#cause I have so much qued up that I never shared
tk-bubblyboba · 1 year
Ik I haven’t really talked about this anywhere except on discord but my personal tmnt iteration
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Leo is a black knobbed map turtle
Raph an African helmeted turtle
Donnie a caspian pond turtle
And Mikey a false map turtle
They are the true reason I never get anything done and now that I finally finalized their designs they’ll be all I talk about, thank you
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
Uh,,(is this the correcct way?) i dont know how to make requests, but since urs are opened,
Can u make wandanat or katelena with gn!reader who's been in hydra/redroom for most off her life, and they just go on a date together on valentines and explain to her what valentines is?
thank you!
-confused anon
Love Letters
Pairing:  Bishlova x GN! Reader
Summary:  Kate and Yelena give you your first real Valentines
Fluff, Pinch of Angst
Translations: Detka (baby),
Warnings: Mentions of Hydra, Reader’s PTSD, Torture & Murder | 1.9K
AC: Thank you for sending me this, I went with Bishlova for something different! I hope you enjoy this xx 
Cupid's Dream Masterlist
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“Kate Bishop, what are you up too?” Yelena asked with a curious frown as Kate was quick to hide whatever she was doing behind her back. Kate shook her head endlessly, “n-nothing. I was just making some lunch” explained, causing Yelena to cock a brow. “You don’t cook” Yelena replied.
Kate gave up instantly and moved slightly to the right, “I brought some cookies and was just decorating them” she paused, “because you know, it’s Valentines and I thought we could do something special for Y/n” she added as Yelena wandered over to the countertop. Yelena looked up at Kate, “I know you said they might not be up for it, which is why I didn’t do my usual thing, but I want to show them how much they mean to me” Kate rambled on. Yelena placed her hands on the brunette’s hips and pulled her closer. 
“Kate Bishop, you’re too kind for your own good. I knew you weren’t going to listen to me so I spoke with them and they’re just having a shower then you can give them your cookies” Yelena explained before kissing Kate softly. The archer’s cheeks turned red; she was never one to hide her blushes. “Thank you” Kate spoke softly. 
As bathroom filled up with steam and the warm water ran down your body, your mind couldn’t escape the thoughts of how different your life has been since The Young Avengers rescued you from an underground Hydra base. It’s been a little over four years, but you still deal with a lot of mental health issues from your imprisonment at Hydra. You’ve had a lot of support from Kate’s team, Yelena, and the now semi-retired Avengers. You’ve overcome a lot of bumps in the road but now you have this very different and much more normal lifestyle it takes you a little extra time to adjust. 
Holidays are the hardest, especially when people like to bring up their memories from the previous years while your previous year memories involve torture, pain, and murder. Even though you’ve had some time to enjoy these holidays to make new, fun memories but it was never easy. Today being Valentine’s Day, you felt a little pressure to join in whatever plans your girlfriends had made. Last year you simply just weren’t up for anything and they both respected that and let you do your own thing, Kate of course still made sure to tell you how much you mean to her. You couldn’t help by wonder why Kate and Yelena had such a profound love for you as you only ever thought of yourself as damaged goods. 
You turned the shower off and began to get dressed for the day, Kate was still decorating the Valentine’s themed cookies while Yelena was giving Fanny and Lucky their daily training session. You wore black jeans, your favourite boots and one of your comfort tees before you made your way into the kitchen of the shared apartment. 
“Happy Valentines!!” Kate smiled the moment she saw you. She grabbed the plate of cookies and wandered over to you, placing a kiss on your cheek. “I made these for you” she added happily. 
“Thank you, they look really good darling, happy Valentines” you replied with a smile, “I’ll have some after lunch” you added.
“Sure thing love” Kate said before she placed the cookies back on the countertop. 
Yelena entered the kitchen with both dogs following behind her, “Happy Valentines detka” she said with a soft smile. You returned the smile, “Happy Valentines love” you replied. You didn’t quite understand Valentine’s Day, you thought it was just an excuse for people to spend more money on gifts or just another day for people to think about other than their day-to-day life. 
“So, I have something planned for us to do tonight, if you’re up for it of course and it’s okay if you’re not but” Kate paused before she rushed to the dining table to return with two envelopes in hand, “please read this and then you can decide if you want to do something or not” she went on, handing you the envelops. You were a little confused, but you smiled softly, “do you want me to read these now?” you asked, unsure when you were supposed to read them. 
“Yeah” Yelena nodded, “Kate and I are going to go out for an hour to give you the time to read them, if you need us, text us and we will come straight home” she added while Kate threw on her coat. You watched as your girlfriends took the dogs and walked out the door, leaving you in complete silence as you sat down on the sofa. Each envelop at your name on them, and you were able to tell whose letter was who’s by their handwriting. You started with Kate’s letter. 
“Dearest Y/n,
Where do I start? There are so many things I want to say but Yelena told me to do my best not to overwhelm you with my feelings. So, if I do overwhelm you, I apologise.
From the moment I saw you, I knew there was something different about you. I can’t imagine the things you’d been going through before we found you that day but when I saw the look in your beautiful eyes, I promised myself in that moment that I would never let anything bad happen to you again and that I would do everything in my power to make you see you are much, much more than just an experiment. 
I know you never had a great start to life and if I could change the past, I would do so in a heartbeat! 
Okay, Yelena was just reading this over my shoulder, so I am going to get to the point…
I want to show you every single day how much I adore you, how much I love seeing you smile, the sparkle in your eyes when your laughing, God, your laugh is magical! It makes everybody around you join in. I know you think Valentines is a bit of an unnecessary day and I totally see why you think that but, hear me out. It’s really just an excuse for me to give you as many gifts as I like, to buy store brought cookies and decorate them and we all act like I baked them and of course, for me to make you smile. I want everybody to see the person who makes me giggle and happy, I want people to see the smile that I fell in love with.
Please join us to spoil you with love today, I promise I didn’t go overboard.
With all my love, 
Kate xoxoxoxo” 
You finished Kate’s letter with a chuckle, it was very Kate and you loved that. Next was Yelena’s letter and for some reason you felt a little more nervous to open hers. 
I am sure Kate has done most then woo you with her letter, I hope she didn’t ramble too much! But I know whatever she said in her letter, she is right. 
You and I come from such different backgrounds to her. When I first met her, I didn’t understand why all the little things mattered so much. You and I, although come from different situations, we share the same mindset. We were weapons, nothing mattered to us but the target. Christmas and Thanksgiving for me was all fake, a set up for some photos and for a moment to think that things were different but the next day I was back to training. 
Kate, she loves all these little days and between you and I, she’s made me love them too. It’s easier said than done but we can’t let them have any power over us anymore detka. You are allowed to be happy; you are allowed to enjoy little things; you are allowed to love the things you love and dislike the things you dislike. You can wake up at 3 in the afternoon and that’s okay.
The point is, it’s okay. You’re okay. Maybe not fantastic or as happy as you want but to me and to Kate, you are perfect. 
We love you detka and there’s nobody else we would want to do this life thing with. It’s you detka, you make us better, stronger and no words will every explain just how much you mean to us. So, join us tonight or don’t, we will never hold be mad at you for doing what you need to do in the moment. You have the power now darling, you always had.
Yelena x”
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you folded Yelena’s letter and placed it on the coffee table. You smiled softly to yourself as you reached for your phone. Your girlfriends’ words floated around in your mind as your thumb hovered over Kate’s phone number, your heart felt full, full of love that you wanted to share with them so instead of calling Kate, you called Wanda for a little help.
“Thank you for help Wands, I am so sorry I had to drag you away from Nat” you smiled at Wanda as you walked her to the door. “Don’t stress honey, they are going to love it” Wanda replied, “if you need anything, you know you can always reach out” she added. 
“I will, thank you. Happy Valentines” you replied. 
Once Wanda left, you double check to make sure everything was perfect before you called Kate. It was very handy that Wanda could pull anything from her magic, the apartment was littered with pink and purple rose petals, candles lit up the apartment while the freshly made pizza was sitting in the centre of the dining table just waiting to be ripped into. 
“Kate, I’m ready, I would love to do something with you and Yelena” you smiled to yourself as Kate answered the phone. “We’ll be back in 10! Get ready, I have something special planned!” Kate replied before hanging up. 
It was the longest 10 minutes of your life, your palms began to sweat, your mind racing in hopes that you didn’t go overboard with this little surprise and that Kate wouldn’t be disappointed. 
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard the door open, you stood at the end of the small hall with two roses and a welcoming, warm smile. “Bab-“ Kate paused the moment she saw you, “we’re home” she added slowly. 
“I know you’ve made plans and we can do them, I just” you paused as you took a few steps closer to your girlfriends, closing the gap distance between you all, “I just want you both to know how much those letters mean to me and I am really sorry that I’ve been so closed minded to days like these, I love you both so, so much” you went on, handing them a rose each. 
“To hell with my plans, this is perfect” Kate said, smelling her rose and embracing you in a tight hug. Yelena smiled lovingly you before Kate pulled back only to kiss you deeply. Your hands landed on her hips, pulling her closer to you to deepen the kiss. 
“I’m proud of you” Yelena mouthed as you and Kate pulled away for air. You smiled softly at her, “we shouldn’t let the pizza get cold” you said. 
“You got pizza?! This is the best Valentine’s Day ever!!” Kate said before making her way into the dining room. “There’s almost mac n cheese” you said as Yelena gently pulled you close to her, “You’re amazing, don’t ever forget that” she said before kissing you deeply. 
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Hi! Can I pretty please request a Daemon Targaryen x reader one shot ?
They have been friends for a very long while, since childhood and it's on reader's birthday, they sneak away from the party into the gardens, it's night and they stop running from the halls and look at each other and laugh, then as their laughter ends they can't seem to tear their gazes away and it's the first time when they are both bared open of any walls they built and it's very tender, like him caressing reader's cheek, reader's hands on his chest then going to his back, still holding gazes and they kiss, and it's very sweet and everything they imagined and it's also the moonlight making it more dreamy. And when the kiss ends they admit their love for one another. Maybe they have both hidden their feelings from the other one for quite some time.
Thank you ! Hope you have a good day. You don't have to write this if you don't want to.
I’d be happy to write this for you! Thank you for your request! 🦦
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For as long as the House Targaryen had been on the Iron Throne, there has never been an out of the blue and as long lasting as that of the friendship shared between Prince Daemon of House Targaryen and Y/n L/n. Friends from a young age, you and Daemon has yet to have ever vacated from the others side but it seemed that the chances of that ever becoming a possible reality were slim to none. Even if that were to ever occur it would be a dark and dangerous day for Westeros indeed; as it was lead to be believed that fate had favoured this relationship to come to fruition when it occurred to everyone that you seemed to be the only one a young, growing Caraxes would deem worthy of his respect other then the Targaryen prince himself.
Speaking of the Targaryen prince, who was nine at the time, originally saw this as you attempting to steal his dragon from him and would became incredibly agitated whenever he saw his bonded dragon perk his head up at your scent like a domesticated dog and flew out of his stable and into your arms where he’d stay for the rest of the day; purring in content as you scratched under his chin, causing his tail to wag to and fro. Once Daemon grew to an age where he understood that his bond with Caraxes could never be severed, his dragons fondness for you was merely an extension of his own growing fondness for you; seeing as legends of old would speak of how dragons were merely an extension of their rider even down to an emotional level. So how Caraxes acted around you was a reflection of Daemon’s own hidden feelings for you even at a young age. The prince loved that Caraxes had found someone that wasn’t afraid of getting near him without fearing of being burnt to cinders by dragon fire.
To Daemon Caraxes acceptance and over all clinginess to you brought about ideals of forging his own form of bond with you also. Thereafter Daemon to many accounts passed down by time with their own variation, could be detailed as being seen by your side no matter where you went. The gardens, the red keep, amongst the common folk or attending to Caraxes in the dragonpit, Daemon was always there because according to the townsfolk viewpoint on Caraxes being the amalgamation of the darkness within the Targaryen Prince’s heart, to which many even dared to theories stemmed from, Visenya Targaryen herself, and that your acceptance of the Blood Wrym dragon and vice versa meant a bond between you and Daemon had been forged. A pact as strong as one shared by rider and dragon, so much so that many walked on eggshells when in your presence in fear of evoking the wrath of not only Caraxes but Daemon Targaryen himself.
Later on many a royal, knight, common folk and so on began to speculate that one day you and Daemon would be betrothed to one another, even speaking of such matters in front of you both that yours and Daemon’s response to such was to mine out the act of throwing up. At the time you and Daemon only saw the other as a close friend and confidant but as you quickly grew into young individuals, the adults in your lives told you in great detail of how easily feelings can change and blossom into something more. To this you both responded with a resounding ‘never.’ Which brings us to present day where you were resting against the wall furthest away from everyone in the great hall, looking over all the festivities being played in your honour and at the hordes people sloppily singing along with the music; including some of your own family members who waved at you once they spotted you and beckoned you to come down and join them; thoroughly embarrassing you in the process.
Though the one who’d embarrassed you most would soon slide into position against the wall beside you, concealing a gift of his own that was kept well hidden for the time being. “Oh why have the gods cursed me with your presence on today of all days.” You joked when Daemon made himself comfortable, having had personally invited him to being your company the night before, to which he responded with, “I apologise for my unwanted presence but I merely came over here to inform you that you have some grey hairs appearing upon your fair head, old crone.” As he proceeded to point at random points on your head as to where your ‘grey hairs’ were with a faux look of worry. You smacked his hand away from your head before playfully shoving him away, trying your hardest not to make it known how easily he could make you smile. “How peculiar you bring up the topic of hair because it seems to me that no matter how old you get, you still look like an elf with long hair that perhaps you’d be better off cutting it short one day…that is if your not hiding the fact that you might possibly be an elf and haven’t told anyone?” You retorted, “well at least I’d make a pretty elf.” Daemon sniped, this time shoving you playfully in the arm this time as you both dissolve to laughter, earning some knowing looks from a few people that passed by both of you; Though neither of you seemed to care as much for as soon after your laughing fit has died down to that of just chuckles Daemon grabbed your hand in his and escorted you out of the great hall, through the vast corridors at a pace that made you believed you were being chased.
“Where are we going Daemon, my family is back there probably wondering where I’ve gone.” You said, looking over your shoulder and back at the great hall where no one seemed aware of the fact that you two had bailed so early on in the night, too preoccupied having their own forms of fun to notice of anything else. “Just be patient will you. Wouldn’t want to suck the fun out of everything I’ve worked meretriciously into place would we?” On that note you chose to stay silent and allow yourself to be mindlessly dragged throughout the castle, blindingly placing your trust in Daemon like you always did. You stared at the back of his head for the rest of the journey, loosing yourself in your thoughts of how handsome Daemon became overtime and how he has grown into his features so effortlessly it made you jealous at how beautiful his violet eyes were and how his platinum blonde hair framed his slender shaped face despite your many comments on him looking like an elf. I’m truth you only say that so you wouldn’t accidentally let slip how you truly saw him as a beautiful and powerful prince and one day, king to be.
Due to being lost in your thoughts about the man before you, you weren’t aware that he had stopped just short of the entrance of the garden, causing you to misstep and bump into his back. “Are you alright there clumsy clots?” Daemon teased, holding you upright by the forearms, “I don’t know how are you?” You spoke without much thought being put behind your words before they slip pass your lips so carelessly. Once realising what you had just said you both dissolved into another bout of laughter with you resting your head against his chest for support. Daemon drew you head away from his chest and with his hand, drew your gaze to meet his and in that moment your laughter died on your tongue as you continued to gaze into one another’s eyes through the vale of night as they flickered to and fro from eyes to lips and back to eyes once more. The garden seemed to fall silence at the be-spectacle before them as they watched you and Daemon hold a conversation through your eyes alone; allowing the pent up emotions you both allowed to accumulate since the day you both learnt what romantic feelings entail. Looking into Daemon’s eyes made you feel bare, exposed even as though he could see into the depths of your soul, reading you like a book of a language only he could understand.
A warmth spread throughout your body as Daemon trailed a hand from your arm, fingertips brushing against the skin of your neck, causing it to tingle needly in his wake before coming to gently tuck your cheek against the palm of his hand that you found yourself instinctually leaning towards; all the while his thumb began to absentmindedly stroke the skin there as though he was scared to break you like that of a porcelain vase. As almost a response to his tender touches, your hands removed themselves from his waist and found a temporary home against his chest where they then trailed behind his neck to play with the hairs there; taking note of how soft it was and how it slipped through your fingers as though you were holding silk. All without uttering a single word it felt as though a lot hand been conveyed through simple touches and prolonged eye contact that confessed everything you both were too cowardice to admit to one another.
You didn’t wish to continue living your life without ever feeling like this again now that you had a sample of how well you slot against one another so effortlessly and perfectly; resurfacing old memories you long though buried of when made you you spent a majority of time fantasising having Daemon as a lover, comparing how much of a difference it would be then to having him being your childhood friend. Only to then feel an immense guilt afterwards for even daring to think of him in such a way as though you’ve committed the biggest sin within the Seven Kingdoms. Those hidden desires your heart made didn’t seem so sacrilegious anymore when he held you and looked at you as though you’ve hung the stars that you forged from Valyrian steel against the many shades of midnight blues and blacks upon your canvas that was the night sky; the pale white bark of the weirwood seemed to glow like a beacon beneath the moonlight that bathed you both as though made especially for you.
