#cerdan merlin
vampyreblogger · 1 year
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saurix5 · 6 months
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Because I have the feels, here is little Mordred & Cerdan.
Man I wish we got a scene of older Mordred speaking with the spirit of Cerdan v.v
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Freylin kids info;
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Full name: Stephanie Guinevere Ambrosius.
House: Ambrosius.
Age: 16 years old.
Birth place: Avalon.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: Daughter of the Lady of the Lake, the Only Daughter of Emrys, and the Lost spawn of Emrys.
Occupation: None.
Known as: Steph, Hanie, 'Ephanie, Stephie, and Ste.
Known for: Assisting Percival in a quest as a young child and disappearing at 14.
General outfit: An emerald green, long peasant dress with no shoes.
Weapons/Equipment: A green handled battle axe.
Extra accessories: A dragon hair clip.
Fears: Dying young, not being able to help people, losing her family, losing her friends, being cursed like her mother, bears, etc.
Dreams: She wants to be a Physician.
Likes:  Reading, helping people, reading, horseback riding, doing spells, swimming, healing , etc.
Dislikes: Evil sorcerers, bullies, classit people, her friends in danger, curses, being threatened with curses, etc.
Favorite Color: Emerald green.
Favorite Food: Cheesy bread.
Favorite Drink: Apple cider.
Favorite Animal: Cows.
Favorite Season: Winter.
Favorite Weapon: Battle axe.
Friends:  Lucan the Butler, Ywain, Melehan, Duran, Sanddef, Morfydd,and Calogrenant.
Parents: Freya and Merlin.
Siblings: Dragonet Ambrosius.
Love Interest: None.
Children: None.
Animal companion: None.
Childhood: Stephanie Guinevere Ambrosius was born in Avalon to Freya and Merlin a few years after the battle of Camlann.
She spent most of her youth helping people on quests and hanging out with her friends. Occasionally helping Giaus and her father in the medical ward before her disappearance.
Life: Eventually disappears at age 14 never to be seen again.
Death: Has not yet happened.
Quote: "Follow me and you will be a step closer to your goal. "
Theme Song: "Losing your memory."
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Full name: Dragonet William Ambrosius.
House: Ambrosius.
Age: 11 years old.
Birth place: Avalon.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: The Spawn of the Lady of the Lake, The Only Son of Emrys, Dragonet the Jester, Daguenet the Fool, Daguenet the Coward,  Danguenes the Craven of Carlion, and Royal Jester of Camelot.
Occupation: Jester, (unoffical) adviser, and Honorary knight of Camelot.
Known as: Dra, Drag, Drago, Dragon, Draggie, Gonet, Nettie, and Net.
Known for: Being a honorable, loyal jester and honorary knight.
General outfit: Brown linen pants, muddy black boots, and an oversized, maroon ubiquitous tunic.
Weapons/Equipment: A small, maroon handled dagger.
Extra accessories: A black belt with a clip on holster and pouch.
Fears: Suffering like his parents did, being persecuted because of his magic, being used, disappearing like his sister, dying like his mother did, being cursed like his mother, having a destiny, fire, having to kill someone, and lamias.
Dreams:  He wants to be an adviser or a knight.
Likes: Juggling, telling jokes, his friends staying out of trouble, reading, climbing trees, learning spells, riding horses, helping people, feeding strays, swimming, pulling pranks, doing magic tricks, horseback riding, and writing comedic poems and plays.
Dislikes: His father being made fun of, himself being made of, people joking about his sister's disappearance, fire, his friends in danger, his family in danger, either of them suffering, being cursed, assassination attempts, destiny, his pranks being halted, Kilgharrah and people going through his things.
Favorite Color: Maroon.
Favorite Food: Strawberries.
Favorite Drink: Goat's milk mixed with meshed up strawberries.
Favorite Animal: Dragons.
Favorite Season: Anything but winter.
Favorite Weapon:  Small daggers.
Friends: Helior, Artie, Everard, Menw, Tom Thumb, Penpingion, Taliesin, Cerdan Jr., Mabon,  Galeholt , etc.
Parents: Freya and Merlin.
Siblings: Stephanie Ambrosius.
Love Interest: Thitis.
Children: none as of now.
Animal companion: A cow named Moonamer.
Childhood: Dragonet William Ambrosius was born in Avalon to Freya and Merlin nearly a decade after the battle of Camlann.
He spent most of his youth helping out the servants in the castle, going on hunts with The Round Table and Arthur's kids, helping Giaus gather herbs, and doing tricks at feasts.
Being spoiled greatly by his many non official aunts and uncles along the way.
When he wasn't doing any of that he was hanging out with Arthur and the knights' several children, and trying to keep them out of trouble.
Life: Eventually, he becomes a court jester and is made an honorary knight by Arthur. The knights take him along so he can make fun of and play jokes on their enemies, making things much more entertaining.
Death:  Has not occurred yet.
Quote:  "Thou may wear riches like a king, but me thinks that thou is nothing more than a cumberworld churl."
Theme Song: "Run Boy Run."
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merlincinema · 4 months
Author/s: Excited_Insomniac, Papysanzo89 Title: The Hawk and the Bear Rating: T Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur Character/s: Mordred, Merlin, Arthur, Gaius Warnings: None Word Count: 15.7k Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53598016/chapters/135675019
Summary: When the Druid boy Mordred escapes from the witch Queen Morgana, he goes seeking Emrys and the Once and Future King in the hopes that they might free the land from her tyranny. Instead, he finds the exiled Prince Arthur, who travels with a hawk. A merlin…Written for the Merlin Cinema Fest and based on the film Ladyhawke! Art and dividers by the AMAZING SANZO!
