#chara: puck
borderlinemediocre · 2 years
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🥲 Thanks Big Zee
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andrebearakovsky · 8 months
(cont. ask) first of all NOOO don't apologize i was looking for a long post, this is why i came here! i've been lurking way back! i remembered your blog name! 2. wow??? this is such a comprehensive answer!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗😳 thank you so much! 3. any content you want to post i am here for! 4. i can't believe there are so many new guys, like yes of course, but i can't believe it! 5. Oh yeah the details of the Holtby thing are coming back to me, i seem to have repressed it.🙈
Aw that's so sweet of you! A longtime viewer! (Viewer? What am I, a YouTuber? Calm down.) It's sweet of you to remember me and I'm delighted that I am apparently famous and evidently famous for making long/extensive posts lol. Which I'm about to do again.
I talked about Strome, Milano, Sandin, and alllll those young guys on my last post, as well as Darcy and TvR. [And Dowd but you already knew him.] The rest of the guys currently on the team I haven't really touched on yet that joined post-Holtby era are Nicolas Aube-Kubel, Anthony Mantha, and Charlie Lindgren. I'll get into them in a bit, but I gotta get into some other things first.
You said you haven't really watched since the Holtby era, so I'm going to assume you know everything that happened/all the people we had up til that final season, and that you know little/nothing of what has happened since then. So I'm gonna give a quick recap of some of the big things that have happened in that time:
You missed the ENTIRETY of the Sammy and Vitek goaltending era, which was kinda turbulent. Sammy was gonna be the starter with Henrik Lundqvist as the backup, but then it turned out Lundqvist had a heart condition and had to retire and never played a game for the Caps. This forced Vitek into action, and we had 2 years of the Sammy and Vitek goaltending duo. I, personally, loved it. Some people did not. I still hold that they were BOTH GOOD!! They split time, neither one ever TRULY grasped the starting reigns. There was also when Vitek got taken by the Kraken in the expansion draft and then immediately traded him back to us. Also they were besties, which started when they were a duo down in Hershey. It's also why my blog is titled "goalie best friend tandem," though it also currently applies to Darcy and Chuck who are besties. You can search the "goalie best friends" tag on my blog for cute Sammy and Vitek content. Neither of them are here anymore, but they're still friends - I remember seeing a quote Vitek gave to some Devils people talking about him and about still being friends and such.
Players you knew back from the Holtby era who are no longer with us: Lars Eller, Richard Panik (useless), Jonas Siegenthaler, Travis Boyd, Christian Djoos, Michal Kempny, Radko Gudas, Garnet Hathaway, Dmitry Orlov [don't talk to me about these last two I'm sad]
Players that played with us for multiple seasons after the Holtby era who are no longer with us this year: Justin Schultz, Conor Sheary, Daniel Sprong, Matt Irwin
COVID robbed us of our time with Brenden Dillon and I'm sad about it
We had Zdeno Chara for 1 year, and he straightup fixed Nick Jensen. Jensen was abysmal before that, then Chara was his defense partner for the whole year, and Jensen is good now. I no longer dread every time he touches the puck, I trust him. Also he has a personality now! Idk what kind of dark magic Chara used, but I will be forever thankful to him for it. 1 year of Chara absolutely 1000% worth it just for fixing Nick Jensen
We got Marcus Johansson back! :) And then we traded him again
We traded Jakub Vrana for Anthony Mantha, who is useless and unfortunately still here. He never fit in with the team vibe of "sexy idiots," he's not loud enough or slutty enough.
In March 2022 Carl Hagelin suffered a really bad eye injury during practice. I think the butt end of someone's stick got into his eye? (We were never told whose stick it was, I'm sure they have to feel absolutely terrible about it.) He's lucky he didn't lose his eye. He tried to come back, but he never played a game again after that. He was technically on the roster all of last season, but he never got into any games, and he just announced his retirement this summer. A really sad end, tbh. And RIP to the 4th line of dreams.
We were GONNA have Connor Brown for the 2022-23 season, and he was gonna play with Dylan Strome whom he's friends with and played in juniors with. But he played for like 2 games and then got hurt and was out for the season and never played for us again. I think he's in Edmonton now.