Without wanting to risk another second of not answering his screaming heart, Daemon tenderly placed his lips against your own, softly at first as though he was fearing this was all an illusion that would soon end with him in his bed and his heart yearning Solemnly for yours to head it’s song. Then when you didn’t dissolve like paper in water, Daemon pressed his lips firmer against your own, heaving a sigh of relief through his nose as his hold on your cheek grew possessive as he allowed his other arm to lead itself to your waist where he pulled you in closer against him until there was not even a spec of space between to two of you. Yet even that didn’t seem to satisfy you as you used the arms over his neck to pull Daemon even closer as you reciprocate the kiss with a vigour on par with his own. The kiss was sweet and supple as ripe strawberries, As addicting as the tangy taste of mangoes and pineapples that when you part for air it leaves your lips tingling for so much more moments like this; kissing gentle promise into one another as your feet lead you backwards until you were pressed against a nearby wall that was covered in vines pressing into your back.
You didn’t care as all your mind was occupied on was how Daemon’s body was pressed against you own, how you could feel the heat from his body mingling with your own as you kept in close proximity of one another. You’ve always wondered what his lips would taste like, it even took presidency within your dreams but nothing could compare to how they felt in that moment, desperate and hot against your own as though he’s been waiting for this day as long as you have; the mere thought of Daemon Targaryen longing for you as much as you longed for him only made your grip on his neck tighten as you felt him oblige in your silent needs as the hand that held your cheek trailed to your throat where it lingered there before taking position as your necklace for the night; drawing you in closer before pulling you away when he thought you becoming too eager for his lips. Finally pulling away, Daemon rested his head against your forehead as you both attempted to catch your breath before matching smiles crossed your face.
“You have no idea how long I’ve longed to do that.” He said out of breath as you played with the collar of his shirt, “I think I might have an idea.” You replied, finding yourself all of a sudden unable to meet his eyes but Daemon’s hold on your throat loosened so he could lift your head so you were forced to look into his eyes either way as they shone brightly like a pair of amethysts. “Oh? Pray tell, have I lingered in your dreams like a ghost as you have in mine? Just mere feet from me yet seemingly so far away for me to hold you in my arms? Taunting me in my sleep as you do in my waking life? Holding my heart hostage?” You pressed a kiss against his lips to silence him momentarily before pulling away just as he was about to reciprocate. “Was that enough of an answer for you my prince?” Daemon made a thinking face before using his thumb to stroke against your lips, parting them with ease, “I’m afraid I’m going to need another demonstration.”
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fuck it im having omegaverse brain rot again rn
alpha!bayojeanne x gn!omega!reader
They never thought it would happen, yet there you stand your sweet sent engulfing their senses.
Summary: Bayonetta and Jeanne have been searching for their omega for years. Learning they were fated mates caused quite a stir in covenant hundreds of years ago which started the search but as time passed they soon gave up. Especially with the encroaching war and Bayonetta being sealed away, and Jeanne dying with her soul being sent to inferno. Finding the one who would complete them became a distant memory, a goal lost in time, at least to Jeanne, Bayonetta wants to try again, after feeling a certain yearning for the past few months suddenly.
warnings: omegaverse, nsfw thoughts but no smut....yet, heats and ruts mentioned.
It was a warm spring day and Bayonetta and her mate Jeanne were traversing the city from store to store as they did on their days off.
They passed by and alpha/omega pair and a twinge of jealousy was felt through them. Though they had given up the search for their fated omega years ago it still hurt knowing they'd never get to help with a drop or during a heat. sure they help eachother with their ruts but it left something to be desired from time to time.
Of course Bayonetta knew why Jeanne was so hesitant and she didnt want to push her into it. After getting her memory back and breaking Jeanne's mind control she wanted to only focus on the other alpha for awhile. Hearing the loneliness her Jeanne felt broke her, and after nearly losing her to inferno she only wanted to focus on Jeanne but its been years and the desire for your fated ones never goes away until you are complete. No matter how much you stamp it down.
The moment passed as quickly as it came and they resumed their walk going to another store. "you know Jeanne, i think sometimes we should restart the search for our omega" Bayonetta said examining herself in the mirror as she tries on an extravagant hat. Jeanne turns from her place looking over the scarfs to look at her mate "oh dont be so ridiculous Ceraza, we'll never find them. How do we know they're even alive?" she brought up a good point. Bayonetta considered it. "You're right but I think it wouldnt hurt to try." she also had a good point. They dropped the subject for now, deciding instead to talk about the items, before going back to their shared appartment.
"you get so sentimental when your rut gets closer" Jeanne said as Bayonetta placed a warm kiss on her mating mark that sat proudly on Jeannes neck, Just below her ear. Bayonetta hummed in response "You're right, but still it would be nice to have an omega to protect, to fuck, to love" she said moving to straddle Jeanne who looked up at her black hair lover. They had been discussing the proposition over and over again since it was brought up in the store. "Let me think more about it, but you are right" Jeanne asked. she spent so long alone while Bayonetta was sealed away that she tried to find their third in the mean time but kept coming up empty. It was soul crushing for her during that time and she didnt want to go through that again. It might be easier now with her Ceraza by her side. Not as disappointing because now she would have someone to hold still during the nights when the world seemed colder and darker than before.
"Think about it as long as you want, my love, but i hope to do consider it, Ive felt a yearning for a few months now and i know you have as well, it just feels different now, like they're close" Bayonetta says, she was right about Jeanne feeling a yearning.
Jeanne looked up at her and sighed "I do feel it" it felt like she was going burst. she's hasnt felt this since before her and Ceraza were mated. she knew it meant they were close but she didnt want to be disappointed again. her own fear was standing in her way. especially since that feeling came and went.
They decided to get ready for the day as Jeanne started to get quiet and Bayonetta didnt want to push, they had talked about this topic many times but this time it was different. she understood Jeanne's hesitation despite the feeling of their mate being close. with that feeling coming and going over the past few months was concerning, it meant their mate was moving around and what if one day they never came back. Thats why she wants to find them.
Bayonetta went to the gates of hell to meet with Rodin about a job he had for her. Jeanne left to go to her day job at a school, as they both decided to meet for Dinner at a newish restaurant in town they hadnt tried yet.
After finishing beating up angels at another mobsters funeral she was meant to oversee she freshened up at home before going to the restaurant where Jeanne was waiting for her outside.
Upon entering the restaurant they were hit with a delicious fruity sweet sent. Definitely omega. All omegas smelt sweet. This one however smelt sweeter. They looked at eachother in disbelief, they were close. they're omega was either here or frequented the place.
They were lead to a table by a waitress, not their mate but a very cute omega regardless.
they looked over the menus but couldnt focus as the scent of gummy candy invaded their nostrils. they stumbled through their drink orders finding it incredibly hard to focus.
Abandoning the menus they looked around the place not seeing anyone looking as effected as them. if they could smell their omega their omega could smell them, Bayonetta's chocolate scent and Jeanne cinnamon scent but no one else was looking around.
some time passed as the pair grew increasingly frustrated with the fact they couldnt see their mate. they managed to order but neither ate anything. they were going to leave and come back thinking they frequented this place often but wasnt there at the moment, when an omega slammed through the kitchen door causing a loud bang. they were quite cute. they had s/c and h/l and h/c. their eyes scanned the dining room. they looked frazzled like they had been stressing. An alpha followed behind them and trying to talk them back into the kitchen. they werent wearing anything a cook would were. they were wearing (preferred outfit), not very suitable for restaurant work, especially one of this setting.
The omega ignored the concerned ramblings of the alpha as their eyes landed on the pair of witches. they gave a small smile before looking quite scared? and running back into the kitchen. the entire dining room had turned when the doors slammed open. everyone started whispering about what that could've been.
Bayonetta and Jeanne looked at eachother concerned and without talking agreed on their next move. Both slipped away to the bathroom. Normally they dont care who sees them use their powers as they slip into purgatorio but usually theres a lot of commotion and destruction happening. in quiet situations like these it would raise alarm if 2 women summoned glowing portals and then disappeared.
once in purgatorio, they made their way into the kitchen where their mate was hiding. the room was bustling with cooks working and the chef moving through looking over work.
The pair of alphas made their way to back where the scent of fruity candy was the strongest. the loading dock. there the omega was sitting seemingly having a panic attack as the alpha who had been behind them was trying to calm them. the scene angered the pair, Jeanne moreso than Bayonetta who wanted to listen in so she stopped Jeanne from doing anything.
"i told you not to go out there y/n" the alpha said, "you told me you werent ready yet and that you didn't want to be with an alpha, and as your brother its my job to protect you" he continued.
the omega looked up "their smells are overwhelming, i couldn't control myself, i needed to see, they're beautiful, i dont know what to do b/n, i think im gonna drop, i want them to be here but they're gonna reject me, i just know it" they said trying to calm themself but finding it increasingly difficult.
"what do you need" b/n asked. "i need them but" "how about some juice? and im sure they wont reject you, take a drink, calm down and then you'll go introduce yourself, im sure theyre still out there trying to figure out whats wrong ok?" the omega nodded starting to calm.
"they're scared of us" said Bayonetta looking to Jeanne. Jeanne looked statue still gazing at their mate. she wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch them.
In hundreds of years, They never thought it would happen, yet there you stand your sweet sent engulfing their senses.
Just as they were going to turn back and go into the restaurant to wait for you to come to them, the heavens started to sing as those winged pests Affinity approached.
the alphas made an annoyed sound as they summoned weapons.
Before either of the witches could react one of the morons swooped in and grabbed their omega from where they sat. which effectively managed to scare the poor thing enough they pass out.
The pair wasted no time jumping into action beating down the angels faster than they could ready their weapons. The 2 were fueled by the anger of these pests thinking they could put their hands on whats theirs.
eventually they got through the other angels. now focusing their attention to the one holding their omega who had yet to regain consciousness.
Jeanne rushed it while Bayonetta waited to catch their mate, having stepped out of purgatorio to do so.
They fell right into Bayonetta's arms who immediately went down to her knees so she could cuddle them close easier. Once Jeanne finished ripping apart the last Affinity she joined her mates.
The pair was in awe of the omega still cuddled close to Bayonetta's chest. Jeanne reached out hesitantly as if they would disappear if she moved to fast, and touch their cheek gently.
They started to stir, coming to. y/n opened their eyes which were unfocused at first. when having refocused they saw the two alphas looking at them warmly and concerned. they sat up out of Bayonetta's hold and looked at the two of them. "w-what are you two doing here? how did you get back here? was i in the air???" the omega rattled off question after question before the warm scent of Jeannes cinnamon and the rich chocolate of Bayonetta calmed them.
they let the alphas bring them back into their hold. "we'll tell you everything in due time, little one" bayonetta said trying stroking their hair.
soon enough the omega was calmly sleeping and they went back into purgatorio just as y/n's brother came back through the door holding a few bottles of juice, "i forgot to what juice you wanted, then dad wanted to talk to me sorry it took so long-" he stopped looking at the sleeping form of his sibling.
The pair of alphas made their way back to a place they could quietly come out of purgatorio.
Before long their omega left the kitchen calmly and came over properly introducing themself. the three mates had a lovely conversation, the only mention of the back was when the omega said they had a dream about them as they came out of their drop. the two apologized for not being there as the omega assured them it was ok and they're the one who ran away.
Eventually the three parted ways with phone numbers exchanged. they talked through the night on the phone, lets be for real. as their omega wanted to take things slow. the two witches didnt show their disappointment but they waited hundreds of years, they could wait a few months, plus its not like they dont know who their mate is anymore.
gonna do a part 2, thats gonna be mostly smut. i would've done it in this part but i couldn't get a good flow to do that. gonna do some headcanons also of all the characters just bc why not. even if i dont write for those characters. hope you enjoyed and that it wasnt awful, im very rusty when it comes to writing stories and i also have never been good at writing stories i feel like.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Hi, me again, the one with the future donnie and leo ideas with more cause why not
Just wanted to jot down some UC (unnamed child/character) and Casey Jr cousin behavior as they’re raised by different “dads” (Leo being Casey’s and Donnie being UC’s)
(Again, do whatever you want with this info)
The two deciding to put on a performance so their dads will let them have a sleep over despite literally living with each other (they leaned from April cousins used to dance in order to get what they want)
UC bringing back trinkets they get from going on scavenger hunts with Donnie and Casey keeping them all in a box
Casey bringing back any books he’s able to find while going on patrols with Leo for UC (sometimes they’re a little you know ripped and muddy but psh book is book)
Apocalypse training! The cousins are a deadly duo and the twins couldn’t be more proud, almost seeing themselves in their kids (#theygrowupsofast #soonthey’llbekillingsomemonsters #couldntbemoreproudofthekids)
Elaborating more on that, they sometimes can’t train in the same room, especially when they were younger and couldn’t grasp the severity in training so they’d goof when the adults weren’t looking (some angst possibilities here). Either that or they did manage to grasp their situation fairly quickly and adapted their mindsets to learn the techniques they were being taught faster (#childhoodGONE)
Almost never go on patrols separately. You will have to PULL them apart if you want to take one and leave the other (only exception if it’s with one of their family members but if they’re assigned to different groups the two HAVE to go together)
Tried making a blood pact once (“its a blood pact, we go down together”) *cue the twins scooping up their respective kid before they can actually go through with it*
I imagine UC asking Donnie for help to make a music box for Casey Jr after he lost his mom (April helped)
Them actually getting better at dancing and sometimes they’ll be dancing around their rooms despite there not being any music because they’re cool like that
Sneaking into Donnie’s lab in order to see what kinds of shenanigans he’s doing in there
Getting caught sneaking into Donnie’s lab in order to see what kinds of shenanigans he’s doing in there (#worthit)
UC imagining making the weirdest shit only to actually put those thoughts into action and drags Casey Jr along too
UC, holding a blueprint: So, I have an idea for a new weapon. It's a combination of a laser gun and a grenade launcher.
Casey Jr: That sounds dangerous.
Cousin: Exactly! It's perfect for taking out a whole group of Kraang soldiers at once!
Casey Jr: *raises an eyebrow* And what if we accidentally blow ourselves up?
Cousin: *holding up a wrench like it’s a sword* Then we'll go out in a blaze of glory!
Casey Jr: I prefer to not go out at all, thank you very much…
The two doing their best to sneak up on Leo despite him catching them everytime (literally. He’d probably turn around last second and grab them scaring them instead of the other way around like the two planned)
Ganging up on people. Like what do you mean UC is not getting taller? You’re wrong! Yeah tell em Casey Jr! (No one is safe)
UC rambling about more in depth science stuff and Casey Jr just 🧍👍 (I have a feeling that he is good at science because..Donnie, but since UC is mechanically inclined and was raised directly by Donatello they’re just WOOO you know?)
April and Mikey setting up little forts for them and the four just hang around giggling and rolling around like four puppies
Casey Jr doing his best for his cousin after Donnie died, leaving behind all his work to be carried on by his kid, and reminds them that they can share the burden of being the backbone of the resistance
Getting into petty fights with each other over something small like, who gets the last piece scrap metal idk
Thinking about angst scenarios where one of them is too far to reach the other (who is in danger) and they get hurt badly and then having to quickly get them back home and explain what happened
Another angsty scenario eating away at me is one of them is forced to take a different route than expected when patrolling and they lose contact with the base. The panic and chaos that would happen…
Wowwwwww!!! I’m in shock, future anon you sent me hcs 😍🤭
Honestly though UC sounds so cool/cute scenarios where Casey Jr. has someone around his age and Donnie basically has his own kid 😘🤌 just mwah, love it!!! I just had to post this even though I don’t have much to add just tot this was super duper cute ❤️❤️❤️
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cityandking · 7 months
heartbreak, hide, nightmare, torture for dai, minah and bran!
thanks babe // not-so-nice oc asks
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
DAI — I guess izzy counts? he definitely experienced heartbreak with their falling out, and with the persistent cold shoulder she's given him ever since. but at the same time, there's a part of him that insists he wasn't entirely in the wrong. ...I was gonna say that inoculates him against the worst of the hurt, but actually I don't think that's true. mostly it just makes things complicated and weird MINAH — yeah her relationship with her highschool boyfriend childhood sweetheart ended pretty abruptly after her dad died. tbh her dad's death was the actual heartbreak; it just cascaded into a series of secondary hurts. worse than the breakup itself was the disillusion with everything she'd imagined her life would be. fortunately she found the orchestra BRAN — she's definitely parted with a few exes on bad terms, but most of her relationships aren't deep or serious enough to merit proper heartbreak (plus Bran is typically the heartbreaker, not the heartbroken) . there were probably one or two bad endings really early on, even before she left home. obviously, though, her biggest heartbreak was her mom's death. it was just so slow and all-encompassing and she kept waiting for the time to soften the break and it never did.
