#champion the doggo
xmymelosmile · 4 months
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slam-and-bam · 5 months
Cody & doggos = best combination
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1-nexomon-a-day · 3 months
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3/17/23 - Luberg
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xhoky · 5 months
If Nightmare was my teacher and he brings his pet everyday, my attendance will be full for sure- KEVIN IS AWESOMEEE
He can be therapy pet xD
Kevin is always with him, he is the second teacher or professor who sits on Nightmare's desk and watch students. Sadly, I don't think Kevin would allow us to pet himself 😭 . Also i think Champ, Dream's husky could be more of a therapy pet. Just look at how fluffy huskies are, i bet students like to pet him before exams start
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evilforgood999 · 1 year
Who do you think is the most underrated dreamswap character?
I really thought about it for a long time but-
Idk? I mean , all the characters are somewhat underestimated. it's like if you think Blue won't kick your ass, even though he can, or if you think Cross isn't as dumb as you t… No, forget it, though. he's dumb.
but you understand me-
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zoezeal · 8 days
🥇5 Paths to Happiness Unveiled
Stillness, the foundation of fortitude.
Stay resilient, overcome obstacles bravely.
Practice self-care, nurture your soul.
Strength blooms from within always.
Embrace self-affirmation, empower yourself.
Tap here for free motivation spark.💞
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splashpancake · 1 year
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cafecourage · 3 months
Little Red Riding Hood where Reader is Little Red but also a werewolf
Love Interest and rest of chain can be assigned however
(Cause I'm always down for a fairytale au)
I did a little twist on this. Idk if this was what you wanted. I had to ask doggo experts for how doggos act around each other. I am leaving this off on a small cliff hanger because I do want to write more of this.
Twilight didn’t trust the new person in the group. Well. It’s more like he didn’t know what to think of her. She came in like a hurricane running after the Shadow like it was her prey. Then when the dust settled and she calmed down the group quickly learned of why. The short of it being that for some reason the Shadow attacked her brother and she took chase. Which then led to her to finally agree to join the chain. Much to the Ranchers chagrin. However, he knows better than to start an unnecessary fight. Twilight could be civil.
Civility could only go so far.
Little Red, as Warrior’s likes to call her, noticed Twilight’s presence and slight unease of her and ran with it. Twilight couldn’t understand just why she was always running circles around him talking about this and that. It confused him to no end when she instantly would stick to him even when he was wolfie. He had to on more then one occasion threaten to bite Little Red’s hands. She never cared or backed away from Wolfie when he showed a bit of aggression. “He is going to bite you.” Wild warned her as he watched Little Red try to play with Wolfie.
She looked up at Wild while holding Wolfie’s face, “what? No the baby is just playing.” That comment only made Twilight growl more.
“Baby? Wolfie isn’t a baby.” Wild was torn between being completely amuse and helping Twilight out as he did know about his slight distrust of Little Red.
“No no no, Champion. This is a wolf pup. He has to be like…” Her attention draws to the wolf as she observes the good boy. “Man… I have to say maybe 10? He is very small even for that age. Wolfie is like an adult dog size but he is definitely a wolf.” She boops the snoot and quickly pulled back as Twilight tries to bite her hand again. This only makes her giggle more.
“I think your wolves might be just bigger than my Hyrules.” Honestly to Wild, Wolfie was the same size as most wolves, but he just shrugs and not questions that further. Twilight couldn’t understand why you were like this, he wonders if it was just an eccentric thing. He has met a lot of weird people in his life and Little Red might be one of them. After being free from your grasp he takes it upon himself to run away for now. Only because you don’t tend to grab his face while being Twilight and thats the most annoying part of being wolfie around you.
It wasn’t until they finally came to her era that he finally understood.
The village Little Red lived in was small, but cozy. It reminded Twilight of his own home. People tended to light up when seeing Little Red. But given the size of the group following them most villagers tended to just say hi and remarks that they needed to talk to her later. “My house is a bit further.” Little red said pointing to a path that ran into the woods. “It’s just me, my brother and Grandma oh and our cat. I’ll make sure to keep her out of your stuff. But we should have room to fit everyone.” She explains as the path slowly clears up to a cottage in the wood with a small garden. There was a small pup running around in the yard playing with said cat. Who was purely annoyed at ready to pap the puppy in the head.
Little Red’s eyes brightened “Link!” She calls out gaining the Pups reaction.
