#captain of corona's royal guard
twotangledsisters · 13 days
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This takes place after Market Day
But it's Cass holding a chicken and being happy so does the context reaaaally matter?
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rhmis-user-2020 · 2 months
How does Marcellus act towards Kiera and Catalina?
Marcellus knew the whole of Corona was having problems about becoming a victim of a crime spree. The royal guards struggle to find and capture the criminal responsible, having ex-thieves Eugene and Lance step in and use their expertise to do so, themselves. After successfully apprehending the two criminals responsible, Eugene and Lance present them before King Frederic and the Captain of the Guard. Both are shocked to see that the criminals are two children and contemplate how to punish them as they cannot imprison them. The king comes up with the idea to have Eugene and Lance take the two under their wings, and help them reform to become upstanding citizens. The girls are named Angry and Red shortly thereafter, and though Red quickly grows fond of Lance, Angry is resistant in trusting either, especially Eugene. Desperate, Eugene takes the girls to meet Rapunzel, believing she'll be able to change the two for the better, as he believes she did for him. Red quickly warms up to Rapunzel, even speaking for the first time. Though Angry silently rebukes Red's decision to let her guard down, she, too, slowly starts to enjoy the time spent with Rapunzel and her chameleon, Pascal. That night, Eugene and Angry have a serious talk about why being a thief is wrong. Angry starts to explain the situation between herself and Red that they don’t want to steal, they are just trying to run away from someone, but falls asleep before she can mention the Baron. After Eugene leaves, Angry wakes and gazes through the bedroom window into the cityscape. As she does so peacefully, she spots a familiar shadow creeping through the streets and returns inside fearfully. The next morning, Princess Rapunzel's tiara appears to be missing while Angry and Red are nowhere to be found. Thanks to Cassandra, Eugene and Lance are able to track them down, only to find that they've been captured by the Baron's men, led by Weasel. Eugene and Lance offer themselves in exchange for the girls' freedom, which Weasel accepts. The two then return to their hideout, where Angry hastily prepares to leave Corona. Red, however, believes they should return, as Eugene and Lance are the only people to have ever looked out for them. Though hesitant, Angry agrees, and they two rush back to assault Weasel and his goons, freeing Eugene and Lance in the process. Eugene then offers the girls a chance to end their lives as thieves, though they genuinely don't appear to be interested in doing so just yet. Eugene nevertheless promises to be there for them when they're ready. Back in Corona, Eugene and Lance are reprimanded by the Captain for allowing Angry and Red to leave free. Eugene also takes responsibility for their crimes, though the guards find that all the stolen riches, including Rapunzel's tiara, have been returned, much to the delight of King Frederic, who declares that Eugene has nothing to atone for. Also left behind was Red's flower, and after ensuring that the treasure was found by the guards, Angry and Red board a hay-wain leaving the kingdom, to continue their travels. The three met Marcellus when Marcus joined the trip with Rapunzel and her friends, and soon. Interacted with each other as Marcellus was still going through the Varian's villain arc. The three soon became friends and during Varian's redemption arc, the three shared some things with Marcellus more often than not became close with him even with Varian around them. Marcellus still wants to trust Varian after years but the villain arc of Varian is the problem that is unable to deal with, Marcellus isn't going to hate him just dislikes how he acted in the past when Varian was with them. He just wants to share some details about winemaking with them and Varian who is now going to be with them the whole time enjoys hearing him.
Kiera just huffily sighs at the fact Varian is still with them.
Marcellus offers her a reason to trust Varian cuz he is no longer the villain Varian from before and is not the same but at the same time, still isn't sure if Marcus can trust him yet again. As Kiera and Marcellus are sharing their beliefs on Varian. Yet, Catalina still is concerned about the boy with albinism and Varian's downfall and difficult relationship after the events of Varian's villainy.
Varian is still trying to act like how he was before his villainy.
But Marcellus will give him a nervous smile and shrug it off, pretending to just not worry too much about someone's past cuz he once saw it in the past. Catalina reassures Varian that he would have to take time to trust him again, and Varian just accepts it as Marcellus needs some time to get used to him.
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tangledbea · 7 months
Who are the law enforcement in the Tangled/Tangled the Series universe? Some instances seem to indicate the royal guard acting as general law enforcement and we never see any other law enforcement referenced in the show but I honestly can't tell generally what the takeaway is supposed to be.
Within Corona, the Royal Guard is both the law enforcement and the army. They're also general security within the palace walls.
In Vardaros, Captain Quaid is the law enforcement.
In the ocean, the Vodniks are the law enforcement (though I don't know if all Vodniks go into law enforcement or if all law enforcement is Vodniks, but they sure were the ones hunting down Seraphina for theft).
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cosette141 · 1 year
Untangled | OUAT/Tangled Crossover Fanfic - Chapter 1
author: cosette141
pairings: Captain Swan & Flynn/Rapunzel
words: 1.4k
summary: (Tangled/OUAT crossover) “Who the bloody hell are you?” Flynn jerked awake at the sinister voice, and the distinct feeling of sharp metal under his chin. The first thing he noticed was the pirate standing next to him, a hook replacing the man’s left hand, and a cold, angry flash in his eyes as he held the metal appendage to his throat. Flynn opened his mouth to explain, only to realize he couldn’t, because when the hell did he get tied to the helm of a ship? (Captain Swan & Flynn/Rapunzel)
Chapter One
a/n: For context: in terms of OUAT, this takes place probably sometime after s4/established relationship, and just imagine they're in Corona for a trip or fell through a portal to there or something, lol. As for Tangled, this takes place in Tangled canon, right after Flynn gets knocked out and tied to the helm of a ship. Unluckily for him, it just happens to be the Jolly Roger.
