn’t really stealing, but Casey, boy Casey would think it was.  If they found out…they couldn’t, but somehow he had to tell Sarah.  He loaded Clara in her carseat as he thought about his next move, and kind of went on autopilot as all parents do with little sleep as he drove to preschool.  As he pulled in, he noticed Emma driving Molly this morning, not Sarah.  Part of him was happy, part of him was not…not at all.
Chuck closed his eyes for a second.  It was time for him to be serious.  What did a beautiful, caring, smart, funny, former CIA agent with a heart of gold want with him?  The answer was obvious, nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  He needed to tell Sarah the truth for the sake of Clara.  She would find another way, because he had to keep Clara safe.  But how does she keep Molly safe?  That thought ate at his brain.  A hand hit the window, and Chuck jumped, screamed, hit the horn, scaring Molly who was outside, made Clara cry, and all the other children around cry as well. All the parents were giving Chuck a dirty look.  Molly had got over her fright, and was pointing and laughing at Chuck.  Chuck wanted to be upset, but Molly refused to let him be with her laughter.  He opened the car door, and made monster hands at her.  
“If I didn’t have to get Clara, you would so get it,” he said in his best monster voice.  Molly laughed at him.
“Molly,” Emma scolded. “You can’t scare him like that.”
“He was napping and I was waking him up so he wouldn’t be late,” Molly answered.  Chuck looked at the little girl, who smiled back at him.
“Well, I am awake,” Chuck admitted.  Emma laughed as the four headed in.  “Is Sarah okay?”
“Yes, she told me to apologize and she’d call you later,” Emma said grinning.  “She had a good time last night.”  She paused as if deciding to tell him, and then made up her mind. “I think she wished you had stayed later.”
“Clara was teething,” Chuck explained.  
“Oh, dear.  Did you get any sleep?”  Chuck moved his hand back and forth to say a little.  “Do we need to cancel tonight?”
“I think I’ll be fine,” Chuck said.  “The first night is usually the worst.  Will Sarah be able to make it?”
“She should, although I don’t know.  All I know is something about a virus called Jeffery.”  Chuck stopped short.
“Are you sure it’s not Jeffster?”  Emma snapped her fingers.
“That’s it!”  
“Who’s going to work on it?” Chuck asked, remembering how this monster was created by Jeff and Lester who decided to take all viruses they could find and combine them together.  It never should have worked, but it was Jeffster, so when something wasn’t supposed to work it did.  Emma shrugged.
“I guess her regular IT guy, not that he appears to be that good,” she said, trying not to let the grin grow on her face.  “I suppose fixing a computer would be a step down for a video game creator.”  Chuck couldn’t help but grin at Emma.
“You have no shame, do you?”
“Nope, you two get along great, just like Molly and I thought you would.”
“When is Clara’s birthday?” Molly asked.
“It’s next Friday,” Chuck replied.  “She’ll be one.”
“Good,” Molly said.
“Do you want to get her a present, Honey?” Emma asked.  Molly looked perturbed at the question.
“Granny, she’s my sister, I have to throw her a birthday party,” she said as she reached up to carry Clara.  Chuck looked at Emma, who shrugged.  Molly begin to give Chuck the stinkeye.  Chuck gave Clara to Molly, who gently carried her to the baby room.  Mrs. Wood smiled at the beginnings of the blended family.
“I have no chance against her, do I?” Chuck asked.
“Sarah asked me the same thing this morning,” Emma said as she looked at Chuck.  “She likes you, a lot, and I think she wants you to be her father.”  Chuck looked at Emma and gulped.
Chuck sat in his office, the lights off, his eyes closed, listening to Here I go Again by Whitesnake on repeat.  Morgan came down the hall, heard the music, prayed for the best, yet feared the worst, stuck his head in, and groaned.
“No, Chuck, no, no, no,” he said protesting.
“Buddy,” Chuck began.
“It’s not Clara’s birthday, it’s not Devon’s or Ellie’s.  It’s not their anniversary, so what is it?  What have I forgot that we need to get you through, because you CANNOT do this.  You promised!”
“Buddy,” Chuck began again.
“I can hold down the fort, I can keep the games going, but, Chuck, you cannot sink and spiral like this!”
“Buddy, I met someone,” Chuck said softly.  Morgan stood up straight.  A smile came across his face.
“That’s great!  No, really, Chuck, that’s fantastic!  What’s her name?”
“Sarah Walker.”
“You know, that’s funny, the lady Alex works for name is Sarah Walker, and dude, no offense to your woman, do you know who she looks like?”
“Vicky Vale,” Chuck replied, knowing they were firmly on the Morgan train, next stop Insanityville.
“That’s right!  How did you know?”  Chuck looked at him from between his hands.  Morgan’s eyes got wide.  “DUDE!  You are dating Vicky Vale.”
“Dating is strong,” Chuck began.
“No, this is good. This is really good!”  Chuck had to get control of this, and soon.
“Buddy, do you really know what Casey does or used to do?”
“Oh, yeah.  He used to work for the NSA, and killed a lot of people, but you can’t tell anyone.”  Chuck looked at him, not for sure if he was impressed with his friend or certain he was crazy.  “He told me in specific, graphic details of many of his kills.  I didn’t kiss Alex for a week.”