You know about goal songs, right?? I think the last year of Holtby was the first year of goal songs. I have a Spotify playlist of goal songs if you wanna check it out
There have been SO many injuries the last 3 years. 2021-22 was what I like to call the year of babies. I don't even remember who exactly was injured but there were so many injuries it necessitated the callup of SO many rookies. TWELVE rookies played that season: Martin Fehervary, Connor McMichael, Beck Malenstyn, Garrett Pilon, Hendrix Lapierre, Brett Leason, Aliaksei Protas, Axel Jonsson-Fjallby, Zach Fucale, Joe Snively, Alex Alexeyev, and Lucas Johansen. All of whom made their NHL debuts that season except for Fehervary, McMichael, Malenstyn, and Pilon. Of those rookies, Fehervary and McMichael were the only ones who were really supposed to make the team that season; they stuck around the whole season, while Leason and Protas played 30+ games, AJF played 20+, Snively and Malenstyn played more than 10 each, and the rest had 6 or less. It was truly the year of babies. Some of those guys aren't in the organization anymore, but I think this is the year the rest of them finally make the leap and are true full-timers. [Except for Fehervary, who already is]
More injury news: Nicky and Tom were injured for like the first half of last season. And in December, John Carlson broke his fucking face. He got hit in the face with a puck and it broke his entire face, like it was really bad, and he hardly played again. I think he came back for like the last few weeks, but tbh his injury was when the season went downhill. [I say "broke his face" but the official reports are he had a fractured skull and severed temporal artery. Yikes! He's fine now though]
Ovi just keeps breaking goal records. He got 800 goals and then passed Gordie Howe last season!!! He is now number 2 all-time in goals!! He currently has 822. Watch out, Gretzky, he's comin' for ya
Oh yeah the Hershey Bears won the Calder Cup this year!! It was absolutely epic. They played the Coachella Valley Firebirds (Kraken AHL team) in the finals, and it was an awesome finals. It went to Game 7 overtime. GAME SEVEN OVERTIME!!!!! Do you know how rare that is? It's only the 2nd time the Calder Cup Finals has gone to overtime in Game 7, with the first time being in 1953. In the NHL, it has only ever happened in the Stanley Cup Finals TWICE. EVER! By the Wings in 1950 and 1954. So the Bears won the Calder Cup in Game 7 overtime and it was exciting as FUCK. And a lot of guys who might make the Caps roster this year were on that Cup-winning team: Snively, Protas, McMichael, Malenstyn, Johansen, as well as top prospects Lapierre and Iorio. They're the oldest franchise in the AHL, and that was their 12th Calder Cup, which is the most in AHL history.
And you said to feel free to post some content so I am going to POST some CONTENT. Starting with:
✨Darcy Kuemper✨
I fucking love Darcy, so much. I've already said that I've liked him for a long time, and I'm absolutely elated to have him on the team. He won the Cup with the Avs in 2022. He is also very tall, he's 6'5", one time he hugged TJ and it made TJ look like a child. He's so sweet, and he's so dumb. He's like a giant labrador. Some of my favorite assorted Darcy things and moments include:
In one of his first interviews after signing he said he was gonna visit every museum in DC, and I'm like no you're not, Darcy, that's not possible. Our first sign that he was a big dummy
One time suplexed Matthew Tkachuk into the ice
Got a shot on goal during a game last year
The time he tried to "interview" Nick Jensen at the outdoor game practice while giggling incessantly
Here's him at NHL media day last year, featuring him kicking a soccer ball like you see in my profile pic :)
Says one of his life goals is to bring back the dinosaurs. Please see this post for the full story on that one
Is absolute BESTIES with Charlie Lindgren, the backup goalie. Like, so much so that they and their wives constantly take their dogs on walks together, the dogs are reportedly besties as well, and the Kuempers dog-sat Chuck's dog over Christmas. They also kind of have matching dogs, I'll include a picture below. Chuck also called himself and Darcy two of the "more normal goalies in the league" which is an absolute lie after the dinosaurs thing, so clearly Chuck doesn't have that many brain cells rolling around up there either. They also did THIS at media day this year. Their friendship is just so pure. You can read more about it in this article. And like, they didn't know each other before signing here. According to the article, evidently after they signed, they texted each other and then literally the scene from stepbrothers happened
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And then TvR 🥰 Mine own love TvR. I adore Trevor van Riemsdyk so much. He's just got incredibly good vibes. I also have a bit more of a personal attachment to him, because he and I have the same birthday (July 24). He's a bit soft-spoken, especially compared to some of the other freaks on this team. Possibly one of the only ones with any semblance of a brain cell. He's not flashy; he's a steady-eddy defenseman, almost always on the third pair barring injuries. He's not gonna score a bunch of points, but he plays hard defensively every game (one of the reasons goalies love him), he's reliable, and he blocks SO many shots. He's also one of THE guys on the penalty kill. The penalty kill is TvR, Jensen, Fehervary, and Dowd, those are the main guys. We also officially claimed him as our own. As of this year, he will have played more years with the Caps than with anyone else, he currently has more goals, assists, and points with us than with anyone else, and after about 40 more games he will have played more games with us than with anyone else.
