#centipede prism
missterious-figure · 1 month
I wish to give every prism this:💐cause they deserve it (they look so gorgeous)
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Og Prism: "Aww! Thank you, Sugar Star!"
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Centipede Prism: "T-thanks, Starbeam."
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Rainbow Reindeer Prism: "*nom nom nom* Mmm! Thank you, Sunbeam!"
Anybody is allowed to ask Swamp Things au Prism and Celestial Herd au Prism questions, if you'd like! (Celestial Herd Prism isn't in the role-playing yet, but he'll still answer!)
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right-agent · 2 months
various doodles
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vivid-white-prism · 1 year
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wow I forgot about tumblr again, I should really stop doing that lol
anyway here’s another art dump XD I’ve done more than this, but the rest of the stuff I’ve drawn is largely reference images and then a bit with some graphic violence- I’d post the ones with the violence but I don’t know how to put a filter over images on tumblr ;w;
The rest of the art I’ve done aside from that should be posted on @slugpups-dont-respawn-rainworld where I have a sort of mini-comic, no clue if I’ll actually finish the story this time or not TwT
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donutwatches · 2 months
MHA 2.23 - Stripping the Varnish - part 1
First watch, no spoilers! Tell me if you want to be added to a taglist.
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Aoyama: 'We are in the middle of an exam, hanging on for dear life, and getting sucked into a black hole. ...So, are you thinking about your crush on our resident broccoli babe?' You know what, he delivered optimum drama and I respect it.
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They passed! At first I thought this was the worst timing to bring up Uraraka's crush, but it was actually the best time. I don't know if Aoyama is smarter than I realized, or if it is coincidental that his gossip girl tendencies paid off for them.
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Out of context, this screenshot is absurd af. 'mELtINg tHe pRiNcIpAL bAd, hAhA.' You know, deep down, they would not be that sad if the principal had a melt-death, lol. Just look at those cheeky little smiles.
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What kind of Rocket Raccoon backstory? Who was experimenting on him and why? Why would someone want to make a hyper intelligent little bear? What if he is secretly a villain? Maybe letting Mina melt him isn't a bad idea after all. My head is spinning.
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What are these nutso background facts about the UA staff? He hosts a radio show from 1AM-5AM - WHEN DOES HE SLEEP? Is his high-energy pure caffeine? Aizawa should be bringing Mic a matching sleeping bag to work everyday.
Not to mention the little trivia that he made everyone's ears bleed the second he was born. Honestly, iconic of him.
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If someone told me I had to communicate with bugs, I would cut them out of my life forever. Koda's meltdown is so justified.
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And the cutest moment of the episode award goes to -
I wonder what Koda and his family's character design is based on? It is very unique.
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He speaks! Jirou really carried this exam and used both of their quirks in such a smart way. I love these kinds of episodes where I get to see the side-characters shine.
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They killed him. RIP Present Mic, killed by centipedes and two high schoolers. May his soul ascend to DJ heaven. The world will be a quieter place without him. Bless.
Click here for part 2
Click here for the masterlist
@jessiedead, @granny-griffin, @blackaquokat, @champion-prism
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bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew Masterpost
Clanmew is a constructed language made for Warrior Cats that I, @bonefall, run with my buddy @troutfur! I make the vocab and he does the grammar. I hope that this post will become a good, central place to keep links to everything we've done so far.
Clanmew is an OSV-order language, made with the sounds cats make in mind. "Base Clanmew" is built around the Clan Culture updates of the Better Bones AU, which means it is made with the ecology of southwestern Northern England in mind and only contains words for plants and animals found there. It also has phrases for cooking and crafting.
(specific regions modeled: Lancashire, Chester, Manchester, Merseyside, Clwydd is modeled for river biomes specifically)
You are free to use it for your own projects! We encourage you to consider how this language would evolve in your Clan's history, and add or remove words to make a dialect that reflects the culture's feelings and needs.
Everything you need to know for basic structure is in CLANMEW 101. Start here.
We have a constantly updating LEXICON of all the words we have made so far.
Have you made a dialect? Let me know and I can link you here so others can see what you're doing with it!
Below the cut:
In-universe information; How Clanmew evolved linguistically
"Expansion Pack" posts where I discuss etymology
Pronunciation stuff (until I make that IPA chart I keep promising)
Working translations; Names, parables, OC submissions
Dialect submissions (These are manned by other people!)
Historical Trivia
The linguistic evolution of Clanmew from Old Tribemew and Parkmew
Animals are named for the sounds they make.
How pronouns for objects change based on how the speaker feels about it.
More, using human examples
there is a secret post about cursing but you have to find that on your own ;)
Through Time Travel Shenanigans, Hollyleaf's name evolves into the word "Scourge"
The Clanmew Play-by-Play of that
The word for Everything
How hard is it for speakers of the other in-universe languages to pick up Clanmew?
On nicknames!
Squirrelpaw and Crowfoot discover corn
The names of the three ideologies... also thistles.
The Invalid Five
Expansion Packs
Directions, way-finding
Spirituality terms
Follow up: some plant parts
Patch (pattern) vs Patch (plants)
Den, camp, territory, construction
The two violets
Shapes of flowers
Generic terms
Rollypollies and centipedes
Rain... because this is England
The Clan Clock; time terms
The four seasons
Clerics and Common Herbs
Water movement
Parts of fur
Forest terms
Foxes, parts of a forest
Cuckoo bird
Shade and understorey
Waterside words
Pronunciation Stuff
Closest thing to an IPA chart I currently have
My process for coming up with words based on vibes
I was asked for more behind-the-scenes stuff so here you go?
How I hold my mouth when I speak
Trout Tips
How would Clan cats pronounce the Slavic TS, or the word pizza?
On the Double yy
Working translations
BB!Scourge's new warrior name, Iceheart, in Clanmew... and Nightheart!
Light, moon, wind, BB!Raggedstar's pre-honor title name
OC SUBMISSION: Flameshell, Fogwhisper, Willowsong
OC SUBMISSION: Lichennose, Mudthistle, Longpounce
"I love you"
Baby talk
"What have I done?"