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
DAI — I was about to be like "well he doesn't hide things he's just private etc etc" but tbh where does one draw the line? he likes to keep his unkind and ungracious thoughts to himself (mostly). he also hides his fear when he can; there are people relying on him and he doesn't want to be unable to support them. it's not a super conscious thing, but he definitely tucks parts of himself away if he thinks they'll make things harder for other people MINAH — wouldn't you like to know weather boy BRAN — her fears! her anxieties! the way sometimes she forgets how to breathe and it's like the ocean is in her lungs and she's drowning! she's striving to become a thing of myth and legend; she doesn't want to be tangled up in her mortal and human failures and weaknesses
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
DAI — the abyss (new), the void (-1), failing his loved ones and being complicit in their deaths (-1). in the past he was a "lie in the dark and wait for the fear to pass to go back to sleep" kind of guy, but lately he's been a "get up in the middle of the night because sleep isn't coming" kind of guy. I don't think he goes out of his way to hide that he has nightmares, but he definitely doesn't share the content (tho he might if pressed) MINAH — her dad's death. her mom's death. the dark. being alone. being trapped. being chased. the archdemon. the joining. the blight. she likes working late nights because they wipe her out and help her sleep a little better. she's pretty good at getting back to sleep after a bad dream, but not always—some nights and some dreams are worse than others. she absolutely goes out of her way to hide her nightmares from others (if it weren't for everyone waking up with their archdemon dreams she wouldn't have outwardly acknowledged it) BRAN — bran doesn't have nightmares too often, but when she does they tend to be weird and disjointed vibes(tm) and not any one specific thing. she'll take some air if she's too spooked to sleep. or if she's got a bedfellow who might also be up at odd hours of the night, she's not opposed to sweating out the bad dreams. she doesn't talk about them much because there usually isn't much to talk about; her dreams rarely point to one nightmare-causing thing
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
DAI — aww dai was the one I was thinking about when I wrote that question. he hasn't been tortured (does the abyss count?) but he would definitely torture someone else if he had to. what does "if he had to" mean? hard to say right now but he absolutely has that edge of measured, precise, careful violence in him and the certainty of his own rightness to pursue it. MINAH — no, and also no* (*I think minah could run an interrogation super well but she's squeamish and doesn't want to be in any way a participant in that kind of measured, pre-mediated violence. she's the honey trap, the carrot. she can't be the stick.) BRAN — canon bran has not been tortured and— hm. she'd always rather catch her flies with honey, but I do think there could be a situation (her crew being in danger, for example) where she might turn to carefully-applied hurt to get results. mostly I'm just not sure how much she'd trust that? she's definitely seen some torture in her time—she tries to keep her business square, but it doesn't always work out that way—and in her experience, hurt people say whatever they need to say to stop hurting. (dark au bran has been tortured and also done torturing, and will fulfill her obligations with great precision and skill. I think star wars au bran is also a both/and kinda girlie, though I don't have any specifics down at the moment. if she had to break fingers to track down a member of her crew (looking at you sabine) she absolutely would.)
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bluejay-in-flight · 1 year
Sorry it took me this long but I was tagged by the wonderful @wordspin-shares (you got a few of these coming 👀😇)
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
So my birth name came from my grandmother on my mother's side and my middle name came from my great grandmother on my dad's side. But the name that I chose for me “Jay” actually came from Jarvis from Iron Man 😊
2. When was the last time you cried?
If we're counting teared up then last night when my niece was crying and I felt horrible that she was so sad and I couldn't do anything to fix the cause. If we're counting tears falling then probably a week ago when my best friend was crying and I couldn't do anything to fix the problem. As Gus from psych would say I'm a sympathetic cryer 😅
3. Do you have kids?
No but I love kids and have many nieces and nephews and one day I would love to adopt some of my own ☺️
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Funnily enough I don't really. I tend to be a very honest person even when joking and so I don't really tend to be sarcastic ever. It's funny that sarcasm seems to be a trait you see a lot in characters or movies or whatever but I honestly don't hear people use it that much either.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Idk everything??? I feel like I'm both hyper observant in the least helpful way and I can't manage to focus on one thing at a time so I honestly have no clue 😅🤣
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown practically black
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't think that's an either or situation cause you can have both but I don't ever tend to like scary movies but I always love happy endings and can't handle sad endings 😭
8. Any special talents?
I don't think I have any talents that are really special or even especially good. But I do think I have a knack for weaving a good tale.
9. Where were you born?
N/A I was never born 👀
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, singing/listening to music, watching tv shows/anime/movies
11. Have you any pets?
I had a cat pumpkin who I loved so much but I had to give him to someone else since I was moving states and couldn't take him with me 😭 so at the moment I am petless 🥺
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I don't play sports currently but I have played Soccer, Basketball, Softball, and Field hockey
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
In high school math and psychology. In college all the social sciences psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy 😍😍😍
15. Dream job?
Therapist or Writer or Editor (I actually wanted to be an Editor before I wanted to be a Writer)
Tagging way more than 15 also not sure if everyone I tagged are mutuals cause I was too lazy to check 😅 if you wanna join in if you don't that's fine too 💙 (also if anyone not listed wants to join in the fun please do and tag me 😄)
@bisexualterror, @ipanicatmorethanjustthedisco, @oneirataxia-girl, @theroseunblown, @stridingseer, @privateerstudies, @avarhodes, @qu-ilinn, @emphasis-on-the-oopsie, @al-pomegranate-seeds, @deniedmysign, @waterloou, @heirsoflilith, @darknightfrombeyond, @darth-caillic, @residentdormouse, @asirensrage, @toribookworm22, @polizwrites, @darsynia, @inkspottedtea
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apocalypseornaw · 2 years
Make a Bet
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Poly Dean x Reader x Benny drabble
When you make it to the bar a group has been admiring your boyfriends and don't believe that you can bag them both
You walked into the bar behind Sam following closely to him so you could take advantage of the crowd parting to give way to him. You hated having to elbow your way through a crowd and like it not it was simply easier to let one of the guys do the shoving for you at times especially when you were as tired as you were now.
Sam looked over his shoulder at you once the two of you made it to the bar then nodded towards the corner where you spotted Dean and Benny sitting together studying the crowd around them. One good thing about this many people, even Dean's sense of his surroundings and Benny's sense of smell couldn't pinpoint you. There were few times you got to sit back and admire your boyfriends. 
They were both equally gorgeous in their own right. Dean looked like every example of prince charming had the prince traded his royal rags for jeans and a flannel along with his horse for an impala. Benny on the other hand was built broad, shoulders that told the story of a physical life even before his time in Purgatory, add in those blue eyes and that accent and lord.
Sam chuckled grabbing your arm "Let's grab a beer before we head over cause you look like you're parched" you rolled your eyes with a laugh "ha ha very funny. Remind me to make fun of you next time Eileen comes to crash at the bunker" he raised an eyebrow "Fair enough"
You stood elbow to elbow with him as the two of you waited on your drinks. You heard a woman say "Oh come on! Those two have turned down everyone that has attempted to talk to them" you cut your eyes at Sam and the smirk on his face told you he was guessing along the same lines as you. 
You turned to see what woman has said it and wasn't surprised to see a group ogling Dean and Benny. There were three women with legs for days and two of them were barely wearing shirts with how much cleavage was showing. Along with them was a guy that was cute but a bit too metro for your taste. 
You started to let it go but when one of the women said "Taste like that no wonder they're sitting alone" you looked back at Sam who shrugged one shoulder. Years back you probably would've cowered against women that gorgeous, would've second guessed yourself or the fact that your guys were happy with you but now? You'd survived Purgatory, Benny's creator, trials and a whole list of other things at their side and no matter what happened they chose you at the end of every day.
"Go for it" Sam whispered, passing your beer to you before stepping back so it was clear you weren't with him in that way.  You stepped closer to the group leaning against the bar slightly before motioning towards Dean and Benny "Those two?" A brunette turned her eyes on you clearly taking in the fact that you were wearing simply jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket "Yeah. They've turned us all down"
You took a sip of your beer shamelessly checking out both men you shared your life and bed with. "Any of you wanna place a bet?" The man let a smirk slip onto his face "What kind?" You glanced around before saying "Loser buys the bar a round" the bartender who had overheard some of your conversation spoke up "What's that?"
You shrugged "They said those two fellas over there won't give anyone the time of day. I bet them a round for the whole bar that I can leave here with them both" the group laughed, one of them having the nerve to say "Have you seen us compared to you?" You nodded with a smile "Scared?" The brunette who seemed to be the ring leader stood up "Never" and shook your hand.
You finished your beer and winked at the bartender before walking over to the table.
Benny spotted you first, a smile slipping onto his face before he bumped Dean who's eyes flew towards you too. "Bout time sweetheart"  You laughed before stepping close enough to Dean's stool to pull him into a kiss. He was surprised but that quickly gave way as his lips moved against yours quickly deepening the kiss as he tried to pull you into his lap despite the crowd. Normally you weren't big on too much pda but tonight you let him pull you into his lap. 
When he pulled back to catch his breath you reached out for Benny, crashing your lips against his in a hungry kiss that had him damn near growling into your mouth as he gripped Dean's hips to pull you both closer. "Let's get back to the room" you whispered sliding off Dean's lap. They both quickly stood following you through the crowd. You waved at the group on the way out, catching a view of Sam laughing his ass off at the pool table. 
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skellebonez · 3 years
32. Are you aware of how much money you spent? Tang and Pigsy
go wild god of fanfic prompts, go wild
I WOULDN'T GO THAT FAR ANON JDFKLSJFAS But that's very sweet of you to say! And I couldn't pass up a great chance to write these two as the old (but not that old) married couple I know them to be in my heart. I tried something a little experimental, this isn't exactly how I would normally write them but I had a little idea and wanted to see what I could do with it.
Are you aware of how much money you spent? 
Tang loved Pigsy. And he wasn't afraid of who knew that fact.
"You sure you wanna come with me to the market after... you know,” Pigsy said with a shrug as he rubbed his neck awkwardly.
Tang knew. He remembered the events of quite a few months ago very well. Over half a year if he remembered correctly. It was the last time he had gone with the chef to purchase his ingredients at the market, not wanting to go anywhere close to what was likely still far too close to the lair of the Spider Queen.
Especially not after their later encounters on the new year and the following weeks.
“I’m sure.”
It wasn’t as if they didn’t spend pretty much all their time together anyway. Tang had work, of course he did, and he wasn’t always in the shop 24/7. But whenever he could take his work on the go or take a break or just have the day off he would be by the chef’s side. He always had been for as long as he could remember since their first meeting in college.
At first it was simply from a sense of loyalty to an old friend. He’d kept in touch with Pigsy since they had graduated together, went to the restaurant from day one since it opened, and went back almost every day since then.
And then... he’d lost his apartment, an accidental electrical fire no one could have prevented and he had been glad no one was hurt, and Pigsy had just offered him his spare room like it was nothing.
Tang could have possibly stayed in a hotel until he was able to find another apartment, at least for a while. But not forever. Not the way people who knew who he really was thought he could.
Once someone learned you were the descendant of a long distant cousin of the Tang Sanzang they had a tendency to assume and want things from you after all.
He wasn't in any way rich, far from it. But people thought he was the second they learned he was related to Tang Sanzang and he was just well off enough for people to assume they were right. Just enough for people to expect more from him than he could really give. And he gave all the same, scared to disappoint. Scared to be left alone. Scared to be alone.
Not Pigsy, though. He didn't tell the chef for a long while before moving in and not for quite some time after, guilt from not revealing who he was making Tang leave him far more money than would be his reasonable share of the rent despite the fact he didn't really have it to spare, and the charade would only last as long as Pigsy was willing to ignore that.
It took 1 month and 28 bowls of noodles that Tang vastly overpaid for before Pigsy dropped an overstuffed envelope with all the excess money (which was really nearly all the money he could spare) he had given the chef right into his lap while he was attempting to study a book on their now shared couch.
Pigsy barely got out his question of "why?" before Tang buckled under the pressure and revealed everything.
His heritage.
His past with others.
His feelings.
That last one had been an accident. Truly it had. He'd never planned on telling Pigsy that he had developed a crush on him ever since he had asked him to taste test some of the recipes for his shop. That he kept going to the shop not because the food was amazing (even though it absolutely was, the best he'd ever had and he was certain ever would have) but because he just wanted to see Pigsy more. That the day he'd asked Tang to move into his spare room in his own apartment his heart had skipped a beat and he wondered if there was a deity out there both enjoying the idea of giving him everything he wanted on a silver platter while also reveling in the idea of it being snatched away in an instant because he was certain Pigsy had never liked him back.
Well. Was certain.
Until Pigsy stared at him for a few second too long before a lopsided grin spread on his face and he ignored every single other part of his confession to ask "you had a crush on me too?"
It had taken a minute or two for them to realize they were both hopeless idiots who had been mutually pining for each other the entire time.
They felt pretty silly after that, having lived together for a month when they probably could have been doing so long before.
"You don't have to keep givin me all this, you know," Pigsy said firmly once everything was out in the open, gesturing to the envelope that Tang now held in his hands.
"I know," Tang admitted, worrying his fingers over the edges. "It's just... everyone else always wanted more from me and... I was scared, I guess..."
"I'm not everyone else." Pigsy gently took hold of Tang's hand, giving it a careful squeeze. "I don't care who your great uncle or cousin or whoever was. I mean, I do, cause they're your family!" The chef corrected himself, flushing a deep crimson in embarrassment. "But you could be related to nobodies or a king and that wouldn't make you less you to me. I like you for you! I... am I makin any sense? I didn't go to college to sound nice, I went for business stuff!"
Laughter bubbled up from somewhere in Tang's chest, making him squeeze the chef's hand back.
"You are," he said, feeling a lightness inside him that he didn't realize he hadn't felt in a long time. "I get it. I like you for you too, Pigsy."
"Good," the chef said, a chuckle of his own resounding in unison. "Good..."
The two sat for a moment longer, staring at each other before Tang started to lean forward. Pigsy followed, just as he had with the laughter.
It didn't take long for noses to bump each other awkwardly and for the two of them to burst into cackles as they realized they would need to remember to turn their heads before they kissed.
And then they shared their first.
They'd been together for years after that. Scholar and chef, old college buddies now roommates turned boyfriends and then later husbands. Most people didn't even know they were married at all, "if they couldn't see it when it was right in front of their faces why explain it" was Tang and Pigsy's mutual reasoning. And for those that did know, some people didn't really understand their relationship. Not with how they carried on with the whole "freeloader" thing.
But that was because of one of Pigsy's only requests when they started dating.
"Don't feel like you gotta pay me for anything, ok? I don't know what other people have said to you, but you don't gotta do that with me."
Tang liked to take that a little far, admittedly, for the fun of it with the noodle orders at the shop. He couldn't help it, he loved everything about Pigsy! His smile, how much he cared behind his gruff exterior, his cooking (obviously), and how cute he was when he would let out that exasperated sigh at the end of the month and just look at Tang's tab as he took out whatever was extra in his half of the month's rent to pay for all but a few yuan of it and just change into that soft smile all over again.
The tab was real, but Tang always paid it at the end of the month. Even if Pigsy always insisted behind the scenes that he didn't have to. He could just stop giving Pigsy the extra cash and they'd wash their hands of the tab and the freeloading completely if he wanted to.
But Tang liked teasing his husband too much and Pigsy was happy as long as Tang was alright with that.
Something in the back of Tang's mind wondered if he was still just scared though, despite everything. As if the ideas of his youth were too deep seated to really go away, intrusive thoughts needling into his brain in a way that would need something even more life altering than he already gone through to get them to leave, and he kept the tab and the teasing around just for some extra security so he would know he'd get to see Pigsy's exasperated smile and hear him say he could stop again. He was certain he was just overthinking things, something he did more often than he would like to admit.
Of course... that was until Spider Queen.
It hadn't been a good morning already, the selection at the market had been poor and Tang was tired from a long work week. Pigsy had been determined to find the right ingredients for... something that, frankly, Tang couldn't remember after all these months. What he did remember was the way the Spider Queen drew Pigsy in, despite his sniping at him while they were tied up he knew that the chef really was only after actual vegetable, and being in that lair.
It was awful.
They hadn't been down there long, but it was long enough for Tang to suggest Pigsy stay away from the market entirely and order his food via online delivery. Pigsy thought he'd been jealous at first, until he realized that Tang was just... scared. Scared of Pigsy getting hurt, scared of losing him. Just scared.
Until MK had shown up there really was no telling if they would have made it out. And that scared Tang. A lot.
Pigsy didn't stop going to the market entirely, but for Tang's peace of mind he bought most of his food via delivery like he suggested and took MK with him every time instead. Tang refused to go back, not when he knew how close that stand was.
And then the Lunar New Year happened and Tang no longer really felt safe anywhere.
Oh he acted like everything was fine alright, but he knew Pigsy could tell how defeated he was in knowing that Spider Queen and her crew could just show up anywhere at any time now. It left him tired, having trouble sleeping, and just emotionally exhausted.