Author's Notes: Let me tell you, I was shocked when I realized there weren’t any AUs of this movie! It’s got so many good things?? Curses? Pining? Adventure? Happy Ever After?? Hello??? So I jumped at the chance to write this fic for the Merlin Cinema Fest!
Some notes on the AU-ness: we’re diverging in a few ways, mainly that Morgana went evil much sooner and faster, so this is set early season 2, but she has killed Uther and assumed the throne already. Valiant is around because I wanted him there. Mordred and Cerdan never came to Camelot, so Morgana never met Mordred. Hopefully the rest will make sense as you go :)
All gratitude to my betas, Maya and thesongistheriver, and to Sanzo for the beautiful, beautiful art!!
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adhd-merlin · 4 months
merlin S1 rewatch: episode 8
this is a thing I was doing do you remember? do you remember this was a thing I was doing
it’s been like 3 months since I re-watched episode 8 (and 9!) so I’ve just re-re-watched it. Just now.
Would you let something terrible happen if it meant you'd stop something even worse happening in the future?
A fascinating ethical dilemma. Would you pull the lever in the trolley problem? Would you travel back in time and kill baby Hitler?
It isn't just Mordred’s life for Arthur’s, but Mordred’s life against the Golden Age and the freedom for magic people that Arthur is supposed to bring, so I understand why Merlin felt torn. There’s no clear-cut answer, which is what makes this storyline so compelling.
Anyway, let’s start with my main grievance – Mordred’s powers.
Merlin tells Gaius that he heard the Druid boy’s voice inside his head, to which Gaius replies:
Yes, I've heard of this ability. The Druids look for children with such gifts to serve as apprentices.
In this episode, Mordred mind-speech is a special ability that sets him apart from other children. By season 5, any random Druid can use it, to the point that Merlin is surprised when he tries to communicate with Daegal telepathically and the boy cannot hear him. The episode hints to Mordred’s magic being remarkable, even dangerous (like when he magically shatters a mirror in a fit of rage), but by season 5 Mordred barely even uses it.
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I am fascinated by Mordred’s backstory and disappointed that the writers forgot their own set-up, or decided to ignore it. 
I only knew Asa Butterfield from Sex Education, so it was weird to see him as young Mordred. He did a good job at looking mysterious and vaguely threatening, though it must be said he spent most of the episode unconscious.
Who was the Druid accompanying Mordred? The Merlin Wiki transcript names him as Mordred’s father, which is not in the credits (where he's only named as “Cerdan”). I didn’t get father-son vibes from their interactions, but maybe it’s just me. My impression was that he was some kind of mentor. Apparently I saw Mordred and decided he was an orphan. Don't ask me why.
We see Arthur trying to challenge his father (in private) multiple times, but he still spends a good chunk of the episode as an antagonist. He searches for Mordred when his father demands it and he’s willing to let him die, even if he’s not pleased about it. It’s only when Morgana begs him that he caves in (30 minutes into a 43-minute episode).
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Uther is a fascinating portrayal of an emotionally abusive parent. I wonder what he would have done if Morgana had “come out” to him – because he clearly cared for her, in his own fucked-up way. At least enough not to want her dead. Acceptance would have been out of the question, but I’m not sure he would’ve had her executed. Probably attempted to make her go through some kind of “conversion therapy”. He did keep Gaius as his physician after all, after making him vow never to use magic again (not that Morgana would ever have accepted it).
Now Arthur, I believe, would’ve accepted Morgana if she had told him she had magic. He’s so obviously fond of her, despite all the sibling bickering. 
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We get the first mention of the name Emrys – from Mordred, then confirmed by Kilgharrah.
Morgana saying she couldn’t live with herself if anything happened to Gwen or Merlin is such a !!!! statement considering what will happen later in the series
You are a guard of Camelot minding your own business when suddenly someone knocks you out. Just an ordinary Tuesday. You don’t get paid enough for this.
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Arthur telling Mordred (as he's freeing him from his cell) “Don't be scared. I've sent word to your people” -> HOW??? literally how. How does Arthur know where the Druids live. how did he get in contact with them. many such questions
Mordred glaring at Merlin when he finally comes to his rescue is so funny. “I had trouble getting out of the castle” he's like bitch you did NOT!
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Mordred’s name drop at the end is so epic. Even if you aren’t familiar with Arthurian legends (I wasn't), the music and Kilgharrah’s warning to Merlin make this moment sufficiently ominous and tense (and if you already know who’s going to kill Arthur, you will have guessed the boy’s name already anyway)
Arthur returns Mordred to Iseldir. The next time we see young Mordred is in ep 2x03 (The Nightmare Begins) and then again in episode 2x11 (The Witch’s Quickening) — in neither of them he is with Iseldir anymore, though Iseldir is still alive, given he reappears in S3. WHAT HAPPENED. Mordred’s childhood is a compelling mystery. I like the idea of there being different Druid clans with different beliefs about Emrys and Arthur’s destiny – and possibly Mordred’s, too. Not every Druid recognises Merlin as Emrys or thinks of him as a savior, after all (see Sefa and Kara). Is this why Mordred was (perhaps?) abandoned by Iseldir? Did he find out something about Mordred's role in Arthur's death? It’s an interesting idea. To me.