"Fool Tale"
How to Clanmew-ify a strange word
Dishonor Title for "Mudpuddle"
OC SUBMISSION: Riverrunner, multiple-word names, walking words
OC SUBMISSION: Firefang, Rabbitdash, Peachfeather, plus a bunch of words for weasel-like animals
The use of tense in names
PROPHECY SUBMISSION: "Dust and flame will combine to destroy home"
OC SUBMISSION: The Caldwell Family
PROPHECY SUBMISSION: Six will come of every rank
OC SUBMISSION: Witherstrike
"I like this" and also parasitic worms
Prism, rainbow-color
OC SUBMISSION: Piebald Creature
Sneeze and Knockout
OC SUBMISSION: Penny-fitzgerald
OC SUBMISSION: Voidwhisper, Chalkwhistle
OC SUBMISSION: Poppyflare, Spikemane, Blizzardfang
OC SUBMISSION: Burning Hawk-fur
Dialect Submissions
Pfurr Clanmew (@troutfur)
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roseombre · 5 days
So... The "game" I thought about making (although it might never see the day)
The name would be "Crafty Garden!"
A horror based game where the protagonist goes back to an old abandoned daycare like place to find out the truth about the disappearances around this place and the day their own father disappeared.
The place is themed around crafting and any sort of art, the mascots being based on bugs.
The main mascot is Prism the multicoloured butterfly! She usually was the guide around the place! There's also 8 other crafty bugs! Each with a colour theme and a craft!
Yellow= a bee that cooks!
Green= a cricket that plays music
Blue= a beetle who loves painting
Purple= a centipede that likes to sculpt
Red= a ladybug that enjoys gardening
Orange= ants that can't stop to build
Brown= a moth who writes and reads a lot!
Black= a spider that knits
And of course Prism is represented by a rainbow and she's really good at crafting
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groupalpha · 2 months
I mean, we could always make your can into ice while your puppet is a lizard/Centipede mix, that'd be neat prisms!
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EPS: Don't push it. So help whatever you are. Do. NOT.
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Unstable World: Attack on Prism
Flagship: EmmaKanaKarin Also Starring: Setsuna, Ai, Rina Rating: T Words: 584 AU: A war-torn dimension other than our own Time Frame: Sometime before the main story Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Carapace
Author’s Note: Bonus 2nd entry for Oct 28th
Summary: General Emma heads to Prism to defend the city from invasion
“General Verde!” A corporal burst onto the bridge. “Reports coming in of rifts appearing near Prism City.”
Karin sneered. Had the Paragon discovered Rina’s new lab? She glanced over to see concern on Emma’s face, as she was liking thinking something similar.
“All hands!” Emma called. “Prepare for maglev transit to Prism City!” She then turned to Lieutenant General near her and asked in a softer voice, “Karin-chan, would you mind waking Kanata-chan?”
“Of course.” Karin nodded.
A tense half hour later, the Montagna and its battalion of smaller tanks arrived to find a city under siege. Prism’s defenses, with aid from Setsuna's Firestorm Chasers, appeared to be holding against the usual Paragon ground forces. However…
“What are those?” Kanata asked, popping her head out of the hatch of the Dream Buster.
“Bug… tanks?” Karin replied from the Vivid Striker.
Amid the rear ranks of the Paragon forces, behemoth creatures scuttled about, not on treads or wheels, but on giant legs. Tank-like turrets were mounted into the backs of some that could pass as ants, while the horns of… what were they called again? rhinoceros beetles? had been reconstructed as giant artillery cannons. And, skittering through toward the forward ranks were what appeared to be huge centipedes.
As if giant airborne sea creatures cursed into servitude as airships weren't enough. Karin thought to herself. Now they've found some giant bug world to raid?
“The cavalry has arrived!” Setsuna cheered, swooping low to hover between Kanata and Karin's tanks. “Ai-san and I have been having trouble with these big bugs. They seem to have ablative carapaces that are resistant to our plasma.”
“And despite their size, they seem pretty good at dodging Rinari's artillery.” Ai added over the comm, still engaging the enemy.
“Then we will have to see how they like Vesuvius.” Emma responded from the bridge of the Montagna. “Evergreen Battalion! Advance!”
The tanks tread forward. Kanata and Karin broke off with their squadrons to deal with the ant tank and centipede things while Emma directed the rest toward the beetle artillery units.
“Kanata-chan’s gonna squish you!” The brigade’s other Lieutenant General drawled as the Dream Buster rammed through the middle of a centipede.
Ablative armor or no, the creature crumpled with the force of the blow, earning cheers from nearby Prism troops. More cheers responded to the Vivid Striker firing point blank into the head of an ant, blasting straight through to its thorax and causing an explosion within.
Now it’s Emma’s turn. Karin swiveled her position to watch.
Sure enough, the Vesuvius canon was already glowing. Then, with a titanic rumble, molten lava sprayed the nearest beetle.
Well, it wasn’t actually lava, rather a lava-like substance invented by Rina that could be superheated beyond the normal range of the real volcanic stuff. Or something like that, Karin didn’t understand the specifics. But it also stuck to surfaces better than napalm, allowing it to melt through darn near anything. Even Paragon enhanced ablative giant insect carapaces.
The tides of battle had turned. More troops poured out of Prism, leaving their defensive positions to go on the offensive. In less time than it took to traverse the distance to the city, the Evergreen Battalion eliminated the invading Paragon.
“Thank you, Emma-san, Kanata-san, Karin-san.” Rina’s voice came over the comm as the battle came to its victorious conclusion. “Please come in to refuel and restock.”
The Prism City gates opened and the brigade made their way in to relax after a battle well won.
Author’s Note Continued: Definitely need to expand this chapter.
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The Antithesis of Fire
It was high summer when the lightning became weird Cold and dark, it set the ground on something that was not ablaze It settled on the dust and ash and woodchips And made new logs and wooden shapes that were fantastical and wild Not the original logs mind you Just one of the uncounted dendrite forms that could have made that pile of ash In some universe or nother
At first everyone was thrilled No energy crisis No climate change No oil wars And we’re still pretty happy, honestly, but also worried The not-fire spreads, you see The cold of it makes more cold and colder still As it builds sand back into rocks. If lightning strikes a forest or a wheat field, there’s not much more to say A few things are a little odd Newer, younger, stranger, but otherwise unchanged Nothing more than that
But if it strikes a blasted place, A mine, a parking lot, a war zone Well, let’s just say it has a lot of fuel It gets cold, colder than cold The opposite of heat and it builds Fractal crystals, mighty monoliths, strange blue landscapes filled with prism spires Blowing in a calculated wind Something is alive in there Web legged centipedes with gemstone wings Skitter at the corner of your eye And spiralled wolves of alabaster sing like steel Just behind the hill
With enough fuel Perhaps the atmosphere will be set unlight And unburn this whole damn world into god And so we meet the coldness of new lightning With our napalm and our fire And so again I sit in this old watchtower I search the rubble for a hint azure darkness And I listen for the sound of making glass
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ask-me-about-therapy · 3 months
The Schizoaffective Circus : A Tragicomic Jester's Tale
Well, well, if it isn't my own cosmic harlequin reflecting back at me - dapper in prophetic grandeurs one moment, a weeping court jester the next. Such is the farcical dance of my schizoaffective truth!