“Who the bloody hell are you?”
Flynn jerked awake at the sinister voice, and the distinct feeling of sharp metal under his chin. 
The first thing he noticed was the pirate standing next to him, a hook replacing the man’s left hand, and a cold, angry flash in his eyes as he held the metal appendage to his throat.
Flynn opened his mouth to explain, only to realize he couldn’t, because when the hell did he get tied to the helm of a ship?
The last thing he remembered was the lanterns, watching them floating into the sky, a sight even he had to admit was always beautiful and mesmerizing every year the event occurred. But for the first time, they weren’t what captivated him. 
Rapunzel did. 
Beautiful and sweet and kind and just as graceful as she was scrappy, he could imagine being captivated by her for the rest of his days. 
He had planned on telling her exactly that when his old partners showed themselves, and he went to give them the crown—
Flynn froze.
“Sorry, old pal,” they had said, the word 'pal' holding none of the word’s friendliness. “The old woman is offering us more than you ever could. We’ll tell Rapunzel you said goodbye. Not that she’ll ever be seen again.”
They’d attacked him, but not out of sheer irritation with him. 
They’d been following orders. 
The old woman—Rapunzel’s mother. 
“Not that she’ll ever be seen again.”
Rapunzel was in danger.
“Silence won’t save you, mate,” came the pirate’s voice, cutting through Flynn’s panicked daze. “Now,” said the man, “who the bloody hell are you, and what are you doing aboard my ship?” he repeated, words cutting as sharp as the tip of the hook.
“Look,” said Flynn breathlessly, “I didn’t ever intend to board your ship!” He gestured to how he was tied to the helm. “Does this look like how a man travels willingly?” 
The pirate lifted a brow slightly in consideration. 
“I was knocked out and I just woke up like this, okay?” huffed Flynn. 
“And you usually carry around crowned jewels?” asked the pirate, lifting the crown from his slack grip, tied tightly to the helm. 
Flynn’s brows kneaded in confusion. The crown. Why…?  
But it clicked—
“The old woman is offering us more than you ever could.”
They didn’t need the crown anymore.
They wanted him out of the picture, and giving him the crown and trapping him here, he will have eventually been found by the Royal Guard and arrested. Or worse.
Gods, he never knew he’d be relieved to instead be found at hook-point by a deadly pirate.
“I’m not stealing it! She’s trying to frame me!” breathed Flynn, when the hook pressed a little sharper. Then he paused. “Or, well—okay. I stole the crown, but then I was going to return the crown, because I found someone worth so much more than any crown, someone… beautiful and wonderful and…” His words slowed, lost in the feelings for her. Until he saw the pirate’s impatience, and spoke faster. “Look—she’s in trouble, and I need to save her.” When the pirate remained silent, he tried a smolder-ish smile. “Cut a man loose, would you?” Then, he paused. “To clarify, please cut me loose from the ropes, and not my limbs loose from me.”
At the pirate’s stone expression, Flynn flashed him a toothy smile. 
The pirate looked from the crown to Flynn. “And I’m supposed to buy this?”
“Well,” said Flynn, “since I stole it, you can consider it paid for.”
There was no amusement in the pirate’s eyes. 
“Look, man,” said Flynn, huffing a sigh, pulling out the seriousness he had only ever given to Rapunzel. “I… I used to be this bad guy,” he said. “This… this criminal, this thief who only cared about himself, but then… I met her,” said Flynn, and the pirate stilled. “She’s just…” He shut his eyes. “I love her.” He opened his eyes, deflating. “I’m talking to a pirate about love.” He slumped. “You’re just going to kill me, aren’t you?”
But instead of the cold detachment Flynn expected to see in his eyes, it was something much different. Somehow, Flynn’s words sparked something in him.
Something like… understanding.
Flynn felt himself relax a little.
Until the pirate unsheathed his sword in a flash quicker than lightning, and Flynn’s eyes screwed shut with a squeal that surely Maximus heard wherever the stallion was, with a last thought that truthfully, death-by-pirate really is the way he deserves to go after all he’s done—
—only for Flynn to realize, cracking his eyes open, his body devoid of the pain that he should be feeling after three feet of steel cuts through his body like meat on a kabob, that he actually hasn’t been impaled. 
Instead, he was startled to find the rope in shreds at his feet, and himself entirely unharmed.
Cautiously, Flynn looked up, finding the pirate sheathing the sword.
“I’m not dead,” said Flynn, testing out the words, almost as if wondering if the pirate was just delaying his death.
“Perceptive, aren’t you?” quipped the pirate, who suddenly looked far less coldblooded than he did a few moments ago.
“You didn’t kill me,” repeated Flynn, straightening, rubbing his wrists where they had begun to chafe. “Why?” he asked. “I didn’t take pir— people like you—or, uh, well, I didn’t think you were the… sparing lives type,” he said with a nervous chuckle, wondering if he’d pushed too far and he should jump into the ominous dark water before he’s pushed off the plank.
The pirate seemed to have sensed that Flynn had almost said pirate before changing his mind with his words, and that seemed to bother him. Not in an angry way, per se, but more… sad. “I wasn’t always a pirate,” he said in a quiet voice, again devoid of the intimidation he’d had before, as if Flynn was looking at a strange twin of the man, both sides of him were so different. And Flynn felt a familiarity in those words, for he only became who he was because he had to. “And I no longer am,” the pirate continued. He glanced at his attire and ship, and shrugged. “Not a… traditional pirate anymore, that is.”