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waechterin-der-nacht · 10 months
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“How would you know he’s my destiny?” Mordred avoided Merlin’s gaze and stared straight ahead, mulling the question over in his head. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I can just feel it. Right here.” He placed his hand over his heart. “Your magic has always felt kind of … incomplete. Cerdan said I’m mistaken and that it just feels weird to me because you’re Emrys. “But he’s wrong,” Mordred declared confidently and looked at Merlin. “Your magic felt different, fuller, more complete, ever since yesterday morning, and the closer we came to the red knight, the more … the …” Mordred frowned in search of the correct term, but then simply settled on, “the more it became. And when you reached him … it was just like something slotted into place, something that had always been missing.” OR: Mordred and Merlin have a talk about destiny.
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xviruserrorx · 11 months
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-> Day 5 - "What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media?"
Oh, always a good question. I feel like the two are very separate in a way so I'm gonna give my opinion on both! @whumpmasinjuly-archive
As far as cannon goes I think every source of media always falls short on the recovery and comfort of the spectrum when it comes to Whump, or even stressing that something happened and that it's still affecting them. Shows like BBC Merlin, Stranger Things, Supernatural, all have characters with bad trauma and they have opportunities to touch on it but sadly never do.
In Supernatural I always wanted to see them elaborate more on the whole angel family because there's so much there especially with Chuck and Michael and what Naomi did as well as Gadreel and how they handle punishment it's just so much there!
Another on I can think of is Atlantis and granted if they had gotten their S3, I honestly believed they would have pulled through but that ending with Pythagoras and Icarus! The betrayal, their relationship, that line from Pythagoras "he's not mine to love" line is just so ah! The angst, the feels, the emotions, it was all there and I wish everyday we had got that S3!
And lastly, Merlin, because they have so much opportunities that they never took, here's just some for example...
Arthur: Child Neglect and the affects of that, Death, Grief, A lot of non-con things happen to him, he sustains a lot of injuries over the series and it would be interesting to see the lasting symptoms of those, his trust in others/inability to trust others would be cool to see (I say this because of later seasons with Gwen, Lancelot, Mordred, Morgana, even Merlin.)
Elyan: The relationship with his father! More things about their mother (what happened to her? Did she die in childbirth?) What happened to him before we meet him, his relationship with Gwen and Arthur when she gets exiled, and the relationships of the knight in whole after they loose elyan too!
Mordred: First the question of what happened to his parents and why Cerdan is his guardian, his relationship with Kara, what happened to him the whole time that he disappears after we last see him in S2? But also that time period of when he ends up in Alvar's care, and even how did he end up being a slave trader? His words to Morgana "I've had to learn how to survive", what was this small child forced to do to live during that whole time period?
I could go on all day but so many shows have soooo many good opportunities and they never elaborate on them!
I honestly don't have any opinions on fanfiction, fanart etc mainly because if I wish to see them whumped then I will do so myself XD. Rare pairs always need more love as well as background/minor characters and that includes whumpping them. But... I will say the hurt/comfort tag in Succession makes me very sad because there is no comfort 😂, but it makes sense considering the source material.
For me personally I love doing a good "what if" scenario. A, what if this happens instead of this, sorta thing which usually changes the story line and then you can sneak all types of fun stuff in their.
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merlinpetpeeves · 4 years
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prophetiaemerlini · 3 years
Merlin and Morgana standing there watching Cerdan's execution through a wide-open window while Mordred in sitting just a few feet away...not their most tactful decision
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wearethewitches · 3 years
fem!merlin x arthur = mordred
may queen fem!merlin x may king arthur, mordred is their son; she has to claim him under the law of beltane to save him from uther. 5+1:
1 is merlin joining the druids on beltane, only to get caught up with another newcomer who had no idea what he's doing. they decide to fumble around and as it happens, as both 'the young dragon' and 'emrys ambrosius', they're called on to be the may king and may queen that eve. they pass over the coals first, make love first, do all the rites first - even if it scares them, and also marks them - and then when the night is over, they part ways. merlin sneaks off and only later realises she's pregnant, coincidentally right as the druid camp is destroyed. when she goes to ask questions, she finds the remnants of camelot's destruction and has to return to ealdor, gutted. she gives her son into the druids' care when he's born.
2 is life in camelot, arthur and merlin going at each other. as his maidservant, she sees his tattoos for the first time, recognising him as a may king. arthur is all, how do you know about that? and merlin explains what she knows of beltane, etcetera, until the whole, 'i didn't know you were a father' line comes up and arthur goes apeshit. he confronts uther, merlin at his back, uther saying of course he knew and that they most likely killed the bastard before the mother found out. arthur is sickened and merlin gets her answer as to how the druid camp was destroyed. both shocked, they return to his chambers, thoughts a-buzzing. arthur thinks he killed his own child, is sick, but merlin asks him if the mother was even a druid. arthur refuses to consider that they might be alive and orders her not to speak of it, even as she comes to the conclusion that arthur is the father of her child, who she gave up to the druids.
3 is the poisoned chalice. arthur's pov, his tattoos burning the moment she falls. he doesn't understand why and tells morgana, who is confused. arthur explains what he knows about being may king and morgana is obviously horrified, but has a gleam to her eyes when she suggests that he might be connected to his may queen. arthur stews and when the time comes to retrieve the flower, he's sure of merlin's identity, calling her his may queen in the privacy of his mind. only his tattoos burn, fading for the longest of moments that has him screaming, before they resurge back into existence as merlin comes alive again. uther finds out and thinks he has been enchanted.
4 is the gate of avalon. arthur does what he's told, except whenever merlin is involved. sophia is suspicious and discovers his may king tattoos, to the joy of her father. he bargains for both her passage and for high station, for sacrificing both a prince and a may king. sophia outright states in front of arthur that while merlin be his may queen, she is stronger. merlin is slightly horrified and when arthur comes to, he remembers enough to ask her later if his child really lived. no might live. lived. merlin says, of course he did. arthur kind of breaks down and merlin stays with him that night, curled up beside him.