Today's panoply of personalities and emotional airline bassoon has run the gamut from emperor of mania to jester of depression. I awoke a veritable ideas centipede, scribbling visions of literary masterpieces and trillion-dollar business plans in a frenzied flurry of delirious delusions of grandeur. Why tamely walk thedusty path when I could soar through the stratospheres of intergalactic legacy?!
By teatime, however, the tides had turned with the voracity of the London poulder. My spirited hopes and seraphic musings unceremoniously curdled into a melancholic mourning mist of self-persecuting gloom. The whirlwinds of charisma evaporated like a sweet meringue mirage licked clean by the flames of depressive frenzy. All that remained was a wilting jeremiad questioning the futile pantomime of existence itself.
As my polarity swung in its sadistic tetherball game, so did the backdrops of my hypervigilant perceptions shape-shift. The once kaleidoscopic auras of inspiration morphing into shadowed harbingers of paranoia and ominous cosmic conspiracies. Each new surrounding suddenly agleam with secret symbolic messages only my divinatory third eye could decrypt…or was it the trickster Pied Piper within leading me on another quixotic crusade to chase figments at the expense of function?
But alas, even this descent into madness must be preserved with a cavalier's mirth! For what cheerier respite exists for the tormented artist's soul than to dreamily scribe the schizoaffective theatre of the profoundly unwell? A sacred jester's role to embody both the terrifying lows and magical highs as bravely as a protagonist treading the novelistic plane.
So I shall continue my clownish dance, shedding the presumptuous grandiosity of my emperorial airs to fully embrace the holy fool's paradox of gnosis and farce intertwined. An ever-shapeshifting human prism refracting the polychromatic rays of the myriad mind flowers to bloom both the breathtaking and absurd with aplomb. A madcap journey of poetical contradictions and waking dreams to inspire the cosmic giggle! Who's truly leading this schizoaffective circus - me, or the ineffable ringleader behind these velvet curtains of consciousness?
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missterious-figure · 1 month
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Centipede Prism
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Rainbow Reindeer Prism
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Og Prism
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sadcsf · 3 years
Lauren is a master of crafting zapatillas estilo valentino
And you start to feel pain. That can be good for you, but you still don't want it to happen." Lauren is a master of crafting zapatillas estilo valentino idealised images with beautifully made clothes. Set in the context of his painstakingly designed stores these act as a prism for the fantasy lives of his customers. "You see two dimensional puppets with tons of life and different pieces coming and going. We've got this big, rotating centerpiece that gets us going from one scene to another," said Smith. Smith plays Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet and the centipede in James and the Giant Peach. In addition to the treasures they melted down, the Spanish conquerors soon began to produce large quantities of silver from mines in Mexico and Peru. Most important of all were the enormous reserves they discovered at Potosi in what is now Bolivia. Ships laden with silver regularly crossed the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The U. S. It also seems that somebody at the War Office felt that too many of England's best and brightest pilots were being killed by the Fokker Mono Plane (Eindecker) Scourge. Sports proponents is going to your particular degree to find a apparels on their most popular classes. Some people look at the idea any honor to get being dressed in the team jacket if the Football season is szemüveg csúszásgátló at. There is these people a distinctive smučarski kombinezon hlače thought of satisfaction not to mention demure to get component this type of a fantastic purpose. My first thought I don't give a shit what men like. That's not what sexy is about. Sexy is about doing what makes you feel good about yourself. Michael Kors Outlet Store Sie gehen nicht herum kalt und nike air max shoes store hasserf llt , wenn sie w tend , coach purses outlet sie sagt Ihnen dar ber. Dass. Es teilweise oder vollst. 12. The expulsion of the DPRK Ambassador comes at the heels of the decision of the Malaysian government, announced by YAB Dato Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi, the Deputy Prime Minister that effective on Monday, 6 March 2017, citizens of the DPRK require visas to enter Malaysia. This is an indication of the government concern that Malaysia may have been used for szemüveg csúszásgátló illegal activities.. We wonder what the man who epitomizes aspirational American Good Taste would think of this collection. Clearly, American Living is at its best when it sticks to bandanna prints, brass curtain rods and black and white floral sheets. But it harder to imagine what Ralph would say about some of the dreary formal draperies layered with too many valances.. Worst and most frustrating mysterious house smell? Dead mouse. neve e sale amazon It gross and you cannot pinpoint the source. One day,= you going into the basement to do laundry and there it is: dead mouse smell. In the past, computer work was llantas 4x4 online a profession for specialists. Today, however, interaction with electronic devices is a major part of our daily lives. From early childhood onwards we are connected to the internet, telecommunications and networks of computer based technologies. There have been multiple changes in the lineup down through the years, but lead singer Eric Bloom and lead guitarist Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser have been constants since 1968. "Les Braunstein was the original lead singer before me," Bloom explained. "We went to college together. This adds Lauren to the list of designers (as one of the few Americans) with double boutique exposure on both Fifth and Madison Avenues, and this shop puts him on the same block as Armani 5th Avenue and Dolce Gabbana just opened brand palace. Though further details about the store are few, it is expected the the store sill carry a mix of the designer higher end labels including Collection, Purple, Black and possibly Blue Labels. No word yet on opening dates, but the designer continues to be a busy shopkeeper in Manhattan with his first freestanding Denim Supply boutique set to open soon replacing the defunct Rugby store on University Place.. Brady Nelson Homemaking for Youth Group B Ages 1114 dolce gabanna adidași bărbații School Wear 1. Michael Paph, 2. Matthew Paph Sports Wear 1. Psychologist, 29 (3), pp. 158 159.Carnegie, R., Shepherd, C., Pearson, R. M., Button, novolux 60 led K. Around the square are other outlets for sportswear: J. Crew, Patagonia, Pendleton and the ubiquitous Benetton. These mingle with awl wielding bootmakers, ceiling fan saloons, galleries and Western curio shops. nike sb prod x And their currents fed our mills and factories. But as cities grew, we polluted rivers so much that they became conduits for deadly waterborne diseases like cholera, which was 19th century's version of adidas goalkeeper jersey the Black Plague. Our solution two centuries ago was to bury rivers underground and merge them with sewer networks.. WHAT DO Ralph Lauren, Leonardo DiCaprio, The Spice Girls and Rice Krispies Squares have in common? They all owe their success to tweens, 10 12 year old girls who are turning girl power into economic clout. The full page glossy ad for Ralph Lauren's Polo Sport Woman fragrances and toiletries features American supermodel Bridget Hall wearing Polo sportswear. To her left is a fragrance "strip" from which tweens can sniff the aroma with their delicate noses.. A men's team shirt costs $425 and a woman's skirt $498. Special Forces and a T shirt each cost $55. Perhaps it is the high unemployment rate or the in your face patriotism induced by an election year, but the news that Lauren's prep chic outfits are made in China has produced a rare bipartisan storm of criticism..