“Well, thanks,” said Flynn. “I’m Flynn. Flynn Rider,” he said, though he didn’t say the name with the same gusto and bravado that he once did. 
Truly, he was missing Rapunzel’s use of his given name.
“Hook,” the pirate said.
Flynn’s eyes widened almost comically. “Hook ? Like—like Captain Hook?” Even all the way in Corona, they’ve heard stories about the infamous Captain Hook, who has been alive for centuries, the most fearsome pirate in all the lands.
“Aye,” said Hook, though just like Flynn’s use of his own name, the pirate didn’t seem to carry his name with pride, either.
“Woah,” said Flynn. “Your reputation definitely precedes you. And not in the good way.”
The only response he was given was a slight brow raise, followed by Hook lifting a crumpled paper from an inside pocket in his coat, displaying it with, “Neither does yours, mate. They did you quite a disservice.”
Flynn snatched the Wanted posted from his hand. “It’s a nose, it’s not that hard!” he exclaimed, until he remembered himself. Crumpling and tossing the paper, Flynn said seriously, “How fast can you get me to shore? I need to save Rapunzel,” he said breathlessly.
“This woman,” said Hook, “your love. She’s in danger?”
“A lot,” said Flynn, the shock of the moment wearing off, the fear setting back in. “Her mother is evil and—well, I have to find her and save her,” he explained breathlessly. 
“I’ll do you better than get you to shore,” said Hook, face setting in a steel determination as he took the helm, steering them toward shore. “I’ll help you save her.”
Flynn paused. “You will?”
“Aye,” said Hook. “I know nothing of this land, and as you said; my reputation is unsavory. Both Royals and townsfolk have not taken kindly to my arrival.” he muttered. “I need to find my love, as well. We’ve been separated, and I fear she’s in danger as well.” His eyes clouded with the same emotion Flynn had seen in them earlier. “Trouble seems to always find her.”
“Yeah, of course,” said Flynn. “Your love. What’s her name?”
Hook, his eyes on the horizon, as deep as the midnight sky, a spark in them as bright as the stars, smiled.
tag list: @kmomof4 @justanother-unluckysoul @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @sotangledupinit @tiganasummertree @jadehowlettthewolf @jonesfandomfanatic @anmylica @pirateprincessofpizza @stahlop @snowbellewells @eddisfargo @motherkatereloyshipper 
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lordquiver · 7 months
I rewatched The Great Tree and I suddenly realised that I don't like Cassandra.
She is an adult. An actual adult. Not a teenager. But she definitely acts like one. She takes every decision that doesn't go her way as a personal attack. Rapunzel sets clear boundaries and Cassandra guilt trips her for them.
(Now this bit isn't really in The Great Tree, it's more from the lyrics of Crossing the Line but whatever) Cassandra says that people choose Rapunzel over her. ...yeah. She's a princess. WHAT PART OF THAT DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND???!?!?? She also says that Rapunzel got options she was never given. Again, the Princess thing but also Rapunzel was literally kidnapped for eighteen years. I'd say that means Rapunzel has missed out on at least a FEW opportunities that Cassandra had.
Also, she's mad at Rapunzel for taking away your mother's non-existent love but if I found out my mother was a kidnapper, I probably would have been glad she didn't choose to lock me in a tower for eighteen years.
ANOTHER THING, Cassandra's acting like she's so discriminated against when she is the daughter of the Captain of the Royal Guard. You are still way better off than a lot of people in Corona. And let me compare this to Varian for a second. Varian had a legitimate (though flawed) basis for his actions. Cassandra's was Oh nO PEopLe LiKE tHE PrINCesS mORe ThAN mE. I MEAN I FEEL LIKE THAT'S OBVIOUS. ALSO YOU CAN BE A BITCH SOMETIMES WHEREAS RAPUNZEL IS A LITERAL RAY OF SUNSHINE
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msweebyness · 1 year
Good news everyone! Lila and Félix have FINALLY been cast!
Félix- Cassandra (from the Tangled animated series). A surly and mysterious young man who was raised by the captain of Corona’s royal guard. He bears a bizarrely strong resemblance to Adrien, who he befriends upon his arrival at the school. But he may have ulterior motives…
Lila: Ernesto De La Cruz. A renowned singer who delights the world with her music. The students are excited when she joins their ranks, but little do they know, she’s hiding some dark secrets… And our heroic classes aren’t as keen on her as others as some of her stories begin to unravel when Juleka recognizes one of her tunes…
Bob Roth- Hades. Herc!Kim’s scheming and sleazy uncle who’s trying to take control of Olympus from his parents. (I’m thinking he tries to make a deal with Ondine to get Kim to give up his strength in exchange for getting her off the hook with the Sea Witch, but she refuses to betray the boy she loves, which leads him to orchestrate her death in the big battle with all the baddies)
Gabriel: Gothel. Adrien’s overprotective “father” who sealed him away in a tower for most of his life. Little does Adrien know, Gabriel actually stole him away from his true mothers, Emilie and Nathalie, the queens of Corona, to use the magic of his hair to stay young.
Lady Tremaine: Audrey. Does this even need to be explained. She sucks, and treats Zoé like garbage. Chloé emulates everything about her.