“If Casey said he could hunt someone down, do you believe him?”
“Absolutely, whoever John Casey decides to find, is as good as found.”  Chuck groaned and banged his head against the desk.  “Who are they looking for, Chuck?  I figured that part out, I’m getting better at this.”
“Piranha,” Chuck answered, his forehead slowly bouncing off the desk.
“Huh, funny, it sounded like you said Piranha,” Morgan said, looking a little concerned.
“I did.”  Morgan was quiet for several seconds.
“Should I go empty out petty cash so you and Clara can run?”
“There’s only $38 in there.”
“I used it to get pizza the other day,” Morgan answered.  “Why do they want Piranha?”
“They need a computer expert for their company.”
“I’ve got $47 in quarters at my apartment.”
“I can’t take Clara on the run for the rest of my life.  Certainly not with just $85.”  
“Maybe you should break up with her.”
“Would that really make a difference?”
“Plus, she’s got this daughter, Molly.  She’s great Morgan, I don’t want to hurt her, and I don’t want to hurt Sarah.  Her heart…it’s so big and there’s so much love there.  I think I’m the first guy she’s trusted in a long time, and I can’t hurt her.  I can’t let her down.” Chuck gave a big bump to his head on the last one.  “Plus, they’ve been infected by Jeffster.”
“They’re going to need a topical cream for that.  Antibiotics aren’t enough.”
“The computer virus, Morgan.”
“Oh, that’s better. Who have they got working on it?”
“Their IT guy.”
“SKIP?”  Chuck raised his head.
“From Buy More?” Morgan nodded.  Chuck banged his head on the table one more time.  “Chuck, your lady, she is in distress.  You know what you have to do.”  Chuck sighed.  Morgan was right.  Chuck stood up, Morgan got his coat, and slipped it on his arms without a word.  As Chuck turned, Morgan grabbed his arms, and looked him right in the eye.  “Remember, when everything’s down, remember.”
“Don’t Stop Believin’?” Morgan clapped his hands on Chuck’s arms.
“Go get her, Buddy.” Chuck took a deep breath and left the safety of Intersect Games.  He found his way to Burton Industries, which was only a couple of blocks away.  He parked his car, walked inside, and found Alex yelling at the computer.
“That only works with Morgan,” Chuck said to Alex.  Alex looked up, saw Chuck, and ran around the desk to hug him.
“Tell me you’re here to fix our problems!”
“I thought you had a boyfriend, Alex,” Sarah’s voice came from the hallway.  Alex smiled and saw her boss, and friend leaning against the doorframe, smiling at Chuck.  “Chuck, miss me?”  Chuck’s worries went away and he gave her his million watt smile.  
“Yeah,” he said honestly. Oh, crap there goes my knees again!  I’ve had guys give me these lines before, how did they never affect me? Maybe because he’s telling the truth?  “But, as much as it is a joy to see you, I thought I might help you out.”
“How’s that?”
“I hear you’re using Skip as your IT guy.”  Sarah nodded. Chuck sighed.  “I can fix this in ten minutes.”  Sarah stood up straight, smiling.
“You don’t have to impress me, Chuck.  Skip says it will take hours.”
“I’m not trying to impress you, if I had I would have told you five minutes,” he said confidently.  And, there goes my knees again, and my belly, this guy is going to be the death of me, and I haven’t even properly kissed him yet!  
“Well, I guess there’s only one way to settle this,” Sarah said with a challenging look in her smile. “If you take 5 minutes or less, you win and you get to choose what the loser has to do, if it takes 5 minutes 1 second or more, I get to choose what the loser does.”  Sarah stuck out her hand.  Chuck nodded and shook.  He started to remove his hand, when he realized he couldn’t.  Sarah was staring at him, with the same challenging look. “Alex,” she said, still looking directly at him.  “Would you mind baby-sitting Clara when Chuck loses so I can take him out on a date.”
“Sarah, if you wanted to ask me out, all you had to do is ask,” Chuck said.  He thought he saw Sarah swallow.
“I’d be glad to, Sarah,” Alex said grinning.
“If I ask you out, you might do something silly like say no, this way, I know what I’m getting.”
“I don’t think you like to lose, Sarah.”
“Think?” she asked, and released his hand.  Chuck, never releasing her gaze, cracked his knuckles, rolled his neck, and nodded toward her.
“Shall we?” he asked. Sarah led him, with Alex following close behind.  Casey and Carina saw what was going on and followed them into the server room.  Chuck saw Skip trying to stop the virus, but he was going about it all wrong.  Skip looked up, saw Chuck, and jumped up out of the chair.  “Thanks, Buddy.”  Chuck sat down, and began to look over the code.  Sarah came over with her phone and put it on stopwatch mode.  She put 5 minutes on the clock.
“It’s not too late to back out,” she said, smirking.  Chuck looked at her, and winked.
“You don’t want to know what you have to do when I win?”