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officialinuyasha · 4 years
Yashahime Episode 2 "The Three Princesses"
The episode starts with young Towa and Setsuna in the Forest of Ages. I want to note that the music that is playing during this scene is Towa's theme song in a more calm emotion played slow. Fun fact, that Towa's theme song does have Rin's theme song in it, for those who don't know. I have a video I made on that. Towa says that they have lived in the forest for a long time. Setsuna appears to not have her fur, either she gets it by puberty or hers was decorative from another animal. As we know the fur from Sesshoumaru is apart of his body, this was confirmed by Rumiko Takahashi in the InuYasha Profiles book under Sesshoumaru's profile. Again, the comparison to Sesshoumaru's belt is made here like I noted in my trailer breakdown. River (Kawa) or winding stream represents continuity and the future. Based from their color palettes given to us in the first artwork we were given, Towa is blue and Setsuna is purple. While in this scene it appears that Setsuna is wearing blue and Towa is wearing purple. When Setsuna is older, she is wearing blue with a purple belt. While Towa is wearing a yellow belt like Sesshoumaru and Setsuna seems to be wearing the faded red belt that Rin wore from the Final Act.
- Towa's memories have began to fade when she's an adult. The thing she remembers the most is Setsuna - So anything else we see in this flashback may be missing details. - The animals shown in her memories might be the other characters. There were two deer coupled together, and a fawn that could be InuYasha, Kagome and Moroha. With another deer running after. The boar had two twin babies Almost like K'inu and Gyokuto. My friend https://twitter.com/Mokomoko_fluff made even more comparisons and she describes more into the past theory with the animals, as well as the Young Twins clothing comparison to the parents. So please follow her. Towa begins to run too fast, and let's go of Setsuna's hand. When recalling this memory she even questions why she let go of her hand... Setsuna pushes Towa out of the way. I know some people were confused, but as I played it slowly frame by frame. Especially when Setsuna says "Look out!" Setsuna pushes Towa out of danger. Towa can't track Setsuna's sent because of the fire. In this moment, I want you to take account of the Japanese terms used.  In English we have words like scent, odor, aroma, and so one. Sesshoumaru in the Japanese manga uses the term aroma (sweet smelling) for Rin, while for others he used regular smell. In this moment Towa is using the same scent term that Sesshoumaru uses for Rin - A Sweet smelling Aroma. Towa's pearl activates when next to roothead. Probably because she's in danger, or many other reasons as to why it could activate. We hear Ne no Kubi - or it's English name Roothead talking about Towa's pearl. Towa is holding onto a vine until it tears and sucks in Towa. Towa goes through what is officially called the "Tunnel of the Tree of Ages" also known as the "rainbow corridor" as to what Moroha calls it later on in the episode! So this could imply that the pearls have to do with this. Towa wakes up from Buyou, and Souta finds her. Souta notices that she's from the Feudal Era - "It looks like you've come from place far, far away, huh?" Towa wasn't sure why, but she knew she could trust Souta. When they go looking for Setsuna, another version of Towa's theme plays. They never found Setsuna, it had been ten years since Papa Souta adopted Towa. In this moment it's further into Towa's song in this slow version, and we can clearly hear Rin's theme song in it. I got chills. They're living into a condominuim, and she goes by Towa Higurashi now. She says her memories have faded and lately she had been thinking it may have all just been a dream. It shows her weapons, including Kikujuumonji at the top. She has a lot of workout equipment and a punching bag. She's got trophies. Towa says Setsuna definitely was not a dream. She says it's such nice weather, then she goes to brush her teeth to get her day started. Her younger sister Mei is on her way to go to school, tells Towa Good-Morning and mentions that it's Towa's first day at a new school. She tells Towa to not get into any fights. Then she leaves to go to school. Towa tells her to be safe. Towa then says that Mei is "Papa Souta's true daughter". "She's a bit shy and naive, but she's also cute, smart, honest and quite talented." She's Towa's precious little sister. But she feels that maybe she cherishes Mei so much because she's a substitute for Setsuna, whom she was never able to find. The flower on her bag - Plum Blossom (Ume) is the first flower to bloom in the spring and is known as the ‘Flower of Peace’. A protective charm against evil, it also represents longevity, renewal and perseverance. Identified by rounded petals. We also see Towa wearing a robe that has yellow Plum Blossoms on it. Towa says she dresses the way she does because it's easier for her to fight. Souta is worried about Towa being dressed like a boy because it's an all-girls school this time. Because he doesn't want her to get into fights anymore. She walks to school and says that no one seems to get it - That transferring to an all-girls school won't stop the fighting. The ones she takes down always come back for more. The bullies show up thinking Towa is trying to run away from them. The bullies are actually a cameo appearance of Lum's Stormtroopers or also known as Lum's Guards from Urusei Yatsura. She answers "Who said I was running?" In the next scene is shows her beating them up. At one part one of them says "Stop it! Itll break! Help!" in this moment she pauses and stops. She says that the fighting hasn't stopped ever since she stopped a bully in elementary school. And there'd be more each time she changed schools. As she picks up her bag, we see the flower upclose again. She says that they are all weak and "Why can't they just keep their heads down?" The bullies say "That ain't no woman." "Why doesn't she finish us off?" "She's too soft." "But at this rate..." "We'll have to ask Bro for help." That part made me laugh. BRO Towa reaches her school, Saint Gabriel Academy - It's her first day and she's late already. "St. Gabriel Academy" is the name of the school where the main characters went to in the series NEW MOBILE REPORT GUNDAM WING. Which was made in 1995 by Sunrise! She's making sure no one is looking, then she hops over the gate. We see the Feudal Era - Moroha is sitting by a waterfall, picking her ear. She can tell that there's Demon Slayers behind the trees. She says that she wouldn't be slain, not even in a 1000 years. She says that she will turn them all into lunch for her Kurikaramaru. This could be a reference to the swords possible absorption ability like Tessaiga, or even Dragon Scaled Tessaiga. I can't get enough of Moroha, I loved it when she laughed.