Until this morning. When he woke up before Pigsy and got dressed and ready to go and suggested they go to the market together.
He was tired. Too tired.
Tired of letting himself be afraid. Of Spider Queen. Of the market. Of his old intrusive thoughts.
After all he had used a giant gun sword on that one spider guy with the pony tail who insisted on teasing Pigsy for some reason. And went through whatever happened with that weird shadow puppet guy. Why be afraid anymore after all that weirdness?
So at the market they were, looking over the selection of ingredients together for the first time in months almost as if nothing had happened. No one would have been able to tell except for the way Pigsy kept looking over at Tang to make sure he was alright.
Tang loved that about Pigsy too.
“Tang you don’t have t-”
“I want to,” the scholar said firmly, handing his card to the merchant they had stopped at over Pigsy’s head before the other even had a chance to argue further.
“Tang!” Pigsy yelped as his card was handed back, gesturing to the bag of food he was being handed shortly after. “Are you aware of how much money you spent? That stuff’s expensive!”
“I know,” Tang said nonchalantly, smiling softly as he turned to head to the next stall. “I told you, I wanted to buy them.”
“But why?” Pigsy insisted, looking a bit lost at having to be the one to follow someone else through the market for once. “You know I’d never make you pay for anything... well, heh, except your tab that you insist on keeping open.”
“About that" Tang said, smiling softly as he turned back to the man he loved for so long. "I don't think we need to keep that open anymore."
Pigsy froze, staring at Tang in confusion for a moment before his eyes widened as he realized what he'd just said. He blinked, looking at the bag of ingredients, thinking about the amount of yuan Tang had spent before he finally caught on to what the scholar had so sneakily done.
The exact amount down to the last little bit.
Paid in full.
"You're serious," The chef said as he took in Tang's expression carefully, reaching out to grab his free hand softly and squeeze. "What brought this on?"
"Just thought it was time to let go of old fears," Tang answered with a shrug, and he barely had time to react before Pigsy tugged him forward with a tilt of his head and pressed their lips together.
Tang didn't keep count of how many times they kissed over the years, who would after so long, but he was sure he'd remember this one as vividly as the first.
"Let's get back," Pigsy said after he pulled back, smiling warm and bright and just looking the way being home felt. "MK's probably waiting to get that out of the city training started and we don't wanna keep them all waiting."
He loved Pigsy.
And the one thing he was never ever afraid of was who knew that.
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dashedwithromance · 3 years
Secret Moments In A Crowded Room - Princewitch
okay so DISCLAIMER im scared to post this because we’ve never really seen romantic wrath before so idk if people might think this is OOC but i wanted princewitch fluff desperately and cant wait til october. inspired by the teaser quote she released yesterday and ‘dress’ by taylor swift
The ball raged on around her, dancers swirling around impossibly fast, flashes of fabric catching the light of the serpent scones. On and on, all without her. Her husband sat to her right on his larger throne, staring into nothing. They had exchanged all of five words that evening.
She did not blame her husband for his coldness, not truly. If their positions were switched, and she had been forced to marry a random demon while still loving and grieving her murdered spouse, she doubted whether she would even manage civility. Pride continued his business, barely taking notice of his young wife, and she was glad, of that, at least. If he’d wanted her... a shudder snaked down her spine, curling in her gut. Her mind still echoed with the unnatural violation of Lust’s magic, and the thought of another demon prince perusing her like that was foul. There was only one prince she wanted, and his sin was wrath.
Dancing in Hell was nothing like she’d seen on the streets of Palermo. Nothing like the carefree dancing of Vittoria, so full of light and life and love that nothing seemed to touch her. Here, movements entwined with danger, every dance a flirtation with living death. People danced with weapons, exchanging daggers and rondels and rapiers like secret lovers. Jewelled garrottes hung around every neck, poisonous pearls glittering in various ornate hairstyles. An unholy masquerade indeed.
Her own mask was a fine decoration of gold and jewels. Metallic serpents entwined across the mosaic-like surface, darker cracks embedded across it. The mask had arrived one evening at her rooms, wrapped in luscious velvet. No letter accompanied it, the only sign of the sender being a golden snake that slithered up her arm before dissolving into sparks. The decoration matched her dress, a similar mosaic of black silk, lace, and golden serpents. Truly befitting a queen.
Fury burned through her as she watched the revellers pass her by. They danced without a care, members of the seven houses intermingling freely. She wanted to scream and shatter the very throne she sat on. How dare they dance as if mere months ago, one of their own had not been taking the hearts of witches? As if she did not sit on a dead witch’s throne? A witch who still had not found justice, who’s body had been ripped to shreds in the cruellest way imaginable?
“Careful, little queen.” Pride’s voice rumbled in her ear. He still did not look at her, but leaned closer to whisper, “Lest the people learn your ungrateful thoughts.”
Closing her eyes to avoid murdering the demon she’d married, she took a deep breath. The air smelt like fire and spirits and the sweat of colliding bodies. Suddenly, the sight of it all disgusted her. The dancing, the drinking, the living, all of it. Selfish, she knew – others were allowed to live despite Vittoria being denied the very same. But she couldn’t help it. She longed for nothing more than her sister to live, even if it meant sacrificing her life to the demon beside her. There was nothing to be done, however. Her sister was lost forever.
The night dwindled on, interrupted by the occasional violent thought towards her situation. Though, as contrary as it sounded, not all was dark about her time in Hell. She had one bright spot, one flame in the dark. Something she kept locked against her chest for fear of discovery.
Casting her eye across the room, she caught the gaze of the hidden secret. Prince Wrath leaned against the wall from across the room, his eyes flickering as they locked with hers. He was dressed in a sinfully beautiful suit, a pattern of golden serpents slithering up the fabric from the floor. The snakes seemed alive in the firelight. Perhaps they were. A smug sense of satisfaction ebbed through her when she realised they matched. No one else would notice – serpents weren’t exactly an uncommon motif in Hell – but they knew, and it was comfort enough. With a movement, so small she nearly missed it, he tilted his head towards the exit.
A thrill raced through her, paired with genuine, loving excitement. They had not been alone in much too long.
Things had not always been so relaxed between her and the prince of Wrath. Her first few weeks in Hell had been spent furiously glaring in his direction. He’d given her the ultimate cold shoulder until she’d nearly burned from it. She’d been full of fury at his leaving her – at the humiliation she felt from having the human audacity to trust a demon. One day, when they crossed each other in a hallway heading to court, her temper had bubbled to boiling.
She remembered yanking him into a nearby room – he let her, she realised now – and yelled at him for the cruelty of leaving her alone. Of giving her hope and wrenching it away, like a child suddenly filled with jealously over a shared toy.
The sheer incredulity on his face was the first indication she was mistaken. He laughed, a sardonic sound coated in disbelief.
“I left you?” His voice was low. The walls around them seemed to thrum in response to his deadly power.
“I left you?” He repeated, “I gave you all the tools to summon me, witch, and you refused. Too good for my help, perhaps.  I have no more responsibilities to you. Our deal is done.”
Wrath turned to leave, but by some miracle, she managed to dart in front of him. Her body was pressed against the door, the cold stone mixing with the heat she felt roaring off him. Emilia should’ve been afraid, should’ve been trembling in her gifted boots at the sight of him, but she wasn’t. Why, she couldn’t quite tell.
His gaze burned into hers, but her own was just as powerful.
“I tried everything to summon you after what Envy did, and you didn’t come.” She hissed. The wrath of a prince was one thing, but hell hath no fury like a witch scorned. “You left me. I was foolish enough to believe you would ca- that you would come for me once, but I will not be fooled twice.”
The look he gave her was indiscernible. Equal parts rage mixed with... something lighter. If anyone else looked at her like that, she would’ve described it as hopeful. But demons did not hope, no more than they loved.
He was scanning her face with the focus of a battle-hardened warrior. Whatever it was he found made him take a step back.
“What did you do wrong?” He muttered, almost to himself.
“I did nothing wrong,” She couldn’t help but fire back, “I did everything correctly – even used the ring you left for me in the drawer.”
At that, he stilled. Stilled and stopped breathing entirely.
Then, as if talking to someone who’d sustained a head injury, he said, “I didn’t leave you a ring. I left you my house seal, solid gold, of course, but no ring.” He went on to describe where he’d left it – the top drawer beside her bed – but she already knew.
The conclusion settled in her stomach like a stone. Another feeling, one she didn’t let herself scrutinise, unfurled within her.
“Someone didn’t want me to summon you.”
“Close. Someone wanted you to think I wouldn’t come.”
A question hung in the air, so loud neither could bring themselves to give it voice.
Would you have come, Prince Wrath? Would you have come to my aid when I needed you most? When I needed to know you were alright?
Keeping those treacherous thoughts under lock and key, she focused on another facet of the curious mystery.
“Who would it benefit? And who would’ve known what to switch – the house was warded, was it not?”
Silence from her princely counterpart.  
“Would the wards collapse with your ‘death’?”
The look on his face told her all she needed to know. Someone had stolen into the house and replaced the seal with a ring to deliberately throw off their efforts. Which meant-
He hadn’t abandoned her at all. Given her the cold shoulder, yes, when he believed she’d forgotten all about him.
What a hellish mess this all was.
From that moment on, the demon and the witch had become begrudging allies once more. Wrath had been furious one of his brothers would dare interfere with his affairs, and she needed an ally, desperately. While it rubbed against her pride to accept help, she knew it would’ve been foolish to refuse. She would be a vengeful queen, but even queens needed council.
Their alliance had turned to friendship, then burst into royal flames as they look the leap to lovers. In the candlelight of a stolen moment, Wrath had held her with more care than she’d known possible. Still Wrath, still echoing that immense power of his, but softer, somehow. Not gentle, not truly, but tender. It was not love, but it was fire and anger and care all pieced together in a ball of desire.  
Which led her to that moment, as she stole away from her husband’s masquerade ball. She had stayed long enough, and the party celebrated nothing of importance. Rather a show of unity between her and Pride, a display of wealth and power.
As she left the throne room she realised she had no idea where her prince had gone. Back to his rooms? No, they avoided meeting there. Being caught together in casual rooms could be explained away as strategic briefings, but being caught in the bedroom of her husband’s brother... did not leave for much escape room.
Just as she was about to curse his name, a snake slithered around her ankle, causing her to start. Was that Wrath’s laugh, she heard? Looking to her feet, the snake stared back up at her, its golden eyes winking in the candlelight of the hallway.
Of course. Wrath and his dramatics.  
The snake made its way down the hallway, keeping close to the wall to be inconspicuous. It led her to an offshoot of the main hallway, then came to a halt at the final door. The serpent dissolved into golden sparks as they reached their destination. She knocked quietly before letting herself in.
Wrath lay stretched out across a dark velvet lounge, watching her entrance. His mask dangled lazily from his fingers, the ribbon used to tie it brushing across the floor. His shirt was unbuttoned halfway, a toned chest peeking out from the fabric.
Deadly, dangerously beautiful.
And hers.
“You look exquisite,” He strode across the room before taking her in his arms. His hands quickly untied her mask before tossing it to the floor with haste. He took in her form for a moment, then tilted his face down to capture her lips with his own.
No matter how many moments they stole, it was never enough.
His kiss was liquid fire igniting the flame of her desire. One hand rested against her back, with the other cupping her face. She gasped against his mouth, revelling in how desperately hard his body felt against hers. Greedy hands slipped up his chest to unbutton the rest of his shirt. Pulling the material away, Emilia broke the kiss for a single second to gaze at her lover.
Smooth, tanned skin met her eyes, followed by a swift appreciation of the hard strength that lay beneath his trousers. He laughed as he caught her gaze, knowing exactly what she was admiring.
He kissed her again, this time grabbing the backs of her thighs and lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist. The taste of him- Taste was her speciality, but there were no words to describe how perfectly Wrath kissed her.
After too long and never long enough, the lovers parted for breath. He still held her against his chest. In this position, she was the perfect height to rest her head in the crook of his neck. Their breathing echoed through the room in perfect harmony.
She could feel every rise and fall of his powerful, tattooed chest. Such lethal power contained within his body, yet he held her with all the tenderness the world could offer.
“You know,” He mused, “We never got to dance.”
“Are you asking?” A sly smile in his direction.
“Yes. Witch, will you dance with me.” He said witch the way men said love. She looked down at him, grinning.
“No. I can’t dance.”
He laughed. Such a bright sound for one bathed in darkness.
“Fine. I don’t dance, because I’m awful at it.”
A teasing hand ran down her back.
“I’ll teach you.” At her raised brows, he continued with, “A queen must use every skill in her arsenal.”
Lowering her to the ground, he held out his hands for her to grasp.
“Place your right hand in mine, and left against my shoulder.” Even through the fabric of his shirt, she could feel the heat roaring off him. When she did as he instructed, he pulled their bodies together until not even an inch separated them. Emilia was fairly certain this wasn’t part of the dance, but she wasn’t going to interrupt. She quite liked this position, pressed against the prince of Wrath, his breath rustling her hair. His hand settled against her spine.
“This next bit is the most important, do you hear? It is crucial even that beginners like yourself get this right.” He teased, and she scowled back at him, though they both knew it was merely in jest.
“Tilt your chin up so you can gaze adoringly into my eyes.” He grinned down her scowl. “I want you to focus on how handsome I am, how talented, and forget everything else. Except how much you want to kiss me.”
She couldn’t help herself, she laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”
“Perhaps.” His voice turned low and seductive as his hand slid down her spine, drawing her a little closer. “But you’re waltzing like a goddess now.” As he spoke, they started to move. Slowly, he stepped back and followed. To the side, and she followed again. On and on, their little box pattern continued, until Wrath picked up the paced and spun her around.
A gasp left her lips at the movement, but before she could overthink and stumble, he caught her once more with a smile.
“Who are you, and what have you done with the moodiest prince of Hell?”
He shook his head at her words, huffing a laugh as he did. She felt the truth bloom in his chest, he didn’t have to say it. These borrowed moments, these secret trysts... it was happiness, rare as it was, that fluttered between them. They both knew it couldn’t last, but for now, it was real. In that moment, it was all that mattered.
“Teasing witch,” He murmured, and kissed her. Kissed her as if they were not members of two rival houses, as if she was not an unwilling wife to his bastardly brother, as if there were not a chasm of reasons to keep them apart. Tomorrow would bring hellfire, and perhaps regret, but tonight was theirs.
They kissed until night dwindled away into day, and their secret was no longer safe. With the promise of “soon” and an unspoken “I miss you”, Wrath kissed her once more before exiting her side.
The queen of Hell picked up her mask from where it had been tossed across the floor, and stood still for a moment, taking a deep breath. The moment had passed, and she was no longer just Emilia, a powerhouse in her own right, and friend and lover of Wrath’s.
She was the Wicked Kingdom’s vengeful queen, and she would find her happiness once more, or burn the world trying.
let me know if you wanted to be added to my KOTW tag list!
tags: @shadowturtlesstuff @otome-azarada @chococannolii @beccalovesbooksstuff @duchess-of-nothing-and-nowhere @caseyannblog @constantwriter85 @fleawithadegree @athousandsilversuns @emiliadicarlos @silversublime @watch-the-pen @sleeping-and-books @demirunner
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Love 33. “Let’s just sit in tonight.” and NSFW 21. Thigh Riding with Marcus Pike? :D
Thank you so much for the request! I cranked this out super fast (I mentioned in the tags that I really wanted to write but my muses weren’t cooperating lol) but I think it’s okay? Guess it’s time to post my first smut on this page! Also my first attempt at writing thigh riding ever? woo!
Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader
Warning: NSFW! Children go away! Thigh Riding, Dirty talk (nothing derogatory) Not even an ounce of proofreading on this baby *slaps it like a used car*
You weren’t sure how long you’d stood at the window over the sink, watching the big, fluffy snowflakes float to the ground. You’d only meant to go into the kitchen to grab a cup of cocoa, but you were mesmerized by the sight outside. It was picturesque, the snow collecting on the ground and on tree branches. The flakes perfect for catching on your tongue. You sipped at the wamed chocolate in your mug, feeling peace down to your bones.
Warm arms snaked around your middle, pulling you back against a sturdy chest. Marcus’ chin rested on your shoulder as he joined you in looking out the window. “You abandoned me.” He teased, no hurt in his voice. The two of you had been watching a movie when you declared you wanted the hot cocoa. You never made it back to the living room.
“Sorry.” You apologized, tilting your head to nuzzle against him. “‘S pretty.”
“Yes, you are.” He agreed, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You giggled, finally turning away from the window to look at him. His eyes sparkled in the light of the window, making his sweet baby-face look even younger with wonder. You reached up to cup his cheek with one hand, his skin cool compared to the warm mug. You pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
“Let’s just sit in tonight.” You suggested. The two of you had been contemplating plans for the evening, wondering if you should go out for dinner or maybe go to see a movie. Seeing the snow, all you wanted to do was curl up with Marcus.
“Sounds perfect.” Marcus hummed, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Except…” He trailed off, a glint in his eye.