“You can tell me if you want because there is no way it ever happens.”  Chuck nodded.  “3. 2.  1.” And with that, Chuck’s fingers started flying across the keyboard. Gone was the man who last night was down on himself, gone was the self-deprecating humor, gone was the man who had lost all his family.  In front of her, with his fingers flying was the man who believed in himself, and heaven help her it was so sexy.  Sarah swallowed, and had to look away.  The timer clicked down and two minutes had passed.  “Oh look, I’m gonna fix that patch in your security while I’m in here.” Skip tried to watch, but just couldn’t keep up.  The time passed by, and Sarah had no idea how close he was.
“Forty-five seconds is all I’ll need,” he said.  The time had 50 seconds on it.  The time went down and Chuck appeared very confident.  He snuck a glance at Sarah, and winked at her.  She shook her head, smiling.  She could get used to this Chuck.  “Where are you,” he said, scouring for a batch of code.
“Ten seconds, Chuck,” she said, leaning right against his ear, her breath making him shiver.
“Found it,” he said, with four seconds to spare.  He held his finger above the enter key and they both watched as the counter went to zero, and a -1 appeared on the screen.  Chuck hit enter, looking her directly in the eye.  Carina checked one of the nearby computers, it worked perfectly. “Guess you win, Sarah,” Chuck said. The look on Sarah’s face was indescribable.  
“Why did you do that?” she asked softly.
“Because losing really didn’t sound like losing,” he said.  “Six tonight?” he asked.  She nodded. He got up, gave her a kiss on the cheek, nodded at Casey, gave Carina and Alex a quick hug, fist bumped Skip, and left.
“Why are we not using him for our computer guy, Walker?” Carina asked.
“I offered, and he’s not comfortable now that he has Clara,” Sarah answered, but part of her wondered.
“You and Molly are safe,” Carina countered.
“Walker’s a trained agent,” Casey replied.  “If someone comes after Bartowski, there’s nothing he can do.”
“No one would ever know it was him,” Skip said.  Everyone turned toward him, they sometimes forgot Skip worked there.  “It’s almost like he’s a hacker, he’s so good.”  
“So he’s safe,” Carina said. Sarah shook her head.  Carina grinned.  “You could always move in with him and give 24 hour protection.”  Sarah gave her a level look, but a grin fought her face, and won.
“What do you me almost like he’s a hacker,” Casey said.  Skip shrugged.
“Just sometimes, when no one is paying attention to what he is doing, he can do things I’ve never even heard of, but when he realizes someone is watching, he just real good.”
“Thanks, Skip, you can go,” Casey said.
“But, this is my area,” Skip replied.  Casey stared at him.
“Take the day off.”
“But, Sarah is my boss not you.”
“Skip, take the day off,” Sarah said.  She didn’t like where this was going.  Skip left, and Sarah turned toward Casey.  “Be very careful what you’re about to say.”  Casey shook his head.
“He probably knows Piranha or someone like him, and I think I scared Chuck last night,” Casey said. Sarah nodded.  “Look, a lot of those geeks,” Sarah gave him a glare. “Nerds?”  She nodded.  “Wow, she’s already whipped,” he muttered.  Sarah glared again.  Casey ignored it and went on.  “Are good on a computer.  I’m not saying he knows a big name hacker, but with me going off last night like I was, what if he does?  Maybe he could do what we need, but he’s got to be scared half to death after my rant.” Carina felt his forehead to see if he had malaria or if he was delirious.  Casey swatted at her hand.
“Sarah, you should probably talk to him,” Carina said.  Sarah raised an eyebrow.  “Oh get off it.  You brought us in, changed us, heart-warmed us, and now we have lady feelings. Before I used to just be out for fun, but now I want something as well…maybe someone to give me lady feelings and lady feelings,” Carina said with a wink.  Sarah’s mouth dropped, and John grunted and grinned at Carina. Carina turned toward him.
“Johnny you promised you’d never grunt at me that way again.”
“And you promised you’d destroy that photo.”  Sarah stuck her fingers in her ears and closed her eyes.
“NAHNAHNAHNAHNAH,” she started chanting.  “I need brain bleach!  I need it now!”  Carina came over and hugged her.
“Go get lunch and go talk to him.”
“Sarah, he was in a real bad place a while back,” John said quietly.  “He might have been serious last night, that little girl may have saved his life.”  Sarah nodded and walked off.
“I still need brain bleach,” she yelled as she walked out the door.  Carina turned toward John, and he sighed.
“I think I messed up,” he said.  Carina grinned at him.
“Who are you and what have you done with John Casey?” Carina asked.  Casey grunted, but his heart wasn’t in it.  “Casey, are you implying-”
“I’m not implying he’s Piranha, but he’s probably a hacker.  Look at the way he clammed up and left last night.”  Carina nodded.
“He was worried what would happen if we didn’t find a computer expert,” Carina said.  “What do we do if he is Piranha?”
“I don’t think it matters if he is or isn’t.  It’s obvious Bartowski is a good man that will do what has to be done for his family, and he all but volunteered last night.  Whatever pranks he pulled in the past, are in the past, and we all deserve second chances,” Casey said.  “He and Walker deserve happiness.”
“You know, we could make sure they figure this thing out,” Carina offered.