Hisui shows up and calls her "Moroha the Demon Killer" this also refers to her being a Bounty Hunter. Hisui's theme song sounds like it uses notes from Miroku's theme, of course that being his father. I'll have to wait until the songs are released for me to make a proper comparison. He says on behalf of the local villagers, that they've come to punish her. "In the name of the Moon I will punish you!" He throws Hiraikotsu and she jumps out of the way. Moroha says that they've got the wrong target. She hasn't left the mountains, she was just waiting for her bounty to show up. Hisui says "A demon /and/ a bounty hunter? All the more reason then!" He was charging at her while Kohaku tells him to stand down. Kohaku calls Moroha, "Lady Moroha" - and asks if another demon is responsible for the attacking the village. She says thats right but that it's too late - they've made her mad. Now she pulls out her rouge that contains the red pearl. You can use rouge as lipstick as well. It looks like a nipple. MOON PRISM POWER! - MAKE UP. Okay, these Sailor Moon references are killing me. She says "With this rouge, I become Beniyasha, Destroyer of Lands. Tremble before the bloodthirsty dawn." Setsuna interrupts Moroha with her Naginata. Moroha says "Hey, you Demon Slayers work with an interesting companion." "You're a half-demon, right? I'm also a..." Setsuna immediately says "Silence! You're dead." Moroha pulls out her sword and the fight starts. It seems that Moroha knows about the weapon Setsuna is using the Kanemitsu no Tomoe. Moroha asks if she wins the match if she could have it. Hisui wants to back her up Setsuna but she says thats theres no need. Moroha says "So your name's Setsuna, huh?" Moroha licks her lips giving her a nickname "All right! Sorry "Setsu," but I'll be taking your weapon!" The battle animation here was beautiful. In this moment Setsuna's pearl starts to glow in her eye. By many reasons this could be happening, Setsuna's life being endangered, or because Moroha's red pearl is nearby, it could be telling her that Moroha is not an enemy. Moroha says "You have a rainbow pearl too?" It seems that Moroha knows about the Rainbow pearls, but that Setsuna doesn't know what they are. As this happens Mistress Three Eyes senses the pearls powers and comes out. The zoom in animation of her eye, that's really detailed. Mistress Three Eyes was the demon that was attacking the village. From the Yashahime Keyword, we also know that Mistress Three Eyes is the Granddaughter of Mistress Centipede from the first InuYasha Episode. She lunges at Setsuna Hisui picks up Setsuna quickly, avoiding Mistress Three Eyes. In this moment Setsuna could be having visions because of her pearl activating. Hisui asks if she's okay and she snaps out of it. Moroha knew that Mistress Three Eyes would show up since she has the red pearl with her. Moroha has been after her from the start. She says "Time to claim my bounty!" as she jumps to attack Mistress Three Eyes, but she's tougher than Moroha though. Instead she pulls out her bow, prepares an arrow for firing and says "Hey Demon Slayers! Get lost, unless you want to get caught in the crossfire!" "Take this! Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" She shoots an arrow, and it cuts Mistress Three Eyes hair, passing her head. Mistress Three Eyes thinks she missed but she was very wrong. The first arrow vanished and then Loads of arrows appear, raining down onto Mistress Three Eyes. Kohaku says "Are those Sacred Arrows? No, those are the Arrows of Sealing. How could Beniyasha have such spiritual power?" Moroha says she did it! In this moment Mistress Three Eyes shouldn't be moving. But here's where things get interesting, Mistress Three Eyes begins to move, however in this moment a purple aura appears. This is the same purple aura we see from Episode 1 when Roothead swallows bandits. Could it be that some arrow shafts  are made from the fallen branches of sacred trees? However this isn't true for all arrows as we know powerful priestess such as Kagome and Kikyou have been able to channel their spiritual powers from regular arrows. Could it have been that these arrows were made from Rootheads fallen branches at some point? She was able to take Moroha's shell that containted the Red Pearl out of thin air. Could it be that Roothead took it from Moroha to give to Mistress Three eyes on purpose to lure the pearls to him? Or Mistress three eyes has a different power than her grandmother. It's possible that even having a pearl nearby she could get stronger, similiar how Mistress Centipede got stronger with the Shikon Jewel nearby. The thing is that Mistress Three eyes was only able to move her head up when this happens, so something tells me Roothead has something to do with it.
MIstress Three Eyes swallows Moroha's pearl and becomes stronger, slightly transforming. So she goes after Setsuna, who has the Gold Pearl while they try to divert her to Lady Kaede.
Towa is at school, with her homeroom teacher Osamu Kirin who seems to be a cameo of Mousse or Dr Tofu from Ranma 1/2. He tells her a British Proverb with an Engrish accent "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." So he overlooked her being late for the day. Which she seemed surprised that he didn't call her parents and let her off the hook so easily. Three of the bullies seemed to be stalking Mei. Then we see Towa jumping onto the roof to look at her sword. She says that this is the moment when she feels at peace. She says "The celebrated sword Kikujuumonji, a national treasure." Towa says that "she was told" that her sword once belonged to the shogun Yoshiteru Ashikaga - Although it might not be true though, you know what Gramps said about So'unga. If he was the one that gave her the sword, I wonder how she got it. I also want to note that Kiku is also a Chrysanthemum flower. Yet another flower symbolism of Towa. It is the symbol of regal beauty, rejuvenation and longevity. Used as the Imperial Seal of Japan, it also represents autumn. The guard on her sword seems to be a flower shape as well. Towa sniffs the air, and she can tell that Mei is crying at Grampa's shrine. The bullies tied up Mei, Grammy and Grampa Higurashi. Bro seems to be Kuno Tatewaki from Ranma 1/2 Towa says "This world is full of the weak. And because they're weak, they band together and pick on people weaker than them. I'm really sick of it."