The cocoa was transferred to a travel mug, held tightly in your gloved hands. Dressed in warm jackets and hats, the two of you sat on the back porch, watching the snow drifting in the wind. The air was chilled around the two of you. It wasn’t cold enough to send you racing back indoors, just crisp enough to turn the tips of your noses pink.
“Can I have a sip?” Marcus asked as you lifted the mug to your lips, feeling the rich warmth coat your tongue.
You swallowed and shot him a guilty look, biting your lip. “Sorry.” You shook the mug, letting the lack of sound show that you had just finished the cocoa. “Want me to go in and make more?”
Marcus hummed for a moment, but shook his head. “I have a better idea.”
Before you could ask what his idea was, he leaned in to kiss you. His tongue licked along the seam of your lips and you let him in, smiling into the kiss. His tongue laved against yours, chasing the chocolatey taste. You moaned into the kiss, dropping the travel mug to the bench beneath you. You wrapped your arms around him as he kissed you breathless, his lips soft and smooth against yours.
His hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer. His warm breath tickled your nose as you pressed closer, chasing the bite of the frosty air away from your skin.
Deciding you weren’t close enough, Marcus tapped your thigh twice before pulling towards him. Message received, you broke the kiss just enough to avoid any mishaps as you shifted, swinging your leg over his lap.
“There we go.” He murmured with a grin, his hand resting on the back of your neck to pull you back to his lips. Your own hands, resting on his shoulders for balance, slid back to wrap your arms around his neck.
Despite the jackets keeping you from pressing against him like you wanted, your legs spread wide over his let you feel his growing erection press against your core. You whimpered, the feeling causing your own arousal to grow. You couldn’t help but shiver, squirming in his lap.
“Cold?” Marcus asked against your lips, worried the movement was from the elements and not the heat pooling in your gut.
“Mmm-mm.” You hummed to the negative as you ground your hips down into him. He got the hint, moaning in return as he tightened his grip on your hip.
You rolled your hips against his, slowly and deliberately, keeping pace with the kiss you shared. Moans and whines bled from your lips, Marcus meeting them with his own panting and whimpers. You felt the bulge in his pants grow until his cock was full and hard. You couldn’t resist sliding a hand between the two of you to palm at him.
“Fuck-” he breathed, breaking away from the kiss to let his head fall back with his eyes closed. When they opened, the deep brown was overtaken by the blacks of his pupil, completely blown out with lust. As you teased him through his pants, he gripped your hips with both hands, lifting you up and repositioning you so you were straddling one thigh. You bit your lip, feeling the firm muscles press against you.
He pulled at your hips, gliding you along his leg. You moaned at the friction it caused, feeling your damp panties pressing into you. You angled your hips as he pushed you back, the movement rubbing against your clit in the best way.
You reached for the zipper of his pants, but his hand stilled yours. “Too cold.” He panted. Instead he pulled you even closer, if that was even possible, so your own thigh was pressed tight against his cock. He whimpered softly at the feeling, bucking his hips against you. “Just like this.”
You nodded, threading your hand in the tips of his hair that were curling around his hat. You pulled him into a kiss, letting him guide you back and forth on his thigh.
The pressure grew steadily as the drag created more and more pleasure. You had to break the kiss, leaning your head against his shoulder as you panted for air.
“That’s it, baby.” He whispered, nuzzling into you. “You’re so warm. I can feel you. Bet you’re so wet for me, aren’t you?”
You nodded with a whine.
“Gonna cum for me? Just from this?” His voice was low in your ear, so gravelly you could feel it throughout your whole body, sending further shocks through you.
You nodded again, burying your face into his neck.
“That’s my good girl.” He purred. “Think you can stay quiet? Or are we gonna let the neighbours know what we’re up to out here?”
The thought made you shudder. The two of you hadn’t been particularly loud yet, but you hadn’t been making any effort to quiet yourself. “I-I’ll be qu-iet.” You stuttered.
“I don’t know if you can, baby.” He teased, bucking his hips to increase the pressure between you. You nearly cried out, instead sinking your teeth into the fabric of his jacket to stifle yourself.
“See? You wanna tell me how good it feels, don’t you?” He hummed, his own breath shaky with desire. 
You nodded, not releasing his jacket from between your teeth. “Feels so good.” You told him, words muted by the fabric.
“Shhh,” he shushed you gently. “Stay nice and quiet for me. If you can, I’ll take you inside and make it up to you. I’ll clean up that mess between your thighs, lick every bit of it clean. Let you cum on my tongue before I fuck you. Before I fill you so full. Would you like that, baby?”
You whimpered pitifully, his words pushing your closer to the edge as you imagined what was to come. His warm wet tongue against your opening. His hard cock deep inside you. Your hips grew stiff as your muscles tensed, relying on Marcus to keep leading you.
“Once we’re inside, you can make all the noise you want.” He promised, sliding a hand back to squeeze your ass. His mouth was warm against your ear as he admitted “I love it when you scream my name.”
You jaw clenched around his jacket as you came, groaning out what might have been his name had you not been holding back. Your body shuddered in his lap, toes curling inside your boots as your eyes squeezed tight. You heard Marcus praising you softly, but it was in one ear and out the others. The words wouldn’t stick, just the soothing tone of his voice making it through your haze.
You collapsed against him, releasing the jacket from your teeth. You opened and closed your jaw, trying to work out the ache from tensing the muscles so hard as you caught your breath.
“That was so sexy, baby.” The words Marcus was purring into your ear finally started to make sense. You blinked your eyes open, adjusting to the brightness. The soft light of the sun, hidden as it was behind the clouds, was bouncing off the crisp snow. The chill in the air started to nip at your overheated skin as you came down.
“Did you mean it?” You asked, tearing your eyes away from the winter wonderland in your backyard to look up at Marcus.
“Mean what?” He asked, rubbing his thumb over your cheek. His eyes were still dark with lust, but he was so gentle with you. “I said a lot of things just now.” He chuckled.
“Was I quiet enough?” You grinned, batting your eyelashes at him.
You shrieked as he stood, wrapping your arms around him to keep from falling as he carried you back into the house to make good on his promises.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Lost And Found - Deux
Requested by anon: lost and found was so precious! could I request a second part about how the family reacts to him finally finding her and their first days together? 😊
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x reader
Warnings: Swearing, some characters possibly being slightly ooc on accident, fluff, one sexual joke(?) that’s really dumb but my friend liked it so I kept it also sorry if this sucks lmao
I strayed from the request a bit on accident but I hope you like it still!!
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Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy, @stydia-4-ever, @matth1w @redspaceace, @jenepleurepasbaby​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist | Cillian Murphy Masterlist
part one. part two. part three.
Y/n fidget with her fingers nervously. She waited there, on the doorstep to the Shelby home. Thomas was inside with his family, and she was outside, waiting to knock. Her heart was racing. What if they didn’t like her?
Just as she was about to chicken out, about to pull away from the house and run as fast as she could back to her car, the front door swung open.
“Tommy! She’s here!”
Footsteps thundered as Thomas practically jumped the entire staircase. He paused, catching his breath and glancing at John with a smile. Y/n, now in his line of sight, was surprised with an almost sprinting Tommy then breath-taking hug. Tommy swung her around, smiling even wider at her giggles.
“Hello my love! It’s nice to see you too!”
They stopped spinning, but she remained in his arms. “I-I’m sorry, Y/n/n, it’s just- I’m so excited to introduce you to my family. They’re gonna love you! And- I missed you a lot.”
“Tommy you saw me two hours ago.”
“I know.” He set her down and kissed her roughly. “So, you ready to come inside?”
Y/n nodded and held his hand, grip getting tighter when he raced to the family room where he forced his family to sit until she arrived. Although Polly would’ve normally told him no and that he couldn’t make them do that unless it was for something absolutely important like a death, Tommy’s child-like soul was showing for the first time in a long time. 
They were experiencing a version of Tommy that they hadn’t seen since before the war.
He kissed her hand and asked her to wait by the door. He opened the door slightly, trying to hide the smile creeping onto his face but failing miserably. Ada jumped up from her seat with wide eyes, “Is she here?”
“Don’t be ridiculous Ada, look at that smile. She is, and lover-boy can’t help but smile like a bloody idiot” chuckled Arthur.
“Shush! Don’t tease your brother, he’s happy and that’s what matters.” Pol turned her attention to the man of the conversation, “So, is she going to say hello?”
Thomas rolled his eyes at his brother’s comment, a slight blush on his cheeks, then poked his head out the door, mumbling to someone the other’s had no knowledge of. They exchanged glances of confusion before readjusting to more welcoming and comforting expressions as a gorgeous h/c woman walked into the room.
“Well fuck. Tom really did pick a good one.” Michael laughed to himself. 
“Family, this is Y/n, the woman who helped me in the war...the woman I fell in love with. Y/n, this is my family.” She waved nervously. “You’ve met John and Arthur. That’s Finn, Ada, my aunt Polly, and my cousin Michael.”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet all of you.”
“And it’s a pleasure to have finally met you. Tommy never shuts his trap when it comes to you. You have no idea how grateful we are about the whole saving Tommy thing, even if you were just doing your job.” Pol admitted.
“Now that Y/n’s here, can we eat now Tommy?” Finn finally entered the conversation, his question causing Y/n to look over to Tommy with a look that wordlessly questioned something along the lines of, ‘you didn’t let them eat?’
He looked back, raising his eyebrows to reference his point. He was waiting until she arrived. The family watched them as they communicated with their actions until Finn repeated Tommy’s name. “Ah yes, dinner! Uhm, Pol, can you show Y/n to the dining room?”
“Of course. Come dear,” she stood up, holding out her arm, beckoning Y/n to join her. “it’s alright, I don’t bite” she winked.
Tommy joined them with a bottle of Y/n’s favorite alcohol. Y/n thought back to the time Tommy flooded her with questions, drawling out excuses when asked, and now here was the answer to the preferred alcohol choice question.
“So, Y/n, what do you for a living? Still in the nurse industry?” Pol tried her go at small talk, smiling kindly at the woman sat next to Tommy.
“Not really, I was hoping there was a spot open in the...ya know, Peaky business-” she was cut off by Arthur choking on his asparagus. “but then again nurse stuff could help. I mean, you could use some help if someone were to get injured in a gun fight or something, right?”
Arthur recovered from his asparagus accident and squinted his eyes at Y/n. “Woah woah woah, wait a fucking minute, let me get this straight. You know about the...well not so legal side to our work?” She nodded. “Tommy told you?” She nodded again. “And you’re fine with it?” She nodded once more.
A pregnant pause filled the room. Awkward tension grew heavier.
“When do you think you’ll pop a baby in her?”
Y/n’s eyes bulged out of her head, Arthur broke from his cautious state into laughter, Tommy’s cheeks turned red from blush and his attempt of not breaking like his older brother. Ada gasped as her mouth dropped open, Finn snickered with his oldest brother, Michael looked away and snorted but mumbled an apology when his mother glared at him.
“What? It’s just a qu- ow!” She flicked his ear and sat back in her seat.
“My apologies, Y/n. You’ll have to excuse Tommy’s brothers and their...humor. You’ll get used to it at some point, but I’m not sure how long that’ll take.”
“It’s alright, the question just...caught me off guard.” Y/n smiled weakly at John with sympathy as he rubbed his ear with a childish grumpy furrow of his eyebrows. “Besides, we aren’t exactly planning on turning into bunnies or having all of our children in a month. We can’t have two Johns in your family, can we?”
The tension was cut like it never existed. The family, all except John, laughed. Y/n smiled and joined in, happy her joke made from the knowledge of John and Esme’s relationship Tommy, and a boasting John, shared with her, caused the family to laugh. Her nervousness was brushed away by the sound of amusement.
“Oi! What’s that supposed to mean?!” red dusted across John’s face. He knew exactly what it meant.
“Look Tommy, I can see his fluffy little ears, how much longer do you think it’ll take for them to grow into big boy ears?” Arthur added.
“Alright, that’s enough, leave John alone.” she wiped away the tears she had shed from how hard she was laughing. Pol couldn’t remember the last time she laughed that hard, let alone the last time she had a good laugh.
Y/n was Tommy’s angel, the thing that kept him who he was, the beacon that signed home when he was lost, and now, she was spreading that feeling to his family. While dinner continued, jokes being made, fun being poked at, spirits high and tummies full, Polly was thankful.
She reclined back into her chair, watching as Y/n leaned into Tommy’s side, her eyes sparkling with interest when stories of a teenage version of the man was brought up. Y/n brought out the child-like-souls they thought were long gone. She made sure they had fun and didn’t grow up in a sense that they had lost their fun sides. 
The boys were acting like children once more, wrestling with each other and chuckling every now and then. Ada and Y/n were snickering to themselves by the fire like teenagers gushing over their crush.
“I’d like to make a toast.”
The fun-filled-joyous sounds came to a halt when Pol raised her glass. They all quickly grabbed their glasses, Y/n and Ada reaching beside them, and the boys stumbling over to the kitchen and returning with their beverages.
“I know I should’ve done this at dinner, but now feels like the perfect time. Thank you, Y/n, for...well everything. You helped Tommy, later meeting him again and rekindling the fire you felt for one another, which I doubt had ever gone out. Thank you for bringing our spirits of happiness and fun back to us, relieving us from business and worry. Thank you for being the sweet angel you are.” She wiped a small tear from her eyes and raised her glass again, “to Y/n and Tommy.”
“To Y/n and Tommy!” The siblings smiled and downed their drinks. Their fun resumed, without Y/n and Tommy though.
“To us,” Y/n turned to Tommy, both drinking to the toast, and set down her glass. “Thank you too, Thomas Shelby, for fighting through that war. You didn’t have to fight for me, but you did, and you kept up with that promise. I love you so much.”
“I love you most.” He rested his hands on her waist as he pulled her in for a soft kiss and her hands cupped his cheeks. They stayed there for a second, relaxing in the euphoria before pulling away. Tommy walked over to the sofa, patting the spot next to him. “Just a couple more weeks, then you’re all mine.”
She rested her head on his shoulder, smiling at the ring on her left hand, “A couple more weeks.”
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timeforelfnonsense · 4 years
Dafni x Astartion || Rating: E (very spicy: See Ao3 tags for a run down ) || Ao3 || Sunshine & Starlight: My on going bg3 series  
Notes: Sub & dom Astarion all in one fic? Maybe so. Shadowheart's off-handed line about the PC tying her up if she started to turn inspired this filth (I'm sure she'd be loathed to know that). I'm also a fan of the sexy misuse of spells and hadn't written femme dom in a while. It was a perfect storm. Evlish Translations: Qu tel sy- Bindings of the wilds
Astarion watched Dafni’s dainty fingers casually trace an arcane pattern in the empty space before her. 
“Qu tel sy” Her voice wavered a bit in its attempt at sounding commanding. 
Tendrils of jasmine vine sprung from the earth below him winding up his biceps binding him at the wrist. He’d heard her make a sharp quip about tying Shadowheart up that afternoon. The comment had worked his way into his mind. He was normally much more interested in taking the lead but the idea of playful, defiant Dafni taking control was rather enticing. A fantasy worth indulging in at least once. 
“Comfy?” She asked, her head tilting to one side. 
With a nod, she began to leisurely undress herself. His hungry gaze followed her dainty fingers as they came to the tan leather straps that kept her breastplate fastened. She took her time with each buckle admiring the tiny floral etchings as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world. Slowly she shrugged herself free. Carefully laying it down beside her long sword and bow. Next, she set herself to the thin metal plates that protected her knees, removing them and adding them to the neat pile. 
“You are taking forever, Daffodil.” He complained.
“I could go slower?” She retorted leaning over as she slid her hands down her thigh to her cave. 
“No. No, take your time I’ll just be making a mental note of what a terrible pricktease you are being.”
Dafni rolled her eyes, tugging off her boots. Her fingers toyed with the laces of her breaches before moving to the pearl buttons at the wrist of her tapered bell sleeve. 
“I’ve been thinking about something you said the other day.” She mused, halting her undressing once more, “Can you really not see your own reflection?” Astarion let out a frustrated breath. He should have expected her to drag it out. The little puck! Really he’d walked right into this. He tried to pull his hands free of their bindings so he could have her and be done with this gods’ damned teasing but she only waved her hand casually, causing the vines to pull him firmly to the ground. “My, my someone is impatient! I believe I asked a question?” 
“I really can’t.” 
“So, you don’t know what you look like?” She inquired. 
“I’m sure right now I look rather annoyed.” He quipped back.
“I’m being serious.” 
Oh no. 
Not the pout! 
Her lower lip jut out ever so slightly. Her eyebrows began to stitch and his heart threatened to melt into a puddle. He was certain she knew he’d cave if she gave him that look. He had been able to resist when they’d first met but lately that quivering lip was a sure-fire path to getting her way.
“Ugh- Alright! I'll indulge you! Little brat...” He said with a stroppy huff, “I have a general idea of how I looked before. Lacking any evidence to the contrary, I just assume I look amazing.” 
“Dear me!” She tuted with a chime of silver-toned laughter, “So cocksure. You satisfied my curiosity-” A coy smile flashed across her face, “For now anyway. I think that deserves a reward.”