She dashes towards the house as the puppy starts running towards her. They meet halfway and the puppy shifts into a young boy. “You’re back! You’re back!” This Link giggles as he gets lifted in the air by his sister and spun around.
“I am! For now.” Little red nuzzles her brother’s face as she shifts her grips on her brother to put his weight on her hip. “Boy’s this is my brother. Link these are the adventurers I’ve been traveling with.”
She turns to the group with a smile. The chain was utterly confused and silent before Wind speaks up “Did he transform into a wolf?”
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emelinstriker · 8 months
Okay so.... The champions that was the readers servants, in order... Are Wukong. Then Macaque. Then Mink. Then Nezha.... And then MK and/or Red Son?
The current order of who became a servant currently is Wukong, Macaque, Mink, Nezha, MK, Red Son. Ye ye. :D
If I add Azure Lion, he would show up after Red Son.
But I'm still contemplating on Azure's champion color. Cuz like the most available color for him rn would be the green champion. But I was also thinking of putting another character as green champion. So I'm torn between making him the green champion or something more like the grey champion.
Like, somehow pullin' Ao Lie back into all of it as green champion instead would be a fun idea ngl- Or even Erlang and his doggo for the fun of it- Free doggo as servant for the Reader as bonus lmao-
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thesunwithstars · 1 year
Pokemon headcanons with a plus sized! reader
I swear Pokemon do this to me every single game of bringing a game out, Arven is a good boy, I HC him to be early 20s so reader will be 20 or older! Saguaro is short, I apologies! (also gifs aren't mine)
Warnings: Mostly fluff
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• Listen, Arven thinks you are the greatest thing to ever happen to him, apart from Mabosstiff, & he loves you so much! (Spoiler, so does Mabosstiff!)
• Mabosstiff activity follows you sometimes, like if you & Arven go for a walk, even if you have your own dog Pokemon too, he'll follow or just join a cuddle pile with you after you've all had food & you're leaning against like an Arcanine, Mabosstiff has his head on your lap with a fuss whilst you also scratch Arcanine's head.
• Arven loves you for you, he loves to cuddle you or lay his head on your lap, you're so loving & gentle with him.
• He might not be good at battling, but by Arcues, if someone bullies you for how you are, he will battle them & defeat them for your sake. Then will shout at them, report them to Director Clavell. No one gets away from bulling his partner, regardless of body type.
• If someone does do that, whilst either in the grounds of the Academy or in the wild, you can sure bet he'll make a tasty sandwich for you both, Mabosstiff also at your side to offer support & has a few treats from you for being the best doggo along side Arcanine.
• Will spoil you, but it's usually a surprise because you do the same for him often because of your high status of Champion.
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• Jacq doesn't understand whose who can bully someone for their size, no one should be made fun of for their size or body type. Do expect him to keep a keen eye out for you, he can be overprotective when he wants to be.
• He appreciates you bringing him things like food during breaks if he forgot it at home, if you make a new discovery with a Pokemon, or if you just come to spend break with him. He never hears the end of it with his students if you stop by, his students also love you!
• I feel like he'd often forget stuff or not keep an eye on his surroundings whilst out doing research when he gets the chance, so you often go with him to remind him of stuff whilst looking at surroundings.
• He will spoil you, a lot!
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• Another who is highly likely to spoil you but its more like once a week with something of high value but you usually don't understand why & it would be if you've had a bad day with someone making bad comments regarding your body or just a bad day in general.
• He'll make sure you are ready for the day, but if you are up early & make him lunch for a day at the academy? If you do him food from your native homeland if you aren't from Paldea when he gets home? He might short circuit & endlessly thank you, even if you take turns in cooking.
• Work in a bakery? Work with people? He supports you regardless!
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throw-your-boat · 10 months
So, I was going to throw this at @ryunumber, but I couldn't figure out how to make a submission with multiple images in it, so here I go putting it to my own blog I guess
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Beatrice the Tailor from V Rising has a Ryu number of 4-5 4, unless she doesn't
As far as I can tell, V Rising has no links save for a single, rather obvious, one: it shares Jade with Battlerite (and Battlerite Royale, but we can pretend they're the same game). I can find no other way to start, and it isn't a start that's full of promise.
