catswonderland · 6 months
Warning 18+ Minors DNI
(ex’s, language & drinking/smoking)
F.Oc-(No, Y/N)
Did this story on my own, title on my own.Pics come from Pinterest & Ig
Summary: Out of all the places in the world, out of all the women in world..
Number of words-(Don’t care)
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~You actually saw her.Shit, she see you - Chris
^ Yeah I saw her.No she didn’t see me; hid behind a trash-can - Ryan
~Trash-can! Goddamn your stupid😂 - Chris
Ryan would’ve blushed to his ears if his friends ‘laughing-face’ had anything to clue in on a physical-conversation, as it were, the poor guy just frowned at his phone.
__Three yrs ago
{ I’ve tried to be patient with you when it comes to getting our own place,
I’ve tried to keep calm when it comes to you going out partying with the guys & girls be around y’all; the bullshit stops now.
Once your back on tour next month things will be dropped off an taken back; the dog is being kept with me- Liz }..
Reading an re-reading the letter was all Ryan could do before thumping into a kitchen-table chair from shock; tears blooming in chocolate-eyes.
__Present day
Ryan laid on his cotton-couch with a cigarette between lips; the man was trying to do things that made him feel normal in an abnormal day.
__4 hrs ago
Go for a walk in the park, get a cup of coffee & then head home; the plan was simple an easy to follow.The plan was ruined.
Never in Ryan’s life did he think seeing Liz would happen.The man’s breath hitched.
Ryan blamed the mind-fog as a side-effect from his troubled breathing as he didn’t know how it happened; hiding behind a trash-can to not be spotted by Liz.
__Three yrs ago
The knocks kept coming, the callouts kept coming; Ryan would’ve gotten the door for Chris if had the energy.
It wasn’t known how many minutes ticked away before Chris decided to use the hidden house-key, it was however known that Ryan felt appreciation for his friend that still wanted to check on him because he cared about his wellbeing.
__Present day
With a little sigh Ryan sat up on his couch & put out his cigarette within an ashtray atop of a wood coffee-table; the little normal things couldn’t help to feel normal.
__4 hrs ago
Watching an oblivious woman any-day would be considered stupid, watching an oblivious woman behind a trash-can would be considered psycho; Ryan wanted to get swallowed by a black-hole.
Black baseball-hat, black leather trench-coat over black crop-top & black jeans; Liz still gave off a beautifulness with any clothing.After a few seconds it was seen that the red-white sneakers were being worn..
- ^ You gonna ever get tired of those? ^, it wasn’t so much a question as it was mockery.Liz, like the mature woman that she was, stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend for a moment.{ My favorite shoes can go with me on any adventure } -
__Three yrs ago
~..I’ve got a confession.I knew Liz was going to be leaving~.Here it was, here was the bomb that stopped the silence between friends sitting at the kitchen table.Ryan, while still silent, turned his head quickly to Chris; gulping, the man under watchful-eyes started up again with telling about secret-turmoil.~..Talked to Liz on the matter two-weeks ago.I thought the conversation showed promise of her changing her mind~.
^ I get it, I don’t like it, but I get it in why you kept things quiet ^.Nothing more was said from Ryan, this was fine with Chris though as he sat with his friend in a relieved-silence.
__Present day
Seeing the phone laying on the soft-carpet by his feet, Ryan decided it was time to use it again.With a deep breath the phone went to social media; Liz’s IG-account & to her DM..
^ Been a while, then again of course it has.I rather make a call or txt, however don’t know if you’ve got the same number…
Look, I hid behind a trash-can today so you wouldn’t see me at the park, yes I know this sounds weird…
Hope you give a reach-out… ^
Hard grip on phone, followed by a heartbeat within ears was all that could be experienced; Ryan, after some clarity, decided to wait a few days before checking for a response.
__Five days later
Sitting on a wooden-bench, honey eyes not looking ahead but to the side at something, black hair falling straight to the top of shoulders, Corona held in a fair-olive skinned hand that was touching red-painted lips; Ryan didn’t realize that one of Liz’s friends was with her at the park the very day he saw her again an decided to take a picture.
__3 mins later
{ My number has changed.
Saw me at the park but hid like a dumb-fuck, not even surprised }..
To say Ryan had been surprised by getting a response would be an understatement, while he hoped to get one it was also a nagging feeling that nothing would happen.
Looking at the screen for a few more seconds, Ryan had set to work on a response while he had hope swell in himself; second chance’s were hard to come by..
^ Thanks for getting in touch...
Number changed, noted..
We really need to talk about something else instead of my embarrassment at the park.How have things been with you…^
• One-shot won’t have add-ons
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wackom · 17 days
The Beast that Bothers
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sometiktoksarevalid · 3 months
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everydaylouie · 4 months
Cat Theremin (Loop)
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grickle14 · 1 year
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I can totally hear this cat tuning the guitar while the children find a good place to sit. 