5 is the capture of cerdan, except he refuses to let go of mordred until he sees the king, immediately claiming mordred as a child of the green man. by law, he must be protected from the pyre and mordred has to take his shirt off and show his tattoos, a lovely duo of dragons entwined around his triskelion. uther calls his claim into question, shaken but still unyielding, saying it could be magical artifice. merlin interrupts and says it really isn't, to which uther is all, and how would you know. merlin ignores him and approaches cerdan, may queen words on her lips. she exchanges the rites, publicly calling herself the may queen, emrys ambrosius. mordred jerks about and calls her his mother. she pushes up her sleeve to show him her own dragon, before cerdan says as a proven child of beltane, he cannot be governed by mortal laws. uther is angry and claims the boy a conspirator, to which arthur woodenly asks if he would really burn his grandson to death. as they're in public, the claim holds weight. merlin is all, 'really arthur?' and arthur is all, 'really merlin? since when did you have two names?' merlin puts mordred on her hip and morgana exclaims about arthur having a son with merlin. uther is all 'a bastard' until cerdan reminds him that the may king and may queen complete all the beltane rites before producing a child, including wedding each other. merlin blanches and is like, that was REAL? arthur is likewise slightly horrified, being like, i've been married to merlin all this time and i never knew? oh my god, i kissed other women. merlin is like, this really isn't the time. also, mordred, you're really heavy. arthur immediately swans over and nicks him, giddy about having a son. I HAVE A SON!!! merlin calls him a prat. uther starts having a heart-attack in the background and there's a big kerfuffle as he falls over in his throne, gaius seeing to him.
+1, where merlin is picking up mordred's fallen crown from the grass, looking on as arthur and he wrestle in the meadow. balinor joins her at her side, asking if they'd renew their vows that night, to which merlin is all scrunchy-nosed. balinor calls her his queen, then rambles on about the purge. merlin listens, putting her own bit in, until mordred comes running over and asks a kiddy question like, why are frogs green? father said it's because they eat green things, but i don't think that's true. hugs and real explanations, before arthur joins them and passes mordred off to balinor. the dragonlord makes a remark about a granddaughter this time and arthur smirks. merlin rolls her eyes. a whole, 'my king.' 'my queen.' moment before it ends.
excess/original notes before i realised a 5+1 would be a cool format to put this in
merlin gave him up to the druids because ealdor wouldn't keep her otherwise; it's a regret she doesn't share with anyone, until arthur accidentally reveals himself to have been a may king, once; merlin is like, 'wow. i didn't know you had a child.' and arthur is like.........w t f. he interrogates her on the intricacies of beltane and then gets furious at his father, who knew, of course. uther knows more about beltane than arthur, which serves him well when mordred's guardian tries to enact the law of the green man.
uther is all, ha, you need a full green court for that. arthur asks what they're on about and uther explains to the watching pendragon court that law of the green man, while sacred, requires both a may king and may queen to preside. just because arthur was a may king once, does not mean the guy can enact green law. the druid admits to being surprised, as he thought only of bringing his case to the may queen, under whom all beltane children are sheltered, basically putting a hold on mordred's execution until another may king could join her in keeping him. funnily enough, this is the first time mordred's name is mentioned and it clocks merlin right in the gut.
merlin, knowing green law, is quick to step forwards. she doesn't need a may king to shelter her own son. she recites the passage and the druid kneels in offering, returning her green child. mordred rushes into her embrace and uther is on the brink of ordering her execution for consorting with druids. arthur asks what's going on and merlin asks him as may king for clemency.
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vampyreblogger · 1 year
aglain VS aggravaine VS alator VS albin VS alined VS alrick VS althild VS alvarr VS alynor VS anhora
WINNER: aglain
aredian VS ari VS arthur pendragon VS asgerd VS VS aulfric VS balinor VS bayard VS bedivere VS beroun VS bertrand
WINNER: arthur pendragon
bolg VS cador VS caerleon VS cedric VS cenred VS cerdan VS cylferth VS daegal VS dagr VS darien
WINNER: cenred
devlin VS ebor VS edwin muirden VS eldred VS elyan VS eoghan VS ethan VS evan VS evoric VS ewan
WINNER: elyan
fermin VS fyren VS gaius VS geldred VS geoffrey VS george VS geraint VS gilli VS godwyn VS gorlois
WINNER: gaius and geraint (tie)
gregory VS grettir VS gwaine VS halig VS helios VS hengist VS iseldir VS jarl VS john howden VS jonas
WINNER: gwaine
joseph VS julius borden VS kanen VS kelda VS kendrick VS kilgharrah VS king olaf VS knights of medhir VS lancelot VS leon
WINNER: lancelot
lochru VS lot VS matthew VS merlin VS montague VS mordred VS morris VS myror VS nollar VS odin
WINNER: merlin
olwin VS osgar VS oswald VS owain VS pellinor VS percival VS radnor VS ragnor VS robert VS rodor
WINNER: percival
ruadan VS sarrum VS sentry VS sindri VS sir william of deira VS taliesin VS tauran VS terrence VS thomas collins VS tindr
WINNER: sir william of deira
tom VS trickler VS tristan VS tristan de bois VS tyr seward VS uther pendragon VS valiant VS william
WINNER: uther pendragon
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Arwen kids info part 3;
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Full name: Arthur Giaus Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 11 years old.
Birth place: Unknown.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: Arthur the Less, The Youngest Son, Prince of Camelot, The Non-Heir, the Bastrad Child, and The Spare.