“You know my boyfriend is Chuck’s best friend, Dad,” Alex said from the doorway they never heard open. John nodded and looked at Carina, who grinned.  “Let’s go have lunch and talk this out,” she said, heading down the hallway.
“You know, Johnny,” Carina said softly.  “I still have those cuffs, and you always were good at giving me lady feelings.” Casey grunted.
Sarah had heard for years about this deli in town that was supposed to be one of the absolute best, so she told Alex where she was headed, and took off.  She wanted to stretch her legs, so she walked down to the Buy More Plaza…or was it the Large Mart Plaza…she could never be sure.  In the past few years an Orange Orange and Weinerlicious had gone out of business there.  If Sarah hadn’t known better she’d have thought both would have been a CIA cover. She saw the sign she was looking for and entered.  As she scanned the list of sandwiches, she noticed one that caught her eye and made her smile.  It was after the lunch rush, and the store was nearly empty.  A woman, about her age, short, and a brunette watched her. She looked up in the direction Sarah was looking and grinned.
“It’s one of our best sellers,” she said.
“The Chuck, huh?  That’s an interesting name for a sandwich,” Sarah said.
“It’s named after an interesting guy,” the sandwich maker replied.  “Chuck Bartowski is one interesting man.”  Sarah raised an eyebrow.
“Tall, lanky, raising his niece-”
“His hair makes interesting animal shapes?” the sandwich maker cut in.  “Hi,” she said extending her hand.  “My name is Lou, let me make you a sandwich and you and I have a little talk.”  Sarah raised an eyebrow and nodded.
“Sarah,” she replied. Sarah went and sat down, and Lou joined her a few minutes later.  
“So you know, Alex and Morgan both called me today to tell me about you.  We’re all Chuck’s friends.  Alex called me to give me a heads-up after you said you were walking over here to have lunch today.”
“So is this where you sit me down and tell me if I hurt him, you’ll hurt me?”
“No, Alex assured me that’s not your style, what I have been voted to do though, is the person to tell you what you’re getting into.  Chuck will eventually, but he has to mope, and doubt himself for a while before he can open up.”  Sarah looked relieved.
“So he’s doubts himself that much around everybody?”  Lou rolled her eyes, and Sarah laughed.  
“Look, Jill did a number on him and then when his best friend was sleeping with her behind his back…well, things couldn’t get much worse, or so we thought,” Lou began. Sarah had a look on her face that said, “wellllll”  “What?” Lou asked.
“The last guy I dated was Bryce Larkin, but that was over 5 years ago.”  Lou’s mouth dropped.
“My job…”
“You’re former CIA,” she said.  Sarah was not happy that she knew.
“Does everyone know?”
“Morgan does, so yes,” Lou replied, grinning.  “Casey tried to scare him about Alex and told him he was NSA, so Morgan assumed you and Carina were as well.”  Sarah dropped her head.  “Don’t worry, Morgan doesn’t say anything out of his circle of trust…I don’t think.” Sarah shook her head and chuckled.
“Sometimes, back then, there was no one to trust, no one to understand what you went through.”  Sarah looked away, it had made so much sense back then, now, it just seemed shallow, which she now realized that’s what it was.
“A port in the storm, as they say?” Lou asked.  Sarah nodded.
“He’s the last guy I’ve even been on a date with, and that was five years ago,” Sarah said.  Lou’s mouth dropped.  “Seriously, raising a child and running a company; Time. Con.  Suming.”  Lou laughed. “Anyway.”
“Back to Chuck, I tried five years ago to date the guy, but he had no confidence.  I name a sandwich after him, Sarah, and he still never asked me out.  Sarah, if you want a relationship with his guy, you’re going to have to do a lot of the work.  He’s broken, and then he was nearly whole, and then he lost his rock, Ellie.  Sarah, I think he has survivor’s guilt. I’m no psychologist, but I think he believes he should have been the one to die.”
“Maybe he needs to see one,” Sarah offered.  Lou snorted.
“We tried that, he refused to go back, said the doctor reminded him too much of the professor from Back to the Future,” Lou said, shaking her head.  She looked at Sarah right in the eye.
“He needs a friend, someone who will love him for who he is, and see what’s inside,” she paused and grinned at her.  “And, from what I’ve been told, you have passed most of the qualifications.”  Sarah raised an eyebrow.
“Most?” Sarah asked. Lou smiled.
“Morgan hasn’t signed off on you yet,” she replied.  “Morgan considers himself Chuck’s heterosexual life partner, and has final say.”
“He does, does he?” Sarah smiled.  “Maybe I need to meet Morgan.”  Lou smiled.  
“I would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation,” Lou said.  She turned serious.  “He thinks everyone has abandoned him, and is certain he will never have happiness.  I want him to be happy, but you have to know this is going to take some time.”  Sarah nodded.
“Think I’ll head over and see a couple of nerds,” Sarah said smiling.  Lou smiled, reached out, and shook her hand.  
“Good luck, Sarah,” I’m pulling for you.
  A/N:  2 things, Lou always got crapped on, and I never thought it was right.  Sorry if you need brain bleach.  You all have been wonderful, don’t know how quick the next one will come.  