Also the ENTIRE team is absolutely fucking OBSESSED with him. There aren't like that many big specific things I can point to, it's just how I've noticed them treating him over the years, and how they talk about/to him and the general energy. They all love to shout "REEEEEEEEEEEEMERRRRRRRR" at any and every opportunity. And like you can just tell that every single one of them is deeply in love with him. They are all constantly tripping over themselves to give him the player of the game award in the locker room, even when other guys have a bunch of points in the game and it feels like they're the obvious choice but no they all want to give a love letter to their collective crush. The goalies especially love him. (Here's Chuck giving him the POTG, Nicky giving him the POTG, and a recounting of Sammy's love affair with him two seasons ago). The coaches also love him, sometimes too much for their own good - there have been times in the last few years when they've put TvR on the power play and in the shootout (??) when he had no business being there lol. And like I don't blame them lmao. He's grown to become a leader on the team (and occasionally gets As on his chest during preseason games and when a bunch of dudes are injured - another thing that confirms to me they're all in love with him, he got real high up on the chain of command real quick), he's super consistent (there was one game last year when there were so many injuries on D that the defense was quite literally just TvR plus a bunch of rookies - I said that day that the defense was "TvR and a dream"), and he will absolutely never put his mouthguard in his mouth. So as the year goes on, and as you watch games and social media content, just keep your eyes peeled, watch TvR, and you'll see that the entire team is so fucking horny for TvR specifically. I made this meme awhile back, which is exactly how the Caps feel about TvR:
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Other miscellaneous fun facts about the team and players that I think you should know:
Our backup goalie is Charlie Lindgren, but we all call him Chuck. It suits him better, especially with his mustache. He also catches right-handed, which is different than practically every other goalie in the league. So like if you look, he and Darcy wear their catching gloves on different hands.
There are a LOT of NHL brothers on this team. Dylan Strome's older brother Ryan plays for the Ducks, and his younger brother Matt actually plays for the Hershey Bears. Trevor van Riemsdyk is also the middle child of three hockey-playing brothers: his older brother James plays for the Bruins, and younger brother Brendan doesn't play in the NHL but played college hockey. And Charlie Lindgren is the oldest of 3 hockey brothers: Andrew played college hockey but never made the NHL, and youngest brother Ryan plays for the Rangers.