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zegalba · 9 months
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Aphex Twin's studio
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thedrawingduke · 9 months
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I realized I never posted these here on tumblr! 2020 did unspeakable things to my mind and body…I staggered away from lockdown with a whole pitch of how I would make an animated Cats adaptation. I got the whole thing up here *taps skull*—it would be Very Good. I can’t think about it too much lest I awaken my sleeping obsession…still want to finish Old Deut and Macavity one of these days.
Fun fact: The term "Jellicle Cat" is actually the cats’ mishearing of the term "Dear Little Cat" (this gives me much joy)
@thedrawingduke on Instagram
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cute-catts · 3 months
They haven't eaten for 5 whole minutes
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cyborgrhodey · 6 months
regina spektor is a violent zionist, but i don't think it's constructive or honest at all for people to be like "well her art was always bad anyway." some terrible people have made great art. This idea that artists with unsavory morals can't make good art (1) only feeds into some people's mindset that if they dislike something, that MUST mean there is something ideologically wrong with it, and (2) some people then take longer to realize the true colors of their favorite artists because... good artists can't be ethically bad right?? and so they hang on to their faves and pretend they are so righteous and defend their every move when sometimes. sometimes you just gotta accept that your favorite art was made by somebody you don't agree with, and you have to identify how much you are willing to support someone like that and what lines you have that can't be crossed
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nora-yoko · 3 months
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catchymemes · 1 year
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catswonderland · 10 months
Warning 18+ Minors DNI
(ex wife-husband/ talk of cheating, ex girlfriend-boyfriend, language & talk of alcoholism)
Did this story on my own, title on my own.Pics came from, Pinterest & Ig.
F.Oc-(No, Y/N)
Summary: New name, new face and new life…
Number of words-(Don’t care)
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_________ Pt.1 :
What’s the secret to the right words for one’s damn honesty and not sound heartless?; the question kept plaguing Oliver’s mind since this morning.Never had being intoxicated sounded so good.
“..I made mistakes & Fucked up loads, but I dedicated my life to Hannah.I saw so much potential in that girl & built her a business, I would of done anything.We can get into the little details that will sound bad with no context, but we don’t need to.The relationship ended because Hannah did something I couldn’t forgive.I never wanted anyone to know because even though it’s hard for me to love her right now, I do”
The answer was found, nothing is ever really easy to put softly, especially with the thing’s being dealt with.Oliver knew at the end of the day he seemed to blame Hannah an the douchebag more, but how could he not when the choice’s at the end of the day were made by them, Hannah especially.
..10 days later
“..We had a really bad marriage.He was unfaithful to me throughout entire relationship with strippers and after the first of unfaithfulness I found out about, I just lost my mind”
To say say Oliver was ‘just mad’ would be an understatement.Reading an re-reading is all the man could do during the time on his brother’s couch, poor Tom was only able to breathe but not utter a word.
“You know, I’m not even surprised that she’d do this, in making her statement more of ‘Oliver’s horrible-speech’.God, Hannah’s playing a great game to take notice off of herself in the wrongs she’s done”.Nothing more could be said, nothing, this hurt the most for the once outgoing man, meanwhile his brother could only put a hand on his shoulder for encouragement that he wasn’t alone in anything.
..3 months later
“..Not everything last forever, that’s what I’m finding out during this year.I’m single again, different reason though.Not an ounce of regret in dating a month after my divorce.Alissa’s someone that’s cute, weird & she showed to be a pretty good teacher of not giving up in wanting to find good things”
Finally, something good to put out into the world, even if a little bittersweet.Looking outside of the coffee shop Oliver couldn’t help having a little smile on his face.
..1 week later
“..Saying goodbye is not something I’m good at but it needs to be done.Oliver & I had a wonderful time together, no doubts about this.Breaking up is mutual, we could only do so much to help each other.I hope all goes well for Oliver”
Alisa couldn’t help but let out a few tears once the bittersweet truth was done, she really wanted to be stronger than this.Looking at her dad in encouragement the young woman felt better when seeing her dad’s best smile in their kitchen.
_________ Pt.2 :
Lots of things had changed over the past couple of years.Oliver was happy- happy with himself, happy with friends,happy with family and happy with his love-life.
Laying within a king-sized bed oblivious to the outside world was none other than Oliver and his girlfriend of almost two years, Stassi Stone.Fluffy brunette-bed head, grey t-shirt, tattooed arms & black boxers; Oliver looked too good for the early morning, the twenty-four year old pouted as she knew that she looked messy.
Snickers fell out from Oliver in seeing his girlfriend’s face, she was so cute pouting.Stassi was never a morning person.“Mornin’ luv”, man couldn’t help but tease, to which the tormented girl just grunted an swept herself in blankets that covered her head.