Occupation: Prince of Camelot.
Known as: Artie, Art, and Arthur Jr.
Known for: Being Prince of Camelot and being rumored to be Arthur's bastrad son.
General outfit: A classy white tunic, red linen pants, a brown belt, and brown boots.
Weapons/Equipment: A white handled sword with a gold blade.
Extra accessories: A clip on sheath.
Fears: Turning out like Uther, being disowned, being abandoned, losing his family, losing his friends, destiny, evil sorcerers, betrayal, etc.
Dreams: He wants to be a brave knight and King like Arthur.
Likes: Royal feasts, Tournaments, climbing trees, sparring, jousting, horseback riding, dragonback riding, listening to music, adventure, quests, magic tricks, hunting, swimming, listening to Dragonet's poetry, etc.
Dislikes: Being compared to his dad, being called 'Arthur the less', assassination attempts, Dragonet hurt, Dragonet endanger, people insulting the roundtable, people insulting 'his knights', council meetings, royal events, etc.
Favorite Color: White.
Favorite Food: Turkey legs.
Favorite Drink: Apple cider.
Favorite Animal: Dragon.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Weapon: Sword. Any type of sword.
Friends: Pucelle aux Blanches, Helior, Dragonet, Artie, Menw, Tom Thumb, Penpingion, Taliesin, Cerdan Jr., Mabon, Hélie, Esmerée the Fair, Thitis,  Galeholt, etc.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Iduna Pendragon, Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Melora Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: A Chieftess named Tulip.
Children: None as of yet.
Animal companion: A dragon named Agathera.
Childhood: Arthur Giaus Pendragon was born in an unknown land to an unknown woman (presumably out of wedlock) and was abandoned on the doorstep of an orphanage.
Due to his uncanny resemblance to the great King Arthur, he was named after the man and as he grew, rumors of him being the bastrad son of King Arthur spread.
Leading to people cruelly nicknaming him 'Arthur the less.' A nickname the boy grew to despise for obvious reasons.
Eventually, he ranaway when he was 5 and was kidnapped by a bandit who heard the rumors and assumed they were true. Causing him to send ransom to a baffled Arthur who still went to retrieve the boy with the help of Merlin and his knights.
He was adopted by Arthur and Guinevere shortly after his rescue, and grew up despising most royal events because of the horrid, gossiping nobles. Causing him to prefer to spend his time with the likes of Dragonet, the round table's children, and outcasts like himself.
Life: Later in his life, he became a great knight. Almost always following his family and friends' into danger without a second thought.
Unfortunately, his legend spread throughout the land under the name 'Arthur the less' but at this point, his siblings' cared a lot more about it than he did.
Because at this point, he knew that he was not less than his adoptive father. No matter what anyone else believed to be true.
Death: Has not happened yet.
Quote: "I despise that awful name. I am not less than my namesake. No matter what you or anyone else believes."
Theme Song: "You can be king again."
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Full name: Melora Gyneth Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 10 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: The second youngest, The second youngest daughter, Lady Melora, Princess Melora, Princess of Camelot, and the Knight of the Blue Surcoat.
Occupation: Princess of Camelot and Knight.
Known as: Mel, 'Lora, Melo, Melly, 'Ra, M, M.G, M.G.P, and the love of Prince Orlando.
Known for: Being a Princess of Camelot, The love of Orlando, and the Knight of the Blue Surcoat.
General outfit: A light blue and lavender, long sleeved smock with matching pattens.
Weapons/Equipment: Mace.
Extra accessories: A blue drawstring pouch and a purple gem necklace.
Fears: Turning out like Uther, being disowned, losing her loved ones, destiny, evil sorcerers, betrayal, being poisoned, being tricked, getting crushed, spiders, etc.
Dreams: All she really wants is a happy ending with her loved ones. She also wouldn't mind becoming a knight or almoner, though.
Likes: Royal feasts, Tournaments, sparring, jousting, horseback riding, listening to music, adventure, quests, poetry, Orlando, Orlando paying attention to her, her subjects having their needs met, her loved ones and subjects' safety, reading, taking care of the horses in the stables, Scavenging, sewing, etc.
Dislikes: Her subjects' needs not being met, her subjects being mistreated, her loved ones being mistreated, the horses being mistreated, unneeded cruelty, assassination attempts, the color 'yellow', etc.
Favorite Color: Blue and Purple.
Favorite Food: Porridge.
Favorite Drink: Lemon Drink.
Favorite Animal: Horses.
Favorite Season: Fall.
Favorite Weapon: Small Hatchets.
Friends: Dragonet, Stephanie, Everard, Constance, Lohengrin, Mador, Verona, Levander, and Uranus.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Iduna Pendragon, Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, and Hilde Pendragon.
Love Interest: Prince Orlando of Thessaly.
Children: None yet.
Animal companion: A horse named 'Sigrid.'
Childhood: Melora Gyneth Pendragon was born in a Camelot a year after her brother, Artie, was and grew up willingly attending council meetings. Watching and taking note of how her parents interacted with their people, and promising herself that she would always do right by her people—all while completing her studies and playing with her friends and siblings.
Life: In her adult life, Melora takes up the mantle of 'the Knight of the Blue Surcoat' and goes on a series of quests to save her beloved—Prince Orlando of Thessaly—after he was imprisoned by an imposter of Merlin that Sir Mador sent after him. This is after she tricked Sir Mador into revealing how to free him, which required her to find three treasures—the Lance of Longinus, the oil of the pig of Tuis and a precious stone owned by the daughter of the king of Narsinga.
Death: Has not happened yet.
Quote: "Just because a man born of woman could not retrieve the three treasures does not mean that no one could, Mador."
