#ch: heimdall
tyrannuspitch · 4 months
that last reblog reminded me of something i noticed last time i watched t1, re: heimdall and loki as foils, but it felt a bit too tangential to add to the post itself. so here it is instead:
on the surface, it's like: mcu!loki is a liar and traitor, while mcu!heimdall is A Man Of His Word who takes honour and oaths deadly seriously.
but the reality is a bit less clear-cut: heimdall often finds loopholes in his oaths/loyalties/code of honour so he can betray loki (and later odin, in t2) without technically breaking the rules; and loki, despite breaking the rules, still thinks of himself as being loyal to odin at the end of t1.
plus heimdall is all-seeing, and loki is the one person who can hide from him (but also can't see himself). so they're like... *the* liar and *the* knower-of-the-truth.
but then loki also has a tendency to break through asgard's illusions and lay the truth bare, sometimes without even meaning to. loki is a chameleon and a mirror, and when he mirrors asgard's lies, people suddenly see that they're lies...
it's also interesting that, in t2, thor seems to have a mentor/godfather-esque relationship to heimdall, who has this reputation as truthful and honourable, while loki seems to have a mentor relationship with *frigga*, who is also incredibly strongly associated with illusions and propaganda. i'm not quite sure what i'd say it *means*, though - both thor and loki have times when they see asgard as honourable and aspirational, and times when they see it as morally bankrupt.
hmm... there's definitely something here, but i can't quite put my finger on it yet.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
hello! can i ask a Leonidas and Apollo that is in a romantic ployrelationship with a male y/n that is king arthur himself,
note:this is a long one)if you don't know king Arthur here's some information:
King Arthur is a legendary king of Britain, and a central figure in the medieval literary tradition known as the Matter of Britain. In Welsh sources, Arthur is portrayed as a leader of the post-Roman Britons in battles against Anglo-Saxon invaders of Britain in the late 5th and early 6th centuries.
He was a warrior, a knight and a king who killed giants, witches and monsters and led a band of heroes on many daring adventures. He is known for his Knights of the Round Table and for uniting the peoples of his land. Even though his end was tragic, he is still known and celebrated all over the world today.
King Arthur's most famous weapon, sometimes conflated with the sword in the stone, is Excalibur. Excalibur is, in some versions of Arthur's story, the same as the sword in the stone. In others, he is given Excalibur by a mystical Lady in the Lake
and so for the real request:
so like y/n would be a calm and collective person that would never get pissed off even if you try too piss him off and is the type that does not care what there partner title is, or what they look like and just love's them for them.(and like Arthur is there real name and "y/n" is
there nickname/fake name?)
and that's why Leonidas and Apollo fell for them as y/n didn't care about what Apollo looked like and how he didn't care if Leonidas was strong or was a king and just Loved them for who they are.
both Apollo and Leonidas don't know that y/n is king Arthur himself,but they do know y/n is a king, and the reason why they don't know that? it's because y/n was very vague about it, like they just said they're a well known and great king but didn't pecifically say who. so Apollo and Leonidas just went with that y/n was some great leader/king.
and when Ragnarok came around y/n was worried about their 2 lovers but in this one it ends in a tie so y/n is very relieved at this,
and a little time skip! so it was too the end of Ragnarok when the god's surprised Brunhilde with a whole new round!
so Brunhilde only know's one more person…it was y/n or his real title… king Arthur.
at first y/n declined but after Brunhilde said who would he be fighting…let's call them gladiones who is another/different god of war and victory and a well known narcissistic god would be his opponent that's when y/n accepted immediately
(let's just say y/n absolutely despises gladiones, because of his arrogant, prideful and narcissistic behavior as well as gladiones threatening to attack his kingdom(Camelot) when he was alive back on earth…)
and coincidentally y/n's Valkyrie also hate's gladiones as much as he does so they work perfectly together!
let's go to when they introduce y/n or Arthur:
so like Leonidas and Apollo are in the stadium sitting and looking around for y/n as well as waiting for them,but they don't know that y/n is the next fighter,
so when gladiones was done getting introduce, all looked at the entrance for
Arthur or y/n
(keep in mind the gods and humans don't know who will be the next fighter)
they realize a cloaked figure was waking out all them realizing there was a rock that had a sword embedded into it, as everyone watched the cloak figure go to the rock holding the handle of the sword before taking out the sword from the rock as it flashed everyone with a bright light,
after the light vanished it revealed who was wearing the cloak and it was y/n! that's When heimdall introduce y/n as the legendary king himself king Arthur! and the sword that they pulled out of the rock was none other then the legendary sword itself…Excalibur!!(and of course would be his weapon his Valkyrie also made it that he can transform Excalibur to any divine weapon he wants.
and a dozen brave knights and the round table cheering for him)
and before heimdall could even say to Begin,both of them charged at each other weapons drawn with the intention of defeating the other as there wepon hit, it had created a little crater beneath them making shock waves go through the arena,
and so gladiones and y/n's fight would be the most "ON SIGHT" type fight in ragnarok as well as the longest ,and the first time Leonidas and Apollo seeing y/n or Arthur so pissed off…like y/n looking at gladiones with the most pissed look you can imagine a shadow covering his face as you can see the veins on the side of his face/on his forehead…the pure heated tension between the two being so thick that you can practically cut it with a butter knife…
and so, not only was, y/n and his Valkyrie beating down on gladiones physically but mentally too like:
when gladiones took a kneel and was seriously injured because of y/n's attack,and y/n's Valkyrie would say something like this:
"hm what's this? taking a kneel already!? have you accepted defeat that easily!"
(and would cheer if they manage to knock gladiones on his a$$ giving him a taste of his own medicine! or in short term imagine Geirölul and Leonidas interactions but more bloodlusted and more hatred and unlike Leonidas and Apollo that is one sided like one compliments the other while the other insults them, both of them hates each other as like beating down each other's with words and action with no mercy)
of course y/n would win, as gladiones was fading away, when he was about to say his last words,y/n stabbed Excalibur right in gladiones head making his head completely disintegrate, not giviqng him a chance to say anything, that's how much y/n hates gladiones, bro didn't give him a chance to say his last words.
and so how would Leonidas and Apollo react to his fight
and both him and his Valkyrie absolute hatred and bloodlust for gladiones.
(i hope this isn't too much for you to write and if you want you can just do the reaction's only :> )
-You were known to be one of the greatest kings of all time- one who was loyal, hardworking, had the love of your people, and even in modern day the legend of King Arthur lives on.
-In Valhalla you were well liked and very respected, many still looking up to you as a king as you always made sure to help others.
-Those who didn’t know who you were thought you were weak for helping others, and some tried to attack you, wanting to put you in your place.
-They weren’t expecting to be fighting a legendary warrior- especially not King Arthur of all people!! You gave a speech, inspiring them afterwards, that just because you help others does not make you weak- it made you stronger, because you were willing to do what others wouldn’t.
-Not only getting their asses beat by just you, then to get called out on it on top of it did humble your attackers and when you visited the children you were helping a few days later- they told you how your attackers had been helping more, something you admired them for- praising them.
-Your strength and your qualities as a good leader caught the eyes of many, admirers who respected you and what you could do, but you’ve also had been approached many times romantically.