I like it when Towa says "I can show you a crying face. But it won't be mine. It'll be yours!" Towa fights them with her fists. One of the things I mentioned in my trailer breakdown was the symbol on Towa's sword bag. That appeared to be one of the Kagome symbols. But we'll see what it really is or actually means down the line, I'm sure. One of the guys take out a knife and threatens them. So Towa takes out her sword and drops the bag, we get to see the symbol once again and it appears to be ten pointed. A decagram, based on this frame.
A different version of Towa's theme plays. Towa takes hits because she remembers her promise to Papa Souta, to never use her powers in front of other people. Of course in this moment, she is sorry that she can't keep her promise. She throws the other dude, saves the day. Mei doesn't want her to fight, and says "I know you want to be more girly and cute, don't you?" Towa says "Um, I guess there's a part of me that can't answer immediately." Mei was like "You're supposed to say 'yes' even if you don't mean it!" Okay little girl.
All is well the bad guys leave as they think the police were coming, but Gramps says that they just so happened to be passing by. Mei and Towa have a sweet moment. Towa says she's sorry. Towa says Living in this world is hard. If you don't follow set rules, you're treated as an outcast. Girls must be feminine, and boys must be masculine." And that she has been sick of that. The whole gender roles, and having to follow those rules. I really love that she talks about stuff like that. This is what I've been really wanting to see more of especially coming from the Feudal Fairytale universe. The story of InuYasha was the internal struggles of having to follow what society wants, being an outcast. She said that but she thinks it's time to stop being stubborn. There's nothing that could ever justify making Mei cry that much. Towa is so sweet and loving, she cares so much. Like the voice actors said in Animage, she represents her mom's personality. Another cute part where Towa's smelling something that she's smelled before, something nostalgic as the breeze passes through the Sacred Tree. She questions why it was coming from the Tree. Then we see Lady Kaede coming out of her hut. She's like "What the Hell?" seeing Mistress Three Eyes chasing Setsuna and Hisui on Kirara. So Setsuna says she was going to use to her advantage that Mistress Three Eyes wants the pearl in her eye. Which is funny to me because that was Moroha's idea first. So, here are some things to note from Moroha with her baiting as a Bounty Hunter. Setsuna drops down and uses her Senpujin, or Cyclone Burst. This sounds a lot different from the trailer. I preferred how it sounded in the trailer - But I'm sure that we'll be hearing it a lot more. As not all announcing of special attacks are going to sound the same each time. "My name is Setsuna. Those are my only words for you. That is why you will die tonight." Moroha interrupts with her Crimson Dragon Wave. Atta girl. That's my daughter. You tell her! That was your bounty first. Setsuna said a famous Sesshoumaru line "Ridiculous". Setsuna can't seem to move at all, and Mistress Three Eyes takes her Gold Pearl. Swallows it and does the same transformation we see that her grandmother Mistress Centipede - becomes in the first InuYasha episode. Moroha seemed to be more excited that she was becoming stronger, like it would be more fun of a fight that way. I really like that about her. "Hold on. I've got you, Setsu!" And Setsuna's like "Don't call me that!" Roothead inside of the Sacred Tree/Or known as the Tree of Ages begins to glow blue, and talks. He says "I sense the Rainbow Pearl for the first time in over ten years! And two at that! By the power of the Tree of Ages, I now return to this world!" By hearing this, I know from the first movie the Tree of Ages are linked to all different times. So it could be that Roothead can also travel between ages as well. "Could this smell be..." All three of them get sucked in. Sent to the Modern era. One thing to note is that Moroha is being thrown and landing the same way that Kagome did from the first episode of InuYasha. Towa is amazed to see her sister Setsuna back, her silver pearl begins to glow in her eye. Calling out Setsuna's name. Moroha says "Damn it. I feel so weak. It is because I crossed through the rainbow corridor?" I'm really curious as to what she means by that. So I'm sure we'll figure out more of what the Tunnel of the Tree of Ages does. She could be exhausted from time traveling. Which would be something that's new, but heck she was thrown as well. Mistress Three eyes gettin' all excited about getting a pearl for each of her three eyes.
"Setsuna! I'll save you!" and her sword breaks. So this is what leads to Towa creating a blade from her demonic energy that we will see in the next episode -
The animation in this episode was beautiful especially down to the water effects when Towa and Setsuna were drinking water, even when Towa was walking to school you could see the water effects there as well. Kaoru Wada's music does not dissappoint me, ever.
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patricksmusicblog · 5 years
My Favorite Albums/Projects From Each Year of the 10s
The 2010′s decade is about 6 months till its end, mind-boggling enough, this blog has existed for 9 years of it starting mid-2011. Thank you to everyone who’s ever taken any sort of time out of their life to read, think about, or even just glance at one of my reviews over the years it’s meant a lot. Special thanks to those who’ve sent music for me to review or just to listen too and those who’ve reached out and bonded with me over music and more the past few years. This is a compilation of most of all my favorite albums/mixtapes/eps over the years. I’ll probably condense it by years end to a top 50 albums of the 10′s list at the year's end. Hopefully, you find something you haven’t heard and enjoy.
