fratboykate · 2 years
Okay confession time. I just can not get into KYAU. Not because of your writing. For 2 reasos: 1. seeing Hailee and Flo act together in the way that they did with all that chemistry and undertones, it just makes me crave a whole original show with them. The true spiritual successor to Chuck and Charah. Maybe with some Nikita and Alias mixed in. Ah what a gem what would have been! But instead it is marvel and locked contracts and waste of talent. 2. I actually can't see Hailee as Kate from the comics. Does not compute. It is A version of the character sure but it's so far away from how I see Kate. It's like seeing Poirot being played by anyone but David Suchet. Yes, all interpretations deserve a place, but not all work for everyone. So anyways, CO to my point: have you thought of giving K&Y original names? Like Wila and Parker in CFAU? That might help be compartmentalize. Cheers!
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My babies! No one like them. I have a type and I don't deny it. Blonde badass spy and their useless brunette bae who they need to babysit and occasionally kick their ass? SIGN ME UPPPPPPP! Immediate OTP. Own me by the end of the first episode.
Anyway...when you say "KYAU" do you mean *SPECIFICALLY* KYAU or all the Kate/Yelena AUs I have floating around (KYAU, Period AU, FBAU, etc)? Because I'm working on adapting Period outside of this and I do have names for them but not for FB or KYAU. I won't give the names for Period cuz it's just going to get messy and confusing with that one. They already technically have individual names in each timeline lol. I had names for CFAU because that's A Book. I consider all my characters OCs but I haven't thought about standalone names for these either. I *could* but...names are such a big deal for me and I don't see the need for it right now. It takes research and that's a time commitment. I would never consider KYAU to be it's own standalone thing so I would probably never name those characters. And FB... probably down the line once I actually start *writing* the thing properly the names will come to me. But right now I don't have them.
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skylersnumberonefan · 3 years
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@repetersen50966-blog @robertav7 @nothewayiplaned-blog @spencer-brooke @lifes-a-journey @teddythe3rd @fridabrunnstrms @atl5sauce-nerd-blog @gingerooo @dat-zayn-doe @momolandnpo @theojamesalsosings @superfruityworld @highimisabelle @just-a-penis--with-a-dream @69weirdlove @cbartowski 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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dreamingundone · 9 years
cbartowksi replied to your post:[[MOR] today has been a better day, for the most...
Sorry about your uncle, Katie. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts. I’m here for you always ❤️❤️
thanks so much anosha ily :*
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fratboykate · 2 years
So I have watched Hawkeye (while not giving Disney no money, no-no) and yes I can totally see the Charah parallels. A lot of nerd in a hot spot Chuck vibes from Kate and deadly assassin too hot and too cute for this word Sarah vibes from Yelena. But that's where it ends. There's not an ounce of creativity, of heart and depth behind the wholesomenes and hijinks. It's just another bland trite same cliché story we've seen a 1000 times from superheros or even just heroic stories in general. And I'm just thinking... were marvel to give some people as creative as Josh Schwartz and Co. the freedom and funding to make something great... Damn, what a show we could have had! This is just another proof the the good things in the MCU like Wandavision are lightning in a bottle, coincidentally happening despite the marvel conveyer machinery not because of it.
Oh, 100%. Marvel made one (semi) good thing and it was in spite of them not because of them lol. Trust me, I know. For a fact. I'll just say that much.
But also...
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There is not ONE difference between these two photos. Not one. Same people jksfhgsjkdfghj And I hate the person who pointed out that they're the same because it makes so much fucking sense why I love Kate and Yelena so much. 15 years later and Charah is still one of my OTPs so we're in it for the long haul with these new losers too lads!
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fratboykate · 7 years
why are you filling my dash with charah on this fine friday morning i'm losing my fucking mind MY SWEET IDIOTS I MISS THEM
BECAUSE I’M IN PAIN AND IF I’M SUFFERING SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO TOO. THATS WHY. Godddddddddddddd, you don’t understand. I lived, ate, breathed, and bled Charah for FIVE seasons. FIVE YEARS. Sometimes I forget about them for a while but then I see something that unleashes the feels and that’s where I find myself at 4:53AM on a Friday having an existential crisis over how much I *still* love them even though the show has been off the air for longer than it was on the air at this point.
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skylersnumberonefan · 3 years
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@repetersen50966-blog @robertav7 @nothewayiplaned-blog @spencer-brooke @lifes-a-journey @teddythe3rd @fridabrunnstrms @atl5sauce-nerd-blog @gingerooo @dat-zayn-doe @momolandnpo @theojamesalsosings @superfruityworld @highimisabelle @just-a-penis--with-a-dream @transparentarbitercreator @69weirdlove @cbartowski 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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