-You were always hesitant on entering another relationship, after you had been betrayed so cruelly by the woman you loved and by one of your most trusted friends and allies.
-However, there were two men who had caught your interest and managed to keep it, who were like cats and dogs with each other, but with you between them, they got along… most of the time, and to be honest, you had never been happier.
-You just never imagined that those you found your happiness with would be two other men, another legendary king like yourself, Leonidas of Sparta, and Apollo, Greek god of the sun.
-Apollo adored how you were much like Leonidas- you were unapologetically you- you didn’t care what others thought about you, you did what made you happy and what made you happy was helping others.
-Leonidas admired you for your strength, not just as a warrior, but as a king, because you knew when to fight and you knew when to talk and he could see how others admired you for the king you were.
-You found peace with them, they were your quiet place, where you could just relax, and they were the only ones to know your nickname, the one only those closest to you are allowed to know, Y/N.
-When Ragnarok was announced, Apollo and Leonidas were approached to fight for their respective sides.
-You watched your lovers beat the hell out of each other, pushing each other to their limits- as the three of you had promised one another, as you and Leonidas were on the opposite side of Apollo, that if any of you had been opponents, that they wouldn’t hold back.
-Their fight ended in a double knockout, and you remained by both of their sides as they were being patched up and tended to.
-When the gods decided, after humanity had won, to try and pull a fast one, demanding one more match, all or nothing, Brunnhilde knew exactly who to go to.
-As you approached the gates, your Valkyrie partner came up beside you, taking your hand as she became your Volundr, a shield, one in the shape of a lion’s head, as you both were silently fuming.
-Your opponent was a god of war, a cruel and violent man- one who wasn’t worthy of his power or his title, Gladiones and you both were ready to bash his face in, mainly because when he was announced as the final fighter for the gods, he had laughed cruelly at those who had fallen, and insulted your lovers- saying that they weren’t strong enough to win and it ended in a tie, which in his eyes was disgraceful.
-You remember him well when you were still alive, when he attempted to attack Camelot, wanting to test its strength and the strength of those inside- you beat him back, but you had lost so many friends that day. You swore never to forgive that bastard.
-Apollo and Leonidas were back on their feet, just a little banged up as the nurses were able to heal them up, curious about this last fight, while Apollo looked around, “Where is Y/N?”
-Leonidas, a bit cranky because he was told he can’t smoke yet, glanced around, “Not sure- he was there in the infirmary with us but now he’s no where to be seen.”
-Gladiones was announced first and so many people were booing- seeing the poor sportsmanship of the gods and Zeus was quickly feeling the anger, it made the gods look bad for wanting to try to pull out one last fight because they didn’t want to be seen as losers.
-Leonidas clicked his tongue, heat radiating off of him, as Gladiones was an even bigger bastard than Apollo, and Apollo had to agree- Gladiones was a poor excuse for a god.
-In the center of the arena, a hole opened and a rock rose on a lift, a sword imbedded as the door for humanity opened, a cloaked figure walking out, walking towards the sword, holding a lion’s head shield.
-You inhaled deeply, seeing the sword that you had held for so long, the sword that helped you become the king you were today.
-You grabbed the hilt of the sword, all eyes on you and as you pulled the sword from the stone, a bright light flash banged everyone and blew your cloak off.
-As the light faded, everyone was stunned to see you, to see King Arthur there, now holding Caliburn once again in your hand. (Excalibur is the sword from the Lady of the Lake, while Caliburn is the sword in the stone, however historians have sometimes melded the two into one sword- Excalibur, but in the original legend they were two very different swords.)
-Heimdall didn’t even have a chance to introduce you, but many knew your name, as Gladiones immediately charged for you and you inhaled deeply before charging, fury in your eyes and rage in your blood.
-Your blades met, causing a shockwave to create a shallow crater around the two of you, blowing Heimdall back, and creating a strong wind that blew many back head over heels.
-Leonidas grinned broadly, “Kick his ass Y/N!” and soon all of humanity was at your back, as well as Apollo and the gods who supported humanity, now wanting humanity to survive as they had shown their strength and willingness to fight.
-You didn’t hear their cheers, you were only focused on Gladiones, and your Valkyrie, who was holding the shield alongside you smirked darkly, “Let’s end this quickly, shall we my king?”
-You didn’t answer, instead immediately going on the attack, both you and Gladiones parrying each other’s blows, not giving an inch, war cries escaping your lips as you went harder and harder.
-Gladiones was quickly gritting his teeth, no longer parrying you and instead he had to focus on dodging and blocking your blows- as he was being pushed back.
-He wasn’t expecting you to take a leaf out of Leonidas’ book and you swung with your shield, bashing into his face.
-Your Valkyrie was all smiles, “Do it again!” and so you did- hitting him with your shield after he blocked your sword, knocking him back head over heels.
-You seemed brutal, but you knew that Gladiones was a cruel god who would take any opening- any hint at weakness or mercy and he would immediately attack, so you gave him none- as you knew that you would receive none from him.
-Apollo was staring with big sparkly eyes, watching you fight so seriously- you looked awesome!! Leonidas was cheering loudly alongside everyone else, cheering for you.
-Gladiones reeled after you surprised everyone by headbutting him, after he blocked both your sword and your shield, sending him to the ground.
-Unlike you, still going strong, Gladiones was on his last legs- he never imagined that you were this strong, this fierce- but you had a lot of drive in you. You were willing to do whatever it took to win- not for yourself, but for humanity.
-As Gladiones started to fade away and you were announced as the winner, Gladiones looked up at you, almost like he wanted to beg for mercy.
-You stunned all by drive the sword through his head, ending his suffering, as he was slowly dying. You didn’t let him utter a single word, ending his life quickly- the one mercy you were willing to give him.
-Everyone was cheering, seeing how hard you had fought- seeing you determination as you exhaled deeply, your shoulders sagging as your partner took back her form, leaping into your arms, cheering loudly, “You did it Y/N!”
-You couldn’t help but smile, patting the back of her head gently as you hugged her back as Zeus finally announced that humanity had earned their right for survival, and that as gods- they were going to do their jobs.
-You went backstage, smiling warmly as you heard the cheers still echoing throughout the arena. Your heard running footsteps and you grinned, opening your arms as Apollo leapt into your arms, “Y/N!”
-You hugged him close, and he felt you sag into him lightly, the tension leaving your body as Leonidas made it to you, putting his hand on the back of your head, “That was amazing Y/N! I knew you had it in you!”
-You celebrated with them, and with the rest of humanity, celebrating the survival of humanity and seeing the gods finally pulling their heads out of their asses and doing their jobs.
-You mourned those who fell in battle but celebrated those who survived- all by the sides of your lovers- you could finally relax.