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chuckaf · 3 years
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Chuck Fic Rec List: Updated
So my fic rec post was in my notifs again the other day, and I noticed a while back that the formatting on the post has gotten all messed up and it’s also had like three reblog additions to it anyway meaning there are three versions out there lol. so, I wanted to do another list of chuck fic recs! I’ll keep the other one up still, so I’m not gonna repeat every fic here, just some I really recommend. I’m also adding the fic summaries, which I didn’t on the old post, and some more of my own opinions so, buckle up for a long post!
Chuck Versus the Steampunk Chronicles | Steampunk.Chuckster
1896. A world powered by steam, where humans and machines coexist, and airships are the fashionable mode of transport. The US Empire's deepest and darkest secrets arrive at Chuck Bartowski's doorstep. Have they fallen into the wrong hands? Or will the inventor prove his mettle, even while he's forced to hide from the very people he's protecting? AU, ongoing chronicle, Charah.
A genuinely incredible AU story, with an entire crafted world and universe, so detailed it frequently blows my mind. There is heart and family and infuriatingly brilliant slow-burn, plus a buttload of danger and super fun historical/steampunk action. Oh how I LOVE it.
Chuck vs the Charade | somedeepmystery
When computer nerd Chuck Bartowski returns home to an empty apartment and a dead girlfriend he finds himself embroiled in a deadly game of espionage and deceit. Everyone around him is playing a part to get what they want and when he starts falling for the new woman in his life, he can't help but wonder if he can trust her or if she's the one he should fear the most.
An action and twist-filled AU based on the movie Charade, which is just such a brilliant fic concept I absolutely adored it from the start.
Two Sides of the Same Coin | dettiot
When you're a spy, there's all kinds of occupational hazards when you work with another spy. For Sarah Walker, though, one mission becomes a life-changing experience. Because working with Charles Carmichael leads to protecting Chuck Bartowski.
The first time I read this fic my mind was just blown to its genius. Such a brilliant interpretation of what the Intersect and its concepts set up in the show could be, and ooooof the Chuck/Sarah interactions, my HEART. Related to it, its companion piece:
A Flip of the Coin | dettiot
What made Charles Carmichael agree to become Chuck Bartowski? Well, to start, it wasn't as much of a change as you'd think. A companion to the early chapters of Two Sides of the Same Coin from Carmichael's perspective.
Chuck vs The Butterfly Effect | n7agentbartowski
Chuck Bartowski is a normal guy who just hit rock bottom. No girlfriend, no career and no super computer stuck inside his head. It isn't until Chuck meets a gorgeous stranger on the beach that he begins to think his life is about to change for the better. An AU Chuck fic without the Intersect. "Change one thing and it changes everything."
I said it on the OG post, but this story has one of my top 5 Chuck/Sarah fic meetings. So funny, so... very Chuck. The story is a little angsty overall, but a great read.
Chuck vs the Rogue Spy | Crumby
When a rogue spy from Chuck Bartowski's past shows up to help him during his first solo mission, Chuck hopes that he'll finally find out what happened to Sarah Walker. Post-S2 AU.
There’s a lot of Season 3 fix-it fics out there, which I don’t usually read bc I actually love season 3 lol, but this one’s a good one! A twisty deviation from canon, but still feels really true to character.
Chuck Versus the Nerds Rewrite | Steampunk.Chuckster and David Carner
What happens when two nerds talk endless hours about their favorite TV show? A new take on the show you know, but with the flair, twists, and turns you've come to expect from Steampunk . Chuckster and david . carner. Somewhat canon. Charah.
As the summary says, a different take on the show, which honestly makes a couple changes I would too, but also adds a bunch of fun twists and plots that make it totally new and fresh. Seeing Chuck and Sarah’s thoughts in the more canon sections is just delicious, too.
The Trapped Assassin | SarahsSupplyCloset
After a mission goes awry, the CIA's most lethal assassin is ordered to take vacation while her superiors figure out what to do with her. But when she meets a disarming tourist, their immediate connection only adds to her disillusionment with the agency and her career. Will he be enough for her to finally take the plunge and leave the only life she's ever known? Charah AU
A warning for the very justified M rating if you don’t like that sort of thing, but this is definitely a plot-heavy fic, too. A really neat Sarah-heavy AU, with a whole lotta Chuck/Sarah fancy French vacationy goodness.
Chuck vs the Second Chance | malamoo
AU from mid-season 2 and onwards. Chuck and Sarah part ways only to be reunited years later. COMPLETE.
Literal, crying-at-my-screen angst. Not even a super happy ending. But a brilliantly written, part-reflective/flashback fic, exploring what would’ve happened if Chuck and Sarah’s relationship really was an assignment all along-- and the aftermath. It’s heartbreaking. But if you want a little heartbreak, this is your fic.
Ready at Your Hand | dettiot
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a Catholic plot against the queen comes to the attention of spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. To protect Elizabeth, he develops an unusual plan: hide the passing of intelligence between two agents by a false romance. When Lady Sarah Walker and Chuck Carmichael meet, though, their pretend flirtation becomes much more.