Theme Song: "The Princess who saved herself. "
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Full name: Hilde Tortolina Pendragon.
House: Pendragon.
Age: 6 years old.
Birth place: Camelot.
Current location: Camelot.
Titles: Princess Hilde, Princess of Camelot, the youngest, the youngest born daughter, the youngest princess of Camelot, and Lady Hilde.
Occupation: Princess of Camelot.
Known as: Hil, De, the littlest Pendragon, and Hildy.
Known for: Being a princess of Camelot and the love of Prince Herthgegn.
General outfit: A short-sleeved, sparkly lavender ballgown with matching pattens.
Weapons/Equipment: Catapult.
Extra accessories: A lavander jewel necklace.
Fears: Turning out like Uther, being disowned, losing her loved ones, destiny, evil sorcerers, betrayal, spiders, bugs, rats, snakes, needles, etc.
Dreams: She wants to be the best princess/queen she can be or a governess.
Likes: Dolls, playing dress ups, fruit, most animals, Catapults, babies, baby animals, horseback riding, listening to music, reading, taking care of the horses in the stables, her loved ones' safety, Prince Herthgegn, Prince Herthgegn paying attention to her, playing the lute, feeding the animals, flowers, etc.
Dislikes: her loved ones being mistreated, animals being mistreated, unneeded cruelty, assassination attempts, things being unfair, bugs, spiders, rats, snakes, needles, evil sorcerers, assassins, etc,
Favorite Color: Lavender.
Favorite Food: All fruit.
Favorite Drink: Fruity tasting drinks,
Favorite Animal: Doesn't have a favorite.
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Weapon: Catapult.
Friends: Dragonet, Stephanie, Constance, Lohengrin, Thitis, etc.
Parents: Arthur and Guinevere Pendragon.
Siblings: Iduna Pendragon, Llacheu Pendragon, Nathalia Pendragon, Aedulf Pendragon the 3rd, Amhar Pendragon, Loholt Pendragon, Duran Pendragon, Gwydre Pendragon, Artie Pendragon, and Melora Pendragon.
Love Interest: Prince Herthgegn.
Children: None yet.
Animal companion: None yet.
Childhood: Hilde Tortolina Pendragon was born in Camelot a year before Constance was and grew up as the quietest and most nurturing of her siblings.
She grew up playing with her friends, cousins, and siblings and collecting strays, much like her uncle Merlin, much to her father's exasperated amusement.
Life: In her adult years, Hilde Tortolina Pendragon goes on to marry Prince Herthgegn after he wins her hand in marriage (which was a win for her cause she had a curse on him).
Death: Has not yet happened.
Quote: "Baby! I wanna hold the baby! Please uncle 'waine, uncle Percy? Pretty Please!"
Theme Song: "Love Story."
Previous parts can be found here; Part 1 and Part 2.
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mordred headcanons? 👀 (this is @once-and-future-gay to clarify)
Okay firstly you're amazing and I love your account.
Honestly Mordred has so much missing backstory and I WISH we'd seen more of his childhood because it could have told us so much about the druids. But here's some (very messily written) headcanons I have of his story because canon won't give me them:
~ Cerdan (the man who was with him in the first episode he appeared) wasn't his father. He was a druid leader. They originally had headed towards Camelot because it was foreseen that Mordred would need to meet the young Pendragons and Cerdan was willing to risk his life to see that done.
~ Mordred was actually an orphan and had lost his true parents to Uther's laws before he ever knew them, leaving him to be taken in by the druids because of his gifts (he wasn't born to druid parents, no one knows who his true parents were).
~ Mordred did know about his given destiny, at least to some extent. The druids he'd been with as a child never outright told him, but he realised from a young age that they treated him differently from the others as if they were trying to shape him into being a better person. And then I imagine he lived with different druid groups as he grew up, and would have heard the prophecy that Arthur would die at a druid's hand. That and how Emrys seemed afraid of him and... he pieced it together. I find it hard to believe he didn't know at all, but I don't think he was told and he didn't know everything.
~ He never stopped trying to fight it, because he didn't want to kill someone who'd saved him. He also hated how the druids treated him differently, and he kept running between different groups. At first, he wanted to be seen as powerful and not restrained as he had been, but after the whole thing with Alvarr and the crystal of Neahtid, he realised he just wanted someone to treat him as a friend, not a weapon.
~ He never succeeded, and he never really had a family because of that, so he was pretty much always travelling between people and places, living with different groups for short periods of time before they inevitably realised who he was and started trying to weaponise him again.
~ Kara was the closest he came to having someone interested in HIM, not his power. It was a very toxic and imbalanced relationship, and she was using him as much as anyone else, if not more. But he was lonely and he refused to see it. He truly believed it was love because he'd never known any other.
~ She did care for him. Her family had been executed by Uther because she was raised a druid, and she understood Mordred's pain, but the reason she became so close to him was always that she was angry, and he had power and a destiny that she could use to take revenge.
~ He left the druid camp she was from after a few months, when the others there started to try and talk to him about his destiny, and went back to travelling again. For a while, he kept regularly meeting her, but then stopped because he believed he'd put her in danger.
~ Okay here's my weirdest one, but I don't think it contradicts canon: It was him who freed Morgana from the Sarrum of Amata. The Sarrum says it was a "lapse of judgement" that allowed her to use her magic to escape, and I think Mordred caused that somewhat. But no one ever knew that except him, not even Morgana. Everyone thought it was just chance that led to her escape.