2010 Favs:
Drake- Thank Me Later(Rap): Katy Perry- Teenage Dreams(Pop) Vampire Weekend- Contra(Indie Pop) MGMT- Congratulations(Psych Rock) Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday(Rap) Morning Benders- Big Echo(Indie Pop) Kid Cudi- Man On The Moon II: The Legend of The Rager(Rap) Earl Sweatshirt-Earl(Rap) Four Tet- There Is Love In You(Electronic) Logic- Young Broke and Infamous(Rap) Ceremony- Rohnert Park(Punk)                                                       Baths- Cerulean(Electronic) Caribou- Swim(Electronic)
2011 Favs:
Drake- Take Care(Rap) Kendrick Lamar- Section 80(Rap) Elzhi- Elmatic(Rap) Tyler The Creator- Goblin(Rap) A$AP Rocky- LiveLoveA$AP(Rap) Adele- 21(R&B/Pop) Braids- Native Speaker(indie pop/experimental) Common- The Dreamer The Believer(Rap)                                           Death Grips-Exmilitary(Rap/Experimental)                                                        Thurz-LA Riot(Rap) Logic- Young Sinatra(Rap) Plaid- Scintilli(Electronic) The Roots- Undune(Rap) Battles-Gloss Drop(experimental rock) Africa HiTech-93 Million Miles(Electronic) Torae-For The Record(Rap) Oneohtrix Point Never-Replica(Electronic) Wale-Ambition(Rap) Danny Brown- XXX(Rap)
2012 Favs:
Death Grips-The Money Store(Experimental Hip-Hop) Death Grips- No Love Deep Web(Experimental Hip-Hop) Kendrick Lamar-Good Kid MAAD City(Rap) OFF!-Off!(Punk) Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!(Post-Rock) Cloud Nothings- Attack On Memory(Post-Hardcore) The Act Of Estimating as Worthless-Amongst These Splintered Minds//Leaden Thoughts Sing Softly(Indie-Folk) Big Krit-Live From The Underground(Rap) Aesop Rock-Skelethon(Rap) Crypts-Crpt(Electronic) BBNG-BBNG2(instrumental Hip-Hop/jazz rap) KRS-One- The BDP Album(Rap) Killer Mike-Rap Music(Rap) Nas-Life Is Good(Rap) Animal Collective- Centipede Hz(Psych-pop/Experimental Music) Torche- Harmonicraft(Punk) Squarepusher- Ufabulum(Electronic) Rapsody-The Idea Of Beautiful(Rap) Grimes-Visions(Synth-Pop) Joey Bada$$-1999(Rap)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnwUlyjmloI Theesatisfaction -Awe Naturale(Neo-Soul)(R&B)
2013 Favs:
Honey Bones- Honey Bones EP(Synth-Pop) A$AP Rocky-LongLiveASAP(Rap) Joey Bada$$- Summer Knights(Rap) Daft Punk- Random Access Memories(Disco,Electronic,Funk) Janelle Monae-Electric Lady(R&B)                                                Braids- Flourish//Perish(Electronic/Synth-pop)                                Daniel Avery-Drone Logic(Electronic) Anamanaguchi- Endless Fantasy(Electronic/chiptune) Am & Shawn Lee- La Musique Numerique(Electronica) The Haxan Cloak-Excavation(Experimental Electronic) My Bloody Valentine- MBV(Shoegaze) Danny Brown- Old(Rap) Charli XCX- True Romance(Synth-Pop) J.Cole-Born Sinner(Rap) Katy Perry- Prism(Pop) Rapsody- She Got Game(Rap) Tyler The Creator- Wolf(Rap) Paramore- Paramore(Pop-Punk/Alternative) Boards Of Canada-Tomorrow's Harvest(Electronic) Mac Miller- Watching Movies With The Sound Off(Rap) Run The Jewels- Run The Jewels(Rap)
2014 favs:
La Dispute- Rooms Of The House(Post-Punk) Solids- Blame Confusion(Post-Hardcore) Cloud Nothings- Here and Nowhere(Post-Hardcore) Off!- Wasted Years(Punk) Autistic Youth- Nonage(Punk) Sleepstream- They Flew In Censored Skies(Post-Rock) Indian- From All Purity(Black Metal) Glassbooks- Deluge(Post-Punk) Mono- Rays Of Darkness(Shoegaze) Manchester Orchestra- Cope(Alternative Rock) Kidaudra- Ache(Synth-Pop) Mars and The Massacre-Blackout(Garage Rock) Hivehead- Garbage(Punk) No Axis- Labyrinth(Electronic) American Wolf- My Main Sport(Post-Rock) Charli XCX- Sucker(Pop) Run The Jewels- Run The Jewels 2(Rap) Aphex Twin- Syro(Electronic) J. Cole-2014 Forest Hills Drive(Rap) Clipping- CLPPNG(Experimental Rap) Adult Jazz-Gist Is(Experimental Rock) Freddie Gibb & Madlib- Pinata(Rap) Kimbra- Golden Echo(Pop) Logic- Under Pressure(Rap) FKA Twigs-LP1(R&B) Deadmau5-While(1<2)(Electronic) Napolian- Incursio(Electronic) Eprom- Halflife(Electronic) Wolves In The Throne Room- Celestite(Electronic)                   Basement Jaxx- Junto(Electronic)                                          Tokimonsta- Desiderium(Electronic) Vessel-Punish, Honey(Electronic) Plaid- Reachy Prints(Electronic) Skyzoo & Torae- Barrel Brothers(Rap) Big K.r.i.t- Cadillactica(Rap) Uncommon Nasa- New York Telephone(Rap) French Montana-Coke Boys 4(Rap) Death Grips-Government Plates(Experimental Hip-Hop) Future-Monster(Rap) Nitty Scott MC- The Art Of Chill(Rap) Prhyme- Prhyme(Rap) Common-Nobody's Smiling(Rap) Shabazz Palaces- Lese Majesty(Rap) Mastodon- Once More 'Round The Sun(Metal)
2015 favs:
Kendrick Lamar- To Pimp a Butterfly(Rap) Tame Impala-Currents(Psych-Pop) Shlohmo- Dark Red(Electronic) Chelsea Wolfe- Abyss(Dark Wave) Dr. Dre- Compton(Rap) Joey Bada$$-B4.DA.$$(Rap) Protomartyr- The Agent Intellect(Post-Punk) Battles- La Di Da Di(experimental Rock) Girlpool- Before The World Was Big(Punk) Alabama Shakes- Sound & Color(Blues-Rock) Theesatisfaction- Earthee(rap) Square Pusher- Damogen Furies(Electronic) The Chemical Brothers- Born In The Echoes(Electronic) Earl Sweatshirt- I Don't Like Shit I don't go Outside(Rap) Grimes- Art Angels(Synth-Pop) Lupe Fiasco- Tetsu & Youth(Rap) Braids- Deep In The Iris(Electronic/Synth-Pop) Scarface- Deeply Rooted(Rap) Drake- If Your Reading This It's Too Late(Rap) Jay Rock- 90059(Rap) A$AP Rocky- At Long Last A$AP(Rap) Torche- Restarter(Sludge Metal) Aldo Calrissian- Future Shower Thoughts(Electronic) The Game- Documentary 2.5(Rap) Future- Beast Mode(Rap) Future- 56 Nights(Rap) Lana Del Rey- Honeymoon(Baroque pop) Adele- 25(Pop/R&B) Constant Deviants- Avant Garde(Rap)