Kuzy has been doing some wacky shit in the shootout the last few years, just go look it up on YouTube
Here's a video of the mentors trip this year so you can see Sonny Milano's father who is simply exactly who I envisioned him to be in my head
Nicolas Aube-Kubel (NAK), a French-Canadian fourth line winger that the Caps picked up on waivers in November last year, is Sergei Ovechkin's (Ovi's son) favorite player. We learn this in a video feature with Ovi's wife and kids (I'm including the link to this gifset from the lovely @thornescratch which is where I first saw this). The producer asks who Sergei's favorite player is, and Sergei immediately answers "Aube-Kubel." Not only is Aube-Kubel his "guy" according to Nastya, but then we also see that a selfie of Sergei and Aube-Kubel is the lock screen of Sergei's iPad. And Sergei calls Aube-Kubel his "best friend." Learning this information is such a curveball, because it's like the last person you'd expect Sergei's favorite to be. It's not somebody Russian or even European, it's not somebody old or someone who's been on the team a long time, it's not one of his dad's closer friends, and it's not even one of the stars of the team, it's a young Canadian dude who plays fourth line if he's in. Aube-Kubel must be REALLY friendly, otherwise why else would he be Sergei's favorite? You know it has to be absolutely devastating to Tom Wilson to not be Sergei's favorite lol. [I'm also convinced this is why they re-signed NAK so quick in the offseason, you HAVE to bring back Sergei's favorite player!!]
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Speaking of NAK: remember how I said Beck Malenstyn was Nic Dowd's chosen winger? NAK is his OTHER chosen winger. Those two are twin shitstarters and Dowd loves them and I know he absolutely wants both of them on his line this season. They're gonna be a great 4th line. I could talk all day about Dowd and his 4th line duties, and you can ask me to do that if you want but I'm not gonna do it here
I also know everyone's zodiac sign because I'm a freak. I can also get more into that in a separate post if you want
There's probably more stuff, but this is all I can think of for now. Please feel free to ask me more stuff, I love diving into things. Stuff about the team, players, my favorites, whatever. I hope this is both informative and entertaining!
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ask-dcf · 1 year
Before the Red Baroness Title...
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(Due to word limit two images will be used)
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“Hey Chara… Hope your doing well…. Haha…. Who am I kidding…. Your probably in a cell right now…. It’s funny…. I never got to know you so well yet I can somehow could read you like a holobook…. I’ll be honest Chara…. This war has strained me…. I lost my home… was drafted into service….. And I did my best to pull my weight…. But was always the incompetent one…. Still I was determined… Especially when I met you. You were cool. Always easy to anger when messed with. Silent but deadly…. Hahah…. It’s crazy how much I felt attra-….. *smiles* Yeah…. Maybe that’s what it was….. honestly chara…. I tried… really hard…. To keep pushing… making sure everyone was ok and not fighting. Clearly I failed in that….keeping everyone happy has…. Been hard…. It’s not easy trying to make sure a squad doesn’t try to tear its self apart…. Especially when we barely even…. Talk to anyone….. I tried….. *sniff* Fuck I tried…. *sob*…… And the kicker….. *smiles with tears in eyes*…. I found out why I was so damn lucky all the time….*holds out hand and a ball goes to their hand….. they were force sensitive….. and if anyone found out…. It may aswell be a death sentence*….. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised….. I always did feel like I was….. different……. But….. I can’t… risk…. I just can’t…. I’m sorry….. So…. I know only one way out…. I won’t run… but I won’t turn myself in…. Chara….. there is one thing I want you to know before….. I do something… super stupid…. Don’t blame yourself…. You are amazing…. And deserve as much happiness in that bleak life you seem to have…… *holo message switched to accurate size* Chara….. I love you…… I am glad I met you…. So do me a favor?….. Don’t get shot ok?….. May….. may the force be with you…… always…..”
The message stopped there…. Chara’s face streaming with tears….. she denied it….. she denied her feelings….. she didn’t want to get attached…. Yet every time frisk was with her…. Just talking to her while she just patiently listened…. She felt a connection aswell….. she loved Frisk to….. and now…. She was gone… She apologized…. Trying to touch the hologram's cheek….. even giving the image a kiss on the lips before it shut itself off…. She felt to her knees wailing from her cell emotionally distraught…. For 3 days she cried holding that puck huddled in her cell corner…. Losing someone she didn’t realize was important to her…. Her squad mates took the time to come and visit her…. They could see the look on her face and know….. she lost someone she didn’t even realize till now she loved….. spending Time with her in her cell as she cried more….a kind soul in a sea of emotionless dullards in an empire…. Lost….. due to her emotional distress and squad disbanding she was put on a leave of duty to try and get her to cool down…. But 5 weeks of her just staying on her bed bunk depressed…. She was finally called to her admiral office…. She was allowed to be let back in. And was recommend for a promotion by the briar squad leader… She is allowed to create her own experimental squad of her choosing….. she was a talented pilot and clearly knew how to take care of a squad in battle… she would be perfect. Chara had conditions…. She chooses the squad…. She chooses her star fighter type…. And everything she does in her squad is by her rules and own custom design…. Regulations be damned….. this was hesitantly accepted… And this is where the birth of the Red Barroness… Was born….