She brought her hands behind her neck unbuttoning collar, tugging her blouse over the top of her head. Astarion gave a weak attempt at silencing a low snicker as the fabric got caught on the long line of her ears in her haste. An adorable pink bloomed across the apples of her rounded cheeks. Her fingers returned to the satin ribbon at the front of her pants once more, shimmying her wide, seductive hips as she slipped them off. 
His breath caught in his chest as he drank her in. She was eternal in the warm candlelight. A goddess all his own. Plump curves. Full breasts. Her loose curls cascading down her back like a river of rose petals. Freckles like flecks of gold covering her soft, kissable skin. She looked like a dream, dressed in nothing but her smalls and the crescent pendant that hung from her neck. The cool evening air danced across her bare sink prompting a tiny shiver from Dafni. Her nipples hardened as goosebumps broke out across her exposed skin. 
“You are outstandingly beautiful, to confirm your suspicions.” She hummed straddling his hips. He could feel her warm core against his length through the thin fabric of her panties. He pressed himself against her, rocking slowly against her cotton clad folds. She gave a delighted squeak, wiggling against the solid pressure of his erection. “ I wish I could draw so you could see for yourself. Unfortunately, I’m hopeless with bush and canvas. I am quite good with gab, however. I could paint you a picture with words instead? Would you like that?”  
He’d be lying if he claimed to have never been curious about his own appearance. He had a few memories of his mortal countenance. But like the majority of his past time and torment had left them hazy and abstract. He’d definitely had a little more color in life. He could recall being fair but not quite so cadaverously pale. His eyes would have been the most severe change, save the fangs. He’d seen the same haunting scarlet in the irises of every vampiric creature he’d met. He flitted through his thoughts trying to recall their previous color. Knowing Dafni she’d eventually ask him, if not now later on one of her whimsical larks. He was somewhat sure they had been green? Her offer seemed more and more appealing as his mind shifted through faint, crumbing memories. It would be fascinating to hear what parts of him she’d taken particular notice of. Moreover, Dafni had the remarkable ability to see the absolute best in everything. His appearance would likely be much the same and what man wouldn’t want the object of his desire to spoil him with compliments? 
“Go on.” He affirmed with another eager roll of his hips against the growing wetness between her legs.
“Very well. You have a strong, angular jaw and perfect cheekbones. You have a little birthmark riiiiiight- Here!” Dafni explained, noting the spot on his cheek with a peck, “You have the most heartbreakingly handsome grin I’ve ever seen. Your nose is very straight. I can tell you weren’t in many bar fights!” She giggled, tapping the tip of his nose with her index finger. Astarion scrunched his nose in response prompting another musical laugh from Dafni. Followed by a long, slow kiss to his lips. He slid the edge of his tongue along the seam of her lips. A dissatisfied curse escaped him as she pulled back. Dafni only continued to beam with bemusement at his wanting.  She brought a hand to a stray lock of hair that had fallen into his face. She wound the curl around her fingertip before sliding her fingers through his hair. Tugging softly at the root as she pushed it back. “Your hair is the color of moonlight. Your eyes are my favorite, though. So striking… The color of fine claret. Expressive too! If I want to know your mood I can always see it in your eyes. Or by the tips of your ears. They go pink when you are flustered. It’s faint but I’ve spent enough time admiring you to notice.” She nibbled his ear to emphasize her point, drawing a quiet whimper from Astarion. She kissed her way back down his body pausing on the hollow of his neck and collar bones. “You’ve always reminded me of the statues of the first elves we had in Peleira. Awe-inspiring figures cut from marble and alabaster. Trim and regal just like you.” She slid off his hips, kidding each rib on the right side of his body before settling between his thighs. Her soft hand wrapping around his member. A needy growl fell from his lips as she began her lazy pumping. She let out a playful chime of laughter before running her tongue along the underside of his shaft. “And of course your cock is absolutely glorious! So long with a slight curve that hits all my secret places. While I’m not the inexperienced maiden you hilariously mistook me for but, you do make me feel as if I were. You make sex feel new and exciting, Astarion. You make my life exciting all around. Normally my fancies come and go with haste, but I can’t imagine myself ever growing bored with you. I’ve never had a lover hold my attention as you do.”
Her adoring plaudits were overwhelming. Each comment was painfully sincere. Her free hand drifted between her own legs. The licentious mewls she made as her fingers toyed with herself made him even harder. His mind was swimming with desire. He wanted nothing more than to plunge into her snug, wet sheath. She must have seen the hunger in his expression. His body went taut as he felt her soft lips around him. Gods he wanted to touch her! To sink his fingers into her soft curls while she worshiped his cock. His hips bucked against her mouth as instinct took over. The sweet vibration of her giggle sending a shiver down his spine. He almost didn’t notice the feeling of more plant life ensnaring him, ankle to the shin. He could feel himself swiftly approaching the brink as she teases his tip.
“Daffodil…” His voice came out in a strained whisper, “You’ll need to stop soon. I’d still like to have you in other ways.” With a hum of understanding, she removed him from her mouth with a soft pop. Her thumbs hooked the edges of her underwear removing it in one quick movement. His wrist strained against his bindings as he attempted to reach for her hips. “Wait a moment. I want to taste you first.”
“You want me to unbind you?” She asked.
“I didn’t say that.” He chuckled a playful half-smile on his lips.
Dafni’s belly flipped when she heard his request. The embers of confidence smothered by her own insecurities. She’d had her fair share of lovers between her thighs but she’d never like...That. Astarion was so lithe. She didn’t want to smother him! 
“You can say no, darling.” He reassured, “However if you are worried about hurting me, don’t be.”
Nibbling her lower lip as a hot flush broke out across her naked body. “How did you know?” 
“You have the same needlessly embarrassed look on your face as you did when I picked you up in the forest.” He sighed, continuing, “It's fairly common anxiety as well. I promise I’ll be perfectly fine. Besides if you accidentally suffocate me you’ll have to go fetch an emergency revivify scroll from Shadowheart and the thought of her reaction when you told her how I died is positively delightful!” 
Dafni tried to hold in her laughter but it came out in a snort, “You are awful! What if she wanted to see your body?”
“Gods, I hope she would! Can you imagine her shock? Finding me all tressed up in jasmine after meeting my untimely end betwixt your gorgeous thighs!” He stated with a mirthful grin, “This all hypothetical of course. I fully expect you’ll be the only one to experience a little death from sitting on my face.”
Dafni felt her nerves steadying with his gentle taunting. She couldn’t decide if she was touched or mortified that he’d taken note of her insecurities. She’d never voiced them but he had been perspective enough to notice the little changes in her demeanor. He had a knack for catching on to the little things other people tried to hide. Part of the ‘wiles’ that had kept him alive for the past few centuries. She supposed his perceptiveness was the flip side of his secretary. Both had been informed by a difficult life.
She brushed her lips against his. Their foreheads pressed against one another. “Alright.”
Dafni steeled herself as she settled her thighs on either side of him. Ever so slowly she lowered herself towards his smirking mouth. 
Oh wow.
All the worry slipped away with the first pass of his cool tongue along her slit. A lewd gasp broke free from her as he sealed his lips over her clit. Sucking and teasing her to delirium. Her hips grew a will of their own rocking forward, chasing the electrifying sensation. Her squirming only seemed to embolden him. His attention shifted to the mouth of her arousal. His tongue eagerly exploring her dripping center. Her confidence returning with each dizzying lick. She thought she’d feel ridiculous perched on top of him. The sight of Astarion happily ravaging her with his mouth left her feeling empowered and needy.
“Gods that’s good!” She whimpered rutting against him, “I-Wow… I kind of want to keep you here a forever.” She tugged at the roots of his soft curls pulling him deeper into her arousal. Promoting a delighted purr from Astarion as he continued to lap away at her quim. “Keep going! I’m so close...Ah! Astarion! Please! More!” A few more skillful sweeps of his tongue and the hot coil of building pleasure snapped loose. She hadn’t meant for the lamentation that followed to come out at such a high volume. She normally tried to be courteous of their friends. It was close quarters and they would likely not enjoy her keening half as much as Astarion did. She bit down her lip quieting another cry as the tempest of exaltation mixed with the sharp sensation of his teeth on her inner thigh. After a few swallows, he brushed his lips over the wound in a chaste kiss. She climbed down from her seat, flopping down on his cool chest. Her breath coming out in ragged heaves. “That was life-changing.”
She glanced up finding him staring with even more hunger than usual. His chin shimmering with slick. Lips stained red by her blood and his eyes alight with impatient longing.
“Years of practice.” He stated with a wicked grin, “Now if you’d be kind enough to free me, Daffodil? If I don’t have my way with you this instant, I might be driven mad.” 
She nodded climbing off his chest to receive one of his daggers from his things. She carefully cut away the blossoms and vines that held him prone. As soon as the blade cleared the twist of greenery, he pounced, laying her out on her stomach.  Dafni let out a peal of amusement, propping herself up slightly on her elbows. Astarion ran his finger along her slit, causing her to shiver. A dark, desirous sound rumbled in his chest as he sunk two fingers into her, “Still a little sensitive, are we? There is still nectar dripping from your flower down the back of your legs. I knew you’d enjoy your little ride. I certainly did. You’re so beautiful when you come undone. Squirming and squealing. Though, I wonder what the others will say now that they’ve heard you screaming my name like a trollop?” He let out a moan as Dafni clenched around his pumping fingers, “Should we see if I can get you to do it again?” 
Dafni cried out as he impaled her with one urgent push. His hips met her’s with a smack before he withdrew almost completely. She whined at the emptiness, relief washing over her as he resheathed himself with another unyielding shove. It seemed being unable to touch her had inspired a carnal frustration he was desperate to satisfy. He gathered her loose hair up in one hand, yanking her back as he continued to pound into her. He hissed as Dafni brought her thighs closer together, savoring the hardness of his length inside her. 
“Tell me again, tart.” He demanded wrenching her back to look at him, “Tell me how I make you feel like a vestal maid with my ‘glorious cock’.” 
“For you, I am reduced to a lusty, untouched damsel.” She confirmed pushing her backside against him.
“Indeed you are.” He released his grip on her curls, bringing his hands to rest on the swell of her hip tugging her even closer.
He growled his approval before sinking his teeth into the warm hollow of her throat. With each sip, she felt his heart fall into step with her own. It was a strange sort of intimacy that felt a bit metaphorical. Cold, wicked, Astarion’s undead heart lurching to life. Beating in perfect time with her own as she coursed through him. Dafni knew it was a silly, romantic notion but that could hardly be helped. Especially when he was ravaging her with such vigor. Her second climax flourished as he pressed himself against her just so. She convulses under him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Astarion tore himself away from her neck, incarnadine eyes burning ravenous with a mix of thirst and fearsome wanton need. 
He shouldn’t have bitten her again. It was a rash, risky choice, especially when he was already frenzied with lust. That first taste from her thigh had been the most exquisite yet. The sweetness of her blood mingling with the earthy tang of her slick had been transcendent. The soft, sunny, joy he’d experienced when feeding on her in the past had been replaced with a blinding exaltation that had nearly finished him off untouched. If the first bite had been transcendent the second had felt like finding himself in Arvandor itself. It took no small amount of will power to chase off his instinct to drink her dry.
As he beheld her writhing, buxom form an admission rushed out of him, “I never want anyone else to touch you again.”
Oh, gods, that was a fool thing to say! 
“I’m spoiled for all others.” She assured, “No one else could please me as you do.”
Her words ignited something base in him, pushing him to the edge. With a final crude thrust, he found his rapture, flooding her snug, soaking, heat with his release. All the while his thoughts rang loud with one word.
 He lingered behind her for a while, his chest heaving and heart racing. He knew he must be a flustered mess and he didn’t really want her to see him like that. He’d already shown her too much. He squeezed his eyes shut. Composing himself before laying out beside Dafni.
 When his eyes fluttered back open he took stock of the scene before him. Dafni’s expression was somewhere between dazed and ecstatic. The wound on her neck was still dripping red. The one on her thigh had closed, turning a deep purple. His seed seeped from her entrance. His chest went tight, his cheeks a deep red. She was well and truly debauched.  
“Daffodil?” He said softly as he placed a tentative hand on her shoulder, “Are you ok, dear?” 
She blinked a few times before nodding, “I’m ok! Just a little woozy and overwhelmed, maybe? Kind of floaty.”
“Completely fair. That was...A lot. I might have gotten a bit carried away. Apologies.” He brushed the loose hair from her shoulder to get a better look at the puncture on her neck, “If you feel faint, you should eat something. Tell me what you’d like and I’ll fetch it from the camp’s stores?”
“Some water would be nice and maybe an orange? I think we have some left from the druids.” Dafni turned to her side, cozying up beside him. She looked up at him through curling pink lashes. Her mossy brown eyes expressing an uncharacteristic shyness. “After I have my snack, could maybe I stay with you again tonight? You can say no! I won’t be offended. I understand that you like your space and I don't want to be clingy! I-I’m just feeling a little vulnerable after all that and I don’t think I could handle a walk of shame right now…” 
It always stung to hear that she expected him to throw her out as soon as the deed was done. He supposed she had every right to after his attempt to leave her alone in the woods that first night. It should have been clear to her he enjoyed her company by now. Hadn’t she noticed all of the parts of himself he’d conceded to her? He’d told her about Cazador- Not everything but more than he thought he’d be willing to share with another person. He let her linger in his personal space and hold his hand almost constantly. He watched out for her when she was too blinded by her own generosity to do it herself. He had even admitted how important her well being had become to his own! And still, she assumed he’d toss her out into the night. 
“Of course you can stay,” He scowled tuting his disapproval as he spoke, “I just assumed you would start staying with me after I invited you to the other night. Apparently, I should have been more clear. Unless I tell you otherwise, you are always welcome to stay with me, Daffodil. So please stop acting as if I’m some cold-hearted dastard? It’s offensive and it bruises my ego.” 
“You mean it?” She chirped a blinding grin across her winsome features, “I can stay here whenever?”
He groaned, “Yes. I know you don’t like trancing alone and I like having you around. It makes sense for us to share quarters. If I need space I’m sure you’ll know. Now I’m going to get your food and water before you swoon from bloodloss or over-excursion.” 
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
The egg and the Carrys
Nat frowned at Charlie- the currently possessed Charlie- as he fought to get up. For a moment Quackity breathed a sigh of relief watching his friend struggle, he had never been more glad the old women were so much stronger than they let on. He never wanted them to lose, but he especially didn't want them to be pulled into this mess. Even with all his efforts of isolation it was getting out of hand. For just a moment, Quackity bathed in the joy of their victory. Then Bonnie kicked Charlie; as he fell back to the ground with a pathetic yelp the moment ended.
Bonnie tisked, pulling out a tube of lipstick to fix her makeup as the young man flailed on the ground. He was much stronger than he ought to be in that scrawny body of his but she trusted her dear Nathan wouldn’t let him up. She finished up and tucked the tube back into her purse, straightening and preparing herself for a lecture. She’d never needed to give one to Charlie before, he was always very kind if a bit vulgar but that was to be expected. Honestly he reminded her of Nat when they were young and on the scene. He’d never needed more than a swat to fall back in line. Today though, he had crossed a line. 
Not only had he run up and bombarded them out of nowhere but he refused to leave and even had the audacity of attempting to physically drag them away. Whatever he wanted to show them she hadn’t bought it for a second. There was something rotten going on in this town, something a field’s flight away from liquor, and everyone knew it. The police knew it, the gangs knew it, the children knew it, and her and Nat certainly knew it. Though, the problem wasn’t the strange air that had opened up like a gravity well (they could deal with new trouble just fine). No, the problem was how so many seemed to be exited by it. Intrigued to the point of erratic behavior. Really, what people these days wouldn’t do. 
Now, Bonnie Carry had no intention of ending up some old fool rambling on about traditions and the proper way things ought to work. She’d gotten her fill of that already being a double breed. However, the way people were changing, the way everyone rushed home rather than going out to party, how cops and mobsters alike would suddenly act like the best of friends and turn on their own kind, it was suspicious at the very least. Not to mention the way every now and then certain reds seemed to stick around outside. She didn’t care how pretty or awe-inspiring it was, colors in the outdoors was unnatural!  
With all that in mind, you can imagine how she went from taking her weekly stroll with her wife to peering over the knocked-down figure of a boy named Charlie.
“You don’t- you don’t know what you’re doing,” he wheezed, fighting to catch his breath but smiling. He looked deranged. “You don’t know what you’re giving up. We’ll forgive you though. When you join us, we’ll forgive you.“
Bonnie turned her nose up. “Manners, child. Manners,” her voice was firm but proper, as though she was scolding an unruly customer rather than reprimanding a crazy man try to drag her into some unearthly love of unnatural colors. “You are in desperate need of them. I don’t know why you think it’s alright to harass your elders when we clearly told you we were not interested, much less lay your hands on two old women simply out for a stroll.”