And on the hero side:
Austin Tomassian(credit to @artzychic27)- Jasmine. A sweet-natured but fiery prince from Agrabah, sheltered by his parents for most of his life. He’s a really nice guy, and doesn’t like being lumped in with the other jerk royals, a pain he shares with some students in the main classes.
Jess Keynes- Pocahontas. An American exchange student and daughter of a native-American chief, who left the school because she couldn’t stand Bustier and some of the other teachers. Still keeps in contact with her friends in both classes.
Maleficent (The baddest bad, rallies the other villains for the final battle, casts a spell to rob the heroes of their powers, which Adrien manages to reverse with the power of the sundrop in his hair. Cursed Nath as a baby, natch.
Scar (Mireille’s uncle, killed her mother and took over the Pride Lands. She’ll eventually have to confront him.)
As always, credit to the wonderful @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments!
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child-ofdust · 1 month
🖇️ 🦋 🌷for Bella and Eugene?
ty 4 the ask!! i loveee talking abt bel, & i havent thought abt eugene in awhile so this is awesome | ask game
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🦋 — what kind of dates do you and your f/o’s go on?
it definitelyyyyy depends on who's planning the date lol. usually if it's just me & her though, she's the planner. bel can't help but go above and beyond, usually said "beyond" involves pestering 'deus to conjure up some alice in wonderland-type world lol.. whether that means a just slightly demonic circus, or our very own irl "choose your adventure" game depends on the day. it's always hectic, but still rather fun (if not just a bit dangerous 😅)
🖇️ — what are your pet names for your f/o’s? what are their pet names for you?
okkk sorry guys i'm not very nice i default to "demon" and "nuisance," veryyy rarely when im too distracted to care/notice a "baby" or "babe" will slip in lol. bel insists on calling me like literally every dog-related nickname / pet name whether rude (usually rude but its ok i'm no better 💔) or just plain embarrassing (the qualms of being a werewolf. ur partner never stops calling you a mutt sob)
🌷 — do you and your f/o’s send each other love letters?
hmmm not really, noo... bel's never needed to afterall, we used to be on the same floor/dormitory, and now they practically live with me so writing letters, whether love related or otherwise, wasn't/isn't very necessary lol... that and also i personally am helpless at it so oopsie
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🦋 — what kind of dates do you and your f/o’s go on?
expensive dates to 5 star restaurant #2893 are ....awesome ...and all (even if i'm only able to eat like 2 things on the menu) but really just walking around corona, specifically the quieter parts of the kingdom, or better yet the forests surrounding the place is just a little better... quiet nature dates just pointing at all the squirrels and birds we see after an unbelievably long day of alchemy work and whatever captain of the royal guards do is really just where it's at
🖇️ — what are your pet names for your f/o’s? what are their pet names for you?
idek if this counts as a pet name but he is so silly to me. i love calling him silly boy its my favorite ever he is my silliest goose of all time <333. it's a bit embarrassing but eugene prefers calling me "princey" or his lucky charm and i think that is so awesome (i stop functioning every time) he is also partial to calling me nerd but uhmmm that's neither here nor there
🌷 — do you and your f/o’s send each other love letters?
not very much i won't lie. i only knew him for likeee 2 years or so b4 the whole rapunzel princess debacle, but back thsn when eugene was still wanted, and he was less eugene and more just Flynn, it was almost constant since well umm i wasn't really able to just go on the run with him (although i will admit i wished i could lol.) he'd send as manyyy letters as he could, usually rather endearing one's i'll admit (TT) assuring me he'd come back to visit soon:-)
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pixiedust111 · 5 months
Rapunzel into the Multiverse! (Part-6)
"Who are you?" Rapunzel asked with dismay.
"What? Rapunzel, what's wrong? I'm your Lutz... your beloved husband." The unknown man replied.
Rapunzel hadn't noticed before, but he looked completely different from Eugene. His hair was dirty blonde, which she had mistaken for Eugene's dark brown hair in the lamp's timid light. He had a pair of blue eyes, and a pointy nose, but his jawline wasn't as sharp as Eugene's. He didn't have any facial hair either.
"What? Where am I?" Rapunzel still couldn't comprehend this new information.
"In your bedroom. Rapunzel, did you have that nightmare again?"
"What nightmare?"
"That nightmare about the tower incident?"
"Yes... okay, now go back to sleep; you have to rise early in the morning, remember?"
Rapunzel didn't remember anything. What is happening now? Is she still experiencing that nightmare, or is it another alternate universe where she is married to some other guy?
It was impossible to sleep next to a man who wasn't Eugene, but Rapunzel didn't realize how or when she had fallen asleep, as she was feeling extremely tired.
"Rapunzel! Rapunzel!! Get up!"
Rapunzel saw a pair of blue eyes looking straight at her; Rapunzel recognized, it was Lutz, her supposed husband in this universe or perhaps in this 'nightmare'.
"Good morning, sunshine!"
Rapunzel's heart skipped a beat. Sunshine!
She got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom.
Rapunzel had breakfast with her parents and her 'husband,' uncertain about what was happening. She refrained from making decisions herself this time, hoping for everything to return to normal automatically somehow. Because what else she possibly could do? Or maybe she could do something!
"I need to meet Varian!"
After a long meeting with Corona's royal advisors about new policies, Rapunzel finally managed to spare some time for herself.
She handled the meeting well despite having no prior knowledge about it. Because why not? She does it all the time!
Heading to meet the captain of the guard along with the minister Nigel, she intended to delegate leadership temporarily.