And That is the Story of Chara Starhunter in her rookie years. To this day she has that holo message and tends to listen to it. Breaking down whenever she does. Reminding herself of what happens when she didn't open up more....
Character for @1unnamed-universe
Special thanks to @doloshroom for the art.
My most fave comment when i shared this with a friend was this. "You had that ready in a heart beat. You must have worked for a while on that. I got flash backs from Doki-doki literature club reading that."
To be fair i was in the shower and this came to me as an idea bomb. and write it in 2 hours XD Also noooo not Doki-doki aaaaaaa. But yeah. This is what it was like for this poor gal. Apologies if images dont work. Had to put it due to text limit. Anyways don't worry, She is trying to get better qwq
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bearfeathers · 2 years
A friend and I were discussing sports injuries, and she mentioned that hockey players are notorious for finishing out entire seasons before some AWFUL injuries are finally discovered, and I was curious if any of your favs have had some memorable ones?
They absolutely are notorious for this. Especially when it's Cup time. They're hedgy about injuries even at the best of times, but during the playoffs? You won't hear a peep. The culture is such that they're praised for playing through the pain and sacrificing for the team, but it's extremely unhealthy. These guys literally destroy their bodies for their sport. All athletes do, really, but hockey players in particular are made of something else.
I think the one that sticks out to me for Chara was playing with multiple jaw fractures (held together with plates and screws!) during the 2019 Cup run after getting hit in the face with a puck. He played another year with broken fingers and finished another season with a fractured fibula.
Bergeron played through an entire series one year with a separated shoulder, broken rib and punctured lung. Greg Campbell once finished out a PK with a broken leg after using his body to block a shot.
Hockey players are insane.
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pwca-rua · 2 years
hello yall :) this blog is for me to be Horny On Main, while keeing my actual main hidden away. please read at least to the readmore, including the DNIs and important things about me!
Asks are open! i am open to general horny asks as well as rp :D any in-character posts will be tagged #sienne posts for your convenience.
Sienne is, of course, a sona. IRL i am a trans/non-binary bisexual. i especially like men and trans women. I am a sub generally, but i do enjoy taking control every so often.
MINORS!!! sorry kids, this blog is a no-go.
Gore, scat, piss, etc. these things are not sexy to me.
Non-Consentual/R*pe stuff! note that this is different than CNC.
Pedophelia. just… icky. i dont care if the loli is actually 400 years old, she still looks, acts, and thinks like a child.
TERFS/Transphobes. I am a trans man, just dont.
Politics. unless its funny, i dont wanna debate about who is in whatever seat.
Necrophelia. Dead and decayed? stay the fuck away!
Below is specific character stuff, kinks, and common tags for my blog :)
welcome to the readmore! here’s some specific chara stuff for RP or just general knowledge:
Sienne is derived from the Irish Gaelic for “fox.” Rua means “Red.” Pwca (or puca, pooka, puck, phouka) is “ghost” or “spirit.” so, my @ is “red ghost,” my name is “red fox.” (note: i am not actually irish, i just really really like irish gaelic.)
Sienne Rua lives in a castle past a haunted woods. The outside is decrepit and falling apart, but the inside is lavish, adorned with velvets, gold, and cozy dim lighting. He is coy, cunning, and more than anything, horny. Give in to his charms, or fight them. He won’t fight, wont hurt you, simply drain you a little, give you some food, and send you on your way. People he charms tend to want to come back, though.
if i add a little charm to my speech, it will look like this ✨. This is magic. You can decide if it works, or you fight it, or roll a dice and let it decide!
The Supernatural. I am a monsterfucked. Vampires, Fae, Demons, fuck. yes.
