#castelul peles
hiddenromania · 9 months
Peleș Castle, Sinaia, România by Askjell
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blodbranddod · 13 days
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We didn't see any vampires
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rygacripto · 2 years
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taberecusuflet · 5 months
Tabara de 1 Decembrie – Comoara Spiridusilor
In ultima zi din Tabara de 1 Decembrie ne-am plimbat pe aleile din spatele Castelului Peles si am cautat Comoara Spiridusilor:) “A fost grozav” si “Abia asteptam sa revenim” au spus copiii la final! Continue reading Untitled
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therapiesson · 8 months
Wooden spiral staircase inside the Peles Castle, Romania
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drinkyourpoison · 9 months
Wooden spiral staircase inside the Peles Castle, Romania
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draganbibin · 10 months
Wooden spiral staircase inside the Peles Castle, Romania
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saturday--march · 11 months
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coolladydot · 2 years
Turist în Brașov: unde m-aș întoarce și ce nu aș vrea să mai vizitez vreodată.
Turist în Brașov: unde m-aș întoarce și ce nu aș vrea să mai vizitez vreodată.
Vara este anotimpul concediilor. Acest sezon nu este potrivit doar pentru mersul la mare. Muntele este o destinație la fel de potrivită. Săptămâna trecută, am ales să îmi petrec concediul la munte și să mă bucur de împrejurimile Brașovului. Destinația este frumoasă, obiectivele turistice sunt numeroase, dar, din păcate, nu totul este perfect. Natura ne dă, dar omul nu prețuiește mereu. Lipsa…
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egnaroo · 1 year
Bucharest capital of Romania best 5 things you can do
Bucharest capital of Romania best 5 things you can do
(Ultimate European city tour guide part 02) Romanian Capital city that located in the southeast of the country banks of the Dambovita River less than 50Km north of the Bulgarian border. The city is the most populated city and Romania’s finance, and industrial center. Bucharest was first mentioned in documents in European history in 1459. The city became the capital of Romania in 1862. The city…
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castellsipalaus · 3 months
Castelul Valea Peleș
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El castell de Peles (Castelul Valea Peleș, en romanès) és situat a la vall de Peleș, prop de la ciutat romanesa de Sinaia. Construït durant el regnat del rei Carol I de Romania, entre el 1873 i el 1914, és un edifici que combina elements de diversos estils arquitectònics, des del neorenaixement alemany fins el gòtic bavarès.
El castell, projectat pels arquitectes Johannes Schultz, Karel Liman i Carol Benesch, va servir com a residència d'estiu per a la família reial romanesa i en el seu perfil destaquen les seves torres punxegudes, els el·laborats dissenys ornamentals i una singular barreja de colors, que van des del blanc pur fins a tons càlids de groc i marró.
L’interior del castell compta amb més de 160 habitacions decorades amb opulència, on també es fusiones diferents estils arquitectònics i artístics, com espanyols, italians o turcs.
El seu impulsor va ser un príncep alemany de la dinastia Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, que va assolir el càrrec de Domnitor el 1886. Aquest títol era equivalent al de príncep o gran duc i prové de la paraula llatina dominus. Va engrandir els territoris del país davant de l’Imperi otomà i Bulgària.
El castell de Peles acull una valuosa col·lecció d'art, que inclou pintures, escultures i objectes decoratius, molts dels quals van ser adquirits pels reis romanesos fins a l’abdicació del darrer monarca el 1947. A més, la biblioteca del castell acull una rica col·lecció de llibres antics i manuscrits.
Els terrenys que envolten el castell són ocupats per uns exuberants jardins, amb ornaments com fonts i estàtues. El castell es troba als Càrpats, la qual cosa li proporciona un impressionant teló de fons muntanyós.
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etherealacademia · 5 months
salut ! where's that little book corner you posted with the caption "my favorite romanian castle" from? is that Palatul Cotroceni? although idk if that's technically a castle lol but it kinda reminds me of the interior from what I remember. also idk if you've been there but Castelul Peleș is definitely my favorite romanian castle, it's just so adorable and the way it's set in the forest and is often surrounded by fog makes it seem so lovely and magical to me
The castle in my post is castelul peles :) I love it so so much
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windsorcourt · 1 year
Peles Castle is in no way falling apart and hasnt been so in my entire lifetime! It’s being kept pretty much pristine and conservation work is scheduled routinely. source: am Romanian and a teacher, pretty much mandatory school trip there every fucking year :)))
also, as far as Romanian castles go, Castelul Huniarzilor is way more interesting. Textbook definition of a medieval castle, complete with moat and creepy dungeon with scratch marks. And there’s also Bran castle, who is also textbook, but much smaller and perched on a hill.
tbh, Peles is a bit of a tourist trap/ spot to take the kids to on a few hours trip. Very cute….once or twice, in a cake ornament sort of way.
the yearly schooltrip to peles was a thing for as long as i've known the castle lmao
i was there last year and part of the backside sadly is coming apart, it is closed off to tourists tho. I've also noticed the woodwork at the top coming undone too, the whole upper portion is also closed for tourists afaik, i hope the conservation work you mentioned will fix that cause i would hate for it to fall into neglect
Huniazilor is really nice and it screams medieval, peles is a bit more modern, of the times in was built, i love the little building across from it and the whole Pelisor ensemble
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rygacripto · 2 years
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taberecusuflet · 9 months
Tabara de Pictura - La Peles
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nono2411 · 1 year
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Castillo de Peles ❤️ (en Castelul Peleş, Sinaia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpK017kNThK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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