"Captain, I'm leaving for Old Corona. Meanwhile, I want you and Nigel to take care of—"
Rapunzel paused, speechless upon seeing Eugene in the guard's uniform.
"Eugene?" It was the only word she could utter.
"What's up, Rapunzel?" Eugene asked with that eternally familiar voice.
"Uh... Nigel, you may leave now. I think I can handle it," Rapunzel said, turning toward Nigel.
"Okay, your majesty," Nigel replied before leaving.
Rapunzel turned back to Eugene, still puzzled.
"Eugene, would you please answer a series of questions for me? I'll explain later. Just don't get freaked out."
"Rapunzel, I have no idea what's going on, but, yes, I'm here for you."
"Okay, my first question — are you the captain of the guard now?"
"Yes, I am."
"Is that Lutz my husband?"
"Yes, he is."
"Did you love me?"
"I still love you."
"Then why I'm not married to you?"
"Because.... Rapunzel, I don't understand where are you getting."
"You don't have to. Just answer my question."
"Your father didn't accept me to be your husband."
"According to Corona's law, royalty can only marry royalty."
"But, Eugene, you ARE royalty. You are the prince of the Dark Kingdom."
"You're kidding, aren't ya? Wait, what day is today? Is it the prank day?"
"Eugene, please. I'm not kidding. Answer my question seriously."
"But Rapunzel, how do I answer such weird question? I don't even know what a dark kingdom is!"
"Okay, I get it. My father didn't let me marry you because you were a commoner..."
"And a thief." Eugene added.
"And we were okay with that?"
"We weren't. You argued with your father, then he got a heart attack, then your mom became mad at you, and then... I...I convinced you to marry that prince to restore peace. We tried, Rapunzel, but we had no other choice."
"And you're still living here?"
"Are you asking me to leave?"
"No, of course not, I mean, why didn't you move on? How are you okay with seeing me with someone else?"
"Because having you within my view is all I could do. I love you, Sunshine."
Tears welled in Rapunzel's eyes.
"Last question, where exactly does Varian live now?" Rapunzel sobbed.
To be continued...
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zonerobotnik · 9 months
Why is it so important to you that the Saporians are good when they aren't?
Why is it so important to you that the Saporians are two-bit villain-bad when they aren't? There's a lot of history to them that is only hinted at, a whole Kingdom that disappeared and a "union" that is only celebrated by one side. They're "bad" because they have to be, to try to reclaim their lost land and get revenge against Corona. They aren't bad for the sake of it. Go ahead, look at the Day of Hearts celebration in "Under Raps" and tell me if you see any sign of the Saporian flag being flown. Tell me why no one is celebrating both heritages? And why is Andrew the first Saporian that Rapunzel ever hears of? My point is, there's more to them. Yes, they are "bad", but they aren't evil. If Andrew was evil, Rapunzel would have been kidnapped as a hostage or killed back when he first went for the book, instead of left behind to be found completely unharmed. You don't even have the "Well, he was going to blow it up, anyway" reasoning, because he wasn't going to yet. He took the book and it would have been weeks, maybe months before an attack happened. Why wouldn't he take down the daughter of the Captain of the Royal Guard AND the Princess of Corona when he had the chance? Because he's not evil. He's just desperate. You know who else was desperate when he could no longer see a chance of winning?
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hinataoc · 2 years
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It’s SoKai Week! I wasn’t able to get much done for the event, but I did manage this fun fic of them in Corona! Make sure to check out @sokaiweek​ to see all of the amazing SoKai content!
Meant to Be
Words: 2920
“No, no, that’s all wrong,” Eugene complained, crossing his arms. “Where did you learn how to hang garland?”
“If you’re so picky, why aren’t you the one hanging it?” Sora countered, waving the purple garland down at him. 
“Hey, I’m not the one with magical flying powers to hang things up in high places,” he pointed out. “But if I were, I would put it a little higher and to the left. That’s all I’m saying.”
Kairi giggled while Sora groaned and continued his bickering. She drew her attention towards the rest of the castle town. It was her first time in Corona and every detail lived up to the tales Sora would tell her. The entire kingdom bustled with life and warmth, getting ready for the princess’ birthday celebration. 
“Are those two still bickering?” Rapunzel asked, coming up behind Kairi and stopping beside her. 
“Of course,” Kairi told her with a laugh.
She playfully rolled her eyes. “Eugene, it doesn’t have to be perfect.”
“You might think so, Blondie—” he cut himself off and cleared his throat, “or formerly Blondie, anyway. But this is the first year I’m in charge of your birthday, and that’s a lot of responsibility!”
“Even more than being Captain of the Guard?” she asked. 
He was about to argue back before Kairi cut in, “It’ll be great. Everything already looks wonderful. I’m sure it will go well!”
“She’s right!” Sora agreed, hopping down from the rooftop and grinning proudly. “What do you think?”
“Oh, well now that’s just sad,” Eugene lamented, motioning up towards the garland that was poorly knotted around the spire.
“It’s fiiine!” Rapunzel laughed, grabbing Eugene’s arm and pulling him away from the store front. “We’re going to have a great time today. All of us are. Because, it’s my birthday, and I decree it.”
“Can you do that?” Sora asked. 
Eugene's frumpy expression faltered as he chuckled and wrapped his arm around Rapunzel’s shoulder. “She’s the princess, of course she can.” 
Rapunzel nodded and told them, “Now that the decorating is done for now, how about you guys go enjoy the celebration?”