G/T. if i am the size of your thumb, i am happy. hold me down with a finger. overstimulate me in your hand. hhh
Hypno. just… ugh. its so good.
Powerplay. I am your experement and you are a scientist. I am a weak lil guy and you are big and strong. I am trapped in a magic contract and have to do what you say.
CNC. obviously comes with a hefty amount of talking and a safeword. NOTE: this lies in feeling like there is no other option or i must. read: magic contract. this is NOT heavy r*pe scenes. I just kinda like being taken advantage of.
Praise. tell me i am a good boy, call me pretty, idc it makes me all fluttery and good.
Degredation. omg both? 2 for 1? holy shit !
Petplay. put a leash on me! call me kitten! A!
Bondage. Ropes! Cuffs! Spreader bars! Tie me up! Restrict me! Funny enough, for me, restriction is a form of freedom. I dont have to actively worry about reciprocating and making it good for the other person, i can just be fully immersed in the pleasure.
Knifeplay. its all about that trust and danger baby.
Choking/Breathplay. Read above.
Common Tags!
sienne posts - anything in-character!
ooc sienne - anything not in character!
sienne’s horny - just as it sounds. the NSFW, horny stuff.
I do not have a queue tag as i do not queue! i just bombard ur dash with 5-35 posts at a time.
This post is subject to additions/subtractions! I am human, thus I am fallable.
thats it :) follow the call of the castle, it’ll be fun ;)
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fracticus · 5 months
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𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 ; adjective. difficult to control, unruly.
independent rp blog home to SHAY FINNEGAN // thirty7. detective for gotham pd. vigilante. former royal navy. AU VERSES — dc, marvel, john wick, star trek, crime & general fantasy. multi verse, multi ship, open to canon & oc’s. 21+ only. open starters. memes. pinterest (shay’s)
— dreamt up by puppet master mun puck. twenty5. she/her.
(temp rules & side muses under the cut)
ZARA HAKIM: thirty5, she/her, archeologist (and procurer of stolen artifacts & antiquities), s.h.i.e.l.d agent, may calamawy fc
MARGARET ‘MIDGE’ TELLER: twenty5, she/they, research assistant and / or intern journalist, abigail cowen fc
JAYA KHATRI: twenty8, she/her, hacker (either illegally or for legal purposes) and private investigator, anya chalotra fc
JUNO THACKERAY: twenty6, she/her, farmer’s market stall clerk and thief (freelance or for a group), mechanical engineer (think tony stark vibes), josephine langford fc
ALICIA HASSAN: thirty1, she/they, hotel manager (think the continental vibes) and / or tattoo artist (or freelance assassin of some kind), emeraude toubia fc
21+ from here on out please and thank you! I’m 25 and I just feel more comfortable writing with folks knowing they’re in that age range.
Banned topics are the run of the mill ones, nonc*n, inc*st, r*pe, etc. there may be triggering topics besides those i have banned due to the fandoms my charas are written in. I’ll do my best to remember to tag certin triggers, but I apologize in advance if I forget!
Shay (jenna coleman fc) is my main muse on here, but I will bring in a few side muses over time (because I have no chill). She’s open for shipping, whether that’s romantically or platonically, as are any other of my muses not labeled as ‘off limits’!