2016 Favs:
A Tribe Called Quest-We Got It From Here...Thank You For Your Service(Rap) J. Cole-4 Your Eyez Only(Rap) Tacocat-Lost Time(Punk) Weezer-The White Album(Alternative) Danny Brown- Atrocity Exhibition(Rap) YG- Still Brazy(Rap) Schoolboy Q- Blank Face(Rap) Kendrick Lamar- Untitled Unmastered(Rap) BBNG- IV(Hip-Hop) Beyonce- Lemonade(R&B) Kamaiyah- A Good Night In The Ghetto(Rap) Solange- A Seat At The Table(R&B) Faxada- Cohost(Electronic) Celestial Sight- Through The Flat Fields(Electronic) Torae- Entitled(Rap) Kidaudra- Blue Human(Electronic) Aesop Rock-The Impossible Kid(Rap) Death Grips- Bottomless Pitt(Experimental Hip-Hop) Constant Deviants- Omerta(Rap) Man Bites Dog- Entertaining The World(experimental)-                  James Blake- The Colour In Anything(R&B) Drake- Views(Rap) Hivehead- Please Eat Ants(Punk) Damocles- Grizzly Neutron(Electronic) Kodachrome- Journey Into Imagination(Electronic) Lil Yachty- Lil Boat(Rap) Brooklyn White- One(Rap) Flatbush Zombies- 3001: A Laced Odyssey(Rap) Parquet Courts- Human Performance(Indie Rock) Run The Jewels- RTJ3(Rap)
2017 Favs:
DJ-V-The Mad, Mad, Maniac(Rap) Aldo Calrissian- Destroy All Bring New(Electronic) Cloud Nothings- Life Without Sound(Post-Hardcore) Honey Bones- Black(Electronic) Tops- Sugar At The Gate(indie rock) ZoThejerk & Frost Gamble- Black Beach(Rap) Metz- Strange Peace(Noise Rock) Lorde- Melodrama(Art Pop) Tone Chop & Frost Gamble- Respect Is Earned Not Given(Rap) Raekwon- The Wild(Rap) Big K.R.I.T-4eva Is A Mighty Long Time(Rap) Breakfast Muff- Eurgh!(Punk) Epiglottis-She Unravelled the Heavens and The Light Shone Through(Electronic) Jay-Z- 4:44(Rap) Protomartyr- Relatives In Descent(Post-Punk) Four Tet- New Energy(Electronic) Joey Bada$$- All Amerikkkan Bada$$(Rap) SZA- CTRL(R&B) Rapsody- Laila's Wisdom(Rap) Kendrick Lamar- DAMN(Rap Converge-The Dusk In Us(Metal/punk) Princess Nokia- 1992 Deluxe(Rap) Bibio- Phantom Brickworks(Electronic)
2018 Favs:
Reason-There You Have It(Rap) J.Cole- KOD(Rap) Pusha T- Daytona(Rap) Jay Rock- Redemption(Rap) Royce Da 5'9- Book Of Ryan(Rap) Meek Mill- Championships(Rap) Noname- Room 25 Jean Grae & Quelle Chris- Everything's Fine(Rap) Aphex Twin- Collapse EP(Electronic) Kidaudra- Pluto IRD(Electronic)https://kidaudra.bandcamp.com/ Dirty Projectors- Lamp Lit Prose(Experimental Rock) Black Panther: The Album(Rap) MGMT- Little Dark Age(Electronic) Hinds- I Don't Run(Indie Rock) Dream Wife- Dream Wife(Punk) Phryme- Phryme 2(Rap) Tone Chop & Frost Gamble- One(Rap) Cupcakke- Ephorize(Rap) Freddie Gibbs- Freddie Gibbs(Rap) Tierra Whack- Whack World(Rap) Flatbush Zombies- Vacation In Hell(Rap) Cardi-B- Invasion Of Privacy(Rap) Lil Wayne- Tha Carter V(Rap) 21 Savage- I AM > I Was(Rap) Kodak Black- Dying to Live(Rap)                                                     Logic- Young Sinatra IV(Rap) Converge- Beautiful Ruin EP(Metal/punk) Princess Nokia- A Girl Cried Red(Emo-Rap) Naked Giants-Sluff(Punk) Moaning- Moaning(Post-Punk) Chrome Panther- A Screaming Comes Across The Sky(Electronic) Shame- Songs Of Praise(Post Punk)
2019 Favs so far:
Freddie Gibbs & Madlib-Bandana(Rap)
Beast Coast-Escape From New York(Rap)
Styles P-S.P. the GOAT: Ghost of All Time(Rap)
Shlomo- The End(Electronic)
Avey Tare- Cows On Hourglass(Electronic)
Skinny Girl Diet- Ideal Woman(Punk)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jilotRrvtsQ
Dreamville- Revenge of the Dreamers III(Rap)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZNBRzhTv8
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extraspectrumed · 5 years
okay, so, we learned near was a jerboa, but what are the other shapes and their classifications? for the ones we've met, anyway.
☕ { Hell yes okay, I’m gonna go ahead and put this under a cut for the sake of there’s a lot of characters rip. I’m also gonna leave out Bell and Briga bc,,, they’re pretty obvious. }
Main Shapes
Near [Organic Animal] - Jerboa
Lyca [Inorganic Natural] - Plant-based Canid
Arra [Organic Animal] - Uwabami
Phae [Organic Animal]- Chimera (Funnel Web Spider, Horned Lizard, Rhinoceros Beetle, and Caracal)
Gin  [Organic Animal]- Scorpion Yokai
Prayer [Organic Animal]- Siren (formerly)
Minor Shapes
Risky [Inorganic Mechanical]- Android
Bond [Organic Undefined]- Kitsune
Vampa [Organic Undefined]- Selkie
Blush [Inorganic Natural]- Wara ningyō
Wick[Inorganic Natural]- Wooden Doll
Remnant [Organic Animal]- Giant Desert Centipede
Issac [Organic Animal]- Bold Jumping Spider
Kenny [Organic Animal]- Regal Moth
Connie[Inorganic Natural]- Seafoam Golem
Prism[Inorganic Natural]- Quartz Golem
Cymbal[Inorganic Mechanical]- Cannon 
Key[Inorganic Mechanical]- Safe
Sung[Inorganic Mechanical]- Talkbox
Crux[Inorganic Mechanical]- Microchip
Hope and the Paradise guardians have yet to be classified. Let me know if I missed anyone!
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groupalpha · 4 months
'Malgy, while you've been out, we might've temporarily:
-Turned Prism into a slugcat
-Gave Ruby arms
-Turned Gumdrop into an (admittedly, a bit small) iterator
Among other things
Have a Fish
Tumblr media Tumblr media
TA: You can do that?
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TA: !
Uh... The Centipedes prooobably got to them, didn't they.
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