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
could you write heimdall falling for a midgard human reader and him being really protective over them 🥰
heimdall x midgard&human!reader
tags: fluff, injury, wound, healing, protective!heimdall, kissing, touching. enjoy!
wc: dunno, but not so long.
heimdall never mind your presence in the asgard even though you were a mortal; a midgard human who was in all-Father's service thanks to high-quality medical treatment you give to aesir gods and goddess by using a high level magic. being a mortal didn't make you weak, it made you powerful. you were indeed a mortal who would die in some day, one of the things that make heimdall so protective of you, but it didn't mean you were invisible to eyes. no, everyone in asgard knew you, they knew how you treated wounds and pain with your delicate hands.
in the first years that felt like ages were normal. he was joking with you wherever he saw you, you were teasing to him whenever he came to your treatment place, asking if he needed a medic like anyone could hit him.
that was making him angry in that days but slowly, he understood how he enjoyed your presence, hearing your teasing since there wasn't so many individuals who could tease him without thinking its consequences, seeing how your delicate and beautiful hands working fastly and strongly.
you were a strong woman indeed but because of being in love with you, his protective side increased from day to day, 'till it made both of you realize it like the sunlight.
you remembered how you asked him about this after a certain day. in that day, you were trying to heal an outsider god, probably from vanaheim, who had a bad chest injury. vanaheim and asgard were enemies but sometimes they came to here to find health. odin was giving them home in their own realms since he was trying to show his peace supporter side.
why you were in the asgard was complex. you didn't like odin that much, no, but indeed you loved heimdall who became your beloved with time.
as this stranger entered to your working room, you were talking with heimdall who came to you intentionally but acting like he didn't realize how he ended there.
one valkyrie helped man to reach the room and the moment he entered with a bloddy shirt on, you gently cut the conversation with heimdall and rushed towards the man.
whenever you saw someone in pain, your heart was shaking because of feeling so bad. no matter who they were, you felt the same.
so, when you saw the man in pain, moaning lowly, hardly finding his place on the bed you designed for patients. valkyrie left the room as she saw heimdall after giving the information about the man's wound, how he got that and where he got that. she even told where he was from.
after hearing vanaheim, heimdall suddenly came to your side as you kneeled down to bed's level in order to do a better treatment for the man's wound as you picked up his shirt's edges.
"sir," you said, trying to take man's attention, "you need to take this off I am afraid."
he nodded silently, getting a little up to remove his shirt, tossing it to floor, closing his eyes in pure pain.
the wound was occurred because of a magic - magic that had poison in it.
working on his wound, touching his build chest, you heard heimdall's voice behind you.
"do you need to touch that?" he was referring to your hands on the man's chest, traveling around it to break the magic firstly. he didn't like when you both interacted a dangerous magic with poison in it and touched another man even if it meant for medical care.
"don't. he needs a treatment now. we can speak later."
giving him an angry look, you turned to the man again as his eyes began to open slowly, feeling better after you broke the spell.
taking a deep breath, you began to heal the open wound that created by a sharp sword as valkyrie said before. your hands were traveling on man's chest when his hands suddenly held your wrists roughly, making you cry in sudden pain you felt.
before you or the man say something, heimdall's sword found its way on the man's neck, speaking with a deep and dangerous voice, he said, "leave her or I will cut your head."
the man who looked so confused and afraid left your wrists slowly, breathing deeply.
as your hands found their freedom, you gently touched heimdall's shoulder. "it's okay. he is in shock. it's understandable. so, take back the sword."
heimdall's angry purple eyes looked at him for a few times before putting his sword back in his place, taking a step back to give you a space to finish your treatment.
you told the man how he ended in here while giving him last treatments he needed.
he nodded, looking at your hands shyly, "I am sorry."
giving a little smile, you said, "It's okay. now rest in here for some time. when this blue marks on your chest dissappear, you can leave." getting up, you gave him a bottle that had some herbs in it to boost his health. "take this and drink it before getting up. the wound will heal with time."
he nodded, taking the bottle. "I am glad for your help. thank you -"
"y/n." you said.
"thank you y/n."
then he closed his eyes to rest without sleeping.
you turned to heimdall who was watching you in pure annoyance. he never liked how you treated outsider. he didn't trust them. whenever there was an outsider you had to heal, he was being so protective over you. but, this had to be talked between you two. so, you held his hand, knowing very well he would let you - maybe letting you only even to touch him openly, then, you walked 'till you reached your personal room that was close to the your working room but had two corridors between.
closing the door behind, you turned to heimdall who began to play with your medical supplies one by one like he didn't know why you came to here, like he didn't read your mind at all.
"heimdall." you said, standing right behind his back, leaving just an inch to touch him. he turned his head a little, making you see his side profile which was looking so attractive and good. his purple eyes traveled on your face as you touched his shoulder with your chin, making your faces standing so close to each other.
it was so good to be able to looking at his eyes this close.
"why are you doing this? I am not all-father, you know it. you need your protection, not me."
you left his shoulder, going to your bed that had a high level, reaching till your knees. sitting on it, you heard heimdall's low voice.
"no." he said, approaching you. "no." he said again, more sure this time.
"what?" you asked the moment he reached your bed, standing right in front of you. when his stomach were on your eye level, his hand touched your cheek, lifting your head higher to make you make a contact with his eyes that made your heart warming and beating faster.
"I need to protect you too." he said, slowly caressing your lips with his thumb, making you close your eyes. "not only all-father has a space in my heart."
a question hit your mind, creating a huge blow that was full of hope and happiness; was he confessing his love?
"I couldn't imagine how much you would meant for me, but, here we are sweetheart; you are being in my heart with a huge space."
yes, he definitely was!
you opened your eyes to see his smiling one. heimdall who was cocky, the only one you had in asgard, in your life, confessed his love - he had a love for you.
not believing this, you tried to say," heimdall - "
then, he kneeled down, connecting your lips together with a joy that he brought with it, transferring it from his lips to your heart.
moaning shyly, your hands placed on his shoulders, pulling him closer. you realized how you waited for this moment - for so long. you really love him before he even realized your presence. you loved every detail he had. you loved how you waited for him to visit you in your room, every one of them, and you loved how he treated you differently than others, closer and further.
so, when you finally had him, it took a great time to leave him.
when you broke the kiss finally, he smirked, not leaving your side, being close still.
"I love you." you said, feeling a huge joy. "I love you entirely heimdall."
"I know sweetie, I know."
taking deep breaths, you asked, "so that's why you were so protective, huh?"
"about time your brain works cutie."
slapping his shoulder, you rolled your eyes, "how you can expect me to understand your, well, complex behavior."
"I can end every man's, woman's, creature's life that has a threat to your being. I kill thousands just for you - just for knowing you are safe and well. is it the complex behavior, huh, dummy?"
smiling to him, you held his golden hair, caressing it gently," now you talk, huh, cocky?"
he left a smirk lastly before kissing you again, "and now, I will act."
this was the last thing you remembered from that day, following with lots of unholy things with it.
since that day, heimdall always found his way to sneak into your rooms to well, doing lovely and nasty things while protecting you from everyone, having a protective behavior with the love he felt for you in his heart.
the end.
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heimdallsbraids · 1 year
Blood of Mine | Ch. 1 (Heimdall x fem!reader)
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Summary: Life is pretty simple. Survive the harsh conditions of Fimbulwinter in Midgard, trade with your dwarven friends in Svartalfheim and – avoid the shit out of Odin’s most loyal lapdog? If word reaches the All-Father about your blood-bending origins, you’re doomed… (Hints of Avatar: TLA, but not a crossover)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Profanity
Note: Hey all, heimdallsbraids here to present you with my first-ever attempt at a GOW fic! Heimdall, the little shit, successfully managed to drag me away from my Detroit: Become Human fic, and so here we are... I'm not all too well-versed in Norse mythology, so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. Without further ado, please enjoy!