Because as far as I can tell, not one of the champions from there appears anywhere else. Unless you want to argue that Thorn is also in Bloodline Champions, but that game contains exactly zero unique and identifiable characters, so going there isn't useful
But looking beyond the champions themselves, we can find a possible route, even if it's a bit of a stretch. There's an unlockable mount called "the mighty white tiger". One could, if one is so inclined, argue that this is supposed to be the white tiger, the mythological one, Baihu/Baekho/Byakko. Seeing as the mount was designed as a promotional thing originally only available in South Korea, it doesn't seem to be an entirely unreasonable claim that it's at least somewhat inspired by that particular tiger - and I think that might be enough to say they're the same, if we can establish that the mount counts as unique
So, does it? Not all mounts are unique and identifiable characters, certainly. But at least a few of them have individual names, like "Barky the delighted doggo", suggesting that at least they can be unique. And seeing as this mount is called "the mighty white tiger", I'm inclined to lump it in with that lot, rather than the clearly generic ones like "agile furrycorn" or "emerald moon raptor" which don't get to have a "the"
If we do allow that, we just have to make our way to Ryu from there. Thanks to @demifiendcruithne, I've learned that Baihu/Byakko (the name varies between installments) makes repeated apperances throughout the Megami Tensei franchise, including in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, which would seem to give us a grand total of 4 thanks to Dante of Devil May Cry fame
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h-worksrambles · 10 months
To be a Good Dog, or an Enemy of the World: Models of Masculinity in Shelter
Shelter is a very easy game to treat lightly when you first start it up. A bright colourful visual novel about anthropomorphic dog men, with clear Shounen anime influences in its tone and aesthetic. Charming, funny and unabashedly horny, Shelter presents itself as a game about a group of aggressively quirky treasure hunting doggos getting into all kinds of shenanigans amidst a post apocalyptic frozen wasteland. But to my surprise, not only did I find a game with unexpectedly rich worldbuilding, some sick action scenes (especially for a visual novel) and some genuinely powerful emotional payoffs. But it turns out Shelter has some surprisingly relevant things to say about constructs of masculinity and how they affect queer people. Full spoilers for the everything up to the most recent public update below.
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Much of the story of the game revolves around Luke, the overseer of this technologically advanced home for lost Canines, and, apparently, one of the only known remaining Humans, as well as his three closest friends, and our three route characters: Burry, Rune and Max. We follow three alternate timelines where Luke spends the day bonding with one of the three, and, during the recurring event of Skies Ablaze, struggles with his identity as the only human in a giant facility full of anthropomorphic dog men. When Shelter malfunctions and is overrun by monsters, we witness three alternate ways the attack can play out. And in the course of this, the magical nature of Skies Ablaze as an event causes Luke to experience the memories of one of the three route characters. Through this we see the events that brought them to Shelter and how they became the self actualised people we see in the main game. That’s an extremely basic rundown of the gist of the game. But what I think makes this interesting is what we learn about the what the three used to be like before they joined.
All three of the route characters were in the service of one of the other powers that make up Shelter’s setting. Burry grew up along his many siblings only to be contracted as a scientist by the Wolves. Rune likewise was raised to be a soldier by the Wolves from birth. And Max was a spy and assassin on behalf of the Felines. It’s a common joke in the fandom to say that ‘everyone in Shelter is a war criminal’ but there’s definitely a major component of these dogs all being obligated and indoctrinated to serve corrupt systems of power, that lead then to do deplorable things. Burry begins research into the nature of Monsters, which leads him to turn the Wolves’ living test subjects into Monsters in a series of horrific experiments. Most shockingly, this included all of his own siblings. Rune, as the latest incarnation of the legendary hero, Moon, is trained to become the champion and general of the Wolven army and key to their expansion. Having been wrenched away from the only father figure he ever knew, he has taken countless lives in various campaigns, preparing himself for the moment when the power of his past lives finally manifests and his individual consciousness will fade.
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Max is the least clear due to his route being unfinished, but we do know that he along with his brother Atri were trained not just to kill by the Felines, but also to hate and repress their own identity as Canines. To think of themselves as Felines, not being given a chance to choose that for themselves. Even in the present day, this still has an effect on Max. He struggles to relate to the other dogs, to adopt their mannerisms. Because he spent years being told that part of him was shameful and he should aspire to be something else.
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So what’s the point of all of this? Well, while on the surface, Shelter is a fairly straightforward story of redemption, of people who have all done bad stuff in the past finding a home where they can make a fresh start and live better lives, it becomes very interesting when read through a queer theory lens. In fact, one starts to see some very pertinent points about the societal cishet masculine constructs that queer people have to exist in every day.