I love Chuck fic for the very reason that it’s inspired such adventurous and totally unique AUs. Here’s some Elizabethan fake-dating Chuck and Sarah! They have to be so Proper, it’s like that hand moment from Pride and Prejudice but Elizabethan and times a billion. The pining!!
Sarah Versus Getting Married | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker is getting married. Canon. Charah.
I’d recommend all of SC’s fics if I had the room, and I’m already recommending a ton sksks but most of my fic recs are AUs, and this one isn’t! It’s canon, and covers some of in the gap in 4x24, with Sarah just before the wedding itself. Super sweet, heart-tugging, brilliant.
A Chuckmas Carol | Mikki13
A new twist to Dickens' beloved "A Christmas Carol". When Sarah begins to shut out the world around her, three spirits come to show her the error of her ways. Season 3 AU.
Another Season 3 AU, this one written pre-series so it definitely doesn’t fit to canon, but it’s still wonderfully rich in character depth and angst and it also made me cry. Plus, festive!
Chuck Versus Thin Ice | Steampunk.Chuckster
On the doorstep of the Olympics, top American curler Sarah Walker has lost her mixed doubles partner and her boyfriend in one fell swoop. Her coaches throw newbie Team U.S.A. curler Chuck Bartowski onto her team and thrust them into the Olympics, hanging America's curling hopes on two people who only have a short amount of time to learn to trust one another. Charah AU.
Do you like curling? Or the Winter Olympics? It doesn’t really matter because somehow this fic made me extremely invested in both of those things, as well as Chuck and Sarah and them being INSUFFERABLE. Catch me now knowing a ton about curling thanks to this fic.
Walker’s Eleven | Moonlight Pilot
Not the same plot as the movie. Sarah Walker never got out of the con game or became a spy, and now she's on her final con. What happens when true love and betrayal get added to the mix? Twists, turns, and Jeffster!
Con!Sarah always interests me, and this fic is full of her. Lotta con plot, lotta Chuck and Sarah.
The Detective and the Tech Guy | thecharleses
Sarah Walker is a Pinkerton detective. Chuck Bartowski is an electronics genius. They wouldn't have met except for a case of mistaken identity and murder. Will the detective and the tech guy solve the mystery, distracted by the riddle in their own hearts? An homage to The Thin Man film series. Formerly co-written by Steampunk . Chuckster and dettiot, now ONLY Steampunk . Chuckster.
Everyone in this fic is so damn cool. There are so many martinis. But also great heart and family and like, standing up for who you love, and later also Chuck with Baby Clara content which frankly the show robbed us of. Also, PI!Sarah!!!
Gravity | Poetic4U
AU. Sarah makes a decision that altered her life forever.
This is just a one-shot, which many of these stories are not, so a good one if you don’t fancy a big read! Just because it’s short, though, doesn’t mean it’s lacking; a really awesome what-if AU, and heavy on the Chuck and Sarah.
A Yuletie Tale | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker was dumped the day before Christmas Eve, and her Plus One at her work’s annual Christmas Eve Soiree is now officially a Plus Zero. Her best friend Ellie Bartowski has a solution to her problem, and Sarah finds she isn’t quite as sure about it as Ellie is. AU Christmas Charah.
I’m particularly in love with this fic because, instead of beginning with a meet-cute, it involves Chuck and Sarah already two years into a friendship-- Sarah is Ellie’s best friend. And she’s been crushing harrrd on Ellie’s brother. Also Chuck is in a tux. It’s pretty.
Set, Spike, Dive! | Frea O’Scanlin
Chuck never expected to even make it to the Olympics. Everything is working against him: he's too tall for a diver, too inexperienced for a medal, too much of a wildcard to really make his mark. But an unexpected meeting at the airport, some intriguing new friends, and a whirlwind romance on the sand just might set up London 2012 as the time of Chuck Bartowski's life.
A London 2012 AU, because why not. This is just a fun Olympic-y ride!
OTP (One True Pairing) Prompts | David Carner
A series of Prompts I found online about different times and places in Chuck and Sarah's life. Mostly AU, mostly one-shots. I assume mostly fluff, but I might get deep. I doubt it, it's me. Charah...ALWAYS (It says complete, but if an idea strikes me...)
If you’re not so into long stories, this fic is perfect. Individual set-ups and stories, all Chuck and Sarah, and all super cute. You could dip in and out and just pick a scenario you enjoy.
Chuck vs The Frontier | ninjaVanish
AU: Chuck was enjoying a simple life as a 19th century watchmaker until an encounter with a beautiful Secret Service agent thrust him into a world of intrigue and adventure he never wanted. But then, with Agent Walker around, it can't be all bad, can it?
This fic gets props for being historically-set but still including the Intersect. Again, a historical AU, so the pining!! the need to be Proper!!! But besides all that, there’s a lot of action fun as well.
Chuck Versus The Crosswalk: Remastered | WvonB
Will a last minute mission help our two favorite characters finally get together? This is the remastered version of my first story.
The original version of this fic is on my first list; this is the updated version! It’s not a complete AU, instead a story that diverges from canon, so if you’re more into canon characters and setting than a new AU scenario, this is a great fic for that.