“Music video is getting put up today, gotta make a call for my store to be vigilant about a delivery order and then rest of the day is ours”.Oliver might as well have been counting things out on his fingers or on a bulletin board, the thought makes Stassi smirk.
..10:00 am
“Damn, lookin’ good”.Knowing how the store got a mess when restored, it was a miracle that the place looked clean of boxes.Coming to the store was one of Stassi’s favorite pastimes, she just loved to visit the workers and offer help when could.
Oliver had just came back inside the building from taking a work-story Ig pic, not once though was he surprised to see Stassi sitting at her favorite place, the counter.“I was gonna see you at home luv”, while coming out as a scold, nothing could deny it was playful when seeing the little grin.
..5 minutes later
Oliver’s car and Stassi’s motorcycle waited patiently for their owners to deliver them to the next destination; the couple having decided to take a ride to a local coffee shop after not being needed for anything else with the clothing store.
..15 minutes later
“Realized what today was”, the statement wasn’t mean but blunt.Stassi stopped mid-sip of her coffee, looking at Oliver for a few seconds afterwards.“..I’m just glad that the day is passing by normally”.
Eight months, eight months of no alcohol.Stassi had problems with drinking since she was a teenager, going into to the ‘party-life’ as a way to escape problems.Meeting Oliver really helped to put priorities in place.
“I’m really proud of you”.Stassi looked at Oliver with a tiny smile, a blush to the face before looking out the window to people-watch.
Looking at how his love became so pretty with the sunlight from the window made Oliver set his mind.“We should go, the day’s too nice to waste inside”.
..20 minutes later
Warm and green; going to a park was such a nice idea of Oliver’s.Laying down with black sunglasses on was all Stassi needed to be comfortable on the soft grass.
Oliver was happy to give the woman he loved a moment of peace.Stassi having gone through the age-old hell of trying an failing to keep steady with a job due to her addiction.Thinking back on things pained the man as he truly never again wanted to see Stassi fall, however if she did then he’ll help pick up the pieces.
..10 minutes later
Snickering comes from Stassi once having used her phone to take a photo.Oliver never has interest in taking pictures, least not anymore, he rather only deal with such things for the store or when collecting some commentary from doing concerts.
“You took a picture”.The frown on his face made Oliver look cute in Stassi’s opinion.“..It’s not a bad one”.A soft sigh came forth from Oliver before he looked at her from where he lay at Stassi’s feet, this being the only indication needed that the man was curious.
Oliver seeing the picture couldn’t help but smile a little.Looking over at Stassi the man saw she wasn’t paying attention to him anymore and this gave an idea.
Mid-back length black hair, porcelain skin, chocolate eyes & tattooed sleeve; Stassi was a gorgeous thing of nature.
..5 minutes later
“..I’m not here to talk on new music projects or store business, it’s been done already.I’m here to talk about my relationship that’s been going on for close to two years. Here’s this twenty-three yr old that’s sitting on a bench looking a mess, needing but not asking for help.I’ve been through tough times in my personal life, in my career, seeing someone that’s showing signs of similarities always makes me feel compassionate. Stassi didn’t just get help from me, Stassi gave help to me too.In the times of silence I’d think that all there’s going to be is me and never will I get truly close to someone again like Hannah or Alissa, the mind isn’t always your friend. Today marks my luvs milestone of being eight month’s sober.Can’t say enough about how proud I am”
Never before has Oliver felt so elevated in giving out a posting, that then turned to one more elevated post.Things were gonna change once again, it’ll be okay though, this the man knew instantly.
Looking at Stassi put a little smile once again on Oliver’s face.“Let’s go home”.Not questioning anything Stassi followed her man to the vehicles and went to their ‘final destination’.
Not a single post went without ‘like’.Black hair over shoulders blending into top-half of second-skin dress, full sleeve in glory of black, grey, red & pink design; Oliver’s point-of-view underneath.Non.bed-head brunette, grey t-shirt & no tattooed arms shown; Oliver still looked handsome as ever laying down on the grass while kissing at a woman’s knee; white top, porcelain stomach out for the sun to touch & baby-blue ripped-up knee jeans; Stassi had a way of still looking nice even with half her body showing.
While the post were getting ‘like’, in all honesty it was the ‘comment-section’ that was really making a dent in things.Anyone who had an opinion was willing to let it out and thankfully the ‘good-comments’ were outweighing the ‘bad-comments’.
Two-shot won’t have add-ons
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clanborn · 4 months
song number 10 :)
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I left my soul exposed
To frail hands who hold
My fate up in the air
And through their fingers fall
The meaning of it all
Down to the floor it goes
Is There Anybody Here? - The Dear Hunter
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
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everydaylouie · 7 months
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kittychewr · 2 years
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kittycat dance party !!!!!!!!!
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