“Ha... hmm, I’m only trying to help,” he grinned deliriously. “Trust me! My buddy didn’t care for it either but... we set him straight. If you won’t look, why don’t you to come have a stay at the Chip? Deluxe, youse can have whatever you want to eat or drink or spend, on the house! No wooden nickels or nothing.”
“Oh, sure.” Nat rolled her eyes sarcastically. 
“I mean it! I just want to help you sweet ladies. You’re so kind, I want to give you something nice. I want to show you the best thing you’ll ever see. Make you feel like a real egg, promise.” 
“Well, thank you for the horsefeathers, love. I’m afraid we’re rather comfortable remaining in our own home. In fact, we’ll be returning there now.” Nat looked over at to Bonnie who nodded. 
“Yes, I think we’ve had quite enough of your business for today.” The two set themselves in the opposite direction, Nathan making sure to step on his stomach rather than over him, ensuring he wouldn’t get up right away and attack them again. “Oh, go chase yourself.”
“Wait,” he rasped. They didn’t turn around, moving steadily forward as they heard him struggling to his feet. “WAIT, PLEASE!” They stopped. Bonnie could see Nat’s ears twitch although her face remained neutral. Bonnie heard it too, you didn’t need any canine genes to understand the desperation in his voice. She sighed, already regretting her decision and slowly turned to face him. He was barely on his knees, scrambling like he was weighing himself down. They frowned, there’s no way Nat had hurt him that bad. She’d barely done anything other than restrain him a little roughly and knock him down. 
He was far too strong to be so weak and he had no right having such strength in the first place, being just a little frog. He was no willow but should not have been able to match with Nat as he did, yet he took on damage like a sponge one water. This wasn’t something you could excuse even if he was half-seas over, and she was fairly certain he was dry as a match. They shared a look, something was off here and it wasn’t just some trendy infatuation. 
“You... alright, son?” 
“You should... please... you should really come by!” He snapped his head to a tilted, awkward, angle, smiling wide and clicking his voice back into its chipper mockery of itself. “We’ve got something new there, something you’ll love. Something everybody loves! The Red Room... it’s what changed my pals mind, you know the one I mentioned before? He hated it at first, didn’t care for the blood vines at all, he tried to-” Charlie broke himself off to laugh. “He tied to take me away from them! Can you believe that? Just drag me away from them and Quackity, oh... but he’s never leave Quackity behind. So in the end, I was able to teach him better. A few days in the Red Room and he came around like the sun. Bright as the sun! He’s happy now... ahah...”
Bonnie placed a hand on Nat’s wrist, slowly dragging her backward. Careful, like so not to disturb a rattling snake. She cursed her age, something she rarely found herself doing, wishing nothing more than to be able to sprint like she used to. He mirrored their movement, dragging himself forward ever so subtly. “Goodness, child,” she felt herself murmur “when is the last time you slept?”
He either ignored her or didn’t hear, continuing to ramble and force himself to his feet. He had one foot upright now but remained crouching much longer than he should have. It was almost like he didn’t really want to get up. “You want to be happy too, right? Otherwise would you have stayed to long? You’re waiting for me to help you, aren’t you?”
Oh, of course not you blithering fool. Bonnie snapped in her head, haughtily straightening her blouse. We can’t be expected to just leave your poor soul the way you’re acting, can we?  
“You should just come with me. I came for you on purpose, you know! You’re so kind to us when we stop by. My friend really likes you, he calls you his nans sometimes, did you know that? You’re good people. You deserve good things. I want you to-” he swallowed, faltering for a split second. “I- I don’t want to hurt you. You have to believe I don’t want to hurt you.” He was fully standing now, hand reaching for something in his belt. The smile remained gone from his face but his tone grew forceful and fake again. “But if you make things difficult then they will be difficult.” He took a full step towards them. “I promise you they will be difficult. That’s why I came to find you, to try to be nice. I can be nice. I can give you everything you need to be happy!”
“Thank you young man,” Nat firmly spoke, placing an arm around Bonnie and turning as though to leave. “We are plenty happy on our own.”
“Oh...” She caught a flash out of the corner of eye. Charlie was now holding up a knife, walking towards them so slick as if the ground move beneath him. “I really wish you’d just let me be nice,” he glowered. All hesistence gone from his movements, he drew closer, brandishing the weapon as if it would magically force them to change their minds.
“Hmph.” Bonnie scowled. She wanted to help but had absolutely no intention of being chilled off nor pushed around by this palooka. For a moment she pondered the idea of just trying to leave, before he was stumbling over himself as though he’d struggle just to stand up. There was the possibility he couldn’t or wouldn’t go after them. Then he tensed, as though ready to make a point, and she realized that simply wouldn’t do. “Oh,” she sighed, disappointed as her grip tightened on her smasher. A purse filled with stones made for a rather cruel and subtle weapon, one she never left home without. “And I thought you were such a nice young man, too.” 
“WAIT!” A shout rang out, causing both parties to halt. They all turned their heads to spot Quackity sprinting up the otherwise empty road. He flung himself between them, hands gripping Bonnie’s arm, and shook. “Wait, don’t hurt him! Please, it’s not his fault...” he gasped, clearly out of breath. “It’s not his fault... it’s not his fault, I swear...” 
Bonnie spluttered. “I- Quackity, dear, he’s pulled a knife on me!”
“I’m only trying to help!” Charlie cheerily called over Quackity.
“Charlie, go home,” Quackity ordered. 
“NOW!” He whipped around, snarling. Charlie backed off a bit. He frowned, looking from Bonnie and Nat to Quackity with genuine concern. His mouth opened as if to question or protest. Insead, his face went blank and he followed the order, turning to ankle off rather robotically. Quackity turned back to the ladies, huffing as though he’d just been through a marathon. Nat reached out for his shoulders, probably fearing he’d collapse, but he jerked away. “DON’T TOUCH ME.” 
“Oh, dear boy, what's gotten into everyone?”
He ignored them, preoccupied with growling and pulling at the headband on his head. The bright... vivid... red... headband. Bonnie took a step back. His eyes flashed up, pupils shrinking at alert. He held up a hand, not to grab or push them, but to say stop. “It can’t control me!” He exclaimed, as though that was meant to clear something up. “It’s infected me but it can’t control me.” He rubbed his arms, for the first time Bonnie noticed how red and sore they were. “Karl- you know Karl? Of course you know Karl- I think it has something to do with him. I don’t know. Yeah. He left... um- uh...”
“Oh... you poor thing,” Nat took a step closer, reaching out to examining his arms. He absentmindedly allowed her to as he rambled on with his stammerings, tying his tongue in circles. “He really left you?”
“Uh- yeah.”
“What about Sapnap?”
“Karl took him with him when he left.”
“Oh, I am so sorry Quackity.”
“It’s- oh, it’s not like that,” he laughed exhaustedly. “They would never... they would never, right? Of course not. It’s good! It’s so good they’re away, everyone should be-” he yanked his arms back, realizing what she was doing. “Everyone should be away. I’ve been trying to isolate it, it’s been working but only to delay. A bunch of workers fell and several customers too. Charlie got it real bad... and then Schlatt... at this rate it’s only a matter of time until I’ve lost control completely.”
“I’m afraid you’ll need to clue us in on what “it” exactly means, dear.”
“And don’t think you’ve gotten out of explaining your arms, young man,” Nat scolded affectionately. 
“Oh,” Quackity laughed again. “Right. I uh... there’s an- an egg.”
“Some rich bastard is behind all this? Should have seen that coming,” Bonnie scoffed.
“No, it’s an actual egg. I think? That’s what we call it, it hasn’t hatched anything but it’s red. It likes power, it grows and grows and takes all it can. Infects everything like a disease. Gets in your mind. Makes you... love it. Love it more than anything else in the world. A-and the worst part is it lets you stay yourself just enough for it to hurt everybody else. That’s why Charlie wanted Schlatt so badly and it worked! Ain’t no reason Schlatt got stuck other than it was Charlie he was dealing with. They’ve been trying to cheer me up but... y’know... it’s not really them.” He paused. “I- I guess that’s why he came after you. Oh, hell, “He ran his hands up his face. “I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, shush.” Nat tisked. “If it’s not his fault then it’s certainly not yours either.”
“Of course not.”
“Heh... thanks,” Quackity sniffed. “He really didn’t want to hurt you, he thought he was doing what was best.”
“I do have a question, how did you know what was happening?”
“And again, how did you get those injuries? They’re minor, sure, but don’t try to play them off to me. Friction burns are still burns and you deserve some treatment.”
“Well- I- this is strange to say out loud...”
“Try us.”
“The egg... likes me. I don’t know why but it refuses to get rid of me. It can’t control me so you’d think it’d just drop me and save itself the trouble, right? But it just keeps trying to make me give in willingly so I can be the rng leader or whatevers. Everyone infected seems to take orders from me.”
“That sounds good.”
“Well, it’s somethings of a silver lining, sure, but some of them started calling me a prophet? Which, I guess? I can hear it and see through it which is how I knew what what going on with youse. As to my arms, it can’t control me mentally but apparently decided it was gonna keep me in my room, the bitch,” he snapped at the vine around his head like it personally had upset him. “So, yeah. It kept grabbing my arms.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” Nat reached out to Quackity’s shoulder but pulled back, remembering his request for space. “I can’t imagine...”
“No, no, it’s- it will be fine. Karl’s coming back soon. He will... he will.”
And when he does he’s going to answer to me. Bonnie humphed internally. She didn’t dislike Karl, far from it, he was rather like an old friend, but he clearly was used to being the one in control. That didn’t make him bad at all, he just needed a reminder of etiquette. There’s no way she was letting him off the hook for up and leaving his partner, no matter the reason. He simply needed a smack on the wrist every once in a while. She did hope he was alright, and dear Sapnap. Poor Quackity, this all was terrible. “Ugh, all this over some gross little red weeds,” 
“Yeah, it- wait- you don’t like them?”
“Ha! Not at all,” Nat scoffed. “They’re just despicable, especially now that we know what they’ve done to you. How could you even ask such a thing?”
“Everybody... likes them...” he began carefully, forming something in his mind. “No- Schlatt didn’t... but...”
“Dearie, what do you mean to say?”
“I HAVE TO GO!” Quackity jumped up suddenly, backing away. 
“Trust me!” he smiled, exhausted but genuine, filled with relief and nervousness. “R-remember, it’s infected me but it doesn’t have me! It can hear everything I hear... the egg is the cause...” he winked with a shaky smile and abruptly hurried away. 
“Wh-” Nat turned to bonnie, stammering. “What in the world was he trying to say do you think?”
Bonnie frowned, squinting at the distance. Not a speck of vibracy from any color, especially not red, yet still she played coy. She turned to Nat and smiled sweetly, “Nat, my love, lets head back home now. I do believe we’ve got some work to do, with a recipe that calls for one egg.”
@thecatchat I finished hurray. Haven’t revised it at all just wrote it out. 
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thatwildnya · 4 years
haha riddle v-card go poof
this is my first smut
please give feedback thanks-
quick explanations:
Loki is one of my oc’s, they have the ability to change their gender on whim which is why they/them pronouns are usually used. They’re half snake but can only transform their lower half.
Their “boys” and “girls” are a herd made of many variations of horses and their mythical variations.
TW: naughty adult time themes, it’s hinted at rape has occurred in the past but otherwise nothing that’s not consented to happens
“So. Who do you want to top? I’m fine either way.”
The book in Riddle’s hands landed on his face with a tiny thud, earning an amused snort from the body underneath, “P-pardon?”
“What, did you really think I wouldn’t notice?~” Loki singsonged, lifting their head to bump it on the back of his own “I’m much more experienced in this field compared to most from my homeland, I know all the hints. Plus I overheard the conversation about ways to help relieve stress. And the return of bedtime fidgeting? It was a dead giveaway~” they laughed at his muffled grumble to shut up.
The redhead didn’t answer immediately, opting to keep his face hidden in the book. Loki didn’t press for an answer awaiting his response patiently. They reached back to cup his cheek after a few minutes. Riddle leaned into their hand on contact from habit. He smiled softly feeling their thumb poke his cheek. He retaliated the playful gesture with a gentle pinch on the arm, an unspoken exchange said through their actions. “There’s no rush. Take your time.” “Thank you.”
“I-is it alright if we… do that thing couples do...” he wanted to bang his head against a table. Superb job Riddle. Excellent work. Speech 100. Just thinking about it was enough to make his cheek flush redder than the roses in the dorm’s garden. Now having to say it outloud? To the target person of doing said activity with? Anyone would think he was sick if they saw his face. And Loki’s response did not help to calm his speeding heart.
“What ‘couple thing’ are you referring to? I’m gonna need you to be more specific.” “y’know that... intimate thing they do…” “bunny there are multiple things befitting that category.” “You know which one I’m talking about!” “do I?” “you-!” “Riddle.” his mouth clamped shut. His head turned just enough to look at their face. Loki’s chin rested on their forearms, eyes closed, no signs of continuing evident. This… discussion wasn’t over he knew. Certain changes (big or small) in one’s tone can send various different messages, removing the need to say it outright.
A minute later an eye opened to meet his gaze, “I’ll be done soon, just gotta check in with the boys and let the girls loose. It’d be a real mood killer to get a distress call from my boys for more backup, wouldn’t you agree?” flashing him a lazy smirk, their eye closed again, “then I’m all yours~”
While waiting he attempted to calm his speeding heart by counting. Unfortunately this had the opposite effect. With each number meant Loki was getting closer to finishing. Then their talk would resume. Riddle was certain Loki could feel his heart beating, they were laying back to back. Should he roll off? Would it be weird if he did so suddenly? It’s not like either were uncomfortable. When did it get so hot, are only his hands getting sweaty? What about his back? Being sweaty isn’t the most pleasant feeling he should move after all-
“-ddle, hello?” The perfect was brought out of his thoughts “time to return from lala land~”. In a single movement Loki flipped their positions so they faced each other. Riddle’s arms moved to rest around their shoulders from habit, Loki’s own wrapping around his backside as he straddled their lap.
At first nothing was said, only gazing at the other. It was peaceful, soothing. No sounds of shouting, items being knocked to the floor, music blasting from the next room, nothing. Just silence. Neither wouldn’t mind being stuck like this forever, leaving all worries and duties behind to be together forever. A wonderful dream, it was. Alas, every dream comes to an end when it was time to rejoin reality once again.
“I want to make sure you are 100% confident you are ready to lose your virginity,” the one to wake them was Loki, “when I lost mine I didn’t have a say. I didn’t have the option of refusal.” their voice cracked at the last few words. Riddle rested his head on his love’s shoulder, giving their cheek a kiss as his arms hugged them tighter. It took a few moments for Loki’s voice to be found again. Taking a deep breath, they continued.
“Until you can look me in the eyes and tell me you are ready to and want to have sex with me I refuse to partake in any sexual activities with you.”
Riddle wanted to slap himself.
Loki trusts him enough to share a part of their past (something that no one should have to experience) and other secrets very few or none knew. That was how much faith they had in him, how much they loved him. And here he was, being a horny teenager thinking only of himself.
“But it’s okay,” he reminded himself, “Loki has already forgiven me. I made a mistake and they’re aware I’m taking responsibility.” 
Gathering up all the courage within him, he straightened up locking eyes with them. In the most confident voice he could muster, Riddle gave his answer.
“Please take care of me.”
It felt like an eternity passed waiting for a response, anxiety increasing with every second ticking by.
“Safe word?” he exhaled deeply letting the breath he’d been holding out, falling forward and burying his face into the crook of Loki’s neck.
Riddle’s body stiffened as Loki began kissing his neck, starting at his collarbone continuing up to his lower jaw. He let out a squeak when Loki nipped his ear. A violent shiver wrecked through him as a hand slowly creased his belly upward. A second squeak escaped him when the hand reached his chest, thumb rubbing circles around a nippel.
Why is it getting warmer? When did the temperature start rising? These hands are familiar but the touches are foreign. Should he return the touches? How should he do that? What should he do? What are the rules he should be following?
“Boo, that’s not very nice bunny~ Your attention should be on me~” Loki suddenly pressed their fingers into his side causing Riddle to let out a third squeak. “H-hey!” he curled inward and tried to wiggle away, “q-qu-quit it-!” his struggles were in vain, the legs and arms trapping him were too strong. All he could do was flail trying to escape the fingers pressing into his sides, laughing.
The red bunny was able to escape the snake's hold with all his wiggling and tried to hop away. However the snake had plenty more agility and strength compared to the smaller. The bunny let out a squeal when the snake had him coiled in their grip again.
“Ah ah ah~” the reptile tutted, a devilish smirk gracing their lips “you’re not getting away that easily~”
The snake ruthlessly assaulted the bunny, laughing with its prey. Soon tears brimmed the prey’s eyes and he struggled to breathe, begging for mercy. The hunter chortled but decided to grant his wish. While the bunny wheezed and caught his breath the snake was pulling him close.
“I love you, Riddle.” his breath caught in his throat and Loki chuckled at the look upon his face, “you heard me. I love you. I love you, Riddle Rosehearts.”