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Chapter One: Unexpected Visitor
“Is this all you’ve got?”
You side-eyed the dwarf beside you like he’d spoken gibberish.
“What do you expect, Durl? Fimbulwinter’s rough out there.” You gestured to your snow-covered garments for good measure.
Durlin’s lips formed a thin line as he watched you drop unceremoniously onto his office chair, your legs folded up underneath you in a completely unladylike fashion. It was an odd quirk, but he’s since gotten used to it over the many years he’s known you.
“I know, I know. All I’m saying is that your loyal customers are going to be disappointed...”
“Well, sorry, but I only have one pair of arms to work with!”
He sighed at that, opting to ditch the rucksack of food you’d brought and join you on a chair of his own.
“Something on your mind, kid?” You drawled, taking the words right out of his mouth.
He gave you a look, “Well?”
“Ugh, you know how it goes.” You ran a hand down your face, expression tired. “It’s just – Dad’s gone on a bit of a bender again, and I don’t know if I can deal with it this time. It’s getting harder to manage the trade on my own, you know.”
That and it’s not what I want to do anymore, you carried on in your thoughts. You couldn’t leave him to fend for himself, however, despite the growing resentment you held towards him.
“You want me to send Lúnda over there? Straighten him out?”
You managed a half-smile at the thought of the heady female dwarf handing your father’s drunken ass to him. “Nah, I’m sure she’s got better stuff to do…”
He shrugged, lifting a tankard of mead you don’t remember him having to his lips. “Don’t say I didn’t ask.”
“Where the Hel did that come from?”
“The drink? When...” You rolled your eyes after a small pause. “Dwarves.”
“Hey, none of that.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”
He chuckled as you proceeded to pet Dìnner, enjoying the amicable silence until the sun reached its peak outside. Though ridiculously muggy, it was a welcome change from the freezing cold weather of Midgard. Finally warm enough, you shrugged off your outer layers, leaving you in a plain white long-sleeved tunic, dark brown pants and your favourite pair of knee-high winter boots.
The front door creaking open behind you snapped out of your reverie. You went to turn, but Durlin practically leapt from his seat and grasped you by the shoulders with shaky hands, eyes wide with what seemed like apprehension.
This can’t be good…
“Hey, tell you what,” he laughed nervously. “Why don’t you go see your father, and I’ll send Lúnda over as soon as she returns.”
“I literally just got done telling you that I can’t deal with him.”
He wasn’t having it, however, and began dragging you from your seat to begin pushing you through the back door. The one that you hardly ever used.
“I’ll. Send. Lúnda.” He urged.
By now, you were more than confused and fumbling to gather your things. You weren’t ready to go home just yet. The previous hunting session was a long one, and it didn’t help that you nearly got jumped by a bunch of raiders parading the realm under the guise of 'protecting their kind'.
Right. Because attempting to mug your own kind is ‘protecting’ them so damn well.
An exaggerated cough reverberated throughout the room, stopping the two of you in your tracks. With your back still to the stranger, Durlin finally resorted to shooting you a pleading look.
“Tsk, tsk. Have you really become so uncultured that even a simple introduction is beneath you, dwarf?”
The rude comment had you turning on your heels instantly, brows furrowed in astonishment. It was safe to say the smooth voice certainly matched his appearance; tall, fair-skinned with braided dirty blond hair and an arrogant smirk adorning his begrudgingly handsome features. It was the glowing bifröst eyes that really stood out, though, and you immediately understood why your friend was so unsettled.
This was that asshole he’d told you about – the one that burned him as punishment for trying to rebel against the Aesir all those years ago. It was a sore subject for him and quite often the topic he revisited most when in a drunken stupor.
“Of course,” Durlin resigned, slowly making his way back to the centre of the room. He mumbled your name so quietly you almost didn’t hear him, but the asshole certainly did.
“Heimdall,” he offered, a little too proudly for your liking.
The God of Foresight and Surveillance, Herald of Ragnarök, and one of Odin’s many sons. You knew of him. From what you’ve heard and, frankly, could already tell, this guy had an ego the size of Asgard itself and was a giant pain in the ass to deal with.
“Pleasure,” you grit out, unable to hide your distaste.
To your dismay, your comment only served to widen that smirk of his, and he quickly encouraged the two of you to join him outside, most likely so he could actually stand upright. You were surprised he even entered in the first place, what with how tall he was. Nothing in comparison to many other gods you’d met, sure, but still enough to hinder smooth movement within a dwarf’s dwelling (not that you didn’t struggle with it yourself, but you were fairly smaller than him).
The three of you stepped out onto the street, and you glanced around, confused. The settlement was normally pretty busy around this time of day, with plenty of dwarves moving about to work on their current projects or open up stalls. Right now, however, it resembled a ghost town. Was this guy really that much trouble?
One glance at Durlin’s scarred head told you yes, he really was that much trouble.
Heimdall’s bifröst eyes once again landed on your form. His own distaste became increasingly evident as he observed your simplistic attire. It was a far cry from his own luxurious clothing, well-adorned in quality leather, armour, and a multitude of gold accents to boot. Not to mention, he looked like he’d had a full night’s rest, unlike yourself.
Soon enough, his eyes met yours, and you shuddered involuntarily at the strange pulling sensation tickling at the forefront of your mind. Was this what it felt like to have the god of foresight poking around up there? It wasn’t overly unpleasant, but it still irritated you. It reminded you of someone snooping through your diary without permission.
You clenched your fingers tightly, feeling your own powers rise in an attempt to guard yourself. You’re not entirely sure how it happened, but you felt it when his grasp slipped, denied from any attempt at getting a full read on you.
“What’s this?” He muttered, that obnoxious smirk fading into a frown.
One moment he was more than eight feet away, and now, your senses were overwhelmed as he invaded your personal space. His height hardly intimidated you, but you could feel the raw power emanating from his form as he glared down at you, growing more and more pissed off as he tried and failed to enter your mind once more.
He definitely didn’t like that.
“And just who are you exactly?” He seethed through golden teeth.
He grasped your wrist in a tight hold before you could step back, tugging you forward so that your chests were only a breadth apart. Durlin was stammering over his words somewhere behind you, attempting to quell the situation before it turned into anything more.
“I’m afraid you’re gonna have to be a little more specific than that.” You responded poorly. Where the hell your courage was coming from, you had idea.
His jaw tensed, “Must I dumb it down for you, filth?”
You so badly wanted to call him a name, too, but you weren’t that stupid. You knew you were already walking on mighty thin ice as it is, what with him being related to Odin and all. If the old codger caught wind of your true origins, you’d be screwed to Hel and back.
“I believe I was already introduced, Heimdall.” His hold finally loosened enough for you to wrench your arm back and create some much-needed space between the two of you. “Anyhow, I’m taking you up on your offer, Durl. Tell Lúnda she is more than welcome to stay for dinner.”
You shot one final glare to the Aesir god before leaving the pair of them to it. Even as you turned away, you knew he still regarded you with a sour expression on his face. If it weren’t for whatever business he was on, you were sure he would’ve kicked up more of a fuss, but you clearly weren’t his priority at the moment, and you were more than glad for it.