A recurring idea that comes up in the cast’s past is their instinctive desire to be told they’re a ‘good dog’. It’s a validation Burry craves as a scientist and Rune craves as a soldier. And sure, there’s a basic anthropomorphic element that they’re dogs who want to be praised. But what defines a ‘good dog’ in this context? Well, in a word, obedience. To live up to a very rigid social standard of what’s expected of them as a Canine, and crush any impulse that tells them otherwise. Burry must be cold and rational as a scientist, quashing his own empathy to perform disgusting experiments. Rune must be a constant image of strength as the legendary Hero. Always fighting for the sake of others and never showing a hint of weaknesses or vulnerability. As Luke points out, if his purpose is to save others, then who is going to save him? All three characters have to deny a part of themselves to live up to what arbitrary wider forces of power or culture have decided they should be. The realisation of this causes then to voice one of Shelter’s arc phrases:
“This World, truly, is Hell.”
And it is something they are only able to shake off when they are among the other dogs at Shelter. Or, in other words, when they are among other queer non conforming men, both literally and metaphorically. This is marked by then declaring themselves as having become an ‘Enemy of the World’. They have rejected the identity that was assigned to them by those in power, and have chosen one that lets them live as their best and true selves. Even when it may cause others to see them as a deviant or even an enemy.
Another factor that leads me to equate caninehood with queer masculinity is the fact that pretty much every named character in Shelter is male. Only one character with female pronouns has even been so much as mentioned so far in the text. Now there are other meta reasons for this. Shelter is an MLM centric, very NSFW game. One of the core draws of the game is to bang a bunch of hot muscular anthros, with very traditionally hypermasculine bodies. But when the game chooses to explore these themes of repression, identity, rigid social constructs and healthy self expression, it’s hard not to see a commentary on masculinity being made if every character is very pointedly, a guy. Now, I don’t want to imply that only queer men will get anything out of Shelter. I think these themes can resonate with any queer person. But I do think that when Shelter is read through the lens of being about the effects of toxic masculinity on queer people, it gains additional resonance.
In addition I think this lens of caninehood equalling queerness is also seen in the overt, casual sexuality of the dogs at Shelter. Luke is already friends with benefits with all three of the route characters before the game even starts. The player can have Luke hook up with other characters like Thistle and Alon and it has no negative consequences as no one really cares about that sort of thing. Again, this is to be expected in a smutty gay furry VN. But it does serve the point about queer celebration and expression. These characters can now be themselves here, whatever that entails. Homophobia is not really brought up as a concept in this game (again, with practically no female characters there are no straight relationships to be propped up as more desirable). But the spectre of it lingers metaphorically in the game’s subtext. There is a conflict between what other forces claim a ‘good dog’ should be, and what caninehood means to these characters.
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So how do our characters break free from these masculine constructs? Well, in many ways, because of Luke. Burry, having left behind his masters after deciding he could no longer work for them, goes into hiding in the snowy wastelands beyond Mozeburk. Trying and failing to save his brothers’ souls. He finally meets Luke, half dead in the snow, where the two band together and ultimately discover and establish Shelter. The two devise a magic to restore the souls of Burry’s brothers which Burry calls on in the present day during the final battle. Burry believed he had been irreparably warped by his complicity in the systems around him. That he was no longer a Canine, but a monster still worse than the ones he created. But he reinvents himself through finding connection with someone who believes in him, and who he believes in too. His love for Luke gives him a new purpose and identity. He now lives not for the sake of obedience but for loyalty. The toxic idea of what it means to be a dog is reimagined as something more positive. Kind of like embracing a healthier understanding of masculinity.
This applies to Rune as well. Before he felt he could never express his own weakness due to his socially mandated role, and awaited the total loss of his sense of self. He even ends up imposing those harsh systems on others by intending to take Shelter away from Luke and Burry and hand its powerful technology over the Wolves. Meeting Luke causes Rune to reconsider everything he once thought about himself. And it culminates in him manifesting the power of the Hero not in himself, but in Luke. He allows himself to be saved, to be emotionally vulnerable, to be sexually liberated (as it is around this point that Rune starts engaging freely in casual sex). He comes out, both literally and symbolically, not as the Hero, but as Rune. He trades closed off stoicism for boisterous earnestness. Again, a newer, healthier form of canine masculinity. And while Max’s flashbacks have not yet been elaborated on, I fully expect them to follow this theme.