~ He'd heard that she was imprisoned and then spent a few months working out how to save her and make it look completely coincidental. I think he felt he owed her a debt for saving his life as a child, same as he did Arthur (and after this he felt that debt was repaid, that's why he turned against her so harshly at Ismere). I think he knew what she'd done in trying to take Camelot, but held some hope she could still be the girl who'd saved him.
~ He was going to talk to her once she'd escaped, and try to help her, but he saw her pain and anger (and also Aithusa and he wasn't prepared to deal with a dragon) and he couldn't do it.
~ After that, he felt guilty when he realised she hadn't changed. Because of that guilt and shame, he stopped using magic to try and distance himself from what it wanted him to be, and learned to use a sword instead.
~ But he also felt duty bound to try and learn what she was doing. I think that was how he ended up with Ragnor. He wanted to see her and see if he could undo the damage he'd done.
~ Okay going away from tragic backstory for a second, I think he was very good at healing magic, and not actually that talented at destructive magic. Opposite to Merlin, who was naturally very talented at movement and destruction but not great at healing.
~ The irony of this being that Merlin's destiny lead him to being the "saviour" where healing magic would be pretty damn useful, and Mordred's destiny set him as the "villain", so healing magic wouldn't be expected as much.
I probably do have more Mordred HCs if I think about it for a bit longer, but I'm rambling now. He's got a lot of potential for ideas because canon doesn't really tell us what he did in between childhood and season 5, which is such a shame.
But those were some of the main ones I have anyway.
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antares-8 · 3 years
TWQ Chapter XX: Mordred’s Escape
It’s easier for Arthur to sympathize with a kid. Another step.
Merlin is mildly incredulous that his “Of course I’ve mentioned Mordred before” trick actually worked. This is another of those moments when he questions if Arthur’s smart enough to be the OaFK.
Poor Lancelot has burnout.
The brief mention of men searching the caves is, of course, what led to the discovery of Cornelius Sigan’s tomb and the events of Book II.
That’s right, Merlin. Press your advantage. Remind Arthur of how his father treats sympathizers.
Gwen probably kicked Merlin and Mordred under the table when they started going on about how the druid boy was definitely not here.
I’d forgotten just how terribly Merlin explained events to Lancelot.
Cerdan was knocked unconscious during his capture, brought to the headsman’s block, and killed before he woke up. No trial, just a look at his tattoos. 
A reviewer told me that Hadrian’s Wall is not actually very tall. 
To your left, you’ll see Merlin’s first introduction to the fact that he is magical royalty.
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queerofthedagger · 4 years
Mordred Headcanons
Seeing that I’m currently writing a fic where Mordred’s pretty present the whole time, I thought I’d share some of my Mordred Headcanons because I came to just… love this weird kid a lot, tbh.
Neither of Mordred’s parents were Druids or had magic at all. But Mordred showed magical abilities pretty early on – though unlike Merlin’s, his magic already manifested in rather destructive ways. Smashing pots, breaking things, - toddler tantrums were a nightmare to deal with, and especially Mordred’s mother was terrified of what would happen if anyone found out.  
Cerdan (the man who came to Camelot with Mordred) was actually his uncle, and when Mordred got older, his mother begged him to take Mordred in with the Druids. She was still terrified for him, seeing how Druids were hunted by Uther, but she thought he could at least learn how to control his magic and be as safe as possible.
Mordred doesn’t really remember his parents, but Cerdan treated him like a son. Unknown to Mordred, he was also the one to convince the Druids to give him a chance and make sure they don’t treat him differently.
Now, don’t get me wrong – the Druids are peaceful people and I don’t think they’d be openly hostile to a child. But they surely knew about Mordred’s destiny much as Kilgharrah did, and were at least a bit wary.
When Cerdan died and Mordred returned to the Druids, things started to change. Subtly, at first, but kids notice way more than we give them credit for. They talked to him a lot more about peace and justice and not using violence than to the other children.
Mordred didn’t really understand but eventually started to blame his magic. While he’s quite powerful (as we see early on,) he has a hard time controlling it and whenever it gets out of hand, it’s when he’s terrified, and tries to save others or himself. He thinks the violent nature of his magic makes the peaceful Druids cautious of him, and that’s why they don’t try to teach him more. (It’s partly true, at least, but for other reasons than he thinks.)
That’s why, when Alvar comes around (you know, that rough sorcerer with his renegades…) and sweet-talks Mordred into coming with him, he doesn’t have much of a hard time. He tells Mordred that he can teach him more, that he doesn’t need to fear his magic, and that he’ll be powerful enough to use the Crystal of Neahtid. That he can do something good with getting rid of Uther, and liberating his people. He also uses the prospect of Morgana to lure Mordred further in.
As we know, the whole thing goes pretty wrong, and Mordred – on some level – realises that he was merely a means to an end to Alvar.
The fact that Emrys tried to get him killed doesn’t help. Obviously, he’s angry, but he also wonders what he did to deserve this. He spends the next few years between Druid camps and wherever he gets taken in.
Suffice to say, he didn't have the best childhood between the Druids, Alvar, and being on his own. Most people tried to either prevent him from going down his prophesised path (The Druids, even though he didn’t know all the reasons behind it,) or take advantage of his power (Alvar.) My boy has trust issues.
It leads him to using his magic very, very little. He learns how to use a sword not only to keep his magic secret, but also to have something he has control over. (When we see him siding with Morgana in the end, he still rarely uses his magic and when he does, it’s together with her. I actually believe that he never really learnt how to control it.)
He learns to get along on his own, and even when he finds people like Kara, later Arthur and the knights, he still needs time to just – be by himself. It also makes him really good at giving other people space (and his talent for mind-magic also enables him to pick up on others’ emotions more easily, though he’s not completely aware of that being… not a thing for everyone.)