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mitchbeck · 1 year
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By: Jason Chaimovich, American Hockey League SPRINGFIELD, Mass. … The American Hockey League has announced the 2022-23 AHL All-Rookie Team, as voted by coaches, players, and media in each of the league’s 32 member cities. 2022-23 AHL All-Rookie Team Goaltender ― Brandon Bussi, Providence Bruins (31 GP, 21-5-4, 2.38 GAA, .925 SV%, 1 SO) Defenseman ― Ryker Evans, Coachella Valley Firebirds (68 GP, 6-38-44, +21, 18 PPA) Defenseman ― Jeremie Poirier, Calgary Wranglers (66 GP, 9-32-41, +6, 3 PPG) Forward ― Ethen Frank, Hershey Bears (56 GP, 27-19-46, +12, 9 PPG, 4 GWG) Forward ― Tye Kartye, Coachella Valley Firebirds (69 GP, 27-28-55, +17, 5 PPG, 2 SHG, 7 GWG) Forward ― Georgii Merkulov, Providence Bruins (64 GP, 23-30-53, +3, 11 PPG, 5 GWG) Each player will receive a custom-designed crystal award in recognition of their selection to the 2022-23 AHL All-Rookie Team. Previous selections to the annual AHL All-Rookie Team include Zdeno Chara (1998), J.S. Giguere (1998), Daniel Briere (1998), Marc Savard (1998), Dan Boyle (1999), Robert Esche (1999), Ron Hainsey (2002), Jason Spezza (2003), Cam Ward (2005), Thomas Vanek (2005), Kevin Bieksa (2005), Jimmy Howard (2006), Dan Girardi (2006), Mike Green (2006), Jaroslav Halak (2007), Troy Brouwer (2007), Ryan Callahan (2007), Bobby Ryan (2008), Brian Boyle (2008), Alex Goligoski (2008), John Carlson (2010), P.K. Subban (2010), Logan Couture (2010), Tyler Johnson (2012), Gustav Nyquist (2012), Justin Schultz (2013), Jason Zucker (2013), Tyler Toffoli (2013), Ryan Strome (2014), Matt Murray (2015), Connor Brown (2015), Viktor Arvidsson (2015), Ryan Pulock (2015), Connor Brown (2015), Juuse Saros (2016), Brandon Montour (2016), Frank Vatrano (2016), Mikko Rantanen (2016), Casey DeSmith (2017), Devon Toews (2017), Jake Guentzel (2017), Ville Husso (2018), Filip Hronek (2018), Mason Appleton (2018), Daniel Sprong (2018), Dylan Strome (2018), Jake Bean (2019), Drake Batherson (2019), Josh Norris (2020), Jack Studnicka (2020), Alex Formenton (2020), Logan Thompson (2021), Connor McMichael (2021), Calen Addison (2021), Phil Tomasino (2021), Jack Quinn (2022) and J.J. Peterka (2022). The 2022-23 First and Second AHL All-Star Teams will be announced Thursday.
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Brandon Bussi, Goaltender (Providence Bruins): Signed by the Boston Bruins as a free agent out of Western Michigan University,  has been one of the AHL’s top goaltenders throughout his rookie season, posting a record of 21-5-4 while ranking second in the league with a .925 save percentage and fourth with a 2.38 goals-against average. The native of Sound Beach, N.Y., did not lose in regulation on home ice until Apr. 1 and has made at least 30 saves in a game on 14 occasions, going 10-1-3 in those contests. Bussi represented Providence at the AHL All-Star Classic in February. Ryker Evans, Defenseman (Coachella Valley Firebirds): The second player ever selected in an NHL Draft by the Seattle Kraken (35th overall in 2021), Ryker Evans has totaled 44 points in 68 games for Coachella Valley this season, leading all AHL rookies with 38 assists and ranking second in plus/minus with a plus-21 rating. Evans has also helped anchor the Firebirds’ power play, collecting 18 assists on the man advantage. A 21-year-old native of Calgary, Alta., Evans participated in the 2023 AHL All-Star Classic. Jeremie Poirier, Defenseman (Calgary Wranglers): A third-round pick by the Calgary Flames in the 2020 NHL Draft, Jeremie Poirier has collected nine goals, and 32 assists for 41 points in 66 games for the league-leading Wranglers in 2022-23. The puck-moving defender is also a perfect 4-for-4 in shootout attempts this season, the best mark in the entire AHL. Poirier, 20, is a native of Valleyfield, Que., and turned pro after four junior seasons with Saint John (QMJHL). Ethen Frank, Forward (Hershey Bears): Ethen Frank is tied for the AHL lead among rookies with 27 goals and has totaled 46 points in 56 games for Hershey this season. Undrafted out of Western Michigan University, where he led the nation in goals in 2021-22, Frank signed with the Bears on Apr. 11, 2022, and earned an NHL contract with the Washington Capitals for 2023-24. The 25-year-old native of Papillion, Neb., was named the AHL Rookie of the Month for January, and he set a league record in the fastest skater event at the 2023 AHL All-Star Skills Competition with a lap of 12.915 seconds. Tye Kartye, Forward (Coachella Valley Firebirds): The AHL’s top-producing rookie with 55 points (27 goals, 28 assists) in 69 games, Tye Kartye, has been a catalyst for a Coachella Valley offense that ranks second in the league in