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There is also something to be said about how, within Shelter, they take on new roles that have sometimes culturally bern labelled as not being stereotypically masculine. Burry is the tavern cook. Rune, while ostensibly the chief of Shelter and head of defence, spends most of his time as a teacher for the other dogs. And Max shines as a musician. There too they take on gentler, nonconforming images of masculinity, ones in which their queerness can shine.
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And key to all of these arcs, is Luke himself. I would posit that, if Shelter is about a bunch of traumatised men learning to embrace and celebrate their queerness, then Luke, narratively, is queerness personified. His own struggles as the only Human among the dogs represents a near universal queer experience. He wants to be accepted, to be as much of a canine as they are. But he is othered for something he was born as, something he can’t control. He is bullied and isolated by Teak, who is himself a walking hotbed of every toxically masculine trait in the book to drive this home further. In fact, between his hang ups over the physical differences between him and the dogs and how this eats away at his perception of his own identity, you could potentially read Luke’s arc as metaphorically being about gender identity, as he comes to realise that those arbitrary differences he was born with don’t make him any less of a canine at heart. But, as a random cis dude, I kinda feel like that’s not really my analysis to make beyond the broad strokes, even though it’s worth bringing that up.
He undergoes many relatable queer hardships But he also embodies the positive transformative power of queerness. Giving Burry someone to love and live for. Becoming the Hero for Rune to allow the latter to be true to himself. And accepting Max even though he is far from a typical Canine. In the present day story, Luke is the one who undergoes a character arc, compared to his friends/lovers who all go through theirs in flashbacks. In an act of queer solidarity, these now self actualised men are able to help him when he struggles with his identity and purpose in a way that mirrors themselves. Like Burry, Luke struggles with his sense of duty, keeping Shelter running smoothly at a distance, versus what he wants in his heart. Like Rune, he bottles up his emotions to act as the support for everyone else, and learns to confide in them and ask for help (all while stepping once more into the role of the Hero during the final battle, taking on a power only a canine could wield and proving his true nature once more). The Enemies of the World find home, support and empathy with each other, even as that World tries to quash them.
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Of course, not only is the story incomplete but I’ve only scratched the surface with Shelter as a game. I could go further into characters like Teak, Alon and Cooper and how they all reinforce these themes in various ways. Or mine further details from the rich worldbuilding. Or even discuss the meta significance of the game’s multiple endings through the Barkest Corner. But my point was really to discuss what made Shelter so special to me. It’s a goofy, gorgeous, shameless visual novel with a lot of polish, a lot of porn and an even bigger amount of heart and sincerity at its core. It tells a moving queer narrative draped in a fantastical veneer and does it incredibly well. And I can’t wait to see how Rausmutt plans to bring it to a close.
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putah-creek · 8 months
drinking coffee as if I am the world champion of coffee drinking    and perhaps I am    taking my doggo outside and watching her chase a squirrel that is far faster than her     playing cards and eating some delightful chocolate with my wife who is also a delight    meditating in silence while my doggo watches and falls asleep    sometimes I do too    days slip away one after another until years and decades are gone    looking up into the sky in autumn and considering the fact that I am now deep into my own autumn 
james lee jobe 
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decemberazure2001 · 5 months
Pokémon Fanfic Ideas
Okay like.....
I have dived deep in the Dipplinshipping pool. And I wanna write a fanfic about it, maybe like an AU kind of thing or something.
Like at some point, Julianna(Or my character Iphigenia, does that technically count or something?) just broke the oath and straight up told Kieran about Ogerpon and such while heading for the third post. And then some things change from there and even to the Indigo Disk.
The other idea being that she had moved from Galar to Paldea few months after being champion(folks say there was an implication that she's half Galarian and all, I could be wrong) and obvious she starts all over by using Paldean Pokémon and even gone to Kitakami and Blueberry Academy but maybe kept one of the legendary doggos with her as an emergency? I'd say having Eternatus with her too but that'd be overkill.
I mean, it's something I've thought about and the two ideas just won't leave me. So to those who came across this, what do you think?
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upexthedrago · 6 months
🫵 Marie lu fan spotted!
Who are your favorite characters and why.
Hmmmm, well, I couldn't read other Marie Lu books, unfortunately, because I couldn't afford them. (I know some about them though) But, I finished all of Legend, half of Rebel and some of Stars and Smoke... I'm a slow reader .,.