“I love your grey eyes, red hair, and squishable cheeks. The way your eye color softens with your gaze and becomes fiery when you get competitive. I love the difference in our height, you fit perfectly in my arms. Having you snug within my embrace fills me with unending happiness. I love your voice, your singing soothes my mind after long days of work. When I hear you laugh my lips never fail to curl. I love your sleepy voice when you begin to drift off, your morning voice when you’ve just woken up, your strict yet gentle scolding voice, your cute cooing voice, all of them.” they just kept going on and on, listing thing after thing they loved about him, gaze filled with love.
Riddle could feel his face flushing with every word spilt from their lips. He attempted to hide his face in his hands. Loki, however, wasn’t having any of that. They gently pried them off with their own, their smile and gaze so soft and genuine he couldn’t -didn’t want to- look elsewhere. He was so fixated he took no notice of the other slowly maneuvering their body to hover above his own.
Cupping his cheek, they ran their thumb across his lips with their final statement, “I am deepy, utterly in love with the man known as Riddle Rosehearts. I wish to spend the rest of my life,” they leaned down to rest their forehead on his “and every life after that with him. His soul is the one and only soul I wish for mine to meet over and over again and again for all eternity.” lips centimeters away from touching, Loki whispered one last thing before closing the distance.
So much. Never before had Riddle felt so loved, appreciated, wanted. It was almost overwhelming, all the emotions swirling within. He wanted to cry, laugh, and scream. More. He wanted more.
He felt his partners smile widen when he chased their lips, pulling them back together with a tug on their shirt. This wasn’t enough, he wants more. He needs more. And he’s getting just that.
“Tongue.” was the demand when they parted for air. “Hm?” Loki blinked innocently “what was that, bunny?~ Did you say something?~”
His breath was coming out in short pants, hands tightly gripping their shirt. “Tongue.” he repeated, mouth hanging ajar slightly as an invitation, “I want kisses with tongue.”
Loki was taken back, the little bunny asking for a kiss so bluntly? A french one at that? “Shit,” they cursed, fulfilling the smallers demand “can’t say no when he looks at me like that- {*#*#*}.” Loki cursed in their native language hearing his soft moan. Adorable yet lewd. Meanwhile the only thought cycling through the others head was a ‘more’.
“T-tight,” he whined between kisses, “p-pants, they’re too tight.” Loki grinded their body against his pelvis with a smirk. “Hm?” they teased, smirk widening at his wanton mewls “your pants are too tight?” he nodded vigorously, whimpering “Well, that simply won’t do! Here, let me help you with that~” he hissed once his hardened cock was freed, slick with precum.
Loki leaned down to kiss his face, lower body shifting into a snake tail, “How do you want to do this, bunny? You better tell me quick,” they added, using their tail to open a drawer of the nightstand “I won’t need as much prep as you and I might lose it at this rate.” Riddle barely registered their words with how clouded his head was becoming from pleasure. “I-I want you in,” he gazed up, panting and half ladened eyes swirling with lust “I want to be taken by Loki. Please take me Loki, please please.” Loki groaned, “this kid will be the death of me.” “did you remember condoms and lube?” Riddle’s stomach dropped.
“You forgot, didn’t you?” Loki snickered. “Sh-shut up!” his already flushed face turned a darker shade of red. “Did bunny get so excited he overlooked some things?” they poked his cheek. With a pouty “humph!” Riddle flipped onto his front side, hiding his face in the pillows. “Aw, don’t be like that bunny~” Loki cooed, “I’m just teasing~ I’ve got lube, but no condoms.”
“What’s that?” Loki’s smile softened into one that was more reassuring. Pouring the clear contents inside the glass vail in their hand they answered, “it’s a type of lube made specially for virgins and the inexperienced. In case you start getting scared or nervous it will cause your body to send stronger distressed signals so the pleasure doesn’t completely hijack your mind.” Riddle shivered when Loki started massaging his lower back with the liquid, “it also acts as a stimulant making you wetter quicker and heightens your sense of touch. In other words,” he shivered at Loki’s hot whisper next to his ear, “you’re gonna experience some top notch pleasure soon~”
Riddle felt like he’d come any second now. His cock hasn’t been touched yet everything felt so good. If he’s on cloud nine right now, where would he be once he and Loki were connected? He shuddered from anticipation at the thought.
Meanwhile Loki kept a close eye on their partner, looking for any signs of discomfort or anxiety. “Riddle, bunny,” tracing a finger down his side Loki gently grasped his hip “lift your hips a bit.” he didn’t need to be told twice.
“Remember the safe word?” Loki bent their body over him, their chin resting on his shoulder. Using their tail they poured more lube in their hand. Reaching back, Loki rested a finger on Riddle’s taint and gently pressed against it.
“Patience Bunny,” they softly warned, pulling away when he tried to push back “I don’t want to hurt you.” he whimpered but did his best to keep still. His body tensed when their finger finally entered however.
“You need to relax, Bunny,” “easier said than done.” they chuckled lightly at his words but didn’t respond to them. Using their free hand they took a hold of his chin, guiding their mouths together. Their slit tongue slipped in his mouth as a distraction. It wasn’t a surprise how well this worked, given they were very skilled at french.
“This should be enough…” they thought, fingers pulling out, “that should do it, are you rea-” “Lokiii,” Riddle began whining impatiently, “why’d you stooop? Don’t stop, it feels so sooooo good.” they blinked.
“C’mooooooon, hurry up!” the whining continued, “it doesn’t feel good. I don’t like this feeling of emptiNESS!” Loki flipped him onto his back. “Eager, eager, are we now?~” they slowly traced a finger up his cock which was practically crying with precum, “I mustn’t disappoint then~” Lifting his hips, Loki’s tail slid under to wrap around his belly once.
Riddle’s eyes widened seeing their cock for the first time that night. He’d seen it before (they’ve been living together for months after all) but it was a LOT bigger now. Loki smirked following his gaze, “enjoying the view?” “will it fit?” their lips softened, leaning forward to give his forehead a kiss “yes but if it’s too much we can stop. There’s a safe word for a reason, remember?” he couldn’t help but gulp.
Lining them up, Loki waited for the okay. Riddle let out a loud gasp as they entered, hands clumsily searching for a grip. Loki adjusted their position so he could hug them.
A few times he had to ask them to pause so his body got used to the stretch. His breath was coming out in short pants by the time Loki bottomed out. He felt so full, almost to the point it was painful.
“Riddle? Riddle, bunny, are you doing okay?” Loki moved to pull back but went still at the grip on their shoulders tightening, “Don’t m-move…”
A handful of minutes ticked by of them staying like that, Loki murmuring sweet nothings and soothing words to help Riddle relax his body and mind. They made small talk about their day, assignments due once the break was over, anything.
He felt small. Yes, he wasn’t the tallest guy around but that wasn’t it. It was more of an emotional feeling than physical. None of that mattered though. He liked this sensation of tenderness. It was like he was being gently cocooned in silks spun specifically for him to make a perfect nest of safety and warmth.
Eventually, muscles relaxed and breathing steadied.
“Y-you can move…”
“Are you sure?” “Mhm.”
“Alright, let me know if you want to stop.” “M’kay…”
Loki adjusted so they could see Riddle’s face better. They pulled out halfway before sliding back in, setting a slow and steady rhythm. They kept their eyes trained on his face, searching for any hints of discomfort or pain. Riddle closed his own as he sank into a bliss of pleasure, moaning softly. That is, until a certain spot was tapped.
Soon Riddle was crying from pleasure, nails digging into Loki’s shoulders making the other groan. “There” “faster” “Loki” ran from Riddle’s mouth like a faucet, spurring Loki on to increase their speed. It didn’t take long for him to see stars as he reached his climax.
Back arching perfectly, Riddle let out a long, loud moan. Falling back into the sheets panting heavily, he waited for his vision to clear. “You doing fine bunny?” Loki kissed the corner of his eye, tongue slipping out to lick off tears spilt from pleasure. “Y-yeah,” realizing they were still hard he asked “aren’t you gonna finish?” they smiled and gave him another kiss. “I’ll take care of myself, do you want anything? Perhaps a bath? Maybe tea?” he wrapped his legs around Loki when they tried to pull out, “more.”
Loki blinked, “eh?” “more,” he repeated, “I want more of you.”
Capturing their lips with his own, Riddle nibbled at their bottom lip kissing them. A second later he was, once again, flipped that night. Hoisting up his hips, Loki draped their body over his. “Normally I’d settle for teasing but I’ll be merciful this time.” they purred slamming back in.
Riddle stared at the ceiling, eyes wide and speechless.
“Someone seems to have enjoyed themselves.” he gripped the covers, eyes still on the ceiling, answering “it was- you just- it felt- everything-” he was at a loss for words.
Loki laughed, pulling him closer while leaning on their arm, “good to know I still got it. I’d feel terrible if I couldn’t satisfy my mate-” “again.” it wasn’t often Loki got taken by surprise, but this was one of those times. “... eh?”
Ignoring the dull ache in his lower body, Riddle threw off the covers and straddled Loki. “I wanna go another round.” Loki stared up at him with genuine shock. Once recovered they cleared their throat, “um, no.” They pulled Riddle down, tail wrapped around him while he whined for demanded an explanation.
“Because your body is already fragile and I don’t want to push it.” caging him in their arms, they ran their fingers through his hair, “sorry bunny, but you’ll have to wait awhile before I truly take you to town.” they pulled at his pouty face “don’t give me that look, you know you can’t take anymore right now.” Riddle let out a humph when they let go.
“Aw, don’t be like that bunny,” Loki started covering his face with sloppy kisses, “that face makes me want to tease you til you’re so red a tomato couldn’t compare~” he half-heartedly pushed their face away, still pouting.
“Get some rest,” Loki pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. “Your body needs it,” they said, breaking the kiss, “and I have some things that need to be checked on anyway.” Loki reached over to pull the covers back up.
“What about you?” “I’ll join you soon,” they booped his nose, “until then make yourself comfortable.” with a swish of their finger, the light went out.
The following morning, a snake was awoken by a bunny sitting atop its belly, begging for it’s carrot. It was a good thing the break had only just started.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Qu x GN!Reader
Warning: Contains slight angst, past relationship trauma
Requested by: Anon
Prompt:  Hi, i C that the requests are still open? is it alright if i request a oneshot of gender neutral reader × qu where both of them are mutually pining but reader is afraid to confess & get rejected 'cos he seems emotionally unavailable while qu is still afraid of getting too attached & feel at home w/ someone only 4 them to leave him alone again (& that theres some strong competition 4 that) 'till mokuren broke the ice to him cause his thoughts hinders him from dancing well during their reha?
A/N: I’m so sorry for taking so long to write your request. TYSM for your patience!!! ❤️️❤️️  I’m going to blame the BSTS hell event for the delay. 
Word Count: 1,351
"Finally, we can rest." Hari plopped onto the red sofa in the rest area, Kasumi following him. 
"Hey, you guys deserve a break," you chuckled, taking a seat beside the energyless green-head. "Mokuren drilled all of you more than usual." 
While you were busy chatting with Kasumi and Hari, a pair of golden eyes stared nervously at you. 
'Should I join them?' Qu fiddled with the cap of his water bottle, twisting the lid clockwise and counterclockwise. He stole another glance at you but quickly lowered his eyes. 'Why...?'
Team C's second sighed and closed his eyes to escape reality. Images of your first meeting flashed through his mind; he still remembered your sweet smile and kind words as clear as day. I am a fan of Team C and will always support all of you. 
Qu slowly opened his eyes and glimpsed at you. ‘You said you will always support all of us, but what changed? Why did you start avoiding me?' 
No matter how many times he tried, Qu couldn't understand your behavior. He wanted an answer -desperately- but couldn't gather enough courage to approach you. 'What if they don't want to talk to me? Did I do something to hurt them? What if...they say they hate me?'
His head began to spin as his deepest fears started to resurface. Touching the side of his head, he sighed and turned around, dragging his heavy body towards the rehearsal room.
As Qu left the area, you slightly turned your head in his direction. The entire time you had felt his stare, but not knowing how to react to it, you decided to avoid meeting his eyes. 'I am sorry, Qu. I just...I can't bring myself to tell you how I feel about you.'
"What's wrong?" Hari asked in a concerned voice.
"Hm?" Snapping out of your thoughts, you looked at him and shook your head. "Nothing."
Kasumi and Hari quickly glanced at each other before returning their attention to you. Both of them knowing well that you were lying.
Qu couldn't bring himself to focus as he was preoccupied with the heavy thoughts of the previous day. He even got lost on the way to Starless, his workplace that he visits nearly every day.
Team C’s leader stopped the music and sighed, “Qu, focus! I will not tolerate any mishaps on the stage, so stop zoning out.”
A quiet sorry was all Qu could muster up before the music resumed. 
"Stop!" Mokuren's irritated voice rang out through the practice room. "What is-" He snapped his head in Qu's direction but grew silent when he saw his team member's expressions.
The silver-haired man stared blankly at the wooden floors, lost in thought. His tightly curled fists shaking ever so slightly.
Qu woke up, drenched in sweat, his body trembling and heart racing. He tightly gripped his head with both of his hands, trying hard to restrain his thoughts. Despite his best efforts, the words of his ex-lovers echoed in his ears. We are through. I don't care how much you like me, I can't stay in this relationship any longer. 
He firmly pressed the palms of his hands on his ears. Sorry but this relationship is not working out. Tears started running down his drained face. I found someone better. Goodbye. 
These nightmares were not new, and normally, Qu would have been able to brush them aside. This time, though, his current fears had manifested in his dark dream. Qu, I can't be with you anymore. I thought I liked you, but I was wrong. 
“Qu, are you okay?” Mokuren shook him once again with a little more force.
He snapped out of his trance and shook his head, “Sorry, Moku.”
Sighing, the raven-haired man looked at his teammates, “Let’s take a break. Qu, follow me.” 
Without asking a single question, he followed his agitated leader out to the back alley. To Qu's surprise, you were sitting on the steps as if waiting for them.
"Hey Moku, you called-" you turned your head to look at him but froze when you saw him.
Mokuren shifted his eyes between the two of you and sighed audibly, "Might I remind you that you are adults, so stop behaving like children. Talk about your feelings like mature adults." Mokuren crossed his arms and glanced at his teammate, "I will not let anything interfere with our team practice, so sort out what you need to right here."
Team C's leader shifted his eyes to you, "You need to stop ignoring Qu. It's obvious that you two like each other. Now, talk." Even though his words were sharp, his voice held an unexpected warmth. Mokuren patted Qu's back before making his way back to the rehearsal room.
The tension in the air was evident. After a few minutes of silence, Qu finally spoke, "I apologize for putting you in this situation." Averting his eyes from you, he continued, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you ignoring me?"
You choose to keep your lips sealed as you played with the bracelet adorning your right wrist. 
A sigh escaped his pink, shimmering lips, "Do you hate me?"
You gawked at him, not expecting to hear such a straightforward question. Qu frantically studied your expressions as he restlessly tapped his foot on the concrete stair.
Realizing that your silence could send the wrong message, you lowered your eyes and spoke, "I don't hate you, Qu. W-why did you also start ignoring me?"
The silver-haired man bit his lower lip and shook his head, "I wasn't ignoring you, I...didn't want my nightmare to come true."
"Yes," a dejected sigh escaped his lips, "I had a nightmare, where you said, I thought I liked you, but I was wrong."
Once more, you resorted to silence, causing Qu to immediately regret sharing his fear with you. Countless dark thoughts began to race through his mind, causing a sharp pain to reverberate through his chest.
"For-give me," he said in a breathless voice before turning on his heel to walk away. His downcast eyes were wet, blurring his vision completely.
"Qu, wait." You gripping the back of his black tank top to stop him from leaving. Taking a deep breath, you began, "I don't hate you- I could never hate you."
You took a step closer to him and rested your forehead on his back, "I am afraid...afraid of confessing and getting rejected. To most people, I seem emotionally unavailable, and they're not completely wrong."
Qu silently listened with one hand covering his mouth to prevent sobs from escaping. His heart was wildly pounding against his aching chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.
"It's difficult to trust people," tears raced down your flushed face, "especially with my feelings. People have hurt me before, and the pain was too much to bear. I am sorry for hurting you...I'm very sorry."
Though he was afraid, Qu knew it was now or never; he pushed aside all the negative thoughts in his mind and gathered every ounce of courage within him, "Will you give me a chance then?
"Chance?" You lifted your head and stared at the back of his head, confused.
Qu slowly faced you and gently placed his hand on your cheek, "Will you give me a chance to be with you? I can relate to your fears as I have faced rejection many times. Each time I trust someone and grow comfortable with them, they end up breaking my heart."
He took a slight pause and started stroking your cheek with his thumb, "All I ask for is a little space in your world. If I can win your trust, then please allow me to become part of your heart."
You remained still as a lump formed in your throat, forcing your breath to become ragged. After a moment of hesitation, you lifted your eyes to his golden ones and nodded slowly.
A bright smile appeared on his lips as he delicately wiped your tears, "Thank you." Qu encircled his arms around and held you in a gentle embrace.
The dark clouds within your hearts gave away to light as the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders.  
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