What a shitty day…
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mischiefmaker615 · 11 months
Tears of a Mermaid (Loki Love Story Ch.5)
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Loki walked at a casual pace as to not to draw attention to himself as he headed to the stables. he couldn't stop thinking about her last night, her touch..her voice, eyes..passion, gods! how could a woman, of another kind or not, have so much power over him? just the mere thought of her made him want to race faster to his horse, but he did quite the opposite as Thor stepped in his way once he turned the last corner
''brother! we are in need of your assistance'' he grinned, clearly happy to see him and expecting a yes regardless of how he was always treated.
Loki side stepped and kept walking, only to be pulled to a stop by a hand on his shoulder, giving an annoyed look as he held his patience together ''what is it Thor?''
''father wishes us to venture to Alfheim to assure Asgard's safety of possible threat, there's-''
''the elves have no quarrel with us here, it will be fine'' Loki shook his head, shrugging Thor's hand off.
''Heimdal has never been wrong, if it is but a simple rumor, it is best to make sure it doesn't intensify further towards truth.-why have you been disappearing every day to almost the same time?'' Thor questioned, unable to read Loki but still held a look of suspicion. Loki ignored his quickened heart beat and stayed casual, his calmness always helping him when it came to lying, but his made up excuse was buried once Odin came into view and stood beside them.
''father.'' Thor greeted with a small nod-bow and a smile, where Loki looked surprised to see him here of all times. why?
''it be best for the both of you to go, do not underestimate them. they are demigods and in numbers, came be dangerous. i trust the both of you could manage to keep the peace when we put this situation to rest, best to go now.''
''yes father'' Thor agreed and took a step back, waiting for his brother to follow before they both headed to the stables to venture off to the Biefrost.
Loki's hesitated as he followed, his eyes looking up to see sunset threaten to appear and his mind wondered of to Mara. he had told her he would return, not a day had passed that he wasn't able to visit her, this was to be the first. what choice did he have? any other excuse and will Thor questioning already, would have raised more suspicion on his little secret, and he couldn't put her in danger. with a silence apology, Loki left with Thor.
''damn it-'' Loki cursed as he flinched again.
''my apologies my lord'' a palace maid said quietly as she tampered with the bedside device, the light glow above brightening ever so slightly as it shown on him. ''it should heal by dawn, is there anything else you wish of me?''
''that is all'' Loki dismissed her and layed down again as he gazed up at the healing source they had placed above his bed. Asgard's magic was never short of proper technology, and a side stab would be nothing more than a paper cut once it healed properly at a certain amount of time.
they had got to Alfheim, laid to rest any rumor and thought that threatened war, and Thor still managed to do something stupid which ended up having Loki get stabbed in the side by a deemed accident. his version of playful fun always involved a weapon or too. true he'd be healed by morning, but that wouldn't excuse the time missed with Mara.. he sighed as he looked down at his wound, his armor and leather off and leaving him shirtless to better have access for the healing source to reach. just a few inches, nothing to dangerous but just enough to keep him put. even if he used magic, he probably wouldn't be able to make it to her by now, sunset has passed hours ago and she'd be long gone by now..
''no point in thinking about going tonight, i'd just have to make it up to her tomorrow..'' Loki sighed and closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would quicken the time to the next day, and even then he'd sill have to wait till evening to meet with her. 'damn...'
Loki woke up to feel a particular weight on his stomach, and something on his chest, as if something was leaning forward. he felt long delicate fingers running along his chest and weight being shifted forward and back on his mid section as the source moved around. his eyes snapped open and he jolted up forward, almost headbutting the figure swaddling him and his hands had to reach around her back to keep her from falling back.
her beautiful eyes seemed to light up as they locked with his, almost two inches apart from his face as a smile spread on her lips ''i am glad to see you are not hurt anymore''
questioned raced through his mind as he blinked at her, trying to figure out what was happened and to help wake himself up. his first concern was of how she was even here as his eyes traveled down, shooting back up to her eyes quickly and used all his power, almost magic to keep them there ''-why are you naked?- how do you have legs??''
Mara glanced down innocently at them as she sat comfortably and calmly on his lap in a swaddling position, her eyes going back to his own as if nothing was wrong ''mermaids may possess a little bit of magic..apparently when they accidentally dry out, they can grow them'' she smiled excitedly, almost as if a child was waking up on Christmas morning ''though if in contact with water, we get our tails back..''
''Mara you- i mean.. hold on'' Loki stuttered, praying to all the nine realms to keep himself in control, all of him, as he carefully rolled off and pushed her lightly so she got the message to get off. as she stood, he did as well, his eyes staying up at the ceiling as he used his hand to search for a robe or some sort of covering, his fingers coming in contact with his cape ''here-''
Mara took it thankfully and smiled, feeling the fabric as she stroked it gently ''it must be so soft being able to wear these-''
''exactly, wrap it around yourself-''
she shared a small confused look but wrapped it around herself as if being covered by a towel, still possessing her cloth though that functioned as a bra. Loki took a deep breath and used his perennials to peak and see if she was decent before turning to look at her fully, making the redness in his cheeks disappear as he relaxed
''Mara..what are you doing here? how did you get here?''
Mara bit her lip innocently as she looked at him sheepishly ''you didn't show up yesterday and thought you might be hurt.. i tried getting to a higher hillside to see if i could spot anything on land but i suppose the time it took was enough to dry me off and then these appeared''
Loki nodded slowly, his eyes looking into anything above the shoulders, though they slipped a few times as he shifted a little ''how did you get here- did anyone see you?''
Mara shook her head ''there was one guard that stopped me, i asked him where did Loki go and he pointed me into the right direction'' she smiled proudly.
'gods, he probably thinks i have women come in and out of my chambers on a daily-' ''well Mara..you need to stay out of sight from everyone, if they get a small hint of suspicion that you are not who they think you are, you could be in great danger..and you need to be wearing clothes while you are on land'' he added, his eyes falling down as he let himself look her over, a tightening in his chest came and anger sparked slightly to think men dared to lay their eyes upon her before him..
''that might explain the strange glances'' she thought out loud as she clutched the cape closer to her.
Loki looked around a little before stopping the bathroom, waving his hand for her to follow and assured her in ''wait in here, i shall have a maid fetch some clothes suitable for you''
she trotted over and went in the bathroom, his eyes watching her as he hid and impressed look, surprised at how well she could walk considering she wasn't accustomed to it.
''wait here, i shall return'' he assured her and closed the bathroom door, going over to his bedroom chambers to seek out a maid.
he had one bring a suitable dress in green and gold, wanting her to at least dress in his colors if men were to be looking at her before he walked back to the bathroom door and knocked out of habit ''Mara-''
"Loki..i need help..''
Loki tensed and didn't hesitate to enter, having to quickly watch his footing so he would step on her, seeing she was back to her regular self; tail and all lying on the floor on her back. ''what happened??''
Mara shyly motioned to the facet ''i got curious so i looked around and that thing spit at me..''
''oh dear..'' Loki sighed as he crouched down, looking her over as if he was figuring out what to do first ''try not to touch anything, these kind of rooms have the most water usage. here,'' he handed her a towel and she started drying herself. Loki hesitated, wondering if he should help her and held up the dress ''if we get this handled, this is for you to put on''
''will i be staying here?''