Anyway, I can put my favorite Legend characters in order for you-
1. June
I don't know why I like her she's just awesome. I think she's always been my first favorite character from when I first read Legend.
2. Day
Same deal with Day. He's just an awesome character. And honestly, Day deserves less suffering. All through the books, it's just him suffering.
3. Metias
Metias is a sweet guy. He really didn't deserve to die. But I feel like he had to die, so the plot would be better and all.
4. Eden
He's pretty funny in Champion, and he's just a good character in general. Didn't deserve plague, but like Metias's death, it was needed for the plot.
5. Thomas
Besides the fact Thomas killed Metias, or technically beat up Day, he's not bad at all. He's pretty nice and sacrificed himself.
6. Pressa
Pressa isn't that bad, but since I only read half of Rebel, I'm not fully sure about her. After I finish the book, she could ethier get higher in the list or off the list. But, who knows?
7. Anden
Anden is probably the best Elector the Republic deserves. He wanted to stop all the war between the Republic and the Colonies and stop the trials. This dude deserves lots of respect.
8. John
Like Metias, John didn't deserve this. But, again, needed for the plot. John's a nice person who sacrificed himself for Day. R.I.P
9. Ollie
Ollie is a good doggo, and I must revive him in Rebel 😭
I hate Commander Jameson 😡
Sorry, the list was so long. If I get to the other books, I can tell you my favorite characters for those. Might be a while, though, lol.
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player-1 · 10 months
Throwing myself back into the Nexomon brainrot since there's already a bunch of tidbits (and personal headcanons) to Metta's quirks and general attitude to anyone/everyone he interacts with and no one's taking the time or thought into mentioning them. And you know…To see if anything changes on his part in Nexomon 3, and I will keep pushing this agenda until the game finally comes out :)
To list a few interesting things mentioned in N1 (and definitely a long post ahead):
First the canon bits out of the way:
-Metta (and Nara) are over a million years old after Omnicron's initial invasion of the human world and after Ulzar killed the other CoO and Doggo Dad, with those two being the last living members of the family up until Nara’s (temporary) death in Extinction. Metta specifically mentions "waiting a million years" for his resurrection plan to finally come into fruition just before MC fights Omnicron in the main story, but it's mostly a 'blink and you miss it' nugget of information (same goes for Ulzar revealing Nexolord's/Metta's name in the Netherworld DLC one time).
-Metta lived in the Frozen Tundra for an undetermined amount of time, possibly when Juliet and Glacia were in their early childhood; with Juliet slowly but adamantly believing that he's a vampire (will explain later) and still reads cheesy YA vampire novels into adulthood, while Glacia admires him for his cold-hearted nature and extreme lack of empathy to other humans.
-It's not exactly specified when Micromon takes place in N1 (or when Project Pixekai goes bust), but Metta possibly gained Malk as a tutor/evil accomplice sometime during said-early childhood and after Malk left Pixekai a broken smoldering mess behind him; refurnishing a bunker in FT into a secret lab/research facility to study the properties of Nexomon and possibly laying the groundworks to the resurrection plan (and Metta becoming an master technician as well).
-Some time after Glacia gets appointed as Overseer, she's the only one who was made aware that the Champions (ie. the Omnicron fam) are not human, and even says aloud about these super-powered monsters bickering like children over who gets to fight the MC and stop them reaching Omnicron's Tower. Glacia later throws herself into the Netherworld and corrals the Wardens to her side in a attempt to "save" Metta from the clutches of death, release Omnicron in his stead, and make him become the real NexoLord instead of MC...To be clear, Metta wasn’t dead, and he was still alive two weeks before the Netherworld story and no one figured it out!
-Metta might of had another name before defeating Nexolord Remus and gaining the title as his namesake (or just opted to call himself Nexolord until he got the clout to go with it), which is somewhat fair since he finally got the experience of being an only child for the time being.