But he also talks a lot when he’s comfortable. Basically, he's a mix of over-excited, self-conscious, and closed off, and his mood can change pretty quickly.
Okay, now to stray from canon a bit: If Merlin had given him a chance, he’d eventually would’ve offered to teach Mordred some magic after realising he doesn’t know all that much and that their childhoods were eerily similar in some regards.
At first, it would’ve been a disaster. Merlin gets drenched, thrown around, hit over the head, and nearly burnt because the idiot tries teaching Mordred battle magic. They’re both really frustrated, but Merlin won’t give up on this idiot child.
Eventually, they discover that Mordred is terrific at healing magic. He always had a knack for potions etc (one of the things the Druids actually taught him), but he also only needs to read a healing spell and nails it – as well as creating life. Making flowers grow, conjuring butterflies, you name it. 
Mordred's absolutely ecstatic about this - not only is he really good, but it's also just - so very pure and not destructive.
On a side-note: This makes Merlin & Mordred a brilliant team because as we know, healing magic is not Merlin’s strongest suit.
Even when he gets more chill with his magic, he still wants to get good at sword-fighting (Being rescued by Arthur at such a young age did leave a bit of an impression.)
Now – I don’t think Mordred knew about his destiny in canon (or at least I hope that nobody told a kid that he’s going to destroy everything his community has been waiting for, for years.) If he actually learnt about it, he'd be horrified, and suddenly understands so many things that happened to him (The Druids' wariness, Merlin trying to kill him, the strange bond to Morgana).
If we stay with Merlin actually giving him a chance though - by then, he’d value Merlin a lot because he realises that Merlin took him under his wing despite his destiny, not because of it. Merlin believing in him makes him believe in himself, and he swears on his life to not let the foreseen future come to pass.
Yeah. I’m going to stop here for now. All I’m saying is that while I’m doubting that Merlin telling Morgana of his magic would’ve been enough to prevent her from going down that path, I believe that Mordred would’ve been a different thing altogether. Though I’d write another 1000 words if I tried getting into that, so let’s leave it here, for now.
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merlinmeta · 4 years
I've just found this blog, so I'm sorry if you've already mentioned this, but I was curious to your thoughts to this thing that's been bothering me since I first watched the show. Why didn't any of the captured sorcerers use magic to break out/escape? Like Thomas Collins in 1×01 or Cerdan, that man Mordred was with in 1×08, or even pre-canon sorcerers. unless Uther was using magical shackles and prisons, I don't see any reason as to why there wouldn't have been more frequent breakouts.
Ah, yes, one of the great mysteries of the series: “How the hell did Uther wipe out magic if he understood so little about it?”
There have been a number of theories, including the one you brought up—that in his hypocrisy, he was willing to use magical items for his own purposes. I wouldn’t be surprised by this, but I don’t think we see much evidence of it happening during the series itself, especially when it comes to the dungeon setup.
The explanation that makes the most sense to me is that your average magic user just…isn’t that strong or knowledgable, especially post-Purge. It’s possible that a lot of the magic users imprisoned simply don’t know the “unlock/explode door spell” that Merlin uses, or enough strong defensive or combat spells to make it past the guards even if they managed to free themselves. Merlin himself not only has access to the “instinctive” magic that Gaius says is so special, but also that massive tome of spells that his mentor gave him and all of Gaius’s other books and research materials—not to mention the man himself, with his decades of pre-Purge experience and study.
If we’re looking for someone to compare Merlin to, most often we see Nimueh, Morgause, and Morgana, who are all extraordinary in their own rights as High Priestesses and Seers and all that. There are a handful of lower-level antagonists, like the characters you mentioned, Thomas’s mother Mary Collins, Gilli (3x11), and Edwin Muirden (1x06). I could probably do some digging for more examples, but these are the first ones that came to mind.
The key difference for these examples, I think, is that we see them rely heavily on magical items. Gilli inherited a ring from his father that boosted his magical ability, and Mary Collins used a necklace to teleport, then a doll/puppet to kill the singer. If they’d gotten captured and had their items confiscated, I think it’s possible that they would no longer have the means (either in terms of spell knowledge or magical strength) to escape, or to make it very far if they did. We never see Thomas or Cerdan in action (I think Cerdan uses telepathy with Mordred, but I don’t think he does much else? I could be wrong about that though), so we don’t know what their abilities might have been. 
Edwin seems both stronger and better educated, since he learned magic from his parents before they were executed and later trained as a physician, so he may have found access to more resources and better spells to learn. Maybe he could have escaped if he’d gotten locked up instead of an axe to the face. 
I think one of the show’s failings is that even though Merlin is supposed to be The Greatest Sorcerer of All Time, we see so few other magic users that he becomes our baseline for what “normal” magic use looks like. What are the capabilities of the average sorcerer? It’s hard to say. I think it would have done a lot for the show’s worldbuilding if we got to meet more magic users throughout the series who really are just people trying to live their lives, using magic for little things like home remedies and chores, weak charms that have been passed down in their families or were once shared between neighbors like recipes. It would be a lot easier to imagine the terror and helplessness of people like that in the face of Uther’s vast armies and heavily guarded dungeons.
(It could also drive home the idea that the Purge was an obliteration of culture and history that forcefully alienates the survivors from their own heritage, but that’s another discussion.)
Instead we get all these legendary heavy hitters, or antagonists with powerful items that skew our perception of their baseline abilities. 
I think that’s the biggest reason we all end up scratching our heads over how Uther could have possibly stood a chance against magic at its prime: all we see in canon are the best of the best. 
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