“That’s a great idea!” Kairi agreed, placing her hands together in front of her. “Thank you, Princess.”
“Yeah, thanks Rapunzel.” Sora walked to Kairi’s side and pointed over his shoulder. “There was that pastry shop I’ve been wanting to show—”
“Captain!” a guard called out, threading between the townsfolk before scrambling to a stop in front of the royal couple. He was clad in armor, breathless as he leaned his hands against his knees.   
“Stan, what is it?” Eugene asked, stepping away from Rapunzel.
“Th-Those dark creatures, th-they’re back, in the forest!” Stan stammered out between his breaths. 
Sora and Kairi exchanged a look. “Did they have glowing yellow eyes?” Sora asked, pointing to his own eye. When Stan nodded, Sora crossed his arms and nodded. “Yep, that’s Heartless all right.”
“Oh come on!” Eugene groaned. He rubbed the back of his neck and paced. “Heartless, here? Of all the days to show up, they pick today?” Running his hand over his face, he let out a breath and got serious. “Alright, we have to take care of them before they get into the kingdom.”
“You can count on us!” Sora laced his hands behind his neck. “Kairi and I could take them out with our eyes shut. Right?”
Kairi looked up at him in surprise, still getting used to how confident he was in her abilities. It was a nice feeling. He peeked over at her and she smiled warmly as she nodded. “Right.” She looked back to the group. “We’ll take care of them.”
“Ah of course!” Eugene exclaimed, waving his hand towards them. “Why didn’t I think of that? My sidekicks take care of the unwelcome guests while I stay here and fix all the decorations Sora put up.”
“Hey!” Sora leaned forward, placing his hands on his hips.
“Kidding, I’m kidding,” Eugene assured him, raising his hands in surrender while Kairi and Rapunzel snickered.
Kairi looked to Stan, who watched the group’s exchange with a mix of silent confusion and amusement. “Where did you see the Heartless?” she asked. 
He darted his attention to her and saluted. “Just past the wildflower clearing. Right outside the palace walls.”
Giving him a nod of thanks, she directed her attention to Sora with a smirk. “I’ll race you there?”
Sora immediately grinned. “You’re on!” Looking back to the princess and Eugene, he told them, “You two just focus on getting everything ready for tonight and leave the rest to us!” 
“Alright then,” Rapunzel quickly agreed. “We’ll handle things here.”
Before the words finished leaving the princess’ mouth, Kairi slowly stepped backwards. Sora immediately caught her movement and smirked, pacing back faster before they both spun around and sprinted out of the castle town. Townsfolk gasped, stepping out of the way of both of them as they weaved between them. 
“Thanks a million!” Eugene called after them, his voice fading the further they went. 
Kairi’s heart fluttered in her chest. The race was exhilarating, and she couldn’t stop the grin from spreading over her face at the sound of Sora’s laughter as he rushed to keep up with her. Passing the gate, they only had the bridge to cross before they reached the edge of the forest. Sora cut in front, a blue shimmering magic emanating off of his body. He hopped onto the stone railing of the bridge and slid along at an impressive speed, seemingly leaving Kairi far behind. 
She didn’t even blink as he passed. A familiar adrenaline pulsed in her chest, and pink particles erupted around her. Kicking off the side of the railing, she vaulted into the air, twirling and stretching out her arms to fly. She glided over the glistening lake, cutting over towards the beach. 
“Hey! No fair!” Sora’s voice objected behind her, but she could hear the excitement in his voice. 
She giggled, pausing her flight to simply float. “I don’t remember any rules against flyi— Ah!”
“Gotcha!” Sora’s arms wrapped around her from behind, sending both of them twirling through the air. 
“Sora!” Kairi squeaked in surprise, her voice bubbling into laughter as her cheeks warmed with blush. 
She wriggled around in his arms to face him, seeing a similar warmth to his face as he snickered. Her heart could have melted from the goofy, adorable look on his face. 
“What?” he asked, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side. 
“I think you know,” she teased right before kissing the tip of his nose. 
Her heart jumped on contact with her lips meeting him, even after all this time. Sora chuckled, his arms tightening around her for just a moment. 
“Yeah, I think I do too,” he agreed, a lovestruck expression softening his face. They gazed at each other for a moment longer before Sora cleared his throat and looked away. He looked towards the treeline and then back to Kairi. “Do you think I could swing you up so you can get a better look over the forest?”
Kairi blinked, almost forgetting why they were there to begin with. “Oh! Right. Yes, let’s do that.”
Sora grabbed onto her wrist and she gripped onto his. He sent her a reassuring smile before spinning around, bringing Kairi along with him. Then he released her, sending her high above the treeline. Kairi’s Keyblade flashed into her grasp and she hurled it even higher up. At the peak of its momentum, she disappeared in a flash of magic and reappeared at its hilt. 
Cool chilling winds greeted her. She shivered, floating high above the forest and all of Corona. The entire world lay out before her. She could see the towering mountains and the wall that separated Corona from the other kingdoms. Beyond it were gorgeous fields of flowers across rolling hills and shimmering lakes. She spun around, seeing the kingdom beyond the water. 
“Wow,” she breathed out, suddenly wishing Sora were up as high as she was. 
“Do you see anything?” Sora asked, his voice barely carrying over the wind.  
Kairi peeked down at him, tiny against the shoreline, patiently awaiting her. She looked back over the forest and refocused. It didn’t take long for her to see the unmistakable glowing eyes of the Heartless between the thicket. 