Loki looked at her, not knowing if it be best if she returned or if she'd be fine here if she'd liked..but her lack of knowledge on basic things would be a dead give away ''..for a bit, i can show you around and return you at dusk'' he smiled, knowing it was a start ''if you like it here then i could perhaps teach you on everyday things and functioning'' he offered, reaching up and turning off the leaky faucet as if it were ready to jump on her again. Mara looked excited and hesitant all at the same time but kept a smile on her face as she flicked her tail a little.
''guess we'll have to see how this goes'' she laughed and continued drying.
as Loki watched, he took the opportunity to properly look at her, all of her, now that she was out of water. her tail was beautiful, smooth and reflectant almost of tropical colors mostly consisting of blue. her wait was slim, giving her a nice curve to where her hips would typically be and her chest was the perfect size..to his preference anyway. she skin was sun kissed but pale, blond red hair illuminating her eyes that held so much innocence, wonder and care. he had to glance away a little when she looked at him, not wanting her to know he had stared far longer than what people are comfortable with. but he couldn't help it.. he could stare at her all day if he could..
Mara flinched a little, snapping him out of his thoughts as she brought her tail forward, almost as if one was hugging their knees as she took a deep breath.
''Mara- are you okay?'' Loki asked with concern, his eyes scanning her for any possible injuries but she nodded reassuringly
''yes it's just..happening..''
in all his years of yielding magic, making so many things possible, he had never seen a transformation quite like this. her body seemed to glow a light green, almost as if it were white and seemed to get brighter by the second. the mid section of her tail up to her wait seemed to sink in to where legs would be split in half and she flinched again. by her eyes he could tell she was holding the pain in and that drew in more concern as he moved a little closer, about to ask if she was okay until the glowing got brighter to where he had to look away so he wouldn't get blinded. it only lasted a moment before everything was back to normal and Mara had legs again and..everything else, to which he quickly, and to his disappointment, covered her like a gentleman. he hesitated as he watched her catch her breath, stiffing a bit as he felt the vibe around him. something wasn't right...being one of magic, he felt a dark presence he hadn't felt in a long time..
''..black magic..'' he whispered.
Mara looked up at him, her innocent in her eyes returning and almost looked proud of herself at what just happened and looked down at her legs ''i get my very own pair'' she giggled and he decided to put the feeling off for now as he returned her smile, his heart melting when he saw her happy.
''well we can't have you on the floor forever, come on, i'll help you'' he told her, offering her his hand where she took it and he helped her up.
''what are you doing?'' she asked as he took the dress and kept his eyes closed.
''i am helping you dress-''
''with your eyes closed?''
''on land, most of the time it is curious for one to shield their particular gender parts from others unless they have deep feelings for them'' he told her and used his hands to feel around, holding the dress open so she could put her head through.
''but i do have deep feelings for you..''
his eyes flew open and locked with hers, seeing she had already stuck her head through and was almost nose to nose with him, making his cheeks redden and hers starting to get red too ''Mara..'' he didn't know what to say, getting a confession like this out of no where, and here of all placed, knowing he felt the same; his mouth struggled to find the right words as his gaze softened ''i-''
''brother, i wish to speak with you''
Thor's voice could be heard from outside the bed chamber, even in the bathroom he could still be heard. ''one moment-'' Loki called and turned his attention back to Mara, letting go of the dress as it fell down beautifully and fit her figure ''i'll have to tend to him for a moment, lets have you ready'' Loki encouraged, disappointment hidden in his eyes with their moment ruined by his idiotic brother.
as he helped lace her up, his slender fingers gently brushed up against her skin, making her blush a little as she looked forward, seeing herself in the mirror and let her smile show ''now i look like your kind'' she giggled.
''true but acting will be necessary too, just do your best'' he encouraged, his eyes gazing down her back before he took a step back, a hand offered with a smile to lead her out ''m'lady,''
Mara returned the smile and took his hand, following his instructions as she gripped the dress a little with her other hand to lift slightly so she wouldn't trip. leading her to the chamber door, he had her wait behind him before he opened it, giving a slight irritated look at his brother waiting patiently outside ''what?''
''i have- that's exactly the maiden i have been searching for!''
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theorderofthetriad · 1 year
it's wednesday so ask me about my WIPs! maybe that'll get my brain gears turning enough to actually finish and publish any of them
My current WIPs:
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DHG 2: the second chapter of my Our Flag Means Death Stizzy fic Don't Handle Gently which i have been struggling to write for months. like literally that document is only 1500 words i've been at it since pretty much immediately after i published the first chapter last august. strange that i'm having such a hard time w/ it because it's planned out really well in my head so can i please just put it into words already? Also this is literally the only non-loki-centric fic on this list whoops
prince of jotunheim: this was an idea i had pretty recently and have manged to bust out 2000 words in a relatively short time, meant to be just a oneshot. captain america and the avengers realize that hydra has loki's scepter and they cannot find it, so they go to jotunheim where loki was sent as punishment after The Avengers (2012) to interrogate loki and are not prepared for what they find. really this fic is just a vehicle to express a lot of headcanons and theories i have about the mcu i regards to loki and elements relating to him.
Stained Red ch 1 draft: you'll notice that this document specifies the chapter and that it's a draft and that's because i started writing something entirely different as a oneshot about Loki but then i went, "no! i can make this an elaborate project i'll work on on and off for over eight months and still not be anywhere close to completing the first chapter that is already over 5000 words!" 😑🔫 it's a Loki/Matt Murdock fic, no I still have not actually gotten them in the same room to talk to each other yet, I only managed to bring Matt into the story 600 words ago. I posted a draft of this back in february, some of what's in there has been cut or edited.
Infinity war break it: you know about fix it fics? "oh canon was broken so i'm gonna repair it, grab the duct tape tee hee! :)" well i know infinity war is already broken but goddamn i'm gonna take a hammer and break it some more! break it worse! heimdal sends loki (and thus the space stone) to earth before thanos's army even boards. (and because thanos doesn't get the space stone, he can't follow through on the rest of the shit he did in the movie (including sending his kids to earth) as he has to get there the slow way instead of instantly teleporting) and then the avengers have to reunite to stop loki, who crashed down into Strange's house and then ran away, as far as WIPs go this is like barely on the way to being dough, it's flour and salt but i need to go to the store to buy yeast
matchmaker thor: I've started and scrapped the beginning of this fic multiple times, i last opened it almost a month ago but honestly i have been thinking about this wip a lot lately, mainly in the sense that i think for this fic it'd be fun to have Loki be a trans man, like as an extra detail slightly informing the context of Loki's life. Loki lives in stark tower, Thor meets daredevil and finds out he knows if people are or aren't lying and decides that he would be a perfect match for famous liar Loki and sets out to set them up! if only Loki would stop wasting his attentions on this annoying Matt guy he met at the library.
so those are the WIPs i've worked most recently on! ask me stuff about them!
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lightandfellowship · 1 year
Pinned Post/Navigation
Reccomended KHDR Meta:
The Walrus and the Carpenter foreshadowing
The special grave
What’s going on with the upper classmen’s trip?