-While Metta was also shown to have sacrificed himself to finally revive Omnicron, the Netherworld DLC only shows the element-based siblings (Fona, Arqua, Ventra, Luxa, Grunda) stuck in Nightmares with their own Wardens and MC getting stuck with Ziegler after the really weird implication that MC released Omnicron on accident in that two week time span (even if it’s never shown or explained). Not to mention a “joke” headstone later found in Extinction that makes you double-guess if he even died in the first place…
-And while it's not explicitly mentioned, but Metta might've put together the Overseers to reflect his terrible opinions of his siblings, the same goes for him riding the high of being a leader and roping said-siblings into pretending to be humans until everything comes together. As for the Overseers: Ivan and Ira could relate to Fenrir/Fona, Remus with Nadine/Ventra, Hendrick with Merida/Arqua, Spencer with Zetta/Luxa, Khan with Deena/Nara, and Jack with Ulrich/Grunda. To me, Hilda would've been scouted to become an Overseer due to her psychic abilities, but quickly defected to save humanity in her own way (ie. turning them into spirits/ghosts). Glacia would definitely be considered Metta's (most true and loyal) Overseer cause of said cold-heartedness but also being one of the few humans besides Malk who understand his true motives and wholeheartedly accepts his plan on reviving Omnicron.
And now for the headcanons! >:D -Metta would've had an incredibly hard time adjusting to, or even stooping down to, creating a disguise for himself despite his hatred for humanity; same would possibly go with him learning to write and/or read for himself instead of staying in hiding for all eternity. Also in contrast to the rest of the Omnicron fam using their powers or a surplus of energy to create a human form, Metta is just a walking human-shaped balloon and his head is the only solid part of his body (even his eyes are the same color as his main Nexomon body. Glass/prism eyes perhaps?). It might also solidify Juliet's vampire theory if he didn't take the time or effort to fake natural body heat, or having absolutely nothing to do with physical contact ever despite living in the tundra; and maybe his unnatural features were made to make himself as intimidating as possible (in complete contrast to his cringe ass bowling-ball self).
-Metta's ahoge (the blue streak of hair) might work like a pull-tab to "unravel" his disguise and reveal his Nexomon form underneath (almost like a candy wrapper). It could've spread as a rumor between the grunts (or by Zetta to tease him), but zero people would even have the balls to do it in the first place for obvious reasons.
-While Metta would despise every human who ever breathes in his general direction, he might have a reasonable amount of respect to scientists/inventors (possibly from Malk and the Pixekai Project) and any tamers with exceptional skill and strength (Remus, Hilda, Khan, and Glacia), even if it's only to use them for ulterior motives. Definitely betting that he even trusted Glacia enough to go on multiple rants about his siblings; either about how much he hates them, their naivety of the human race, or how these uber-powerful descendants of Omnicron got killed by a single human in the first place (ie. Ulzar). And yes, given how smarmy and egotistical Glacia acts around others, it's canon in my heart.
-Metta might also enjoy food and literature but doesn't have the dignity to admit it due to said-hatred for humans. Might also be the reason why he put Hendrick in as a secret Overseer in Palmaya, both for his persuasion/mind games in recruiting more goons and his killer skills in cooking; discretely trying to recreate his recipes by the letter (or holding onto a recipe book or two) for self-validation in making something on his own.
-Speaking of the power of creation, Metta possibly made the Abyssal Tyrants as a side project along his initial Omnicron revival plan. I mean, he spent a million+ years to bring his dad back to life, but it's important to know in Extinction that the Abyssals appeared right after Omnicron's super-death. So who's to say that Metta also created his own line of Nexomon that follow his every command (or to scratch that itch of being King of Monsters himself)? From causing general mayhem (Braccus & Helevolk), picking off the weaker tamers hunting them (Inominox), willingly become cannon fodder (Pluvean), become scouts (Volcel & Caelesa) avoid human contact entirely (Rotramus), or make sure to kill two extremely specific psychics (Venefelis & Kroma); they follow the general scheme being as elusive and as unpredictable as possible just like their (possible) creator.
-And yes, I wholeheartedly believe that Metta created Byeol (possibly around the same time as Caelesa), either on complete accident or to hop on the Tyrant bandwagon in Nexomon Extinction. Whether it reflects his desires to always stay on top ("the star of the show") or the visual representation of jealousy over his new niece/nephew Solus taking Omnicron's throne instead of himself, who knows? Also personally believe that Byeol, ironically enough, wants to become human, possibly watching tamers from afar or putting themselves into battles as a form of "playing" to try and learn their behavior and skills. And I know I made another rant about it, but I’m pretty sure Byeol also has the ability to enter or manipulate dreams (either to look into a person’s mind or just mess with them for fun). Why else would a Normal-type Tyrant have a good chunk of Psychic-type moves at its disposal as well? Just some food for thought here…
Anywho, now that that’s out of the way, I hope you enjoyed this laundry list of fun! :D
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