Little Girls, Paper Wreaths, and Choc Chip Cookies | DanaPAH
Very AU: Sarah Walker is a single mother whose Christmas spirit needs a boost after a tough divorce. She isn't quite ready to go looking for romance, but her little daughter's affection for their new neighbor may lure it right to her doorstep, anyway.
An incredibly sweet AU one-shot where Chuck and Sarah are new neighbours, and Sarah has a super cute little girl. So much sweetness and love and hope. I love this fic so much it literally led me to write my own neighbour-kid-AU, so, not to toot my own horn but I’ll link it here anyway.
May Your Walls Know Joy | halfachance
Looking for a fresh start after some tough times, Sarah and her three-year-old daughter move to LA. When they meet a sweet curly-haired nerd who lives next door, though, Sarah realizes they might just find more happiness than they'd ever imagined, if only her past doesn't catch up to her first. AU.
It’s what the summary says; if you wanna read, feel free!
Chuck vs the Sound of Music | quistie64
AU. Chuck, nerd extraordinaire, is a man with seven children and Sarah must protect them all from Fulcrum's evil designs. Warning: there will be singing.
I mean. Not much mystery as to the concept with that title and summary lol, but this is a super fun, soft ride with a lotta sweetness, and yes, singing.
Just Two People | David Carner
Meet Sarah Walker PhD, Psychologist, specializing in personality traits. Meet Chuck Bartowski, man who has left THE electronic company of 2020. When Burton Consultants tries to figure out what is wrong with the morale of Orion Industries, what happens when a guy named Chuck meets a woman named Sarah. I'll give you a hint, it's me writing.
David’s done something pretty special with this fic. It’s Chuck and Sarah centric, but very much an ensemble piece, too, with a lot of Team Bartowski and other familiar faces throughout.
Chuck Versus the Con Game | Steampunk.Chuckster
AU. Chuck and Sarah are partners in the con game. It's an existence wrought with danger and violence. Every day could be their last. Every mission could be the end of the line.
This is where I freak out SC and declare this fic the reason I ever got hooked on Chuck fic and then wrote Chuck fic, and the reason I still love it today but. that is true lol. Just so. so good. It’s also written with the chapters out of chronological order, which is super fun from a reading perspective. But con!Sarah AND con!Chuck?? Best. The kind of fic you will be thinking about for days (if not, y’know, years).
As you can tell by the repeats, I highly recommend just about anything by Steampunk.Chuckster, dettiot, or David Carner, but there are a TON of amazing Chuck fics and authors out there. I’ve never known a writing community so wildly creative-- there are so many unique AUs and canon explorations and story concepts that this show has manifested, and it’s all so much fun.
Most of the Chuck fic community is still over on FFN rather than AO3, so if any of these whet your appetite, feel free to have a browse there for more stories. I’m sure you’ll find something great. Personally, all the incredible writing there has also led me to write a buttload; I’m at halfachance on FFN, so if you see any of my stuff or wanna chat fic, feel free to message me there or here.
Happy reading, folks!
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fratboykate · 2 years
Okay confession time. I just can not get into KYAU. Not because of your writing. For 2 reasos: 1. seeing Hailee and Flo act together in the way that they did with all that chemistry and undertones, it just makes me crave a whole original show with them. The true spiritual successor to Chuck and Charah. Maybe with some Nikita and Alias mixed in. Ah what a gem what would have been! But instead it is marvel and locked contracts and waste of talent. 2. I actually can't see Hailee as Kate from the comics. Does not compute. It is A version of the character sure but it's so far away from how I see Kate. It's like seeing Poirot being played by anyone but David Suchet. Yes, all interpretations deserve a place, but not all work for everyone. So anyways, CO to my point: have you thought of giving K&Y original names? Like Wila and Parker in CFAU? That might help be compartmentalize. Cheers!
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My babies! No one like them. I have a type and I don't deny it. Blonde badass spy and their useless brunette bae who they need to babysit and occasionally kick their ass? SIGN ME UPPPPPPP! Immediate OTP. Own me by the end of the first episode.
Anyway...when you say "KYAU" do you mean *SPECIFICALLY* KYAU or all the Kate/Yelena AUs I have floating around (KYAU, Period AU, FBAU, etc)? Because I'm working on adapting Period outside of this and I do have names for them but not for FB or KYAU. I won't give the names for Period cuz it's just going to get messy and confusing with that one. They already technically have individual names in each timeline lol. I had names for CFAU because that's A Book. I consider all my characters OCs but I haven't thought about standalone names for these either. I *could* but...names are such a big deal for me and I don't see the need for it right now. It takes research and that's a time commitment. I would never consider KYAU to be it's own standalone thing so I would probably never name those characters. And FB... probably down the line once I actually start *writing* the thing properly the names will come to me. But right now I don't have them.