The flashbacks don’t lie to you
Breaking down Vor’s motivations
Dark entities, the Queen of Hearts, and Hringhorn
The Baldr and Hoder conflict was calculated
Additional evidence for dark beings manipulating the emotions of their host
Why did Hoder drop her Keyblade?
Rewriting KHDR to give Urd a more prominent character arc
Tags for my posts:
#rambling about dim path — my personal tag for KHDR specifically, mostly used for meta/discussion but sometimes other things too
#rambling about kh — my personal tag for Kingdom Hearts games other than KHDR.
#making kh art — my Kingdom Hearts fanart
#making kh edits — sometimes memes, sometimes art
#making kh photosets — a collection of KH screenshots that illustrate a parallel, callback, theme, contradiction, etc.
Tags for my reblogs:
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#ch tag: era — Eraqus
#ch tag: brag — Bragi
#ch tag: vo — Vor
#ch tag: her — Hermod
#ch tag: ur — Urd
#ch tag: bal — Baldr
#ch tag: vid — Vidar
#ch tag: hod — Hoder
#ch tag: val — Vala+Vali (idk how to shorten their names without it being the same sorry)
#ch tag: helg — Helgi
#ch tag: sig — Sigrun
#ch tag: heim — Heimdall
#ch tag: odi — Odin
#ch tag: und — All the underclassmen
#ch tag: upp — All the upperclassmen
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theart2rock · 7 months
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Die psychedelischen Prog-Metaller Enslaved sind stolz darauf, eine neue Headliner-Tour durch Großbritannien und Europa für das Frühjahr 2024 anzukündigen und kommen dabei auch in die Schweiz. Diese Nachricht kommt nur wenige Tage nach ihrer letzten Live-Show des Jahres auf dem Damnation Festival. Sie folgt auf eine hektische Festival-Saison mit Auftritten auf Festivals wie Midgardsblot, ArcTanGent, Brutal Assault, Beyond The Gates und Desertfest Antwerp sowie auf eine Co-Headline-Tour durch die USA und Kanada Anfang des Jahres mit Insomnium. Die neue 16-Tage-Tour wird im März 2024 stattfinden und die Band durch 10 verschiedene Länder führen. Unterstützt werden sie dabei vom britischen Post-Hardcore-Quartett Svalbard und den US-Metallern Wayfarer. Sänger und Bassist Grutle Kjellson kommentiert: "Freunde! Im März ist es soweit! Das große Horn wird wieder erklingen, und Heimdal wird euch durch Schmerz und Angst und zum Sieg führen! Mit anderen Worten: wir werden wieder durch Europa touren! Aufgrund von Ereignissen und Umständen, auf die wir alle keinen Einfluss haben, ist es unsere erste europäische Clubtour seit 2018! Nicht weniger! Wir freuen uns darauf, euch alle wiederzusehen. Alu Alu Laukar"! UK & European Tour Dates 2024: 06/03 – UK London, Islington Assembly Hall 07/03 – UK Leeds, Brudenell Social Club 08/03 – UK Manchester, Club Academy 09/03 – UK Glasgow, Slay 10/03 – IE Dublin, Opium 12/03 – NL Helmond, Cacaofabriek 13/03 – FR Paris, La Machine 14/03 – CH Geneva, PTR/l’Usine 15/03 – FR Montpellier, Victoire 2 16/03 – IT Milan, Legend 18/03 – CZ Prague, Futurum 19/03 – AT Vienna, Szene 21/03 – DE Cologne, Club Volta 22/03 – DE Leipzig, Taubchenthal 23/03 – DE Berlin, Hole44 24/03 – PL Warsaw, Proxima (w/ Svalbard + Wayfarer) Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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speedgeek · 1 year
Copying over old Marvel kinkmeme prompts from LJ:
Revolution is brewing in Asgard
Guards and servants are everywhere in the palace, so word of Thor's banishment, the All-Father falling into the Odinsleep and Loki's elevation to King by the Queen, Heimdall and council gets around fast. The guards are nearby to hear the Warriors 3 and Sif ask for Thor's return and Loki's rightful refusal. They disappear shortly after that and they were last seen heading for the Bifrost; it doesn't take a genius to figure out where they went and that Heimdall let them. The guards/servants know Loki saved a helpless Odin from Layfey. The next thing anyone else knows, the Bifrost is destroyed, Thor is back, and he is standing over Loki when he falls from the broken remains of the Rainbow Bridge.
Loki is well accustomed to secrets and working in the shadows. No one sees his plotting and manipulations. No one on Asgard knows what transpired in New Mexico. And after the events of the first movie are over, Odin feels no need to inform his subjects of what truly happened. Sif tells anyone who will listen of Loki's evil acts, but she is hardly a reliable source; it is well known how little she and Loki got along. Everything else comes from the whispers of the guards and the servants in the palace- and the story they tell is of a King betrayed by those closest to him, a King who was only trying to protect Asgard and live up to the example set by the All-Father, a King that died at the hand of his banished and violent brother.
In the time between Thor and the Avengers, Thor shows more humility and caution, but not much. He, Sif and the Warriors 3 start to realize (but not appreciate) how much Loki did for them. There is no Loki to smooth things over when Fandral has taken the wrong woman to bed, when Sif has lashed out and started a fight, when Hogan thinks his honor has been insulted, when Volstagg thinks his tavern tab is too high and refuses to pay. There is no magic to save them from danger on hunts. There is no Silvertongue to talk the All-Father around to their point of view. There is no Loki to come between Odin and Thor when father and son clash. There is no mischief to ease tensions around the palace.
Meanwhile, the guards are spreading the treasonous acts of Heimdall, Sif and the Warriors 3, unhappy that they were not punished for defying a rightful orders of the King and the All-Father. They find many willing ears, even among those that didn't particularly like Loki.
No one cares the Loki was a Frost Giant; half of Asgard, including the rest of the descendants of Buri, have giant blood as well. Queen Bestla, Odin's giantess mother, is still remembered quite fondly. Loki was raised Aesir and he was loyal to Asgard, that is all that matters to the masses. They don't care that he tried to destroy Jotanheim; Laufey should never have tried to go against Asgard and brought destruction upon his own realm. No one but the younger warriors care about the magic; sorcerers are a part of everyday life and the seasoned warriors of Bor and Odin's wars tell stories of the great battle sorcerers of Vanaheim and magic ice blades of Jotanheim before they both fell under Asgard's glorious rule. His mischief is frequently remembered with anger, but that is hardly something worth overthrowing a King for.
When Loki is returned to Asgard in chains after invading Earth, the chains are all the masses care about. Midgard is filled with nothing more than easily killed mortals that believe them to be gods. It was Loki's right as a prince of Asgard and as King to take control of that realm if he wished to. He needn't have involved the Chitari, there were plenty of restless warriors on Asgard that would have answered his call. They do not understand Thor's indignation, he's done the same thing before and will again.
The longer Loki stays locked up, the longer his betrayers remain unpunished, the more the resentment grows. The Dark Elves attack, the queen dies, Loki dies in chains, Thor leaves for Earth and his mortal lover again. Odin (Loki) is left alone to deal with the damage.
I see this as all taking place in the background of the the movies, nothing that was onscreen changing, then taking over after The Dark World ends. What does Thor return to after Age of Ultron?