“Found them!” she called down to Sora. 
Holding out her Keyblade, a sparkle of magic burst from the tip and shot into a stray Shadow Heartless amongst the group. The moment it met its mark, she could make out its outline, even amongst the trees.  
“Great shot, Kairi!” Sora cheered her on from below, already disappearing in a mist of blue as he leapt to the branches. 
Kairi somersaulted and began her downward descent. The further she went, the louder the whistling wind became against her ears. Nearing the treeline, she cried out, magic emanating off of her Keyblade. With a whirl, she shot out a barrage of pearls of light. Each one brilliantly illuminated the forest floor, finding their mark in various Shadows scampering through the thicket. Kairi landed with a roll, skidding a few feet before she stuck her Keyblade in the ground and caught herself. She stood back up straight, seeing her pearls of light impact the Heartless, bursting them into clouds of smoke. Green orbs scattered over the ground, some of them swirling into Kairi and refueling her energy. Sora landed beside her, taking a moment to gather a few of the remaining orbs before turning around and leaning his Keyblade over his shoulder. 
“Got started without me, huh?” he teased. 
Kairi giggled. “I’m sure there'll be plenty to go around.” 
As if in response, the unmistakable sound of Heartless appearing caught their attention. They exchanged a smirk before running further into the forest. At a clearing with yellow wildflowers speckling the vibrant grass they found massive dandelions swaying from the breeze.
Sora settled into a prepared fighting stance, looking around as Kairi marveled at the plants. “So pretty,” she said under her breath, about to reach out to touch it. 
“Careful, Kairi!” Sora called out to her. 
All at once, the dandelions shook violently. Kairi stumbled back as the dandelion she had been admiring shot up into the air, a tower of smaller flower-like Heartless supporting it from below. It wobbled side to side, then leaned forward, aimed straight for Kairi. A translucent barrier surrounded her, just in time as hundreds of thin, white spikes bounced off its surface. 
Sora landed on top of her barrier and vaulted off of it. He sliced his Keyblade along the side of the tower and it toppled over, sending the flower-like Heartless sprawling in every direction. Kairi looked over the battlefield from the protection of her barrier, taking everything into account. 
“I can do this,” she told herself, dissipating her shield. “Sora!”
He reached out for her without even needing to ask what she needed. They gripped each other's wrists and jumped into the air. Spinning around, their Keyblades ignited with blazing magic. Rings of light pulsed along the ground, before Sora and Kairi slammed back down, sending out a wave of water that seemed straight from the ocean back on the island. It washed over every Heartless, catching them in its current before it began spiraling above the couple in a whirlpool. Sora and Kairi held up their Keyblades together, meeting them together for a finishing spell. Golden sparkles shimmered across the blades, conglomerating at the top to create the shape of a paopu fruit. Beams of light shot out from the star, swirling into the whirlpool and piercing through the Heartless. 
Kairi’s heart pounded in her chest, her nerves tingling from the overwhelming magic all around her. Sora’s hand over her own kept her grounded as they watched every Heartless disappear with flashes of light. It was a spectacle, one she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to. She glanced over at Sora beside her, and her breath caught. The way the magic’s light doused him in color, his face full of wonderment and joy. He caught her gaze and smiled warmly at her. His eyes danced over her and Kairi wondered if he was as entranced as she was. 
The water evaporated above them and translucent magic orbs showered over them from the defeated Heartless. They looked up, seeing the sunlight shine rainbows through the bubbles before they absorbed into them, refilling their energy. 
“I wonder if that’s all of them?” Kairi asked softly. 
“We’ll walk back to the kingdom and see if we find any more,” Sora suggested. 
Kairi hummed in agreement, smiling when Sora’s fingers interlaced with her own. She looked up at him, seeing the same smile across his face as he gave her hand a squeeze and began leading the way.
They met with a few pockets of remaining Heartless along the way. Each batch easily dealt with, though time passed swifter than either of them anticipated. Kairi didn’t mind. She beamed every time Sora’s hand would wrap around her own before they’d continue on their way. Before they knew it, the sun was beginning to set. Golden sunlight poured through the trees, painting the world around them with warmth. 
“I hope they aren’t worried about us,” Kairi mused aloud as they walked. 
“Hmm?” Sora asked.
“Rapunzel and Eugene,” she clarified. “We might miss the celebration.”
“Oh,” Sora realized, ruffling the back of his hair. “We could probably fly back now and let them know everything’s been taken care of.” 
Even with his suggestion, Kairi wondered if she could sense something in him that didn’t want to go— or if that was her own imagination hoping he felt that way. They continued walking for a moment, before she shook her head. 
“Actually, I think I’d prefer to keep walking,” she confessed. “It’s… nice to have this time with you.”
Sora looked at her, a smile slowly growing as he nodded. “Yeah, I think so too. Just the two of us. Though I feel bad you might miss the lanterns.”
She hummed. “Well, there’s always next year.”
With a chuckle, he admitted, “That’s true.” He looked back forward and gasped. “Oh! There’s something up ahead you have to see!”
He rushed forward, pulling Kairi after him. She laughed, catching her balance to keep her pace with him. 
“What is it?” she asked. 
Entering a clearing, they stood at the top of a steep hill. Lavender flowers covered the hillside. They glistened under the setting sun, and swayed from the gentle breeze, sending petals floating through the air. Kairi’s eyes widened, her mouth falling agape. 
