#catalan food
Nothing compares to fuet.
Video by gerhardkirsten10 on Instagram.
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42bakery · 2 months
¿Cuál es tu top 5 de comidas españolas favoritas? - danipedrosas-boatest
Hola Libby 👋👋👋👋.
No sabía que hablas Español y esto me ha pillado muy de sorpresa.
1- Las tapas. Es uno de los platos más típicos y es un conjunto de platos y que pueden variar de un sitio a otro 8incluso de un bar al de al lado). Básicamente las tapas son platos que se sirven anted de la comida o como primero. También se puede cenar de tapeo o hacer una comida completa con amigos así. Es muy versátil.
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Las tapas más comunes son la rabas (puede ser un plato solo), calamares a la romana (puede ser un pl,ato solo), croquetas (mis favoritas son las de jamón serrano, que pueden ser también un plato completo), patatas bravas, anchoas en vinagre, aceitunas/olivas, ¡pero muchas más!
2- Crema Catalana. Es un un postre típico Catalan. Son natillas con una fina capa de azúcar caramelizado. Esta buenisino, pero por desgracia solo me gustan los que hacen en los restaurantes de comida típica Catalana.
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Para mi la mejor parte es golpear el azúca y escuchar como cruje y se rompe.
3- Torradas/Tostadas. Esto deriva de un plato Catalan típico que es el pa amb tomàquet (pan con tomate) que es pan tostado con tomate restregado (no en rodajas), aceite y sal. las Torradas (en Catalan) es pan de pages tostado con embutido. puede o no llevar tomate. Mis favoritas son las de jamón (tanto dulce como serrano), queso y lomo.
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4- Pulpo a la gallega/pulpo a feira (en gallego). Que es pulpo cocido y servido en un plato de madera con a sin patata y con pimentón al gusto.
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(Puede ser servido como tapas también).
5- Y como se acerca la semana santa, otro postre típico que también esta buenísimo. Las torrijas. Es pan duro del día anterior mojado en leche, a la qual se le da sabor con canela y la piel del limón, y luego frito. Una vez seco se añade azúcar con canela. Esta buenisimo.
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Hay algunas variantes de esta receta donde se hace al horno o se sirve frito pero con leche. En alguna ocasion mi madre las ha echo con la piel de la naranja en vez del limón.
Honorable mencion a los canelones. Que si bien no es receta española, es una adaptación de una receta Italiana a los gustos Catalanes sel siglo XIX/XX, es uno de mis platos favoritos.
Ups creo que me ido un poco por la tangente.
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It’s been ages since I’ve made fiideuà, but I forgot how good it is and how it’s relatively easy to make so long as  you prepare some of the ingredients ahead of time. This version took some inspiration from Italy by using some guanciale (we were watching the Umbria episode of Stanley Tucci’s Searching for Italy and I was inspired), and then Basque country by pairing that with some bay scallops and a roasted garlic allioli, but it still retained its Catalan identity by using some classic Catalan sofrito.
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yeprecipes · 12 hours
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huariqueje · 3 days
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Bread with Tomato - Marcos Cárdenas , 2023.
Catalan , b. 1973 -
Oil on wood , 60 x 60 cm.
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sasookei · 3 months
ate a balanced meal for the first time in ages and my internal systems are lying in bed kicking their feet twirling their hair... senshi was right
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terranautica · 2 months
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Barcelona, June 2023, photos by me
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sins-of-the-sea · 5 months
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"I don't understand the hatred for fruitcake either," Josep says as he takes a bite of very delicious, moist, and sweet tortell de Reis (King's Cake).
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"It seems to be strictly an American thing, maybe some English. Particularly the mass-marketed commercial grocery store type. It's supposedly overly-processed, dense, doesn't taste like anything, and can be weaponized like a brick."
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"Wow. American food that even Americans hate."
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eataku · 1 year
Started watching JOSÉ ANDRÉS AND FAMILY IN SPAIN on Discovery+ last night and it made me want to immediately book a ticket to Barcelona. And oddly enough, as I was cleaning up a few folders on my hard drive this morning, I came across an old video of a calcot party I had at my friend Edu Alpuente’s house in Catalonia years ago. Now I’m dying to go back even more!
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error404vnotfound · 1 year
very Catalan of me to be both mad and proud when someone with a Catalan surname is credited for something
even if they are referred to as "a Spanish person"
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skiddo-xy · 2 years
Catalan Cuisine
Traditional cuisine from Catalonia, Spain and Andorra. Also knows as Valencian cuisine. (info below the images)
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[Top right to top left clockwise: Pa amb tomaquet, escalivada, fideuà (also known as paella), esqueixada de bacallà]
As Catalonia is on the coast of the Mediterranean sea, it uses a wide variety of seafood. Catalan cuisine also uses a variety of vegetables, such as tomatoes, red peppers, eggplants, mushrooms and artichokes and also uses some meat from it's mountainous areas, such as pork and lamb.
Catalan cuisine is primarily influenced by neighbouring Spanish cuisine, while it also has influences from Italian, Italian-Swiss and American cuisine.
Catalan Cuisine as a Regional/National Symbol
The botifarrra amb bongetes is one of Catalonia's most prevalent dishes, if not the most prevalent. This dish uses sausage and white beans. (Pictured below)
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Ferran Adrià
Ferran Adrià is a Catalan chef. He ran a restaurant called "El Bulli" which served Catalan cuisine. He is most known for being the originator of the molecular gastronomy trend while also promoting Catalan cuisine.
Sources: Catalan cuisine influences + pictures, guide to Catalan cuisine, Ferran Adrià, Catalan food images, Catalan gastronomic symbols.
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
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Different kinds of coques made in the Valencian style. Photos by Restaurant Pont Sec (Dénia, Central Valencian Country).
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A coca de recapte. Photo by Forn Inalba bakery (Balaguer, Ponent, Catalonia).
Coques (singular: coca) are a traditional food eaten all around the Catalan Countries. It's a flat bread base similar to a pizza base and can have different toppings depending on what's in season in that time of the year. The most common toppings are tomato, peppers, aubergine/eggplant, garlic, onion, salted fish, local types of cured meat, pork sausages, and other local vegetables. Many towns or areas also have their own typical recipes.
The base can have a different shape depending on the area. In the central-south Valencian Country, they're round and so small that they can fit on a hand (like the photos included in this post). In Catalonia and the Balearic Islands they're usually big and rectangular with rounded edges, though some areas might also make them round.
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(The areas coloured are approximate)
Even though the Neapolitan pizza is the one that has become famous all around the world thanks to the Neapolitan migration to the USA, this kind of flatbread base with toppings is a very common Mediterranean food since Ancient times. Different Mediterranean cultures eat variations of this idea.
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Ancient Roman fresco found in Pompeii that depicts a table with food, including a flatbread that looks similar to a pizza, though of course with different ingredients (tomato wasn't known in Europe at the time).
Coca is different from pizza because the base is slightly different and we don't use tomato paste nor mozzarella as a base. If they have cheese, it's goat cheese as a topping, melted on top of the other ingredients.
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le-journal-catalan · 25 days
APPEL À CANDIDATURE : Un Food Truck en bord de Lac des Escoumes à Vinça
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Tapas! Spring leeks with mixed mushrooms and Catalan-style sausages with beans.
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cine2024 · 2 months
Catalan Seafood Paella #food
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huariqueje · 1 year
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Tripadvisor   -  Marcos Palazzi, 2021.
Catalan , b. 1965   -  
Oil on panel ,  13 × 18 1/10  in.   33 × 46  cm.
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