Bonus: Loki is on the throne when Thor returns, not Loki-as-Odin…
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
thinking thoughts about odin's eye now.
personally i am very very attached to the idea that laufey took it out, because of the meaning that lends to loki's actions in stuttgart.
i also think the idea that it was an (unwilling) "sacrifice" in wartime that odin can claim granted him "wisdom" (an objectively correct opinion on jotunheim which you can't argue with)... works, more or less.
and then there's also the fact that mimir is a jotun, and jotunheim, as we see it, is entirely covered in ice, so... we have at least some adjacency to mimir's well.
what does interest me about that theory, though, is a possible explanation for heimdall's sight. it's true that heimdall's power is not LITERALLY limitless (loki and the dark elves both circumvent it, and it only applies to yggdrasil, which is *not* actually a synonym for the whole universe as far as i can tell)... but it's still colossal and pretty much without match on asgard. so... how does it work
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
Strange is in Ragnarok but it's more like a cameo, anyway he's great in it. Also I didn't really care about Thor (as a character) until I watched Ragnarok, like he's just so pure in that movie. The deaths of Heimdall and Loki in IW are sadder after watching Ragnarok as well D: I've watched every movie in the Infinity Saga and loved it, now we're on the Multiverse Saga and I agree with you, there's more content so it's harder to keep up. But I love the MCU and its characters so I have to 😂
{i am the caretaker of souls} Hey, even a cameo is worth watching, right? And it's on my list of movies to see anyway, so I may as well. For research purposes, haha.
You know, it's funny... I'm a CH fan, I've seen like eight of his non-Thor movies, and his character in The Huntsman: Winter's War actually inspired a character in one of my original books years ago, so he's definitely able to draw decent inspiration out of me heh, but I just haven't been able to really like Thor thus far. I'm just not emotionally moved by "himbo" characters. Which is weird, then, that I do like Pietro Maximoff, but I digress. Although I will say that I started liking Thor a bit more in Endgame, I think only because he felt more real to me. He wasn't a winning, grinning, himbo anymore. He'd lost things and people, he'd make some big mistakes, and he had to deal with the consequences and mental health setbacks of that. He had more depth, despite the creators of the movie trying to turn him into comic relief. So I guess if Ragnarok has any of that in it, maybe I'll finally be able to jump on the Thor bandwagon, heh. We'll see.
And see my goal wasn't to watch the complete saga, only to watch the characters I liked/wrote. But the MCU now has kindof made that impossible because everybody seems to be in everybody else's movies now that you have to watch so many if you want to see your favorites' complete stories. That's a little bit annoying to me, but eh, I try my best to get the gist of things. XD
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powerbroke · 3 years
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@creatorsofcolornet and @mcutv marvel poc celebration month
WEEK 2: fav poc led story — HEIMDALL in Thor: Ragnarok
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heimdallsbraids · 1 year
You | Ch. 1 (Heimdall x fem!reader)
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Summary: You are so beautiful, so alluring, and so completely unaware of the way you plague his mind day in and day out. You are going to be his and his only, and not a single soul can stop him from making that happen. (Heimdall x fem!reader - modern!AU inspired by Netflix's You)
Rating: Mature (probs gonna change to explicit ngl)
Warnings: Profanity, obsessive behaviour, sexual content (youngsters back tf up)
Note: This is only a teaser for what COULD be continued if enough of you like it. It's my hopeful attempt at a modern-day GOW fic, but the idea of Heimdall being an obsessive little shit like Joe from You was way too tempting not to try, so without ado, please enjoy!
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Chapter One: The Side Hustle
The black leather bra caught his attention first. Blue eyes trailed downward in a slow drag, shamelessly admiring the sight. Matching panties, strappy garter belt and thigh-high stockings accompanied by six-inch stilettos. Were you trying to torture him?
Heimdall tipped his head back as he took a long swig from his glass. The familiar burn that followed was a welcome one as he tried to focus on anything but the growing tent in his jeans. Good thing he didn’t have to worry about anyone noticing since it was dark, and he was in a private booth on the second floor of the venue.
This was the third time he’d come back to this godforsaken place in the span of a week, but he had to if he wanted to catch a glimpse of you again. You, the one currently stealing the spotlight from everyone else on that damned stage with your gorgeous body. You, the one giving the seductive eyes as you dropped to your haunches in front of a few eager patrons waving their money in the air. You, the one he couldn’t stop thinking about day in and day out.
He’d only recently discovered that you worked here thanks to a little digging on social media. Outside of the venue, you were the good girl who worked a part-time job at a café and studied graphic design at one of the most prestigious universities in Gladsheim. You were smart, popular, and, most importantly, oozed pretty innocence to anyone who didn’t know better.
But he knew better.
He knew that your adoptive father was a war veteran back in the day and struggled with emotional connection. He knew that your adoptive mother was his father’s ex-wife and a stubborn bitch when she wanted to be. He knew that you had a younger brother in high school who was currently aiming to compete in an archery tournament later this year. He also knew that they were none the wiser about your little… side hustle.
He focused once more as the crowd began to whistle and cheer loudly, his eyes skipping over everything else and landing directly on you. The song had changed to a slow, sensual track that had him leaning forward to give you his undivided attention as you circled a chair with confident steps, wiggling your pointer finger in a ‘come hither’ motion to someone in the crowd.
‘Baby, you can
Ride it, ooh, yeah
Bring it over to my place’
A jock who looked too young to be here was pushed onto the stage by a rowdy group that must have been his friends. He immediately held his arms out to his sides, fuelling himself with their jeers and obnoxious attitudes, and Heimdall rolled his eyes. This immature man-child hardly deserved the treat he was about to get.
His breath hitched as you trailed a delicate hand over the young man’s chest before pushing him onto the chair with a playful shove, trying to imagine that it was him on the receiving end. There were shouts from the guy’s friends, but he seemed to only have eyes for you now as you slowly lowered yourself onto his lap while your other hand trailed over your body.
‘You don’t know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight speaks to me’
It was like you were one with the music, embodying every beat and every word that played. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, even as you began to gyrate your hips on that poor excuse for a man as part of an incredibly risqué dance he’d never witnessed from you before. Your client was clearly enjoying himself because he was beginning to get a little too comfortable, and Heimdall’s eyes were narrowing when hands other than your own landed on your ass, squeezing tightly before delivering a rough smack that had you jumping.
Security guards had noticed, too, and soon two of them were getting on the stage, ready to see the man out despite the angry yells from his friends. You’d moved to get up, but the jock, seeing his fate, grasped you by the back of your head and planted what was most definitely an extremely sloppy kiss on your lips. You were clearly shocked as the guards (and now other dancers) intervened, separating him from you with rough tugs and reprimands.
Heimdall watched as your skinny blonde co-worker linked arms with you and led you out back somewhere, but he only had one thing on his mind as his eyes once again zeroed in on the young man still causing a ruckus for the security guards as he was escorted out. Sighing dramatically, he threw on his leather jacket and downed the rest of his drink before making his way to the exit.
He was going to make that dropkick regret ever stepping into this place.
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toomanylokifeels · 5 years
heimdall: *competent at everything he does*
loki: honestly can't deal w/ this toxicity in my life
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caracynthia · 6 years
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"dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them."                                                                   ―  aristotle
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oldgvds · 7 years
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heimdall |  voluspo, st. 46
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