“So beautiful,” she breathed out. She looked up at Sora, noticing his gaze settled on her with a lovestruck smile across his face. A warmth filled her cheeks as she pushed back her hair behind her ear and giggled. “What?”
Without answering, Sora leaned down and kissed her cheek. Both of their breaths caught the moment he pulled back. Kairi’s heart leapt in her chest, making her feel breathless. 
“I think you know,” he teased, repeating her from earlier. 
He released her hand and ventured into the flowers. Kairi watched him for a moment, her heart warming the longer she did. 
“Yeah, I think I do, too,” she admitted.
Sora peeked at her over his shoulder, grinning adorably. She smiled back, her body feeling light. The moment he turned his back completely to her, she bit her lip mischievously and got an idea. She burst into a run and wrapped her arms around him from behind. 
“Gotcha!” she cried out amongst his surprise yelps, sending both of them tumbling to the flowery ground. 
Sora fell face first into the flowers, his muffled laughter sent Kairi into her own fit of giggles. She held herself up enough to let him roll back over to face her. Leaves and flower petals stuck out from his mussed up hair.  
“Give me a break, Kairi,” Sora couldn’t keep the laughter out of his voice. 
Kairi snickered. “It was too hard to resist.”
Their laughter took a moment longer to die down, and they were soon left gazing at the other with softened smiles. Sora’s eyes danced over Kairi’s face again, a warmth filling his cheeks. She felt entranced by him, then noticed his gaze ever so slightly drift towards her lips. His hand slid up her arm, to her cheek. Kairi leaned into his touch without so much of a hesitation and Sora’s smile grew as he pushed back her hair behind her ear.
“Hey, Kairi?” he asked softly.   
“Hmm?” she asked with a hum. 
Sora lifted his head and ever so gently, met their lips together. Kairi’s breath hitched, her eyes sliding shut. She kissed him back almost instantly, her heart fluttering with thousands of butterflies. Sora lingered, before pulling back. He opened his mouth, about to say something, before Kairi kissed him again. He smiled into the kiss, chuckling when their lips parted. 
“I love you,” Kairi whispered, saying the words fresh in her heart. 
Sora blinked, then chuckled. “Hey, that’s what I was gonna say.”
“Beat you to it,” Kairi giggled. 
“I love you, too.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and rested his hand along her cheek. “So much.”
She leaned into his touch again and hummed. This was what she always wanted. Their journey, the trials and the struggle to be together— everything was finally perfect. The way it was meant to be. 
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(From this post way back last month) Introducing: Sigurd "Siggy" Olsen, captain of the Arendelle guard...
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Like most people in Arendelle at the time, Siggy attended the coronation of Queen Elsa. When he grew up, he worked his way up to being captain of the castle guard before age 30. His wedding with Isabel, the ward of Captain Mattias, is attended by a large number of people in the community, followed the next day by the quieter wedding of the recently arrived assistant to the ambassador from Corona. Siggy is good friends with the royal family, and is always willing to help them out if needed, along with all of his friends.
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twotangledsisters · 5 months
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Cap tried to get some extra information about the appearance of the princess' kidnapper from his new ward, unfortunately, she was four.
I am on a roll art wise!!
After months of art block three full drawings in one week? Plus a few unpublished sketches? Don't worry, I shall return to my art block blanket shortly, I'm sure.
But yeah, I've had this concept in my to-do list for a while. I absolutely adore how Cap came out in this piece!
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sundrop-the-bass · 4 years
Also in Season 2 Episode 10 (Happiness is), when Cassandra holds the statue of happiness she sees herself dueling with her father.
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And in the end, she gets both aspects of her wish after that. (Season 3 Episode 11 (Islands Apart))
Her father is there on the island with her,
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and she got to duel with him for one last time.
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rendellstreet · 5 years
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Hmm why do those guys in behind the Captain look so familiar -
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rohirric-hunter · 4 years
Absolutely obsessed with the idea that Eugene, Captain of Corona’s Royal Guard and husband of the princess (eventually the queen), as well as Heir Apparent to the throne of the Dark Kingdom, has a sizable bounty in... most other countries.
Like??? How does he engage in diplomatic events?
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One evening night at Corona, outside of Corona Village, everything went calm after defeat of Zhan Tiri, an young slender woman with pale skin, auburn hair, red lips, and greyish-brown eyeshadow. Her signature attire is grey and brown corset with a dark brown sleeveless, underbust vest over it, a necklace with a skeleton pendant, brown gloves, greyish-brown capris-style trousers with ruffles at the end, a black belt, dull grey stockings, and black boots. Her right shoulder has a rose and skeleton tattoo, and her hair is in a bun with curled side bangs. Lady Caine sitting on parapet wall of the Bridge, trying forget about Motbef Gothel who kidnapped Rapunzel and King Fredrick thinks her parents kidnapped Rapunzel and put them in dungeon, “I’m so lonely but” Lady Caine sighed “Rapunzel probably busy with others” Lady Caine noticed two Royal Guards, Stan and Pete talking from outside Corona village, probably forgotten what they doing. “So, how many Criminals are they, Stan?” Pete asked Stan “Uh” Stan scratch his head. “Maybe 9?” Stan shrugs, Lady Caine rolled her eyes and let soft chuckle. “They’re such dumb Guards” Lady Caine hung her head down (Rose Hunter)
Rose Hunter, the Captain of the ship named 'Bloody Rose', also known as a pirate lady that mostly steals from boats of other pirates and give them to the ones in need, a Hero of the sea as people call her.
She were walking around the town unaware of who she could find
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