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Chuck for the ships ask? 👀
otp: Only the cutest couple of all time, Charah
favorite canon pairing: Once again, Charah 😁
worst pairing ever: I honestly don’t really dislike any of the pairings on the show, but I wasn’t fond of Sarah/Shaw.
guilty pleasure pairing: Sarah/Casey. Yes really. I love Chuck/Sarah with my WHOLE HEART, but… they’re just very hot ok?! I could see it working early on in the series. Or Casey/Ellie-but only in an AU setting where she’s not with Captain Awesome. There will be no cheating on that precious himbo. Or even Casey/Chuck. I can see it being kind of a cute ‘enemies’ to lovers dynamic. I have a lot of guilty pleasure ships for this show, ok 😅?!
a pairing you want to see more: Casey x Gertrude. I just love that Casey found his match, and I kind of wish we could have actually seen them get together.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like ‘lol no’: Can’t really think of one…
favorite non-romantic pairing: Chuck and Ellie. I think they’re one of the best and sweetest sibling depictions of all time.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Getting feelings of maybe kinning this asshole gamer from an au of an au of an au. (looks at all the charahate comments on the fic) Haha I'm in danger! - Kittle (?) Worldstop AU/hlvrv
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victorianoir · 11 months
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New fic because I am absolutely out of my fuckin' mind. This is the dumbest thing and I've had so much fun writing it for the past two months. The most fun I've had in a long time.
Summary: Chuck and Morgan are co-hosts of a locally popular streaming channel in which they discuss all things metal while playing video games. Their lives are uprooted when their demo guy hands them THE demo of the ages—a band called Critical Hellfire, fronted by singer and bassist Sarah Walker. AU Charah.
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drowninginfelines · 4 years
2, 29, 45?
2. Who’s your least favourite character from UT?mmm......i think id have to go with charah. sorry guys im on the “chara was definitely a little bit evil” train
29. Your favourite UT au:OUTERTALE!!! god i love outertale so much the aesthetic was just gorgeous and yet it still kept the core of everything undertale is, unlike pretty much every other au out there. but like, the different areas being other planets? the star shaped souls???? everything about that au was so good that au should have been the one that got real popular and im still salty about it
45. Did you pay for Tem’s college?of course i did im not a monster.....i also bought the temmie armor cause i couldnt get past asgore LOL im bad at video games
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sevens-evan · 4 years
time to reread my favorite charah fic instead of working on fake dating au ✌️
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universeofmuses · 4 years
send 🌿 for our muses to be caught under mistletoe . (High School AU!Charah)
I had been a few months since Sara’s father was arrested, at this point the rumors had already circulated around school and the damage was already done, no matter how much they hurt and how much they had hurt and affected Sarah. Chuck had been there for her through every step of the way, he had been the rock that she needed to weather out this storm that had affected her so deeply. He held her when she cried, helped her through the classes that she didn’t understand, he even stopped her from getting into a few fights with her former ‘friends’. Not to mention that he and his sister had taken her in since she didn’t have anyone around to help her and provide for her, they had all three banded together into their own dysfunctional family in a way.
Chuck and his sister had been decorating for Christmas when Sarah came over, they had quickly press ganged her into helping decorating. They spent all Saturday afternoon decorating, finals were around the corner and so were the Christmas holidays and that meant presents and days off from school, days that he could completely spend with Sarah. In their time together Chuck had developed feelings for her, she really was a very pretty girl and she was so nice once she was away from the girls that were the bad influence on her.
“Thanks so much for the help, we’d be here doing this again tomorrow if you hadnt come around and helped us.” He thanked her shyly as she looked into her beautiful blue orbs, he thought so many times about telling her his feelings towards her but he always chickened out. He thought about telling her over the Christmas break but now that she was here he thought about telling her now but he didn’t know if he should. That’s when he looked up and saw the mistletoe that was above them, “Hehe, look mistletoe, my sister must have put that there.” He said with a deep blush on his cheeks, he wanted to kiss her but he didn’t know if she wanted to play along with the tradition or not.
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I’m accepting Charah prompts in my inbox. 
Listen, these are some seriously scary times. And now more than ever, we need to make sure folks don’t feel alone with all of this “social distancing” that we’re all doing. I’m anxious and stressed and I’m sure a lot of you are feeling similar. So I wanted to extend a hand of friendship and hopefully offer a bit of a respite from the COVID-19 pandemic. 
So if you want to see a Charah scene, whether it’s a write-up of a scene from a show, altered canon, a total AU, give me some prompts and I’ll try to do as many of them as possible and post them on my fanfiction . net page and link ‘em here too.
I’ll do as many as I can for as long as I can. We’re all gonna be cooped up inside here. And we need to find ways to stay sane. <3 
Love you all! Be safe! Wash your hands! 
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thcdarlingboy · 5 years
@universeofmuses​ // for high school Charah AU!
Sarah wasn’t sure how to process everything. Of course she knew her dad was criminal -- she’d played a hand in his acts more times than she could count. But did he really deserve jail? He tried to be a good father... sort of. Everyone at school was hassling her for his arrest. The prom queen had fallen from her throne, and she was sure that her entire reputation had been tarnished.
She tried to hide the quiet sobs as she sat in the courtyard of school, but felt the bench she sat on shake with added weight. She was afraid to look and see who had joined her, but blue eyes peeked up anyway. Chuck Bartowski? Really? Not that Chuck wasn’t sweet, but they certainly ran in different circles in school. His mostly consisting of him and... Morgan.
“What?” her voice broke as she wiped at her eyes. “Are you hear to give me a hard time too?”
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