scoring. The 21-year-old native of Kingston, Ont., is also second among all rookie forwards in plus/minus with a plus-17 rating, and his seven game-winning goals are tops for first-year players. Kartye was named the AHL Rookie of the Month for March after putting up 11 goals and 17 points in 15 contests. Georgii Merkulov, Forward (Providence Bruins): Providence’s team leader in scoring, Georgii Merkulov, has registered 53 points in 64 games for the Bruins, good for second among all AHL rookies. He has netted 11 of his 23 goals on the power play, and his stretch of six consecutive games with a goal in February matched the longest such streak in the league this season. A 22-year-old native of Ryazan, Russia, Merkulov signed with Boston on Apr. 9, 2022, after leading all NCAA freshmen in goals (20) at Ohio State University last season. AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE HOME Read the full article
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trickstersantana · 6 years
Face to Face: Puck/Santana [28/01/2018]
Santana: [She didn’t really want to be with people, but being alone in her room also didn’t help. She hated that this was actually affecting her. Because, of course, how could it not? Maybe if she was human and could consider this some far away thing that only happend to monsters. She walked around the hospital, wanting to visit the people there. But who would want to see her anyway? She was just there pretending to take a walk around and trying to decide if to enter or to go back to her room.]
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gwennaplum · 3 years
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yyouaremysunshinee · 2 years
pov you made eye contact with matty martin and tito before the isles vs bruins game on thursday and kept the photos to yourself
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(these were taken by my friend from a different angle btw)
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forpuckssakepodcast · 3 years
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Cursed images only
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alchemeiarchive · 3 years
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river  locksley  +  tropes
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barbiecarlo · 3 years
and now things are going to getting Ugly huh
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borderlinemediocre · 4 years
Since a couple people were asking about meeting the other bruins here are the ones I met!!
Chara - Signed my jersey, I told him he inspired me to start a plant based diet. He said that was awesome and said it took him about 6 months to start to really feel the changes, then asked how I felt on it. We shook hands (his hands are uh. massive. We’re all lucky I remember anything after this point) and he smiled at me 🥰
Marchand - He said “that’s a nice thing you’re doing. Wearing Zee’s jersey, you made him feel really special.” Then Chara did a lil smile and said “brad you need to STOP.” And they laughed. Then Brad said quietly to me “love the Zee love.” 🥰 I died honestly in that moment so rip. He and Chara were the most into the m&g I think, they were having a lot of fun and seemed to really enjoy meeting everyone!
Nordstrom - Quiet and sweet and laughed at marchy & zee
Lindholm - Told me my pen was nice and his voice was so quiet and sweet!!
Moore - Was sitting with Lindholm at this tiny table and uh, he’s hot ??
Halak - Was behind the bar/register and asked the staff for water since there was only beer back there! Then he offered to get us stuff and was pressing buttons on the register randomly like a true dork
Debrusk - Went along with Halak trying to be a bartender, grabbed some ice from under the counter with his bare hands and was like “this is all I can offer you!” In a dramatic yell. Definitely the most raw chaotic energy out of all of them. He was having so much fun the whole day!
McAvoy - He’s babey and smells amazing. Also even thicker in real life. said “oh this things fuckin legit” when he used my pen ??
Kuraly - So calm, really nice! His shirt was so tight......feelings
Carlo - Was a super nerd and complimented the pen I brought for signing the puck too. Also so tall and attractive and goofy I love him!! Actual kermit irl
Blidh - Literally a Bruin for 5 minutes when I met him but he was really nice and won the tournament so king
Grzelcyk - Quiet and smiley!!! Also exceedingly tight shirt 👀
Side note: I didn’t meet the others but I asked my bf if Bergy was still that hot up close and he said that he looks “more put together than any human should or could. 10/10.”
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patricemarchand · 5 years
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